#collective lessons
Let’s talk about: Collective Lessons
This was recommended by a lovely anon and I immediately felt called to write on this topic. With the New Year approaching, I want to reflect on the collective lessons I see that many of us are tackling personally, but also on a wider scale.
Productivity Wound
During the pandemic, a lot of us were confronted with the reality that we prioritize our careers and our productivity over other areas in our life that might fulfill us more, such as time with family, time for new hobbies, and time for rest. In fact, may of us are working on addressing this core wound around the need to be productive all the time. This wound ties to workaholism and usually masks a deeper fear of not mattering, being memorable, or having inherent value. Many of us in the western world are raised believing our value is tied to what we accomplish and produce, versus the value being in the act of doing in and of itself and the self growth that produces. This can lead to looking for external validation, which makes us perfectly primed to go above and beyond at our workplaces as we seek to be told we are good enough through the work we do. This leads us to work harder, to do more, to compromise our own lives for the chance to be good enough and to prove our value. This can lead to burn out, depression, exhaustion and a lack of motivation.
How to combat this wound: practice active rest. Actively allow yourself to do nothing, to sit in meditation, to sit outside, to be unproductive and to stand up for yourself when that rude ass ingrained voice tells you you aren’t worth anything and you should be doing more. You can say, “I’m choosing to actively rest and restore my energy reserves for the upcoming week. Thank you for showing me I still need to heal areas of my self worth.”
Lovability Wound
This one is my deepest wound and it’s a doozy! Many of us struggle with this wound, especially those of us with intense childhood trauma. I still struggle with the mindset of if my own parents couldn’t really love me, why would a stranger? But I also see this playing out on a collective level which is why we’ve seen a rise in the conversations around self love, body positivity, and self care. All of these ideas center around accepting and loving yourself as you are not as the you you wish you were. Sadly, capitalism through advertising sells us the idea that we aren’t good enough as we are and many of us internalize this as a fear that we will never be loved or cannot be due to our horrible flaws (which are usually super average and effect tons of people, but is made to seem like something that needs to be corrected so you will buy a product.) I think this is playing out a lot in Hollywood and the beauty and fashion industries where many are opening up more about things they were/are ashamed of and how that has effected their self esteem.
How to combat this wound: I’m still working on this wound, but from my current stand point, I think healing lovability wounding comes down to figuring out what it means to love yourself and to find ways to do that that make you feel good, whether that’s through eating, exercising, a beauty routine, etc. I’d say just be aware of detangling it as much as possible from doing these things so you will be deserving of love and more from the energy of doing these things because you love yourself. You can say, for example, “I love myself so I’m choosing to feed myself the best food for my body so I can have more energy”
Perfectionism wound
Another big wound I see the collective addressing is perfectionism. I see this playing out a lot through celebrities discussing mental health, eating disorders, and other pressures they’ve faced. I see it a lot in the body positivity movement and other movements that are aiming to normalize things that affect many people, but we still see as something to fix such as stretch marks, acne, hair loss, cellulite, vitiligo, etc. I think more and more of us understand that these “flaws” aren’t flaws at all but pieces of our story, pieces of us that make us who we are and there is a certain pride that we should hold for that. A lot of this wound stems back to being told we aren’t good enough and we should buy this product to fix it, but unlovability also is tied to perfectionism because we think if we can just be X enough, then we’ll finally be loved or accepted or valued. The key is accepting yourself as you are now, living in the present, since that’s all you can control.
How to combat this wound: allow people to see your “imperfections.” Don’t cover your spots, wear a bathing suit that shows your body, talk more openly about your struggles, if it feels scary or uncomfortable to do, try to push yourself to do it. I’m still working on this one. I have a lot of body image healing to do and while I don’t wear makeup, I do struggle to wear clothes that I feel expose parts of my body that I don’t like. Try saying to yourself, “You are perfect just as you are and you don’t need to hide your light anymore. It is safe to show things you don’t like about yourself with others. It’s is brave to not be perfect.”
Boundaries Wound
This wound is all over the place and effects so many areas in life. I see it coming up a lot with regards to work culture where it seems more people are putting their foot down and saying they aren’t going to jump through any hoops their bosses say jump through. A lot of people are prioritizing their mental health, family and time off, over work. This is called setting a boundary. Boundaries are needed is all sorts of areas, including relationships. Boundaries can look like saying no, I’m not available to talk right now, or no, I can’t stay late today. In general it’s saying no to things you don’t feel comfortable with. This wound is surprise surprise tied to unlovability as well, since the thought would be, if I make this person happy then they will validate me as a good worker, a good friend, etc. It all comes down to do you feel valuable inherently. A lot of us compromise our boundaries in exchange for trying to get our need for approval met.
How to combat this wound: start questioning yourself before you say yes to something, ask yourself if you are compromising in a way that doesn’t benefit you long term. Ask yourself why you want to say yes. Is it a genuinely exciting opportunity or do you feel internal pressure to say yes so you can be the good person. Enforce boundaries. I do this with calendaring. I will say No, I can’t do this because that is when I have my workout class, or no, that is when I have a meeting. Practice saying no. This helps you take your power back. You can say, “I’m just as valuable as anyone else and I’m going to prioritize my needs first, then share my energy with others. I will fill my cup first.”
Public vs Privacy Wound
With the advent of social media, many of us found ourselves thrown into the crosshairs generally saved for the elite. We’ve been, as a society, grappling for years with what to share publicly and what to keep private.
How to combat this wound: social media should be a fun way to connect with the world. Before you post, ask why you are posting, what you are looking to have fulfilled. Practice not so actively curating yourself. I’ve started to let myself post on stories more instead of being like no, I don’t need to share this, I will let myself if I want to. It’s about determining your own boundaries for what you feel comfortable sharing and sticking to your guns. If you post too much, consider a social media detox. You can say, “It’s okay to keep things to myself, because keeping things to myself keeps negative energy away from the things I’m working to manifest. It’s okay to share this post just because I want to. It doesn’t have to have a deeper meaning.”
Gender Wound
This is probably one of the biggest collective lessons we are seeing play out. For a long time, gender norms have been used as a way to control and shame people and to keep them in little tiny approvable boxes. To force them to be what society says is right. Now more than ever, we have taken back our power to say, I don’t care about society, I have to do what is right by my soul.
How to combat this wound: think about how you perform gender and what that means to you. It doesn’t have to be as drastic as shifting pronouns but it can be! It could also be simply recognizing, for example, that as a woman you have been taught to be less assertive and instead you now focus on asserting yourself. Maybe as a man, you were conditioned to not express emotions, especially with other men, but you decide to start being more open with your friends. You can say, “Just because I was taught this is how people like me are supposed to act doesn’t mean that belief is serving me anymore. I let it go with love and light.”
Religion Wound
Another human created construct that has been used to control the masses is religion. A lot of us have been directly harmed by the religion we were raised in. Personally, I was raised as a Christian and was indoctrinated with shame, so much shame through the concept of sin, being inherently flawed for merely existing, and that I’m meant to let a man lead. I’ve rebuked those concepts and do not subscribe to Christianity anymore, and most of the people I know who are still religious like the community of it and have had to redefine that religion for themselves in order to still engage with it.
How to combat this wound: Examine what beliefs and ideas were instilled in you around religion and spirituality, examine whether these are still things you believe. Begin to shift your perspective around these concepts. You can say, “I appreciate all that this religion has shown me about myself but I no longer need to subscribe to a system that oppresses me.”
Abundance Wound
Many of us have been indoctrinated with the idea that we are limited. And honestly, in this economy, we are limited. As a collective we are still subscribing to a lack of abundance. Abundance isn’t just financial, but also the idea that there isn’t enough love to go around, enough money, enough time, enough success, etc. It gives you a reason to be productive and work your job if you inherently believe you don’t have enough money, and for many, you don’t because many of us aren’t paid enough to truly be able to survive. If you’re told there isn’t enough for everyone it creates competition which creates a dynamic that forces people to abandon their boundaries to stay ahead. This is part of why I think a class warfare is brewing.
How to combat this wound: challenge the thought that there isn’t enough to go around, when you can, share with others, like I always tip well to spread abundance with others and to indicate to the universe I believe in abundance for myself. Look at your wounding around money and see how you can heal those ideas. You can say, “There is no competition, since my life is unique, I am unique, and there is no comparison. There is enough love and joy and abundance to go around and I release any beliefs to the contrary.”
Authenticity Wound
Another major wound that ties into perfectionism, boundaries and lovability. Many of us compromise who we truly are in pursuit for social acceptance. Our brains are still hardwired to want to fit in with the group because in years past, isolation from the group meant certain death. These days, being alone doesn’t really mean you will die, but studies show that loneliness can have a negative impact on life expectancy. The problem is many of us can’t form true connection because we are not being our authentic self. That’s how we are more connected than every but we also feel more alone than every before. Your tribe can’t find you when you’re acting like someone else. Many of us don’t even know who we are authentically because we’ve been acting like someone else for so long, since this indoctrination begins in childhood. Being your unabashed self is the most rebellious choice you can make in the face of a society that values conformity.
How to combat this wound: think about ways you can be more authentic and where you are hiding yourself to make others feel more comfortable, where you are compromising your true expression and evaluate ways you can better live in your own truth. You can say, “I love myself enough to show people who I truly am. Those who are meant to be in my life will accept me and those who aren’t will easily fall away.”
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Now I just want to say, I know that many in this world can’t even focus on these wounds because they are literally surviving day in and day out and I don’t want to act like I’m not aware of this because I am. It’s hard to care if you’re lovable when you are trying to figure out how to pay your bills and get out of debt or get food. I was living in this energy for a long time. A lot of us in the west have most of our basic needs met and it allows to focus on the next level up. I believe that those of us who have the privilege to focus on more collective issues in these ways have the power to lift others up with us, to get more people out of survival mode and that is our responsibility to ourselves and others to work on these issues to bring the collective consciousness forward. That’s part of why people with more collective missions have so many of their needs met by life.
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lunian · 4 months
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made a couple of posts about Astarion being hilarious gremlin but never made a collection of Gale's silly talks?? I should've fixed it
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kaiserouo · 3 months
Tired Ghost
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bardicblast · 3 months
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
What 2023 taught you? {A Nostalgic Hit!} 🎯👀
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
Welcome to another collective reading. Here you'll get a glimpse of the year 2023 and what it taught you. Also, a tip for 2024 is given at the end of each pile. I hope you find the reading helpful!🤍
Please DM me for personal reading.
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A Nostalgic Hit! + One Line Guidance For 2024
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- King of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, The World, 5 of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Beaver
Well, pile 1 I see that this year has taught you to come out of the cyclical nature of your mind. This year taught you to be more focused and detail-oriented. It showed you intricate details especially when you were struggling. At the beginning of the year, you were okay with being in a box, in your own tiny space. But the scope for your growth became stagnant. You may have had anger outbursts. The dream you had somehow shattered because a new dream was emerging. You were coming out of your cocoon. Achieving goals became impossible to imagine. But you were divinely pushed to have hope and keep believing in the impossible even though it seemed delusional. And as the year started to approach its end you started to see some clarity. Without knowing you become the master at what you do. Something didn't work out the way you wanted it to but it worked out completely different from your imagination. Some of you may also have felt stuck in family dynamics and now I see healing in that area. You fought so many battles within a year. You broke more than one cycle this year. Wow! You were being prepared for the ultimate abundance that you deserve. Something in your DNA needed to be changed. Something significant happened during April, May, and August. No matter what you did you found yourself coming out of one circle to entering into another one. But now this cyclical process is over! You did it! You learned the importance of planning and understanding life as a whole. You learned the true value of actions and what's the best way to make long-term plans work. Some of you were looking for financial stability which impacted you emotionally. But now I see you are almost out of the lack phase and are entering into the phase of abundance.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Cards- 4 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Don't settle for breadcrumbs or stay in a relationship more than you should. (Strong Earth energy I can sense.) There's a soulmate out there waiting for you to come out of the relationship trauma.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- Temperance, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, The World
Animal Spirit- Owl
Hello, my dear pile 2. I see that 2023 taught the true meaning of give and take. It taught you how to balance. It taught you that you too deserve to receive love and effort. It taught you to walk away from anything that is not helping you grow or relationships that are keeping you stagnant. You learned the truth of selfless service. You can discern better when it comes to your emotional mind. Now you know what being at peace truly means. Something major might have happened around August. Perhaps, you found the courage to let go. You've freed yourself from always being in your head. You have learned so much that now you are capable of guiding others. You are finally gaining the light that shines within you. For some of you, I feel as though you have understood relationship and friendship dynamics pretty well there's still something lingering around that you need to deal with. There's something you still can't let go of or stop wishing for. There's a wish that you are attached to and you need to let go of the attachment. As soon as you become happy without the idea of having it you'll see it coming. This year brought you closer to spirituality but you still have a long way to go. I hear, “August slipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine.” For some of you, I see that somewhere you still hope for someone to change. Perhaps, somewhere deep down you are pretending that you are over someone but you truly aren't. This year taught you a lot in terms of relationships and I hope you carry forward the lessons into the next year as well.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- Death
A spiritual transformation is coming your way. You may need to let go of something that might hurt you but it will be needed.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Cups, The World, King of Pentacles
Animal Spirit- Hyena
So my dear pile 3 I sense some conflict between your divine counterparts (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine). Some of you may be questioning your identity. You thought you were over something but then suddenly this year made you realize that there's more to this world and there's more to you. It was uncomfortable for you to accept yourself. For you, there was no way out of this misery. The problem is that you let the situations define you, and others' opinions define you. You didn't move based on your choice but you moved or made a decision based on what others perceive of you so that you still can be loved. You were or still are trying to prove something to the world. I hear, “You make me glow but I cover up won't let it show.” I am sorry to say but I see that there's a huge lack of self-love here. And you are still making peace with yourself. You are still learning to accept yourself. But the good news is that this tough cycle is about to end as the Capricorn season ends in January. Slowly but steadily you'll be out of this mess. You will find the courage to take the action. You need to. And you must. This year taught you what it looks like to see and feel the truth. It might have been uncomfortable but was necessary for your growth. You've suffered on the soul level and it's time that you take the right action and not what the world deems right.
One line tip for the next year:
Tarot Card- The Star
Deep down you wish to love yourself and that wish is coming true. Stay true to yourself.
Get your 2024 blueprint and be extra prepared for what's coming. (With Remedies/Recommendations)
3 Months- $10
6 Months- $20
9 Months- $30
12 Months- $40
DM me to book your reading!
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starbuck · 2 years
Walt’s fucking magpie tendency of collecting little mementos from his victims (continuing to cut the crusts off sandwiches the way Domingo liked it, the Eye from flight 515, Gale’s poetry book, the watch from Jesse) that he insists on keeping close to him is such freak behavior and i am OBSESSED with it.
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mcx7demonbros · 4 months
Solmare Staff A: I feel like I forgot something
Solmare Staff B: If you forgot, it probably wasn't important
Solmare Staff A: Yeah, you're right
The Nightbringer, Father and Progenitor of all demons, whose name was used for the game: 😑😑😑
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nursemimosa · 3 months
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I have something ultra cool and special to share today!
These are the Nov. 2023 and Feb. 2024 issues of Nintendo Dream that, upon me seeing them, resulted in me dropping everything I had to buy them instantly 😅
Both of these focus on the SV DLC, with the second issue pictured above containing some exclusive goodies (a full Jan 2024-Jan 2025 calendar!! and a double sided poster). I'll do a little in depth dive about these below the jump and include some pictures. (also forgive me for the quality of the pictures, I'm just a lil fella with an almost four year old phone...)
The November 2023 issue provides some info about the Teal Mask and things that were to come from the Indigo Disk. Having completed both now, it is really nice to relish in these pictures, trying to imagine what it would have been like to still be waiting in anticipation for the second part!
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The February 2024 issue goes a little more in depth about what there is to do in the Indigo Disk, with a (curious, to me) focus on both of the Elite Fours from S/V. I really like this issue a lot more since there are more pages dedicated to the game than the previous one (and not my Paldea Elite Four bias, I swear).
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My most favorite things were the included goodies found in the February issue. There was a (giant!) double sided poster and a full year calendar!
The poster on one side contains the promotional art for the Indigo Disk. The second side displays the Paldea Elite Four (my favorite side. As someone who's most favorite characters happen to be the Academy Staff and the Paldea Elite Four, I feel like I happened to stumble upon a holy grail (。T ω T。) if only they'd give the academy staff more merch and actual official art though..)
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The calendar is small but is packed with cute little tidbits and info about the game. They managed to assign every single day a Pokemon in the S/V dex (my birthday was assigned grafaiai... in case you were wondering).
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Even though I wish the magazines kinda focused more on SV (especially the Nov. issue), I'm super elated to have these in my collection :> they're really precious and so bold. The goodies are especially something I will always hold onto.
I'll end the post with a lil' Kieran! have a good one!
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clonehub · 3 months
What are the kinds of gifts a clone might give their lover?
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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solomiracle · 2 months
what are yalls hcs for the side characters main sins?
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Let’s talk about: How Collective Energy Works
Recently, I posted about collective lessons that we are working through together, and it made me want to expand on how collective energy works.
What do you mean by collective energy?
So all energy originates from source, and every individual has their own energy, their own soul mosaic. All this energy combined creates collective energy. By collective, we mean all the energies engaged with the earth plane. This includes plants, animals and even inanimate objects. Because yes, objects have consciousness as well. Everything that exists has a consciousness because energy was transferred to it when it was created.
So how does collective energy function?
Anything that energy is put into becomes part of the collective energy and the more energy that is put behind something, the stronger this energy can become. This something could be an idea, for example in modern day America, the idea that your job is your life purpose is an idea many people put energy behind every day they believe that and go to work. In my manifestation post, I talked about how sometimes you can’t manifest certain things because of the collective energy.
So using this example, let’s say you as a person believe that your life purpose is more than work and you want to manifest a life where you don’t have to work. You are like a little fish swimming against the current which is actually a huge wave. Everyone who believes differently is part of the current you are swimming against. This is why so many spiritual people talk about mass awakening. If enough people start swimming the other way, we create our own current that makes it easier for the people behind us to swim with us. If our current becomes big enough, we can overpower the other current and completely change the direction for all humanity. See how your own personal efforts as an individual fish are important to shifting the current for all?
That is what I’m talking about in my what the fuck is going on with humanity post. About the energetic warfare, it’s the push between currents and the people who are getting caught between them. It can feel like being ripped apart, forced in two directions.
Okay so can people harness collective energy?
Yes they can. Think about celebrities. They harness collective energy and use it to fuel their creative pursuits. You know how people talk about narcissists feeding on energy, sort of like an energy vampire? Well some people can fall into that when they encounter the power of collective energy— think Donald Trump. They become addicted to the energy that flows their way and are desperate to hold onto it. It’s a sure sign they’ve been co-opted by leeching forces and are no longer in control of themself. Effectively they allowed the collective energy to overtake their own individual energy and when you give up your power, you become vulnerable to being preyed upon because you have a weak spot. It happens to the best of us. Even those of us swimming against the current can become overtaken by the collective which is why we become depressed and defeated. It takes a lot of energy to swim against the tide.
If you can get enough people talking and thinking about something, it can add to your manifestation. That’s the power of fans, and why people with strong fan bases find so much success, because so much energy is focused on their success it creates an energetic current they can ride to a more abundant and free life—as long as they learn how to control their own energy and how to not get swept up in the current. This is why so many celebrities struggle with fame. The wave over takes them. Some people, fear mongerers, use this to create fear and negativity in people because they have been co-opted and the fear they create that other people subscribe to weakens them, and a domino effect of co-opting takes place.
If enough energy is put behind something, it almost can become its own entity, something beyond itself. This is how people create demons or other entity attachments. Demons are not physical to me, but energy presences we create through our own darkness. I’m not saying you have a scary monster attached to you, but what I am saying is that if you spend enough time in negative thought patterns, you feed this demon and overtime it grows. It becomes that negative voice in your head, the one who says you can’t succeed. It says horrible things to you and you say this doesn’t sound like me! It’s not. It’s the consciousness of all your negative thoughts. 🤯
I know. Trust me. When I started taking antidepressants I realized that the negative voice I thought was my own was the voice of my depression and my true voice had been buried. I’ve finally found her again and I’ve been strengthening her to fight the demon. It was very odd to experience these pieces of consciousness as separate. I asked my therapist if this was normal and she said it is, it’s just most people don’t do enough self work to hear the different parts of themselves.
Anyway! Hope this gives you insight into collective energy, how you are part of it and how it functions. Feel free to ask me for any clarity!
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lifeinpoetry · 1 year
I am saying, That is your holster, your gun, your handcuffs. And those are his hands in your cuffs. And that is a human throat you are kneeling on. That is our throat, our brother’s, our son’s, maybe our father’s throat. That is your mother’s, your father’s, your son’s, your daughter’s throat. That is your daughter’s throat.
— Sharon Olds, from "Anatomy Lesson for the Officer," Balladz
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wonder-worker · 5 months
In the end, politics was an accretion of personal decisions, and that means that the personality of the protagonists cannot be left out of the discussion. It determined not only how they reacted to the situations in which they found themselves, but how others reacted to them. The growing support for Edward IV in 1461 must have owed something to the realisation that he would make an effective king - whereas his father never seems to have been regarded in that light.
--Rosemary Horrox, "Personalities and Politics", The Wars of the Roses (Problems in Focus), edited by A.J Pollard
...When the worst had happened, and civil war was a reality, the overwhelming imperative was to find some way of restoring order. At the level of high politics, what this entailed in practice was a rallying around the de facto king. The Wars of the Roses, far from weakening the monarchy, actually strengthened it, since the king was the only man able to surmount faction. In spite of (Henry VI’s) manifest failings, Richard, duke of York's criticism of the regime commanded little high-level support - and would have commanded even less but for the crown's alienation of the junior branch of the Nevilles, headed by York's brother-in-law the earl of Salisbury. York in fact never did attain the political viability to break the vicious circle of temporary ascendancy and political exclusion. It was his son, Edward, earl of March, who finally mustered enough support to take the throne. He was able to do so in part because the situation had been transformed by the country's descent into open war, which reduced the compulsion to uphold the king as the embodiment of stability. Once it was no longer a matter of averting war, but of stopping it, political opinion began to divide more evenly between Henry VI and his rival. However, the crucial change may well have been York's own death at the Battle of Wakefield late in 1460. In the ensuing months Edward of York was able to present himself as the man who could mend the shattered political community. That self-identification with unity proved immensely potent, and it was not a role which could plausibly have been filled by his father. In the eyes of contemporaries, York had been the begetter of faction: a man tainted by his willingness to go to extremes.
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tio-trile · 8 months
This is about GOS2 but not quite -just wanted to tell you how refreshing (and calming) it is to see someone dislike something, or disagree with something, or someone (Neil, in this case) while being completely polite and respectful to people who do like it (the show, the ship, this season specifically, whatever) and not doing personal attacks or being insulting or downright hostile or aggressive. Just... Liking what you like, not liking what you don't like, and being in your own "bubble" so to speak. I adore the first season, and some moments in this one (not the season in general), and I've had to see and start avoiding absolutely wild stuff since 2019, from haughty superiority from book first fans calling people who liked the show absolute idiots, people directly attacking fanwork creators or even Tennant, Sheen and Gaiman themselves, to even worse stuff I'd rather not think about. As you can probably already imagine, that specific kind of dumpster fire has only gotten worse since the release of S2.
My take on fandom has always been to enjoy what you enjoy and ignore the rest unless it's something serious with real-world implications or consequences. It's always stressed me out how people can get, to the point that for several years I stopped engaging with fandom entirely, and I just wanted to say this, I guess, because it's been a breath of fresh air. I wish more people engaged with fictional material and fandom the way you do. Cheers, hope you have nice day and that this wasn't too weird of a message to get
This is really beautifully put, thank you for the nice message! Yeah all-in-all, these are just a show/a book/content made for people's entertainment, and there's absolutely no reason to get to the point of attacking the cast and crew or fans personally.
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emeritusterzo · 5 months
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