jamba-employee · 1 month
why do none of these middle-aged white women understand what "juice from concentrate" means
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jamba-employee · 2 months
apparently I have callouses from holding blenders?? or ice cream scoops or something. but I sure do have callouses on the inside of the first joints of my middle and ring fingers on both hands
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jamba-employee · 2 months
every time I am at work I think about posts I could make here and then I have forgotten them by the time I leave. 😔
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jamba-employee · 3 months
accidentally pressed the make a post button and this is apparently where I made my last post so. here I am
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jamba-employee · 3 months
I have smoothie on my face, don't I
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jamba-employee · 3 months
thinking about top 10 saddest first world foods (handwich buns)
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jamba-employee · 3 months
(arrives at work) I could've sworn I left in time to get here 15 minutes ago what happened
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jamba-employee · 4 months
Tried one of the new nutella bowls! (I think we're releasing them to the public menu on Tuesday.)
The one I tried was the banana and waffle one and I got greek yogurt (as opposed to coconut whip).
My review is that it was pretty good, definitely a good idea, but I would have rather the peanut butter drizzle was more nutella and I don't think I could have eaten a whole bowl (I had about a third of one). I feel like the strawberry one would be better and I could eat more of it, but I mean, the bananas are definitely not a bad idea.
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jamba-employee · 4 months
As you can tell from my url, if you're familiar with jamba juice, I work at a place that's marketed as being healthy. I have two points to address on this subject.
First is the number of people who will come up and ask "what's the healthiest smoothie?" After, like, the first thirty times I was asked this, I finally started to ask "what do you mean by 'healthy?'" The thing is that they only ever have two answers: they either want no sugar or they want a lot of protein. Both, often. Neither of these is what I would define as "healthy." The protein isn't doing much for the average suburban mom's health, to be honest. They aren't entirely wrong about sugar, because we do (as Americans, since this is an American chain) perhaps often have a surplus of processed sugar in our diets, but really, the only reason why I'd say a smoothie with less sugar in it is actually healthier is because that means it has a higher proportion of frozen fruit compared to sherbet and fruit has more fiber, which we is a thing we also need.
Second is that a lot of my coworkers hardly know better than many of our customers. I mean, on the one hand, there's the dietetics major, but on the other hand, there's the one who lives off of ceasar salads, chicken, and eggs. Very on purpose. There's a range, but most of them also assume that sugar means less healthy and, on a side note, vegan means more healthy (this is funny to me because we have a vegan ice cream substitute that contains more sugar than our regular ice cream stuff, but both employees and customers will sometimes choose it because it is "healthier" by their own standards). I'm thankful that corporate at least makes us do a really basic training on nutrition, but like I said, jamba juice markets itself as a health food place and this is its own training, so it's still all going to say the food is healthy and not really discuss what any of it really means. To be honest, i mostly only remember learning what an antioxidant is and about the legal requirements for using certain adjectives to describe nutrient content.
As for me, I'm super fortunate. I don't have to rely on my middle and high school health classes, which we mostly learned about how fad diets are not good in (for the nutrition sections, anyway). I don't have to rely on the biased training or my one knowledgeable coworker. My mom has a master's degree in family and consumer science, which for her means she has gone to school for both culinary and child development (among like a million other things). I have childhood memories of my mom telling me that eggs and whole wheat bread with peanut butter are both complete protein sources, so at least I know there's more to know, even if I barely know what that means.
I'm lucky. Most people are confused, and it's hard to help them not be confused, but I think at least clarifying that our definitions of "healthy" don't match is an alright starting place.
Why are agriculture classes the first time I've learned extremely basic info about nutrition and how digestion works. Why isn't this stuff in health textbooks or any easily accessible resource about healthy eating.
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jamba-employee · 4 months
I filled like a bajillion boosts this morning and the blue spirulina and the moo'd powder were going up in CLOUDS. I sneezed a lot. also I think my glasses have a thin layer of brown and blue dust on them
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jamba-employee · 5 months
making a playlist of mostly house music for work i want this jamba juice to feel like a party and i don't mean that in the 'fun work environment' way (that's good too tho). calling it "fruit rave"
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jamba-employee · 5 months
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jamba-employee · 5 months
Same applies to fast food! The store I work in is so close to a college campus that not only are we entirely staffed by college students (except my boss), but the vast majority of our customers are college students, which means they're probably in really similar situations to us, as. employees of fast food or similar. I would say the customers make a really big difference, since usually the worst we get is people trying to abuse the "free remake of the smoothie if we did it wrong and it sucks" rule to get free smoothies, but it's not like it's perfect.
I have coworkers who don't do the work (shoutout to the girl who got fired and blacklisted for not doing work last semester but the hiring people didn't know and rehired her. oops) and others who are mean and some who skip their shifts or are late a lot and even one who tried to give me the "you just haven't found the one yet" speech to persuade me I didn't need my romantic identity label (it did not work. kinda like that label tbh).
But my boss and the managers are some of the coolest people I've met here. My coworkers are pretty cool, too, at least usually, and I can almost always get someone to cover my shifts when I can't make them. We're strongly encouraged to give our class schedules to our boss at the beginning of the semester so she can work out the scheduling, but we also don't have to. This semester, I just asked for the shifts I wanted and that was it. Plus, we have employee snacks in the back of the store, and that's a big plus.
Customers come and go. What matters much more is that the people you have to actually work with, who you aren't solely having heavily scripted conversations with, are people you can work with and who are willing to work with you.
look hot take but working retail is only terrible if you’re in a bad retail store
i’ve had my fair share of bad customers and horror stories but the store i’m in is entirely staffed by college kids with our store manager being the only real adult. manager fully expects and forces all of us to put our school and other jobs first, takes the time to know what we’re all studying and doing outside of working retail and usually asks us to tell her if we’re overwhelmed working the hours we do with all of our other stuff. no one hates eachother no one dreads coming to work and we all have a great time.
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jamba-employee · 5 months
why do I have MULTIPLE coworkers with strong opinions about the aloha pineapple not having any frozen pineapple in it, despite having pineapple in the name. girl (gender neutral) it tastes like a pineapple what do you want
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jamba-employee · 5 months
maybe the reason our spoons are orange has nothing to do with the supply chain or halloween. maybe it's because that's one of the colors (the jamba juice ones)
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jamba-employee · 6 months
unrelated to jamba juice but this is the only sideblog I have left
someone, seemingly very new tumblr user who typically doesn’t get hardly any notes ever (like at the level of this blog), found my main blog and started following it. I am now mutuals with this blog.
I then interacted with this blog on several of my sideblogs, excluding this one, and they decided they liked the sideblogs well enough to follow them.
so now my mutual very likely thinks. they have caught the attention of several different blogs. when in fact it's just me. it's just me only me I'm so sorry for getting your hopes up no one else is noticing you </3
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jamba-employee · 6 months
I used to work at a jamba juice near a bunch of sports buildings and areas (e.g gyms, swimming pools, tennis courts) and sometimes people would come in the store and I would look at them and think they were shaped weird and then I would know they were ballet dancers
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