#comps are like super basic lo
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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this is not untrue but it is kind of funny coming from someone that freely chose to pitch their book as like neon genesis evangelion meets the hunger games or whatever it was and i dont feel like the practice is a problem (in private query letters sent to agents/publishers) because it's literally just a shortcut to discussing the types of audiences it might be relevant to and proving that people would be interested in it. it can be about like themes or style or whatever as much as like ‘these stories both have robots in’ and also does not mandate that books are marketed in this way. also no one in the history of reading has ever been annoyed at the ‘if you like this you also might like this due to some shared similarity between them’ style of recommendations, i think people just object to like artlessly cobbling together as many gimmicks from popular media as you can without any attempt to replicate the meaningful storytelling elements that made the originals popular so they read your book and get disappointed when they realise you didn’t mean it was in the storytelling tradition of the hunger games or nge you just mean its a sci-fi dystopia with a girlboss in 
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
ALSO- I have a request! Brothers (+royals if you want) reacting to an MC who is extremely affectionate once they like someones- gives hugs, praises often, gives gifts, does their best to help when they can- but if any of this affection is returned they cry. Hard. Because they're emotionally constipated and any affection or love they receive overwhelms them- this also embarrasses them extremely-
Damn.... didn't think I'd feel called out by a prompt request XD it seems my time has come!
I'm guessing royals are Diavolo and barbatos so I added them but if you ever request again and someone you wanted wasn't here, feel free to comment and I'll make sure to add them
Brothers + Diavolo & barbatos with an overly affection MC with issues
He grew use to your affection ways
The words of praise when you notice he finished a work load
Or when you'd pat his head when he was tired
At first he wondered why you would handle or touch him likes he's a fragile doll but he grew to love how gentle you were
Subconsciously he'd lean his head down whenever he completed a task expecting a head pat
Even if you weren't there but if he's caught he'll just pretend he was tired
Lucifer wasn't always the most affectionate, especially as he rarely shows how much he genuinely loves the people around them
He decided to return the gesture, you recently got a high grade in a class you were struggling in
He patted your head, giving it a light ruffle
"You did good, you're improving alot - it's very promising."
Didn't expect you to start crying, aggressively shoving away your tears
"what's wrong? Did something-"
"I just- this is embarassing- you patted my head and people don't really do that for me and I just-"
"Ah, I see, then I shall do it more often."
"even in public?"
He was never a public man, wanting to get his softer side hidden in the protection of his soul and the walls surrounding his room
But here you were, crying because he simply caressed your cheek
He wants you to be happy and feel as loved as he does
So he'll happily push his walls down for you
"if it means this much to you, then yes but let's keep it appropriate."
"How's my handsome super model?! Did it go well? Aww you look tired, let's get you rested, okay?"
He's so in love
No one has ever made him feel this mooshy and love sick and he's ANCIENT
He's use to his brothers always insulting him - he likes a good tease and making a rude remark about each other but they tend to push it
They hit his Insecurities and think he can handle it because they're demons
But he wasn't always
Then you came along, giving him head pats and words of praise
Always standing up for him
He fell for you so quickly and so hard
He basically turns into a puppy when he's with you
When you left with Satan to get groceries he had to be forced to not go with you, waiting at the stairs for you to come back
As soon as Satan left with even your bags included, he came bolting for you
Leaping into your arms and squeezed you tight, insisting he didn't miss you but just got bored
The way he's nuzzling your cheek says otherwise
When you began crying he immediately panicked
"Did Satan do something to ya?! I swear I'll beat-"
"I'm just not use to others being as affectionate as I am back to me - it's okay."
"Huh?! Well I guess the greatest demon of all time has to be that person, that's me! Don't forget it, okay?! I'm going to smother you."
Mammon is already a touchy person but knows to be respectful, since that day his hands are always on you
Either holding your hand, touching your shoulder, petting your hair or just Hugging you
Levithan isn't one to give or receive when it comes to affection
He tends to get overwhelmed by just a head pat and gets embarassed if his fingers accidentally brush against yours
You're an overly affectionate person
He's a simple man who needs self worth
It's definitely a good duo
You've learned to be more vocal about your praises and affections, still testing the waters with physical touch
But from time to time he'll ask to get a head pat if he's really proud of himself
Has made you call him your little pog champ
"Levi are you- oh sorry you're streaming- I'll just leave these here."
He was confused until he saw the section dish filled with different snacks with a energy drink in the middle
He almost teared up
"No! Stay with me, they'll like you!"
In an act of no thoughts and boldness, he pulled you into his lap
You fell awkwardly and was half straddling half on his side
As soon as you got comfortable you hide your face In his neck forcing back tears
Not wanting to cry on stream
"You're so sweet, levi, I'm sure your followers can agree."
He literally short circuited
Hiding his face in your shoulder as he got flustered
"You're sweeter than me, you're always being nice to me - I really lo- like you for that."
Anyone who watched that stream now ships you - the non believers didn't believe all the stories he told about you but now they had physical proof
That stream was re-upload so many times with comps filled with him gushing about you
Levithan is determined to make sure you never see them but it's too late and you cried with joy in your room
Next time you saw him you kissed his cheek and he immediately melted
Did kiss your cheek back though but did it so quick and harsh that you stumbled backwards
Someone being gentle to him????
Someone who doesn't keep away from his because of his sin????
Who??? What??!!
You're the who! he was SHOCKED you were so happy to get close to him and just treat him so kindly
He made a theory on the Devildom detectives group that you're actually an angel but it backfired by demons just telling him he's got feelings for you
He does but he didn't expect to get called out on a whole forum
"You're really smart, thanks for always helping me with my studies - I've found It alot easier to study and remember all my notes now, you're a good teacher!"
He's so smitten with you
You could be saying the most disgusting or insulting thing and he'd still smile and nod
He needed help getting food for this secret but really not so secret pet cat and you gladly accepted to help him
When you two were just spending time together in his room and when suddenly picked up his cat
You didn't think too much of it but grinned when he booped the cats nose onto yours
"thank you for being so kind to me- it means alot."
the cat was like you; overly affectionate so it didn't surprise you when it started gently pawing at your face and giving you little kisses
"I feel embarrassed by admitting this so I'm letting Chaos show how I feel."
He avoided looking at you
It would be for the best as you started crying, taking the cat from his hold and kissing it's head repeatedly
"and that's how I feel about you trying to move through your discomfort and be open with me."
His cheeks are BURNING
Holds your hand throughout the rest of the hang out
You're being gentle and affection despite Everyone perceiving him as a sex hungry annoyance?
You're immediately his favourite - sorry Solomon
You always understood his protectiveness over his appearance
Fixing his hair and pushing back stands if you ever pet it
You didn't need to but you always told him you washed your hands before touching his face
You always did these simple things to make him feel at ease
But he loved your touch
No matter any comment he makes; he adores you and just being able to have these tender moments with you
He knew you were special to him when you walked in on him
Barely awake, hair messy, no makeup or moisturizer - he didn't look even the slightest bit appealing
And just smiled, looking at him no differently even when his voice came out tired and croaky
"You're really pretty even when you just wake up, it's so unfair - what's your secret?"
"because it's me, darling! I always look good~"
Internally, he was freaking out about how you liked him at what he deemed - his most unattractive state
So it only made sense he became more touchy and grew closer to you
"are you sure I look good in this? I know you're very up to date with fashion."
"You look stunning, I haven't seen a bad look on you yet, perhaps your charm is just as high as mine."
He was holding your hips, smiling as you both looked in the mirror
He wrapped his arms around you, leaning on your shoulder
"I think you look good all the time, you're just amazing like that."
You tried to hide your tears but he could see them, immediately asking you what's wrong
"Nothing- I just- that means alot coming from you and you're always being so affection towards me....its really nice."
He just hugs you tighter, smiling
"I just treat you how you treat me, you're a real angel."
This guy is worried about so many things
He's scared of hurting you
He's worried if he gets carried away with touching you he'll make you uncomfortable and his gluttony will act up; wanting more of your tender touch until he feels full
The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable or you feel forced to be affectionate to him because he could throw a fit
He's always ashamed of his hunger tantrums
But when he does do affection it's either carrying you or holding your hand
But was so happy whenever you cuddled hi against him or when you gave him praise
He could spend the whole day with you running your fingers through his hair, telling him he's a good demon and that he means something to you
"Can you finish this for me? I'm not feeling that hungry right now."
You offered your bowl to Beel, he happily took it
As you two spent time with each other he noticed you eyeing some of the more sweeter things set out on the table
He gently pushed it towards you
"Eat if you want it, I'll share."
You waved your hand, not wanting to take food from him
"I'm just snack-ish, I can't eat a meal right now."
You knew how hungry he could get and didn't want to leave him peckish
You knew that small feeling could easily turn into something bigger
But he just nudged it closer to you
"You eat what you want, I'll have what you don't finish."
You finally agreed, knowing he was insisting on you to eat with him
He patted your head, smiling as he watched you eat
"are you sure you won't still feel hungry?"
"you make me feel full, it soothes another type of hunger in me, it's nice."
He grabbed your hand, nuzzling his cheek against it, he couldn't stop smiling as you just looked at him in surprise
You finally grinned, tearing up and shook your head, you leaned against him and continued eating
Gripping his hand tighter as you pushed back your tears
He was spoilt
Beel was always looking after him, helping him get ready for school and drying his hair, carrying him around when he was too tired to walk
And you were only fueling his spoilt nature
You always showered him in affection
Petting his hair whilst he laid his head on your lap, combed his tail, told him he looked cute
"My precious little belphie, are you feeling okay? I noticed you were struggling to sleep today at lunch."
Whilst he believed he looked intimidating with his heavy bags and sleepy grin
You found him adorable, treating him like a sweet innocent boy on those special nights of just you two cuddling
It's been a long time since he's felt innocent
You were always checking in on him
Making him feel special and cared for
He was a soft mess in your hands
"Hold me more, your hands feel so nice~"
He placed his hands on yours, making you gently squish his cheeks
"Don't you wanna cuddle?"
He raised a brow, a smug smile growing on his face
"it seems you want to."
"we don't have to-"
"If you wanna be held just ask, I'm more than happy to hold you."
He wrapped his arms around you, shifting his position and buried his face into your chest, humming as your hands ran through his hair
He gave you a small squeeze
"It feels good to be the one hugging you, you're always so comfy~"
He began murmuring how much he loves this time with you, drifting to sleep as he praised you, letting himself mindlessly go on about how wonderful and sweet you are until he started to snore
You let your tears fall
Holding him closer as you softly thanked him for his words
He just hugged you tighter in his sleep, his smile growing
the fact you're unafraid to be with him and around him is already amazing but you freely hold his hand and pat his head
He thinks he's knocked his head and been taken to the celestial realm
People are intimidated by his title as prince and having you so care free in his company is new for him
So of course he enjoys how affectionate you are!
He embraces all your touches and praise!
He's even had you sitting on his lap during meetings, letting you hug him after a tiring day of studying
"You did great today, I really felt your passion for this new project, I think the students will really enjoy it!"
He gets so happy everytime you even look his way
Your smile alone fuels him for the whole day
"Meet me in the castle today, there's something I need you to do for me."
You agreed, not thinking much of it; most likely a new update on the school fair
What you didn't expect was to be greeted by shopping bags and gift boxes and even a human sized teddy bear with demon horns, you tried to ignore them as Diavolo came jogging down the steps
"What did you need me for?"
"I want you to see what you like, I bought as much as I could before Barbatos stopped me, I hope they're up to your liking."
You were speechless
You felt as if you touched the gifts you wouldn't be able to hold back; you were excited to see what he got but you didn't want to seem too excited
"Please, go ahead - it's all yours unless something is not up to your liking."
You finally went through the shopping bags; there was clothes, products, jewelry, shoes and all other sorts of items
You hugged the giant close to your chest, choking back on your tears
"thank you-"
"No need to thank me, you're always so kind to me I just wanted to return the favour."
You were a like a breath of fresh air, someone he could just go to
He can unwind and be rewarded for his efforts and others normally don't notice
Whilst his lord was always praising him, it felt different with you
It felt so joyful
You would brush through his hair, always thank him even if he's just doing his job and always seem to be in awe at what he does
He'll never forget the gloves you gave him, sleek and a perfect fit with a cursive 'B' stitched to the edge - they were enchanted to warm up whenever he got cold
"Wow! You prepared all this?! That must of taken you ages! You're really amazing, Barb."
"I'm simply doing my job but your praise makes it all worth it."
Often invites you to the castle for tea
He'll make any excuse to have you come see him; the prince wants to talk, he wants a hand with a recipe, he needs an outsider's opinion on something
Whatever he can come up with; he will use it
You might as well just stay in one of the guest bedrooms because you're always coming to the castle
Speaking of excuses; today Barbatos decided to thank your lovely behaviour
Convincing you to come to the castle and meet him in the dining hall
"I saw you eyeing some recipes whilst helping me in the kitchen so, I made you them AND wrote down how I did it exactly so you can make them any time you like."
"I- you didn't have to do that! Thank you for this, they look delicious."
"I always wanted to give you this."
You couldn't even ask what it was
He already held it up for you to see
It was a box of gloves with your the first letter of your name stitched onto the edge
They were heat up gloves!
"I thought you'd appreciate your own as they'll always be handy but the gesture of matching with someone you're close to is very appealing."
He helped you put the gloves on, pinching the tip of your fingers to make sure they fitted properly
He held your hand, admiring how it looked in his
You couldn't stop a few tears forming, smiling
You felt abit silly crying over heat up gloves but you couldn't help it
"I want to match with you more often, perhaps one day it'll end up being a ring."
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Visions Of Bodies Being Burned clipping.
clipping.'s second entry in their horror anthology collection follows up 2019's There Existed an Addiction to Blood by conjuring up an atmosphere that rarely allows a moment to catch your breath. Here the Los Angeles-based trio takes Apple Music through the record's many horrors.
Say the Name William Hutson: “I had always wanted to make a track using that phrase from the Geto Boys, and we had talked about doing a Dance Mania Chicago ghetto house track about Candyman. I always liked that idea of a slow, plodding, more dance-oriented track, using that line repeated as a hook.” Daveed Diggs: “We had always talked about how that line is one of the scariest lines in rap music, it's just really good writing. Scarface does that better than anybody. What we had was this very Chicago, these really specific reference points, to me, that I had to connect. That's how I saw the challenge in my head, was like there's this very Texas lyric and this very Chicago concept. Fortunately, Candyman already does that for you. It's already about the legacy of slavery in this country. So I just got to lean into those things.”
’96 Neve Campbell (feat. Cam & China) Jonathan Snipes: “This was actually the second thing we sent them—we made an earlier beat that had a sample that we couldn't clear. We wanted to make something that sounds a little more like jerk music and something that's a little bit more tailored for them.” WH: "We didn't have our Halloween, Friday the 13th slasher song. The idea was to not have Daveed on it at all, except to rap the hooks, and just to have female rappers basically standing in for the final girl in a slasher movie. But then we liked Daveed's lines, we wanted him to keep rapping on it.” DD: “It felt too short with just two verses. We were like, ‘Well, put me on the phone and make me be the killer.’” WH: “There's a Benny the Butcher song called '’97 Hov,' this idea of referring to a song by a date and a person that's the vibe you're going for. So some of the suggestions were like, '’79 Jamie Lee Curtis' or '’82 Heather Langenkamp.' But then with Daveed on the phone and making a Scream reference, '’96 Neve Campbell' made more sense.”
Something Underneath DD: “There's a whole batch of songs we recorded in New York while I was also doing a play, and so we'd work all day and then I'd go do this show at night. For a long time, there was a version of this one that I couldn't stand the vocal performance on. It's obviously a pretty technical song, and I just never nailed it and I sound tired and all of this. So it ended up being the last thing we finished.”
Make Them Dead WH: “We did ‘Body & Blood’ and ‘Wriggle,’ which both take literal samples from power electronic artists and turned them into dance songs. The idea for this was, let's do a song that instead of borrows from power electronics and makes it into a dance song, let's try to just make a heavy, slow, plodding thing that feels like real power electronics.” DD: “When we finally settled on how this song should be lyrically, it was actually hard to write. Just trying to capture that same feel. There's something about power electronics that feels instructional, feels like it's ordering you to do something. The politics around it are varied, depending on who is making the stuff. But in order to sit within that, it had to feel political and instructional, but then that had to agree with us.”
She Bad WH: “That's our witchcraft track.” JS: “Obviously, this ended up having some melodies in it, but it started as those, but it really is just field recordings and modular synths, and there isn't a beat so much and the melody is very obtuse in the hooks. It's mostly just looped and cut field recordings.” DD: “I've been moving away from something that we did in a lot of our previous records, like really super visual, like precise visual storytelling that feels really cinematic, where I'm just actually pointing the camera at things, so that was fun to try that again.”
Invocation (Interlude) (with Greg Stuart) WH: “It's a joke about Alvin Lucier's beat pattern music, his wave songs and things like that, but done as if it was trying to summon the devil.”
Pain Everyday (with Michael Esposito) DD: “I love this song so much. Also, I definitely learned while writing it why people don't write whole rap songs in 7/8. It's not easy. The math, the hidden math in those verses is intense. It kept breaking my brain, but now that it's all down, I can't hear it any other way, it sounds fine. But getting there was such a mindfuck.” WH: “So then the idea was it's in 7/8, it's about a lynched ghost, so the idea we had was a chase scene of the ghost of murdered victims of lynching.”
Check the Lock WH: “This was conceived as a sequel to a song by Seagram and Scarface called ‘Sleepin in My Nikes.’ That was a rap song about extreme paranoia that I always thought was cool and felt like a horror, like an aspect of horror.” JS: “This is the one time on this album that we let ourselves do that like John Carpenter-y, creepy synth thing.”
Looking Like Meat (feat Ho99o9) DD: “I think they reached out wanting to do a song, and this had always felt, we always wanted this to be like a posse track, kind of. This was another one that I wasn't going to write a voice for actually, we were going to try to find a better verse.” JS: “Which is why the hooks are all different—we were going to fill them in specifically with features, but sometimes features don't work out. This is like our attempt at making the more sort of aggressive, like a thing that sounds more like noise rap than we usually do.” WH: “The first thing on this beat was I bought 20 little music boxes that all played different songs, and I stuck them all to a sounding board and put contact microphones on it, and just cranked them each at the same time.”
Eaten Alive (with Jeff Parker & Ted Byrnes) DD: “I had been in this phase of listening to Nipsey [Hussle] all day, every day, and all I wanted to do was figure out how to rap like that. So from his cadence perspective, it's like my best Nipsey impression, which we didn't know was going to turn into a posthumous tribute.” WH: “And the rapping was also partly a tribute, just spiritually a tribute to No Limit Records. That's why it's called 'Eaten Alive,' which is named after a Tobe Hooper horror movie about a swamp.”
Body for the Pile (with Sickness) WH: “It already came out [in 2016]. It ended up being on an Adult Swim compilation called NOISE. We did it with Chris Goudreau, our friend who is just a legendary noise artist called Sickness.” JS: “We always thought that would be a great song to save for a horror record, and then years went by and we weren't going to include it, because we thought, ‘Well, it's out and it's done.’ We looked around and I don't know, that comp isn't really anywhere and that track is hard to find, and we really like it and we thought it fit really nice. When we started putting it in the lineup of tracks and listening to it as an album, we realized it fit really nicely.”
Enlacing WH: “The cosmic pessimism of H.P. Lovecraft is all about the horror of discovering how small you are in the universe and how uncaring the universe is. So this song was about accessing that fear by getting way too high on Molly and ketamine at the same time, then discovering Cthulhu or Azathoth as a result of getting way too fucking high.” JS: “My memory is that this was never intended to be a clipping. song, that you and I made this beat as an example of, ‘Hey, we can make normal beats.’” DD: “That Lovecraftian idea was something that we played in opposition to a lot on Splendor & Misery, so it was good to revisit in a way where we were actually playing into it, and also it definitely feels to me like just being way too high.”
Secret Piece WH: “We wanted to really tie the two albums together, so the idea was to get everyone who played on any of the albums to contribute their one note. So we assembled the recordings of dawn and forests, and then almost everyone who played on either of these two albums contributed one note.” JS: “We have a habit of ending our albums with a piece of processed music or contemporary music. We ended midcity with a take on a Steve Reich phased loop idea, and we ended CLPPNG with a John Cage piece, and then There Existed ends with Annea Lockwood's 'Piano Burning.' So we wanted something that felt like the sun was coming up at the end of the horror movie, a little bit.” WH: “That was the idea was that we were exiting, it's dawn in a forest. So dawn in a forest in a slasher movie or a horror movie usually means you're safe, right? The end of Friday the 13th one, the sun comes up and she's in the little boat, but that doesn't end well for her either. We did not have the jump scare at the end like Friday the 13th.” DD: “I pushed for it a little bit, but some people thought it was too corny.”
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cptsdstudyblr · 4 years
I got a new planner!
[Image descriptions are available at the bottom of the post.]
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[Image description after text because it is very long.]
This year, I’ve really been struggling with the digital planner system that’s gotten me through the past 4 years of school. Honestly, I think the fact that all I ever do anymore is stare at my laptop has made that planner less practical for me to use. So, today, I was out and about trying to find a specific size of envelope (which I did not find) and I ended up at YP Books (영풍문고), where I found this planner (the Color Point Study Planner). I honestly picked it up just because it was there and it was cute, but when I opened it I was struck by how well-organized this planner was for someone who likes to plan the way I do. To plan, I need a delicate balance of structure and leniency, because if I tip too far one way or the other, I’ll never accomplish anything.
It’s got this really cute monthly page (which can be customized for any month). You do have to write the days yourself, and as you can see by my scribbles, I momentarily forgot that not every month starts on a Sunday. However, this page is super versatile! I write my assignments and exams here and color code those days, and I use the unlabeled checklist at the bottom right to make a brief to-do list for the month. Once I finish something, it gets marked off or highlighted! I think this is a really helpful way to visualize my schedule and make sure I don’t lose track of any due dates.
Each month also comes equipped with daily pages. Once again, you do have to customize these yourself, but that’s part of what I like about it. I can skip days if I need to and I can make sure that the page handles what I need how I need it. These pages are quite complicated, but I’ll give you the basics of how I use them. 
At the top, there are 3 blanks after the date. One is labelled “D-Day,” but I instead use this to label the day of the week as I find that much more useful for me, then I fill out how many hours I plan to study (I do this at the beginning of the day so that it motivates me), then I put my general goal or plan for the day to the right. Below that, in the “Check Point” space, I put the two biggest goals I have for the day task-wise. These are usually my highest-priority tasks.
Obviously, the bulk of the space is used for a checklist, which I use to outline all the tasks I need to do that day, both school and otherwise. To the right, in the schedule space, I plan my day to make sure I can get everything done that I need to get done. There’s also a space at the bottom that I use to write events and extremely important tasks (such as exams and due dates).
Overall, the point of this post is that it’s really important to find an organizational system that works for you, whether it be digital or paper. My personal suggestion for figuring out your best system is just trial and error. Unfortunately, trial and error can be quite expensive, so I’ll include below some tips to find a good system for you without breaking the bank:
Try digital first! Most digital platforms are free (or at least have free trials), so this is a great place to start to save money. It’s also a great way to figure out what elements of different systems work for you - even if digital isn’t your thing, you might realize that you prefer a to-do list over a calendar, or that you work really well with a super structured study schedule. That info can help you find a paper planner that will work well for you.
Go to the store and look at physical planners. Once you have an idea of what you’re looking for in a planner, go to a physical store (or multiple) and spend some time looking through a bunch of planners. Once again, even if you don’t like any of them, this might help give you an idea of what you do and don’t like.
Print out (or draw) planner pages. If you want to test out a style of physical planner without buying it, find an online PDF or create your own and print a few to test out. You can also draw it (just make sure to take a photo in the store so you can do so accurately) in a regular notebook for testing purposes.
Do research. There’s lots of different methods of planning schedules, keeping track of due dates, and journaling besides the typical Google calendar and to-do list or the standard paper planner. A great example is bullet journaling, which allows you to create your own planner and change it up as you want.
Eventually you’ll figure out what planning style works best for you, and you’ll find the perfect paper planner to purchase if that’s what you decide is your best option.
[Image description after the read more:]
[Image description:
Image 1/4: There’s a pink notebook. On the cover are a man and a woman holding smiley face signs over their faces. Below them, text reads “Anything is good if I can do it with you. Whether it’s laughing together, studying together, or playing together, everything is twice as wonderful when you are doing it with me.” In the top left, a blue sticky note covers the user’s name and on it is written “@cptsdstudyblr.”
Image 2/4: This is a two-page notebook spread. The pages are white with a purple outline. The page is titled “How to Use Study Planner.” The two pages detail how each page of the planner is intended to be used, but most of the text is in Korean (transcription note: according to Google, the Korean alphabet would not work with English screen-readers, so I haven’t included this text). There are 7 steps labelled in English for using the planner.
About my goal
Time table
Monthly study plan
Daily study plan
Exam plan & result
Internet lecture check
Mock test record & graph
Transcription note: I’m happy to provide the Korean contents of the page for anyone who is interested, but I don’t want to break everyone’s screen readers.
Image 3/4: This is a two-page monthly calendar spread. The pages are primarily white, with a yellow bar across the top. The number 10 is circled in the top right to indicate that the page is for the 10th month. The days of the week start from Sunday and go to Saturday. The month is labelled from date 1 (a Thursday) to date 31 (a Saturday). Below are listed dates with special notes:
October 4 - Micro HW. This date is highlighted purple, and the text is highlighted yellow to indicate that the assignment is complete.
October 7 - Networks HW. This date is highlighted purple, and the text is highlighted yellow to indicate that the assignment is complete.
October 8 - Critical Thinking Paper. This date is highlighted purple, and the text is highlighted yellow to indicate that the assignment is complete.
October 10 - Korean HW. This date is highlighted purple, and the text is highlighted yellow to indicate that the assignment is complete.
October 11 - Micro HW. This date is highlighted purple, and the text is highlighted yellow to indicate that the assignment is complete.
October 15 - Micro HW. This date is highlighted purple.
October 18 - Micro HW. This date is highlighted purple.
October 22 - Comp Pol Exam. There is a bubble around the words and the date is highlighted pink.
On the far right is a cute, colorful drawing of a woman studying with her dog and the quote “It’s more fun when you study together than alone!” Below that is a checklist with the items “Vote!,” “Student ID,” and “Midterms.”
Image 4/4:
This is a two-page spread consisting of two daily planner pages. The pages are primarily white with a yellow outline. The leftmost page is as follows:
There are two columns on this page. The left column’s top row has three sections - “Date - 12,” “D-Day - Lun,” “Study Hours - 5.” (Transcription note: The “D-Day” blank is used for the day of the week instead of the proper use, and the days of the week are labelled in French rather than English.) The second row of that column is labelled “Check Point” and has two bullet points “catch up on micro” and “be ready to vote.” Below that is a small slot to put a song of the day, which is “SKZ (Transcription note: SKZ stands for Stray Kids) - Slump (Japanese ver.). Below is the checklist for the day. It includes both the priority and the item as follows:
HI - buy envelope
HI - micro lab video
HI - Korean class
MED - micro lecture
LO - micro HW (lecture)
MED - grocery shopping
HI - Korean HW
Below this checklist is a doodle of a woman studying.
The right column of this page starts on its top row with the slot “Goal,” which is filled with the phrase “catch up.” Below that, the user has indicated that they woke up at 11:30 and went to sleep at 1:30. Below that, they have colored 4 water drops out of 5 and given the day a score of 4 stars out of 5. Below that is a timetable for the day, which is filled with “Shop” from 13:00 - 14:30, “Study” from 15:30 - 17:00, 20:00 - 20:30, and 22:00 - 23:30, and “Korean” from 18:00 - 20:00. The right page is as follows:
There are two columns on this page. The left column’s top row has three sections - “Date - 13,” “D-Day - Mar,” “Study Hours - blank.” (Transcription note: The “D-Day” blank is used for the day of the week instead of the proper use, and the days of the week are labelled in French rather than English.) The second row of that column is labelled “Check Point” and has two bullet points “vote” and “micro HW.” Below that is a small slot to put a song of the day, which has been left blank. Below is the checklist for the day. It includes both the priority and the item as follows:
HI - drop off ballot
HI - comp. pol lecture
MED - micro HW (lab)
MED - micro HW (lecture)
HI - Korean HW
LO - religion series plan
Above this checklist is a doodle of a man sleeping.
The right column of this page starts on its top row with the slot “Goal,” which is filled with the phrase “micro HW.” Below that, the user has left the wake time, sleep time, water consumption, and daily score fields blank. Below those is a timetable for the day, which is filled with “Vote” from 9:00 - 11:00, “Study” from 12:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 - 18:00. The bottom of the page has been censored with two blue sticky notes that read “Plans for the day! Censored for safety reasons.”]
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ghostmeep · 5 years
Aaaaaaaaa okay another quick [I apparently don’t understand the meaning of quick] commentary post about chapter 367, this time with screenshots, because there is s o much to unpack he r e [I though I was done, but haHA guESS NoT]
Spoilesrsrs ahea d [this is just me gushing over Furudate and Kageyama [with a bit of Yama, Tsukki, and Suga] and how i am kinda okay with the reason Karasuno lost because it makes sense to me, and just more gushing in general awoeinaowien] 
First, that colour sprea  d 
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Beautiful as always, but ju s t damn can I take a moment to appreciate it fully? 
The quote at the top too. It’s basically saying the same thing as the chapter title (’our spring is over’) but it’s less final than the chapter title. Saying it this way, at the start of the chapter, when the chapter title isn’t known yet - it still gives the sense of hope. ‘This same spring will never come again’ so we gotta win now because it won’t come again it’s just another motivation for them to WIN. Coupled with the image itself? With everyone (minus Hinata) pushing forward full with determination????? YoU ARE STILL ANTICIPATING KARASUNO TO WIN
And okay, just a small insert here - because you all should be warned that Kageyama is favourite and I’m 100000% biased in everything I say because of it.
BuT KageyaMA IN fRonT. I have to admit, my biased self was really kinda hoping for Kageyama to lead Karasuno to victory. THoUGh ofc that isn’t what Haikyuu!! Is about - you don’t just win (or lose) because of one person. but because of how reliable he seemed ALL thROuGHoUT nationals and during ch 366 esp, i was really kinda hoping Karasuno would win because Kageyama would be able to fully draw out ALL of his spikers’ potential (as he has been striving to be able to do) [though I think he still got close!!!! With his teamwork with Tsukishima making leaps and bounds, and being able to send a quick to Yamaguchi as soon as he stepped on the court] 
BuT ANYWAYS I digress [from what? dunno, there really isn’t a point to this post]
Oh wait, actually one more gush about Kageyama
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CAn we talk about how smooTHLY Yamaguchi stepped onto the court????????????? BABY CROW IS ALL GROWN UP He’s officially over the intimidation of stepping onto the court - even when now it was more than just to serve!! So much so that it wasn’t highlighted at all!! SO PROUD!!! Can you imagine just how much more he’ll be able to grow in the comings years??? [Though now I suppose we don’t have to imagine aowienaowien we’ll get to see it in canon]
Ah also, I said this in my previous post, but since that post was 100% a mess since it was just me word vomiting onto tumblr [not that this is that much different--] I want to say again, that even though I am biased to Kageyama, and I wanted him to be able to bring Karasuno to victory, I understand why he couldn’t [besides the fact that no one person can do it alone moral] 
But Kageyama’s jump serve is still, give or take, less than a year old 
It’s been in the making for less than a year, it’s not at its peak yet. The fact that he was able to make national veterans like Kamomedai struggle as much as he did is amazing. 
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They weren’t aiming for a perfect receive off of Kageyama’s serve. Nozawa, who is a third year in this powerhouse school - who has probably had plenty of practice receiving powerful serves - was just aiming to ‘get a hand on it’ 
But, Nozawa is a third year in a powerhouse school with plenty of experience. He was able to ‘get a hand on’ Kageyama’s still developing serve. So it makes sense that Kageyama’s serve wasn’t enough to give Karasuno the win
ANd it makes sense why Karasuno lost
I would have been slightly upset if Karasuno lost just because Hinata wasn’t able to play, but I don’t think that is what Furudate-sensei was trying to show us. 
It wasn’t even just the fact that Tsukishima got a muscle strain and had to be pulled from the match either.
It’s been said again and again in canon, actually. It’s the same as Kageyama’s serve - Karasuno, in general, are still developing. Yes, the fact that they are always changing and coming up with new things helped them get this far, but it’s also true that because almost all of their new attacks that have been getting them points - are still not perfected yet. 
Karasuno is still new, half their starters are 1st years, and all of that, paired with the fact that they just got a really bad break with the line up (facing a the second seeded school, then the next day facing with their rivaled school in a long rally heavy match, then facing Kamomedai on the same day?? OOF) All of that is the reason Karasuno lost. It wasn’t just because Hinata was taken out.
I FULLY expect Kageyama giving Tsukishima setting tipS
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Because it’s true that the setter isn’t the only one who sets the ball, it can’t always return to the setter perfectly after all. I WANT KAGEYAMA TO GIVE TSUKISHIMA SETTING TIPS AWOIEANWOEIN
Not that Tsukishima isn’t doing an amazing job without them [seTTING IS DIFFICULT] but still
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Tsukishima PLEASE
You really are just like Hinata. You really can’t deny it at this point aowienAOIWENAWE
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I mean seriously, loOK AT THAT FACE
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Anddddddddddd Suga-san being as cool as always awoienaowien
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It hurts, because he is correct. In this situation Yamaguchi was 100% the right choice [too bad it ended before Yamaguchi could really shine] 
And it hurts, because Suga won’t regret his words here even with their loss.
Speaking of their loss;;;;;;;;
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Everyone’s expressions awoeinaowiena and the third years, being the main focus, because this title is about them, it’s all of Karasuno’s ended spring, but it was their lAST spring. 
But look at their faces.
I really appreciate Furudate-sensei’s choice here. They aren’t gritting their teeth or expressing frustration or sadness in any way [yet] Because of their stoic expressions, it really drives it all home. Our Spring is Over. Just a fact being stated. It’s just....so final.
I’ve seen some people hope that there is a foul that will be called next chapter, but I can’t see that happening. The only foul that would help Karasuno right now is if Hoshiumi hit the net, but there is no indication that he was even close to doing so, and it would feellllllll kinda cheap to take away the finality in this chapter like that. 
So, Karasuno’s spring is over. 
But I have to admit, as much as this is painful, and as much as I’ve been obsessed over this loss for days now, I am still excited for what is to come????
I want to see the third years expressing that they’ve had no regrets with their team. That they are proud of their underclassmen and looking forward to what they’ll do next year
I want to see everyone seeing the third years off during graduation.
I want to see Ennoshita being CAPTAIN
I want to see the current first years being SENPAI 
like can you imagine Kageyama walking on eggshells around them at first because lets face it he was not the kindest senpai in middle school anD HE’S CHANGED AND HE WANTS TO TRY AND DO BETTER [but then Hinata does something stupid and he ends up yelling in front of them anyways] BuT new first years still SUPER impressed with Kageyama’s toss aoweinOAWIEAWE I WANT a baby setter to go up to Kageyama and ask him for help and tiPS and Kageyama giViNG them in his dumb clumsy way 
I want Tsukishima to act cold and cruel but the first years still being impressed with him and he just doesn’t know how to compute. He’s not used to anyone but Yamaguchi being so impressed with him. 
HinATA would just be like Tanaka and Noya probably awoeinaoWENAWe but it would be so cute because he would still completely get all excited and call Tanaka and Noya senpai all the time when he’s impressed with them s o aoweinawei 
I want Yamaguchi to get all the lo v e he desERVES and a baby new first year to go up to him and say ‘i was never really good at volleyball and was never a regular but i saw you play as the pitch server and i got inspired thinking maybe i can do that too’
ANd I know that we won’t be getting all [or even any] of that but i’m still hyped alright aoweinaowen
But seriously, I want to see what kind of first years Karasuno will get [and mmaYBE hoPEfuLLY it’ll be a decent amount? Not like ten because fact of the matter is is that they DIDN’T win, but three or so would be cool.] 
I want to see Karasuno FINALLY getting the gold that they deserve after seeing this loss that they had to face. 
I would even want to see the current first years be third years, if Furudate-sensei takes us that far. JuSttttttttt sooo many opportunities from here on out??? 
Basically, i’m just 100% stuck in volleyball hell.
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hawkvalley · 5 years
Hawk Valley
Quick Review
Allen was a breath of fresh air for a team on a never ending quarterback search. Allen used a hard count to great effect. I think Elway was the last Denver quarterback to do that. Peyton Manning waved his hands around and shouted Omaha. Allen is mobile which made a HUGE difference in the game.
The world had never seen Allen before and the Cleveland defense didn’t have an answer. At the end of the first quarter the score was Denver 7, Cleveland 0. Would the Broncos win the game 28-0? No, this is the 2019 Denver Broncos.
In the second quarter the Broncos scored 10 points instead of 14. Cleveland’s defense had adjusted to Allen. Cleveland's offense was now awake and they marched down the field four times for scores. They scored four field goals instead of four touchdowns thanks to the Denver defense.
In the second half both teams scored touchdowns, the Broncos in the third and the Browns in the fourth.
Why am I mentioning this? The Broncos have established a clear pattern of play this season. They start the game sort of strong and then slowly fade away during the game. In this game the Broncos won the first quarter, but the Browns won the rest of the game 19-17. This is a cause for concern because football is a game of adjustments and the Broncos are not making the right adjustments.
At the end of the day, Denver Broncos beat the Browns 24-19.
Before the season started, Vegas predicted the Broncos would average 17 points per game and they were spot on. At this point in time the Broncos are averaging 17 points per game. They average 9 points per game in the first half and 8 points per game in the second.
The Game Stats
Time of Possession
DEN: 24:30 CLE: 35:30
Play Selection
DEN 20 Passing Attempts, 193 yards: 20 Runs for 127 yards CLE 42 Passing Attempts, 273 yards: 29 Runs for 90 yards
The Running Game
Carries AYPC Long TD(s) Fumble(s) Lindsay 9 10 40 1 0 Freeman 5 3 6 0 0 Allen 5 3 11 0 0 Sutton 1 7 7 0 0 *AYPC is average yards per carry
The Passing Attack
Receptions % Long TD(s) Fumble(s) Sutton 5 63% 21 1 0 Fant 3 75% 75 1 0 Booker 1 100% 14 0 0 Fumagalli 1 100% 9 0 0 Spencer 1 33% 0 0 1 Freeman 1 100% -1 0 0
The Quarterbacks
Passing comp ypa TD INT Long Rating 60% 10 2 0 75 126 Rushing Att Yards Long TD 5 13 11 0 Sacked Times Yards Lost Fumble(s) 3 18 0
Passing comp ypa TD INT Long Rating 64% 7 1 0 41 91 Rushing Att Yards Long TD 3 22 16 0 Sacked Times Yards Lost Fumble(s) 2 12 0
During the Week
It’s like the Broncos are a bad team. After beating the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, some media organizations celebrated like the Broncos had won the super bowl. The Denver Post declared Denver to be Allentown. It was embarrassing. Allen’s future seems to be tied to how long the 2019 Broncos want to ride his hot hand.
As the week progressed, everyone forgot about the game and went back to guessing who the starting quarterback will be in 2020. Almost everyone thinks Flacco will be cut, except for the business people, who point out he still has two years left on his contract in 2020. The business people are pushing Lock out front, just like they did with Paxton, just because he was a first round draft pick. Their argument is that if Lock stumbles in 2019, they want the team to draft a better quarterback in 2020.
Nobody seems be giving the current backup, Rypien, a chance to make the team next year.
The quarterback discussion eventually expanded beyond the current team and speculation ran wild with what underappreciated NFL quarterback Elway will try and sign in 2020.
Some crazy people thought Tom Brady could come to Denver. They point out that his house is for sale.
Before the Chargers week 10 game, Rivers was on the list. However, after that game, the general thought about Rivers is that he will retire at the end of the season. After all, he didn’t move with the team to Los Angeles when the team tried to move there. I say tried to move there because there was some talk of the Chargers relocating to London. If he comes back next year and is still on the team and they move to London, he’ll just retire. There’s no way Rivers will want to deal with that.
Teddy Bridgewater’s name was also mentioned, but why would he leave the Saints to play for the Broncos?
Allegedly, Shannon Sharpe is making the case for Cam Newton to become the Broncos new quarterback in 2020.
So basically, in the aftermath of Allen’s first win in Denver, sports talk was all about somebody else becoming the quarterback in 2020. That’s what happened in the bye week.
In the week leading up to this game, the Broncos let Drew Lock practice. He’s getting more repetitions than Rypien in practice.
Today’s teams ranked by stats
Broncos (3-6)
Points: 28th
Yards: 27th
Passing yards: 28th
Rushing yards: 16th
Passing Touchdowns: 8
Rushing Touchdowns: 7
Field Goals: 15
Interception returns for TD: 0
Safeties: 0
Punt Returns for Touchdowns: 0
Fumble Returns for Touchdowns: 0
Net Turnovers: -3
Streak: Won 1
Vikings (7-3)
Points: 9th
Yards: 8th
Passing Yards: 17th
Rushing Yards: 3rd
Passing Touchdowns: 18
Rushing Touchdowns: 13
Field Goals: 15
Interception returns for TD: 0
Safeties: 1
Punt Returns for Touchdowns: 0
Fumble Returns for Touchdowns: 0
Net Turnovers: +5
Streak: Won 1
Hopefully Brandon Allen can impress the fans, the company wants to see Lock. The quarterback controversy highlights the never ending battle between Elway and his head coach over who should see playing time. If Elway wants to coach the team, he should do it. What he can’t do, is coach the team from the management box like Al Davis.
Kubiak is back in town and I suspect, he’d enjoy beating the Broncos.
Don’t look now, but the team that everyone thinks was tanking in 2019 is just one game behind the Broncos. The Miami Dolphins are 2-7 now. How embarrassing would it be if the Broncos ended up with a worse record than the Dolphins.
Game Time
11:00 AM MT
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bookbrd · 5 years
11/11/11 tag
Thanks @ for the tag! The 11/11/11 tag is where you answer 11 questions, tag 11 people and give them 11 of your own questions. Let's dive in!
1. What’s your favourite place to write
I usually write on my bed, all my pillows stacked behind me and all my blankets around me (I am always cold). Although now it's way too hot for blankets 😂
2. Which character(s) from your wip(s) is your favourite?
Ahh that's difficult. I think I'll go with Will, the protagonist of my contemporary WIP, but that's partly because he's the most developed of them all. Although I recently had some great ideas for Daphne, one of Will's roommates which makes me very excited to develop her further.
3. What are some inspirations for your wip(s)?
My Cursed Islands WIP was originally inspired by the manga/anime One Piece. It really ignited my love for pirates and it really made me want to create my own crew of misfits.
For The Price of a Smile, it was nothing that directly inspired it. It flowed almost naturally from my own experiences at university. I wanted to write about finding your passion like I found mine, but I also wanted to show that sometimes that doesn't happen right off the bat and it can take some wrong turns before you find the right one.
4. How did you start writing?
I had some other story ideas floating around in my head and I just started to flesh them out one day. Some of those combined into my Cursed Islands WIP.
5. Which of your ocs is most difficult to write?
I struggle most with Ben, another one of Will's roommates, because I want him to be a jock type and it's difficult not to make him super cringy 😂
6. What aesthetic do you associate with your wip(s)?
That's difficult to describe haha, let me try.
For Cursed Islands I guess it would be rustling sails, the distant cry of seagulls, some people arguing in the distance and your captain yelling at them to shut up. It's the salty taste of freedom and the wonder of what's possibly out there beyond the horizon.
For The Price of a Smile it's late night chats enjoying the summer night, it's drinking games with new friends, realising you had more in common than you thought. It's lingering touches and looking into their eyes, feeling more like yourself with them than with anyone else.
7. Do you like planning?
I love planning. I literally don't function properly without it. From a young age I've always had to write things down, either in a planner or just on my hand because I'd forget everything. So the same goes for my writing, if I don't write it down somewhere, I'll definitely forget it. Also I've learned the hard way that if I start writing without at least a basic outline, I'll get stuck and I'll quit, that's what happened after I tried to semi-pants NaNo in 2018 with my Cursed Islands WIP. The only thing I learned from that is thst I want to completely rework that plot lmao.
8. What is your favourite quote from your wip(s)?
I really wouldn't dare to delve back into that mess that was the unfinished first draft of Cursed Islands and I haven't started writing Price of a Smile yet so unfortunately I don't have any yet!
9. Do you like to listen to music while you write?
I have a playlist for both my WIPS that I listen to while plotting, but for actual writing I can only listen to music without lyrics. So I listen to classic music or lo-fi music or sometimes I just to ambient sounds to get me in the mold for a particular scene.
10. What do you like most about your own writing?
Erm.. Not much at the moment, since it's been a while since I've properly written. I'm sure that once I start writing some scenes I'll fall back in love.
11. What are/were/would be your ocs favourite subjects in school?
Price of a smile
Will: history, but if he could have taken it it would have been art (his father wouldn't let him).
Alex: science
Cursed islands
Lucan: economics
Layla: geography
Maya: biology
Isaac: science
Olyvia: PE
Alright here are my 11 questions for you!
1. Which of your character do you relate to most?
2. What program do you use to write?
3. What time of day do your write best?
4. Do you have any writing rituals?
5. What are your character's favourite foods?
6. If you could write any AU for your wip(s), what would you choose and why?
7. What do your characters want most in life?
8. What are your wip(s) comp titles? (similar books in your genre)
9. Sort your characters into Hogwarts houses, go!
10. If you're stuck, what do you do to get unstuck?
11. What books would you recommend to your characters?
Okay so I'll tag @tricksexual @holotones, @alessia-writes @writingrailroad, @milestogobeforeiwrite and everyone who sees this can consider themselves tagged as well! I'd love to get to know more about your wips!
Plus if you're (not) okay with being tagged, pls let me know <3
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owcomp · 6 years
Do you have any advice for playing Widow in comp? Or at all? I can usually get in a good 15 to 20 kills a match and I have a 63% weapon accuracy but I feel like I'm not doing enough and I could improve a lot.
Hey anon, here to help! Below the cut!
So the important thing with Widow stats is not necessarily her weapon accuracy, but her critical hit accuracy. Depending on what rank you are you should probably shoot for between 15% and 21+% as an average, with 21+ basically ensuring you are a god at clicking heads. 18/19 is a sweet spot but also means that you’re really good.
As for if you don’t think you’re doing enough. This is sort of for you to gague since I can’t specifically see your stats or gameplay. The amount of kills you get is relative to whatever actual game you’re in, so instead try these questions!
Are you winning Widow 1v1’s? This is important. Consider changing your movement if you are consistently losing Widow 1v1’s. (more below)
Are you knocking off priority targets? (Eg, Pharah, Healers, easy DPS). Focus healers especially as doming them can stop a fight before it begins. If you can consistently pick off targets before or during a fight then you are doing well!
Are you switching when you’re getting hard countered? (Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, an aggressive dive team). Sometimes the enemy team will focus you into oblivion. In that case switch to something else. (Hitscan probably, like Reaper or McCree).
If you answered yes to the above questions the congrats! Your base widow is good! To improve further, you need to work on your map positioning and your movement.
Widow movement is how you crouch spam, essentially. It’s a mix of hitting crouch and a-d keys at the same time. Most commonly you see it in Widow 1v1’s. If you want awesome examples just watch the All Star OWL widow tournament. Minus Pine and OGE spinning in circles the movement is really good. They don’t just spam buttons entirely, they stop moving and jerk their movements, which is super effective.
And map positioning? There’s a ton of super secret spots you can use on maps to get easy shots or avoid LOS (line of sight) with enemy snipers. I could probably make a post on them. Knowing these spots is key as they’ll give you an advantage.
Otherwise, I’ll do what I did with Reinhardt and drop some random tips I know.
If you’re behind a corner and the enemy widow knows where you are, don’t inch around the corner because she’ll see your head before you see hers. Instead just hook into plain view and then do some dope movement.
Don’t jump in a Widow 1v1! It makes your movement predictable. Well, don’t jump in any 1v1 basically.
Try and save your hook for when you get dived as an easy out.
Buying a better monitor (144hz or 240hz) will actually improve your play as the better monitor allows you to get more frames and therefore see more than people without a good monitor.
Changing your sensitivity might help improve your aim, especially if your sensitivity is very high or very low.
Save your spider vision if the enemy team has a Widow. Use it as soon as she uses it so that your team has the same advantage.
If you want to improve aim I’ve made a post on it before. Here! Emphasis on only playing hitscan if you want to improve your Widow.
I hope this helps anon! Just play your best and click on those heads. Improvement takes time!
Happy comping! :)
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Episode 3- “Y'all wanted magic within and we delivered- case closed”-Autumn
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Another super fun challenge! I want to shout out to the hosts for just doing a great job so far. This is making this quarantine just a little less terrible. So happy we have immunity and getting our first reward is so exciting! I’ve been trying my best to connect with members outside of my tribe in the great hall chat and get close with my tribe mates. For the most part I really trust all of them. And that’s horribly scary. I really love being on hufflepuff. But I have a feeling a swap is gonna happen. Kevin told me he thinks it’s going to be 2 tribes of 8. We will see. GL to slytherin and ravenclaw! 
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I'm so dead and drained rn but I look forward to reading this round and seeing how heated people are over this. And this will definitely follow me the entire game but you know what I'm glad. Don't let the 16 month hiatus fool you: when I show up I show out. Everything is mind over matter in a way and y'all caught me on a good day so I was just like fuck it I'll do this all day if I have to. So I walked into that challenge at 11:30 am and deadass my phone never left my side... for 9 1/2 hours. Also y'all know I'm at my best when I'm an underdog? So of course I went all out, please tell me you didn't expect anything less. And can I just say Gryffindor legitimately and collectively earned that because everyone participated and put points up. So yes I am that girl but I do it for the squad because I know they'll do it for me. BIG ups though to Vi and Jess- I don't care what their alliances were before today they better have each other's backs and I'll riot if they don't both survive. Literally do the right thing and send a man home. And the same goes for Ravenclaw! I wanna know what's going on over there and I'm not picky but send a man or inactive home if you can. Let it be known that I literally came into this game to raise hell for Dan and Owen lmaaaaooo. I mean I don't want them to go (yet) because that's not what good frenemies do and where's the fun in that. We make each other's arcs better and if we're cast, there will be a fight to the death sooner or later. But until then! Yes I am absolutely living for them sweating it out for a full round. Can y'all believe it? They finally lost at something God is so good. Would've loved to make Hufflepuff sweat too but hey. There's always next round
14 minutes later
Also I just wanna say that 6:00 hour was chef's kiss. In my entire org career, I have never been on a tribe that pulled off a shutout like that and that was ICONIC. Hoes mad but did your entire tribe come together and get a streak of points nonstop for upwards of an hour?? No ma'am you did not. I kept us alive all day but that hour was THE hour that took Gryffindor from 4th to 2nd and that's how you win immunity. Y'all wanted magic within and we delivered- case closed
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I don't trust Nick at all. I know in the back of his mind he's thinking i'm gonna play like our previous game which I wasn't exactly loyal to him because I was loyal to some bitch ass alliance that ended up... ANYWAYS. So he seems like the type of player to keep that into consideration because he happened recently and he's sort of a newer player. So I have to be mindful of this all and as much as i'm STRESSING the fact that obviously there were external factors in that game.. that won't impact this game kind of a deal. I know this all could just be my paranoid little brain and thinking that he's out to get me when he's not.. but I haven't played any back to back games in FOREVER and when something THAT FRESH happens.. it's hard for me to not have the after thought of: Wow Nick must think i'm an loyal person who won't tell him my real thoughts. 
 But Nick gonna be a scary player down the line. He's already in my pm's bragging about how him, Landen, and I think his name is Matt? idk one of the "Weebz" (still don't know what that means) and how he will have those potential relationships moving forward.. I just... don't.... understand..... him. ANYWAYS
 The thing is... I think? I can trust Jacob fully. I think this vote SHOULD BE EASY.. but I can't help but feel really fucking bad. Like terrible. Like extremely heart broken about voting out VI. She's put her all into everything and honestly I would be so mad if i've given my all and these two dweebz didn't even show up to the comp. I know she's gonna be upset and I hate knowing that. So i'm TRYING to take emotions out of this decision and make this all strategical and within the game environment because if I was voting with my HEART i'd keep her. BUT then I have that voice in the back of my head that is saying "But if you save Vi.... she'll be loyal to you!" BUT ALSO... I know from HOSTING VI... is that Vi is only loyal to... the fun she has. If she gets bored she fucks around. She's a crackhead. But I obviously can't VOICE THIS TO ANYONE because they could flip this and reverse this on ME. 
I'm scared that if I cast any form of doubt about the vote to Jacob he will relay the message to Nick and well I become more threatening than Vi at this point because I pointed the gun at him... SO I was fucking around with the idea of... using my idol on myself, causing a 2 to 2 tie.. and well.. unless Jacob wants to go to rocks by himself... and basically get voted out.. Mr. Nick goes. But it's LITERALLY FINAL 18............ If this was final 11, sure i'd do this in a heart beat... but this is such a bad bitch move i'm scared people will see I got something on my resumé already. They'll see I went against an alliance for VI. It's just so risky.. but I told myself i'd have FUN in this game.. I just don't want to make a move purely on a past game or purely on emotion. I want to be making moves that move me forward in the game..
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I LOVE JOANNA!!! THIS IS A JOANNA APPRECIATION POST!!!!!! and dan has the idol. 
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Unsurprisingly, we lost the challenge. I worked my lil booty off as best as I could (I did give up but that is beside the point at this current moment) and I have been friendly, fricking nice as all hell, and then Miguel wants to vote me out. And honey... I think that sealed your fate. I am working on being a little more ruthless I guess because I really want to win this game, so if you come for me, you bet I'm coming for you. I've always made jury and I don't think that this is the season I'm getting stuck with pre-jury. Miguel is the only relationship I don't feel confident in so... bye sis. 
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The immunity challenge was a hard-fought battle, but we managed to pull out a win near the end. It was the most stressful time of my life. Honestly, I felt that if we lost then I would get voted out next. Thankfully, that did not happen. However, this is a huge wake up call for me to get my ass into gear and start being more social with my tribe. Otherwise, I might find myself in the bottom and that is not a position I want to be in.
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AHHHH so my tribe won immunity and reward and things are great!  Someone mentioned yesterday (Kevin?? Maybe) that this means we are the last tribe to have to see tribal council and that is a GREAT THING!  I really wonder who is going to go home- I just hope it isn't Owen.  I also really hope he still wants to work with me if we end up on a tribe together. In other news, I'm curious to see if a swap is about to happen.  With a double tribal happening tonight it seems as though it would be a big maybe! Also I'm still irritated that my glee shirt didn't count as a band tee, when everyone asks what kind of music I like the first thing I always say is 'anything by the cast of glee' xD I don't feel like I was much help in the challenge but I was there and got points for wine and sequins if that means anything. 
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doing this ON TIME.. anyways chile. WOO WE DID IT! finally not coming in last hehe. god the amount of i was just frantically running around my house.. well thank god my family didn’t question it for the most part hehe. overall this challenge was super duper fun and i’m HOPING we can continue to win some because the stress of my tribe wanting to go against me.. yea it’s there. hopefully my paranoia is just that and i have nothing to worry abt ✨
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Hey all you cool cats and kittens! It’s Dan, not Carole Baskin, but with the same crackhead energy. So Miss Miguel should be leaving tonight! It’s not anything personal at all. He’s a really sweet guy, but he’s just not around. I work mad hours a week and still make time for this stuff. Joanna is worried because she knows her name is going around so as long as she doesn’t try to pull something, everything is good. I think the chances of that happening are slim to none honestly. I feel like had I been able to compete in the comp I could have helped way more than others. I have a ton of random shit in my apartment that was asked for!!! I was a little shady toward Jacob in the Great Hall chat so lettuce pray that he doesn’t act like a petty fool if we swap together. I am kinda anticipating a swap after this tribal but we’ll see!!! 
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we won immunity and nothing has changed on my tribe for me since my last confessional woo consistency yay c:
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im sad. we have to vote out vi which is so sad. i love her shes so sweet but i have suhc a tight bond with jess and nick that like there isnt another option. but ugh someone hold my hand
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Darn, we were so close to winning, yet so far. Always remember, the unintentional matsing is just as mighty as the intentional, so 3 of us making swap or merge is much more advantageous than a unit of 4. I love my tribe, I do, and I genuinely feel I may be in danger! I trust Jess and Jacob though (JJJ: Jess, Jacob, Jay), so I’m hoping for another unanimous decision. (I will probably be asleep at tribal since I have 1 hour of sleep today)
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So out tribe basically gave everything they could in a 12 hour challenge of Hell. I tried especially hard thinking I would be voted out if we lost because no one really talks "game" with me. I know that side seasons are 'Survivor Lite' but typically people at least talk game. I know I wasnt the target from last vote because everyone assured me they want to work with me and Josh said to vote him out in the tribe chat. Apparently though Josh wanted to do a blindside and reached out to Autumn to let her know asking me if he had asked me. So honestly Autumn is the truest! The other two notnvoting me inlobe seeing but if Josh talked to them then... hm Anyway I cant play a perfect game anymore :( Also I have officially dug through all of Hagrids things and he has no idol for me. I thought he might have something in could take and use somewhere else since he is a keeper of keys. But naw.
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Guess who lost by two points!! Fricking Nicholas and Jacob leaving us for 7 hours. Then nick only showed up for the last 3ish but he didn’t even submit anything. Wth? We’re gonna try to kick him out.
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i love my tribe so much we keep having more and more fun each time :D i definitely think after max's april fools prank i'm even more inclined to want to vote him if we lose, but i'm also grateful he's not really gone because mayhaps a weeb alliance in the future is possible.... !!! i also always utilize the great hall segments to make myself known and thought about even if people also think i'm a bit annoying, idc, the main thing is they remember me and when we meet on a swap or something i am one of the first they choose to talk to! it is always an important strategy of mine, people don't realize that in big games, one of the most crucial things you can do is leave a big first impression on people on the other tribes, you have the lucky opportunity to get some spaces where you meet them in ORGs unlike in the real world - USE it to let them form an idea of you in their head and decide they like you before they even meet you, it's a weird phenomena but i've found it's one of my most consistent strategies, when i actually decide to employ it (flashback to me being so lazy in 2020 i barely even used one world.. eep) hufflepuff is cute and we WILL be continuing to make marshmallow moves, until i get to make my own independent marshmallow moves to win
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Soooo we finally lost a challenge kfjahsdj time to put this alliance to the test! The answer seemed pretty clear to me though - everyone kinda just wants to do Miguel. I feel bad, because I do think these competitions have NOT played to his strengths at all and I know he can be a great competitor. And I really wanted to get to know him again this time around. For a second, Dan and I considered saving him as a loyal number... but I just can't do that to Joanna, who has rlly busted her ass lately. So tonight it's a harder choice than it seems, but ultimately, I'm going with Miguel, and I told him that. I really wish he would've put more effort into our conversations before he was in trouble lmao. Also, DAN FOUND THE IDOL HEHEHEEH so that's great :) Glad to know he trusted me enough to tell me about it! I think he's probably going to be pretty loyal this time to me? And I feel like I have to give that same courtesy back to him. Someone will probably take one of us out eventually. I rlllly do not want to stress. If for some reason they blindside me tonight or Miguel has another idol or something, it has been fun <3
0 notes
trentteti · 7 years
Only a fool would predict what'll be on the LSAT. So here are our predictions ...
All right, the time is upon us. We are T-minus 2 days until the September 2017 LSAT is unveiled to a nation of law school hopefuls and, in the case of the fine people who contribute to this blog, LSAT instructors.
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been studying for this moment for months on end. You’ve used past exams to guide your study. You’ve seen that, while there are only a few different kinds of Logical Reasoning questions, Logic Games, and Reading Comprehension passages that the LSAT returns to again and again, you never quite know which combination of those you’re going get on a given exam. The malevolent sorcerers who write this test can be quite unpredictable in that way.
So I’m going to put my LSAT knowledge and experience to the test and try to make some predictions about this upcoming exam. To try to divine, by means of reason and experience, what the logicians-who-use-their-powers-for-evil will include on the test this Saturday.
A major caveat before we begin: I’m wrong all the time. I thought this forgotten single would be Beyoncé’s biggest, most beloved song. I root for the San Diego Los Angeles Chargers, and before most seasons sincerely believe they will win the AFC West. For years, I thought the lyrics to Chumbawamba’s “Tubthumping” were, “He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink. He drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a vodka drink.” I use it a bunch, but I still don’t know how to pronounce “eschew.” I know a lot about the LSAT, but maybe take what I say with a grain of salt.
With that said, let’s get to speculating!
Logical Reasoning
The typical Logical Reasoning section always goes the same way. You start out with some easy to mild questions. Then, by question 14 or 15, you start to get some more difficult and time-consuming questions and, then by the question 18 or 19, you’re given tough after tough question.
What does vary from section to section is what kind of questions you’re going to get. So let’s make some semi-educated guesses about that.
The first question on the first Logical Reasoning section of the last three exams has been a Resolve or Explain question. In fact, on most recent sections, you get a lot of these two question types at the beginning of the section. I’d expect this trend to continue on this exam. So get ready to start with the ‘splaining, and ease into the section with some of the easier types of question types on the LSAT.
I wouldn’t expect to see many Soft Must Be True questions on this exam. There are usually about five of these in a given exam, but on the June 2017 exam, there were ten. I’d be willing to wager that LSAC Soft Must Be Blew through its reserve of these questions on the last exam and won’t have many to use for this one.
I do predict that there will be a lot of Strengthen questions on this exam though. There are an average of eight of those on a given exam. But on the last one, there were a grand total of three. Expect this question type to reassert its dominance in a big way. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were as many as ten on this exam.
Finally, a trend I’ve noticed on recent exams is “hidden” conditional language. Most questions that involve diagramming haven’t used the super obvious “If A, then B; but only Cs are Bs” conditional language from tests of yore. Rather, there have been a lot of instances of less overt conditional statements. Statements like “Birthday clowns are alcoholics” and “Alcoholics cannot be trusted with children.” These can be diagrammed to “Birthday Clown → Alcoholic” and “Alcoholic → Not Trusted with Children,” allowing you to conclude that “Birthday Clowns → Not Trusted with Children.” Be on the lookout for these — identifying and diagramming them will make your job a lot easier on many Must Be True, Flaw, Parallel, Parallel Flaw, Sufficient, and Necessary questions you get.
But remember, some things never change on Logical Reasoning. You’ll get somewhere between four and eight Flaw questions. You will get exactly two Parallel questions and exactly two Parallel Flaw questions. You’ll get a handful of questions that involve understanding the structure of an argument — these being a few Main Point, a few Describe, and a few Role questions strewn about the exam. Be ready for these too.
Reading Comprehension
One prediction I can make with confidence — and I say this with proverbial hat in hand — is that Reading Comp is going to be tough. As an LSAT instructor, I sometimes feel like a parent forcing a recalcitrant child to eat his vegetables when reviewing Reading Comp with my students. Everyone hates reading these dry passages on obscure topics, but doing so is ultimately very healthful. Because it makes you a better reader — which is obviously an important skill for law school — but also because it helps prepare you for the section that has only gotten harder over the years. It’s also the longest section, based on the number of questions, so you have the most opportunity to earn (or fail to earn, if you didn’t have a diet of vegetables during your studies) points.
For Reading Comp, there’s really no such thing as an “easy” passage anymore. Our company has a rating system, from 1 (easy) to 5 (brutal), that we use to rate every LR question, RC passage, and logic game. And over the past six published LSATs, there have been zero passages we’ve classified as a “1” and only two passages we’ve classified as a “2” (or “mild”). Compare that to the five passages we’ve classified as a “4” (tough) and the six passages we’ve classified as a “5” (brutal), and you start to get the picture of the horrors LSAC is putting students through on this section.
My guess is that you’ll get one or two passages of “medium” difficulty to start it off. Then the third and fourth passages will be tough and brutal. The comparative passage is usually either among the easier passages of the section or the most difficult of the bunch. On most of the recent exams, it’s been among the easier — and in the last LSAT, it was one of the toughest — so I’m going to guess the comparative passage will be one of the easier passages in this section, and will probably be first or second.
As far as the topics, the LSAT is pretty much always good for one on the law and one on science. The other two cycle through topics like the arts (almost always an obscure artist doing something unconventional), history (often having to do with indigenous people in the pre-Columbus Americas), philosophy (which is when things get really weird — think the weird passage about meta-thoughts from the last LSAT), and the social sciences. My best guess is that you’re going to get a passage on arts — they’ve done music and interior design recently, so let’s say it’s going to be on literature — and a social sciences passage on some protest movement that seems somewhat similar to the current resistance movement — the LSAT loves to be somewhat topical.
Logic Games
A little recent history on the Logic Games section: In late 2014, after many years of really only including games that involved ordering and games that involved grouping, the test writers decided to start getting weird. On tests between 2014 and 2016, they started including super weird games that didn’t quite fit within the paradigms of ordering and grouping games. Think the worksite trading game of June 2014. Or the computer virus game of September 2016. Or the trading building game of December 2016. And let me just say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this, LSAC. It’s been a real pleasure to, days before the big test day, console the nerves of hundreds of anxious law school hopefuls about the possibility of getting an unconventional game on their exam.
BUT … then the test writers sort of stopped doing that. On the last two exams, the games sections have been straightforward. Everything’s been an ordering game or a grouping game. Nothing has been especially difficult, provided you have the basics of logic games down.
I would expect this to continue on the recent exam. And — this is probably the point at which my conjecture becomes irresponsible, but hear me out — I think this has more to do with external pressures facing LSAC than anything else. It’s no secret that the LSAT is losing ground to the GRE, as big-name schools like Harvard, Georgetown, and Northwestern have started to accept the GRE in lieu of the LSAT. For years, LSAC had a monopoly on the test people had to take to get into law school. When LSAC lacked competition, it could do annoying things that would anger a bunch of test takers. “Who cares what the students think? They have to take our exam and pay us a hefty application fee to do so!” these fat cats would scoff. Now that they have competition, my guess is they’re less inclined to do stuff that will sour large swaths of test takers on the exam. And — take it from me — nothing sours a bunch of people on the LSAT like a logic game that people view as unfair or overly difficult.
The LSAT is already doing things to try to make the test seem more ~chill~ than it used to. You can take it as many times as you want now. It’ll be offered more times throughout the year. It’s going digital. And I don’t see any reason why this trend wouldn’t manifest in the types of games that appear on the exam ether.
As far as the types of games, I think we’re going to see one basic, or 1:1, ordering game, since there’s almost always at least one of those. There hasn’t been an In & Out game in a few exams, so I imagine they’re going to dust off one of those for this exam. Unstable grouping games are another very common game, so I bet we’ll see one of those. And I think the hardest game of the lot will likely be a tiered ordering game. But, in all, I wouldn’t expect anything too tough or crazy on this one.
That said …
Finally, with all that said … don’t take these predictions too seriously. There’s a reason why we’re making them at the last possible moment, at a point at which you should no longer be studying and instead just relaxing and recharging before the big day.
Honestly, no matter what they put on this test, you’ll have the skills and strategies to answer it. There are fundamental concepts that translate across question types and sections of the LSAT, and if you’ve mastered those, you’ll be fine, no matter what they put on the exam. Do you know how to diagram conditional statements and use them to make transitive deductions? Do you have the common fallacies down pat? Are you able to recognize causal statements, and do you know how to strengthen and weaken them? Do you know how to identify the author’s role in a Reading Comprehension passage? Can you set up both ordering and grouping games, and do you know when to make scenarios in each of those?
If so, I will make one last prediction, one I can make with absolute confidence: You’re going to do great.
Only a fool would predict what’ll be on the LSAT. So here are our predictions … was originally published on LSAT Blog
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hetmusic · 5 years
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TMR TALKS TO... SPEELBURG | The Most Radicalist
In this interview feature, we get to know the most radicalist up and coming stars on the planet. This time we spoke with Los Angeles-based Belgian-American polymath musician Speelburg. Every so often, an artist makes their way into the hearts and minds of the TMR team and then we simply can’t bear to part ways. Noah Sacré, aka Speelburg, is one such talent. Going through our archives, you’ll find ‘Kline’, ‘Lay It Right’, ‘Gleason’, ‘Sauvage’ and ‘Pulse Of A Million’. Recently, we heard the intoxicating sounds of ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’; a vibrant alt-pop tune with surfy undertones, psychedelic sweeps, theatrical melodies and Speelburg’s unique perspective permeating the lyrics. Safe to say, ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’ is another winner in our books. What’s more, this track adds to the imminent excitement for Sacré's upcoming album release, Character Actor. The record feature tracks you can go wrap your ears around right now - ‘Screener Season’, ‘Headlights’ and ‘Lizarz’. Introductions aside, have a notepad and pen at the ready because, as you’ll discover, Sacré is bursting with recommendations from tracks to films to movie soundtracks to other miscellaneous goodies for your attention. 
TMR: Hey Noah, so we hear you’ve spent the last two years making “pop music for important people.” Who are these people and how have they inspired you? Hey there! At the risk of sounding too mysterious, I’m not gonna tell you who they are as a lot of it is about to come out. BUT I will say that these important people are, for the most part, excellent human beings with way too much talent. It’s been incredible learning how to write quickly. When I started writing for other people, I kinda sucked. I was way too tunnel-vision-y about songs, too much of a solo act. The artist and I would talk at great lengths and get nothing done and I was maybe too obsessed on making a good impression as someone who knows what they’re doing. About two and a half years ago, that changed and it’s been a joy ever since. I think if, like me, you’re a producer, performer and songwriter, people expect different things from you and you can get confused about what it is you actually want to contribute to the song, but now, I’m actually happy to wear all three hats and jump in. Most sessions I do now last about 4 or 5 hours - we get in, talk a little, then start writing. Normally, the singer or artist is working on vocal melodies and some lyrics. In the meantime, I basically split my brain in two whereby I’ll start producing the track, often starting with drums and, at the same time, adding vocal and lyric ideas. Ddmittedly, you’re pretty tired at the end, but you come out with a near finished track, and that’s the coolest feeling. I really can’t wait to tell you all about them. TMR: You’ve just released a new woozy number by the name of ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’. It’s full of vibrant synths and off-kilter imagery, like the movies playing backwards, for example. What’s this song about? Well, it’s about a few things. A lot of my songs tend to have two parallel themes swimming in tandem, and occasionally, I get to cross the streams. I also think it’s super important to let people interpret the track for themselves before you get too deep. Like, I can give you my version of the directions, but it’s probably more fun if you make the trip yourself. I will say this: I am proud of that title, and I find it funny that I managed to mention one of my other songs ‘Kline’. That was weird and fun. This whole song is very weird and very fun… to me anyway! TMR: It sounds like it was a fun song to make, do you enjoy the song-making process or do you hit that writer’s block from time to time? Yeah, this was such a blast to write! I often write and produce songs at the same time, but on this album, I did most of the writing on my little nylon acoustic in my living room, often in my underwear. A lot of these songs were just written kind of carelessly, just to make myself laugh. That’s not to say they’re joke songs or anything, it’s just that, because I wrote it while finishing my big shiny debut - which is actually coming out after this one - I was less precious. After I wrote it, I hit up Laurie and recorded drums in his studio, which probably took 25 minutes. We must have done like 3 or 4 takes, which I comped together later at my studio, where I then did all the guitars, bass, synths and vocals. I really like that synth sound during the solo. Kind of spacey, like same vibe as the solo in ‘Rosanna’ by Toto. That song rules. I love the chord progression in ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’. On this album, there’s a lot of weirder, jazzier delicious chord progressions, that will even change key from verse to chorus. Man, I really hope it doesn’t suck! It’s very possible I’ve made a weird pop record just for me. In terms of writer’s block, I think I may have had a stretch while writing the debut where I was having trouble writing vocals and just producing a lot of music, so even though you’re still being productive, it feels like no songs are getting done and feels like you’re going nowhere. But i’m over that now. I think writing completely different styles helps put you in that less precious frame of mind. Be it for “important people” or commercials. I’ve written for a lot of commercials now, and though it can be a competitive business, it’s also super fun to explore new sounds and production styles that you might not have thought to explore yet. You pick up a ton of new tricks. Also, and it sounds super obvious, but listening to music - really works. It’s real easy to forget there’s a whole treasure trove of recorded music at your fingertips when you’re so focused on yourself, but honestly, listening to other people really, really helps with getting motivated to make something of your own. I used to watch skate videos, get so hyped up, I’d head right out and spend all day trying to nail a new trick. I still get that feeling when I watch skate clips online, except I don’t really skate anymore. I would really hate to bust my wrists. TMR: ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’ is more psychedelic than what we’ve heard from you before, have you been listening to more music of that genre lately? Yes and no. Probably. I’m constantly shazaming stuff, old or new stuff just ends up in this season’s playlist. But the record wasn’t born from trying to sound like anyone else but me. That probably sounds like a really pretentious interview answer and I don’t mean it that way. I just mean, there are songs I’ve written where I go “oh that’s this person or that person”, some songs I can trace a direct family tree of my influences, but on this one, even though that may still be possible at times, I feel like it’s exactly my voice. TMR: When you’re stuck for what to listen to, who are the bands and artists that you return to? I was just a wedding where they played four hours of Belgian happy hardstyle and one Good Charlotte song. That was wild. Also, I’ve been learning the soundtrack to West Side Story on the guitar to try and figure out cool new things to do with strings. Also, anything Blake Mills has ever touched is divine, especially his two first solo records. And Rostam too. Also, LCD Sound System and Foxygen and Andy Shauf and Unknown Mortal Orchestra and The Avalanches and BADBADNOTGOOD and Toro Y Moi and Randy Newman and Paul Simon all the time. Also, those new Julia Jacklin, Steve Lacy, bLAck pARty and Vulf albums are amazing. Also, Demis Roussos’ ‘Someday Somewhere’ is waiting to be covered. By me. Along with ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ by Glen Campbell. I also wanna give a very special mention to the new Muunjuun album that deserves the entire world’s attention. He just set a new benchmark. TMR: ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’, along with tracks ‘Headlights’ and ‘Lizarz’, are set to feature on your new album, Character Actor. Are there any themes which run through the record? Yeah I’d say that the general theme for this record and a lot of my work is based around movies and television. Especially Character Actor. Whether it’s on ‘Rabbit’, a song about two kids watching Are You Afraid Of The Dark and Clueless while someone is watching them from the attic or ‘Toucan’ in which two actors are in a love scene and one is hoping it can keep going, so the bubble never has to burst. And of course, there’s the album opener ‘Screener Season’. I was flirting with the idea of a movie-based concept album a couple years ago, and I think I accidentally made a version of that. TMR: The album also explores your love for cinema, what attracts you to this artform? I think it’s just another way of telling a story. Plus, i really love IMDB trivia. There’s something about people’s attention span that means they’ll sometimes focus on a video more than they would if you just played them the audio. And yeah, I think getting into directing myself has obviously informed a lot of my interests. I love storyboarding, I love editing, and I love acting and just being on set, and seeing it all come together in the end is as satisfying as finishing and releasing a song. There’s a real feeling of the town coming together to build the barn, and then you get to celebrate. Having directed the last bunch of videos, the release of music and visuals is a symbiotic one. I feel like I’m always learning more. I graded the video for ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’ which comes out this week and I took what I learned from sitting in with my buddy Jeb on ‘Screener Season’ and rolled with it. I love just having a problem and figuring it out, even if there’s a few little kinks sometimes, who cares? You’ll just get better next time. TMR: Evidently the relationship between cinema and music is a long committed one, do you take inspiration from film soundtracks as well? Yeah, I’ve loved film soundtracks for as long as I can remember. One of my dreams is to be a music supervisor on a movie or tv show. I always really loved what David Holmes did with the Ocean movies. That kind of 60’s italian thing. So freaking coooool. I really wanna make a record with him one day. That new project he’s in ‘Unloved’, especially that track that was in the Apple commercial. Hot dang that sounded fun. Oh and recently, I thought the soundtrack to Booksmart was amazing. There’s some soundtracks where I like to be surprised by some beautiful little nuggets like The Darjeeling Limited, and there’s some where I’m like every track is a hit. Every track I was like shit! i love that song!” going from Anderson .Paak to Perfume Genius to LCD Soundsystem made an already amazing movie into an instant classic. Oh and Master Of None and Easy. I love both of those soundtracks. In terms of composition for movies, I’ve got a couple projects in the works but I’m going to be doing a lot more of that this year. Writing to picture is such a fun process. I’ve been on a sci-fi composition thing recently, some bigger budget stuff. It’s so fun. Obviously all synths are going to sound like Close Encounters now. TMR: We’re especially drawn to the pensive ‘Screener Season’, which holds the lyric “all the recognition doesn’t mean that you’ll feel better, / A good idea will keep you up.” Is this a mindset you’ve experienced or are you taking note from another? Aw thanks! I’m super proud of that song. Similarly to ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’, I wrote it in my living room, recorded drums at Laurie’s, did everything else at my studio. It was one that, when I played it to friends, I really got that reaction you look for. Like, sometimes you’ll play a song to someone and you’re trying your best to not show that you’re obviously gauging their reaction, but here it was great feelings from start to finish. It for sure informed a bunch of the production choices I made on the rest of the record. A lot of that tape vibe, a lot of the background noises, the strings and the mellotron stuff too. I can fall asleep so easily. I’m very lucky in that respect. That said, I’ve had some nights where my brain is whizzing around at 100 miles per hour thinking about video stuff, album stuff, lyric ideas - which you should ALWAYS write down when you think of them or else they will be gone by morning. Sometimes it’s good not to fight it or beat yourself up about your brain being on. Overflowing with ideas is a great feeling. TMR: While we’re waiting for the album, do you have any live dates or anything else fans should keep an eye out for? Yeah! I got this nice show I’m going to be announcing in the next week or so, so keep your eyes peeled over at @speelburg, also a few commercials and TV soundtracks in the works. Just waiting for the green light. Oh and i’ve got TWO albums coming out. Yey! The second one is Character Actor and she comes out later this summer. The first one will be out shortly after that. Also the video for ‘Oxy Cotton Candy’ that I directed comes out this week. The next single will be out in early August. Oh and I’m finishing this cartoon I’ve been voicing and animating and I’ve got a monthly spotify playlist launching in a couple weeks. Oh and i’m heading out on tour in the fall! And i’m working on the next two EPs. This was fun. You guys rule!
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snsmissionaries · 5 years
4/24/19 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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😎 The Boyz R Back 😎
Subject Line: After not having any for my first transfer, they out two new Elders back in Villalba! The ward is so excited their food calendar is full and ours isn't at all 😭 But it's understandable. But it's been fun to have a team back in Villalba we've already had a few meetings and given them some of our friends.
 ¡Hola a Todos!
 Well handing off some of our friends to the Elders turned to be more difficult than plannned. The first one I thought would be perfect because he always refused to meet in public or in the church with another woman. Those are our safety rules, so we never got to meet with him and I thought it'd be perfect to give him back to the Elders because they originally taught him.
 Wrong decision: He. Flipped. Out. He started furiously texting me (at this point my old comp had left and my new one wasn't here left) so much I couldn't even reply and then started calling me from two different numbers literally and calling me sexist and racist and not a true Christian for not meeting with him any more (I've never even met the guy before!) I told him I'd talk to the Elders and get back to him and he commanded me not to. But I did anyways and so they texted him and he blocked them. Then they called him (Elder Kuhlman recorded the call for evidence) and he went off about how he'd come to church to go up to the pulpit and denounce me and call me out for the evil girl I am. At this point, I had to go to the meeting for trainers and so I told him I had to go and wouldn't reply but he said "You're such a liar- it's lunch time!" lol. What a confidence booster before I met my trainee. (Spoiler: He didn't end up coming to church. Phew.)
 Anyways we left Villalba on Monday night and I said goodbye to H Brumble super early in the morning and she left to the islands. I spent all Tuesday as companions with H Rico who is in San Sebastián de los Reyes (where the mission home and office are) and we literally saw so many miracles in just one and a half days as companions. The first day we went to Atocha (main train station of Madrid) and we helped two Hermanas get train tickets, one Elder from the Barcelona mission use our phone and so he got on the right train, and got the Villalba Elders their keys and phone. 
 Then we went back to Sanse and went contacting and didn't even get rejected once. Not even once! That is the promised land I'm telling ya. We found two new people for them to teach. We also had a lesson that went super well for not having taught together before. 
 Anways back to leaving the crazy guy situation to go to my trainer meeting, I got my hija! Her name is H Pendleton and there's another H Pendleton in her group from AZ but she's the one from Spanish Fork, Utah. 
 We got back late Wed night and on Thursday she had her first cita. It was with a nice, receptive abuelo so I thought it'd go well. We even had a member to accompany us. But the cita was totally crazy and so opposite than the first time. Firstly, he was dying and claimed he hadn't eaten in two days so he had us make him a smoothie and cleaned his kitchen. He had to take a break every 10 seconds to breathe deeply and groan in pain. We thought he might pass out or something. As we were cooking he turned on the radio super loud and it started cussing fuerte in English but luckily he randomly turned it off before I could say something. We went to teach him and then he misunderstood something from the Libro de Mormón and he got into a basically yelling fight with the member and we were just like "uhhhh" but then somehow through the yelling she resolved his doubt and he turned nice again. He showed us his pride and joy-his flower garden and gave us a "Best friend" card so idk lol. What an interesting first cita for mija. 
 The rest of the week was a little fatal because the whole week was holiday bus schedule for Semana Santa and the buses hardly come. It was rainy and kinda rough at first for me to try to get reorganized and everything but things are going better now. 
 The best thing that happened was on Sunday we met with the Elders and Bishop and Bishop wrote notes about everyone in the ward. SO HELPFUL I feel like I actually know what's going on better now. 
 A high of the week would definitely be when we taught a member English and we helped her translate one of her favorite songs into Spanish and just seeing her fall in love with her favorite song again because now she knows the gorgeous lyrics was so rewarding. The more I learn Spanish, the more I learn Spanish and English! 
 I'm really optimistic for training. My hija is really chill and relaxed and dealing with her jet lag really well (I actually napped even longer than her today lol) and she speaks Spanish super super well already. We're excited about working with the ward mission Plan to basically invite the entire world to the new capilla. It's in a different town than where our capilla now is so that's inconvenient but hey sacrifice brings blessings! 
 Os quiero, 
 Hermana Ritman 
 Contact Information
 Sister Nicole Ritman
Madrid Spain Mission
Avenida de Tenerife, 11
28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes
Madrid, Espana
 Villalba Week 7:https://photos.app.goo.gl/movYqZiU8x8v1M1DA
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Ducktails releases 2nd sexy comp. of unreleased tracks, asks his favorite pals at TMT to tell you all about it
Not to BRAG or anything, but, like…the other day, Matt Mondanile (c’mon, you know him) — he, like totally hits-up TMT on Facetime and is all-like: “guys, I have another sweet archival comp. of unreleased shit that I just put out, and I really want you dudes to tell the cyber-world about it…if you’re into that kinda thing…maybe?” So…we’re all-like, trying to play it real chill, and we respond: “okay, kewl,” (yeah, pronounced as if it was spelled that way!!) “but, like, what’s the BIG DIFF between this one and that last one you just put out not too long ago??” But Mondanile’s playin’ it soooo cooooool at this point; like total POKER FACE and shit. There’s a pause. And then? He’s just like, “YO, TWO THINGS:” 1. “Recorded, Written and Produced by Saint Matthew 2013 - 2016 in Los Angeles.” 2. “This is a collection of songs, some with words and most without. Some are finished, some are not, and some never will be.” NEEDLESS to friggin’ say, our metaphorical jaws are hitting the metaphorical floor by now. But somehow, we are STILL PLAYING IT SUPER COOL! And we’re just like: “well, that’s kewl. We guess we could throw out a few deets about it at some point? Maybe along the lines of…” 1. “It’s out now via New Images Ltd. (as opposed to New Images Ltd; although, he might have hit THEM up about this too before he called US, who the heck even knows right?!?).” 2. “You can order your copy here after you’ve sampled side B’s opener, ‘Car Delivered,’ down below.” SO, Matt calmly says he’d be “down with all that.” Then he just casually mentions a few live shows he’s got coming up, hits us w/ that patented Mondanile-Smile and signs off! AT WHICH POINT, we’re basically all looking around the room at one another like…!!!!!!! Hummingbird Babysitter tracklisting: Side A 01. Light Upon The Hill 02. Tomorrow 03. Martin Kippenberger 04. Exotica 05. G F Bass 06. Two-Way Mirror 07. Comfort 08. Slow Wit Side B 01. Car Delivered 02. Saturday 03. Living In The Dark 04. I Don’t Mind 05. Nov 17th 06. Convertible 07. Flying in Neutral Like a Magic Carpet Ride live dates n’ shit: 06.29 San Francisco, CA - The Independent 06.30 Los Angeles, CA - The Hi-Hat 07.03 San Diego, CA - Blonde Bar 07.07 Jersey City, NJ - Monty Hall http://j.mp/2sWVJUF
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hawkvalley · 7 years
Quick Review
The Broncos lost to the 0-5 New York 23-10 Sunday night. The Broncos offense looked confused. The defense looked dazed. McManus, the kicker, missed two field goals. Brock played for the first time this year after Trevor exited the game late in the second quarter. He was not prepared to play and Trevor returned in the second half to finish the game. The Giants rushing game silenced the Denver Broncos. Fans were left wondering what the Denver Broncos did during their bye week.
During the week
The Broncos played “spin the finger of blame”.
The Quarterback
The finger points to Trevor Siemian. Lets look at what he did vs the Giants and compare it to every quarterback that played.
QB stats Siemian Passing comp ypa TD INT Long Rating 58% 8 1 2 40 72 Rushing Att Yards Long TD 1 9 9 0 Sacked Times Yards Lost 4 28
Osweiler Passing comp ypa TD INT Long Rating 50% 5 0 0 9 63 Rushing Att Yards Long TD 1 -1 -1 0 Sacked Times Yards Lost 0 0
Manning Passing comp ypa TD INT Long Rating 58% 7 1 0 26 96 Rushing Att Yards Long TD 1 0 0 0 Sacked Times Yards Lost 3 10
The two interceptions by Trevor stand out, but Broncos fans that remember the super bowl run two years ago know that hall of fame quarterback Peyton Manning lead the team to a super bowl victory while leading the league in interceptions. Trevor was also sacked four times for almost 30 yards.
He tossed the longest ball in the game. He had a higher rating than Brock. He had the highest yards per attempt. He also attempted to pass the ball 50 times. Here’s a breakdown of the Broncos offense in the Giants game.
Play Selection
Den 50 Passing Attempts, 394 yards: 17 Runs for 46 yards NYG 19 Passing Attempts, 128 yards: 32 Runs for 148 yards Time of Possession NYG: 30:36 DEN: 29:24
So, the wide receivers are catching the ball and gaining yards. They’re just not getting into the end zone. Sounds like a wide receiver or coaching problem. Trevor did lose 30 yards due to sacks, so the offensive line is not protecting him. That’s an offensive line problem. Sure Trevor could get rid of the ball faster, but at 8 ypa, he’s getting rid of the ball pretty fast. I don’t know the wide receiver's 40 yard dash times, but I’d bet they are all between 4 and 5 seconds. So if you’re getting 8 ypa, that’s a release and catch time of less than 1-2 seconds depending on what the defense does. Wide receivers average about 4 seconds in the 40 yard dash. How many steps is that for a wide receiver at full stride?
The finger points to the wide receivers
I think I’ve already shown they’re catching the ball, the problem is getting into the end zone. That problem seems to point to McCoy’s play calling and coaching.
There’s a rumor going around that the Broncos wide receivers thought they could cash in against the Giant’s defense and that is why there were so many passing attempts. If true this could be a problem in the way the Broncos structure contracts. I do remember a similar situation occurring last year. Basically Trevor had to toss the ball more to someone to avoid a riot in the locker room. One reason Wade Philips left was the divide in the locker room. It’s also the reason Vance Joseph was hired. Elway hired him not as an “X”S and “O”S guy, but as a guy that could relate to the players and ‘heal’ the locker room.
The finger points to the Running Backs
The Broncos are using an ever expanding running back by committee system this year. Anderson’s the work horse. Charles is the media darling. Booker is a mystery and Henderson is missing. As noted earlier, the offensive coordinator only called 17 running plays. Here’s what the running backs did with that opportunity.
The Broncos Rushing Attack
Carries AYPC Charles 5 4 Anderson 9 2 Booker 1 2 *AYPC is average yards per carry
The Finger points to McCoy
I’ve already included the stats vs the Giants but I’m adding it back here for completeness. Here is what McCoy has called in 2017 along with the result.
Week 1 Den 28 Passing Attempts, 219 yards: 36 Runs for 140 yards: Win Week 2 Den 32 Passing Attempts, 231 yards: 39 Runs for 178 yards: Win week 3 Den 40 Passing Attempts, 259 yards: 23 Runs for 111 yards: Loss Week 4 Den 26 Passing Attempts, 179 yards: 32 Runs for 143 yards: Win Week 5 Bye Week 6 Den 50 Passing Attempts, 394 yards: 17 Runs for 46 yards: Loss
Years ago Josh McDaniels introduced a few ideas like the season is divided into quarters and that basically after week 6 teams everyone knows how to attack you. He called this scouting compilation the ‘book’. The book is now out. Basically it says, the more the Broncos throw the ball, the more likely they are to lose. Instead of pointing the finger at McCoy, the local media, Paxton Lynch supporters, and some fans... have jumped on this and want a change of quarterback. Some media members have even suggested trading for Andrew Luck, while one media member said,”I wouldn’t trade a pizza box for Andrew Luck.” Some even speculated about bringing in Rivers. Will McCoy take note and adjust his play calling? Did McCoy design and new plays this week? Will the offense ever open up the play book?
Last year under KubiaK the Broncos offense was averaging 23 PPG. Under McCoy they’re averaging 22. Since week 3 they’re averaging 14 PPG. Under Kubiak during the same stretch, they were averaging 21. McCoy’s offense has lost a touchdown per game.
Pointing a finger at Vance Joseph
Will he acknowledge the slump? Will he trow Trevor under the bus? One thing the Broncos need to acknowledge is that during this slump the offense is averaging 14 points, but the defense is allowing 20 points per game.
Alright enough about the Giants game.
It’s Division Week
The Raiders needed a few untimed downs to beat Kansas City on Thursday 31-30. I’m shocked Oakland was able to score that many points, but since they did, it means Carr is back. This afternoon the Broncos face the Chargers.
Before week 7 started, here are some notable trends in the west.
AFC West trends (points scored) weeks 1-2 vs weeks 3-6
Kansas City Los Angeles Denver Oakland Weeks 1-2 +22 -5 +28 +35 Weeks 3-6 +25 -10 -17 -37 Change +3 -5 -45 -72
Current AFC West Divisional Standings
Victories Defeats Winning % Points Scored Points Allowed Broncos 2 0 100% 40 31 Chiefs 1 1 50% 54 41 Raiders 1 2 33.3% 57 63 Chargers 1 2 33.3% 48 64
Teams ranked by stats
Broncos Stats
Points: 17th
Yards: 12th
Passing yards: 14th
Rushing yards: 9th
Passing Touchdowns: 8
Rushing Touchdowns: 3
Defensive Touchdowns: 1
Safeties: 0
Chargers Stats
Points: 23rd
Yards: 14th
Passing Yards: 4th
Rushing Yards: 31st
Passing Touchdowns: 10
Rushing Touchdowns: 4
Defensive Touchdowns: 0
Safeties: 0
Today’s game
The Broncos have yet to win a road game in 2017 (only played one) and this game is being played in Los Angeles at the soccer stadium.
The Chargers have won two straight games, including one against the Giants.
Since week 3 and before week 7 started, the Broncos offense fell off a cliff and during this time period, the offense ranked 31st out of 32 teams. Oakland ranked 30th.
That trend reflects overall play though, in the west the Broncos are 2-0 and +9 against divisional opponents.
Final thought, the Raiders beat the Chiefs after their offense fell off a cliff, so anything is possible. :)
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rosenrot234 · 7 years
Dear Sombra Players, from a newbie Sombra
Just asking here to make sure I'm doing this right. What exactly do you guys do first in a match? And what do you do after?
I try to quickly run to the other team side to hack at least one "important" health pack. Poof back to my side. Get a health pack on our side that is helpful. Then try to basically pester the enemy team by hopefully getting a hack or two on them. Repeat.
I keep losing count in my head when my health pack hacks are down. I know she's kinda meant to harass healers and tanks. But what do you usually do? Health pack then hack an enemy, rinse and repeat? I know my ult charges super fast but it's a bit of a hassle to remind the team "Please use the hacked packs".
I know she's supposed to also be killing some Heroes but I'm still working on that part. I guess I just like the hacking part of her kit compared to the more DPS Sombra players. I can't really duel/solo enemy players yet like I've seen some Sombra's do. ( Btw does anyone else get the really good Sombra's that are wearing her pink and blue legendaries? Not the Los Muertos or the other Mexican themed one. The others. ) So instead if the opportunity comes I pester enemies with bullets while a teammate is shooting them too. Or the kinda rare "Ooo a injured enemy player with low health." clean up.
Any advice? Sombra is just the only Offense Hero I kinda like kit wise. I like being able to help my team with hacking and packs. And teleporting to safety with the "OH CRAP" button. I know it can be used for movement in battle but I'm kinda waiting til her buff to start practicing that. For now I guess I'm just trying to make a "To do" list in my head on what to do in a Quickplay match. I don't play Comp so that might change some advice for some people.
I know the shooting part is important. I'm just a slow learner apparently so I got a lot of work to do. But Sombra is just fun and I would love to make sure I'm at least a little useful.
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #4: “Everyone hates a puzzle god.” - Drew
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This swap was PERFECTO, well, had I been on Nu Orfeo, it would have been but, Nu Tuatha was my next best choice and already it is great! I have Kori/Bryce and then Loris for sure. I talked with Mitch and Sharky a bit, so I'm optimistic on that. But I go and talk to Stephen. Lo & behold, he tells me there's a rumor that Kori and Bryce are working together. He says he heard it from Jared, but I figure hey, why am I not living a little? I say wow if we lose they go but...I immediately told Zach haha what he wishes to do with it is up to him, but if the rumor happens to spread, then I guess we'll see. If Mitch happened to feel this way, then I can at least use it to avoid being a target for a little while, even if I am sticking with KB.. this is gonna be one heck of an intriguing dynamic!
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Oh my goodness, what a great swap! I got Chris, I got Bryce, and I got Mitch all of whom I doubt will be voting me. If I play my cards right I'll also be able to use this opportunity to get closer to Sharky or Loris in the event we never go to tribal. Ideally I wanna make sure me and Loris are especially good since Sharky seems the more likely first boot from our tribe.
I'm not sure what to make of this 24 hour challenge, wanna be optimistic but who knows.
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I fucking love Alyssa, literally as soon as we swapped she looked at my teammates, messaged two of them to talk to me and gave me info on Zach and Stephen having history in the season. The equivalent of like "Okay go to the backdoor, meet the guard and tell them you like to fly with the eagles, he'll let you in, tell them you're with me and I'll leave the rest to you." So while yes I am the odd duckling out being the only one from Cyrena I'm going to do my best to work with what I have.
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So not very much has changed on Tuatha as far as I can tell. My tribe winning the immunity challenge has helped me delay any confrontation between my 2 alliances which is great, as it should theoretically allow me to maintain relationships with all 6 members of the tribe. Still, it's going to keep being important to win immunity or pray for a swap in order to keep these groups from clashing.
Jared and Rhys are still a ? for me. I don't know why/how Rhys was able to convince Kori to invite Jared to the alliance of 5 instead of Mitch, and it worries me that those 2 may have a stronger bond than I immediately suspected. Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to deal with that when the time comes.
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We're going to lose. I hate for it to sound so defeated/pessimistic, but the fact of the matter is unless we have a turn around in the AM, then I only see this setting the pace for the remainder. I know Bryce and Kori must be sleep. Mitch is trying, Loris possibly went back to sleep? And I guess Sharky is shooting for a late night swim or something. Regardless, I'm just already going over who the best person to leave would be for me. Unfortunately, with Kori/Bryce and then Loris, that only leaves me with Mitch or Sharky. Personally...I'd be open to Sharky, just cause, yea it would've been cool for Orfeo Seven to be a thing, but like I only feel secure with Zach/Loris and that's to a certain degree. All in all, this might be the tribal for Sharky to go and if the others are very sad over it, well, I guess they will have to come to terms with it.  I know Mitch is with Stephen and now that I know Steph is gonna probs wanna target Kori/Bryce, I'll need him and Mitch around for them to battle it out against each other...hmm decisions.
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So we swapped. Yay. I have Jared. Yay. Stephen, eh kinda doesn’t speak to me a lot, well he speaks to me the least in my tribe. But we’re in an alliance. So I’m gonna have to figure how to navigate that.
Chloe Mo and a Zach all talk to me more than Stephen. So If I can figure out a way to maintain numbers and sack off Stephen, bye bye Stephen.
Also Mo is amazing. Staying up to try to prove worth in challenges 😍 no one deserves mo.
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Y'all know me, one wrong social interaction which ends in humiliation or making me look like a dingus will ruin my entire day. Like oh no one laughed at my joke? Time to disappear into nothing and mope for a couple hours.
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I’m lowkey scared about this challenge. I’m on my phone which sucks cause I can’t really do much in terms of puzzles. I can do them just always not the first one to finish. So looks like I’m not doing much yikes.
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hi! we swapped! um. the last 2 hours. what a mess. so. like. kori posted a screenshot that showed the names of all his alliances and like. i told everyone maybe... ?? i told zach and then.. mitch.. and then.. i confronted bryce bc one was called 'three kings' so it was obv him chris and kori.. and bryce confirmed it. then sharky does the same thing but oh well thats insignificant hes only in 1. also. me and mitch r like. close now!! all because of this mess. but kori hates me. hehee
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So the tribe swap has hit, and I'm back with my old pal Zach! You know, the person from my season who I tried to vote out like a million times before finally succeeding due to finding the idol at F5. Woohoo.
In all seriousness, though, I'm kinda happy to be on a tribe with him because he's a challenge beast and I don't think our relationship is totally unworkable. I made it clear to Zach as soon as the swap happened that I wanted to work with him, not against him, so hopefully that'll work out.
Chloe and Mo are 2 people I've also been working to get to know since the game began so I'm not too worried about them targeting me right away. I think this is a strong group overall.
And then there's Jared and Rhys. Probably not the first 2 people I would've chose to swap with but at the very least they both have incentive to keep me around. We are in an alliance together after all!
I made the decision to tell Chris about my situation with Mitch and the alliances on OG Tuatha because I really want them both to survive and unite with them at merge, and if Chris knows that Mitch was on the bottom of the totem pole on Tuatha, then maybe he'll take it into consideration.
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So I had a glimmer of hope but we lost it and that's okay. I already prepared myself to vote for Sharky and it seems that is where we're headed...and yet craziness ensued in the time I was away! Kori accidentally reveals three kings and I try and do what I can to talk to others but nobody has said anything so they're either good at hiding things or they legit dropped it after questioning Bryce and Kori. ON TOP of it all, I learn from Loris that Sharkys alliance chat could be from an org..with Drew, Chloe and maybe Matt. It would definitely explain why Chloe didnt except the alliance offer..so that is fun. And now Stephen has told me he/Bryce/Kori/Rhys had majority alliance. So now I have a lot of info. It's just mattering how to use it
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Shoutout to Drew for carrying everyone’s ass while drunk for half the challenge
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I wanna explain my plan. It might sound ridiculous but... shut up. So I have this chart I made to show who’s doing the best and worst in challenges. I made four charts, three for each tribe, and one for everyone overall. The overall chart comes in handy if I make it to merge. So my dumb strategy is using said charts to kind of vaguely suggest who should be voted out each round. For example Tuatha is going to tribal and Mitch is doing the worst statistically so I can see him being eliminated (Mitch ily I’m sorry if you’re reading this). The bumpy part happens when and if I get to merge. Because then I’m going to be playing with a bunch of incredible comp players. My goal is to kind of use them as a way of getting to the end, by pinning them against one another until eventually it’s just me. Several problems in this plan, the first one is if my tribe goes to tribal which isn’t super severe because like I said I do feel comfy socially but I am doing the worst statistically so there’s a chance I could be eliminated. Second problem this is a very fragile plan and one crack could leave me looking like a goat trying to make something out of nothing and I’m not tryna get biggest goat in touchy subjects again. Will this all fail? Most likely. Am I gonna try to be a cool strategic genius? Yeah. But it’s worth a shot. Ok rereading this whole thing I’m kinda thinking this plan is garbo but I took so much time to write it so I’m gonna send it anyway.
I’ve been like bouncing in between moods of. “I’m gonna be an early out” and “I’m gonna go far/win.” Right now I’m feeling like an early out again.
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appreciation the thumbnail + title please.
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God, the last 24 hours  could not have gone worst. We lost the challenge, AND I was such a dumb idiot that I posted a screenshot in the tribe chat where you could see my alliances.
So naturally I had to basically inform anyone I was aligned with that it happened. I feel like such a flop right now. I've missed the window 3 times for searching for an idol, and it's just like how can I be so absent minded. I need to get myself together if I want to even make the merge let alone win the game.
So far the only people I know for sure saw the Screenshot are Loris and Zach. Chances are other people know and just haven't told me. I'm just trying to keep a level head after having a mental breakdown over what an idiot I've been. We're at tribal and I'm hoping the votes on Sharky are there because we do talk the least. (I'd rather Loris goes but we're actually in a chat together because apparently Jared and him talk a ton.) I have 0 desire to keep working with Loris though, so if I can push it I wanna send Loris home next if we lose again, he literally went up to Bryce asking if he was in Three Kings and tried to draw attention to my screenshot without flat out saying it in tribe chat, asking Mitch if he saw it etc etc.
It's obvious he's trying to basically draw attention to me because I did win our season. His fake-nice apologeticism isn't fazing me. If it's genuine, well he's bad at seeming sincere then since the actions I've seen don't reflect it.
Boy I hope I wake up and get my shit together because I really need to. Granted I could also be seeing myself going right now, so who knows. I haven't been the most useful in the challenges even though I've never not been trying. So hopefully I stick around for awhile longer. I've still got so much more I've set out to do and I don't want to get sent home without accomplishing any of it.
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So we SWAPPED and I wanna give a little bit of insight as to my thoughts. New tuatha consists of me loris chris sharky kori and bryce. The first challenge was this 24 hour puzzle crap where Zach and Drew H from the other respective tribes CARRIED their teams to victory. It is about 5 hours before tribal and I already feel like I am on the bottom again. IDK WHAT IM DOING WRONG. I always seem to be on the bottom premerge,  but thankfully this is how I flourish. I am SO good at getting out of situations like these and finding myself in a power position at merge because nobody wants to get rid of me. RN I created a chat with Loris and myself just so he can keep me updated on what is HAPPENING with chris and sharky, and i also have my old alliance with Jared and Stephen who i hope are doing ok. The targets for this round are me and sharky for being perceived as inactive. The vote should be 5-1 with Sharky going, but it HAS crossed my mind to throw a vote on like Bryce to shake the cage a little bit. I dont trust Bryce one bit and I feel like he'd throw me to the curb the first chance he gets unless loris keeps him in check.
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Everyone hates a puzzle god mwah!!
Lol so we swapped, I get Michael and Alyssa but the former blue tribe has 4/6 majority here, I like them enough as people but like...we're just gonna go ahead and not go to tribal here, if I have to drag them to the immunity statue kicking and fucking screaming. Which is what I did. F17 ladies
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Fourth tribal safe. It’s a weird feeling to be safe so many times in a row but I’m glad my all stars game is getting off to a strong start by making connections here there and everywhere. I’m praying for Sharky tonight because I know that he’s close to me and Chloe so if he goes it’s definitely worse case scenario.
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So it seems sides are forming so that's cool. Mitch is possibly going to end up with me [and Loris] and then there would be Bryce and Kori. However, after chatting with Stephen and Jared yesterday, I've concluded that I am in a pickle! Let's say Kori/Bryce are legit about this Three Kings thing. Well, I know I'm a possible third wheel for it. On top of that, I'm assuming Mitch might get boned if we lose again, however, Stephen trusts Mitch a lot and so wants us to use him to take shots at Bryce/Kori if we lose again. Mind you, according to Jared, Stephen is a sneaky dude (Sneaky Pete), and him and Rhys don't trust him longterm. SO what does this all mean? All of my allies are hot messes. And on top of it all, I am beginning to feel for Sharky. Yes! I get that its been optimal for me to get him out, but it still sort of sucks now that I've talked with him more. Unfortunately, it is for the best he goes for my game right this instant and hopefully the wrath of him and his allies shant be too horrible.
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So we swapped!!! And by some fucking miracle, we have a majority of me, jack, Alyssa and Bodhi. Was very unexpected tbh but we'll take it! Michael and Drew joined us which is good cause they r both v.good at challenges which I would hope means we can immunity run. Cause no thank u hate tribal not dealing with that. Drew also like carried us in the challenge which was a yeet, I swear I tried tho hehe. Mo and rhys I want to try and get to work together, would be very fun n flirty. Sharky messaged me like "lol I'm leaving" and if he does, I'm fucking fighting people, cause that is NOT ON. HE is my one true love and if he leaves I will be annoyed so much and will be quite fucked tbh.love that for me!!
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at orientation last year we were told about a “rule of 7” to not overcommit ourselves. I’ve just about doubled that threshold and depending how the next few days go it might go even higher. Pray for me.
I wish I had more energy to dedicate to this game but i need to fucking relax in my free time. So I’ll talk to people at my current rate and hopefully that’ll get me to merge. Then I’ll drop all other responsibilities and fucking dominate.
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I really think the game is starting to slow down for me. Now what I mean by that is I am continuing to get more woke and more misty, and the aura of this being all stars and the spectacle of the other players being so great is starting to dissapear.
I feel very much as though I have perfected my craft in terms of how I like to play, and I'm doing it very well here. It's cool to think about on a meta level like from AnnaJane's perspective: "oh my god Jared did really well for himself in Wakea and had major influence to where some people couldn't even notice, I wonder how he'll stack up against these all stars." I can feel myself back in that zone and coming into my own even in this field. To the point where these legends like Chris and Bryce and Sharky, I know deep down that I can play ball with them. Now, they may beat me at the end of the day and I may go home at some point, but I can understand even at this moment that I am probably top 3 if not the #1 best player here. Or at least I CAN be.
I want to zoom in on this and really get my shit together and take advantage of what is in front of me because with the game dynamics as they are, I can very clearly see myself as the winner. I need to keep doing what I'm doing, but at the same time make myself dissapear and be able to do this undetected.
My new strategy is called "fast and loose" because I'm going to get into these conversations, knock it out of the park and get out. Leave people feeling good about me every time I leave the room. I don't need to spend a ton of time working on anyone to the point they can tell what I'm doing. Calls? After tonight they are done. Not calling with anybody unless they ask. I want to be gaining social capital and influencing people's decisions without being detected so it has to be a hit and run.
I will reevaluate my position soon and probably recalculate my alliances, maybe I was wrong about Stephen and I need to get closer with him while no one else is. But at this moment I need targets going into the merge. That's how I'm gonna set it up. I want everyone to be shooting at each other and then at the key moment boom challenge advantage, boom idol, boom you gotta vote out Bryce can't vote for me, oh look I'm at the end.
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Having the One World twist is so interesting because in a usual game when you don’t know everyone until you get to merge usually. You don’t know what’s going on, on the enemy tribe, you don’t know who’s inactive, who is starting drama or who is messy in challenges. Because you’re focusing all your social energy into your tribe alone so when someone you haven’t made contact with on the enemy tribe gets eliminated you think nothing of it. But here there are no walls, you can see and communicate with everyone and it’s in your best interest to focus your social energy into the one world chat because that’s what everyone else is doing. So my point in saying this is it’s now incredibly difficult to imagine having to lose 8 people before we get to the final 10. Because literally everyone is social, there are like two quiet people but everyone else you talk to on the daily and everyone is kicking ass in these challenges (except like two people). I think that’s why I keep thinking myself as an early out is because it’s so hard to imagine anyone else getting voted out. But fuck that I got shit to prove.
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I can’t even begin to explain how it feels to have been immune for 10 days in a row. My glow up front wakea is real.
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Bodhi wants to get the 4 of us OG Cyrena's in a majority alliance, which is super convenient bc we can just combine our alliances into one. Problem is? I would HATE to vote either Drew or Michael out, especially given Drew singlehandedly got us immunity this time. So if there was ever time for an immunity streak...
Also I keep forgetting to search for idols this is why I never find one
Sharky is voted out 5-1.
0 notes