#christmas eve dinner
cinnamon-notes · 5 months
me and my bestie live-texting each other the funniest things/lines our homophobic relatives come up with through our xmas eve dinners is the coping mechanism i didn't know i needed !!!
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madam-of-lithuania · 5 months
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Me celebrating Kūčios(Christmas eve)
Su Kūčiom(Merry Christmas eve) everyone
And if you want to known more about about Kūčios here's the link to this YouTube video channel called Lithuania Explained who is made by this Canadian YouTuber who lives in my country Lithuania, and they are really informative and well researched it
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trusoulchristmas · 5 months
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Cheese Fondue Day
National Cheese Fondue Day is celebrated each year on April 11. Since cheese is such a popular (and delicious) ingredient, this day recognizes a food holiday that many enjoy. Fondue is a dish of melted cheese or other ingredients, served in a communal pot, known as the caquelon. This pot is placed over a small portable stove known as the réchaud. People then dip the bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. Meat, crackers, and vegetables may also be dipped into the cheese [No, just no. No way!]. Cheese fondue consists of a blend of cheeses, wine, and seasoning. It is a common delicacy that is available at most restaurants and can be easily made at home.
History of National Cheese Fondue Day
Fondue has been around for centuries, but the original cheese fondue recipe was only published in 1875. Before this, there was a dish called ‘fondue’ that resembled a scramble, which was a mixture of eggs and sometimes truffles. In 1905, cornstarch was introduced to Switzerland which led to eggs and truffles being removed and fondue becoming a cheese-based dish. The fondue is cooked on a stove and it is then poured into the Caquelon (fondue pot) where it is served at the table.
It is not known who made the first cheese. Some records suggest that it might have been accidentally made by an Arabian merchant. The merchant put his supply of milk into a pouch made from a sheep’s stomach, as he traveled across the desert. The rennet in the lining of the pouch, combined with the heat of the sun, caused the milk to separate into curd and whey. He found that the whey satisfied his thirst and that the cheese had a delightful flavor that kept him full for a long time.
Several different traditions go with eating fondue. One is the eating of the crispy cheese left at the bottom of the pot — it is referred to as ‘la religieuse.’ Another tradition is the custom of what happens when your cube of bread falls off of your fork. Ideally, if someone’s bread falls off, they have to buy a round of drinks for the table!
National Cheese Fondue Day timeline
80,000 - 10,000 Years Ago
The Domestication of Dairy Animals
Primarily sheep are domesticated for the human consumption of its milk.
100 B.C.
Cheese Making in the Roman Empire
The Romans document and find ways to perfect the process of cheesemaking.
17th Century
Cheese Manufacturing in America
The knowledge of cheese making is brought to the new world.
1900 -1950
The Spread of Commercial Cheese Factories
Cheese production rises to 148 million pounds in 1910 and 561 million pounds in 1950.
National Cheese Fondue Day FAQs
Which country's national dish is cheese fondue?
The Swiss Cheese Union declared cheese fondue Switzerland’s national dish in 1930. 
What are good dippers for cheese fondue?
Bread is a common dipper used for cheese fondue. However, there are other options to choose from such as french bread, breadsticks, and croutons. sourdough, pumpernickel, and bagels can also be used. 
Is cheese fondue healthy?
Fondue, as well as cheese fondue, can be unhealthy. A classic fondue starts with rich cheeses that are blended with spices and white wine. This blend creates a thick, savory sauce for dipping chunks of bread and other morsels.
How To Celebrate National Cheese Fondue Day
Host a fondue game night: Invite your friends over for a fondue game night on National Cheese Fondue Day. If someone’s bread falls into the cheese, they will have to buy everyone a round of drinks. You can also come up with your own games.
Post on social media: Post a photo of the cheese fondue that you made on social media with the hashtag #NationalCheeseFondueDay and encourage your friends to do the same.
5 Facts About Cheese That Will Blow Your Mind
Cheese can be addictive: Cheese contains a chemical that can trigger opioid receptors in the human brain.
There are more than 1,800 varieties of cheese: It would take about five years if you tried one cheese per day.
Cheddar is the most popular type of cheese: Cheddar cheese is a hard, smooth-textured cheese made from cow’s milk.
Pule is the world’s most expensive cheese: A pound can be sold for as much as $600 to $1,000.
Cheese is one of Pizza Hut’s main ingredients: Pizza Hut uses about 300 million pounds of cheese annually.
Why We Love National Cheese Fondue Day
It is easy to make: Cheese fondue is probably one of the quickest and easiest dishes to make. National Cheese Fondue Day lauds a dish that despite its simplicity, is delicious.
A day off from cooking: If you have been wanting to take a day off from cooking, then National Cheese Fondue Day is the perfect day to do so. Whip up this simple yet filling dish in a matter of minutes.
You can spend time with friends: Cheese fondue nights bring friends together. National Cheese Fondue Day is a great excuse to share a meal with your loved ones.
All you need is: Grated Fondue cheese, corn starch, white wine, Kirsch (clear, colorless fruit brandy traditionally made from double distillation of morello cherries), garlic and pepper. Please, don’t use the prepared convenience food one!
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gingerhotels · 6 months
Indulge in a sparkling Christmas Eve dinner and a heartfelt brunch with your friends and family. Experience the magic of celebrations and bring in the New Year in style with your loved ones.
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themrestaurant · 6 months
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Indulge in the festive spirit with The M Restaurant Bahrain's Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet! For just BHD 6 for adults and BHD 3 for kids, treat yourself and your loved ones to a delectable feast featuring a diverse array of holiday delights. Savor succulent roasted meats, delight in flavorful seasonal sides, and cap off your meal with a selection of decadent desserts. Our chefs have curated a menu that captures the essence of Christmas, ensuring a memorable dining experience for the entire family. Join us on this special evening as we celebrate the joy of the season with a sumptuous spread that embodies the spirit of Christmas.
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Having Christmas Eve dinner with both family and friends at my sister's place upstairs of the apartment.
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tojosuggestionbox · 5 months
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
Just cuz there's Yoda slander happening; my biggest issue with him (and most of the Jedi council/masters) is how he expected traumatized Ani to just Get Over It™ once at the Jedi temple
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nat-20s · 5 months
Rose Noble having the majority of her social life be with middle-aged people and that one significantly younger neighbor kid is so fucking real. That combined with getting REALLY into crafts makes her one of the most accurate depictions of being an only child I've ever seen. You KNOW when she joins the work force her best friend is going to be a 66 year old woman named Betty.
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What?!?! Thats so crazy! They put tragedy in my boat media!
+ Hodgetime
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 5 months
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i wish i did this for the meme but that’s actually what i wore to dinner (after having a mental breakdown) vs to watch the wedding video
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Christmas day as the eldest daughter is like: *gets up* well, guess I've got to go chop some vegetables
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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fore-seer · 5 months
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