#c: stelle
sangonomiyan · 4 months
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you've never felt so happy in the material world
please don't use without my perm
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hawberries · 11 months
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welcome aboard the astral express can i uhhhhhh take your order
[image is an illustration of the astral express crew piled up on top of each other: Himeko casually hoists Welt over her shoulder, who's squinting at a newspaper and pouring coffee into her cup. Dan Heng sits on Welt's back, deadpan and holding a giddy March in his lap, who's got Stelle balanced on her shoulder. Stelle is holding Caelus over her shoulder; both trailblazers look slightly confused. Pompom waves from the top.]
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caelesblues · 1 year
across the universe (part 2)
⋆。°✩ what it’s like to love a member of the astral express, even when you’re universes apart ⋆。°✩
c.w./t.w. fluff with bits of angst, lowercase intended, intense word vomit, an attempt at comedy at march's part
word count: 2057
characters: march 7th, stelle, caelus
gn!reader, title is inspired by “across the universe” by baek yerin, notes at the end
part 1 (with welt, himeko, dan heng)
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the date-able lady: looklooklook! this is the new planet we’re stopping by! we finally had some time to just kick back, relax, and finally do some sightseeing! 
seen: 12:22 pm
15 photos were sent
the date-able lady: ugh it’s so pretty here! the food is also really good, we had lots of fun trying out the different cafes they have here! also do the photos look good? i tried some new settings to make the photos really pop!
seen: 12:30 pm
3 videos were sent
the date-able lady: you gotta see some of the shenanigans dan heng and our newest member got into! although it’s kinda concerning how they seem to have an affinity for trashcans….
seen: 12:46 pm
the date-able lady: hey! why are you ignoring me!?
seen: 12:47 pm
annoying person (affectionate): oh sorry i was taking a shit
the date-able lady: what the? so this entire time you were just sitting down on the toilet!?
annoying person (affectionate): yeah pretty much, but i also got sucked into the gaming hypothetical’s video explaining the lore of 6 nights at bobby’s
the date-able lady: …..why are you the way that you are?
annoying person (affectionate): you love it though
the date-able lady: you’re right  (•̀⤙•́ )
annoying person (affectionate): ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
being with someone like march is like going on an adventure without really going on one yourself. surely it would feel that way if your partner was an intergalactic traveler, who liked to constantly share about her journeys with you all the time. her trusty camera and phone will always be there to capture various moments of her adventures with her fellow crewmates, ranging from the mundane to the absolutely wild (the amount of photos you’ve received wherein it was apparent they were in the middle of a mission, it’s astonishing).
video calls were also a common occurrence as well, sometimes as a means for her to play as a virtual tour guide for you or  just catch up with her during downtimes. either way you always look forward to these moments.
you truly appreciate the effort march always puts into making you feel included in her adventures, getting to see even just a glimpse of the vastness of the universe you’ve also longed to see. you’ve even become acquainted with the other members of the astral express, becoming familiar and friendly with all of them to a point they’ve considered you an honorary member of the crew (they also promised that you’re always free to join them if you so choose to partake in trailblazing as well).
and so through your lover you also get to be a part of their missions, be embroiled in the numerous intergalactic gossip, meet new people along the way, and feel as though you’re never really apart.
being with march also meant that there is a comfortable sort of stasis encompassing the relationship. stasis in the sense that no matter how far apart you’ve been from one another in such a long time, the very nature of your relationship, how you interact with one another, and how you’ve come to know each other does not change whatsoever. it is a testament to the strength someone like her possesses, not letting things change between you just because she’s no longer beside you.
it’s evident in the way you still go about your interactions, almost as if you aren’t galaxies apart. the initial insecurity of how such a massive distance will change you both and the relationship was quelled just as easily as it had formed in your mind, with the both of you just as naturally going about everything just like how you both easily fell in love. 
people always warn you that lovers who stay apart from one another are an easy breeding ground for them to become strangers eventually, but it’s not like that with march. there is no room for either of you to become estranged, not with the constant updates, efforts to always include one another in activities, making time for little virtual dates, and never once changing in spite of the distance that people said will break you apart.
and although she may have left your home planet a long time ago already, only making the occasional stops when they can, it’s never felt like she was ever gone in the first place to begin with. 
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it isn’t easy being born yesterday, abandoned by your mom, be found by strangers, said strangers then inform you that you have the cancer of all worlds implanted in you, and now you join said strangers to travel across the stars-and oh yeah you’re hailed as the savior of an entire planet, and you’ve become an esteemed personality aboard a starfaring ship. well for most normal people the aforementioned things definitely are not an easy feat to accomplish, and that’s without taking into account that those things aren’t so far apart in the timeline of someone’s life. but stelle isn’t just anyone, if you weren’t paying close attention she’s somewhat of an anomaly but also a bigshot already. 
somehow preternaturally gifted in combat, has a knack for getting into mischief, already finding themselves in world changing events, and being the talk of the town wherever she goes-that’s your stelle for you alright. a lot of people are awed by her, either by her talent in fighting, the ability to say the wrong things at the wrong time, or by just being the gremlin that they are; stelle is never without some admirers (and detractors) along the way. 
being such a hotshot would surely get in someone’s head, no? not her though, no one can really quite grasp what’s going inside their head (except you). always sporting a cool and indifferent look on her always-even when in the midst of imminent danger-stelle is able to keep her composure in check. never letting nary a speck of emotion taint their visage, thus never giving others an insight to what they may think or feel.
it makes them seem like that she’s unbothered by everything that surrounds her, but you most certainly know that that isn’t the case. it’s quite evident to you how much is brewing inside stelle, but can’t really let them out one way or another. with news spreading of how immensely capable stelle is, it’s no surprise that people have sought her out for whatever they need help with. running from one point to another, shouldering other people’s workload, getting caught up in others’ personal affairs; it’s a daunting task for someone who’s already carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“oh! you’re that trailblazer right? can you help me with something?”
“it’s the savior of belobog! just in time, come help us for just a bit”
“is it true that you’ve been helping the seat of the divine foresight with the issue about the ambrosial tree? that means you must know your way around the artisanship commission, correct?”
“trailblazer, over here!”
“honarary member!”
“stelle! do you have a minute?”
“hey youngster, you’re not just gonna stand there let them get away with it!”
“stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stelle, stellestellestellestelle-“
“breathe in, breathe out. slow and steady breaths, count to ten then name ten things you can see around you. you’re ok, you’re going to be just fine.” these words are what stelle keeps replaying in her mind, a reminder and comfort from you that has helped her in moments wherein she feels like slipping away.
she wonders how you do it, how you’re able to tell so easily when she’s starting to get bogged down with everything. be it through messages or calls you know when to help her calm down, soothing her frazzled state with gentle reminders and helping her get grounded again. 
in stelle’s eyes you’re basically an aeon, with your supernatural ability to always be a stable presence for her even if you’re both so far away from one another. even if she’s seen as someone who is cool and aloof (even being called a menace), you see pass through those and see someone who is still trying to get their footing in this world, and you’re willing enough to stand by her and be the unchanging pillar she can always rely on.
no matter the immense changes she’s constantly facing, stress she’s undergoing, or the turmoil that finds her, you’re an unfaltering constant in her life that she desperately needs.
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wonderkid, the boy from beyond the stars, the savior of belobog, general jing yuan’s esteemed guest, the underworld’s boxing champion.
those are just some of the many nicknames caelus has collected across his adventures, always seeming to pick up some more along the way. he is never short of admirers whenever the astral express stops, people instantly in awe of his innate martial prowess, his rather unique (for a lack of a better term) personality and charm, as well as his admittedly good looks.
they cannot help but stop and marvel at the grey haired man, drawn in by the various situations he always seems to find himself in and the sheer aura of confidence he exudes (not to mention that he has an affinity for…being a gremlin that may or may not dig through dumpsters and wayward packages). 
without a doubt caelus has become some sort of celebrity in the places they go to, with some even saying that his name recognition alone can rival that of super popstar ast rickley. even his haters cannot deny that that man can talk the talk, never one to just brag about things but not deliver.
it’s why even his enemies have decided not to take him head on, unless they really had no choice but engage him in a fight-although it isn’t really a surprise that caelus would come out unscathed each and every time. the boy from beyond the stars truly is out of this world (get it?), shaking up the systems of the places he touches upon.
even as his lover you are not immune to gushing about caelus, taking every opportunity to shower him with praises and affection (also because that boy is so easy to fluster, which is just the cherry on top). i mean how can you not? there is so much to him that just warrants all your attention, from his insane fighting skills to how utterly loveable he is.
don’t get him wrong though, caelus loves the fact that you’re not exactly shy with your love for him, but he also feels like he might just explode from all of your loving (not to mention the teasing he gets constantly from march and sometimes himeko). 
but for caelus that isn’t even the best part of being with you, even as fantastic as it is to constantly be showered with your love, his favorite part of being with you is how he can just be himself. no more is he the savior of belobog, the luofuo’s most important guest, the undisputed boxing champion-he can be just caelus, not some kind of otherworldly being that just sprung up out of nowhere, going on fantastical adventures and building up a reputation across the stars. even if you tease him from time to time about this very fact, he knows that deep down to you he is just your precious caelus, the boy you fell in love with when they happen to stop at your home planet.
with you caelus feels like he doesn’t have to be anything that anyone wants him to be, he just has to be your lover, your best friend, and your biggest supporter. it’s possible for him to just be another guy that’s deeply in love, with his significant other that makes him feel like he can take on the entire galaxy (he can’t but he’s getting there). your love does not require him to do anything for you to see him as something worthy of such affections, no need for him to wow you with anything to receive even just an inkling of your warmth. 
so while caelus will be constantly be collecting new nicknames, continue to outdo himself with each new adventure, and ultimately become some sort of celebrity across the universe, with you he’s just another boy in love.
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AAAHHHHH part two is also here now! i can finally put this piece to rest ಥ◡ಥ idk if you can tell but i definitely ran out of juice writing these part, since i was already so tired and brain dead writing everything. likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
caelesblues @ 2023 | do not steal, copy, plagiarize, or repost on any other platform
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tcmecho · 2 months
The sillies!! Them!!! (I saw @stelledorethedoor post au things and went “OH WAIT YEAH”)
Here’s the LLSMP mlp au versions of Echo and Luke! Luke’s a newly made alicorn (no mark yet) and Echo’s a Pegasus/changeling hybrid :]
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Truly the silliest creatures
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stellarcn · 9 months
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"What a fuckin' weeb."
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furiaae · 28 days
✿ hands you any bean applicable
@miraiq - for caelus because ~brainrot~
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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In the three weeks since the Supreme Court overturned a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion, uncertainty is growing about how the ruling will affect other pregnancy-related issues like fertility treatments, contraception, even miscarriage.
A woman in Texas said after finding out she had a miscarriage, her doctor refused to perform the necessary medical procedure, which means she carried her dead fetus for two weeks until she found a doctor who would help her.
Marlena Stell and Ab DeSilva have always wanted a little brother or sister for their daughter, Adelina. Instead, what they said they got was a nightmare because of a Texas anti-abortion law.
“I get so angry that I was treated this way because of laws that were passed by men who have never been pregnant and never will be,” Stell said.
Her nightmare started out as a dream come true. After months of trying, she became pregnant late last summer.
“We were super-excited because we didn’t think I could get pregnant,” Stell said.
An ultrasound at 7 and 1/2 weeks showed all was well. But at an ultrasound two weeks later showed something different.
“She said there is no heartbeat. There is no viable pregnancy,” Stell said.
Stell asked her doctor for a standard treatment: a surgery to remove the fetal remains. She said her doctor refused.
That surgery, commonly known as a D and C, is the same procedure used to abort a living fetus.
“She said, ‘Well, because of the new law that’s passed, you’re going to have to get another ultrasound for me to be able to even do anything for you,’” Stell said.
She said she was overwhelmed emotionally and physically. “The pain would get so severe, it would be hard to walk,” Stell said.
She went to get a second invasive ultrasound at an imaging center, describing it later in a YouTube video: “Someone shoves a wand in my in my sensitive area and tells me, ‘Hey, you lost your baby’ again. I shouldn’t have to go through that twice.”
She added, “It was gut-wrenching, sorry, ‘cause you already know what you’re going to see. It’s just like, seeing it twice, being told that you’re not going to be a mom.”
It was still not enough to get her doctor to give her medical care. Stell had to get yet another ultrasound showing her dead fetus.
She was walking around carrying a dead fetus “and just emotionally carrying it around and just knowing that there’s nothing you could do. It just feels very ... it’s like I can’t grieve or move past it because I’m just walking around carrying it.”
Dr. Lillian Schapiro, who has been an OB-GYN in Atlanta for more than 30 years, said carrying around a dead fetus is also dangerous to the mother.
“She can develop an infection that can make her sterile and never able to have children again,” she said.
Or even worse. “When the baby dies inside, the baby starts to release parts of its tissue that can get into the mother’s blood supply. It can cause organ failure. It can cause death,” Schapiro said.
In Texas and some other states, a doctor who does the right thing and surgically removes a dead fetus could be vulnerable to an expensive lawsuit.
“Any private citizen can walk into court and say ‘I think Dr. Smith performed an abortion,’” said Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas.
Citizens are incentivized to bring such cases. They can win more than $10,000.
And even when doctors can prove the fetus was dead, the doctor still has to be responsible for their own legal fees.
“They’re going to lose even though they win, and that’s the chilling effect. They face this specter of potentially endless, ruinous litigation, that they just can’t stop, they can’t avoid, they can’t pre-empt,” Vladeck said.
Stell did finally manage to find a doctor to perform her D and C, but it took two weeks. She said she worries the nightmare could happen to her again.
Stell said she isn’t trying to get pregnant again.
“I’m worried about getting infected, have something happen to me. And then my daughter’s left without her mom,” she said.
Now they’re contemplating moving away from Texas, away from their extended family, just so they can try to get pregnant again.
Texas filed a lawsuit last week challenging an executive order by President Joe Biden giving hospitals the right to pre-empt state abortion restrictions when there’s an emergency.
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lumarys · 11 months
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have an ursa
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badgaymovies · 2 years
Not With My Wife, You Don't (1966)
Not With My Wife, You Don't by #NormanPanama starring #TonyCurtis, #VirnaLisi and #GeorgeCScott, "a charmer of a film but it runs far too long and drags in its final third"
NORMAN PANAMA Bil’s rating (out of 5): BB.5 USA, 1966. Fernwood Productions, Reynard Productions. Story by Norman Panama, Melvin Frank, Screenplay by Norman Panama, Larry Gelbart, Peter Barnes. Cinematography by Charles Lang. Produced by Norman Panama. Music by John Williams. Production Design by Edward Carrere. Costume Design by Edith Head. Film Editing by Aaron Stell. Norman Panama struggles to…
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darsispazio · 6 months
Sagittarius C, in nuova luce
Il James Webb ci mostra un dettaglio quasi pittorico di una interessante regione verso il centro della Via Lattea.
Questa immagine è di pochissimi giorni fa (acquisita il 20 novembre), e ci mostra una regione di fresca formazione stellare, chiamata Sagittarius C, in un dettaglio veramente eccezionale. La splendida regione di formazione stellare chiamata Sagittarius C Crediti: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, and S. Crowe (University of Virginia) La resa quasi pittorica si deve tutta alla superba precisione della…
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netmassimo · 7 months
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Un'immagine catturata con il telescopio spaziale James Webb mostra un'area di formazione stellare catalogata come Sagittarius C distante solo 300 anni luce da Sagittarius A*, il buco nero supermassiccio al centro della Via Lattea. Nel cuore della galassia, tra mezzo milione di stelle, c'è un ammasso di protostelle in mezzo a una nube talmente densa che le stelle dietro di esso vengono oscurate perfino al più potente telescopio esistente. Al contrario, le protostelle sono visibili allo strumento NIRCam in dettagli assieme a formazioni cosmiche che erano sconosciute e gli astronomi devono ancora identificare.
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Ich will nur noch einmal betonen, dass das hier keine Influencer Karriere ist. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, das es Leute gibt, die es falsch lesen. Ich habe keine Halluzinationen oder schizophrene Episoden oder lebe ein Doppelleben, aber wenn man mehr über mich wissen will, sollte man echt Paul & Robin kontaktieren. So hatte es alles angefangen. Ne, wir waren keine fremden Seelenverwandten und Bffs. Und wenn man es nicht versteht, dann wahrscheinlich weil man es eigentlich gar nicht lesen sollte. Das hier ist kein Ort für traurige Leute, um sich im selbst erstellen Konkurrenzkampf besser zu fühlen. Ich will mich einfach besser fühlen, ich habe mich richtig lange schlecht gefühlt. Ich denke es ist nach der ganzen Sache ziemlich berechtigt. Sonst muss ich davon ausgehen, dass man das nur bei mir machen kann, als ob ich die gelbe Mülltonne für den Frust anderer Leute bin. Und alles immer einfach so hinnehmen muss. Mir reicht es nie, ich habe immer noch so viel wirren Hass. Aber es ist nie grundlos.
-> Nicht wie andere Leute. Die sich wegen irgendwelchen Typen ganze Zeit zwanghaft mit mir vergleichen wollen. Oder einen wie ein Zootier beobachten und nachstellen, um selbst erstellte Theorien zu beantworten. Noch bisschen mehr Schnapps, dann findet man vielleicht noch ein bisschen mehr. Etwas was besser schmeckt. Gut gemeinte Sorgen der besorgten Bürger, Affären und Freunde. Am Ende wird man wieder random auserwählt und durch den Dreck gezogen, damit sich andere besser fühlen, obwohl sie nichts mit der Sache zu tun haben. Ich mach es sonst auch und wenn sich Leute zu oft auf mich fixieren, fixiere ich mich auch auf sie. Ich will dann immer wissen warum sie sich mit mir beschäftigen. Und meine wirren Gedanken möchten nicht korrigiert werden, weil sie immer stimmen.
So, also zuerst war ich nicht gut genug für den zwielichtigen Psycho und Bff Ex-Nachbar, Robin. Obwohl er mir mit seinem Papi bei der Kripo ein besseres Leben ermöglichen wollte und mich von der Straße geholt hätte (*Sarkasmus). Wir waren ein geheimes, fremdes Paar. Ich war undankbar für die Aufmerksamkeit und seine Sorgen. Und jetzt bin ich wieder nicht gut genug für Kripo Tristl, obwohl ich nicht danach gefragt habe, erneut auserwählt zu werden. Jetzt kriege ich ganze Zeit Frust seiner komischen Hyänen ab, weil er die vorher nicht geheiratet hat oder eine Beziehung mit denen eingegangen ist. Aber ich habe mit dem auch nichts zu tun??? Wurden einfach so hingehalten und suchen schon so lange einen korrekten, sicheren Partner. Sie waren so besorgt, dass er keinen Spaß haben wird oder halt nur kurzzeitig. Am Ende müssten Carmen und Öko Sandy vorbeikommen und alles richten. Jetzt wird wieder so getan als ob ich mit meinen gelben Händen versucht habe, einen Mann ins Verderben zu ziehen. Die Hände sind da wo sie nicht sein sollten! Andere warten schon länger auf einen Ring und ich spiele wieder schlitzäugiges Reh und Hochstaplerin, die alles wegnehmen will. Besorgte Bürger& friends wären bei einer guten deutschen, reinblütigen Frau weniger besorgt. Irgendwas muss ja stimmen, dann muss man sich fucking creepy aufführen und immer wieder testen ob iCh auCh wiRkliCh reAgiere. Nicht das hier jemand später ausgenommen wird, aber ist vielleicht auch nur eine Phase, die bald vorbei ist. Bald haben sich alle eingekriegt. Der Fall der notgeilen Freaks. Kann man die Verrückte trotzdem ficken? Man merkt gar nicht wie gestört die ist, die wirkt so normal. Es kommt mir so bekannt vor. Die Verdächtige gibt sich nachts immer die Kante und erinnert sich dann am nächsten Tag nicht mehr, wie schizophren sie schriftlich ausgeschweift ist. Hier wird eventuell wieder ein Doppelleben gelebt, irgendwas wird wieder verheimlicht und simuliert, damit es AnDErE miTkriEgen. Einer muss ein Auge auf das Schlitzauge werfen, Kripo Tristl naht sonst bald ein ausländischer, sozialer Untergang. Und wenn man hier nichts findet, muss man sich halt auf andere Leute fokussieren. Dann baut man Verbindungen, vielleicht kriegt man irgendwann ein stimmiges Gesamtbild. Beim anderen stimmt was nicht, riecht zu sehr wie Ausländer, die schriftlich wunde Punkte trifft.
Was wäre, wenn ich leben würde wie die wütenden Hyänen, Öko Sandy, Schizophrene Lauren oder Anna, die Fragwürdige etc.. Die es lieben zu spekulieren und sich durch mich unbedingt besser fühlen wollen, aber gar nicht wissen worum es geht. Dabei RuiNIere ich IhRE Leben mit meinen ausschweifenden Fixierungen, aber die müssen ja nicht stimmen. Darf man heutzutage nichts mehr sagen? Meinungen können frei gebildet werden, aber ich muss sie nicht in Hörweite mitkriegen, vor allem wenn man keinen verfickten Sarkasmus versteht und rumkreischt wie Verrückte. Und ich dachte immer, ich bin die ewig Gestörte. Aber kann man es mir verübeln. 🤪 Nur ich, ich und meine Mami lesen diesen Blog, alles safe.
Ich wünschte ich hätte so interessante Leben wie die Hyänen, da gibt es viel mehr zu reden. Ich will meine schizophrene Aufmerksamkeit teilen. Was wenn ich auch eine ehemalige örtliche Dorfnutte wäre, die in die Großstadt gezogen ist, um einen seriösen Neuanfang zu beginnen. Der Beginn eines seriösen Lebens, eventuell bei der Polizei Berlin oder halt darunter. Jeden Tag neuer Name, andere Arbeitszeiten, andere Arbeitsorte, Liebschaften, andere Wohnverhältnisse, gemogelte Ausbildung, SpAß (oder wie auch immer das heißt), I dunno. So kurz 👌🏼davor einen seriösen, sicheren Typen abzugreifen oder einem ein Kind unterzujubeln, der nichts von meiner Vergangenheit weiß. Jemand, der außerhalb meiner sozialen Reichweite ist und mich auf der sozialen Leiter direkt nach oben schiebt. Meine Auswahl ist sonst sehr begrenzt, mich will sonst keiner oder halt nicht das was ich will. Ich hätte mein Doppelleben verheimlicht und meine duNklE Vergangenheit hinter mir gelassen. Bald hätte ich einen Ring gehabt und würde nicht so leben wie jetzt. In Berlin ist alles egal. Außer man will so einen konservativen Typen, dann darf keiner von der Dorfnutten Vergangenheit wissen, auch wenn man dann selbst durch Schreianfälle in der Öffentlichkeit für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. Da wurde gerade voll lieb simuliert und dann geriet alles ins wanken. Mit Aussicht auf einen Ring ist alles andere plötzlich nebensächlich. Man nimmt jeden gut situierten Typen den man im dating game hat, duh, aber Konkurrenz ist überall. Genau wie Minderwertigkeitskomplexe, Hochmut und die Wahrheit. Bei mir ist es nie ohne Grund.
#Leute sollten echt aufhören ihren Frust und ihre Schizophrenie an mir auszuleben#Bin es so leid immer von faltigen hässlichen labbrigen Frauen und komischen alten Säcken von der Seite angebellt zu werden#Die P&C Muttis ohne Kinder wollen mir immer sagen wie man Spaß hat 🤪#Aber einen Spiegel haben die Zuhause trotzdem nicht oder Zeit für Faltencreme#Am besten finde ich mollige faltige Frauen die mir sagen wollen wie sehr ich zugenommen habe. Bruh#Wenn ich so aussehen würde wäre ich einfach ruhig#Ich renne niemanden hinterher und lese ihnen was mit Megafon vor#Und renne wie eine hungrige Ratte im Kreis rum und beobachte fremde Menschen beim leben um was zu finden worüber man lästern kann#Verzweifelt auf der Suche nach Schnipseln für die eigene Story#Es kommt mir so bekannt vor 🌝#Diese Frauen beschäftigen sich ein bisschen zu sehr mit einer schizophrenen bösen Migrantin#Fast so schlimm wie sehr fragwürdige Frauen die einem öfters nachschreien dass man seine Staatsschulden begleichen soll#Oder sofort Bafög zurückzahlen soll weil man im Edeka nach Bio-Aufbackbrötchen gegriffen hat#Hier fließt zu viel Geld. Hier wohnen bestimmt Illegale. Jemand besitzt zu viele Jacken. Maren & Carmen & Co suchen Glücksgefühle#Ich alleine bin einfach zu langweilig. Richtig krasse Kripo Leute müssen sich dann immer eigene Storys zusammenschneiden#Nach den arabischen Clans bin ich gleich an zweiter Stelle.#IcH hAbe gehÖrt… jEmand hat GesAgt … Ich habe es so aufgeschnappt…#TrisTan ruFt mich niCht zurüCk. DAs muss er sich noch einmal überlegen#Wie viele gutE deutsche-deutsche Frauen gibt es hier und der will die verrückte komische ViEtnamesin?#Irgendwie sehr unsicher und kindisch. Also wie die Frauen die er gerne fickt aber ca. 8-10 Jahre jünger#Nur weitaus hübscher#Was ist mit einer richtigen guten Frau? Süße liebe Lauren. Die ist voll normal. NPD Steffi oder Humana Sandy?#Andere Mütter haben auch normale hübsche Töchter ja. Sie ist unzurechnungsfähig#Das Schlitzauge würde ihm die Haare im Schlaf abschneiden. Seinen Hund auf den Grill packen und dann sein Portmonnaie klauen#Um auf der Straße Koks zu kaufen#Dann blinkt er und wacht in einer Marzahner Platte auf#Augen auf bei der Partnerwahl :(
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livornopress · 1 year
La cometa di Neanderthal incontra Marte, l'astrofilo Milianti continua a stupire con i suoi scatti (Foto e video)
La cometa di Neanderthal incontra Marte, l'astrofilo Milianti continua a stupire con i suoi scatti (Foto e video)
Livorno 17 febbraio 2023 – La cometa di Neanderthal incontra Marte, l’astrofilo Milianti continua a stupire con i suoi scatti L’astrofilo livornese Luciano Milianti dalla sua postazione a Montenero (Livorno); l’11 febbraio scorso con una esposizione durata dalle ore 19 alle ore 23 circa ha immortalato la cometa di Neanderthal vicina al pianeta Marte Nella foto possiamo ammirare, su uno sfondo di…
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trendywaifus · 6 months
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thinking about stelle being all over you after coming back from her mission. cw: fem! reader, grinding, vaginal penetration (at the end, stelle receiving)
you nearly jumped as a pair of hot lips grazes your neck, following by a naked body eagerly pressing against your bare back. “ missed you. “ a familiar voice whimpers in your ear, voice slightly drowned out by the shower. you relaxed with a smile, “ missed you too, baby. i didn’t hear you come in. “ heaps of messy hair tickles your neck and cheek as she places wet kisses to your shoulder blade.
stelle’s arms circles around your waist, hands skimming over your stomach. how soft and slippery your skin felt under her palms elicited a soft whiny noise from her. “ ‘m sorry i didn’t wait until you got out of the shower, i wanted to see you so badly, (name). “ she grinds her hips against your ass while burying her face in between your shoulder blade. you chuckled, arousal swelling in the pits of your belly at your girlfriend’s growing desperation.
you carefully twist yourself in her arms to face her. stelle’s features lightens up like an excited puppy when your (e/c) eyes meets her own. you palmed her cheek, caressing it with your thumb. she nuzzles into it. “ you’ve only been gone for about a few days now, stelle. “ you murmured, leaning in to lock your lips with hers. she promptly kisses back, pressing you into her.
“ the few days felt longer without you. “ she whimpers between kisses. your heart dropped a bit upon hearing the clear sadness in her voice. “ i’ll trailblaze with you and the two knuckleheads next time, okay? “ you whispered, lips now ghosting over hers. stelle nods hastily before recapturing your lips in a feverish kiss. you tilt your head to avoid teeth clashing, deepening the kiss. your free hand tenderly massages her toned stomach before moving down to palm her heat.
a throaty groan rumbles from her chest. she maneuvers you to the side and presses you up against the cool tile wall. by doing this, she’s completely under the shower head, causing the water to cascade down on her. her hair was soaking wet and stuck to her face, nearly blocking her eyes. though, it didn’t deter her from grinding her cunt against your palm. “ n-need you. . .“ stelle moans, nibbling on your bottom lip.
your pointer finger rubs her clit in a slow, circular motion. “ right here, baby? you sure? “ you asked warmly. stelle lets out a breathy yes please against your lips. you ran your digits along down her folds which were already slick with her juices, and slid them into her drooling hole with ease. she whimpers loudly, sloppily rolling her hips into your fingers. stelle almost slips from doing so, you swiftly catch her by the waist, chuckling,
“ careful, i don’t want to explain to the others about how you got a bump on your head. “
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lokisgoodgirl · 10 months
Third Date [Loki x Fem.Reader]
A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: We all know what happens on the third date. (w/c 2.4k) Warnings: 18+ only, minors DNI. Smut. Language. Health and safety violations.
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“Try this,” Loki commanded quietly.
All you could feel was each heavy breath as you tried not to wilt beneath his stare. He was a panther, toying with its meal.
Operatic melodies rose and fell all around, bouncing between terracotta arches from an ageing record player in the corner. It was beautiful, whatever it was. Perfect, even. Loki grinned, as the aria began to build.
“E lucevan le stelle,” he murmured knowingly, tilting his head. “Now...try this.”
The gleam of his eyes swam in the candlelight, chin dipped. He had scooped a not unsubstantial blob of his desert to a fingertip and was holding it aloft. You licked your bottom lip, staring at him almost as intensely as he was staring at you. It looked delicious. Stiff and pale and decadent. Not unlike its principal devourer for the evening.
You leant forward, pushing against the checked tablecloth as Loki gracefully extended his hand, the long finger poised. His gaze tracked from your eyes to your lips. Red, and parted. Without breaking your stare, you felt his finger come to rest on your tongue. He had really outdone himself tonight. The private restaurant, the ambiance, the green suit that wore him like ripples on a midnight sea. Conversation had been sparkling, as usual. But now, you suspected the time for conversation was over. His hair was smoothed back at the temples, drawing attention to sharp lines on his face that sank deeper with each glimmer of flame. Candlewax had begun to drip on the tablecloth, spreading in spite of itself. You knew how it felt.
Your lips sucked against his finger, deep to the second knuckle. Panacotta like you had never tasted swished at your cheeks. Rich, thick, and entirely delicious. It found its way across the spread of your tongue, sliding with a swallow down your throat. Your eyes fluttered shut as a muffled moan of pleasure grew and released. Loki’s finger curled, rubbing the roof of your mouth ever so gently.
If his elusive cock wasn’t hard as hard as marble right now, you’d eat your hat. “I think you got it all, darling” he purred. You opened your eyes, met with the sight of a man bristling with arousal. It coursed across his skin like electricity as you sucked backwards, shallow breaths making his shirt buttons strain. The blue of his irises had been consumed by darkness. The tip of his finger rested on your bottom lip. “Delicious,” you smiled. Loki shivered, readjusting himself. “What say we get out of here?” he growled, retracting his finger reluctantly from your lip. “I’ll call the car around.” He lifted the hand with one glistening finger in the air, ready to summon the solitary maître d' hiding somewhere in the back. Seeing his resplendent profile was the final straw. That proud brow, that haughty raise of his chin, those cheekbones. Enough was enough.
“Wait-” you gasped quietly.
Loki’s head swivelled. His brow twitched, interest piqued and momentarily sobered from his lust. A close-lipped smile began to flirt against your cheeks. You pressed your lips together, raising your eyebrows as a finger traced down your cleavage. The god’s eyes followed it. “Really?” Loki hummed with no attempt to contain his amusement. “Bad girl, aren’t you?” There was a loud scrape as he pushed his chair backwards against the tile. The table’s edge obscured your view, but you could tell his hips had widened. His thighs, spread.
“I’m game if you are,” he smirked with a devilish click of his tongue. One hand rested on the crease of his hip, fingertips digging into supple muscle. The other was hidden, but from the movement of one shoulder you suspected he was rubbing his thigh. Eager. Straining against the onslaught of erotic mischief about to be unleashed. Your stomach was fizzing as your mind dangled on the precipice of consequence.
“What about the staff?” you postured coyly. Loki chuckled. “Don’t worry about them,” he said, “do not forget whom it is you are about to fuck.” You bit your lip, feeling heat rise in your face. “Oh, I’m sorry...” Loki started, feigning concern. How he managed to sound seductive and sanctimonious would never fail to amaze. And arouse. He shrugged off his suit jacket, whipping his arms out with practised grace. The cotton sleeves of a crisp fitted shirt clung to the muscles. The subtle bulges cut in deep valleys against the cotton. “Am I being presumptuous in my assumption that you wish to immediately sink yourself onto my cock within this very restaurant?”
Casually, he undid a button on his wrist; proceeding to fold the cuff and roll the fabric sluttishly up his forearm. He repeated the action at the other side, completely un-phased that you had been rendered mute. “Was that not your intent? Or do I take liberties?”
Silently, you stood, letting the napkin in your lap fall to the floor. Loki smirked, resting smugly against the back of the chair. His gaze ran down the length of your body as you walked around the table, pausing to let him enjoy the view. You had chosen this dress with the heat of his breath on your neck in mind as he unzipped the back. All the way. Perhaps he would have kissed down the curve of your shoulder. Perhaps he would have slid his hands beneath the open fabric, around your waist, before it fell to his bedroom floor.
Perhaps, this would be even better.
“I couldn’t take the risk of you being overcome by your gentlemanly nature when we got back to your apartment. Not again,” you purred. The click of your heels twice on the terracotta tile made Loki straighten. He let out a strained chuckle, barely audible over the operatic crescendo playing somewhere on vinyl.
God, he was gorgeous.
You could now see the outline of his ferociously hard cock against the suit trousers. It stretched to his hip, thick and ready to fuck. “Give me a little credit, darling” he chirped innocently, inhaling as you curled your fingers around his shoulder. “Last week was our second date – I was respecting your Midgardian traditions, as inane as they may be.” He looked up, smirking. But his forehead quivered. His brows, slanted ever-so. He was desperate.
You stood between his spread thighs, taking a moment to appreciate the lines of creased fabric thick against his legs. Curves of muscle were visible, twitching. He stared up at you with unbearable hungry. There was a flash of his tongue as he wet his lips, large palms sliding up the sides of your bare legs.
Up they went, pushing the hem of your tight dress higher. Loki groaned, feeling the lace tops of your garters. His brow furrowed as he travelled higher, discovering the taut suspender lines. You had come prepared. Fingertips sank into the flesh, the mild pain making you clench. “You’ll end me, darling,” he breathed, hands settling around your hips. “I can tell.”
Loki guided you onto his lap, pulling you into a devastating kiss. It was a mess of tongue and teeth and desperate desire, hands winding in hair and filthy moans filling the space between you. The god’s fingers slipped between your splayed thighs, tracing the tips over your swollen pussy. The fabric separating his skin from yours was sodden. It tingled. Your breath hitched, moaning Loki’s name into his open mouth. He smiled against the kiss, pausing to mutter in your ear like the sweetest demon. “How ambrosial it is to hear my name on your lips with such...enthusiasm” he growled.
You began to thrust against his touch, cursing the care he was taking. Fingers pulsed in waves on your clit. “Loki, please…” you whined, throwing your head back. Your lover’s kisses traced down your neck, sucking against the skin. “As you wish,” he muttered against your shoulder, free hand flying to his belt.
You looked down between your bodies. The sight of his upturned wrist, veins straining while he orchestrated the blossoming orgasm between your legs made you dizzy. Loki fluidly unbuckled himself, unbuttoning with a flick followed by the zippers hum. The god’s pants were nasal, concentration knitting his brow as he pulled his cock out in a fist. It was as beautiful as you’d hoped it would be. The perfect length. The perfect girth; turgid veins decorating flawlessly velvet, alabaster skin. A bead of pre-cum settled on the tip as Loki squeezed his foreskin upwards, meeting your eyes with what almost looked like nervousness. He pumped the fist down, meeting the base with a dirty groan from the back of his throat. You rubbed a thumb over the leaking tip, before drawing it to your lips. Loki watched, jaw slack, as you sucked it clean. His mouth formed the softest O, lines in his forehead deepening as he pulled your panties to the side. He rolled his knuckles through your folds, his breathing quick.
“So wet,” he murmured in quiet awe as you wrapped your fingers around his cock. “All for you, Loki” you gasped, squeezing the head inside.
The god’s face changed, a shock of pleasure contorting his features. His jaw clenched, upper body rigid as you sank onto his length. An almighty grunt of pure animalism ripped the air. Loki’s chin pointed to the ceiling, lost in the feeling of your little cunt snug around his manhood. Hands found their way to your hips, beginning to rock you back and forth. Each rotation was solid. Covetous, as he edged you all the way down. “Yes..gods, yes; f-fuck,” he groaned, head snapping back up with a burning lust in his eyes. Your blood froze. Never had someone looked at you like this. So raw. So full of base hunger. In that moment, in this place, in all his many ages; there was only you.
You began to bounce, bucking forward against the root of his cock with every turn. “Norns, f-fristelse-” he choked, long fingers spread against your ass. Tightening. Arousal squelched with every slam of your pussy down his length, his restrained thrusts massaging the deepest parts of you.
He pulled you flush to him, his face burying between your breasts. Wet groans sounded against the skin as his thighs pumped upwards; a maddening rhythm of sexual gluttony. More. More.
“More-” Loki gasped open-mouthed against your throat. Your hands were tangled in his hair, long strands wound and bound through your fingers. You tugged it back.
With a hiss, his jaw clenched; teeth bared like an animal in a trap. You squeezed your walls around him, bobbing slowly up and down. Every ridge and vein seemed to drag against the tightness, each inch punctuated by his scratching groans. It felt like you’d known him like this for a thousand years. It was so natural- inevitable. And who knew these days. Maybe you had. He fought against the pull of your fist in his curls, deep lines creased in his forehead. Loki’s eyes blazed, swirling galaxies bursting from smouldering greens and blues. “More,” he repeated darkly. And before you had registered the quick slip of his hands from your ass to your waist, it was over. Loki lifted you into the air, sliding you with a pop from his length and spinning your body. Your palms landed flat on the table, sliding forward to brace yourself. Without thinking, your fingers curled around the loosened tablecloth. They tugged. The howl that escaped your throat as he pushed himself back inside the warmth of your heat was inhuman.
Loki curled against your back. His torso pressed against your spine, the caress of his breath against the shell of your ear making you push your hips back to the base of his cock. Loki snarled filthy curses lapping your neck. “Uhh...y-you...will be – g-gods, f-fuck,” he moaned, sloppy thrusts making your feet spread wider; “-the en-nd of me,” he gasped. A tight smack of his hand landed on the curve of your ass. Your fingers grasped around the tablecloth, pulling as orgasm bubbled and coiled in your belly. “More, Loki-” you cried, not caring as a bottle of olive oil crashed to the floor, smashing. The wine glasses teetered, quickly following. Chiming shards bounced on terracotta.
Loki’s balls slapped with each smack of his skin against yours. Deeper, filthier. The moans slipping from your throat, the crunch of your brow, the dirty wildness. It was everything. Right now, he was everything. “Oh, darling…” he sneered, tightening his grip of your hips, “you want me to fill you, hmm? Want my seed to drip down those pretty thighs all the way home?” You nodded feverishly, tufts of rogue curls from the carefully constructed up-do now falling around your face. Fucked out. That’s what you were. Almost. Loki slipped a finger beneath on of your suspenders, pulling it back. It stung against soft flesh with a filthy thwack. The god growled.
His thrusts slowed, a hand on the base of your spine lowering you gently; flat on the table. “You’re close, I can feel it” he hummed, “give in to me... sweet little thing. Let me show you what it is to be mine.” With each punishingly sensual roll of his hips, Loki pressed the meat of his cock upwards. This undiscovered place, an untouched feeling. A pandora’s box of eroticism only he could open, never to be closed again. Ruined for other men. Stars began to burst behind your eyelids, shattering white light and deep burgundy pulsing. Every muscle in your body tensed to the beat of his rhythm, as you came undone. Unmade.
Your hands gripped the opposite edge of the table, pulling against it with all the force you could muster as climax ripped through your nerve endings. Loki’s gentle thrusts stroked you to completion, the flat of his palm sliding down your back. “Oh,” he gasped quietly, “I...I-” A smouldering roar filled the air, drowning out the opera still playing somewhere beyond. From the sound, you could tell his teeth were clenched, his head likely thrown back in the ties of ecstasy. Loki’s hips tensed as he came, the shuddering and jolting of muscled thighs against the soft flesh your own.
His strangled sighs dwindled as he collapsed against your back, panting heavily. Wet lips pressed to your cheekbone. You tilted your head, meeting his mouth in a winding kiss.
He pulled himself from you with a muted groan, the squelch of your mingled cum sucking on the departure. He raked a hand through his hair before quickly tucking himself back into his trousers; silently watching you pull the sides of your dress down with a smirk curling one side of his mouth.
“That was-” he started, before you pressed a finger to his lips. “-A good start,” you finished.
You slid your hands over his broad shoulders, enjoying the heat of sex wafting from the open collar. Tracing your cheek to his, you sucked his earlobe gently; releasing it with a licentious moan. Loki shivered. “Shall we bring the car around, now?” you whispered. Loki nodded.
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Tags (cont in comments) @liminalpebble @pineappleandro @praq123 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @sebstanwhore @mandywholock1980 @sinsandguilt @toozmanykids @km-ffluv @goddessofwonderland @kj-rivia @pics-and-fanfics @chibijusstuff @chantsdemarins @k-writer17 @xorpsbane @jotunqueenneith @lovingchoices14 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lizmaximoff @goblingirlsarah @gruftiela @litaloni @fire-in-her-veinz @literatureatthebowofnails @cultofcarter @fandxmslxt69 @wintersldr @november-rayne @buttercupcookies-blog @anukulee @lotsoflokilove23 @skymoonandstardust @girlwthecurls @presidentlokis-hornyhelmet @donaweasley @litaloni @hollyiswritinglokiagain @cakesandtom @lokischambermaid @icytrickster17
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stellarcn · 1 year
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"Did... did Asta just basically agree to be my sugar momma?"
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