#but yeah i just put on a pair of pants i haven't worn in a couple months and they used to barely fit and now they're actually loose on me
hikeyzz · 3 months
i don't like my body changing outside of my control!!!!! i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it. i know some people would be grateful but i'm not. it's freaky and uncomfortable.
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gaywalker80085 · 6 months
Flat pt 3
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Genre: smut 18+, angst, fluff
Summary: You think this relationship could actually go somewhere. What happens when Natasha finds out the full truth of what you do for work and what it entails
Warnings: top!reader, bottom!Natasha, angry/make-up sex, Strap-on (r giving), oral (r giving), drinking, guns, and arguing (don't worry Alana is not affected I made it so she's away during the conflict.)
A/N: Hey sorry it took so long for this to be put out I just wasn't in the mood to write whenever I had time. Unless there are requests put in this is the end of the Flat series. I hope y'all like it I know part 2 was kinda dry but I needed it to get from part 1 to here without any big plot holes (hopefully no big plot holes at least). But I hope you like it. Also not proof read because who has the time.
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
Your week taking Alana to school had gone without a hitch. You were twice as careful to not be late and y'all had fun over the week. She went to her dad's on Friday to go on a week-long vacation with him.
It's now Sunday, you and Natasha are going on a date to a nice restaurant that you happen to own but she doesn't know that. You both decided to dress up for the fun of it.
The date is at 7 and it's currently 4 and you're panicking but luckily Wanda has come over to help you. "You're taking her to a restaurant you own. Damn, that's cheap." She says to you and you roll your eyes before looking at her. "Oh shut up, she chose it I just got lucky. Plus at least I know I like the food."
"Well, what are you going to wear? You only have a little under 3 hours you know." She tells you and you whip your head towards her and start pacing "I don't even know. What if I wear something and she thinks it's absolutely atrocious." You say starting to get even more worried.
In the midst of your panic, you didn't notice Wanda getting up until she places her hands on both of your shoulders. "Y/N it's fine I will help you. What color is she wearing, do you know?" You nod your head before telling her. "Red," Wanda smirks at you and turns to start fishing through your closet.
She emerges with a black button-up with red on the inside, black pants, and dress shoes. "She will definitely like this one. Why haven't you worn this before?" She asks you. "Uh, I didn't know I owned that." You say genuinely clueless to how that got into your closet.
"Well besides that start putting it on." She says walking over to where you keep your accessories and jewelry. You got dressed and as you were putting your shoes on she came over with a silver chain and a few rings. You put them on and stand up.
"Okay, so you're dressed. What about that rat's nest head of hair you've got going on?" She says with a raised eyebrow pointing at your head. "What do you mean rats nest I don't even have any knots. You're just a hater." You say going to get your product.
You spray your head (I have hair milk but you can pretend to apply whatever you like) and move your hair around to your liking before turning back to Wanda. "So?" You ask. "Good but let me see." She says pushing your hair around a little bit. "Okay better." She says and you turn back to look into the mirror. "It looks the same." "Yeah but better because I touched it." She says and you roll your eyes.
You spray yourself with cologne and head out the door leaving Wanda in your house to leave when she pleases. You decide to drive your dodge charger today because why not. On your way to Natashas, you don't forget to grab flowers obviously.
You pull up and walk up to Natasha's door. You feel nervous even though you've been on multiple dates before and you literally stayed at her house for a week. She just has that effect. You raise your hand to knock on the door and it swings open.
Natasha is wearing black heels and a red dress that stops just above her knees and also has a low neckline. You seem to be appreciated that low neckline for a little too long because Natasha reaches her hand out under your chin to lift your head up. You see her smirking and muster out a quiet "Hi baby."
You stand there for another few seconds before pulling yourself together. You stand up straighter and extend your arm to hand her the flowers. She takes them before turning around and walking inside with you close behind her. "You have to stop bringing me flowers I have too many." She says as she puts them into a vase that already has some.
"What do you want me to buy you instead then?" You ask her as she rounds the kitchen island towards you and wraps her arms around your neck. "Mmmm, I don't know you don't have to buy me anything you already refuse to let me pay when we go out." You place your hands on her waist pulling her even closer to you.
"Yeah but I like buying you things." You say trying to put on a pout even though yours will never be as good as hers. She brings one of her hands to the side of your face pulling you down towards her lips before just barely touching them together. Right, when you start to close the gap she pulls away and pats your chest. "Let's go we can't miss our reservation."
She turns towards the door grabbing her jacket on the way out and you jog a little to catch up with her. Once you do you grab her hand leading her towards your car. Once you get there you open her door as per usual. "Always such a gentleman." She says and you smile looking away to hide the redness creeping up your face.
You get in the car with Natasha control the music and start driving. You get to your restaurant and walk-in holding Natasha's hand. The second the hostess sees you she waves you over and takes yall to a private room.
After she leaves Natasha looks at you "You didn't have to get a private room you spend too much money on me." Before you can respond the waiter comes in "Oh hey Ms. Y/L/N what can I get you." Natasha looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "Vodka and juice." You say "I'll have an orange crush." Natasha says sending him a smile.
"Oh yeah, I actually needed to ask you about some time off." He says and your breath catches. Before you could pass as being a regular but now there really is no other explanation than you being the boss. "When and why?" You say as calmly as you can muster. "August 10th through the 18th for a family vacation." He says noticing he shouldn't have brought this up now. "If you can find someone to cover you then yes." You say and He smiles before walking away.
You all of a sudden feel Natasha kick you in the leg. "Why didn't you tell me you owned a restaurant? More importantly, the one we're eating at." She says glaring at you. "Uh, I don't know I didn't think it was very interesting." You say not meeting her eyes. She can tell that's not all but she doesn't push it for now.
You both order and receive your meals. You both talk the whole time about random subjects laughing. "So when are we going back to my house?" She asks you running her foot up your leg. "Whenever you want." You say with a smirk.
Just as you're about to stand up Bucky comes busting in the door. "They're here." He says before looking over to give Natasha a small wave. You throw your head back groaning "You're fucking joking." You say reaching for Natasha's hand. "Who's here?" She says scrunching her eyebrows, placing her hand in yours.
"Some.. unpleasant business associates." You tell her. You help her put her jacket on before grabbing her waist and giving her a quick kiss. "Can I have Bucky take you home and I'll meet you there after I'm done with this?" You ask her. She looks a little upset but nods. "Take her through the back. You don't let them see her." You tell Bucky sternly. "I know I know." He says throwing his hands up before grabbing Natasha's.
You end up having to fight Zemo and his crew along with some help from your men. The few left of them by the end started to run and you busted out the door after them. The only problem though was one of them waited for you to do that and shot you in the side near your hip.
Bucky came out after hearing the shot and saw you bleeding. He shot the guy running away before coming to your side. "Damn that looks like it hurts." He says with a smile. You give him a sarcastic smile before hitting him upside the head "Yeah you think." You say before starting to walk to your car.
You couldn't decide whether to go to your house or Natashas. You tried to tend to the wounds in your car. You try to stop the bleeding from your side and clean up some cuts on your face but you couldn't really tell if you did a sufficient job. Once you pull up to Natashas and hobble up to the door you find it unlocked. Your stomach is in your throat hoping she left it unlocked for you and it's not unlocked for other reasons.
When you walk in she's standing there glaring at you and you feel even more scared than before. "Hi, baby." You say trying to smile at her and make your hand on your hip look as natural as possible. "Don't 'baby' me what was that." She asks you stepping closer and you look at the ground. "Oh, it's fine just some people I don't get along with no big deal." Natasha doesn't respond so you look up at her. The second she sees the cuts on your face she walks all the way to you gently cradling it.
"What happened to your face? Come." She says grabbing your hand that was on your side. "You should see the other guy." You say. She leads you to the bathroom connected to her bedroom and makes you sit on the toilet. Sitting though doesn't seem to agree with your bullet wound and you try not to groan too loud at the pain.
Natasha grabs her first aid kit out from under her sink and that's when she notices the blood all over her hand. She holds her hand up putting the other on her hip "Where did this come from?" She asks and you stand up holding your breath to try and ease the pain. You walk up to her putting one of your hands on her face. "I'm fine baby really I can take care of this myself." You try to tell her. "Yeah no I'm not good with that now where did it come from?" She says again pushing you back towards the toilet.
You don't sit down and instead pull your shirt up to show her the wound. "YOU WERE TRYING TO HIDE A BULLET WOUND FROM ME?!" She yells at you. "It's just a flesh wound I'm fine." You say reaching for the first aid kit. "It's literally going through you. Turn." She says and you turn as told. "Lucky you, there's an exit hole. Now sit." She demands you.
"Aren't I usually the one telling you what you do after dates?" You say reaching for her waist and pulling her towards you. "Shut up." Is all she says before she looks away trying to hide her cheeks flushing. You reach up and bring her face down to yours. You softly kiss her rubbing her cheek with your thumb.
"Stop it I have to clean you up before you get an infection." She says trying to be as serious as possible. She starts softly cleaning and bandaging the wounds on your face. You stare at her the whole time thinking about how beautiful she looks when she concentrates. "Take a picture it'll last longer." She says trying to hide a smile."
Once she finishes your face she gets on her knees between your legs. Now you really can't stop staring and thinking about what's in your pants and how much you want to use it right about now. She unbuttons your shirt so she can get a better look. You bend down to try and kiss her but she pushes you away by your shoulder. "I'm still mad at you." She tells you with a hardened stare.
"I'm sorry I don't know what else you want me to say." You tell her reaching out to cup her cheek. "Nothing right now. Once I finish this you're going to bed." She tells you. "What why can't we deal with it right now?" You ask her. Instead of responding she starts putting a few stitches in the entry wound.
"OW. YOU COULDN'T HAVE WARNED ME?!" You exclaim gritting your teeth. She doesn't respond just pushing you so she can do the back. Once she's done she stands to start cleaning up and you come behind her wrapping your arms around her waist and placing your chin on her shoulder.
She straightens up crossing her arms and glaring at you through the mirror. "I'm sorry baby." You tell her softly. "Seems like that's the only thing you know how to say right now." She says before continuing to clean. "I don't know what else you want me to say. Tell me I'll say whatever you want."
When she's done picking up she turns to you and jabs her finger into your chest. "Why don't you 'say' how some 'unpleasant associates' showing up turns into you getting shot. Why don't you 'say' what you really do for work. Like really I have no idea what you do and we've been going out for months." She exclaims pushing you out of the way with her finger so she can leave the room.
"My job doesn't really have a title I just do what I do." You say and she turns to you throwing her hands in the air. "THEN WHAT DO YOU DO?" She says taking her dress off and you have to remind yourself now is not the time. "I have people that work for me and I own a lot of the city in some way. But sometimes people want some of my power in some way or some of my properties. People sometimes steal from me and I just deal with that. It's fine." You say and she turns to you in disbelief "You're a FUCKING CRIME BOSS?" She yells at you.
"Well, I wouldn't say that."
"Well uh, maybe an entrepreneur."
"Woah that's too far. You know I would never do anything that could put you or Allana in harm's way." You say starting to get angry that she would ever accuse you of such a thing.
"DO I KNOW THAT, BECAUSE I'M STARTING TO FEEL LIKE I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?" She says and you try to reach out for her but she pulls away hurting you more than you'd like to admit.
"First off you need to stop yelling. Second of course I would never put you in danger." You tell her to try and keep cool. "I WILL STOP YELLING WHEN YOU STOP LYING." She says walking past you, shoulder checking you in the process. "Natasha I never lied to you." You tell her following her into the bathroom.
She doesn't respond and instead starts brushing her teeth. You throw your hands in the air shaking your head and decide to get ready for bed. You take your clothes off until you're left in your boxers. You walk back to the bathroom to find her putting her toothbrush away so you start brushing your teeth.
You come out of the bathroom and she's standing there waiting for you. "You didn't lie but you left things out on purpose and that's just as bad." She says with her arms crossed. You walk until you're a foot apart and try to reach out for her but she pulls away again. "I'm sorry, I am it didn't even cross my mind at first, and then once it did I wanted to establish us a little more before I told you."
She turns around and starts to walk out of the bedroom. "Natasha." That is all you say before you start to follow after her. "Natasha, can you stop and just talk to me please." She stops dead in her tracks and turns to you with tears streaming down her face looking even angrier than before. "Can you just get out of my house please?"
You suddenly feel the full weight of the argument including the lump forming in your throat. A small "What?" Is all you can muster. She sternly says "Get out." Starting to push you towards the door. "Natasha please."
"Get out, get out, get out."
"Get out, get out."
She just keeps saying it sobbing and the closer you get to the door the harder it is to keep the tears in. Once you're probably 10 feet from the door the tears come. She pauses for a second at the sight of your tears. You have a certain dad vibe that makes it extra sad to see you cry and she has to resist the urge to pull you towards her and rub your back.
You realize she probably won't change her mind about you leaving and if you stay you probably won't get much done considering all of the emotions. You drop your head and start walking to your car. Natasha watches you partially hoping you turn back around.
A few days pass and you haven't heard anything from Natasha but you also haven't contacted her. You have however picked up your phone around 100 times typing up messages you contemplate sending. You've obviously been in a slump barely keeping yourself alive without the help of Bucky. You're sitting there still sulking to yourself when your phone goes off. You grab it and your heart stops when you read who it's from. Natasha. "Come over at 6."
You immediately shoot up from your desk rushing to your house. You dress in a simple black short-sleeved shirt with black cargo pants that have a chain on the side. You stop to grab her a teddy bear on the way there not knowing what to get besides flowers.
When you arrive you knock softly on the door, the door opens and your head is hung low scared to face her. When she doesn't speak you look up "Hi baby." You say and she doesn't say anything turning around and walking away but leaving the door open.
"Uh, I got you this." You say walking up to her when she stops. You use the moment to take in her appearance. She's wearing your sweatshirt and some lounge shorts that you can barely tell are there. She reaches out and takes it looking at it instead of you. She wraps her arms around it and steps forwards pushing herself into you for you to hold her. "Why did you come?" She asks you catching you off guard. "Because you asked me to." You tell her confused and she's silent before pulling back to look at you.
"Why didn't you text me?" She asks you. "I didn't know if you'd want to hear from me." You tell her softly and she looks down, eyes brimming with tears. "You should've texted me anyways." She tells you furrowing her eyebrows and trying to keep the tears in. "I'm sorry baby." Is all you can think to say. "I know who you are. Fully." She says backing up.
"Baby." "No, why didn't you tell me. The true reason." She asks you. You hang your head low because you know the answer and you know she knows. "I've done things okay, and I do things but I'm not a bad person." You try to explain "I didn't ask for excuses about why I asked why." She says jabbing your chest with her finger. "Because I hurt people." You say still not looking at her. "Do you even care about me and my daughter or were you going to kill us too if I broke up with you."
"What, Natasha no I would never hurt either of you." You try to plead meeting her eyes and reaching out for her, grabbing her hand. "Well, how do I know that since I apparently know nothing about you." "Baby you have to believe me-" "No I don't because I don't trust you anymore. I don't know why I did I know better than that" She says pushing her finger into your chest harder. "I wanted to tell you I swear I was just scared, and those people are all criminals who have done far worse than me."
"The bottom line is you're violent. You've brought your violence and the people associated with it into my home, around my daughter." She says looking into your eyes like she wants you to drop dead, tears starting to stream down her face. "But that doesn't matter to you does it because you don't care." "No, baby-"
"WHY DO YOU STICK AROUND IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME." "Natasha what I-." "AM I JUST TOO GOOD OF A HOOKUP TO PASS ON?" "Natasha" "IS THAT WHAT I AM TO YOU?" "NATASHA" At that she bursts into harder tears and throws herself into you.
You immediately wrap your arms around her holding her tight. "I just wanted you to care about me." That is all she says before pulling away and you don't know what to do. "Natasha I do care about you." "Really it doesn't seem like it." That is all she says still walking away.
"Yeah, I do I don't understand how that's so hard to grasp."
"Maybe because you've been indirectly lying to me about being a murderer for months and that's not really what people that care do."
"I did that because I was scared of losing you and I'm not just some serial killer it comes with the job," You say sternly.
"What about my daughter?"
Natasha just stands in front of you before rushing at you and pulling you into a searing kiss. You wrap your arms as tightly around her as you can. She starts to untuck your shirt from your pants but you quickly grab her wrists "Natasha I don't know you're really upset right now." She brings her hands to your face holding your face just over hers. "Do you want me?" She asks her eyes boring into yours. "Natasha." You say trying to hold your resolve. "Do you." She says not breaking eye contact. You nod and whisper "Always."
She moves to leave open-mouthed kisses along the side of your neck. She gets your shirt untucked and touches your stomach with her cold hand making the muscles beneath it twitch. Noticing you're still holding back she grips your jaw pulling you to face her. "Fuck me. Now." She demands you and you can't help crashing your lips against hers.
You quickly wrap your hands under her thighs and lift her not patient enough to wait for her to jump. Your tongues fight for dominance with you coming out on top. You walk to her bedroom pushing her against the door. She drags her nails through your hair and down your neck.
You wrap your hand around her throat pushing her harder against the door. She lets out a moan followed by a whine trying to push her head forwards to continue kissing you. You move to her neck to leave open-mouth kisses along with it. "Mark me." She says making you falter. She takes the opportunity to grab you by the jaw and pulls you to look into your eyes. "And fuck me like you mean it while you're at it." She says rolling her hips and your self-control is completely broken.
You move quickly and start leaving dark marks along her throat, chest, and shoulders. She rolls her hips against you when she feels your piece. She starts grinding down hard searching for the friction she desires. You pull away from the door and start walking towards the bed.
You throw her down on the bed before you crawl up to her and place one of your knees between her legs pushing it into her core. She lets out a moan quickly starting to grind down. The second your head is level with hers she grabs your head to pull you back down into a heated kiss. Despite being caught in the moment you still know in the back of your mind that Natasha has every right to hate you and to tell you to get out right now so you decide teasing her isn't worth it.
You move to start kissing her neck again but after the first kiss, she's already impatient. "Y/N." "Yes, baby?" you ask snaking your hands up the inside of her sweatshirt as she squirmed trying to get away from your cold hands. "Please." She begs and you waste no time getting to work.
Later in the night you Natasha has fallen asleep but you can't seem to follow. You were deflecting earlier you really did put them into harms way and you can't stop from hating yourself for it. You can't decide if you could ever truly keep them safe from who you are. The monster you are.
You decide it's best for them to be kept as far away from the danger as possible. As far away from you as possible.
You quietly gather your things before writing Natasha a note and placing it on the nightstand. You lean down to give Natasha a kiss for the last time and kiss her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry." Is all you whisper before turning to walk out the door.
Taglist: @winterstorm311 @rice-wiife @lost-mortemanghel @r3dheadenthusiast @cd-4848 @diaryoflife
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
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creepyscritches · 12 days
Idk how to phrase it bc I've only recently begun to think about it but 🤔 growing up poor, alone, and temporary kinda taught me valuable poor skills like "how to live w only 1/4 of your possessions available, even the important ones" or "we won't be able to stay here that long, decorate but don't mount anything to the walls" OR my greatest hit "your movers are also poor like you so bring a case of ice water and popsicles for them + get ready to haul as much of your furniture as you can w 3 sweaty strangers"
But like 🤡 I never learned the not-poor skills lmao... Yeah sure I'm good at making things last but??? Learning when it's okay to replace something is such an unexpected skill. I'm not rich by any means, but I've finally met a career level where I'm secure job-wise and financially :/c which means I don't actually have to wear things until they fall apart which is nuts. My solution at the moment is to remember being the kid in goodwill finding kick-ass clothes and happily build a donation box of things I like but haven't worn in awhile (a year or so usually). Saluting the anonymous southerner who donated a pair of new w tags tripp pants in 2009. Inspiring me, king.
Anyway also the fact that I've established myself somewhere now is 🤡 man I'm figuring it out, but I feel very silly sometimes. Killing the voice in my head that says "don't get settled too much, you have to undo all this soon" by just thinking "if I still like it here, I will choose to stay longer, dumbass" which is a CRAZY luxury???? Girlies, home ownership is insane to me and I enjoy renting tbh, but being at the mercy of rent jacks made things pretty nomadic for awhile. I'm fully unpacked here. I mounted my first TV last year? Insane. I'm hanging floating corner shelves just to put junk I make on them. I have PLANTS? Idk it's just weird the things that are very normalized that I never did and a lot of my friends never did. My countertops are stone now, so I've had to learn to place things gently on them so they don't shatter. You could dunk a plate onto the vinyl countertops I had in high school. I do miss that freedom.
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sweetbillwriting · 9 months
This Is Bad, Billy
The Finale Part
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Characters: AU Bill Skarsgård, here called Billy. He's inspired by real life Bill but also the character Clark Olofsson in the Netflix series Clark.
Setting: This story is set in the 60s New York.
Warnings: 18+, historical preferences, mental health problems, mental illness, abuse, racism, drugs, mentions about sex, mentions about rape. All opinions is the characters' own and not mine.
Note: This is the finale part! Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging 💖
I walked in farther into the room to look at the lacy thing laying next to Billy's pillow and it really was a pair of panties. I stood and stared at them until he came up next to me. 
"Is it something?" He asked, wondering and searching my eyes. I made an unamused sound and looked at him with a headshake. 
"Is that a pair of panties?" I asked and pointed to the garment. Bill looked towards the bed then took a pair of fast steps towards the bed, laughed and put the panties in his back pocket. 
"You're unbelievable! You have been free for like a couple of hours!" 
Bill gave me a confused look and an exaggerated shoulder shrug. 
"That has nothing to do with it!" 
"Yes it has! I’m really starting to wonder what kind of person you are! And if I want to help you!" I said upset. I thought that would make him shut up but Billy looked just even more provoked. 
"So what? You don't want to help me because I slept with someone? What did you expect? That you and I would become an item as soon as we met?" 
"No! Or… You don't even remember me so that wouldn't happen!" 
Bill shook his head with a smile even if he didn't think it was funny then he dragged both of his hands through his slicked back hair. 
"It doesn't matter! Come on! We haven't seen each other for like seven years! You're married and I am engaged!" 
I stared at him but had a hard time understanding what he was saying. He sighed and dragged a pinky through his eyebrow while looking down at the floor. 
"Engaged?" I asked with a small voice and sat down on Landon's bed that was behind me. Billy sat down next to me but he couldn't stop himself from smiling. 
"Yeah and now there is really a chance for me to marry her. Before it had just felt like I was holding her back but… You can make it possible for us to live as wife and husband." 
He looked at me with pleading eyes and then carefully laid his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it away fast and stood up with an irritated groan. 
"Why would I help you with that?! You have lied to me this whole time!" 
He looked confused and leaned forward with one hand on his knee. He was dressed in a well worn white tank top and the dark blue pants from the institution. I was so angry at him but he made it hard for me to not look at him inappropriately. 
"I haven't lied? Or not about that. I just don't talk about myself like that. I'm sorry, but I don't need to talk with you about such things. I'm so grateful that you want to help me but you're not a part of my life." 
His words were hurtful and I wanted to object but nothing of what he said was untrue. He hadn't shared anything with me, not when we were younger and not now. 
"And I shouldn't need to ask this… But aren't you married?" 
I made a frustrated sound and stomped my feet like a toddler and then walked out from his hotel room. Like I would help a guy like him. 
I walked around the hotel a while to calm down. If I came back to Daniel all upset he would have wondered what had happened and would probably even figure it was something with Billy again. He didn't deserve that. We had decided to go back to Spain and leave this mess behind and I owed him to just stay on that path now, without letting Billy affect me. 
I took a deep breath before walking into the hotel room but felt the air I exhale get stuck in my nose when I heard Landon's voice from the room. He was lying on his back in the unmade bed while Daniel sat in an armchair in front of him. It was obvious Landon was the one who spoke while my husband was the listener. 
"So yeah, like my life has also sucked without him you know? I just want to be around him even if I get in his shadow. But he's my best friend." 
My husband gave me a quick look but then looked back at Landon again when he continued to talk. 
"And now he is all grown up. A fiancee? I didn't even think he had it in him to have a friend with benefits type of deal. He has always been a free soul. Like me. But he is fucking engaged now and maybe he can help me get grounded too?" Landon looked at me when he stopped talking and gave me a weird looking smile I couldn't interpret. 
"So what's his plan now?" Daniel asked and sat up in the arm chair. It was like my presence had made him get an idea and he looked at me with bright eyes. He probably just saw the engagement as something good, even if it didn't matter now when we would go. 
"If he’s freed, he will marry her. Have like five kids, I think. And become a teacher. He hopes to be able to teach in literature and drama." 
Daniel nodded with a smile while I just waited on them to be done so we could take a cab to the airport. I didn't even want to be at the hotel anymore. 
"Honey, you heard? Such a beautiful plan. Almost like ours. You must help him," Daniel said and stood up so he could walk up to me. Even if I had thought it would be over now I wasn't surprised Daniel thought I should help Billy, now when he wasn't his competition anymore. Daniel was a great man and he would always stand on the less fortunates's side. They were qualities that I loved in him, values I also tried to live by so the most natural thing was to help Billy but there was too much that made it hard. At that moment it was mostly the thought of seeing Billy with another woman that stopped me but what gave me most anxiety was meeting my dad. 
Landon looked at my face that had become pale and I looked back at him. If he hadn't now learned to read me he would have begun to beg me to do it but now we looked at each other and we knew that I would do it even if everything in me screamed not to. But it was the right thing, I would never be able to live with myself knowing I had once again left Billy in an institution and even if I didn't know him, I knew he didn't deserve that. 
I had pictured the hearing would be in a big courtroom where I could sit in the back avoiding my father but the room where Billy's freedom was discussed wasn't bigger than mine and Daniel's living room in Spain. It was three rows of chairs behind two tables where Billy and Tom Thomas sat by the left one while the prosecutor sat by the other. In front of them sat the judge, a white little man in thick rimmed glasses. I looked at him while walking up to the stand. I had seen that my father was sitting behind the prosecutor and I would do everything in my power to not look at him. 
"Good morning Ms. Woods, good morning," said Tom Thomas in his normal energetic way and I gave him a nod and a small smile as an answer. 
"In 1961 you worked as a candy striper, it's not common candy stripers work in the psychiatric ward so how did you find a position there?" He asked and I looked towards Billy who sat leaned back in his chair. He had a black suit on and played with his tie. 
"I was late so the doctor in charge gave me that job as a punishment but I liked it so I think I talked with the head nurse there," I said and pretended to not remember how I had lied to be able to be close to Billy. 
"When did you meet Bill Skarsgård there?"
"I think it was the second time I was there." 
The judge sighed. 
"Thomas, can you maybe come to the important things? This isn't a trial." 
Tom Thomas looked a bit embarrassed. He probably wanted this to be something bigger where he could be the lawyer in the spotlight. 
"Ms. Woods, can you tell us about your relationship with Mr. Skarsgård. Did you have a sexual relationship with him?" 
I turned in my chair in discomfort and it was then I also forgot to not look to my right because just when I was about to answer I saw my dad's face. He looked at me with dark eyes. He was older and thinner and didn't look the way I remembered him but his eyes were the same but now even harsher, forcing me to stay quiet. 
"Ms. Woods?" Said Tom a bit worried and tried to make me look at him. I looked at Billy instead. He also looked worried and picked at the cuticle on his thumb. 
"Yes. Yes," I just said as an answer and nodded. 
"Was it under consent?" 
I nodded without letting Billy go with my eyes. 
"I'm sorry but you must answer verbally." 
I gave Tom a quick look then I continued to watch Billy again. He looked at me, with big boyish eyes and I made a mental sigh. 
"Yes. I wanted to have sex with him." 
The judge cleared his throat in discomfort and Tom gave me an alarming look. He had said I should act like a woman with class, but never as a victim. To say out loud that I wanted to have sex with Billy was probably not so classy. 
"Why do you think your father said to the police Skarsgård had raped you?" 
"Objection, speculative," the prosecutor said and Tom gave the man an annoyed look.
"I’ll rephrase it, did you give any reasons for your father to believe Skarsgård raped you?" 
I licked my lips and looked down in my lap. I could feel my dad's eyes on me, like a sharp knife cutting in the side of my neck. 
"I let Billy climb in through the window to my bedroom during the night and my parents caught us. But I said to my dad that I wanted to be with Billy intimately. I said it loud and clear." I said the word just as loud and clear then and looked towards the judge. The judge looked back at me, in my eyes, from left to right with a serious expression. I was cleaned up and pretty. My wedding ring adorned my finger and in the third row seat sat my husband as support. I looked like a classy woman, a classy woman that one time had been a stupid in love teenager. 
I heard my dad clear his throat. Me and the judge had looked at each other a long time and probably knew everyone else in the room what I knew. The judge had seen me, he had listened to me. 
I stood on the stairs to the courthouse when two long arms wrapped around me from behind. They were thick with muscles and the chest so broad it swallowed me up. I gave Daniel a look who stood in front of me, smiling in discomfort but when I felt Billy's cheek against mine I couldn't stop myself from shutting my eyes and smiling. 
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he said against my cheek and lifted me up from the ground. I giggled and snuggled in even closer to him before he sat me down again. Before he had come out I had just stood heavy with anxiety, listening to Daniel's sweet talk about our future in Spain but Billy had made that anxiety die just from a simple hug. I looked at him with a smile while he shook Daniel's hand and also thanked him and then he breathed out in relief. 
"We're going back to the hotel, mom will be there soon," I said and Billy nodded feverishly. 
"I want to meet her. Is it okay if I meet her before she testifies?" 
I shrugged my shoulders but then looked behind me, a bit of commotion made me stop. It was just Samuel and his family coming out from the doors, applauding and cheering for Billy. Billy turned around, laughed and made a bow. Samuel looked at him with a fatherly look and gave him a hard hug. Billy continued to hug the rest of the family. I didn't think so much of it, I even started to make myself ready to go when I saw that he didn't just hug the last person but also kissed her. She was beautiful but also so similar to Samuel. Billy kissed her again, much more intimate and the rest of the family shouted and cheered. 
"Soon I can marry you. I will give you the biggest, most expensive wedding New York has seen!" 
The girl laughed and threw herself around his shoulders. I just stood and stared at them. A moment ago his body had been pushed against mine, killing all my anxiety. Now I had anxiety again and it got even worse when my father came out from the courthouse with another man in a suit. He looked at Samuel's big family and Billy celebrating before they had even got the verdict. I could see in his expression what he thought and he made it even obvious when he spit right in front of their feet. He was an awful man and I would never ever want to be even remotely alike him. 
I could feel my mother's nerves when we walked into the courtroom. I looked at her while she looked around nervously. Maybe it had been better if she met Billy before the witness stand but I hadn't felt like meeting him. There were too many emotions surrounding his engagement and I needed time to be able to accept that he would soon be a married man. 
"Where, where is he?" Asked my mother with a hard grip around her handbag's handles. Just because I was thinking about Billy I thought she met him and gave him a fast look where he sat in the front with Tom. He tried to say hello to us but I turned to my mother when I realized that she was talking about my father. 
"I don't know, but it will be okay. Me and Daniel will take care of you. And there's guards everywhere." 
She nodded worriedly and took off her hat when she saw the judge come out. In the corner of my eye I could see Tom and Billy come toward us and I took a deep breath. I really just wanted to be a good human, a good person, prove I was nothing like my dad and accept Billy's engagement and be nice and calm with him. 
"Mrs. Woods?" Asked Billy with a small smile. It felt like it would have been more natural if Tom was the one addressing her but Billy was the charming one of them. My mom looked at him up and down and then took a deep breath. I wondered if she still had negative thoughts about him. 
"Mr. Skarsgård," she said and shook his hand formally. 
"It's really nice to meet you and I'm so grateful for you doing this." 
She just gave him a nod with her lips pursed. She was nervous but she was also shy and being in a new environment probably made her uncomfortable. 
"I'm Tom Thomas, Mr. Skarsgård's lawyer. I hope you know this will go fine and I don't have many questions for you and I don't think the prosecutor has either," said Tom and shook her hand harshly, not at all in that soft gentle way Billy had. I looked at Billy and he gave me a nervous smile. Of course he was also nervous, this was the final day of the hearing. Tomorrow he could be a free man or be forced back to the institution. Before I had time to smile back he had turned to my mother and taken her hand in his carefully. She looked up at him with big eyes and swallowed hard. 
"Your… Mr. Woods isn't here, so you can be calm." 
I furrowed my brows and looked between Billy and Tom. 
"Where is he?" 
Billy didn't let go of my mother's eyes and talked just to her calmly. 
"He has run away. If I win this trial they will arrest him for what he has done to me and he chose to run before they could take him." 
I looked at Billy and my mom, she had laid her other hand over Billy's forearm and hugged it hard. 
"I will give all the help you need. Okay?" He said lowly to her and she nodded with tears in her eyes. 
"I just feel so guilty…" she said with a low voice and looked down at their hands. 
"Don't. This is Mr. Woods' wrongdoing and it can't be easy to live with a man like him."
My mother nodded and let her tears fall. Tom gave her a tissue from his briefcase and she took it but she continued to just look at Billy. 
Blue, red, white. The flags stared at me while we waited. They wanted to tell me about this country's pride and how justice would be skipped in these halls. I really hope they were right. Mom, me and Daniel stood in a corner outside of the courtroom to hear Billy's verdict. My mom didn't feel like she had any right to be in there, on Billy's side so we stood in the hallway and waited. I had rather wanted to be there but Billy's whole family was there, Samuel's family. I understood now why Billy called him dad. He actually was his father, his father in law. 
The door opened by Billy himself and I knew what verdict he had got with the big smile on his lips. It was what we all had expected but no one was sure and my father had succeeded in manipulating the truth before.
"I'm free!" Screamed Billy a bit too loud for being in a big empty hallway but no one tried to kill his joy where he stood with his arms in the air. Everyone just laughed with him, everyone around him celebrated. I wanted to throw myself round his neck and kiss him, claim him now when he was free but I knew better. He had a fiance that had waited for him, who had promised him faithfulness even if he was locked up. I watched him lift her up in his arms and spin her around and they laughed together. I smiled because even if I wanted him I was happy seeing him so in love. 
"Is that his girlfriend?" Asked my mother carefully. Billy's fiance was probably not the woman my mother expected a man white as snow to be together with. 
"It's his fiancee," I answered shortly with a smile. I met Daniel's eyes and he smiled too and took my hand in his. 
Billy succeeded in getting us all a big table at a fancy restaurant. It was obvious people around us didn't appreciate our company's loud ways and some were my father's type and looked at Samuel and his family with annoyance just because of their skin color. I was afraid my mother would act the same but became happily surprised when I saw her talk with Samuel's wife. 
"So you worked as a candy striper when you met?" I asked Billy's fiancee, Shirlee. She sat opposite of me in a green tweed dress over a white blouse. 
"No, no. I wasn't that young. I was a caretaker but it wasn't for a long time, they stopped having female caretakers." She gave Billy a look who sat next to her and he smirked a bit. 
"But now you're a teacher?" I said with a bright smile to mask my jealousy. 
"Yes! And it's so fulfilling, I've even succeeded to put that idea into Billy's head, he would be an amazing teacher." 
We continued to talk about easy subjects and she was impressed by my model career. I didn't mention Billy had been a big reason why I had succeeded but I looked at him with a small thankful smile while talking. Shirlee didn't seem to notice and would maybe not see it as a big thing either, Billy gave her so much attention and closeness. I couldn't stop myself from feeling a need to show off that me and Daniel also were in love so I played with his hand in mine and dragged my fingers over his neck. When I did that it felt like Billy looked at us but if he did he had turned away so fast I didn't succeed to get it confirmed. 
It was a good night, everyone in Samuel's family was so nice and everyone wanted to celebrate Billy's freedom, even my mom drank a bit too much but by 9 pm Daniel thought it was time to go back to the hotel. I had given up on Billy and with that I also tried to embrace my role as Daniel's wife so I let him decide and together with my mom we walked to the hotel. 
My mom looked around when we walked. Her eyes were big and she wore a small smile the whole time. She had never been to New York but seemed to really like what she was seeing. 
"Can't we just get a drink in the hotel bar? I just… Want to look at people. They dress so nice and look so fancy," she said with a giggle. I had never seen my mom like that and I giggled too. Daniel looked tired at us and rubbed his eyes. 
"I'm going to bed…" he just said and then steered his steps to the elevators. My mom did the same but looked at me with a smile. 
"I have a nicer dress in my room I want to change to," she said with a playful smile and I smiled encouragingly. 
I followed her to her room while Daniel went to our room and I sat down on the bed while she changed and fixed her makeup. She was different in New York. Or without dad. 
"Billy is so sweet. I can understand why you fell so hard for him," she said while putting on some new blue eyeshadow. 
A smiled a little but I felt more saddened by talking about him.
"And he's so tall!" She said with a giggle.
"Yeah…" I cleared my throat. 
"What do you think about Daniel, you know my husband?" 
My mom looked at me through the mirror and smiled a bit. 
"He's sweet too." 
I nodded but smirked sarcastically. 
"But not like Billy?" 
My mother didn't seem to understand what I felt and she smirked back.
"Well, Billy has another charisma and… He has those Hollywood good looks. But Daniel is a sweet guy." 
I wanted to say something snide but she was right and there was also a knock on the door just then so instead of giving my mom an oversensitive comment I opened the door. 
It was Billy. He stood with his hands deep in the front of his suit pants while the white shirt sat sloppy on him, untucked with too many buttons open. His hair was still pushed back but some strains had pushed their way out and laid down in his face. He looked criminally handsome. 
"Oh, hey. I was actually here to talk to your mother?" He said with an amused smile and looked me up and down. 
I gave him a strange look but he looked at something behind me and waved. 
"Mrs. Woods, is it okay if I come in?" He asked with a charming smile and stretched. 
She smiled warmly at him and looked at herself in the mirror in her powder box. 
"Of course, what do you want this late?" 
Billy took some steps into the hotel room without looking at me. 
"Well I was afraid you would go tomorrow without me being able to say goodbye. I want to give you my contact details so you can call me if you need any help." He took up a folded piece of paper from his pants pockets and stretched it out for her. 
"Oh… But Billy, you don't need to help me? I owed you help." She opened the note and read the numbers. I looked at them and felt a bit left out, I didn't really have anything to do with this. 
"It doesn't matter. You helped me and for that I want to help you, if you need it." 
My mom smiled warmly and stretched out her hand towards Billy but to her surprise he dragged her into a hug. She laughed a little, almost embarrassed and Billy gave her a big smile. I started to wonder if I should leave them alone when he turned to me. 
"What happened to all your porcelain dolls?" He asked with a playful smile. I looked at him confused and gave my mom a fast look. 
"I don't know…" I was on my way to ask my mother when a question to Billy showed up in my head instead. 
"Do you remember them?" 
Billy laughed a little and sat down next to me on the bed. 
"I actually laid at night and thought about what you had said when you testified and suddenly it "clicked". First you were just one of… my many female friends but when I got some information the pieces fell into place." 
I looked at him with big eyes while he looked back at me with a boyish smile. He looked just like he did during our nights together. Just a bit older and much sexier. I almost didn't notice my mom slip out from the room to give us some privacy. 
"You were so young and sweet. I wanted you so much but felt bad someone like me would be your first…" 
He took my hand in his and I moved closer to him. 
"No. Don't feel like that. I wanted you… I wanted you so bad…" 
Seven Months Later 
He wore a black suit again but this one looked nicer. The one he had at the hearing was also nice but it was a bit out of style. This looked more in line with 1968s fashion, more daring. I smiled at seeing him from afar and took a sip from my glass. Billy looked back at me with a smirk while he talked with some people he worked with and with Landon by his side.  They laughed together but he still gave me a look. 
When he gave the men his full attention again I looked around in the restaurant. It was decorated with pink and red roses to fit a wedding. It was a fine restaurant but Billy had money to pay for it. I sighed a little to myself and corrected my dress that sat a bit too tight. 
"You must entertain everyone," I said with a big smile when Billy came up to me along with Shirlee. His bride. She wore a short white lace dress with long sleeves and looked beautiful but also a bit sexy, such a girl Billy should have. 
Billy made an amused sound and shook my hand and then Daniel's that stood behind me. 
"You look lovely," said Daniel to Shirlee when he shook her hand. 
"Thank you! And so do you," she turned to me and looked at me the way everyone looked at me for the moment, then down to my belly that was big and round. 
I smiled at her and gave Billy a fast look before looking at Daniel with a smile. He laid an arm around me and pulled me closer to his body.
"What month are you in?" She asked and once again I gave Billy a fast look who looked at me with big eyes while playing with his glass between his fingers. 
"I'm seven months pregnant," I said and smiled a little nervously. Shirlee just nodded brightly. 
"Congratulations," said Billy and turned to Daniel. "A baby! Great job man," he said with a smirk and Daniel laughed a little. 
"Can I…?" Billy lifted his hand to show he wanted to touch my belly and I nodded a little with a hammering heart. He laid a big warm hand over my yellow dress and I watched him drag it over my belly. When I looked at his face he just gave me a sweet smile. 
"Bill, it's almost time for us to go," said Shirlee and pulled lightly in his arm. Billy let me go and took her hand in his. 
"Thank you for coming all the way from Spain," said Shirlee to us while starting to walk towards her parents. 
"Take care," said Billy with a nod and looked at me with an unreadable face and then down to my belly. 
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wrenreid · 2 years
Conflict of Interest
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18+ content warning for this story
(put chapter 3 & 4 together so it’s not so short)
Chapter three- Teacher’s Assistant
The wind blows through your hair, the scenery outside flying past you. Eventually, your legs feel like they're going to buckle underneath you and cause you to face plant to the gravel. Just half a mile left and you'll be done. You've never liked running, but you always try your best to be at least in between first and last. The reason why you guys run a couple miles at a time is to build stamina and endurance. If you can run at a somewhat steady speed for that long, it shows the trainers that you guys are determined.
You run to the end of the three mile mark, panting as you slow down your legs. You lock your fingers behind your head and breathe in and out, trying to slow your heart rate.
"Holy fuck I hate running," Nina says, leaning over with her hands on her knees.
"Stand up straight, bending over makes you more nauseous and dizzy after running."
She glares at you, but stands up right. "Okay, genius thank you for your input."
"Your stomach will thank me non sarcastically when your breakfast isn't on the ground."
"Yeah, yeah," they brush you off and start walking toward the building again.
You all get a ten minute break, getting rehydrated before doing some more physical training.
"Ugh I feel like my hair is drenched and I haven't even gotten under the water yet."
"Oh my gosh, me too," you say with disgust, "So much sweat."
Nina is showering in the stall next to yours, them being divided my a thin wall with tile on either side.
Most of the other girls have showered or are showering.
You rinse the sweat out of your hair, feeling the sensation of the water hit your sore and tired body. You do your usual shower routine, taking longer than usual because of how tired and distracted you are.
"Y/n, hurry the hell up," Nina says. "We're going to be late to being early."
You turn off the water with a soft grunt, drying off before wrapping the towel around your body. You see Nina, already dressed, waiting on the bathroom counter for you.
You practically run to your room to get changed. You slip into a pair of black jeans and a blue FBI Academy shirt. After slipping on your high top converse, you apply some mascara and call it good. You grab your bag before meeting Nina outside, and the two of you get to Headquarters, walking in, then to the elevator.
She presses the button labeled 3 for the third floor, where the academy holds their classes. Your hair is still pretty wet, causing some damp spots on your shirt. You shake it out and run your fingers through it. The elevator dings, doors opening, before you walk down the hallways to Dr. Reid's class.
He's already there, about to begin talking when you open the doors.
"Sorry we're late, it's my fault," you say, barely looking at him.
He nods with his lips pressed in a thin line, not sure what to say other than ‘it’s alright’. "Anyway..." he begins as you and Nina take your usual seats in the third row.
Reid paces slowly as he teaches the lesson, his navy dress pants making a faint swaying sound as he does so. Today, he's dressed in a navy suit with a red vest buttoned under it, a light blue (almost white) button up underneath the vest and a navy tie. His white converse are barely white from being worn so often.
Today's lesson is about stalkers and their behavior. Reid explains how possessive stalkers usually are, even if they don't personally know their victims. He seems a bit off talking about the topic, but he maintains a pretty calm face.
You remember something and you accidentally say it out loud. "Lila Archer."
"What was that?" He asks, looking up at you and your face turns red.
"Nothing, I just remembered a case I read about years ago."
"Go ahead," he gives you a slight smile.
"Lila Archer, she was an actress and I remember reading about her being stalked when I was a teenager. Wasn't your team on that case?"
Now it's his turn for his face to turn red. You're not sure why, but it does. "Uh yeah, yeah we were. It was my third year in the FBI."
"Wasn't the unsub a woman? Like her friend or something?"
He nods. "Stalkers normally have ways of showing their presence, phone calls, gifts, etc."
The lesson continues until the time is up.
"Hey, Y/n," a voice says as you're putting your notebook on your bag and beginning to walk out the door. You give Nina a nod, telling them to go ahead without you.
You turn around to face your professor. He's even more attractive up close. "Yes sir?"
"You don't have to call me that," he says a bit awkwardly.
You nod, lips pressed in a line.
"I just wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"You're a top student, I can already tell. Plus, your old professor has a list of bad students and good ones. Which is totally awful of him. Anyway, you're on the top of the positive list..."
"Really? He liked me? God, I thought he was an old grumpy bastard... sorry," you chuckle nervously.
He smiles slightly. "It's okay. My point is, I'm obviously new to this teaching thing, and I was wondering if you could help me out when I'm on a case and can't be here."
"Sure. What do I need to do?"
"Just maybe help out the ones struggling and assist me when I need it. Obviously, you can say no."
"No, seriously, I'll do it."
Dr. Reid smiles, a relieved look on his face. You feel like you're going to melt into a puddle of attraction. "Thank you so much."
"Of course. I doubt you'll really need my help. Aren't you like a genius or something?"
"How did you know th-?"
"I do my research on people, Dr. Reid," you grin.
His eyebrows raise a little.
"Does this mean I get free As?"
"I highly doubt you will need them."
You shrug, "Just email me when you need something."
"Thanks again."
"No problem."
You leave the room, feeling heat on your face.
"So what did Dr. Hottie want?"
"The best you could do was Dr. Hottie?" You ask Nina, eyebrows raised and a soft smile on your face.
"He's a doctor and he's hot, so yes."
You shake your head with a soft laugh. "He just wanted to know if I'll help him sometimes."
"Help him with what? Jerk off?"
"Nina! God- no. Just with professor things since he's still working cases too."
"Ohh okay," she says but their tone has a hint of sarcasm within it.
The rest of the day goes by a bit slowly until dinner time.
"We should go get some food off campus."
"Hell yeah. I want some chicken and rice," you say.
"Sounds good to me. I'll drive."
"Good," you smile, and you and Nina go get dinner.
Why would Dr. Reid ask you to help? You figured it could be nice for him to have a type of aid since he's so busy, but it's not a usual thing for a teacher let alone a professor to do. Maybe it'll be nice though, he could be used as a reference for the FBI, and he's one of Quantico's best agents.
Dr. Reid emailed you this morning to ask if you could stay after class a few times these next few weeks to help grade and help him come up with a project idea.
He's a genius, so you're not really sure why he needs you, but maybe he's just worried he's not doing a great job with being a professor. Which isn't true, he's doing fine, good really.
You email him back, letting him know you'll be glad to help after class with whatever he needs.
You get ready for class after a shower and head to one of the classes the FBI Academy requires to be taken. The class is over in less than an hour, then you and Nina head to Dr. Reid's room.
The lesson today is about how to determine what the unsubs' signature is and what different ones could mean.
The lesson is over soon enough.
"I am at your service, Dr. Reid."
"You know you can call me Spencer outside of class."
"Technically, we're in class," you say with a soft smile.
"Touché, but I'm serious. You calling me 'Dr. Reid' all the time makes me feel all professional and old."
"Old? You look like a solid 28."
"Thank you," he says, a little bit in a questioning tone, but he gives you a soft, only lip smile.
"No problem, Doc. Right, Spencer, sorry."
You stand in front of his desk, rocking back and forth on the balls and heels of your feet.
"While I'm grading, can you maybe come up with a project idea?"
"Sure thing."
"You don't have to stand there," he says.
"Right." You sit down on top of a desk, thinking for a moment. "Ooh!"
Spencer looks up at you.
"What if we did a type of murder mystery escape room? Someone is the unsub, and we have a crime scene in one part, a few clues lying around. We have to examine the signature and style to figure out who it is by putting our brain power together."
Spencer smiles softly. "I love that idea."
"Yeah. It would be a fun way for you guys to get used to profiling and solving cases," he says.
"Perfect. I figured you could help the 'unsub' leave a difficult enough crime scene and the rest of us have to work it out."
"Sounds great."
You smile softly, feeling heat rose up your cheeks again. Why am I blushing? Stop blushing.
"Anything you need me to do?"
"Not that I can think of right now. I'm done grading."
"How did you do it that fast?" You ask, baffled.
"I read fast."
"Fast? No, that was some super speed shit... sorry I didn't mean to say shit."
He chuckles softly. "I don't care if you say shit, and I read 20,000 words per minute."
"Holy shit! No way. That's like so impressive. I'm officially jealous."
Spencer laughs again at you saying shit for the third time. "Thank you,” he says humbly.
"So just out of curiosity, how old are you?" You ask, thinking back to the conversation from earlier.
"You're the youngest professor I've ever had. Most of them were always old as hell and not attractive. Not you though."
He looks up at you with a strange look, but ignores your comment. The two of you share a slightly awkward moment of silence until his phone rings from its place in his dress pants' pocket.
"I've got to go, there's a case," he says, the call ending very quickly.
"Good luck, uh, Spencer," you smile encouragingly, trying to get used to using his first name.
"Thank you, have a nice night."
You give him a nod before picking up your bag and leaving the classroom.
"How was your first day as Dr. Dreamy's teacher's assistant?" Nina asks as you walk into your room.
"I thought he was Dr. Hottie," you sit down on your bed.
"Hot, dreamy, both words to describe him."
"You've got a point," you shrug over at them with a slight smile. "I just helped him with a project idea. That's about it."
"Boring. You should've made a move."
"Why the fuck would I make a move on our teacher?"
"Because you're totally crushing on him."
"No I am not. He's attractive, I'll admit that, but I do not have a crush on him."
"I don't!"
"I believe you," she smiles smugly
"Go fuck yourself."
"Join me?"
"I hate you," you shake your head.
The two of you head to dinner once the time comes, eating in the cafeteria.
"The FBI has such better food than Universities," Nina says, finishing her chicken salad sandwich.
"Agreed," you nod, finishing your meal as well.
The night ends soon enough, you and your roommate heading to bed.
chapter four
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 5
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 8.7k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up to her phone buzzing. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, checking who was calling. It was San. She declined the call to read the several text messages he had sent. It was something about how they were all going out for lunch and she was joining (funny how they'd stop asking now, just said it) and that she was... to go on a date with him later.
She texted back a simple OK and checked the time. It was already almost afternoon- she had slept in. After showering, she was brushing her teeth when she paused.
It was gonna be her first date with San.
"Ayyy~" she waved at her reflection, resuming. She wasn't one to make a big deal out of stuff, but she had to admit it was... a little bit exciting. And she couldn't say the same about San. He seemed like the type to take these things serious, like first dates. So she decided that she did not want to disappoint him and would put in a little bit effort.
Seohyun checked her wardrobe. She didn't have much 'cute' stuff. Her first priority was always comfort when she picked her clothes. And they were usually monochrome or dark colours. She didn't like wearing bright stuff. Her only mildly cute outfit was the green dress she'd worn the last time with Jiwoo.
She moved on way too early, Seohyun thought. There was no one to help her dress up now. Her mom...
Seohyun realized there was something. Her mother had given her some sort of a top for her birthday last year. She had buried it in the back of her closet because she had deemed it too 'fashionable' for her. Seohyun threw her clothes out to find it. Indeed, it was still there.
It was a purple blouse with lace around the neck and tiny pearls. She shrugged. She'd pair it with pants and ankle boots.
After dressing up and tying her hair in half a ponytail, she stood in front of the mirror. She looked presentable, if one ignored her still-puffy-from-sleeping face. She sighed and put on the only lip gloss she had. That could do. She smiled at her reflection once before grabbing her phone and leaving the house.
They were meeting at a new café that Yunho and Yeosang had been wanting to try on forever. Yeosang had assured them it had good reviews for their desserts too. They were all already there by the time Seohyun reached. She had spent a good minute admiring the exterior of the café while the boys laughed at her unaware self, watching her through the window.
Mingi waved at her once she was inside and they made space for her. After exchanging greetings, they decided they would order food first. They decided on ordering two of everything and sharing, and once they gave the order, they all looked at Seohyun.
"You look... like you actually made effort today," Hongjoong commented.
"What do you mean?" Seohyun asked, forgetting for a second.
"Hey, don't say that, or she'll never dress up again," San pouted, and Seohyun realized, looking down at her dress.
"Is it too much?" she asked, "I've actually, honestly, never made effort. So I need honest reviews."
"It's not too much, it's perfect," Seonghwa assured, "In fact, you could have done more, but since this is you, it's perfect."
"That sounds.... like a compliment and insult at the same time, thank you Seonghwa."
They laughed and Yeosang said, "Hongjoong's the fashionista. You should only ask him."
"Yes, yes, Seonghwa's right. You look good!"
"That's the only top I had," Seohyun sighed, looking at San who was staring at her with an adorable expression on his face. "The rest of my wardrobe, you've seen."
"I guess we're going shopping then after this. I hope you have the card on you that you liked to flex about so much," Hongjoong smirked.
"I do-"
"But we're going on our first date today-"
Seohyun face-palmed. San had done it.
San looked at Seohyun for help and she sighed. "Well, no need to over-react, Wooyoung. As you all know, San and I are... sort of, uh... dating?"
Yunho snickered first before everyone started laughing at how awkward Seohyun suddenly got, and it was her turn to look at San for help. It wasn't everyday she lost her demeanor. Falling in love did make one a different person, she realized.
"Yeah, so you're sort of dating?" Jongho wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes, Jongho, we're DATING." Seohyun said, "And San was planning to take me on our first date after this."
"You haven't been on your first date yet?" Wooyoung asked, "But it's been days now that you've been together! Sannie, you disappoint me!"
Before San could choke Wooyoung, Seohyun interrupted, "It was me. I was busy dealing with ghosts. It turns out Jiwoo had actually been a saint. Did anyone of you know that she used to do half my jobs?"
Everyone fell silent as they listened, "She was never 'bored' of coming to school with me. She just had so much time to kill that she'd help ghosts instead of me. I kind of miss her more now."
"That's sweet," Mingi said, "She really was a great friend."
"I know right! Anyways, this is the reason we haven't had our first date yet."
Other than San, the boys shared looks, and Seohyun saw with dread the devilish smirks appear on their faces as they announced: "Too bad! We're crashing your first date!"
San groaned and dramatically fell back in his chair while Seohyun gaped at them. "I-I'm speechless for once." Laughter filled the room as she said, "If that's what friends are for, I think I'm gonna change my mind..."
Before anyone could protest, food came and they started discussing Hongjoong's love for fashion and the various items he had reformed. Hongjoong assured her if she had a clothing item or something she would like to reform, he was the man.
"I do have this denim jacket that I'm too attached to," Seohyun thought about it, "Can you write something cool on the back of it?"
"Yes, just give me the jacket whenever you can. It'll take no more than two days, unless we have exams."
Seohyun looked at Seonghwa for confirmation and he nodded. "He also makes custom bracelets for us."
"Nice," Seohyun said, "I'd like some too," she wiggled her brows at Hongjoong, who laughed and nodded.
"So what were you gonna do on your first date?" Wooyoung and Jongho leaned in and asked Seohyun.
"San was the one in charge, ask him," she said.
"I was thinking we'd just walk aimlessly around the city..."
They both tsk-ed at San, muttering something about how he was an 'amateur' and would probably bore me to death.
"Hey, that's a nice idea actually. I don't mind."
"You're just saying that to be nice," Jongho said and Seohyun folded her arms.
"I don't say things to be nice, Choi Jongho."
Everyone hooted at that, having heard her, and Seohyun stared at her drink intensely, contemplating if she should 'accidentally' spill it on everyone.
"But she's right, actually," Yeosang said, "She doesn't say things to be nice. If she didn't like that idea, I'm sure she would have said to San with a hidden insult in between. I'm right, aren't I?"
"Thank you, Yeosang," Seohyun said, "I love you."
Yeosang saluted and San pouted, "Hey! You haven't even said that to me yet!"
Everyone was silent for a good minute before they burst out laughing, including Seohyun. San's pout went bigger and Seohyun poked him.
"Ayyy. I say that everyday, just not in words."
"OHHHH!" Everyone hooted and San actually smiled, trying to hide a blush but failing.
"How do you say it then?" Mingi asked, wiggling his brows, and Yunho made kissing sounds in the air, earning a smack from Wooyoung who was right beside him.
"Next time I encounter a dangerous ghost, I'm actually gonna befriend them," Seohyun said, smashing her now empty glass on the table as she glared at them, "I have a few ideas of how to make you all suffer."
Yunho snickered and Mingi immediately bowed, muttering praises about how Seohyun was the most kind girl he'd ever met. It was Seohyun's turn to smirk.
After they were done eating, everyone got up and they decided to go to the mall. It seemed like Hongjoong was bent on getting her good dresses, and he whispered to her that she should wear them on her dates, which actually made Seohyun flush for a good second.
"Hi," San said, holding her hand in his. He was walking with her now, both at the end while the others were ahead.
"Hey," Seohyun smiled, squeezing his hand subconsciously as she continued walking forward.
"Did you know purple is my favourite colour? I love this on you," San said, and Seohyun smiled.
"I did not. You'll have to thank my mom for this," Seohyun said, "She got me this for my birthday last year,"
"Oh, when's your birthday?"
"21st December."
"Right. So we have about two months. Is there something you want?"
"I wish my mom would be home actually," Seohyun said, "The last birthday I had with her was my 14th. I actually had fun then. Mom's friends had come, there's one that I'm close with. We had a banger then."
"That sounds fun," San smiled.
"It was," Seohyun smiled wistfully, "Now she's always busy during that time. So she just sends me a gift and a cake. And I spend my birthday alone."
San felt quite sad to hear that. "You won't be alone this year, I promise."
Seohyun looked at him. He had said that with such clarity that she believed him.
"I have a feeling that won't be the case," she suddenly said, and San almost stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"It's my gut. It's always right. I suppose it comes with the ghost thing. I just suddenly felt that wasn't going to be the case when you said that."
San put his arm around her, "You probably felt that because you've spent most of your birthdays alone. But now you have us, and there's always a chance your mom could come too. I can assure you, you won't be alone this year."
"Maybe," Seohyun let herself hope, pushing the feeling of dread back.
They reached the mall and Seohyun watched as Hongjoong and Wooyoung took the lead, discussing what would go well with her hair and skin colour, stuff that Seohyun didn't quite understand. She was too busy rejecting the ones Yunho, Mingi and Jongho were picking for her, making sure they got bright yellows and neon shades just to annoy her. They were having quite a laugh.
Seonghwa, Yeosang and San had disappeared to another shop it seemed. Wooyoung threw a top at her, ordering her to hold on herself so they could check.
"This has too many beads," Seohyun muttered.
"There are literally only 6 beads on it, stop being a child," Wooyoung said, snatching the top back from her and she pouted as they put it in the cart.
Hongjoong held another top, checking its size.
"Isn't that too short?" Seohyun asked.
"It's a crop top, Seohyun, of course it is short."
"That's basically the size of a bra! How am I supposed to wear it?!"
Hongjoong and Wooyoung tsk-ed at her. "It's not, it comes to your waist. Wear it with high waisted pants and a jacket if you can," Hongjoong threw it in the cart.
Seohyun threw her hands in the air as she looked back, the trio laughing at her misery. They were clearly enjoying. A thought struck Seohyun. She went to the three of them and asked if she should buy something for San.
"I guess he could use a new jacket," Yunho looked at Jongho and he nodded, "He's been using the same two jackets since forever."
"Help me pick," she said and dragged them to the men's section, and they picked a black denim jacket, putting it with her clothes so San wouldn't be suspicious.
After about 15 minutes, they were all done, and San, Yeosang and Seonghwa joined them as well.
"Where were you all?" Seohyun eyes them suspiciously.
"Just looking around," Seonghwa nodded, and San scratched his neck.
After they all got ice cream as refreshment, they decided to part ways, and Seohyun thanked Hongjoong and Wooyoung sincerely, saying she'd use them well.
"I'll get you both something too. Tell me what you want."
"You don't have to, just wear them, that'd be a gift," Wooyoung laughed.
"No, I can't! You guys put so much effort. I'll get you both something, just you wait," Seohyun promised.
San and her decided to walk back home, carrying the shopping bags with them.
"This is not how I had imagined our first date would go," San admitted.
"I had fun still," Seohyun smiled, "And anyway, the day is not over yet."
"It is! It's 7pm already!"
"Well, what do you say I take you on an adventure after we drop these at home?" Seohyun wiggled her eyebrows, saying, "Unless you have to go home."
"Well, no one's home today so..." San smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright, I'll follow you."
Seohyun smiled, skipping as she walked, making San laugh out loud.
San and Seohyun reached home, dumping the several shopping bags in the living room. They decided to eat dinner and rest a bit, and Seohyun said she'd take him somewhere, but it had to be a surprise.
After they got fresh, they had ramyeon and Seohyun fished out a jacket from her wardrobe. It was gonna be chilly. She went to the living room, searching for San's jacket and went to San.
"Try this on," she said, and San got up from the sofa, trying the black jacket on. "Where we're going, it's gonna be a bit chilly."
"Wow, it fits perfectly," Seohyun stood back to check. "It's a gift."
"Really?" San looked down at the jacket. "Did you get this today?" Seohyun nodded. San smiled, thanking her with a hug.
They locked the house, grabbing only a bag with water bottle and chocolates. They took a taxi, a 30 minute drive to a hill. Seohyun told San she knew a shortcut to get to the top, and indeed, after a short hike, they reached the top.
"The view is amazing," San said, admiring how the full moon lit the night sky, the stars in the sky bright too. The city lights down seemed like stars too.
"A few months ago, a ghost teleported me here. He had died of an accident somewhere around here, and wanted help finding his sister, who had passed away with him. Jiwoo was with me, thankfully. It took us the whole day but we found her."
"Wow, I'm glad Jiwoo was with you," San said, and they both sat on the grass, facing the moon. "Imagine if you were alone and had to go back."
"Oh, I'm not sure if they even moved on. They said they wanted to spend some time together before they moved on, since they weren't sure what life ahead had for them. They might still be enjoying the ghost life."
"Really? Isn't that... dangerous?"
"They did promise. I said I'd come back after a year, and if they hadn't moved on by then, I'd personally exorcise them."
San laughed. "That's kind of you."
Seohyun winked at him. San was looking at the stars, and she took that time to admire his side-profile. He really was a work of art.
"Byeol," San said.
"I'm naming our cat Byeol. Now that's an acceptable name, isn't it?"
Seohyun stared at him. "I mean, I was okay with Shiber too..."
"HEY!" San tackled her, tickling her everywhere and Seohyun laughed loudly, "Do you know how much time I spent thinking of a name for the cat!"
"Stop!" Seohyun laughed, and San stopped tickling to hear her out. "I love it. Byeol. Shiber. Whatever you wanna call her."
San shook his head at her. Seohyun realized he was still on top of her. San was staring at her, rather intensely.
San touched her hair. It was a habit of his now, playing with her hair. The grey in her hair was shining thanks to the moonlight. Her eyes shone just as brightly. Her mouth was slightly parted, and San ran his thumb across her lips.
"You're beautiful," he finally said.
Seohyun wanted to tell him that she was not, but she was too flustered to say anything. His broad shoulders blocked the moonlight, making his figure shine instead. He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his dear time, making sure every peck was slow and good.
Seohyun's internal state was a mess at this time; her heart was beating too loudly, her stomach rolling too furiously, and her mind- oh it was an absolute mess. So she just let him kiss her senseless, her hands going through his hair and back to cup his face as they kissed.
San drew apart and Seohyun held onto his neck, making them sit, and San joined her forehead with his as they caught their breath. He rested her hands on her waist, and Seohyun gulped as she took his hands and put them on her waist under her shirt this time.
San inhaled sharply at the touch, looking at her for confirmation. He was always so patient with her, which she loved about him. Seohyun cupped his face and kissed him, more forcefully now. San followed along, his hands staying at her waist only, his thumb caressing her skin there. She kissed his neck, earning a satisfying moan from him.
"You're being naughty today," San whispered.
"You're being too good today," Seohyun retorted.
"Don't challenge me, Lee Seohyun," San warned, grinning.
"What you're gonna do, Choi San?"
San shook his head once, taking his hands away from her. Seohyun was going to protest but he took off his jacket and kissed Seohyun so hard that she found herself curving back and back until she was lying on the grass. He kissed her face, her neck, her collarbone, one hand on her waist, one roaming around, and Seohyun was a mess.
"What do you say? Do you regret this now?" San asked, smirking.
"Can't say I regret it," Seohyun answered, out of breath.
San laughed, kissing her one last time before lying down with her, holding her close.
Seohyun smiled. "This reminds me of the time when we first kissed," she said, "You were so sleepy."
"I was wide awake internally," San said, making her laugh a little. Seohyun traced his face with her fingers.
"I love you, San."
San's eyes went a little wide in surprise. Seohyun continued, "I know I haven't said it before. I don't know what I waited for. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," San brought her closer as if hugging her, "You didn't have to. I see it everyday."
Seohyun smiled, "Still. I have to say it out loud. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. If I knew love would make me feel pain like this, this weird satisfying sort of pain in the heart, this ache, I would've run away. But I still love you."
"I feel the same," San said, sighing, "I feel scared for you, I'm afraid that you'll get hurt. You do such a dangerous job. I hope I could have been more help. I love you so much that I wish I'd have to do all this instead of you."
"You don't have to," Seohyun said, "This is enough. You, like this, is more than enough."
San couldn't help it; he kissed her again, and it felt like he could cry.
After a few moments, they finally got up. San wore his jacket, and said, "Oh, I almost forgot."
He took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun. Seohyun opened it to see a locket with a silver star, a single diamante shining in the middle of it.
"It's beautiful," Seohyun smiled, "Is that what you shopped for today?"
"Yep. Come here," San took the necklace from her and helped her wear it.
"Thank you. I'm never gonna take it off," Seohyun said and San laughed.
"Are you saying I should never take this jacket off too?"
"Well," Seohyun shrugged, "If you can manage."
They were laughing when Seohyun's smile suddenly fell from her face.
"There's someone behind me San," she whispered, not taking her eyes off him. "Don't look."
San almost looked away on impulse but Seohyun took his hand, grabbing his attention. "I said don't look. Smile like you were before, quick. Laugh."
San laughed awkwardly, making sure he was smiling. "Look from the corner of your eyes, can you see something?"
San did, and whispered, "I think I see something moving to your left, but it's a bit far I think."
"It's not good," Seohyun whispered, and San understood. "We're gonna have to make a run for it. On the count of three?"
San nodded, squeezing her hand.
"One. Two. Three."
San took her hand and made a dash, realizing that they couldn't go to the trail they'd come for since it was in the opposite direction. Seohyun took the lead, dragging San with her, trying to remember the other way. She looked back once and saw a sickly old woman almost caught up now. A little scream left her and they both ran, Seohyun stopping to grab a rock and aim at the woman. It narrowly missed her but distracted her long enough that they gained speed.
"Where's the other trail?" San shouted and Seohyun went through path after path, not bothering to reply. They were probably lost now.
Seohyun was about to give up and face the woman when a pair of hands grabbed her and she felt herself teleporting a few feet away from where they were, gaining more distance. She heard San gasp and looked to make sure he was okay, but hands grabbed her and she was running again.
"You!" Seohyun exclaimed. The boy and the girl- the brother and sister that had died here. She could not believe it.
"There's a cave here, we're teleporting again, grab on tight!"
Seohyun squeezed San's hand and shut her eyes. One moment she was running and the other she had jumped through time and space and was in the said cave.
"You call this a cave?" Seohyun asked. The boy ignored her, peeking out of the 'cave' as he covered the entrance with more tree branches.
San still held her hand, out of breath, taking out the bottles from Seohyun's bag and handing one to her while he drank some too.
"She lost us," The boy looked back and smiled proudly, high fiving his sister.
The boy must have been 16- he was a tall, lean kid. His short hair were spiky and his eyes were the same as his sister's- who must have been a year older. She looked at Seohyun and said, "Didn't expect to meet you like this, Seohyun."
Seohyun wiped her mouth. "Hi, Gayoung." She looked at the boy then, "Thanks, Youngjae."
"We owed you one," he said, motioning them to sit and take a breather. "We've been living here, so we kind of knew about the woman. She's an old soul, that one. I don't think you can do anything about her, best if you avoid her."
"Well, she should avoid me! Next time I'm gonna kill her-"
"I see you haven't changed," Gayoung grinned. "Who's that with you? And why is he not freaking out?"
"He's my boyfriend," Seohyun said, and Gayoung and Youngjae ooh-ed. "He knows. There was some accident, so he can see ghosts now too. Can't touch them."
"Interesting," Youngjae scanned San. "I didn't know we could teleport others too."
"Only because I was holding him. I guess because it was the two of you, it didn't require me to properly hold him. Remember Jiwoo? She tried it once. Took me to the ghost realm accidentally, with him!"
"With him!" Gayoung gasped, "Is that why he can...?"
"Yes!" Seohyun answered, "I almost died making that trip."
San elbowed Seohyun. "You call that dying?"
"Shut up. So you live here still?"
"Yes, we'll actually move on before the year completes," Youngjae said, "We're just waiting for our parent's wedding anniversary. We used to celebrate it, so we just wanna see them happy before we move on."
"Ah, that's good."
"Where's Jiwoo anyway?" Gayoung asked.
"She moved on," Seohyun sighed.
"So she finally remembered? Good for her!" Youngjae said and they nodded.
After catching up a few minutes, they decided it was safe to go back. Seohyun thanked them earnestly, saying she owed them one more now because this was too big a favour. They just dismissed it, telling her to stay safe. They guided them to another shortcut and soon the two of them were on the way home.
They stopped by at Seohyun's first, and San went inside with her for a moment, hugging her, telling her she was so brave for keeping her calm in that situation, telling her he was proud. With a kiss to her forehead, he left for home.
Seohyun washed up and fell on her bed, beyond exhausted. She recalled the day in her mind; it was a day well spent, if you ignored the last part. She smiled as she played the moments in her head; San was such a sweetheart today. She was playing with her necklace as she fell asleep.
The few days that followed their rather adventurous first date were as normal as they could get, keeping in mind the fact that it was Seohyun's life in question. She had a tremendous amount of school work to catch up to, and several ghosts to help move on.
Having friends actually helped, Seohyun realized one day as she was doing her homework. She was an average student; she'd do great if she tried, and if she didn't... well. So they'd help her with the subjects they were good at, they'd be her personal motivators, and she'd try to return the favours as well as she could.
She'd been thinking about how she could return the long due favour to Hongjoong and Wooyoung. They'd help her update her wardrobe, and the feedbacks she'd gotten were amazing. She supposed San was a softie and would compliment her even if she was in her worst hoodie, but when critics like Yeosang complimented her, she'd feel glad. She didn't really care about how she looked, but it felt good to dress up once in a while. Special occasions only.
Seohyun sighed as she shut her notebook close and got up, stretching. She found herself going to the music room. There were no drums anymore to relieve her of her stress, but she supposed she could do with something else. The violin reminded her of San as she picked it up, and she kind of missed him, so she put that down. She went to the piano, and inhaled. She'd be playing it for the first time now, after Joon Hyuk.
She tested the keys; it sounded out of tune. But she let her fingers naturally roll over them, found herself playing a familiar tune, the one Joon Hyuk had taught her. She smiled as she played. It had truly been a while.
After she was done, she nodded as she figured out what she'd get Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Something they really needed.
"You're the best!" Wooyoung tackled Seohyun in a tight hug, making Seohyun yell as she tried to push him away.
"How did you come up with this idea?" Hongjoong asked as he admired the speakers in front of him.
"I noticed you could use speakers here without disturbing anyone. And with how loud you all are, you definitely needed it."
Seonghwa connected the speakers to his phone, blasting full volume as he checked them, his mouth turning into an O as he nodded in admiration. "They must have cost you quite a bit?"
"Oh, it's okay. Let's forget about that part," Seohyun waved him off, and Yunho ruffled her hair.
Mingi passed her a juice box and she sipped on it, checking the time. "I have to go now. Mom's coming home tonight."
"Do you want me to walk you home?" San asked.
"Oh, don't bother, enjoy these speakers," Seohyun said, giving him a fist bump as she left. She hummed along as she walked, but she had only taken one turn when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
Another ghost? She had just dealt with one right after school, before joining the boys in the warehouse.
Something flashed right behind her and she whipped to her left, stumbling. She checked left and right but it seemed the ghost had disappeared. But something about its rotting scent was familiar-
Seohyun's breath left her as she was pushed, and she turned just in time so she'd hit the wall with the side of her body instead of face first. She winced in pain, pushing the hair out of her eyes. There was no one there.
But she didn't have to check who it was. The scent had been enough for her.
Seohyun contemplated running home or back to the warehouse. Ghosts couldn't enter property without the owner or mediator's permission, and since the warehouse was the closest, she decided she'd make a run for it.
She smelt it as she run, dodging one attack but getting scratched on the back near her shoulder with something sharp- she assumed it was nails. Seohyun ran faster; glad for all the running she'd done as a kid, wishing a good soul would appear and help her. But it was only her- a useless mediator with the power to only see and touch the ghosts, against a vengeful spirit.
Seohyun turned and she was in front of the warehouse. She could hear the music blast and she ran even faster if she could, until she came within what she assumed was the boundary of the property. She turned and indeed, she saw the woman, this time in the clear of the day. She wasn't sure if she could even call it a woman at this point; it was a tangle of overgrown hair, pale skin and dark eyes with purple lips. And long, long nails.
Seohyun shook her head as it disappeared and she stood in the middle of the road, contemplating once again if she should go home and risk encountering them again, or going to the warehouse, and encountering THEM.
She threw her hands in the air in frustration and went inside the warehouse.
"Oh, she's back-" Jongho paused mid-sentence as he saw the disheveled figure of Seohyun, with a bruise on her cheekbone.
Seohyun walked to them, looking at San whose eyes were wide. "It's her," she said, "the one from that hill."
San came to her, inspecting her face; the bruise was light, thankfully. "Are you hurt somewhere else?"
"On my back, I think," Seohyun turned her neck to see and indeed, her shirt was torn where those nails had scratched her. San took her to the sofa and Seonghwa brought a first aid kit, Seohyun eyeing it warily. "I should ask why you have a first aid kit."
"For a day like this, I suppose," Hongjoong said, handing her a glass of water. Seohyun looked at him once as she drank.
"How did she find you?" San asked, taking her hand and caressing it.
"It took her a while to find me, it's been more than two weeks."
"What happened?" Hongjoong asked and Seohyun explained, everyone sitting around her to hear her story.
"Why do ghosts start to look like that?" Yeosang asked.
"I don't exactly know, but time does that to them, I think."
"Don't they look scary?" Wooyoung asked.
"They look scary, but I think the fact that they were human once makes it less scarier to me?" Seohyun shrugged. She grabbed the ointment, applying it to the wound on her face. Then she looked at Seonghwa. "Is the wound on my back bad?"
Seonghwa peeked at what he could see from the torn part of her shirt, there were long cuts. "I think you should get them treated."
"Can you do something about it right now? I'll get them treated later," Seohyun said, biting her lip. Seonghwa nodded. He inspected her state, then said in a low voice, "You'll have to take off your shirt."
Seohyun groaned. At times like this, she really did miss Jiwoo.
"Or we can cut your shirt, since it's already torn," Seonghwa suggested, looking at her with a sad look in his eyes.
"I'll take it off," Seohyun said, "Let's not be awkward about this, okay? Which one of you is the best at first aid?"
"Seonghwa definitely," Mingi said.
"Should I do it?" San asked.
"You're the worst at it," Wooyoung muttered, making Seohyun scoff.
"It's just when it's someone I'm close to! I can't bear it!"
The two of them started to argue, and Seohyun decided to stop them. "I'd like you all to disappear to a corner while Seonghwa does his job. Give me some privacy. And San, you can stay if you want to."
The rest of the boys rushed away, and Seohyun bit her lip. "Not how you thought you'd see me without a shirt for the first time, eh San?"
Seonghwa went into a fit of coughs while San gaped at her statement, finally giving in after a few seconds and laughing, shaking his head. "You really pick the worst time for jokes."
"Alright, here goes," Seohyun turned her back to them and took off her shirt, San helping her hold her hair. She was left in a black bra. She wasn't flustered; not when the exposed wound left her skin stinging, and she sucked in her breath.
San helped her sit on the floor and she brought her arms to her chest, her hair covering the rest of her as Seonghwa carefully applied ointment on the three parallel scratches that ran from her shoulder all the way to the the middle of her back.
"She got you bad, Seohyun," San said worriedly, "what if she comes here?"
"She can't," Seohyun answered, "Can't enter property without owner or my permission."
"That's useful," Seonghwa muttered.
"That's actually handy, Seonghwa," Seohyun had noticed the sarcasm in his voice; she supposed he was angry at the whole situation. "I'm glad I was near when it happened." She rested her head on her knees, San watching Seonghwa apply bandages now, so careful with it. He was definitely being extra careful.
San went to get an extra shirt they had around for Seohyun, and Seonghwa finished up. Seohyun peeked at the bandages, impressed.
"Thanks, Seonghwa."
"Don't mention it," Seonghwa put the stuff back in the kit, "I wish you'd be more careful in the future."
"I can't help it, Seonghwa, believe me, I'm the most careful now," Seohyun said and Seonghwa locked his eyes with her.
"I just don't want to see you hurt, Seohyun-ah. It pains me."
"I know," Seohyun sighed, "I understand."
Seonghwa hesitated then patted her head. "I'm sure you did well back then," he smiled warmly.
"Finally. Thanks again," Seohyun laughed, and San was back. Seohyun took the shirt from him and wore it, standing up. "I'll take a taxi now."
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" San asked.
"Oh no, it's okay now. She can't follow me in a taxi."
"Okay, at least let me walk you out."
Seohyun said thanks and bye to them all, and they told her to be careful. San and her walked out of the warehouse, and San grabbed her hand, bringing her in for a hug. Seohyun hugged him back, her arms on his back, smiling.
"Were you scared back then?" San asked.
"A little," Seohyun admitted, "Just glad I was near."
San broke the hug, putting her hair behind her ears, touching her cheek below the bruise. "Does it hurt?"
"This? Nope. The one in the back, yes, a little."
"Do get proper treatment," San said, looking at her worriedly.
"I will," Seohyun laughed, "Don't worry too much?"
"How can I not?" San shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her. "Your taxi's here."
Seohyun reached home, cleaning the mess around the house, until she heard the sound of the door opening. Her mother was home.
Seohyun said hello and smiled at her. She looked nothing like her mom; she was tall, had pointy features and narrow eyes, and she looked sharp and intelligent. Her dark hair reached her shoulders. She put her handbag on the table and came to gave her a hug.
"How have you been?"
"Just the usual," Seohyun said, "What about you?"
"Ugh, I've been so busy," she said, collapsing on the sofa. "What do we have for dinner?"
"I'll set the table," Seohyun said. She had prepared her favourite dishes with the help of their previous housemaid, who she was still on good terms with. The old woman would drop by every once in a while, and she'd exchange her kimchi and some traditional dishes for Seohyun's pastas and desserts that she loved.
The mother and daughter caught up on studies and work as they ate. She told Seohyun she would have a busy time in the following month, but she'd try to come for her birthday, or else it was gonna be Christmas.
"How's the ghost business?" Her mother asked, drinking water.
"Was going well, until today I encountered an evil one," Seohyun said, "You'd have to help me with a wound I got on my back."
Her mother stared at her. "Are you alright?"
"Oh I am," Seohyun nodded, "I'll deal with her, I was just caught off-guard. She got me for a second."
"I hope you do," her mother said, "Tell me if you need help."
Seohyun smirked at her, "Wrong thing to say."
Her mother laughed, "Yeah, you probably know way more people than I do. Come on, let me have a look."
Seohyun showed her, and her mother winced. She helped change her bandages and gave her a doctor's information so she could visit and get treated, make up a story about how it was a stray dog or something. Seohyun thanked her, and after chatting a while, she left her to sleep.
"When will you return to work?" Seohyun asked.
"Tomorrow evening. I'll see you off for school in the morning. We'll see each other next month then."
"Oh, okay. Goodnight," Seohyun said, coming to her room and lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She wished she had stayed longer. But it was okay.
This was enough.
A week had passed without further incidents. Seohyun was careful; she'd take taxi if she could, or she'd keep the sibling duo with her. She called them in, saying she'd owe them one if they could teleport her when needed. So the duo happily stick with her, saying they were bored of living in the hills and would like to visit a school too.
The boys had become friendly with the duo; they'd either communicate through San (who had given up now; he was quite tired of being their voice) or through the old-fashioned way: notebooks. They'd pretend to be studying in class when in fact they'd be having a conversation with the ghosts.
"I have a question," Yeosang said to Seohyun in the middle of class. Seohyun, who had been staring at Mingi and Gayoung conversing, looked at Yeosang.
"How would you get rid of old ghosts like the one you encountered?"
"Good question," Seohyun said, "There are a few options. I could try to talk sense into them. If that doesn't work, I get help from the good ghosts and threaten them. Like, every ghost had some sort of faith, right? Usually works if you use their god against them."
"But what if they have no faith anymore?"
"Goodnight, then, I guess," Seohyun said and Yeosang gasped. "You take help from actual exorcists then too. I once did. Got quite rough, but it works."
"Sounds dangerous," he muttered.
"Kind of," Seohyun agreed.
Seohyun was walking home after school with her new ghost friends when she sensed something amiss. "Just when I thought it was over."
Gayoung and Youngjae covered her back and front defensively. The woman appeared out of nowhere, stopping when she saw the ghosts.
"Well, well," she said, and Seohyun winced. Her voice sounded creepy. "What do we have here?"
"What do you want?" Seohyun asked.
"Death of you," the woman laughed, "Don't try to talk me out of it. You can't."
"What good is that gonna do to you?" Seohyun asked, genuinely curious.
The woman laughed again, this time sarcastically. "Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more."
"How is that true? I mean, if it were really true, more people would be trying to kill me, won't they?"
"Oh dear," the woman smiled this time, all knowingly, which sent chills throughout her body, "That's why it's a secret, isn't it?"
Gayoung and Youngjae shared looks. If it was true, they could interact with their parents, which was all they wanted. But they wouldn't harm Seohyun for that. Not after all she had done for them.
"I'll be back, girl," the woman's voice was sure, "When you least expect it. And I'll make sure I hear you screaming before you die."
The three of them watched as she gave her a long final look before she disappeared. They were quite for a few seconds and Seohyun caught her breath. "Don't tell me you both want to kill me now too."
"Oh, we wouldn't," Gayoung said, "We really wouldn't."
"You sound very assuring, noona," Youngjae said sarcastically, earning a tsk as he looked at Seohyun. "Let's get you home. We'll look for someone else who can get rid of that old bitch."
Seohyun nodded and they walked home, the duo arguing while Seohyun just walked blankly. She couldn't get the look the ghost had given out of her head. She sounded so sure. As if she had something already planned for her.
Seohyun sat in front of the TV for hours, her mind blank. All she could think was how her gut had felt when she'd said that. As if that was something that was bound to happen. Was she really gonna die?
Seohyun had never been too afraid of dying; not like an average person. For her, it was a life full of danger. She had welcomed and played with aspect of death. But her life had changed drastically over the past months. She had found people to live for. And that meant she was more scared this time.
Her phone buzzed and she read the text. It was from San asking if she wanted him to come over. Seohyun bit her lips in thought. Then she texted 'come over with chocolate ice cream please'.
And San did so. They sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating ice cream as they talked about this and that. Seohyun somehow found it very easy to talk to him, and so did San. He told her all about how he used to live in the countryside when he was little (hence the slight accent), he had mostly grown up with his grandparents because his parents were busy people.
"Don't you miss your parents when they're away?" Seohyun asked. Her ice cream was finished.
"I do, of course. Don't you?"
"I miss my mom sometimes," Seohyun admitted. "She's not as bad as you all think."
San gave her a pointed look and she threw a pillow at him, which he caught. "Come on, you have to admit. She talks to me. She let's me do normal stuff. She doesn't think I'm crazy. And she remembers my birthday every year. That's more than I can ask for."
"Don't you wish she did more?"
"I used to, but then I just accepted it. It's just the way it is."
San looked at her and spread his arms for her. She just threw another pillow at him, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious."
"Okay, okay. What about the ghost?"
"Well," Seohyun sighed and told him what had happened. San listened intently.
"Is there something we can do about it?" he asked.
"I'll go to that exorcist I know, but San," Seohyun turned to face him, "Something's different this time. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen."
"It's probably just you overthinking?"
"No, it's different this time," Seohyun sounded sure, and San was actually surprised, "Something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad. God, I want to cry."
San watched as she put her head in her hands, sighing. She heard San scoot over and she scooted away. "If you hug me now, I'm afraid I'll really cry."
"It's okay to cry, Seohyun, come here," San grabbed her arm and brought her in for a hug, and Seohyun let herself cry. It had been so long since she'd last cry.
"I'm sorry," Seohyun said, sniffing, "I miss Jiwoo a lot, if she was here, she would have handled this so well. I can't help but feel scared for you."
"Do you think something's gonna happen to me?" San asked as he patted her head.
"No. I don't know. I don't know and it's making me so frustrated," Seohyun said and cried harder. San only patted her back, muttering comforting words.
Seohyun drew back and wiped her face. "Sorry for crying on you."
"Anytime," San laughed. "I can understand that you're scared Seohyun, tell me what I can do for you."
"Just- stay with me. That's enough."
San nodded, taking her hand. "Do you want me to play something for you?"
Seohyun raised her brow, "Can you?"
"I can play the piano a little bit, unless you want me to play the violin and scare the dead away."
Seohyun laughed, "Let's go."
They went to the room, and San showed her what he'd learnt from Hongjoong of the piano. Seohyun appreciated the gesture, and on his insistence, she played the violin for him again, and he watched her adoringly.
When she was done, she put the violin down. "I came here a few days ago. I wanted to play the violin but I couldn't because it reminded me of you and I missed you. I played today. It seems like now I only play for you."
Seohyun was packing the violin when San hugged her from the back, his arms around her waist as he rocked them back and forth. Seohyun smiled. He was such a romantic.
"I like that," he whispered in her ear, making her laugh because it tickled. He nibbled on her ear, making her laugh.
"It's like the music room does something to you, San, you become such a romantic."
"I can assure you I'm the same anywhere else too," he said, still hugging her.
Seohyun looked at the clock. It was already 10 pm and they had no school tomorrow. She broke the hug and looked at him, his hands on her waist now.
"I know it's too much to ask, San, and I need you to give an honest answer, okay? I won't mind. But, can you... stay here tonight?" Seohyun almost whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm just- I can't be alone tonight. I feel it. Something's gonna happen."
San touched her face, nodding. "Of course. If you want me to. I'll leave early in the morning."
Seohyun sighed in relief, a tear escaping her eye, "Thank you, San. Thank you."
San wiped the tear from her face. He felt scared about how she was feeling too. It was so unusual. Seohyun was always so strong, and she felt so... human. He couldn't leave her like this. He bent down and kissed her lips slowly, her arms going around his neck and her hands in his hair, clearly glad for the distraction.
She broke apart and took his hand, taking him to her bedroom, only the dim lamp on. She pushed him on the bed, surprising him, as she shut the door and kicked off her shoes, climbing on the bed and sitting on his lap. His arms were holding him from lying down and Seohyun went to cup his face and kiss him, so deeply as if she was saying her thanks through this. San's stomach turned, his heart beating wildly and he took the chance, taking one arm to grab her, but fell flat on the bed.
Seohyun was now on top of him. She stared at him for the longest time, and it made San feel so many different things. He saw the necklace he had given her dangling off her neck, and his hand went to touch it as a smile made its way on his face.
Seohyun smiled too then gave him soft pecks on his lips, both of them smiling through it. She was taking her sweet time and San had enough. He flipped her down, now on top of her, making her gasp in surprise as he smirked. But his smirked wiped off as she leaned forward and took his shirt off, running her hands through his toned body.
"Damn, San, I didn't know you worked out," Seohyun smirked.
San only smiled as he kissed her, loving the feeling of her hands all over him. His hands went to her waist and she broke apart for a second, motioning him to unbutton her shirt. San looked at her to make sure it was okay and she nodded, rolling her eyes but smiling.
"Is your wound okay now?" San asked as he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Probably left a scar," Seohyun muttered and he made her sit so he could check.
She was right. 3 parallel scratches had left their scar. It would take time to fade. "You reminded me of that ghost again, San. Distract me."
San kissed her bare shoulder, making her gasp, and kissed and nibbled on her neck, playing with her necklace. Seohyun moaned and felt San smile. She slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. "You asked for it," he said.
"I'm gonna make you moan so loud, Choi San-"
"Sshh," he said, kissing her passionately. Seohyun took that chance to bite on his lower lip while her hands gripped his waist now, and that earned her a moan. It was her turn to smile. San kissed her some more, before lying down with her, pulling the covers over them.
"It's late," he said, bringing her closer, "Sleep now."
"I don't wanna..." Seohyun said, putting her arm around him and kissed his neck, earning a sigh.
"I'm not gonna be able to stop if you keep doing that," San sighed. Seohyun melted at his words.
"Glad to know that," she whispered, but just hugged him, kissing his shoulder innocently now.
"I love you, San. You know that, right?"
"I know," he whispered back.
"I should tell you that everyday. Hell, I should have told you that everyday. I'm sorry."
"Seohyun," San made her face him, "You don't have to. I know that. You don't even have to say it out loud."
"Still," Seohyun said, "I should have told you that everyday."
San stared at her. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I love you too. And you know that right? I say it everyday, goofily, jokingly, or sometimes serious. But you still know it, even when I say it as a joke. That's because you know, just like I do."
Seohyun nodded. She buried her face in his chest, going under the covers, his arms securely around him.
"Goodnight, love." San whispered.
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catzula · 4 years
always there to help
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Synopsis: You suck at math, and who could be better suited for the job to help you, other than your brother's best friend, the born genius, Bakugou?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x (Kirishima's sister)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, maybe some bad writing
A/N: So, I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately, I just didn’t like anything I wrote, so, sorry about that. This one might seem a little all over the place too lol, but it’s because I inteded it to be a small drabble. but accidentally made it a 5.1k fic. So, it might not be one f my better works, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
BY THE WAY, 100 followers guys! Thank you so much for that!
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You were working on your homework when you heard the doorbell. You sighed deeply, standing up and going to the door, not expecting to see your brother and his friend group to be standing on the other side.
One specific friend caught your eye, his spiky, ash blonde hair hard to miss. You could feel your heartbeat rising almost instantly, cheeks now a bit warmer than before. You wished you had worn something else, anything but pajama shorts and an oversize shirt, maybe combed your hair and wore perfume or something, but how could you know your brother was going to bring his friends home? 
Okay, maybe you should have known since they were over almost every day.
But since there was nothing you could do now to change the situation, you just smiled, inviting them in -you noticed how Bakugou hadn't even glanced your way once, and though this wasn't different then always, it proceed to hurt and disappoint you every time. It's not like you were expecting for him to have feelings for you or something, but at least noticing you were there would be nice for a change.
Your brother was the last to enter, hugging you so tightly that you couldn't breathe for a few seconds, squirming between his arms. "Eiji lemme go!" You screamed, though your voice muffled by his tight hold. 
"Sorry, just missed you." He told you, letting you free. A cheeky, innocent grin was on his face, the one he knew that made you soft. You answered by a "Hmph," turning to his friends, who were already in the living room, doing their things. Mina was the first to notice you when you entered the room, the cutest smile on her face. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She caught you by the wrist, pulling you to the couch to sit with her. Of course, Bakugou was right next to you.
Feeling self-conscious -when was the last time you had a shower? Yesterday? You could only pray you smelled nice- you scooted a bit more to Mina, putting some distance between Bakugou and you, though it pained you to do so since he smelled like caramel. Honestly, why did he smell this good? It only caused your thoughts to be fuzzier, and for you to be even more excited around him. 
Though he seemed to have noticed your shift towards Mina since he sent a small glance your way, a 'tch' sound coming out of his lips, heating your cheeks.
"Hi, Mina-san." You mumbled, trying to forget the boy -your big brother's best friend- sitting next to you. "Oh, y/n-chan, I told you many times, you can just call me Mina! We only have a year between us anyway." You nodded, though still feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure.”
"I- I should go now, I have to finish my math homework." You told them with an apologetic smile, Mina and Kaminari pouting almost immediately. "Oh, come on, sit with us for a bit," Denki protested, his eyes wandering on your bare legs for a second, earning a deadly glare from your brother and a nudge from Sero. 
"What homework?" Your brother asked you, coming closer to you to block Denki's view. "Oh, you know, the one I was doing this morning." You shrugged, you've been working on the same sheet of paper practically the whole day, but you just didn't know the subject even a little bit, staring at the paper without knowing nothing didn't help much.
"Wait, you still didn't finish that? I thought I helped you yesterday." He pouted. Yes, he did try to help you, but you were sure he also had no idea how to do it, and he had just repeated the question to you again and again, until you had said, "Ah, I understand it now! Thank you, brother," without being able to do anything. You knew he meant good, but it still didn't change the fact that your brother was as clueless as you were.
"I-" You had started to say something before a deeper voice intruded yours. "Oi, shitty-hair, you know you suck at math, how do you think you could even help her?" 
Your eyes shifted to Bakugou -you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname he had for your brother, oh, you had to remember that one- he had an annoyed look in his ruby eyes, his eyes not leaving your brother once. "Well, I-" Eiji had started to talk, his eyes widening slightly after, understanding what Bakugou meant. "Oh, you should have told me!"
You shrugged. "Well, you just looked so happy finally being able to help me with something, I didn't want to make you feel bad." 
Oh no, did that come out wrong? You were about to apologize when your brother pulled you in a hug once again. "Oh my god- lemme go!"
"So -uhh- if you do it this way, you can, maybe?.. No, okay, I got it, so if you add this to... Nope, that's wrong- umm, oh, how about-" 
Mina bit the back of the pencil you had given her, fully concentrated on the papers in front of her. "Oh move over, I can help her!" Denki told her as he pushed Mina aside.
"You?" She told him in disbelief, "Don't make me laugh, you're even worse than I am!" 
"No, I'm not!" The blonde boy answered, pulling the sheet of paper. "Yes, you are," Sero also joined the fight, pushing himself between the two. "Oh, you shut up, you're even worse than him!" Mina pushed Sero with all her might, panting. 
"Umm, what is happening?" You asked your red-headed brother, watching them with a smile and clearly enjoying the show. "Oh, don't worry, this happens all the time." He answered, patting you on the back, giggling when Mina pulled Denki's hair, making the poor boy scream. 
Oh, that makes it all better then. 
"Oi, dumbasses, shut the fuck up before I do it." You jumped in surprise when you heard Bakugou screaming right behind you, and surprisingly, three of the grown-ass people that were just wrestling on the floor froze. 
"Sorry, Baku." Mina was the first to stand up, fixing her disheveled clothes and running a finger through her soft-looking hair. Sero and Kaminari struggled for a second or two more, but one look from Bakugou and they were up on their feet too.
"Well, thanks I guess." You told the people who literally just fought each other to help you, though instead of them, it was Bakugou who answered you. "Whatever, you shouldn't be asking these idiots anyway."
You weren't sure what to say since the gratitude wasn't intended for him, but you smiled awkwardly. "Guess I'll have to ask someone tomorrow."
"Oh, Baku, can't you help her? You always help us and you're the smartest." Eiji perked his head with the idea that suddenly came to his mind.
"Damn right I am!" Bakugou answered without missing a beat, though he realized his mistake almost instantly. "Oh, that's great, then, you can help her." Mina cheered, clapping her hands with a wicked grin on her face, eyeing both you and the now furious looking boy. Bakugou would have said no immediately, but everyone in the room -even you- knew his pride wouldn't let him.
"For fucks sake," he muttered, his hand massaging his temples. "Give me that stupid fucking paper."
"Oh, okay, that makes much more sense!" You told him, even though you still had no idea how he did it, but you tried your best to hide the confusion in your face, not wanting to seem dumb in front of him. But it took one look and his burrows furrowed, lips curling into a snarl.
"If you're just acting like you understood I'll fucking-" A fake cough came from your brother's way, making Bakugou growl. "I'll explain it to you again and again until you understand it." He finished his sentence, making both you and Eiji grin.
"So what didn't you understand?"
Good question.
"I- uh... anything?" You could feel your face heating as you answered, causing him to grimace. "Oh my fucking God." He muttered, pinching his nose bridge with annoyance.
"LOOK-" Oh, he was pissed. "THE QUESTION IS TELLING YOU TO DO THIS, SO YOU JUST FUCKING ADD THIS TO THAT, AND-" His spiky hair looked like it was ruffling up when he got angry, like an angry bird, the thought making you giggle. As he heard your giggle he stopped screaming, and seeing him so quiet was somehow scarier than him shouting.
"What the fuck is so funny?" He asked gruffly, though his crimson eyes weren't as angry as they were before. "You know it doesn't help when you just scream everything at me, right?" You giggled again because he looked really confused.
"Okay, look." He sighed, "see this? This actually just means you should do this." His pencil moved on the paper, his writing surprisingly neat and pretty- especially for a boy as impatient and angry like him. "Oi, you listening?" He pointed the pencil to you when he noticed you weren't looking at the paper, but at him.
"Oh- yeah, I'm listening." You answered, looking at what he recently wrote and trying to understand what he probably said. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't question it further. "Good."
"As I just said," he stated -making you grin since he probably noticed you weren't, in fact, listening to him, "you should do it like this and that's the answer." 
You couldn't understand why, but suddenly what he was talking about seemed to make so much sense. "Oh my god." Your eyes widened, looking at the sheet of paper, you pulled the pencil he was holding without thinking much on it, quickly writing down what was on your mind before you forgot.
After you finished writing, you turned your gaze to the boy that was sitting right next to you, though he concealed the amazed look he had sent you almost immediately. "Is that... right?" You asked him, feeling anxious, if it was wrong, you probably would look like an idiot.
"Yeah," he muttered, quickly glancing your way and noticing the smile on your face. "Fucking finally." He added, trying to get you to stop from smiling since he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty it was, though to his surprise you only smiled brighter. He could feel his heartbeat picking up, not sure why. Were you always this pretty? Smiled so softly, that made him feel all warm? Looked at him like this, like he was the most amazing person you've had seen?
For him, you have always been the sister of his best friend. He hadn't the slightest interest on you, though he could feel that was changing, the thought terrifying him. No, you were only and only Kirishima's sister, no one else.
"Hey, Bakugou-Kun." Bakugou was taking his jacket off as he entered the house, his caramel scent making you dizzy.
"Hey, idiot." He answered without thinking, the rude nickname slipping from his lips, he pressed them together instantly as if he could un-say it. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes, expecting you to be sad, or get mad at him, though he could have never thought you would giggle instead.
"Yeah," you told him smiling, "guess I deserve that."
"No." A sudden answer came his way, causing you to be the one shocked this time. "I- I didn't mean it that way..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very uncomfortable. "I just-"
"It's okay!" You told him, finally ending his misery. "I know you didn't say it to be mean."
Now, that was a first.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, entering the room, though regretting it immediately, was that rude? Maybe he shouldn't have stormed out? Did you think he was rude? Mean? An asshole?
He had no idea you were only happy because, for the first time, he had stopped to talk with you instead of ignoring you altogether.
You entered the room, noticing the rest was there too, and you wondered when they even entered the house. "Hey, Y/N!" Denki beamed, though noticing the look Eiji sent him, he quickly corrected himself. "-chan. Y/N-chan."
"Hey, Kaminari-Kun." You answered, making him pout. "Oh come on, you can just call me Denki!" A small glance was sent your brothers way, "Denki-Kun. You can call me Denki-Kun." He corrected, smiling widely.
"Oh, okay." You told him. "Would you like something to drink, Denki-Kun?" You asked, making him grin wickedly. "She's just too cute!" He whisper-yelled, nudging Sero. "Anyone? I can make tea."
"Oh, just sit with us instead!" Mina told you and you did as she said, knowing she would force you anyway. Once again, you were stuck between Bakugou and Mina, though this time you were prepared and had worn perfume. She looked at you excitedly, like she wanted to say something, but before she sent an angry look to Bakugou.
"Hey, Baku, can you go sit with Denki or something? We're gonna talk and you're preventing us."
"Haah?" Bakugou yelled. "I was the first one sitting here! And I'm not fucking preventing you, I'm just fucking sitting here, it's not like I wanna hear the stupid shit you'll talk about."
Oh, but he, did. He was dying to hear what you would talk about.
"It's not stupid shit, its girl talk!" She defended, grinning when Bakugou stood up. "W-what do you want to talk about, Mina?" It took a lot of willpower for you not to say Mina-san. "A little bird told me you have a slight liking to a certain angry boy." She finally told you, waiting at first for a bit of suspense.
"W-what, who?" You blurted, immediately noticing the mistake you did. "I mean, that's not- that's not true!"
"Oh come on, don't try to hide it!" She giggled, nudging you. "I know you have a crush on bskdhdhdh!" You slapped your hand on her mouth just in time, a sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you stopped her from saying the name. Though, you couldn't stop her from screaming about you having a crush.
"You what?!" Eiji screamed, standing up.
"Ooh, our little Y/N-chan has grown so fast," Denki told as he wiped the nonexistent tears off his eyes.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sero asked, grinning.
"Oops, I may have made a mistake," Mina said, giggling.
The only one that hadn't said one word was Bakugou, though that was somehow even more uncomfortable. His gaze lingering over you, you felt like you were going to die of embarrassment (and why did he have to wear that black t-shirt? It only made you even more flustered, and you just couldn't help but think about how nice he looked)
"It's nothing." You smiled awkwardly, face heating up. You glanced away, looking at anyone but him. "It's a misunderstanding." A fake giggle and all should be good, right?
Well, apparently not.
"No, don't you try to laugh your way out of this. What is this crush?" He looked so angry, it was one of those rare moments that he looked plain out scary.
"It's an innocent crush, Eiji! Nothing to worry about, okay? Now sit down, I need to do my homework anyway." Eyes narrowing, his gaze stayed on you a little more, though he dropped the subject soon after.
"If anything happens, you'll tell me everything." He told Mina, though it sounded more like a threat.
"It's not my place to do so." She answered, grinning wickedly.
You peeped your head from the door, trying to take a look of inside. What were they doing?
You've been doing your homework the past hour or two -it was only 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity- and you came downstairs to seek help.
"Hi, guys." You finally entered, only to find them all snuggled on the couch, watching the greatest show ever been made, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Eiji knew the consequences of such actions, desperately trying to close the TV, but he was late, you could recognize Uncle Iroh's voice from a mile away.
"How dare you!" You gasped, now feeling all eyes on you.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sero looked as confused as the rest of his friends.
"Eiji, how could you do this to me?" You ignored Sero altogether, eyes fixed on your red-headed brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sis, it's just we had nothing to do and-"
"I can't even see you right now." You told him, turning your back to exit the room, leaving three very confused people after you.
"No, Y/N, wait!"
And that's how you found yourself to be snuggled between Bakugou and Denki.
It was really comfortable, you had to admit, but also very maddening. You couldn't even watch the show anymore, your senses filled with the boy sitting right next to you, his body touching yours ever so slightly, his hair tickling your face every time you moved to get a bit more comfortable.
"So you're telling me," Bakugou suddenly spoke up, though your eyes didn't leave the screen, you could feel his ruby eyes on you. "That you have a crush on this guy?"
"She does." Your brother mumbled from the other side of the room. "She even-"
"Shut up, or you won't be able to speak ever again." Everyone in the room suddenly froze, no one able to understand how the hell you just turned in to the most threatening person they ever saw.
"Well, damn, okay." Sero laughed, sending a small glance your way. "I don't know, man," Denki muttered. "Sokka is much better than Zuko. He is a nice dude, everyone likes him, has solid jokes, and is pretty smart. He's kinda like me, actually." 
"Yeah, he is like you!" Mina suddenly cheered. "Except for the being-liked-by-everyone, having nice jokes and being smart parts, of course." 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling yo- hey!" He exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "If there's anyone that resembles any of these characters, it's Bakugou," Eiji muttered thoughtfully.
"What?" He snarled. Eiji shrugged. “You’re pretty similar to Zuko.”
"Wait, that's very on point!" You told him, causing Bakugou's brows to furrow. "Just think about it, you're very unreasonably angry all the time, keep picking useless fights with everyone, and are very rude!" Mina cheered.
Bakugou would have punched every one of you for even implying something like this, though now the only thing he could think about was if you thought this way too. 
"I- I didn't mean it that way, though." You told them. "He always tries to look so tough from the outside, but he's actually sweet. He tries to act like he doesn't like the gaang or his friends, but in reality, he really likes them. Don't you guys think so too?"
"Now that you put it that way..." Mina muttered, the topic closing and everyone focusing their gazes on the screen once again, though, even though no one realized, a small smile was on Bakugou's lips.
After the Avatar marathon, you stood up, about to go upstairs to continue the dreadful math homework when an idea fell upon you. You turned your gaze to the boy, who was sitting on the couch like it was a throne instead. Spiky hair looking softer than usual, you wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through them. His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. Under the dim light of the small lamp that hung from the ceiling, you were practically in awe of how pretty he was. 
Cheekbones high and defined, a sharp jawline, like it indicated his sharp personality, delicate brows furrowed, buried in thought. 
As if he felt your eyes on him, his eyes snapped open, crimson eyes finding yours. You probably looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, causing him to smirk. "What's your problem?" 
"I- uh, I was wondering if you could help me with... math?" 
"Again?!" That was a valid question, but it wasn't your fault math was too hard!
"It's okay, Y/N-chan, I can help you instead." You heard Denki's voice, a hand wrapping your shoulder, causing you, Eiji and Bakugou to jump in your places. 
"You don't know shit." Bakugou growled, his gaze suddenly predator-like, making Denki wince and pull his hand back. "Don't do me dirty like that, Bakubro," Denki whined. "I'm just trying to help-" His voice suddenly muffled by the hand on his mouth, a hand that belonged to your bother. 
"You come here for a second." Eiji told him threateningly, pulling him out of the room with force. "No- no, Kiri, don't do this to me!" The door closed behind them, though, a muffled scream or two could be heard every once in a while.
Everyone ignoring the whole ordeal, went back to what they were doing. Bakugou turned to you, his eyes on the sheet of paper you were holding. "So, does this mean you're helping me?" 
Bakugou knew the second you turned to him with that pleading look in your eyes, he was already going to say yes. "Tch," he rolled his eyes, pulling the paper from your hands. "Whatever."
This time, he sat a bit closer to you. 
You sat side by side, arms almost touching whenever he wrote something. "Did you understand this one?" He asked, the pencil he was holding pointing to the second question. Surprisingly, you did understand it. When you nodded, he smiled, it wasn't one of those cocky smirks, this one was a genuine, small smile that took your breath away. 
"Then do this one yourself." 
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his face as you felt your face heating up. It took you a bit to get focused on what was in front of you, but you were able to use what Bakugou had explained to you, and eventually reached the answer. 
"That's... That was pretty good." He told you as he inspected what you wrote. This time, it was you who smiled brightly, taking his breath away. He could feel his heart suddenly going crazy, hammering his chest as if it was trying to set itself free. And why did he have this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach? This dreadful but also... warm feeling? 
He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all. 
He stood up, his face suddenly angry, causing your smile to drop. He gritted his teeth when he realized he wanted to sit right back and apologize, to make you smile again. But instead, he picked his phone up from the table and turned his back to you.
He exited the room in a hurry that didn't even let you say anything, or thank him.
"Oi, shitty hair! I'm out." You heard him scream to your brother. 
"So soon?" Eiji asked though the door already shut mid-sentence.
Although Bakugou had promised himself that he was going to stay away from you, as far as he could, this thing -whatever this was- went on for weeks. He wanted to stop, Bakugou really tried to not think of you whenever he saw a fucking number, but it didn't take long for him to realize he couldn't.
So instead, he came to see you every day, with or without the Bakusquad and helped you with math even if you didn't ask for him to.
You always asked him to, though.
On the other hand, you weren't thrilled about this whole situation either. At first, this was a normal, innocent crush, but as you spent more time with him, you found yourself falling for him. Hard.
"Hey, Bakugou!" You greeted him (you had dropped calling him Bakugou-Kun sometime, though you weren't really sure when), a big smile that you couldn't drop on your face. "Hey, idiot. I brought this shitty thing you like." 
He meant donuts. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he had only bought it to see the way your eyes sparkled when you held one in your hand, about to take a giant bite out of it. 
The rest of the group was already here and settled, so you checked the paper bag in your hands if it had enough for everyone. You smiled brightly when you noticed it did, making your way to the kitchen.
You noticed Eiji standing, leaning to the door, and watching you both with furrowed brows. "Oh, don't look so mad, I'll give one to you too." You told him giggling, interpreting it wrong. 
His face softened, also smiling. "Don't forget to give me the strawberry one!"
"We'll see about that!!" You answered as you exited the room.
"Oh, Bakugou-Kun, did you buy us the shit we like too?" Sero said mockingly, making the others snicker. "Shut the fuck up, tape face."
"Oh, but Bakugou-Kun-"
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Suddenly his heart was beating really fast. "Relax, Baku, having feelings for someone is nothing to be ashamed of!" Mina told him, though she already knew the answer he was going to give.
"I don't fucking have feelings, dumbass." Bakugou didn't have feelings, especially not towards you, the sister of his best friend. But still, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, he couldn't stop his heart from racing whenever you smiled, and he couldn't stop feeling like he would do anything for you to smile again when you don't.
"Sure you don't," Mina answered, a sly grin on her face when she noticed Bakugou's confused expression. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't want the feelings, he just couldn't understand them.
They would have taken it further if you hadn't entered the room with a plate full of donuts in your hands. "Nobody touches the Nutella one!" You told them, letting them take a donut.
You narrowed your eyes and sent a threatening look when Denki tried to take the one you were going to eat.
"You're not eating?" You asked when you noticed Bakugou not taking one. He shrugged. "I don't like sweets."
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Can I eat yours then?" Bakugou found himself smiling to that, thinking about how adorable you looked with a donut in your hand, a shirt that was too big for you, probably stolen from Eiji and sugar powder smeared on your lips. He couldn't help but wonder, what would you do if he just leaned in and kissed you, right then and there? Would you flinch back? Scream at him? Maybe even be disgusted by him?
He decided he didn't want to lea the answer.
"Oh, you're staying late?" You asked with a small smile on your lips, making them look so kissable, Bakugou had to look away. "Yeah." 
"You have homework?" He asked when you didn't say anything. He didn't want you to leave. "Nope, already did them." 
"But I kind of wanted to talk to you." You looked nervous, your hands clasped together, anxiously biting your lip. His eyes narrowed, crimson gaze wandering over you like he was trying to read your mind. 
"I have-" You started to say, but stopped mid-sentence so he finished your sentence for you internally. ...feelings for you. 
(You actually had an upcoming math exam, and you were hoping he could help you study for it, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.)
Oh, he wasn't going to let you be the first to confess, so without thinking about it, Bakugou blurted. "I like you." There it was, he did it before you! But why did you look so shocked?
"You what?" You asked, eyes wide, just staring at him. Bakugou could feel his heart getting heavier by the second, hands turning cold and a dreadful knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Weren't you saying the same thing just then?
"I-" should he just tell you to forget about it? No, he wasn't the kind of man to just back off. "You heard me." He told you gruffly. "I like you." 
Much to his annoyance, you stayed quiet, not giving him the chance to be happy or sad about it. Just silence. "And? What's your answer?!" 
For the first time in this conversation, you looked at him properly. You hadn't noticed how his crimson gaze shined with uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. He was afraid of your answer, you realized. Even the great Bakugou Katsuki was afraid of rejection. 
So instead of giving him a verbal answer, you leaned in instead, your lips touching his softly. 
His eyes opened wide with the contact, not being able to understand what was going on. Your lips were so soft, it molded perfectly against his, and he was afraid that if he moved even an inch, you would realize you were making a big mistake and pull back. So he froze.
"Bakugou?" You pulled back slightly after a few seconds, making him want to pull you back and never let go. "Won't you kiss me back?" 
To this, Bakugou grinned, his hands suddenly on your back, pulling you towards him. The last thing you remembered before you lost yourself in the kiss was how soft his lips were, and how amazing he smelled.
"You know we still have to tell Eiji, right?" You told him, running your fingers through your messed up hair, trying to look like you didn't kiss a boy for the past... well, you weren't sure how long, actually. 
"Yeah." He answered, lips slightly pink. 
"You know, I think I have the perfect idea of how to tell him."
"You do?" He asked, now slightly intrigued. You nodded, standing up. Eiji was in his room, so you pulled Bakugou by the wrists up the stairs. "Come on." You told him when he hesitated. "This will work."
You knocked on your brother's door, opening it just the slightest when you heard him tell you to come in. "Hey, Eiji." 
"Hey, sis." He smiled widely, not aware of Bakugou behind the door. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much." You shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you that Bakugou and I are dating, okay bye!" You shut the door after you without giving him the time to say anything, running down the stairs, and pulling Bakugou after you. 
Your brother opened his door, running after you, his face as red as his hair. "You what?!"
"You idiot!" Bakugou screamed. "So this was your great idea?"
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jeonollogy · 4 years
includes: toy play, climax control
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Damn you were excited. Hoseok knew how to keep you on edge every time you had sex and you couldn't wait to meet with him. You were more eager than usual, probably because you've missed his touch so much.
You walked inside your bathroom to wash your body really quickly, using your favorite scented body lotion. The thoughts were getting you excited already, but you decided to keep yourself untouched for your boyfriend. Five minutes later you got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around your body. As you looked through your drawer for a pair of matching panties and bra, you pulled out a pair you've never actually worn before. They were in baby purple color and wrapped around your body just perfectly.
"Oh, these are cute.", you say to yourself in the mirror as you check yourself out.
You found one of Hoseok's t-shirts in your drawer and decided to put that on, instead of some booty shorts and a t-shirt. You touched your makeup a little bit, repeating the eyeliner you had all day and putting some lip gloss on to make your lips pop even more.
While waiting, you decided to play some youtube videos to kill some time. Ten minutes into the video, you received a message.
You squat on your knees on your bed and waited for him to come inside. You heard the front door open, then close and something behind dropped on the floor. A few steps later, you saw him creeping through the crack of your bedroom door.
"Hey, babygirl", he walk in
"Hey, baby.", you stand up and greet him with a wet kiss, "Haven't seen you in a while.", you wrap your arms around his neck and observe his face up close.
"I missed you.", he smirks and leans in for another kiss. A more intense kiss that made you melt in just a few seconds. You glued your body to his, feeling his toned body against yours. He grabbed you by the thighs and lift you on him as he began walking towards your bed.
"Mh, I missed you so much.", you say between kisses and open your mouth for him to immediately respond to your needs. He takes control over the make out session while gently laying you down. You start pulling and tugging at his clothes, but only manage to take his tshirt off.
"Impatient, are you?", he smirks and pulls off his belt. He kisses you once again and glues your hands above your head, "Be a good girl and do what daddy tells you, yeah?", he whispers close to your ear, making your whole body shiver in anticipation.
You bit your lip and just nodded. Your core was throbbing in excitement. You couldn't wait to feel him inside of you, making you a moaning mess as he rearranges your organs.
He tied your hands to your bed frame, making you even more excited from the loss of capability to control your hands.
He gives your neck a few soft pecks at first as he works his junk over your excited core, through all of the fabric. He grabs your chin with one hand and lifts your head up, allowing himself more space to discover.
"I bet you're so wet for me and I've barely done anything to you.", he whispers, which makes you moan and bite on your lip.
"Yeah...", you mutter.
He bites on your flesh and sucks on it, leaving a red mark afterwards. He repeats the same process a few times before he lifts his head to start rattling through your nights stand.
"I don't have condoms.", you say, panting.
"It's not that. Ah, there it is!", you look at what he had found and widen your eyes when he pulls out your vibrator.
"B-Baby, I-"
"Shh...", he pecks your lips, "You'll like it a lot.", he smirks against your lips and shifts lower your body. He pulls your shirt up just enough to reveal your cute new panties that already got soaked at your core.
"Damn, baby, you're fast.", he smirks and you feel a little embarrassed by his words.
However, he pulls them off and leans between your legs. You let out a pleased moan, knowing what's about to happen. The moment his warm tongue collected all of the juices dripping out, your whole body shivered and you let out a more vocal moan.
"Mmh, Hoseok.", you call out his name, because you knew he loved that. He began working his magical tongue over your sensitive core as he brought the device over your clit and turned it on the lowest level. Things got really intense all of a sudden, when he sped up the pace of his tongue and proceeded to insert a finger inside of you. The feeling of his painfully hard cock made him moan as he ate you up.
He pulled away, leaving you at a loss and before you could say anything, he shoved your vibrator inside of you, making you groan.
"F-Fuck!", you grip onto the belt. He leans once again close to your face and gives you a wet tongue kiss.
"I'm gonna go take a shower really quick.", he whispers.
At first you didn't realize what he said, because your mind was so fogged by the pleasure to even notice, until he got off the bed.
"W-wait, what?!", you shout and look at him, "Dont just leave me like this!"
"I'll be fast, in the meantime try not to climax, okay?", he sends you a smile then his face turns upside down, "Or else you'll be seriously punished", he sends you a glare before he gets into the bathroom.
You whine loudly and bite on your lip at the intense sensation your vibrator was giving you at it's lowest point.
Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opens again and look at him with hope in your eyes.
"Forgot the remote.", he smirks
"W-What do you need the remote for-" and he locks himself back in.
You whine in distress, but then the speed of the vibrator increases and your whine turns into a more pleased one.
Hoseok could hear everything. He tried to wash himself up and ignore your vocals, but you were just so damn loud. He soaped his body and as he washed it off, his hand just automatically lead itself to his hard, throbbing cock. He began stroking himself, the thought of having a sexy naked girl laying in the bedroom beside him, waiting to have his dick inside of her, keeping him distracted from his first intention when getting under the shower.
He stopped the water and took a towel to dry himself up good then headed back outside.
"Nhh, Hoseokie, please-", you begged and rubbed your thighs together to create some kind of fraction. He towered over you and looked at the mess he had created. You were dripping so hard that it had soaked the bedsheets. He licked his lips and gave you a dirty look and without saying a word he quickly replaced the device with his own, needy dick.
"Mhh-", you bite your lip. He leans closer to your face and kisses you roughly, starting to add speed.
"Oh yeah.", you say between kisses and moan as well. In the matter of a few seconds Hoseok speed up so much that your bed was crashing against the wall. You were both a moaning mess. Your hands kept wanting to detach themselves from the grip of his belt and run your nails across his back. His wet hair kept dripping everywhere, but he looked so hot like that. It was sticking to his forehead, giving his eyes a mode hooded and dangerous look that could send you to oblivious in seconds.
"Fuck, babe, I'm so close!", he groans and bites your lower lip.
"M-me too-", you managed to say and kissed him. He kissed you back. Both of your lips were so swollen at this point that it hurt.
A few hard thrusts later, you reached your high, Hoseok helping you ride through it and you felt like your whole body shut down, but you couldn't stop because your boyfriend still had more to go.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so nice.", he groans against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. He grips on the flesh of your thigh and pulls out. He grabs his hard cock and starts to jack himself off fast over your bare body.
Fuck, he looked so hot while doing that. His expressions were priceless. You could see the pure pleasure he was feeling after weeks of restraining himself.
He gets off of you and unties your arms. The freedom hit hard, since your wrists were starting to hurt from so much tugging and pulling. He lays down beside you and you rest your head over his chest.
"That was amazing, babe.", you sigh and close your eyes.
"It sure fucking was.", he lift your chin and gave you a peck on the lips. You both smile afterwards in the cutest way possible, until he runs it with a:
"Ready for round two?", he asks.
"This time I'm in charge.", you smirk and get on top of him.
You both chuckle like kids and he throws your blankets over you and kisses you playfully.
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ambroseblack · 5 years
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In continuation of my improvised story/ first attempt at something horror-paranormally, here is chapter 2 to whisper. If you haven't read the first chapter, you can read it here now!
Stay spooky beloved friends!
Love and Peace,
Chapter 2: Daylight
I woke up with my face nearly glued to the wooden table in the dining room. I apparently had a fair amount of liquid in my body at one time, being that my face was surrounded by a pool of drool and sweat. My mouth was terribly dry, making my tongue feel like a cat's, as I licked my lips with no apparent gratification.
The soft gray light of a rainy fall morning drifted through the half-open burgundy curtains that the previous owner had left on the main floor. They were much nicer than anything I would have bought. I would have been happy with some sheets to be honest. But they did give the large house a touch of grandeur. It was fitting, being that the house was so old and well maintained. A museum of sorts. Walking through the front door was like walking into a different time.
The soft tapping of pouring rain echoed throughout the house. I always found the sound to be soothing. It was a sound I had missed in my apartment in the city. It reminded me of rainy days when I was a kid. The kind of days where one is at peace just laying in bed thinking, as the cool water pours down around the world outside.
I looked at the laptop that was resting untouched in front of me. The screen was still up at attention, but black from not being used.
I must have dreamed everything. The shadow. The whisper.
I chuckled to myself as I stood up from my seat to go make coffee in the kitchen. My knees ached quietly. They probably just hurt from being bent all night long. At least, that is what I told myself. It's always far easier to write off the truly unexplained. We are always happy remaining ignorant.
I slowly trudged into the kitchen. My crocs quietly squeaked on the tile floors. They were horribly ugly things to have on your feet, but goddam...they were comfortable. Besides, I was a writer. I had nobody to impress.
I grabbed the tarnished silver teapot that sat on the stove and filled it with cold water from the tap. The teapot, just like the drapery in the house, had been left by the previous owner. In fact, there were a lot of remnants left behind. A large grandfather clock that rang out in the most frightening of ways. An old, apparently never touched couch in the front room. A baby grand piano in the foyer with worn keys. I felt like I was living in someone else's house, being that I had barely unpacked any of my own belongings. I kind of liked it, to be honest. It was like I had stepped into the story where another left off. Or died off...I had no idea. Who really cares?
I placed the teapot on the stove and lit the burner. Bright blue flames licked the bottom of the silver, slowly tickling the water held within. I fumbled through the cabinets looking for the coffee and french press. I had still not really organized the cabinets, so I would always find things in different places each day. At last I found my treasures next to a half-eaten box of frosted flakes. The box itself wasn't eaten, however the cereal inside was. Next to the box was a gallon of milk that I must have put in there by mistake. What can I say...I enjoy frosted flakes after indulging in some fabulous things. The kind of things that open your mind up to be able to do things like write. For all you know, I'm eating frosted flakes right now as I type these words. You don't fucking know. I mean, I'm not. But I could be.
I unscrewed the cap to the milk and took a faint whiff to see if it had gone sour. It was fairly decent. Could have been worst. I took a nearly-clean bowl out of the sink, poured some of the thickening milk into into it, and sprinkled some of the flaked cereal into it. I thought about finding a spoon, but who needs a spoon when you really don't give a shit. I would slurp it like the animal I was.
The teapot began to whistle its horrible song as steam spewed out of the spout like a stoner exhaling at a Phish concert. I scooped some coffee grounds out of the bag with my hand and poured their fragrant particles into the french press. I used to use a coffee pot like a normal person, but once I found the french press I never looked back. Very honestly, it's a completely different coffee experience. Like the difference between having sex when you are a teenager versus sex when you have an understanding of what the clitoris is. Or prostate. Whatever tickles your fancy, really. Like mind-blowingly different. I'm not sure "blowingly" is an actual word, but I guess it is now. Never mind...it is...I just googled it. Feel free to use it.
The smell of coffee began to fill the kitchen immediately after I poured the steaming water into the glass beaker. The smell brightened the gloom of the gray filtering in through the windows from the outside. I was beginning to feel better. The nightmare was slowly slipping away from my thoughts.
I half-hazardly carried the bowl of soggy cereal and the mug of piping hot black coffee into the dining room. Splashes of both semi-cold milk and scalding liquid both found their way onto the flesh of my hands. On one hand, it hurt. On the other, it didn't. Pain and indifference, really. The joys of life.
I sat down at the table and coaxed my laptop to wake up with a gentle touch to its mouse pad. I nearly spit out the mouthful of cereal I had just poured into my mouth from the bowl when I read what was typed in bold capitals on the shit story I was working on. There, in the middle of the screen of the electronic page were two words.
"Fuck man..." I quietly said out loud to myself. Even though I convinced myself I must have just written that as a message to myself in my sleepy/high state the night prior, it still gave me chills. I thought back to the dream. The sharp whisper I had heard. There it was again; that unsettled feeling in the bottom of my stomach. But that too could be explained away by the half-spoiled milk I was consuming.
I had to get out of that house for a little while. I felt like I had given myself cabin fever.
I found my old black boots by the front door and rummaged through a box to find my long black rain coat that was still packed away. I opened the large oak door that squealed when moved and was smacked in the face with a brisk wind. Deciding that I needed to re-think my outfit (which included dirty sweatpants, a faded Tenacious D t-shirt, the boots, and the coat), I made my way up the wooden staircase to find an outfit better suited for the elements. I had also worn the same sweats and t-shirt for over a week... if not, longer. Thinking about it, I had not really left the house for probably two weeks. That is just sort of my brand of a writing lifestyle I guess. Disgusting? Absolutely. But it bought the house and the things I needed just the same.
I pulled a tattered black sweater over my head and over the Tenacious D t-shirt. The fabric of the sweater was stretched in odd places, but it was comfortable and warm. I pulled off the stinking black sweat pants as well as the crispy boxers. I thought for a moment about showering and then decided against it. What good was deodorant if it couldn't cover up the smell of filth? Besides, the cigarette I planned to smoke when I got out on the porch would provide a strong enough fragrant blanket to cover up the sweaty ass smell. And if it didn't...so be it.
After completing my outfit with a fresh pair of boxers, stained jeans, thick wool socks, long striped gray scarf, and an olive-green knit hat, I was ready to be off on my way to do whatever I was going to do. I didn't really have a plan. Maybe a walk to the tiny downtown. Anything that would get me out of the house. I couldn't bring myself to really care.
As I turned to leave the enormous bedroom my eyesight caught something on the wall just above the headboard. There, on the white wall it looked like a symbol was leaking through the paint. You know how when your paint a lighter color over a darker color and sometimes it kind of comes through? It's always faint, yet always noticeable.
It was hard to see, but it definitely wasn't my imagination. A red symbol shaped like an eye was coming out of the white. Just enough to be seen by me at that moment despite the depressing light filtering in through the wall of windows.
I felt myself want to approach the wall to examine the symbol more, but found myself caught by a momentary feeling of fear and hesitation again. I couldn't stand there any longer and ponder its meaning. I had to fucking get out that house just for a little bit of time. It wouldn't take long for me to recharge.
Get out of the house.
I nearly tripped down the staircase as I feverishly fumbled to slip on my coat to get out of that prison-like space. I yanked open the heavy oak door with haste and nearly let out a scream as I found myself face to face with a tiny old woman. She let out startled gasp at my rapid presence. She was standing on my porch nearly lost within a bundle of winter coat and scarf. She had a plastic bag over her hair which I found both funny and alarming. I assumed it was to keep her hair dry. Or, at least I hoped.
"I am so sorry for startling you honey," the woman said with a sweetly calm voice.
"Uh...yeah...likewise..." I said in an almost whisper. I was internally trying to convince my heart to stop beating itself to death.
"My name is Emma," the woman said with a smile, "I live just across the street." She pointed to the historic home directly across from my house. It was in pristine condition. The beam across the woman's face as well as the intricately manicured landscape across the front of her yard revealed that she was proud of her dwelling. "I've lived there over 50 years. My husband and I..."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Ambrose," I said, cutting her off. I said it in a pleasant tone, but I secretly wished she wasn't there. I needed to get the hell away from that space. For the love of God, I silently thought, shut the fuck up...
"Oh Ambrose, what a pretty name..." Emma said with a smile.
"I thought so too when I picked it out..." I said. Annoyance peeked through the pleasantry of my tone. I needed to work on conversation and people skills. My response obviously confused the woman. She didn't know Ambrose wasn't my real name. How would she? And I wasn't about to explain how I was a writer who came up with some bullshit of a name to write under. It was far more humorous to watch her try to work it out in her head how I had named myself when I was a baby.
"I hate to rush you," I said while coaxing myself out of the door and onto the large porch, "but I'm running a bit late for an...an appointment. Big client. You know...things to do and places to be."
The woman's smile faltered for a second and then found itself back; stretched across her face as if hiding a grimace.
"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I won't be keeping you," she said while patting my hand with her pink gloved hand. " I just wanted to pop on over and introduce myself real quick. I figured you have been here long enough to settle in. I didn't want to come over prematurely...didn't want you to think you were being watched or anything...."
The way she said "watched" was horrifying, because what she really was saying was that she had been watching me. Lonely old hag just watching the new guy. Trying to spy and see what he was up to. Nosy bitch.
I faked a smile.
"Well, it was great to meet you Emma. Thank you for stopping by. Maybe one day soon we can sit down for some coffee or something. It would be great to chat with you...I'm sure you have a lot of stories of this town that I would absolutely love to hear!" I lied.
"Oh of course, of course sweetie!" She said with that same forced smile and overly sweet tone. "I brought you a little house warming gift...nothing big...just something I think everyone needs..." Emma reached inside her cartoonishly large flower-print purse and pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. It was complete with a large pink bow on top. Fucking gag.
"Oh, you didn't have to do that," I said, faking surprise and gratitude. I know she was being nice and all, but something just felt off. Like when a dog growls at one person but not the next.
"Oh, it's nothing my dear. I just hope you get some use out of it," the old woman said, handing the wrapped gift over to me. Immediately when my hands held the package I could tell it was a book. A fairly large one. My curiosity was momentarily tickled as I pondered what book it could be.
And with that, the woman was off. Not in a speedy way. She was old as shit. But at least she was making her way off my porch to leave me in peace. Wrapped book still in hand, I pulled a cigarette out of the pack that was nestled in an interior breast pocket of my rain coat that I had found earlier. I lit it with the tiny green bic that I kept in the mailbox attached to the brick by the front door. I breathed in that familiar smoke. The smoke that reminded me I was alive, even if I sometimes wished I wasn't.
I looked at the gift Emma had given me in my hand. The paper wrapped around was perfectly pressed and folded. It was a print of lavender bunches, all repeated over and over. The bow wrapped around it had been painstakingly tied. Almost too perfect. Like something a robot would do.
I exhaled a puff of smoke through my nose as I fumbled to untie the artwork. I couldn't see her, but I imagined the old woman was watching me through one of the windows of her house. I imagined her beady little eyes watching my every move. Just the thought made me shudder a little, despite the warmth of my attire.
And then there it was.
"Jesus fucking Christ..." I said out loud to the rainy world around me as I realized what the gift was. "A fucking bible?"
Yep. A bible. And not like the little orange ones the weirdos try to force in your hands at festivals. No, it was a big-ass one bound in soft brown leather. It seemed to be fairly new; the pages still stiff. I opened the front cover and found a note perfectly written in black ink on the first blank page. The letters were scripted in cursive; beautiful calligraphy etched on the paper.
The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
My heart skipped a beat when I read "evil one". Those two words were written thicker than all of the other words, making them bounce off the page and into my face.
"What....the actual FUCK!?" I whispered in horror out loud to myself.
The rain continued to pour as I stood on my porch with the half-smoked cigarette hanging out my mouth and leather-bound bible in my hand.
Maybe moving there wasn't the right decision after all.
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Secrets (Trans!Peter Parker)
Don’t forget to read PART TWO and PART THREE 
Peter and Wade’s friendship in this is 100% platonic
“Crap crap crap crap crap.”
Peter, in full Spider Man costume, dropped onto a roof and ducked behind an AC unit, holding his right arm tight to his chest.
It hurt, oh man it hurt and he could hardly draw a breath between the pain and his binder was too tight today and honestly he thought he might pass out if he couldn't get laying down somewhere safe. But on this side of the city he was minimum twenty minutes of swinging, and close to an hour taxi ride from the safety of Aunt Mays apartment.
Too far.
He dropped his head back against the AC unit and tried to suck in a deep breath, tried not to scream when everything seized up. His arm, his chest...this was a horrible day.
And he was late for his injection, which made everything worse. He was supposed to take it last night, and had passed out exhausted before he remembered and then had ran out the door late to school and now here he was several hours later.
“What's up, Spidey?” A deep voice startled him, but not as much as the red and black masked face that poked around the corner. “I'm sensing a damsel in distress.”
“Go away, Deadpool.” Peter flinched behind his mask at the ‘damsel’ comment. “I'm fine.”
“Liar!” Deadpool crowed and moved to kneel in front of him. “Who knew our friendly neighborhood Spider Man lied like a little kid stealing cake?”
“Please.” Peter bit out. “Please. Leave.”
“Hey.” Deadpool’s voice dropped, softened. “You’re not alright, alright? Plus you’re like twelve, and I just can't leave a twelve year old superhero alone and hurting on the roof somewhere. Where’s your dad?”
“The Iron Giant.” Deadpool said impatiently. “I heard he looks out for you.”
“Don't want him to know.” Peter was starting to feel a little lightheaded, lack of oxygen and the pain radiating up his arm making him dizzy. “And I'm not twelve.”
“Well you certainly aren't eighteen.” Deadpool looked around, then seemed to come to a decision. “Well, I live close by, want to come to my place? We can get you patched up and--”
“No!” Peter blurted. “I mean, no. No, thank you.”
“Damn Spidey.’ Deadpool chuckled. “I know I'm not exactly an Avenger, but you don't have to act like that. Gonna hurt my feelings.”
“No, it's nothing against you I just-- I'm fine, alright? Just need to--”
“You’re barely breathing.” Deadpool interrupted stubbornly. “Barely breathing and your arm looks broken. You’re gonna come back to my place, get ya taken care of and then you can be on your way. No one has to know you let me anywhere near you.”
“Oh.” Peter felt bad instantly. “No, that's not what I meant--”
“It's fine.” Deadpool shrugged, and then bent and lifted Peter into his arms in one easy movement. “Ooof. Heavier than you look, Spider-kid. You don't mind if I carry you like a Princess right? Everyone wants to feel like Princess every once in a while, huh?”
Peter wanted to protest, out of habit he even started to protest the Princess comment, started to correct Deadpool that he was in fact a boy, not a girl, not a damsel and certainly not a Princess-- but he was exhausted, and Deadpool was moving down the fire escape as carefully as he could, basically carrying Peter in one arm and he didn't want to admit it, but it was sort of nice to let the Merc take charge for a minute.
Just for a minute though.
Peter didn't even realize his eyes had closed, didn't realize he’d nodded off until Deadpool was laying him out gently on a worn out couch in a dingy apartment.
“Oh, are we here? Sorry I--” he started to struggle, to pull away, but wanted to scream when his arm jerked.
“Easy.” Deadpool returned with a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. “Leave your mask on, but change into these so I can look at your arm. I can help--” Peter was already shaking his head and Deadpool made a noise of frustration.
“Look kid, I'm not trying to mess with you, not trying to know your identity alright? Just want to make sure everyone’s favorite web slinger doesn't die on top of some roof, alright? Now can you change by yourself, or do I need to help?”
“I can do it.”  Peter finally reached out and took the clothes with his left hand. “Thank you. I'm-- I'm sorry.”
“It's fine.” Deadpool shrugged and backed away, shedding his katanas and several handguns as he went. “I'm going to use the bathroom, you just let me know when you are ready, yeah?”
Peter waited until the bathroom door had closed completely before trying to slide out of his costume. Of course spandex being what it was, he couldn't just jump out of it, so it took some awkward shuffling to get out of his pants. His shirt was even harder, and tears sprang to his eyes as he tried to pull it up and over his head, getting it stuck halfway there, his binder on full display as he tried to yank his shirt off.
Unable to see, and unable to move any further, Peter had to give up, and with his voice shaking, he called hesitantly for the other man.
“Dead--Deadpool. I need some help. Please.”
“No worries.” He called through the bathroom door. “Mask on?”
“Yeah.” Peter swallowed hard, and braced himself. “Yeah, mask is on.”
“Alright, I'm coming.” The bathroom door opened, then closed and heavy footsteps as the big mercenary approached him. “Oh. Look at that.”
Peter couldn't tell what the man was thinking by the flat tone of his voice, and he tensed when the footsteps came closer again.
“You can't be breathing alright with this on.” he muttered, and Peter jumped when rough hands landed on his waist, sliding upwards to tug at the hem of the binder. “This is way too tight, Spidey. No wonder you nearly passed out when I picked you up.”
“Um--” Peter was too afraid to say anything, just held his breath and waited for the inevitable questions, for the judgement, for the disgust.
“I can't believe you do what you do wearing this thing. We should get you a better one.” Deadpool said then, conversationally. “I'm going to have to cut your suit to get it off of you without messing with your arm alright? Just gonna cut your suit, then put the t shirt on you, then do something about this binder alright?”
“Wait-- what? Why are you--” Peter knew he was trembling, but he was still freaking terrified of whatever was going to happen.
“My names Wade, by the way.” It sounded like the mercenary--Wade-- was digging through a drawer for the scissors. “If that makes you feel any better. Wade.”
“Wade.” he repeated and hated how his voice quavered.
“Yep. Alright, just hold still.” Wade's voice was suddenly much closer. “Gonna cut this off of you. Damn shame but--” the suit shredded and Peter could have cried in relief. “--can't have you wandering around looking like this can we?” 
Wade was still talking, and with out the shirt in the way, Peter could see him reach for the big t shirt, making quick cuts at the collar so he could slip it easier over Peter's head and down his shoulders. The mercenary was still fully dressed in his suit, mask on, and Peter was glad for the anonymity.
“That's better, thank you.” He whispered once the shirt was covering him again.
“No worries, Spidey.” Wade said nonchalantly. “Now we are gonna get rid of this thing alright? I can tell it's too tight, I know you can't breathe right, and honestly that's the worst thing I've ever seen. So I'm just gonna tear it, alright? Tear it right off you.”
“Wade--” Peter was going to cry now, unable to believe that it was Deadpool of all people who was learning his secret...and who didn't seem to care in the least.
“Hey hey.” Wade's voice softened even further. “I won't if you don't want me to. But I think it's for the best. You’re covered up, completely, I'll turn the lights down if you want. You got nothing to be worried about or ashamed about, alright?”
“I need a very clear yes or no, kiddo.” Wade pressed and Peter nodded quickly.
“Yes, please.”
“Alright, here we go.” Wade slid the scissors beneath the binder just enough to make a cut through the hem, then gripped it in both hands and gave a quick jerk.
Peter fell to his knees as the pressure around his chest eased, and he yelled when he landed on his arm.
“Sorry. Sorry, didn't think you’d drop like that, come on.” Wade lifted him again, set him on the couch and placed a pillow under his arm. “I'm going to wrap your arm so it doesn't move anymore. You just focus on breathing. I brought your bag, do you need anything from it?”
Wade set to work on Peter's arm, wrapping it carefully, but he glanced up when Peter didn't answer. “Spidey? Anything from your bag?”
“I missed my injection yesterday.” Peter muttered. “But it can wait--”
“Probably shouldn’t though, right?” Wade interrupted. “It's no problem. You tell me what to do, I'll take care of it.”
Peter just ended up watching in silent disbelief as Wade patched him up, then retrieved his kit, following Peter's directions to the letter as he prepared and injected the testosterone.
“You okay?” Wade asked, and patted Peter's knee. “Shaking a little.”
“Don't like needles.” Peter managed. “And I'm a little...shell shocked I guess.”
“Whys that?” Wade wasn't even looking at him, replacing everything in Peter's bag carefully. “Because the Merc with a Mouth is good for more things than over the top violence and sassy one liners?”
“Because you haven't…” Peter made an awkward motion over his chest. “I thought you would be--”
“What?” Wade handed him a bottle of water. “You thought what? That I would be horrified that Spider Man is…” he circled his hands vaguely. “...transitioning? Is that the right word?”
“I guess.” Peter looked down at his lap. “Nobody except my aunt knows. I um-- it's something--”
“It's nothing.” Wade shrugged. “I mean, obviously it's something for you, but Spidey-- the fact that you’re wearing a binder doesn't change anything. I mean you’re still an ass kicking superhero, right?”
“Well I--”
“And the entire city still looks up to you, right?”
“So who cares?”
They sat in silence for a long time, drinking their water, Peter blinking tears out of his eyes.
“Thank you.” he finally said. “For everything today.”
“I have some Ace bandages.” Wade answered. “Would you like me to wrap you before you head out? I'll call a cab for you, but I'm happy to help with--.”
“I think I'm alright.” Peter shook his head. “I have a jacket in my bag um, Ace bandages are actually really bad for binding and---”
“Sorry, I didn't know.”
“No.” Peter shrugged a little. “It's...it's fine. Thank you for...trying.”
**************** Wade called him in a cab close to an hour later, handing him enough cash for the fare plus some heavy duty pain killers.
“I don't know if narcotics affect--” he motioned to where he had had to give Peter his shot. “But if it doesn't, take these when you’re about fifteen minutes out from your place. They’ll kick in and put you on your ass with in about half an hour. Will take care of your arm, and I heard that those types of shots can give you a hell of a headache, so just take it easy, yeah?”
“Thanks.” Peter pocketed it all self consciously. “So next time I see you I'll give you back your clothes.”
“Whenever, Spidey.” Wade motioned to his mask. “I'm heading back upstairs, take off of your mask before you step out and get into the cab alright?”
“Sure thing.”
****************** ****************** It was several weeks later when Peter ran into Wade again, spotting the familiar black and red costume on a low roof, devouring a huge bag of fast food.
“Hey.” he dropped lightly onto the roof and Wade swallowed whatever was in his mouth, yanking his mask down over his lips and chin.
“Spidey.” he greeted. “Hows it going?”
They sat next to each other quietly for a long time.
“Why did you help me?” Peter asked then, and Wade just shrugged, and pointed to his own face, to the scars that he knew Peter had seen before he’d managed to cover up. 
“We all have our secrets, we all have things we hide under our costumes. No reason to make a big deal out of anything like that.”
“My name’s Peter.” Peter blurted. “Or at least it is now. It used to be---
Wade just shook his head and held out his hand to shake.
“It's real nice to meet you, Pete.”
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returnsandreturns · 7 years
Fic Prompt! I haven't really seen this on AO3, but I'm really interested in a ficlet where Matt is jealous, because Frank and Foggy are friendly and almost flirty. And Foggy is like, "Why are you acting so weird????" And then Matt is like LOVE CONFESSION. Or maybe the opposite, where it's Matt and Frank kinda flirty and Foggy gets jealous. And Matt is like, "Why does Foggy care so much? Does he...have feelings... Nah." And then Foggy explodes and confesses his love :)
After Claire decides she’s not especially interested in having a known murderer in her apartment, good intentions or no, somehow Foggy’s the one who gets Frank Castle at his door every few days with stray bullet grazes and other injuries that Foggy’s shitty two day first-aid course skills can passably deal with.
“I don’t want a murderer in my apartment either,” Foggy had said, when Matt stopped by to ask him.
“Fog,” Matt had said, softly, face going all sweet and hopeful and fuck him. “Please?”
“…unfair, with the face, Murdock,” he had sighed, and Matt grinned at him and promised to make it up to him somehow. That’s yet to happen, of course, and now Foggy’s got blood stains on the rug that his mother bought him as an apartment warming gift and a frequent house guest that speaks mostly in single syllable grunts.
“Do you want coffee?” he asks, after a few days of nothing from Frank but pointing out what was wrong and a cursory thanks. Frank looks hesitant, sitting at Foggy’s kitchen table after Foggy clenched his teeth and sewed up a gash in his arm. He kept sneaking glances at Frank’s face during it only to find it purposefully blank, the only hint that he was in pain coming from his intensely furrowed brow.
“You don’t have to,” Frank says.
“It’s well past 4:00 AM and I’m not gonna be able to go back to sleep,” Foggy says. “It’s no trouble to make another cup. You should probably eat something, too—you lost a decent amount of blood.”
When all else fails, he can fall on his questionable but earnest hosting skills.
“I can just go home,” Frank says.
“Throw me a bone here, dude,” Foggy says, laughing, already tipping the coffee can over to pour slightly too much in. “If we’re gonna be doing this frequently, we have to figure out how to do awkward small talk with each other at least.”
Frank almost smiles. It’s probably a smirk, but it’s awfully close for him.
“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” he asks, a dry scratchy murmur.
“Yes, exactly,” Foggy says, laughing genuinely. The coffee starts brewing and he leans against the counter, favoring Frank with a curious look. “I’ve got a sister and, like, six million cousins. You?”
“None,” Frank says.
“I could have guessed that,” Foggy says. “You seem like an only child.”
“Oh, yeah?” Frank asks, raising his eyebrows.
“Like you weren’t properly socialized,” Foggy explains, smiling when Frank huffs out a laugh. First time he’s heard that. Maybe it’s because Frank’s kind of loopy from blood loss, but Foggy’s starting to think he might not completely hate his company.
Frank stays for coffee and bagels and weakly exchanged banter. He sounds genuine when he thanks Foggy this time. Foggy counts at least three smiles.
He’s basically a vigilante whisperer.
“We’re friends, right?” Foggy asks, about a month in, handing Frank a beer before settling down next to him on the couch.
“Are we?” Frank asks.
“I asked first,” Foggy says.
“Shit,” Frank says, laughing. “Yeah–yeah, kid. We’re friends.”
Foggy smiles at him happily and Frank resolutely does not turn around to meet his eyes, but when, Foggy kicks his ankle lightly, the corners of his lips tilt up.
One night, Matt crawls through his window in full Daredevil get-up and wakes Foggy up, says regretfully, “Frank’s coming up the stairs, think he might have a concussion.”
Foggy groans as he sits up, eyes adjusting to see Matt with his mask off, sweaty hair standing on end.
“Couldn’t you have taken him to your place?” Foggy asks.
“Actually, he insisted on coming here,” Matt says. “Why would he do that?”
“Well, I hate to tell you like this,” Foggy says, around a yawn, “but we’re best friends now. You’ve been replaced.”
Matt rolls his eyes.
“I’ve got to let him in,” he says.
Foggy takes his time getting out of bed, listening to Matt and Frank talk quietly from the next room. He goes through his dresser to find clothes for both of them, not even bothering to glance at himself in the mirror before he joins them.
“Got comfy shit if you idiots want to get out of your crimefighting outfits,” he says. Frank’s sprawled out on his couch, and he turns at the sound of Foggy’s voice, laughing roughly.
“Looking good,” he says. Foggy frowns at him and ducks down to look at his reflection in his TV. His hair’s doing a lot of interesting things and he’s got some serious pillow creases on his face.
“You know I like to look my best for you,” Foggy says, standing up and smiling at him.
Frank smiles back fondly, says, “Guess I don’t look much better.”
Frank’s all torn clothes and big dramatic knot on his head and the bags under his eyes are even more concerning than usual. Foggy’s not convinced that the man sleeps.
“Pfft,” he says, walking up to touch Frank’s head lightly to see how bad the swelling is. “You’re just as handsome as ever. Can I do anything to help with this or is this just a making sure you don’t fall asleep kind of situation?”
“Latter,” Frank says.
“So, it’s basically like all of our other dates,” Foggy says, tapping the uninjured part of his head before he turns to see that Matt’s leaning against the wall and frowning at them, arms crossed over his chest. “What’s with the face, Murdock?”
“Nothing,” Matt says. He’s basically pouting.
“Change your clothes,” Foggy says, “and I’ll make enough coffee for you, too.”
Matt huffs and grabs the clothes that Foggy left on the coffee table, stomping off into his bedroom.
“Is he pissed at me or you?” Foggy asks, after Matt shuts the door behind him.
“Who knows?” Frank asks. “Could I have some aspirin?”
“Already on it,” Foggy says. “Are you too messed up to catch it?”
“Probably—” Frank starts, but Foggy throws it anyway, laughing when it bounces off Frank’s chest and he lifts his head slowly to give Foggy a baleful look.
Foggy’s making coffee when Matt comes back out, looking small in a pair of Foggy’s sweats and an old well-worn t-shirt.
“Could I talk to you?” he asks. “Privately?”
“Am I in trouble?” Foggy asks, but he follows Matt back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Are you and Castle…” Matt can’t seem to finish his sentence, making a pained face.
“…friends?” Foggy asks. “Because I put him back together about two times a week and am also, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, very charming. I cracked that hard icy exterior, like, a month ago.”
“I meant—are you together?” Matt asks. He still sounds angry.
“Oh, yeah,” Foggy says, laughing. “I’m having a madcap love affair with the Punisher.”
Matt raises his eyebrows.
“I’m joking, Murdock,” Foggy says, immediately. “Why would you even think that?”
“You were flirting,” Matt says. “You know he’s a murderer, right?”
“You’re the one who set us up,” Foggy says, huffing out an annoyed laugh. “I guess you don’t want an invite to the wedding, then?”
“Foggy,” Matt says. “This is serious.”
“Why is it suddenly serious? You sent him here, Matty,” Foggy says. “We got to know each other out of necessity, and he’s actually—kind of okay, murdering aside. Why are you freaking out now?”
“I—because—he’s not good for you,” Matt says, turning to walk to the other side of the room, his back to Foggy. Foggy feels deeply confused, but also like something important is about to happen, because—Matt doesn’t seem worried for his safety.
He seems jealous.
Foggy steps forward slowly and places a hand on Matt’s arm.
“Who would be good for me, Matt?” he asks. Matt’s still and silent for a long moment before he turns and pulls Foggy into a kiss, unsurprisingly a dramatic one, one hand in his hair and the other wrapped around Foggy’s waist.
“I’m not—I’m not good for you, either,” he says, softly, when he turns his head to break the kiss. Foggy rolls his eyes and touches Matt’s jaw, guiding his head back so their noses are brushing.
“Shut up,” he says, then kisses Matt with all that he has.
Ten minutes of frantic making out later, Foggy goes back out to see Frank wearing a pair of his pajama pants and no shirt, drinking coffee in his kitchen.
“I drank all of the coffee,” he says.
“Well, you needed it more than me,” Foggy says.
“Did you and Murdock work out your issues?” Frank asks, a little dry, favoring Foggy with a smirk.
“…what, do I look like I was just debauched?” Foggy asks, glancing down at himself. Fairly ruffled, semi-hard in his sweatpants.
“The hickey gave you away,” Frank says. “You want me to leave? I only came here because Murdock insisted I couldn’t be alone.”
“Nah,” Foggy says, grinning at him. “You not dying in your sleep is more important than Matt getting laid. I’m making him go home.”
“You’re really gonna make him work for it, aren’t you?”
“Well, I’m worth it, aren’t I?” Foggy asks. He’s really happy.
“Sure, hotshot,” Frank says, shoving him lightly as he walks past him to sit on the couch again. Matt slips out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“You are, you know,” he says, smiling. Foggy smiles back.
“Get out of here,” he says, walking over to press a firm kiss to Matt’s mouth. “Frank and I are gonna talk about boys.”
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