snoelledarts · 5 days
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More pjo cheerleading AU because no one can stop me. (If you want to know where Nico and Will are…. I don’t know I haven’t figured that out yet LOLL)
Original for your Percy and Jason needs
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sugutoad · 3 months
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Cheerleader Annabeth as requested by @nicosavior456
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bikkinibottom · 1 year
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I’ll always cheer you on
words: 5.9k | percabeth | chapter 2
summary: Annabeth never imagined herself as a cheerleader and neither did anyone else. But throughout her experiences, she not only finds love in the sport and for her teammates, but in her best friend too.
chapter summary: Annabeth finds out whether or not she made the cheerleading team. Summer shenanigans ensue as she, Percy, and Grover come to terms with starting high school in August.
Annabeth was attempting to do a split as she and the other aspiring cheerleaders waited out in the hallway for their number to be called. Tryouts were officially underway as the first person was called into the gym for individual scoring. They were numbered off randomly and Annabeth was dead fucking last of the dozen candidates that were trying out.
Read the rest on ao3!
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bbyannabeth · 2 years
i just think punk!percy and girly!annabeth
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begaycommittreason · 1 year
y’all hera is literally annabeth’s ares
when given the chance she’s always gonna go for the throat with that bitch and percy’s just standing there like ‘wait hang on a minute’
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xx-ames-xx · 2 years
i think ive crammed my brain with too many soul destroying fics im at my mcfucken limit
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cranberryjuice-posts · 3 months
If your still taking requests, could you do a Clarisse x Fem Child of Aphrodite reader who was a cheerleader before coming to camp and still has her uniform.
She remembers she has it and trys it on, it still fits and she feels nostalgic so she goes somewhere secluded to practice her old cheers. Doing all the tricks and blackflips.
Meanwhile Clarisse wants to see her favorite girl but can't find her so she goes looking and finds reader doing all that stuff?
Thanks! - Marshmellow🤍
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- 1! 2! Ready go! -
Pairings - Clarisse Larue x Fem! cheerleader! Reader
An - this is my last request YALL should do totes send more
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You had done cheer since you could remember. Elementary, middle school, basketball, competition and football cheer, even to your freshman year of high-school.
That all changed though when you had been claimed by your godly parent. You figured only a summer at camp would be sufficient and you could go back to your old school and continue cheer! That back fired however After a group of monsters attack a cheer camp you went too.
You didn’t mind at first, giving up the sport. But now sitting on your bed holding your old cheer uniform you couldn’t help but miss the sport. Some of your favorite memories were made in it after all.
An idea soon came to you however. If you put it on and did a few tricks it wouldn’t hurt right..?. Only one way to find out.
A little tight around the chest, and the skirt was much smaller than you last remembered, the uniform still fit perfectly. Throwing on a pair of white tennis shoes and pulling your hair back into a signature ponytail with a bow you ran out your cabin.
The arena was empty as most campers were off playing capture the flag, conveniently your ‘ankle still hurt’ so you were allowed to sit out.
You let out a deep breath and adjusted your grip on your pompoms. Mentally prepping yourself before counting off. “1-2.. 1234——
“ Go team! Go team!
Who do we mean?
We'll say it loud,
Because we're proud.
Panther pride! Panther pride!
We're steppin' up, so step aside!
We're the best; we're here to win
Panther power's here again!”
The feeling of doing an old cheer brought back an old sense of adrenaline. You shook your pompoms above your head with a wide smile.
We're gonna win the game
And you wanna know why?
'Cause we've got spirit
And we're riding high, so
Tossing the pompoms aside you let out a deep breath. Doing a round off back hand spring while sticking the landing you panted. It had been a while since you had last some the tricks showing you were out of practice.
In the distance you heart a slow clapping. Looking over nervously you saw clarisse sitting on the bench near by you. “Why didn’t you ever tell me I was dating a cheerleader? I mean damn there’s something’s I’d like to brag about” she teased making her way over to you, grabbing your waist and admiring your uniform
“You brag to much as it is you don’t need another thing to add to that list” you gave her a slight unamused look. “And by your good attitude I take it you won?”
Clarisses grin confirmed your suspicions. She kissed you, once again squeezing your waist slightly. “Yeah you definitely won” you smiled.
“Obivously, you really think I was just gonna let annabeth embarrass my cabin again? No fucking way— ” with one final squeeze to your waist Clarisse started to lead you out of the arena.
You tried to stop her mainly because of how exposed you were in your uniform but the other woman didn’t seem to really care.
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YN - Clarisse half My Ass is out let me go change
Clarisse - nah it’s fine besides you look cute in your uniform
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9 5 People You’d Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by my favorite server cheerleader @nostalgiamonster
3 ships- I usually self ship but normal person ships would be Aziraphale x Crowley, Catra x Adora, and Percy x Annabeth.
First ever ship- Ron x Hermione tbh. Harry Potter was the first big series I read, and I loved their chemistry when I was a kid.
Last song- Crash by Neovaii
Last movie- Spirit Halloween. It was with my family, okay?
Currently reading- Alternating between Fred, the Vampire Accountant and Super Powereds, both by Drew Hayes.
Currently watching- Season 2 of Loki and Ghost Files as they come out.
Currently consuming- Chocolate cake.
Currently craving- Tofu Fried Rice (豆腐炒饭)
Tagging- @gooberdude101 @andagainwiththemuffins @dyadiccalamity @fand0mliker @supremecourtofgaming @lucifer-just-needs-a-hug
god i have like no mutuals
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the-sassy-owl · 16 days
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SCHOOL SPORTS AU! I had way too much fun with this one, favorite pieces of the year so far. Tbh it started because @nicosavior456 gave me the idea of cheerleader!Annabeth, and honestly I found it a bit out of character at first, but as I kept drawing I ended creating a whole AU in my head and this was the result. If Annabeth had any reason to become a cheerleader she would be THE CAPTAIN OF THE TEAM because of course she would.
This is an ode to my favorite genre of PJO fics ever aka ✨️Annabeth goes to Goode✨️fics iykyk
I suppose I could always continue this with the romans as well 🤔 camp jupiter would 100% be a private school. I feel like CHB would be public but I cannot imagine them NOT in uniform...
If you have any other headcanons or would like for me to keep it going lemme know!✨️
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cynthiav06 · 2 months
idk if you take asks but enchanted is such perachel (esp from rachel pov on how like she was so wonderstruck by him and his life/world)
Enchanted is definitely Perachel coded, and some sections work for both Percy and Rachel pov.
Percy pov:
Percy is sure his fatal flaw could have been hindsight. The number of times he has lamented the choices he has made, more so on the fact of whether he could have done it better differently; much like now that he's finished regretting his Nico conversation his thoughts finally return to one Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Yes, he remembers her full name, he has a good memory and even if he didn't she would be hard to forget.
For one, she saved his life despite him running her through with Riptide (he had never been more glad that his sword didn't harm mortals).
That and her face was a bit too memorable to ever forget. It's logical, too; he remembers Annabeth telling him the statistics for facial features. Red hair and green eyes were the rarest pair, and of course, Rachel Elizabeth Dare had both. It's not his fault he was enchanted, the sort of enchanted you get when you see a once in a lifetime thing cause that was what it was. He hoped, however, desperately that he would see his red-headed nightmare again; after all he had a debt to repay. Given that she probably lived near Hoover, chances were he would never see her again.
He shouldn't have doubted how much the Fates love proving him wrong because he sees her just a few months after the orientation of all places. He's equal parts glad and embarrassed, for he certainly couldn't apologize enough, and that makes him do something insanely stupid like run away. She finds him like she did last time, and he is so caught up in staring at her that he forgets he needs to run mostly cause he can't give her the answers she wants.
It starts out as he knows it would with her wanting an explanation. He wants to explain, too, but he's always been bad at it, and it's not like he got a good one from Chiron. Then came in the demon cheerleaders. They were so well disguised that he wouldn't have known if not for Rachel screaming. So yeah, it's now the second time he's gotten her involved in something dangerous. The empousai, something women, seemed to have it out for his blood, which wasn't new, but he drew the line at them attacking Rachel. He killed the first one and was almost on the second one when Rachel realized her scheme. Now Percy could definitely say thinking on his feet was his strength but between Rachel being attacked and Paul Blofis showing up he was a bit slow on the uptake. Rachel, brilliant Rachel gets them both out of there, they are almost out and he is half ready to drag her with him so they could both talk and so he could apologize again right until Annabeth shows up. So yeah, that ruins almost all his plans. Annabeth's in a hurry, and he should be too given the burning school, but he couldn’t just leave Rachel Elizabeth Dare on her own. If not for her insistence, he would have taken her with her. Deja vu is quick to catch up to him as he flees with Annabeth, leaving Rachel to deal with the mass chaos he left behind yet again. This time, though, he has her number scrawled on his palm, and he memorizes it for good measure because now he wouldn't need the Fates to run into Rachel.
Rachel pov:
Rachel can't stop thinking about Percy I-am- not -a mortal- guy weeks after her trip had ended and the cold was long gone. Made sense. After countless years of thinking herself insane, she finally met someone who knows all the answers to her questions. Perhaps that's why she is so ridiculously obsessed with him. What's more ridiculous is that she can't stop sketching. No matter what she starts with, she always ends up with the same visage of a sea-green eyed boy. The only reason she remembers his face is because she's good at that sort of thing; being an artist requires good memory, not because he was excessively good-looking even in that awful lion fur.. Had he not run her through with his stupid sword, she would have gawked at him. Listen, she was an artist, and she could admire a good face. She was almost at the point of hiring a P.I. under her father's nose to look for Percy something. She was sure he was from New York , call it a feeling. But if so, New York could have like hundreds of Percy and what if he lived in some strange place only people like him,no, people like them could see.
Rachel had a barrage of such weirdly eerie encounters, but something about this one was far more enchanting than any other. He had seen what she saw and heard what she heard, and when she told him to hide, he listened to her no questions asked. Nobody had done that ever before, but just before he slipped into the stall, she was sure that the uncertainty he felt was less over hiding and more over leaving her alone. "I owe you one, Rachel Elizabeth Dare," he had said to her with so much belief in the fact that they would meet again that she almost believed him as vain as it felt.
Turns out Rachel didn't have to believe in vain for too long. She saw him at this new high school she had picked against her father's wishes. It was so random that she thought she was hallucinating. She almost doesn't catch up to him, which makes her next words angry, and then he just stares at her as he blurts out her full name, and she's forgotten entirely why she was angry. The fact that he remembered her name made her weirdly happy until she remembered he tried to kill her. He had finally begun answering her questions until demon vampire things came along. Percy couldn't see them, so she had to ask him to run. Even now, he believed in her without any hesitation. Percy was negotiating. She could tell when Kale something and her trainee cornered them. Negotiating to get them both out. Then the trainee lunged at her. Faster than she could process her fear, she lay dead sliced clean by Percy. It was gross to be covered in monster dust, but she was happy she was alive. The Kelli one attacked now, and Percy swiftly put himself between us . For all her bragging about being thousand years old, I had a feeling Percy could defeat her. Maybe that's why she didn't feel any fear, just adrenaline and awe. Percy was extremely good with the sword, and the demon thing probably caught that cause she tricked us into ducking as she exploded and started a large fire. Even that would have turned out fine is some professor who knew Percy hadn't interrupted and made Percy freeze.
As she called out about the fire he seemed to recover as he quickly counted his options and settled for jumping through the broken window. Because she was now certifiably insane she jumped after him into the alley. By the time she caught up to them some blond girl was standing with him. By the looks of it she knew him but Rachel hadn't seen her at orientation; as soon as her grey eyes settled on Rachel her smile disappeared but Rachel didn't much care about that. Percy had gotten her into this he was going to pay her back with at least a fee explanations.
She ignored the pang she felt when he told the blond girl Annabel something that she was a friend. But friend was good it was better than nobody. As Annabel was about to drag him away, possibly preventing them from meeting ever again, she scrawled her number on his hand in permanent marker. Contrary to her thoughts, he didn't call her crazy nor did he back away. It might have been her speech about him owing her, or maybe just maybe he was just as enchanted by their first meeting. As she ran away to make up some story, she could still feel his eyes on her. This time, it was he who would look for her maybe, just maybe as fixatedly as she had.
This turned out to be rather long but it's such a good theme it might deserve a part two. (Yes I do take asks , just takes me bit of time to deliver.)
I will never get over the fact that Percy Jackson called Rachel his redheaded nightmare. I can't-
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canonfeminine · 2 months
🌊♡ . . . Percy Jackson!
🔧♡ . . . Leo Valdez!
🦉♡ . . . Annabeth Chase!
⚡♡ . . . Jason Grace!
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flower1622 · 3 months
Unfinished Fanfics (p.1)
. The goddess not so ordinary
Ships: Annabeth/Percy, Padme/Anakin, Original Character/Original Character, Diego/Matilda, Goku/Chichi, Sasuke/Hinata/Naruto, Nico/Will, Boomer/Bubbles, Blossom/Brick, Buttercup/Butch, Adrien/Marinette, Achilles/Patroclus, Merlin/Arthur, Harry/Draco, Albus/Scorpius, Boruto/Sumire
Friendship: Hercules and Iolaus
A baby was born called Selena. She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Eris, jealous of her sister, threw Selena to the human world. Now, Selena has to live a life like a "human". After many years, Selena finds a Greek Academy. But she didn't expect that one of the heroes, descendants of gods and witches, could be swayed by the dark side. That person would be considered by the gods as the hero of the prophecy. Selena would need to figure out who was it to help the person not to become what the gods feared.
. Kronos knew Luke would sacrifice himself, so Kronos splits in two and his other part possesses another body.
. Annabeth dies. Nico and Will have their lifes connected. So, if Will dies, Nico dies too.
. Clarisse and Percy stay together in the sequel. They adopt Selena's baby.
. The heroes got turned into vampires and they want to turn the people they love.
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. Brothers and Sisters
I thought about a story that a popular girl at school called Claire would be the center of attention of two handsome popular boys, called Cody and Zack. They are both rivals. But, what they don't know is that they are actually wizards, born from the same Dad.
- Cody will be a kind and smart guy who everyone likes. He would have green eyes and blonde hair. He would like Claire.
- Zack would be a sassy and evil guy who everyone would fear and admire. He would have green eyes and black hair. He would like Claire.
- Claire would be a kind and smart cheerleader who everyone likes and adores. She would be a witch. She would have an evil twin sister called Meredith, something that she doesn't know. She would have brown hair and brown eyes. She would like Cody.
- Meredith would be a smart and evil girl who everyone fears, admires and hates. She would be a powerful witch who hates Claire and likes Cody. She and Claire would be rivals.
-  Brittany would be Claire's best friend. She would be a smart and funny black girl with black eyes and black hair. She likes to dance Hip Hop. Brittany would be a normal girl. She would be like a precious sister to Claire, like a rock that holds Claire. If something happened to her, Claire would be very devastated.
- Zack and Cody would have a best friend called Michael. Michael would be a nice and strong athlete boy. He would like Brittany. He would be like a bridge that connects Zack and Cody. He would stop the brothes' fights. Michael would have dark eyes and dark hair.
- In the end, Meredith would be with Cody and Claire would be with Zack. Brittany would be with Michael.
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. Bites to Suck
In another world, a band called BTS was very famous. But, there was something nobody knew about them. They were vampires, except for one: Namjoon. The other members were very protective of Namjoon and very obsessed with him too. Everything he did, they were always watching him. Even though Namjoon was their leader, he still had a kind heart and many people use him because of it. They try to protect him in the best way possible. But after being turned evil, they want to turn him. Each one of them has a special power.
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goodgodwhysposts · 2 years
what percabeth stories can u recommend with the same genre with its not serious i swear? fwb trope or smut with plot? genuinely curious tysm
Hey, thanks for this ask! I'm sure I've missed some good ones, but these are a few great stories that I could remember off the top of my head, which I've read over and over.
One Shots:
i don't want you like a best friend by @bbyannabeth (they have too many good ones to mention them all but this my fav one shot that they've written [except maybe 48 hours with annabeth chase])
pushing boundaries by petersgwen (love their lucky charms and eleventh hour fics too)
slow-motion double vision in a rose blush by herecomesthepun (similar vibes to 'it's not serious' with popular/cheerleader annabeth, very good)
all of you, all of me by @imaginmatrix (all their stuff is good, but i'm a sucker for fwb)
wreck my plan, that's my man by @seaweedbraens (again excellent fics all around, worth reading the whole lot of them)
if all's fair in love and war by @thewritingmaniac-blog (i'm not sure if they're still writing this and it ends on a cliffhanger but we're holding onto hope because hogwarts aus are great)
faster than a hairpin trigger by medeaa (this is another one which has been left on a cliffhanger but it's one of my favs ever)
brunch by @bananannabeth (i don't think this is gonna be finished, but the vibes are immaculate and it's kinda non-linear so the way it ends is still satisfying)
game, set, match by @blackjacktheboss & @ananbeth (a classic)
good god i know it's dangerous by biclarriselarue (mostly non-explicit but the enemies to lovers dynamic is the best)
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bikkinibottom · 2 years
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I’ll always cheer you on
words: 3.6k | percabeth | chapter 1
summary: Annabeth never imagined herself as a cheerleader and neither did anyone else. But throughout her experience she finds love not only in the sport and for her teammates, but in her best friend too.
Annabeth found herself standing alone in the middle of her future high school gymnasium, a pamphlet in hand that listed all of the different clubs and sports the school had to offer. It was April, which meant it was time for freshman orientation for all the eighth graders. After a long and boring assembly and quick tour of campus, the small intimidated students were corralled into the gymnasium for an activities fair.
She, Percy, and Grover started out in a group but as they walked around all the different tables they began to split off, different clubs or sports gaining their attention. As Annabeth surveyed the room she saw Grover at the environmental club table and Percy was standing in line at the table for boys basketball. Basketball huh? Annabeth thought. She’s only ever seen the black-haired boy play a few times when they were at summer camp.
Just as she was about to make her way toward them, someone- a girl- called out to her from her left.
read the rest here on ao3
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bbyannabeth · 2 years
im never not thinking about annabeth as a cheerleader
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forevfangirlwrites · 8 months
play stupid games, win stupid prizes chapter 11
“You look fine,” Thalia says for the third time, rolling her eyes as she watches Annabeth stand in front of Piper’s gigantic mirror checking every angle of her outfit.
It’s not the most reassuring tone and Annabeth finds herself frowning at her friend through the mirror.
They’re at Piper’s getting ready for homecoming together and since Thalia was the first one done, she’s been idly scrolling through her phone and giving vaguely encouraging remarks to Annabeth and Piper.
Piper shakes her head as she clasps her necklace. “You look good Annabeth,” she says with a lot more sincerity than Thalia. “Percy is going to freak.”
Logically, she knows that Piper is right. If Percy freaked out over her cheerleading outfit, well… this is better.
Not that she cares about what Percy thinks or anything.
“It’s not about him,” she insists in an effort to convince her own mind. “I just want good pictures for our last homecoming.”
“Right…” Thalia responds, looking down at her phone, clearly skeptical.
But before she has a chance to emphasize her point, Thalia continues. “Also, they’re almost here. Jason just texted me.”
“Oh!” Piper tugs Annabeth away from the mirror and starts fixing her already perfect hair.
“You know you look good,” Annabeth says, watching her friend scrutinize every detail.
“I know,” Piper responds with a smile. “Just want to make sure I don’t have lipstick on my teeth or anything. If Jason isn’t floored then he’s…” she pauses to turn towards Thalia, “no offense, an idiot.”
Annabeth laughs and Thalia smirks. “He already is an idiot,” she agrees.
On cue, the doorbell rings and Thalia goes to answer it. Piper turns towards her as Thalia leaves the room. “I’m serious Annabeth, this color looks great on you.”
Annabeth looks down to take in the sea-green dress. It has a sweetheart neckline and flares out at the bottom ending mid-thigh. It’s not super fancy, with just some small sparkles on the skirt but she’s not that fancy of a person anyway.
“Thanks,” she says looking up to find her friend curiously looking at her. A part of her wants to ask Piper what she’s thinking, but the other part thinks it’s about Percy and maybe she doesn’t want to know.
“Alright, I’ll go down and say you need a couple more minutes so you can have your moment,” she says instead of asking the question.
Piper grins. “You’re the best.”
She shoots her friend a wink and slips out the door, making her way down the stairs to the living room where everyone is gathered in.
Thalia and Leo seem to be in a thumb war, Jason is looking around at the décor and Percy’s on his phone.
She takes a moment to observe him quietly. He’s wearing a suit.
It makes sense of course, but she’s never seen him this dressed up and a part of her believed he’d show up in jeans and a hoodie.
But no, he’s cleaned up really well, suit and tie with an attempt made to style his hair too.
Her heart is already pounding when she steps into the room and speaks, forcing herself to look at Jason instead. “Piper will be down in a couple of minutes.”
At the sound of her voice both Jason and Percy look towards her (Thalia and Leo still focused on their game) and Jason smiles in response. “Thanks.”
She can feel Percy’s gaze on her before she turns to meet his eyes. Trying to hide her smile, she walks right up to him.
“Not bad Jackson,” she says, once again taking in his suit, while his eyes are on her. It’s even better up close, mixed in with his familiar cologne. God, he looks really good.
She doesn’t say that, but she wonders if maybe her eyes are giving it away.
Percy still hasn’t said anything, but she knows he’s been looking too so she leans in. “Percy?”
The only movement is the way his jaw clenches.
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