#spiritual evolution
wayti-blog · 2 years
Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.
Henri J.M. Nouwen
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vesora · 2 years
different realities?
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viewing the 3D reality
the reality in physicality to me is just the reality i have given the spotlight to. it is just the reality i am aware of; i am conscious of. all other realities except the one i would like to be in are moot. they dont exist. what i give the spotlight to exists. only what i am aware of exists. 
that is what is meant by being the creator of your reality. there are infinite possibilities and infinite situations, but only the one you continuously give power to is the one that is “real”. how can’t it be? it is the only reality that exists.
you’re in a hotel and all rooms are unlit, so you enter the one that is lit; that has the spotlight. you enter it and see it has everything you want, so therefore, it is the only room that matters; that exists. all other rooms cease from existence because everything you need is in your 4D, your true consciousness. 
if you keep wanting to go back to a room that was half lit and had half the desires you wanted but at least it’s familiar, you’re going against your own divine consciousness because what your soul truly wants to feel is absolute fulfillment. fear is just a product of ego. on the other hand, believing your current 3D is real is as if you’re in an unlit room where you have nothing you want, but youre just dreaming and hoping that one day you will get out of the room even though all it takes is to just open the door.
that’s all it takes. open the door to your desires. live in the 4D, your reality is simply what you give awareness to. is nothing real? maybe, but that is not your concern because what you deem real is real. the “3D” is just a projection of what you deem is real. there is no reality except the one youre aware of. go against your senses. deny what is in front of you. light the room where you have everything you want, for if you stay in that room, that is where you will be in all dimensions you seek.
I AM, after all.
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1luaamor · 9 months
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Let’s Talk About: Earth Bending
Recently, I had some more insight into bending energy and I decided it’s finally time to write a #longpost. I’ve missed doing them.
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What is Earth Bending?
Earth bending is when you know how to manipulate your own energy and frequency to be able to match that of the earth (soil, sand, the ground). What you’re really doing is working with them on their level. It’s sort of like translating energy.
How do I learn how to bend earth?
When you know how to control your own energy, then you know how to filter outside energy. This process of learning to control your energy is part of how you become an expert of your own energy, from there you can feel which energies aren’t yours and you can feel things come through the frequency line you create. Your hands may tingle when you do this as energy transfers. When you create that connection, you can talk to the earth.
You can feel its energy and listen to what it yearns for. Maui is yearning for joy. It wants its people to find joy on its shores, it needs aloha and its ohana too. I felt it there. On Oahu, the land yearns for water. In some places it felt so dried, I was brought to tears just to water it.
How do I get on the same frequency?
You can create such a powerful connection with the elements when you ask them questions. They hear our cries all the time and we never ask them about themselves. It’s a one sided dynamic. You have to form a relationship with the element.
I stick my hands in the dirt and I ask questions. I caress and play with the sand. I spend time with it and learn about what it wants and how I can help tell people.
My gift as a communicator isn’t just in public relations but also in hearing things people can’t always hear. Talking to that which people think isn’t sentient. How cruel. To diminish the ocean or the sand in that way. Just because things don’t express themselves in a human way, doesn’t mean they aren’t sentient or communicating. That’s how I’m also able to talk to animals and find their frequency. It’s like a radio tuner and you have to get it to the right place for the clearest signal.
Tips for strengthening your bond with the earth:
—bury your hair
—bleed into the soil (a little like a pin prick)
—remove invasive plants
—caress and play with it
—laugh and talk with it
—help it heal (ie plant native plants, help restore the soil, bring the water back)
**do this at a place you spend a lot of time enjoying, give back to that which gives so freely to you**
—Go spend time pouring your love, your life force into it
—plant beautiful plants in an aesthetically pleasing way, help the land gain its confidence and pride back
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The Land Feels Too
When land is stripped of all its uniqueness (native/endemic plants) and nutrients, it too feels defeated and sad. It needs to be brought back to life as well, made excited, so it can pour out to us like it so wants to. Right now the earth can barely hold itself together.
I saw this post from a Lahaina Strong Activist, Paele, and he said that West Maui is not in a place to lovingly open its arms to tourists when its arms are so tightly wrapped around the community. And that sat with me.
Mama earth wants to abundantly feed us, and block hurricanes and care for us. To let us eat fruit and look at her beauty all day. But capitalism has crippled her, broken her spirit, made her devoid of light. It’s our job to lift her up. We need her as much as she needs us.
So I can just move earth around and stuff? Like in Avatar?
Earth bending at this point in time is only to be used to send healing and loving energy to the heart of our mother Gaia. That is the only channel that is open to human kind at this point in time because, the earth is not strong enough to support other bending. She has to be healed first.
This channel was opened in 2022. The pandemic allowed her to regain enough strength to open the channel again, but it’s a pretty dire situation. To be totally frank. She’s very resilient but it needs so much from us. So much to balance all we’ve taken.
This channel is what allows me to hear her more clearly and to translate it. I realize now, I’ve always felt the earth but I never could quite translate it. Like I knew not to step on graves or instinctively how to talk to the wind. But it’s much clearer now. 2/22/22 Tuesday was the day the floodgates of energy opened. Access to magic was heightened for everyone after the collective uplifting during the pandemic.
Spirit was preparing me for a while because 2022 was a big year magically. Mathematically things aligned that’s how we had that wowza Tuesday. I don’t know much about math but spirit is urging that this is tied to sacred geometry and other magical math. I don’t have a math brain so I can’t quite explain it. People with math brains translate numbers, I translate energy and frequency. There are different energetic/soul expertises.
So right now, earth bending is being used as a tool to give voice to the earths desires and wishes. It needs intervention. When the earth tells you what it needs, it’s your job to work to take that action.
What Else?
Energy vortices are merely places where the land still has a strong life force. This is what I meant when I said some of us incarnated to hold the frequency. I’ve been sent to energy vortex locations all my life because I can plug into the energetic life force grid and power surge it, boost it. Which it needs because it’s not running at full capacity and it needs some help upgrading. That upgrade comes through conservation. Basically the energy expands, becomes stronger as the land functions more circularly. Right now it’s a straight line of extraction with barely anything coming back into the land
What can I do to help even if I can’t bend earth energy?
—get involved with sustainability based volunteering (physically caring for the land)
—lead neighborhood cleanups
—pick up trash at your local park
—ask your county parks about how you can plant more native plants in your favorite public park
—grow your own food
—work on healing your heart chakra
Also I want to state that I think a huge key in healing the land is found in indigenous cultures and the way they lived in harmony with their land of origin for so many years. I believe indigenous knowledge about the land is the only way we can save the earth.
I also want to state that this is a spiritual way to assist the earth. There is more than spiritual work that needs to happen to help her heal. But this is a way you can help spiritually/energetically.
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444her · 1 year
2023 Affirmations
☯️ I am capable
☯️ I have all the tools I need to navigate through any obstacles that may arise
☯️ I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful
☯️ Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas
☯️ My life is changing and that is okay
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creature-wizard · 1 year
So in a nutshell, spiritual evolution is basically the concept that humanity was put on this earth to grow and evolve spiritually. It's fundamentally rooted in the idea of linear evolution - the notion that the purpose of evolution is to produce "superior" lifeforms. However, evolution only produces lifeforms more adapted to new environments; there is no ultimate goal. Incidentally, religion also evolves to suit new social and material realities, rather than progressing toward any fixed point. So yeah.
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reality-detective · 1 year
When I'm having a bad day, I always come back to the above video
There can be NO DENIAL of the soul & the soul's connection to God.
This is one thing $cience can't contort no matter how hard [They] try.
And trust me, [They] try hard to!
'The Big Bangs' hidden focus is convincing people we're a random string of chemicals that accidentally formed out of complete chaos.
The Big Bang is Big Bullshit⁉️
The Fibonacci Sequence , Phi ϕ , universal "LAW & ORDER" isn't just found all throughout nature, but its sacred, ϕ Phi-llotaxis pattern & design denoting not just the exact geometry of the still Light known as magnetism, but also the propagating torodial bloom known as Frequency / Light itself, & it's found ALL throughout STOLEN occult symbolism & waved in our faces all across Te-LIE-vision👁️
[They] are trying to convince us everything is order out of chaos.
It's time to remove that chaos, & restore order.🤔
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omegaphilosophia · 2 months
Embracing Earth: A Perspective on Life Beyond Confinement
One argument against the notion of Earth being a prison is rooted in the perspective that life on this planet offers opportunities for growth, learning, and spiritual development. Instead of viewing Earth solely as a place of confinement or suffering, proponents of this perspective emphasize the potential for personal and collective evolution.
Here are some key points that support this argument:
Diverse Experiences: Earth is a vast and diverse world filled with myriad experiences, relationships, and opportunities for exploration. From the beauty of nature to the richness of human culture, life on this planet offers a wealth of experiences that contribute to personal growth and fulfillment.
Free Will and Choice: Unlike a prison where inmates are confined against their will, human beings have the capacity for free will and choice. Individuals can make decisions, pursue their goals, and shape their destinies, which is not typically possible in a prison environment.
Spiritual Evolution: Many religious and spiritual traditions teach that life on Earth is part of a larger cosmic journey towards enlightenment or spiritual awakening. According to this view, the challenges and trials of earthly existence serve as opportunities for soul growth and evolution.
Connection and Interdependence: Earth is also a place of interconnectedness and interdependence, where individuals have the opportunity to form meaningful relationships, contribute to their communities, and collaborate for the greater good. This sense of connection fosters a deeper appreciation for life and a sense of purpose beyond individual desires.
Transcendence and Transformation: While earthly existence may involve struggles and hardships, many philosophies and belief systems emphasize the potential for transcendence and transformation. Through inner work, self-discovery, and spiritual practice, individuals can rise above the limitations of the material world and access higher states of consciousness.
Overall, this perspective challenges the idea of Earth as a prison by highlighting the inherent opportunities for growth, self-realization, and spiritual evolution that life on this planet affords. It encourages individuals to embrace the journey of life with openness, gratitude, and a sense of purpose.
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The Dangers of Delusion
A lot of people on tiktok and tumblr and other spiritual spaces are seeing a HUGE rise in conspiracy theories and and persecution complexes. This isn't just in right wing spaces this is everywhere; I think with late stage capitalism fucking us over more than ever more and more people are turning to conspiracy theories and delusions to keep themselves in some sense of control but it is melting their brains in the process.
I'm going to ask y'all to read/write about conspiracy theories and psychosis for your own sake so you can recognise it better.
Here's what I've written in my own grimoire, my references will be at the bottom. If anything I've written happens to be incorrect please correct me, otherwise take this in and share it however you can.
Conspiracy theories relate to the government, or secret religious groups behind them, elaborate murder plots and “think of the children'' arguments. Most spiritual/religious conspiracy theories are ableist/racist/antisemitic. The origin for many modern conspiracy theories peddled today came about from a series of antisemitic propaganda called Protocols of The Elders of Zion (1903) -though documented records of antisemitism go as far back as the medieval times.
This fraudulent document made reports of secret meetings of Zionists, Jews, and Freemasons making plans to disrupt Christian civilisation and replace it with their own socialist government. The propaganda forged conspiracies like the shadow government, and blood libels (the murder of Christian children and using their blood in religious rituals) and that Jews were behind it all. Many of these conspiracy theories were also untilised in the satanic panic of the 60's to 80's. (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2022)
An example of the dangers of antisemitism in today's times would be the website Gaia who promotes spiritual wellness and yoga lessons alongside sci-fi and antisemetic conspiracy theories including the existence of reptilians, cryptids, Atlantis, and secret deep space technology. The reptilian conspiracy theory is a subsect of the shadow government conspiracy that evolved from Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Gaia's website features this introduction on their page titled Cabal:
“Powerful elites won’t disclose strategic deception or historical disinformation when it comes to the New World Order. From the Freemasons to the Illuminati, there are countless conspiracy theories tied to these top secret societies. But what is the truth? A mass consciousness shift looms as we expose shadow governments, mysterious organisations, new-age technologies, evidence of UFOs, and cover-ups that will change everything…” (Gaia.com)
Common Spiritual Conspiracy Theories (Nichols, I. (Wendigoon). 2022)
-5D Ascension: Pseudoscientific
-Alien abductions: Outer space, existential
-Archons/ancient aliens secretly run the universe and feed off negative energy: Pseudoscientific, antisemetic
-Atlantis (covered in a previous post): Pseudoscientific, antisemetic
-Cryptids/Cryptozoology: Pseudoscientific
-Essential oils cure everything: Pseudoscientific, medicinal
-Life is a simulation: Existential
-Qanon: Political, racist, antisemetic
-Secret Satanic rituals/cabal: Political, antisemetic
-Starseeds/indigo children: Pseudoscientific, outer space, ableist
Antisemetic Stereotypes/Propaganda
-Characters with exaggerated noses, greasy hair, black eyes, speaking with their hands (goblins)
-Money oriented, greedy, thieving personalities
-Secretly running the world in a cabal or shadow government
-Sacrificing children/christians to satan/drinking their blood
-Aliens created ancient architecture (like the pyramids) as opposed to the people of colour from those countries
-The Jewish god is actually the king of archons/satan and created reptilians by mating with humans for world domination (Reptilians include: political leaders, monarchs and Jewish people)
Another important thing to learn is recognising the difference between a spiritual experience and potential psychosis.
According to the NHS, Psychosis is a form of mental health issue where a person loses contact with reality. This can manifest in hallucinations, delusions and confused and disturbed thoughts. Causes can range from other mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorders or severe depression, traumatic events such as childbirth, or drug and alcohol abuse. These symptoms can also occur in isolated smaller cases during periods of stress.
Hallucinations are sensory experiences that do not exist outside a person’s mind. A common hallucination is hearing your name being called or seeing colours, shapes or people that aren’t there. A hallucination can also be feeling touched when no one is there, or smelling something no one else can smell or tasting something when there’s nothing in your mouth.
Hallucinations are the most common isolated experience that can occur due to stress, sleep deprivation, hallucinogenic drugs or some prescribed medications.
A delusion is considered an unshakeable belief in something untrue that doesn’t line up with reality. There are two main types of delusions:
Persecutory: The belief that an individual or organisation is making plans to hurt or kill them (think big pharma and covid vaccine micro chips or the Christian persecution complex).
Grandiose: The belief that a person has power and authority (for example, the person may say they are the messiah/chosen one, poses secret powers or psychic abilities or special connections to political figures or deities) (Legg, T. J. Bruise, C. 2017)
People experiencing a psychotic episode are often unaware that their experiences don’t align with reality which may lead them to periods of high anxiety and further isolation.
Disturbed Thoughts
Confused or disturbed thoughts include rapid or constant speech, disturbed speech that switches from one topic to another mid sentence or abrupt pauses in conversations.
If you are concerned you or a loved one may be experiencing symptoms of psychosis seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. The Mental Health Act (1983) covers the assessment and treatment for people with mental health issues and states that a person can only be compulsorily admitted if the mental issue/disorder is of the appropriate degree to be admitted or if the issue puts themselves or other people’s safety at risk. This act also states that you can be treated against your will however certain major treatments like brain surgery can not be done without clear consent.
-The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2022). Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Britannica.com [Webpage]
-Gaia (DNA) Cabal: Powerful elites won’t disclose strategic deception or historical disinformation when it comes to the New World Order. Gai.com [Webpage]
-Nichols, I. (Wendigoon). (2022). The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg. Youtube.com [Video]
-NHS (2019). Mental Health Conditions: Psychosis: Symptoms - Psychosis. nhs.co.uk [Webpage]
-Legg, T. J. Bruise, C. (2017). Delusions of Grandeur: How to Spot Them. healthline.com [Webpage]
-Legislation.gov.uk (DNA). Mental Health Act 1983. legislation.gov.uk [Webpage]
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grumpygorman · 23 days
slow displacingweight, yearspooled at my feet, afloat atop the puddle- a grey teardropin heat, on the cusp ofclearingup, chiseledfrom clay sleep.. orgrief of farewell worthforgiving, heart in hand,while never knowing.
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whispers-of-willow · 25 days
Begin a transformative journey towards profound self-discovery and spiritual alignment with these Daily Higher Self Affirmations. This carefully curated experience is designed to elevate your consciousness, guiding you to connect with your higher self and the cosmic energy that flows through the universe. As you immerse yourself in these positive affirmations, you'll find yourself stepping into a space of spiritual alignment, where every utterance acts as a bridge to the divine.
Each affirmation exudes self-love and confidence, lighting the path toward connecting with nature, your spiritual guide, and the vast expanse of the universe itself. I encourage you to practice meditation and mindfulness, to foster a sense of oneness with all that is. As you journey through these daily affirmations, allow yourself to be open to positive changes, trusting in the divine plan that the universe has in store for you.
Connect with your spiritual journey through the power of affirmations, tapping into your intuition and spiritual energy to manifest your desires. Each word is charged with the intention to help you align your mindset with your divine selves, creating a reality where spiritual alignment is not just an aspiration but a lived experience.
Let this video be your guide to a life where manifestation and spiritual journey converge, allowing you to explore the depths of your being and the infinite possibilities that await. With each affirmation, you're not just reciting words; you're invoking the power of the universe to realize your true potential and embrace the spiritual energy that defines your essence. Join us on this voyage of discovery, where each day brings you closer to your highest self and the divine plan unfolds with every breath.
For more visit: My Website: https://whisperofthewillow.com/self-care/transforming-your-inner-landscape/the-shadow-self/journaling-for-shadow-work/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whispers_of_willow/
My Tee Spring: https://whisperofthewillow.creator-spring.com
My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/WhisperoftheWillow/
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wayti-blog · 4 months
The only person who is spiritually smart is the one who has learned how to learn, unlearn, and change directions instantly, and start all over again, if your soul calls for it.
Michelle Casto
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crosstheveil · 4 months
Anthroposophy: Lucifer, Ahriman, Christ
"Lucifer" is a spiritualizing force of temptation and distraction that brings higher knowledge, freedom, unrestrained creative exploration, and the dissolution of structure. Following him is a path of depersonalization, foregoing personal history and possessions, spiritual bypassing, overindulging in fantasy and mythology, change for the sake of change, anarchy, delusion, false ideologies, seeing the world as an illusion with no real value, retreating from life, hedonistic confusion of what maximizes enjoyment and states of ecstasy or mania with what is divine; the desires, passions, and aspirations that lend to overreaching ambition or hubris. He motivates us to find bliss (lifted from the weight of physical existence) by chasing anything that excites or voices itself from spirit in spite of lacking the ability to discern (regressing into animal nature) where those impulses are coming from, leaving us in a perpetual state of wandering aimlessly with infinite potential.
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"Ahriman" is a materializing force of deception and lies that reduces things into forms and processes of physics that can be preserved in one differentiated state. Following him is a path of developing an overly analytical and mechanistic worldview, scientism, dogma/orthodoxy, reluctance to change, not being able to see beyond genetics, consumerism and commodification, acquisition of wealth, rationalism, weaponized intellectualism, becoming cold and dehumanized with a lack of empathy and compassion or any emotional depth; the fear, doubt, and pessimism rooted in material concerns such as survival, loss, and limitation. He motivates us to keep our essence contained in the physical realm (immortalize the body) by making us more like a machine (transhuman), looking for the solution to every problem through more effective systems of technology and surveillance, developing algorithms to recognize patterns and make predictions on a massive scale (artificial intelligence), and determining your value based solely on social credit. 
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"Christ" is the harmonizing solar force that balances the Luciferic and Ahrimanic impulse. Jesus himself was an advanced soul that carried the essence of Christ to perform a ritual that changed humanity by his sacrifice. When Christ incarnated to serve this purpose, it allowed for humanity to ascend out of matter into the kingdom of Heaven represented by the soul. Through the essence of Christ, we attain a natural sense of morality and we’re able to evolve by working from within ourselves to develop a conscience and see clearly. This Christ consciousness rests in the heart chakra, a center of truth. Unless we are centered in the heart, we’re not truly participating in life. We find balance by grounding spirituality, refining the knowledge received from spirit, aligning our ego with the truth of our soul and using that to serve others in a more meaningful way, realizing our physical body as a temple of the divine.
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Without Christ consciousness, we fall under the influence of Lucifer or Ahriman and worship them as God. These forces then become parasitic and feed on our potential as individuals by draining and misdirecting our essence to serve them.
The names of these entities are ways of identifying forces at play that are higher cosmic impulses which drive and personify through us to greater or lesser extents at different phases of our evolution. Our consciousness is seen as a vessel which carries these impulses but the force itself transcends its personification. We may or may not be aware of the spiritual forces that are acting upon us but it’s only by learning what we can about their essence that we can start using them to transform ourselves.
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Let’s talk about: Energy Absorption
Energy absorption is how you take energy from outside and blend it with your own energy. It’s very important to understand how you absorb energy so that you can keep your field as fortified as possible.
Sex actually impacts your field greatly. Letting someone inside you in any way, kissing, etc, allows their energy to mix with yours. This is why it’s important to watch who you choose to be with. If you are higher vibe than the people you sleep with, you’re gonna feel very healing for them and this can lead them to becoming a little ummm obsessed. Because you boost their field. They will say stuff like wow you feel so amazing, omg, and they’ll come back around. And how do you feel? Well since your energy was just drained in the exchange, you may notice you feel down, empty, sad, lonely, but generally worse after sleeping with them.
When people used to ask me why I stopped eating meat, one thing I told them was the energy. When you ingest something like meat, for example, you are bringing the energy of that being into yours. So if you eat beef from a cow who had a sad, horrible life on a cow farm, welp, that energy is now mingling with yours. This is why I advocate for people, if they want to eat meat, to look local, or to hunt it themselves. The same thing goes for plants though. Plants lovingly tended to have more energy than those not as personally cared. Again, this is a good reason to buy from small local farmers who can give more to their plants. The more sensitive you become to energy, the more you can begin to understand how certain energies impact you.
Absorption by touch
You can absorb energy through intentional touch, specifically when it comes to nature. If you have been feeling off energetically, sitting in grass and touching grass can help bring your energy field back to neutral as the pure energy of the grass gives to you. You can feel this with water too. Water actually can clean your energy field from energies you pick up during the day, but you can also intentionally absorb energy through water with submersion, as well as mixing things in water to be absorbed by your physical being, such as epson salt. This is a lot of times why people say cuddling with their pet improves their mood. Animals and plants have very pure energy, and they can help clear your field and recharge you. It’s not you’re giving them your negative energy it’s more like they can help take it on and transmute it. Some charged objects such as crystals, can also house energy that can then be felt by the person touching it. I’ll do a post on charging items at a later date.
Intention can affect absorption. Setting intentions with your food and water and anything you take into yourself is a good way to ensure it’s energy is used the best it can be. There’s a reason many cultures show gratitude before eating and after eating. Thanking your food for nourishing you is an example of this.
Just existing, your energy field is in flux based on people around you, buildings, your clothes, everything has an energy but you don’t necessarily absorb all of this energetically. Some energies that feel heavy can cling to you, which is why water cleansing is so powerful. Like if you live somewhere with heavy pollutants or you work around sick people, water cleansing will be especially beneficial for you to reset your field. If heavy energy lingers too long in your field it can start to be absorbed. Which is why regular time outside, water cleansing and intentional eating are all important practices.
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aboutto-fly · 1 year
Vibrant music for uplifting the mood!!
Acoustic instrumental music for relaxing, and energizing the soul 😌
Hear it out!!!
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creature-wizard · 2 years
So, the difference between starseeds and indigo children...
Starseeds is the idea that highly evolved alien souls are incarnating into human bodies to help the rest of us spiritually evolve. The concept appears to go back to around the early 20th century; it’s mentioned in A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: The Yoga of Wisdom, which was published in 1907. Indigo children is the idea that some people are being born with highly evolved (but still human) souls, and are basically meant to help the rest of us spiritually evolve. It originated with Nancy Anne Tappe in the 1970′s, who assigned colors to various kinds of people based on her synesthesia. Both of these concepts are strongly connected to giving weird spiritual explanations to what most of us would recognize as autism or ADHD, and they’re both popular among New Age types. They’re both tied to the idea of spiritual evolution. But they aren’t quite the same thing, and one did not develop from the other.
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