#but urgh its taking forever
s0urte3th · 11 months
i really can’t help but itch
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Rumour Part Three: Roles
Description: as you and Eddie establish your relationship, it seems like no one can get in the way of it. Or can they?
Warnings: NSFW minors DNI or I'll poke you with a sharp stick, a trifecta of angst, fluff and smut, male oral receiving, fingering, slight switch dom!older!pierced!eddie x slight switch sub!fem!reader, unprotected sex, slight pain kink
A/N: I'm so glad you lot are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it, makes me very happy to see all your comments and reblogs, thank you!! Also I apologise to anyone called Estelle or Matt ;)
❤ If you enjoy this, please reblog the hell out of it, pretty pretty please! ❤
5.6k words
Masterlist     Part 1  Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
Lying in bed with Eddie was everything. It was two in the afternoon, and neither of you wanted to get up just yet. A warm glowing bubble had settled over the both of you and you were loath to break it. Eddie's wearing a pair of black trunks, you're in an oversized t shirt and no pants, since Eddie had pulled them down three times last night and it seemed an exercise in futility to put them on again.
Your legs were tangled together comfortably, like a pair of puzzle pieces finding their perfect match. Stroking your hand over his chest, you were tracing the lines of his tattoos.
"How many do you have? Tattoos I mean," you clarify, circling a devils head and horns just by his mass of chest hair.
"Pass. I've no idea sweet thing. Dozens. A hundred? I dunno." His hand travels to yours, helping you trace around a scorpion on his abdomen, muscles flexing underneath your touch.
"Well, which ones the oldest?"
He shifts to show you his arm. "See these bats?"
You nod, fingers whispering over his skin to rub at the flock of faded bats on his forearm.
"Got them when I was 17. No real reason, just thought they looked metal." He snorted a little laugh at his past self.
You smile at the glimpse of the past he's allowed you to see. Gazing up at him, you ask "what's your favourite one?"
He grins and winks at you. "Oh that's easy. Shift over a little?"
You move backwards a bit whilst he switches positions to lay on his side away from you, displaying his completely tattooed back.
It's the only tattoo he has in colour. A full back piece of a monstrous dragon with five heads, wreathed in flame. The art is incredible, so intricate and beautiful. You run your hands over it, marvelling at the details.
"Its pretty awesome Eddie."
He rolls back over to face you, fingers fluttering over your figure.
"I love it. Its Tiamat, the five headed dragon Goddess, from Dungeons and Dragons."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You nerd."
He chuckles back. "Yup, 'fraid so."
Nuzzling his face into your side, you hear his muffled voice "what time is it?"
Nearly 2:15."
"Urgh, I need to be in the shop at 3:45." He sighs into your shirt, then sits up.
"I'm gonna take a shower." After pecking you on the cheek, he swings his muscular legs off the bed and makes his way to the bathroom.
You sigh in contentment at the empty room, then pad your way out to the kitchen area to make some coffee for the pair of you. Once the pot is done you pour one for yourself.
Busying yourself in the kitchen, seeing if there were enough ingredients to make pancakes, you hear Eddie's voice from the doorway.
"Oh you made coffee, thanks sweets."
"No problem baby- oh."
Well fuck me.
There he stood, completely naked, roughly rubbing a towel through his wet mane of hair. Body glistening, steam rolling off his skin, tattoos darker and gleaming wet. His muscles shone in the light, taunt frame perfectly on display. Damp chest hair dripped deliciously down to his happy trail. Your eyes were inevitably drawn to his impressive length hanging between his legs, slightly pink and heavy looking, piercing glinting, inviting you over.
Glistening in front of you, so effortlessly, he looked like some sort of heathen God. You'd happily get down on your knees and worship him forever.
"What you staring at? Something you like sweet thing?" Eddie tips his head at you, smug smile creeping across his face.
Your mouth is hanging open. Snapping it shut, cheeks glowing, you walk over to him.
"We had sex like, three times last night and you still blush at me naked? You're too cute." He chuckles at you.
He stops laughing when you reach him and drop to your knees, hands trailing up his thighs.
"Woah, pretty girl, what are you doing?"
You take his member into your hands, running your palms over his length, feeling it harden quickly from your soft touches.
"I wanna, I wanna give you head."
He smiles softly at you. "Sweets you don't need to do that."
You keep running your hands over him, one dipping to cup his balls, rolling them gently in your hand. He lets out a shaky breath.
"You always take care of me, you never let me." You frown. "But I want to. Please Eddie?"
He moans, eyes rolling back. "Always so fuckin' polite. Shit."
Running your tongue up the length of his fully hard cock, you cover it with open mouthed kisses, licking and gently sucking at his shaft. Eddie hisses; you hear the towel he was holding flump to the floor, large hand coming to rest on the back of your head, engulfing your hair.
Taking his tip into your mouth, you trace around each cold steel ball with your tongue, swirling around either end of the piercing, swallowing pre cum. Eddie groans loudly, thumb rubbing the back of your head with encouragement.
Rubbing your tongue back and forth over his slit, you use your hands to work his shaft, dribbling spit to help glide across him. His slippery hard length is pulsing in your hands.
"Holy shit, pretty girl, that's- fuck, that's really good."
You moan around him, humming at the praise, doubling your efforts. You need him to come. He makes you feel so good all the time and you need him to know.
Trying your hardest to please him, you take him into your throat as much as you can. Granted, it's only just over halfway down his dick, but from the noises he's making it's enough. You feel the strange bump of steel at the back of your throat. Using your hands for the rest, you stroke him firmly. Each movement conveying just how much he means, how much you want to worship him.
"Oh sweet thing, God that's- oh fuck, hmm." Eddie's lost the power of speech which you take as the highest compliment. He's listening to your prayers.
Releasing him from your mouth, you stroke him with your hand and gently take one of his balls in your mouth, suckling gently, running your tongue all over it. Eddie was clearly not expecting it; you feel his legs shudder and a high pitched whine expel from his mouth. You smirk, taking the other in your mouth for the same treatment whilst firmly stroking his dick, endeavouring to show him your devotion.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna- shit, please- let me cum in your mouth" he's breathless and twitching, flushed red, practically quivering at your reverence.
You take his cock back into his mouth and hollow your cheeks, bobbing up and down his length quickly, squeezing his balls in your hand.
"Oh fuck, I'm, fuck-" as he shoots his load into your mouth. You swallow and swallow around his length, not stopping until he's whimpering, empty, his fill of your worship well and truly taken.
Halting your movements you behold him through damp lashes.
"Was that ok?"
"Fuckin' hell sweet thing, it was a little bit more than ok. Jesus H. Christ, I've got to go to work. Fuck, how am I this lucky?"
You blush and stand up, placing a kiss to his full lips.
"You want your coffee now?"
"Yeah, and a cigarette, before I do anything else." He crumples onto the couch, grabbing the towel to hide his modesty.
You get his coffee, add sugar and creamer, and bring him his cigarettes. Beaming at you, he takes you into his lap.
"What's this all about? Being all sweet to me."
You hide your head in his chest, suddenly shy. No matter how much confidence you portray in the world, the minute you get a look from Eddie it dissolves.
"I dunno, I just, I wanna take care of you Eddie."
He flashes an soft grin and holds you close, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. "You already have sweet thing."
Later that evening you're wiping down tables at the bar and collecting stray glasses.
"Hey, you may as well go, I'll finish up tonight, it's dead anyway." Your manager shouts over to you.
"Thanks!" You deposit the glasses in the dishwasher, hanging up your apron.
You check the time, 11pm. I wonder if he's still at the shop?
Eddie works late sometimes, he never wants to get up before noon so his client base tended to be night owls like him. Deciding to take the risk, you throw on your jacket and march into the chilly night air, walking the couple of blocks over to the tattoo shop.
Turning the corner, you see the shutters are down but the light is still on upstairs. You give it a minute, stopping to smoke a cigarette that Eddie had pre rolled for you. As you smoke, you hear voices, and a woman's laugh, clear as a bell.
Your stomach drops out from under you. Feeling your heart skipping a sick thud, then rushing blood, faster; faster than should be possible whilst standing still.
Ok calm the fuck down.
You take a breath, trying to calm the anticipated anger that's buzzing in your system and clouding your brain. It's stupid, you know, entirely unwarranted. It doesn't stop your mind leaping to the worst possible outcome.
Suddenly the door swings open and some Hollywoodian goddess swans out the door, all blonde mane, bust and teeth. Eddie walks out with her, giving her an embrace.
"Thanks Eds, you're the best!" She keens; shooting you what can only be described as a Look, then sways off on her too high heels.
"See you sweetheart!" He waves. The nickname forces an angry blush to the tips of your ears. Eddie turns to go back inside, then sees you and looks surprised.
"Hey pretty girl! What you doing here?" His grin is sugary and warm at your unexpected presence, settling the angry rolling feeling in your stomach. The rage is still there; no longer an explosive boil, but a simmer.
"Came to check, see if you were still working. I got off early."
"Come in then sweets, I gotta tidy up before I leave." He takes large strides back inside and you struggle to keep up with him.
Making his way back to his workstation, he's throwing away leftover bottles and paper towels covered in ink splotches, whilst you try and act as normal as possible.
"So, who was that?" Voice quivering ever so slightly as you take your coat off.
"Oh that's Estelle, finished her lower back piece today." He says, not even looking up, removing his gloves.
Ah, tramp stamp, I knew it.
"There's a band playing tomorrow night, at a bar not far from here, she said. Not too heavy, you should like it. What do you think sweet thing?" He looks up at you, eyebrows raised.
"Huh? Oh sure, whatever. Sure she's got great taste,"  Shrugging at him, you look around the walls of the shop at the various artworks hanging up.
"Woah, you being a bit judgy pretty girl?" He smirks.
"Why? She a librarian or something?" You bite back, eyes narrowing.
He laughs, "no she's a stripper."
"Oh course she fucking is," you mumble, cheeks burning.
He perches on the leather chair, arms out. "Hey, c'mere."
You huff, but move closer, allowing yourself to be hugged, arms pinned at your sides.
"What's up, sweetheart?" He brushes your cheek and you flinch, jaw clenching. Concern fills his eyes, brows heavy with confusion.
"Don't call me that. You just called her that."
You see realisation dawn on that stupidly handsome face of his, and his gaze grows softer.
"Oh, pretty girl, are you jealous?"
You look down at your own hands sandwiched between the two of you, unable to meet his eye. A firm grip holds your chin, pulling you to face him, smooth smile with a hint of smirk pervading his features.
"Listen, you have nothing to worry about. That woman's got more silicone in her than a Barbie doll. Not my thing." You giggle slightly, a small smile threatening to push your mouth corners upwards. "I call everyone sweetheart, it's nothing."
You pull away from him, eyes narrowing. "Yeah? Why call me sweetheart then?"
He holds his hand to his chest, miming being hit. "Ooft, you got me there. Force of habit."
He grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles.
"I don't call her sweet thing." He pulls you closer, "or pretty girl." His hands begin stroking up and down your sides. "Those are reserved for you." Slow, soft kisses are planted on your neck. "I don't call her my good girl. I don't call her my girlfriend."
He's not asked. And why would he, what are you, twelve?
"I'm your girlfriend?" You look at him with wide eyes and a wobbling lip.
"Well I fuckin' hope so, I've said you are to everyone I've seen today. I think Estelle was pissed at me for not shutting up about you to be honest."
You can't help but giggle triumphantly at that. Staring at him, you look at his neck, the side untouched by tattoos. Mischievous look adorning your features, you bend and kiss into his neck. Softly, at first, so he melts into your touch, then you grip him, and suck.
"Pretty girl, oh fuck, what are you doing?"
You release his neck with a wet suck, looking pleased with the purplish mark that's beginning to blossom.
"Marking my territory."
He puffs out a laugh "oh my little jealous girl," and strokes your head.
Somehow that's makes you madder. You're not a jealous girl. You're a woman.
You shove him a little. "Lie back."
He smirks at you, but he listens, lying fully in the reclined tattoo chair, eyes trying to work out your next move.
Clambering on top of him, you tug at the hem of his t shirt. He pulls it over his head, exposing his torso. You run your fingers down, finding spots to suck bruises into, taking small mouthfuls of whatever exposed, ink free skin you can find.
"What you doing sweet thing?" He chuckles.
"I'm trying to find blank bits to hickey!"
He laughs out loud at your frustrations. Until you sink your teeth into his soft flesh.
"Oh pretty- oh fuck!" He practically yelps, hips thrusting upwards.
You gaze down at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, round eyes and heaving chest.
"Wait, does that turn you on?" You raise your eyebrow at him, fingertips ghosting his sides. 
"Is it that much of a stretch to think I've got a thing for pain?" He says it confidently, gesturing to his inky body whilst cockily smirking; yet this appears masked, false. Looking in his eyes you can tell how much you've affected him
Not saying anything, you merely pinch one of his nipples and twist it lightly. Eddie's mouth falls open, pretty little moan escaping those full lips, eyebrows knitted.
Grinning deviously, you bend over him and take the other nipple into your mouth, rolling your tongue around it, before nipping at it and pulling with your teeth.
"Jesus H. Christ! Fuck."
You look up at him. Eddie's flushing the prettiest pink colour, mouth practically drooling, eyelids heavy with lust. You've never seen him like this before, losing control. Wait, that's not it. He's relinquishing control, giving himself to you.
You stand up and he huffs at the loss of contact, until you begin stripping off your clothes. He hurriedly pulls his jeans and boxers down, not even bothering to take them off, just bunching them at his ankles. His dick looks painfully hard, almost dribbling, angry red at the tip. Swinging your leg back over you straddle him, sliding your pussy over his length, back and forth. Your nails drag harder down his chest than you ever would have dared before, leaving scarlet paths joining up his inked frame. He bucks, shaking underneath. You continue to glide your sopping heat over him, grinding over the shaft, relishing the tingle of his piercing when it flits over your clit.
"Please, sweet thing." His whole demeanour has changed, begging you, pleading with you. An idea pops into your brain.
Leaning forward, you whisper low and quiet in his ear, "are you gonna be a good boy for me?" The low groan he releases resonates from his chest and into yours, firm hands coming to settle on your hips.
You take his hard length in your hands and guide him into you, slipping gently onto him inch by inch. No matter how many times, it still feels like the first time. Your face scrunches up, discomfort evident.
"You ok sweets?" Eddie's rubbing your hip in consolation.
"Yeah, just... really fuckin' big baby."
He smirks, as always. "Never get tired of hearing that."
Stroking your hands down his chest, you hold onto his sides firmly, possessively, rocking into him. Each movement, each flick of your hips produces a ripple of pleasure. You grind down, rocking hard, back and forth, building up the rhythm, the pressure in your stomach building, your throbbing want intensifying.
Once you start bouncing up and down Eddie's done for. You see his face, desperately trying to keep some measure of control whilst he stares at your tits bouncing right in front of him, at his dick being swallowed up by your hungry cunt.
The noise of squelching sex surrounds you, moans and whines adding to the pornographic soundtrack. You can tell Eddie's barely holding it together, as he quickly reaches for your clit, rubbing almost vicious circles, eager for you to come before he does.
The tell tale tingle grips hold of you, a buzzing through your core and up your spine. The shattering of nerves; a delivery of white hot light spills from his fingertips and into your being, filling you to the brim with his rapture.
You throw your head back at the intense feeling, letting out whimpers of devotion to him, rocking back and forth, willing the moment to continue. You're barely aware of his own release, only realising when you finally snap your eyes open to see his slam shut, tensing beneath you, letting go in a gun shot, tension ripped from his body by your gripping walls.
Leaning forward, hot panting breaths mingling with each others, you press your lips into a searing kiss.
In between pants, Eddie manages, "not that I mind, but fuck, what's gotten into you today, pretty girl?" He chuckles, stroking your cheek with a rough thumb pad.
"You're mine." You simply say, protective hand laid onto the middle of his chest, over his heart. He grips your hand in his, and smiles.
The next evening you're perching on a stool at a moderately busy bar, twisting a napkin in your hands. Nerves have you in their grip whilst you wait for Eddie to arrive, bubbling away in your tummy. It seems strange, but this is technically your second date, the first being when he took you to lunch. Eddie hadn't exactly courted you, he claimed you. If you were honest with yourself, you were his the first time he laid eyes on you.
Still wanting to impress him, you'd decided to dress up. Kitted out in a short black dress with a cute cherry pattern, lower cut than you would usually dare, fishnet hold ups and ankle boots, you were confident he would be pleased.
You had certainly attracted the attention of a few men dotted around the bar, lone sharks circling. Paying them no mind, you sipped your drink and waited on Eddie.
It was a pretty decent looking place, certainly nicer than the dive where you worked. The ceilings were high, with huge light fixtures hanging almost like art pieces, letting out twinkling light, bathing the crowd in spots of colour, sparkling on the red linoleum floor. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming band, people smiling, waving at friends, rushing back and forth to the bar to get drinks. You sat on a stool at the end of the bar, neatly tucked in a corner. The light was good here, and it was opposite the main entrance, perfect for spotting Eddie when he eventually got here.
Looking up to check the door again you lock eyes with another man. He smiles and starts walking over.
Well that's typical.
You roll your eyes, but as he gets closer, you breathe a sigh of relief. It's one of the regulars at your bar. At least you may not have to wait for Eddie alone.
"Hey Matt!" You smile as he walks over, giving you a brief hug.
"Hey darlin! Never see you in here, you're always working!" He grins at you. Matt always chatted to you when you were on shift, checking how you were doing. Objectively, he was a handsome guy. Broad shouldered, with a mop of messy ashen blonde hair and perfect teeth. He looked like he was around his mid twenties, and definitely a former jock judging by his physique.
You usually saw him with his girlfriend, an almost frightening replica of him in female form. In your head you'd nicknamed them the Cheer Clones since they reminded you so much of the cheerleaders in your high school.
"Where's-" don't say cheer clone, don't say cheer clone, shit what's her name-
"Jessie? We broke up." He frowns, looking down for a second, then waves at the bar tender.
"Oh, so sorry to hear that, you ok?" You pat his arm in consolation.
"I'll be ok, really. You want a drink?"
"Sure, bourbon and soda please."
He orders and pays for the round, sitting on the bar stool next to you.
"So, hot date?" He asks, waggling his eyebrows.
You giggle, hiding your face in your hands, "yeah how did you know?"
"Er, girl, you live in jeans! He must be pretty special." He grins at you.
You flush at the mere thought of Eddie. You can't deny, these past few weeks had been pretty spectacular.
"Wow, you've got it bad, huh? Pleased for you." He says, sipping his beer, looking just over your shoulder and flashing a small smile.
Before you can turn, an arm is thrown over your shoulder; rough stubble and soft lips touch your forehead.
"Sorry I'm late, sweet thing."
"Eddie!" You smile, looking up at him, but his stony glare is cemented on Matt.
"Baby, this is Matt, he comes to my bar. Matt this is Eddie, my boyfriend." You gesture between the two.
Matt sticks his hand out. Eddie looks at it briefly as if it offends him, before staring back at Matt's eyes.
"Pleasure to meet you." Matt puts his hand down but still flashes a winning smile at Eddie.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too Mike." And he motions his hand at the bar tender, immediately getting his attention and ordering a beer, arm never leaving your shoulders.
"Its Matt, actually-"
"Yeah, sure thing champ." Eddie says dismissively, slaps a note down to pay for the beer, and nearly drags you to your feet.
"Bands about to start, let's go my pretty girl."
You move, being pulled by the wrist, and mouth a 'sorry' at Matt. He just smiles and salutes you as you go past.
Eddie stops once you are free from Matt's gaze, stepping back to pull your arm in the air above you, making you turn for him so he can admire your outfit. You cannot help but admire his.
Eddie's dressed up for you. The first thing that grabs your attention and refuses to let go is the fact that your very sexy boyfriend is wearing eyeliner. That fact alone has you weak at the knees.
He's wearing a black button down, undone to the point of unholiness, exposing his chest tattoos and a thin silver chain just kissing the tops of his pecs. His black jeans are tight, hugging every muscle, leading down to chunky army boots. There's no other way to describe it; he exudes sex. It's as if every fibre of him was made to ooze this animalistic aura; you could nearly smell it in the air.
"You look really great Eddie."
Meeting his eyes, you see his pupils are blown, drinking in every ounce of your figure with blasphemous intention.
"Sweet thing, you look incredible." He pulls you close to wrap his arms around you. "Remind me never to let you wait for me inside a bar again." 
You laugh, love drunk eyes roaming his face, "you jealous Mr Munson?"
He kisses you full on the lips, a fiery kiss, hot and messy in its delivery, tongue chasing yours. When he breaks away, you lean forward in hope, missing the contact.
"Why should I be? I already have you." He winks, then pulls you so your back is flush to his chest, manoeuvring you both to face the band who have just come on stage.
The band are indeed decent, and pretty soon the heady atmosphere, the bourbon, and the warm glow of Eddie's arms around you have you grinning and swaying to the music. You're moving your hips, ass against Eddie, enjoying the moment.
Eddie's large hands never leave you. If he's not wrapping his arms around your neck, he's holding you protectively by the hips, keeping you close to him. If anyone in the crowd got too close or rowdy, he was there, keeping you safe.
The band takes a break and Eddie whips you around to face him, hands rubbing up and down your sides, predatory gaze fixed on you.
"If you're gonna keep dancing like that pretty girl, I may just have to take you home." He smiles, biting his lip.
"Hmm, I think you can wait a couple hours." You throw your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his lips.
"Ok, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," he fishes out a note from his pocket and hands it to you, "go grab us some drinks on me."
You take the money and peck him again, scooting your way back over to the busy bar.
The crowd has merged and flowed, making their way to the bar, dam about to burst with the influx of people wanting the same thing.
You queue, waiting for service, when you notice a friendly face next to you.
"Hey Matt, how's your evening going?" You say, touching his arm.
"Great thanks, the bands really good. Look, sorry if I upset your boyfriend there."
You giggle and roll your eyes "don't worry about it."
"Seriously, I didn't mean to offend him I just-"
Suddenly, Matt has disappeared and you are staring at Eddie's torso.
"Come here sweets. Say goodbye to Mark."
You here a small voice say "it's Matt, actually-"
"Whatever kid" Eddie growls, leading you away from the bar.
"Eddie, what are you doing I haven't even got drinks yet-"
"Just come with me."
You allow yourself to be lead, pulled helplessly by the wrist. Eddie snakes around the crowd, leading you past the backstage area and into a small bathroom. It's strange that he seems to know the layout of the place so well. You stop him in his tracks, annoyed by his behaviour.
"Eddie, seriously what's up with you? You know I'm not just gonna leave you right?" Soft eyes meet his.
"I know sweet thing," and he presses you against the wall so fast it makes your head spin.
"I just need everyone else to know that."
Without further warning his hand is stroking up your thigh, fingers grazing your clothed pussy. Given his urgency, his clear need for you, his touch is soft. His other hand snakes to the back of your neck, forcing eye contact. The eyeliner only focuses how intensely he looks at you, dark circles drawing you in.
"Can I make you feel good sweet thing?" Fingertips fondling your heat, hot breath asphyxiating. Eddie overwhelms you, exuding heat, passion making it difficult to breathe.
"Yeah" you manage breathily, devastated by his presence, trying to keep some semblance of self. It's so difficult to when Eddie tears you apart by simply being there, in your space.
Rough fingertips pull your underwear aside and massage across your slit, finding your clit immediately. Your breath catches in your throat, shock of delectation pervading your senses.
Eddie slides two thick fingers deep inside you making you gasp. He rocks them into you, setting a ruthless rhythm, eyes never leaving yours.
"Now, I'm going to make you come pretty girl, twice in a row, and you're gonna enjoy it, ok?"
You mumble some semblance of yes, ability to concentrate considerably lessened by the sure movements of his hand. He curls his digits into you, hitting the spot inside you that makes your toes curl inside your boots.
"Eddie, fuck, yes" you keen and writhe against the wall, eye contact stripping you of any modesty, any thought.
Eddie's relentless movements continue as he sucks bruises onto the tops of your breasts, purple colouring blossoming against your chest, a blooming floral display of blood soaked skin.
"Oh my God Eddie," you moan, his sure hands coaxing pure bliss from your core, sopping wet noise of your arousal echoing through the small space.
"That guy out there, your friend, what's his name?" Eddie's eyes bore into yours, hand not stopping.
You're pulled out of the pleasure pit he's thrown you into, visibly confused. "You- you mean Matt? He's just-"
Eddie doubles his efforts, curling his fingers into you harder, palm rubbing hard against your clit, reigniting the fire in your belly.
"Oh my God Eddie, fuck-" you grind yourself unabashedly against his thick fingers, immense feeling towering over you, threatening to topple at his very command.
"You gonna come pretty girl? My pretty girl?" He says, dark eyes piercing into your very soul, "come then, come on my fucking fingers."
His gravelly voice and confident manoeuvres are pushing you over that edge, emphasis on his swear word singing through your nerves and into your cunt. Unable to process such feeling, such unbridled ardour, you moan loudly into the air without a care of who could hear you.
Your release pushes through you with all the force of a natural disaster. Whipping through your soul like a hurricane of sensation, cunt throbbing with the complexity of feeling. It rips away any insecurities, making you moan as loud as your body needs without fear of repercussion.
But it doesn't stop, not yet. Eddie's not through with you. His movements continue, coaxing you through the orgasm and into the other side, relentless and unabating.
"Fuck Eddie, please, its too much-"
Eddie's free hand grips your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
"Do you want me to stop." The question is real, but your commitment waivers, enjoying the relentless hold he has on your pussy.
"No, please-" you moan, your flower continuing to open to him, flesh yielding and soft as putty in his hands. A fuzz settles over your brain; you mind clouded, filled with Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Your eyes roll back, unable to control your gaze. Eddie shakes you lightly by the chin, forcing you back to reality.
"So what's that guy's name?"
You look at him through damp lashes, tears building in the corners of your eyes, utterly incapable of speech.
"I said, what's that guy's name?"
"Eddie, fuck I- wha?" Words a slur, body limp against the wall; the only thing keeping you upright is the burly hand firmly between your legs, fingers deep inside; your Eddie's marionette.
"Good girl. That's what I thought." Eddie smiles smugly, running his thumb over your clit in swift motions, fingers continually hitting that spot inside you.
Your second release feels even more powerful than the first, ripping a passionate whine from your throat. The noises you're making are incomprehensible as your whole body seizes up and your slick shoots out, coating Eddie's hand, your thighs, and even the floor.
"Jesus fucking Christ you are the devil." It comes out as a rush, almost one word.
Laughing deviantly, Eddie moves his hand and you nearly crumple to the floor. He catches you, pushing you against the wall with his body. Your eyes are drawn to the deep v in his shirt, to his inky muscled chest.
"Eddie?" You look at him and he stares back, faces impossibly close.
"Yes sweet thing?"
"You've ruined my underwear."
He laughs deeply. "What can I say, it's a talent. Can I take you home my little super soaker?"
You flush with embarrassment, hot cheeks aflame. "Eddie!"
Straightening your clothes and attempting to sort your hair out, you look down, taking in your love bitten chest for the first time. Purple red welts adorn the swell of your breasts in a low necklace of ownership. You'd be mad at him if it didn't make you throb inside.
He leads you back to the bar and towards the main entrance, attempting to get you home as quickly as possible to finish what he's started, when you're stopped in your tracks by cloud of perfume and blonde hair.
"Hey Eds!"
"Hey Estelle, you good? This is my girlfriend I told you about."
You smile at her dutifully, and spot a familiar face yet again, hovering by, his eyes trained on the marks on your chest.
"Estelle, nice to meet you! Hey, have you met Mark?" You gesture at him to move closer while Eddie snickers next to you.
He sticks his hand out to her "it's Matt actually."
Tag list part 1- rest will be in the comments
@angelsarecallin @cutiecusp @pxrxcxa @spencerinmydrawls @munsquinns @sillypurplemurple @tiannamortis @walleloveseve @sinczir @biblichornerd @frogers @lauraasiain @madiisixx @leftdonkeygothgoop-blog @rafestarkeysblog @kittykatvenom @southside-serpent-bae @psychedelicsandsunsalutations @biblichornerd @angelina16torres-blog
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privitivium · 3 months
Hi, this is my first ask, sorry if it sucks.
Would you be willing to do Motherly Yan with a male reader who was into him at first but by the time Motherly Yan developed feelings the reader was over his? (Preferably smut but its chill if you don't want to)
-First time Anon
yes yes... very lovely, thank u first time anon.
domtop motherly yandere x subbot male reader;; feelings...
both amab, cw;; noncon - dubcon, handjobs, standing missionary, aphrodisiacs, disturbing motherly yan!!!
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"oh, you're gonna ruin your appetite... here, have some of my lunch." he offers sweetly, pushing over rectangular tupperware... it was heavenly compared to your cookie dough given to you by your other co-worker - who quickly fled after he sat with you. he was always doting on you like this, it was hard not to catch feelings... and obviously, noticing that he was only like this with you made you feel special. but... after months too long of this crushing, it was enough, you decide. trying to seperate yourself from him - boxing up little post-its about him in an old shoebox... this is good. This is healthy. on the road to unliking someone... it will take forever. First step is to act standoffish and aloof, you think...
mother... not referred to as mother, but still mother. of course, he develops feelings at the wrong time, right? after you decide that youre suddenly done with him? it's easy to see you trying to detach yourself from your acquaintance-ship... he doesnt like that. beforehand, he was finding out everything about you. accidentally falling in too deep... going as far as taking it upon himself to let himself into your home to rifle through things - just to make sure your fridge is stocked... and instead; finding those little love notes that seemed to match his appearance and his personality perfectly. he didnt want to call himself delusional - it was a little too coincidental right?? theres no way he could be delusional... you're just so cute... unable to contain his excitement as you finally enter after fumbling with your keys at your door - yelping in surprise when you see him, your superior sitting on your couch of your tiny little apartment - "y-you-! what the hell are you-?"
"Fret not..." he was quick to stand - trying to ease you as you stepped back and nearly out the door before he was reaching over and dragging you inside - "i... have something to confess... i'm so very in love with you, i cannot hold it inside no longer." he murmurs breathlessly, his face taking on a darker tinge - telling you how truthful and embarrassed he was; standing in front of you after trespassing...
ㅡ"w-well, your timing is awful-!?" you were still too hopped up on adrenaline, the door slamming behind you and fiddling with your keys inbetween your fingers and making a strong fist just in case-! "i-i'm already... over my feelings for you, it's too late for anything-!"
"i'm sure it wasn't too long ago that you lost feelings, right?" he questions delicately, with an equal cadence of delicate; brushing his free hand, his dainty fingertips underneath your eye, "i'm sure you'll be in love with me just as you were in no time." he was making fun of you in his own way - no person could get over their love interest that easily, and he was going to exploit your love for him - can't you see? can't you feel? he's your boyfriend already. "and of course... you were in love with me, and it's not easy to just... unlove someone... i think you're just shy." it dons on him, that of course - yes, that must be it. his darlings' crush - his object of affection suddenly confessing his feelings to him... ur just shy is all,,,,
you shake your head in denial, feeling sick to your stomach. urgh.. your coworker who you recently barely got over in your apartment-? confessing his love-? "f-fuck noㅡ" you raise your key-shank fist... preparing to defend yourself, obviously, you were under the influence of something right? you wouldnt be acting like this unless it was so...
ㅡ"nah-ah.." he hums, so easily subduing you and pressing you against the wall - dragging you into the darkness of your hallway and he stares at your struggling form before he was pressing his lips against yours - an open mouth kiss, where his tongue was shoving something in your mouthㅡpulling your head away and immediately spitting it up - him, shoving his fingers in your mouth and you couldn't do anything but gag and swallow. that little pill... down your throat,,,,
ㅡ"... it's working so fast... ah, i'm so excited." he murmurs, smiling widely and nuzzling his nose into your cheek - ignoring your soft grumbles and taking immense joy in your weakening body and hardening cock -
"you're so pretty, look at you..." he coos, nuzzling his ignoring your soft grunts and very obvious attempts to get away - but your flustered expression catches his eye, grinning so wildly as buries his face in your neck,,,. "and look at that - you obviously like this... it's okay, i'll let you get used to me..." he murmurs so kindlyㅡfuck, it was hard not to tremble at the tone of his voice - so gentle and loving as he slowly rocks into your body, slowly; languidly as not to rip anything after fingerfucking you with a little packet of lube and precum. a soft involuntary mewl of "motherr..." leaving your saliva glossed lips - stupid and only thinking of your pleasure - his hands gripping your hips as you were reaching downward just to jerk yourself off,,, feeling such an intense amount of emotions - so hot, sweaty, while being fucked into by your ex crush of a coworker... ,,,,
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atelierlili · 2 months
In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs
Got asked to give some fanfic recommendations for In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs so here we are. Most of them (if not all of them) are gonna be fluffy and happy tbh because i can't take my pookies being hurt ):
A New Path (138k words) by Endlessnightlock
The day after aging out of the Reaping, Katniss crosses paths with Peeta. She thanks him for the bread and to her surprise, a tentative friendship begins.
One of my favourites. I love the direction the author took with this story. Always made me want more!
Go Slow, Peeta (20k words) by Oakfarmer
The era of the Hunger Games has come to an end. How Everlark slowly happened anyway.
This was the one that started it all for me. Short, simple and to the point! A classic in my opinion.
Nothing Owed for a Gift (10k words) by orphaned account
Lately, Merchants have taken to flirting with unwitting Seam folk as a joke, sometimes going so far as to ask them out on a date. I've even heard of a couple instances of a Merchant asking someone from the Seam to marry them, and then laughing hysterically when the poor recipient says 'yes'. So, when Peeta Mellark approaches me after the reaping, red with nerves and pushing his lips together as if he's trying very hard not to do something like laugh, I'm immediately wary. Peeta can't possibly be asking me to marry him for real. ... right?
Urgh. Literally one of my favourite one-shots.
Inevitability (44k words) by Xerxia
What if? What if Peeta and Prim hadn't been reaped?
Definitely not the fluffiest fics in the list, but Katniss absolutely SHINES here. And Peeta stays very true to his character as well. Absolutely worth the read.
It Takes A District (55k words) by MTK4FUN
Thinking her mother is dying, Katniss Everdeen marries Peeta Mellark to keep her sister out of the Community Home.
I love this fic. I don't know what it is, but there's something about it that makes it standout on its own.
Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker (241k words) by MegaAuLover
Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger?
This is the one. Easily one of the bestest AUs imo. Very long read- but I will be naming my first born after the squirrel. The Everlark relationship here is A+++.
( I know its weird to recommend incomplete fics, some these ones are legitimately my favourite fics and think are still worth the read.)
Cavedweller (79k words) by Jennajuicebox (last update: 2021-01-25)
Her mother once told her she was brave. A word Katniss wouldn't have chosen for herself. Brave implies that you run headlong into the scary unknown. Brave implies you face the things that want you dead. It dredges up thoughts of conquering armies and swords raised over head. Katniss isn't brave. As much as she would never admit it to herself she is scared out of her wits. She is staring into a gaping chasm, waiting for it to swallow her whole.
I love AUs that explore Katniss otherside of the family so much. As always, the Everlark development here is absolutely heartwarming and delicious. 10/10
On the Threshold ( 97k words) by ghtlovesthg (last update: 2020-06-26)
Nineteen and free from the Reapings forever, Katniss finds a token on her doorstep commemorating her passage over the threshold of adulthood. Discovering the identity of the sender will start Katniss on a road that leads toward life's other milestones.
This is exactly how I envisioned Everlark would get together had it not been for the Reapings. So so so so good. There is just enough here to be satisfied that the fic is unfinished ; w;
hope you find something you like! I always have more if you want more to sink your teeth into <3 Happy readings!
@heartforeyes @the-tiny-fangirl
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legacyshenanigans · 11 months
Hello B!! I have come once again to bless your day and also ask some strange stuff again because I have no self control apparently 💚🐲 (I promise this time it's just me being curious)
Before I say anything I just have to thank you a billion times for the snake Gaunt boys snip bits from yesterday you absolutely killed it and I will forever love you for it 💚💚💚💚🐍🐍🐍🐍 oh and here.... have some gold and diamonds from my hoard 🪙🪙👑👑💎💎
Now the actual ask, since you've dropped the Rerek's opinions on everyone video I've been thinking, we've gotten to know a lot about our favourite boys Marvolo and Rowan but what about our favourite danger noodle?!! 🐍🐍
I'm not sure if you already gave some snip bits about him I tried to look but I couldn't really find any fun facts about our precious snake boy so I want to ask if you could tell us some interesting details about him....I don't know something like:
What's his favourite food?
What does he like to do in his spare time?
What exact breed of a snake is he? (I think he might be a rainbow python judging by the picture but I just want to be sure)
Was he given to Marvolo as a baby or did Marvolo find him and take him in himself?
And these might be a bit random but:
What's his favourite memory growing up with the Gaunts?
What would he do if Marvolo walked up to him without saying a word and booped him on the snoot?
And the last one what would human Rerek look like?
Sorry if I'm asking a lot I know your busy but I still wanted to ask since I absolutely adore all of your characters and I want to get to know them all as much as you can let me 💚💚💚💚🐍🐍🐍🐍
As always have a wonderful day!!! With lots of love your curious little Dragon friend 🐉💚🐍🐍
Consider me blessed 😊💚
Aw you're welcome! 💜
I've done some HCs on Rerek before, but I'll happily do it again and answer these, I love it when people take such an interest in my world and lore. 🥹💚
Rerek HCs
His favourite foods are nifflers and puffskiens, he just has a prefered taste for those, he also eats human body parts from the Den.
Rerek is a simple creature, in his spare time he mainly just likes to bask in his Vivarium, but he often also asks Marvolo if they can go out for walks in the woods
He's a golden child reticulated Python
Rerek was gifted to Marvolo by Aleister when Rerek was a snaklett and Marvolo was 9yo
His favourite memories were simply getting to know Marvolo, and developing a strong bond with him. Marvolo and Rerek adore each other, and have a very powerful bond.
Hehe, I'll do a script for that question 💚
Rerek: *minding his business*
Marvolo: *wanders over smirking, and simply boops his nose without saying a word*
Rerek: (?!) ...Urgh, I fucking hate it when you do that.
Marvolo: *chuckles*
Rerek: *chuckles back* But because its YOU..I'll allow it..
You know what, I've never really thought about how he'd look as a human! But I'd say he'd actually be rather inkeeping with the Gaunts aesthetic! With his voice being what it is, he wouldn't be young, y'all gotta remember Rerek IS AN OLD MAN NOW! 🤣 I picture an older gentlmen, tall, slender, high and prominent cheekbones. While writing this I decided to go and heavily edit one of my Marvolo pics to how I'd see Rerek as a human, and this is what I settled on.
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You're not asking a lot! Don't worry, this was fun! 😊💚🐍
Thank you so much, hope you have a wonderful day too! 💜💜
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roobylavender · 2 months
what are your thoughts on the naruhina dynamic? I adore hinata, we don't often get characters like her
i LOOOOVE naruhina omfg they were my day ones when i first got into naruto.. i used to enjoy fluffier ships at the time so they perfectly fit my modus operandi lol. i think it's a shame how underwritten their relationship is in main canon (in the sense that they don't get as much page time) because the set up is so good and the few moments they do share with each other are incredibly potent. the pain arc was utterly life changing for me and while i loathe the way the anime generally tends to portray most of the female cast this was one occasion where its expansion on the manga was actually so well executed and remains seared in my mind to this day (please watch from 2:06 of this amv it makes me feel CRAZY). unfortunately the ball was totally dropped with neji's death and instead of adapting hinata's full THREE page monologue to naruto the anime reduced it down to one line that she's consistently been mocked for even though her intentions in the aftermath of that event were so sincere.. i'm always baffled by people's hatred of her because they seem to act like she's timid or quiet on purpose as if she wasn't abused by her father for half of her life. and then they act like she's stupid and can only think about her feelings for naruto at the expense of everything else. but if it was anyone out there on the battlefield watching someone they love get absolutely pulverized would they not do something about it too regardless of their own ability in comparison? i don't think that moment ever came down to logic and i don't think it even had to. comparatively when she made a remarkable display of composure and emotional strength in response to her cousin's death everyone laughed at her for subsequently accepting the smallest bit of comfort (and don't even get me started on how neji fans feel about her generally.. they direct more hatred to that poor girl than they do her father lmao it's insane). it's simply bizarre the expectations she's held to and the consistency with which she's underestimated because she's capable of a lot emotionally and the development is there! and a lot of people act like if naruto really loved her he would have reciprocated during the main narrative but i always argue it was unrealistic for any relationship between the teen characters to be actualized during the main narrative because they were literally at war.. i'm an avid hater of the last admittedly but that's because i think it squanders the potential the main narrative immediately set up with naruto and hinata theoretically bonding over their grief and desire to take action to ensure nothing like what they went through ever happened again. i've always dreamed of post-war naruto commencing his education in leadership and diplomacy under tsunade's tutelage and that occasionally entailing long days in the library reading over historical scrolls and the like that happen to sometimes be on the same shelf as a scroll on the history of cursed seals, which of course hinata begins to look into after the war because she wants this branch clan business over and done with for good and if there's a way to remove those seals forever she'll find it. the idea of the two of them on awkward library non-dates that eventually segue into something more and develop a rapport and friendship between them that can bloom into love is simply so special to me like urgh they make me Weepy. i truly love them so so much and most of my naruto fanfiction is actually about them lol i do think a lot of it is cringe and over the years i tried to rewrite some of it but if you're interested in reading all of it is here
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myhatisblue · 1 year
I started this Mills thing forever ago.  I did what I could with it since it was already pretty long but it does just kinda stop.  Least there’s some fun lore here.
In an ideal world Gaspar Mills would be at home. Curled up in blankets, as the smell of a slow cooked stew permeated the air, and the television showed and sang the roars of a kaiju or two.  Left alone disconnected, and at peace.  
But it’s been a while since he’d gotten the freedom to even go home. His most recent job went bad, sure an abstract horror laid slaughtered… But not before Mills found himself gutted, and internals spread across the floor. The beast was arrogant, its twisting limbs and multiple mouths came in close to enjoy the meal. Close enough to touch, and stupid enough to forget to make absolutely sure he was passed out. Regardless of the nature of the creature it was just meat and bone… It cried out the same, a broken form trapped in skin it never consented to. Craving to be unwound and set free.  A request the King of roaches would deny over and over again on any other day.  It was a step too far, a peak that wasn’t easily backed down from.  
But the madness brought on while at the brink of death drives all sense away. Before he fully grasped his action the room was coated in red fibers of meat and spikes bone.  And in the middle of it all a flower bloomed from what hadn’t been cast away to the walls or floors.  A victory yes, but what remained of Mills was barely held together. Death would finally come this time, he’d be done with all of this. The world faded and nothingness gripped him once again.
“Can’t believe you finally did it.”
Even in death there was no escaping that voice. It was as much a part of his mind as he was.
“Just let me fucking die in peace Kenneth.”
“Man, you wish Gaspar. You already know there’s no getting off this ride.  Within the hour the monster hunting bastards will be scooping up your sorry corpse.”
“It’s Mills asshole… and as if there’s even enough there to put back together…”
“God you’re being dramatic as fuck again.  You might have earned the cute little title of ‘King of roaches’, but you ate the heart of the eldritch lord of flesh.  You really think a few missing organs are going to stay gone for long?”
“...Eldritch lord?!”
“Oh, ha wow that just slipped out. Woops.”
“Fuck off Ken. You just like dumping shit like that one me when I can’t get rid of you.  Then refuse to say anything beyond it.”
“To be fair I’ve already told you that I make up half of the shit I tell you. If you get stuck on one thing or another that’s your fault.”
“Urgh… Can you atleast give me a hint about what the flower was?”
“Say please and maybe I’ll consider it.”
“Come on Mills.”
“Ugh.. Please Kenneth tell me what the hell that meat flower was.”
“Making something new is complex, even more so when it’s alive. Why wouldn’t you start small? Wouldn’t have pinned you down for someone who’d spread flowers though.”
“I didn’t plan on doing that, I just did what it’s flesh wanted… And I guess that was what it wanted to be.”
“Sure it was.”
“... I’m not taking the bait.  If I ask what you're implying you're just going to say ‘oh nothing’ in that stupid tone.”
“That sounds about right.  Well it seems like our time is running out, but I’ll give you this.  Keep doing anything and you’ll get better at it.  Though I’m not sure that’s what you actually want this time.”
It all went quiet after that, and soon the world saw fit to drag Mills back to consciousness. The ceiling was white, and mumbling voices filled the air.  They seemed like they wanted his attention, but it all faded into background noise. His body felt wrong, the placement of joints and internals…  It wasn’t right, but just like every other lump of flesh it could be altered. With an unsteady hand he reached towards his stomach. Skin parted, and it wasn’t long before the  voices around changed from murmurs to out right screeches.  No matter how much he tried to correct the mistakes it was never perfect.  The pain was growing, still he tried to fix what was broken. Until his arms were grabbed and an all too familiar needle was stabbed and injected into his neck. Instantly the world faded and not even that cold nothingness could take him.
By the time Mills was able to open his eye again a man was sitting next to him reading.  He was wearing a Navy blue suit,  with a black dress shirt underneath.  The gray hair and tired eyes spoke more to the amount of stress he deals with day to day than his actual age.  Mills had asked once expecting him to be well over 50 only to find out he was only 39. His name was Harris, and he was the poor fool stuck trying to keep Mills in line. A job that likely only added to the amount of gray hair growing on harris’ head.
After letting his eye wander between Harris and the ceiling, Mills tried to pull himself up out of bed.  It was only then that he became aware that his hands were currently restrained.  6 black bands that were about an inch thick had been placed on his arms.
“I… Pissed off the higher ups.. didn’t I?”
His voice was shaky, and pathetic but it was enough for Harris to put down his book. He looked as if he was about to scream at Mills but took a breath and managed to only let out a sigh.
“I don’t know what you expected… You gave the medical team the scare of a lifetime. What were you even trying to do”
“My insides… they don’t feel right…  I just wanted to fix it.”
“Sneckdraw had suspected it was something like that. Give me a second. I wrote down a message from him.”
Harris pulled out his phone, making sure to mimic the emotionless tone of the demon hunter Mills knew all too well.
‘Organs that undergo complete evisceration often grow back imperfectly.  I can only conclude that this process will hold a heavier weight for one so engaged in the subject matter.  All you can do is move forward, bear the weight of your choices, and do better to avoid them in the future. With time it will fade.’
Mills couldn’t help but scoff, that sounded like something he’d say. Most of the time Sneckdraw says nothing, he just stares and leaves everyone around him on edge.  But on rare occasions he’ll speak with extended detail. Drawn out words, spoken in a deep monotone, slow and deliberate. Always unsettling in their delivery.
While Harris couldn’t capture it fully he got the gist.  Although Mills couldn’t be sure if the impression was actually intended, or just how a message from sneckdraw naturally ends up sounding.
“That sounds like a lot of words to just say that it’s normal…”
“There was nothing normal about that scene Mills… What was that?”
“Guess you saw me after all that huh…’
“Yeah, I did.”
No escape from this conversation… The grim look Harris had been wearing since the start of all this was evident. It was a genuine concern, the kind that always knocked Mills off kilter.  He could bear the pain and what it did to him, it was easy enough to ignore it, and bury it deep within.  But being reminded that it wasn’t normal, that it wasn’t just fine to keep going like that… It shattered the poorly put together illusion everytime. Mills would have to be honest, or he’d never leave the medical wing.
“...You know how I ask people to avoid physical contact?”
“Yeah, I remember you saying their bodies were too loud.”
“It’s not just that… Their flesh speaks to me.”
“It what?”
“‘The skin is a prison’, and every single living thing I’ve been forced to have contact with wants to be set free. Everytime I’d tell them to fuck off.  I was out of options, so that was me giving it what it wanted…”
“Why haven’t you brought that part up before?”
“Cause the list of possible solutions can only really end with me locked in a cell somewhere for being a problem.”
“That’s the paranoia speaking Mills. We’re here to support you, but we need to know what the problems are before we can help solve them. Has this gotten worse over time?”
“Na, since I woke up it’s always just been there.”
“That’s good to hear at the very least.”
A phone rings, and it only takes a glance at Harris to know what was coming next.
“I have to head out for now,  I’ll be back later tonight. If you need me before then you know my number.”
“How am I supposed to make a phone call when my arms are tied down…?”
“Just shout, someone will be around to check on you.”
“Well at least tell me what the armbands are about before you fuck off.”
“Ah right, they should help you stay grounded and stay focused on where you are. It’s a better answer than just wrapping your arms in cloth over and over.”
Again Mills was left alone to stew with his thoughts… While he was sure he could escape the restraints if he put his mind to it, what would be the point?  The compound the medical wing was in was deep underground. He wouldn’t get far before he was thrown back in bed.  
At the very least he would be able to rest his eye for a while. Or at least that would have been his plan if not for a new guest slipping into his room.
“Talk about Déjà vu, at the very least you're looking better than last time I crashed your hospital room.”
Brandom Lewis was always easy to pick out of a crowd, his fashion choices were unique to say the least.   Tending to favor bright colours and floral designs, and a pair of orange toned glasses he was hard to miss.
Brandon took a long look at Mills, getting really close to his face. Unintentionally showing off the other unique feature the man hid.   Perhaps man was the wrong word, because he was more accurately described as a highly complex hivemind of insects piloting a human corpse. And under the right circumstances liked getting annoyingly close to other peoples faces. Letting them enjoy the sight of his collective squirming ever so slightly beneath his skin.
After evidently enjoying making Mills visibly uncomfortable, he set on freeing his hands and crashed on the seat next to his bed. Mills took the opportunity to rub his wrists and stretch out his stiff arms.
“They’re gonna have to go back on before I leave, but may as well enjoy the freedom while you can. Though between you and me it’s stupid to even bother with them.”
“I agree but the illusion of control is a hell of a thing.”
“Don’t I know it! So Kid, how are you doing? Last time I actually saw you, you were still a twig by comparison. Faye mentioned that you were going to work on bulking up. Didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.”
“You know how time goes, months in the other dimension, are days out in the real world.”
“Mhm, I’ve heard new blood is gonna start being trained there in the next year or two.  Once the nerds make sure people won’t blow up randomly after prolonged exposure from being there.”
“They don’t mention shit like that to me, building materials just start showing up.”
“Huh I figure they’d just have you make those kinds of things.”
“Things I make there have a minor habit of collapsing into meat if my brain gets too fuzzy.”
“Ahh with the millions invested in equipment, I guess that would be a bit of a problem.”
“Oh yeah there’s some serious money being poured into you. No pressure or anything.”
“So you're saying I probably shouldn’t make the ground under them collapse no matter how funny it would be.”
“Nahhh do it anyway, It’ll be great for you.”
“Yeah I’ll get to enjoy a few years without having to worry about taxes, or bills. It’ll just all be in a nice cell custom made to fuck me…  Now why are you even here Brandon?”
“I’ve got the day off, and didn’t have much planned beyond doing dailies and that's easy enough to do here.”
“Dailies…?  I assume that it's related to the game that you’re always playing? Heard Faye ranting about how you dropped a few grand on that thing.”
“She just doesn’t have the backing of the gatcha gods.  And if we’re being real here what else am I gonna spend money on?  Housing, internet and food is covered already, and I can’t exactly go out and party like the old days.  If I drop a few bucks here and there investing in the things I enjoy, what's the big problem?”
“It sounded more like gambling when Faye was telling me about it, and pretty shitty investment if that’s the case.”
“Says the dude who spent hundreds on original godzilla posters…”
“That’s art!”
“You have to have seen them, I know people around here are always breaking into my house and bugging the shit out of it! Shits real nice looking, it’s peak classic poster art.”
“Information related to your house is classified, But I have been keeping up on your reports.  I enjoyed the ones that just degraded into calling people assholes or ‘mega dicks’ for 10 pages.”
“Well normally I have to get that shit done the second I finish a case.  Can’t blame me for still being a little pissed about the whole thing. Not like I really get why I’m even doing it, hell I’m shocked you’re even reading them.  Kinda assume they got tossed in a bin and thrown into a cabinet somewhere.”
“Nah, I read all of it. What might be some ‘crackhead’ in one of your reports could likely be related to some bigger fish in another game. So I might not be able to smash some skulls like the old days, but I still get a little rush from nailing down someone trying their best to be ignored.”
“I get it, I just didn’t really see myself doing so much deskwork.”
“Well you’ve managed to piss someone off given those arm bands so you might be doing a lot more of it if you keep this up.”
“Huh, Harris told me they were just replacing the wrappings I used to use.”
“Kid, you have got to work on your senses.  Skipping on the magic studies just cause you’ve got bad blood for it is gonna screw you.”
“I’ve been working on it, but it just never clicks.  Come on what the hell does magic have to do with the bands?”
“Try and take one off.”
Stares were shared over a brief silence before a loud electric pop filled the air. Even the slightest movement Mills tried to make against the bands ended in a sharp shock to his arms, while they stayed clung exactly where they were placed..
“Pfft God you should see your face, kid.  Priceless.”
“Not fucking cool!  What if they get caught on something or someone rips them off mid fight?”
“It’s magic and set to protect solely against your interference. That’s talking mentally and physically. So even asking someone to remove them or even replacing your arms is going to lead to a lot of fun results.”
“Fuck they can do that?”
“They got your blood, name, and pretty much anything else they’d ever need to nail any spell or curse on you. You ought to be happy, it's not worse than a few shock collars.”
“Ugh… I killed the beast, while the details might have gotten a little messy but the results were still good.”
“The higher ups will always see you as a danger to humanity, giving them more reasons to think that lands you in early retirement.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“You know it…
Ah crud, look at the time.  I remembered some stuff I need to handle before night rolls around.  Show me your hands, so I can lock them back up.”
“Fine. But before you go, any idea how much longer I’ve got here?”
“Given the rumblings I’ve heard you’re gonna be stuck with a week of observation. So at least you’ll have tons of time to write the report for that last job.”
Mills let his arms be locked to the bed he was already stuck in. Without much else to do he could really only try and sleep.  Least that would kill some time.
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badedramay · 9 months
*petition for Mais to start a blog about digest novels and writers* What do you think of Nemra Ahmed?
hahahaha, i am most CLEARLY not well-read enough to be able to sustain that blog for long!
Nemrah Ahmed is a modern take on Umera Ahmed on steroids🤷🏼‍♀️ She pushes to the brink of and even breaks the willing suspension of disbelief and alongside the way, she copiously pours (again) her personal religious views all over the narrative. and once it became too obvious for me to ignore, I lost all interest in her.
just to be clear, i absolutely adored Mashaf when it was being published monthly. Beli Rajputan Ki Malka is something of hers I picked up out of a whim after being "smitten" by Mashaf and it further strengthened my belief at that time that i had found my new fav writer. but then Jannat Ke Patay started publishing. and ngl, it had me hooked for about half its run before the whole "reveal" happened and my immediate response was, "what the ever loving fuck?" and I dropped the book never to pick it up again. chalo theek hai hero ki herogiri ek taraf but blatant preaching like being hit with a spiked bat over the head was a little TOO much for me. novel padha hai, sermon nahin.
then Namal happened and OH MY GOD THAT BOOK!!!! *looks lovingly at the biggest book on my bookshelf*. that made me think ohkay, NA is back. she's back to being a fav. yeah sure the plot armor is still thick and the coincidences are still too convenient and urgh the preaching remains constant. I willingly ignored the first two and easily skipped through the last and ultimately got myself a FAVORITE book. what characters! what dynamics!! the portrayal of human emotions in all of their evilness is just *chef kiss*. not many Urdu digest stories can take their "good guys" to the brink of being bad like NA did in Namal and succeed. and succeed she DID! AND THE FARIS X ZUMAR "LOVE" STORY?!??!?! BHAYEEEE!! THE LAYERS!! THE COMPLEXITY!!! THE TROPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not a perfect book when I critically analyze it but still a damn enjoyable one. sometimes one needs a completely out of touch of reality story like this to be entertained. although, I'll forever be mad at it for turning my fav badass Haneen into a mouthpiece of "achi ladki". like stfu.
khair, Namal got me excited for Haalim but lol. ek hi episode mein drop. too much hi hogaya. like TOO much. thoda bohat out of realm of reality acha hai yeh kya poora hi scifi bana diya. blah. didn't even bother giving it another chance. a twt moot tried to get me into Maala but nah. got the same vibes as Haalim. so yeah basically, NA enjoyed a good while as being my fav author but then she was dismissed from the position without any regrets :D
I also felt during Namal that NA adopts a lot of tropes from the west which she then dunks on. matlab, advantage bhi lena hai phir gaali bhi deni hai ke yeh sab kitna bura hai aur bass apni side hi best hai. that's the kind of hypocrisy i just cannot forgive :/
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soloorganaas · 10 months
ok wait i am blessedly not on tiktok so i don’t know about coffee theory but i am certain i will hate it from what i can see from comments and tags and such. if it doesn’t pain your spirit to explain briefly, i’m curious, but also pls ignore/etc if considering people’s awful takes will not feel good! thank u
urgh so the coffee theory is that aziraphale was poisoned or manipulated or whatever by the coffee the metatron gave him and that’s the (main) reason he decided to go back to heaven even if it meant leaving crowley. it comes from the idea that aziraphale was acting so ooc in that moment he had to be driven by some outside force. its a shitty theory just in how much it minimises this hugely important plot point alone, but also the idea that aziraphale was acting ooc is simply not true
(1) he is deeply attached to heaven to the extent it’s wound into who he is and he struggles to function without it - it’s not just the individual angels, it’s the institution and I guess community. it’s his whole identity and literal reason for being. it’s not something he can just walk away from, and the idea of actually doing so permanently causes him to fall apart - look at the panic attack he had after lying to god for job. he’s constantly so so so anxious when it comes to Fitting In with the other angels, and he hasn’t stop carrying that even when he’s technically not working for heaven any more. he still wants their approval and to be a part of it all
(2) he views heaven as something broken that can be fixed, not something that’s inherently defective to be destroyed. that’s a central aspect of his character that comes up in pretty much every interaction with crowley from the start of the show. he’s been given the chance to make things better and he really believes he can
(3) he’s not leaving crowley bc he thinks heaven is more important - he’s doing it bc he thinks it’s the only way to save him. he’s watched him be hunted down and tortured time and time again, he’s been worried about him getting into trouble with heaven from the dawn of creation. he truly believes that he’s doing the best for crowley and that crowley just can’t see it
(4) every single time crowley’s asked aziraphale to run away with him and simply abandon heaven and avoid their problems forever he’s said no. saying no again is entirely in line with that
plus 100000 other things about the way they love each other and communicate (or don’t communicate) so tl;dr coffee theory is reductive and stupid
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mencnfire · 1 year
🍒 For me (@scorching-passion) maybe maybe? The positivity would be MEGA right about now ♡♡
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
(( saphie SAPHIE -
where do i even begin?
with your amazing art? your wicked sense of humour? the ooc chats we've had that have varied between deep shit & chatting about the local drug dealers (pffffffffffffffft just british things amitryt) - OR your wonderful character portrayals?
i am SO glad that we became moot moots over on heid and began chatting / writing together - at first i was a little intimidated; you're wickedly talented and you've got a lot of passion in what you do (shit, you can tell that from everything from your art to the way that you write ( and HOW MUCH you write, whoa nelly, how do you even-) ) - but actually writing with you, taking that leap and getting to know you? i'm so grateful that we did start chatting and such because you are absolutely precious.
i love the love that you have for roche & cloud; it's clear how passionate you are about the two of them and the love you inject into them radiates off of my screen, i honestly find it inspiring ( you make me wanna love my muses just as much! ). and your writing? URGH. so good! i've had such fun reading your shenanigans on my dash; both with writers i'm familiar with and those i'm not. it's a joy to see! and even what we have, that cracky little thing we've got going between roche / heid, that we both teased about and then realised 'oh fuck its a ship' - i LOVE.
and your art, god, saphie, how can i talk about you without bringing up the beautiful art you do? your style is such a delight on my eyes, i love that you give a platform for roche (because he needs more love!) - i am forever grateful and in awe of the heid pic you drew, too.
i just hope you know how incredibly talented you are and how much of a sweetheart you are, too. you're a good egg and im always happy to see you on my dash. thank you being my moot moot so i can simp for your pics and stalk ur threads owo ))
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 2 months
💖Sweet Revenge💖 - Chapter 8
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*Warning Adult Content*
Blake Welling
The weekend takes forever to arrive.
In the meantime, my inventory gets delivered and I'm kept busy unloading bikes and arranging my displays. 
Every day I go across the street and buy a different piece of candy but for the next three days, it's just the cute shop-girl behind the counter.
Of Aaron, I see no sign.
I'm not sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed by that.
After Tara told me who he was and I'd put the pieces together, I understood at least some of his animosity towards me.
Well, I understood that he must have been that asthmatic kid I'd helped one time and who'd left a box of candy in my locker but as for the rest, I still didn't quite get it.
Thinking back, I realized that I'd never seen that kid again after the day he'd asked me what kind of candy I liked.
Then again, that Spring I'd been so busy with track and with preparing for college that I'd been aware of little else.
Then I'd graduated, left for university and thought I'd never look back.
Was it possible I'd left some sort of train wreck in my wake without even realizing it?
Only one thing makes any sense and it makes my stomach twist into knots just to think about it.
He'd seen. 
He must have been watching from somewhere nearby, waiting for me to open the gift he left me.
He'd seen what I did and then because the guys knew who he was and because he was easy prey and they were cruel and stupid, they'd tracked him down and punished him for being sweet and kind.
Given what I'd said and done, they must have felt they had my blessing and if he'd seen, he would have thought the same thing.
It's the day before Valentine's Day, my senior year.
I've just led the guys on a five-kilometer run and we're all hot, sweaty and exhausted.
In the locker room, the usual sophomoric humor and crude jokes fly and because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me if I don't, I join in.
When we go to get our stuff, I find a red, heart-shaped box in my locker.
It looks like something you'd find in a craft store and it's tied with a white ribbon.
On top is a handwritten card, penned with a fine, calligraphic hand.
It's short and unadorned. It's not even addressed to me 'To my heroes' that's all it says but in those three, unassuming words, I read a whole story.
Chad Wilson reads one too.
"Oooh, Welling, what have we here? A secret admirer? And she snuck into the boy's locker room too. That's asking for it, for sure."
"Shut up, Wilson," I snap.  
I swear if it was a category, he'd be voted 'most likely to be charged with sexual assault' when we graduate.
I unwrap the box and lift the lid.
Inside are twelve, perfectly square, perfectly smooth blocks of fudge.
There's one for each of us and they look so good I can almost taste them with my eyes.
"These aren't from a girl, anyway," I say distractedly.
"They're from that kid who dropped his inhaler."
"Shit, really?" Brad Smith laughs.
"You know that kid's a fag, right?"
The word hits me like a punch and I flinch.
I want to make Brad take it back, to make him sorry for saying something so ugly about someone so sweet but again, I'm afraid of what they'll think if I don't agree.
"Gross, for real?" I say and drop the box.
"Urgh, I'm not eating fudge from an ass-fudger... fucking disgusting."
Then I stomp on the box... the guys love it... they laugh and then they join in.
As the box and its contents are reduced to a brown mess of chocolate and cardboard, I feel like my secret is safe but I know that I've paid for it with a piece of my soul.
Finally, it's Saturday.
By four o'clock I've psyched myself out so much my hands are cold and sweaty and I've spent way too long trying to choose between a blue shirt and the slightly different blue shirt. I go with the bluer one.
Then, I walk across the street and into Sweet Revenge.
The girl... by now I know her name is Kate... is behind the counter once more.
"Is..." I clear my throat.
"Um, is Aaron here?" I ask.
She shoots me a stern look from beneath her thick, mascara laden lashes.
"Who's asking?"
"I... uh."
I feel like I'm sixteen and she's my date's father.
She laughs.
It's a high-pitched, musical sound and it startles me.
She sees me jump and laughs harder.
"Yeah, he's here. He's just finishing up. I'll let him know you're here."
From the back room... which I've gathered is the kitchen... I hear muffled swearing and the clatter of a pan.
Kate's eyes go wide and she turns and dashes through the door as fast as she can in her ridiculously high shoes.
I hear yelling and swearing and just as I'm starting to worry that something is really wrong, Kate comes back.
She looks a little flustered.
"He'll be out in a minute," she says, not meeting my eyes.
"Is everything okay?" I ask.
Before she can answer, Aaron himself bursts through the door, looking a little frayed around the edges.
He's wearing an apron splattered with something the color of amber and he's holding a spatula in one hand.
"Three-hundred-and-sixty fucking degrees, Kate," he rants, seemingly apropos of nothing.
"That's how fucking hot molten caramel can be. I swear to God if you yell..." he trails off as his eyes land on me.
"Uh... hi."
He looks me up and down and swallows hard.
"Yeah... give me a few minutes and I'll be ready."
Then he turns and vanishes back through the door to the kitchens. Kate casts me a sympathetic look.
"Don't worry," she says.
"He's always like this around Valentine's Day."
I nod and say something noncommittal in reply but it feels like she just put a stake through my heart because I'm pretty sure that whatever hang-ups he has about that holiday, they're my fault. 
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theeblackrabbit · 2 years
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Shit. I’m getting an actual dnd group together aren’t I? Like its mostly been every two week or so we run - besides the drama caused by two members causing one to drop out, which wasn’t a huge lost cause FUUUUUCK not dealing with dramallama’s anymore. But yeah! A new group is forming and it’s just really nice :3
One is a first time player that I had to have the MC talk with since well getting given a cursed living weapon made him think he was the main character of the series which isn’t the case. Regardless the player is taking the character in an interesting direction! KINDA feel like they dunno 100% what they are doing though going the necromancer route wasn’t something I would have expect from em ~ so it will be a learning experience for both of us.
Got a friend to come fill in the other empty slot since well I like having my good dnd buddy with me! Plus I kinda settled into the idea of forever DM since I don’t think I make such a good player - I do miss my drow rouge though she was fun liked I offset her by just making her a kinda a goofball, though that camp will probably dye out, get axed or she’ll just chuck the players that aren’t responding to her. Its a shame it was a fun group even if fuuuuck it was big. I dunno maybe fate will see differently - I kinda feel responsible since it housed the gf of one of the assfaces whom left after I ghosted em. MEH! Cross that bridge when and IF I come to it.
Talking of them I found their old character sheets from when I first tried to run dnd...one of em sat on overwatch while another just sat giggling like a fucking monkey. Urgh, I’m starting to think I was pretty shitty at choosing friends or maybe peps get so used to me being there they take me for granted? Oh well. Noaw I got 3 unused peps in my setting I need to find a fate for! Guess I’m just sat here asking myself that same old question...am I naughty or NICE >:3
Besides all that! I actually feel pretty good. Had a huge dip in mental health in Sep when that dramallama was lurking about but that was more like...issues rearising that I never had time to deal with the year before. ‘Friends’ treating you like shit while you are SH and SUIC is horrendously shit so guess I was just depressurising from all that. ANYWAY! Back to trying to catch up with Inktober :3
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
In the middle of writing a full review I feel I have to pause and scream about this for a bit:
PUPPET ALESHA: What did you do?
[takes Max’s bloody hand and gasps in both shock and care]
PUPPET ALESHA: Are you hurt?
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Now I ADORE how many mirrors and parallels there are this episode. There were enough to give me a bit of a headache. But I have to talk about this one. Because yes, the most obvious Dean mirror here is indeed Max, but the mirror for the puppet creatures this episode? Cas.
The puppet creatures were controlled by the witch, made of twigs and twines but still contained a fundamental part of their original form: the Heart. Therefore still holding onto their original memories and emotions and seemingly completely unaware that they were actually puppet creatures until the witch called upon them to do their duty.
When Max brings Tasha back at the end in puppet form, she cares for him, is concerned for him and seems like she is her old self, though Max knows in his heart she is not the same. Doesn’t this remind you all of last week?
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“You’re hurt” Cas says as he reaches out for Dean and heals his pain, even though Dean knows for sure that this Cas is not HIS Cas. Similar, still with heart and emotion and still perhaps believing he is in control of his own decisions... but ultimately under the spell of Lucifer Jr. 
Cas is the puppet creature this episode, controlled and in no way free, bound by the spell of the baby just like these puppets were bound to the witch by the twigs and twines, but their hearts are still their own... is the heart Cas’s key to escape?
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Hello~! I would like to request a romantic scenario in which Riddle Rosehearts plans to propose to his fem! s/o, asking her to be his future wife. Takes place after the events of Ghost Marriage. Make it super fluffy, please? Thanks!
A/N: he's so damn cute man like dang
reqs open!
I hope I did the prompt justice! Also if you spot a reference to something... iykyk
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Riddle sighs, crossing his arms as he walks with you, his wedding suit battered. Fighting the ghosts was no easy feat, and it showed on his suit. Even the rose Malleus fashioned for him was crumpled into bits. 
"How exhausting." He mumbles, casually intertwining his hands with yours. "To think that Ace would be the one to solve the debacle."
You hum in agreement. "At least Eliza gets her happy ending. She looked pretty happy with Chubby, don't you think?"
"It would be better if she didn't call me short..." Riddle murmurs, getting angry just thinking about it. "I still have 2 more years to grow!"
"Yes, yes." You agree nonchalantly. "Who knows, you might just beat Floyd one day- Ow-!"
You laugh out loud when Riddle hits you on the shoulder, but you know he means no harm. "...but that proposal Chubby made was pretty cute, don't you think?"
"It is quite cute." Riddle agrees, falling into silence. You take notice and do the same, letting the sounds of the night fill in the silence instead and the warmth of his palm envelope yours.
He accompanies you to ramshackle and drops you off. "i'll see you tomorrow, my rose."
"Goodnight, Riddle. Sweet dreams." You give him a chaste kiss on his forehead, and grin when he blushes. 
"Don't just suddenly--!"
"Heh." You grin smugly, eyes squinting at his reaction.
"Don't look so smug." Riddle retorts, determined to fluster you. You can see the small smirk on his face as he leans down to kiss your hand, letting his eyes meet yours before letting go, his smirk growing when he sees you flush.
"...that's not fair, come on!" You groan, covering your face with one hand as you push him out of Ramshackle. "You're such a tease sometimes!"
Riddle smiles at your reaction. "I believe you started this, yes?"
"Oh, you- urgh- just... goodnight." You huff, gently shut the door to Ramshackle as Grim ‘Ewwwww!!!’’s out a reply. How did you score such a cute boyfriend, seriously?
On the other side of the door, Riddle's blush appears in full swing as he recalls your cheeky grin. The grin you often show when you manage to surprise him, either through your actions or your words. It makes his heart race stupidly face, but he can't bring himself to tell you to stop.
His thoughts lead into the happenings of today- fighting with ghosts, racing with his classmates to get through Eliza, donning on suits- he smiles softly when he remembers your enthusiastic reaction to his suit and wonders... Will you react the same if you both got married?
Surprising himself with the question, Riddle attempts to shake it off, but he can't get it out of his head. Now, his head is filled with visions of you in a wedding gown, looking oh so radiant under your natural glow, with Grim as the ring bearer, trying miserably not to cry. Perhaps Trey as his best man, who dons a green suit.
The wedding is filled with red roses, decorated just the way the two of you wanted, and he can (for some reason) imagine Floyd shrieking about how he never thought a shrimp and a goldfish could ever get married.
Finally, it leaves him as your groom. Older, wiser, more mature and hopefully, the happiest he'll ever be. Happy to be by your side for now, for later, and for forever.
Its only after this thought does he realize that he's been standing outside Ramshackle this whole time, probably looking a little silly, because he feels his cheeks pull at a smile he can't stop.
Maybe he should write this all down. For precautionary measures. Just in case something happens. Or something. It's better to be safe than sorry, is what he reasons with himself as his pace quickens to his dorm, but he knows he can't fool himself with this one.
One day, far into the future, he'll pluck up the courage to propose to you but for now, he'll settle on imagining it all pan out in his room, scribbled nonsensically on a notebook.
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Previously on Miraculous: Solo!: The akuma finally makes an appearance and Chat's fears come true as Madame Cheng succeeds in saving him from certain doom but not herself. To top it off, Marinette was there to witness all of it before her eyes. And Ladybug? Completely MIA.
Wordcount: 1054 [masterpost]
As if it couldn’t get any worse, something hit her side and Marinette felt ice grow up from her shoes up to her shoulder, freezing almost the entirety of her left side.
Panic surged as she found herself being forced into a kneeling position. Policemen rushed past her now in on the scene with backup on the way. Marinette’s breathing became more erratic the more she realized the ice would not budge. What hit her? Sounds of what sounded like a small creature made eye contact with her as they both looked up to read their surroundings. It began to fly towards where she was.
“No– don't come here urgh–!”
Marinette squinted her eyes shut when the flying snow minion, charging its ice ray to take the shot at the girl with pigtails, began to near. But then a familiar silver rod smacked away the monster mid-air, making it disappear into nothing in a puff of snowy smoke upon contact with the weapon.
“Hold on, Marinette!”
Leaping into the air, Chat battered away any remaining monsters that tried to come close. “Are you okay?”
“I-I’m stuck and can't move!” And things continued to worsen, the girl realized, the thought solidifying as she saw clear geometrical ice cages be lifted into the air along with the hovering akuma by a wave of her gloved hand, each trapping an individual civilian including her precious mother.
The akuma did everything effortlessly with a simple movement of her hands, so much so that it made Marinette narrow her eyes at them. Where could the akumatized object be?
“I am Solo, the one who has isolated you all in this winter. If you all wish for your loved ones to be released, Ladybug and Chat Noir must forfeit their miraculouses lest all the prisoners become pillars of frozen ice and the rest of you will remain in this cold forever.”
Not this again. Chat Noir couldn’t help but grit his teeth angrily at the growing ridiculousness of Hawkmoth’s games.
He destroyed an incoming swarm of snow minions with a spin of his baton, and yelled. “As if, Froyo! You release them first and then we’ll talk!” He then quickly used his arm to shield his face from a group of policemen blowing past him, carried away by the akuma's wind. “Civilly, of course.”
“Maman!” Marinette trembled, not from the cold, but from using every fiber of her being to will herself to keep her tears and crying at bay. Okay, she’ll admit now.
It was recently when she had a talk with her mother who just wanted to understand her odd behavior. Odd behavior being her weird absences and staying late up at night in her room, being strangely sleep deprived and among other things that didn't add up for Sabine who was worried.
It was on one cloudy evening in their household kitchen dining table and Marinette could remember clearly the agonizing seconds that took forever to tick by. She couldn’t bring herself to confess her alter ego to her mother, not knowing what would happen to her if she did. And now she definitely could not transform on live television.
Marinette knew her mother didn’t fully believe her and Marinette knew too that her mother, in her love, chose not to press on when she fatefully could not find any words to build a concrete excuse. She trusted her, her mother had said, and she would be there for her whenever she needed someone. Tears had threatened to spill over as she held her mother with her holding her back, like she always had since she was young.
Marinette knew then, it was the guilt that made her feel so isolated, so alone, so–
“Please! Let them go! Please, just let them go I’m begging you!”
Chat Noir had not moved from his spot, at a loss of what to do with the number of minions diminishing. He could hear his classmate’s cries, wracking his heart with sharp pain. I’m sorry, he couldn’t help but say in his mind.
There had to be something he could do. The akuma seemed to be open to a conversation just a few moments ago. Could that create an opening?
“Are you...” Solo floated back near to the Earth's surface, gently stepping back onto the ground with only Chat Noir standing between herself and a young pigtailed girl. Backup had not arrived yet and the police were no longer present. “Alone?”
“A-Alone?” Marinette choked out. Even with her quiet voice, the word echoed back the akuma’s question. “I-I–”
“Hold on.” Tilting her head, Solo continued. “I know of you, I have seen you at school. Your name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Chat Noir tensed.
Maybe this was his chance to move. He dared to glance towards Marinette for a quick few seconds but was taken aback by how conflicted she looked. Marinette had always been a special personality in his school. Kind, open, and hilariously funny and endearing. Solo was not weird for knowing about their school celebrity.
Especially... if they went to their school...
“Yes, that’s me... Have we met? Before?”
Solo shook her head no at Marinette's response. “That is not important. Ladybug is the one I am waiting for. But you have not answered my previous question." She stepped one foot closer. "Are you alone?”
A bead of sweat rolled down Marinette’s face as she sharply inhaled air. The wrong answer could end in disaster, that she knew, probably end up encased in a beautifully crafted ice cage too. But what if there was no right answer? Is anyone truly alone? She looked to the people stuck in the sky, to her mother, and felt the warm familiar nudge from inside her bag.
Yes, she could feel alone, incredibly alone sometimes. But she never needed to be alone if she found herself out of company.
Looking back down, Marinette’s eyes suddenly met with a pair of bright green. Something in her stomach fluttered and flipped at the sincerity she found in the boy superhero’s eyes as they gazed at each other across the pavement, the one thing that had never changed since day one.
“I’m... not.” Marinette’s voice found stability the more she felt her heart become warm. "I’m not. No."
“I see. So it is just me.”
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journeyofaloy · 2 years
Do you prefer any of the Horizon games over the other or do you like both equally?
Oooo a good one! This one will contain spoilers, so read carefully if you haven't finished the game. (Also will contain strong opinion and big Rant in a Wall of text!) I def prefer Zero Dawn 100 times over Forbidden. The feeling I had while playing Zero Dawn, I never felt while playing the other. The Soundtrack and the Enviroment in ZD hit different than in Forbidden (positive different) and the Frozen Wilds DLC was just so damn good. I love the Banuk and the Story was just *chefs kiss*. Forbidden takes forever to finally start good (beginning just takes soooo long) and even then, I did hard enjoying it as much as ZD. I am currently replaying ZD again and I just enjoy it so much, I still get the goosebumps in Maker's End (my Favorit quest). Also the Battle feels so much smoother than in Forbidden (why even does the ammo crafting take sooo long in this damn game?? and I dislike the overdraw mechanics on every weapon...) There were a lot of things that literally pissed me off in Forbidden. Far Zenith was such a bad joke I felt like someone played a super bad prank on me, the Sci-Fi mumbo jumbo just didn't fit at all and that they were literally invinsible made me so mad (I hate when Enemies are so OP straight from the beginning, hence I also totally dislike Thanos from the MCU, the movies with him were a damn joke aswell). Was quite annoyed about the companions aswell, I liked having them in the Base and some Sidequests with them but they were just... literally there! (If you give us companions, let us USE THEM IN SOME WAY atleast) but don't get me wrong, I for sure prefer to roam around the World Map alone (just Zero Dawn Style). Also, super weird that everyone got a Focus and could override Machines (it made Aloy as special as she was in ZD back then). I also don't quite like the fact that Beta exists, I don't like her one bit, she is annoying as hell (same as Alva) and that all of a sudden a 2nd Sobeck Clone exists was just another big joke... super weird. Oh yea... and I totally HATE flying. I wish they never added it into the game, its clunky as hell (I have nothing but troubles with it, bird getting stuck everywhere makes me furious) and I usually fast travel everywhere anyways. Pretty sure they just added it cuz literally everyone wanted it. Killing Varl off was such a waste of a good Character, like... why tf did they even do that? What did they try to archieve with that? Regalla being hyped as the main Villain and then making her super useless/giving her barely any Screentime was such a waste, imo. I wish Regalla would've been the main bad. They could've done so much better with her and it would've fit the "theme" , unlike Far Zenith.... Her design was Awesome and she herself was really cool aswell! And Fashav... man, he deserved so much... so much better... I do like some thinks about Forbidden tho, like the new Melee Combos and uhm.... the new swimming mechanics (even tho I am highly Thalassophobic). Soundtrack is also quite nice and the Enviroment is pretty, some of the new Character's are great aswell. Good Job was done with the Tenakth and the Utaru. But that's just about it. I really tried liking it, I even decided to start another save but halfway through and I lost interest. It is a great game, don't get me wrong, but the good stuff sadly doesn't make up for it. I was concerend about a 2nd Game and wished they just finished the story with the first but I thought "Frozen Wilds was awesome so maybe they will do great with the 2nd Game" but it dissapointed me more than it satisfied me so I am highly concerned about a 3rd game. Ending was rather meh and the Nemesis reveal just made me go urgh. I am so sorry for this Wall of Text and I hope you don't mind I hated more on Forbidden than saying positive things , uhuhu. Zero Dawn was just a masterpiece, is all I can say. Thank you so much for this ask, anon! ❤️
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