doodle-pops · 4 months
Awkward Formalities
CEO!Maedhros x reader
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Request: God morning Mina:) hope you’re doing well! Can I send you a request for a fluffy, family-bonding fic of CEO! Maedhros x reader, where they are invited by Feanor to meet the family after he heard about their… trysts over the phone from your headcanons? Thank you! - anon
A/N: This was more crack and humoured than I intended.
Warnings: humour/crack, CEO! Maedhros, female reader, talks about having children, fluff
Words: 2k
Synopsis: The time has finally come to meet the family…in the most awkward manner.
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“Well…congratulations on performing your duties, son. I hope to meet my grandchildren very soon…and your companion.”
If Maedhros possessed the ability to travel through time, he would undoubtedly utilise it to spare both himself and you from the excruciating embarrassment that had unfolded. The prospect of avoiding an uncomfortable situation haunted him, particularly one that involved a lavish dinner table, overloaded with judgmental gazes and sly smirks.
The source of these disapproving looks was an unfortunate mix of his nosy siblings, who had received unwarranted invitations, and his parents, engaged in a constant exchange of glances whenever he extended a courtesy to you. Maedhros found himself torn between wanting to disappear into the comforting embrace of his favourite chair or fleeing for the hills, carrying you over his shoulder like a caveman to escape the awkwardness.
“Is it true that dad overheard you on the call?" snickered Tyelko with nothing but the intent of creating chaos.
Huffing and shooting a stern glare to silence the silver-haired male, Nerdanel apologetically smiled at you for any discomfort her boys were causing. However, Celegorm’s question was the catalyst necessary for the rest to follow.
“Sooo Y/N...” Tyelko smirked as he revamped his antics, leaving no space for his parents to ask the same questions in a boring manner. “I hear that you’re my brother’s accountant?”
Darting anxiously at Mae, you placed your glass down and turned to face the smug-faced brother. With an exhale, you ground your teeth and muttered, “Yeah, I am. Just one of his many accountants.”
The table went silent save for Feanor and Nerdanel’s cutlery knocking against their plates. Most of them knew who you were and your position, having walked in on you and their brother before, furthermore, you were Caranthir’s past employee. It was he who recommended Maedhros to accept you when your background was being checked.
“You’re also his favourite, but how does that work then? Do you visit Mae’s office, or does he visit yours to uh...check the stocks?” he choked out before shooting a wink at his eldest brother who was turning tomato in his seat at all the sexual innuendos. His younger brothers erupted into laughter, small snickers here and there, even Maglor couldn’t resist laughing.
Maedhros’s focus was averted to now glaring at Celegorm who appeared nonchalant to the burning glares he was receiving. He was too busy bumping elbows with Curufin and sharing a joke in hush-hush tones, eliciting snickers.
“Tyelko,” warned Nerdanel who was desperately shooting blank stares at her husband at the opposite end of the table to dissolve the mess. Unfortunately, Feanor was clueless to the weight of the mockery at the table, finding no harm in the conversation.
With his palms raised to mimic surrendering, Celegorm cried out with a wicked grin gracing his features. “What did say, mom?! All I stated what I hope my brother and Y/N was bringing in enough stocks in the family. Dad always tells us that we should start bringing in lots of stocks into the family so long as we’re…um, getting assistance. Isn’t that right dad?”
“Indeed I do, it’s about time,” Feanor muttered, and before he could continue, his wife furrowed her brows at him in dissatisfaction prompting him to end his say.
Growing more confused by the family’s lingo, you turned to Maglor, who sat to your right and questioned. “Stocks?”
“Children.” His response elicited a silent awestruck expression from you. “He’s behind all of us to start giving him grandkids, and it seems that you and Mae are the new targets. Last time it was Moryo.”
As the dinner progressed, the scrutiny intensified. His younger brothers, with their merciless mockery of his painful stiff–man appearance and one–worded answers, became an added torment. Maedhros teetered on the brink of launching his favourite chair at them, but the crisis was averted, largely thanks to the reassuring squeeze of your hand on his thigh. That concrete anchor prevented him from transforming his preferred seating into a weapon.
Now, with you positioned beside him but noticeably closer to his father, a new wave of discomfort washed over him. Cold sweat broke out, and an unsettling sensation crept beneath his clothes, as he contemplated the impending private confrontation with his father in the luxurious confines of his office. In that moment, a part of him yearned for the simpler chaos of a childish brawl with his siblings, a distraction from the weighty scrutiny and unspoken expectations awaiting him in his father’s domain.
“You were quite vocal, I must say—”
“Father!” scolded Maedhros, cutting Feanor off and making the older man frown as though he had said something offensive. “You can’t say things like that!”
Feanor shook his head in bewilderment, his palms upturned, and a pout forming on his lips. His gaze darted towards you, only to find you stifling laughter and concealing your face with a cascade of hair. “What did I say? I merely commented on your vocal nature, expressing a wish for such boldness during seminars and board meetings in the past. Is that an inappropriate thing to say?”
“Yes it most certainly is!” Maedhros awkwardly reacted with an annoyed expression due to you finding humour amidst the interaction. “You…you cannot make such mindless remarks about intimate acts.”
With a sly, tongue-in-cheek expression, Feanor pursed his lips and cast a sideways glance at you, clearly struggling to regain composure while shooting pointed eyes at his son and engaging in a silent but animated argument. In all honesty, there was nothing to be embarrassed about; rather, it was a moment worthy of celebration. After all, his son had acquired a girlfriend, or perhaps a future wife, and with that, the promise of grandchildren loomed on the horizon. What, then, was disconcerting about extending congratulations on this matter?  
“Well then, shall I congratulate you both on a job well done? Grandchildren in the future…” he beamed, swiftly sitting upright in his cushioned chair to meet your figure and focus the conversation between you both since his son’s desire was to interrupt every attempt at his joy. “Daughter?”
As the words escaped his lips, your eyebrows shot up to your hairline, caught in a moment of confusion. It wasn’t clear what puzzled you more—the unexpected question or the unfamiliar name directed at you. Perplexed, you found yourself sinking into the rich memory foam sofa in the residence of your boss’s father.
His intent gaze bore into your features, anticipating a response devoid of his son’s influence. In return, you mustered a blank expression, as if your mind was a sleek surface on which all potential answers slid off effortlessly.
Engaging in a futile attempt to distract yourself, you performed subtle circus tricks with your eyes, exploring the room for anything that might aid your scrambled thoughts. However, a suitable response proved elusive, and you stewed in the silence for what felt like an eternity. In the absence of a miraculous answer bubbling up to the surface, the only option left was to shoot yourself in your foot for the nonsensical words that spilled out in an attempt to satisfy his expectations.
“…Yes, Sir.”
“Father, my dear. Call me father—after all, you and my son will be having children soon, so that would make you his wife and you, my daughter.” He was beaming too much in his seat and radiating enough light to outshine the chandelier. It was enough to blind Maedhros from witnessing the horror occurring before his eyes. All he wished was to be deafened.
“Uh…yes, father.” You awkwardly chuckled and forced a grin while darting your eyes between him and Maedhros who was hanging his head in regret. “But I don’t think I’m well-suited to be your son’s wife. I’m only his accountant.”
Forcing a round of laughter and smiling as honestly as possible, you attempted to keep the atmosphere as awkward as possible with your responses eliciting more cumbersome replies.
“What’s that supposed to mean, my child? My son has been seeing you nonetheless, and behind my back,” he paused to throw a disappointing look at his son, “thank Eru for his slip up, I heard and learned everything necessary. He chose you—since he never selects anyone or tells me anything—regardless of your position. Did he ever tell you about how his mother and I met? She was, well still is, a craftswoman who worked with her father in a small stall between a botanist and café. One day I saw her, messy hair and clay on her face, and knew I had to be with her. I didn’t care about what or who she was, I just knew she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on, but she was also…frivolous. That’s how Nelyo entered our lives. The same way you two were constantly…”
His words hung in the air with an unspoken humour in his tone followed by the arching of his left brow with a playful, yet memorable smile on his lips.
“Ah…” Awkward. That was the particular word circling both yours and Maedhros’s minds at the moment.
Tranquillity settled over the room oddly as Feanor delved into memories of his youthful years with his wife, leaving you and Maedhros staring at him with bemused expressions tinged with pain. Suddenly, you felt the intensity of Maedhros’s gaze, as if his eyes were burning holes into your skull.
“What the hell was that?” he mouthed, rolling his eyes about the place, displaying a smudge of his attitude.
Shrugging your shoulders in defence, you counteracted. “I’m sorry!”
Sliding across the sofa, as stealthily as he could, to sit closer to you, he grumbled under his breath, “You’re setting me up for trouble. I’m not going to be hearing the end of this anytime soon! Stop encouraging him!”
“So you wanted me to tell him ‘no’ and then receive an earful?! In case you haven’t noticed, your old man is glowing! Do you want to pop his bubble?”
“Yes…no…maybe—just a tiny bit. It’s just…I’m thrilled that he has accepted you, but this is moving all too fast, and you’re siding with him!”
“Well you’re the one who didn’t hit the right button,” you teased and bit into his muscular arm. “So enjoy the moment.”
His mouth swelled up at your comment and his eyes communicated volumes, penetrating yours, unblinking and unmoving. He embodied the over-dramatic persona he vehemently denied, throwing the tantrum of a spoiled child. Expressing his frustration through an audible huff, he dramatically collapsed onto the cloud-like sofa, his lips moving at the speed of light and his cheeks swelling with agitation. It was a side of your boss you had rarely witnessed—a sour-puss emerging when denied his desires.
Locking eyes with yours from under his lashes, he mustered all his authority in that moment, failing, and announced, “I’ll have to fire you for being a distraction.”
“That’s not going to stop you from seeing me,” you mocked.
Fortunately, Maedhros's unspoken plea seemed to have worked, bringing the little family meeting to a swift conclusion. Led out of the office, both you and Maedhros were on your way to reunite with his mother and siblings. His father opted to stay behind, citing the necessity of making preparations for the future—whatever that entailed. Although your lover seemed to grasp the hidden significance, he grumbled discontentedly under his breath as he made his way into the living room, where his mother sat with two of her boys.
Glancing away from Maglor, she beamed at you both. “Ah, I trust that it went well?” There was a teasing tone in her voice which made everyone in the room, minus Maedhros, break into a snort.
“Let’s just say that he’s under false impressions as we speak.”
“Well, that’s between you and your father. Now come join me Y/N, I wish to show you some of Mae’s baby pictures.”
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @ladyenchanted @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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whovianofmidgard · 9 months
russingon enchanted au that i won't be writing (some free realestate for y'all)
ver. 1.
modern earth Maedhros, heir to his father's tech and/or high-end jewellery company and is already doing all the work of a CEO ('cos Feanor only cares about working in R&D)
then there is fairytale prince Fingon getting himself portalled into the modern world by probably Sauron, and falling into Maedhros' lap (metaphorically or literally)
thus optimistic black-and-white world view Fingon learns about a more realistic grey morality from Maedhros, while overly stressed Maedhros learns to relax and find joy in life thanks to Fingon
also Fingon randomly bursts into song when he has big emotions or deep thoughts. one time he initiated an impromptu flash mob in the middle of a mall and Maedhros is both hoplessly fond and incredibly mortified. Maglor once witnessed one of Fingon's musical numbers and was absolutely delighted and "Maedhros, you better keep your new boyfriend or I'm gonna whack you with my flute"
ver. 2.
modern earth son of a politician Fingon meets tortured hero Maedhros from a greek/shakespearean tragedy
more angst hurt/comfort vibes than ver. 1. i know
Fingon shows Maedhros the beauty and good in the world while figuring out what he wants to be in life. Maedhros finds healing and is able to help Fingon with his father's political conundrums
both can include:
- humorous situations regarding modern electric appliances
- songs of power do weird shit in the modern world
- plot thing with Sauron/Morgoth following the hero into the modern world
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polutrope · 18 days
post apocalyptic Maedhros?
Maedhros in a Post-apocalyptic AU
He is one of the Undead. As humanity was battered by climactic chaos, Maedhros -- CEO of an extractive corporation, a man who forgot himself in selfishness and greed, who hardened his heart against the harm he was causing, trapped in a prison of his own making -- leapt into the fire.
But Earth refused to take him into her bosom. He did not deserve release, and he rose again from the ashes, ravenous, miserable, forced to turn against humankind in his hunger.
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Thanks for the ask!
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tanoraqui · 9 months
On one hand: I now DESPERATELY want like, a 5+1 of times Maedhros went nuclear on the HOA/PTA (and one time Fingon did it for him).
But also I am now imagining the canon setting HOA/building codes. Like. They're like 95% defensive stuff about keeping walls clear and in good repair, fire suppressant means on hand, etc. But the remaining 5% is buckwild Finwean aesthetic bullshit.
Thanks for the ask! If it’s in any way reassuring, re: your tags on the inspiring post, Maedhros doesn’t run the HOA with an iron fist so much as…okay listen have you ever read the Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association MDZS/Untamed fox series? Maedhros can’t use his power or his menacing reputation for the HOA (or PTA, etc) because this is his mild-mannered alter ego. He can’t even act too much like Maedhros Fëanorion(TM), because the disguise is glasses + Clark Kenting! So instead of being sexily threatening and supernaturally authoritative, he rules the HOA with nonthreatening charm, spreadsheets, and a dash of blackmail as necessary.
Also, actually, he has a full-time job as a CEO/supervillain, so most likely he rules the HOA through a convenient patsy.
Idk if I can pull out a full 5+1, but…
1. When they were still living in an apartment in downtown Echo City (penthouse, fairly fancy but not where the UBER-wealthy live), one time Maedhros suggested to the building manager that the rooftop garden would be more aesthetically cohesive and appealing with brickwork pathways. The manager brushed him off. Maedhros took offense (“Our contract says that the landlord will maintain the building for use AND aesthetics!”) and rallied other residents to make a fuss. After three weeks of escalating complaints, the building manager nearly started crying in an all-parties meeting as he tried to explain that he’d asked about getting superficial brickwork on the roof, okay, he’s sorry he was dismissive at first, that’s on him, but he did ask, and his boss said that he’s not allowed to so much as look at contractors to upgrade the garden paths—
It was at this point that Fingon pulled his beloved husband aside and asked, “Russo don’t you technically own this building?”
“Yes,” said Maedhros.
“So his boss, or his boss’s boss’s boss’s boss…”
“He was rude to me,” Maedhros hissed. “Which is a failure at his job, too! I will break him, and then I will have him fired and replaced with someone who is a more quality judge of interior and exterior design.”
2. When they moved into a house in the suburbs, neither bothered much with the HOA at first, because they were too busy with their newly untesttubed baby. Maedhros realized he needed to Do Something about it when the HOA wouldn’t let them put up an eye-searing display of Solstice lights. Fingon more or less said “sic ‘em” on this one; in all universes, Noldor are (sometimes fatally) attracted to shiny things. They’re like crows.
3. Maedhros licked the chocolate crumbs from his fingers with intense focus.
“This isn’t just homemade,” he said slowly. “It’s actually good.”
“That’s great!” said Fingon. Judgement passed, he bit into his own brownie. “Mmm, yeah, that is good—I can’t believe your weird little competition prompted her to not just make real brownies for once, but to make good ones! I assumed she lied about the storebought ones because she just couldn’t—hey, no. No.”
He grabbed his husband’s hand, which was pulling out a cellphone with the same forbidding fury that most people reserved for drawing guns.
“You are not allowed to call a hit on Laura from the PTA,” Fingon said sternly. “Be proud! Be happy! You inspired her, and now the bake sale stands a real chance!”
“I’m not calling a hit on her,” Maedhros said grimly. “I said I’d humiliate her and I meant it—so I’m doing far worse.”
He swiped the phone open and handed it to Fingon.
“Please call your grandmother and ask for her brownie recipe—you know, the really good fudgey one that my father always pretended to hate.”
BY THE WAY, it hasn’t come up at all in the au and I’m not sure about the details or implications, but the Vanyar are definitely an alien race. Maybe secretly? 2/3 of this extended family are only partly or mostly human. They still get their superpowers from Finwë’s side, though.
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dalliansss · 6 months
Fanfic end of the year:
Fics you wanted to write but didn't
fanfic end of the year asks
Oh man, so mANY.... I just have so many damn ideas in my head. Here are a few:
Untitled Modern AU - direct sequel to Red. Featuring Fëanor and Sons, LLP where Fëanor is an appeals court judge and his sons are all lawyers in different practice areas. Melkor is the CEO of the Utumno Group of Companies. Shenanigans happen. Big IP scandal and thievery.
From Cuiviénen with Love - AU spin on the youth of Finwë, Elwë and Míriel in Cuiviénen; the story of how Finwë went for the two of them in courtship, wed, struggled against the dark and eventually undertook the Great Journey westward. Finwë/Míriel/Elwë.
Galvorn Prince - Maeglin as heir presumptive of Thingol. Child of Eöl, son of Elmo and Ìrissë of the Noldor. Most complicated Family Tree ever, because when Maeglin was being made to select a Noldo spouse (people were trying to put Finduilas in his path), he went for Maedhros instead. 🤣 This one is a big 'humbling' for Maeglin.
Pop Notes - Modern AU Mairon/Finrod. Big time businessman Mairon sees Pop Idol Finrod and makes arrangements for a 'date'.
Untitled Timeless Halls AU - Angbang. Small AU. What if Mairon met Melkor just after the Ainur were created, and before the singing of the Great Music.
And that's just some of the louder ideas I have.
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arinele · 2 years
Silmarillion Modern Business/CEO AU
Inspired by @doodle-pops own CEO AU
Finwe is CEO of TIRION, a very successful tech company. Finwe founded and owned TIRION for many years, but was mysteriously murdered in his home by an unknown assailant. His company then dissolved into chaos as his son and step son fought over control. Both sides had large followings, and as a result, the company was split in two. A legal battle ensued, and Judge Namo declared that Feanor, as Finwe’s only blood relation, would be allowed to keep the name TIRION, but would be forced to give up half of the profits to his step brother Fingolfin and his new company Hithlum Enterprises.
Fingolfin is the CEO of Hithlum Enterprises. Fingon is his #2, and eventually takes over after Fingolfin dies.
Melkor is the CEO of Angband, and is the main rival of the Finwians.
Feanor is the CEO of TIRION. When things started to heat up at work between him and Fingolfin (while Finwe was still alive) he eventually decided leave TIRION and founded his own company, Formenos. Though he later went back to TIRION after Finwe’s death and gave ownership of Formenos to Curufin. Curufin passes Formenos to Celebrimbor, who renames it RING.
Maedhros is CEO of TIRION after Feanor dies.
Nerdanel is famous sculpter obviously.
Finarfin is a doctor or something and Earwen is a marine biologist. They don’t involve themselves in their family’s bs.
Anairë owns a law firm. Turgon takes over after Finwe dies and she retires. Idril takes over after him.
Finrod is a social media influencer who owns a fashion line.
Galadriel moves to an entirely different state and was the assistant to Melian, a governor. Or maybe a senator? Eventually becomes the president or something lol.
Maglor is a musician of some kind. He’s a starving artist until his family’s drama gets him attention. Eventually adopts two kids.
Celegorm works for the National Parks or something. Maybe a vet?
Caranthir got tired of his family’s bs and made his own company way before Finwe died. He’s incredibly successful. The King of Business. Everyone in his family calls him if they have a problem with their businesses. Has made billions off of his investments alone. Probably found a loophole to get out of paying his taxes. Will help you find it too because fuck the government. Is somehow the richest person in his entire extended family.
Aegnor tried out for the swim team because a girl he was interested in said she thought Michael Phelps was hot. Ends up being insanely good at it and competes at an Olympic level. Fucks Michael Phelps.
Aredhel is a world champion Olympic archer. She likes to volunteer at Celegorm’s work every once in a while. Was in an abusive relationship as a teenager and had Maeglin when she was pretty young.
Argon is a famous basketball player. (He’s TALL)
Amrod was killed in a house fire by one of Melkor’s men in retaliation for something that Feanor did. Amras was left horribly burnt, but survived. He worked odd jobs throughout his life, but never stayed at one for too long. He never truly recovered from his brother’s loss.
Gil-Galad is Maedhros and Fingon’s son. He ends up inheriting both of his father’s companies and as a result, the companies merge back together after many long years apart.
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aipilosse · 11 months
3, 4, 7, 10 😇
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr.
This is one of the ones that I really don't think I can choose just one, even if I'm restricting myself to Tolkien related takes.
I think I'll do a general terrible take and a Tolkien-related take. For general terrible take, that fucking post that's like "you don't understand, these 20 companies are responsible for 80% of pollution" and then implies that killing the CEOs of these 20 (or w/e the number of companies is) would solve the climate crisis. I've seen this reblogged so many times and it is dumb as fuck on every level. That's not how companies work!! CEOs die, step down, move on all the time; there's a whole c-suite, a board of directors, and a host of vice presidents at each of these companies. My god this is common knowledge. That's on top of the fact that it ignores how the problem of fossil fuels is systemic and driven by demand on multiple levels. if you succeeded in murdering every executive and board member at each of these companies that does not remove the issue of a supply chain that runs on fossil fuels. And of course the whole concept is absurd -- tumblr kids who couldn't figure out how to buy weed in high school are talking about ordering hits on executives? lmao.
*ahem* now the Tolkien take. God there's so many. I think I'll go with a classic: the idea that because Elrond turned into a good person, therefore Maedhros and Maglor were good parental figures to him and Elros. I don't know about you, but I know people who endured terrible childhoods and are wonderful people. Likewise, I know people with kind accepting parents who are pieces of shit. Parents and what happens during childhood have a major impact on people, but it is garbage to imply that because someone turns out a certain way we know for a fact their childhood was good or bad.
That's of course not even getting into how these takes go hand in hand with the idea the Elwing and Earendil were unfit parents. Ugh.
4. What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
She was mean to my friend >:( Horrible takes are one thing, but if you are mean to my friends I will never forget it.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
I answered this here! Three guesses on who and the first two don't count.
10. worst part of fanon
Another one that's really tough. I'll go with my perennial complaint about overly simplistic Noldor-Sindar relations. It completely ignores Cirdan and the Falathrim, the Mithrim, and is usually about trying to make Thingol into the villain of the Silm. It also ignores the very real intra-Noldor tensions and the Noldor-Sindar societies of Gondolin, Nargothrond, and Sirion.
oh wait, no, I have to add: fanon use of the thorn. God. People make such a huge deal while not understanding at all how it works. No, Maedhros wouldn't have gone by 'Maedhroth.' Sindarin still had the voiceless dental frictive! Notice THingol, GorTHaur, THuringweTHil? And the idea that Elrond spoke with a 'Feanorian accent'? Not only is it disproved by canon (He says 'Sauron' in FOTR), but if you read the Shibboleth it sounds like Maglor and Maedhros abandoned the thorn early in the First Age anyway! And of course Feanorian accent Elrond also seems to have no regard for the tragedy of Elrond losing his family's language and is just treated as 'ahaha isn't kidnap fam fun and cute?'
phew ok that was a lot of violence.
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feanorians as your family members in a family reunion
feanor: the one uncle that always starts an argument at thanksgiving somehow
nerdanel: rich aunt who’s a CEO and wears a power suit
maedhros: exasperated dad fed up with his family
maglor: wine aunt (sad edition)
celegorm: sports jersey party uncle who breaks at least one chair by the end
caranthir: goth cousin who brings a book along to avoid his family
curufin: wine aunt (slightly meaner edition)
ambrussa: capri-sun cousins
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arofili · 2 years
For the aro ask meme: 8, 12 and 15 please? (Silm fandom)
8. Is there a character you think would be aromantic due to trauma, neurodivergence, or mental illness?
Maedhros is the obvious answer here - and I do see him as caedsexual/caedromantic for a time after Angband, but for him it is not a permanent state. Maeglin is another candidate, though I think neruodivergence has more to do with that than his time in Angband.
12. Which relationship dynamics do you prefer to see? Romantic, platonic, sexual, familial, queerplatonic?
For real though, I love all of these!! I adore Russingon in pretty much any situation (so long as their queerness is not being erased, that is), and I'm the mod of @tolkiengenweek so you know I love familial and platonic relationships :) and I'm the CEO of queerplatonic Gigolas!!! Really they're all amazing. Though I do wish there was more qp fic out there!!
15. Is there a character you think wouldn’t feel romantic attraction at all, but would still enjoy a romantic relationship?
oooh....Celegorm, perhaps! I think he is demiromantic and only ever had romo feelings for Aredhel (who is VERY aro and never loved him back in that way); he's more interested in FWB situations than romantic ones, but I think he would be completely down for engaging in a romantic relationship if that's what his partner wanted. I don't think he'd try to force himself to feel something he wasn't, but he'd be happy to perform romantic-coded actions if it made his partner happy. (I actually headcanon he never really finds that kind of long-term partnership - Aredhel was that for a while, but not after reembodiment - and he's also perfectly fine with that, and with being on his own.)
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Modern AU: CEO! Maedhros
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
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A/N: I'm considering making this a series for the House of Finwe. I'm not sure when I'd get to post them since I have your requests to do, but I'd still do more CEO AUs and other modern-day AUs that suit the characters. Hopefully, if I continue, I can post in between requests to give you all more content.
Warnings: It contains NSFW so know what to expect, it starts off as gn! reader but turns into fem! reader in the NSFW half.
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⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...was beyond sceptical when you brought in your resume for your interview and noticed that your job history was beyond perfect. You were an accountant from his younger brother’s company who one day chose to leave and sign up for his company.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...was attracted to your voice and demeanour while questioning you and found it difficult to focus. His eyes couldn’t help but roam your face, mostly your lips, as you spoke clearly. In the end, he decided to give you the job acknowledging how clean your record was.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...still wanted to know about your reason for departure from his younger brother’s company given that there were no complaints, would give you extra paperwork to fill out and stock reports to complete before your shift was up in order to see how well you were able to work.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros...who was awfully impressed by how well you handled your portion of work on top of the extra he gave you and juggled being respectful to your workmates. Amazed that no complaints were heard about you given the months you were hired and not once were you tardy or lackadaisical.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...eases the workload bit by bit as a silent apology for this suspicions about you. After he spoke with his brother and got quarrelled at, about your profile and learnt from Caranthir that everything on your resume was true and you were a diligent worker, he’d begin to feel guilty for overworking you.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...would barge into your office and demand that you meet him in his office for a talk. He would watch how shakily you approached him believing that he was about to fire you on the spot and offer you to sit down, explaining that he was overly ecstatic to have such a dedicated worker from his brother’s highly established company choosing to work for him.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...on the down-low, asks if there was anything he could do to make your work experience better than it was at his brother’s company.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...would slowly build a friendship with you because he respected how hardworking, serious and passionate about his company and work. Easily, he would begin to have you deliver your reports and papers to his office instead of having his assistant collect them. Through this, he begins to make small talk learning little to read your personality.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...works up the courage one day to ask you out for lunch because he grew to be interested. CEO! Maedhros who...coughs to hide his excitement and was elated to hear your acceptance. He takes you to one of his favourite lunch spots where the both of you could talk privately without much noise and does his best to flirt with you intellectually.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...asks you out on breakfast and lunch dates every day and soon dinner dates. CEO! Maedhros who...offered to take you home after your first dinner date and requests to bring you to work from then on. He picks you up and drops you back home every day and night, making occasional stops for flowers on the way.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...becomes aware of the rumours and talks from your workers about you sleeping with your boss because they saw you arrived with him weeks in a row. CEO! Maedhros who...decides to send you flowers in the middle of the day with his name on the cards and informs the delivery guy to announce who they’re from for everyone to know their place.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...observed how your attire changes from loosely fitted clothes to tightly fitted. Your long legs were accentuated by your pants and the curve of your ass had caught his eyes – something he hadn’t noticed before. He noticed whenever you delivered his papers, you would lean over so he could get a clear view of the lingerie peeking behind.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who was enjoying the performance you were putting on but was growing frustrated every time he made a move because someone kept interrupting you both.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...decided the next time someone interrupted they’d be fired, and he did while he was attempting to undress you with his eyes. CEO! Maedhros who...finally corners you in your office, closing the blinds and pulling you in for a hot, passionate kiss and nearly taking you apart in your office before leaving you hot and bothered and informing you to meet him in his office for lunch. “Don’t be a minute late.”
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...wastes no time in bending you over his office desk and pulling everything in his way off before taking you like he’d always been wanting to. He whispers in your ear for you to make noise and let the office know that your boss was fucking you so good and that you were the only one who could ever be in this position with him.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...takes you for the entire lunch break and refuses to let you clean up his cum. He tells you to let it drip through your underwear and should anyone see it while you’re out on your lunch date with him, they’d get the memo.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who's...addicted to taking you to his office whenever he becomes frustrated, or you rile him up during the day with your attire. Sometimes keeping you back after hours to fuck you anywhere in the building because he is the CEO after all.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...loves to finger you or eat you out whenever he’s on a call with his father or other business owners, and watches as you struggle to hold in your noises as your high approaches and the call’s on loudspeaker.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...sometimes leaves the blinds open and takes you to the sofa or desk. CEO! Maedhros who...once forgot to lock the doors one late evening and his brothers walked in on the both of you. He becomes embarrassed that you had to be introduced to his family in such an unfashionable manner. He tries his best to avoid his brothers and you from engaging because he doesn’t want you to become corrupted.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...has to embarrassingly explain to Caranthir who demanded to know why he was fucking his ex-employee. His brothers couldn’t help but tease him because of how uptight he tends to be, now they understand why he’s so relaxed. Your previous boss, Caranthir, couldn’t help but be pleased but disgusted by what he walked in on.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...receives a phone call the next day, while he had you braced against the table as he’s determined to have his fill, from his father and believed that he had hit the decline button. But instead, he answered the call and his father overheard everything between you both.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...was horrified after he noticed that a light was blinking on the office phone and signalled that his father heard everything that slipped past his lips and was now aware of what his son was doing during his working hours.
⊰ CEO! Maedhros who...almost passed out, while still buried in you, after his father congratulated him on a splendid job and hoped to meet his son’s companion soon and gave you both well wishes on giving him, grandchildren. CEO! Maedhros who...couldn’t do anything but respond with a ‘yes father’ and hung up because he didn’t want his father to learn about you yet and he was mortified.
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psychedaleka · 4 years
god does not play dice with the universe (but he does play pranks) (vii)
read on ao3!
Hallmark movie Melkor/Mairon/Celebrimbor.
for @tolkiencrackweek
Mairon Artáno, overworked engineer at Angband Enterprises, originally from the small town of Valinor. Engaged to his boss, Melkor Bauglir.
Melkor Bauglir, CEO of Angband, estranged from his family.
Aulë Artáno, father of Mairon, Manwë Sulimo’s best friend.
Manwë Súlimo, mayor of Valinor, father of Eonwë, Melkor’s fraternal twin.
Eönwë Súlimo, Mairon’s ex boyfriend.
Celebrimbor Finwion, grandson of the deceased genius Feanor, civil engineer to be fixated on restoring Valinor as a lively small town.
So: Mairon is engaged to Melkor, and very much in love with him despite the significant age gap and fact that Melkor’s his boss.
A few days before Christmas, his estranged father Aulë calls him in a panic: Mairon’s teen brother Curumo has gone missing.
Mairon’s never gotten along with his father, but he remembers the younger brother who’s always looked at him with hero worship in his eyes.
So Mairon packs his bags, kisses Melkor goodbye, and returns home to Valinor.
His homecoming isn’t quite as pleasant as he’d hoped: he gets into an argument with Aulë almost immediately after he gets off the train—it’s your responsibility to look after your own son—and Mairon storms off into the night.
He hasn’t been home for years, and it’s changed more than he thought: Valinor had been a vibrant town then, fuelled by traffic from the highway. It had been bustling with activity, people walking through the streets, buildings lit up with signs and goods, a festival or special event seemingly happening every week.
But ever since the new highway was built, fewer and fewer people have been coming—and so many have been moving away. Lúthien’s son, for one, and his fashion company, and all his family and their employees—now gone. Shops and buildings are abandoned, storefronts left decrepit with nothing more than shelves of dust, flickering, poorly maintained lights. New roads were built, then abandoned to potholes and weeds, and old roads went out of use.
Valinor’s not a big place—it never has been—but with the new town layered over that in Mairon’s memories like a palimpsest, is it any surprise he gets lost?
A blizzard starts, and Mairon, still wearing his business formal, is ill prepared—he’d left all his luggage with Aulë, phone included.
He has no choice but to knock on the first door he sees: the house of one Celebrimbor Finwion, civil engineer.
Mairon’s not familiar with the Finwions—they lived a little north, in the community known as Formenos back when there were enough people that Valinor had to be divided into multiple neighbourhoods. He knows Feanor was a genius who had children and died early, and that his son Curufin had followed in his footsteps (except for the dying part).
Fëanor—Aulë’s contemporary—had a grandson a few years younger than Mairon.
Celebrimbor is in his house, still working despite the late hour—much to Mairon’s surprise and approval. Celebrimbor invites Mairon in—he doesn’t have a phone, since it distracts him from what he’s working on—and they begin to talk.
Mairon is, surprisingly, drawn to the young and ambitious engineer, who wants nothing more than to see Valinor as the lively town of his childhood, back when there was still life and light. Mairon, still in shock over how much has changed in the last decade, vows to help him.
They spend the night in pleasant conversation, and the next day comes but the blizzard doesn’t stop. They talk for the entire day, too, and Mairon’s shocked at how much he has to say to the young engineer. Mairon’s not much of a conversationalist—even a few hours of conversation usually exhausts him—but it’s been much longer and he’s still excited to continue.
The next day, they dig themselves out of the metres of snow, and Mairon returns to Aulë’s house. Yavanna and Aulë are worried sick for him, and they have yet another argument.
Mairon demands how they could claim to care and worry about him when they never seemed to do so during his childhood, leaving him to face the bullies at school and the solitude of years alone.
Aulë, incensed, retorts that he was only trying to save the town, working nearly round the clock in order to bring more business and new people—for Mairon, he might add, to have a future. How could you be so ungrateful, Aulë rages, and Mairon opens his mouth to speak but—
“Stop it!” yells sixteen year old Curumo, standing at the front door. “Why do you have to keep arguing like this? Aren’t we family?”
Curumo, it turns out, had wished every Christmas for his big brother to return home, and now that he’s old enough to not believe in Christmas miracles, decided to take matters into his own hands by running away to a friend of his, Olorin’s house.
Aulë and Yavanna vacate the living room, and Mairon and Curumo have a difficult conversation. Their childhoods were different ones, and they’re different people too, and Curumo’s hero, standing right in front of him, doesn’t exactly live up to his expectations.
Curumo cries. Mairon remains impassive.
The doorbell rings.
It’s Manwë, Aulë’s best friend, and his family—his wife Varda, and their two children Eönwë and Ilmarë. They’re here for lunch, as is traditional, and it’s a tense meal. Manwe doesn’t know what happened, but he and his son try their best to diffuse the tension—they fail.
Mairon volunteers to wash the dishes so he doesn’t have to speak to anyone except—Eönwe offers the same.
They’re in close proximity, and maybe Eönwë’s still not over their break up so long ago, but Mairon feels nothing. Their conversation is stilted, which only makes him long for Melkor—or Celebrimbor, surprisingly.
Problem solved—Curumo found—Mairon prepares to leave. Mairon offers to drive him to the train station, and he accepts.
There, he runs into Celebrimbor, who, disappointed, asks him if he’s leaving.
Yes, Mairon says.
Oh, Celebrimbor says. I thought—well. I know we’ve only known each other for such a short time, but you made me feel as I never have, as though I could tackle whatever problem the world gave me. And I thought you would stay, to help me with Valinor.
A train pulls up. Mairon should leave.
You make me feel the same way, Mairon says. I wish I could help you, but I—I can’t stay here, not with my family like this. There’s too many bad memories here.
We could… make new ones? Celebrimbor suggests.
A pause.
I love you, Celebrimbor blurts.
Someone hugs Mairon from behind.
Guess who, says Melkor.
Mairon turns his head, and Melkor kisses him.
It’s your favourite fiance, Melkor says.
You’re my only fiance.
Celebrimbor leaves without another word, and Mairon can’t explain the deep sense of loss in his chest.
Come on, Melkor says, pushing Mairon towards the parking lot. I wanna see how much this town has changed.
Mairon barely has time to process that before—
Melkor? Manwë looks pale, as though he’s seen a ghost. What are you doing here?
As it turns out, they’re fraternal twins—which would explain why Mairon’s never made the connection. Melkor left very early, after graduating high school, desperate to get away from an overbearing father.
Mairon wonders how he’s going to explain this to Eönwë: oh, I’m dating your long lost uncle.
The tension skyrockets.
Manwe and Melkor have a shouting match. Aulë and Melkor have a tense conversation. Aulë tries to lecture Mairon on his romantic choices. Explaining to Eönwë is as awkward as he thought.
Celebrimbor is nowhere to be found.
Mairon, hesitantly, mentions Celebrimbor to Melkor.
Huh, he says, I had a crush on Fëanor when we were in school. If you—we—were to date him, I’d feel like I was robbing the cradle.
Christmas Eve is spent in awkward tension.
Christmas Day comes. Outside, everything is covered in snow. Inside, everyone is in surprisingly good spirits.
There’s a bit of Christmas magic in the air, after all.
Mairon talks to his family, and no one gets mad. There’s too many years and burnt bridges and things done—or not done—for them to make up, just like that, but it’s a start.
Manwë and Melkor talk. They’re older now, no longer teenagers, and with the years in between—and Eru dead—they can talk about it, now, their shared childhood, everything that was and no longer is.
All that’s missing is Celebrimbor.
A knock at the door.
I came to say, Celebrimbor says—
Whatever you have to say, no need, Mairon says. I care for you. And I’m hardly strictly monogamous, after all.
Celebrimbor is hesitant, but willing to try to make things work. They, none of them, know what’s going to happen, but it’s worth a shot.
You wouldn’t happen to know where Fëanor hid his jewels, would you? Melkor asks.
Celebrimbor doesn’t. But Maedhros does. And Melkor remembers the caves where they came from, filled with rock structures and glittering stone, like a glistening spray of stars against dark sky, enough to take anyone’s breath away.
This is it, Celebrimbor says. This is how we save Valinor.
And so, maybe they do get their happy ending. It’s not an easy path, no, filled with arguments and negotiations and tears, but it’s better than another world they don’t know, one where Feanor’s jewels nearly destroy Valinor instead of save it.
But in this universe, where Christmas has some power after all, there can be more laughter than tears, and the only rings Mairon creates are wedding rings—three of them.
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maglor-still-lives · 4 years
My version of Maedhros is a compulsive manager. Natural-born delegator. Workaholic extraordinaire. He’s got the psychological profile of a CEO and the negotiation skills to prove it.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
[BuzzFeed]’s Top 5 Maglor Fëanorion Songs and, as always, heroes and villains of river city?
Heroes and Villains...: [sobs] I'll get back to it some day, I swear!!
Honor Guard: Origins — Iron Thorn
The office of Caldane Caineron, President and CEO of Caineron Inustries, was about what Brier might’ve expected, if she’d bothered to spend time imagining it. The desk was edged in gilt, awards and news clippings from Caineron’s superhero days decorated the walls, and an indiscreet gold bust graced one corner.
(this one would then be Caineron offering Brier a job, while unwantedly and unwarrentedly hitting on her, and Brier being like, "Fascinating how you wouldn't shell out worker's comp for my lab accident and you gave me about 2 cents when my mother died on your superhero team, and now that my discoveries might be useful or interesting you come crawling back with...3 pennies and name exposure? Wow. FUCK you. I might join the Honor Guard out of SPITE. [leaves])
[BuzzFeed]’s Top 5 Maglor Fëanorion Songs would probably be one for Stray Scraps of Melody, or maybe stand on its own? It's basically what it sounds like on the tin. Premise: Fourth Age Valinorian BuzzFeed did a poll on top songs by Maglor son of Fëanor, now sometimes called Gildil, and now provides the results with quotes on each from the composer and other musical experts (or friends and family who butted their heads in on the interview.)
5. [I haven't decided if this is some sort of pre-Darkening operetta or "so many people wrote in different Songs of Warding and Warning that we've decided to credit him with the genre Northern Beleriandic Warding Songs"]
4. Noldolantë, Extended Edition - the FULL story, from Finwë to the fading Third Age (but mostly the disasters of the First); composed over nearly 6,500 years of depressed wandering on mortal shores, which is also sung of toward the end. Takes at least a week to sing in full with no breaks. Evokes tears at least once in even the hardest hearts.
3. Noldolantë, original version - Alqualondë: what happened, why, and what we're going to do about it (move forward and fight Morgoth, mostly). Full length takes a couple hours to sing. "Surprisingly factual and earnestly apologetic, for all its spin." –Eärwen Olwiel. "I still hum it sometimes. I hate how good at this he is." –Finrod.
2. The Song That Never Ends - composed pre-Darkening. "This is SECOND PLACE? I should've killed you when I had the chance." –Maedhros. "I genuinely regret this one." –Maglor. "I should've killed him when I had the chance. I had so many chances... I really thought about it, when I visited Celebrian when the twins had just discovered this monstrosity." –Galadriel. "Oh you think YOU had problems with twins and this 'song.'" –Maedhros. "What? We thought it was annoying, too!" –Amrod. "Not you. You never had genuine, justified reason to despise us." –Maedhros. "[innocent whistling while walking by]" –Elrond
1. Ardamirë (subtitle: It's Not Only Ours Anymore, Father) - elements composed and gathered over nearly 6,500 years of depressed wandering on mortal shores; arranged into a proper song a few decades after return to Valinor. Full length takes about four hours to sing. Reduces most listeners to mostly-joyful tears. "Good choice, people - this one is my favorite." –Maglor.  "...I'm thinking about it." –Fëanor.
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faustandfurious · 5 years
Realistic: Conflicted about his role as a king in the years following Maedhros’ abdication, because on one hand he has spent so much time thinking himself better suited to ruling than Fëanor and his sons, but on the other hand he’s not quite sure he feels comfortable with so much responsibility - it’s a lot easier to think “If I were king ...” when watching someone else rule, than to be in a position where you know people around you are thinking exactly that.
Unrealistic, but funny: Credit to the previous anon for “Fingolfin is younger than all the sons of Fëanor, and it bothers him”. This is canon now, I don’t make the rules.
Modern AU: I’m working on a vague idea of Finwë being the CEO of a company, and Fingolfin studying something in Economics/Business Administration and believing himself to be the best person to take over his father’s company. He and Anairë decorated their house in sleek greyscale patterns and eat breakfast from plates that are almost too stylish to be practical. He loves vintage Hollywood movies. I’m also lowkey getting some Don Draper vibes from this, but of course Fingolfin is a lot less of a bastard, personality-wise.
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russandolly · 5 years
thank u @rectusdominus and @arofili
Name: Amina
Birthday: august 11
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 160cm (5′2″)
Hobbies: writing, arting, baking, reading, hmmmm... idk what else?
Favourite colors: black, dark black, deep black, black black
Favourite books: the silmarillion, the LOTR, basically Tolkien’s entire legendarium
last song i listened to: river of fire - in this moment
last film i watched: fellowship of the ring
inspiration for muse: god i wish i fucking knew?? everything and nothing
dream job: author, poet, ceo of my own company
meaning behind url: my beautiful baby son maedhros aka russsandol
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lordnelson100 · 6 years
Pick Three Fandoms Questions
Tagged by @lord-of-aglarond
Heh, I ike all your choices LOA, I will have to think about how to differentiate.
Pick three fandoms and answer the questions:
Okay, so for fandoms I will choose Tolkienverse, Harry Potter and Marvel Universe (the whole shebang: comics, films & TV)
The first character you loved:
Boromir, oddly enough
The Beast/Hank McCoy (I know, another weird one: but he was bookish and witty and a big blue monster)
The character you never expected to love so much:
Post-war Draco, entirely a fan-invention
The character you relate to the most:
Thorin Oakenshild. No seriously. He tried so hard to make the best of a bad hand. Had he not tried, everything would have gone to shit. But he screwed up along the way, and is remembered by some more for that than for the huge good things he set off, which he didn't live to see. Wait, I have to go cry now.
Dumbledore, maybe? Again, some people hate him for the last volume revelations. I think they made sense of so much: why he takes the position he does about Snape and Draco: he, too, made a horrible choice to involve himself with a hateful ideology when young. He sees that you have to keep compassion for people who've done bad things and even ally with them, if you want to prevent the worst from winning.
Luke Cage. He's got such a brilliant, compassionate chill and empathy. He uses his strength on others’ behalf when he needs to, protectively, but with none of that soliatry bullshit Punisher/Batman "I alone" rhetoric. He's a vigilante for his community, not against it.
The character you’d slap:
Denethor (it would be Saruman but @lord-of-aglarond has it covered)
Young Tom Riddle: that's for Hagrid, you POS
I think I'm sort of a sap, I don't want to slap any of the Avengers or the Defenders, even the annoying ones like Danny Rand (come on, he's a privileged rich kid but his collective crush on his more saavy peers is adorable, and he feeds them good food). And the X-Men have enough troubles. And Magneto and Loki are somewhat sympathetic, and many of the other villains have too little character to resent . . . Oh, I know! Scott Summers/Cyclops. In any incarnation.
Three favorite characters (not in order of preference because I can’t pick a favorite kid character):
Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Elrond, Thranduil, Maedhros, Nerdanel oh wait I can’t stop
Harry Potter, Hermione, Draco, Snape, Dumbledore (preference is a really weird thing for me in HP fandom. It doesn't mean "support" or "excuse," it means I’m interested)
Logan/Wolverine, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Luke Cage
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Turin. Actually I didn't really like him in early readings, but I was neutral. As time goes on, no amount of sexy Beleg/Turin fanart can rescue him since you know, he ruined everybody's life
James Potter. Sirius I end up forgiving for his attempt to keep it together after unbearable suffering, but I have a peculiar dislike for campus hero who loved his own wife and child but was an unrepentant bully to others and not very nice to his own friends (seriously, setting Lupin up to maul a classmate?)
Magneto: cool motive, still murder, as the saying goes. Fighting racism/genocide by advocating same?
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Unpopular opinion: I had to grow to love Sam Gamgee. As a kid myself, I found him too--subservient? All that "Coming, Mr. Frodo, sir!" irked me. It took a lifetime to appreciate his particular sort of devotion and ego-less strength.
Severus Snape: agreeing to be the one that people will blame and hate; doing something good without anyone knowing about it, with the consciousness that it may not work . . .
Tony Stark/Iron Man. As a kid comic book reader, he didn't interest me; none of the billionaire inventor CEO type characters did. But damn if RDJ hasn't made me like him, even when he's punching my beloved Cap.
Three otps:
Gimli/Legolas (although I love Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Eowyn, too)
Post-war Harry/Draco
Three nonromantic relationships per fandom:
Aragorn and Gandalf, Merry and King Theoden, Boromir and Faramir (moi aussi)
Harry and Sirius, Harry and Hermione, Neville and self-confidence
Logan and Laura Kinney/X-23, Steve Rogers/Captain America and Sam Wilson/Falcon, Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes and Mariah Dillard and Shades (it's a threeway)
That was fun! Did it set your thoughts going! @ tag, you’re it!
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