#but was playing trivia with my sister
erigold13261 · 1 year
That Rerevolution post was spectacular! Question! Why is white such a jerk in this FRAU? Also… “rest in piece” what a pun to put in/j fitting, though.
I'm so glad you liked it! I didn't even mean to write that much! I was just going to write about Eve and Neon but once I got done with Eve I thought of Yinu which then made me think of Sayu which made me think ahead to Tatiana's fight but I had to finish 1010's first, ugh! It was so much fun to write!
Also that "let us die in piece" was actually a typo lol! Meant to write "peace" but by that point I had already spent about 3-4 hours on the ask so I missed some obvious errors like that lol.
As for White being a jerk, he is one because he feels like his life was ripped away from him and that he is being punished all thanks to Blue's actions.
Blue attacked Ex-Jay, attacked West, attacked B2J and yet HE was promoted to leader because White couldn't handle the pressure of leader. White became just a figurehead for 1010 while Neon gave all the responsibility and power of leader to Blue.
Not only that, but Blue is the reason Purple was destroyed by Tatiana. Blue attacked a human (either West or Ex-Jay, idk which right now) and was supposed to be the one Tatiana destroyed, but Purple jumped in the way to save Blue.
So to White, everything is Blue's fault, even before Blue stopped the revolution. Once the negative changes happened after the revolution (1010 being stripped of their ability to fight back, hatred of robots forming, and NSR turning very toxic), White just kept blaming Blue for everything.
It is similar to Eve in the sense that both of them blame it all on Blue, and then that blame extends to others. Like White is mean and resentful to the other 1010 members because he is no longer the leader and feels like they don't respect him anymore, which would be Blue's fault.
There is also an internalized hatred of himself for not being a good leader when he was one. Thinking that maybe he could have stopped Blue but failing to do so. He refuses to accept blame however, and instead turns that hate for himself into hate for others.
It also doesn't help that once things started getting toxic and people started gaining up on 1010, the only people lower than White in terms of power were Yellow, Red, and Green. So of course White is going to try and force whatever power he has over them to try and get the feeling he is a leader again. And to try and MAKE those three respect him through fear, similar to how Tatiana runs NSR.
The only reason that White isn't fully fears by the rest of 1010 is because Red stays near Neon or Blue, Yellow knows how to pin the blame onto others, and Green doesn't give a shit about life anymore. Which just infuriates White more because he doesn't have power.
It's not even like he is power-hungry and wants to control everything (like Tatiana), he just wants some control of his life and to be able to make his own decisions. He is following Tatiana's rule but acting more like Yinu, except being a lot more hostile/aggressive instead of depressed and docile like Yinu is.
So yeah, just White not being able to deal with losing autonomy and being punished for other people's mistakes would be the biggest reasons why he is an asshole.
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komeeder · 10 months
think im gonna make warrior cats versions of redacted characters for fun now. someone help me come up with a name for the horrible guy.
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hungrydolphin91 · 2 years
Guess who randomly told me they wanted to play Xillia 2?? Yep, it's my lovely 30 year old overworked and stressed sister, who said she didn't want to start a long game just a week ago. Caught me by surprise but onto the next title, hurrah!!!!
An account of our let's play beginning below the cut:
I gave her a bit of a warning of how this game is a departure from the first game (and series in general) so she had some slight spoilers going in. She also saw me play it a bit my first time, remembering Elle and Nova's annoying voices in particular
I asked her why she wanted to play the sequel. Her: "I want to see more of the jazz land." She was disappointed you rush through Elympios, and X2 does at least add a little to it.
Got to laugh at her a little when the game opened immediately on a fight. Her: "Who am I fighting, my shadow self??"
Already her hearing issues are causing problems. "What'd he say his name is, 'Liquor'?"
She hates his name, "Ludger." It would be a fine for an actual person but for a character it's silly, you could have picked a better name.
Her: "I'm gonna call him 'Clout.'" Me: " ....... like 'posting-on-the-internet-for-clout' Clout?" Her: "Yeah, he's an influencer, look at his hair! He has an ombre!"
I told her it's dyed, and that I couldn't remember whether the black or the white was the dyed part. It's a little spoilery to talk about yet, but she noticed how Nova and Rideaux have it too. Her: "It must be the fashion." Me: "Cause he's an influencer."
Also heard Ludger saying "Okay!" as "Croquet!" Me: "Why would he be saying that after a battle??" Her: "I don't know, he's weird, he makes tomato cupcakes!!" Me: "Touche."
Her: "Whoah, Elle's dad turned into a monster?? Are we going to fight him someday?" Me: [silence]
We were talking during the bit after failing the test. Her: "Bro, stop humming." Me: "That's plot-relevant humming [it really is]. But we should probably pay attention to the TV that's giving exposition."
She loves the cat already. Who doesn't, Rollo is the best 😸
Seeing that we are in Trigleph she immediately tried to visit Balan. Me: "Why would we even go there, he doesn't know us." Her: "He's going to kickstart our adventure, I just know it."
You can actually go into his apartment which I didn't know, but no one is home. Her: "Does he know he left his house unlocked??"
After running into Jude, she immediately picked the non-affinity building choice. Me: "None of your friends are going to like you if you always pick the mean choice." Her: "I have decided to be mean. I am Aloof-ger."
Also decided she doesn't care about her friends, just Julius. Me: "There's actually an ending like that." Her: "Oh, a bad ending?" Me: "And then you rule the world together. Just kidding." Her: "Aww..." [this was me being an idiot and lying to cover my tracks. It's too early for spoilers]
She immediately hated Elle, as I knew she would. I just can't get myself to like Elle much either, so I am also dog piling the Elle-hate train. Sorry Elle lovers :(
Calling Bisley and his squad "the new Chimeriad." They are at least the new villains, but not as memorable to me as the Chimeriad. Calling Nova's sister (I forget her name) the new Presa just for having glasses and being serious.
Her: "His name is 'Bisley'? Seriously?" Me: "He's the bee's lees."
Devastated to learn the shops don't expand in this game. Me: "They don't in any game except Xillia to my knowledge." Her: :(
"Did we just go back in time?" Given how the power comes from a pocketwatch that's a very logical conclusion to make, I thought the same thing.
Her: "Everything's weird here. There's like a sepia filter. He really is an influencer."
Learned Julius and Ludger are only half brothers. Upon seeing Julius's fractured form, asked "Was the other half demon??"
But Ludger has a weird form too. Maybe he's quarter demon.
I forgot how easy that Julius fight is, compared to the later ones. Also, he drops tomato omelette. He should have dropped mabo curry, since that's what Ludger offered to make for breakfast [though of course this is a fractured dimension]
Upon seeing Rideaux in the bar: "Who is this clown? He looks like the Joker." Believes he might also be a vampire, as he has orange eyes and weird hair
You can apparently go behind the bar counter and just start taking alcohol. Me: "Let's get Rideaux drunk so he forgets about our debt."
Characters are talking about Canaan and Kresnik. Her: "Is he the Lance of Kresnik? Should I start calling him Lance?" Me: "Please don't, that's such a dude bro name."
Getting annoyed at Nova for too for calling to collect the debt money. Her: "Just try to collect my money, I have two swords!" Me: "One for each annoying girl." [I despise Nova too.]
It is satisfying to cut her off. Imagining hanging up by snapping shut the flip phone.
She wants to pay her debts back one gald at a time. Me: "Oh no this is like the shop expansion all over again."
I forgot the debt also keeps you from traveling. It's pretty fucked up actually, especially since Ludger literally can't go home now.
So we're back in the field with the sexy sax music. Alvin is playing it here with us in spirit 😔.
We left off by finishing the first chunk of our loan. Next time we'll board a train home and see what happens, maybe more party members?? 👀
Masterpost link for X2 and Xillia 1 here.
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aromanticbuck · 2 months
AITA for maiming my best friend?
I (32M) have known my best friend, E (32M), for about 6 years. We met through work when he started at my firehouse, and we kind of clicked by the end of our first shift. These are long stories, but I help him out with his son, C (13M), a lot, I take C to the zoo regularly, and we (C and I) got caught in the tsunami a few years ago when we went to the pier for the day. E has me in his will to take custody of C if anything happens to him. When I say he's my best friend, I mean he's like family, and we've been family for a while.
Last month, our team kind of borrowed an LAFD helicopter to save our captain and his wife when their cruise ship was capsized (yeah! that cruise ship!), so my future brother-in-law called an old buddy of his, T (45M), who's a helicopter pilot to fly us into a hurricane. T is super cool! He's a pilot, and he used to be at my firehouse before I got there, and he used to be in the army (like E!), and he likes karaoke and trivia and basketball and Star Wars.
E and T got really close after we did the helicopter rescue. T flew E to Vegas for a fight that he got ring-side tickets for (which meant T couldn't go out to get a beer with me, even though I think he wanted to). They went to a karaoke trivia night together. And when E was telling me about it, I kind of thought he was going to invite me, too, but he just asked me to babysit C for him that night instead. I love C, he's a great kid, but I was kind of sad I didn't get to spend time with my best friend.
When I was babysitting C, I saw E's day planner on the fridge. Underneath a take-out menu, there was something written in for this Thursday - "B.B.P.U. w/ T" - basketball pick up game with T (my sister made me explain it to her) - and it was CIRCLED - but it's this game that first responders have every other Thursday. E has asked me to go a few times, but I don't like basketball so I always say no.
Anyway, C kept talking about T all night while we ate dinner and played videogames. And T apparently lied to C about his favorite Star Wars movie to make C like him more??? Which should be illegal.
So I asked my BIL to go to the basketball game with me, and he kept asking why I suddenly like basketball (I don't like it, it's a stupid sport), all the way to the court. E teased me, too, but that's just what E does. But we played basketball against E and T and the rest of their team, and I wasn't doing too bad. And then E and T high fived a lot and were acting like they're best friends, even though E is my best friend, not T's, and I got frustrated.
I accidentally (?) knocked E over when he was going for a basket. My BIL said E sprained his ankle and was lucky I didn't break his leg when I knocked him down.
My sister says I was acting like a 14 year old girl, and I know she's kind of right. But it wasn't on purpose, I don't think.
UPDATE: apparently I like guys???
UPDATE 2: a lot of the comments think I'm in love with E. no, he's just my best friend! T kissed me. we have a date on Saturday.
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howlingday · 8 months
Hello Hollowing, my prompt is this: After team RWBY finds themselves in the Ever After, they are met by a small child happily waving and guiding them towards the Tree instead of a certain Cheshire cat. Soon they were guided to the tree, with a mansion carved within. With children that looked like recoloured versions of their guide happily waving toward RWBY. They meet Neo, and Jaune, the small older woman clealry pregnant, along with Mint, and Trivia, and a woman similar to neo called CC... basically I want Jaune to explain why he has a harem of Neos with constant flashbacks of each neo having babymaking sex with him. With CC requires everyone else to overcome her instability. Blame Fatally Obsessed. I do not know why I make statements instead of questions.
Ah, okay.
This is way less terrible than I thought it would be.
This world is weird. Like, super weird. No, but like, SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER weird! Like, think of the weirdest thing you could think of, and it wouldn't be half as weird as what this was.
Okay, maybe not THAT weird, but it was weirder than Remnant, at least. Game pieces moved around, walking and talking like all the faunus and humans did back home. Not only that, but there were also talking animals, too! So yeah, this fairy tale world was weird.
But not as weird as what happened next.
"Hey! Over here!"
Team RWBY looked behind them and found a little girl waving at them. She had short, blonde hair, pale skin, and, as they got closer, blue eyes. Her dress was pink with a black sash wrapped around her belly.
"Um, hi?" Ruby awkwardly waved.
"Are you a Huntress?"
The question shocked the group. This was the first person they met in the Ever After, and she KNEW what a huntress is! Who was she?
"Um, ye-"
"Nilly!" A girl with long, brown hair ran up to the other girl and grabbed her wrist. Her dress was white with a pink sash wrapped around her belly, similar to the other girl. "We're not supposed to talk to strangers!"
"It's okay, Gats!" Nilly replied. "They don't look bad!"
"Don't you remember what Dad said?" Gats wagged her finger. "Looks can be decieving!"
"Um," Ruby stuttered, "we're not bad. Uh, y'know, if you wanted our opinion."
"She's right." Weiss added. "We're just trying to get to the tree."
"Oh! That's easy!" Nilly yanked her hand away. "Daddy can take you!"
"Daddy?" Yang asked.
"Mhm!" Nilly nodded. "Daddy is, like the best person to take you to the tree! He was up there before, y'know?"
"Nilly!" Gats chided. "They're bad guys!"
As the girls bickered, Team RWBY gave each other glances. This was very uncomfortable.
"Were we..." Ruby looked to her sister. "This bad?"
"Eh...." Yang shrugged. "Kinda?"
"Well, none of my siblings were like this." Weiss said with an unamused look.
"Pretty sure you're not as close with your siblings as Ruby and Yang were." Blake added. "It kind of makes me wonder what it's like."
"It's not great."
Suddenly, in the center of Team RWBY, stood a small girl with pink hair done in a ponytail, wearing a black dress with a white sash. She was so quiet, none of them heard her! As she walked to the other girls, they noticed she had a pink tail sway from under her dress.
"Nilla. Gats." She addressed the girls. "Mother's waiting for us." At this, the two girls stopped bickering. The leader looked at Team RWBY. "You come, too."
The little girl in the pink dress then walked forward, followed closely by the other two. Following the trio was Team RWBY. From a distance, a pair of eyes watched the seven girls curiously.
Neo sipped her tea, enjoying the quiet of the house. Her girls were out playing while her husband had left to run errands. They would all return before supper, as they always did. She looked down, admiring the one change to her otherwise routine life she'd made in the Ever After.
Every morning, she woke up, had breakfast, woke up her daughters, and then spent the rest of the day planning dinner. Tonight's dinner would be stewed vegetables.
"Ugh... Couldn't we have something with more meat?"
Neo cast a glare at the whining voice. The voice belonged to another Neo, though the voice was not quite her own. Instead, an annoying creature had taken residence in her body, wearing it like a coat, doing with it as they pleased.
"Oh, don't give me that look." The being replied with a roll of their neon-blue eyes. "Even Trivia is sick and tired of it!"
The woman in question, hanging clothes to dry outside, flinched. She shivered as Neo quirked a brow at her former self. She hid herself behind a wet sheet.
"Ow!" Mint, a disguise of herself used to infiltrate Beacon during the Vytal Festival with Cinder, flicked the being in Neo's ear. "Oh, I was not being mean to her!"
Neo hefted herself to her feet, hands to her back for support. Soon, it would be her turn to bring life into this world. She couldn't help but wonder what her child would look like. What mother didn't?
"Oh, and before you set the table," the being said, "we're going to have guests tonight. Four of them."
Neo eyed the being, unsure of what they meant. For all their schemes and plots, the creature wasn't a liar and often made use of their ability to see and hear things outside their home. If there were guests coming to visit, then there would be guests coming to visit. Neo would need more vegetables, and hands to pick said vegetables.
"Speak of the Grimm, as you say."
Neo looked to the door, and a tiny knock came from the other side. She opened the door, finding eight familiar faces.
"Mother." Greeted Berry with stoicism.
"Mommy!" Squealed Vanilla joyfully.
"Mom?" Called Gateau in concern.
Neo glared past her daughters to the four huntresses behind them. They swiftly reached for their weapons.
"Neopolitan?!" Litte Red exclaimed in her surprise.
"Of course she'd be here!" The Ice Queen growled.
"Is she pregnant?" The Kitty Cat asked.
"Guess she found someone dumb enough to knock her up." The Blonde Bimbo rudely remarked.
"Now that's just rude." All eyes focused on the timbre voice in the distance. A figure in rusted armor dismounted a large jackalope, named Juniper, and removed his helmet. Beneath was a ruggedly handsome bearded face with tired, blue eyes. He gave a chuckle. "Rude girls don't get dessert."
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quinton-reviews · 1 month
You 🤝 Me
Agreeing that Globs of Doom is an S-Tier show
To be fair though, I think you were also right about nostalgia (what game did they play as a kid) being a factor, because that was the only one we owned.
Also that was some very fascinating commentary on boxes, especially that spooky one with the bear and the scary words that the developers probably didn't intend for anyone to read with the dolphin emulator and everything.
Also, I didn't know that Steve sang the theme song for Young Sheldon! My sister likes that comedy. I think that's one of the best things about your videos: there always ends up being some fun trivia in there that I can then mention later to family or friends to start an interesting conversation.
I'm glad you liked the video! Feedback like this really gets me going.
This Kmart is huge btw.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Madly in love
(Amber Freeman x fem! Carpenter! reader)
Tumblr media
Summary: After being attacked two times by Ghostface, you find out your girlfriend is one of them. The moment you think everything is over, she talks to you, and the story take a whole new turn... a/n: In this it's not Amber who attacks in the opening scene, it's Richie (I know according to the timeline and all it's impossible but I didn't how to do otherwise TT) Request is here :)) hope that's what you wanted Warnings: blood, injuries, death (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
“Y/n can you try and convince your girlfriend to come over? I don’t like to be alone a night..”
“Well you’re not..? I’m here too”
“You know what I mean”
“No I don’t”
You took two plates out of the drawer and set them on the kitchen’s counter.
“Come on you don’t like it either. We get bored way too easily, Amber would find something fun to do” Tara said, filling two glasses of water
“You’re not wrong… I’m gonna try something”
You took your phone out of your pocket, turned around, took a picture of your upper torso, and sent it to your girlfriend.
Her answer was quick, as you expected.
“She's getting ready” you informed the brunette
“How did you- I’ve been trying for twenty minutes!”
“Let’s say I gave her two good reasons to come”
You winked at your sister as she opened her mouth wide, understanding what you did.
“What? You told me to convince her!”
“Not like that! Really you-”
You both jumped when the phone rang. Unknown number.
Tara answered.
Everything seemed alright, so you went into the living room to grab some chips, texting Amber about the situation.
When you came back, Tara looked panicked.
“What’s wrong?”
She put the phone on speaker and showed you a video of Amber brushing her hair in her room.
“Oh hello there. You didn’t tell me your sister was with you Tara.”
“How do you know I’m-”
“I know many things about you, Y/n. To answer your question, I suggested we played a little game. Stab movies trivia. You wouldn’t want your girlfriend to die, would you?”
“Wait no! I’ve never seen these movies and neither does Tara! Choose something else, It Follows, The Witch-”
“Warm up question, who is the protagonist of the Stab movies?” interrupted the person on the phone
“Sidney Prescott! It’s Sidney Prescott!”
“Good, you see you know the movies. First question-”
“Wait we got it right! It should count!”
Once again, he didn’t listen to you.
“Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based on?
“It’s um the chick from tv!” Tara said
“‘The chick from tv’ is not gonna cut it, Tara”
“I-it’s Gale Weathers! It’s Gale Weathers you motherfucker!” you said, trying to call 911 at the same time, hands shaking in fear
“Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Unless you finish typing 911, then she has no chance of survival.”
You froze, finger hovering over the last 1.
“Question two: Who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab 1, who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?”
“Fuck you.” you spat
“Is that the answer you’re going with?”
Tara opened a new tab and Google the cast of Stab.
“A non-answer counts as a wrong answer. Time’s running out. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock..”
“Heather Graham!” Tara suddenly said
“Correct. You pulled that one out. Now for the final question: who was the killer in Stab 1?”
Your sister answered quickly.
“I know this one, you fuck. It’s Billy Loomis! I got you asshole!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Tara, but that’s just not correct.”
“The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab.”
“No no we got it right! You said killer not killers!” you said
“Don’t play on words Y/n. I’m afraid someone’s got to die now.”
You felt your heart drop as a knife showed in the video. You didn’t think twice and grabbed a knife before running to the door.
Tara followed you, and just as you opened the door, let out a scream. A Ghostface was standing right in front of you. He tried to stab you, but Tara pushed the door on him, resulting in him just cutting your abdomen.
You help her close the door, punching him in the face so he backed up a little.
“Lock the door!”
“I’m trying!”
The blood on your hands made it difficult to press the buttons on your phone so you handed it to Tara.
Systems armed.
“The police are on their way asshole!” she yelled
All systems disarmed.
You looked at each other in fear. Tara pressed the button again.
Systems armed.
You backed up in the kitchen.
All systems disarmed.
Systems armed.
Then the landline rung again. You were the one who answered this time.
“Bonus question Y/n.”
“Please stop…”
You put him on speaker again.
“Do you think I could make it inside your house before you could rearm?”
That’s when you saw a dark silhouette behind your sister.
“Tara behind you!”
She didn’t have the time to move before the Ghostface grabbed her and sunk his blade into her stomach.
He threw her on the counter. You punched him as strongly as you could, but he was quick to grab your hair and slammed your head on the said counter. You felt your nose break on the spot.
You hissed in pain as he pushed Tara to the ground. She kicked him, only for him to break her leg right after. You took the nearest object, a coffee pot, and threw it on his head.
He grabbed your arm and twisted it harshly in the wrong direction, breaking it at the elbow, before sinking his knife in your stomach and pushing you on Tara.
You both screamed in pain and tried to reach the door. Ghostface stabbed you both at least 3 times, and when Tara turned on her back and held a hand in front of her, the blade passed through her hand.
You kicked him in his private parts, hoping it would hurt enough so you could escape before getting killed, but it only took him a second to stand up again.
You were less than thirty centimeters away from the door when he grabbed your feet and pulled back. You could see the police’s lights reflecting on his mask as he raised his knife, ready to kill you both.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
When you woke up, in a hospital room, you were surprised to be alive. You turned around a little to quickly, searching for your sister. She was in another bed beside you, already awake, in the phone with someone.
“Yeah okay of course…”
She turned to look at you and smiled a little when she saw you were awake. She took the phone away from her mouth.
“It’s mom. Do you to talk to her..?”
You shook your head. Tara pulled the phone closer to her.
“No Y/n’s not awake yet. …. Yeah I’ll tell her. …. Bye”
She hung up before turning back to you.
“How are we still alive..?” you asked in a weak voice
“I don’t know…” then, after a little pause “I texted Wes and the others, they should arrive soon”
Indeed, they arrived ten minutes later, all worried.
Amber rushed to you, concern written on her face, while the rest of them sat hesitantly around your beds, not wanting to hurt you by hugging you.
Your girlfriend wanted to take your hand, but noticed your broken arm and froze.
Before she could sit beside you, you asked her to help you move your bed next to Tara’s.
“It would be easier for you all to sit around us, and I’d like to be close to my beloved twin”
They helped moving the beds quickly, understanding your need to be close to Tara. Even though you were twins, you didn’t look much alike physically.
Amber sat on your bed next to you, her left hand making its way to your hair. You tilted your head slightly up so she could kiss you, which she did softly, before resting your head against her.
You talked a little, before your older sister came in, to your surprise, followed by a guy. Almost immediately, she knelt next to Tara and you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked
"You came.."
"Of course I came" then, turning to the guy "This is my boyfriend Richie”
You greeted him with a little smile, and so did Tara.
Sam introduced everyone to her boyfriend, before Amber spoke.
“Look guys, they are really tired. Maybe we should give them some space”
They all agreed and started to leave. Tara looked at you, seeking your approval to her silent question. You nodded slightly, understanding what she wanted.
“Not you Sam” she said
“We want you to stay” you continued
“Okay” Sam smiled a little “If it’s okay with you, I could sleep here tonight..”
“I’d really like that”
“Me too”
Everyone was gone now, except from Amber.
"Do have your extra inhaler?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine"
"Okay, be safe Tara��” Amber looked down at you “You too baby…”
She kissed you softly. Sam looked at you with wide eyes. Amber and you had been dating for three years now, but how could she know, as she’s been gone for five whole years?
“Call me if something’s wrong..”
“Will do”
“Okay, bye, I love you baby”
“I love you too”
You smiled at her before she excited the room, followed by Richie.
As soon as the door closed, you started to tear up. Both you and Tara.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
After Ghostface attacked you again at the hospital, you all decided it was time to leave Woodsboro.
"Can we at least stop at Amber's house? I have to say goodbye, tell her we're leaving..."
"Y/n, I'm sorry but it's just not safe"
"Why? You don't- you don't think she's the killer, right?"
"... I don't know..."
You looked at her in disbelief.
“She would never do that..!”
"Guys I don't find my inhaler..." Tara suddenly said
"Are you sure? I think I saw it before we left the hospital.."
You helped her search in her bag with your valid arm.
"I have an extra one at Amber's. We have to go pick it up, her house’s on the way”
Richie and Sam argued for a while, before he gave up and drove to your girlfriend's house.
"Welcome to act 3"
You were too shocked to say anything. Your girlfriend just shot Liv in the head and revealed herself as the killer in front of everyone.
They all started to run away, and you were about to do the same, but Amber grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty room.
"Baby I- I'm sorry for everything... for lying to you, for hurting Tara, everything... He forced me to.. He said he would kill you if I said anything..!"
"'He'? Who? I don't understand I-"
"Richie! He's the other one..!"
She started to mumble nonsenses, completely panicked.
"Amber stop I don't understand anything- Amber! My love!"
You grabbed her face and kissed her to shut her up. When you pulled away, she looked at you, confused.
"You don't hate me...?"
"I should. I really should. My sister almost died twice, I almost died too, our friends.. our friends died. But I don't. I don't hate you. I am still madly, deeply, completely in love with you"
You felt her relax almost instantly at your words. She wrapped her arms around your waist and hugged you tight. You ran a hand through her hair.
"It wasn't me... The Ghostface that attacked you at your house.. It wasn't me.. I wouldn't have laid a hand on you.. I swear.."
"It's okay my love, you're okay..."
You pulled away after a moment. Amber handed you her knife and took her gun in hand. Before you could take the weapon, she was hit from behind by a crutch. She was so surprised she fell on the floor.
You didn't expect Tara to use her crutch this way, so it took you a second to react.
"Tara stop! It's not her fault- Tara!"
You grabbed her waist and dragged her away from Amber.
"What are you doing? Let me go Y/n! She tried to kill us! Twice!"
"I know. But it's not her fault I-"
"Not her fault? Y/n I know you love her but you can't find her excuses! She literally killed Liv in front of us!"
A scream came from the kitchen.
"Can we talk about this later? We need to get rid of Richie before someone else dies. I'll tell you everything after, but I need you to trust me for now"
She stopped struggling against you and nodded slowly. You let go of her and walked to Amber, taking the gun from her.
"Stay here, I don't want you to get hurt more"
"No I'm coming with you."
"No you're not. Call the police and hide. Please.."
She hesitated, but finally agreed and went upstairs with her phone.
You went to the kitchen, where Richie threatened Sam, Gale and Sidney. They must've arrive when you were talking with Amber.
"What took you so long?" he asked his accomplice
"They fought back"
Amber pushed you in a corner of the room, not too hard, scared she might hurt you. He frowned a bit. Shit, you thought, he's understanding.
You reached for the gun you hid behind your back, but Richie was faster than you and shot you in the leg. You dropped the gun and fell on the floor, holding your thigh.
Right after, Sam threw herself at Richie, who tried to shoot her, but only managed to shoot you again, in the stomach this time. Sam bit his arm and ran away from the kitchen, before he followed her.
Sidney grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Amber when she tried to get close to you.
The next minutes were a little confused. You were bleeding on the floor, trying to recover, when you heard Amber screaming. That brought you back to reality pretty quickly.
You got up painfully, and saw Gale, gun in hand, ready to shoot Amber.
"No no no! I'm sorry about Dewey!"
"Fuck you."
Just as she was about to pull the trigger, you stepped in front of your girlfriend.
"What the hell? Move!" Gale said, pissed
Sam entered the room with Tara and looked at you with wide eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Y/n you can't protect her this time! We all saw her!"
"I know but-"
"Move. The fuck. Out of my way." Gale interrupted you
"She's right, move Y/n." Sam added
"Can you listen to me for a second?!"
No one said a word, and Gale put the gun down with a sigh.
"Thank you." you stayed in front of Amber, just in case, and continued "I know she's one of the killers. But, he manipulated her. He groomed her into doing this. She's a victim too."
"She told you that?"
"Yes. And I believe her."
"Y/n for fuck's sake! She's lying again."
"I know her better than you. All of you. We've been dating for three years, and not once she lied to me. Not once she hurt me. Not once she raised her voice at me. Not once. So yes, I believe her. I love her. You have to trust me. Please..."
You were not one to trust someone without a good reason, and your sisters knew it. They looked at each other, and Sam sighed.
"I trust you"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Eight months after these events, everything seemed back to normal. Your sisters didn't hate you for protecting Amber, even though she killed people. They even said they would try to forgive her.
When Amber knocked at your door that night, Tara was the one who opened the door.
"Y/n! Amber's here!"
When you arrived downstairs, you saw them hug. That made you happy.
"Where are you guys going?" Tara asked
"Can't tell you, it's a surprise"
Amber winked at you playfully when she saw you arriving.
"You're beautiful tonight baby..."
"You too..."
She was wearing a black dress with flowers on it, and a leather jacket on top of it.
"Have fun" Tara said, smiling at you
"We will"
You took Amber's hand before going out of the house.
"So, where are we going?" you asked
"Like I said, it's a surprise, so I'm not telling you"
"Oh come on!"
You pouted, but she didn't give up.
You walked for twenty minutes, before arriving to a house you had never seen before.
"What's that?"
"You'll see in a minute"
You climbed on the roof, where a telescope and picnic were waiting for you.
"Happy anniversary baby"
You had always dreamed of watching the stars with her. You talked about it many times, but never actually did it. It was the best gift she could've found.
She led you to the blanket on the floor, making you sit on her lap. You were quick to crash your lips on hers in a feverish kiss, locking your arms around her neck, her hands on your waist.
You made out for a while, until your lips were all red and swollen. Her lipstick was all messed up, and so was yours. You both laughed and tried to take the makeup off your faces.
After a minute, you reached in your pocket and took a little box out of it, which you handed to Amber.
She opened it, curious. It was a little black box, with a red rose on top of it, kept behind a plastic glass. There was a little drawer under it, with a necklace in it, with a heart shaped pendant.
"Look in the little orb in the middle of the heart"
She was a little confused but did as you told. She gasped as she saw it. Inside the orb, "I love you" was written in 100 languages.
"Happy anniversary my love"
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svt-rosalie · 1 month
. . . ♡ ROSIE ! ? 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻 TRIVIA ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ profile! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2024 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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𝜗𝜚. Rosalie always wanted to become a ballet dancer since she was a child, being an idol was a spure of the moment decision when she saw a video of SNSD performing once.
𝜗𝜚. Her aunt is well known in the kpop community seeing as how she owns the company ‘UTOPIA ENTERTAINMENT’ that manages the groups New Jeans, IVE, and ITGIRLZ.
𝜗𝜚. In 2021 Rosalie did resign a contract with Pledis Entertainment for her career with SEVENTEEN but the company has no power over her solo career, her Aunt’s company controls her solo career.
𝜗𝜚. Jihye does not drink alcohol often, whenever she does she basically has to have a babysitter because of everything she gets into.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie is one of the youngest musicians and first ever female kpop artist to win a Grammy and an Oscar.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie was invited to headline Coachella 2 years in a row but she declined each time.
𝜗𝜚. She likes to play video games so she can collect all the skins. For example, she’s amazing at playing Fortnite and Call Of Duty but mostly just plays for the skins and weapons. (Of course of her skins are pink)
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie featured on Taylor Swift’s album ‘Midnights’ on the song Snow On The Beach. This caused her to get a lot more recognition and attention towards her group once it released. She was even a surprise guest during the Eras Tour to perform the song on stage with Taylor. Rosie said it was one the most surreal moments of her career.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie is Korea’s best friend. She earned this title from bringing friends with almost of the idol/acting industry. She loves making new friends and likes to speak to anyone that will listen.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie likes to speak up often about mental health. In many live videos she’s spoken up about her struggles after her sister’s passing and how she’s been going to therapy since she started training as an idol.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie was a straight a student through her whole career. She carried a 4.0 GPA until she graduated high school and got accepted into a prestigious university where she takes online business classes.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie broke her hip after falling during a ballet performance. She was lifted into the air by her fellow male dancer and his grip slipped causing her to fall on her left hip. She has a some issues with her hip to this day, swelling and pain.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie had a slight school girl crush on Joshua when she was younger and just joined the company. She admitted it once in a live with him and it’s been a running joke in the fandom since.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie wrote her song ‘Good night My Princess’ whilst she was visiting her family. She was having an emotional night and even though she’s an adult she crawled into bed with her parents and they sang a lullaby to calm her down.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie loves sweets. Anything candy she will eat, she has a candy basket in her’s and woozi’s bedroom on her bedside table.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie wants to be a mom someday but unfortunately she is infertile due to some issues with her developmental when she was a fetus. She plans to adopt in the future.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie was born prematurely. She was born 2 months early, doctors were worried she wasn’t going to make it but she pulled through after being on oxygen for 3 months. She would go to the doctor every month for a year or so to make sure she was doing okay.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie is engaged to fellow band member Woozi/Jihoon. Wedding plans are still the works.
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soraontop · 3 months
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She auditioned at Cre.Ker Entertainment as a joke in 2015 with singing Adele’s Rolling in the Deep and dancing to BTS’ RUN, but was surprised when she was accepted.
Even before Produce 101, she’s always been a popular trainee— especially when her cover of Katy Perry’s Wide Awake went viral in 2014.
She has a Chihuahua named Miso that lives with her friend, the two adopted her in 2018 when they were roommates.
Her favorite idols have always been Lee Hyori, IU, SNSD, and Wonder Girls.
She is a huge Jujutsu Kaisen fan, fans have given her gifts from the show’s merch or handmade gifts.
Her Dark Moon character is named Lua, and she has the ability of invisibility and force-field manipulation.
In 2020, she left Cre.Ker Entertainment due to inconsistent promises on her debut and joined BigHit Entertainment (G)I-DLE’s Soyeon (though, just ‘a friend’ to the public’s knowledge) told her about how they were looking for female trainees for a co-ed survival show.
Her biological mother died in 2005, her brothers are all half-brothers and their mothers have either left or died.
She is not a PDA person at all, but she’s always sleeping with a teddy in her arms. (The boys do get jealous … of an inanimate object.)
She’s allergic to dogs and strawberries. Despite this, she still has a dog and eat strawberries.
Despite her closed off nature, not letting people in, she has a lot of idol friends.
Her hidden talent is that she can tie cherry stems into a knot with her tongue.
She is a brand ambassador for Gentle Monster and a global brand ambassador for Dior.
Old classmates of her have said she was well liked amongst staff and classmates alike, always willing to help with classwork and kind, encouraging words. She was also really easy to get along with.
She loves American artists like Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, and 5SOS. She has a wide variety of taste in music, she even likes a bit of country.
She’s been a fan of 5SOS since 2013.
She shares a birthday with Jake’s dog, Layla.
She loves space and conspiracy theories.
Her favorite features on herself are her eyes and lips.
She is close with RIIZE’s Seunghan, LE SSERAFIM’s Kazuha and Yunjin, ITZY members, (G)I-DLE’s Soyeon and Shuhua, THE BOYZ members, IVE’s Yujin and Wonyoung, and her former I.O.I. members.
Fans found old photos of Sora and RIIZE’s Seunghan when they were younger and connected the dots, fans even spotting Sora in a hat and mask at RIIZE’s debut showcase. She then later confirmed it on a WeVerse Live.
Along with the entire group’s manager, Wooseok, she has her own female manager, Hyosun, as the company thought would be best for her to have a woman she could go to and not any men.
She was on a swim team when she was younger.
She’s not easily scared by horror films, and enjoys them as long as they make her jump.
She’s the most flexible in the group.
The members she talks to the most from I.O.I. are Somi, Doyeon, Yoojung, and Chungha.
She went to an international school as her father thought it’d be more beneficial for her future.
She made her acting debut in 2010 as Jung Somi in The Man From Nowhere, where won Best New Actress at the 2010 Korean Film Awards for her role. She also played Do Kyunghee, Cha Eunwoo’s character’s sister, in My Gangnam Beauty in 2018.
She loves spicy food but can only eat so much without something to drink.
She has a low alcohol tolerance, the members have to watch her when she’s drinking.
The members compare her to a cat, similar to Jungwon, with how she denies affection and then craves it.
It’s easy to be her friend, but it’s hard to get her to open up.
She finds it funny with how much she has to say an English word in a Korean accent for the others to understand sometimes. She finds it even funnier with Jake’s accent.
She chose Sunoo and Jungwon as the cutest members.
With Engenes, she finds their reaction when she flirts with them funny, but she also loves seeing their reactions when she ‘rejects’ someone (i.e. affection, fans asking her out, etc.) so she picks and choose how she responds to certain things.
After I.O.I. but before ENHYPEN, she had a YouTube channel named Sorabae where she posted make-up videos but the channel has been inactive since 2019.
She can play the piano, but hardly ever plays anymore.
Her persona in front of fans and her actual persona were very different for a while after debut. She didn’t know how to act in front of fans, especially after debuting as the only girl. She slowly started to get more comfortable around fans in the beginning of 2022.
For the majority of her career, including I.O.I., she had a ‘Golden Girl’ image until she gradually changed and allowed herself to let go of things. ENHYPEN have hinted towards this, saying how much she’s opened up to them and more comfortable. She’s also often said how she’s no longer the same girl.
She likes teasing fans more than feeding into delusions, flirting with them and taking it back with a joking snarky comment or saying a comment that had a double meaning and acting as if she had no idea what she said really meant.
She has a small appetite and always ends up giving the rest of her meals to her members.
Her favorite drink is a mocha frappuccino.
Out of everyone, she probably keeps most of her personal life to herself from the fans.
Her favorite dessert is cheesecake.
She prefers fall weather over the summer.
Along with Jay, she cooks the most in the dorm which she doesn’t mind.
She hates waking up early, but she does it to make sure everyone eats.
In an old middle school picture of her on a field trip, Sunoo is seen photobombing behind her with a peace sign.
She knew Heeseung, Jay, and Jungwon before debut as they were all trainees under BigHit.
She was best friends with a fellow trainee and contestant on I-Land, Lim Chaeyeon. The two were both expected to debut in the final line-up until Chaeyeon was eliminated in the last episode, leaving Sora (and Iseul before she left) the only girl(s) in ENHYPEN. This has started rumors of I-Land being rigged, especially with how seemingly neither girls talk anymore.
Both of her upper and lower lobes and her antitragus are pierced, as well as her left industrial and right helix. She plans on getting her right industrial done when her first is finished healing in a few months. She also wants to get her belly button pierced.
She thinks “tattoos are sexy.” (Dark Blood Fancall 230530)
If she wasn’t an idol, she’d probably have a career in the medical field.
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fullsunsets · 16 days
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Thanks to @jmagnabo92 @myheartalivewrites @henryspearl @iboatedhere @thesleepyskipper for tagging me
To celebrate hitting 50k words in my RBB fic, I will be sharing one of my favorite moments ever.
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How a wonderful, funny, kind, and handsome man like Henry Fox is spending Valentine’s day all alone with his annoying straight friend and not on some romantic ass date is beyond comprehension for Alex.
“I honestly don’t understand how you’re still single,” Alex blurts out and Henry freezes midway through grabbing the last can of beer.
“I— well…” Henry tries to start, but he keeps opening and closing his mouth like a blobfish. And Alex might have lost count of how much he has been drinking because he finds Henry’s whole reaction cute.
“It’s just… You’re such a cool guy and honestly, the fact that no guy has snagged you for a date, today of all days, feels so wrong to me. They have no idea what they are missing,” the filter between his racing thoughts and his mouth is already faulty when sober, so there is no surprise it’s nonexistent when he’s drunk. 
Henry looks at him surprised, almost as if he is trying to make sense of the scene playing in front of him. “I honestly don’t mind, the holiday is so commercialized anyway. I’m——”
“H, I’m not dumb,” he turns to his friend and they are currently staring at each other, “You are a hopeless romantic who dreams of the day you’ll get your love story worthy for an Austen heroine. And while I am sad to inform you that you are not an Austen heroine, but Mr. Darcy, my point that you are a sucker for love still stands. You deserve being knocked off your fucking feet, someone to take you to some fancy ass restaurant, to take you around the Smithsonian and hear you go on your cute little rants, baby. And the fact that no guy has given you that, fucking pisses me off. Instead, you are stuck with me getting piss drunk while we watch Star Wars and argue about which movie is better for the umpteenth time,” he looks at Henry straight in the eyes, hoping he gets Henry to see he deserves so much better. 
“Alex, I didn’t know you were hating spending the night with me that much,” Henry teases, but at this point, Alex has become almost an expert in reading him and can see the tension in his shoulders.
Almost as if he actually believes what he just said, and that just breaks Alex.
“That’s not what I’m trying to say, asshole!” he glares at him and Henry chuckles, “No, H, I’m so serious right now, you have no idea. This is the best night ever, and I will never take this for granted. But you deserve the world! The point is that you should be out having cheesy-ass dates with the love of your life instead of being stuck with your straight friend who is too annoying to get himself a date.”
“So if you had a date for today you would have dumped me?” Henry jokes, but then Alex freezes.
He never told Henry about the girl who tried to ask him out last Saturday after trivia night. She was cute and even Nora pointed out she looked like Alex’s type, although he doesn’t know where she gets that his type is blond. They dated and Nora is very much not a blond. However, he already had made plans with Henry and he didn’t want to leave him all alone on Valentine's day. At least that’s what he told Nora and his sister, but he can’t shake off the way they looked at him, as if he was the dumbest person they know. 
And honestly, he probably is, because who turns down a date to hang out with their friend. Someone he has only been calling a friend for a few weeks.
Yet, Alex doesn’t care if he and Henry have only been friends since late January or for 5 years. That's his best friend right there. He doesn’t care what Nora has to say about it. He’s allowed to have two best friends.
“No,” he admits and Henry’s eyes widen, “I already made a promise to you and I don’t break them.”
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Tags: @theprinceandagcd @luainthewild @benwvatt @onetwistedmiracle + open tag
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vilnmelling · 18 days
do you have any more richie tidbits :D
Trust me, I have a LOT to say about Richard Lipschitz. As he's my current hyperfixation character, I have made it my mission to find out everything there is to know about him, and of course also to make as many headcanons as possible about him. Now LET'S GO, ALL SORTS OF RICHIE STUFF!
Canon/half canon facts and trivia (AKA things said/done either in NPMD, in track commentaries or in streams)
As he says a couple of times in NPMD, he has overactive sweat glands, meaning he sweats more than the average person, and that he doesn't smell very good.
He also has asthma, as Bury the Bully confirms.
Shapiro asks the nerds if they're sure they didn't see Richie in their AP calculus class, so we can assume Richie's good at math.
Richie's quite skilled with a camera, and he knows how to photoshop (whether or not he's good at it is up for debate *glances at Ruth's playbill headshot*).
His favorite anime is Attack on Titan.
He would absolutely dye his hair blue.
He cosplays, and if he could afford to, he would make ELABORATE cosplays.
Richie's bedroom: his walls are absolutely decked out in anime posters, he has tons and tons of plushes, and he has a glass case of Funko Pops. Then he also has his anime love pillows, of course.
He did some Twitch streaming in 2020.
Once, he tried to organize a Pokemon Go meet-up, but no one showed up.
He's not as brave as he would like to be.
He doesn't seem to be a big fan of parties.
Out of the nerds, he was the one who felt the worst about what they did to Max.
My personal observations and headcanons
Richie's a shorts guy, all year around. He only has one or two pairs of long pants in his closet. It doesn't matter how cold it gets during the winter; he still wears shorts. He would've worn shorts to Homecoming. He'd be one questionable decision away from wearing shorts at his own wedding.
He and Trevor are identical twins, and Trevor is eleven minutes older. Even though Trevor's barely interested in anime and Richie's hardly at all interested in musicals, they watch them together. It's a weekly thing that they sit down in the living room, argue for five minutes about whether to watch an anime or a musical ("We watched Newsies last time." "Bullshit, that was like a month ago, we've watched anime the last two times at least!" "And what pray tell may those animes be, Trevor?"), then settle on one but talk over it the entire time. One of them always gets annoyed at the other for not keeping up with the storyline, but if you think they're gonna stop talking over them, you're wrong.
Daniel's their younger brother by five years. Neither of them know about Daniel's abilities nor about the fact that he's part of a magical fighting ring. (Their uncle, Gary, takes Daniel in secret, and they've told the rest of the family that Gary's taking Daniel to some sports practice. Trevor and Richie have ongoing bets about where Daniel keeps getting loads and loads of money from, and they constantly make deals with him to earn some money for themselves (doing Daniel's chores, watching stupid superhero movies with him, etc..))
His full name is Richard Jonathan _____ Lipschitz. Jonathan as a middle name is a family name for all the men in the Matthews-Goldstein-Lipschitz-McNeil family, and then they all have their own second middle name.
Trevor and Richie's birthday is somewhere in June. Richie was just so fucking clearly born in June.
When they were kids (8-12), they would make shitty movies and movie trailers on iMovie on their iPad. Most often, Richie would film and Trevor would play all the roles. Sometimes they'd involve Daniel and their cousins from their father's side of the family, then they'd force all the adults to watch their movies. Their greatest hit films include 'The Children in the Drawers', 'The Green Plant', 'The Murderer in the Barn' and 'The Boy Who Went to the Bathroom and Disappeared' (definitely not named after the shitty iMovie trailers and movies my sister, cousins and I made when we were kids).
Richie and Ruth met for the first time on a playground the summer before their first year of school. They played together for an hour or two before Ruth had to go home, and parted as typical six-year-old strangers who played pirates on a playground once. When they started school a month and a half later, they ended up in the same class, and they immediately recognized each other, and since then they've been besties. (Ruth met Pete at tap class, and that was how Pete completed the trio).
Based on a whole fuck ton of things in both the proshot and the digital ticket, I have no choice but to think Richie's down bad for Ruth, and that she's equally whipped. Richie's 110% oblivious to how he's feeling. He's not in denial or anything, he just has no idea. I'm talking, "Seeing her smile makes my stomach do cartwheels, but that doesn't mean anything." "That dress she wore once made me speechless, but that's just because she's such a good friend." "Yes, I could imagine myself kissing her, but that doesn't have to mean anything." He gives her an almost Paul-level heart-eyes look, she's fucking constantly looking at him, he fully checks her out in the digital ticket (involving nodding and hand gestures), she giggles at every lame joke he makes like it's the funniest thing she's heard, how angry he is that Pete wouldn't want to be with her, she beelines for him after "arguing" with Steph, he hypes her up when Max compliments her skeleton bit, and they're pretty much incapable of standing more than three millimeters away from each other. I mean, come on.
Analyses are on the way!
I've spent a lot of my time delving into story analysis, and I'm about to make an analysis video focusing mainly on Max and Richie (Richie's death, in particular). The script is done, I just have to film and edit it, but then it'll be up on Youtube!
Another analysis video idea I have is to make a video purely dedicated to breaking down each of the main characters and unearthing their internal conflicts, goals, desires, fears and misbeliefs. I've already got a pretty good idea of Richie's motivations and fears, so I'm quite excited about this one...
And there ya go, a bunch of Richie stuff!
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explicit-tae · 2 years
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welcome to my blog - my name's quae. this is my main blog. trivia-yandere is my yandere blog. my ao3 is explicit_tae warning: majority - if not all -of my writings will be considered nsfw and suitable for those 18+. they will (sometimes) contain graphic smut scenes, yandere/dark moments, etc. please do not translate, repost or use any of my writing without permission.
Ungodly Hour - Alternate Universe - Mommy Issues - Halloween - Valentine's Day - Cruel Intentions - Trivia-Yandere
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Plaything: Your first year in South Korea was amazing. You got to live out your dream of being an English teacher at a private Academy. You’ve attended concerts from your favorite musicians and even acquainted yourself with new friends. But no good life last forever and now you find yourself jobless, homeless and living out of cheap motels. You’ve reached your last resort- becoming an Idol playmate. W.I.P
The Feeling of Being Stared At: You and your friends are targets of a masked killer who terrorizes each of you before they make their move on massacring. Your instincts tell you that the call is coming from inside the home, and maybe the killer is closer than you think. W.I.P
Insatiable Part 1: You noticed your Junior Year of High School that Kim Taehyung, Senior, didn’t like you. It didn’t get too far, however, just verbal teasing and taunts. But, now that you were a sophomore in University he decided he had enough. Maybe he was a changed man - or maybe because he seen that tight skirt you wore with those lace panties peaking through. completed
Insatiable Part 2: One thing for sure, Taehyung compelled you. You couldn't not think about him after your night in the woods. However, you also couldn't keep your mind off of your best friend, Jungkook, who gives you every reason not to. completed
Starring Role: Jungkook regrets introducing Jimin to your content. You're his favorite camgirl (and the only one he watches rigorously) and he would've never thought he would be head-to-head with his best friend. The contest? Win a night with you. completed
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Public Enemy (Part 6/7): You’re a young doctor - an intern fresh out of medical school - and begin your career at the best Hospital in South Korea. You would’ve been swimming in student loan debt if it wasn’t for your boyfriend of 1 year, Shin, paying it off in full. You were shocked at the action and questioned where such money came from. You got you answer when your boyfriend himself comes rushing through the hospital doors with a bullet through him. completed
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Public Enemy (Part 7 of 7): Your elder sister was not one to disappear. After quitting her job, she fought and worked hard for years in, you knew something was wrong - even when everyone insisted there wasn’t foul play involved. So, you go on your own investigation to find the truth of what just happened to your elder sister. completed
Contagious: An alternate world in which at the age of 25, your true soulmate is revealed. Some choose to defy the soulmate tie - but you refuse; especially when it’s revealed to be your sister's boyfriend. completed
Carnal Desire: The last person you expected to see was an ‘old friend’ from nearly a decade ago, but you’re determined to show the man that you’re no longer the little girl he use to know. One | Two | Three
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Public Enemy (Part 5/7): You wonder where Hoseok goes off to when his work phone calls at all times of the day and night. It’s a bother - especially when the two of you are on a date. You suspect he’s cheating on you and decide one night to follow him and witness just where he scurries of to. completed
Bound: Jimin has tried everything in his power for you - one of his closest friends - to get laid. He realizes that your kinks don't match with just any man besides one; another friend of his - Jung Hoseok. You've met Hoseok many times and don't think your masochism can be satiated by someone as bright and sunny as him. completed
Moral Dilemma: Your morality is tested at a monthly family dinner that gets interrupted by two masked men. completed
Love You (Just A Little Too Much): You're brought down memory lane and come face to face with someone you've completely forgotten about. completed
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Public Enemy (Part 3/7): Your life was going great. You’ve been promoted from police officer to detective - something you’ve worked hard for. Your first case was to solve a murder of a local drug dealer brought to the hospital who you suspect foul play from. completed
Forbidden Fruit - Kim Namjoon is a new professor at a local University that has all the girls swooning over him. He becomes entangled with one student - you being far too persistent for his own good. Professors are strictly forbidden to have any form of relationship with their students - but the forbidden fruit always tastes the best. completed
One Time Thing: Namjoon was the whole package - tall, dark hair with an amazing physique. Let's not forget the personality and the intelligence that was an added bonus. Too bad he was your friend's boyfriend - even if he did appear a little too infatuated with you. completed
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Public Enemy (Part 2/7): After the sudden death of your boyfriend, Shin, of 2 years - by the hands of what you assume was a rival of his - you find yourself in deep shit. He assisted in paying your college tuition and other expenses you needed for school. Once the bill runs high and you’re threatened expulsion, you need money fast. Your decision to work as a camgirl wasn’t your first option, however, now it may be your only one. completed
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Public Enemy (Part 4/7): You’ve been with your boyfriend, Shin, for 3 years. The relationship wasn’t perfect and the two of you butted heads often which resulted in him buying whatever designer items to get back in your good graces. For the last few months, you begin to notice a slip in his character and question just what he does when he isn’t with you. completed
Unusual Suspects: You were always told that the internet wasn't a safe space and to be careful who you were talking to. Namjoon, your crush of years, was someone you thought was a safe haven - until you realized he wasn't the man you adored but instead a catfish pretending to be him. Now, said catfish is determined to ruin your life and the life of your childhood best friend, Taehyung, for their own sick pleasure. completed
V-Day Special: You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special. completed
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Nefarious [Prequel]: A look back in your and Jungkook’s relationship, prior to the marriage, kids and detachment. completed
Repent: Adventures of Jeon Jungkook and the new girl who attends the church retreat - and who is also determined to fuck him.
Sweet Serial Killer: The city is shaken up by the sudden murders going around - all by a man who claims he is doing so in the name of justice. People are divided - those who agree with the mysterious serial killer to do what the justice system has not; and those who disagree and want him captured and sent to prison. (Part 1 to Lethal Lovers) completed
Lethal Lovers: After finding out Jungkook is Yeonma, the vigilante serial killer that has the nation in a chokehold, he offers you a deal you refuse to turn down. (Part 2 to Sweet Serial Killer) completed
Public Enemy (Part 1/7): You don’t ask many questions when your boyfriend - a High School sweetheart of 4 years by the name of Shin - splurges his money on you and other luxuries. However, you know well enough that he works for one of the biggest mafia leaders of South Korea. completed
Cult: You've grown reclusive and naive to the world - your mother has sheltered you throughout your life. That was until you've grown of age and desire to see said world for what it was - through the eyes of 7 men - 1 in particular - who all claimed to be Gods of a new world. W.I.P
One Way or Another: You recant the horrible story of how you met Jeon Jungkook - a now ex-boyfriend of yours - to your therapist. You opened up about the obsessive and toxic behavior that has you constantly looking over your shoulder for the man you've been running from for years. One | Two
Peepshow: You were Jungkook's favorite person to watch when he was outside your window. This time, he's determined to have a closer look. completed
Lick Back: Realizing that your boyfriend has become a completely different person & being malicious towards you could only mean that he’s being nice to someone else. completed
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meimi-haneoka · 6 months
Clear Card Trivia 2 ~ Alice in Clockland and its meaning inside Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
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"But in the end...what the heck was that 'Clockland' ?"
Raise your hand if you have thought so at least once! If you did, then welcome to one of the posts of my Clear Card trivia series, an unexpected one I have to say, because I had scheduled to write other posts before tackling this one, but today I suddenly realized, thanks to a conversation in a community, that probably this aspect of the series takes precedence over other things.
I've seen countless of people confused over this matter ever since the play started in the plot, and everybody knows that usually when things get unexpectedly complex, they are quick to be labeled as "useless" and "nonsense".
No, Alice in Clockland isn't just a flex on CLAMP's outstanding drawing skills, it isn't useless, it is very much connected to the plot and DOES have a meaning.
Now that the main story is over, I would like to tackle this issue. I don't presume to have the Big Truth in my pocket, especially cause Ohkawa-sensei was quite eloquent in her recent public speeches: a motto she's going by is "If you think so, then it's surely true....for you", but I feel like the way I understood and reconnected the whole play and the consequent events inside Momo's book do work out pretty well, so I'll just do what I usually do: I'll write my own interpretation out here, hoping that people reading it will find it useful, will find the right angle to look at all this part of the story, and have some of their frustrations with this arc sedated. And maybe share it around to help other people too.
I just want to get my voice out there so that no one can say "no one understood it".
Of course the text below is full of spoilers if you haven't read the chapters from 64-ish / volume 13, also I will talk assuming you know what is Kaito's plan and what feelings moved him to think such plan.
Then, if you're ready, let's proceed to see in details what this is all about, starting from the play.
The Alice In Clockland Play
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Let's start from the fact that the play is based on Alice Through The Looking Glass, and that is because….well, Alice in Wonderland is Ohkawa's most beloved book, so she really feels connected to it (and as you might know, this isn't CLAMP's first title inspired in Alice in Wonderland). It's just a preference, but for example many other books are referenced in this arc (as you might know from my other post in the Clear Card Trivia series) particularly "Momo" by Michael Ende (yeah, Akiho chose Momo's name from that book!).
The play (first called "The Two Alice" and then at last minute "Alice in Clockland") is undoubtedly the focal point of the second half of Clear Card. It's during the play that Kaito starts the final stage of his plan (and succeeds). But not only that, the plot of the play itself offers a good foreshadowing to what's going to happen to a certain someone later on. CLAMP used the "parallels" structure a lot in this arc, because it enhances the feeling of interconnection between the characters. "I understand what you're going through because the same happened to me". Sakura is an extremely empathetic character so that fits her and her world perfectly.
So the plot of the play Naoko wrote is quite simple: there are these two twin sisters who get separated by supernatural reasons and one of them ends up lost in another world, becoming Queen of it and forgetting completely about her family of origin. In the play they're both called Alice because of the imagery that twins are initially one same being that gets divided in two… Even the family of origin forgets about the lost daughter, but somehow their feelings for her never get erased, and they keep a chair (which stays empty) at their table. It's like they're feeling that someone is missing and are waiting for her to return, even if they don't really know it. One day, a magical black cat gets to meet the Alice who stayed in her world and ends up guiding her to a magical land: his goal is to lead her to meet her lost sister and reunite them. After wandering for a while. Alice finds her sister/Queen of that land, and touching her hands she suddenly remembers who she is, and what she herself came here for, which is to bring her back home. The two go back home together and we reach the happy ending of the play (which we could only see in the rewritten world, but surely followed the scenario Naoko had written). The most important message of the play is that even if we forget about someone, feelings cannot be erased and those will lead us back to the person we forgot and to remember about them. (Does this ring a bell..?)
The Actual Clockland
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It might be useful to remind you that we're currently dealing with two major magical tools shaped like books, at this point of the story: one is the Book of Time Momo is guarding (to which Akiho gave the title "Alice in Clockland" and which will inspire the title of the play), a magical book capable of recording someone's life and, activating the so-called "Forbidden Magic", rewrite it completely. Another one is the magical artifact, shaped like a book, that was engraved into Akiho's body by her Clan and the Association of Magicians, where any magical book that Akiho reads gets "written down" , to store its magical power for use and consumption of those criminals. There's just one "tiny" problem: the more magic gets written on it, the more the book consumes and suffocates Akiho's soul, till the point of no return where the soul will get destroyed. The Clan and Association prefer this outcome as it would be easier for them to manipulate Akiho as an artifact, devoid of any conscience.
In the middle of the school play, Kaito brings Sakura and Akiho to Clockland, which is a "dimension" existing inside Momo's book, to prepare them for the rewriting of the world that he's going to perform afterwards. This world is built using Sakura, Akiho and Kaito's memories (you can see many elements that appeared in past chapters and that come from their memories, like the botanical garden where they had a double date, or the rose garden where Kaito met Akiho the first time). Another thing to be noted is that Hitsuzen (the force of inevitability that rules CLAMP's manga) facilitated Kaito enormously, so much that many things went exactly as he wished and how it was convenient for him (which isn't a good thing, since this led to a big big mess). So following the school play's roles, here Akiho is the Queen of this land, she's the most important character and it makes sense seeing who Kaito is doing all of this for. Sakura keeps being Alice, just like in the play.
In Clockland, Kaito removes Sakura and Akiho's memories and stores them in the botanical garden. He needs to do that for two reasons:
‐ just like the play, he hopes that Sakura and Akiho will follow along their roles and recognize eachother as sisters ‐ as such, this Clockland works as some kind of "primer" for their brain; ‐ he needs to change and rewrite those memories to make them become sisters later on, so he needs to have them collected in one place.
It is to be noted that Syaoran here is an intruder, Kaito didn't initially account for him to join in, and wanted to take on the role of the cat himself. In the play the cat is the one who leads one of the Alices to find the other one and make them recognize eachother as sisters, so this is the one thing Kaito wants to do and the role he wants to take on for himself. Kaito also knows that Sakura trusts Syaoran, even at a subconscious level, so he keeps his appearance to ease her in, believing that she'll follow along without making questions (ha, so much for that, Kaito). Not wanting to be hindered in his plan, he uses the Mirror Sakura Card as a red herring for Syaoran. Syaoran, in that regard, even as an intruder ends up achieving a result very in line with his "cat role", which is to make someone remember (Sakura remembers her identity when he shouts her name). The Clear Cards are inside Clockland because Kaito soon will need to use them to power the forbidden spell. As we know from later events, not all of them are there, and some follow his orders (like Shade), some don't (like all the Cards with appearances of Sakura's loved ones, which are trying to give her hints along the way to wake her subconscious up ‐ this is exactly their role and it worked well because Sakura starts to free herself from the spell Kaito casted to keep her subconscious dormant and to keep her in her "in role", symbolized in the manga by a change of fonts used in the dialogues, a thing that those who have read it in English couldn't recognize because they didn't respect that aspect in the translation).
Another thing that Kaito hopes for, while the two girls interact in this "fairytale" (it is very much considered a fairytale by Kaito, since he calls all of them "characters"), is that Sakura will end up creating the Card he needs to operate the exchange of artifacts between him and Akiho (exchanging his pocket watch for the artifact book inside of her). As we said above, Hitsuzen shamelessly favors him and Sakura does end up creating Exchange at the last minute. Once that is done, Kaito doesn't need to keep them in this Clockland anymore, and by the contract they have, Momo starts to activate the forbidden spell on his request, rewriting everyone's memories to satisfy Kaito's wish to turn Akiho into Sakura's sister after he removed the artifact from her with Exchange.
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Now, we know what happened after Kaito activated the forbidden spell. Everyone's memories were rewritten following his wish, and he was turned into a dragon and imprisoned by effect of the Seal of D., which was imposed on him by the Association like some sort of "trap", should he ever mess with Akiho's artifact.
But it's here that the play from above comes back in from the "backdoor", to bring the unexpected parallel: Kaito ends up being the character who's lost in another world and whose existence is totally forgotten by a loved one.
But that loved one got a "memento" of him (the pocket watch, which parallels the role of the chair in the play) and that object causes Akiho to feel strange, to feel like she has to fix it, she's extremely attracted to this pocket watch even if she doesn't know why. In the end, just like in the play, Akiho and Kaito reunite and despite not remembering anything about him, and not even having his true appearance in front of her (cause she meets him as a dragon first), Akiho knows perfectly well that that is the person she loves the most, because her feelings weren't erased (just like in the play).
Sakura's role in the finale ends up being similar to the one of the black cat, making everyone remember who they really are and their connections.
So this is roughly the "significance" of both the play and Clockland in this story. It is to be noted that what happens in Clockland is extremely abstract and full of riddles because Alice in Wonderland + Through The Looking Glass are exactly like that. Have you tried to read the originals by Lewis Carrol? It's quite difficult to follow along and nothing seems to make sense….when actually, with a different reading key, it does. I've had to pause my reading of Through The Looking Glass (that I had started in hope to understand the Clear Card story better) multiple times because it's quite difficult for me to stay focused and understand what's going on. I guess Ohkawa‐sensei wanted to go all out on the references to this story, and give the same narrative vibe. The references of course don't stop at the narrative structure, you can read the others in my post about the literary references that I had linked at the beginning of this post, in the section about Alice in Wonderland.
Kaito's True Feelings
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Another thing to be noted about Clockland is that since it's playing a lot with the subconscious of the characters, Kaito's true feelings end up appearing here and there. The Queen's Castle, the most important place, is built on crystals, a reference to his true name (something that Sakura points out immediately and Kaito doesn't reply to, while showing a pensive face). Their memories together are protected and stored inside the botanical garden, once again made of crystals. Sakura hits the bull's eye particularly when she says that the rose garden (where Kaito met Akiho for the first time) feels extremely important to someone (that someone is Kaito, of course), and Kaito (disguised as Syaoran) looks away and urges her to move forward. The "someone" could be interpreted as Akiho too, of course, but the Cat/Kaito's reaction and the fact that the Cards told Sakura that this place is strictly interconnected with someone's "wish", makes me lean more toward Kaito. The garden pavillion appearing with the Repair card is another important place because it's where Lilie told him "you'll find something/someone you'll like, one day". It's quite telling that Sakura, despite not even remembering who she is, is guided by her infinite empathy and recognizes immediately those parts of this land that reveal Kaito's true heart and the core of this whole matter, through the continuous questions she keeps posing to everyone, in a desperate attempt to make sense of what's happening and subconsciously fight the spell that's keeping her in her "role" (she'll do that with Akiho too, later).
It's interesting to note also just how much Hitsuzen played on Kaito's side, guiding Tomoyo's instinct to re-do the outfits for the two Alices and ending up giving to Akiho a serious, dark outfit with a black veil. I remember how me and some friends commented that more than a queen, she looked like a mourning bride. Considering what happened afterwards, the imagery CLAMP chose was pretty spot on. Not only that, but the black veil also served as a metaphor for Kaito keeping Akiho's subconscious dormant, making her act like the role of the play required her to. Needless to say, Akiho was able to slip away from the grasp of that spell basically on her own, without even needing magic, only relying on her strong feelings for Kaito (she didn't even remember her name, but lifting the veil up - a very powerful imagery - she remembered that she had someone she loved, and also Sakura's name. This gets once again conveyed in the Japanese version by the change of fonts in the script). The rose headpiece is also another quite interesting part of the outfit, as Sakura asks to the Cat/Kaito why the roses in the garden are all white, despite being this the Red Queen's land... For sure, that place was referencing the real rose garden where Kaito and Akiho met the first time, where the roses were all white, but that also means that the only Red Rose in that land is....Akiho. I also remind you that the rose headpiece was featured in the color page of chapter 69, with Kaito cradling it in his arms with a sweet smile, as if he were holding something very precious....we could read the color illustration as "that's the only thing he got left of Akiho".
This is the reason why Momo, in a moment where the Alices are on their own, tells Kaito that no matter how much he tries to hide himself behind the Syaoran disguise, his true nature shows up anyway. The whole place is full of elements making reference to very important things in his heart, and his true wish. That is only normal because the whole place is made up of their memories. This is also why Momo says that Kaito gave "all of himself" for the activation of the spell.
Another very interesting part is when Sakura, before meeting the Cat/Kaito, meets her friends Rika, Chiharu, Yamazaki and Naoko in the shape of the corresponding Cards (Appear, Synchronize and True & False). The Cards tell her that what appears in this world depends on what Sakura wishes, but her reply is "This is the Red Queen's land. Shouldn't she be the one to decide what appears here in this world?" which works wonderfully on a metaphorical level to point at how Akiho should be the one deciding what happens from now on, since this place is hers and was built for her alone. Seeing how mad Akiho got at Kaito afterwards for deciding her happiness on her behalf, yes, Sakura's question was pretty legit.
In Clockland we have also lots of meaningful interactions between Sakura and Akiho and words said in conversation that will become absolutely essential to help Sakura reaching the truth in the rewritten world (especially the whole discussion about "memories" and "records"), since they stayed in her heart even with the activation of the forbidden spell.
And I believe this is everything regarding these two parts of the Clear Card plot, a way for CLAMP to undoubtedly experiment with a different kind of storytelling, and to ask their readers to dedicate a little bit more of attention to the story, trying to get out of the logical approach to things, and thinking on a more abstract and metaphorical level.
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bluelocksource · 10 months
Karasu Tabito’s trivia (source: twt & Egoist Bible).
☆ Character's colour: Dark blue.
☆ Weapons: Keep (keep the ball from opponent), feint technique, and handwork (using hand or arm to block the opponent / to keep the distance from the opponent / to secure the play area).
☆ Nicknames: ‘Assassin’ and ‘Analyst’.
☆ Birthday: 15th August. (Obon festival)
☆ Current age: 18 (3rd year of high school)
☆ Zodiac: Leo.
☆ Birthplace: Osaka Prefecture.
☆ Family: Grandmother. Mother. Father. Older sister. Himself.
☆ Current height: 183 cm.
☆ Dominant foot: Right foot.
☆ Blood type: A.
☆ Starts playing football: At age 4.
☆ Team before joining BLUE LOCK: Bambi Osaka Youth (same team as Hiori) .
☆ Motto: "Never lose your intelligence and your curiosity!"
☆ Favorite food/drink: Kelp tea (kombucha). “It calms me.”
☆ Disliked food: Salmon roe. “The texture and fishy smell are unusual. It’s like eating a monster cells.”
☆ Favorite animal: Hawks. “I heard it has good sense in hunting." “Those sharp eyes and claws are marvelous.”
☆ Favorite season: Autumn. "I like the feeling of solitude."
☆ Favorite football player: Ruud van Nistelrooy
☆ Favorite song: “FLY” by GRAPEVINE.
☆ Favorite manga: GANTZ “The Osaka version. It’s just too awesome.”
☆ Favorite movie: “It’s a foreign movie, ‘Westworld’.”
☆ Favorite TV show: Documental (a comedy documentary program)
☆ Ideal type: Smart and strong woman.
☆ Hobby: Observing, analysing, and assessing people.
☆ Fixation: Voice/way of speaking. "I feel unusually aroused whenever I sense intelligence from the way a person speaks."
☆ Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: “Bamboo shoots. It’s pretty common but honestly, bamboo shoots.”
☆ What goes best with rice : Kimchi. “It’s good no matter how many times you eat it.”
☆ What makes him happy: To be left alone. “I want to live as I please, die as I please.”
☆ What makes him upset: Surprise presents. “It’s impossible to be happy in a forced atmosphere. I kind of feel bad.”
☆ What he thinks his strength is: Rational, calm, and determined.
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: He can't be kind to ordinary people. “I need to fix that.”
☆ Favorite/Best subject: Modern literature, Chemistry, and World History.
☆ Dislike/weak subject: Swimming. “I’m scared of water.”
☆ What made him cry recently: “Not gonna tell ya, idiot.”
☆ Usual sleeping time: 6.5 hours.
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: Hair. “My hair's too stiff from all the hair wax.”
☆ Number of chocolates received from previous Valentine: 6. “They’re definitely messing with me. I keep receiving bonbon whiskey.” (bonbon whiskey: chocolate confectionary that contains whiskey.)
☆ At what age he experiences first love: At age 8. “Marisa was the cutest girl in class. And then there’s ordinary me...”
☆ The first time he got confessed to: “Marisa confessed to me on elementary school graduation day ceremony. But since I’ll be playing soccer at a faraway middle school, I turned her down. Something like that. Nothing out of ordinary."
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: Invest in index funds.
☆ At what age he stops receiving presents from Santa: "Around 10 years old. I stopped because I want to be considerate of my parents."
☆ What was his last wish from Santa: PS4 & Winning Eleven.
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: “To be with someone important to me. If such a day comes, it’s good enough for me.”
* The crossed words are the changes made from twitter’s answer to the answer from Egoist Bible.
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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cheeseyberg · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The next day finds the yet to be determined teams piled into Steve's living room, empty pizza boxes abandoned under the coffee table and Teen Wolf playing on the TV in the background. Eddie and Steve have seated themselves on the couch in front of it, each with a blank piece of paper. Eddie has just pulled a D20 from his pocket and Steve has just realized what Eddie meant by "roll" to see who gets the bigger team. Eddie rolls first and gets a 5, the party immediately starts shouting about best 3 out of 5, but Eddie shuts it down.
"Quit your whining, you know as well as I do that low rolls happen sometimes. This is why you're not allowed to be captains, you're way too competitive. Stevie, you're up pretty boy." Eddie hands the die to Steve, but Steve is so flustered at being called pretty boy that he fumbles it and drops it on the table. It rolls a few inches before coming to rest showing a 19.
"Was that my roll?" Steve looks to Eddie to make the call and Eddie smiles at him. "Sure was, Sugar. So, you get five of these hellions to corral."
Steve isn't quite sure that he won when Eddie puts it like that, but an extra player will come in handy he decides so he keeps it to himself.
"I'm on Steve's team!" Nancy declares. Steve looks over at her and she gives him a wink. Nancy knows Steve isn't stupid yes, she is still smarter than he is but she's the only person who spent any time studying with him, so she knows better than anyone the useless amount of knowledge he has stored away.
"You don't get to pick your own team! Steve can pick you, but you can't pick him." Mike screeches at his sister.
"I pick Nancy." Steve flips Mike off as he says it and Nancy sticks her tongue out at her brother. Steve gets up and goes to sit in the chair Nancy is leaning against so there is a clear separation of the two teams.
The teams quickly took shape with Dustin and Lucas being the last two left. Dustin on purpose and Lucas by chance because he was distracted whispering to Max and didn't seem to have a preference.
"You're doing this on purpose!" Dustin wailed as Eddie pretended to waiver between the two remaining boys.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Eddie feigned innocence. "Get over here Henderson"
"Lucas, you're with me." Steve tried to hide his smile from Eddie, having realized that he and Lucas once again got looked over for their contributions and Eddie left himself a gap in knowledge should any sports questions come up during trivia.
Steve was very happy with his team, he had ended up with Nancy, El, Erica, Will and Lucas. Leaving Eddie with Robin, Dustin, Mike, and Max. Steve had reasoned that between El and Will their music knowledge could compete with Eddie, just by their proximity to Jonathon and Argyle, Lucas, Nancy and Erica had them covered on a wide spectrum of academic knowledge and Steve himself had so much useless facts stored away that he was starting to feel the old competitive edge coming out in him. What only Nancy knew was that Steve had a massive collection of trivia books. When he was younger and would express a desire to go to the library his parents would bring home another fact book for him. They found fiction to be a frivolous waste of time.
"What are you smirking about over there sweetheart?" Steve looks up to find Eddie watching him and quickly moves from the couch and starts towards the kitchen to hide as his smile grows with the nickname.
"Nothing, just going to grab some popsicles."
Steve is leaned into his freezer digging for the new box he knows is in here when he feels a presence at his back. He turns to find Nancy looking thoughtfully at him.
"What? Do I have something on my face? Or is that your plotting face?" he asks her.
"You know Eddie doesn't think you're dumb right? I know the kids are assholes about it and you never correct them, but he's never once joined in on it."
Steve starts to feel like maybe this is a test of his intelligence because he has no idea where this could be going.
"I'm just saying," Nancy continues, "that if you're thinking of using this as a way to impress him it's unnecessary. He already thinks you're smart and funny and I'm pretty sure he would have been two seconds from jumping you if he wasn't actively bleeding out after the big boss battle with Vecna."
"Nance…what do you mean? Why would you think that?" Here's the thing, Steve knows he's into men (again, not stupid) but he didn't know that other people may have also known. "Wait, did we already talk about this and my concussed brain forgot?"
"No, we haven't explicitly talked about it but I didn't think you were keeping it from me. Just like I'm not keeping anything from you, you know that I'm bisexual too, right?" No, he absolutely did not know that. "Oooh, I'm guessing by your face that you did not." Nancy lets out a full deep laugh and launches herself at him.
"I didn't, or I don't know, maybe I did? I hadn't actually considered it but when you said it just now, I'm not completely shocked." Steve wraps her up in his arms and twirls her around with a giggle of his own. "Wait! Are you telling me that you think Eddie likes me back?"
"I take it back, you're a moron."
"No, he's a dingus. Maybe also a moron, tell me what he said, and I'll make a definitive ruling." Steve startles at the new voice and almost drops Nancy as he spins around to see Robin and Eddie poking their heads into the kitchen. Eddie is eyeing the closeness between him and Nancy with a look of almost disappointment.
"He's been looking right at the box he was searching for, if it was a snake, it would have bit him." Nancy reaches past him into the still open freezer and grabs the box in question. Robin narrows her eyes like she doesn't quite buy it but doesn't press. Eddie is already turning back to the kids and avoiding Steve's gaze. Steve decides he definitely needs to get Nancy alone again, maybe Robin too, and press this question about Eddie liking him.
@zerokrox-blog @bidisastersworld @respect-snails
Part 3
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
do u know anything cool about the side characters i feel like they need more appreciation and more people to know about them.
my time has come (<- i really like the side characters)
because i don't own the fanbooks, and cannot find scans of them anywhere, this is all from memory or stuff written on the wiki or tvtropes. also characters who debuted physically in the last year (e.g Asahi, Mafuyu's mother, Arisa) won't have fanbook profiles yet, so i can only tell you what's mentioned in the story
so yeah some random trivia (a lot about favorite foods because all the side characters have that listed)
Iori and Mio are both 19 years old (currently)
Iori's favorite food is choco-banana crepes and she dislikes spicy food
Mio likes super spicy tantanmen ramen but dislikes fresh cream. She also collects teddy bears
neither Iori or Mio were ever given family names. This might mean that the names used in the story are stage names.
Youta is the same age as Leo/need (16). His younger sister Hanano is 14.
Saku is currently 16, the same age as the Leo/need members, and her family name is Kousaka
She's the singer and composer of her band, Anenome. They debuted professionally a few weeks prior to the Get Over It. event
When Shindou was younger, he was a bassist in a band with some school friends. He and the singer/guitarist were more skilled than the others, and were scouted for a different band. Shindou didn't want to quit because he wanted to be in a band with his friends, but the singer/guitarist quit and accepted the offer because his music would have more spread. In the end Shindou's band had to disband, and he doesn't know what happened to the guy that left.
Mai's favorite food is eclairs and she dislikes liver. She is also 15 years old currently
Yuina was the first side character to be shown with more than one outfit. Her live2D has a different outfit to the one in Minori's For "Your" Sake card
Yuina's hobby is handicraft, and she also plays basketball
Yuina's favorite food is potato croquette and she dislikes bok choy
Airi and Nanamin did a collab performance when they were both idols. They are the same age.
Nanamin has now retired as an idol and is currently a streamer with over 800 thousand subscribers. She likes fruit tarts and dislikes wasabi.
Riho is a high school first year (16) and is active as a song producer on the in-universe version of youtube
Riho's favorite food is pudding and she doesn't like hard and crumbly bread
Ayaka is 20 years old and attends college. She’s a big fan of Shizuku. She likes pork cutlets and doesn't like oysters.
Ken likes meat dishes and dislikes umeboshi
He says he fell in love with his wife, Yuka, at first sight. They met in college and they've been married for over 20 years.
We don't know how old Yuka is but Ken is 43
Ken was a really good student and had good grades in both academics and sports. He also attended and graduated college.
Ken is very aware of An's feelings towards Kohane and is supportive of her. Go Ken-san
He was RADder's designated driver back in the day
Taiga dropped out of high school
Taiga likes whiskey but dislikes tsubuan
He is referref to as “partner” in the game data
Ken and Taiga have known each other since middle school. He thought Ken being an academic was boring and decided to get him into street music
Nagi had anemia. It's implied this is part of the reason she didn't realise she had cancer until it was too late, because she thought she felt bad because her anemia was playing up
Nagi's least favorite food was tomato, just like An. She liked coffee as well.
Arata's favorite foods are omelet rice and chocolate parfait, and his least favorite food is natto.
As pointed out by Taiga, Arata is one of the most talented performers on Vivid Street. Taiga seems to see himself in Arata, and relates to the feeling of losing a partner and can identify Arata’s weaknesses based on this
I’m not entirely sure if this is true, but based on observation Souma’s Live2D model has restricted movement. He doesn't lift his arms in any of his animations, only does small movements with them and his legs hardly move if at all. I'm assuming this is to convey that he was partially paralysed in the traffic accident
Both Souma and Arata are currently 19
Also their duo act nane was Gurney Flaps. Souma was the one who came up with that.
Souma and Arata were friends for an unknown amount of time before Rad Weekend. They may have been doing street music before the event I can't remember if this is ever mentioned.
Souma was involved in a traffic accident not long after he and Arata decided to surpass RW. He mentions that the accident was before Weekend Garage opened, and it's been open for a couple years at this point, because Ken decided to buy and open the cafe not long after the event.
Also they get a shoutout on KAITO’s costume from the Walk on and on event
Also I literally just learnt that the EN server localises Souma's name as Soma.
Even though he looks pretty old, Harumichi Aoyagi is only 53
Inferred based on his house, but he’s really rich as well. I think the Aoyagis might live in a penthouse, if you look at the window of their living room you can see the tops of trees.
Kotaro is called “cord nukio” in the game data, referring to him disconnecting the sound system during Vivids’ debut
He has a younger brother, and the reason he got into singing is because he wanted to be a cool big brother. He saw RW around the time his brother was born and the rest is history
Kotaro is 17, and presumably a high school second year (since first year side characters are 16). I’m guessing her doesn’t attend kamikou otherwise that probably would’ve been mentioned by now
His favorite food is strawberries. Ironically, he doesn’t like strawberry-flavored things.
Tatsuya is 22, making him the oldest NPC who isn’t a parent or mentor
He got into singing after being inspired by a senior in high school
Kigurumi-san is a rabbit. Please tell me how that is a rabbit costume.
According to Rui in Full Power! Wonder Halloween!, Kigurumi-san's hiding spot is a bush near the wonder stage. It is heavily implied that he is Emu's bodyguard.
Usa-chan (the bunny plushie) is the only NPC to have ever appeared in an area conversation
Usa-chan's name was picked by Saki. Tsukasa wanted to give her a weird name, but we don't know what this was.
Sakurako has been a fan of PXL since she was a kid, and getting to perform there has always been a dream of hers. Also she’s 17 (the same age as Rui and Tsukasa)
Sakurako is called “diva” in the game data
Her favorite food is roll cake and she dislikes konjac.
The Little Mermaid was Yuuka Kazamatsuri’s first ever leading role. She’s 31 now, so she was 21 at the time.
Yuuka's favorite food is deepfried horse mackerel. Her least favorite food is fish and chips, because she thought it would be horse mackerel. It was not.
Rakunosuke (Emu's grandpa)'s favorite food was taiyaki, the same as Emu. He disliked surströmming.
Rakunosuke died when he was 99 years old. Considering that Emu’s father is currently 55, that means he didn’t have kids until he was in his 40s (unless Emu has older aunts/uncles that aren’t mentioned).
Kounosuke's favorite food is candy apples and he doesn't like sugary candies
Keisuke and Shousuke are referred to as Little Keisuke and Little Shousuke in flashbacks to Emu’s childhood, even if they are probably university-aged in these flashbacks. I just think this is funny
Keisuke is 30. He likes dried horse mackerel and dislikes chocolate.
Emu mentions that one time when her family went on a beach holiday Keisuke took an encyclopedia about sea life with him. Maybe he has an interest in that?
Shousuke is 3 years younger than Keisuke. He likes corndogs and dislikes green peppers.
Hinata is 20 and is currently in college. Her favorite food is peaches. Like Emu, she doesn't have a least favorite food.
If it wasn't obvious at this point the Otoris all like theme park food. Except for Keisuke.
Jean Riley is the in-universe equivalent to Walt Disney. He's also still alive and only 54 years old.
25-ji, Nightcord de.
Mrs Asahina doesn’t appear physically until someone other than Mafuyu interacts with her (that being Kanade at the end of Immiscible Discord)
Also she frequently employs actual manipulation techniques - she is in complete control of her meeting with Kanade, she rarely disagrees with anyone and instead gives them suggestions (i.e “but wouldn’t X be better for you?” over “no i think you should do X”), and playing victim. Wonder how she learnt those.
Honestly we really don’t know that much about her
Mafuyu’s dad doesn’t show up that much but he can be seen in some family photos in the Asahina living room
Shin’ei Shinonome’s hobby is camping with his family
He has the same liked and disliked food as his children
Also he’s 48 years old
None of the photos in the Shinonome living room actually look like the family so god knows what Mrs Shinonome looks like
Mrs Shinonome puts carrots in the dinners she cooks to encourage her kids to try the things they don’t like
Futaba is 17 years old. Her favorite food is pancakes from a local shop, and she doesn’t like salty food
Mizuki’s sister studies fashion abroad. She gifted Mizuki one of her mannequins before she left, which can be seen in Mizuki’s room
Kanade’s mother died when she was 30 years old. Her favorite food was deepfried tofu, and she didn’t like goya.
Kanade’s mother liked gardening. She was fond of carnations and used to keep them around the house, which is why Kanade has a strong attachment to those flowers.
Kanade's dad is currently 46. We don't know how old Kanade was when her mother died but it still works out that he's a few years older than his wife.
Bonus: As the self-proclaimed #1 slash only Asahi fan here's my obligatory Asahi loredump
Sakurako and Asahi are friends, though they have never interacted on-screen
Asahi's not-Disneyland theme park actor career somehow managed to spin-off into him appearing in TV and film roles. It's also mentioned that he's worked at ArcLand for a long time
Asahi is a huge fan of WxS, and is very familiar with their work before he meets them. It's implied he became a fan through the show they perform in Wonder Magical Showtime!. His favorite character in that show was Tsukasa's character, Miles. Like, he really likes that character.
It’s implied that he likes Tsukasa. I have made two posts about this. I think this is a lot funnier than it actually is.
We don't have a confirmed age for him yet, but considering that he's friends with Sakurako and the way he interacts with Rui and Tsukasa, he's probably around the same age as those three (17). How young was he when he started working at ArcLand in that case?
Assuming he’s high school-aged, I think he straight up dropped out of school (high school is not compulsory in Japan). When he recruits Rui he says that since he’s good, they can get him up to a full-time job before the age of 18, and Rui realises this would require him to pull out of school. The way Asahi talks about this seems to imply that he already did this.
He keeps a notebook in his pocket when he practises. He notes down useful things about the performances he does and also notes about the people he performs with. He also people-watches because it helps him make characters act more like real people.
He's a huge fan of the director Tom Grey, one of Rui's major influences, and claims to have watched all of his works 100 times. Grey is the person who inspired Asahi to become an actor. The shared interest is a large part of why Asahi invites Rui to be the ArcLand director
Asahi grew up abroad because of his parents' work, but the country he lived in ended up getting involved in a war. The area he lived in was attacked and his family had to evacuate, but he got separated from his parents when they were running away. He didn't speak the country's language very well since he was very young, and couldn't communicate with the people at the evacuation centre to locate his family. Tom Grey happened to be volunteering there, since he lived in the neighbouring country, and met Asahi and helped cheer him up and find his parents.
He’ll be back. That'll be a fun event.
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