#but yeah so now I’m enraged a little lol I hate that shit people like that just wanna take advantage of your mental state btw
tiredsadpeach · 1 year
Did not need that lmao
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Everyone was all, “Tomura what do you have?” and Tomura was all,” a quirk bullet!” and they were all, “NO!!” He then threw the bullet at Aizawa, who ironically actually did have a knife, and since no one bothered to say “no!!” this time he proceeded to CHOP OFF HIS OWN LEG. Just, schwoop. Lopped it right off. Didn’t even fucking care. Anyway so then Tomura was all, “you know what who even needs quirk bullets” and somehow broke free from both Deku and Ryuukyuu to go claw off Aizawa’s face. Thankfully Todoroki “I've spent the past eight chapters puttering around waiting for the coolest moment to strike” Shouto finally decided to join the fray by impaling Tomura, and everyone was all, “ahaha, classic Shouto”, and Tomura was all, “don’t worry though I’m fine”, and it seems like he really is now, since he’s finally regenerated and all his wounds have healed again! The chapter ended with Gigantomachia stampeding towards Jakku, which is super terrible, but what else is fucking new.
Today on BnHA: The Gunga kids spend a few pages standing around letting all that trauma soak in nice and deep as Machia rampages on towards Jakku. Back in the Shigaraki Wastes, the heroes regroup, which mostly consists of the remaining conscious adults tearfully being all “you kids get out of here... save yourselves...” and the kids being all “YOU JUST SIT THERE AND CHILL, DAD” and “[EXPLETIVES]” and “I’M YOUNG AND FILLED WITH RIGHTEOUS SHOUNEN RAGE”, all of which is very entertaining to me and makes me very proud. Anyway so then Tomura’s body sort of explodes a bit, and he’s all, “what”, and then it finally sinks in that he might have popped out of the toaster early, so he tries to end the fight right there and then with another round of Decay. Except that Deku counters it by SPONTANEOUSLY LEARNING HOW TO FLY, which is probably SO CONFUSING for all the non-Gran-and-Kacchan people around, which is just one of the many things I love about it. And the other things I love about it are that it’s (1) THE MOST BADASS THING EVER, and (2) just, really fucking great. So yeah. Rage, Deku, rage.
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don’t tell me. I’m not sure I want to know what it is they’re looking at. how many of the pros are fucking dead now ffffmg
also that is an extremely intriguing chapter title, though. 75? as in percent?? oh my god is something finally going to go fucking right for our heroes. or at least, you know, less wrong
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dammit Momo he was supposed to go to sleep! WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT MATH FOR, THEN. did he grow bigger, or did she just somehow miscalculate the dosage, or is he finally going to go night-night halfway to Jakku?
btw Momo I’m not actually mad at you, you’re still the only one who fucking did anything at all. if anyone tries to give you shit, just look them in the eye and ask them “okay and how many things did YOU do?”, and they’ll be like, “oh shit, none”, and you’ll be all “yeah that’s what I fucking thought” because YEAH
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I have never seen Sero this badly shaken before. it’s somehow so shocking?? holy shit you guys, I know I’ve been saying for ages “lolo all these kids about to be traumatized af” but somehow it’s one thing to know it’s coming, and another to finally actually see it. oh god
anyway let’s just hope all of the grown-ups aren’t actually fucking dead. but based on all of the kids’ expressions, it really feels like a lot of them might be, and that’s just... ...
and they had to see it. right? is that what this is implying?? holy shit. they watched it all happen. that’s it, the rest of this arc is cancelled, please proceed directly to the emergency therapy arc right now
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holy shit look at the size of that rock that fell on the medical tent. and DS pulling people out of the wreckage. it really feels like everywhere you turn this arc, the intrepid young scamps of U.A.’s first year hero class are the ones out here keeping things one step from total disaster
oh shit
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excuse the hell out of me young Momo but what the hell is up with this use of the word “dead” with the implied “like everyone else” hanging there at the end?? what is up with that. that’s a very bad sentence I don’t like that at ALL
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I mean, I already knew they survived, though. so WHY AM I STILL SO FUCKING ANXIOUS. good grief
and in before Majestic fucking dies on the next page, having saved the children with his very last act. I fucking hate you Majestic, you blue-balling child-preserving magnificent wizard bastard
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is anyone still alive?? did the guys who were fighting off Snoopy Sno-Cone and RD back at the mansion at least make it out in one piece??
(ETA: from here on out all of these guys shall be referred to as Schrodinger's Heroes until further notice.)
so now Mineta is questioning whether or not their Smart Momo Plan even fucking did anything, which. same, Mineta, honestly. but it must have!! right?? ????
anyway so here’s some more panels of everyone dying do you want to see them. sure. why not
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can we get back to the Tomura fight now. I’ve had just about enough of this, I’d like to see some 75% business now before this turns into the most depressing chapter of all time
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goddammit. well for now my money’s on Machia collapsing just as they make it back to Jakku. so Momo’s plan does eventually work, but the League still makes it back to Tomura thus ensuring more shenanigans can take place. goddamn, lol, just when I thought the arc was nearing its climax. feels like it just fucking respawned with a full life bar
also Toga is really looking... not great. I’m so scared for whoever she ends up fighting after this. OCHAKO MY SWEET BABY GIRL PLEASE WATCH OUT
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PLEASE ARREST HIM FASTER. holy fuck if you fucking screw this up and he gets rescued I SWEAR TO GOD
oh wait is he just here to provide more backstory on Gigantomachia
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GO BURNIN’, YOU GOT THIS. also, gonna be honest, at this point I really would not mind if Machia did a little less living for Tomura and a bit more dying
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FKFKF Aizawa not looking too good oh god. and Deku looks like he’s about to spontaneously develop ALL OF HIS REMAINING QUIRKS JUST LIKE THAT ON THE SPOT, FUCK YOU TOMURA
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Shouto’s arrival is either about to make Endeavor more useless than ever, or suddenly a whole lot LESS useless, and right now it’s up in the air and I am excited but also scared
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BLAH BLAH BLAH. “SORRY I’M LATE, I WAS SAVING PEOPLE’S LIVES,” Shouto lies through his teeth, clearly not aware that Tomura has a built in GPS and knows full well that Shouto was actually only a few feet behind Bakugou and Deku and so that explanation doesn’t fly at all. the real truth must be something so embarrassing that he’s ashamed to admit it. did you get lost. did you run into an NPC who wouldn’t let you pass until you had completed some sort of quest
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just as enraged as Deku! it’s almost like he just witnessed his sensei chopping off his own leg and subsequently almost being murdered or something
(ETA: actually lol I think he’s mad at Deku, for taking off earlier and leaving him behind with Gran. though there’s no law that says he can’t be mad about two things at once! anyway so do you guys think that being beaten to the punch by Deku here may perhaps frustrate this young man and contribute to his decision to return the favor at some point later on in this battle, perhaps with dire consequences? hmm.)
anyway so if you all are keeping up with the math, and I think you are, it seems like just about every one of the adult pros is either down for the count (Aizawa, Gran), or recovering (Endeavor, Ryuukyuu??), or Might As Well Not Even Be There (a certain TWO OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL IN A TIME OUT AND HAD BETTER BE THINKING GOOD AND HARD ABOUT WHAT THEY’VE DONE. OR MORE PRECISELY, DID NOT DO OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO DO). anyway so all of that means that the only ones actually ready and raring to go here in Round 2 against the newly regenerated and POSSIBLY HAS HIS DECAY QUIRK BACK Shigaraki Tomura are... drum roll...!
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DID YOU NOT EVEN NOTICE HIS LEG BEFORE?!?!? holy -- can I -- can I please just slap them, I --
anyway so RockLockRock looks like he has something to say here. probably going to tell Deku to take Aizawa and run, as if Deku isn’t the fucking glue holding this entire operation together at this point now that Aizawa is KOed. can you believe these guys are so incompetent they’ve actually got me arguing in favor of the child soldiers now, what even
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shit. that face. he’s ready to die to give them all a chance. he knows he wouldn’t last two seconds against Tomura and yet he’s willing to sacrifice it all. damn it RLR... okay fine your time out is done now, but I’m still calling your parents
unfortunately, you’ll never believe it, but Deku doesn’t seem all that inclined to listen to this man telling him to bail and save his own skin sob
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ngl though I am living for the Enraged Vengeance Deku we’ve been seeing in these last couple chapters. maybe now everyone will stop dismissing him as just a soft boi who always eats his vegetables and doesn’t swear, and remember that in truth he’s actually a mildly unhinged feral child with an infinite pain tolerance and a god-given talent for never listening to any life-prolonging advice that adults give him ever
oop don’t tell me he’s gonna do the Decay thing again, shit
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-- uh
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“eh?” lmao what the fuck. my boy's torso just opened up like a fucking door hinge and all he can say is “eh.” this fucking manga
like he’s seriously just calmly standing there trying to assess what the heck has gone wrong
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you really don’t feel pain do you. “haha lol what why is my arm falling off I thought I fucking ascended”
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IT’S OCTOBER THIRD. looool the fuck
Tomura. my sweet little S+ ranked death machine with an A rank in knowledge. who’s spent the past 15-20 minutes battling to the death with the number one fucking hero and all his pals. who all just HAPPENED to be there all ready and waiting to fight him the instant he woke up. Tomura. buddy. did it really only just occur to you that maybe something went wrong somewhere along the line. that maybe things were not, in fact going according to keikaku. that maybe the heroes didn’t just sit around waiting for you to finish cooking in your villain bake oven. like please forgive my impudence but TOMURA ARE YOU STUPID, is what I’m saying, I guess. but gently
I really like how Deku’s just crying nonstop this entire time though. but like, you know. crying with RAGE
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lol and he’s figured it out as well, and I fucking love the connection his mind made, look at this
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sudden feelings of solidarity. “WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT, YOU AND I” lmao
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how does she still have two legs?? Horikoshi I can’t believe you forgot how many legs your own favorite character has. but anyways yes this has been your friendly reminder that Mirko saved EVERYONE and should have a battleship named after her
okay NOW he’s doing the thing
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good job Tomura you finally got them!! good thing none of them can fly, or Float. RIGHT, DEKU
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(ETA: he even grabbed Kacchan too. “I can fly by myself!” YOU SHUSH MISTER.)
(ETA 2: and what I also love about this is that we know the SIXQUIRKS are seemingly in tune with Deku’s emotions, so it honestly makes perfect sense that in the heat of the moment with Tomura threatening to kill all these people that he cares about, the quirk just basically acts on his instinct to save and doesn’t stop to ask questions. we’re saving everyone, no buts. and he even activates Float at long last, acting on that same instinct. honestly Kacchan had the exact right idea the whole time, all the way back in chapter 217. “it’ll activate when he’s in trouble, right?” exactly.)
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he’s so fucking mad. omg??! omg
okay so I’m gonna try my best to explain why I love this so much lol. all right. so the thing is, it’s actually so rare for Deku to actually take the reins like this. even though he’s the main character, even though he’s All Might’s heir, his personality is such that he genuinely doesn’t mind being in the backseat and is perfectly content to share the spotlight with others, or even relinquish it completely. BnHA has had... how many arcs so far? hold up let me check
-- okay I just checked and it’s 18. so, 18 arcs. and out of all those arcs, Deku has had a solo fight in approximately... five of them. and two of those fights were against Bakugou and Todoroki, respectively, so he was still sharing the spotlight even then. aside from that, he’s fought Muscular, Gentle, and Overhaul (oh, and Shinsou, I guess). that’s it! and it’s been almost 300 chapters! and again, he’s the main character. in a shounen manga. like seriously though, that is wild
and so seeing him here like this on the last page, ready to throw hands with Tomura, presumably while using Blackwhip as some sort of physical barrier to coat his attacks and prevent Tomura from trying any more Decay shenanigans with him? dude. I FELT THAT HYPE. it’s just a really effective way of keeping me from getting Main Character Fatigue like I might get in most other shounen series. because Deku doesn’t get the spotlight all that often in comparison, it still feels fresh to me, especially now with him actually going up against the Big Bad. just, idk what else to say except “hell yeah” lol
anyway, so I don’t even know how long it’s gonna last, and I expect that Kacchan and Shouto aren’t going to be content to just sit back and let Deku have all the glory either (Kacchan in particular is probably frothing at the mouth already), so in all likelihood it’s probably going to be more of a 3-on-1 than a 1-on-1. and it’s also very likely to end with Tomura gaining the upper hand and trying to take OFA! and so in truth this is a very fleeting moment of triumph, and the most premature of celebrations! but even so... damn. and also I just love seeing shounen kids lose their damn minds and explode with angry determination. and I especially love seeing it with Deku, because I love the reminder that beneath that sweet, unassuming nerdy exterior lies a core of fucking steel. that look in his eyes, though. TOMURA ARE YOU SCARED. you should be a little scared, lmao
anyway. so that’s the chapter! and I’m really glad we ended on this note, not just because Deku is a badass, but also because like I was saying earlier, this was about as bad a situation as the good guys have ever been in, and I felt like the manga was starting to lose that feeling of hope that still needs to be there at its core even when things are at their darkest. idk, I feel like we needed this. Tomura got a chance to catch his breath in the last chapter, and now it’s the heroes’ turn. whew
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thistangledbrain · 3 years
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Deliberately lumping 17 & 18 together this time, because 17 isn’t that big of an entry.
Day 17 - “Accommodations”
So from a *personal* standpoint, I need few or no accommodations, as I’ve learned to make my own & have my own coping skills - when you spend most of your life not even knowing you’re autistic, you’re less likely to ask for something to help you with “your weird hangups”.
But younger auties often DO need accommodations- like being allowed to wear headphones/muffs in school, having a quieter testing environment, smaller classes, and so on. And obviously, the more you struggle with certain aspects (like loud noises or crowds), the more accommodations you’ll need.
I admit I don’t have much experience with the kids who truly need the total SPED environments. *Most* (definitely not all) kids I’ve known have all been capable to a degree of adapting to a NT environment. It’s *exhausting*, but possible *most of the time*. So since I’m a child of “suck it UP!”, I’m unfamiliar with this outside of simple accommodations I asked for, for my youngest, when he was in his earlier HS years - like headphones being allowed, and letting him keep his cell phone on him so he could quietly text with me if he was having a rough day & we could walk through it together. As he’s progressed through high school, he’s needed these accommodations less and less. I’ve noticed as my boys have edged through puberty, they leave more and more of their younger struggles behind them.
Your results may vary, of course.
Day 18 - “Someday”
Hm. Boy, that’s ambiguous. Maybe I’ll take this one on from a couple different angles.
Someday I hope NTs understand autism better. Someday I hope each autistic person can be judged on their OWN PERSONAL strengths and weaknesses, like NTs are, instead of lumping us all together and deciding we can or can’t do something, based on the fact we’re autistic. For example, I know *plenty* of autistic musicians who play in bands ranging from death metal & punk rock, to smooth jazz. “But I thought autistic people couldn’t handle loud sounds!!”, you exclaim. Yeah, and some of us can. Also, not all loud sounds are created equal. Or sounds in general. A good example for me is, I occasionally jump and let out a little scream when the toast pops up 🙄, but I don’t flinch at the sound of gunfire - because I love to target shoot (I do not hunt), and it’s something I’m really good at, so I enjoy it thoroughly. (I’m not going to get started on America’s gun violence problem because it enrages me. I can rant about that allllll day & already deleted two paragraphs doing just that. This was just a convenient example.)
I’ve been thinking about this a LOT lately, actually. We have our own hurdles, without NTs adding to them, anyway. But I think about “what if I knew I was autistic, before I joined the Marines? Would I still have been as determined?” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT...BUT I would have hit a brick wall, because they wouldn’t have let me (if I was honest about it, anyway - I’m telling you right now, if every applicant was 100% honest about their background, almost NO ONE would be accepted). So what happened? Well - I was a damned good Marine, that’s what happened - because I didn’t let *anybody* tell me I couldn’t do something. And as I mentioned before...for certain types of auties, the military is actually a pretty fucking brilliant, comfortable environment that we literally thrive in. Again - we are all different. So this “someday” one is BIG for me. Someday I hope we are judged individually on our merits, someday I hope we are looked at through the lens of what we CAN do, versus what *someone else* thinks we cannot do. I have YET to meet an Autie who doesn’t go “OH YEAH?!” when we’re told we “can’t” do something because of our autism. (We might not always succeed, granted, but we really hate being told we “can’t” do something, based on what YOU think we can and cannot do.)
Someday I hope autism is actually celebrated, instead of thinking it’s some sort of scourge. I hope to see that happen in my lifetime.
Someday I also hope that people (the doctors and psych folks and whatever) realize there’s actually a *considerable* difference between male and female autistics - which is why females are so often diagnosed late in life, because we “don’t fit the profile”. I also hope they realize that some females are more like males, and some males more like females, as far as the expression of our ASD. In other words - back to HOW ABOUT YOU EVALUATE US INDIVIDUALLY, FFS. I hear all this shit about how “autism is a spectrum”, and it just seems like lip service - if you KNOW it’s a spectrum, then why are you still trying to pigeonhole us into the DSM-5 definition or whatever, and operating inside generic parameters?? Auties are the most complex human beings you will ever meet in your life - and I stand FIRMLY by that - so your attempts to shoehorn us into your basic understanding of it is frustrating as FUCK. Infuriating, even. No wonder we fight you so bad when you try it. How would YOU like it if we decided that every middle class blonde woman is a “Karen”, and treated you as such? Or if we decided everyone with brown eyes are slow and we should treat all of you brown eyed people the same, like infants? You’d be like, “what the FUCK?” Yeah. It’s a lot like that.
Someday, I hope more therapists understand the autistic brain better, so they can be more helpful. Sometimes the same advice you’d give a NT patient struggling with an issue (let’s say, the death of a loved one or executive function) just won’t ...WORK...for an Autie. As it stands now, most therapists I’ve known go straight to ABA, and that gets frustrating when you just need to let it all out so you can re-center and actually have a discussion. Speaking of ABA, someday I hope teachers and doctors and therapists understand the resentment and feelings of being “wrong” or “bad” that result from ABA. SOME of it is necessary I think, but mostly, all it does is teach repression & lets us know loud and clear that the way we are is “wrong”. I desperately hope ABA is reevaluated - with the input from ACTUAL AUTISTICS. Using ABA for to overcome a problem like, say, potty training or something, is often seriously necessary. But potty training isn’t part of *who we are*, if that makes sense. Most ABA is basically like putting your Autie kid in a dog training bootcamp, with little to no thought about “what makes that kid tick”. It’s all about training you to act in a way that NTs find acceptable (and I have lots and lots of cuss words about that........) I don’t even train DOGS like some schools or therapists train auties. Dogs aren’t beings to dominate, control, and condition to act in ways I find pleasing (but I’m also not a “general trainer”...I’m on the behavior side of things). They’re sentient beings who deserve to have their personalities discovered, their traumas and their hangups, and THEN we work inside THAT dog’s parameters until we’re solid...*then* we start working on pushing them outside of comfort zones and such. AFTER that trust and understanding has been laid down as a solid foundation, for *that specific dog*, regardless of my experience with past dogs (though I do rely heavily on past experiences of course; knowledge of what did and didn’t work with some other dog similar to the one I have now - that sort of thing - but every dog is a whole new being to me...because, well, they actually *are*). Nothing is “cookie cutter”. Every dog is a brand new exploration. I understand that’s putting a lot of pressure on SPED teachers. I understand they’re baffled when I tell them ABA sucks as a because they see “positive results”. Sure - you see positive results in your ability to repress that child. Positive results in the fact that they’ve now learned to hide themselves from you and others. It seems the current ABA methods don’t necessarily teach any sort of useful skills for actually adapting to the flow of the NT world for that kid - just how to repress who they are, so they fit in. In other words - ABA is successful for the NT world - not us. It actually depresses the shit out of me to think about how teachers and counselors view the rocking and flapping kid they’ve now trained to sit quietly in class feels like their work is successful. You didn’t help that kid - you BROKE them, you broke their spirit, you broke who they are. That makes me so angry. Same when these so called “star trainers” can force or intimidate any dog to performative good behavior. Same as the difference between how native Americans train their horses versus how Anglo Saxons or others did/do. In the native culture, we call it “gentling”. In AS culture *it is LITERALLY called “breaking”*. I’m not kidding - look it up.)
As for my personal “someday”....
Someday I’ll write a book about my adventures & struggles in life and what it was like inside my brain through each one. It’s not that I think I’m anything special, but I’ve been asked to do this, and the reasons were pretty logical. And I do love to write, usually. Or maybe it’ll be a book about how my autism is a HUGE advantage in “my line of work” (the dog thing...being sort of more of a dog/human “guidance counselor” than a trainer - since I hear your voice and feelings, and I also hear your dog’s, I’m less of a trainer and more of a bridge between the two. An interpreter, but also almost like a marriage counselor too LOL). I think that’s my biggest “someday” and the only one worth mentioning, because it’s such a huge goal...most of my other personal “someday” stuff, I eventually kinda go “well fucking why not TODAY, bish?!” and I just...DO it.
But generally, someday I hope it’s understood that no two autistic people are alike - but we share enough commonality that it’s possible to understand we’re basically in a different category of people from “normal”. Someday I hope NTs in general drop their stereotypes and get to know us one on one. Someday I hope people realize and understand that even nonverbals are whole ass human beings, with thoughts and dreams and opinions and a whole complex personality that you missed, because you were too busy judging the fact they can’t speak like you do.
Someday I hope you realize we *enhance* the human experience, we don’t detract from it. Someday I hope you realize we are not BROKEN, we are just different. Someday I wish you’ll stop being so smug and stuck up in your “normally functioning brain”, and stop PITYING us. For fucking what??? Experiencing life in a much more complex and deep way?? Bruh. We pity YOU, too. Your world perception often seems dull and wasteful. Limited. OPEN UP - there’s a whole universe out there that you haven’t even explored. So, someday I hope we can enhance each other’s human experience, like my friends and I do. I’d love to see that on a larger scale.
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
i think season three is good, but there are a few things about it that absolutely enrage me to an overdramatic amount, and here i shall list them lol. also this will be in more than one ask because i have too many thoughts. ok, the first is how hopper went from trying his best to threatening children, having that "girls can't choose who they date they aren't smart" mindset, gaslighting Joyce/not believing her when she has basically always been correct, and tricking her into a date?? 1/? lol
next, i hate how they went "here, take billy's sad childhood and him saving el and forgive his racist actions! go! FETCH!" and we were supposed to be like "yayyy! what a nice guy!!!" you know? like... a sad childhood isn't redemption? it may vaguely explain things, but not excuse them? i also was disappointed with el and max's friendship being based off them being mean to their (admittedly mediocre) boyfriends? like- yall are in 8th grade dating sucks why are we being mean just communicate? 2/?
and it felt like max and el's friendship was supposed to come of as this "wow FEMINISM!" thing, and it really wasn't at all? i mean i could totally see kids perceiving this "girls rule boys drool" thing as empowering, but i just wish that if they are going to go the whole (adorable) "sleepovers, wonder woman, shopping, normal, not-supernaturalish (if that makes sense)" female friendship, they didn't base it on... well... men?
(i'm sorry i'm saying so much lol) they are also setting up problems for character development and writing. if they continue to add characters for no reason, characters are going to keep loosing purpose because there are less roles to fill than actual characters. Admittedly, the characters they add for seemingly no reason are usually so fun that i end up shutting my mouth and taking back my complaint? like max, robin, erica, not you billy, alexi, heather, etc. 4/? (i'm so sorry i'm hyperfixated)
and don'T EVEN GET ME STARTED (lmao i've clearly started) ON THE RUSSIAN STUFF?! LIKE WHAT!??!? WHO IS THIS TERMINATOR BITCH AND WHY WAS ~HE~ THE ONE TO KILL OF A NEW LOVABLE SIDE CHARACTER??? AND WHY IS HOPPER RECKLESSLY KILLING??? (sorry i am yelling the anger is not at you, you seem lovley) LIKE WHAT?!? tHIS TOXIC MASCULINITY HOPPER CRAP NEEDS TO CEASE PLEASE, I BEG. anyway there was no point to making the terminator guy other than a reference. ok i think i'm done?? thanks for listening lol.
so i’m gonna be honest man the only thing i agree with you on is that the way they handled billy was bullshit. i wholeheartedly disagree with all the rest but i’m very glad you got it all off your chest kjdcnmnd like. i’m gonna share my thoughts on some of this and i REALLY don’t mean to be rude i just like talking about stranger things so please don’t take this as me trying to argue or whatever bc that is not my intention!!
so i don’t think hopper having a problem with el and mike has anything to do with him thinking el isn’t smart or that she can’t make her own decisions. el’s a kid, and she’s only been allowed to be a kid for like... two years, max? he’s worried that she’s growing up too fast, mourning the inevitable end of her childhood which has just barely begun, and yeah, he’s overprotective, too, but he’s pretty clearly painted as being in the wrong for how he handled things. he changed his ways by the end of the season, and through the speech he wrote it’s clear that his issues stemmed from his own fears of her growing up, not from him thinking she was stupid. change isn’t typically sudden or easy, and i really do think that hopper was trying his best at the start of s3 (he lets el hang out with her friends as much as she wants, trusts her to roam freely and keep herself safe, etc). he just still had a little way to go.
i also don’t personally see how hopper “tricked” joyce into a date when she agreed to go and then didn’t show up. joyce is an adult, and she was perfectly capable of telling hopper no (she actually did tell him no once, and then didn’t object later). he was never threatening or manipulative to her. he was a total bitch after he got stood up, and they did overdo it, but he most certainly wasn’t gaslighting her. he genuinely didn’t think that there was something going on! he thought she was paranoid due to her trauma, trauma that he personally has been through and is sympathetic to. he still helped her check things out, even when he didn’t think there was a real problem, because he wanted to give her peace of mind. while you can argue he was dumb or disrespectful not to believe her, he didn’t have any intention of making joyce feel crazy or of deceiving her.
and the reason that the kids aren’t communicating well in s3 is because they’re... well, kids. have you ever seen an eighth-grade relationship where both parties communicate maturely about their problems? if they were older i would agree that the conflict was dumb, but it makes perfect sense for kids their age. i also don’t really have an issue (personally) with how the elmax friendship started. the whole point is that el came to max asking for dating advice, and max shows el that she doesn’t have to revolve her whole life around her boyfriend, she can develop her own identity and be her own person.
a lot of people in the fandom share your trepidation about adding new characters, so i’m definitely outnumbered here, but i don’t personally have a problem with it at all. i think alexei could have been better-utilized, but his existence didn’t interfere or detract from anything with existing characters. in fact, i think he gave murray some more development and allowed for more dynamic interactions between joyce and hopper. max and robin were both “new characters,” and i’m not being hyperbolic when i say they’re two of the best-written and best-acted characters in the show. when i go back and watch s1 now, things just feel wrong without max, and robin is a revelation. i think that adding new characters makes the world of stranger things feel more organic and allows for the stakes to remain somewhat high without making the writers feel like they have to kill off one of our beloved OGs. 
russian terminator... yeah you’re right that shit was weird as fuck. i don’t think hopper killing the dudes down in the base was “toxic masculinity” or anything though like he’s a veteran and the guys he killed were all soldiers and he was just trying to get to the gate to shut it down no matter the cost, yknow? it was a matter of life and death, and with a giant monster trying to kill his daughter i think him killing anyone in the way of him preventing that is kind of... fair. but yeah i don’t really get the point of terminator guy like it was so fucking weird sdknckdnm
thanks for the asks!!! the fandom’s been kinda dead lately and it’s so fun to still be able to talk about st!!
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kerenitychan · 4 years
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this is stupid lol but like , i've been drawing everybody wearing the friendship bracelets so i feel like i owe y'all an explanation as to why the *fuck* squid would be wearing/have made one in the first place. i'm still working of a picture of the gang actually making them but yeah. basically the friendship bracelets act as a "you see this squid? , this is a symbol of you're stuck with us and we have your own permission to kick your butt if you act like a jerk" they don't wear them a lot cus, ya know all them bracelets can be kinda uncomfortable and annoying but they do wear em every now and then especially when they've planned an outing cus friendshippp
" BECAUSE I LIKE YOU! " Squidward heaved , trying to catch the breath he lost in his tantrum as he defeatedly locked eyes with the man before him . Spongebob scoffed. He wasn't even sure anymore when the fight started or what it was about but it sounded like his teal haired opponent was reduced to his last trump card, again. The one he knew would usually defeat the sponge, but not this time. He was so tired of this. " Yeah yeah I know, *hmpf* 'you don't really hate me' even if you regularly remind me. And maybe somewhere deep down you can stand me. I get it Squid you have that revelation twice a year, it's getting old. " He sighed crossing his arms as he tore away his gaze to look at the floor in disappointment whilst the other blinked before reaching out, more in an attempt to materialize answers from thin air then anything else, as he started again, still panicked and frustrated. " H- no! It's not....Agh! Look I don't! UGH  why do you have to make this so DIFFICULT! " " I'M making this difficult!? This ...this-this SHERADE has been going on for 10 years squidward! " Cerulean eyes pierced trough carmine ones with a look of rage, confusion, and frustration as the man threw up his freckled arms in desperation before they slunk back to his sides with a huff of defeat. To which the guilty scowl on the cephalopods face deepened. " Look I-ugh. I was TRYING to say that I like you. Not just that I don't hate you, which I also don't... do? Too many negatives. ANYWAY...I...I uhm....I don't like admitting defeat I- I uh, I guess... ehm an-  and I have a  hard time accepting things sometimes ... and I guess- I guess I just bottle things up until I explode... " He grimaced and looked around, vaguely gesturing . " Which is why we're discussing this stuff at 3 AM in the pattyvault instead of at home like normal people, ...I guess. " Sponge blinked a bit snapping out of it...oh yeah, right, squid was sneaking out and eating patties behind everyone's backs instead of ordering one every now and then like a ding dang normal person because for SOME INSANE REASON  he seems to insist people will ... will... NEPTUNE KNOWS WHAT HE THINKS PEOPLE WILL DO WHEN THEY FIND OUT HE LIKES PATTIES! HE'S JUST BEING SO- SO ARGHHHG! That last grunt escaped it's mental confides and rolled out between the gap of his buckteeth. " I just. I don't get it Squidward you ALWAYS do this. With everything!!! With anything you KNOW is fun!!! With everyone you know you actually like!!!  with....     With me...  Forget it, I'm just gonna...  go count the sesame seeds, I suppose.  Just... Don't fill up on patties until you explode again. " He turned around shaking his head with a sigh to head to his destination, but was brought to a halt by a suction cupped hand wrapping around his wrist " Spongebob wait!" A sigh. A grimace. A deep breath. " I. Am. Sssorry.  There, I said it, I'm sorry! I don't want whatever this is to keep going either! I just.... I am.... I am afraid of change, I guess?  You always say things will be fine but what if they're not???  I'm not lucky like you Sponge!  Destiny always seems to want good things for you but my karma is ATROCIOUS.  KELP! I could land in a hospital just for thinking about my karma! "  " Well then that's even more reason to try!!! Your "karma" wont get better if you don't! " " Ugggghhh I, You- This-  GAH! Can we talk about this some other time!? All I'm gonna get out at this rate  is more nonsensical rambling I'm gonna regret saying because: It's LATE, I'm EXHAUSTED and I STILL haven't     had a darn krabby patty! " " Then just eat the darn thing and get on with it because I'm not letting you chicken out again! "  " Can you at least close the door for a minute and give me some privacy! "  " YOU ARE GOING TO EAT A 🐬ING BURGER,WHAT PRIVACY!? " Oh... wow... a... that was... that was a swear. ....Spongebob just swore. ......uh-oh. Squid's really gotten himself thrown in the deep end now. He gulped nervously before submissively nodding and taking a bite of his burger... oh sweet mother of pearl it was good!  Neptune! Why does he always deprive himself of things he wants so bad?  Oh, right. Because he always has to make a big show of telling everyone that he actually hates the things he likes and he would DIE of mortification if he ended up having to admit defeat like a.... like a loser. With a light shake of his head he brushes off the thoughts and focuses on savoring the taste of his burger... 1 because he really needed one and wants to enjoy it. And 2 because ...ehm... he's a tad scared for what awaits him when he's finished. Spongebob was rarely enraged to the point of screaming,.. to the point of swearing and when he was he was a force to be reckoned with, Squidward knew that much. He peeked over in between bites to see his colleague standing there, arms crossed and impatiently tapping his foot, he was scowling so hard his buckteeth were hidden behind a pout and his eyes were squinted to half their normal size.  " How is it? " It was near impossible to gauge what kind of reaction the blonde wanted by his intonation, he was curt, near emotionless, ... Sarcastic? Squidward gulped down what he was chewing and smiled sheepishly.  " Just as good as I remember...heh. " " Hmmhmm. I bet. " Oh boy. With another awkward chuckle squid finished his burger before taking a deep breath.  " Had your fill? " " Heh, eh y-yeah. I kinda want more but I don't want a repeat of the last time. " " 3 times. " " H-huh? " " you loaded up on patties until you had to be hospitalized THREE TIMES. " The freckled man's gaze got the octopus who normally towered over him shrinking in shame before him. Just a little short of going into a fetal position.
" Why do you do this Squidward? What on earth does karma have to do with you being a stubborn seamule about things until they go horribly wrong!?  You could just order a damn patty every now and then, EVERYBODY loves krabby patties, no one would blame you! But no mr. Tentacles is too good for a krabby patty, mr. Tentacles would rather be miserable until         the kettle boils over and he loses control! " That got a huff out of the other who gathered some courage to stand up straight and glare back. " That mocking mr. Tentacles talk is exactly why! Because I am trying to uphold an image here, and the moment I don't live up to it I know damn well that everybody here will jump on the opportunity to remind me that      I'm just a poser! That I'm not actually the hot shit I pretend I am! That I'm lucky they even tolerate me breathing the same water! That I should feel honored anyone is willing to admit they're acquainted with me! That   I don't actually have any talent! That I'm....that I'm just.... That I'm a nobody! A filthy peasant! A wannabe show-off! That I'm a-a ... a...  That I'm a LOSER.  " Squidward clenched his fists, sniffling trough heavy breaths, he's not sure when it happened but he started crying. Oh Neptune this is humiliating. He feels kinda dizzy, oh please don't ink! This is bad enough as it is! As he looked up defeatedly his eyes met blue ones, glittering from the moisture collecting in them as a scowl made way for a worried frown. Great, somehow sympathy felt worse then rage. " Squidward... " " No, please just...  don't. That's what I meant with 'I'm just going to ramble'. Pretend I didn't say anything. I gah- " He yelped as he suddenly found himself in a tight embrace. Of course. He grunted uncomfortably and squirmed a bit trying to break free from the surprisingly strong hold his normally rather weak companion had. " Sponge I'm serious let's just pretend tha- " " Nu-uh! We, we're done pretending anything! Squid please! Talk to me about these things! " Two watery blue eyes look up at him, accompanied by a deep frown and trembling lip that only deepen the pained feeling in the octopus's chest. " Please. I'm here for you Squidward. " Gahhhh why does he always! Why is this always so! And he just! And, oh blowfish. He's crying again. " That's the damn problem here ! You have Patrick and Sandy and your parents and whatever stupid friends you made in your clubs to fall back on if you mess up! I..... " He sighs and against his better judgements, feels himself lamely hugging back, tiredly resting his chin in fluffy bottle blonde hair as he looks up at nothing. " I can't go to mother, she's not getting any younger and she's worried about me enough as it is, I can't stress her out more....  Father would just tell me to stop being a baby and man up... he'd mean it well but that doesn't mean it's any help. And "friends" I have acquaintances I guess, people I know by name that are willing to say hello to me.... I used to think Eugene was my friend but he's chosen being a boss over being a companion time and time again  so... I only really have only one friend... and he's used to me not treating him as one. So what if.... what if I did make an effort? And he starts expecting things from me, but I start chickening out or relapsing or decide I can't do it after all and he finally gives up on me!? I wouldn't blame him... I would have given up on me years ago... but I'm not sure what I'd do when I end up being completely on my own in this ..." Oh jeez... now Sponge feels bad. Obviously Squid has been struggling with this for a long time, he could tell he'd been struggling with his own happiness ever since he met him really... he pouts and gives his tall friend a comforting squeeze. " Well... have you tried talking to him about it? " A lame chuckle was the response before  he was slightly pushed back so the teal haired man could look at him with an awkward lopsided smile and a shrug. " I'm trying to right now. Heh. " A blink. 'Trying to right now'? Another blink. 'Only one friend that's used to not being treated as one' ? The gears in his spongey head were turning. 'I would have given up on me years ago'? With one more blink the short man started looking around wide eyed before carefully pointing at himself with a trembling hand. " Muh... me? " " No I'm talking about the krabby patty. yes you! Ever since you moved in next door... well before that really, ever since your little weirdo butt started "growing his first house" next-door you've been pestering me day  and night! With your incessant laughter and unconstrained joy and endless creativity and unmatched imagination and- and... and I just... I just... I kinda wish I could have been a part of it...  without having to be the mature adult that's too good for your childish games I guess? " Squid shrugged sadly before his friend released his grip on the hug, to instead take hold of his hands and make determined eye-contact. " You still can be part of it squidward... it's not too late, I told you didn't I? You're one of my best friends, I'll always have your back. You don't have to act a certain way or do specific stuff to be a mature adult you know? I've seen you Happy and exited before.... not as often as I'd like. But that's when you feel most you  when you're in a good mood and forget about who you 'should be ' for a moment.... I want to help you feel like that more often. " A soft sad chuckle left the octopus who shook his head and rubbed his teary eyes with his free hand. " You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. " " I think I've got a pretty good idea. " He chuckled back with a playful look. " Wait hold up I have an idea! " " Huh? What are you doing? " Squid blinked watching his...friend. Yeah, his friend. As he fumbled with something on his wrist before tugging at squid's arm. " Now, I want this one back because Patrick made it for me but that's gonna be our first friendship exercise! " He beamed a shiny bucktooth grin revealing the colorful macrame bracelet he transferred to the other's wrist. " Tomorrow you me and Pat are gonna get together and we're making this friendship official with a 3 people set! Oh maybe we could finally convince sandy to join, she never wants to do crafts with us.  She always says it's boring and starts karate chopping everything." " Wait- hold up, what? Friendship exercise? Official? Crafts? Karate chopping? " " Well yeah! I told you mister! No more pretending anything, we're gonna go out there as friends and you can be tsundere about it all you want but that's final " " I can be what about it???? Wait no never-mind that! Look don't you think you're going a bit fast here???? Do we have to do this, like... now??? And so... publicly???? " " Yesss we dooooooo~ " The blonde singsonged as he playfully flicked the other's nose " No more snail-footing around squidward! You're miserable and as your friend it is my duty to help fix that! So starting tomorrow we're doing this friend thing and you're gonna try or so help me I WILL get the                   ticklebelt! Nyahahahaha! " A sigh turned into a chuckle as Squid shook his head before he erupted in laughter along with his freckled friend... oh boy. What has he gotten himself into now??? " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahahahaha! " " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahaha. But seriously, I will. I  know where they keep the spare key to the mermalair. " " Huh? "        
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Rotten Spaghetti Noodles and a Stranger Things Marathon (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Not gonna lie lol Bob’s Burgers inspired me with this one XD
Summary: Poor Deku is forced into a wild goose chase with Reader-chan after a prank goes horribly wrong on the most volatile classmate in 1-A...
Featuring: Precious Cinnamon Roll!! 
You can find this story here too on ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17545592/chapters/41570912
You sighed heavily as you sat on the couch of the common room, staring at the girls who were just chatting frivolously with each other as per usual. At first you thought about going over to join in on their conversation, but they talked about the most boring topics sometimes that you decided to just sit and be bored by yourself.
Kaminari was pretty much your partner-in-crime when it came to doing fun things but he was hanging with Kirishima, Sero and Bakugou. Typical boys. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized you probably should have gone with him, even though Bakugou wasn’t crazy about the fact that you were friends with ‘Deku’. Well, that was understatement, he didn’t like that at all, he never had been in fact. Truth was, you grew up alongside him and Izuku, but you met Bakugou first, only to get closer to Izuku and remained his only friend even when Bakugou picked on him and always threw smart-ass comments his way which he hated. You assumed it was jealousy, but that was just your pride talking.
However, the more you thought about Bakugou, the more Izuku started popping up in your mind. Making you sigh in content, smiling fondly at the thought of the sweet, green-haired dork. How you adored him, he was almost too pure for this world to the point where it was almost REALLY annoying because you had a mischievous streak he often fretted over.
“Oh Izuku… you make me wish I was a better person.” You said quietly as you blushed a little bit, looking around and making sure no one could hear you going into ‘lovey-dovey’ mode. So to distract yourself, you finally got up off your ass and headed into the kitchen, maybe eating something could take away some of the boredom.
But you didn’t expect to see Izuku passing by through there, and he perked up upon seeing you. “(Y/N), Hey!” He quickly greeted you with that adorable smile that easily lit up your day every time you saw it, hell it practically sent you in one of your dazes as you smiled shyly and waved. “Hey Izuku…”
“Are you okay?” He asked you, concerned when he saw how ‘out of it’ you appeared, and you blushed warmly as you tried to downplay it.
“Ah yeah! Totally… hehe, I’m just hungry so I’m gonna… get something to eat that’s uh… why I came in here!” You stammered and laughed nervously, quickly opening the refrigerator as if to emphasize your point, even though Izuku looked a little confused by your odd behavior. He smiled at you anyway though, thinking you were cute.
But he flinched when you gasped suddenly, and loudly at the refrigerator.
“Oh Sweet mother of All-Might…” You said in pure awe as you stared wide-eyed at one of the containers you found in one of the deeper parts of the fridge. Carefully picking it up, you brought it out and placed it on the table, but the old, gloppy contents with some black spots and furry looking specks that stained its corners disgusted your friend a little bit.
“Wha… what in the world is that…?” Izuku nervously asked, but at that moment he realized he probably shouldn’t have asked that.
“It’s spaghetti! Remember a month ago when Kaminari suggested that we try foreign food for dinner, so we went with Italian and we decided to save some of the leftovers because it was so good that night?” You reminded him and the memory instantly hit him once it came back to him. “Oh right! I remember that… that was a month ago…?” Izuku asked, making a face. There’s no way that spaghetti could still be good at all if it’s a month old.
Going against your better judgment, you opened it up and the pungent stank quickly hit your nose as you turned away with a small gag, seeing Izuku cover his nose once the smell got to him too. Despite your disgust, you were extremely amused too. “Ohoho WOW… we totally forgot all about this because this stinks to high-heaven… it’s beautiful…” You snickered, and Izuku saw wheels turning in your head…
“You know what we gotta do with this right?”
“Throw it away?”
“Nope~! We gotta drop this on someone outside a window! We might NEVER get another chance like this! When you have rotten spaghetti noodles, you HAVE to drop it on someone. I mean you can’t NOT use it for that kind of thing. We have an opportunity of a lifetime…!” You explained as if it were the simplest idea in the world, but such a terrible idea made Izuku tremble and look panicked. That was practically a death sentence.
“W-What?! Y-You can’t be serious…! A-Are… Are you… are you crazy?!” He asked you, whisper-yelling as he looked around very nervously to make sure that nobody was around to hear this.
“Haha I’m totally off my rocker dude… you know this… now c’mon… it’s not like we’ll get caught. As soon as it hits somebody we’ll run like hell! It’s so easy!” You giggled almost like a mad-woman at the thought, and Izuku just shook even more with a terrified whimper. It wasn’t in his nature to pull pranks like that, and he didn’t really like anyone being mad at him.
“I-I don’t know… i-it sounds like a really bad idea… I mean, for one it’s really mean… and second, if we hit the wrong person, this could lead to some seriously bad consequences… it just… it’s a bad idea… in fact, it’s a horrible idea… we can’t do that…” Izuku thought outloud, hoping that somehow he could talk you out of this. He thought about how it could all go wrong, and who they could end up hitting. Classmates like Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, Tsuyu and Uraraka might be a little more forgiving if they got spaghetti’d. The rest like Iida, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami would be pissed but not hold a serious grudge, and then there was Todoroki and Bakugou. The worst people to prank…
Todoroki would definitely be pissed about it, but maybe he’d be forgiving if he explained it to him enough. Bakugou on the other hand… would never, ever forgive that.
Izuku shuddered at the mere thought.
“Izuku… I can’t pass up this opportunity… besides, I’m not gonna hit anyone like Todoroki if that’s what you’re worried about. I like the guy. If I’m lucky I’ll hit Kaminari or Iida. I’d love to see the looks on their faces.” You grinned widely and laughed somewhat wickedly as you carried the container, spinning around ever so slightly, much to Izuku’s discomfort.
He couldn’t find it in him to say no to you though. The truth was Izuku would follow you wherever you went, including to yours and his death because he was sure this was going to get you both killed somehow by the wrong classmate. Meanwhile, you were grinning happily as you were taking him up to the balcony of your room and looking downward for some potential victims, holding the container of disgusting, old food in your hands. Smiling widely, almost crazily and giggling so hard you could barely contain yourself.
“Hee-hee Izuku~. You and I are about to do something the world should have done a LONG time ago. This right here is going to make history. Just give me the signal when you see someone.” You grinned wide as you held the now open container of rotten spaghetti noodles as Izuku looked down to make sure nobody like Bakugou or Todoroki were coming.
“Uh…” His better judgment kicked in though, this was a terrible idea and it was going to happen soon as he saw a few heads coming out the door, two blondes, a brunette and one redhead. Oh no.
“Uh oh…! (Y-Y/N)!” He tried to alarm you, but apparently THAT was the signal for you to start.
“Someone’s there! Here we go!” You cheerfully poured down the container, letting the gloppy, thick red sauce and stringy, stale noodles rain down to the earth much to Izuku’s absolute horror as you both stared down, a broad smile across your face while Izuku’s was a look of horror as he shouted.
(insert slow-motion) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”
With a loud, squishing plop, the spaghetti noodles finally hit your victim in all it’s disgusting, stinky glory, staining his school uniform shirt with its foul, red and moldy sauce and decorating his blonde, spiky hair with a wreath of stale, wet noodles as he shouted in shock at the random onslaught.
“ARGH!!! What the fuck?!”
“Ewww dude…” Kirishima cringed and backed away slightly when his friend got splattered by old, moldy food, crinkling his nose in disgust when the smell hit him.
“Gross! What… what the hell is that…?!” That was Kaminari’s voice, and he shamelessly covered his nose as he forced himself to not snicker at his unfortunate classmate’s incident.
“Hey that’s… the spaghetti from last month…” Sero figured it out, and he looked a little nervous once he saw their friend’s look of shock quickly turn into an enraged expression as he looked upwards to see the identity of who they assumed would be his murder victim.
“K-Kacchan…!” Izuku froze up like he was hit with a paralysis quirk once he saw that it was Bakugou that you had ended up hitting. Now he was a hundred percent sure that this was going to be the end for you and him.
“Oh shit… is that Bakugou…?” You peered downwards a little bit to get a better look, but instantly regretted that once Bakugou’s seering, crimson red eyes looked upwards and made contact with your now wide, shocked (E/C) eyes as Izuku promptly freaked out and trembled like a leaf.
If looks could kill, you would definitely be dead. You could practically hear his feral growling as he clenched his fists.
“Hide. Hide. Hide! Hide! Hide!!” You and Izuku both exclaimed in alarm to each other, trying to back away as much as you could to avoid being seen by the explosive teen, but it was too late. He already saw you both.
“Deku! Shitty girl?!” Bakugou was livid, and looked ready to kill the two people he’s known since childhood and his friends could see it as they backed away a little bit. Seeing Bakugou angry wasn’t a spectacle, but after that trick. He wasn’t going to let neither of you get away.
However, as scared as you were, you couldn’t let Bakugou terrify you into submission since this was an accident. “Ohohokay… look dude… that was a total fluke on my part… that was supposed to be for Kaminari.” You attempted to reason with the pissed-off blonde, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ coming from the former. “You don’t have to go all Lord Explosion Murder-y on us…” As calm as you were, you should have known better than to try to reason with Bakugou when he was this pissed. To make matters worse, you were snickering the entire time and trying to cover your mouth to quell them.
“Bullshit!! This is your way of getting back at me! And don’t fucking lie to me I'm right aren't I?!” He angrily wiped off the sauce and noodles off himself as much as possible despite how disgusting it felt on his hands and the smell was horrific. Bakugou didn’t believe a word you said. Ever since Izuku acquired One For All, and even after he found out the truth about it, him and Bakugou still weren’t exactly friend-ish yet. And with your own improvement of your telekinesis quirk getting stronger ever since you got to this school, Bakugou assumed that you and Deku were somehow in cahoots together to try and take him down a peg. He wasn’t wrong on YOUR part though.
“N-No! Kacchan we swear we would never!!” Izuku was going to make a vain attempt to reason with him, but you quickly took the floor to protect him.
“He’s right. Leave Izuku alone, besides Bakugou, if I wanted to get back at you, it would have been a LOT worse than this. Though in hindsight this is pretty brilliant. Since that’s rotten spaghetti noodles you’re covered in. I recommend taking a shower though I can smell you from up here!” You explained but didn’t make yourself sound any better as you took the moment to tease him a little bit, wafting your hand for emphasis even though it wasn’t an exaggeration. You can literally smell that rotten spaghetti from up here. And it pissed him off to no end.
“What the hell was that?!”
“Stop taunting him…!” Izuku advised you worriedly, since he knew better than to make Bakugou madder if he was already mad. You didn’t listen.
“I said take a shower because you stink Noodlehead! Get it?!” You snickered and laughed, tears in your eyes when seeing Bakugou practically turn red from such vicious rage. “H-Hey c’mon man… s-she’s just playing…” Kirishima trembled slightly when seeing how pissed his friend was, and he wanted to save you from getting killed by trying to calm down Bakugou but he just ignored him.
“Why you fucking bitch! Don’t you fucking laugh at me! Wait til I get up there I’ll kill you both!!” He declared and quickly made his way inside the building and now you and Izuku couldn’t help but panic a little bit.
“Why did you say that?!” Izuku frantically asked you, looking at you like you had to have been insane to provoke a dragon-tempered boy like Bakugou.
“It was funny!” You gave your rather weak reasoning, but that didn’t matter now that you were both pretty much doomed. At least you would die alongside Izuku, the boy you loved with all your heart. However, a sudden idea came to your head as you grabbed his hand and lead him out of your room.
“W-What are you doing?!”
“I have an idea! But we need Yaoyorozu!” You stated, quickly rushing over to the common room where you thankfully found Momo among the girls. “Momo! Momo we need your help!” Rushing over to the tall girl, you clasped your hands together in a begging manner, much to her shock and confusion.
“What’s the matter?!” She asked in worry once she heard the urgency in your voice. However, once you explained it all quickly to her, she wasn’t very amused at all by how you childishly pranked Bakugou, but she helped you both anyway with what you needed because she wanted to help you and Izuku stay alive.
Bakugou was on the prowl as he marched inside the building, resembling an animal hunting down prey with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero meekly following behind so they could hold him back in case he really did try to kill you and Izuku.
He knew where your room was, but he assumed the two of you were going to hide somewhere like the ‘cowards’ you were as he went up the first floor. Some of his classmates, quickly backing away when seeing how pissed he was, and at how smelly he was since he couldn’t get the spaghetti stink off of him.
But he didn’t pay attention to all the damn extras, all that matter was finding you and Deku so he could kill you both for making him look like a fool and daring to prank him like that. And he was surprised when he saw you both just lounging on the couch of the common room without a care in the world as he growled like a wild animal.
“You idiots! So you both want to die huh?!” He barked aloud in the once-quiet room, aggressively grabbing yours and ‘Izuku’s’ shoulders roughly only for the bodies in front of him to suddenly collapse, revealing two headless mannequins wearing your blazers with soccer balls bouncing to the ground which acted as the heads as they adorned wigs of Izuku’s messy green hair and your (H/C) (H/S) hair.
“D-Did their heads just fall off?!” Kirishima asked, his eyes wide with horror as he began trembling, having not seen that the bodies were just dummies and not really you or Izuku.
“Y-You really killed them?!” Kaminari exclaimed in the same terror as Kirishima, since he didn’t see the dummies or the soccer-balls either.
Bewildered and wide-eyed, Bakugou picked up the soccer ball with Izuku’s hair, squeezing it hatefully until it popped as he let out an extremely irritated growl. That was the second time you made him look like a fool, he was SO going to kill you both now.
“DEKU!! SHITTY GIRL!!” He screamed so loud you swore the entire building shook. It was definitely loud enough for you and Izuku to hear from downstairs as you ran down to the bottom floor.
“AH! Kacchan figured it out!!” Izuku started to panic again as he ran with you out of the building, although you couldn’t help but snicker because you wished you could’ve seen the look on his face.
“Duh Izuku I heard him! I’m pretty sure the whole fucking country heard him too! Come on! We can’t be here, not while he’s in that mood, I know where we can hide!” You said as the two of you started to run away from Heights Alliance, passing a few of your confused classmates as they watched you run.
However, neither you or Izuku expected Bakugou to show up so soon as you both heard the door slam wide open.
“You two aren’t getting away that easy! You can run but you can’t fucking hide from me!!” Bakugou shouted, immediately chasing after you both. He instantly knew that you were both going to try and hide from him, just like you two always did when the three of you were children.
You both shouted in shock, and Izuku reluctantly turned to see Bakugou coming for you guys with bloody murder in his eyes. “He’s already caught up?!” You asked in shock, confident that your dummies would have distracted him for longer than that. “You dropped spaghetti on him!” Izuku exclaimed matter-of-factly, not that surprised that Bakugou had caught up this fast.
“I know I did Izuku! But I swear my plan was fool-proof!”
“You know Kacchan is no fool! And he was the fastest in every grade in elementary and middle school!”
“Well I guess that means we’re fucked huh?!” You asked while you two kept running, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared that you were going to be fucked if you didn’t think of something fast. However, you and Izuku nearly perked up upon seeing someone from afar, but the red and white was all the indication you both needed to know. And as soon as you saw Todoroki up closer, you grinned and immediately called for help.
“Help us Todoroki!!”
That certainly surprised him as he stopped with a bewildered expression as you and Izuku ran past him fast enough to send wind through his hair. “Midoriya? (L/N)? What’s going on?” He was calm in spite of the fact that you and Izuku were both freaking out as you both took a moment to stop for a minute.
“W-We’re kind of running from someone…” Izuku started off, panting a little bit as you finished his sentence. “It’s Bakugou! And he’s going to kill us! Build a wall of ice or fire fast!” You kind of begged since Bakugou was getting closer.
“Don’t even think about helping them IcyHot! Or I’ll kill you too!” Todoroki paid him no mind though, he heard you call him for help and he did exactly that. In the blink of an eye, Todoroki raised his right side and created a giant wall of ice to block his volatile classmate from getting to you and Izuku. “DAMMIT!!!” Now all three of you heard Bakugou’s enraged shouts, but it didn’t take too long for you to start hearing explosions as he began carving through the wall to get to you, Izuku AND Todoroki. That was three on his hit list now.
“Thank you Todoroki! I think you saved our lives!” Izuku was extremely grateful as you couldn’t help but sigh in relief. That wall would definitely buy you three some time.
Although he was confused, Todoroki started to run with you and Izuku but he was clearly looking for an explanation. “Why is he chasing you two?”
“Oh, he’s just mad because I accidentally dropped some rotten spaghetti on his head. It was hilarious! You should’ve seen his face, I thought he was going to literally explode like a volcano..." As you snickered, Izuku quietly whined a little bit since as much as you found it funny, he wasn't crazy about the fact that yours and his already complicated childhood friend probably hated you two even more now.
"Why would you do that?" Todoroki asked you, his voice sounding somewhat incredulous since he saw no rhyme or reason to doing such a childish act. Because you were friends with Izuku, he had gotten fairly used to your presence and steadily became your friend too, but he found you very strange due to your behavior and penchant for mischief and juvenile jokes.
"Because it's funny! And besides Todoroki, life-lesson, when life gives you rotten spaghetti noodles, you dump it on someone!" You exclaimed and gave your reasoning, but of course Todoroki wasn't amused at all.
"That sounds like nonsense." He stated bluntly, but you just stuck your tongue at him. "So you're telling me that if life gave you rotten spaghetti noodles that you wouldn't dump it on your shitty dad if you had the opportunity?" You raised a brow at him, and that somewhat silenced him a bit as he thought about that. And you laughed a bit when you saw him give the smallest smile when he clearly envisioned that and started to see some of the comedy in that. Including the idea of Bakugou getting spaghetti'd, he was starting to wish he had seen that now just a little bit.
"Not you too Todoroki!!" Izuku exclaimed in slight shock, since dumping old pasta is why they were even running in the first place, and yet you and Todoroki were clearly amused by it.
"DAMN YOU YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!!" Bakugou finally broke through the wall, and you three were far enough now but he could still see you, and the three of you turned to see the same murder in his eyes.
"RUN!!" You shouted as both your friends followed you, and Todoroki seemed to tag along without complaint. He wasn't scared or anything, but he felt that he should probably stay with you and Izuku as long as Bakugou is that angry with you both. He wasn't letting up, and somehow he managed to get closer even though you three were all running as fast as you could thanks to adrenaline as shocked and confused classmates and students alike stopped and stared.
"We need to throw away dead weight!" You suddenly said to Izuku and Todoroki, who both looked at you in slight shock. "WHAT?! You're not talking about one of us are you?!" Izuku asked you, wide-eyed and really hoping you wouldn't go that far.
"What are you nuts?! I ain't throwing away neither of you guys!" You said, and as soon as you saw one classmate you quickly used your quirk.
"D'AH! Why am I floating?! Have I died and gone to heaven?! Why are all the girls still wearing their uniforms?!" Mineta asked loudly, before he saw you and you smirked evilly at him as he shrieked in horror. He let out another pig-like squeal as you sent him flying right towards Bakugou whose eyes slightly widened and he quickly raised his palm to blast away that little punk into the atmosphere as you each heard a scream and a little 'ding'.
"You're bad (Y/N)..." Izuku said with a tremor of fear in his tone as you laughed happily, "I know!!" Cheerfully, you used your quirk to use anything else in your vicinity to toss and block Bakugou from getting any closer, and you did manage to succeed when some of the items, including books, trash-cans, and a few other students to slow him down as you snickered again when you heard Bakugou's enraged roars.
2 Hours Later
After 2 hours of running around and playing wild goose chase with Bakugou, you, Izuku and Todoroki finally outran him and came to the best hiding place you knew he wouldn't find you at. The comfort of your house and in your (style) room.
“(Y-Y/N)… you know that we can’t hide in your room forever right? Kacchan probably remembers that you and I would always come over here to hide from him whenever he was really mad, and not only that, but we still have school to attend even if he’s still going to be mad about what just happened. There’s just no way we can avoid him unless we-”. You stopped Izuku as he started mumbling, looking rather nonchalant as you sat on your bed and turned on Netflix.
“He’s not going to find us here… and even if he does, he can’t get in…” You said breezily, not really worrying about Bakugou at the moment as you relaxed on your bed. “Sit with me Izuku. C’mon, let’s just figure out what to watch.” Patting your bed and gesturing him to sit, Izuku blushed as he nervously made his way over and sat beside you, his face beginning to redden as you scooted closer to him with a content smirk.
Much to Todoroki’s discomfort, whom you had invited into your house on your run from Bakugou. “This feels odd... to see you and Midoriya like this..." He said very awkwardly, even though he was oblivious to how you and Midoriya felt about each other, he just knew that the atmosphere was a little awkward. Especially since he and Midoriya were in a girl’s room, and he didn't quite understand why Midoriya suddenly began to blush like that. Nor did he quite know that this what it meant to be the third wheel.
“Ah. Todoroki. C’mere. Sit with us. Plenty of room.” However, you weren’t going to leave Todoroki out. Izuku was the one for you, but you were a bit of a pervert at heart and didn’t mind a very attractive boy like Todoroki being close to you too.
That surprised the boy, and he appeared unsure for a moment until you patted the free space for him to sit down. “C’mon. Right here it’s cool.” You gently coaxed him, and with that Todoroki slowly made his way over to sit down on your bed, next to you while Midoriya was on your other side. You looked extremely pleased and content as you sighed happily.
“You know. You two are my favorite classmates.” You admitted, which earned a bright blush from Izuku and a light flush of surprise from Todoroki.
“Y-You’re just saying that…” Izuku got rather bashful, avoiding your gaze as his face visibly turned red which you found absolutely adorable.
“Why me?” Todoroki sounded more confused, he was strangely flattered but he didn’t know why you liked him.
“Todoroki. I like you because you’re powerful, and you’re not annoying. Plus you’re a lot nicer to me now! You were a total jackass at first until Izuku got to ya.” That came out rather blunt but cheerful as Todoroki nearly expressed some guilt for his past behavior, since he didn’t treat you with much regard before befriending Midoriya. “And you’re cute so that’s a bonus. The other guys are such guys…” You added, and Todoroki looked almost more surprised when you called him cute.
“Izuku. I like you because you've been my friend since we were both really little. I might have met Bakugou first, but I liked you a lot better. I've always liked you a lot better." You admitted as Izuku began to blush even harder, his green eyes widening as his mouth formed in an 'oh' shape as you continued to speak, blushing warmly, "And not only that but you've stuck with me... even though I'm no better than Bakugou. I always drag you into crazy shit, like today, and yet you still stuck with me. I'm a loser." You chuckled and rolled your eyes in a moment of self-loathing. 
"But you never once said 'no' to me. You knew what you were getting into, you knew all my ideas were insane... but you stood with me the whole time... Izuku you make me wish I was a better person... that's why I like you so much... in fact... that's why I... I like-like you so much..." Your face burned red as you grinned shyly once you finally admitted your feelings for the boy you've known since childhood. Izuku's blush deepened, his look of shock not fading as Todoroki also blushed at the sincerity of your words, he wasn't good at reading feelings but based on the way you were talking to Izuku, it seemed that you liked him as more than just a friend.
"You... like-like me?" Izuku asked shakily, obviously still in shock at the mere idea that someone actually liked him as more than just a friend.
"Duh." You smirked and chuckled, thinking that your feelings were pretty obvious since your other classmates, especially Mina and Asui picked up on it fast and had actually encouraged you to tell him. And you did!
"I-I... w-wow I..." He was smiling wide, trying and failing to conceal his grin as he couldn't stop blushing, but he did look you in the eyes as you smirked and put your arm around him. "(Y/N)... I-I... I like-like you too... I kind of... always have... I kind of always thought you like-liked Kacchan though... since you were always making fun of him..." He admitted, even though part of him also knew that you didn't like Bakugou that way even if you did tease him in a manner similar to how girls taunted boys they liked.
"Nope! Hahaha! That porcupine might be fun to mess with, but I don't like-like him... not even sure I like him either though." You shrugged your shoulders as Izuku tried not to snicker, but he squeaked and blushed crimson once he felt your lips peck him on the cheek. And now Todoroki really felt like the third wheel, this was very awkward, and yet at the same time he was also kind of happy for you and Izuku.
"Do you like me?" He suddenly asked you and you and Izuku looked at him in confusion. However, Izuku wasn't jealous because he knew Todoroki didn't think of you like that. At least he seriously hoped he didn't.
But you couldn't help but smile wide at the heterochromatic boy. "Oh Todoroki of course I like you! I just don't like-like you." You affirmed and that reassured him a little bit, relieved that you liked him. "
"You're both saying 'like-like'. When you say that, does that mean when someones likes another person beyond friendship?" He asked, and you and Izuku both nodded with smiles, and Todoroki seemed to get that now.
"That's it bro. Now... Todoroki, new boyfriend, let's do a Stranger Things marathon." You grinned, putting your arm around your new boyfriend whom was smiling and still blushing, especially when you called him 'boyfriend'. Izuku couldn't believe it, he was ecstatic! Even if Bakugou was still angry and out there looking for you both, he was actually your boyfriend now, and you were his girlfriend! There was nothing that could spoil this feeling...
“(Y/N)!” Suddenly, your mom called you and you groaned in annoyance because you had to sit up from your comfortable spot.
“Yeah Ma?”
“Your old friend Katsuki is outside!” Your’s and Izuku’s eyes widened with shock, horror more evident on his face as he looked ready to freak out again, “AH! I knew it! I knew he’d remember!” He exclaimed, getting up off the bed and peeked out your window, flinching once he saw the still pissed blonde walking towards your house.
“Don’t let him in mom! MOM!!" You pleaded for your mother to NOT let Bakugou in, and although she listened to you. He wasn't going anywhere until you and Izuku came outside.
"He's not going to let this go..." Izuku muttered fearfully as Todoroki sighed at just how vindictive Bakugou could be. Obviously he himself wouldn't have been happy if he got spaghetti'd, but he wouldn't really stake someone out just to beat them bloody.
"I've got a plan..." You said deviously, bringing out your phone as Izuku and Todoroki looked at you, not knowing exactly what your 'plan' was but it was probably something underhanded.
"Don't tell me... you know someone...?" Izuku asked you with a small sigh and you smiled at him and blew him a kiss. "Izuku, I'm not letting Katsuki ruin this for us... sure it might be my fault, but still! I know how to get him to leave us alone..." You said sweetly, and Izuku decided to let you take care of it. You were his girlfriend now, and he trusted you.
"Hello Shinsou?" You smirked as soon as your call went through, and Izuku flinched at the knowledge that you knew Shinsou, and well enough to have his phone number...
"Yeah... I'm gonna need your help..."
There you go again. But Izuku adored you with all of your heart, and you adored him with all your heart too. It was all worth it, even if it was at Bakugou's expense of being spaghetti'd.
In fact, that made it all the more worth it to you. You got Izuku's heart, and you got to dump rotten pasta on Bakugou. This was pretty much the best day of your life.
139 notes · View notes
ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x21 Reaction / Commentary
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I was seriously wondering if this was Alec because Magnus loss = melt down = shaky fingers but Alec would never voluntarily drink something so pretentious. But uuhhh I had thought Jonathan angry-flapped through the rift to Edom? Why he now here still?
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More seelie queen crown, yeah!!
Not buying that whole “your demon blood is burning away your humanity” because, again, he lived years without being bonded to Clary so what's taken that “transformation” so long? Also, will he become like, a raven? A harpy? Oh no, I saw the promo. He'll be blond. Makes sense.
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He just showed that he's not interested, stop harassing him you sick cougar.
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Uhhhhh, objection your honor. That fake blade only contained like three atoms of the original Glorious. But whatever, details amiright.
Also if they wanna tell me it's the blade that triggered the transformation then a) wtf why would a blade designed to break something evil make the evil actually MORE evil wtf for a shit equipment is that b) can we expect some ridic changes for Clary too, that make her even more Mary Sue? c) if Lucifer was so badass, where is he? Something killed him, maybe? Since Jonathan is declared most uniquest thing to ever unique?
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“A splendid pet bird. And he died a few decades back so I'd like to recruit you as replacement,. Whatcha say? I'll even drop bird themed pick up lines around you all day.” God I'm making myself sick.
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BS when you think about it, because every individual is unique. Good luck salvaging the climate change and what not, seelie queen, on your heroic quest to preserve all that is unique.
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#rejected, take that you prowling predator. Can you believe she annoyed him so much he just abandoned his pretentious cream drink thingy? So rude. Also nice touch that they remembered that thing with the flowers and Jonathan making them poor flowers wilt. Btw would that have worked if they were plastic flowers?? Haha ok sorry.
Wtf I'm very much not on board with the seelie queen having a weird Jonathan fetish. Also, if the sole reason she has it is that Jonathan is “one of a kind” then I wonder why she wasn't ruthlessly hitting on Simon the same way? Or technically, before Simon became a daylighter, on Cain, getting him to leave the sewers and chill in the seelie realm instead?
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1) Wow can you believe they managed to spare Malec's drama 3 seconds of consideration before getting absorbed in themselves again? Amazing. 2) Dude, you weren't in control of your actions while Clary was brainwashed and very much in control of her actions. That's not really comparable? But whatever.
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Some great “love” you've got going on there, Maryse, writing Magnus off after, what? Half a day? Two days? Smh.
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???????????????????? So they want to tell me Magnus plastered his magic like a bandaid over the rift but didn't really close it? Well, I am prepared with outrage to point out all the ways in which this is bullshit.
1) There clearly was no such thing to be seen from the other side.
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Since Edom and Earth are two different dimensions and on Earth's side there was no rift in the dimension's fabric anymore that obviously means if the wraiths slipped through that Edom crack they'd either be lost in limbo or flapping around in some inter-dimesional space. But they couldn't reach Earth. So I fail to see how this is a problem.
2) How the hell do the NY Shadowhunters know about this? Since from their side the rift was well and truly closed? They don't know that Magnus has to keep his magical band-aid in place? The only thing they have to wonder about is why the hell Magnus hasn't returned yet since Magnus proved in 3x20 that apparently interdimensional travel works with normal warlock portals and those fancy pentagram things aren't necessary.
3) Uhhhh if Magnus has to stay there to keep up the magical band-aid (since exit options clearly aren't the issue here) wtf won't he tire at some point? Am I supposed to believe exhausting isn't a thing in Edom? What happens if he has to sleep? (Sidenote, what the hell do they eat in Edom anyway? Will he have to roast some shax demons? Disturbing.) Anyway back to the topic at hand, if I'm supposed to believe that Magnus is THAT strong he can keep up this magic (a magic that was so enormous he couldn't even achieve it from Earth) for eternity without taking a break, then I doubly don't get why he can't just SEAL the goddamn rift?! And don't tell me it's because band-aid magic is something he can do, and different from  rift sealing magic which is something he can't do. Because again, 2x20 is a thing where Magnus proves that he is capable of sealing a rift; so the only explanation of why he didn't do it in 3x20 is because the rift was too powerful. Now correct me if I'm wrong but to me Magnus + Enhanced Edom Powers equals He Closes The Rift, not Weird Band-Aid Magic. Wtf.
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Love that shot.
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1) Thanks, Lilith, for confirming that Magnus is in fact constantly supplying the band-aid with magic and thus exposing this whole plot line as completely frakkin illogical. 2) Wtf Lilith, why the heck did you go back to Edom in 3x16 if you wanted to murder Jonathan????? IT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL WTF 3) Where tf is Cain?
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Wow that escalated quickly. I hate that even though Magnus knows it's just a trick to get into his head it still hurts him, because this is how he is: alwasy second-guessing his worth. He deserves better from all of them, deserves more from them, so he wouldn't feel this so keenly.
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Ok, good save, I was just gearing up for a rage about why the hell Magnus is more powerful than the literal mother of demons who could defeat everyone, even with his Ddom-Edition-Powers because come on. However, Magnus must know that this is just a temporal solution because recovering means at some point she'll be recovered and, well.
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Also, this shot haha.
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Hahahaha I see he inherited the hell puns from Asmodeus along with the real estate XD
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I mean, yeah, and then he acted like a total fool in his last few days. Great way to go, man. #stillbitter
“People mattered to Jordan. People, their troubles, their pain...”
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That was sweet.
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Probably off to do something to enrage me, so same as always.
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Oh look, he's robbing a bakery because being jobless and needing food doesn't mix well.
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OMG I SUDDENLY REMEMBER THIS FROM THE 3B TRAILER. You know, Luke being all creepy in the back of a car? Wtf, honestly I think I'll have even less patience for Human!Luke than I have Inapt!Werewolf!Luke. They're really testing me.
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“....like Sizzy” Hahahah okay I'll try to behave myself. And I had time to prepare, it was obvious they'd use that inspirational thing Maia said for Sizzy purposes.
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Yeah...... #irony #obviously me behaving myself isn't working out, who's surprised? I'm not.
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Don't they have fire extinguishers in the Institute somewhere? I mean, there's regulations for that, right? Lemme guess, that's remnants of the Glorious fake sword that pierced her? And now she can't be with Simon without killing him, hahaha, all Sizzy problems solved XD
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When I saw this (in the Sneak Peek, but still counts) my first thought was “Aha NOW he tries to find a solution but when Magnus first lost his magic he couldn't be bothered RUDE ALEC WTF” lol ahahahah
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Question time: 1) Didn't he have plants in there last episode?
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OH RIGHT HE HAD!!! What happened to them? *Sherlock Voice* Did he eat them??
2) Why didn't Alec wonder where the hell Lorenzo was? Sure, he's a little preoccupied atm with losing Magnus, but he should have realized Lorenzo was weirdly absent about five hours into his happy little loft occupation???
3) I fully expected the scratching to be Chameleon!Lorenzo vying for attention, but seeing it, omg my heart broke a little. Can you imagine the desperation?? Poor evil lizard baby.
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You know, I find it inherently troubling that Alec assumes Magnus always had this lizard and has only now decided to relocate its terrarium into the loft's main room, instead of thinking Magnus got the lizard as, idk, a pick-me-up after the breakup. I mean, what kind of lousy pet holder does he take Magnus for? Not even mentioning he has one, never taking care of it? That's not Magnus. Alec should know better.
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Als Bohemian so incisively pointed out, why would he have created a pet cobra that he calls “baby” if he hated reptiles? And while, granted, Alec might not know about this, I believe Cat should. So wtf.
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.....................................they honestly felt the need to tell her this? In grave detail and that this was their first kiss? Why would they do that?? Or did she look at the tapes??? So many questions.
Lol okay I didn't even intend to be so spot on with the Sizzy prediction. More importantly though, she won't be able to shadowhunt anymore.
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Why is anyone (except Magnus (and occasionally Alec)) left in charge of anything, ever. *sigh*
But I mean, at least there's this
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Small mercies (aka comedic pockets in a vast sea of illogic shit) I guess XD
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Jace is me, I am Jace
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So.... many....... questions...............
Okay, so I'm severely confused. If this demon has info on what's happening in Edom right now, then either he left Edom after Lilith started gathering her army so there's a rift there somewhere, OR there's a way for news to travel between Edom and Earth, probably through, you guessed it, a tiny rift. So wtf, show, please explain because I don't understand.
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Wow. Alec, can you please punch him?
Don't get me wrong. They're shadowhunters, of course it is their duty to prevent this to protect the mundanes. But, delivery?! Show some worry at the prospect of the love of your parabatai's life dying??? before continuing with business as usual?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SAME CLARY, BECAUSE WTF?! I REPEAT, WTF!!!! Didn't she listen to Helen at all? It's not going to protect her, it's going to blast her to frakking pieces. Wtf how dumb is she??? Hääääääääääää?????
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lol Simon, you'd just stab yourself in the eye with it XD But I appreciate the sentiment XD
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Okay, on a more coherent note. I LOVE this line. I was so painfully deprived of Alec throwing himself into risk and action just to protect and help Magnus during 3B that it's not even funny. So this was really awesome. But, consider this: if he really wanted to go through with it he'd have to wait like a whole day before the transformation is completed, so uhhh impracitcal.
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YES. YES. PLEASE MORE OF ENRAGED ALEC SCOLDING THEM LIKE THE KIDS THEY ARE. (But, uh, ragefully running away from his sire in spe wasn't the cleverest move if he wants to go through with it immediately ahaha XD)
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I mean, nice of them to contriubute. All it took was Alec (!!!!!) flipping his shit. It seems they didn't have the idea to look into something themselves. Lol I'm inclined to be with Lilith on that one, are they even worth it??? Smh.
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Full disclosure, for the longest time I was sure those were burning dog shit piles XD
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Can we talk about how Jonathan is at a point where he doesn't really seem to care if he lives or dies because everything is pointless to him? (Btw if I manage to actually write the epic 3x21+22 rewrite I have in mind then it'd start here.)
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I mean this was smooth and all, but......? Wasn't Meliorn like, totally over Izzy? I'm meaning this in a premonition-y way, not just this line. His rekindled feelings come pretty much out of nowhere.
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I get that this is the alliance rune from the books. But why the hell would she do that in this situation instead of a rune that allows Shadowhunters to survive in Edom? In which universe is alliance rune your first thought instead of resiliance rune?? Or just a plain Accio Magnus rune, ffs!!!Makes no sense.
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This is epic and all, but excuse me while I roll my eyes real hard.
Also ignoring the seelie queen and her weird fetish 2.0 because who cares.
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“As my first act on the Downworld Council...”
So you mean to tell me that from 3x02 til 3x21 actually only a week passed? Because the Downworld Council meetings are weekly scheduled??? Tf hahaha.
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Hahahhahhaa I mean I totally get why he reacts that way. Also, may I ask the dreaded question: WHERE THE F IS CATARINA???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No honestly, I give up. I just. I give up.
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“The angels wouldn't have given me this power if they didn't want me to use it.”
Premonition!Ralf: Ha. Hahahhahaha. Ha.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PERFECT!!!! Not least because it's immediately followed by
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which makes it seem as if Lorenzo is complimenting Meliorn's prowess as a lover LOL
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SIGH. So in 3x10 it was the portal that allowed Magnus to EASILY travel back to Earth, not Asmodeus kindly giving him a lift. So then let me ask why the hell he didn't make a portal like this in 3x20?! Did he already know he wouldn't be able to seal the rift but would have to keep it closed 24/7? Ridiculous. Also, why does Alec even ask this, since he saw Magnus use that exact same portal in 3x10.
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I think you should have held frikkin hands.
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HAHAHA ALEC, HONEY, WHAT WOULD YOU WRITE ANYWAY???? “We're right here, next to those withered trees. There's sand on the ground and wraiths in the sky. Everything looks red. And from here I can see that one ruin!!”
Weird Lorenzo & Alec bonding is intriguing. That's all I'm saying on the matter for now. I'm reserving judgement.
(Edit: After watching both 3x21 and 3x22 this clearly marks the point where Lorenzo's Instant Redemption Arc sets in and simultaneously comes to a close. Thanks, I hate it. Let antagonists be antagonists, dammit. At the end of the day not everyone is a goody two-shoes. That's life. UGH. Also, let me introduce my theory that while traveling between Earth and Edom Lorenzo's character was ripped from him in a severe Plot Convenience Turbulence. What a shame.)
But hell yeah to Alec's emotions running rampant and him being unable to control the magic. Another headcanon confirmed (that I didn't really knew I had, lol).
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Hahahahha dude could you be any more pretentious XD XD XD
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Hahahahahahaha this is the best day of my life.
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Hahahaha Meliorn just got promoted to one of my favorites. Better late than never amiright.
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I get this, this taking stock conversation, from a meta standpoint. But BITCH CAN YOU FOCUS ON MAGNUS FOR ONCE IN YOUR SELF-ABSORBED LIFE IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK WTF DAMMIT
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Yeah, me too. Who knew demonic transformations came with a villain hairdo make over?? Nature truly is beautiful.
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Me, watching: I might be totally oblivous, but did this crown always have a stripe thing on the top, too? Ralf, editing this reaction post: Yes. Yes it did. You're not as observant as you like to think. Me, reading that: .......harsh
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..........do I have to understand why he isn't running away screaming? I get the instinct to wreak havoc because everything hurts and is pointless but wtf, the seelie queen is doing the exact same things Lilith did to him. Using him, only seeing him as a power source that has to be cultivated but has no feelings, no worth, and weirdly kissing him. He should, for all intents and purposes, be running for the hills. (But also, uh, neat nail polish and rings, seelie queen. You've got style.)
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HAHAHAHA I mean, I already prepared two Jeliorn Dumb Comics, but this is reaching ridiculous levels XD XD XD I'm soooo here for it.
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Hahahahaha XD XD XD
“Runes bubbling back, incredible” Yeah, no shit. I'm not buying. I could even largely argue my point, making references to the seelies that got “treated” in 3x17 that weren't rendered half-human-half-angel but mundane, meaning they lost their angelic part, too, meaning the serum removes angelic blood as well as demon blood. But since I couldn't care less about Luke (right now or in general? That's your guess to make) I'm not even getting worked up over it XD
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Dude, you're aware this is like the perfect opening for getting a verbal diss, right?
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Wow, three seconds a shadowhunter and here we are with the racist jokes again. That was quick.
Also, let me say how exceedingly ridiculous it is that Luke just walks out of there with a “No thank you” and Evil Praetor Guy does nothing against it literally because Luke said “But blackmailing me would mean you're evil ;__;”
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bitch please
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Look, can we appreciate this a little more? Like, a lot more??? Can I pause the episode here and stare at this for half an hour or something????? Alec saying he's willing to just, leave behind life as he knew it, very possibly never seeing anyone of his family again, just so he gets to stay with Magnus? I mean, that's some Major Immortal Alec Energy right there. Serve me more please.
..................wow instead I get Clary depriving me of a Malec Reunion Smooch wtf?! Uuuhhhh no thank you!!!!
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Btw what Jace said about Simon really gave me something to think about. I'm confused but intrigued. I like.
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dreadlock-detective · 6 years
would you be able to talk about dindel and vale's relationship? i think they're so fascinating 😍
Yes. Yes I can ramble on about D&D shenanigans you do not have to ask twice! Especially about those two doofuses (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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(By the by, I keep an in-character journal of this campaign collected here for further reading)
Granted, I don’t know much more than Dindel herself does about Vale, so everything about him is Subject To Change Due To Dramatic Reveal®, but a bit of background on the two prior to the game proper:
Dindel (Who’s actual name is Dindelion, or more correctly Dandelion but her dad always said it wrong) had lived her whole life in the crime ridden dried up port town of Delzimmer. When she was very young her elven mother left for reasons unclear to little Dindel and her father subsequently was completely unable to keep his shit together, losing his cobbling business after taking up gambling and drinking, and the two have been living more or less on the streets ever since. Unlike clerics or druids, Dindel has a seemingly natural born ability to use divine magic and would often need it to take care of her dad, but he taught her to hide her gift from everyone lest someone try to take her away from him and use her talents for their own gain.
Being so cooped up for someone homeless, she’d occasionally get her hands on books where she’d fantasize a lot about the world outside of Delzimmer and became pretty infatuated with romance stories. She’s had a few relationships but none of them went anywhere - the most notable one being with a halfling soldier who told her grand stories of travel and promised to take her away with him. Sadly he was just a lying douche and she caught him bragging as much to his friends one day, so after that she just kinda gave up on the idea of leaving and resigned herself to taking care of her father.
Vale (Who’s full name is an entire flipping sentence and I haven’t heard it since character creation stuff but is something along the lines of ‘Hidden Vale Beyond the Waterfall") was born to a Tabaxi tribe on an island far away. Through some manipulation by merchants or mercenaries (cant recall which exactly) traveling through the area, Vale ended up sold into servitude and grew up a member of a band of mercenaries - specifically he was trained with a flail to break enemy shield walls. Some time prior to the game the majority of the mercenary gang was wiped out and Vale ended up a drifter who found himself in Delzimmer.
Their first meeting didn’t involve much actual words passing between them, but Vale was sitting by a window in a tavern when he noticed Dindel outside looking for food. Seeing this he began to make a ruckus about something being wrong with the soup he’d ordered and it being unacceptable and demanding a replacement, while putting the soup bowl itself on the window sill and making it clear that he wanted her to take it, which she happily did.
Soon after, her father’s gambling debts finally caught up with him and he was taken away by what amounts to essentially the local mafia. They then found her and essentially got her to agree to pay his debts. Not really emotionally equipped to deal with being on her own and no idea how to pay off her dad’s debt that wasn’t degrading, she reached out to Vale for help - he wasn’t from Delzimmer, he’d been nice to her, and he looked like a soldier and soldiers get paid and get hurt and she can heal people, and damnit she was desperate.
We haven’t actually figured exactly who that meeting went (Vale’s player was planning on writing something up at some point. I’ll have to ask him about that) but luckily Vale had just received word that a city to the south was looking for capable soldiers, agreed to take her with him, and they set off on a boat down south (Dindel apparently gets super seasick btw)
Overall the two both seem to be emotional wrecks who each use the other to keep their shit together. Especially after Vale’s player wrote Cat’s Scratch Fever  it seems like Vale’s holding up Dindel as a kind of symbol of innocence and goodness, and helping her as a means to try to make up for past sins from his mercenary life. And he does sacrifice basically everything for her. Aside from the general “Barbarian bleeds to protect the party” thing (Where he has, on multiple occasions, put Dindel’s safety above anything/everyone else), he’s also given her essentially all of his share of everything to help her pay off her dad’s debts, which he never actually mentioned to her but she caught on to when he started handing out shares to the other members and they were half the size he gave to her. The biggest hurdle on his end seems to be that he’s put her up on such a high pedestal he sees himself as unworthy to try to be with her.
As for Dindel, she’s had a rough time during their travels. Her fantasies of the outside world have basically come crashing down around her as she’s start to figure that every place is pretty much the same as Delzimmer, just Delzimmer doesn’t try to hide how awful it is. That’s pretty much just reinforced her old emotional dependencies but now with her father gone the party are the only ones she can really latch on to. And of those, Lucan is super distant, Niles hates anything remotely elven, and Essmer is a weird embodiment of all of her dad’s bad habits so none of them have come as close to her as Vale. And her feelings towards Vale have been all the hell over the place: He’s SUPER nice to her and has done a lot to improve her situation, but he’s also absolutely pants-wetteningly terrifying when he’s enraged to the point where that being aimed at her is possibly her greatest fear and that’s a massive red flag, but he’s also shown himself to be remorseful over things he’s done and wanting to do better, but also refers to her as “Kit” like she was a child so is he just being nice to her because he thinks she’s a kid or what?! She’s basically run the entire gamut between being afraid for her life and complete infatuation and it’s EXHAUSTING lol.
So that’s the current state of things. Which will possibly change in the next session or so because Dindel has gone through enough of an emotional whirlwind and the action has died down enough lately that she’s going to try to work up the courage to just talk to Vale about this shit and find out where they stand. Unfortunately the last session didnt quite reach a good point for that (mostly because we spent waaay too much time talking about non-game stuff), and the one last weekend was canceled since we couldn’t all make it, so this “Will They Wont They” bullshit has been in my head for like A MONTH NOW and I’m ready for some level of resolution to this plot arc lol.
Mostly because I want the two characters to come to some understanding before we enter the next section of the game, which is settlement-building shenanigans that will have large time skips during downtime and I’d rather the characters hash it out now than either just say “they decided X” during a time skip or to somehow contort it so they could go LONG spans of time around each other with no horribly pressing life threatening situations and somehow have NOTHING develop in their relationship over that time, like it was a terrible romance anime~
So yeah, hopefully soon (next session is the next week’s saturday, 11/3) we’ll find out if these two goons can admit their feelings and accept the other’s in return and go from there. No matter what happens it should result in some good character development~ Maybe not positive character development if things go poorly, but good none-the-less \( º w º  )/.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Sonic Movie Reddit Leak
Well that's something and noticed I didn't need to click in the title again.
Yet I felt and just honestly I just read this. I'm gonna tell you this. The internet is a crazy place. Their are some stories that are true and some that are not. Basically some bullshit stories and I feel some of the best examples are probably oh my nose but the DCEU because theirs a lot of shit on that instead of Marvel and that's not the topic.
Yet like what people say take with a grain of salt and honestly I was excited after my last text post I mentioned it.
The Sonic movie now the rights owned by Paramount and gonna be in 2019 it's a movie I've been obsessed with. Including I've thought of ideas how the movie and other movies should be basically a franchise. Because it's something I'm honestly excited for and frightened.
Including as I read okay I'm gonna say it again. This isn't confirmed or anything. This could be a fake. But it's something in.....@greendiablo just texted me on my phone holy shit lol just OK KO related. But this is something I wanna talk about whether it's fake or not. The film is due for released in 2019 and I've at times almost gone insane just thinking about. It's something I think about every day or some shit.
So I was excited to read it. But as I read it more. My excitement well it's not gone yet just it went down a bit yet surprised and even some of it.... thought in my head now would do that.
Maybe a mixed bag but I wanna talk more about it. If it turns out being fake well it was something. It probably is but just I don't know. This is just something I wanna speak about okay. In fact my ideas might not be better or whatever.
So if you read the post on Reddit. The story is well it features Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Eggman as it says those are the main characters. But also some others. Including this new human character named Grant who's a journalist.
Basically the story is the four of them and I'm making this short they have to team up to stop Eggman and just honestly I don't wanna talk about everything. Including worried of this post might not fit everything.
I wanna say this. For Amy I honestly like it what I read she isn't as obsessed with Sonic as like in some of the games. While I'm a Sonamy fan. Their are at times I honestly feel it's mainly the English versions of some stories where how Amy is written. She has a crush on him. This was just someone on my mind yet maybe I feel I should read it more. But I wanna talk about the main human character.
To be honest the idea of a live action and cgi film okay was gonna be honest about humans first. But just I would prefer a CGI film or whatever.
But now to talk about Grant and to be honest I don't mind some human characters. Because I feel it would be expected. Including I'm okay with characters like Princess Elise and Chris Thorndyke I don't hate them. But mainly the focus being on Sonic while also the humans would need to be well written. Including have some sort of importance and I'm not oh head and got text from Greendiabo again but I don't wanna hate on anyone.
Now with Grant so adult that's nice but he's a journalist. While I don't hate the idea. I think I'm just so used to the idea looked up on right tv still fine. But I'm just seem aboard with the idea of a human character being a soldier of some sorts or even a GUN soldier or even a Autistic soldier or someone who gets weapons from Tails.
Because I keep thinking okay people won't think this character is useless got a text again man. But I keep thinking this idea if we have a human character be a badass, give them guns, and have them kick robot ass. Basically I keep thinking of examples being Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy who were trained for combat and shit. Got a text again but yeah basically a human character like that.
I'm spending too much time on this yet I think and notice making a human character badass and by giving them a gun to shoot things mainly Eggman's robots isn't gonna immediately get people's respect. Including it doesn't mean it will make the character better. It depends on the writing.
Also theirs this idea that having a human character as a soldier it may sound like bullshit even when I thought of it. It might not be the most friendly of choice. I'm sounding stupid yet I just seem to want main human character their have been others like Topaz who basically use guns and shit.
But just the idea that still won't help unless written well and....Shadow....yes comics but those aren't canon yet his interactions or just......soldiers.... I seriously feel he wouldn't like to hang out with one just I'm being stupid.
Finished a text and I'm rambling on. Yet we have other characters like even Rouge and Madonna who was originally Sonic's girlfriend from Sonic 1 but they scrapped her. She's with Rouge and theirs well...I wanna say this character. But I wanna mention this first.
Their is no Knuckles in it. I'm bothered by that including I honestly feel like that would make sense. Because I like to call him and other characters the original six. This includes Metal Sonic but their are mentions of his race a civilization.
Yet the one character that's very surprising is Chaos.....yeah I'm being serious Chaos the God Of Destruction himself.
But his role and theirs no Tikal mentioned. Including the leak mentioned it's even a mixture of Sonic Adventure and just theirs even some classic stages referenced and part of the story like Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Labyrinth, and just a casino I said I'm not gonna mention everything oh stomach.
But the Chaos part it does share his history including even the final battle is between him and Super Sonic almost put Metal Sonic lol well mainly Metal ha ha smiling a bunch sorry.
Almost left but again yet yeah a battle between Super Sonic and I forgot if they mentioned Perfect Chaos or not.
Said sweet in my head yet here's this man. I'm gonna say this I like Chaos.....but as in the first film Including risky and why.
In fact it's this weird comparison so Chaos and Doomsday from Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice. While Doomsday is also the big monster of BVS his role and his character was never really that deep. So finished a text but yeah and Doomsday I don't wanna spoil BVS just if you know Doomsday and seen BVS you'll know what I mean but their was some sort of depth of what Doomsday meant.
I'm getting off topic but Chaos is different. For Chaos and I sometimes don't know or just confused. But going by @greenyvertekins sorry to mention you where I got this. He is actually a Chao like she said an enraged one who is the guardian of the Chao. Including I've been compared him to Shadow's role in Sonic Adventure 2. Now finished a text yet seriously what I wanna get to I think is that making Chaos a some what generic huge monster and I don't seem to finished text sorry. Okay what I mean I don't seem to like using the word generic now.
Including I've even thought of imagined if Chaos was reduced to that kind of role and I don't like that. While Chaos isn't the most I don't wanna say popular character but he's a character who doesn't speak much and we never play as him in Sonic Adventure but the back story with him and the Chao at least gave him meaning. Including comparing to Shadow and even thinking more in depth of Chaos's character. I seriously feel like Chaos being reduced to that kind of role is troubling.
Just finished a text and God it's funny smiling but back to this. Yet seriously so it takes place on South Island and even Station Square and Metropolis are mentioned too.
Their are some other details. Including the post credits scene is of Eggman in a new base and I mentioned this in my reblog I smiled by reading that. The last part is Metal Sonic being revealed in some tube. Supposedly setting up a sequel.
Now just finished a text oh my God just....theirs a lot of stuff to mention. But I'm worried I won't fit them all. Including I wanted to talk about the stuff that mattered to me the most.
I've also wanted to say I forgot the whole character having weapons and just I've noticed Buddy/Gadget/Rookie the wolf fits that role or just the avatar. So the idea well you can still have a soldier whatever my head not to bad ha. It's just I don't think Sega and Sonic Team wanna make a Sonic game where you play a part of the game and it's a human in third person shooter gameplay. Even if they did make Shadow's game.
Seriously to be honest it's shit sneezed to the left and had mouth closed. But it honestly seems okay and simple a bit. Minus the Chaos part because I'm bothered by instead of having Chaos with depth. He just some monster or some what I remember right. Including I don't remember any Chao mentioned. Now just finished a text with that friend of mine talking about this.
Really I feel like while I love the Sonic franchise a whole lot. The first movie in a franchise no not boring oh head. Yet I feel like and even I keep forgetting it needs to be okay not perfect just.....it needs enough to be good or just.....
Okay basically what I mean it needs to be a good movie or whatever. Including you can't just shove everything in everyone's faces. Because critics will hate that shit.
Including honestly I keep thinking about just if the movie was in my heads. While it's very crazy and this was even an idea for a reboot. In fact the whole South Island thing and Grant going to almost reminds me of some story ideas of mine of own.
Yet my idea was of the move showcasing Sonic and Eggman first meeting the iconic first boss and it's in Green Hill. After that Sonic is a pain in Eggman's ass for three year or six years. Including theirs idea of having Sonic and others aged up. Such as even Amy and Sonic the same age but I don't know at times them being young adults. So after some years Eggman decides to take a risk and builds what he thinks could finally beat Sonic, which is basically Metal Sonic. Including whether to go with a story like the Death Egg or Little Planet. Including have Knuckles and Angel Island in there and his story.
Yet honestly that's quite a bit for a first movie. Even the idea of Metal Sonic. Because even if I love Metal Sonic a lot and this is me too. Because I seriously think or unless he's crazy enough or just wants to Eggman making a robotic Sonic right after he meets him. Which is why I put the years later thing they've been fighting for some time. Also theirs Metal Sonic's mindset with their can only be one Sonic and who should the real one.
In fact even the idea while I like it and I say Sega would probably do this. The idea of a sequel mixing the stories of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 with Shadow and Chaos teaming up with Eggman also Rouge and Metal Sonic. With Tikal appearing with characters of the story sometimes even talking to Shadow. Also the death of Shadow story.
Then the next film being a mix of Sonic Rush, with features Blaze, Lost World the Deadly Six as the main villains, and the rebirth of Shadow. Also a Team Chaotix film even with thoughts of Madonna being in it, a Shadow film, a Sonic Unleashed film, a Sonic Mania film, and a two part movie that is Sonic Forces.
Yet after playing Sonic Forces the idea of having that as a grand finale.....or just....I'm still thinking and just my opinion on that game being mixed.
Basically I've already thought of a franchise. While we are still waiting and you can tell now why I say I've went basically insane thinking of the movie waiting. Including with Sonic Forces out and everything I suppose is not what I expected with my silly posts. Almost put including again but this build up to Infinite okay shit changes man it really doesn
But just...it's interesting. Honestly I wanna look at the leak a bit more the details. I might talk about it more. Including the Sony Sonic Movie 2019 tags are for nothing now.
Well got tags done and after I put Blaze's tag decided to put more and even almost left Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy tags but weren't needed. Even also didn't put BVS tags.
This is mainly me rambling and after now no reblog I just wanna wow difficult to spell brush but wanna brush my teeth.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 04.09.17 lb
lmao the gloriousssssss swelling music and shivaay’s smile as he looks at the chawl waala ghar. let’s see how long this lasts. 🙄🙄🙄
pfffft, overconfidence AND cheesy. bhaari padne waala hai beta. bohut bhaari padne waala hai. 😌😌😌
this house is neither of your’s; it belongs to my son sahil. 😶😶😶
yupppp aaand he’s failed right as he stepped into the house. told you, you were gonna suck at this billu. 😙😙😙
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standard complaint about lack of AC. 🙄🙄🙄
his hair is already beginning to lose its height in the humidity. 😆😆😆
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“kisko dhoond rahe hai? main idhar khadi hoon!” 
ugh she’s soooo cute! 😍😍😍
this filmy fucker and his titanic waala pose. 🤐🤐🤐
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isko toh bas bahaana chahiye chance maarne ke liye. so damn cheesy. 🙈🙈🙈
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my favt. bit about this is her ear to ear grin. she’s sooooo happy. and if anika’s happy, i’m happy. 😇😇😇
rudra saying he’s the only one who’s ever experienced poverty in this family. i know he’s going to say incredibly enraging and am already debating whether to fwd. 😒😒😒
yup. he’s talking about how his pocket money of 25k is “chillar”. lord help me, i want to fucking climb into the screen and slap him. 😑😑😑
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same, bhavya. fucking #same. 
yaaaas bhavya, challenge his privileged ass. 😠😠😠
“25,000 kya, 25 crore bolti” - in one week. sure, son. sure. what are you even qualified for again? oh that’s right, NOTHING. like, at least shivaay and om EARN their money based on skill and knowledge. 😒😒😒
pft, i want to see this little shit work his fingers to the bone to earn that 25k (maybe even fail.) like rudy boy i love you and all, but you a hella spoilt brat and could do with a serving of humble pie. 😡😡😡
meanwhile billu is faced with a challenge of just dal and chawal for the day. no fancy ass asparagus and cheeses and what not. 😊😊😊
lollllllllllll he’s asking for the cooking range. and microwave. 🙄🙄🙄
he just called the stove “antique”. lord above. 
“on karke toh dikhaaiye!” *snort* 
god, he’ll probably blow up the damn house. 😬😬😬
back to rikara interrogating shady naukar. 
why do they keep at it with this ridiculous candy trick when the fucking vfx are soooooooooooo badddddd???? 😣😣😣
CHUBBY’S BACK! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chubby! i missed you! 😄😄😄
lmaoooo chubby is serving up some realness about rudra’s absolute nithallapan in the way only BFFs can. 🤣🤣🤣
meanwhile, what has this mister managed to make with just dal and chawal? 😶😶😶
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he’s looking hella proud. hopefully this time it’s edible and not like the pav bhaji. please tell me he actually put haldi mirch etc and didn’t just avoid all that to make this “low sodium”. 😑😑😑
if the house has been bandh for this long, how has this ONE rose survived? is it the cursed rose from the beauty and the beast? 🙄🙄🙄
oh thank god. insaano waala khaana banaya hai. 😌😌😌
he can’t even the handle the mirchi in his own cooking. what a naazuk billu. 🙀🙀🙀
he’s laughinggggg about how she threw pocheee waala paani at himmmmm when he came here the first second time! my god, what a changed man! 😧😧😧
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haha, her cackling at how he tore his pants last janmashtami. what a cutieeeeeeeee. 😚😚😚
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paanika paani phenkne se paani pilaane tak graduate ho gayi hai. waah, kya growth hai. 😊😊😊
pooooor khanna. naukri bhi toh rakhni hai usse. uske naam pe kya kya jhelna pad raha hai. ek shivaay kam tha, ki yeh idiot bhi sar pe chadhne laga? 😒😒😒
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yo wtf, is that their murtiiiii that’s just chillin’ back there, as if not stolen? 😶😶😶
ok uncleji here has a lot of past waale issues with oberois. dadaji oberoi toh abhi duniya mein bhi nahi rahe, why are you even holding on to this grudge? 😕😕😕
oufffff i don’t even wanna watch rudra’s nonsense. 😣😣😣
bhavya looks hella cute today. i like her outfit (on her.) 
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oh boy, apni chiraiyya is all up in arms. girl chill. 🤐🤐🤐
omkara is like dude, dadaji oberoi ne toh apni ticket kab ki kataa li. you can sort out your issues with him when you meet him in the parlok. gimme my murti please, coz my poor horny brother can’t get married without it. 
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when bae won’t stop trash-talking and getting in the face of dudes literally 6 times her size 
“lekin TUMSE badhkar nahi.” 
why won’t people let my poor sweet pacifist-kara live?? 😭😭😭
omki must defeat sadde hue uncleji ka pottaaaa in kushti. please to make an appearance, balram! 
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LMAOOOOOOOOOO OM’S FACE. that’s a face screaming “oh shit oh shit oh shit. my sculptor waale guns are good enough for the chote-mote gunde of bareilly and mumbai. i can’t deal with actual pehelwan omg.” 
this balram looks related to apna khanna, no? 🤔🤔🤔
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i need to know what eyeliner shrenu uses, and how it stays in place and doesn’t smudge even a little! 😧😧😧
why’s the POTTAAA calling his grandfather “TAUJI”? 😕😕😕
oh goddddddddd omkiiiiiiiiii, whyyyyyyyyyy????? BABY YOU’RE A LOVER, NOT A FIGHTER. (esp. without the backup of your two brothers.) 😣😣😣
lmaooooooooooo dadiiiiii won’t believe that rudra repaired the tap. 😂😂😂
ek nalka kya theek kar diya aise itraa raha hai jaise nobel prize jeeta ho plumbing ke liye. 🙄🙄🙄
lmao “dekho dadi, baat aisi hai ki rishtedaari apni jagaah pe, professional cheez apni jagah. baat ghar ki hai toh chaliye, 10,000 dijiye.” 🤣🤣🤣
“dadi chalo aapas mein niptaa lete hai, bhavya ko beech mein mat lao.” “kyun na laaon? tuney toh loot machchaa rakhi hai, toh police ko beech mein laana hi padega.”
hahahaha loving dadi today 😆😆😆
can’t believe this idiot got more money for putting plumber’s tape on a leaky tap THAN BILLU GOT FOR THE WHOLE DAY. COME ON. AND THERE’S TWO OF THEM THERE. THE FUCK, DADI?!!? 😣😣😣
ok kinda sweet how he gave her his pehli kamaai. 😌😌😌
but omg i haaaaate their theme music and this weird zooming into their eyes nonsense so much. fuck this entire relationship. it gives me too much michmichiiiii. 🤢🤢🤢
lmaooo pooorrrrr tiny bulbul trying to push omkara, but he’s not even budging. it’s fucking adorable how tinyyyyyyy she issss. 😆😆😆
OUFF OMKI. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
oh great, these fuckers get this akad and tadi and sheer bullheadedness genetically from dadaji oberoi. 😒😒😒
shivaay trying to motivate himself to sleep. snort. 😆😆😆
ugh, anika’s tooo damn cute. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #tooGood #tooPure
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“tumhe neeche sota hua dekh main upar kaise so sakta hoon?” 
you were fine with it for the past half hour or so, lol. 🙄🙄🙄
idgi tho, she used to have a nice big four poster bed that sahil and she used to share? where’d that go??? 🤔🤔🤔
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“aap bohut badal gaye hai.” 
*happy sigh* 😍😍😍😍😍
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lolllllllllll literal cold shower on billu as he gets his armaaan up. 😂😂😂
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“raining inside the house!”
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ugh such cute. her smile lights up my damn life. 😍😍😍😍
oh no. andheraaaaaaa. 😣😣😣
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ok the hug is awkward af. why does she have to bend to like, half his height and hug him like that?????? just hug normally???? 😟😟😟
he didn’t even do the standard candle adhering process of dripping the wax onto the surface and sticking the candle into it. pft. ameer ppl. used to having candle sticks and all. (vaddde log, vaddi vaddi baatein.) 😕😕😕
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how did he suddenly grow taller? 😕😕😕
oooooh finally, backstory to the andhera ka darr. 
oh my heart. she was regularly beaten in the dark when she was in the orphanage. i can’t. my baby. my precious girl. *holds her for all eternity* 😥😥😥😭😭😭😭😭
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“shivaay singh oberoi suraj hai. aur jinke paas suraj hota hai, unhe andheron se darrne ki koi zaroorat nahi. main tumhari zindagi mein itni roshni bhar doonga ki andhere ke liye jagah nahi bachegi.” 
i mean that’s nice and all, but you literally threw your relationship in the fire and burnt it all down after you promised her this the last time. so excuse me if i’m not awwwwwing over this heartfelt speech of yours. i have enough trust and abandonment issues for both anika and me to side eye you rn. 😑😑😑
omki’s taking out all his latent rage issues on that chor of a naukar. 
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zalrb · 7 years
This episode was SO jokes {TVD 8x15 Review}
Hi all! You know the deal. I write my thoughts in real time so anything I saw at the beginning that might be a mistake may be corrected by the end. This review will have anti-Damon, anti-Delena, anti-Steroline, anti-Bamon, anti-Bonenzo sentiments and will most likely have references to other shows and to the misogynoir, anti-blackness and racism in the narrative. If you do not like it, you do not have to read this. Are you ready? OK! Let's go. 1. So I'm stopping a very promising Kdrama to watch this. The Kdrama is called Mirror of the Witch, I'm on the first episode and already there are more consequences in this drama than all eight seasons of TVD. So far it looks exceptionally dark and mean-spirited, I think it might actually disturb me. Anyway. It's still entirely ridiculous that Cade's last words are “Go to hell.” Like why? Also why would Stefan say, “You first”? Wasn't Cade already in hell? Like didn't he sort of create it? And now he's just ... dead? What was that dialogue? 2. I like how opening the door to Cade's world will only destroy everything for “miles”, like that's such a small scale, shouldn't it be the end of the world if the devil is walking among us? Or is he not the devil, is Katherine the devil? I'm confused about the Hell hierarchy, you see. 3. Also I should mention I have a cold and I took cough syrup and it SAYS non-drowsy but last night I was knocked the fuck out so if I get a little loopy near the end, it could be that. Or it could be that watching TVD has finally addled my brain. Who knows. 4. They really do hype Katherine way too much. 5. Sorry, pausing because my cat is being extremely affectionate and I would rather play with her for a little than watch what trash this episode is going to be. 6. But now she's on my keyboard. It's like she's trying to spare me. 7. The lighting in this episode seems to be darker than normal, I can barely see anything. 8. I think it's funny that Caroline keeps waking up expecting to see Stefan and he's not there. 9. Matt's hair is SO stupid though. LIKE WHY. 10. I have it paused because the video is loading still but like seriously, he looks thoroughly unattractive like this and out of character I think Zach is pretty cute, so like ugh, why am I subjected to this. 11. Why do we care about Matt's dad again? 12. Or his mother for that matter. 13. Like remember when she came to town and then made out with Damon and then they discovered Vicki was dead and she made out with Tyler? Or was Tyler first and then Damon? Either way, she's messy af. The only interesting dynamic was her and Caroline and Elena. She's pointless. 14. “That was a lifetime ago, things have changed since then” that should just replace the title of TVD. “Didn't Damon kill your sister?” “That was a long time ago.” “Didn't Damon kill your brother” “That was a long time ago.” And now apparently abandoning your family because of man pain and cowardice and immaturity is “a lifetime ago” too but oh no, Stefan was a ripper a literal century ago and we need to harp on it forever. 15. Real talk, I already feel kinda woozy but it's fine it's like being buzzed and it's probably the only way I will get through this episode. 16. Why would Dorian agreeing to help them on how to get rid of the “Queen of Hell” be misconstrued as him being “cool” with Stefan though? Isn't getting rid of someone who is supposed to be the devil Plus be in everyone's best interest? Like whatever, it was just another chance to take a shot at Stefan. Transparent as fuck. 17. That red looks nice on Kat. 18. I like how Katherine is in this world, everything is supposed to be going to shit and Matt isn't like “Mom, Dad, I hate you but you need to leave town because you could possibly die” he's just like yeah fam, I'm rescheduling our awkward dinner date. Like lol. It would be more interesting if he didn't give a shit if they died but this is just the writers being the writers. In Buffy, when the Mayor is supposed to devour all of Sunnydale, Buffy forces her mother to leave town and tells her if she doesn't her presence will get her [Buffy] killed. 19. I love Stefan's face when Damon says “she's obsessed with Stefan” like BITCH WHO TOLD YOU TO TALK? 20. Why does it have to be a wedding though? It could just as easily be an engagement party or a rehearsal dinner, like sooooooooooo forced. 21. I mean, I don't blame Bonnie for hating Stefan but Damon was responsible for killing Jeremy and kidnapping Jeremy, Enzo was responsible for suffocating Jeremy and she's cool with both of them, hell she fell in love with one of them so I'm just like girl, I guess. The writers are ridiculous because it just feels like they don't know the web they've created with these characters and understand that they've turned pretty much everyone into a hyprocrite. 22. And as a non-Beremy shipper, I still think Bonnie loved Jeremy more than Enzo and Beremy was a problematic af ship but at least some things were halfway earned, Bonenzo is pure dialogue, fam. 23. Oh and looks. 24. I don't even know why Damon needs to tell Stefan that what happened to Enzo will haunt him like Stefan isn't new to guilt. Why are they making it seem like this is Stefan's first rodeo? 25. My video keeps fucking buffering. I might switch sites because I love myself too much to drag this out longer than I have to. Because I am only eight minutes in, that's not gonna fly. 26. OK so everything is just buffering. I was supposed to have my data back, what is this. 27. Right now I have it paused on Damon. I really don't get what anons mean when they tell me his arms are huge. Like I don't see it. 28. WHO CARES ABOUT MATT'S MOM? What's her name again? Kelly? 29. Is she dying? 30. She's dying. 31. Oh she's dead. Ish. 32. “Oh please don't be mad at me, Caroline” that actually sounded like Stefan was talking to his mother. 33. Yeah this BE scene is giving me nothing. 34. Liz did a TERRIBLE job protecting MF, who are we kidding? And toasting with your rape victim about how her mother became your best friend and now her daughter will be your family is disgusting. 35. Lol yes use the SE necklace that Damon kept taking to give it to Caroline on her wedding day for Stefan because we're ignoring how important that necklace was to SE, sure. 36. Seriously, Caroline looks at Alaric with more love than she does Stefan. Like just marry him, y'all are more compatible and have more chemistry than you and Stefan anyway. Like omg. 37. “I hope I get to see this one day with you and Elena” lol the FLATTEST delivery ever. Like do you even mean it? Do you REALLY? Think hard, Stefan. 38. “I want to be a part of your happiness” I mean I guess. I don't like Bonnie being arbitrary in her blame for Stefan but like can the girl be selfish and feel what she feels when she feels it for once? And indulge? Like?? 39. I also find it interesting that Stefan and Caroline don't have a private moment before the wedding, like I know this isn't how we wanted to do this blah blah blah. They're so segregated even when they're together. 40. Do the writers not know of any alcohol other than bourbon? 41. The slow mo doesn't change the deadened expression on Paul's face, guys. Sorry. 42. Also Alaric's speech is stupid, who becomes “family” with the people who have continuously terrorized your life and are responsible for the people you've lost? Like that's when you see a psychiatrist because you have serious emotional issues. 43. “You saw light in me when all I saw was darkness.” WHEN WAS THIS? NO LEGIT WHEN? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW. Madly in love, you don't even look madly in love, you look SO chill. OMG. 44. LOL bout you've been ready since you saw him at school. You were on his jock for one episode, then you onto Damon and were unfortunate enough to be his victim, then it was Matt, then it was Tyler, then it was Klaus, then it was Tyler then it was Jesse then it was Klaus then it was Stefan. Girl bye. 45. That SC dance looks SO AWKWARD. LOL SLOW MO DOESN'T MAKE SHIT BETTER UNLESS IT'S ALREADY GOOD 46. Of course Matt's dad isn't dead. I mean he got stabbed when it was light out and now it's dark but he's still gurgling. Jesus. We met him THIS season, Julie, you can kill the irrelevant fucker off. 47. I don't know why Caroline is STILL wearing the necklace. 48. HER NAME IS KELLY. I WAS RIGHT. 49. Why isn't Caroline vamp speeding into the house? 50. Really? That's your reaction to your kids potentially dying? 51. So like the smoke is having no effect on Bonnie? 52. And them siphoning her doesn't hurt? 53. Caroline is legit calm when she thought her kids were dead for a minute. 54. LMFAO SO WHO ISN'T IN HELL? Vicki was in hell, Kelly was in hell, so like ERRBODY GOES TO HELL THEN? WHAT CRITERIA IS THERE? Like if I run a stop light do I go to hell because it's against the law? What if I jaywalk or accidentally step on an ant or something? BECAUSE SERIOUSLY. 55. STEFAN WHY DON'T YOU EVER CHECK ANYONE'S PULSE? Final thoughts: This episode didn't enrage me like I thought it would, it's just thoroughly ridiculous because it attempts to haphazardly rewrite history and Paul was such a lacklustre groom, like faaaam, those vows were horrible. And Caroline and Stefan are just so isolated from each other, like they don't feel like a couple or a pair, they don't feel like one, it's so very cold. Kelly coming back with her daughter to destroy MF is like, I mean I guess, Katherine's plan isn't even original, Stefan was going to burn MF to the ground first anyway, like we're seriously recycling plots in the same season too? This was actually laughably bad.
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
April 18, 2019 Part I
I love the way The Kids are Alright talks about kids.
Yesterday was exhausting.
I got up early enough to make it to work by 8:15-ish am. Yay! Got all the food set up on time. The talk by boss1 and boss2 was kind of enraging. And I haven’t really been able to talk to anyone about it yet. Not completely. Thankful for here!
Boss1 talked first. He talked about what his new job was gonna be, and how he was still gonna be very embedded with our group, and his vision for the group, which is gonna be very much research-based. It sounded like a) he isn’t really leaving, and b) the group will continue to be his own personal research group, but with more research and more faculty. He did this by talking about how much research and stuff the group has taken on in the years since he’s been there. He talked research a lot. But I felt like he blew my peeps’ group off! And they’re the research group! Also, he talked about how they’re trying to start a department, in a few years, and he expected the dept to be a large part of it. Again, without talking about the research group. Boss2 spoke and basically validated everything he said. All of this is different from what Boss2 had me expecting, so I got pretty upset. What it seemed is there are competing visions for how this split is gonna go, and despite what the brass want, Boss1 was going to continue to push his vision.
The final reason I was genuinely upset - he never actually thanked the dept for what it’s done for him and his career. I talked to someone after and she said he sort of did. That’s not really acceptable.
Then the questions, a lot of which were stupid. Suck up communications person (who always puts her work on me ( I mean, not always, but def when I started, etc) asked about his job. Who cares? This is supposed to be about the dept, not him?
After the meeting, the girl I’m pro/con about immediately went up to Boss2. Suck up. I actually, in the course of all my upsetness, decided to interrupt them. A tiny powerplay (that could have backfired). But also, I was freaking out a little and wanted to talk to Boss2 while it was possible to have a chance. Anyway, she sort of walked herself back a little/validated the meeting. But I told her that while I know I don’t really have any say, he’s trying to keep me for realsy, and I just don’t think the split is tenable. I said I prefer to be 100% either way. So, she’s got the big meeting on Monday. I also freaked out a bit b/c their was a minor issue with the corporate credit card. Not actually my fault, but for a minute it made me feel like I looked bad. Luckily, I didn’t do anything wrong, so we were able to talk it out. Apparently, the proper settings for the corporate credit card aren’t automatic for anyone, including dept heads. We fixed it.
Oh, and I found out that the group, what did I call them? Oh well, I’ll call them J group, some of them found out even further in advance than the day before! From clients?!?!?!?!
I had my shrink appt today. I ended up with us getting some free food, so I was trying to take care of it, so everyone didn’t steal it without me getting any. But a student came in who was late for a meeting (his english was very bad, relatively speaking) and was in the wrong location and freaking out. So, since i had to pop across town anyway, I went with him to get him where he’s going. And was 10 minutes early for my appointment!
I did see milquetoast. He may not have seen me, but I suspect he did glance over me. That was weird. The appointment went okay. Shrink didn’t know about the drama of the therapy ending, and gave me a chance to tell her. And said we were good. And if I did want to go back, she’d make sure it happened (but she said it discreetly lol). That was kind of awesome. But I’m smart enough to know this was a good thing really. We talked about my suspicion that I need a different kind of therapy. We talked about the fact that I probably need to stay on the meds at the levels I’m at, and pursue therapy. I was able to talk about how I hate it, but given a) my insistence on no addicting meds, and b) the issues with experimenting with new drugs, and c) I haven’t gotten everything possible out of therapy, it just makes sense. It was my decision. I think she would have pushed back if she thought it was a bad decision. Or if I wanted something bad, she might have tried to get me to come around to this decision lol. Also, her year ends at the end of June, so...I got my announcement long enough in advance to process lol. I cried in there. So yeah, I’m not in a great place, but it is what it is. There’s no miracle cure.
I waited around trying to meet with the J team and see if their manager had any news. But I didn’t have my laptop so I couldn’t work and I put a time limit on waiting. Chatted with used to be almost friends coworker. She’s the one that thinks he said thanks. Eh. Some people are worried about their jobs. She’s on a grant, so the thing she was worried about was whether boss1 is staying on it. He is, so she’s happy - too many new people on their group right now for her to welcome change.
Then I went to a place I’ve been avoiding 6 months for fear of seeing anyone I know, with two of the group. The only thing they could say was that they weren’t concerned about there being a new dept without them, because a) it’s years down the line, and b)they’d have to hire faculty (said as if they thought the u wouldn’t). I disabused them of that. Anyway, they’re not worried.
Okay. Whatever.
Got back and work friend was finally out of the manager’s office. I had to get back to location 2, so we walked outside together. I had to tease it all out of her, but yes, they are not allowed to pursue their own research agendas any longer - which is a major impact on 3, maybe 4 careers. Hopefully I’ll get the rest of the scoop today. And hopefully better answers on Monday. She did touch me again, and it’s getting frustrating. It’s not hugs, but damn it.
No one touched the food at my desk, but as soon as they saw I’d put it in the fridge, people were freaking out! I was planning on bringing it over to location1 b/c they liked it and never get leftovers, but that was kaboshed.
I met a few deadlines. The latinx group thing was a piece of work! After everything we went through to get them to use the corporate credit card, they told us they wouldn’t use it. And we had to give them a ton of justification. It took me some time to get untired, and focused, but I got it done, and it was good. I overdid the hell out of it because it’s fucking ridiculous. OUR BUDGET WAS APPROVED ALREADY!!!!!!!!! Just to send 9 people to fucking (cheap) conference.
And trying to get a bunch of last minute shit done. I stayed until 5:30pm! I would have stayed later, but I was wiped. Also, I forgot to mention. The day started off overcast and chilly - and ended up kind of muggy and warm. So I was hot as hell with all the running around. I walked between locations 1 & 2 but I almost didn’t bc it was so warm. And after work, I wanted/knew i needed to go for a walk to physically process the day. But I also knew that if I drove home to go for a walk, I wouldn’t. So I walked at work. I’ve been meaning to for the whole 1 1/2 year I’ve been there, but never did. I finally did last night. It was different. The view was nice. But I’m not a fan for walking. Biking yes, and maybe rollerblading. It was too straight, so it always seemed I’d gone farther than I actually had, and boring outside of the view. And it’s right next to a highway, so loud as hell. But I’m glad I went. But boy were my feet TIRED.
I went back to work with pettiness on my mind. I had decided that since I couldn’t take all the leftovers to location1, I’d take some of the pastries, and eat the hell out of the fruit plate. And I did. I had an italian beer - yummy, and 1 pastry, and ate so.much.fruit. I made myself sick but it was a definite impact on the fruit lol. So petty. I’d wanted a hamburger, but I was so full by the fruit, I couldn’t do it. I got home, vegged for a few bit, and bed. I’m also bummed to say, none of my twits took off. Not even my bracket. :( There’s got to be an algorithm.
I got up today and actually made myself put in a load of laundry!
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