#computer programing
prokopetz · 1 month
Entry-level baddie in an indie Legend of Zelda clone: *uses an elementary pathfinding algorithm to walk around a one-tile obstacle rather than rubbing its face against it trying to take the shortest path*
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f-identity · 2 years
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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phrootsnacks · 8 months
beautiful programming names to name your child
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Foo Bar
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cheekios · 2 months
Eviction in the most comical way.
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For the past two weeks eye have been trying to crowdfund for a new pair of strong prescription glasses. Because mine are broken.
CA: $HushEmu
Goal: $1275
In that interval I was fired due to “job abandonment” for calling off of work, because I cannot legally drive nor can I see. Now I am facing possible eviction with a very aggressive and hostile landlord.
THEY tried to evict me despite paying. Just because it didn’t “reflect” on their system on time.
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Proof of my broken glasses
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I’m still trying to raise $275 for my prescription glasses while trying to raise rent because I am now unemployed.
I am asking to stay housed! :/
If you can’t help financially please advocate for me.
• c+p on my behalf on various platforms
• If you mutuals with large following ask if they can share.
pls help. I’m just a girl.
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creepymutelilbugger · 11 months
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thewitchoftherock · 7 months
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This woman is Dr. Grace Murray Hopper. She created the first computer language compiler tools to program the Harvard Mark I computer. This computer was used in WWII after 1944. John von Neumann initiated the computer's first program, but Hopper invented the codes
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coupleofdays · 11 months
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Margaret Hamilton, Director of the Apollo project Software Engineering Division, with a stack of papers containing the code to the Apollo Guidance Computer navigation software. The software that on this day, in 1969, guided Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin when they landed on the Moon.
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lavenderhorns · 1 year
Every now and then I remember that Malbolge exists and I get to spend the better part of an hour cry-laughing at the world’s worst programming language
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already starting off strong, but it gets worse
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Wow! Sounds easy and intuitive to use! What’s the “crazy operation” you ask? We’ll get to that later. For now let’s see what a program in this language looks like :)
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Thanks! I hate it!
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it’s so difficult to work with that the first program was written by another brute force search program
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mmmmm delicious base-3 arithmetic, what could go wrong? (For reference, that means this program forgoes the usual “0/1″ values of binary code in favor of a much more fun “0/1/2″ set of values)
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Here’s how the language actually figures out what to do. It’s got 8 “simple” commands that can be executed easily by *checks notes* running the code itself through the modulo operation and taking the result.
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As a bonus, on top of all that every single character in your code will now alter what every single other character does. So I hope you’re alright with cracking a cipher every time you add a new letter to your program!
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oh god oh fuck.
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behold, Malbolge’s primary arithmetic operation and what you’ll be using for most of your math while programming with it :)
This looks specifically designed to be the least logical math operation you could make, and knowing what the rest of Malbolge is I’d wager that’s precisely what happened. I never want to ever use this and it’s my favorite thing I’ve ever seen.
Anyways here’s the wiki page if you wanna read through it more deeply, I’m gonna sit here holding in my laughter staring at the hello world program again.
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wispscribbles · 6 months
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❄️ Remember to bring blankets for your recon mission ❄️
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izicodes · 9 months
I made a beginner coding resource! 👩🏾‍💻💗
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Hiya! 👩🏾‍💻💗
I made a coding infographic/slideshow for anyone getting into coding and are stuck! I'm seeing a lot of new codeblr blogs coming up recently and they're all beginners and I have been getting a lot of asks which basically all ask "I'm new to coding, how do I start?", so I decided to make this at 1am in the morning real quick! 🥲😭
I genuinely hope that this resource proves beneficial to someone out there. And remember, if you find yourself still facing challenges or need assistance with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help! ✨
Link to the PDF: LINK
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prokopetz · 4 months
So I got a complaint from a client about their website today.
In brief, this client operates an online directory, in which companies within a particular industry can advertise their services.
Companies appearing in this directory have the option to voluntarily disclose which of a pre-defined list of "visible minority" identifiers apply to the company's ownership: "disabled", "LGBT", etc.
Companies appearing in this directory also have the ability to list people – typically owners or directors – associated with the company. The same visible minority identifiers which apply to companies can also voluntarily be applied to individual people listed under a company.
Today, the website's operator decided to add a new identifier to the list. I'm not sure why they chose to phrase it the way they did, or whether they just forgot that the same list of visible minority identifiers is used for both companies and persons, but the short version is that they want to know why the site's users now have the ability to designate people as "Female Owned".
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art-ocain · 2 years
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gaysexunfortunately · 4 months
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userbars for forum signatures from userbars.org (RIP)
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furiosophie · 2 years
i know someone must have done this already but--
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based on this post by @chaotic-kass
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kirbydaily · 5 months
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made with shake art deluxe !!
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sadisthetic · 6 months
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limewire virus
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