#competitive games
imetacrab · 8 months
My friend told his girlfriend "I don't feel well" and she meant to reply "Get well!" or "Feel good!" but instead said "Get Good."
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Moomintroll and Snufkin
-They could die for eachother (and probably will)
- Snufkin is a survival expert and moomintroll is a mom´s child
- They are really close but snufkin will leave moomin at the first chance
Moominpapa and Moominmama
-They are literally married
-Moominpapa is an old adventurer and Moominmama is jesus incarnate
-Sometimes they are oblivious of whats really happening
Little my and Mymble
-Mother and daughter (they hate eachother)
- Little my is like a little assassin and Mymble is a fighting mother
-Mymble once survive months in the sea with hundreds of childrens to feed
Snork and Snorkmaiden
-Brother and Sister (not really close)
-Snork is an autistic inventor and snorkmaiden is a mistress in distress
-One time snorkmaiden try to kill his boyfriend´s friend by throwing him into the sea, so she could be a cold heart bitch
Thingumy and Bob
-They could easily be the same person
-They carry a big ruby
-professional thieves
Sniff and teety woo
-The animals
-Sniff is a coward who is obsessed with money and teety is snufkin´s  number one fan
-the guys who are no one best friends
Hobgoblin and the Groke
-The literal gods
-Hobgoblin is a powerfull wizard and Groke can freeze anything she get close
-One time the Hobgoblin stole THE SUN
Mr. Hemulen and The light house keeper
-The old men
-One live alone on an island and Hemulen is obsessed with collection
-Both are kinda crazy
Stinky and Mis. Fillyjonk
-The villians
- a wanted criminal and a Karen
-Everybody wants to kill Fillyjonk more than stinky
Toffle and Misabel
-The sad ones
-a foster chaild and a maid who hates his job
-probably they will die but not by assassination
Ninny and too ticky
-the kind ones
-Ticky is a kind woman and ninny is mostly invisible
-Probably the smartest of the bunch
Mr. Brisk and Muskrat
-the opposites
 -Mr brisk is a pro skier and Muskrat is a dr in philosophy
-Both to selfish and narcissistic
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naota-gray · 3 months
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immarainbowpatooie · 8 months
(If you avoid multiple, just pick your least favourite)
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sapphicgoblinblog · 6 months
It's not a tournament. It's just a... "gaming event".
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dr-amnesia · 4 months
i love my friends.
but god knows that if we're playing a card/board game together that i think i can play then like- i don't know you anymore. we are not friends. this? this is war.
anything done and said between us never mattered in the span of this game, and you dare beat me i'll break down crying but once the game is over all that is left will be the memory of your betrayal. and then, for you, it was just another game but for me a declaration of war, and i will begin planning in silence my imminent revenge. i will rally my troops and seduce your wife.
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On casual vs competetive game design
I watched this video, it got me thinking a bit and the comment I posted on the video ended up being so long that it would fit here cleaned up a bit and expanded a bit. The video itself makes the very good point that to make a good game you need the lowest possible skill floor with the highest possible skill ceiling.
I think there's a bit of confusion when it comes to terminology and developer intent in the video. The word "casual" here is pretty much exclusively referring to noobs, however the term can also (as is often the case in TF2 discourse) be used to refer to people who play for fun rather than to win, or simply non-e-sport players. "Competitive" on the other hand is used to both mean "highly skilled players" and e-sport. The best highlight of this confused terminology is with the two 343 quotes. When they said the game was "too competitive" they mean that it favored skilled players too much. Later when they say that Halo was always about competitive play they are referring to e-sport. However, in both cases the argument that the developers is actually making has nothing to do with skill expression, it has to do with controlling the experience. The developers believe that they need to control the experience in such a way that new players will have a "good" or "rewarding" experience by simplifying the game to lower the skill floor and giving them cheap easy kills respectively. Also keep in mind that the comment was made at a time when skill-based match making wasn't the norm yet, meaning it was entirely possible for a single player with 1000 hours in the game to stomp lobbies full of new or inexperienced players. Later when arguing in favor of e-sport, they argue against mechanics they can't control, such as physics. This is because in the eyes of the developers e-sports have to be a finely balanced numbers game that can be tweaked so that all variables are perfectly balanced to ensure "fairness". The issue here is that
Concessions made for the sake of maximum retention of new players are neither fun nor fair.
Concessions made in order to keep the game "fair" at a top 1% competitive e-sport level are sterilizing and not fun either.
What these developers fail to realize is that engineered e-sports always fail because of this, just look at what happened to Overwatch, every single change made was made in service of the competitive meta and the result is that everyone hates it and the competitive league died. I think the whole issue stems from the fact that these developers look at games like Counter Strike and League of Legends and try to emulate their sterile, point and click numbers game and apply that mind set to a game formula that simply doesn't work like that.
Ironically making a good game that's fun and has lots of options for creative skill expression can often lead to a game becoming an e-sport despite not being perfectly balanced. Perfect examples of this are Super Smash Bros (Melee being a particularly good example with wave dashes etc.) and Quake and TF2.
TF2 is an especially good example of "competitive vs casual" because the actual competitive e-sport scene for the game has their own rule-set that bans a ton of weapons while reducing the number of players and effectively cutting the game in half as many classes aren't even viable at all (or barely viable) for competitive play. Valve tried and failed (miserably) to bridge the gap between casual and competitive play and the result was a lot of weapons being re-balanced, some deserved, other not, some weapons that used to be completely dominant got nerfed into the ground and became useless, some goofy weapons that were never a problem were nerfed into the ground (RIP caber) and some already fairly well balanced weapons were nerfed into the ground specifically because they'd be overpowered in competitive play. Not that any of that mattered to competitive players as they would continue to enforce the exact same weapon bans and continued with the exact same meta as they always had.
The lesson all devs should learn is to make a fun game and then give the players the freedom to tweak their experience to fit their needs. Should a competitive scene arise it will then sort itself out using weapon bans and other tools you make available to them to adjust the experience to ensure the balance for their e-sport.
As for making a game more accessible to new players it's probably easiest if the game is designed in such a way that low skill players can feel like they're contributing in some way even if they're bad. For FPS games having objectives that aren't just based on K/D ratio does the trick. Anyone can push the payload or stand on a point in TF2 or Overwatch and feel like they are meaningfully contributing to their team regardless of if they have a 0/10 K/D.
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liquid-alicorn · 8 months
Tired of awful/toxic players in your ranked games? Try this!
Gaslight them during the game by telling them it's ok, it's not their fault etc, then send them a friend request after the game. Hopefully they accept, and then you will always know when they are online and in matchmaking, so you can avoid them more easily!
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goblin-hart · 16 days
Next goal wins healed something deep inside me and I really wasn't expecting it.
For all the sports and coach traumatized baddies out there i highly recommend.
"you don't have to lose alone, you can lose with us"
because hearing someone say that:
broke me
Also the trans rep
Anyway I'm gonna go cry for a while
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pantherttv · 2 months
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cicadafansplats · 2 months
Hey y'all! I'm CicadaFan, and I'm a competitive Splatoon player. I'm making this blog as a space for myself to talk about my experiences as a competitive player, it's really more of a personal project more than anything else. Tumblr isn't really a central place for much of the competitive splatoon community, and I think that's really for the best, but I still think it's a pretty good place for me to be a little self-indulgent and share my thoughts and feelings.
I don't expect that this blog will be of much use to anyone looking for advice on improving as a splatoon player - there are much better resources out there for people looking for that kind of advice. I am, however, always open to talking about the game, the things I've experienced through it, and the people I've met along the way!
Now, a little about me:
I started playing splatoon about a week after the launch of Splatoon 3. I became a competitive player a few months after that, around Spring 2023. I've played for a few teams since then, and in a lot of different tournaments.
I primarily play splatlings, and lately have picked up Splatana Stamper. I'm far from an expert on any of my weapons of choice, but I've sunk a solid amount of time into my mains and have even done a bit of coaching for some of my peers. I can at least give a solid explanation of how the game works and the specific roles I play in game, though actually executing on those ideas is a little less consistent.
I don't think I have anything else to put in here for now. I'm not sure how often I'm actually going to post here, but I look forward to having splatoon shit to yap about
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A yu-gi-oh tournament where everybody can send you to the shadow realm.
Yami yugi and Yugi Muto
-United by an ancestral item
- The king of (traps) games and the only one that can actually defeat him in a duel
- Main character powers
Kaiba and Mokuba
-Money can make wonders
-Mokuba is like a Damsel in distress Kaiba coul die trying to save him
Joey and Serenity
-Also brothers
- Joey have the luck by his side
-Serenity was blind so she can be better in the night
Duke and Tristan
-the rivals in love
-the muscle and the brain
-As ong as Serenity is alive they are not really a team
May and Tea
-The gals
-May is an independent woman but respect the teamwork of tea
-power of friendship
Odion and Ishizu
-the gravekeepers (share if you play)
-Ishizu can see the future but maybe it will not be enough
-Odion is an expert in traps
Yami Marik and Yami Bakura
-The possessed ones
-Evil to the core
-Won’t hesitate to kill (but they are not that good doing that)
Weevil and Rex
-The better ones a long time ago
-Weevil is a cheater so he is not somebody to trust
-Rex is the embodiment of act now, think later
Pegasus and Solomon
-The old mans
- Solomon was an adventurer but now he is to old
-Pegasus everybodys mind (and hands)
Mako and Espa
-They have to be somewhere
-Mako is a menace around water
-Espa is a cheater but without his family he is by his own
Shadi and Rebeca
-the protector and the blessed child
-Rebeca is a genius that takes advantage of her innocent look
-Shadi is a guardian but sometimes too noble
Arcana and the mime
-Marik minions
-easy to manipulate
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angel-vista · 4 months
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Happy Silver III everyone! ヽ(≧□≦)ノ Finally!!! Maybe I'll be in gold before 2024 comes? Who knows... :3
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empyllon · 1 year
Been spending this past month bridging connections and building a competitive esports team from scratch, educating students on methodology and learning.
I've resigned the idea that the grind is truly the one true method on learning skills, so I've conducted interviews with premiership players, looked at adjacent fields with similar concepts and applications. I've then taken these methodologies and taught them to my teammates, factoring in all other methods available.
What I've seen in my research, and in my own students is that they are rapidly improving. I don't yell at them, nor tell them they are bad. I use my available mentors to forward them in learning when errors occur. Lifting them up with praise and making sure any stragglers are caught up to speed.
Yeah sure, some games are considered a dead esport, but sometimes having fun together is what matters most.
I've learned to be more considerate towards people in the process, and I'm working on my leadership skills. Sure they aren't amazing yet, but I never feel I am short of hope for these students of mine.
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lovelyprincessn64 · 5 months
Show me what you got
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Important to read: this will be the last time of me drawing anything Nike or reference of any of the brand however I will do an exception when I do one of my Redraw of 90s tamwa as a exception for the future and the reason why I'll no longer be drawing anything Nike related is because of jayjtg backstabbing me and betraying me in the process, it really hurts me to see a friend dad you thought they were a good person only to wound up being in a monster in human skin as of right now I am recovering from the incident. However I'll never forgive him for what he's done to the victims and the art he had stolen instead of making his own and I do hope he gets hold accountable for his actions someday.
As of right now it's best for me to move on and continue my journey overall if you see jayjtg whatever you do block him he steals people's artworks through AI generators he also he tried to groom people for exchange of disgusting favors, he's also an art thief that use his sick sister as an excuse to gain Symphony points in the most disgusting way is possible I also have a status update post for everyone to read so people can be more aware of him be careful and stay safe.
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shinigami-striker · 10 months
Critics Love Crash Team Rumble | Saturday, 06.24.2023
Here's what some of the critics have to say about Crash Team Rumble:
"A joyous romp [and] definitely worth a spin." - Cog Connected
"Breezly, fun, and cute mayhem." - Destructoid
"A delightful bite-sized and competitive multiplayer experience." - Game Informer
"It's a blast." - Gaming Trend
"It comes together in surprisingly fun fashion." - IGN
Crash Team Rumble is available now on PlayStation and Xbox consoles!
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