charavatar · 11 months
was looking at old forum posts to check out if there were any good 3DS mystery games i missed and i saw this post
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i hope they enjoyed the most divisive game in the franchise, the most divisive game in the franchise, and the most divisive game in the franchise
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charavatar · 1 year
Ah, I see
So the Danganronpa fandom was the true villain after all
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charavatar · 1 year
I’m really start to get the sense that this game is an allegory for the series coming to an end. I think it’s pretty clear that this killing game is essentially a “fake” one, designed purely for entertainment for some unseen audience is intentionally scripted in-universe to hit the plot beats we’ve come to expect from the past two games. I imagine the killing games are just a reality show or something now. Maybe the audience doesn’t know the murders are real.
That’s why Kokichi, Kaito, and Keebo tried to “ruin” the killing game by doing stuff that went against the “script”. Kokichi seeming revealing end game plot twists way too early, he and Kaito setting up a murder even Monokuma didn’t know the answer, Keebo just blowing the place up.
In fact, this works well with my theory from my last post. What if in this universe, Danganronpa is so popular, that people eat up the televised killing games that Tsumugi sets up, not realizing that these deaths are real? What if the cast didn’t actually have talents and they were just randomly selected and given talents through false memories?
I say this is an allegory for the series ending because Monokuma keeps saying that the killing game is eternal and will never end. I imagine this means that killing games will continue to happen over and over for the ravenous audience who just wants more and more Danganronpa. I think this could be a reflection of how the writers feel about people wanting more and more Danganronpa content, but just how the characters in game will likely end the killing games for good, V3 will be the end of Danganronpa for good, regardless of the fans want more.
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charavatar · 1 year
Okay, so I have a crack theory.
What if Junko isn’t actually the mastermind, but instead, it’s Tsumugi cosplaying as Junko?
Now, you might be asking “But Chara, isn’t Tsumugi unable to cosplay as real people?”
Yes, but, what if Junko is a fictional character in the world of V3? What if all of the previous Danganronpa games are video games that exist is the world of V3?
My theory here is that Tsumugi, who strives to embody the characters she cosplays, ends up becoming obsessed with the character Junko from her favorite games and becomes so immersed in the character that she essentially becomes her, becoming obsessed with spreading despair and starting these killing games, just as Junko did.
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charavatar · 1 year
Really fitting that this trial that I saw as a homage to the first game ended with a homage to the very first execution in the series (while still being fitting for the person being executed). Probably my second favorite execution in this game after the first one.
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charavatar · 1 year
wait wait wait wait wait wait
There’s no fucking way it was actually Kokichi who died is there? And it’s been Kaito in the Exisal the whole time?
This so just a guess but, what if Kaito, knowing her was going to die, killed Kokichi so that Maki wouldn’t be executed as the blackened for killing him. Chapter 3 established that if there are two victims, only the killer of the first body discovered is executed. It was said that the poison takes a long time to take full effect, but never said how long.
That would actually be insane if that’s what happened.
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charavatar · 1 year
I knew that little shit couldn’t be the mastermind.
Anyway, I know I said Kokichi being the killer would be too obvious, but (assuming he is the killer) this is probably one the best ways they could have pulled it off. Pleasantly surprised with this trial so far.
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charavatar · 1 year
Oh yeah, all these references to the first game are definitely meant to mislead us, with the classic-looking trial ground being the cherry on top.
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charavatar · 1 year
Ah, so this going to be like DR 1, but not in exactly the way I thought.
Now, because the victim could be Kaito or Kokichi, I think it would be too obvious for the other to be the killer, so my guess is that someone other than those two is the true killer. My hunch is Maki, but I don’t have any actual evidence for that yet.
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charavatar · 1 year
I don’t know why, but I’ve got a hunch that Kokichi might be bullshitting about being the mastermind and maybe about everything else too. I might just be coping but it definitely feels too early for the real answers to be coming out. What’s Chapter 6 gonna be about if we already know everything?
I just don’t think Kokichi being Monokuma’s true identity makes much sense. What was that scene in the game room in Chapter 4 then? If he really was in control, why was that scene presented like they were making a deal, not like a mater giving orders to his servant AI? It would make sense if others were around but it was just then two of them.
The Exisals guarding Monokuma might lend some credence to this. I think Kokichi might have just somehow taken over power from the true mastermind. Chapter 5 might end up similarly to DR 1. Kokichi ends up dead and everyone’s like “yay, the mastermind’s dead”, but then Monokuma shows up is like “sike, he wasn’t actually the mastermind”.
I also think the Hope’s Peak stuff might be BS too. You’re telling me these guys were able to remember what Ultimates were but not what Hope’s Peak was? I don’t buy it. I think this whole “Symbols of Hope overcoming despair” stuff is intentionally misleading us into thinking this will be like the previous games, even though it’s kinda come out of nowhere. Again, this feels like an arc that would happen in Chapter 6.
V3 hasn’t really been about this “hope vs despair” stuff. In fact, this game has been all about the nature of truth and lies instead, so I think all of this might be the ultimate lie that the cast has been sucked into.
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charavatar · 1 year
So, just as V3 continued the trend of Chapter 3 being kinda ass, it has also continued the trend of Chapter 4 breing emotionally devastating.
Like, I went into this trial knowing that Gonta was most likely the killer, but it still fucked me up and the line Shuichi says to Gonta before the closing argument absolutely broke me.
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charavatar · 1 year
Alright, I’m about to start the class trial and I think I’ve figured some things out.
I think it’s pretty obvious Miu was trying to kill Kokichi, seeing as she programmed it so that only she could pass through the wall between the mansion and chapel, was apparently meeting with him on the roof where Kaito was investigating and was forcibly logged off, most likely with the portable phone she hid from everyone, hid the fact she hid that people could die in there at all, programmed it so that she could paralyze Kokichi, removed everything that could be a weapon except for one hammer, and removed the bridge, making it so only she could access both buildings, thus giving her an alibi.
What isn’t very clear to me is why she ended up dead instead. I still think Gonta did it, so my best guess is that Gonta somehow picked up on her plan (he was investigating outside, so he might hav spotted her at some point) and may have accidentally killed her somehow while he tried to stop her. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
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charavatar · 1 year
And I called it.
Based on the rules DR 2 established, it has to have been that someone logged off and killed Miu since if she was killed in the virtual world, she would have just gone into a coma. That means that it had to have been someone who investigated the mansion and thus, my Gonta prediction still holds up.
I’m thinking maybe there’s a secret way besides the bridge to get across because of the Miu sighting and Keebo’s voice. Maybe the world border is actually a wall and it just loops around, Mario Bros style?
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charavatar · 1 year
So, I’m currently playing through Danganronpa V3. Just got through the free time of Chapter 4 and I haven’t been able to play in a while, so I have had quite a bit of time to think about where everyone is going to end up
So yeah, possible spoilers for the DR games under the cut:
Shuichi: Yeah, he’s gonna survive. Seriously doubt they’d kill off the protagonist twice in one game.
Kaito: I swear, I’ve been seeing death flags for this guys ever since Chapter 2 (I swore he was gonna end up as the killer in that one) and especially after that scene at the end of Chapter 3. Since he’s made it this far and has become this close to Shuichi, he’s definitely gonna end up dead in Chapter 5. DR 1 made me think seemingly important characters like him were likely survivors, but SDR2 Ch 5 has made me doubt everything.
Maki: I have similar feelings towards her as I do for Kaito, except not nearly as much. She’s honestly one I’m pretty sure is going to end up a survivor (besides Shuichi of course).
Miu: I would have told you she was a likely survivor at the beginning of the game, however the likelihood of that has gotten lower and lower as the game has gone on. Maybe I just thought she would be more of an important figure, but she’s kinda just relegated to comic relief. Pretty confident she’s going to be the victim of Chapter 4 seeing as she set up the program world and lacking her knowledge would make investigating all the more difficult
Gonta: I unfortunately may have been spoiled here as I’m pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Gonta in an execution scene, so I now know he’s probably going to end up a killer, my bet’s on Chapter 4, as he seems to have some kind of arc going on this chapter, but doesn’t seem as relevant to be a Chapter 5 killer. If he is the killer, it has to be on accident or in defense of some kind. There’s no way this sweet boy could kill in cold blood :(
Tsumugi: Honestly, she feels like a character should have died a chapter or two ago, but she’s made it this far, so she may end up a Hiro or Sonia style survivor where she’s managed to dodge being relevant to anything long enough to make it to the end.
K1-B0: Kinda similar thoughts as Tsumugi here, but in a less aggressive as I predicted him as a survivor early on. I don’t see him dying in Chapter 4 and he isn’t a major enough player to be dying in Chapter 5
Himiko: I’m predicting her as a survivor solely because I’d be fucking pissed if she died after starting an actual significant arc. They did it with Taka in DR 1 and Hiyoko in SDR 2, so I swear to god I’m going to lose it if they haven’t learned their lesson by now.
Kokichi: honestly, this dude is the one I’m most conflicted about. I guess it comes down to whether he’s gonna end up like Byakuya, being someone who ultimately comes around and stops being a shitter, or like Nagito, someone who is genuinely malicious. If he’s like Byakuya, he’s going to end up a survivor, but if he’s like Nagito, I honestly have no clue. I feel like making him a killer would be too obvious and once genuine evidence is brought up, nobody’s going to doubt it. However, killing him off in Chapter 5 seems like too much of a repeat of SDR 2. I genuinely have no idea with this guy.
So the TL:DR goes like this:
Miu is going to be killed by Gonta in Chapter 4
Either Kokichi, Maki, or Kaito is going to be the victim of Chapter 5 with Maki or Kaito as the killer (assuming they aren’t already the victim).
The survivors will consist of Shuichi, Tsumugi, Himiko, Keebo, and either Maki or Kokichi.
Now, this is all assuming that Chapters 4 and 5 will end up with a single victim killed by another, single killer and that Chapter 5 will be the final killing. They could throw in a curve ball at any time, but these are my predictions based on my knowledge of the previous games. I might end up live blogging the rest of the game, that could be fun.
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charavatar · 1 year
not enough gumshoe fans in the world, reblog if youre a true dickhead
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charavatar · 1 year
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charavatar · 1 year
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I wanted to share this thought with u tumblr ppl
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