dreadlock-detective · 5 months
Man, just took a stroll down memory lane. I had forgotten how moving your art of Dindel was.
Glad to know you're still around and enjoying making art~ Really brightens my day anytime your new post notification pops up. Cheers
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Aww, that's super sweet of you, Anon. Thanks <3
That poor girl really went through some things didn't she? Glad you got some enjoyment/feels out of her trauma shenanigans!
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hoopyfrood · 5 years
highlights from today's d&d game:
goliath butch lesbian yeeting the small scottish dwarf through the door to break it open instead of just disabling the warding spell
d&d version of michael scott adamantly refusing to accept that he's a bard and instead insisting he's a wizard even though he has to sing all his spells for them to work and the tiefling bard slowly going mad watching him
scottish dwarf using thaumatergy to yell practically everything he says just to make sure everyone can hear him
the whole party developing a fear of doors after repeatedly almost dying from trying to open them using the handles and never learning from our mistakes
a dwarf and a tiefling stuck in a small chamber with a goliath who is raging and wildly swinging her axe at two shadow creatures
bard michael scott finishing off the shadow creatures by swearing at them
everyone calling a crescent a croissant while the dm weeped
goliath seeing the dwarfs arms get set on fire trying to turn a mirror and thinking it might not happen to her. then getting set on fire
the whole group repeatedly trying to open a door with keys even though every time they put a key in the lock they take extreme cold damage and ending up with three party members at 0 hp with only bard michael scott staying alive because he was too exhausted to crawl over
taking fifteen minutes to solve the puzzle to open the door then another five minutes to actually open the door because the only conscious member has the lowest wisdom and intelligence. turns out you just needed to use magic on it
the party agreeing to spend half an hour destroying every creature in the room despite each of them having over 120 hp just because it gave us more time to collect more completely useless mystery trinkets and getting very excited by a novelty oversized key worth absolutely nothing
scottish dwarf having no impulse control and using a level 4 fireball to finish off the last creature despite knowing it was close to death and that it would damage the goliath nearby
goliath losing 30 hp from the fireball then hoping to get a fun mystery item to make up for it and getting a dead fish. then proceeding to hit the dwarf with the fish who ended up taking bludgeoning damage from it
bard michael scott finding a cool sword that ends up making him feel extreme despair then having a breakdown when he realises his friends lied to him and he actually did go to bard school not wizard school
everyone giving the extra gold to the goliath and an expensive bowl which she used to put the fish in
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letras-de-maye · 4 years
Estamos viviendo tiempos muy duros, donde sencillamente solamente Dios puede guardarnos, aquí en Costa Rica casi 20 mujeres desaparecidas sin rastro, hace 1 semana aparecen restos de una jovencita en un botadero de basura, en cada lugar hay manifestaciones y bloqueos en carretera como protesta ante un gobierno que está imponiendo leyes que nos están llevando de pique como país, y este virus corona que mundialmente se esparce, unos dicen que es falso otros que es mortal, si bien es cierto hay muchas instituciones, personas que están haciendo lo posible en tratar de controlar esta pandemia, a nosotros de nuestra parte nos toca velar por el higiene e inculcarlo a cada momento en los nuestros y sobre todo ponernos en MANOS DEL TODOPODEROSO, clamar por misericordia, cobertura, que nos guarde, que los efectos de este virus disminuyan y que poco a poco se debilite.
Te invito a humillarte delante del trono del Señor, poner tu vida y la de tu familia, tu país bajo las alas protectoras del Altísimo, los tiempos son muy malos, pon cobertura sobre tu vida y la de los tuyos, cúbrete con la sangre de Cristo, y Unje tu casa, como en los tiempos de Jesús en el pueblo de Israel, donde en el libro de Éxodo 12:7 vemos cuando se mandó a poner sangre de cordero en los postes y dindeles de las casa como protección y así la muerte pasaría de lejos, hoy te digo, Únete conmigo, con la autoridad que Dios te dio y en una sola voz, pidamos por protección, cobertura y misericordia por nuestras vidas, ora por tu país, por sabiduría a los gobernantes.
Te invito a Ungir tu vida y tu casa, simbólicamente pon esa sangre del Cordero y declara cobertura y resguardo.
Te insto a que ante todo, si es necesario, primero que nada pinte a cuentas con Dios.
Activa la armadura de Dios en tu vida, atraves de la fé Efesios 6:10-18
Reconoce tu posición y autoridad en Cristo Mateo 6:19. Lucas 9:1 Marcos 16:17-18 Efesios 1:22-23 2 Corintios 10:4-5 Y empieza a orar ungiendo tu casa con aceite.
Si no tienes aceite ungido, presenta tu aceite, de oliva o para bebé, en una oración pidiendo al Espíritu Santo que lo consagre como señal de Cristo y ese aceite sólo deberá ser usado para ungir.
Ora con la autoridad que te ha delegado Dios, con el respaldo del Espíritu Santo y en el nombre de Jesús reprede todo plan del enemigo, consagra tu casa, tu familia, tus bienes, con fe proclama que así como el pueblo de Israel marcó su casa en obediencia a Moisés nosotros también lo hacemos, creyendo que ese aceite representa la Sangre del Cordero de Dios.
El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo morará bajo la sombra del Omnipotente. Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y castillo mío;Mi Dios, en quien confiaré. El te librará del lazo del cazador,De la peste destructora. Con sus plumas te cubrirá,Y debajo de sus alas estarás seguro;Escudo y adarga es su verdad. No temerás el terror nocturno,Ni saeta que vuele de día, Ni pestilencia que ande en oscuridad,Ni mortandad que en medio del día destruya. Caerán a tu lado mil,Y diez mil a tu diestra;Mas a ti no llegará.
Salmos 91:1-7
Ora, declara, y proclama cobertura de lo alto, cree que tienes un Dios Todopoderoso y que tu vida y la de los tuyos están en el hueco de Su mano.
Con amor, —𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓮
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rarestereocats · 5 years
The next day is upon us and it's time to go over our plan for the prison break.  Me and Owkbanok will have to cause a scene in town to get ourselves arrested so we can make some new friends while on the inside.  Amelia will have to go under disguise as a guard getting transferred to this prison for training and TT was to join her,  but she doesn't feel comfortable being seen as she's worried somebody will notice her slave markings.  So she opts to join Amelia while under a shroud of invisibility.  It's a good plan,  we all think as we look over the map I made.  Nothing could ever go wrong,  we say as we begin preparations of all kinds.  Owkbanok goes to ask grumpy ol' Julius if he can forge some work papers,  telling him to put Amelia's name down as "Beatrice Dindel",  and with such a beautiful name;  she's gonna need a fitting hair color as well.
She makes the mistake of coming to me and I'm still a little tilted about how snippy she got with me the other day,  so after the dye job's finished,  she gets to look upon her hair in horror as it's the color of split pea soup after somebody had a hard night of drinking.  She goes to punch me,  but hits her mirror instead,  giving her 7 years of bad luck as it shatters and sealing our fates with this plan.  Meanwhile,  TT argues with Julius as she tries to collect the work papers because as per usual,  Julius has a little 'tude because the man's got a problem with the youngsters.  I'm starting to think there's some deep-rooted trauma there,  but with me being busy avoiding Amelia's fury,  I can't ruthlessly mock him over it.  Eventually Owkbanok stumbles into the situation and gets the papers,  leaving TT to go gather some smoke sticks from Nathan so we have cover once the rioting begins.  I go ahead and pack some of mine and Owk's gear onto Cayde,  then use magic to turn him into a tiny,  stone figurine.
We'll need all this shit on the inside,  so I cut a wound into my arm and jam the figurine in there,  stitching and bandaging it up afterwards.  With everything in place,  we go over the plan one more time.  Once me and Owk get arrested,  Amelia will arrive to the prison in the next day or two for "work",  and shortly after that;  it'll be breakout time.  With that,  me and Owk head out to pretend to rob a jewelry store.  Our false heist is an absolute shitshow,  which is a good indicator on how the rest of the plan is gonna go,  but we choose to ignore that red flag.  I bite at the guard to distract him,  Owk murders the shopkeeper when she goes to run,  and with the guard turning his sights on a murderer and a crowd gathering;  I turn to the people,  rushing into them while screaming in abyssal with blood all over my mouth.  They all scatter in terror,  giving me a good eye on the guards that are approaching.  So as Owk's apprehended,  I give everyone a run for their money and bolt through the alleys.
After I feel the chase is sufficient enough,  I allow them to arrest me and they throw us both on the back of a horse and lead us away.  Once there,  we're stripped down and given bright,  red uniforms and led off to separate interrogation rooms afterwards.  They ask us where we came from,  what our names are,  but don't buy any of the bullshit ;  which is fair considering we look like hardened criminals.  They're able to figure out we're pirates and demand to know a ship name,  but neither me nor Owk sell our people out,  even when the guards resort to violence.  While Owk gets stabbed a few times,  my guard notices my wound and with her zone of truth cast over me,  I can't lie and say it was an animal attack or random stabbing.  So I opt to remain silent until she cuts it open and removes the figurine.  As predicted from the day's earlier events,  our plan is beginning to unravel,  so I utter the command word to bring Cayde back to life and go toe-to-toe with this guard long enough to get the door open so Cayde can escape and alert the others.
Once he's gone,  I'm put under a charm spell and knocked out,  waking up in solitary confinement while Owk gets comfortable with his new roommate.  A half-elf named Farage,  who has an affinity for arson.  Perfect buddies in the making there,  but nothing more as he's too ugly for Owk's taste.  While I spend the next hours of my life shoved into a cold ass room and falling ill;  he continues to make friends,  so at least that part of the plan wasn't a total loss.  Cayde makes it back to the ship,  which tells Amelia and TT everything they need to know.  While they wanted to wait two days to give us time to gather up a potential crew,  they know they can't wait that long.  Come morning,  TT gathers our gear off of Cayde and orders the captain to take care of him in her stead.  Amelia and her head off to the prison with the second act of our plan now in motion and as the prison's magic metal detector goes off,  TT uses this moment to slip in while she's invisible.  Amelia nearly gets herself arrested as the guards realize her work papers are fake,  but she quickly tells them she lost the originals and didn't want to show up without anything as that wouldn't make a good first impression.
They buy that shit,  confiscate her booze and her boot knife before getting her properly outfitted.  It's then she's given a tour of the prison and told some of the protocol,  passing me and Owk on the way,  which helps ease our worries about the plan totally falling apart.  Amelia takes my misery as a chance to bully me as revenge for her hair,  but of course,  I easily turn the tables against her when I call her Hagatha.  TT is privvy to juicy gossip as Amelia yells "fuck you" at me and I simply respond with,  "You already have!  T w i c e.".  With that,  Amelia storms off,  TT leaving me a message on the glass to let me know Cayde made it back to the ship safely.  The two of them part ways as Amelia continues shadowing guards for the day and TT goes into the yard to search for anything that could help release prisoners at one time easily.  But the guard dogs notice her despite her invisibility,  so she tries to scale the prison until one guard dispels her cover.  It's too dangerous to keep going,  so she uses her grappling hook to swing over the wall and out of this place,  taking time to get back under her shroud before she climbs back inside to catch up with the rest of us.
But in that time,  I grow tired of solitary,  so when a guard comes to collect my food tray,  I play dead.  He falls for it long enough,  making the mistake of leaving the door open as he steps inside and I immediately bite into his leg.  I don't give this man a chance to breathe as I summon three dogs in the cell to distract him while I rush out of the room.  Sirens are blaring and guards are running about like chickens with their heads cut off,  but I manage to avoid them all as I sneak through the prison.  I'm a battered tiefling right now,  okay?  Self-preservation is in overdrive,  so with a proper distraction,  Amelia unlocks Owk's cell and tells him and Farage to get some keys and help her release the prisoners.  They manage to free a lot of them who seem eager to join our crew,  some of them taking off out of the prison once they have a ship name,  but some of them stick behind to cause some mayhem.  Fireballs are bursting everywhere,  TT is setting fire to the third floor to destroy the prisoner records,  and I manage to move the riot outside and give myself enough cover to climb the fence and crawl through some barbed wire to my freedom.
TT and Amelia meet up while Owk leads another group of prisoners out,  both of them heading the wrong way and heading out into the yard.  The riot out there didn't go so well on either end as guards and prisoners lie dead in the grass.  Amelia raises a few exploding zombies from the pile of bodies,  ordering them to finish off the remaining guards as her and TT slip out a side door.  Eventually we're all reunited and thankful to see each other alive.  We cast once last glance at the prison as the corpses give it an explosive finale,  which delights our herd of fugitives.  All of them are now chanting Amelia's new nickname gleefully.  Pukehead,  Pukehead,  Pukehead!  The four of us are buried in this crowd which is good for us as the chaos is far from over and we still have a ways to go before we're back on the ship.
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darkclawx91 · 4 years
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LUNA: Poco a poco me fui asomando al entretecho, conteniendo la respiración para que aquello que ahí habitaba no me escuchase. Todo estaba tan oscuro y silencioso que el rápido palpitar de mi corazón hacia eco por las paredes del lugar. Sólo un pequeño claro de luz de luna entraba por una diminuta ventana al final de la azotea, iluminando un bulto de pelo grisáceo y cuerpo esquelético que yacia recostado tan inerte como un cadáver o quizás solo era mi imaginación. Siempre creí que era temeroso por no tener padres, mi madre murió cuando aún era muy pequeño y mi padre me abandonó con mi abuelos. Aterrado me acerqué para descartar mis temores, luchando con el ruido de mi respiración, calculando cada paso que daba, cada movimiento cuidadoso. No pude llegar ni a mitad de camino cuando bruscamente se levantó, jadeando y tambaleante, Sosteniéndose en sus largos brazos, arrastrando sus piernas unidas cuál sirena, pero en vez de cola de pez, solo eran huesos y piel. Gritando y chillando "hijo, hijo, mi hijooo" se me abalanzó, me giré rápidamente tropezando con las sombras, buscando la auxiliadora salida que me pusiera a salvo de aquel demoníaca figura. Al ponerme a salvo y cerrar con cadenas y llave, me dispuse a recuperar el aliento y el alma al cuerpo, me senté a pensar que era eso que sollozaba desde el otro lado de la puerta, rasguñando y resoplando por las abertura del dindel. Retrocediendo paso a paso alejándome de la puerta , en su borde superior y ya casi borrado por los años, se podía leer a duras penas el nombre "Luna". Esa oscura y siniestra noche entendí porqué cada vez que mi abuelo llegaba borracho decía que iría a ver la luna, esa noche entendí que mi madre nunca murió y que a mí padre siempre lo conocí. --- #terrorcosmico #terror #terrornocturno #nightmare https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGGxb0J_v8/?igshid=25ug86zarj6j
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Title: All Out Snow War Featuring: Dorcas Meadowes & Evan Mulciber Date: December 18th, 1969
It wasn’t uncommon for Evan to be over, he was Dorcas’ best friend. It made more sense to her when he was here, as opposed to when he wasn’t. She would spend hours at night, pouting when he had to leave, and hours in the morning, face pressed against the glass of her front window waiting for him to return. It was the beauty of having no where to be, and the curse. She had no siblings to play with, she had friends, but she only had one best friend. 
One who was finally here, after what felt like hours. Dorcas pulled the front door open with a grin, ignoring how he scolded her for not letting the house elf get the door, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. “Don’t take your jacket off. I have something to show you.” Again, she ignored the funny look he shot her, closed the front door with her foot, and dragged him through the house, straight out the back door instead. 
Had she spent the first half of the morning out in the backyard with Dindel, building up walls and rolling up snowballs? Yes, she had, and she rounded on Evan with a grin as she waved her hands out dramatically, showing off how hard she’d worked on it. “You and me have a score to settle, Mulciber. You think for one second I’m letting you get away with dumping snow down my shirt yesterday? You’re dreaming.”
Without a warning, without another word, she leaned down and scooped up one of the snowballs, tossed it at him, but Evan was quick, and he was smart, so Dorcas shrieked as she felt a snowball hit the back of her head as she ducked behind the show wall that Dindel had built for her. Her head popped up, and she stuck out her tongue at him as she tossed another snowball at him, letting out a loud ‘Ha!’ when it hit him in the chest before she ducked down again.
The next hour (at least) was all out snow war, until Dorcas was simply exhausted, and held her hands up. “Truce!” She quickly called out as she stepped out from behind the wall, which was much more like a crumpling mound now. And she was quick to run over, to grab his hands to stop him from any sneaky, last minute attacks. “I’m freezing. We should have Din make us some hot cocoa.”
Dorcas nodded at his suggestion, but hesitated to move back toward the house, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet before she leaned in, a little too quickly, lips hitting his in a quick little kiss before she pulled back again.
“The hell was that for?”
Dorcas let out a little giggle at his question, and shook her head. “For being my best friend, silly. I love you. Lets go get that cocoa.”
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anna-baz · 7 years
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Buscaba mi alma con afán tu alma  buscaba yo la virgen que a mi frente  tocara con sus labios dulcemente  en el febril insomnio del amor  buscaba yo la mujer palida y bella  que en sueños me visita desde niño  para partir con ella mi cariño  para partir con ella mi dolor  como en la sacra soledad del templo  sin ver a Dios se siente su presencia  yo presentí en el mundo tu existencia  y como a Dios sin verte te adoré  amemonos mi bién en este mundo  donde lagrima tantas e derraman  las que vierten quizá los que se aman  tienen un no sé que de bendición  amar es, empapar el pensamiento  en la fragancia del edén perdido  amar es, amar quedar herido  por un dardo celeste el corazón  es tocar los dindeles de la gloria  es ver tus ojos, es escuchar tu asento  es en el alma llevar el firmamento  y es morir a tus pies de adoración 😍😍😍💏💑💑👌👌❤❤😍 #mi_vida_entera #mi_todo (en La Margarita Puebla)
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the non-D&D version of Dindel is still a healer but the magic system is nothing like D&D’s so her powers are pretty disconnected from the Divine Soul origin she had there. Trying out how to depict the visuals of its use has been pretty fun and challenging.
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Happy Dindel~
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Gotta continuously remind myself that I need to post things every now and again lol. Absolutely terrible at it now! Anywho, my Surface laptop took a dump while I was on vacation and I had to buy a tablet to replace it, so this was my attempt at practicing doing more than sketches on it. Mostly while I was in airports and mid-flight traveling back from Indonesia and my brain melting from lack of sleep lol. But I like it well enough everything considered~
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dreadlock-detective · 2 years
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had this in my head for about a week now, finally worked up the energy to tackle it~ Someone's mildly harrassing or annoying Momma Dindel & Co and nobody's gonna make her kids feel uncomfortable on her watch~
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dreadlock-detective · 2 years
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Late night post~ Wanted to practice drawing feetsies, so what better subject than this puffball? Looked really strange without her poncho thingy so here’s both versions~
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Hello. I wanted to complement you on your artwork. I looked through your gallery and was fascinated by your work so far, especially on Dindle. How did you came up with your character designs? If others wanted to start drawing characters, what your advice for them?
Aww, thank you for the kind words!
That's a pretty broad question that I don't know how much help my answer will be, but how I come up with character designs, and what I'd recommend for anyone is pretty simple: Pay attention to the stuff you like and put that kind of stuff in your designs!
Like, while I wasn't thinking of it specifically (as far as I can remember), I can draw some direct lines between Dindel and Shining Force 2's healer, Sarah. Particularly the bundled cloth around her, and the collar coming up and covering part of her neck
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Not the same thing as I gave Dindel (in her original outfit anyway), but I've just always liked that look~ Dindel's design kind of cranks it up further to just be a BIG bundle
Or to be more goofy, Dindel and another character of mine, Caelia, both share similar facial structure, because those features are similar to my wife's face because I'm quite fond of her and think her face is pleasant to look at lol
And a few quickfire tips:
First and foremost, if you're just starting out: have fun! You'll stick with it a heck of a lot easier if you don't fret so much and just do what's fun! I didn't learn things like proportions and anatomy for an embarrassingly long time but I just draw for fun and didn't have any incentive to learn that stuff until I wanted to take that step for myself.
Pay attention to how other people look. How they dress. How they stand and walk. How their noses curve. The angles of the mouth. How wide or narrow set their eyes are. Stuff like that. Sounds super weird and it PROBABLY is, but I find people's features fascinating with how different and interesting they can be lol. You can draw a greater range of designs if you're more familiar with how big of a range exists in reality!
Unless you're super satisfied with the first version of a character that you create, don't be afraid to iterate on the idea. Change things around, see what looks better. To use Dindel as an example, she didnt change THAT much from her first concept, but the first version isn't quite the floofy haired shorty she'd become~ Other characters of mine have had much more drastic changes over years and years but I'd have to go digging through art to find examples that were never posted lol
Anywho, hope that helps maybe? If not, ah well I got a good rambling out of it and that's always a good time lol. There aren't any rules to this stuff, just whatever makes sense and works for you! I wish you the best!
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dreadlock-detective · 2 years
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Late night Dindel post and you can’t stop me! 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ
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dreadlock-detective · 2 years
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Holy Beagles! My next post IS actually art! Sometimes I surprise even myself~ Shout out to the “Those are some dirty feet!” commenter from years back when I was first doing Dindel art. It was weird and I stopped drawing her with dirty feet after that lol. Silly self-conscious younger me. Though for real, enjoy whatever you like, just don’t be acting like a stranger leaning over my shoulder on the bus and oversharing your desires ( ຈ ﹏ ຈ )~
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dreadlock-detective · 2 years
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Some wholesome Dindel family stuff for Valentines Day~ Her and Niles in their earlier days of their relationship (well, comparatively - still technically post campaign cutoff), and years later having naptime with their twin kiddos~
Really trying to push myself lately to draw more involved stuff and to do at least enough with backgrounds to set a scene, and I’m pretty happy with these two~
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