#but the second whooooo boy
syrenki · 9 months
two dates with a singing class in between today... the plan is white clinging top, thin white blouse overtop, pearl jewellery, simple dark jeans, glossy raspberry lips and flora by gucci. this in the background even though i'm in europe on a bus:
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
Neteyam Saving You As You Fall Off Lo’ak’s Ikran (SFW)
Reader is Fem! Omaticaya
CW: Near Death Experience, angst if you squint, Neteyam is incredibly angry, happy ending, passionate kiss ( this is a little ways into the future so the boys are a little older, but the events of TWOW never happened )
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“Lo’ak, we need to head home. It’s past eclipse, and your father will wring both our necks if we do not come back on time,” you tried to reason, your hand shaking as you reached for the next rock on your climb up Ayram Alusìng.
“You worry too much, (y/n),” he smiled, waving you off as he hooked his foot on a nearby stone. “We’re almost there, so we might as well see this through. And once we get up there, we’ll be quick.”
“We will be quick about nothing,” you corrected, tone scolding, “I have already told you this, I have no wish to fly on an ikran. I am only here to ensure your safety.”
You and the youngest Sully son had spent half the day climbing the Hallelujah mountains so you could have a super tall jumping off point with Lo’ak’s ikran.
You tried telling him that you had plans with Neteyam tonight ( you two were going to go stargazing ), but Lo’ak said that he’d just go on his own. But you knew how reckless the boy could be, and didn’t want him to get hurt and be on his own.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be done before you know it,” his promise echoed through your head, now feeling foolish that you even remotely believed him.
And although you have told him many times that just because you are there, does not mean you are going to jump off anything, it seems to go in one ear and out the other.
Like most things for Lo’ak do.
“Oh, my safety?” he scoffed, an amused smirk playing on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes, pinching his ankle, hard.
“Ow!” “Just keep climbing.”
He hooked his arm on the ledge, hoisting himself up onto it before rolling over on his stomach, resting his cheek in his palm as he watched you climb up the rocks.
“Ay! Lo’ak! What’re you doing?! Help me up!” you shouted, nervous.
You had been climbing all day, making the muscles in your arms sore and weak. You could feel yourself slightly slipping with every passing second.
“I think I’d rather watch you struggle,” he chuckled, smiling down at you.
He hadn’t noticed this.
Feeling your hand loosing it’s grip, you frantically looked around, trying to find something else to grab hold to.
“Lo’a-!” With a gasp, your hand slipped significantly, causing you to lose your footing and break off the rock that was keeping your feet in place.
“Shit!” Lo’ak exclaimed, quickly grabbing your forearm and pulling you up before you could fall off.
You flopped onto the piece of rock, panting as you stared up at the night sky, almost certain that you saw Eywa for a moment.
“(y/n), are you okay?” he asked, laying down next to you.
You huffed aggressively out your nose, holding up your finger in a gesture you saw Jake do once.
You didn’t know exactly what it meant, but it showed anger towards another, and that’s all you needed.
Lo’ak laughed loudly, standing himself up and looking down at your tired figure with a smile. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
He walked over to his ikran, making tsaheylu, before hopping on, turning around to face you.
“Are you coming?”
“Lo’ak. I am going to say this one final time,” you sighed as you stood up, trying to keep your composure.
“I will never,” you took a step closer.
“Ever,” another.
“Fly on an ikran,” you took a large one, poking a finger in his chest.
A smirk quirked on his lips as he hooked his arm around your waist and plopped you on the seat behind him, taking off before you could protest.
The ikran shot into the air quickly, making you scream of fright.
“WHOOOOO!” Lo’ak cheered as it flew straight up, going higher and higher and higher. 
You paused your screams, turning around to look down, only to see the forest canopy far, far, far, below.
And with that, you fainted, falling off banshee.
“(Y/N)!” Lo’ak shouted, quickly turning around and diving for you.
The true reason why you wouldn’t fly was now revealed: you were deathly afraid of heights.
The Ayram Alusìng was the highest you’ve ever gone, and even that took an extreme amount of courage to conquer.
Your eyes fluttering open, you realized that you were free-falling, letting out another scream.
Lo’ak was too far above you to catch up, though he was frantically trying, and since you never took part in the Iknimaya, you didn’t have your own ikran to call out to.
This couldn’t be Eywa’s plan for you, to die so violently. You still had much in your life to complete, like your Tsahik training with Mo’at, or your hunting lessons with Neytiri.
Or Neteyam.
Oh, Eywa. You were going to die and never see him again. Never hold him again, never treat his wounds again, never see his smile again.
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked down again, the canopy getting closer and closer with every second.
You curled yourself into a ball, preparing yourself for the impact.
All other noise faded away, the rushing wind, the flap of an ikran, Lo’ak’s shouts, all fell on deaf ears.
“Great Mother, please give Neteyam a life of happiness when I am gone.”
And just as a tree was nearly a hair away, a familiar ikran swooped below you, two, strong arms catching you and holding you in a death grip.
Immediately recognizing the scent of your mate, you started to silently cry, resting your head on his chest.
“Neteyam,” you sniffled, curling into him.
“Mawhey, (y/n). I am here,” he assured, stroking your hair as he pulled the reigns, landing back on the mountain.
Lo’ak landed soon after and Neteyam jumped off the ikran, grabbing his brother off his and punching him in the face.
“Neteyam!” you exclaimed, shocked as you got off the banshee as well.
“Skxawng! What were you thinking?! (y/n) would have been killed had I not come in time!” he shouted, grabbing Lo’ak’s shoulders roughly.
Lo’ak looked ashamed, but inside he was relieved that you were alright.
You were his best friend. And if you died because of him, he could never forgive himself.
“Thank Eywa I felt something horribly wrong when you did not show up at our meeting place,” Neteyam looked at your saddend figure, a flicker of anger in his eyes still reserved for you.
“But you!” he turned back to Lo’ak. “How could you put my mate in danger?!”
“I did not mean to! We were flying as she fainted, but I didn’t notice she fell off until she was already far ahead of me!” Lo’ak feverishly explained.
He hadn’t seen his brother this angry in a long time. 
Neteyam sucked his teeth, scoffing as he aggressively let go of Lo’ak.
“Go home. Now,” he order darkly, giving his brother one final glare.
Lo’ak hung his head, turning around and hopping back on his ikran.
He looked to you sadly, in silent apology, and you nodded, giving him the faintest of smiles. 
You knew he never meant any harm, this just happened to be an incredibly close call.
As he flew away, Neteyam walked over to you, taking your hands in his. 
“As for you,” he started, looking deeply into your eyes. “I heard you in the sky. Your prayer to Eywa.”
You turned way from him, ashamed.
“How can you think that I will ever be happy if you are dead?” his tone offended as he rested his forehead against yours.
“You are my Tsahik, my mate. I could never be truly happy without you by my side.”
“I see you, Neteyam,” you sadly smiled, softly placing your hand on his cheek. “And I am sorry.”
“I see you, (y/n),” he said back, his voice becoming deep as he lifted your chin. “And it is okay.”
And in a flood of emotion, you pulled him in by the nape of his neck, kissing him passionately.
He returned it, tilting his head and pulling you closer by your waist. 
You both stayed like this, exchanging your relief before pulling apart, the safety of each other now returned.
And as you looked up at him lovingly, his beautiful smile now rested on his lips.
“Don’t think that kiss has saved you,” he smirked.
You playfully rolled your eyes, your smile growing as well as he scooped you up bridal style, carrying you towards his ikran.
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Aw, no. No, sweetie, no.
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Garth. Baby boy. You are so stupid. Incredibly sweet but stupid. I can guarantee you that Roy would be better with an absentee Oliver Queen then he would be with RUDY AND MARY WEST.
Whooooo boy. This isn't- this isn't even, like, a writer just not knowing Wally's lore or whatever, this is MARK FUCKING WAID writing this. Do you comprehend what that means?? DO YOU?!?
That man in that kitchen is two seconds away at all times from going full Ted Bundy. I'm not even fucking joking. It is so insane how much I am not joking.
Wally's father is dangerous. He ran a work camp for children and planned on using land mines on them! He sold his son to a death cult!!! He hired a hitman to kill his wife!!!!!
But he's also really fucking good at playing the part of the 'normal suburban Dad' and that's what Waid is showing REALLY FUCKING WELL HERE. Rudy is playing his part and he's playing it well. Don't think I didn't notice Rudy dropping the coffee pot in front of Wally and fucking smirking when it 'magically' popped back up on the counter. This is a man who knows about his son's powers and is playing along. This man is a problem.
And I'm super excited to see how Waid plans for this story to progress.
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flowercrowngods · 7 months
Whooooo did this to you! 📝
thank you so much for asking for more of my whumpy boys 🫶
who did this to you | part 1 here preceding snippets: 1st • 2nd • 3rd
Eddie exhales through his nose, ignoring the way he’s started to shake with all that panic that’s been sitting inside him for a little too long now with no way to let it out. 
“Not much longer,” he mumbles under his breath again, or maybe he just thinks very hard, or maybe he doesn’t know where he is at all. It’s like he blanks every few seconds, too busy thinking and trying not to.
Before he can tell Harrington to talk some more about that friend of his, there’s a pained, confused little whine that forcefully tears his eyes off the road for a moment. 
“Wh— Where… Where’re we going?” 
Oh no. 
“Why’m I in y—“ 
“You’re safe,” Eddie interrupts him, speaking slowly because suddenly his tongue is too big for his mouth.
He’s not entirely sure anymore if he’s reassuring Harrington or himself.
“You’re hurt, okay? I’m taking you to… to someone. My uncle Wayne, he’s— He knows about that kinda stuff. You were telling me about Rob. How about you tell me some more, hm?” 
Eddie’s voice is unsteady and he’s doing a piss-poor job at hiding it. The thing is, he’s going to cry. He’s actually, absolutely, no-doubt-about-it going to scream and cry and punch a fucking hole into something when this day is over, when his van is no longer bloody, and when Steve Harrington won’t have reason to look at him any longer. 
At first, through the ringing in his ears, he worries that Steve’s gone silent again, that he’s gonna ask again, ask what happened, ask where he is, ask all the questions that make Eddie feel like he’s been doused in ice water because they’re questions that only get asked in stupid movies where terrible things happen to people. 
But then he hears him mumbling something. Numbers. Digits.
“What’cha mumbling there, Blue?” 
“‘S her number,” Steve says, his voice slurring again, worse than before, and Eddie hits the gas a little harder. “‘S jus’ her number. Robbie’s number.”
And he mumbles again. Over and over and over, until Eddie couldn’t forget it if he wanted to, ingrained into the frayed edges of his mind now. 
🤍🌷 wip weekend | make me write (please)
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kittydragondraws · 8 months
tadc thoughs
spoilers under cut
wow no introduction aww Aww I love their banter Jax… Maybe my theory was right censors:] i love that tbh I love zooble's voice Jax is so sweet, he'slike sans, can't open his mouth Pomni goin insane awwwww gangle, JAX YOU JERK hey early 2000's kids you feel at home now huh so there's more void, hah well that's not terrifying at all what da hell luna BUUUBLE TALKS AAAAUUUUGH HE'S SO CUTE AAAUUUUGH HE'S LIKE THAT CAUSE HE'S CUTE Jax: dies aka glitches caine is nuts lol aww he's kinda nice love how her eyes become scribbles when she's confudes xddcc lol i like it where did it… go me with my dog lol zooble is so swag lol this is kinda cute, watch this statement age like milk lol bubble is so cute, me and subconscious frfr "humanoid", UUUUHHHHMMMM…. same frfr whatdahell jax is so horrible um, whooooo…. coughmo? pinwheel eyes hah gangle is so sweet lol he sounds like a mix of n and angel dust you've been standing next to her for like thirsty seconds crybaby lol i quite like rag rag yes, you become kinger lol terrer owners be like anime face that's not terrifying at all i love micheal kovach good god dude, bro's so unbothered E Y E S whoa this is terrifying kinda silly still NOOOO RAGATHA!!!!! terrifying watch caine fix em all and this mean nothing lol neither do i king, neither do i no, no you're not I've seen this clip too many times so jump in the gliitch demon hole lol huuuuuh there's some like, two headed snake beast like this right perfectlycut screams lol please tell me she'll be okay… please… PLEASE! the face pieces lol this scene is probably so cursed behing the scenes awwww she's so sweet, and i thought i wouldn't like her who's pom-pom's va? so do your friends lol huuuuh, that didn't need to exist oh look this schtckums again jax is so cute twitter be like aww she's a little cute rude, look ina mirror bitch you got no FINGERS ZOOBLE IS BEST GIRL!!!! watch her clip through the mirror, or not barrel of monks well that's not terrifying at all :3 don't do it girl huh, it's giving DOORS, or ROOMS welp : colorful, have you looked in a mirror aren't you gloink? huh glitch beast fight lol conveniently placed escalators HE'S SO AWFUL I LOVE HIM will… zooble get her head back it's all repeating rooms girl uuuuuummmmmm C&A? it's the void girl whait what's happening? where are we going oh my god maneqquien world :) someoe call that number please she seen some horror abstracted, it's giving inside out so they don't get fixed????? how many humans have been there oh good she's back caine is best boi bubble you CAN cook lol poly foods lol at lest they get something, this is weirdly nice im gonna say it, i'd actually wanna live in the dc OOOOH COOL CREDITS kinger is thad lol you can't escape uzi or n hah lizzie freeman, sounds familiar i love the lil chibis neat ort
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hawkzeyes · 2 months
hey i'm so sorry i know you've linked to it probably a million times but i can't find it: can i have the link to your hawkeye reading list pleaseee and thank you 🥳
Hi Hi!! Please never apologize for asking I have the most unorganized blog in all hawkeye accounts LMFAOOO so not being able to find recs in here is understandable
Im assuming you mean Clint, but just in case not I will add Kate's in at the end!
So First of course is this icon's first appearance in
Tales of Suspense #57 (1964) - (he also shows up a few more times in tales of suspense but obviously this is the most important one!)
The Avengers #16 (1965) is when he joins and becomes our favorite little Avenging Archer (forewarning he is a little shit here. His favroite pass time in the beginning is driving Steve up a wall. I personally find this dynamic very funny but some dont)
He is with the Avengers for a really long time. Like more than 150+ comics(he isn't Hawkeye the whole time though as he does have a little bit I believe that starts in Avengers #63-#98 where he is Goliath. He comes back to us as Hawkeye in Avenger #99)
Hawkeye (1983) is his first solo ever! It's a mini series but its one of my personal favroites!
West Coast Avengers (1984)- this is where we get to see him take lead in a brand new team in California!
The West Coast Avengers (1985)- this is just a contitnuation of the previous mentioned!
Solo Avengers (1987)- We find out more tea about Clint's life prior to avenging here
He stays with the West Coast Avengers for a hot minute before we get his second solo
Hawkeye (1994) he's reaaaaal tough guy big feelings in this one
then he shows up in Avengers again in 1995 (yeah I know but hey he is the avenging archer so that's where youre gonna find him the most) He even gets a new lil fit and everything (he looks like he belongs in a boyband and I love it)
Thunderbolts (1998) is where Clint shows up ( in 2001 I believe) and takes over the team! He essentially helps try to guide them into being a good hero team and if I remember correctly I think its either #74-#75 where he leaves the Thunderbolts (I can't remember exactly I'm sorry)
Hawkeye (2003)- a third solo!!! look at our little guy go!!!
Then he... well he dies LMFAOOO in Avengers (2004) and the Clint Barton you knew and love is about to change forever
The New Avengers #26 (2006) if i remember correctly and it's.. well it's a sad one and he isn't the lovely Hawkeye when he comes back either. This is where Clint becomes Ronin, which is a rather dark time for Clint.
Secret Invasion (2008) This is also sad im sorry LMFAOOO Clint's morals are tested often as Ronin
The New Avengers (2009) Again he is ronin here so if youre looking for Clint just as Hawkeye he isn't here but don't worry he is back as Hawkeye soon enough
New Avengers: The Reunion (2009) whooooo's he getting a reunon with ;)
Hawkeye & Mockingbird (2010) guess what, that's who he got a reunion with I LOVE THIS COMIC
Widowmaker (2010) is basically a continue on of ^ with Nat involved
Avengers: Solo (2011) CLINT!!!! AS!!! HAWKEYE!!! Doin Hawkeye shit
Hawkeye: Blindspot (2011) do you like family angst? Good. Here. Have the family angst.
There is an event going on around this time called Fear Itself that he is involved in and also he is in Secret Avengers (2012) starting #21 or #22 where he becomes the leader.
Hawkeye (2012) We all know and love this bad boy. You could fit so many tears into it.
Secret Avengers (2013) again??? yes again.
Secret Avengers (2014) haha yeah again
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool (2014) it's fun! it's cute! Wade makes me laugh and he has a soft spot for the Hawkeyes
All-New Hawkeye (2015) there is some retconning done here
I don't wanna talk about Civil War II (2016) it makes me really sad LMFAOOO but yes he is in it and it should be read because well.. he makes a BIGGGGGG choice here that I feel has def echoed in his characterization since and has caused lots of misleading beliefs about Clint
Occupy Avengers (2016) Woooooooh I like this one it's fun
Secret Empire (2017) He is in it if I remember correctly but I grouch about this whole concept because I thought it was stupid. It gives the same energy as "What if Superman was evil" and I'm sure as a DC fan you know how annoying that concept is.
Generations: Hawkeye(2017) This is soooo cute I love this one. Kate meets a younger Clint in it and they run around together
Tales of Suspense #101 (2018) This will never not make me laugh. Him and Bucky working together is always funny
He is also involved in Kate's Hawkeye run during this time but I've got that on her list
West Coast Avengers (2018) I liked this. I love when Kate and Clint work together and I liked seeing the nods to the original WCA
Hawkeye: Freefall (2020) crying puking throwing up it's so good and fun until it's not fun anymore
Black Widow (2020) Not my favroite run for Nat... feels like the tone is off but he is in it
Thunderbolts (2022) I liked this...would have been super cool if Marvel had kept it as a continuing run because I feel like it didn't get to finish it's story. I'm still sour about it.
NOW obviously this is not everything ever he has ever been in and I'm certainly not perfect enough to have read every. single. appearance. So please forgive me if I missed something important cause sometimes my brain is not so greeat with memory.
x Kate Reading List!
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mass-convergence · 8 months
I’ll be honest with you - in season 1 of WOT:
I didn’t exactly love what I’m calling the Main Character Squad (Rand, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, Nynaeve). Like don’t get me wrong - I didn’t hate them. I just thought they were … idk … boring? And this may warrant a rewatch, I’ll admit I was not in the best place emotionally while watching the season. But I just felt like they were kind of flat with maybe the exception being Mat and Nynaeve who I was kinda like 👀 what’s going on. Mat had that whole corrupted by darkness thing going on with him and Nynaeve was just a fucking badass and seemed highly motivated to protect her friends from the get go. But idk Rand felt like he was just kinda …… there? Same with Egwene and Perrin.
(This is ending up turning into an essay so I’m gonna put shit below a cut)
They were cool characters and I obviously was rooting for them to get reunited and stuff but I was like “eh???” Until maybe the very end when things started falling in place and the plot became a lot more sticky (as my friend describes plots that suddenly have a lot of competing motivations all coming together)
So I think my main issue was with their writing rather then the characters themselves. I’m coming at this as a complete outsider to WoT - never read the books and even if I did, I believe an adaptation must be able to stand on its own. And what I think happened was that season 1 like *had* to catch everyone up on the lore of the world, why Moiraine was so hellbent on finding the Dragon, what the hell the Aes Sedai were, etc. etc.
And it may have somewhat put characterization on the backburner until the end when they were like “we caught you up to speed now here’s the plot”. I guess they felt passive, like the plot was just happening to them instead of them driving the plot. Like we got hints of stuff - I was confused about what was going on with Perrin, then really intrigued towards the end when the wolves attacked the White Cloaks camp. And then of course the whole Eye of the World thing and Ishamael being released and him cutting Moiraine off from the One Power.
But idk, most of that season just fell flat to me.
The second season however, whooooo boy did I get fucking invested in those crazy kids. I was like “why can’t Nynaeve deliberately channel? [Insert Spiderverse “can’t do it on command” meme here]”, “oh fuck how is Egwene going to get out of this and also fuck you Renna”, “Rand please don’t go crazy”, “Perrin is like spiritually connected to wolves??? I need to know more about how that is a thing”, “Mat I swear to god you better not be evil because I’m like rooting for you”.
And of course I was really invested in the supporting characters - like Moiraine’s journey, Liandrin’s betrayal, Lanfear’s … everything (god I love her).
And oh god was it almost empowering to see their arcs play out.
- Rand struggling with the fact that he is indeed the Dragon Reborn and that male channelers tend to go batshit and kill everyone they love.
- Perrin becoming more familiar with his wolf-powers (I forgot what they were called or if they even had a name I’m sorry) … and being caught between his humanity and his wolf side. RIP Hopper, I’m glad you were avenged almost immediately.
- Egwene first off like: struggling with the fact that Nynaeve was kind of distant (because Nynaeve was obviously dealing with her own issues) but sticking with her friend. And then getting fucking captured and enslaved and like thrown into one of the most disempowering positions one can get into… and she fucking still held her own and never gave in. God I think her arc is like my favorite one this season. Fuck you Renna I’m glad you fucking got what you deserved.
- Mat dealing with the aftermath of the dagger and just having this darkness inside of him. He had been pushed down and kicked all his life, people viewed him as a loser, and he had that attitude towards himself as well. I felt like a connection to him because yeah, that boy is just a touch depressed, and as someone who’s dealt with their own mental health issues and ADHD absolutely making me feel like I’m constantly failing everyone including myself …….. good lord did his arc make me feel some feelings. Like he took that darkness - namely the dagger - and he used it to fight his way out. And then he’s a fucking hero of the horn. That is unironically super fucking inspiring to me.
- Nynaeve not being able to channel on command, being almost afraid of the power she can wield (I think that’s the angle they’re going for at least - though it also does seem to be very attached to her emotions). Out of all the main character squad: I liked her the most in the first season. She was very much motivated to protect her friends. Like I do see her kind of as the mother figure of the group (and not in a derisive way - like she will absolutely fuck a person up if they hurt her friends as we saw in season 2 with that sul’dam), the “heart” in the five man band. Like *almost* like Katara in a way and I really loved Katara so there you go.
- honorable mention to Moiraine because she thought that she had to handle this shit on her own. She had to figure out what Ishamael and the Dark One were planning while protecting Rand and also dealing with the aftershocks of her being cut off from the One Power. Something that Verin very much analogized to being assaulted or raped. And Moiraine just kept trucking, carrying the burden of what she felt like her own responsibilities like she carried those fucking buckets up the hill. The season was her realizing she could rely on others and she didn’t have to be as closed off as she was being. And oh my god once she got the One Power back she (a woman who was already plenty fucking badass during this entire season) like went to fucking S-tier levels of badass. God I fucking love her.
Basically: I’m saying that I loved season 2 very very much and I’m now rooting for these crazy kids to fuck shit up and save the world.
Also I love every single woman in this show who’s not Renna or the Seanchan because fuck those slavery loving assholes.
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Damn the second I read One Piece it’s like the sleeper agent awoke in me so now I have to ask favorite characters? Favorite strawhat? Favorite pirate crew? Favorite ships?
A: Okay okay I LOVE Sabo!! And Franky! Ace....god seeing him makes me cry every time, and YAMATO??? MY BOY??? ...and Whitebeard??? WHITEBEARD!! .....Okay maybe also Buggy don't at me.
Deep breath whooooo. I don't know if I can honestly pick a favorite Strawhat because all of their stories are so endearing to me....but...maybe Brook? Can't listen to Binks Brew without sobbing. Pirate crew would probably have to be Whitebeard's tbh, the concept was adorable to me and I see myself being a part of his crew. Ships...are we talking about ship designs or ships? >uo
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susandsnell · 1 month
im sorry to drop a fuck marry kill with men into a lesbians box but um ok. fuck marry kill: scarecrow:nolan verse. JOKER:joaquin phoenix. the riddler: THE BATMAN.
Fuck / Marry / Kill
cinthia why are you the funniest person alive. this has cursed me for seven generations.
Okay this is going to be my most "hear me out" of all "hear me outs" except for one answer, but you knew that when you put this insanity in my inbox.
Fuck: deep inhale. I am prepared to accept bullying for this for the rest of my life from you, and that's okay, I'm at peace with my fate. okay okay so. I am not in any way, shape or form attracted to The Batman's Riddler/Edward Nashton. HOWEVER. This man is so fucking bizarre and funny that the reason I'd go for it is literally just to see what would happen. Like, we're talking a scientific approach here. That and I'm good at puzzles, and, idk, I like when men are pathetic like Flik from A Bug's Life so I feel like it'd at least be entertaining. Besides which @bethjohanssen literally once said Reeveseverse/B22 Riddler "looks like a sad lesbian" so it's easier to pretend.
Marry: Easiest answer if you've looked at my blog for more than 5 minutes. Dr. Jonathan Crane, you are my horror movie gothic supervillain blorbo for life in (almost) any iteration, including the funniest possible one where your plots don't add up, you change roles constantly, pop up places you shouldn't, and serve massive amounts of cunt while being the most compelling guy around who isn't named Harvey Dent while being given comparatively so little. He likes lawyers canonically so him and me will hit it right off, and despite very contrasting personalities, I think we'd actually get along okay? I can prep him for his career changes, we can be literary nerds together, and whatever I lack in terms of physical interest in him, I can make up for by being juuuust messed up enough for him to have material for ages. Plus marriage will help with taxes for a guy who takes so many varying gigs all the time! Also you can easily control this Scarecrow by pulling his hair.
And if Nashton is lesbian adjacent, whooooo boy Nolan!Crane...
Kill: Second easiest answer. I do hate to let you down, but since 2019 and through to the present day, I did Not Care For Joker (2019). Phoenix turns in a perfectly serviceable performance, but I find the character's writing to be the apotheosis of cringey SOCIETYYYY~ Flanderization that the Joker gets in pop culture, his tragedy is kind of so overdone it turns into the Frank Grimes episode of the Simpsons halfway through, and he's not nearly funny or compelling enough to balance this out. There's something viscerally unappealing about this version which may be The Point, but also makes this call a lot easier. I'm also just genuinely Not A Joker Person (I love Harley too much) (oversaturation), so this decision was going to be made regardless, but Phoenix Joker is about to Get What He Fucking Deserves (for his movie giving me a massive headache when I saw it in theatres).
thank you so much, I laughed my head off over this
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
There's a don draper x reader tag????? SPRINTS
AHHHHHH I love that fanboy and star wars detail 😍 bet trivia is coming out of everybody's ears by now amd they're so sick and tired of the constant references xD rooster was totally doing that panicked eyebrow raise and Bob the cutie lil babie just wanted to disappear in his chair.
UNFFFF !!!! And it's not like Beau didn't take out his pent up frustration the same day at home whooooo boy can he hold onto his anger and of course he remembers that Hondo most likely saw the picture and he had to have a punishment lined up for that separately there's no way you're getting off the hook for that lip stunt soon.
So NATURALLY you're sore and covered in marks the next day and ok so maybe someone notices and pokes fun (it would be Hangman tho wouldn't it) and you're sleepy so Mav totally kicks your ass in dogfiting and now your sore and humiliated ass is doing pushups while having to listen to Hangman's incessant spiel and Beau just happens to pass by and hear it and ooooohhhh idk what happens after but I'm betting it'd be a delicious mixture of a possessive and smug AF Admiral 😏
So, sorry for the late response, I don’t tumblr too much at work because the app eats my data BUT now I’m on HOLIDAYS!!!! I am free to think about the thots you send me!!
So, Fanboy and Star Wars is not the love story you think it is. He has a strange relationship with the franchise in that he likes the films, he LOVES the universe but he doesn’t actually believe the films should have been about Leia, Luke and Han, or even Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan (DO NOT talk about the sequels) but about the millions of other more interesting characters like Salacious B. Crumb, Yaddle or even Temiri Blagg… Anyway, it’s best not to ask him about it because he will talk your ear off. 
Rooster was ABSOLUTELY doing the panicked eyebrow raise!!! That boy was trying to calculate an escape plan the second he saw the Admiral’s entire demeanour change!
Now Bob, Bobby boy, took the T-Rex approach from Jurassic Park. He was standing as still as he could manage, as if Cyclone was going to simply forget he existed if he didn’t move.
Now Beau doesn’t actually make it home with you. He has the key to an empty ensign dorm and bends you over the desk right there in one of the rooms. Not because he’s angry, necessarily, but because his fingers seem to automatically pull up the picture whenever he unlocks his phone and by five pm when you’re both done for the day Beau is HORNY. He wants you and he wants you now. 
But yes, you’re right, after that he punishes you twice, once because he wants you to get the message and then once more when Hondo sends him an email about something happening on base and he’s reminded that your picture was seen by someone else. By the end of the evening, you can no longer talk and you certainly cannot walk. In fact, when you make it out of Cyclone’s bed in the morning your legs are still shaky and you have to hold yourself up against the wall when you shower.
Okay, so I know you said someone would make a comment during dogfighting but consider this: it happens during the dogfight football scene. Because Beau is a very possessive man and that means he absolutely marks you up!!! You’re covered in hickeys and you’re pretty sure there’s a handprint on your ass from where he spanked you!! 
So obviously when you get to the beach for dogfight football someone is bound to notice. Now Hangman is the obvious choice but actually I think he keeps his mouth shut, ESPECIALLY when he notices Beau next to Mav and he sees Cyclone’s eyes fixed on you with a little smug grin on his face. 
No, I think it’s either Bob (because our little Angel thinks you might have gotten hurt (or he pretends, because he knows what you’ve been up to, just not who with and he likes to stir shit and cause chaos)) or maybe Fanboy… But can you imagine Hondo’s face? Because he’s refereeing the game!! He’s there!!! And he’s seen your everything pop up on the Admiral’s phone and now he’s seeing you all marked up, claimed and with a fucking handprint on your butt cheek!!! He is going to pass out!!!
I love this all so much!!! Thank you for your brain!
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lovecolibri · 2 months
SaL anon here my friend, happy to wish us luck on the upcoming episode, on this very normal day where the 911 PR team absolutely did not choose to unleash chaos. Here I was just hoping to enjoy the conclusion of the cruise disaster saga, especially after last week's heartstopping Bathena performance, but nooooo, I won't even get to enjoy 1 millisecond of satisfaction before I'm gnawing my arm off waiting for next week's episode and an explanation for why Buddie are *waves hand nonsensically at stills* THAT.
Anyway, I know I should remember the mantra about getting our hopes up but I can't help it for tonight, the last two episodes have been so incredibly solid and everything I love about 911 that I can't help but raise the bar from where it was (somewhere around the Earth's core) to something at least knee high. So cheers friend, here's hoping any post episode drinking is optional, not necessary 🍷🍷🍷!!!
Not me hitting post limit before 4:30 in the afternoon 🙄. This has been me for HOURS
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Sorry I have fandom shit going on Tumblr, and not a lot of actual work to keep me busy. I think the post limit should be at least 500 posts a day. Just let me be unhinged!! I even scheduled some posts out to different days to avoid this but here we are. 🙃 I need 911 and FHJY to not air on back-to-back days for realsies.
I didn't even catch those stills at first since my app is still not working so I can't actually see my dash so I was just chillin in the d20 tag when I suddenly noticed 911 was trending and decided to check what was up and WHOOOOO BOY! What IS all that?! Why are they like this?! They're killing meeeee!
That mess is for next week. This cruise disaster arc is ABSOLUTELY a veeeeeerrrry close second to the tsunami arc for me. That one edges it out because we got to see more of everyone on the team doing rescues while this one (DESERVEDLY) focused more on Bobby and Athena, but MAN was it gripping television! I laughed, I cried, I legit clapped and cheered when Buck and Eddie showed up to get Bobby and the little boy, I mourned for Wes the security guard, it was all SO, so, so good. And we got badass Bobby on rescue duty!! Athena taking charge and taking NO shit from anyone! We got the firefam being a FAMILY which includes bickering, tattling, gentle ribbing, and having each other's backs because you know each other better than anyone else. I had a GREAT time.
I know we have been pretty good at keeping our expectations down but for right now, I'm felling a little more confident in the show as a whole to deliver good firefam stuff so I'm raising that bar a little bit. As for Buddie, well. I guess we'll see? I'd be lying if I said I was excited about seeing them dating other people AGAIN, no matter if it's supposed to "set the stage" or whatever for Buddie because I just think going the route we SHOULD have had after the shooting. Getting them both keeping their feelings realizations secret from each other and then having a third party confession come out with Chim/Maddie and Hen each getting one side of it and then accidentally cluing each other in has a better feel for me, especially with the delicious flavor of Eddie still having a gf at the moment. But I'm reserving judgement FOR NOW, on how it could ultimately play out for Buddie. It might be fine in the end with how it all comes together, but I'm not going to "settle" for just being happy if Buck comes out and taking whatever relationship we are given instead of the one that's been built up since season 2. But I'm also not throwing in the towel because we don't know where it's going yet. I'm firmly on the "fine but I'm going to complain the whole time" train at the moment with regards to Buck finally dating a man but for some god-forsaken reason it's not Eddie. (At least we lucked the FUCK out and someone else gave AK a job so we don't have to put up with THAT nonsense again.)
For now, I'm going to revel in the show ABSOLUTELY coming back with a bang and feeling like the 911 and firefam we all know and love and have DEEPLY missed. The difference between this arc and that blimp emergency is LAUGHABLE. Bless Tim for coming back and giving us this incredible arc and really showcasing Angela and Peter and the Bathena relationship. I'm excited to see what's next!
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simmeons · 10 months
i actually got some sleep! yay! not much, but i had a absolutely wack ass dream though so ofc imma tell y'all about it
okay, so it had my vampire Khan (my vamp/priest au) and @hummingbird-of-light's wolf Khan (based off their red riding hood Khotty au fic) formal apology for how long is gonna be this dream just. wow. hear me out
i have no idea why his ass was back, but he was back with a VENGEANCE. him and vamp Khan were fighting for Scotty's attention, like BAD. everytime Scotty gave one of them attention, the other would get jealous as HELL.
at some point Scotty got so fed up they kept fighting he yelled at them to shut up and eat their damn homemade blueberry pancakes he made, and it just got super awkward. the Khan's felt bad, but still wanted at each other, and Scotty ended up storming out of the house from being so pissed (i don't blame him)
but that's when shit hit the fan. im tellin y'all, it was straight up Jerry Springer in this house. full on YELLING at each other, and the argument was just absolutely STEAMING. it was so heated the majority of it burned into my brain
first, vamp Khan said Scotty only likes wolf Khan as a friend and nothing more, which is a good bite. other Khan called vampire Khan A MANIPULATOR (which, really do you have any room to talk)
then they started saying stuff like "im handsome and sweet of course he'd love me" which, wolf Khan said he was exactly like vampire Khan so why does Scotty love him more (good point) and my man. DID NO HESITATE TO SAY "because your a poor man's version of me." LIKE HOMY FUOCUMF SHITTTT it only gets worse.
wolf Khan goes to say "well how come im a better lay?" you wanna know what vampire Khan says back? do you? he said, and i kid you not this is burnt into my memory, "Scotty said you were way too sensitive. he said you lasted for like ten seconds, he didn't feel anything at all." WHOOOOO SAAAYYYSS THATTTTTTT
nothing beats that. im sorry. our poor wolf boy isn't recovering. he's gone and out. he's down, someone get the referee he's not getting back up
i love how fucking pissy and personal they were getting with the insults too like yessss fight for yo man
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
Out With the Old, In With the New, Part One: The Worst Monsters are Men...
Summary: A few days into a mission, your husband goes missing. Along Wade, Nathan, and Neena. When the X-Men refuse to help you, you decide to take things into your own hands --and wind up making an unexpected ally along the way.
Rating: T for gun violence, regular violence, ableism, and abduction. And also swear words.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Frank Castle x Karen Page, and Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin.
Set after "It's Truly Magical" but before "Children of the Gods, Part One."
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things
It happens without warning.
Your husband goes on a mission. And then he doesn’t come back.
Your stomach churns anxiously as you wait for your cellphone to chime –for any sign of life from Piotr, really. Baby, where are you? Please come home to me.
Talking to the official person in charge of the duty roster does no good.
Chiefly because that person is Scott Summers.
“Look, Y/N, I know you’re concerned—”
“It’s been three days, Scott! Piotr was supposed to be back by now.”
“He requested a mission extension,” Scott says –lies, because Scott Summers is a horrifically bad liar, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
(Not even those damn sunglasses he wears all the time helps conceal it.)
“If we don’t hear from him by tomorrow, we’ll start the retrieval protocol.”
You raise an eyebrow at Scott. “Piotr requested an extension.”
“Without telling me he was requesting an extension.”
“He may have not wanted to worry you—”
“He texts me good night and good morning every day he’s gone, Scott. He hasn’t done that for three days. So, do you really want to keep going down this route, or do you want to tell me the truth?”
“Are you accusing me of—”
“Show me the extension request, Scott. I know those have to be filed in the mission logs.”
Scott goes pale, swallows hard, but ultimately holds his ground. “If we don’t hear from him in another twenty-four hours, we’ll start the retrieval protocol.”
You roll your eyes at his back as he quickly retreats away from you, then stalk out of the training room. “Fuck you. I’ll handle this myself. Idiot.”
 You call Wade first. Nathan doesn’t always keep his phone charged if he gets into a work hole, meaning that Wade’s the best bet to get ahold of your ‘somehow knows everything’ dad.
Except you can’t get ahold of Wade. Or Nate. Or Neena, when you decide to try her. Countless texts, phone calls, emails, and face-time requests –which, under normal circumstances, would be downright sociopathic to pull without making sure the recipient is available first, but these are desperate times—go unanswered.
Towards the end of the day, in what can only be described as a burst of mass anxiety and paranoia, you call your uncle.
He picks up on the first ring. “Hey, punk. How’s it going?”
“Oh, thank fuck.” You collapse into the nearest chair, relief surging through you. “They didn’t get you, too.”
“What?” Your uncle’s voice goes from warm and friendly to all business –and a little panicked—in a split second. “Who didn’t get me? What’s going on? Punk, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, but –Piotr’s missing. And Dad. And Wade. And Neena. Piotr went on a mission, but stopped checking in on me three days ago, and then when I tried to call the rest of my family, I couldn’t reach anyone. I’ve been trying all day, and then I thought that maybe someone’s targeting my family, so I decided to call you.”
“Shit,” your uncle mutters. “You’re sure Nathan and Wade are in town, right? And Neena? They don’t have any hits to fill or silent missions they’re running?”
“Wade and I were talking on Snapchat last night,” you answer, panic rising in your chest. “And I saw Nathan during call. And Neena always lets me know if she’ll be out of touch for a job or something.”
Your uncle exhales heavily into the speaker. “Fuck. Yeah, that doesn’t bode well. Did you talk to Charles?”
“He’s out of town for a conference. I had to deal with Scott, and he just shot me down.”
“Pretty much.”
“Talk to Scott one more time. I know it probably won’t help,” he adds when you start protesting, “but it’ll give me time to put my ear to the ground, see what I can find. After you try Scott, go over his head. I’ll help you however I can.”
“Of course, punk. Now, get moving. Time’s of the essence here.”
“Right.” You make a quick goodbye, then run out of yours and Piotr’s home and fly towards the mansion.
 By the time you reach Scott’s room, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio are already there, arguing with him.
“We aren’t responsible for Wade—”
“He’s my legal guardian, asshole,” Russell insists indignantly. “Isn’t there a bunch of legal shit you guys have to do if he dies or goes missing?”
“And you are responsible for Colossus,” Ellie adds, arms crossed over his chest. “He’s my mentor and an X-Man. And he’s missing, too.”
“How did you—”
“He texts her to see how she’s doing,” Yukio pipes up, looking nowhere near as pissed as Ellie and Russell given her pink hair and soft, fluffy sweater, but frustration still reads plain in her voice. “And he stopped three days ago.”
“Which is the same time he stopped texting me,” you speak up, joining the fray. “Are you actually going to take this seriously now? Because if that’s not enough, Nathan and Neena are missing, too.”
A brief flicker of frustration crosses Scott’s face, but he masks it quickly. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve tried to reach them all day!”
“Maybe they’re just busy. Could you be overthinking it? Did you remember to take your medication today?”
“Are you shitting me?” Ellie snaps, eyes widening with outrage.
“Easy,” you murmur, putting an arm around her small shoulders before staring Scott down. “So, just so we’re clear, it is your intention to not pursue any of this further even though you have multiple complaints from different residents?”
Scott’s face twitches, but his resolve remains strong. “We have a protocol.”
“Yeah, just like that protocol of logging mission extension requests that you can’t show me right now.” You flash him a fake smile. “Thanks for nothing, asshole.”
The three teens follow after you as you storm off.
“What do we do now?” Russell asks.
“Are Cable and Domino really missing as well?” Yukio adds.
“Should we call the Professor?” Ellie suggests.
“The Professor probably wouldn’t be able to do anything, since Scott’s still the man in charge,” you say as you hurry down the main flight of stairs.
“He could make Cyclops toe the line,” Ellie points out.
“It’s still Scott. He’d do the bare minimum just to shut us up, then go back to jerking off –or whatever it he does for fun. And, yes, Neena and Nathan are missing, too. As far as I can tell, at least. As far as what we do now, we go over Scott’s head. I mean, I—” you turn around and look at the three teens staring at you “—go over Scott’s head. Not ‘we.’ You three should stay out of trouble.”
“But Wade’s my guardian!” Russell argues.
“And Piotr’s my mentor.”
“And Scott’s a pain in the ass,” Yukio adds.
“While all those things are true,” you agree, “that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t bring you three into this. Things could get dangerous. You’re all trainees. You’re not cleared for this kind of stuff.”
Ellie glances at Russell and her girlfriend, then crosses her arms over her chest and takes a step towards you. “Well, the way I see it, you can either bring the three of us in and have some idea of what we’re doing, or you can keep us out of it and we’ll just go over your head. Which means we could accidentally get caught in the middle of whatever you wind up doing and get hurt.”
You narrow your eyes at your husband’s mentee. “You are such a Slytherin, and I’m so proud of you, but also how dare you.” You sigh heavily. “Fine. You guys can come with. But if I get in trouble, I’m taking you all down with me.”
 Fun fact: attached to every suit worn by X-Men and trainees are little GPS trackers that, in addition to letting you know where the wearer of the suit is, also keeps tabs on their vitals.
“Why didn’t you just try this to begin with?” Ellie asks as you pull up the interface that tracks the suits.
“Because it makes a pinging noise to alert the wearer that their location is being monitored,” you explain. “If they’re on a stealth mission, it could alert an enemy agent. I didn’t want to do that in case Piotr had needed to go silent for some reason.”
“Do you think he could’ve?” Russell asks.
“Considering that, as his spouse, I would’ve been notified by the mission board –not to mention he would’ve at least let Ellie or I know himself—and the fact that Wade, Nathan, and Neena are missing, to, I don’t think so.” As much of a pain in the ass as Scott is, if Piotr had actually gone silent, he wouldn’t have just not told you.
“I thought the mission board and Professor Xavier were the only ones with access to the trackers,” Yukio interjects.
“I have spousal permissions for Piotr’s suit.” You pull up the page that lets you enter a password so you can access the tracker, then turn around and face the teens. “I’ve got to enter the password. No peeking.” You wait until they all cover their eyes, then type in the password and hit enter.
“It’s ‘myshka,’” Ellie says without uncovering her eyes.
You whirl around to stare at her. “Hey!”
“You hit seven keys, one of which was the enter button.”
“You really should talk to Colossus about better password security,” Yukio says with an earnest nod.
You sigh (they’re not wrong), then focus on the computer screen.
The good news: your husband’s tracker is still on and still registering his vitals –which look healthy, as far as you can tell.
The bad news: it’s out in the middle of nowhere in Upstate New York. No nearby roads, no registered address, just a couple of GPS coordinates.
“Where the hell is that?” Russell asks as he peers at the laptop screen over your shoulder.
“A couple hours from here,” you say as you write down the coordinates and the nearest identifiable landmarks. “I’m gonna go check it out. You guys stay here—”
“We’re helping whether you like it or not,” Ellie interrupts, expression comically stern given her round face and rounder eyes.
“Yes, you are, but I can’t carry all of you with me,” you say. “Besides, I need you three here to collect information.”
Russell’s brow furrows. “What information?”
You send a quick text to your uncle to let him know you’re leaving the phone with Russell, Ellie, and Yukio, then hand it to Ellie. “I called my uncle when I realized Wade, Nathan, and Neena were missing, too. He’s looking into all of it for me. If he calls with any information, I’ll need you guys to take it down and possibly do some –computer only—research on it.”
“Won’t you need the burner phone, just in case you get captured?” Yukio asks.
You shake your head. “Can’t risk his number getting in the wrong hands. I’ll have my phone on me, and I’ll wear my suit so you can keep track of me. If I’m gone longer than six hours, or if my suit goes offline, call my uncle immediately. Not the Professor, not Scott, but my uncle. Okay?”
The three teens give you equally scared looks, but all nod anyway.
You hug each of them before flying upstairs to get changed and pack a small bag with some supplies. Hang on, honey. I’m coming.
 The coordinates turn out to be home to the middle of a massive, matte black warehouse with virtually no windows in the middle of a dense forest. There’s only one road leading in or out, which is cut off from the warehouse itself by towering concrete walls topped with razor wire, a hulking gate with multiple guards, and several armed men patrolling the perimeter as well.
Definitely not suspicious at all. Definitely does not read as “hidden government or evildoers base” whatsoever.
Scott Summers, you are so full of shit, you think to yourself as you peer down at the warehouse through a pair of electronic binoculars (a Christmas gift from Alexandra). Requested an extension, my ass. You frown as you watch a large, but otherwise non-descript van get waved through the gate. Piotr, baby, what did you do to wind up in here?
Your mind flashes to images of Piotr, bound against his well, likely being experimented on by various nefarious, white lab coat and nerd glasses wearing scientists. Your teeth grit together, and you steady yourself with a deep breath. Just hang in there, sweetheart. I’m gonna get you out.
You crawl forward a little further, hoping to get a better look at the lot surrounding the warehouse—
And you wind up bumping into a large, muscular woman, wearing all black –like you—with black hair cut into an angled bob, dark eyes, and—
Angel Dust.
Your eyes widen when the description connects with the stories Wade’s told you, and you quickly shove her away from you with a blast of air. “You fucking traitor! Helping lock up your own kind for a fucking bullshit paycheck! I’m gonna beat your ass—”
“What the fuck –stop it!” She whips a rock the size of a small child at you, narrowly missing your head. “What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you?”
“You’re working with them!” You jerk your head towards the warehouse.
“The fuck I am!” She finally notes your suit, and her mouth twists into a grimace. “Oh. You’re X-Men.”
“Damn right. Now, give me one good reason not to bounce you down this hill like a beach ball!”
Angel Dust smirks. “You’re a little rougher around the edges than most of them…” The smirk fades just as quickly as it appeared, and the color seems to drain from her face. “Fuck, you’re Wilson’s sister, aren’t you?”
“Ding-ding-ding, bitch!” you hiss. “And if you aren’t here to work for those cockwipes, then what the fuck are you doing on this hill?”
“I could ask you the fucking same—”
“Look, unlike my brother, I don’t have to get close to you to hit you. So, unless you want to go through that line of trees, I suggest you start talking.”
She rolls her eyes, but relents. “I’m here to rescue my daughter.”
“Daughter?” Your face scrunches up in confusion. “Wade didn’t say anything about you having a daughter.”
“Yeah, well, he wouldn’t fucking know!”
“I suppose that’s fair –considering you helped torture him and almost killed him, then helped kidnap his girlfriend!”
“Fuck’s sake –the fuck do you want from me?”
“Proving you have a daughter and that you aren’t lying might be a good start.”
She glowers at you, then begrudgingly takes a wallet out of her pocket and pulls out a few pictures. “Here. Proof enough?”
The pictures show Angel Dust holding a young girl –first as a baby, then a couple shots of them at a park when the girl looks about to be three, one of them eating ice cream together when the kid looks about five, and a school photo headshot dated from this year, in which the girl looks to be around seven.
Granted, she could be lying, but the pictures look real enough. Besides, if she really was working with the warehouse people, she probably wouldn’t have tried to convince you otherwise in the first place.
“What’s her name?” you ask, stiffly hanging back the pictures.
“Madeline. Maddie, for short. Why are you here?”
“They have my husband.”
“He an X-Man, too?”
“Yeah. Colossus. The big metal guy that you punched in the dick.”
She smirks. “Oh, yeah. Good brawler. Kinda sweet. He refused to ogle me when one of my tits fell out of my shirt.”
“Yeah,” you say with a small smile. “That’d be him.”
Tense silence falls around the two of you as you regard each other warily.
“Far be it from me to suggest we team up,” you start.
Angel Dust cuts you off with a sardonic snort. “What makes you think I need –want—your help?”
“You won’t make it through there alone. They’ve basically got an army guarding that place. You’re strong, but you’re not bulletproof. Or, worse, you’ll wind up captured. Besides, I have backup.”
She raises an incredulous eyebrow. “What, the X-Men? Pass.”
“No,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “The schedule master didn’t want to get off his ass, so I’m working without them for this.”
“Sounds like you don’t have backup, then.”
You bite down on the urge to sneer at her. “I have more resources than the X-Men.” Asshole.
“Such as?”
“Such as the kind that don’t mind using real guns.” When Angel Dust’s eyebrows spike towards her hairline, you continue. “Look, I get my husband and my other people out, you get your daughter out, everyone goes home happy and hopefully we never have to speak to each other again. Deal?”
“Fine,” she says after a minute. “So, if we’re not breaking in right now, what’s next?”
“I’ve got some people looking into this place. They should have some proper information by now. We head back to my place, learn what we can, then make plans to bust into here later tonight.”
Angel Dust considers for a moment, then concedes with a nod. “Fine. Wait… how’d you get out here?”
You shrug. “Flew.”
She scoffs, rolls her eyes. “Of course. We’ll take my car back.”
 You text Yukio once you’re safely in Angel Dust’s car—
“Do you have a name?”
“Fuck kind of question is that?”
“I only know you as Angel Dust,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “So, unless you want me to refer to you as ‘Angel Dust’ all the time, having a name to use would be handy.”
She sighs heavily. Rolls her eyes. “Christina.”
You blink. You’re not sure what you’d been expecting, honestly. “Cool. I’m Y/N.”
“Great. Glad we’re fucking best friends now,” Christina grumbles under her breath as she starts her car and pulls away from the thicket of bushes she’d parked her car behind.
You text Yukio, letting her know that you’re on your way back, that you’ve picked up some help, and that if you aren’t back in three hours to call your uncle. You pocket your phone once Yukio replies, then steal a quick glance at Christina.
All in all, you don’t know much about her. You heard about her and her whole involvement with Ajax –Francis, whatever—from Wade, and you’ve heard a little bit from Piotr about her other criminal escapades –car-jacking, fighting rings, blackmailing—but beyond that, Angel Dust –Christina—is a complete mystery to you.
“How’d your daughter wind up in there?” you ask, breaking the thick silence that had settled around the two of you.
Her jaw clenches tighter, and her hands grip the steering wheel hard enough that –for a moment—you’re worried that she might break it. “My ex.”
“You had a kid with Francis?”
Her hands grip the wheel tighter. “No. I was married before I met Ajax. Long time before. Had Maddie. Got divorced. Met Ajax a little while later.”
“Riveting,” you snark, which gets a murderous glare shot your way. “So, what, your ex-husband decided to do a ‘take your daughter to work day’ and it ended poorly?”
“He doesn’t like mutants. Part of why we divorced.”
Pain strikes your chest as you put the pieces together. “Wait a second. He… he sent his own child to a testing facility?”
“Like I said,” Christina growls as she presses down harder on the gas pedal, “there’s a reason he’s my ex.”
 Ellie goes from hunched over your laptop to standing bolt upright, fists clenched and energy swirling around her the second Christina follows you through the door—
And, yeah, okay, you definitely should’ve given more warning about the “help” that you were bringing back.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Ellie snaps.
Christina just smirks. “Good to see you again, short stack.”
“Ellie, please don’t obliterate my house,” you say quickly, stepping between Ellie and Christina before Ellie does something rash –albeit probably deserved. “She’s helping us.”
“Why is she—” Ellie jerks her chin towards Christina “—helping us? She’s a criminal!”
“She has someone that was captured, too,” you explain, doing your best to stay calm. “The more innocent lives we can save in all of this, the better.”
“Fucking Christ,” Christina grumbles under her breath. “It’s like the fucking boyscouts.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the Icebox?” Ellie snaps, still glaring down Christina –albeit without the energy charge-up, which you’re grateful for.
“I wasn’t deemed ‘dangerous enough’ for ‘removal from society.’”
“You kidnapped an innocent woman and nearly killed Colossus!”
She shrugs, blasé. “Paycheck’s a paycheck.”
“You fucking bitch—”
“Okay!” You shove Ellie back, and give her the sternest look you can muster at the moment –which, in reality, probably looks more desperate than anything else. “I know you’re mad, but we have a job to do. Can you…” You sigh when Ellie raises an eyebrow at you in challenge, and your expression is definitely desperate now. “Please, Ellie-bell. We need to get Piotr and Wade and Nate and Neena and anyone else they might have locked up out of there. Please.”
Ellie sighs heavily, but relents with a nod. “Fine. But if she—” she points at Christina, who smirks “—does anything out of line, I’m blasting her through a wall.”
“I’d comment, but I know you’re more than capable,” Christina mutters as she sizes up Yukio and Russell. “Also, if this was the back up you’re talking about—”
“It’s part of it, but they’re strictly the research team,” you interject quickly. “We’re bringing someone else along for the actual rescue mission.”
“Who?” Russell asks.
You shoot him a warning, incredibly desperate look to ‘please, for the love of Cthulhu, shut it’ because you haven’t actually figured that part out yet—
And then Yukio comes to your rescue. “Your uncle called while you were gone. He said he wanted you to call him as soon as you were back.”
“He also gave us a lot of information about the warehouse,” Russell adds, having caught on to your ‘please help me bullshit my through this.’ “Covered by ten different teams of armed men that work on five different shifts—”
You glance over your shoulder at Christina. “You mind looking through what we already have while I make the call?”
She sighs, rolls her eyes, but ultimately sits down at the dining room table. “Fine.”
You take your phone from Yukio, then step into the living room so you can talk to your uncle while also keeping an eye on Christina.
He answers on the first ring. “Who am I talking to this time?”
“It’s me. I’m safe.”
“Punk.” Your uncle lets out a sigh of relief. “Okay, I told Ellie everything I could fine, but listen to me. You cannot try to crack this place open, okay? The person running this operation is far too dangerous to mess with. I’m sending some people in to help, and I’ll fly in as soon as I can; just let the professionals handle this, okay?”
You grimace. “I can’t do that.”
“Okay, look, I know you’re worried about Piotr—”
“There’s a kid involved,” you say quietly, watching Christina intently. “A little girl. She was dumped at the holding center. I… I can’t wait. Not with a child’s safety on the line.”
Your uncle swears, then sighs. “…Okay. Just… take some heavier ammunition with you. Please. I’ll get there as fast as I can to help back you up.”
“Alright. I can do that.” You make a quick good-bye, then head back into the dining room. “Alright, what are we looking at?”
“Nothing good,” Christina says heavily. “You were right about not being able to break into this place. We’ll need an army to do just that.”
“…I might just be able to get us one.”
 The new offices of Nelson, Murdock, and Page come with countless new amenities –one of which being that it’s not located inside a deli.
There’s also a dedicated “back entrance” for clients that don’t want to be –or shouldn’t be—seen by the public.
Which, as fortune would have it, is where you find Frank Castle.
He’s wearing all black, carrying a bouquet of violets, and looks extremely startled when you all but shout his name. “What the fuck?”
“I need your help,” you say by way of greeting as you jog over to him. “Kidnappers, mutant experimentation, guys with lots of guns… yeah.”
“What the—” Christina yanks you aside with more strength than strictly necessarily, eyes so big they look like they’re about to pop out of her sockets. “How do you know the fucking Punisher?”
“Will you let go?” You wrench your arm out of her grasp. “I’m getting us an army. Chill the fuck out!”
“Do I get to know what’s going on here?” Frank interjects, looking equal parts confused, startled, and annoyed.
“There’s a warehouse two and a half hours from here,” you explain. “Heavily guarded. Piotr was kidnapped and taken there, as was her daughter.” You nod to Christina. “Wade, Nathan, and Neena are missing, too, and I’m willing to bet they’re there as well –along with who knows how many other people. The X-Men aren’t getting off their ass for this one, and the two of us—” you gesture between you and Christina “—aren’t enough to break in and get everyone out. We need help.” You take a breath, then shoot Frank a desperate look and add, “Please.”
He exhales heavily, then nods before gesturing at the door with the flowers. “Yeah. Just give me a minute.”
 Karen, fortunately, gives her blessing for you to borrow her boyfriend for a potential suicide mission without too much fuss. Frank steps back into the alley a few minutes later, grabs a few duffels from his “murder van,” then directs you to where he keeps the rest of his weapons stash before you drive him and Christina back to your home.
From there, two things happen right away.
One: Frank is immediately able to make more sense of the information your uncle had sent, which makes developing a plan so much easier.
Two: Russell, Ellie, and Yukio all refuse to stay behind while you, Frank, and Christina head to the warehouse.
“For the last time,” you grit out, on the verge of ripping out your hair. “I cannot take you three with me. You’re all trainees! You’re not cleared for something like this. Besides, if Piotr doesn’t kill me, Scott definitely will!”
“You could take Scott in a fight,” Yukio says with an earnest nod.
“That’s not the point!”
“The point is we want to help.” Russell crosses his arms over his chest. “Wade’s my friend and guardian, Colossus is one of our teachers, and Cable and Domino are part of the X-Force. They’re our friends. Why shouldn’t we help?”
“I really don’t know how to explain to you that you’re a minor.”
“Yukio and I aren’t,” Ellie pipes up, voice deadly calm. “We’re both adults. We can do whatever we want with this. And I have a license and access to a car.”
“Look, either we’re in on the plan and how to handle all of this, or we drive up on our own and insert ourselves into the situation.” She raises an eyebrow at you when you start sputtering. “What? What are you going to do? Duct tape us to the walls so we can’t leave?”
You narrow your eyes at her. “I’m seriously tempted to. There is such a thing as ‘being in over you head,’ and –make no mistake—this is one of those situations.”
Ellie’s jaw tenses. “We’re not staying behind.”
“For what it’s worth,” Frank interjects from where he’s been sitting at your dining room table, pouring over all the data your uncle was able to collect, “if they can help us, we could definitely use their help. We’re pretty damn outnumbered.”
“See!” Russell chimes in. “You need us!”
“That’s not the point!” you snap, nerves finally fraying enough to let your stress show through.
“It’s exactly the point!” Ellie argues. “You need extra help, we want to help!”
“That’s not the point Y/N is trying to make,” Yukio says when you grip your hair in frustration. “It may be the point of the mission, but it’s not what she’s focused on.”
You exhale heavily as silence finally falls, then lean wearily against the dining room table. “It’s not that we don’t need your help. We do. But… you’re just kids.”
“Yukio and I are eighteen,” Ellie points out.
“You are an infant and you will accept it!” you fire back. “This… this isn’t fighting Magneto or a few punk frat boys who just realized they have superpowers. These are trained assassins with guns and who knows what else and… you guys still deserve to be young. You deserve more time before you have to face that.”
The space goes suffocatingly silent as your words hang in the air, bitter and desperate.
Because, really, you all already know what’s going to happen.
“We’re ready,” Yukio says, quiet but confident. She squares her shoulders and gives you a smile. “This is what we’ve trained to do.”
“You already know what my stance is,” Ellie says when you look over to her.
Russell seems a little more pensive when you check with him, but he doesn’t waver, either. He swallows hard, then nods. “I want to help Wade. He’s my guardian… my friend.”
You sigh, heavy and with finality, then plop down into the nearest chair. “Alright. Let’s make a plan.”
 The plan is simple enough.
Your uncle had managed to dig up a plethora of information –including the policy for dealing with “captured individuals.” Anyone caught snooping around the warehouse was taken, searched for weapons, then taken to a room that was labelled “primary containment area.”
You’re willing to bet that Piotr and everyone will be there as well.
So, you and Christina will pose as a couple of amateur activists, attempting to get some film of what seemed to be a “secret military base” that was undoubtedly propagating violence, war culture, etcetera. You two will get yourselves captured, get inside the base, ditch whoever brought you in, find your missing people, then get out.
And, just for good measure, while the two of you were inside, Frank, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio will create a distraction outside, thus increasing your odds of success.
Frank also had one of his friends –who was some type of tech wizard, apparently—hack into the base and put the cameras on a loop, so that the two of you wouldn’t be caught out right away.
Is it the most sophisticated plan? No.
Is it the most likely to succeed, considering the circumstances? Also no.
Is it the best you all could do, considering the time and personnel constraints? Yes.
“If we die,” Christina growls –she’d been none too fond of the plan, but hadn’t had a better counteroffer—as the two of you cut through the woods, “I’m killing you before these dipshits get a chance.”
“Good fucking luck with that,” you grumble back, pulling a camera –which had a busted release mechanism for the SD card and was therefore useless—out of your bag. “Ready?”
“Let’s just get this over with.”
The two of you skulk around the perimeter, pretending to take film of the place –which, granted, you are, but it’s not like you’re planning on using any of it—and talking in stage whispers about angles, lighting, and framing. When that doesn’t work, you move in closer to the entry –where the guards are stationed—and start taking photos with the flash on.
It gets their attention pretty quick.
“Hey! Stop!”
The two of you feign making a run for it as the armed guards rush towards you, then switch to fake pleas and promise to “give up the footage” in exchange for being let go when you’re caught.
“Look, this is just for a school project,” Christina babbles –and, you have to give her credit, she’s a good actress.
Though, that could just be the guns the guards are carrying providing a proper incentive.
“We’ll give you the camera,” you add, faking desperation. “Just, like, please let us go.”
“Take them inside,” one of the older looking guards says. “Search them, then take them to the main containment center.”
You and Christina pretend to resist and struggle, but ultimately let the men march you past the wall and towards the compound.
 The search goes well enough. The two of you had made a point to not carry any weapons –or any IDs, just in case. Your phones –fakes—are tossed, as is the camera, but other than that the guards don’t find anything particularly interesting.
Being taken to the main containment area, however, doesn’t go as well.
Mostly because your people aren’t there.
“Shit,” Christina swears when you’re marched into what’s essentially a windowless, metal box.
“Search the base?” you ask.
“We have to.”
You slam the guards against the nearest wall with a gust of wind, knocking them out.
The two of you quickly handcuff the guards with their hands behind their backs, careful to interlock the sets of cuffs to make it harder for them to move or escape once they come to.
You strip off one of their tac vest and quickly adjust it to your body, while Christina pulls out their phones and walkie talkies and crushes them. “I’m guessing neither of them are carrying a map?”
“Wouldn’t that be our lucky day.”
You pull out an ear piece that you’d hidden in your bra, then turn it on and tuck it in your ear. “Ellie, can you hear me?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
“Slight problem. Containment area’s empty. Is there a lab or something labelled on the blueprints my uncle sent us?”
“…Yeah. Left from the entrance to the containment room, take a right at the second doorway, then all the way down the hall to the back. Do you need us to go now?”
You eye the hallway outside the containment room, then grimace when you see several guards patrolling the space. “Yeah. We’re pretty boxed in otherwise.”
“Alright. Give us five minutes.”
The two of you wait –then, sure enough, the building shudders as a loud explosion echoes outside.
You flash Christina a somewhat manic grin. “Shall we?”
“You’re just as crazy as Wilson.”
“You’re not the first person to say that.”
 The lab is straight out of some cheesy action-flick style evil lair. There’s a massive –practically floor to ceiling—screen that looks like someone lifted it from a movie theatre that’s framed by a wall to wall bank of computer keys, buttons, smaller inset display screens, dials, and sliders. The center of the room boasts a particularly sinister tilted metal table with arm and ankle restraints on the sides, an operation room light at the top, and various trays of syringes, surgical equipment, and other tools. Towards the back, there’s several rows of tables with various beakers, test tubes, and other items straight out of chemistry textbook.
And, on the wall opposite the door, there are a series of cylindrical, glass holding containers –which are currently housing your husband, Nate, Wade, Neena, and a young, dark haired girl that must be Madeline.
Madeline and Piotr don’t look too much worse for wear. A little bruised and a little tired, perhaps, but otherwise unharmed.
Neena’s face is fixed in a tight grimace. You don’t see any visible signs of harm on her, but that doesn’t mean that she’s okay.
Wade looks sick. He has a repression collar on, just like everyone else in the holding tanks, so there’s no doubt that his cancer is giving him hell.
Nathan looks tense. He’s sat on the floor of his tank, leaned back against the glass, gaze fixed in a pensive thousand mile stare. There’s no visible signs of the virus having spread, but you know he can’t be feeling too comfortable, either.
Madeline visibly perks up when you and Christina enter the lab, then jumps to the feet and presses her tiny body against the glass of her tank. “Mommy!”
“Mom—oh fuck.” Wade glares at Christina. “What is she doing here? And since when did you have a kid with Francis?”
Christina, predictably, ignores Wade. She sprints over to her daughter’s containment tube, pressing her hands flat against the glass. “Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?”
Madeline’s face crumples, and she starts crying. “I want to go home, Mommy. I want to go home—”
“Don’t!” Neena exclaimed when Christina moved to rip off the door on her daughter’s containment cell. “The guy running the tests said there was a different lock on her door.” She pointed to the keypad on the side of Madeline’s containment tube. “He said that if the cell was tampered with, it’d release a toxin gas.”
Christina shot a desperate look at you over her shoulder. “Can you diffuse the gas?”
“I don’t want to risk it,” you said. “Look, Ellie can probably figure out to get it open safely, and if she can’t, we’ve got other people who definitely can. Bottom line, she’s not staying in there for long.”
Piotr shoot you a sharp look. “Why is NTW here?”
You flounder, before shrugging sheepishly. “I got out-voted?”
“It’s going to be okay, sweet girl.” Christina knelt in front of her daughter’s tube, smiling reassuringly. “We’re going to get you out, okay?”
“Can you get the doors off the other cells?” you ask upon checking to make sure that the same locking mechanisms aren’t on the other containment tubes. “If we get everyone else out, I can get the repression collars off, and then we can shut this thing down and focus on getting Maddie out.”
Christina shoots you a look –most likely annoyed by being taken away from her daughter—but rises and walks down the row of cells, ripping the doors off as she goes and chucking them out of the way.
You help Wade out of his cell and get him situated on a chair—
And then Piotr sweeps you into his arms and presses his lips against yours.
He smells a little ripe, his breath isn’t much better, he has a few days’ worth of stubble on his face, and his hair is a mess.
He’s perfect.
“Are you okay?” you murmur, cupping his face when the kiss ends.
“I am now.” He kisses your forehead. “How did you find me?”
“Went over Scott’s head, used the tracker on your suit, and asked my uncle for help.” You lay your head against his chest, and close your eyes for a moment as you listen to the steady thud of his heartbeat.
He’s safe. He’s alive.
 Getting the collars off is a cinch. They’re basic model collars with keypads. You’ve taken shit like this apart in your sleep.
The building rumbles ominously while you work on defusing the collars, and the sounds of gunfire and death are rapidly approaching the lab.
Piotr eyes the door warily. “What all is going on?”
“Uh… kinda asked Frank for some help.”
Your husband’s eyes damn near bug out of his head. “Frank Castle?”
“Ooh, Frankie’s here!” Wade chirps, perking up now that his collar’s off and his healing factor is kicking back in. “Did he bring any grenades?”
“Why did you ask Frank Castle for help?” Piotr interjects, sounding aghast.
“What else was I going to do?” you exclaim. “Scott literally wouldn’t get off his ass to check in on things. It was either do it alone, or get what help I could!”
Piotr looks like he’s about to drop it –then his eyes widen with horror. “You… you left trainees with him.”
Fucking shit on an ass cracker— “Look, I will be very happy to discuss this with you later, but for now can we just focus on—”
A door at the far end of the lab sweeps open –not the one you and Christina came in through—and a man wearing a lab coat walks in.
A man that, though it takes you a moment, you recognize.
Mostly because you slammed his head into a table and threatened to rip off his balls if he ever hurt your husband again.
Rage floods your system. “You!”
Dwight Bard –stupid fucking nickname “Rogue”—jerks when he sees all of you, then pales when recognition hits his system. “Oh shit—”
You don’t give him a chance to finish his sentence, much less escape or do anything else. You hit him in the back with a blast of wind, bouncing him across the floor of the lab and smacking him against the metal table. You dash over, secure one of his arms in one of the restraints before he can get up, then grab the first thing you find on the tool tray –which happens to be a scalpel—and aim it at him. “I fucking warned you, you son of a bitch. I’m gonna gut you like a fucking catfish—”
“Myshka!” Piotr plucks you up and sets you away from the table before physically putting himself between you and Dwight. “Stop!”
You take one look at your husband’s horrified expression and shrink in on yourself, ashamed. “I’m not—” You try to gesture with your hand, forgetting that you have the scalpel, and nearly nick Piotr with it. You flounder as you try to find a place to set the utensil, then ultimately hand it over to Piotr so he can set back on the instrument tray. “He’s—”
“No killing,” Piotr says, voice soft but firm. “Ever. Under any circumstances.”
Your mouth opens and closes as you try to find the words to explain your headspace.
That Dwight isn’t worth saving because he’s perverted and hasn’t stopped the track he’s on despite having the chance to change and more than enough incentive –can anyone say ‘staying out of prison,’ much—to do so. That killing people recklessly and without thought is bad, but that defending those who can’t defend themselves is another category. That you weren’t even intending to really do anything, but he helped hurt the people you love, that he’s hurt your husband –the most important person in your life—over and over and over again, and you can’t live in a world knowing that person is out there and could hurt him again.
Ultimately, you shrug helplessly and say, “He hurt you.”
An emotion settles on Piotr’s face that you can’t identify. (Grief? Anguish? Fear? A combination of all three, or maybe none of them at all?) He stares at you for a moment, expression inscrutable, then gently takes you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. “I do not want you killing for me.”
You nestle against his chest –then break away when Dwight starts trying to get the restraint off his wrist. “Oh, no, no, no. Just because I’m not force-feeding you your balls doesn’t mean you get a free pass.” You finish restraining his arms and legs, then flip the overhead light on so he has to keep his eyes closed for good measure. “You can just stay right there until we’re ready to drag you out of here and back to jail.”
The door that you and Christina originally entered through opens, and Ellie, Russell, Yukio, and Frank walk through.
You nod at Madeline’s containment cell. “There’s a special lock on this one. Can you get it open?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Ellie says, checking over the locking mechanism before walking over to the bank of computers.
“Building’s clear,” Frank says, momentarily eyeing Dwight before turning his attention to Madeline and Christina. “What’s going on there?”
“Special lock,” you explain, paraphrasing what Neena told you. “Improperly opening the chamber releases a neurotoxin gas.”
Frank’s lip curls into a menacing sneer as he stalks towards Dwight. “You think that’s fun? Putting a little girl’s life in the balance?”
“It wasn’t me!” Dwight panics, trying –and failing—to edge himself away from Frank. “I’m just –look, I’m just a scientist, I had no idea—”
“You’ve got a kid a tube!” Frank shouts. “It doesn’t get more fucking obvious!”
“Okay, okay, just –look. The building’s not clear yet.”
“The hell it isn’t—”
“They had teams on standby, down the road, in case the place was stormed.”
The lights flicker, then turn off before flipping back on—
And then an explosion goes off outside, making the building shake and the windows rattle in their settings.
Frank tenses, then swears under his breath when more explosions sound outside. “Shit.”
“Sounds like we’ve got company,” Wade comments as he stretches lazily (the movement is accompanied by a grimace, though, which is how you know he’s still not feeling good). “Got a gun I can borrow?”
“Best move right now is to handle the team outside,” Nathan agrees as Frank hands them both spare pistols. “You three stay back here.” He nods to the teens. “Get the kid out. The rest of us will hold the base.”
Madeline bursts into tears when Christina takes a reluctant step away from her daughter’s containment cell. “Mommy, I want you to stay! I’m scared!”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Christina reassures her quickly. “It’s okay—”
“Stay with her,” you decide. “We don’t have enough weapons for you to use, which means your strength won’t be an advantage out there.”
Christina mouths a grateful “thank you” at you, then sits at the base of her daughter’s cell. “It’s going to be okay, Maddie. Mommy’s right here.”
“What about Neena?” Russell asks as the rest of you prepare to head out. “She doesn’t have a gun.”
“I’ve got a good feeling about finding one,” Neena quips, flashing Russell a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
You want to take her aside, ask her if she’s okay –the explosions are still ongoing, meaning that right now, you’ve got more important things to do.
Frank reloads his rifle, then strides towards the main lab door. “Let’s go.”
 The lot of you make swift progress through the base. Frank and Nate lead you all with military-like precision –go figure—and before you know it, you’re at the main entrance.
The explosions are still going, rocking and rattling the building with each shockwave. The lights flicker ominously overhead each time; a few fall out and shatter against the floor.
Piotr shields you with his body when one lands near the two of you. “What now?”
“You know how many people are out there?” Frank asks Nathan.
Your dad shakes his head. “The number of psychic signatures keeps changing. Maybe… twenty-five? Thirty? They keep bouncing around the lot.”
“We’ve handled worse,” Neena decides as she loads her shotgun (which, true to form, she’d stumbled across while you’d all navigated the base).
“Wait, wait –Natey, hold on a second.” Wade grabs his boyfriend’s arm, holding Nathan back from moving (even though Nate stopped the first time Wade asked him to wait). “Do you not hear what I’m not hearing?”
“The fuck does that mean?” Frank grumbles under his breath.
Nathan cocks his head to the side though, gaze darting back and forth while he listens. “Gunfire. Voices.”
Frank’s expression sharpens as he catches the same lack of gunfire and people talking. “They could be trying to draw us out. We’ve got a chokepoint here.”
“Yeah, but why would they be bombing the parking lot they’re standing in?” Neena fires back.
“Should one of us go out?” Wade asks, looking between Frank, Nate, and Neena. “Scope things out?”
“If there are people waiting out there, we’ll get shot to pieces!” Neena exclaims.
“Okay, I can heal!” Wade fires back. “So, if you hear swearing and sounds of carnage—”
“No, no, we are not using you as a fucking guinea pig,” Nathan growls.
“Well, what would you recommend—”
“I’ll go,” Piotr interjects.
“What?” You blink rapidly as he kisses your forehead, then reach for him when he stands and steps away so he can armor up. “No! No—”
“It’s okay.” Your dad puts an arm around your shoulder, equal parts comforting and restraining. “He’ll be okay.”
Piotr ducks around the corner and strides towards the entrance –stooping over so he doesn’t bang his head on the ceiling. The sound of his heavy footsteps clank against the floor, barely audible over the explosions outside.
You listen to your husband’s step retreat away from you, scarcely daring to breathe. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay…
There’s a moment where the explosions stop, and the ensuing silence stretches out, unending and horrible—
“No one is out here.”
You let out a breath, nearly collapsing with relief when you hear Piotr’s voice—
And then what he said hits you.
Frank stalks out, rifle at the ready in case shit goes sideways. He’s quiet for a moment, then shouts out an “all clear.”
You shadow the others out, mindful that you don’t have a gun or near as much combat experience. You sidle up next to your husband, one hand clutching at the material of his X-Men suit.
The explosions, at least, were real. The lot looked scorched, pitted with craters and dotted with debris and chunks of concrete.
That’s where the legitimacy of Dwight’s claims seem to end, though. There’s no sign of any opposition, armed, dangerous, or otherwise.
“Was he wrong?” you ask as Frank, Wade, Nate, and Neena carefully scope out the lot. “Maybe… maybe there’s no back up.”
“There is car coming,” Piotr announces, quickly tucking you behind his back.
The others hop to, taking up different positions around the lot to set up the best spread of gunfire possible.
You peek around your husband’s side as much as you dare, trying to get a read on the situation.
A lone SUV rolls up to the gate of the compound. It doesn’t seem armored, much less like it could hold the amount of guys your dad was initially sensing in the lot…
The SUV parks just inside the gate, and then the driver’s door opens and Mikhail Rasputin steps out. He grins laconically at Piotr, and lifts a hand in greeting. “Poves'te desyat', mladshiy brat!”
Piotr gapes as his mother exits the front passenger side of the SUV, whilst Mikhail ambles around to the back of the car to open the trunk. “Matushka?”
She’s decked out in black tactical gear and combat boots, and looks ready to kill.
(Granted, Alexandra always looks ready to kill, but the expression is more literal than figurative this time around.)
She graces her son with a brief, greeting smile, but quickly steps into scanning the surrounding environment for potential threats. Alex eyes the craters in the lot with a critical eye, one brow arching as she takes it all in. “Big fight?”
“Not really,” Wade says with a shrug. “Lots of explosions, but when we got out here there was no one around.”
You frown, stepping out from behind Piotr. “What are you two doing here?”
“Sent by uncle,” Mikhail says, nodding at you with a smile that’s entirely too relaxed for the scope of the situation. “To help.”
“Well, I think we’ve got it under control,” Wade says, gesturing at the parking lot.
“For now,” Alex tacks on as she eyes the building. “Man running this place is highly dangerous. Sooner we leave, the better. Is this everyone?”
“There are others inside,” Piotr says, eyes widening with realization. “Ellie, and Yukio, and Russell, and—”
The ground shakes again, and then there’s an explosion that sends chunks of concrete wall flying from the back side of the compound.
You stare at the plume of fire and smoke that billows into the sky, heart sinking. Shit.
 The lab, once you arrive, is in complete and utter chaos. Tables are strewn everywhere, glass equipment lies shattered on the floor, and a gaping hole gashes through one of the internal walls.
At the far end of the lab is Dwight –who, somehow, has managed to free himself and is grinning as he hovers above the ground. He extends his hand towards the opposite side of the room, flinging several heavy work tables that are deflected by Christina and Ellie.
“He’s a mutant!” Ellie shouts, pointing an accusing finger at Dwight before dodging more flying debris. “He has to be! He undid his restraints without even touching them!”
“Sorry for the deception,” Dwight says, grinning nastily—
And then his body ripples, changing size and form until he’s several inches taller and nowhere near as gangly. His face morphs hideously, hair going from tight auburn curls to slicked back black tresses. His eyes change from hazel to gray, his jawline sharpens, and by the end of it he looks less like some sort of computer tech pervert and more like a rugged assassin.
“Someone fucking promise me we’re not about to go down another ‘it was Mystique the whole time’ writing hole,” Wade groans as he skids to a stop, then ducks to avoid shards of flying glass. “Because I can’t handle another plot headache like that.”
“Name’s Nathaniel. Nathaniel Essex.” Nathaniel tosses Dwight’s glasses aside, smirking laconically. “So, no, no Mystique storyline here. Though, that might’ve been better for the rest of you.”
“How you figure, Captain Chameleon?” Wade fires back. “Don’t know if you forgot how to count, but there are…” Wade starts counting, then gets fed up with the process and settles for cocking his gun and aiming it at Nathaniel. “You’re fucking outnumbered, shit for brains! Best surrender now, and maybe I won’t fuck your ass with the business end of this gun!”
“You do, you’re buying me a new one, Wilson!” Frank snaps.
“Do you accept stolen?”
“The way I see it, my odds are just fine.” Nathaniel smirks, and several pieces of broken tables and twisted metal start floating around him. “Don’t worry. I’ll try to keep from hurting you too bad.” He hurls the objects across the lab—
Only for them to freeze halfway across.
Nathaniel’s face goes slack with shock. “What the—”
Alexandra steps out from behind Piotr, eyes glowing gold as she stares down Nathaniel. “Care to try again, tupitsa?”
Nathaniel grits his teeth and tries to fling more carnage across the lab, but to no avail. “Go fuck yourself, bitch.”
Alex raises an eyebrow, then shrugs. “Have it your way.”
And then the items floating in the air zip across the lab. Those that don’t bounce of the telekinetic shield Nathaniel erects around himself embed themselves in the opposing wall.
“We need to get Maddie out of here!” you shout. “Ellie, can’t you disarm the pod?”
“I couldn’t find anything that disables the gas system!”
You’re starting to think that the supposed “toxic gas” attached to Maddie’s containment tube was a lie as well –but, best not to take chances.
“We’ll figure it out once we take down Essex,” you shout before darting towards where Alex and Nathaniel are scuffling with each other.
Nathaniel lets out a pained grunt when Alex throws him against one of the walls hard enough to crack the concrete, then yanks his sleeves back and starts pressing buttons on a wrist-mounted console. He taps at the display screen between dodging various attacks—
And then security drones fly out from hatches in the ceiling and start raining down Gatling gunfire on all of you.
“Get down!” Frank bellows as he dives behind one of the upended, heavy, metal lab tables.
Neena, Mikhail, and Nate join him, opening fire at the various drones.
You dive tackle Yukio, practically throwing her and yourself underneath one of the computer desks. You tuck her underneath you, doing your best to shield her from flying glass shards and stray chunks of metal.
Wade grabs Russell and Ellie, yanking them into a nearby alcove and shoving them behind him so he can take shots at the drones. “Since when did this go from a redux of my first movie to a redux of Terminator? We don’t have that kind of budget!”
Madeline shrieks when some of the rounds fired by the drones bounce off her containment cell. She drops to the floor of the tube, curling into a ball and sobbing hysterically. “Mommy!”
“Maddie!” Christina wholesale throws an operation table at one of the drones, cleaving it in half, before sprinting across the lab to reach her daughter’s cell. “Maddie!”
The whole building shakes like it’s about to come down. You hold tighter onto Yukio, getting what glimpses you can of the battle from under your table.
Alex and Nathaniel are caught up in a fraught telekinetic tango. They’re both reaching out towards each other –Nathaniel with both hands, red-faced and straining, and Alex with one hand, expression grim but determined—and their stand off seems to be what’s ripping the lab apart.
What happens when there are two unstoppable forces and two immovable objects, and each person has one?
Mikhail pops out of nowhere, landing next to Nathaniel. He lets out a burst of maniacal laughter, hits Nathaniel upside the head with the butt of his rifle, then disappears again.
Nathaniel stumbles, dazed –and it’s enough. He shrieks as he whizzes past you, bouncing off the ground before slamming into the computer station near the main entrance to the lab.
The remaining windows in the lab shatter, along with the lights. Glass rains down on the floor in tiny shards. Smoke and dust billow from one of the destroyed computer terminals, mixing with the glass into a lethal fog.
Your husband grabs Christina before quickly shielding her, Frank, Neena, and Nathan from the worst of the falling glass.
At the lab’s entrance, Wade and a newly reappeared Mikhail shield Russell and Ellie with their bodies.
For a moment, everything goes quiet, save for Essex’s labored groaning, Maddie’s terrified sobbing, and the tinkling sound of the glass making contact with the floor.
And then, not unlike a phoenix, Alex emerges from a cloud of smoke, head held high and eyes glowing menacingly. “Still want to do this, podonok?”
Nathaniel bares his teeth in a snarl before pushing up the sleeve on his jacket, revealing a time travel device like Nathan’s. “Fuck you.” He slaps a button on the device, then winks out of view in a flash of green light.
Alex snorts disdainfully. “Coward.”
Everything goes silent again. Relief slowly starts to sink in, now that the worst of it is over.
And then there’s an ominous whirring noise, and Madeline’s tube starts sinking into the lab floor.
She panics, shrieking and pounding on the glass. “Mommy!”
Christina bolts towards her daughter, equally as terror-stricken. “Maddie!”
The tube sinks fully into the ground, locking into place with a sickening click.
Christina freezes for a moment, staring at the place where her daughter used to be. Then, she lets out an anguished shriek and makes to rip the containment tube out of the ground.
“Don’t!” you shout, batting her away from the tube with a blast of air. “The neurotoxin!”
“I have to save her!”
“She’s already gone,” Nathan says, voice ragged. “He had a teleportation device attached to her cell. It would’ve activated seconds after he left.”
“Fuck you!”
Alex steps between Christina and the cell, keeping her from yanking it back up. “Easy, easy. We will still find your daughter.”
Christina snarls, then punches Alex straight in the face.
She doesn’t so much as flinch. Instead, she raises an eyebrow at the aggrieved woman, then lifts her own fist. “My turn? Or are we done?”
Christina gapes up at Alex for a moment, shocked, then resumes her efforts to try and get to the tube. “Maddie –I have to save her—”
“She is not there,” Alex insists, grunting as she bodily lifts Christina away from the cell. “Our best bet is to find Nathaniel.”
“He could be anywhere!”
“He used a short-range teleporter,” Nathan pipes up. “He’ll be close by. The sooner we start tracking him, the better.”
“Well, that would be our cue,” Alex says, firmly ushering Christina towards the door. “Let’s head back to house. We can plan from there.”
“What about this place?” Yukio asks as she follows after Alex.
“We burn it.”
“We –we can’t do that,” Piotr protests, staring at his mother’s back. “Criminals need to be held responsible for—”
“And, what, we just leave evidence of our involvement? Of your connections to criminal underworld?” Alex snaps, whirling to face her son. “Nyet! We destroy this place and keep ourselves in the clear.”
“And what about the people connected to this place. Without evidence, they will never be held accountable!”
“Justice has many forms, medvezhonok. They’ll get theirs.”
“Come on.” You tug on your husband’s hand when he frowns after his mother. “We need to go, either way. The cops aren’t gonna be able to help us with this, not the way we really need help.”
Piotr’s grimace deepens –but, he ultimately falls into step next to you.
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twistedoverbloat · 2 years
how about a Yuu based on the Webtoon "The Princess's Jewels"?
Background: The princess's jewels is a webtoon made by Jyun and drawn by hongcha. The main character is Princess Ariana de Secramise and she, quite literally, "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" her way into the hearts of five men whom she calls her "precious jewels" all while she attempts to secure her right to the throne to become her empire's first empress
Maybe Yuu can be like a descendant of the princess and tries to make a harem when they get sent to twisted wonderland?
Ooooo I read some of it up till she got to the warrior who was like the moon? It was after the prince who never shows his face!
BUT WHOOOOO BOY instead of 5 it's like all the boy's in a way?
Yuu woke up in a coffin not knowing if they were safe but got through everything and did research.
There are so many powerful men in the school that Yuu has to have in their jewlary box!
The first one she worked on was Riddle!
With ADeuce already loyal to her because of the Mines. They help their empress get the precious Ruby. Cater was the next with how kind Yuu was to him and even saw through his mask. Trey was easy to win over. Now they have 2 ruby's, lapis, and a emerald. They now just need the centerpiece!
Since his mother has big influence in many different steams of the justice system. (A lil headcannon from me) and decided if they ever do think about doing illegal business they want him on their side. So they helped with his overbloat and he saw how much of a good leader they were to the ones they commanded to take him down. So he ended up pleading his allegiance to you. One Ruby down.
The next was Leona Kingscholar. He is a second born prince fit for a Empress. Taking him down was easy and finding out Ruggie was a cakewalk. They even tricked Ruggie into helping them Grilbossing these men! Jack qas easy to win over too since they showed they wanted justice for the ones hurt and it went against his morals so he helped. Leona was surprised when she won over his two greatest chess pieces. When he came too he told them if they beat him in a game of chess he'll swear loyalty to them. They won Leona was intrigued and decided to be under their lead but is seen as a equal. Now they have a agate (Jack), amber (Ruggie) and Citrine (Leona).
Next was Azul he was a tricky one. But they still got the picture and even beat up Jade and Floyd with out the boy's help. ADeuce were not in their favor for a while. Since they beat up the Tweels they were intrigued as not a lot of people could beat them. When Axul overbloated they took him down with ease as his brashness didn't use logical thinking. He pledge his loyalty to them with a contract but Yuu tricked him into being bind to them and even he couldn't break the contract. The Tweels decided to stay with Yuu and Azul sicne it was getting interesting. Now there are sugilite (Floyd), hackmantie (Jade), and Amethyst (Azul).
In book 4 when Jamil tried Snake Charmer on them it didn't work but acted like it did to keep his guard down like how Azul did so. Kalim was the easiest of all to win over. But Jamil ticked them off when he tried to be the Master but Yuu won. They were able to defeat him but gave him them to be with them. Seeing that Yuu let's him speak his mind and how they rule over the jewels they collected so far he agreed. Just like Leona he is an equal.
(I'm goign to do the ones that have books out rn and do the rest when the eng version of the other books come out!)
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Okay but for the Pirates Au because holy shit I'm fucking feral over the concept, morally ambiguous characters fucking SEND ME, may I humbly offer you the concept of Cutler Becket? Because obviously our boys are all varying versions of chaotic dumbass but the true villain of the piece, the one who makes her snap out of sacrificing her own happiness for duty is the Lawful Evil fucklord of Cutler Becket.
And because I crave NRC/RSA violence, he's gotta be one of them. Some rich, entitled noble who's been given power beyond imagination and who's never been taught empathy to wield it carefully and if you think Azul and Vil and Malleus take advantage of the situation to get what they want hoo boy is Becket so much worse.
Because MC is already so tired of being nice, so close to just going apeshit being kidnapped by what seems like everyone in possession of a barely sea worthy dingy and their cousin, at the very least they treat her like a person worth fighting for (wah wah). But Becket? He doesn't want a partner, he wants a trophy, a status symbol and a living embodiment of a fuck you towards literally everyone. He will have MC as his just to lord it over his enemies, stealing the treasure that coveted out from under their noses.
And MC is having exactly none of that shit. This time when she escapes, she's not tired, she's fucking pissed. Maybe Becket has crossed a line. Maybe he's gotten Riddle demoted and pushed him into evolving into (in my humble opinion) sexy smelly Norington who is more of a pirate than he'd like to admit. Maybe he's threatened Grim and motherfucker no one threatens your emotional support chaos demon and doesn't suffer the consequences. Maybe she hears of the blackmail Becket uses to force Crewel to grant him even more powerful and wealth out of concern for his child. Maybe he was just a little too smug about "rescuing you from the pirates" (it wasn't cute when zuko did it, it def ain't cute when Becket does it).
Either way, MC is ready to fucking take names and that is what she fucking does. Becket is about to take control of the seas? She has more than a few pirate captains who fucking owe her and she is not above using what she learned from them to manipulate them into doing her bidding. Damsel in distress who? For every time she was betrayed, every time she found herself once again tossed around by the whims of others, she learned. And she was ready to get some catharsis by taking over the seas herself, after all, who better to be the king of the Pirates than the treasure everyone sought to possess?
( I am so sorry for tye rant I have so much PotC brainrot and youve unlocked something in my soul. 🥲 you're amazing I hope you're having a good day!)
just for a second cause-
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oh my god.
this is pure gold. like. i don’t know what else there is to say honestly
neige is already in the sorry. so maybe chen’ya??? cause he likes to fuck shit up😳😳
maybe he’s son stuck up noble from heartsbyual. indeed trey and riddle’s friend who was born with a silver spoon on his mouth and doesn’t understand the consequences of his own actions
and he says how cute his little friend riddle is for trying to get back his lovely fiancé and decides to join in the fun!
no he doesn’t actually want to marry you! he just wants to keep you for the kicks of it!
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Can You Get Enough Of Me? - Michael Myers x Reader
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"It's a nice day today, huh?" Y/N smiled up at the sky as she went back and forth in the swing. "Will you push me, Mickey?" "Sure." he shrugged as he got off his own swing and went behind her, pushing her the best he could. "Look, Mickey, I'm flying! Whooooo!" the little girl giggled without a care in the world, as Michael watched her long, beautiful hair going everywhere. "Okay, okay, I wanna swing too!" but before the girl could take her time and stop swinging, a bunch of older boys came by and roughly grabbed the chains holding the swing, which in turn, made the girl fall off and get hurt. "Y/N!" Michael gasped as he ran to her side, helping her up, and seeing the blood seeping from one of her legs and arm. "Aww, Myers's got a giiirlfriend! Look at them, gonna fuck? Girl, don'tcha know, Myers's a faggot?" the gang hollered maliciously, and Y/N could only frown, despite the tears of pain from her injuries, and clinging on Michael for support, she got up and yelled at the boys. "Leave Michael alone, jerks! You're rude!" but instead of trying to fight them off, or go in a brawl, she grabbed her friend's arm and dragged him away from there, knowing that if he were to get in trouble again, he'd get some bad detention, and that's the last thing she'd want. Besides...Two kids couldn't possibly fight those guys. "Why didn't you let me fight them?! I could've taken them on!" the blond boy glared at his friend, who only rolled her eyes and sighed at his childishness. "No, you couldn't. Besides, if the teachers find out you got in trouble again, who knows what will happen? Come on, let's go to the fountain, I have to wipe off the blood." Y/N muttered, going on ahead to sit on the rocks by the fountain and took out her handkerchief from her little bag, dipping it in the water and carefully wiping away the red liquid streaming down her limbs, hissing from the pain here and there, but otherwise, staying completely silent. "I'm sorry..." the girl suddenly heard the blond boy mutter, barely audible. "Huh? What do you have to be sorry about, Mickey?" as her eyes widened from the shock, she leaned forward, raising his chin up with her finger. "...I couldn't protect you. I suck. I'm as bad as that fuckass says I am..." he sighed, gently pulling away her hand and looking away from her. "Look at what they did to you. Could've been much worse. And yet, you stood up for me, while I did nothing. I'm a horrible friend." his voice was pitiful, and it was obvious he hated his lack of strength. "First of all, you aren't just my friend. You're my BEST friend. Okay? And nothing in this world will change that. Got it? Okay. Second of all, we're still little and weak. That's how kids are. Trying to fight those guys is like trying to fight the forces of nature...You...You can't fight a hurricane, you know? And...Violence isn't the answer. I mean...Look at our parents. There's nothing good coming out of that...But someday! Someday we'll get older and stronger, and nobody will bully us anymore! It just...It takes a while...I guess." she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly, trying to comfort him. "That's shit! They'll see, they'll ALL pay for it! Nobody will dare be fuckers with us anymore! And when I grow up, I will make sure everyone is nice to you." he was so revolted, but his anger gradually dissipated as he felt her warmth. "Please don't speak like that. Calm down, Mickey. Things are okay now. At least we have each other, and we will always have each other, don't forget that, okay?" she leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes for a while, only to hear an aggressive male voice booming through the park which made the girl yelp and tremble in fear. "GET AWAY FROM THAT FREAK, Y/N! GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" her father yelled at her and she could only whimper silently, trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. "B-But daddy, Michael is not bad...! H-He tried to protect me from those mean boys from the playground!" she spoke meekly, slowly walking in front of her father, her head hung in fear, only for the man to burry his hand in
her hair, pulling on it roughly, making the girl yelp in pain. "Don't talk back to me, you stupid little bitch! You have no right to go against what I say while you're under MY roof, got it? Home, now." Michael couldn't even retaliate in any way, knowing that if he were to cause trouble for her, she would get in even more trouble, and that's the last thing he'd want...But why did it have to be her...?
He can take it, alright...But her...That's just not acceptable. She is small, and weak, and frail, and innocent...And there is nobody who can protect her.
Nobody but him...
"Michael, Michael, are we going trick or treating today?" Y/N asked, skipping around him in her cutesy witch costume, while he was a boring clown. "I guess." he shrugged, pulling down his clown mask. "Come on, it's Halloween, Mickey! You love Halloween! It's your favourite holiday! And we get free candy! It's gonna be fuuun~!" she bumped him with her body, making him stumble a bit, before looking at her and groaning. "Fine, fine, we're going. I just have to tell my mum." he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to his house, but on the way, she stopped him. "Hey, how about we trick or treat all the houses on the way to yours? I mean, there's nothing bad in that, right? We're just going home! It's not even considered a detour!" Y/N grinned widely, her beautiful eyes sparkling with excitement. "...Okay, let's do that." as he said that, Michael took out his candy bag from his schoolbag and taking her hand, they went to all house from both sides of the street. "Trick or Treat!" they both exclaimed as the first grandma opened the door with a loving look on her face. "Ahh, my, my, how cute you two are! And what do we have here...A very adorable, magical witch! And...A funny clown! How lovely!" the woman clapped her hands together to her chest, admiring the two kids. "Ma'am, he's not just a clown, he is my jester! Isn't he so cute?" she threw her arms around his neck, slamming his face to hers as she grinned even wider, making the woman laugh at them. "Yees, yes, I understand! Here, darlings, you're so adorable, take all of these. Hope to see you two, cuties, next year as well! Have fun!" the grandma patted both their heads before going back to her home. "Wiiicked! Look how much candy we've got! My fave holiday is Christmas, but honestly, Halloween is a very close runner up! Our teeth will literally rot after this!" the girl giggled as she inspected each variety of candy in her bag, "I love it 'cause I can spare people." Michael shrugged simply, but he also munched on some candy corn. "Would you scare me, Mickey?" Y/N turned her face to his, her eyes widening with a glimmering, innocent curiosity. "...No. I wouldn't. But you're the only one, okay?! Everyone else, I'd scare!" he tried to sound scary and dangerous, but it only made the little girl giggle and kiss his cheek. "You're my hero! My handsome knight in shining armour, Mickey! Thank you for protecting me. You're the best." help his soul, he wasn't used to people saying good things about him... "...But I'm ugly...That's why I wear a mask so often..." he muttered, looking down at the ground. "No! That's so not true! You're very pretty, okay? I love your face! And you have the most gorgeous eyes in the world! And...And...And your hair is so lovely, I'm jealous! Please don't say bad things about yourself, Mickey, it makes me very upset." she pouted, hugging him tightly, and it was pretty clear neither of them wanted to let go. "You won't leave me, would you, Y/N?" Michael's low voice came out barely above a whisper, but it was the only time he ever allowed himself to show any kind of weakness or vulnerability. "Never. Some day, we will be together forever, okay?" she ruffled his hair playfully, which made his face flush softly. "Hey, actually...Here you go. This is yours now. This way, if you're ever lonely, you'll remember I'm always thinking of you, okay?" Y/N grinned sweetly at him as she took off her flower-charmed necklace and put in on him, hiding it under his costume, so nobody else could see it. "Mum gave this to me on my birthday, before she died. It means the world for me, and so do you. So...Don't forget that, okay? I hope you'd smile more, you have a very pretty smile." as she said that, she squished his chipmunk cheeks.
The boy said nothing - What was he supposed to do, anyway? He was overwhelmed entirely by the only person who makes him feel...Good? But he had to go home, and he already knew that home was hell, and by the time he went there, he knew he wouldn't actually be going trick or treating, as promised...And he'd have to let Y/N down again.
Stupid family.
With a very disappointed voice, he went outside of the house and told the girl that he can't go trick or treating with her, but instead of yelling or disappointment, she just smiled and hugged him.
"It's alright! There's always next year! And besides, we already kinda went trick or treating, right? Sweet dreams, Mickey! Take care!" she waved at him cheerfully and skipped back home.
But little did she know that would be the last Halloween they'd spend together, for that night, a massacre happened at his home, and deep down, Y/N knew.
She just...Knew.
It was Michael who created that blood bath. He couldn't take all that abuse anymore, and Y/N understood that well enough...And she hated herself for thinking this, but she knew she was selfish...
If Michael didn't kill his family, they'd still have been able to hang out daily, and laugh together, lick each other's wounds, and go trick or treating on Halloween...
But she had to be happy with visiting him at Smith's Grove institute weekly with his mum, and they'd chat, and talk, and try to get him out of the shell that he hid himself into...
And he wouldn't stop hiding his face behind his masks, every week, a new one, a new one, and a new one, each time, weirder and creepier and grotesque.
No matter what his mother told him, and no matter what Y/N told him...Michael didn't listen, and the more time he spent there, the less he spoke...Until he hasn't said a word to Y/N in at least two weeks. It made the poor girl tear up, fearing that he hated her, but at least he'd shake his head and clutch his shirt where the gifted necklace would be.
And she would understand.
His mother was confused, and the Dr. was confused as well, but Y/N wasn't, and she'd smile at him and wouldn't explain what happened. It was their little secret, and nobody would be able to be made aware of.
And then...After many weeks of visiting, Michael stuck again and killed a nurse, which led to his mother committing suicide, and since she had nobody to go with to visit him, the last thing she could do was send in letters weekly, hoping they will be given to him, but she had no way of knowing, since nobody wanted to tell her anything, and no reply came by.
Until she gave up writing, thinking that Michael actually hated her, and decided to go on with her life, and her father made her move away to another state to get better education.
15 years passed, and the now 27 year old Y/N was a University graduate who worked hard and was able to get her old home in Haddonfield...To think she'd finally be able to go there again, she never would have thought that.
But here she was, having found a nice, well-paying job, and she was pretty happy, albeit nostalgic, being again back...Home. By the time she returned, she had already learnt how to play the guitar too, so every Friday night, she'd sit on her porch and play a song, softly singing along, hoping not to disturb anyone.
"I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for loving me..." she hummed, singing the song by Kiss as she looked up at the starry night with no care in the world.
It was a simple life, but it was good and peaceful - And she had quite a lot of money to do with as she pleases - What else could ask for?
"BREAKING NEWS! A psychiatric patient from Smith's Grove escaped just last night and -..." but Y/N didn't bother hearing the rest of it, because...Because... "Michael...!" she gasped, covering her mouth with both her hands from the shock, tears threatening to fall and she goes outside, looking around, left and right, down the street, hoping to see a glimpse of the blond boy she once held so dear to her heart.
And what a coincidence, tomorrow night was Halloween...Did he do it on purpose? Did he even remember the days they spent together? Or how special Halloween was for him? Did he still have that silly necklace with him? Did he ever read her letters?
So many questions that she was pretty sure she'll never get an answer to, and that thought alone killed her.
The next day, she dressed in her Kiss loose Tshirt, remembering how that was Michael's favourite band, and somewhere in her heart, she hoped to see him again, even just by a little bit. Even a glimpse at his beautiful blue eyes would be enough.
But she knew she was dreaming...
She went to work as usual, but she was so busy that she didn't realise she ended up overstaying and overworking herself until she left the place and realised it was already dark outside, and there were barely any children trick or treating - But hey, there still were a few - And Y/N couldn't help but smile and remember the cute witch and her loyal jester.
The good times...
As she hummed carefree and looked up at the starry sky, but then she heard a crack, and looking back...Nothing? Hmm...Suspicious... She continued walking, but the ominous feeling in the back of her head continued, and so, she took out her pocket mirror and noticed a man somewhere in the back, walking towards her. A colleague from work, she recognised him, yes, she remembers him. He was kicked out from the job because of his inappropriate behaviour...And him following her now truly was no good news.
Analysing the situation, she realised she was close enough to home to make a break for it, so taking a deep breath, she sprinted the hell out of there...But...things didn't go as expected.
Before she could even reach her home, for she was pushed to the ground and straddled, his hands immediately finding their way around her neck, trying to immobilise her, to stop her from struggling and let him have his way with her.
But Y/N was a fighter, and she didn't want to allow the bullying she experienced as a child to take over her adult life, but she also didn't have the body strength to go against this guy, no matter how much she tried to struggle.
However...Before she knew it, the man stopped - Almost as if he froze - And she was splattered with liquid. It was blood. The man above her was stabbed in the chest, then in the head continuously, before his body was snatched and tossed away like a ragdoll.
Great - Y/N thought - From one criminal to another, with a whimper, she tried to get up and run away, but the man was too fast for her, and he picked her up with a weird ease, getting her inside her own house and letting her fall down on her couch.
The man saw fear in her eyes, and she was whimpering, her head hung as she tried to make herself as small as possible - As if she wasn't already so small, especially compared to him - It was pissing him off, as he remembered her jackass father abusing her. He would never hurt her! He promised her he'd always protect her, so why is she so scared of him...?!
"E-Excuse me...Uhm...Mister...A-Are you...Maybe...Uhmm...Are you Michael...?" she stuttered in such a meek voice that it grated his brain. This isn't right, Y/N was cheerful and happy. This...This wasn't right... The man got a hand underneath the neck of his blouse, only to reveal the old flower necklace from long ago. "Michael...! It really is you...Michael...I can't believe it! Oh my God...You grew up so much, this is insane!" as if a switch turned inside her, the girl jumped on her couch and threw herself on the incredibly tall man, not caring whether he liked it or not.
He was her Michael, and she missed him.
"You still don't talk, do you? Well...At least take off this mask of yours. I told you, I hate it when you hide yourself from me. I want to see your beautiful face." she chuckled, pulling Michael down with her on the couch, as he stood with his hands mid-way in the air, rather awkwardly, before finally pulling up his old mask and threading with it with his hands that were laying on his lap. "There we go, as beautiful as ever." she chuckled softly as she parted his long, dirty blond hair and letting it fall down his back, so his face could properly be seen. "Oh my God, you even have a stubble. I can't believe it. Well, we are all grown up after all, aren't we? Seems like almost yesterday when we'd go trick or treating...On this very day." she kept talking of the nostalgic things from so long ago, so much that it made Michael grunt in amusement, but his face didn't sketch any emotion. It really upset Y/N, it felt like talking to a wall. "Well, at least I'm happy that you remember me. I didn't think you did. I kinda thought you hated me too, I didn't know if you got any of my letters either. Uhm...I don't really know what to say. It's weird talking to myself like that. But I'm happy to see you again." she continued speaking before stopping altogether and fidgeting awkwardly on her spot next to him, as he didn't even move, or bother saying a single word.
They stood like that for a while, until Michael suddenly started moving, and revealed a bunch of unopened letters - All from her.
"You have all of them...!" Y/N gasped in shock, taking the letters and examining all of them one by one. "Why didn't you open them?" but instead of an answer, he shook his head. "Did you...Not have them...Until recently?" Y/N tried to guess, and the answer came in the form of a nod. "That stupid doctor! How dare he?! ...You must have felt so lonely stuck there...With your mum shooting herself, I couldn't go there anymore, so I sent you letters weekly...The doctor promised to give them to you...Urgh, what a jerk. And I thought you hated me and that's why you didn't want to reply to them...But you just got them. How annoying." Y/N groaned, realising the truth of what happened, and she let the letters fall down on the coffee table.
After some more silence between the two, Michael pointed towards her shirt, and she smiled, nodding and taking her guitar before leaning on his side. "Yeah, I know it's your favourite band. I never forgot that." she chuckled, and as she started playing the same song she knew so well - And she felt a strong arm sneaking around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. It surprised her a bit, but she felt so safe and warm in his embrace.
"I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for lovin' me. And I can't get enough of you, baby..." she sang in the same sweet, crystalline, soft voice that he loved so much, and missed over the many years they've been separated.
"...Can you get enough of me?"
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