#kalistai language
tamsythepansy · 1 year
Laying the groundwork for a new conlang (constructed language) and underlying conculture, and I want to hear from you!
What would a transmatriarchal society - in which trans women and transfeminine people are revered as sources of social and spiritual authority - actually look like? Specifically, what assumptions would be encoded in their language that don't occur in ours?
Some ideas to get the ball rolling: transfem-specific gendered honorifics, trans-coded manifestations of the divine, t4t relationships as a societal ideal...
(This might be an impossible thought experiment, because transfem identity in our world is so thoroughly bound up with being a relatively marginalized gender group. But let your imagination run wild!)
Transmisogynistic hate will be swiftly and thoroughly blocked.
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tamsythepansy · 1 year
I'm very pleased with myself that I've left just enough information in my conworld/conlang notes that whoever goes through my google docs after I die (in another half-century) will be able to recognize my best friend's name encoded in the "transmatriarchal society" document
(of course, saying this publicly makes it obvious, but I'll wait for future geeks to follow the breadcrumbs)
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