#common postman butterfly
I know who actually runs the postal services!!!!!!!!!!
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do not get on the wrong side of this butterfly!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise you might receive an envelope full of caterpillars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they will eat your eyes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and use your eye sockets as a place to hang their cocoons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then you will be sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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irradiatedsnakes · 4 months
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been doodling the archiveses during class yaaay
(common raven jon, jackson's chameleon tim, bold jumping spider martin, southern flannel moth sasha, red postman butterfly notsasha, barn owl elias, eastern copperhead melanie, and triceratops horridus georgie)
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emi-g · 2 years
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Encantober Day 31: "Butterfly" 🦋
Ay mariposas, no se aguanten más Hay que crecer a parte y volver Hacia adelante seguirás Ya son milagros, rompiendo crisálidas Hay que volar, hay que encontrar su propio futuro "Dos Orugitas" Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda
A little late, but here's the last piece I had planned for Encantober!
Colombia has the most butterflies in the world; thousands of species found there make up 20% of all butterfly species on the planet. (Common names for the few I included here under the cut.)
Dear @encantober-official , thank you for letting me turn this in late. 💛 And thank you for organizing and operating this awesome event!
I had a blast, got to experiment with new mediums and styles I've never tried before, and completed more finished pieces in October than I have in the entire year prior! Seeing everyone's work and reading all your lovely and thoughtful notes was such an inspiration and motivation to keep it going. Can't wait to see what the future brings! 🦋
From left to right, top to bottom:
Painted beauty
Blue morpho
Orange tiger
Great tiger mimic
Broad-banded swallowtail
Statira sulfur (I think this is the kind we see at the river scene.)
King swallowtail
Pamela (Yes, I did include this one just because it was named "Pamela".)
Scarlet peacock
Red postman
Procilla beauty
Hewitson's olivewing
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mcytgender · 2 years
Hc Butterfly elytra headcanons Pt. 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gem - Common Brimstone
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Grian - Lesser Purple Emperor
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Pearl - Blue Moon Butterfly
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False - Meadow Brown
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Stress - Sevenia Pechueli
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Impulse - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
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Scar - Kallima Horsfieldii
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Mumbo - Red Postman Butterfly
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Xisuma - Starry Night Metalmark
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Jevin - Common Blue
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artstar1997 · 1 year
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Batch 2 for the Fairy AU is complete. Not much is known, except that their wings are based on different insects. I kinda see the House of Mar in the fairy au are butterfly-winged while most of the Krimzon Guard are moth-winged, with the exception of Erol, who has the wings of the postman butterfly. As for Sig and the Wastelanders, they have the wings of beetles, dragonflies, wasps, and hornets. Wings used: https://i0.wp.com/critterfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/European-Peacock-butterfly-Inachis-io.jpg?resize=1080%2C810&ssl=1 https://i.etsystatic.com/6853575/r/il/e446e7/4523532584/il_fullxfull.4523532584_1dpj.jpg https://media.istockphoto.com/id/175123218/photo/butterfly-papilio-antimachus.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=blDEkwS4mvxDhFS8SdJRWeDpSELUCG3NXWmahLUcBhc= https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/10/27/48/360_F_510274877_68Yx6TmdJHQvOngkuJpxxgOtsrjFbrF8.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Heliconius_melpomene_penelope_MHNT_dos_Femelle.jpg/1280px-Heliconius_melpomene_penelope_MHNT_dos_Femelle.jpg
Mar Twins Update:
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my-blessed-prince · 6 months
My Dream Couple <3
@vsnotresponding @olive-riggzey
Hi guys <333
anyway, here's for some spontaneous excerpt. But it's Verity and Lao asking each other out on a date.
context: Verity is lying that she's being forced to be a servant within her own home, including taking care of Ray. She tells Lao that she's a tutor/nanny that cares for the 'nobleman's son.' Said 'nobleman's son' is really Ray, who at this point has already contacted Lao (read: he knows she's lying). Elanor (my asexual Cinderella queen) has just informed Verity that in six months there will be a ball where all commoners are invited. Verity is low-key fishing to see if Lao knows about this lsdfjklsdfjlksldfj. OH. and Lao works in the royal kitchens under Kai (I think I'm funny)
I will post the actual date at another time!! But I thought this was cute and wanted to share :)
“Go on,” Elanor said, and Verity thought she heard a soft sadness in her voice. The thought left as quickly as it came though, as Verity left Elanor with a bright smile while she bounded towards Lao.
Verity waved fanatically at him, and then not sure it was fitting, lowered her hand. Lao’s head lifted from examining a carrot. The upper corner of his mouth lifted upwards, and he offered a little wave.
Quickening her pace, Verity approached Lao. “Wasn’t sure if I would see you in the marketplace today.”
“Prince Charming is in a mood, and it was all hands on deck,” Lao said. His mouth opened, but then shut again. The butterflies in Verity’s stomach soared, as she waited for him to say what he wanted. “How was your morning?”
Doing her best to hide the disappointment, Verity said “Oh, just the usual. I gave the nobleman’s son his breakfast, cleaned the house a bit, and tutored. I’ve been waiting for the postman to come.”
“Why is that?” Lao asked.
“Well…I always wait for the postman. To see if there’s any good news.”
“Does your family write you?” Lao asked. 
“Uh…um…no like local good news. Events.” Verity twisted her fingers painfully. Maybe this was a bad idea. Lao wouldn’t ask her to the ball. They were servants, and nothing more. Where would they find a dress or suit? They would stick out like sore thumbs. Worse yet, Lao was a servant for the royal family. It was practically insane of Verity to think that he would be admitted the evening off to court a peasant girl.
“Like a royal ball for commoners?” Lao asked with a raised eyebrow.
Verity leaned against the vegetable stand. “I-I hadn’t heard.”
“It’s all the rage in the castle. The postman is probably passed out on the road somewhere. Poor chap.”
“It must be brutal. Working during the feast.”
Lao eyed her, before he said “It’s all hands on deck, but Prince Alexander is trying to see if he can swindle some time for us servants to have fun too.” 
“Th-that’s nice of him,” Verity said. Her cheeks lit on fire, and she barely managed to repress the urge to bury her face in her hands. 
“He’s the better of the brothers, that’s for sure.” Lao said.
Blood filled Verity’s mouth, as she clamped down on her cheek. 
This is so awkward. I should have asked him how his day was or something normal.
“I thought…” Lao trailed off, and Verity curled her toes. 
“Do you want to do something fun together?” Verity blurted out. She clasped her hand against her mouth. “Sorry. That wasn’t proper. You’re at work, and I have a rambunctious boy to tutor–”
Verity looked at anywhere but Lao, her eyes squinting at the bright yellow sun that shone down on them. 
“I was going to ask the same thing, but you beat me to it,” Lao said with a soft laugh. “And what do you mean it’s not proper? I wouldn’t…care about something like that.” 
Verity’s nose crinkled, as she stared into the sun, her eyes watering. “If I asked to court you?”
Lao reached for her hand that was behind her back. Tearing her eyes away free from the blinding sun, she looked into Lao’s amber eyes. Lao’s eyes were as warm as a hearth, and it made Verity realize how cold she felt. A long diminished spark lit in her chest, and it was one that she didn’t want to fade.
Bringing her hand to his lips, Lao gently kissed the top of her cracked hand. “I’d like to court you, and I like it when you’re honest with me.” 
Verity’s throat caught at the last part.
I like it when you’re honest with me.
“I…” Verity’s voice faltered, and Lao squeezed her hand tighter.
“Is there something you want to say?”
“N-no. Just…I’d like to court you too.”
Lao’s fingers only clasped onto hers tighter. “I know of a beautiful spot that we could go to. Unless, you had plans of your own?”
“It just burst out of me. The question.”
“There’s a secret place I go to. If you meet me under the cathedral, I can take you there. It can be a surprise.”
People bustled around the two of them, but Verity hardly noticed. “I…”
I don’t have a dress.
Verity’s eyes flitted to her torn dress. Practically rags with how much scrubbing she did. Relinquishing her hand from Lao, she hugged her arms to her chest. 
Soft lips brushed her cheek. “Come as you are. I like you, Ver.” Verity’s heart hammered against her chest. “Tomorrow under the cathedral at sunset?”
I’ll still have chores.
Instead, she reasonably said with fingernails pinching her skirt. “That’s perfect.” 
“I’ll see you then,” Lao said. “Now, I have a cranky boss to attend to. I really ought to focus on these vegetables or he’ll send another errand boy, who isn’t rumored to speak with beautiful girls in the market.”  
Lao grabbed the carrot he needed, and left Verity standing with a flush so hot upon her cheeks that it put fevers to shame.
From behind her, she heard Elanor’s voice call out. Her friend’s hands grasped her arm. “So what happened?”
She looked to Elanor, who was all happy smiles and giddy laughter. “I need to find a dress before tomorrow, and someone needs to look after the ‘nobleman’s son.’”
“I might have some dresses you can borrow, but it’s a secret.”
Dragging her away, Verity left with Elanor to look over her secret stash of dresses.
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Small Buff Girl Sightings Ch. 1
Summary: The first thought that comes to mind as he looks at the scene in front of him is: wow, she’s cute. The second thought is: holy shit, did she just flip a six foot, two hundred fifty pound man into the ground without blinking an eye? 
Thank goodness there’s time for second… and third.. And fourth impressions? 
Seriously, how many creepy people and criminals does this girl deal with on a daily basis?
1(you are here) | 2 | 3 | ao3
Damian Wayne is sure that if his elder siblings were watching him right now, they would be screeching at him to go help the girl. But-- well. His siblings and his father aren’t watching, and he isn’t sure whether or not the girl needs his help. The weirdly hooded man who is rapidly closing in on her might just live in the same direction. Surely, this time, his instincts are wrong. He’s only following them for peace of mind. Nothing is going to happen.
Otherwise known as: Damian isn’t particularly feeling up to saving another girl outside of his Robin costume and then being come on to. Why girls always have to have a Thing for people who saved them, Damian will never understand. He can’t imagine attempting a relationship with somebody who saved him, though admittedly the pool of candidates of people who are superior to him in capability is small, and far too annoying or old for him to ever consider dating them. And even thinking about having a relationship with somebody who couldn’t take care of themselves gives him the chills.
This leads to a very contemplative two minutes of walking the same path that the girl and the hooded person were taking-- he is not following them--until the girl who is being stalked darts into an alleyway. Of course, the hooded person follows her. 
Is she trying to get herself killed? Damian can’t believe the sheer idiocy of the girl. At least the last girl he saved hadn’t done anything as stupid; her attacker cornered her near her home. Gotham girls know better than to duck into random alleyways. There is too much crime in Gotham for anybody with self respect to be so dumb.
With a sigh, and a wish that his brothers and father hadn’t beat a moral conscious into him, he lopes over to the alleyway, expecting to have to break up whatever futile struggle the girl put up with her stalker, or maybe even knock out the guy because by now, she must either be unconscious or on her way to other unpleasant circumstances.
By the time he gets over to the alleyway, the girl walks out unscathed, phone pressed to her cheek. 
“Yes, you should check 12th arrondissement, two streets down from the Opera Bastille. He’s 6 foot, blonde haired and brown eyed. Wearing a grey hoodie and adidas.” The girl brushes past him, blinked at his appearance, then continued on the phone. “No problem, officer.”
Damian looks into the alleyway and there the man is, head lolled to one side. Unconscious, probably. His hands are tied up with a pink plastic zip tie. He looks out of the alleyway, eyes trailing after the girl who just left. She barely reaches his shoulder. Maybe, Damian thinks drily, Parisian girls are different. 
At least Damian won’t get another adoring fangirl today.
Damian is sitting at a coffee shop across from the Louvre. It’s overpriced, and the coffee tastes awful, but it’s still coffee, and he’s tired. He’s here to check out the akuma that the Paris media keep reporting about, even though the Justice league of America shouldn’t have to deal with Europe’s problems, and also largely believed that it was a publicity stunt on Mayor Bourgeois' behalf. 
Now, the Justice League of America isn’t really sure what is happening, but surely it can’t be that bad if the city has no damage, right? 
What a joke. Damian has been here three days (count them-- three) and he is almost sure that he has been transported into some alternate dimension where some little kid’s imagination went wild and plopped the ever loving conundrum of Paris, France into Damian’s hands. 
On the first day he arrived, there was a pigeon akuma-- apparently, one of the more frequent ones that popped up. Ladybug-- one of two consistent Parisian Heroes-- made quick work of him once she arrived on the scene, but it took her a while to arrive. Almost a whole half hour. Which meant that the streets of Paris were filled with bird poop and flooded with more pigeons than Damian knew existed, and he lived in Gotham. The other hero, Chat Noir, arrived after Ladybug, but handled the situation more warily. He later found out that this was due to the superhero being allergic to feathers, as witnessed by a video on this site called the Ladyblog.
Due to some freak magic power called the Miraculous Cure that Ladybug called after her battles, the streets had been blessedly cleaned, and the pigeons flew back to their mostly hidden existence. The world was right, once more. Then, on the second day, he tried and failed to save that weird girl who knocked out a man who had a good hundred pounds on her. He’s not sure that tried and failed is applicable to the situation, as the girl seemed competent enough to take care of an issue like that on her own. 
Today, another akuma appeared. His name is Deliverer, a postman who had one too many customers complain about a package not being delivered in a timely manner.
Damian isn’t really sure how he felt about having people turning into villains over such trivial things. He is also no longer sure whether he is the best choice for this mission. His emotions tend to run hot, and there is the chance that he might become compromised. Because if there are people out there turning into villains over not being able to feed some pigeons, there is no way that Damian’s own annoyance with his family and the random people on the streets won’t be taken advantage of. However, out of his family, it’s not like there’s any better choice. Dick, maybe, but he’s busy with Kor’i and his daughter, and they won’t want to move to France. And he doubts that the superheroes of Paris want a metahuman trying to solve the case in Paris after seeing how much damage a normal citizen can do when akumatized.
It only takes ten minutes for Ladybug and Chat Noir to arrive on the scene this time. Whether it is because it is a new akuma, or whether it is because they were closer to the scene of the crime, Damian can only guess. He thinks it to be a combination of the two; Mr. Pigeon is a very common akuma and the people deal with his issues quite often, thus he is probably lower on the priority list. The heroes have their own lives to deal with, Damian is sure.
In any case, Damian rushes to the akuma when he gets an alert from the Ladyblog and is able to catch the tail end of a battle where Ladybug doesn’t even have to use her Lucky Charm. She just takes the clipboard after some bizarre yoyo moves and snaps the clipboard over her knee. When the butterfly flies out of the clipboard, she purifies it. Easy breezy, and no involvement from Chat Noir, yet again. The cat looks tired and Ladybug says something to him, her posture reminiscent of a mother scolding her child, after which he flees the scene.
Then, Damian gets caught up in a wave of exhaustion. Forgoing sleep for the past two days trying to catch himself up on the situation in Paris before making any major reports back to the league will do that. He needs coffee, badly, which is why he finds himself in this tourist trap coffee shop with some of the worst coffee-- wait. That girl seems familiar.
He spends a few seconds trying to place her. Short, pig-tails, part asian, blue hair and blue eyes. The girl he saw coming out of the alleyway yesterday. Of course. She is on her phone walking slowly and frowning, purse hanging at her side. Damian traces her movements. She is naturally graceful, but closes in on herself. He looks a little closer. Her eyes look red. Perhaps she is dealing with the aftermath of yesterday’s situation.
From the side, a guy darts out at her, reaching for her purse. The girl drops her phone to the floor in shock, clutches her purse, and then side-swipes the guy. A hand to his neck, a foot to his knees, and then her arms pulling his behind his back. She pulls a zip tie from her purse and ties his hands up, then picks up her phone almost exasperatedly and before calling someone. 
Vaguely curious, Damian picks up his coffee and approaches the girl and criminal. Several others have done the same, only to be waved off with a blindingly bright smile and a yes, she’s fine, thank you very much.
“Need help?” More of a courtesy than anything else. 
“No thanks, Monsieur.” The girl looks down at the time on her phone, then scrunches her face up. Freckles dot her pale skin. A text message alert from her phone causes her to scowl, and she looks down at her phone, then back up at Damian. 
“Actually, could you do me a favor? I’ve really got to get back with my class, and I don’t really want to leave this guy in the middle of the street like this. I just called the police, and they should be here any minute. Stay with him?”
It’s not like his research on Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t wait a few minutes. 
Then, the girl runs off without another glance backwards. True to her word, the police do arrive a few minutes later. 
“Where’s the girl that called?” The policeman asked with a furrowed brow. 
“She had to leave.” Damian eyes the man, who has barely looked at him. The policeman is assessing the scene, taking in the handiwork of the pigtailed girl.
“Half-asian, blue eyes, freckles?” 
The policeman handcuffs the criminal. “That poor girl. She always seems to attract these street thugs. It’s really a blessing that she can take care of herself.”
This piques Damian’s interest. “This happens often?”
“She’s almost like an urban legend, at this point. Whenever we find a criminal tied up with a neon pink zip tie, we know it’s her. A real shame, too. She’s such a nice girl.”
He’s not sure if nice was the word to use. She looked slightly stressed and harried. Polite enough, but she certainly has no trouble putting guys twice her size down. 
“Well, thank you for your help.” The policeman tips his cap and makes his way to the patrol car. 
Damian goes back to drinking his coffee and scrolling through the Ladyblog on his phone.
“I’ve heard you do this quite often.” Damian appears at the girl’s side like a ghost, but she doesn’t jump. Doesn’t even flinch. Just takes a step back to reposition herself and gives him a side eye. Tactically, a good decision if he is another potential attacker. She created just enough distance that it would make it harder to attack her, but had moved in a smooth fashion that said she wasn’t going to run and was prepared to stand her ground. Her body half faces him, like she is ready to put up her guard at any moment.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” 
Her victim this time is unconscious. Damian isn’t exactly sure what happened, but the quivering girl only a few feet away from them made him think that the girl in front of him has a bit of vigilante in her, because it is clear that this time she hadn’t acted in self defense. 
In an act of goodwill, Damian takes his hands out of his pockets slowly, showing that he doesn’t have anything to hide. In response, the girl-- who Damian mentally decides to call Pigtails, since she’s had the same ridiculously childish hairstyle for their past three encounters-- relaxes, just a little, and turns her attention to the crying girl instead. 
“Do you want me to call the police?” 
Pigtails eyes flicker towards the man on the ground, who is what Damian approximates to be six foot three and two hundred and fifty pounds, and then towards the crying girl looks to be in her mid twenties.
Pigtails hasn’t tied this one up, yet, but she has flipped him onto his stomach. Judging by the lingering look that she gives the man’s unbound hands, and the ziptie that she pulls out of her small purse, she’s ready and willing to tie him up at the slightest movement, or at the other girl’s command. 
“I’m going to tie him up, okay?”
The other girl manages a yes, please. And so, Pigtails brandishes her ziptie, directs Damian to call the police; tell them they’re on Barbes Boulevard.
Damian assesses the situation before the operator comes on. The would-be victim is somewhere around twenty four, is slender and full of what his brother, Dick, would call French girl charm before getting hit by Cass or Barbara. She has brown hair that’s a mess on the left side of her hair, probably from the man grabbing her on that side, and is lightly tanned. There are bruises on her wrist and on her cheek that are quite visible and continuing to darken. 
Now that Pigtails has tied him up, Damian nudges the man’s face with his foot to see what he looks like. Average looking at best, and he reeks of alcohol. Damian crinkles his nose. Midday drinking is not a good look on anyone. His clothes are also cheap. Fast fashion, but bad.
Then, there’s Pigtails herself. Evidently she trusted him enough to look after the brute, because after giving him a once over and nodding, she goes over to the other girl to comfort her. Damian is sure that Pigtails can’t be much older than himself, but he's not sure. She has a sort of timelessness about her, between the lightness in her step and the sharp, intelligent look in her eyes. Her sense of fashion is simple but chic, and whatever she is wearing looks pretty high end. Designer, even. 
After relaying the information that he has gathered to the operator, he is told to please wait there with the victim and the attacker, and if he could have the other party involved stay there as well, that would be fantastic.
Pigtails is surprisingly good at calming people down. The other girl seemed seconds away from a complete breakdown and was rocking back and forth, muttering to herself before Pigtails started talking to her. Already, the other girl’s crying turns to hiccups, and then stops. She is then embraced by Pigtails, circles rubbed soothingly on her back, and a gentle smile that makes Damian purse his lips. He doesn’t see that kind of smile often in Gotham. Everybody is harder there, less willing to help. If they see somebody in danger, most times citizens hurry on their way because they don’t want to get involved. When citizens do get involved, their aftercare is fairly rough, if there is any aftercare at all. Even as a vigilante, Robin didn’t often comfort victims afterwards. He helped them to police stations or the hospital occasionally, but never stopped to talk with them.
By the time the police get there, Pigtails has the girl standing with a watery smile on her face. What a feat. Damian wonders, briefly, if having Pigtails’ social capabilities would help victims back in Gotham. 
“Ah, Marinette,” the police officer smiles warmly. “We meet again.”
“Officer Raincomprix,” Pigtails inclines her head. 
The officer is of stocky build, red headed and green-eyed. He cuffs the man, lugs him to the back seat of his cruiser, locks the door, and then comes back out. “I’d like to take your statements, now.”
Damian learns that the attacker, Fraser Barbot, was in several of Nicolette Deanne’s master classes this year. Both were studying business with an emphasis on fashion, which resulted in a lot of time spent together. Fraser thought that a relationship was the inevitable next step. She refused, because besides their master’s emphasis, they didn’t really have much in common. She also just wasn’t interested in him. He became slightly more hostile to her after her rejection. Then, as the months went by, they started vying for a lot of the same job opportunities. Nicolette had gotten the most prestigious one, and had many other companies attempting to persuade her into joining their business instead. Fraser had gotten very few, and was convinced that Nicolette had stolen those job opportunities away from him, had seduced her potential employers, and asked her why she wouldn’t do him if she was so willing to put out. 
That was when Marinette had come in. She was walking to a fabric store when she heard the commotion and saw Fraser hitting Nicolette. By the time she got over to them, Nicolette had already acquired several bruises on her arms, shoulder, and face. After arriving, she promptly knocked him out. 
By the time the three of them finish their statements, nearly ten minutes have passed, and Officer Raincomprix bids them farewell. 
“If you ever feel like you’re in danger again, Miss Deanne, feel free to call. Since you want to press charges, we’ll be in contact with you soon. Call us if more than three days go by without hearing from us. A taxi has been called for you, so you can get wherever you were going in peace.” 
Officer Raincomprix turns to Marinette and Damian with a slightly sunnier disposition. “And thank you two for helping. Especially you, Miss Dupain-Cheng. If you ever change your mind about wanting to go into law enforcement, just give me a call. I should really have Sabrina do whatever training you’re doing, because it’s clearly effective!”
Marinette laughs. “The bakery is magic. Between lifting bags of flour, running around the city for deliveries, and Maman’s cooking, anybody could do what I do. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the studio down the street from our school, though, so you could have her look into that.”
This, Damian thinks, is such a bald-faced lie he almost chokes on his own spit. There is no sort of magic food that imbues a person with the ability to fight like Pigtails does and lifting flour bags in a bakery doesn’t suddenly allow people to take down people with ease. She has to have had some professional training, though if he is being honest, her movements feel like they have more of an origin in street fighting than they do in any martial arts. 
She’s remarkably good at lying, mixing jokes with statements that had the possibility of truth. Maybe Damian is just being paranoid. Maybe she trained at some studio that she didn’t want to mention and the studio taught amazing self defense. Maybe she is just an excellent study. Somehow, Damian doubts that was the truth of the matter, but there isn’t much of a reason for Damian to spend his precious time determining the reason why this girl lies to policemen. It’s her business. It doesn’t concern him.
Then, Officer Raincomprix heads back to the police cruiser and Nicolette gets into the taxi she ordered for herself, looking worlds better. Marinette turns to him with a smile. The smile is so blindingly bright and pure that he suspects it lets the girl get away with a lot of things. “Thanks for the save. It was a lot easier to calm Nicolette down since you handled the call. I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.”
Damian nods in return to her wave and smile. “No problem. I guess this answers my earlier question. You do get caught up with criminals quite often.”
She flushes, and it makes the freckles on her pale skin show even more. “What do you mean by that?”
“You seemed to be on very good terms with that police officer.”
“Oh, that. He’s a classmate’s dad. I’ve seen him around plenty of times.” She waves him off.
A very good liar, indeed. Pigtails keeps to half truths and vague statements. Damian gets the feeling that she definitely saw him more often in the capacity of a police officer than he did as a friend’s father. Understandable to lie to him, though. He is just a stranger, and he certainly doesn’t go around telling every person on the street his life story. Maybe Pigtails values privacy, just like he does.
The movement of the police cruiser catches his eye. Fraser has woken up, and he is not happy about being handcuffed in a police cruiser; they can hear him screaming at Officer Raincomprix from the street. Marinette’s eyes jump to the cruiser as well, eyes narrowing as she sees a butterfly approach the cruiser.
“Oh, for--” Marinette glances at Damian, at the butterfly, and then at Fraser. She makes a split decision. “Come on, let’s get out of here. This is not going to be pretty.”
“What do you--” Pigtails is pulling his arm with more strength than he thought possible. If this is just her pulling him, it’s no small wonder that she fares so easily against all her opponents. She definitely has strength behind her small frame.
“Fraser is probably going to get akumatized and we have to get you to the nearest shelter. Then, you’re going to wait there until the all-clear alert is given, got it?” She pushes him into a building, says by way of explanation to the bewildered looking employees, “Akuma,” and  then rushes off, saying, “I’m going to go home, because clearly I’m not going to be able to go shopping for fabric today.”
Damian doesn’t stay in the shelter that Pigtails has so kindly guided him to, and there are a few people who look at him in confusion; people should be entering the building if there’s an akuma attack, not leaving. But Damian has a job to do and watching the battles up close is much better than watching the footage on the Ladyblog, which, in recent years, has turned into little more than poor speculations and attempts to stoke relationships between heroes that haven’t been used in years. When he looks at the information the website had up years ago, Damian finds a bunch of interviews that clearly haven’t been fact checked done with a girl named Lila, who is in the class he’s going to be transferring into, and despite the fact that they’ve been taken down since then, he doesn’t trust most of the Ladyblog’s information without video evidence. Not the most reliable news source about akuma, however, most other blogs he found didn’t have any videos taken up close. The older footage of past battles on the Ladyblog were pretty good quality, but they had gotten worse and worse, which meant that Damian and the Justice League didn’t have a clear picture about the heroes’ or villain’s capabilities. 
By the time Damian arrives, back on the scene, Ladybug is already there in her red and black spotted glory. She has pulled Officer Raincomprix to safety.
“I am Shackled! Burdened by unfair double standards that allow incompetent tramps to get jobs before other, clearly more superior candidates do and by the corrupt justice system that wants me to go to jail, I desire what I should have been given to begin with! The affections of ladies clearly below me, and jobs that were made for me.” Convenient. If every villain explains their modus operandi to the heroes, it is probably easier to take them down. “Give me your Miraculous, Ladybug!”
The hero scoffs, avoids the chains that Shackled controls, and crouches atop a car a fairly good distance away. 
Chat Noir lands, quick to make a pun. “If you feel so tied down by society, why don’t you just bug off? No woman wants to deal with somebody who has such a su-paw-riority complex.”
Ladybug rolls her eyes, but allows the pun. “Chat Noir’s right. You need to get taught a lesson on ethics and morality. If a woman got a job and you didn’t, that just means she’s better than you. Your interviewers probably saw that you had an awful attitude and work ethic. Nobody wants such a toxic person in their work environment.”
“Don’t you mean clawful, m’lady?”
“Chat,” Ladybug reprimands. She tosses her yoyo in the air. “Let’s get this over with. Dealing with misogynistic akumas is annoying. Just talking to them uses up all of my common sense.”
She throws her yoyo in the air, and calls, “Lucky Charm!”
A pack of zipties falls from the sky. Ladybug groans. “You have got to be kidding me. Zip ties? Really? You couldn’t have given me anything else? This is going to take forever. Chat, grab some of his chains and zip tie them together.”
“You’ve got to be yanking my chain, m’lady. We can just take him out without using the Lucky Charm.”
“No, the akuma is in the chain that’s between his handcuffs. And we can’t get there unless we immobilize all of these.” She gestures around wildly, then begins the process of grabbing chains and zip tying them together. As she continues to tie more and more together, it begins to get harder and harder for Shackled to move them as he wants, and a butterfly mask flashes over the akuma’s face. 
After almost thirty minutes of tying and avoiding the few free flying chains that there are left, Chat Noir and Ladybug finally get all of the chains in one messy bundle that is too heavy for Shackled to control. At one point in the battle, Ladybug darts towards Chat Noir, a concerned look on her face, but he brushes her off and they continue working. Chat Noir cataclysms the chain between Shackled’s hands, and sure enough, a butterfly flies out. Damian watches as Ladybug shoves the butterfly into her yoyo and feels his eye twitch as the black-purple butterfly comes out white. He hates magic. It makes things so much more complicated than they should be.
“Bien Joue,” the two superheroes say to each other before heading off in opposite directions. 
Damian sticks to his first thought. Whatever is going on in Paris is definitely the equivalent of some kid having a series of very weird dreams.
All the way up to ch 4 is already posted on ao3! I’ll be posting this fic daily up until i catch up :) also how do you decide where to put the keep reading for all you experienced tumblr users? idk where a good place to break is
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beaks-and-tweets · 7 years
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It's a mini tropical paradise (glasswing, common postman, blue morpho, zebra Longwing, and rice paper butterflies)
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Postman Butterfly by William Warby Via Flickr: Postman Butterfly at the Butterfly Farm in Stratford-upon-Avon PERMISSION TO USE: Please check the licence for this photo on Flickr. If the photo is marked with the Creative Commons licence, you are welcome to use this photo free of charge for any purpose including commercial. I am not concerned with how attribution is provided - a link to my flickr page or my name is fine. If used in a context where attribution is impractical, that's fine too. I enjoy seeing where my photos have been used so please send me links, screenshots or photos where possible. If the photo is not marked with the Creative Commons licence, only my friends and family are permitted to use it.
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transmxnfenris · 6 years
WHY DO YOU DO THIS Jasmine: what mythical creature do you wish existed? Ooooh, probs Selkies. They are so pure, good and lovely. I would strive to protect them all. Lavender: soundcloud or vinyls? Vinyl because I’m a True Hipster Primrose: what book does everyone need to read right now? The Book Thief because it changed my life. Lunar mist: do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? You know the answer to this Richie, I am literally wearing your shirt right now you are right next to me you absolute dork Bird of Paradise: what was the best thing that happened to you this month? Moving to my new place 💖Gardenia: what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? Um well it’s faith related and kinda secret and I can’t remember any others Lion’s fairytale: would you rather be the sky, the ocean, or the forests? The ocean for sure Whirling butterflies: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? A thousand times 💖Marmalade skies: do you plan your outits? Kinda, I wear the same three outfits all the time cause I am autistic Apricot drift: how do you feel right now? Pretty great. I’m happyEverlasting daisy: what’s the last dream you remember having? Oh you were there! I dreamed we went to Costco last night but it was closed down so you (Richie) cried Queen’s cup: what are you craving right now? McCoy’s Cheddar and Onion crisps like I always am Lavender dream: turn ons/turn offs? Turn ons: well created art Turn offs: unnecessary nastiness Water Lilly: when was the last time you cried? Why? I don’t know I cry all the time I cry because puppies are too cute sometimes Lily of the Valley: did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologise? No, and that’s okay because I don’t need him or his apology. I’m moving on now. Winterberry: do you bite or lick your ice cream? Bite Honey perfume: favourite movie ever? Mulan Snapdragon: have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? My dads cousin is a quasi famous comedian but I can’t tell you who he is cos my and him have the same last name Night owl: how many countries have you visited?Nine? I think it’s nine Heliotrope: have you ever been in a castle? Yeah loads of times, last one was Hellsinger castle in Denmark where Hamlet’s set. It was awesome. Creams and sky: what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? Skydiving probs Lantana: what’s on your mind right now? Finishing all these god damn questions you’ve set me you dingbat Pumpkin patch: what’s your zodiac sign? Aries Tulip: name five facts about yourself. Amethyst is my favourite crystal but that may change soonSunflowers are my favourite flowers but I’m starting to prefer daffodils I want to go to Japan I want twelve cats seven dogs and five rabbits I think Icarus deserved better Daphne: do you believe in karma? Kind of Queen of the meadow: ever been in love? I’m in love with you you dingbat Wisteria: whom do you admire and why? Carrie Fisher because she beat addiction and let herself be crazy Angel’s face: what was your favourite bed time story as a child? The Jolly Christmas Postman Remember me: did you make someone laugh today? Yeah you a handful of minutes ago Iris: do you believe in ghosts? Kinda Lilac: If you could go back in time which time period would you visit? Ancient Egypt or Shakespearean times so I could be bffs with Shakespeare or Tutankhamen Caramel kisses: would you want to live forever? Why/why not? When you believe the universe is all connected this question feels hard to answer Primula: what makes you sad? Other people/animals being hurt Rain lily: was today tropical? Why/why not? Not really, cause I live in England. It’s sunny though? Queen Anne’s Lace: who do you trust the most? You ofc 💖Lady’s slipper: what did you have for breakfast today? I skipped breakfast but I had a Tesco’s meal deal for lunch Forget me not: do you have any regrets looking back on life? Yes but I try not to Lunaria: what’s your favourite fictional universe? Why don’t you just ask me to pick a favourite child while you’re at it... probs Persona? Or Star Wars. Or Harry Potter. Or Discworld. Idk this is too hard. Violet: favourite tv show? Hmm ... For quality Mr Robot for rewatchability and comfort Friends Sunflower: share a quote. “I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.” - Frida KahloSnowdrop: what does your ideal day look like? A picnic with my boyfriend on a sunny day with no worries at all Tiger lily: do you have any hobbies? Writing, gaming, role playing, reading, and I like swimming Peony: share a small random book passage that means something to you. “oh I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Beatles and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectable, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is run by secret banking cartels and is visited by aliens on a regular basis, nice ones that look like wrinkled lemurs and bad ones who mutilate cattle and want our water and our women. I believe that the future sucks and I believe that the future rocks and I believe that one day White Buffalo Woman is going to come back and kick everyone's ass. I believe that all men are just overgrown boys with deep problems communicating and that the decline in good sex in America is coincident with the decline in drive-in movie theaters from state to state. I believe that all politicians are unprincipled crooks and I still believe that they are better than the alternative. I believe that California is going to sink into the sea when the big one comes, while Florida is going to dissolve into madness and alligators and toxic waste. I believe that antibacterial soap is destroying our resistance to dirt and disease so that one day we'll all be wiped out by the common cold like martians in War of the Worlds. I believe that the greatest poets of the last century were Edith Sitwell and Don Marquis, that jade is dried dragon sperm, and that thousands of years ago in a former life I was a one-armed Siberian shaman. I believe that mankind's destiny lies in the stars. I believe that candy really did taste better when I was a kid, that it's aerodynamically impossible for a bumble bee to fly, that light is a wave and a particle, that there's a cat in a box somewhere who's alive and dead at the same time (although if they don't ever open the box to feed it it'll eventually just be two different kinds of dead), and that there are stars in the universe billions of years older than the universe itself. I believe in a personal god who cares about me and worries and oversees everything I do. I believe in an impersonal god who set the universe in motion and went off to hang with her girlfriends and doesn't even know that I'm alive. I believe in an empty and godless universe of causal chaos, background noise, and sheer blind luck. I believe that anyone who says sex is overrated just hasn't done it properly. I believe that anyone who claims to know what's going on will lie about the little things too. I believe in absolute honesty and sensible social lies. I believe in a woman's right to choose, a baby's right to live, that while all human life is sacred there's nothing wrong with the death penalty if you can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal system. I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.” - Sam Black Crow, American GodsIM GONNA STOP NOW cause I’m too tired and this too long
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rikki-tikkitavi · 6 years
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Three more butterflies! From left to right, a malachite, a common postman and a starry cracker! (I think that’s what the third one is)
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nunoxaviermoreira · 4 years
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Postman by Foto Martien The Postman Butterfly, Common Postman, or simply Postman (Heliconius Melpomene) is a species of brush-footed butterfly belonging to the subfamily of longwings or heliconians. The Postman is one of the commonest and most widespread of the longwings, found from Mexico to Bolivia and southern Brazil. This butterfly is well known for its geographic diversity in colour pattern. Throughout its range, the Postman is co-mimetic with the Red or Small Postman (Heliconius erato), and both species have around 30 named geographic sub-species with very simular colors and markings. They are up to about 5.5 - 8.5 cm in wingspan. De postbode (Heliconius Melpomene) is een passiebloemvlinder die in circa 30 geografische ondersoorten en een diversiteit in kleurpatronen veel voorkomt in Midden-Amerika en het Amazonebekken, van Mexico tot zuidelijk Brazilië. De postbode is nauw verwant aan de rode of kleine postbode (Heliconius erato). Beide soorten leven in hetzelfde gebied, kennen circa 30 ondersoorten met bijna dezelfde kleurpatronen en tekeningen. Ze nemen elkaars uiterlijk aan (mimicry). Ze zijn ook even groot met een vleugelspanwijdte van 5,5 à 8,5 cm. Deze foto is gemaakt in de tropische vlindertuin van De Passiflorahoeve, een zorgboerderij bij Harskamp op de Veluwe. _________________________ All rights reserved. Copyright © Martien Uiterweerd. All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. _________________________ . . https://flic.kr/p/2jT6Cvy
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houseofvans · 7 years
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From DIY comics, art zines, animations, drawings to hand drawn woodcuts, artist Theo Ellsworth has doodled his way from childhood and high school to galleries and museums all over the world. One look at his body of works, you’ll find yourself drawn into a detailed, imaginative, stream-of-consciousness narrative realm, where strange creatures, surreal beings, and dreamy landscapes flow and blend into one another, with no beginning or end. Not only one thing, Theo also is the house artist for the London based electronic record label, Astral Industries, creating art for bands like Flying Lotus, Ramona Falls, and Algecow. Learn more about Theo Ellsworth’s art and what his early artistic influences are, what materials he loves to work with, and what he has coming for the rest of 2017.
Photographs courtesy of the artist
Introduce yourself?  Hello, I'm Theo Ellsworth. I draw a lot. Pretty much whenever I can. I live in Missoula, Montana.
My drawings take many forms: I make hand drawn woodcut art for galleries and museums, I also make comics and art zines. Sometimes I do large scale drawings on walls. I do illustration work of all kinds. I'm the house artist for the London based electronic record label, Astral Industries. I've also made album art for Flying Lotus, Ramona Falls, Skeleton Farm, and Algecow. I've been dabbling in animation and I'm currently excited to be learning woodblock printing. My work's been featured in Best American Comics, Cicada Magazine, The Treasury of Mini Comics, Smoke Signal, The Graphic Canon, and the upcoming book, America 2020.
When did you first get into drawing?  Was it a hobby turned career or something you knew from the start? I've loved drawing since I was a kid, but it was in high school that it really became an essential part of me. I started out just doodling a lot with straight sharpie on whatever piece of paper I had on hand. Something about just letting my hand run free to follow whatever shapes it wanted to make, really helped me relax my brain in this weird new way. It was never an absent minded kind of thing. It never felt I was spacing out. It felt more like the act of drawing helped me carve out a personal thinking space where I could concentrate and function more naturally. I got sent to the principal's office for drawing in class all the time in high school and I used to get bad grades in my high school art classes for not following the assignments correctly. Now, I feel lucky to be making a living making art. If I don't draw regularly, I get grumpy and hard to be around. Something about making art seems to keep me feeling intact and able to face the world.
Who were some of your early artistic influences? Reading comics and children’s books as a kid really had an impact on me. I always knew I wanted to make narrative work with my art.  When I discovered the world of self publishing, zines, and mini comics  at the Small Press Expo in San Francisco back in 2003, I realised that I could do it all myself. The first zine I ever printed was a series of drawings on receipts. I started a photocopied comics series called Capacity, which was eventually collected into a 335 page book published by the Brooklyn based small press, Secret Acres. My newest published book is a 128 page, wordless psychedelic horror comic called An Exorcism, published by the excellent Latvian small press, Kus Komikss.
What mediums do you love to work with? What are your essential art tools? I’ll use any kind of pen, but my favorite is the Rapidograph, which is a technical pen that can be refilled with india ink. I also love just drawing with cheap ballpoint pens.  I love to draw on folded paper. I like the idea of drawing on a sequence of pages as opposed to drawing on a single sheet of paper. The act of drawing becomes more of a thought process; a series of drawings that travel somewhere, as opposed to a single static image. Some of my folded paper notebooks have been reproduced as art zines, such as Logic Storm, Antidote, and Relax, We Have Alien Vehicles. These zines are probably fairly cryptic objects to any viewer expecting a narrative, but working on each one helped me navigate the time period they were drawn in. I carried them around with me and worked on each one a little at a time, until they were filled. I Like having an ongoing work like this in motion that I can take my time with and slowly build on. I like to draw on a folded paper size that can be easily reproduced on a photocopier and potentially made into an art zine and I draw on both sides of every page, so the zine is an exact reproduction of my notebook. Sometimes I only make a few copies or none at all of any given piece, but keeping that format keeps me locked into a sequence of pages that I have to work my way through.
Do you keep a sketchbook or work your ideas as you go along?  What type of sketchbook do you keep – disorganized chaos or neat and clean? Besides my folded paper drawing notebooks I keep, I don’t really keep a sketchbook. I don’t really do preliminary sketches of ideas for the most part. I always have this impulse to make everything a finished drawing.
What was the first show you ever exhibited in? What was your last show? My very first show was at a coffee shop called Butterfly Herbs in Missoula, MT. By most recent show was at Giant Robot in LA.
Where did you learn your knowledge of art or making art? Art School or Self taught.  For the most part, I'm self taught, though I'm currently learning woodblock printing from an incredibly print maker named David Miles Lusk and I've been learning a lot of great animation tips from my friend Stefan Gruber, who's a genius animator.
Describe your artistic process for us. It’s all pretty stream of conscious. It might be easiest to describe my process with my woodcuts. I started making the woodcut art, originally because I got tired of framing work for shows and wanted by gallery work to be something that felt really different from my illustration work. I got a scroll saw and started cutting out shapes in hard-wood plywood, drawing on them, then coating them in varnish.  I’ll go into my little woodshop in my garage and draw out as many shapes as possible on a big piece of plywood and cut out a whole pile of them, so I have a nice stack to work on. I never completely know what they’re going to look like until I’m working on. They just start out as these vague person, animal, or house shapes,and it’s a true joy to sit with each one and discover the details. I do a yearly solo show of my woodcut pieces at Giant Robot in Los Angeles that I usually make at least 75 new pieces for. I had a show there this past June. Right now I have 3 pieces in a group show at Grumpy Bert in Brooklyn, NY and 9 new pieces are about to go to a show at Radius Gallery in Missoula, MT.
What makes you smile when viewing art? What is it you’re looking at – composition, color, line? I'm inspired by all kinds of work. I love outsider art and folk art. I love weird art comics, but I also still have a huge love for 60s, 70s, and 80s superhero comics. I love ancient art and textures and patterns in nature. Any art that really feels like it was made from an inner artistic impulse usually ends up getting me excited and inspired. I love art that feels a bit crude or awkward but full of feeling and personal expression. That kind of art does way more for me than something super polished and calculated. I love children's art and I collaborate with my 2 young kids whenever I can.
What’s a common misconception about artists? I don’t think many people really understand the focus and effort that goes into a single work of art. I love having a studio that I can ride my bike to, close the door and have periods of time where I'm totally immersed with no distractions. I also like sitting up after everyone in my family has gone to bed and working on my zines or woodcuts. I get significantly less sleep than everyone else in my family, but making use of that quiet time is so essential. The most valuable thing to me about making art is simply the experience of focus and concentration; the satisfaction of putting care into something. The journey of following a vague impulse until something tangible and often unexpected has come into existence. It sort of feels like developing a photograph of something from my subconscious, like I'm actively engaging with something mysterious and beyond my understanding.
Do you have a favorite artist(s) that does a completely different medium than yourself? Oh yeah! I have a huge love for art environments. One of my favorites is Le Palais Ideal in France, made by Ferdinand Cheval. He was a Postman in the late 1800s who built a complex and beautiful homemade structure on his land. He had no prior experience with architecture. He simply followed this mysterious artistic impulse and made something startling and unique. There’s nothing else like it.
What are your favorite Vans? I like it when people draw on them and add personal touches.
How are you not just ONE thing? Everything I do feels like it’s part of the same world and comes from that same initial creative impulse, but I definitely need that variety of approaches and focuses. It keeps me inspired and seeing things from new and different angles..
What’s on the horizon for the rest of 2017? Right now, I'm working on a new series of folded paper notebooks called Thrill Mouth. It's more of a pure comic book, inner-space explorer adventure series drawn in ball point pen. I printed some copies of the first issue a few weeks back. Some of the copies have hand drawn glitter gel pen details on the covers. I usually can't stop myself from getting labor intensive and ridiculous with anything I make. I've been making zines and mini comics for about 15 years. It actually was relief when a publisher first contacted me, wanting to put out a book, and I love working with the publishers I've been lucky enough to work with so far, but making these little self published art booklets is an important personal practice and I always try to have one in the works.  I’m also working on a graphic Novel with author Jeff VanderMeer.
Follow Theo Ellsworth
Website | http://thoughtcloudfactory.com Instagram | @theoellsworth Etsy |  https://www.etsy.com/shop/theoellsworth Tumblr | http://theoellsworth.tumblr.com
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redscharlach · 7 years
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Today I visited the Sensational Butterflies exhibit at the Natural History Museum, London. It was a delightful way to spend some time, learn some nature facts and generally get a bit sweaty (it’s a tropical climate in there). Click through the pics to see the captions...
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hardsadness · 7 years
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common postman butterfly by TheSleepyRabbit
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philanddanxreader · 7 years
Friends With Benifits
Hello, love bugs!
Warnings-Smut, Fluff, swears
Dan X Reader Smut
So I know that this wasn’t one of my older requests but I had a day and a half and the only thing to take me away was to write some good smut with Dan. Hopefully, I can get back into a rhythm. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Friends with benefits with Dan? Ayy i like your writing xx -Anonymous
Your phone dinged with the familiar ringtone of Dan. It was a Friday night and you had absolutely no plans for the evening. Well, that was before Dan had texted you asking for you to come over. You and Dan had been friends for over three years. Your deeper friendship had been going on for almost two. It started like most friends with benefits relationships start. You were both drunk and horny. He’s a hot man who you trusted and your a beautiful girl who he would trust his first born with. Stumbles and giggles were mixed with feverish kisses. The morning after filled with blushes and the usual “I’m not like that usually.” Then the awkward goodbye sealed with a kiss because it’s not like hours earlier the both of you were seeing each other in many different ways. The both of you hadn’t talked for nearly two weeks, waiting for the other person to text first. How could you let any of this break such a strong friendship? You broke the streak of not talking because if you waited another moment you might have started to really lose your mind.
“Daniel I can't take it. We fucked and you know what it was fucking amazing. I miss our friendship. For almost a full year I have texted you every day.These two weeks are killing me. I know our friendship may never be the same because I saw your penis but like, I don't know please just text me back or something.” Hours went by. Okay well honestly just a couple of minutes went by but it felt like hours before Dan finally replied. 
“Y/N, come over so we can talk. Don’t freak I am not friendship dumping you. I just need to talk this shit out in person. Please come over,” It took about four seconds before you grabbed your coat to get out the door. After a short ride on the tube, you finally make it over to Dan’s. Once you reached the door you honestly had to remember that the two of you were going through an awkward thing so you couldn't just walk into the apartment and make you way up to the lounge. How do you knock again? Is it weirder to ring the bell like the postman or is it better to knock the usual friendly rhythm.Before you could think any more on the subject your arm was already knocking before you could over think everything over and over again.
You were looking down at the floor practising the conversation when you felt the air push past you as Dan opened the door. There he was looking so sweet like his curly hair. He had clearly just gotten out of the shower as his hair still had little drips coming from the tips of the baby curls.
“Y/N, It’s good to see you. Listen, I mean please come in.” Dan had placed his hand on the back of his neck rubbing softly at the awkwardness. He had a small smile placed on his lips, Happy to see you but unsure of how to handle this situation. “Look I have never had to have this conversation before so let’s go sit and maybe have a warm drink.” You nodded your head pushing slightly past Dan to make your way up the stairs. 
Once the two of you had gotten more comfortable with you in the chair and him on the couch you both could finally have an adult conversation. Dan broke the silence as he felt if he didn't word vomit would be the only thing that would come out.
“Listen your my best friend that is a female. Our friendship makes me so happy. We were drunk and both some sort of hot messes. I don't want to call what we did a hot mess because what we did was nothing short than fucking amazing. The both of us are in no position to have a relationship but I wouldn't mind having you as a friend that occasionally I fuck.”You were honestly shocked Dan was being so upfront.
“I really love being your friend. I also really loved fucking you. Do you honestly think that the two of us? You and I apparently two grown people being friends with no emotions still be friends and fuck? I don’t think I could say no to fucking you on a common basis. Emotions run high and I’m a sensitive lady.” Your words were cut off as Dan’s lips crashed into yours. At first, you didn’t kiss back but only because of the shock. After the few seconds of realisation, you started to kiss him back. His lips were just as you remembered when drunk. Soft and warm. He has the slight taste of the hot chocolate he was drinking from earlier.
“I don’t really know what took over me but I do know that if you didn’t want it I will apologise utterly and perfectly. If you did,” It was your turn to cut off Dan with a kiss.This kiss had a lot more passion. You had pulled him closer with the collar of his shirt messing up his wrinkle-free collar and leaving smudges of lipstick all over his face. The next few moments went by in a flash as the two of you kissed and grabbed your way to the bedroom. Thank god Dan asked Phil to make himself busy for the next few hours.Once in the room, Dan had pushed you into the bed looking you up and down like a tiger hunting his prey. In this case, you happen to be a meek little bunny that had caught the attention of said predator.
“I want to ravage your body, will you let me? You couldn’t almost squeak the yes out fighting past the butterflies in your throat. Dan didn't need much more than that before all of your clothes hit the floor. How you managed to wear a pretty bra and underwear set was beyond you but thank the lucky stars. Before Dan had you fully nude you were pulling at his shirt begging into his mouth to relieve him of his clothing.”Something the matter pet?” That nickname! He had never called you that until the first time the two of you had been intimate. You could listen to him calling you pet all day and night.
“You need to lose some of these items. You seem to be overdressed for the evening attire.” Dan smiled pulling his shirt over the top of his head. You loved the pale skin of Dan’s chest. To be honest you were secretly hoping that you would still see the love bites you had left all along his chest just two weeks earlier.
“You look even more beautiful then I remember.” Dan placed hot kisses all along your body from your jaw down your collar bones. Sucking and grazing his teeth he was able to get the moans from you that he wanted. He smiled against your skin as he had quickly learned where all of your sweet spots were in one simple night. Dan continued his decent down your sides kissing every inch of you. What you saw as imperfections Dan saw his uniqueness. It’s what makes you. You can’t be who you are without all of the little scars, bumps, and marks.
“I honestly couldn’t dream anything better than this moment but I need you to stop being so cute and fuck me.” The both of you had giant grins on your faces as dan wrapped his arms around your back to unhook your pretty bra.
“Your wish is my command.” The last few items of clothing that the both of you had on hit the floor in a pile of passion. Finally after wheat felt like years of waiting you felt Dan start to rub the tip of his cock along your wet folds. You loved te fact that he felt like you had time to be teased.”I'm not going to last forever because I have been waiting for this for much too long.”
“Don’t worry I feel the same way.” Just as you had finished having the words escape your mouth you felt Dan start to fill you up. It was just as you remember it but this time your brain wasn’t foggy from the alcohol. Dan had pushed his way as far as possible taking just a few moments for you to become comfortable before starting to slowly rock back and forth. Within seconds the two of you had started to fill the room with the both of your moans. It was slow at first, Dan wanted to make sure you were comfortable but you remember sex with him a little differently. 
“Please, Harder.” Dan obliged giving into your every whim. The perfect thing about fucking your friend is that when you give them commands they don't take it as an insult. The filling of the tension in your stomach and in Dan’s balls was building quickly over time. 
“I’m not going to be able to continue at this rate pet. Can you cum with me?” Was there nothing hotter then Dan asking if you could cum with him?
“Count me down.” You started to kiss Dan again as you felt his thumb start to circle your clit to help build your orgasm faster. 
“Four, Three, Two. The both of you didn't reach one as your cup had filled over making Dan follow only seconds later from the feeling of you spasming around him. The both of you in ignorant bliss. In that moment the both of you didn't care that this was a risk to your friendship or that this was probably a stupid decision. What the two of you did know was that everything felt right in the world and you had your best friend back.
You finally looked back at your phone from the memory. It’s so funny how far the two of you had come.You decided to reply with a wink emoji and a little on my way. It was nice to have someone to be your best friend and to take away your stresses. 
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