#but then it started giving tips about how to play in 14
Me watching videos about ff14's combat
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
Knight in a borrowed suit
word count; 1215 – f!reader wearing a dress, inspired by New Girl
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He stood you up. After taking up a table for over an hour, sitting in the middle of the restaurant and on show for everyone to watch as you tried your best to stop the tears from escaping, you’re sure that he stood you up. With an elegant dress, hair dolled up and impeccable makeup compared to what you usually did, you had been so excited for this date with a man you truly thought was interested. The two of you had gone out once or twice before and you were hoping it could grow into something, make you forget about that one unattainable volleyball player your heart beat a bit louder for. But it seemed not even people without status were interested for long. Maybe you came on too strong? Did you laugh too loud? Whatever it was, you weren’t sure you deserved this humiliation.
The waiter came over again with the same pitiful smile, and you knew she would politely ask you to leave. With a straightened back and tears at bay, you pursed your lips so she wouldn’t feel too bad about it.
“I’m so sorry ma’am, but unless you want to order, we have to give up your table,” she said, trying to speak as low as possible so all the people eyeing you wouldn’t be too entertained.
“That’s okay, I appreciate your patience,” you said, putting your purse on the table so you could pay for the wine glass you had when a voice rang out through the restaurant.
“Wait! I’m so sorry I’m late.” Oh, you knew that voice very well. Your head snapped in his direction, a small tear finally escaping the brim of your eye to trickle down and caress your smile. A very thankful smile.
It wasn’t your original date, it was Miya Atsumu.
He smoothed his hands over his suit, trying to catch his breath as he came over to your side, pressing a lingering kiss to your temple before moving to the other side and gesturing to the waiter. His hair was a bit messy, and his tie wasn’t very well tied, but he was handsome nonetheless. It was also Osamu’s suit, so it didn’t fit him like a glove. “Please excuse me and leave the menus. I’ll make sure to tip well for the wait,” he said, more professionally before finally sitting down. Your eyes had followed him the whole way, wide with wonder that he came to save you. It felt like you were in some romantic comedy.
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About 1 hour earlier
Atsumu was never happy about that new manager asking you out, and much less about you agreeing to it. Could you not see he was going through a perfectly planned 14-step process of asking you out? You had known each other since the day he started playing for the Black Jackals and he felt like there was a spark between you. He found you beautiful even when you weren’t dressed up for anything special, and you always had a great sense of humour. Nothing could brighten his day quite like making you laugh, a feeling he would even compare to a perfect service ace.
So when he saw that slimy manager in the gym, laughing with his friend after seemingly picking something up when he was supposed to be with you, he had to stop himself from getting violent. “No way man, she was way too much. I swear I’ll hear her laugh ringing in my ears for weeks, and that ain’t a good thing.” your original date said to the other guy, and Atsumu took in a few deep breaths to calm down before running to the locker room. He hit speed dial and held the phone to his ear, happy Osamu picked up quickly.
“What?” he snapped.
“There’s no time to explain, I need you to get me a suit.”
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Now here he was, sitting across from you with red ears and a slightly nervous smile. He had finally caught his breath when he looked at you properly, taking in every blink of your eyelashes and how your shoulders looked so kissable under the dress straps. “Wow,” he breathed out, feeling more breathless than he did after running all the way to the restaurant. “You look breathtaking.”
“Thank you, Atsumu,” you said affectionately, leaning your arms on the table in a desperate attempt to get just a little closer to him. You looked happy, he thought, but it was painted with uncertainty. “But… why are you here?”
Atsumu took a moment to answer, thinking back to what he heard before and trying not to let the angry emotions ruin this moment. “I’m taking a beautiful woman on the date she deserves,” he answered.
You didn’t need to know how he knew you were stood up, because now all you could think of was how real it felt. The universe granted you a chance to pretend Atsumu was there for you and not just because he’s a good guy.
It genuinely felt like that as you talked the night away, sharing food and ordering whatever wine they recommended as you talked about the things you never had time for at work. Your laugh was melodic to him, it’s what he imagined he would hear if he ever got into heaven. Unfortunately, you weren’t quite sold on him being there out of his own interest. So as you two stepped out of the restaurant at the end of the night, you said “Thank you for saving my date, Tsumu. You didn’t have to but I had a great time.”
Atsumu grinned, so hopelessly enchanted with your smile. “It was my pleasure, honestly,” he said, and it felt a bit too polite to you.
“If you want, I won’t tell anyone. You were probably just being nice,” you said with a forced chuckle, revealing more of your emotions than you planned.
“What?” he asked, grin diminishing as he tried to understand.
“You’re a good friend, I don’t want to assume there is anything more.”
“No!” It was now or never. He looked at you like you were the sun and he was the moon, desperately trying to reach for you and never quite making it; frustratedly. It left you speechless, staring at him with parted lips and trying to take in enough air to support your rising heartbeat. “I want to take you on more dates. I want to spend most of my time with you, actually. And I want to kiss you, fuck I want to kiss you so bad.” his eyes went to your lips and back up, and your pulse quickened even more, frozen like a deer in headlights from the sudden confession. Atsumu stepped closer, hands hovering over your hips like he wasn’t sure he could touch you. “I really really like you.”
“Tsumu,” you breathed out, a wide smile blinding him to the level that his eyes started watering from its light. “I like you too, I always have.”
Safe to say that the manager who stood you up would lose his job by next week, but you wouldn’t even look in his direction when you had Atsumu’s constant affection. Sometimes, the universe has a plan, and luckily, Atsumu’s 14-step plan was cut down to 3.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
*slams my head on the sink* 100 questions for aidlyn.
I'm dead serious btw. This is long
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Aiden fell first and Ash fell harder. But they are both horrendously down bad for each other 🫠
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their partner mind very much?
They're both kinda fussy in different ways, but Aiden is the one getting hurt more often so Ash is fussing the most. Not that Aiden minds he eats that shit up.
3. What is their love language?
I think I mentioned Ash's is quality time and for Aiden it's physical touch :>
4. Has either ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
I've gotten a hickey from somebody biting me (IN A PLAYFUL WAY get your minds outta the gutter 🤡) so I feel like Ash would get one in the same way?? Like. Aiden just bit her cheek or smth. Cuz he's bitey. And it left a mark. She was really pissed about it 😭 like "Ow wtf man-!"
5. What is something they like to do together?
Oh, they're not picky...Aiden likes doing everything with Ash so he lets her pick. Ash likes doing something calm because she likes seeing him more low energy and relaxed like binging a show or doing a puzzle. If he leans on her she's done. She gone fr.
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would the other answer?
Aiden would but just for fun and to not repeat myself lets imagine Ash asking 🤡 lowkey would be embarrassed and ask in the tiniest voice ever. Aiden ofc think this is adorable and tells her in great detail how he would get her a huge terrarium with the finest dirt and lots of food and Ash is just staring at him wondering why he put so much thought into it.
7. Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Forehead: Both :) Aiden likes her reaction and Ash kinda implodes whenever Aiden pushes her bangs back to give her a lil forehead smooch
Hands: Ashlyn, somehow it's easier than kissing him on the face or mouth but still conveys the intimacy she feels
Neck: probably Aiden, but it tickles Ash way too much for them to do it properly. He surprised kissed her nape once and she freaked out, so she threw her head back and broke his nose 🤡
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Neither I STAND BY THIS. They sleep facing each other let me have this.
9. If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Aiden steals the seat, makes a joke about how Ash can sit on his lap, Ash says she would literally rather sit on the floor, Aiden gives up the seat all pouty, then his restless ass spends the rest of the time finding a comfy spot before sitting on the armrest.
10. Who plays with whose hair?
Aiden 1000000% because he's obsessed with it. In the beginning Ash would pinch him whenever he did it, but after he started braiding her hair it didn't bother her as much. Likes fiddling with the tips or whipping the braid around like some weird ass stim toy lol 🤡
11. Who is clingy?
I think they both are in different ways...Aiden more tho, and he's more obvious about it 💀
12. What is something the other does that makes them flustered?
They're both idiots so they get flustered whenever they're soft with each other 🫠 for Ash, the aforementioned forehead kiss + Aiden praising her, and for Aiden it's whenever Ash touches his face really softly or initiates snuggling.
13. What is something they find attractive about each other?
Guessing this means physically?
Aiden: Her freckles. Or her hair. Or her eyes. Don't make him pick 🤡
Ashlyn: she's hard pressed to admit it but she does like his face- also likes his hands and looking at the scars.
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
Aiden isn't big on fighting in gen, he doesn't have the motivation for it. Ash usually just scolds him for his piss poor self preservation skills and he'll sulk about it. Not above picking a fight about smth stupid if it gets her attention tho
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Depends what is bothering them. Aiden usually goes for a hug if she allows it and tries to talk to her. Aiden usually prefers being alone if he feels like he's gonna get upset so it's a little hard for Ashlyn to help him, but normally tries to reassure him that she's not leaving, or holds his hands or face to help ground him. She's a very logical person so she tries to think of ways to solve a person's problem if they're upset, but most of aidens problems are internal/emotional.
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their partner like being taken care of?
Aiden is better with physical injuries because...he's had them all before multiple times and he knows what to do haha. Ash appreciates the help but I wouldn't say she enjoys it. Ash is better with illnesses, which is great because Aiden acts like he's literally dying whenever he gets a cold (forcing him to spend all day In bed?? Just give him a death sentence while you're at it), so yeah he's a little baby that likes being taken care of.
17. Who steals whose clothes? Does their partner mind?
Most of Ash's clothes don't really fit Aiden...Ash steals his jackets/hoodies on accident because Aiden will give them to her (she gets cold easy) and she forgets to give them back (she's also a little weird about it and sleeps with them). He lowkey gets kinda smug when he sees her wearing them lol
18. They've had a major blowout. How do they handle it?
Like...the care tire blew out? Ash would probably change it (her parents taught her) and while she's at it she'd show Aiden how to do it too (he's never learned)
19. How good are they are communication?
.... C+ Probably rely on the gang a little too much to solve their issues. They're working on it, alr?
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Neither of them are afraid of bugs BUT Ash does not like insects partly because she doesn't know how they'll react to smth. Logically tho she knows spiders are useful so she asks Aiden to get a cup and throw them outside.
21. Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
Depends on the kind, Aiden definitely seeks out Ash's attention more often (like asking her if she wanted to do the puzzle), but he's a little nervous about physical affection, so in the beginning of the relationship that was Ash. Now that he knows it's usually okay he is more touchy, but now Ash looks for his company more often so she will start conversations.
22. What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Ashlyn: above all, his own self apathy. She is...really not cool with him hurting himself all the time. She also thinks he's way too impulsive and irresponsible sometimes
Aiden: don't ask him! But sometimes he thinks she's very...cold. and it hurts his feelings.
23. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden, they were already together so he thought he should let her know :P
24. Who kissed who first?
Ash told him she wanted to first and he initiated it (since Ash didnt know what to do)
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
Ash doesn't really like them, she feels stupid saying them 🤡 the closest is Mr. Durable if he's being an idiot. All her "idiot, dumbass, stupid" are affectionate. Aiden has like a lot of batshit crazy weird pet names for her that Ash doesn't understand at all. Partially to annoy her.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does the other deal with that?
Pffffff. Aiden definitely. Ash usually doesn't really notice ("he's acting weird...well, he's always weird") unless somebody points it out. She's very pragmatic about it, she just bluntly tells him he's being stupid and that she's not interested in anybody else.
27. Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Ash is designated driver because Aiden is an absolute maniac on the road (even tho he says he's a fine driver) and they have a GPS because Aiden gets to distracted to navigate 💀
28. Do they trust one another? Are comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
I think in canon, and even in this theoretical relationship, they're a bit away from being totally open with each other. But they do trust each other.
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Aiden's BPD, even after everything, will flare up and he thinks Ash will leave him, especially cuz he's so "annoying and pushy", etc etc. This kinda bleeds into Ash's issue, which is the fact that she's putting so much into this relationship and she still feels like Aiden doesn't really trust her.
30. Describe how one would cheer the other up after a hard day.
Ashlyn: she says Aiden is like a kid, because to cheer him up she just has to hold him. A long cuddle session is in order, and some kisses for good measure :> Then she'll offer to go out tomorrow to do smth fun.
Aiden: she's probably overstimulted and exhausted, so he basically preps her/their room so she can relax to the fullest and does all the chores so she won't need to do anything. Orders takeout/goes to the drive-through so she doesn't need to socialize.
31. How would they describe one another?
Ashlyn: weirdo adrenaline junkie who doesn't know when to quit...and an idiot. He's still HER idiot tho.
Aiden: his guardian angel, bless her, because he must give her a heart attack per day at least.
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
Not really haha. They're both difficult people to read, and they're not exceptions to each other.
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
...Come on 🤡 You guys know. You know it's Ash.
34. How do they address a problem in their relationship?
...they'll probably ignore it for a while 💀 When somebody brings it up it'll be Ash. She is genuinely very invested in the relationship so like, she doesn't want it to blow up in her face haha, so she will look on the internet for a solution (or ask Taylor)
35. How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
Ash doesn't have any exes which is great because Aiden would probably be jealous of that too 🫠 Aiden doesn't have any like, real proper exes either. I guess she would be a little curious about his past relationships tho, just because he doesn't talk about them.
36. What is something that would break their hearts?
For Aiden, if she couldnt take him anymore...and for Ash, it kinda breaks her heart everyday that Aiden still thinks she'd leave him behind :")
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
More likely??? I mean lowkey Aiden but they would both try- don't underestimate Ash's anger lol
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
I feel like they would binge watch a reality TV dance competition show or smth along those lines. Order a bunch of junk food, top it off with ice cream...Ash would probably fall asleep on him at like 1am and Aiden would fall asleep a little bit later because he sleeps easier with her next to him :)
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
They both dance!!! Ash is, ofc, an excellent ballerina and she knows some ballroom dancing. Aiden is better at freestyle and stuff like that, but Ash is better on a technical level.
40. What is a song that reminds you of the relationship?
Bro I suck at picking songs 😭 LOWKEY LOWKEY Acting My Age by The Academics 😭 Or No Time To Explain??? By Good Kid?? GODDDD I SUCK AT THIS SO HARD- Vampire Empire, Big Thief?? I'm gonna cry 😭
41. Who sings to the other? Are they any good?
Aiden tries to serenade Ash all the time lmao 🤡 he's not a really good singer or anything, but he's not terrible...
42. Who teases who? What about?
Aiden teases her more, but she'll drag him if it's necessary. He definitely type of guy to say "Omg you had a crush on me?? That's so embarrassing" when they've been dating for 6 months...
43. Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Aiden can't sleep, so he gets up really early. Ash actually likes sleeping so if she can she's gonna sleep in 😭
44. Who's more likely to bring the other coffee or breakfast in bed?
One of the things Aiden can do in the kitchen is use the coffee machine!!! So he will bring her coffee in bed! No breakfast because...he doesn't know how to make breakfast... and he doesn't wanna cause her trouble by burning the pan or smth stupid like that 😭
45. What's the worst thing the other can say to one?
Ash: for him to leave her alone and to not talk to her again.
Aiden: telling her to leave like everybody else does in his life (he pushes people away)
They actually make me mentally ill /pos
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
HA. They both do, no questions asked.
47. If it ever came down to it, who is turning to the darkside to save the other?
Mm. I think they would both do it, but Aidens morals are pretty loose when it comes to Ash lol. If you asked him to kill somebody to protect her he wouldn't feel that bad about it.
48. If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their partner something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
Ash: To not be scared, because she wants him to know she's going to do whatever she can to find him again.
Aiden: absolute mess, telling her how much he loves her and that she made his life so much better and worth living (Aiden, buddy-)
49. Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
Ashlyn: I'm serious, the forehead kiss, she literally stops functioning 😭
Aiden: When she looks him in the eyes, he knows she doesn't like that very much so he feels really special. Bonus points if she's holding his hands or cheeks.
50. Who's the romantic?
Aww, definitely Aiden. He's so silly about it all. Doodling their initials together, daydreaming about her, getting her gifts.
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
Taylor and Logan lowkey.
52. Who cooks? Who does the dishes?
Ash definitely cooks, Aiden can barely make Ramen. Aiden usually does the dishes to be fair between them, but Ash needs to supervise because he's prone to leaving grease or not cleaning the utensils properly (he wants to finish quickly)
53. Who eats healthier? Who's got the sweet-tooth?
Aiden is like a human garbage disposal, he eats the worse trash food humanely possible (and somehow is still not sick); his diet is basically fast food joints, convenience store snacks, and soda 💀 So Ash eats healthier... BUT Ash is the one with a sweet tooth. She really likes stuff like cookies, cakes, and chocolate. Aiden prefers salty and savory snacks (tho he does like candy, ex. gummy worms or lollipops, stuff like that)
54. What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because the other has an interest?
Ashlyn: Video games. In general she finds them kinda stressful and loud, but she watches him play for fun (especially horror games)
Aiden: ballet shows. He ADORES watching her dance but like if she's not on stage he's not gonna be into it...
55. Who spoils who? Does their partner tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Aiden absolutely spoils Ash, he has cash to burn, so why not on things she wants? :) lowkey Ash finds this a little weird, especially if he gets something really expensive (like this espresso machine he got her one Christmas) but she doesn't really have the heart to complain besides a "You don't need to spend so much on me..."
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
Ha 💀 Ash genuinely does her best to be level-headed...but deep down they're both feral.
57. Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
Ash. Aiden is one of those guys who goes out into snow In like jeans and a t-shirt to buy ice cream, so she crams him into a jacket...he lets her, cuz she zips it up for him and he gets a little goofy over that.
58. Do they hold hands?
..yeah :)
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitually?
Aiden brushes her hair back, so he touches the area around her temple/back of her ear a lot. Also kisses the palm of her hand whenever she holds his face. Ash kisses his cheek a lot, near the corner of his mouth.
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
Well, Aiden doesn't really have a problem with it, but Ash is a little reluctant because it tends to draw unnecessary attention to herself and she does not like. Being perceived.
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Ashlyn: "...interesting" (on a generous day, otherwise shes gonna say idiot 🤡)
Aiden: "incredible!!!"
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship?
Tyler calls it "barely functioning" which annoys Aiden to no end. Taylor thinks it's sweet how dedicated Aiden is to Ash...even though she's a little worried about him. In general everybody is kinda...pleasantly surprised the relationship hasn't exploded yet.
63. How would they describe one another while sleeping in the same bed?
Aiden normally kicks while sleeping so the first time Ash woke up with her shins really sore and bruised 🤡👍🏽 She's also not a fan of him snoring lmao. Aiden thinks she's a blanket hogger but, well, he won't complain about that. She also tends to curl up into a ball which he finds cute.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react?
Maybe when they were older and already living together, otherwise she needs to explain why they fell asleep on the same bed at the same time...lol
She'd be a little embarrassed that he finds her cute when she's sleeping haha. Aiden on the other hand would feel terrible about the kicking thing, AND the snoring (since she doesn't sleep with her earbuds in) 😭
65. Who tends to take the lead with intimacy?
Well, for kissing, Aiden tends to initiate it more, because he has a better idea of what you're supposed to do. But Ash sets the pace, if she doesn't want to do smth or stop, she tells him.
66. Have they ever been caught kissing? What would be their reaction if they were?
I dont think a peck is embarrassing...I guess this is like an open mouth kiss, but if they were doing that, I feel like they would only do it at Aidens house whenever it was empty because Ash is kind of paranoid about that stuff. If she got caught she would like. Die. Girl would be redder than her hair 🤡 Aiden would be a lil bit flustered depending on who caught them, but mostly annoyed at being interrupted.
67. Have they ever kissed anywhere questionable?
....In the phantom dimension lowkey
68. Who is more vocal? Who is the better kisser?
Aiden is just a loud person in general. He sighs a lot (he's lovesick fr), and sometimes he starts mumbling about how pretty she is and how in love he is with her.
They're both pretty bad kissers lol 🫠 Aiden loses his breath very quickly and Ash is super stiff.
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
Ash doesn't really like shopping...? Lowkey stressful and she doesn't like getting new things. Aiden goes shopping because he has the money for it (he likes buying clothes) but he wouldn't make Ash carry his own bags lol
70. If they went out to dinner, who is paying? Would there even be a discussion?
Aiden. Ash usually tries to pay for herself but Aiden is pretty insistent about it, and he's SO rich that she has a hard time feeling bad about it.
71. If someone were to insult their partner, how would the other handle it?
Ashlyn: would snap back with something equally rude, but she's not super worried about Aiden, he has a thick skin and she knows that.
Aiden: will kill them with his bare hands. If Ash lets him.
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their partner, how would the other react?
Ashlyn: probably surprised, she forgets not everybody knows about his massive baggage lmao. Teeniest tiniest bit jealous...
Aiden: absolutely the type of guy to swoop in, put his arm around her, and call her babe in front of the person. Will probably pull her away from the situation and then death glare at the person from over his shoulder :>
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this?
I think they both know each other pretty well, but Aiden knows all this useless trivia about Ash because he's obsessed with her /hj
74. Who's more likely to bail who out of jail? Would they give the other one shit for it?
Ash absolutely 💀 (it's with his own money too). She definitely gets on his ass for getting arrested over smth stupid like vandalism or "being a public disturbance" (and when he's older for stuff like driving under the influence or smth)
75. Which - if any - other famous ship's vibes do they emulate?
Man idk any famous ships :0 Like, what, an unhinged guy x girl clinging so hard onto those hinges? Guys let me know if you know any!
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
I dont think they believe in spiritual stuff like that haha. They just know they love each other ^_^
77. What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Hhhhhh there's definitely a timeline where Aiden kills a person for Ash and I don't think she would ever really get over that, even if she still stayed with him. For Aiden...is hard, because it would be stuff that's not in character for her...maybe if he wasn't getting better and she left him. He would feel betrayed that she "abandoned" him when he was at his weakest. But even then...idk if she apologize for it I think maybe he would take her back...idk idk, they're complicated 🤣
78. Who has memorised the other's medical history?
79. Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
Technically its their parents but they would call each other right away, and when they're older Aiden would definitely change it to Ash. Doesn't help that they tend to get into accidents together tho 😭
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Grumpy x Sunshine, A Couple with Emotional Wounds, Battle Couple, Cannot Spit it Out (because fuck me that's why), Devoted to You (Aiden to Ash), Fire-Forged Friends...I'm this close to putting Heroes Want Redheads but...I'll control myself-
81. Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
More like a bus wreck, she literally ran away from him 💀
82. Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Hm...Idiots in Love, Biting, Mutual Pining, Obsessive Behavior, Complicated Relationships, Blood, Hurt/Comfort, Bruises.
(All of this list is fluffy shit so let me think about the darkness for a second)
83. Who gets frustrated more easily? How does the other calm them down?
Ashlyn lowkey, she gets irritated when she feels like she's not being understood or smth isn't going to plan. Most of the time Aiden will try and talk to her, which has a 50/50 chance of working lol
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
LMAO yeah 😭 they HAVE lost each other and they both blame themselves hard for it, it makes Aiden even clingier and more overprotective than he normally would be, and Ash is hard on herself because she feels like she can't protect him when it's her job.
85. Their partner is tipsy. How do they handle it?
Ash: semi-regular thing she deals with as an adult. He is usually a reckless drunk person so she tends to redirect his attention towards herself (so he will shift into flirty drunk mode lol) and hopes he'll fall asleep soon :p
Aiden: he'd get upset because Ash would never willingly drink enough to get tipsy- lowkey his first thought is that somebody drugged her 🤡 (Ash probably just didn't notice her own limits) she's a pretty quiet drunk tho so she won't cause him too much trouble. She's also more affectionate which he guiltily enjoys
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?
Okay, so...like...it's not like Aiden goes for expensive gifts just cuz they're expensive, it's just like. Sometimes he just so happens to get something that is expensive for her! And he knows her pretty well, so he knows what she likes. Ash is always kinda nervous about gift shopping because she feels a little...apprehensive about buying people stuff...but she's not bad at it, it just takes her a while.
87. If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
Ashlyn: She just calls him on her phone lol, if she doesn't have it on her she will just walk around looking for him because...he's kind of hard to miss-
Aiden: Definitely starts yelling her name really loudly and bothering all the other people in the area asking if theyve seen her💀
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
I feel like for Aiden it would be telling her about his past and stuff :p Ash doesn't exactly have a dark past or anything, I think at that point it would just be saying some dark thoughts she's had.
89. Would they ever consider marriage?
They don't really have strong feelings about it, Ash just asked him for the tax benefits.
90. Would they ever consider starting a family?
...I think Aiden is more into that idea than Ash is.
91. Who likes kids more? Who can't stand them?
Man okay neither of them dislike kids- Ash is just awkward around them and doesnt know how to take care of them 😭 Aiden has a lot of fun playing with kids but he's not exactly a responsible babysitter either lol.
92. There's a puddle in one's way. What does their partner do?
Ashlyn: ...??? Lmao she's not gonna do anything, maybe try and jump over if they really can't go around it 😭
Aiden: he's gonna jump in the puddle. It's for his enrichment. If Ash doesn't wanna get wet tho, he'll probably try and pick her up and put her on the other side lol
93. One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their partner carry them?
Aiden is stubborn about that stuff and he's hurt his leg A LOT so he's only gonna lean on her for support. If Ash hurt her leg he'd carry her on his back.
94. Their pet has caused destruction. Who puts the pet in jail? Who defends the pet?
Ash is the disciplinarian, she's putting the dog in pet jail 😭 Aiden is probably going with the dog, he definitely contributed to the disaster...
95. Who gives flowers to their partner? What sort of flowers do they like?
Idk I feel like they're not big on flowers. Ash doesn't want smth that's gonna die in a few weeks- I feel like the only time they'd give each other flowers is if they were chilling in a meadow or smth. I think Aiden puts daisies in her braids.
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
Aiden isn't big on reading- Not that Ash is either, but she'll skim the paper and give Aiden the funny strips.
97. How do they wake their partner up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Aiden is a very light sleeper, so she just needs to call for him or touch him to wake him up. Ash is like....mid level, so Aiden will do annoying stuff to wake her up, like touching her foot with his (it's cold as balls), or tickling her nose with her blanket. 20% he'll start singing too.
98. Who would burn the world down for who?
It's easy to say Aiden, but I think they both would :>
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
I guess this is an unpopular opinion but like i just don't think Ash would care enough to go to the register, even if they got his order wrong 😭 So imo Aiden-
100. Make a meme of this ship.
Another one...? Alr
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If you made it here... *gives you a cookie* :)
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blue-slxt · 8 months
Kinktober 14
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: Not gonna lie, I feel like this one was better in my head, but I did my best with it. So I hope you guys enjoy it! All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Navi!Reader
Warnings: Oral (M and F receiving), Cheating?
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This was so wrong. You knew that in your heart. You were crossing so many lines, but there was something…addicting about Lo’ak. You just couldn’t stay away from him no matter how hard you tried. Even though you tried to tell yourself so many times before that it was the last time, it never was. Even when you told yourself how Ezay who you had been casually seeing was a good man that deserved better than this, Lo’ak always reeled you back in. He knew you too well and he knew exactly what to say and how to say it to get you to fall right back into his arms and onto his dick. Tonight was no different. You had come here trying to break things off with him again, but it was to no avail…again.
Your tail coils around Lo’ak’s forearm as he has you bent over his face while he busies himself tasting you and you pump his stiff cock with your fist.
“Ahh! Oh Lo’ak!”
“I bet he never takes you like this does he, sevin?” he taunts from beneath you.
He loved teasing you about how gentle other men were with you. Maybe that was how he was able to keep you coming back. Lo’ak knew how to handle you in a way that left you feeling actually satisfied instead of the shy touches from others that always left you wanting.
“Mmm! Lo’ak, don’t tease!” you whine pathetically.
He momentarily pulls his lips away from your core with an audible ‘pop’, “If you can talk, tìyawn, then you can suck.” He gives you no time to gather your thoughts again before his lips are back on you.
You look at his dick in your hand which was weeping precum from the tip, spilling beads over your hand mixing with the drool that you didn’t even realize was falling from your mouth. The more you stared at it, the more it seemed like it was calling your name, begging to be let into the paradise of your throat. It had you in a trance as you let it breach the barrier of your lips. You could feel Lo’ak’s shuddering breath against your heat when you took him into your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down seemed to spur him on to bury his face further into your cunt.
“Mmm! Mhm!” you hum around him. The light vibrations around his already-sensitive dick had him bucking his hips up into your mouth trying to chase his release. Meanwhile, your hips had started to grind down on his face in search of the same thing. You could tell from how his cock twitched in your mouth that he was about to lose it. You pull your mouth off of him at the last second and rest the tip against your tongue while he shoots out ropes of hot cum onto your face and tongue. The feeling of having your face be defiled mixed with his tongue licking into your clenching hole throws you over the edge into your orgasm. Lo’ak greedily laps at your core drinking in your steady flow of slick. The sounds of him slurping at your pussy make your cheeks burn, but it also makes a newfound wave of desire wash over you.
When he pulls off of you, he taps your thigh signaling for you to climb off of him. When you do, he’s immediately on top of you, pushing your chest into the ground and keeping your hips hiked up into the air.
You should stop this. You should go home. But when he whispers in your ear “You gonna let me play with you some more?” You can’t stop your tail from raising high in the air and putting your pussy on display for him.
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Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @teyamsatan @narwhal-swimmingintheocean
(If your tag isn't working, please check your settings.)
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w1ldthoughts · 5 months
Beauty School Dropout
A/n: special thank you to my curly girl @justhereforherbert for her hair tips!!! This is for you and my sweet anon that requested this.
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He remembered the exact day this fascination started. The two of you were getting ready for the Chargers’ New Years party and Justin was done getting dressed in 20 minutes so he sat on the bed watching you get ready. All of your hair products sat neatly on one side, per his request, and your makeup sat on the other side. He was fascinated by your meticulous routine and somewhere along the way it became his favorite thing, memorizing every detail that made you…you.
During the season he had no time to really plan dates or even the simple task of having dinner together because of his 14-15 hour days at the facility, but any and every small moment he got to appreciate what was in front of him, he didn’t take it lightly. There were so many things about you that he loved, but your curly hair had become his favorite physical feature since that fateful evening. Throughout that night and several others, he found himself playing with your hair without even meaning to. He would sometimes twirl it around his fingers while sitting on the couch next to you and often brush it out of your face to kiss you or move it out of the way while helping you clasp a necklace or put on a jacket.
It made him emotional thinking about the sacrifices you made to support him every step of the way and he desperately wanted to show you how much you were loved and appreciated. The offseason had just begun and the two of you were back in Oregon after getting his cast taken off and clearing him for light physical therapy. Justin immediately got to work in putting together the perfect night to show you how much he cared and appreciated you being his rock during the most exhausting season of his life, both physically and mentally.
As soon as you were out of the home office and done with work for the day, he knew it was the perfect time.
“Hey baby.” You greeted him cheerfully, your smile growing wider when he pulled you in for a hug. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” he laughs. “I can’t just be happy to see you?”
You give him a questioning look. “You just look like you’re up to something. I don't know what it is but you just look too…excited. For no reason.”
“Okay fine. I have a proposition for you. And you can say no if you want, obviously.” He looks like a little kid, begging his mom to have a sleepover on a school night.
“What is this proposition, J?” You giggle.
He gets serious, holding you close to his chest as you look up at him. “You know how you mentioned that you needed to wash your hair today?” He gestured toward the messy bun you’d been wearing all day, “what if…I did it?”
You look at him like he just grew a third eye. “You want to wash my hair for me? Why?”
“I just, wanna take care of you like you’ve been taking care of me. And I don’t know, when we have kids? I want to be able to do things too and not have to rely on you to do it all.”
“That’s the cutest I’ve ever heard. You can absolutely wash my hair.” You laugh at him as he pumps his fist into the air like he just scored a touchdown and walk steadily behind him up the stairs.
A fluffy UGG bathrobe and matching platform slippers were sitting in the room waiting for you. He had been planning this. You changed into your new comfy attire and tiptoed into the bathroom where your boyfriend had a chair set up in front of one of the sinks all ready to go.
“Okay so before we start,” you began, “you need the routine.”
He holds up a piece of paper, detailing every single step of your hair care routine in his perfect handwriting, which leaves you shellshocked.
“Justin how—when did you do all of this?” You didn’t mean to get emotional but when someone remembers little details about you, it means the world. And this? This was no small minor detail. This was…huge. You would’ve actually given him a baby tonight if he asked nicely.
“I’ve been watching you take care of it for a while and I just started writing things down along the way in my notes app cause I couldn’t write. So as soon as the cast was off, I started doing it little by little. And yes, I was careful not to hurt my finger. I thought of everything already so you just get to sit back, relax and watch me work my magic. I got this.”
“You totally got this.”
He ran your hair through the warm water, gently rinsing it a few times before grabbing the Ouai Detoxifying Shampoo and massaging it into your scalp. You could tell he was really trying to take his time and be thorough each time and you laughed to yourself when you felt a silicone scalp massager on your head. Justin was really giving you the five star treatment. After he shampooed your hair twice, he went in with the Rizos Curls Deep Conditioner and wrapped your hair up in a towel when he was done. The quarterback helped you sit up and used your favorite secret ingredient, Suave kids detangler, only because it smelled like apples. It had become his favorite scent in the world. After spraying it a few times, he ran his fingers through it to detangle it, used the Pattern Leave-In conditioner, As I Am curling jelly and let it air dry for a few minutes before going in with the diffuser.
“I hate to say this but the Chargers might need to find a new quarterback. You just became my full-time hairstylist.” You tell him, looking at your hair in awe. The curls were bouncy and perfect.
He looked at you, very unamused. “Really? You’re not just saying that, are you?”
You placed both hands on his shoulders, letting out a breath. “I’m being so serious, you were amazing. Thank you for doing all of this for me.”
“Well I know it’s not much but it’s a small ‘thank you’ for taking care of me. You drove me to the hospital and stayed with me after surgery and helped me shave and if I can do a little bit for you too? That’s what I want to do.”
He looks so content and relaxed as you close the distance between you. You seal your gratitude with a kiss as your eyes flutter closed and you pull him even closer to you. His recent shave leaves his skin soft to the touch and you can’t help but feel warm all over at the thought of getting to do this for the rest of your life. There was no forgetting Justin’s brief mention of wanting to do your future kids’ hair and the idea of him wanting a future with you and actively planning ahead for that future had your heart beating a million miles an hour, in a good way. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips once more.
“You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always be here for you. Surgery, an eventual Super Bowl, any and everything in between? I’m in.”
The man looks at you like you personally hung the stars in the sky, “God I love you,” he whispers, leaning in for another peck.
“And I love you.” You tell him in between kisses.
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lilacmingi · 5 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT read/interact with me or my works
Pairing: White rabbit!Jungkook x fem reader
Word count: 2,270
Note: Next installment in the BTS Alice in Wonderland AU series is here! The intro chapter did fairly well last week. I was surprised to see how many people were liking it!
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Once past the doorway, you made your brief descent down the stone steps and onto the walkway that led through the cluster of odd plants. This place was strange, unusual, and nothing like anything you had ever seen in your entire life. All the mushrooms and plants were huge compared to you, making you feel a little nervous due to their intimidating size. You flinched when a huge bug of some sort zoomed past you, a loud buzzing sound following as it flew by. Glancing up, you saw a dragon with a set of thin, iridescent wings.
Dragonfly. Clever.
You proceeded down the path, your curious eyes scanning your new and unfamiliar surroundings. Suddenly, you remembered the chunk of cake you brought with you, pulling it from your pocket. Having learned your lesson the first time, you only took a small chunk from the cake, hoping it would be enough to return you to your normal height. Taking a small bite of the magical sweet, you started to grow taller until you were back to your usual self.
You chuckled proudly to yourself, feeling a sense of pride for getting the hang of the size-altering cake.
With your height back to the way it should be, you proceeded down the stone pathway, getting a closer look at the greenery and vegetation that grew along the trail. You hadn't the slightest idea where you were, but one thing was for sure, this was not your home. You were in an entirely new world. A fairytale land of some sort that looked like it came right out of a storybook.
Maybe when you fell down the rabbit hole, you hit your head and were knocked unconscious and this was a dream. Though that wouldn't explain the fact that you saw a half bunny half man in your backyard.
Your train of thought was derailed when you spotted the suit-clad bunny hybrid you chased earlier standing in the middle of the pathway with his back turned to you. Not wanting to announce your presence and risk him taking off again, you stayed silent and approached him, clamping a hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch, spinning around on his heel to face whoever had grabbed him.
"You! How did you get down here?"
"I followed you. How else do you think I got here?"
He chewed on his bottom lip while his captivating eyes scanned you up and down as if to asses your appearance.
"Good." He finally responded, giving a single nod of approval.
"Good?" You echoed.
"There are some people who want to see you. They haven't seen you in years and they've all been eagerly awaiting your return."
"What? Who's they? Listen, bunny boy, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
"He'll explain when you get—wait. What did you just call me?"
"You never told me your name, so I got creative." You shrugged.
"My name is Jungkook." He huffed, one of his his bunny ears twitching a little in agitation.
You chuckled softly.
"What's so funny?"
"Your ears." You pointed. "They're very expressive."
"Of course they are." He straightened his coat.
"Can I touch them?" You asked tentatively.
The tips of Jungkook's human ears turned pink, as did the apples of his round cheeks.
"I suppose." He lowered his head ever so slightly so his bunny ears would be easier to access.
You stepped forward and reached your hand up to stroke one of them, feeling the soft fur under your fingertips, taking notice of the way he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Soft." You murmured, pulling your hand back.
Jungkook cleared his throat, taking a brief glance up the trail.
"We should go."
"Right. Lead the way."
If this really was a dream, you might as well see how it plays out.
The low heels of Jungkook's loafers tapped lightly against the stones of the walkway, the rhythmic beat accompanied by the occasional crunch of a small gravel under his shoe soles.
"What is this place?" You inquired, breaking the silence that hung in the air.
"If I recall correctly, last time you were here you called it Wonderland."
"Last time I was here?"
"You really don't remember, do you?"
You hesitated with your response, flicking through past memories, none of them having been made in a place like this.
"No. Should I?"
"You should. Then again, you were very young. Don't worry. He'll explain it to you."
"Who's he?"
"You'll see. Just wait until we get there."
Wonderland. You thought.
That's a good way to describe this place, especially considering it's eccentric and fairytale-like appearance.
You stole a glance at Jungkook just as his nose twitched, scrunching up a little which made him look akin to a real bunny. It was an endearing sight and made a warm feeling of adoration spread in your chest. Looking at Jungkook gave you the same emotions as looking at a cute animal, except he was more man than animal.
"I overheard you talking to yourself earlier. What were you so late for?" You questioned.
"Bringing you here."
"Is that why you were in my rose garden? You were looking for me?"
"Yes." He nodded. "I was watching you and hoped that I could coax you down the rabbit hole. He asked that I bring you here. Though, I wasn't sure if it was you or not. You've changed quite a bit. That's why I was a little freaked out. You see, I'm not exactly supposed to be seen while I'm out there."
"Out there?"
"In your world." He clarified.
You cast your eyes to the ground, dragging your shoes against the stones.
"What's so important about me?"
"I'm not sure I can reveal that. Again, he'll tell you everything. I promise."
"Right." You sighed. "Who is this guy that you're bringing me to?"
"It's best he introduce himself."
"Is there anything I can call him by?"
"Hatter. That's what we call him sometimes. It's somewhat of a nickname."
"Hatter." You murmured thoughtfully. "That sounds vaguely familiar."
"Maybe you're remembering." Jungkook beamed, showing off cute bunny-like teeth, his eyes glimmering with hope.
"You're adorable." You spoke under your breath, not intending for him to hear. It was more so you gushing quietly over his endearing expression.
He turned to you, his eyes scanning you up and down as a small smirk played at his lips.
It was then that you realized he heard you.
You were quick to look away and focus your gaze to the trail below your shoes in an attempt to avoid eye contact with him.
Jungkook came to a stop, placing his finger under your chin to turn your head back towards him. His bright eyes seemed slightly darker, some unknown emotion swirling in them as he took just a moment to scan your face, quietly taking in your reaction.
"That's funny. I was thinking the same about you, dear Y/n."
You swallowed, a violent rush of warmth blossoming across your cheeks at his bold and flirtatious response.
He tittered amusedly, gently holding your chin between his thumb and index finger so you couldn't look away.
"Surely you're not flustered just from that."
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out, as Jungkook's charms rendered you totally speechless.
This is definitely a dream. You thought to yourself. Why else would someone as handsome as Jungkook be flirting with you? This kind of thing never happens in real life.
You were too occupied with your thoughts to notice Jungkook's face inching closer, your wide eyes immediately darting down to catch a glimpse of his pretty pink lips, momentarily wondering if they were as soft as they appeared. They were so tantalizing, tempting you to come and have a taste, drawing you in and pulling you towards them. Somewhere in your muddled mind, your conscience reminded you that this man was practically a stranger, though there was something familiar about him, albeit vague. Then again, if this really was a dream (and you're sure it is) it doesn't matter if you don't know Jungkook all that well. In dreams, logic doesn't matter.
You made no efforts to stop the man standing in front of you, staying completely still while you allowed him to come to you, his shallow breaths fanning against your cheeks. Prepared for his lips to touch yours, you were surprised when you felt them on your neck instead, the warm sensation that followed making your knees weak. Your eyelids fluttered closed while Jungkook littered your neck with open-mouthed kisses that took your breath away. One of your hands came up to his dark hair, momentarily carding your fingers through it before they trailed up to brush against the base of his soft bunny ears. Jungkook sighed against the sensitive skin of your neck, his kisses growing more feverish.
After a few more blissful moments, he pulled away, bringing his face up to meet yours, his short, breathy huffs fanning your cheeks as his eyes were trained on your lips. You suppressed a shiver, your eyelids starting to flutter closed as he drew near. Jungkook's lips barely brushed over yours, making your heart rate pick up with excitement for the events that were soon to take place.
Just before he could press his lips to yours, a loud roar ripped through the air and rumbled the ground beneath your feet, causing the both of you to pull away from each other with startled expressions.
"Bandersnatch." Jungkook gasped.
"Come over here." He hastily pulled you into the tall plants that lined the cobblestone path.
You stumbled unsteadily due to his sudden movements, causing you to fall on top of him with a soft grunt.
Both of you were breathing heavily due to the adrenaline, staring into each other's eyes for what felt like minutes but in reality was only a handful of seconds. Your gaze darted down to his lips that you didn't even get to kiss due to the interruption, which was typical for a dream, except instead of waking up, the dream continued.
A loud thump pulled your attention away from Jungkook and towards the noise as you tried to catch a glimpse of the creature through the towering mushrooms and wispy grass.
"What is that?" You whispered, unable to see through the plants that shielded you.
"The bandersnatch."
"What exactly is a bandersnatch?"
"That." Jungkook said pointing at a massive beast that was making its way down the path you were walking on just moments ago.
The appearance of the creature was unlike anything you'd ever seen before. It was covered in white fur with black spots and had the most atrocious face you'd ever laid eyes on. The beast vaguely resembling a dog, except this thing was far from cuddly and was every bit terrifying. Drool dribbled out of its large mouth which was lined with dozens of unevenly sharp teeth that made you uneasy just by looking at them. You released an unintentional gasp at the daunting appearance of the enormous creature, clamping a hand over your mouth as you watched it sniff the air.
"Shh." Jungkook shushed, wrapping his arms around you in order to draw you in closer. His job was to bring you to Hatter safely and that's exactly what he was going to do.
With bated breath, your eyes followed the monster, observing it as it passed your hiding place and sniffed elsewhere, thankfully not catching the scent of you or Jungkook. The both of you let out a collective sigh of relief, your bodies relaxing. That's when the beast stopped, it's head turning back towards the place where you were hidden.
Your body stiffened and your breathing came to a halt, watching anxiously as the beast's nose twitched while sniffing the air. After what felt like ages, the beast turned away and left, allowing you to finally relax.
"The Red King probably sent that thing to come and get you." Jungkook snarled.
His nose was scrunched up while he glared at the creature that was now leaving the area, his arms tightening around you protectively. The first thought that crossed your mind was how surprisingly strong his grip was.
He must be hiding some massive biceps under that tailcoat of his. You surmised.
"I think it's safe. Let's go." Jungkook whispered, helping you to your feet.
He took your hand and crept through the overgrown plants, moving away from the dreaded bandersnatch.
Once he felt it was safe, he guided you back to the pathway where you could actually see where you were going.
"That thing was scary... and ugly." Your face twisted at the memory.
"Dangerous too. We're lucky to have made it out unharmed. I thought for sure it would sniff us out."
"I did too."
You placed your hand on your chest to try and calm the erratic beating of your heart. For a dream, this sure felt real.
There was a rustling sound in the plants that put a halt on your train of thought and caused you and Jungkook to stop in your tracks.
"What's that?" The question slipped out before you could stop it and you found yourself latching onto Jungkook who was the only person there that could possibly protect you from whatever was hidden in the plants.
"I don't know." He murmured, holding a protective arm out in front of you.
The both of you stood in the middle of the pathway frozen in fear until someone stepped out of the thick grass.
➯ Part 2: Jimin
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Masterlist ᝰ
Do not steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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Tag list: @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143
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desdemonafictional · 3 months
The Woman Called...
Fujiko Mine was born into a family that did not consider itself poor, on account of they could afford to eat meat every week or so, unlike some families they knew who couldn’t afford it at all. Those were poor families, her mother would have said, not us.
Of course, they had been poor. They had been dirt poor. They had been secondhand shoes bought three sizes too big so you can grow into them, get slapped for breaking a dish at dinner, too-proud-to-beg poor. Whatever warm family feelings they might have had for each other were strained to the point of fraying by the time Fujiko entered middle school.
At age 12, Fujiko had looked around herself at the world—at the shining elegant faces in advertisements, at the delicate patisseries where it would have cost as much for one cake as her mother spent on dinner for all four of them, at the sneering faces of girls who had more than she ever had just for the stupid fortune of being born to a better class of family—and Fujiko Mine had come to a conclusion. Her conclusion was thus: the world was demonstrably not fair. And if the world was not fair, then what was the point in playing fair while the other side went on cheating?
Dumb luck might have given other girls family connections, money, and an easy life, but Fujiko had something most of them didn’t.
Fujiko was beautiful.
At age 14, she measured her bust religiously, noting the centimeters of growth and calculating her seams. She searched her face for imperfections and rationed out dollops of pale foundation as if the cream was gold. She walked tall, wore her hair short, and stood on tip-toe when she couldn’t wedge rags into her shoes. Men had already started to notice her years ago, but the extra help never went astray.
One day, on her way to school, there had been a man waiting for her a few blocks away. He explained that if she would come to dinner with him, he would buy her a beautiful new jacket for the winter, so she wouldn’t have to wear that old ratty one with the patches. Of course, she said yes.
He was a very nice man, as far as such men went. He took her shopping. He told her she was beautiful.
“You probably expect a story like that to end in tragedy,” Fujiko said, examining her cigarette with vague contempt. “Poor dumb little girl in the spider’s parlor. What was he hiding, what did he do, how did he hurt her? Well it was fine. Nothing happened. After a few weeks he went back to his sad little housewife in Kanto and lived a normal life, probably never thought about Fujiko Mine again. But I had the jacket.”  
There’s an impermeable barrier that separates the poor from the rich, and it’s all quantified in clothes. The better you dress, the more people believe you belong. A ragged slob off the street would be turned out of a high-end store before she even knew what was happening, for fear that she’d pocket something nice with her greedy nasty little hands. But the same girl, dressed in a nice coat that obviously cost a salaryman quite a lot of money? Oh, why would she steal? She’s obviously doing just fine. So come in, come in, if you have money to spend.
“I worked my way up,” she said, and took a drag. Her elegant red nails alighted only delicately on anything she touched. “Shirts first, then dresses. Just slightly above my class. Once you have slightly nicer down, you can shift another class up. But people notice if your shoes are wrong, it’s one of the first things to give you away when you don’t belong. Shoes are expensive. They’re hard to fit in your sleeve. So I worked at the hostess club for months to afford a pair of new leather shoes.”
At the hostess club, she met a lot of new types of men. She was too young to work at an above-board club, so she worked at a shadier one instead, the kind where touching was alright. At least up to a point. Some of the girls would call security on a handsy drunk, but Fujiko didn’t want their help—she’d deal with it herself, on her own terms. Anyway, a man who was busy grabbing a breast was probably not paying attention to his wallet. And he probably wouldn’t remember how much he spent, either.
She bought the shoes. She thought about quitting. And then she stayed anyway.
“I was good at getting men to buy drinks,” she said, “and I had a system for swapping out empty glasses with half drunk glasses. I used to hide them in the corner of the cushions. Or under my skirt. I was very good at getting other people to drink.”
She ashed her cigarette with a careless flick, her nails like quick shining beetles taking off.
“But it turned out one of those men I’d been getting to drink was a Yakuza mid-boss, the ambitious type, you know? And so one day this asshole pulls me aside as I’m leaving work—”
Sunglasses at night, that’s mostly what she remembered. Long jacket, with the sleeves pushed up to show the edges of tattoos. He’d smiled like a tiger on a diet, ever so polite, banked hunger and a rough rolling accent.
“I took the job, of course,” Fujiko said. “It wasn’t like I was attached to the guy, or anything. I let him take me home after a shift a few nights later, and when I had him alone and naked, I opened the front door for his rival. The trouble is,” and here, she contemplated the glowing cherry between her fingers, “once you’ve taken blood money, you can never really go back. You know how it is. There were always more men in sunglasses, always more jobs, always more money, and always more things to hide.”
She finished off the cigarette with a long, contemplative drag.
“One day you look up, and you realize that little by little, without noticing it, you’ve become someone who can’t go home.”
The silk of her dressing gown fluttered translucent and pink against her thigh as she stood. The wide high window glowed verdant with morning light over the garden that several men worked quietly and invisibly each week to maintain. She stood in front of the glass, staring out, still except for the restless flicking of her fingers at her side. Her shoulders tensed, like a cat watching a bird just out of reach.
Then, of course, there had been Poon. He hadn’t called her beautiful. He’d called her clever. Deadly. He’d admired that she was ruthless. He’d opened his hand, his portfolio, his heart, and offered her the chance to be more than set dressing. To take partnership in the business where for so long she’d been only pawn. Teacher, lover, friend—escape, ensnarement, she had wanted to be him, and yet she had wanted to be more than him. Everything she had was his, and the worst part was that he held nothing back. He gave and gave, and the more he gave the less she had.
They’d been unstoppable. They’d been a cataclysm. They’d been the golden pair. And when he died, he’d gutted her of everything he’d been.
“I liked killing less than the hostess work,” she remarked to the window. “But the hours were better.”
And then she turned, and smiled a wicked, insouciant smile.
“Of course, those days are long behind me,” she purred. “I’m a good girl now.” She dripped like water across the lounge, graceful legs and trailing silk, to climb into the lap of the man who meant to hire her.
 “Silly me, how I’m going on. I’m afraid I’ve quite lost my head around you, Mister…?”
“Lupin,” the man said, and his eyes reluctantly tore up from the place where her thigh was pressed to his side. “The Third.”
“How distinguished,” she said. She drew her fingers up along the length of his neck, grazing his ear. His pupils dilated. It didn’t matter what she’d said, really; he wasn’t listening. Men like him never did.
Easy money, she thought. I’ll have him chewed up in a week.
“So what was it you wanted done, exactly?” she asked.
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*tips hat* @athemarina
1. Are you named after anyone?: No but there is this thing on my father's side of my family where give a name starting with the letter A to their child.
2. When was the last time you cried?: About a month ago.
3. Do you have kids?: Noh
4. Do you use sarcasm?: Why would I ever?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: The way they talk and I try to notice hand gestures a lot.
6. What’s your eye colour?: Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: Either one or both
8. Any special talents?: Eh....I can do this thing with my arms, it's a bit hard to explain but one friend called it a 'bone breaker' and my other friend told me I was temporarily popping it out of it's socket.
9. Where were you born?: Earth. I assure you that I am not an alien.
10. What are your hobbies?: Writing, drawing, reading, day dreaming, plotting ways to rebel against my school.
11. Have you any pets?: Fishes.
12. What sports do you play/have played?: Speed skating, swimming
13. How tall are you?: 5'4'' (yes I am very short)
14. Favourite subject in school?: Art (I am a computer science student)
15. Dream job?: Honestly I am trying to survive through school. My dream job was crushed in 8th grade.
Tagging: @late-to-the-fandom @master-of-the-pigeon-religion @on-noon @caligraphyzev @calloumii @idreamofhamandcheese @rxd-bxttrflxss @isabellebissonrouthier @midnight-and-his-melodiverse@subuthetitan @i-eat-books-and-nutella @timetravellingkitty @avocado-frog @usernamewastaken @aohendo
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I don't know if you've ever been asked this question, but I was wondering:
Did you learn to draw somewhere, or were you self-taught? Maybe you have some tips or hints for beginners? What was your favourite thing about drawing?
Sorry if this ask is too personal, but I really like your drawing style and wanted to ask some advice :D Have a good day! 🌸
it's a mix of both, really! i grew up loving art from the very beginning, like. im talking about making teletubbies fanarts and asking my dad to make me learn to draw characters from w.i.t.c.h. and tomb raider fandsndfs, according to my parents i had a pencil in my hands before i even started talking -- and that's what led me to actually learn to draw "properly", first in a art-centered high school (that. did less than good to me tbf but it was a matter of 90% of the art-related teachers being garbage) and the comics academy in torino where i think i started to truly "understand" what i wanted from my art style
if i may give some advices other than the good ol' "keep practicing and try to at least doodle something once a day", i could go with:
don't compare yourself to other artists negatively, especially those younger than you. it's probably the hardest part, but you need to "force yourself" to be positive. if you find yourself thinking "this 14 years old draws better eyes than me", go with "i love how they draw eyes, let's see if i can learn from it"
copy copy copy copyyyyy!!!!! copy from references, copy from photos, copy from comics, copy from movies. of course don't plagiarize people and then present that stuff as your own, but try to make a pose yours and learn to take pictures of your own hands, feet, face or ask people to pose if you can't find the right position
your art will look like shit to you, a LOT of times, but know that at one point you're going to quit. if you don't like what you're drawing, either quit there or restart, don't try to "fix" it because you'll just end up noticing more and more issues with it - issues that, most of the times, aren't even issues to begin with. letting go of perfectionism is very difficult, but at some point you'll have to do that--
and about perfectionism, a VERY good exercise we did in comics school was being forced to "draw fast". this isn't me telling you you NEED to draw as quick as possible, but it's an exercise that forces you to learn quickly where certain body parts go, to prioritize specific details rather than others. we had a model, and at first we had to sit there for an hour drawing her, then the hour became 30 minutes, then 10, then 5, and at the end 1. it took us a few lessons to do that, but at the end the super sketchy 1 minute copy went from ???? to a stylized human figure!!!
learn to draw realistic anatomy, and then make it your own style.
for the love of god learn prespective it's a bore it's a chore but as soon as you learn that everything becomes SO much easier
for shading, just. put a point in the canvas where the light source is and go from there!! if the light is on the right, the shades will be on the left
if you're coloring, play with the shades' colors. a good idea is to use the opposite color you use for the lights - if the light is yellow, the shades look great in purples, for example just don't use pure black unless you wanna go for a more dark/noir aesthetic oh my god
professional comic artists retrace a lot of their backgrounds. i'm js. use this as you wish :)
learn to draw different body shapes!!!! like getting out of the anime phase of "fat people are just like thin people but with a huge belly" can be difficult, but it's very satisfying
go out of your comfort zone. if you have problems drawing horses, spend a few days learning to draw horses. take some pics and try to understand them.
body proportions are so fun once you realize how so many things are the same. generally speaking, your spread hand is as long as your face, your feet and half the size of your arm; the outer corner of your eye is at the same level of your ear, and the inner corner is perpendicular to your nose and the corner of your mouth; if you leave your arm on your side, your elbow is at the same level of your bellybutton, and your fingers reach halfway your thighs. it's so fun
and yea, i can't stress it enough. it'll take time. art is painful, art is stressful, art can be discouraging. take a step at the time, accept some failures and celebrate any good thing - even the smaller ones. you learned to draw hands today, and you should be proud. i tried to draw a cat for the first time and it looks wonky, but the cat you will draw tomorrow will look better. i believe in you
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Soft Touch Baby
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Eddie’s POV | Song | ao3
(Ok so this one is like, twice the size of the others, so be warned 😂 but we’re finished! That is… if there’s nothing else y’all want to see. Let me know!)
Eddie is fucking insatiable. Ever since that night, he’s been all over Steve.
Steve fucking loves it.
He loves how Eddie’s first reflex is to grab his hand when they get in the car. He loves Eddie’s fingers drumming over Steve’s thigh to the beat of the song as he drives. He loves the kisses to his hands, his knuckles, his cheeks and temples and nose.
He even loves the bites.
They’re sitting on the couch the first time it happens. Steve’s all but sitting in Eddie’s lap as they watch a movie. He knows Eddie’s watching him more than the movie. He’s maybe more okay with it than he should be.
Suddenly Eddie turns, leans down, and gently bites Steve’s shoulder. Steve jumps, already laughing as he turns to ask, “The hell was that?”
Eddie just shrugs. Doesn’t look even vaguely repentant. “You’re very biteable.”
Steve blinks. “Biteable.”
Steve blinks again, then starts laughing, leaning in to rest his head on Eddie’s shoulder. “You’re so fucking weird.” It sounds like I love you.
Eddie just grins. “Says the one dating the freak.” It sounds like I love you too.
After that, Eddie bites him all the time. Never hard, never enough to leave a mark (at least, not where it would be visible), but all the time.
A small chomp on his cheek when he passes by, just because he can. A nip at Steve’s finger when he’s teasing, poking at Eddie’s face or hair. His earlobe when he comes up behind Steve as he’s cooking or doing the dishes, threading his hands around Steve’s waist. A scrape of teeth on the tip of Steve’s nose, just to make him smile.
Steve loves it. Loves him. Loves how insufferable they’ve become to their friends (and, admittedly, they do play it up a bit, but the kids deserve it).
They tell Wayne, who of course clocked it before they did. He’s nothing but supportive, especially after he hears how them sleeping together (“Just sleeping, I swear.” “Well…” “Eds, you’re not helping right now.”) helps with the nightmares.
Robin is nothing but supportive, of course, “As long as I’m still your best friend.”
“Of course you are, Robs,” Steve says.
Eddie grins. “I know I can’t fight for that position. It’s all yours, Birdie.”
Surprisingly enough, what Steve might love most are the nicknames. Eddie has nicknames for everyone, of course, but Steve gets a little thrill from hearing his.
There’s Stevie, of course. Basically a classic at this point. There’s honey, babe, baby. But the one he really likes, the one Eddie knows is his favorite, is sunshine.
It gets to the point Eddie calls him Steve one day, and they both freeze because of how wrong it feels. “Stevie,” he corrects. “Baby. Sunshine.”
“Shut up,” Steve grouses, but he’s smiling, wide and unrepentant.
Stevie is an everyday type of nickname, one that Steve answers to more than his actual name at this point. Honey is sweet, and it always gives Steve a little thrill because it sounds like the type of pet name an old married couple would use. Babe is more sarcastic, more teasing, but still loving. Baby is more serious; whispered into shoulders when one of them wakes with a start, or into hair when one of them starts to doze off on the couch.
Sunshine is special, and Steve can’t quite clock what about it is so different, but it is. It sets his heart to fluttering, and he can’t help the shy grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. His fingers twitch in Eddie’s direction every time, and damn that man, he knows what he does to Steve.
Steve fucking loves it.
There are nights they try to spend apart, because they’re at least self-aware enough to know they probably shouldn’t be so codependent. At least not yet. So they try, and sometimes it works, but never for more than a few nights. It just feels wrong, without the other there, they don’t sleep as well, and as soon as Eddie’s wrapping his arms around Steve in one of their beds after some such period, he’s sighing into the back of Steve’s neck, squeezing slightly before relaxing and humming, “Hey, Sunshine.”
Steve’s fingers dig into the back of Eddie’s hands. “Hi.” He wiggles back until they’re pressed together as tight as they can be. Knows Eddie wants it, but will never take the initiative. “Missed you.”
A laugh ghosts over the back of his neck, followed by a kiss. “Missed you too.”
The day after one such period, Wayne calls Steve and Eddie for a meeting. “I’m not one to beat around the bush, so I’m just gonna say it. And you know I’m not the best with emotion, so don’t toy with me, boy,” he threatens, pointing a finger at Eddie, who nods. “Good. You two are it for each other. I dunno if what I can’t ask about means soulmates are real or some shit, but even if not, you two are the real deal. Now, you’ll always be my boy, Eddie. But you’re growing up. Hell, you’re grown. I think it’s time you two had a serious sit-down and figured out what the hell you want from each other.”
Because Eddie’s smart, his brows furrow. “Are- are you kicking me out?”
Wayne sees Steve stiffen slightly, sees him reach over for Eddie’s hand. Sees Eddie let him. “Hell no, boy, you’ve gotta home here for as long as you want it, and I’d even invite your boy to move in if we had the room. But we don’t. Hence the conversation that you need to have.”
Steve turns to Eddie. “Remind me to never introduce him and Robin.”
“Oh God,” Eddie says, and laughs.
They talk—a lot—and come to the same conclusion Wayne had. Eddie moves in properly a few days later, walks in with the key he’d accidentally pocketed the night it all changed. They convert a bedroom into a music room for Eddie, all hard surfaces to write on and soft rugs and bean-bag chairs to collapse on.
Eddie attempts dinner that night and almost kills Steve. “Lies. Lies and slander.”
Steve’s still giggling, even as he’s leaning in for a kiss. “Death by laugher is still death, babe.”
“It’s not funny!”
“It really, really is.”
“It was supposed to be spaghetti!”
“Oh my god,” Steve says, and bursts into laughter again. “We’re ordering pizza tonight. Tomorrow we’ll cook together.”
Eddie sheepishly pulls their Important Phone Numbers Book out, flips to the name of their typical pizzeria. Hands Steve the phone, already ringing, as he turns to wash the dishes.
He pauses, hands sudsy, Steve behind him on the phone trying to fix whatever the fuck he did, light and happy and laughter-filled, and he just has to pause, has to turn around and stare at Steve until he hangs up. “What?”
He wants to say I know you. Wants to say I know how to help when you get a migraine, have a nightmare, have a bad day. I know you. And you know me, know how I think, why I act the way I do, and this is the most vulnerable I’ve ever been with anyone and it should scare me but doesn’t.
Instead he says, “Nothing,” shrugs, then smiles, and he’s sure all his love is pouring from his eyes. Sure Steve can read everything he didn’t say. “Just love you, is all. And I still can’t really believe this is real.”
Steve smiles, moves to press their foreheads together, moves to steal a quick kiss. “I love you too. And this is real. I swear.” It’s a big thing, Eddie hears. But it’s just us.
And with the unsaid echoing between them, Eddie turns back to the sink.
Eddie’s POV
@thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @the-redthread @tiny-enthusiast @thatonepotatochild @maya-custodios-dionach @imsociallyanxiousgetoverit @vhelt @newtstabber @huskysarelife @singmeyoursimpsong @gaysonthefloor @darkwitchoferie @vi-an-te @kato-hoeven @biatcgh @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @awesomeimportantfan @oreos-ate-my-balls @theotalksalot @raysreads
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noctilin · 5 months
would you happen to have any tips for the most actual barebones beginner ever? like… everything looks like it was drawn by a child and nothing seems to look better -type beginner? it’s frustrating and I see people give advice like drawing a little guy youre obsessed with a little in order to get better but i find it so hard to draw anything that looks like it WASNT drawn by a four year old. like how do i actually get better and even sort of reach the actual beginner stage, start developing my own styles and such, and actually feel like drawing often would actually help?
hmmm, i'd say try to not overwhelm yourself. when you start out it's easy to get paralyzed by all you can and have to learn. accept the fact that you cannot learn everything and practice takes time. but time will pass anyway.
focus on what you want to achieve. start with a small, loose goal to keep you on track. what do you want to draw? is it characters? objects? animals? backgrounds? comics? why and how do you want to draw them? it doesn't have to be your end goal which is why i say loose. because at some point you might find out you don't actually like drawing animals and want to draw landscapes instead. this doesn't mean the time you spent is a waste though because you learned something about yourself.
your goal can be as shallow and silly as you want it to be as long as you have a direction to start with. when i was 14 all i ever wanted was to draw "hot people" and started from there LMAO. i knew i wanted to draw characters so i studied how to draw people. collected art that depicted my preference of what i found attractive. when i started i drew only heads. i didn't know how to draw bodies but once i found myself in a happy spot, i tried to expand by practicing anatomy. bit by bit you learn to draw everything else if you keep pushing with the drive.
this doesn't mean that this goal is the only thing you should be doing, by the way. that's one way to burn out fast. play and draw with other things as you go while keeping your goal in mind. change and adapt as you see fit. as people, we grow by experiencing different things. this is the same with art. this goal is just there to help guide you when you feel lost.
one thing i really advocate is to NOT let styles control you. it will come to you naturally because as you learn you'll figure out what you want and don't want to have in your art. like, it's fine to have an ideal style but if you focus on style before fundamentals you are easily going to crash into endless frustration because you won't understand what you're doing at all.
be kind to yourself, most of all. there'll be no doubt that you'll find yourself frustrated and miserable. that's just part of being an artist. but you should avoid calling your work mediocre and childish. you are already in the "beginner stage" so stop putting yourself lower than that. berating yourself will not do you any good. give yourself a pat on the back for each drawing you've done and reflect on what you want to improve on.
life is short and i believe that celebrating the privilege of creating can go a long way. best of luck and happy drawing :)
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ejzah · 4 months
A/N: A small Densi family fic in honor of @mashmaiden’s birthday. Hope it’s been a great day!
Sandwiches and Slides
“Hey, hey, hey, get back here!” Deeks called out, breaking into a slight jog to keep up with a running Caleb. He stopped, looked back over his shoulder at Deeks, then started off again across the foamy surface of the playground, giggling madly the whole time.
Caleb narrowly missed a low hanging swing, but swerved at the last second. It was enough to slow him down though, and Deeks caught up with him, snatching him up under the arms.
“Ah, where think you’re going?” he asked conversationally, swinging Caleb up into one arm. It was more difficult now at 14 months. Caleb laughed and wiggled for a few seconds before he gave up, and settled.
“Looks like somebody’s giving you a workout,” Kensi observed from across the playground. She stepped over the ledge, walking towards them with something in each hand. She’d gone in search of snacks about fifteen minutes ago.
“Yep. Apparently making me chase him is way more fun than the plethora of features designed specifically for him to play on.” Deeks gave Caleb a mock stern look, and the toddler grinned up at him. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Caleb?”
“Dada kiss,” Caleb requested, presenting his forehead, and Deeks obliged.
Turning back to Kensi, Deeks nodded at the stack of wrapped packages in her hands. “What’s that?”
“I got us waffle sandwiches.” She peeled back a wrapper enticingly. “Bite?”
“Yes, please.”
Smiling, Kensi held out the sandwich for Deeks to take a bite, then started in on the other side herself.
“Where’s Rosa?” she asked, brushing a few wind blown strands of hair out her face.
“By the slides with Thing Two,” Deeks answered, gesturing with his chin now. Kensi offered him another bite, and Caleb leaned forward, opening his mouth wide.
“Bite,” he echoed.
Shaking her head indulgently, Kensi broke off a small piece and popped it into Caleb’s waiting mouth.
“Ank you,” Caleb replied around his mouthful.
Between the three of them, they finished one sandwich. Kensi balled the empty wrapper up and stuff it into the backpack on Deeks’ shoulder.
“We better go find the girls,” he said. “They’ll be furious if they found out we ate without them.”
“Mm. It’s amazing how similar they look when they’re mad,” Kensi commented.
“They get it from their mother.” He threw a wink at Kensi, who gave him a wry smile.
“You wanna play on the slides with your sissies?” Kensi asked Caleb as Deeks set him down once more. He perked up at that, pointing in the direction of the slides.
“Sopee?” He made a face as though he’d completely forgotten the existence of his twin. “Sopee! Sopee!” he called out at the top of his lungs, keeping it up until they reached the other side of the slides.
As soon as he caught sight of Rosa and Sophia, he ran the rest of the way, crashing into Rosa’s legs. Rosa stooped to hug him, then he moved over to Sophia, and they hugged as though they hadn’t seen each other in months.
“We got you lunch,” Kensi called out, holding one of the remaining sandwiches in the air.
“Oh thank you, I’m starving,” Rosa said. She hurried over to get it, taking it back to a bench off to the side, the twins tagging along.
Kensi sighed, resting her head on Deeks’ shoulder. “You know, I worried a little bit about the age difference between them, but seeing them like this makes me realize that it was the best thing that could happen.” Across from them, Caleb and Sophia were steadily conning Rosa into sharing her food. For every bite she took, they got two.
“We have some amazing kids,” Deeks agreed softly.
“Yes, we do.” Kensi tipped her chin up for a kiss. “Share the last sandwich with me?”
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topazshadowwolf · 8 months
GoopTales 19: Two Weeks Later
Sponge Bob Narrator voice: Two weeks later
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19(you are here)
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19)
The mental, physical, and emotional drain on him could not be any more clear than how he slouched on the sofa. Nightmare was not one to sit in a slumped manner. The powerful and generally active tendrils sprawled out around him, one mustering what strength it had left to twitch now and then like the tip of an idle cat tail.
A week and a half. He had lasted that long before the thought of needing help crossed his mind as being something he could no longer avoid. Determined to prove himself wrong, he struggled through the rest of that week. It was now the start of week three, and he knew he was being a fool. That pride, which has been the cause of failure in others that he tried to keep in check, got him in the end.
Glancing at the clock, he saw it was time to start dinner. Before he could, he had to make sure the boys were occupied. If he didn’t, then there was bound to be a disaster within minutes of him leaving the room.
Cross was playing a video game, thankfully an age-appropriate one. He had quickly gathered up and put away everything that was not “child friendly.” Still, Killer has somehow been getting into the mature games Nightmare had put away. Naturally, Cross is too well-behaved for that.
Unfortunately, that is not true for them all. For example, Horror was about to sneak up behind Cross. Nightmare has learned that Horror, even while younger, enjoyed giving others a scare now and then. Considering Sanses and their pranks, the dark guardian understood why. Still, that does not mean the others appreciate being startled by Horror.
“Horror, what are you doing?” Nightmare asked, and Cross paused his game to look. 
Seeing his plan of scaring Cross was thwarted, Horror sighed, “nooothing….” He then shuffled over to play with toys while Cross glared at him. With that settled, though, Cross returned to playing his game.
Dust was curled up beside him, sleeping. Feeling the tiny skeleton’s negative emotions increase, he knew a nightmare was starting. He drew out some of those emotions while placing a gentle hand on the child’s skull. In return, Dust’s body relaxed, and he continued sleeping peacefully.
Wait… where was Killer? Nightmare quickly looked around the room, trying to figure out where the more active of them was.
A crash from the kitchen answered the question of where. 
“sorry!” Killer called out.
With a long-suffering sigh, Nightmare stood up and made his way to the kitchen. The child had flour and other ingredients all over him and the floor. A bowl was upside down beside him, and he was trying to pick it up the best he could. But it was a large bowl and likely too heavy for one so young.
“Killer…,” was all Nightmare could say.
“you looked so tired… i just wanted to help…,” Killer explained, a feeling of regret emerging from his soul.
That was it. The guardian surrendered to the children tonight. He had planned on doing this in the morning, but the dark guardian needed rest now. Nightmare was exhausted after watching after them, tending the animals, filling in for missions, and being in charge of chores. He needed a moment, a chance to close his socket and sleep. 
With that, he pulled out his cell phone and made a call. As he kept the phone to his head, he shuffled into the kitchen and picked up the bowl.
“Greetings,” said a soft, sweet voice. A part of him felt some guilt for this, calling her back to play nanny for him. But, he knew she offered and would likely not mind or see it that way.
“Could you come over in a half hour?” Nightmare asked Lyra. As he spoke, he grabbed the broom and dustpan, then set to work cleaning up.
There was a pause before the Guardian replied, “I can. Though, I must ask, are you alright? You sound different.”
“I just need to rest. If you could watch the boys for five… ten minutes?” Nightmare was ashamed he was pleading but was too tired to stop himself.
“you need longer than that!” Killer insisted, real tears in his sockets.
“Are you sure you don’t want me there now?” Lyra replied.
“I need to get the boys washed up… normally I would do dinner first…” Looking at Killer, Nightmare sighed.
“i’m sorry…,” the child said as he started to cry. Nightmare winced as he knew he would need to comfort Killer before Lyra arrived.
“we’ll be good…” That sounded like Cross, and Nightmare looked back at the doorway. There the other three were, looking into the kitchen with worried expressions. Meaning it would need to comfort all four.
“Let me give them a bath, as I need to talk to them anyway. Once that is done, they will be ready for you. All you need to do is watch them and then wake me to make dinner.”
“Night…,” Lyra started.
“Alright, I will give you time to wash them up. But I am making dinner, no exceptions,” Lyra said. “I will see you soon.”
“Thank you,” Nightmare replied as he relented dinner duty without any more fight. He then hung up and sighed as he looked at Killer.
“i’m sorry!” Killer then said before bursting into more tears. His soul had succeeded in changing back into the monster soul shape, which meant he could feel some of the emotions that had been cut off before. The poor thing was drowning in regret.
He wanted to pick Killer up in his arms, but Nightmare didn’t want to get covered in flour. Later, he will have to comfort the boy. Using a tentacle, he scooped the child up and then walked over to the others. “come along, bath time,” he said as he grabbed the others.
Walking was a kind way to put it. Nightmare shuffled down the hall until he arrived at their bedroom and set them down in the connected bathroom. There, he started to run water. Luckily, by then, Killer’s crying had calmed enough that Nightmare could speak. “I understand you wanted to help, Killer. I am not angry, just disappointed. You could have assisted me instead of trying to do it on your own. Your body is… you are small… and fragile right now. If you got hurt trying to do that, I would have been… very sad.”
Killer sniffled, “i’m sorry.”
“I know… now, come on, undress for a bath, all of you,” He said.
One by one, they each were placed into the tub to wash up. The bathroom was warm and smelled pleasant. The soft sound of them splashing around as they played in the water was calming…
“mr. night?”
Nightmare’s head shot up, and he blinked a few times. How irresponsible. With a sigh, Nightmare sat straighter beside the bathtub. He will have to do better about staying awake for their sake. Granted, skeletons don’t need to breathe and can not drown, unlike other beings. Still, now was not the time to doze off.
“Are you four ready to get out?” Nightmare asked.
Killer moved closer and stretched a hand out to pat Nightmare on the head. “can you please sleep longer than ten minutes? i… i don’t care if i have ta go to bed hungry! you’re too tired, and you need sleep.”
“we’ll be on our best behavior!” Cross added.
“And you will have Lyra watching you, and she insisted on making dinner for all of you. So, you will eat, and I will get some rest. Still, you are my responsibility,” Nightmare said, then yawned. “Ready or not, you are getting out. Lyra will be here soon enough.”
Nightmare got the towels and wrapped up each tiny skeleton. “Go get your pajamas,” He said as he walked with them into their room while holding Killer. “Thank you for caring about me, Killer. I forgive you, but please let me know next time.” He then set the child down.
Killer hugged Nightmare around the legs. “all right, mr. night,” the child replied.
“Go get dressed,” Nightmare urged, and Killer nodded before joining the others. Horror and Killer both do well at getting themselves dried off and dressed. Cross, being younger, and Dust, who is still learning, need a little coaching and help from him.
Finally, all dressed in PJs, they walked over and cuddled beside him. He could feel how sorry they were, and he wished he could say or do more. This guilt will be something they will just have to work through on their own, which is unfortunate but good for their development. 
Just as he felt like he was about to drift off again, there was a light knock on the bedroom door.
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All Along the Watchtower (Chapter 14)
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[Can also be read on AO3]
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 3.5 K
Warnings: Minors DNI - canon typical violence, swearing, smoking, military inaccuracies
Summary: The intrepid duo head to the Syrian base controlled by Zorokov's PMC, and a full-scale invasion occurs
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis
*I have struggled with this chapter for a while now, it's not perfect but it had to get done so I could make the ship finally sail for these two. (Only 4 chapters left after this) Throwing this chapter at the wall and running*
November 2, 2017 14:52 - Al-Hasakah, Syria
Helicopter shadows stretched across the arid sand, massed together, flying in formation. Rory could practically hear the Ride of the Valkyries playing in her head as the forces of the US Marines and SAS all rained down upon the outskirts of one city near the border of Turkey and right in the path of Iran’s slowly growing power in the region. However, this was in no way a move to stop the encroaching involvement of a foreign government, this was a controlled, confined operation against the hired goons owned by Zorokov and ISIS forces, with one clear directive – wipe them off the map completely . 
As the approach began, the nose of each helo pointed down towards the compound in the distance, the doors opened on each side and ropes dropped, soldiers rappelling into the coming battle and armed to the teeth. At the door of one such helicopter, the wind whipping through her hair, rocking side to side with the turbulence, Rory looked down through her aviators at the mass of golden sand and the gray smattering of rocks that passed below. Her cigarette clenched between her teeth, smoke coiling up past her cheek, holding the mesh beside the door for stability as she stood by Price – his boonie hat looking as though it wanted to fly off his head any moment – and listened intently as he gave his orders. 
“We’ll be at the X in three. Gonna fight our way through to the designated area f’ the nest. Expect heavy resistance. Ground troops will take care of clearin’ us a path and keepin’ enemies distracted. Stay on me, yeah?”
Nodding at his orders, she mused, “Feels just like the good old days.”
“Gettin’ sentimental about the job already, Sinclair?”
“I’ll be the first to admit, sometimes a good fight’s in order.” She tossed her nearly spent cigarette butt out of the helicopter and watched as it fell to the ground below, fading out of view that farther it got. “This is my bread and butter. Nothing quite like it to get the adrenaline pumping,” she stated, checking the rope tied into her harness by tugging on it. 
His gloved hand came to her shoulder, resting there. “Lookin’ forward to seein’ you in action again, Lamb .”
A half grin curled at her lips with the use of her call sign. “I was wondering when that was going to come out.”
Meeting her with a smirk, he tipped his head towards the open exit of the helicopter. “Go on, sweetheart. I’ll meet you on the ground.”
Giving him a little salute, she jumped out of the helicopter door, rappelling down the rope into the flurry of gunfire that had kicked off down below. The wind whipping through her hair, she forgot just how terrifying yet freeing this all felt, having to rely on training and her team to get out alive. A shiver crawled down her spine as the adrenaline started to spill throughout her body. Sniper rifle strapped to her back, assault rifle in her hands, she found cover below and waited for Price before making her next move. 
In the distance, heavy tanks began to roll out from the compound, treads cutting through sand as mortar shells went off, and even from this far away, vibrations still traveled up her legs and made her pulse quicken. She was in the thick of it. There was no turning back. 
The radio crackled with chatter from other units, heavy fire and casualties were already being called in as artillery fire continued and black smoke started to rise into the sky – their forces were powerful, but not unstoppable.  
As Price descended, Rory picked off the insurgents that started to move in. Even with an assault rifle she had the same precision as with her sniper scope, and with just a few quick shots, bodies dropped and rolled down the sandy dunes. Boots hitting the ground running, Price was quick to reach her side behind cover. All hints of the humor he had had with her before were gone. This was the hardened Captain at her side, ruthless and determined, the man who had no fear about getting his hands dirty to get the job done. “Let’s push up, stick close,” his voice a husky whisper as if he were saving it for the real heat when he would start barking orders. 
Following in his wake, Rory kept hunched behind the burnt-out ruins of armored vehicles. Picking off those who popped out of hiding like the targets on the training ground, she never wasted a shot, every one had to count. 
The sound of incoming tanks grew steadily, the loud metal clink and then boom of artillery being loaded and fired increasing. Missiles sailed towards their targets from the helicopters above. Pockets of sand blown sky high. This was never going to be any walk in the park, but it did remind her just how close she walked with death at any given time while out in the field and on the front lines. In the grand scheme she had gotten away with little damage in her time as a soldier, a few bullet wounds, some scars from shrapnel, but nothing life threatening nor career altering – at a moment’s notice that could all change however. 
A muffled yell caught Price’s attention and he stopped, his eyes narrowing until realization hit and he was shoving Rory backwards to the ground with him.
“ RPG! Incoming! ”
Hitting the ground, the force of the blast wave shook through her chest, the plate metal weight crushing down onto her ribs. Ears ringing, head spinning, nausea spilled over as her inner ear was left trying to find its point of balance. Sand in her eyes began to sting as they watered and she tried to blink the debris out. With a groan she rolled onto her side and watched as the Captain was the first to get back up to his feet, dusting himself off. 
His piercing stare focused on Rory still laying on the ground. “You broken?” He asked, head tilted, concern painted on his features. 
She couldn’t quite make out the words, his voice muffled in her ears like she was swimming underwater, the same odd droning it had been during that ride back to the safehouse after her fight for survival with Zorokov. Her head fuzzy like it was stuffed with cotton, Rory looked at him stupefied.
“Sergeant, you broken?” Speaking in a rough bark as he moved closer, Price held out his hand for her to take. 
His brusque tone clearing the daze from her head, she gave her head a shake and dragged her hand down her face, wiping the sand off that clung to her. Fighting to get her bearings once more, her vision still somewhat blurred, she looked up at him trying not to appear quite so foggy. “No.”
His grip on her hand was powerful, a forceful pull to drag her back up to her feet. An appraising glare swept over her as he chose to decide for himself whether she was actually telling the truth. “Good.” 
She nodded and grabbed her weapon from the ground, her first few steps were a stumble until her center of gravity was restored, but her boots marched on.  
Fighting their way through the abandoned town that led to the outpost, Price led her towards a branch away from the middle of the ongoing battle around them. A shelled-out husk of a mosque would provide ample coverage of the warzone, a bird’s eye view of the entirety of their surroundings, and that was to be her sniper’s nest. 
“Take overwatch up top there,” Price said pointing to the roof of the building. 
“Affirm. “I’ve got your six out there, just keep your head on a swivel, eh?”
“You bet your arse I will. Give ‘em hell, Lamb.”
Splitting off, she raced down the emptied street, and entered through the blown out doors of the mosque. Climbing up through the rubble to reach the sun that came through the weapon-made skylight above her, beams of golden light caused the dust and dirt around her to glow as it drifted through the air. Careful with each placement of her hands and feet, she made her way to the top, given no time to appreciate the view before she was setting up her rifle and laying on her belly amidst the debris from a previous attack upon this part of the city, overlooking the entire warzone that led up to the outpost. 
Rory watched through her scope, keeping her eye on the action and the many enemies that still scattered the area. There was no shortage of targets for her to set her sights on, but rather than just pick off every one she could see, her focus remained on the Captain and keeping him protected as he moved forward, taking out the threats that remained unseen from his vantage point, but not from hers. She had promised to watch his back, she wouldn’t fail in that duty, she wanted to shield him all the same. 
As he moved through the hordes they had come to fight, she realized upon closer inspection that there was something about the way Price moved – it was entirely predatory. Danger lurked in those steely eyes, unknowable, impenetrable, and buried below all the control he aimed to enforce upon himself (and everyone else for that matter). Slipping for just a moment in the heat of battle, something feral growled up to the surface as he tore through the enemy like they barely existed at all. A fury that lay dormant until such a time as violence was required, when a threat deserved his attention. Quick and dirty, sharp and biting. Whether with his guns or the knife he carried, if he set out to end a life he surely would. Her chest tightened just at the thought, like if her heart beat any harder it might explode inside her – a ticking time bomb. 
Rubbing at her eyes, she jammed her thumb and forefinger into her tear ducts until phosphenes danced across her vision, pretending as though she were fighting the glare of the sun shining into them – but that didn’t explain the coiling knot in her abdomen or the shortness of breath she suddenly felt. Definitely a leftover daze from the bomb… Now was not the time or the place – she knew better than that. 
Lighting a cigarette to settle herself, she let it dangle from her lips as she scanned the derelict cityscape, recognizing a squad of enemy soldiers headed in Price’s direction. Eleven targets . Lining up her aim, accounting for wind speed and direction, as if just the feel of it over her skin gave her all the answers – an instinctive art – Rory took out each one in rapid succession with one shot through the head. Efficiency is what she had come to be known for in her time as a sniper. Bullets tore through the air, the concussive force of them crumpling bodies like ragdolls as the back of their skulls were ripped open, spraying those next in line for death in blood and brain matter. Easy picking .
The radio crackled, and Price’s voice was deep and rich over the broadcast, congratulating her. “ Good shit. ”
There was an undeniable pride in his voice. A man all too willing to shower her in praise. If she had her scope trained on him she was sure she would see the blush on his cheeks, overcome by a fluster from her skills and acumen in this situation. 
“Couldn’t have done better yourself?” she teased.
“ There’s no goddamn way I'm admitting to that. Keep it up, Sinclair .”
She chuckled quietly and kept scanning the environment for enemies as Price moved ever closer with the rest of the forces, clearing out enemy troops on their way towards attacking the outpost. From her place in the nest, she could see it all: buildings slowly cleared by squads, the streets emptied of tanks and armored vehicles as bombs rained down from the air support above, fires spreading, the heat building, the way the sun glinted off the scraps of metal and rebar that dangled off the destroyed buildings… and off the scope aimed out a top window near the Captain’s location. Quick to warn him, she called out the threat’s position over the radio. “Captain, you have a sniper above you. 10 o’clock.”
Cover fire sprayed from his weapon and from the soldiers that had collected on his position, a squad of marines having been slowly picked off earlier by the threat she had located, they hid behind the leftover remains of a wall already riddled with bullet holes.
Noting the enemy sniper’s nest, she aimed down the scope, adjusting slightly to the right, and took out the sniper and the spotter that shared a window with one bullet, as precise as a Swiss timepiece. 
“ Fucking hell, Sergeant .” He gave a low whistle. “ I can see why the CIA loved having you about. Weren’t lying when it comes to being a damn good shot, were you? ”
Laughing, she picked up her cigarette from the sand and took a drag. “I certainly wouldn’t lie about something like that, Captain.”
“ Just how many confirmed kills have you got? ”
“I’ll tell you when this is over.”
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After hours pushing forward at a slow crawl and with the exterior cleared, the sun had nearly begun to set and the orange hues of the sky met with the bloodstained sand at the horizon. The outpost, their objective, was all that remained in their efforts for diverting further conflict between nations in the Middle East. 
A quick brief later, the invasion began. Rules of engagement: weapons free . 
Ally tanks rolled out, armored vehicles with turret guns following in close proximity and the wave of soldiers that still stood - drained, but not beaten - bringing up the rear. 
One foot in front of the other they marched steadily. Night vision ordered to be used. 
Rory’s hand twitched and with a quick flex of her fingers, she swallowed back that feeling of deja vu. Groundhog day. Repeating the mistakes of the past, or rather, making up for them. Back in Syria, sweeping an outpost – at least this time she already knew there were ties to something less than savory. She could expect the very worst and then be surprised not to find it, if she were lucky. 
Flicking down the night vision goggles, she once more delved into that world of black and white. Shades of gray, just like everything else in her career. She moved forward, following on the heels of Price as he started the charge. Gunshots sounding off, endless rounds of muzzle flare. The milieu of constant war that she had panged for at her desk in relative safety at Stirling Lines surrounded her, the jealousy that had bubbled up inside her for having been left on the sidelines now converted into hunger, a drive to see the mission complete and successful pushing her forward past the fear and doubt that holed up inside her head. 
Spreading throughout the outpost, multiple small squads took it floor by floor, clearing it like a pack of wolves, swarming their prey and tearing it down to nothing at all. Put on the defensive, the enemy started to become more desperate and short sighted, fighting reflexively rather than methodically. It made them weak to interception moves and flanking, it also made them extremely dangerous the more rash they became. Explosions on other floors brought with them flashbacks to Afghanistan and Iraq, and the reminder of IEDs permeating Rory’s thoughts. That fear of entering a known weapon production site and wondering whether one would meet their demise via bomb vest detonation was a near persistent threat on a person’s mind. She held her weapon a little tighter to her and carried on moving forward, following Price who firmly held point. While the others took care of the threat, they were headed to the command center, the heart and brain of the enemy operation. 
A large, metal bunker door was shut tight before them, a security panel on its side, the most high tech and hard to break protection this outpost had shown to have thus far. 
“Have we got thermal imaging on how many are in there? Last thing we want is to walk into a bloody firing line,” Rory whispered as she took her spot to the side as Price set up the C4 to breach the door. 
“Walls are too thick, can’t get anything accurate.”
“So we’re going in blind.”
“Welcome to the special forces, Sergeant.”
She stretched out her shoulders, twisting her neck from side to side. Stress climbing up her nerves and tensing her muscles. Combat readiness caused her nerves to jump and twitch, moving reflexively, body on high alert. 
“We blow the charges to breach, then toss flashbangs, keep ‘em stunned. Then take ‘em out.”
“Two on however many. I’ll take those odds.”
Moving to a safe distance, the charges were detonated and the metal of the bulkhead door was shorn open, leaving jagged, smoking edges. With a quick toss of the first grenade, leaving the enemy in shock and disadvantaged, unaware of how much resistance they were actually up against. Rory and Price took point at opposite sides of the door, ducking in to pick off the enemy soldiers inside. 
As the smoke eventually cleared and bullet fire stopped being returned, the two soldiers waited to make sure the room was entirely clear, doing a sweep of the room from the safety of their cover before entering inside. 
Bodies of hired guns, PMC soldiers, lay in a haphazard mess around the room. Blood dripping from the holes bored through their kevlar, riddled with bullets. Slowly but surely, scanning the bodies, their fingers at the ready on their triggers, Price and Rory made sure there were no survivors left, ready to spring up and attack them. 
On the table in the middle of the room, a laptop sat, one of the enemy corpses hunched over the keyboard, blood sprayed across the screen. Pushing the body out of the seat, letting it fall to the floor heavily, Rory wiped her arm over the screen, clearing it of the red bodily fluid and bits of viscera that had landed upon it. 
Taking a seat at the chair, she managed to gain access to the laptops files, reaching the main PMC server and a database of contracts. “What are we looking for specifically?”
“Anythin’ that will leave Zorokov out in the cold, leave him without allies.”
“So Russian contracts,” she stated quickly.
“Get mother Russia involved and they’ll be happy to let us deal with ‘im.”
“Good old-fashioned blackmail.”
“Thank goodness we’ve got Kate to help get us that information quick.” Pressing on his radio, Price got in contact with Laswell. “Kate, just hit a goldmine for ya.”
Connecting to their server, Laswell began searching through the PMC’s database of contracts. Finding each and every op they had been hired for and by who, a list of shell companies attached. 
“ You weren’t kidding, John. ” 
There was a silence as Laswell got to work digging, finding the right knife to sever the ties that kept Zorokov safe. 
“ I’m guessing you haven’t dug too deep into these contracts yet, have you? ”
“Why?” Price’s tone became severe as he stared at the screen still smeared with drops of blood. 
“ One of the more recent contracts. It’s Russian .”
“Where?” he growled, all ready to take on another fight.
“ Urzikstan . Support against Al Qatala and the Liberation Force .”
Steely eyes narrowed at the info drop. “Barkov?”
“ How’d you know? ”
An almost distant look appeared in Price’s stare, memories coming forward of a time years ago when he was a Lieutenant. A war that never ended, had started long before he got there and – if the Russians had their way – would likely continue on. 
“Seems as though you have history with him,” Rory said softly.
“You could say that,” he rasped.
“Urzikstan? Isn’t that where you’d been serving that first time we –”
“Yeah.” His jaw clenched. “Surprised you remember that.”
“Got a good memory for things.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, his glare darkened. “Country’s been war torn for twenty years.”
He stated it matter-of-factly, so jaded by years of war, of fighting, of being a soldier. It didn’t even seem to faze him anymore speaking in numbers like that. It was just the cold, hard facts. Blunt and brutal. There was no point in sugarcoating it when the people of those countries couldn’t turn a blind eye to it, they lived it every day. 
“Jesus Christ,” she said, rubbing at her brow. “Well no wonder Russia’s been looking out for Zorokov. It’s not just the money, he’s helping the bloody war effort. Destabilization in the region.”
“ I’ll make sure this gets to the right people .”
“Thanks, Kate.”
This was it, the noose they had been looking for to tighten around Zorokov. The tourniquet to chop off the gangrenous arm. The rotten job of ending one oligarch’s reign was nearly complete. They could come home. 
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
Not So Secret Girlfriend- Part 3
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It was currently 5:46 and Steve and I were supposed to meet Danny at Kamekona’s in 14 minutes and Steve was still in the shower.
“STEVE! WE ARE GOING TO BE LA-!” Before I could finish my sentence the bathroom door opened to reveal an unimpressed Steve. “Would you relax it’s Danny he’ll be late anyways.” 
I shake my head before saying, “How is it that you always have to be early unless I want to be early?” 
He shrugged his shoulders before walking to the bed to put on his boots. I stood by the door impatiently waiting for him to get done tying his boots. When he was finally done he walked over to me and asked, “Are you ready to meet Danny?”
I shrugged my shoulders before saying, “I don’t know, I guess.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I know you well enough to know when something’s bothering you, so what is it?” 
I sighed before giving in and saying, “Just worried he won’t like me.” 
Steve furrowed his eyebrows before saying, “Since when do you care what someone else thinks about you?”
I sighed and looked down before saying, “Since the persons opinion matters to you.” 
Steve sighed before saying, “I don’t care what Danny thinks, I love you and he’s not going to change that.” 
My eyes widened as I looked at him before gasping out, “W-what did you just say?” 
He looks at me like a deer caught in headlights before saying, “Uhh, that nothing can change the way I feel about you?” 
I shook my head while saying, “No, the other part.” 
He opens and closes his mouth for a couple seconds before saying, “You know what? Fuck it.” He looked me in the eyes before continuing, “I said that I love you and no one can change that.” 
I felt my heat skip before asking with a small smile, “Did you mean it?”
“Every word.” 
I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss before pulling back and searching his eyes before whispering, “I love you too.” He smiled and pulled me back in for a kiss. 
When we broke away it was from the burning in our lungs from the lack of oxygen. I stepped back a little with a huge smile before saying, “We should get going, we’re running late as it is.” 
He nodded in agreement but looked at me confused when I stopped him and rubbed his mouth with my thumb. I walked out the door before yelling over my shoulder, “You had some lipgloss.” 
*Skipping the car ride cause I’m lazy*
When Steve parked his truck by Kamekona’s I took a shaky breath while playing with my hands. Steve grabs one of my hands and then cups my face with the other hand before saying, “Y/N/N, look at me. No matter what Danny says or thinks about you it will never change the way I feel, apart of me has always loved you and now, all of me loves you. No one can change that, okay?” 
I smiled as my eyes started to fill with tears when I realized I had mascara on so I tipped my head back and blinked to try and prevent any falling tears. Steve noticed, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m trying not to cry.”
“Why are you crying?”
At this he perks up and in a panicked voice asks, “What did I do?” At this I smile realizing he’s worried because I’m crying and then it registered in my head what I said and I sat up, all thoughts of falling tears gone.
I grabbed his face with both my hands and said, “It’s okay, baby, they’re good tears not bad ones.”
He looked at me in question so I spoke before he could, “It’s just that I’ve never had someone love me this much and it’s a little overwhelming, but in a good way. Does that make any sense?”
He chuckled before answering, “If you would have told me that a year ago I would have absolutely no fucking clue what you meant, but I now speak Y/N, which is an interesting language by the way, so yes, I know what you mean.”
I punched his arm in a joking manner before saying, “Now you sound like dad.”
I interrupted him before he could finish, “Don’t even go there Steven.”
He laughed before looking out the windshield before saying, “Danny’s here,” before I got out of the truck he grabbed my hand and continued, “don’t be worried Y/N/N, I’ll be right here the whole time.”
I smiled and said, “Well I don’t see why you want to stay in the truck but okay.”
He glared at me before saying, “Alright smartass you know what I meant.”
“I know but that’s why you love me.”
He pulled me in for a kiss and just as our lips brushed against each other he said, “It’s one of many reasons.”
I smiled before giving him a quick peck and jumping out the door and turn around to see a pouting Steve. I roll my eyes knowing he wanted another kiss before saying, “Hurry up, old man.”
“Hey! You’re only five years younger than me.”
“Then why are you moving like one?”
This earns me another glare before he jumps out of the truck and closes his door before walking to the front of the truck no doubt glaring at the ocean. I chuckle before joining him and linking my arm in with his while he walks towards Danny with a still grumpy face.
When we reach Danny I rub my free hand on my jeans while Danny looks me over which makes me step a little closer to Steve out of nervousness. Steve still paying no mind as he’s killing the ocean with his oddly hot glare. Danny looks at Steve before turning to me and asking, “What’s wrong with him?” I laughed before answering, “I called him an old man.”
Danny doubled over in laughter before patting my shoulder and saying, “I like you already.”
I smiled before sighing seeing Steve still glaring at nothing. Danny watched as I stood in front of grumpy and stood on my tiptoes to try and look him in the eye, I failed, curse my short stature. I grabbed his face and pulled it down so he had to look into my eyes, “I’m sorry.” I threw in my best puppy eyes and he sighed before saying, “You and those damn eyes,” I looked at him again with the same puppy eyes when he paused, he groaned before continuing, “okay, okay, I forgive you.”
I smile before saying, “Good, now go buy me some shrimp,” I kisses him on the cheek to sweeten the deal. He smiled as he watched me step back to put more than a couple millimeters between us as remember we aren’t alone.
Danny pats Steve on the shoulder before saying, “She has got you wrapped around her finger big time buddy.” Steve shrugged his shoulders before grabbing my hand and starting towards the food truck to order before looking over his shoulder and saying, “I know, but it’s worth it.”
I chuckle beside him as I watched Danny speed walk to catch up to us. After ordering we found an empty table and sat down. It wasn’t long after that when Danny started questioning us. He took a bite of his food before pointing between me and Steve before asking, “So what’s the story between you two? Steve said it’s a long one but hey, I’ve got all night.”
I laughed before saying, “Well, Steve and I have known each other for three years-,” I was cut off by Danny, “But you’ve only been dating for eight months?” I nodded my head before continuing, “Yeah, Steve and I met in the Navy when he almost got me shot-,” Danny snorted before saying, “Been there.” I chuckle as Steve rolls his eyes, “anyways he almost got me shot and instead of apologizing he yelled at me for being in the way, so there we were in the middle of nowhere yelling at each other. We got back to base, alive thankfully, and at this point I was not his biggest fan. I don’t know what happened but I’m sitting outside watching the sunset when he appears out of nowhere and sits beside me before apologizing for everything that had happened and for what he said. I reluctantly accepted his apology and told him if he did it again I’d shoot him in the leg. After that we became close friends really fast. If we weren’t on a mission we were together. Everyone started trying to get us together and I mean everyone, even my parents, who had never met him. We obviously had feelings for one another but didn’t want to make a move because we felt like we were being pressured to be together. Fast forward a year and he comes to Hawaii because of everything that happened and I stayed with the Navy. Fast forward another year and I left the Navy and came to Hawaii to find Steve. It wasn’t hard as he was making headlines as the daredevil SEAL turned cop.” I stopped there to take a breath and get a drink but before I could talk again Steve started, “She found me and showed up at my door one morning and asked me out to coffee-,” I cut him off there, “Excuse me but you were the one that said we had to catch up and I agreed saying that we could get coffee one morning and you said, ‘okay let’s go now.’”
Steve looked at me before saying, “First of all yeah okay I made the first move but second of all I don’t sound like that.”
I laughed before shrugging. Danny looked between us and said, “Okay, now you guys are acting like a couple, but continue the story please.”
I started talking again leaving Steve listening carefully for anymore ‘mistakes’, “After coffee he asked me on a real date and I agreed, obviously. He took me to some small little restaurant near Waikiki and after dinner we went back to his house. After we did some talking we agreed we wanted to keep seeing each other but it would be best to keep it a secret until we figured out our feelings.”
Danny glared at Steve before saying, “Really? That was the long story?”
Steve shrugged and I butted in to defend him, “In all fairness that was the short version and Steve wasn’t lying when he told you it wasn’t just his to share. We’ve been through shit a lot of it together but a decent amount not together. Mikaela for instance, you probably heard me on the phone talking about her?” Danny nodded so I continued, “She was, well is, our friend from the Navy. All three of us were teamed together for a mission and she took a bullet for both of us, she was our biggest cheerleader to get together, and she was successful in a way. Steve and I started hooking up and it was on its way to being more when Mikaela got some bad news. She had a sister back on the mainland and we were hanging out together over seas in some third world country when she got the call. Her sister had committed suicide and she decided to stay in the Navy because her family hated her except for her sister and Steve and I got in a knockout drag out fight one night. Mikaela was staying in the Navy and I decided to stay with her and Steve was coming here because of his father, which I understood, but then he decided to stay and he wanted me to come with him. I told him I couldn’t leave Mikaela, at least not right now. We got in a pretty heated fight about me not coming here to be with him, things were said, and I wish I could go back in time and take them all back because maybe it would have all been different if we handled the situation better. I stayed in the Navy with Mikaela and Steve stayed here and our last words to each other were, ‘Maybe when I’m done we can revisit us’ he said that he would like that and I told him I’d find him when I was done. And then nine months ago Mikaela and I left the Navy and came here. The first month was spent settling in and finding the actual address of Steve, and then I found him and here we are.”
Danny nodded his head before saying, “So now that it’s been eight months, you’re still together meaning it’s not forced, are you going to tell people or keep it quiet?”
Steve and I shared a look before he spoke up, “We haven’t really talked about it but I’m okay with if Y/N is.” I smiled and said, “I’m ready too, but my parents should probably be the first call.”
Danny whisper yelled to keep those around from not hearing, “You haven’t told your family!?”
Steve chuckles before answering, “I told you, we didn’t tell anyone.”
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sunnyie-eve · 6 months
14 | Birthday Girl
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1k
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"Rain or shine, we have made it to Cathedral Cove. And today is Penelope's birthday." Elton starts the video so the guys cheer them and sing happy birthday to her.
"Thank you, thank you." She blushes.
"Are we ready to get this hike done?" Elton asks the four.
The hike there was pretty easy and Penelope just enjoyed looking at the nature that she hardly paid attention to the guys playing around.
"I don't think any other birthday will outdo this." Penelope says standing with Colby and Sam alone looking out at the ocean.
"We still have many birthdays to try to outdo this." Sam puts an arm around her so Colby does the same.
"You got a better birthday compared to us this year." Colby pats her back so they go back to Elton and Corey.
The guys play around more so Penelope takes pictures with her phone of everything and a few selfies of the ocean behind her so Colby photobombs her.
"Must you?" She gives him a look.
"Duh!" He runs off.
Colby ends up in a tree so Penelope takes a picture of him and he gives her a big smile making her giggle, "Okay, now get down without hurting yourself more. I can take care of cuts and scraps but not broken bones." She points her finger up at him.
"Okay, mommy." He gets down the way he got up.
Once he was down, Elton suggested a photo shoot for them all to do, "Penelope, you're a model so give us some tips." He tells her.
"Be confident and don't be shy. Act like you own the world. It's all about you." She tells him what her first photographer told her when she started.
"You heard her boys." Elton claps his hands.
During their little photo shoot, they had a good time making Penelope crack up at how they were acting. When it started to rain they waited in the cave before heading back down for the day. After taking a few minutes to eat a snack, Elton drives wanting to go to the hot water beach.
Getting there Sam and Corey play around while the other three try working on making a hole but luckily someone gives them theirs when they leave.
"Guys we just spent an hour and a half making this." Sam says making Penelope and Colby look at him.
"You spent an hour and a half or we spent an hour and a half." Colby tells him.
"You two played around while we worked." She laughs at him.
"At what point did you touch this and put it in there?" Elton asks Corey holding the shovel.
"I did like..." Corey starts.
"The entire time did you not see him?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, the entire time." Corey agrees.
"So much footage of him with the..." Sam starts but Penelope cuts in.
"Oh, we must have been in an alternate universe for a bit then." She tells him, taking a seat in the water and it was warm like a hot tub.
"Hi." Colby smiles lying down while everyone sits in the hole. "Am I in your space?" He smiles up at Penelope.
"You tell me. You're halfway lying on my lap." She moves hair out of his face.
"I'm trying to stay warm so ignore me while I try to get all of me in this little pond."
"Well, I can tell you that my legs are warm with you on top of them." She laughs.
"Corey, are you cold?" Sam asks as Elton points at Corey's nipples.
"I'm freezing!" He covers himself, "Freaking Penelope has a Colby blanket." Corey nods his head at them.
"My upper half is still freezing." She says holding herself.
"Oh, is the birthday girl cold?" Elton baby talks to her.
"We should head back to the RV soon. It's cold and looks stormy." He tells the group.
"I'm gonna go early so get off me." She rolls Colby off her legs.
"Bubba is coming too!" Corey jumps up getting his shirt and they rush back to the RV leaving the three. "How is your birthday so far?" He asks as they get in the RV.
"Great thanks to you guys, of course for bringing me along." She hugs him.
"Of course. You can rinse off first. Not only because ladies first but also birthday girl." He moves for her to pass him.
By the time the three joined them, they were already clean and dressed comfortably sitting at the table chatting about random things.
"You sissies." Elton tells them.
"For being cold?" Corey asks confused.
"Then I'm a sissy." Penelope smiles.
"We still love you though." Sam pats the top of her head.
"That's nice to still know." She nods her head, "What do I have to do to not still be loved?" She asks him.
"Break our hearts." Colby gives her a look.
"How would I do that?"
"You move out and leave us." Sam laughs.
"So I'm stuck with your two till we die?" She laughs at him.
"Honey, even when we die you're still stuck with us." Colby messes up her hair.
Her eyes widen thinking about her entire future till death, "I'm fucked." She gets up and goes to the bed to get on her phone.
The three clean up then Elton drives to a place for them to stop and sleep for the night. "Why are you laying up here alone? It's your birthday, Missy." Colby leans against the bunk.
"I'm tired because of the little hike to the cove. And since I'm the birthday girl, I'd love to get some alone time to rest." She rolls to face him.
"You still have to share a bed with us so technically you're not alone..." He says being a smart ass with her.
"I hate you." She turns away from him so he crawls up there to tickle her and she begs him to stop but he doesn't. "Help me!" She cries out to Sam and Corey.
The two look at each other and ignore Penelope begging them to help her. Corey plus out his phone to text Sam so no one would hear what he 
Corey: He seems even more playful lately with her.
Sam: Trust me, I've noticed since the lunch thing, lol
Corey: Did something happened I'm missing out on?
Sam: Yep! To pisses Darwin off he kissed her twice but the second kiss made him realize something...
"No fucking way!" Corey shouts out loud making Colby and Penelope loom at him confused, "Oh, nothing. Just something on Twitter." He laughs.
"Well, you got him to stop." Penelope laughs as Colby sits back with the two.
"I'll get you back when you least expect it." Colby narrows his eyes on her.
When it was time to get some rest everyone sang Happy Birthday one more time for Penelope. Laying in the bunk, Colby watches Penelope on her phone going through her snaps. She often went through her saved snaps whenever she was bored.
"Oh, send me that one." Colby whispers to her.
"Are you just watching me?" She giggles.
"Maybe... Send me that please."
"Dude, you're not even in the picture. It's just me on a shoot." She looks at him.
"So? If you won't do it I will." He snatches her phone out of her hand sending the picture to himself.
"You're so odd." She takes her phone back from him.
"For wanting to support you?" She just looks at him before locking her phone to go to bed.
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