#but not in a healthy self accepting way but more in this outer god is probably manipulating him in a way
tamariasykes-art · 2 months
How would Morgott and Mohg each react to falling for a tarnished who uses music to soothe the nightmares of omens and to charm the wild creatures of the Lands Between into remaining passive around them?
This was a very fun request to work on! Thank you for sending it in! (Sorry it is so short)
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Morgott would find himself taken back to a time when the lands were still peaceful, and the wind carried different melodies along with golden leaves of the Erdtree even far beneath the capital. But over the recent years of war, the music, much like the light of the tree had become dimmed.  Morgott would be very impressed with the Tarnished with an instrument and would often ask them to play a piece for him. Often, he will also join them as they practice, carefully seating himself in corner to no disturb them and listen to them play. (If the Tarnished does not feel disturbed by him of course)  
Their music fills them with much nostalgia. But at the same time, Morgott feels hopeful that someday more life will return to the Lands in Between. He finds solace in those quiet moments he shares with the Tarnished he will often begin to speak of the past, his early years, stories about Leyndell before the Shattering ... 
Morgott would be very encouraging of the Tarnished’s talent, even going as far as to search for old records about music in the capital's vast library. He would also be very impressed by their abilities to pacify wild animals and share stories about similar abilities he heard about before. Depending on the Tarnished’s role in his life Morgott might ask them to accompany a group of soldiers or pilgrims on their travels to assure a safe passage to them. 
Of course, if the Tarnished had time for him, Morgott would love nothing more than to hear them play a melody for him to sooth his worried mind. But he would not ask them for this out of his own volition. He wouldn’t want to take up more of their time than necessary. 
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Mogh would be very fascinated by the effect the Tarnished’s music had on wild animals. Once they breach the topic with him, he will ask for a demonstration at once and lead them to a cliff side from where their music reaches down into the valley. To his astonishment, he would see how the wild crows that would often ravage the lands surrounding the Moghwyn’s Palace would suddenly become calmer. Their screeching would grow quiet, and they would begin to calmly pick for cadavers in the blood pools surrounding the ruins. 
Mogh would be very delighted by this strange ability his Tarnished companion has that he would completely forget himself for a moment. The dull throbbing in his head where his horn pierces his skin has lessened, and he feels somewhat calmer. Mogh however is completely absorbed thinking of all the different possibilities how the Tarnished’s ability could aid the dynasty. He would ask how they acquired this talent, whether it was something they came up with themselves or something that was taught to them by someone. He would tell them stories of similar abilities he had heard about. Travelers whose song would drive the listeners mad or winged women whose woeful melodies brought anyone to tears. 
Mogh would be very cautious about the effects the Tarnished music would have on him. He has lived with both the negative and positive traits of his omen heritage all his life and he has never felt ashamed or pained by them. Even if the Tarnished only means to help him and ease his nightmares. And besides, when he met the formless mother deep below the capital, she made him see the true potential that laid in his cursed blood. The Tarnished is of course welcome to play for him, if they wish to do so, but he does not require their ability to sooth his mind. 
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Discernment - Spiritual Maturity - Trusting Spirit Within - Higher Self
So excited about the blessings of a new dawn
How our earth, our personal lives are the changing and enlivening to new levels of becoming - through the divine inner work, the challenges and the softening, again, again,
That is alchemy - alchemy is not living in ego, pretending, wearing masks, or manipulation of every situation to get, take, steal what you think you need - spirit and God will assure all will be taken if that is the motivation; why getting a boob job, or butt lift, or face lift is not the answer -
Reflect whatever is facing you; insecurity of any kind, at any level, comparison, competition, or less than mentality, beliefs, in any way and get to the root of the inner belief you saw, were told, of normalizing body alteration to feel healthy, loved, accepted, valued, worthy, or what roles in society of importance do we place to even consider such and what level of consciousness and self love, maturity is such?
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For maturity - we must allow all to be ok; acceptance is key - do not create judgment only a pathway of self loving acceptance to know you have always been, will always be perfect - it is the outer you have shaped yourself to and now in our self actualization, it is our inner that creates, manifests, and expands all aspects of self to grander more profound potentials - love is this way - love is expansive - love = light
For the Love of Self Love - Are you Spiritually Rich? Has nothing to do with religion - we are beyond the boxes and placemats of definition that limit our potential and to be placed within - we are limitless and boundless in our appreciation of all life - all ways to pray and do no harm to any level of life -
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3D - 5D Inspiring yourself to activate spiritual maturity - Heal as it arises - Who are You?
Can you reflect, observe, compassionately choose from the heart space such in your direction, self knowing, self designing
the release of all control
who, what, how defines you? - why define? can you release definition? can being open to anything, all - be ok as the limitation was such engrained within - can also open endless possibilities
the release of any lack of self, issues, beliefs and patterns that limit, subjugate, or suppress creativity
the reclaiming of our spiritual, multi-dimensional oneness to all life, exploration, expression, experience of it and how in such inner grace and gratitude, we would never desire to harm, create crime, and wounds would, could be healed as they arise -
Inner self divine design in everything - ©
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Any change, or harm to the body, affects the soul - deeply and will have to be healed - whether it be an alteration in any way - our role and journey is to sacredly love who and exactly all that you are right from the womb -=
You were born perfect - period
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The Illusion of Reality - Reclaiming the power within - creation of within ==>without and release all need, desire, attachment from ego desires, the release of any need to be altered or moulded by outer social normalizing of degrading human experiences by inner child wounding, shadow rejection, and non harmonizing the soul self - soul fragments -
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Life is sacred and you will always be guided if you ask, seek, know thyself in your own unique 'HIGHEST AND BEST'
So ask daily when you are making divine and fairly life altering choices and decisions - ' Spirit please guide me and show me, the highest and best choice, path for the greater good - you will feel excited, happy, light, joyful '
Be discerning on what doesn't and have none try, make, force, or confuse to sway you other wise - discern. This is the navigation to all energies at play - all is purposeful to learn and move into a realm of play right for you -
All life is sacred and perfect within the Divine plan, all plays elegance and sacred service to the greater whole - when we play with, torment, imbalance, disgrace and degrade such; imbalances of the natural flow of spirit, essence, evolution, DNA, progress of evolution, and so on to the whole is affected -
Gaia, planet earth and all upon her are in a spiritual awakening to bring planetary and collective, akashic, and historical repair to all such systems of degradation to our DNA, species, and lineage from the damages of control, fear based programs - each play a part to transcend and heal
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What you focus on is what you create - all focus for healing should be within - within within within ©

there is only within - Dysfunctional Imbalances, Unhealed Childhood Trauma, and Inner Child Harm - Healing Narcism, Discernment on Control & Ego directors
Denial, avoidance, projections, deflections, what and how narcism is the playground with the ego, shadow, and inner wounding - it will not be healed unless shadow work, healing is done; with a multi-dimensional approach - patterns are deep and all must acknowledge and know this and work on it -
Work on the shadow daily, hourly, and what patterns cycle and how to transcend it within - that is what you attract and bring to you - if you love yourself - you will attract those that love themselves - red flags are there for a reason - trust what you sense and feel
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What is within - spirit. God is within and God quickeneth
Only spirit does - spirit transmutes all density and clearing all aspects of old beliefs and perspectives - all is infinite - the illusionist, narcism will create deceit, promises, wishes and prayers and will manipulate to stalk and block you into their illusions in any way possible - promise and never fulfill but to only what they get, take, receive - keeping the false stories and illusions unless you choose to love yourself enough to discern, see through all illusions, and stories that some want you to play within - ©
Games; whether it be with information, sense of self, creativity, mental or emotional, with resources, and most damaging, love; all are signs of various levels of wounding, lack of maturity - the lack of knowing thyself, inner healing, and inner self peace, self sacredness to know when, how, why manipulation is used and to own, claim to navigate around it -
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Sensing and being a part of a higher integrity is key - so you know what vibration to attract and begin to seed your garden with, means one must face the shadows, and ills when it arises of how shattered the sense of self has been and by what has been projected through social limitations, fear, greed, control over eons - all have a part to play in healing the collective and ones own lineage and family, soul Akash, karma
When you feel you have to use your prowess to receive - life force is sacred and very sacred and what journey and level of consciousness one is radiating at will show you by the unfoldings, towers, or miracles - rebuild and know thyself is all you need - you need none of falseness to be the true version of you -
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Never give your power to anyone, anything that is of your own pure and loving sacredness - hold yourself high - be of joy for you - celebrate and be of good will and be discovering of your own power, to discern what, how, why, those use such abuse of power, energy, resources to control and keep you limited due to their own self of lack, and wanting their cake and eat it too; to keep you on hold, while they give little to none and take it all - abuse is abuse -
When you are treated like an option, or a 'side piece,' or 2nd piece, how loved and valued are you when you are with someone that speaks this way of you or feels it of you and places competition and pitting you against others - is this behaviour of pure self love or the dynamic of ego, shadow, and immaturity of who you are?
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All is purposeful - it is profound moments to grow within - so celebrate when you resonate with any side of the coin - remember you are it all - ©
Celebrate the shadow - celebrate when you awaken to the moment and the beings you are being used by, that is the awakening that shows yourself - 'I am worthy of more and greater' ©
Divine Feminine; hold yourself high - you are precious, honouring, and no amount of body work, changing how you look, or betraying your soul is worth the momentary pleasing of those that are not healed and living from their own shadow and ego - superficial is to awake to the soul, spirit, more depth and richness of who you are -
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Backstabbing of great degrees is a sign, a red flags, know thyself and know who you are so that you navigate in confidence and self love that will simply bless all and remove yourself gracefully from what is not of the same resonance - the taking of your light, energy, name of sacredness, and resources are all the same - stand in your power, light, and energy - claim what and who you are - you are sacred.
A divine counterpart will protect and honour who you are just as you are - period.
Whether it be manipulation of emotions, money, information, energy, or time, all is a form of life force - and discern what is shown to you, what spirit shows you, and the red flags that are all before you - deflection, blaming, taking attention, defying their own games, and entertaining the dark side while you put in the work to balance a foundation - What you are, give, offer yourself, will be equally returned; self love and be fun with you, your new version of you, self love, and lessons learned that are of great growth at a soul level in which your children will never have to repeat such darkness and self harm - know thyself
Collective Insights - much will unfold in humanity when what was under the carpet, or behind closed doors comes out and what was held in title or importance, be it politician, or leader of a community - truth will always come forth - for the innocent and pure hearted to re-write - all is purposeful - not comfortable and not easy - but all is worthy of a higher vibrational human potential - ©
You represent the heavens, hold yourself high
Who are you?
This is the healing of the 'what was' - playing on the emotional realm, energy games, and spell work - this is the worst of control that leaves all in a loose loose - all pay for such behaviour - why we have said;
Transmuting 3D lack of self, selling yourself short, selling what is your life force, and sacred energy, and how, what is that of who you are and to what sacredness will you now choose -
Self honour is self honour. truth is truth
Choose a higher vibration of self love, self care, and move on to new groups, new love, new creations, and new excitements - love is not toxic - love is pure, gentle, not disrespectful, not dishonouring
Heal your wounds so that they do not become another's - children, and all cycles pay for such lack of self, lack of sense of self -
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When you claim your energy from all past, when you recall your power, light, energy, from all karmic situations, you allow each person to awaken to what is within them to get what is needed from within and never take from another to feel at peace or abundant©
The greatest gift you can offer another - is to empower, encourage, inspire all to do the inner work, do the inner healing to seek what is all the outer drama showing them = do the inner work and receive what blessings come with
Be open, honouring, loving, receiving, uplifting of you - your inner realm of being happy and joyful is the most important - words mean nothing - the evidence is the evidence - proof is what is before you and within you - you are your reality -
Blessings of it all
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Be sacred with every step, and be aware and awake to what is false, those that want you to give, answer to, validate, prove, or give yourself in any way to belong, or to be a part of - these are simply old issues, patterns, with new false beings aching to sway the energy of the collective to programs that are not purely aligned within the Divine human evolutionary potential -
In the path of ascension, awakening, none can ever tell or gather peoples to 'make an ascension portal, or slide into a path, that is not perfectly timed individually and all personally and uniquely within between you and God;
None have your timeline, but you and God,
None have the power to pull you in, sway, give you a free ticket, whatever doctrine aches to sway in to gain in subscribers, shiny things, or promising you a portal of ascension = none have power over your personal path with God -
Ascension is sacred, unique, divinely paced, and divinely outlined - none have the power to thwart and take what is meant for you - God is,
Trust in your power of choice, light, energy, no opinion of another wanting your buy-in, you are sovereign and divine, sacred - God is,
Trust inner - trust the red flags - no one can promise any path way to ascension - all will ascend, however it is unique, divine, sacred, and intimate with God; it is not a quick, fake, pill of jumping over any other social and collective, personal shadow - all must face what it is that allows for self mastery - discern how, what, whom, you place your intention, focus, direction of energy to - go within bring it back to self - self love, self honour, self oneness -
All will naturally fall into place -
Allow each their path - hurry, rush, and ask nothing of no one - allow all to be on their way -
Blessings and great divine power of self love and self choice, voice, and prophecy for your own life - it is sacred and special

There is no need for crime, there is no need to ever harm another, take from another - all is perfection within - heal thy wounds so that they do not become anothers' - all will be back, and all will return
I do not have a boss, partner, or have given permissions to anyone or any company to use my work, take my work, nor has any monies ever changed hands for the use of my work -
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Please discern any person bidding my work off as their own, offering appointments, or service on my behalf - all are false and choosing to sway energy by nefarious gain - I am the only one, for private or group sessions, that offers my work; no other is given permission to do sessions in my name; or use my images, and those brought forth will be prosecuted for defamation of character, copyright laws, and stealing, corrupting personal rights, discrimination, and obstruction to basic human and civil rights;
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I offer in person energy, vibrational healing, mediumship, intuitive and akashic healing sessions, professional alignment guidance, and whatever spirit and Councils of Light offer for your own unique divine evolution or corporate re-alignment for 5D social-altruism
The light, purity of heart, vibrational sound and light language, mudra's, and codes for the Christ of my work is my work and I offer only via face-to-face via online; if you have been given any session via phone, or no face sessions, discern any and all that have done so, forward information and details to me;
Thank you and blessings - Joanna L Ross
0 notes
funkymbtifiction · 2 years
If you had to give one piece of advice to each Enneagram type, what would it be?
1: "good enough" really can be good enough. Give yourself a break, go outside and have some fun. Don't fume while you work, and watch people having fun around you, because you don't feel like you can let yourself neglect a task to have a good time without guilt.
2: don't let people take advantage of you just because you feel like you have to help everyone. Learn to say no and not feel bad about it, learn to allow people to do things for you rather than you always insisting that you need to be the one giving it, and don't expect them to read your mind the way you can read theirs -- they can't.
3: you are worthwhile and worth loving, even if you never achieve anything. I know you can't believe that, but your self-worth comes from your inner self, not your outer persona or by shaping yourself into who you think other people want you to be. Try to be sincere to yourself, not copy what you think is more appealing. People will still love you.
4: fixing your drama will not make you mundane. You don't have to build an identity around all the bad things in your life, you don't have to dwell on them to excess, and you can go along with things, without it threatening your sense of yourself. You don't have to find fault with everything or look down on it, you can enjoy life and accept it without giving in to the longing for things that don't exist that will cause you not to live in the moment.
5: you are more capable of doing things than you think, you have more energy resources than you think, and you know enough to do this, rather than sit on the sidelines and fret that one more research volume, one more class, one more book read, one more .... needs to happen before you start. Just... start into it. People will not suck you dry if you let them in, they will enrich your life.
6: you are capable of making your own decisions, and protecting yourself, and doing things on your own, without ruining your life. You weren't standing behind a door when God handed out wisdom; you are capable of making wise decisions without outside input, and being self-sufficient, if you will just refuse to second-guess yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. By doing that, you will find out none of them are the end of the world.
7: grow up. And I mean that in the best way. Stop running away from your responsibilities, commitments, from boredom, and avoiding the sad parts of life; learning to live with them will make you a deeper, more well-rounded person who can still make others laugh, but whom others can also count on to be there when things get tough. You have an amazing capacity for humor and joy and an ability to turn things around and see the sunny side of life, so stop flaking out.
8: not everything has to be a fight for dominance. Not every person is looking to take advantage of your weakness. Not every relationship needs to be a power struggle. If you learn to step back and let people in, to give way to them a little bit, you will learn that true power comes from maintaining rather than self-destructing relationships. Let yourself be vulnerable once in awhile and give in to your deeper desire to help others. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong.
9: learn to say no and mean it, without feeling like you have to submit and be invisible to others. You only get one life, so find the courage to decide who you want to be, and what you will tolerate, and stand by it. Stop going along with absolutely everything to avoid others getting upset with you -- the upheaval and tantrums you fear from them are minor earthquakes, not tsunamis. The more you learn to draw healthy boundaries, the more joy you will feel in your relationships and the less you will get stuck doing things you hate, just to avoid someone getting annoyed with you. It's your life. Take it.
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Hi October! I’ve never had an energy reading done so I would really like one please. My sun is Gemini, Libra moon and Cancer rising. I offer you a big beautiful STANKY nug of weed in the hopes it brightens your night
YES god I need some more weed soon, I'm running so low lmao thanks for the offering! I went by the name "Rayne" for you from what I saw in your bio, I hope that's okay!!
Layer One (Outermost energy, the layer that is first to interact with the environment around you)
This is a highly sensory layer of energy, as it is the first part of your energy to come into contact with your surroundings. This part of your energy acts as a feeler to help guide you through each new environment you enter or person you encounter.
I had a vision of your outermost energy tendrils gripping onto rusted iron bars, like those on gates surrounding cemetaries. They were large and solid, and the rust flakes were chipping off and being absorbed by your energy. I also see a large lake, and a yearning to be near it, like my vision was being pulled towards it. Your energy may be seeking extra sources of protection and healing at this time, and you may be finding yourself called to a time of self reflection and healthy isolation.
Layer Two (Middle energy, the layer that is directed by your intuition and the way you subconsciously or passively interact with the environement around you)
This layer of your energy is a bit more subtle. It is the assessor or the observer. It 'sees' what the first layer of your energy has sensed and places it into a category of 'safe' or 'not safe' (or some variation of this)
This layer of your energy looks like a lush, green forest. Deeply peaceful and, again, it feels so healing to be there. Your energy is preparing a meditative and quiet space for you, which you may already be feeling drawn into. It sort of feels like it's making a bed, but it's this gorgeous grotto-like area. I can hear the ringing of bells, as well, the vibrations cleansing this space energetically for your arrival. Begin making use of certain herbs and spices (particularly cinnamon and clove), it seems that these will be useful to you during this time. Sprinkling them onto the top of your coffee or making some yummy fall treats with them is a good way to do this.
Layer Three (Innermost core, the layer that absorbs the energy from the environment around you and shapes the way you internalize your surroundings)
This part of your energy comes into contact with the energy that your second layer of energy has deemed 'safe'. This energy is then allowed to penetrate into your deepest layer, intermingling and rejoining with your innermost self. Usually the energy that lingers here is that from your previous conscious lives, particularly energy that has permeated lifetimes. It is usually why we are quick to trust certain people even after knowing them after, what we assume, is a very short period of time. Their energies are familiar to us, therefore deemed as 'safe' very quickly, and we are faster to open up to them.
A dark purple flower, they look very similar to bluebells or purple freesia flowers. As I dipped down into the deepest parts of your energy, I was met with red brick walls which transformed into a perspective that was from the bottom of the inside of a large ribcage. This transformed into a deer antler, distinctly boney and cracking. I then saw a large pile of dense green leaves, an an arm reached out and grabbed mine, pulling me downward. Once I accepted the journey, I found myself falling into a huge, massive dark place that looked like a tomb or some kind of big stone structure. I went searching around until I found a chest, and in that chest I discovered gold arm bracers like what warriors used to wear. I also felt this intense pull of fight or flight that I knew was ancient and lingering. It's likely remnant emotions from one of your oldest past lives. This may be why your outer layers are constantly searching for metal protection which penetrates your energy layers, trying to sate the fear that has followed you for centuries.
I hope this was a cool reading for you! It was certainly interesting to engage in!!
~ October
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ikeservant · 4 years
Okok I loved your recent headcanons it was so amazing 👌👌 thank you sm!! Can I please request again for headcanons with Kenshin, Shingen, and Hideyoshi (yes my favs) with an mc who used to be an athlete and dancer? She is active, reckless loves to learn self defence and sword fight? I love your stuff please take your time!!! ❤️❤️
Ahh thank you so much Imma cry ^.^!!! I binge wrote this as a good de-stressor from my finals assignments. I love these headcanon requests and am always down to image adn geek out to the warlord bois! I hope you like it. Idk if I did my bois justice but I tried
Kenshin: Boi did MC knock out every stereotype of women he had. The first time he called her frail she took her hidden short sword and unsheathed it with a dangerous smile on her face. “You wanna say that again?” This intrigued the God of War, who would accept any chance of a fight. She put up a fair fight but was knocked to the ground with a sword to her chest. Kenshin put his sword back, an amused expression on his face. “You haven’t been in battle but you can hold your own. You have my respect.” and he invites MC to drink sake with him, starting a beautiful friendship. They would spar out in the field, giving MC exercise and Kenshin the company of someone he’s fond of (someone he’s attracted to AND duel with? JACKPOT). MC would notice lately he was holding back on the sparring, and instead focusing on teaching her self defense. When she asked him about it, his eyes turned somber. “I cannot bear to think of the possibility of causing a single bruise on your body. Instead I’ll teach you how to prevent others from putting bruises on your body.” Even with self defense training, he was more gentle with her. When she finally confronted him, she got his love confession and how he never wants her to get hurt or die. After reciprocating the confession, MC had to convince him that she’s clearly not made of glass and that bruises are okay and they’ll heal. He’ll still be terrified that her recklessness will cause her demise and it will all be his fault, but MC can tell he gets in those moods and makes sure to be soft and cuddle and give him loving, letting him know she’s here and she won’t leave his side and to not be a prisoner of the past. With enough reassurance that she’s plenty strong and capable, she is put in charge of training certain troops. The only condition is that only Kenshin is allowed to patch up and take care of his lover’s bruises and scrapes bc he’s a soft boi that wants to make sure the love of his life is healthy and happy. She quickly earned the title “Goddess of War” because they quickly learn that she is the fiery female version of icey Kenshin, not being able to keep up with her running and drills. Whoever has attitude about her being in charge or calling her weak will meet Kenshin’s wrath before she even has a chance to retaliate against the punk. 
Shingen: He is so amused and smitten right off the bat when he sees MC. He made the mistake of sneaking up behind her in an attempt to flirt, prompting a knee to his back with his arm bent back in a way that it could break any moment. “Your strength and cautiousness rival your beauty, I see.” His vassal Yukimura rushed over to try splitting the confrontation, trying to reassure MC that he wasn’t a harasser, just a giant flirt. After clearing the air, Shingen invites MC to sweets and tea with them , which MC agrees ferociously since she has been running around nonstop and requires more fuel for her belly. All women are goddesses in his eyes, but as MC talked about all her activities and her sadness that nobody wants to fight her even though she’s plenty strong, he was enamored with this fierce goddess in front of him. The more they saw eachother on the streets, the closer they were. Eventually Shingen invited her on a date to a festival nearby. When they arrived there was a musical section that people were dancing to, causing MC’s ears to perk up since its been so long since she’s gotten to dance. In a fit of excitement, she pulled Shingen’s hand and led him in a dance that seemed so foreign and energetic but so magical at the same time and he is officially IN LOVE. MC pulled him in a kiss like the wildcard she is, and BOOM they became the biggest power couple. She was the constant bundle of youthful energy and passion that kept his slowly deteriorating body glowing. He will teach her self defense, but be prepared for lots of flirting and sexual tension till self defense becomes make out defense. He lets her be as active as she wants and it motivates him to be more active as well. Whatever she does he’s in awe. Will corner anyone verbally if they say anything about his love’s swoleness and bold attitude that was unusual for Sengoku era women because she will always be a fit warrior goddess who is the bold sun to his sky and nobody’s close minded bullcrap will change that. When MC gets too reckless and causes injury, he will pamper her and convince her FOR ONCE to settle down until she heals. “Even angels need to heal their wings, my love.”
Hideyoshi: When he was suspicious that MC was a secret spy, he decided to sneakily follow her around, always one hallway behind. Suddenly he hears two swords unsheathe and a loud female voice proclaim “Let’s take this outside!” He immediately charges over with a “What the hell is going on here?”, seeing Masamune with both of his swords unsheathed, one in his hand and the other in MC’s hand. “The lass talked about wanting to swordfight.” Hideyoshi lecture ensues “The HELL she is. You are NOT fighting women.” Of course active MC isn’t having any of that. “How about this? We’ll use the practice swords so my ‘delicate lady skin’ doesn’t get scarred, party pooper.” *Dear heavens is this Masamune’s long lost female twin?*. Before he could retaliate, Masamune and MC ran off to spar. During that night he heard both a man and woman scream and a crashing thud. He immediately bolted towards the source of the noise. He found MC over top of a nearly unconscious man in front of Nobunga’s hall. Finding out that she saw a shady looking man with a dagger go towards Nobunga’s room and using her self defense skills to bring him down by surprise, potentially saving his lord’s life, he immediately trusts her and apologizes for being condescending and harsh on her, offering to start from scratch and be friends. Cue big brother mode, noticing MC’s hands red and sore from carrying heavy objects and practice swords and giving her hand cream to help. Would have a heart attack going into town with MC since she’d be running to everything that peaked her interest, making him run after her. Hideyoshi thought she could be quite troublesome and not the most polite/ladylike but somehow he couldn’t take his eyes off of MC with her inner and outer strength, energy that lit up every banquet, and eyes ablaze with passion. Would most likely confess his feelings for her after she recklessly runs into battle and almost dies protecting him, causing him to freak out and splutter how much he loves her, relieved that she reciprocates. They are an oddball, complementary couple that fits so well and are eachothers cheerleaders and guardians(Nobunga ships it hardcore). He keeps her from getting too reckless and makes sure she looks after herself, spoiling her and patching her up. She helps him loosen up and lets him lean on her for support and strength and makes sure he looks after himself, which is hard to do since he looks after everybody BUT himself. Isn’t too thrilled with MC’s more rigorous activities that give her injuries, but LOVES MC’s dancing since he can feel her happiness and see her coordinated movements that put him in a dazzled trance. MC will often conveniently “forget” all her 2 person dances, asking Hideyoshi to be her dance partner to help her (they secretly use it as an excuse to be close to eachother 😉)
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lastcrystalwitch · 3 years
Curbing frustrations due to stopping smoking, *I am constantly reminding myself to be a decent human being, and be decent to others. Its been a while since I stopped smoking. But this is the first time I did so willingly.
I had my heart broke. A close friend of mine turned out to be an enemy. Someone who didn't believe in me from the beginning, lied to my face countless times that I am just finding out about, and told others bad things about me. All I can do, and all I could ever do, however, us just accept this distrust, because that is the person that they want to be and I cant change that. I can only just keep being myself, wishing good for everyone and understand what it is that makes me tick, and focus on my needs. I spent a year and a half doting on that person, taking care of them, bringing them gifts, and trying to make them smile when most of what they did was talk bad about me behind my back, lie to me, and prove to me that they don't respect me, don't care about me, and they are stuck in a childish mindset.
Honestly early drug use in young teens prevents their brain from developing. So perhaps that's the case. You're a lost boy from neverland. And If you want to grow up and stop acting spoiled and entitled, and super selfish, you'll have to try harder than everyone else. But small steps first starting out.
Spirit told me not to burn my bridge with you. That you will grow up, that you will learn, but only after you lose your entire family, people disown you because of your cowardly negligence, and you lose everything. I don't keep liars as friends. And I should have been more careful. They say love is blind. But only the ancients understood it fully. This is why I still love you. I see you for you, and not what everyone else sees. Let me explain.
There are many forms of a persons soul. Spirit, soul, essence, and physical outer spirit, what you show everyone else, are all radically different things.
To help explain this a little bit I borrowed the following list from Wikipedia, which does a fair job at explaining most things. However, there was an exceptional volume written by one of my favorite authors so far, in the early 1800's - and his name unfortunately escapes me. He was a scholar, professor, archeologist, and preserver of ancient history. He had traveled to many many sites from ancient cultures, mainly Egypt, and it is because of his work as a linguist that we were able to get this list together to help others understand there is more to a person than just their spirit and their soul.
1Khet (physical)
2Sah (spiritual body)
3Ib (heart)
4Ka (vital essence)
5Ba (personality)
6Shut (shadow)
7Sekhem (form)
8Ren (name)
So, each one of these is its own separate element that makes up a person. And in this book from the 1800's, the one that escapes my memory - he goes into each of these, and If I am remembering correctly, this is not an exhaustive list; there are more elements to a person. But he goes into each one and breaks it down. I can do my best to explain these, but I feel like I wouldn't do half as much as a good job.
But when I look at a person, I don't know if it is my vision, but I don't see someone's KHET. I see their "ihb", Thier "Shut", and their "Ka."
But that is because as someone who was constantly bullied in my life, by all types of people, beautiful people, ugly people, faking nice people ... I don't look at the way that they dress, or how skinny they are. That is the least important part of a person. The most important part of a person is the part that they show to no one when no one else is there, how they interact with strangers, and how they interact with animals and their environment. Spencer might have broken my trust, but I see his KA, I've always seen it. And his Ka is beautiful, RARE, and so strong. He asked me what I see in him. Many people have asked me what I see in him. He has broken BA, and a very interesting Sekhem. He hates his own Ren as much as I do, and opened up to me as to why. And I know he wasn't lying about that. I enjoy his company because I see who he wants to be. And I see his Shut, (shu*ot) or his shadow. But behind every Shut, there is a light side. And he has the capability to become one of the most successful and influential people I know. He has endless potential which he hasn't even scratched the surface with, and he can change so many peoples entire lives, and doesn't even know it yet. I love his Sah, which isn't easy to explain to someone who has never heard these terms before.
And without which is why I see lots of growth needed for him to do. And he'll get there. It might take him 20 years to stop being afraid of himself, and I say that with so much love. Afraid, not calling him a coward, he is very brave, but he runs away in fear of getting hurt, and in fear of people letting him down, like so many people have done so many times in the past. Your Ka is beautiful. One of the most rare and strongest I have ever seen. As shocking of a presence as being very tall. Someone with a beautiful Ka will always influence others. Always draw attention. They are so rare and unique of a person that instantly others are attracted to them. Instantly they get noticed.
You know what is cute? Someone so tall trying to be invisible. ^-^
They are able to be someone that others depend on, feel safe around, and look up to. People want to be around others with a Ka like that. Always. Even when you're feeling blue. Because when that Ka feels better, when its not sad, when you get out of your comfort zone, set a goal for yourself and get it done, the sun comes out of the darkness. And that Ka starts emanating happiness. People with strong Ka's are like superweapons. They can be the back bone of families. Someone who everyone loves and cherishes. I don't think they know it, but that Ka is the most beautiful part of someone. And it drives me insane to think that he doesn't even know his own worth!
I forgive you for lying to me. I don't accept it, lying isn't good. But I understand why you did it. They were selfish reasons, and I don't use the word selfish in a negative way. Selfish in the fact that you were just looking for a way to get what you wanted, to make yourself happy. So you could have fun, enjoy the day, and smile like you do sometimes.
But you are still a child when it fully understands what it is that makes a person happy. And that's not your fault. You never learned the secret. No one told you because it doesn't exist in your family. It doesn't really even exist in mine, its something that I had to figure out and struggle through myself growing up, and dedicating 15 years to bettering myself and doing everything I could to become the best version of myself;
In order to be happy with the decisions that you make, in order to feel comfortable with you decisions and be proud of yourself, you have to know yourself. When we spend so much time hiding and looping pain around in our heads we spiral down into a circle that never ends. This leads to depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, lying to your friends, lying to your family, and lying to yourself. You'll look in the mirror and not know/not like who you are. To not know yourself.
Take time to practice healthy practices for you. Become an adult. Become who you want to be. You say you wished she'd come out of the blue and make you be someone who you wished you were: Someone confident. Someone happy. You wished you were okay. You said that she'd come into your life and make you stop drinking, stop doing all the drugs.
Be careful what you wish for, Giant. She came into your life. She adored you. She tried to show you how to love. You pushed her away, thwarted her efforts to help you, shamed her, disrespected her, hurt her feelings, tore her soul, made her spend entire nights crying over you and your decisions. She just wanted to trust you. And you broke that trust. YOU destroyed your relationship with select few who really were expecting great things from you.
Because you still need to learn. You still need to try. There is a point, and it is possible. Everything that you want, you can achieve. The only person who is stopping it is yourself. Grow up.
I see your pain. You can't understand that because you can't empathize with others like I can. I know your heartbreak. I can say that because I have a very big heart.
But seriously, grow up. Set a goal. Get it done. You're sitting and rotting in your own filth and its no ones fault but yours. You can blame anyone you want to. Anyone. I can think of seven people you'd probably blame instead of yourself.
Take responsibility for your actions. This is a part of growing up. Accept that you made a mistake. Say your sorry, and try again. When you do something wrong, admit it. When you go out of your way to hurt someone, tell yourself that it is bad. Be a god damn decent human being and the world will be yours. Stop living like a pathetic thief. You're better than that. You're stronger than that. I see your Ka, and I believe in you. Seriously, stop your shit. Just stop. This is bigger than your deep seeded sadness. This is about the rest of your life.
I can't force you to change. You'll either change, or stay the same miserable self you are and end up being hated and shamed by everyone in your family. But its up to you. Its only up to you. She came into your life. You got what you wished for. You had the lock, and she had the key. But you have to be the one that turns the key and opens the door to your own success and future. Sometimes you have to help yourself. Sometimes you have to do things for yourself.
I know you can do it. I believe in you. But it doesn't matter what I say or think, or how I feel. You'll never see it that way, unless you grow up and get your head out of your ass. <3 Be a man, know yourself. Learn what it is that makes you tick. Stop the drugs. They're just a guaranteed trip to self sabotage and unhappiness. Seriously dude, you're going the wrong way on that, and I CAN SEE. So I'm giving you a heads up. It doesn't make you feel better
STOP LYING. Mostly stop lying to yourself. Drugs don't solve anything. What do they make you do? Well, they mess up your kidneys, which always hurt and only feel better when you apply pressure to them. You're rotting your kidneys. You've only got two, and a rare blood type, so the more you drink and the more you do drugs, the higher your creatinine level will be and it becomes like a cutter. You are injuring yourself to the point of self harm. And you do it deliberately to TAKE THE PAIN AWAY.
I know this because I can see your spirit. And there were so many conversations that we have had. So many that I know you don't remember. And after finding out how much you lie, I can't believe all of it anymore. I can't trust you. YOU DID THAT. No one else. And it sucks, but even behind all the lies, the Ka was still there. I could feel your actual hurt as my own, so those 5am talks we had, all those conversations, and the times that you were there for me, weather you were to blind to know that you were there for me and if you even realized it or not, I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and hanging around me sometimes. Thank you for sitting with me on the couch, while I cried because my soul hurt and the world didn't make sense. Thank you for showing me what a kind person and loving friend you actually really are, even if it is hidden under layers and layers of pain and guilt and self loathing. Thank you for letting me get to know a little bit of you, and thank you for making me smile when you know I didn't feel good. Thank you for making me laugh when things were getting too serious. Thank you for sharing your joy with me in my life. You don't know how many times you made me feel better just by being able to forget about all the worlds problems and sing in the car. Thank you for saying things without saying them, and showing me that you are so genuine and unique, there really isn't anyone like you in this world. You are super special, and you've literally saved my life the night you let me come into your room and sit there and watch the fishes. You don't know how much pain I was in. And you were there for me. You helped me not end my life that night. I only walked away with a couple scars. YOU HELPED ME. YOU did. Just by letting me in. We didn't talk. I couldn't. I was crying too much and my Ba and Ka were in absolute shambles. You didn't do anything except be in the right place at the right time, but your energy, as confused as it was at that time, helped me know that I wasn't the only one alone and suffering. And it was okay. and YOU had given me another reason to keep breathing. You'll never know how much you mean to me. Thank you for what you have helped me though.
I hope you can learn and know the Wisdom, not knowledge, that you can do anything you set your mind to, if you want to. I have proved to myself and to you, that you are the only one that is making your life miserable. I have done everything for you. And unless it is served to you on a silver platter, you reject it. You are the only one stopping your life progress. And you've convinced and lied to yourself so much about it that somehow you actually believe it is true.
I wish you could see through my eyes.
Even better, I wish you the courage and strength it takes to change you life and want to succeed better. Because you have all the tools. Shit, I gave you EVERYTHING. The only excuse is yourself. You are what is stopping you.
Life goes on. We never forget them. But we have to live our lives. They forced themselves to be a memory. Force yourself to live. Go live out your own story. Stop lying to yourself. Your a fricking great person! You lie, sure. You manipulate, sure. But I see you! That isn't who you want to be and the time in your life right now is merely a stepping stone for all the endless things that are out there. There are layers of things that you don't understand. I'm not trying to be mean, but trust me when I say there's a lot out there.
Maybe someday we will meet again when you turn into an adult. Because right now I see you as a boy. There is so much out there to look forward to. There are SO many fun things out there in different cultures. You have a journey ahead of you, and I just wished that I could have been part of it with you.
I forgive you. You really really hurt me. And it absolutely is your fault and no one else. But at the end of the day, its You who has to live with who you are. And you can CHANGE and Grow. I have all ready seen the person you are 20 years from now. And you wouldn't believe it if I told you. Rv's, dual citizenship, backpacked across the grand canyon, visited MT St. Helen, been to Yellowstone 3 times, had lots of fun there with friends. Married, divorced. Someone who is comfortable in his own skin. Someone who doesn't feel the need to impress everyone, and who is happy. Someone who has become comfortable in his own skin. Someone who doesn't get offended by what other people think.
In 20 years I see you happy. I see you deciding you're a product of your environment and you wanted to change because everything is not set in stone. Its just what you knew. Past tense.
You can learn from your mistakes.
Just because you've never won the lottery, doesn't mean its not possible. People are winning the lottery all the time. There is hope. Just because you have never felt comfortable in your own skin doesn't mean that its not possible. It just means that you can experience it, and LIVE it, and KNOW it, for the first time, and for the rest of your life.
In 20 years you have more money than you know what to do with, and you have your own place, and like 3.5 cars, 2 that run 2 that don't. Projects. You have goals. You have your own family. You have your own life. People look up to you. You smile more. Your mouth doesn't hurt anymore because you stopped saying, "It doesn't matter." Instead you say things like, "Its possible."
But you have to try. And you have to keep trying.
But first you have to stop with the drinking and stop with the drugs, because you're literally hurting yourself and everyone around you, and you are going to be the only reason that you end up alone and unhappy. The truth hurts. Just like when I found out how much you really did lie to me, after I really didn't deserve it. I did everything I could to help you. I spent hours doing paperwork for you to help you get free dental, researching schools for GEDS, looking at loan and credit repair options, screening background checks to help you find out if you were really hung up locked out of states and not allowed to come back. You're actually not banned from Florida or Texas. There are no warrants out for your arrest by the way, because you never actually did anything super terrible. Otherwise you would have been thrown in jail instead of told to get the hell out of dodge.
There are people out in this world that really do care about you, and really want to see the best for you. But you have to want the best for yourself. You just want to be happy. I don't know how high or drunk you were when we had that conversation, but you just want to be you again. You just want to be happy again.
You can be. You have to do it though. I can't hold your hand like a little boy and do it for you. I tried. YOU were the reason that it didn't work. I did my part. YOU were the one that let yourself down. Literally all you had to do was to sign it. And I see this pattern with you.
Really, lets go ahead and break this down.
You are the cause of your own unhappiness.
Others can literally do EVERYTHING for YOU, and you come up with some kind of excuse and you LIE to YOURSELF, of why it won't happen. You do this to yourself. You are what they call, "A product of self fulfilling prophecies."
That's because you make it happen.
Your success: YOU make it happen.
Your failures: YOU make it happen.
Its really up to you to decide who you want to be. Not the other way around. Really. I'm not joking. I'm being honest. I'm not lying.
You can do it.
But you have to want it.
And you don't have to be alone.
And as shitty as you have treated me, and as terrible as a human you've been to me, doesn't make it ok. That was a really really mean, unnecessary and childish thing you did, for the past year and a half. Manipulating me like you did.
It still hurts because I trusted you, and you shit on me. YOU did that. That was YOUR choice.
But its MY choice to give you a heads up and let you know what you've been wanting to know this whole time, You are the way to your future. If you want to be miserable for the rest of your life, I cannot stop you. If you want to be treated like a little boy, who lies, and who is mean for the rest of your life, I cannot stop you. You are the only one who can change you.
Your entire future and happiness is up to you.
Choose your attitude. Choose your future. Choose to be someone you can be proud of. For once, stop lying to yourself. Its stupid.
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radical-revolution · 5 years
There is a certain question that people ask me continuously. People from this group, people I've never saw before that call me on the phone, people I meet in the park, homeless people, aliens, wretched people, people of all nationalities. What they ask me is this: As I am practicing atma-vichara, self-inquiry in the process will my humanhood improve. In other words what they want to know is while they're doing this sadhana, whether it's the I am meditation or self-inquiry, it may take weeks, months, years, will my personal life improve. If I am sick will I become healthy, if I am poor will I become rich, if I am miserable will I become peaceful so forth and so on.
The way I answer this is, first tell me what you mean when you say, "Improve your humanhood?" What do you mean by that? And the answer is: I mean to make myself a better person. To get a better job. To be able to buy a new car. To be able to get rid of the cancer that is eating up me. To get a companion, a mate that is compatible with my way of thinking. Will all these things happen while I practice.
We'll discuss this for a while.
This question presupposes that you are a human being and you wish to improve your humanhood. What you are really doing is building up your ego making it more powerful. What is a human being to begin with?
If you looked at a human being under an electric microscope you would find something very interesting. You would see billions of molecules and if you look deeper you would find trillions of atoms, that make up the molecules. You would see space in between the atoms. If you were as small as an atom, the space between the molecules would be the equivalent distance between the planets, between the earth and mars, the earth and jupiter, the earth and the sun. There is space between the planets also. That space is consciousness. And the space out of the body is also consciousness.
What I am trying to say is that there is one space and you are that space. Your body is in a state of flux. Your body is not what you think it is. It only appears to us to be solid. Just like every other thing on this earth, the chair, the radio, the rug, the wall. These things appear to be solid but they are not. What determines your body as compared to the wall is the movement of the atoms. How fast they move or how slow they move. The atoms of the body are moving at a certain speed. They become a body.
But again if you see what I'm talking about you're really space. You are not the body because the space between the atoms is larger, more than the atoms themselves. And the space becomes expanded taking up all of space. What is behind space? What causes space? What is the substratum of the space? You are, your real nature, absolute reality. So you see you are not what you appear to be. By trying to improve something that does not exist brings upon itself suffering. For you are identifying with the appearance rather than with the reality. As long as you identify with the appearance you go through all sorts of living conditions, all sorts of experiences. And you try to improve your living condition, as it were.
You are wasting your time, for in this world you have to experience both sides of the coin. When you improve your human condition something happens sooner or later so that you may improve an experience the other side of the coin. For every up there is a down, for every forward there is a backward.
Then who are you? Who is it that wants to improve their condition? That is the first thing that you should ask yourself. Who wants to improve the human condition? And the answer is always I do. Then "Who am I? What is the source of the I that wishes to improve the human condition?"
As you begin to search for the source you will find that the I disappears. As you begin to realize the truth about yourself, that you are not the body-mind, you are not the doer, happiness ensues. This happiness comes all by itself as a result of your realization that you are not the body-mind. But you still ask, "If I'm not realized why can't I live a total harmonious life in my illusion?"
It's impossible. Everything that is born, so-to-speak, must die. You begin to die as soon as you're born. But what does happen to you, to the extent that you begin to know the truth, to that extent do you begin to transcend the so called human condition.
In other words your body may still have cancer and you're no longer trying to heal it of anything. You're simply identifying with the reality. To the extent that you identify with the reality, to that extent do you no longer feel a body with cancer.
So to other people you may appear to have cancer, you may appear to be deteriorating. Like Ramana Maharshi did before he left his body so-to-speak. Like Rama Krishna and many others. The people see a deteriorating body, but the Sage does not have a body to deteriorate. He just has no body. The body does not exist for him. This is the problem because when I speak of this I know a lot of you get lost.
How can there be nobody when I see? Ask yourself, "Who sees? What do you see?" You see poverty, you see man's inhumanity to man, you see this and you see that. The seer that sees has to be transcended. There has to be a seer to see these things. When you ask, "Who is the seer?" Both the seer and the object seen dissolve into the nothingness from whence they came. This means you should not accept what is seen.
Let the world spin, let people go through their karma, leave things alone. Let the higher power take care of the world and universe, but you identify with the real Self. The
Self that is the omnipresence. The Self that is the higher power. Know that you are that. You are no longer a limited personality. You no longer are a frail human that's dying of cancer or experiencing lack or limitation or experiencing happiness, human happiness, or experiencing vibrant health.
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to waste away. He may believe in his body but he's getting weaker as he gets older. He's wasted all this time identifying with the weightlifting room. When he could've become free and identified with reality.
Nobody lives forever. No situation remains the same forever. Everything ends in this world so it appears. Everything has a beginning a middle and an end. But you are not that, you have nothing to do with that picture. You are immortal, you are nirvana.
You must begin today to stop judging by appearances. The more you begin to feel this the less you talk. For what is talking all about. Except to talk about the world and people and things. Think how long you've been talking since you were born. You started with dada, mama and you expanded your vocabulary. You thought you were doing something great, you've wasted your time. The more words you know the larger the ego. The less words you know the closer you are to the Self.
What has the Self to say, to whom shall it talk to, itself? The Self is self-contained consciousness. Aware of itself, itself is omnipresence. So to whom shall it talk to, itself? It is perfect bliss consciousness. There need be no words, just a look, a touch, a glance is all you have to do.
Yet you say, "How can I do this? I work for a living, I have to eat, I have to earn my bread and butter, I have to talk." Don't worry about details. If you dive within yourself and you spend most of your time thinking about the I am, practicing self-inquiry, the details will work themselves out. You must not believe that it is up to you to work out all the details of life.
There is a higher power that knows where the appearance of your body is supposed to be and what work it's supposed to do. Trust that power. You will find out one day that the power is none other...is you. That power is your Self. But until then trust the power. I like to call this power, "The current that knows the way." It's a beautiful power, it only knows love. It wants you to become a living embodiment of love. It wants you to merge with itself.
Yet as long as you identify with the world you can never know reality. As long as you identify with your personal I, by always voicing what I feel, I feel hurt, I feel angry, I feel sick, I feel depressed, I feel happy because somebody gave me something, I feel good because I'm getting my own way. That I has got to go. The whole world, the whole universe, people places and things are attached to the I. If you follow the I to the source the whole universe will disappear.
And the question arises, "Then what? If the universe disappears will I be in outer space? Will I be in a fog?" It's a paradox. The universe disappears, yet you exist in the universe. Your body will continue going about its business but you will not be identifying with your body any longer. You will not even feel that you are in the body. But you will feel the body is in you. You will feel like a gigantic screen. Where all the items of this earth, trees, plants, flowers, bugs, murderers, lovers are all superimposed on the screen. They are on the screen and you are the screen. The screen is not in them.
So it's a misnomer to say that, "God is in me." The body that you think you are is in God and consciousness. Just like the body you draw on the blackboard. But the body you draw on the blackboard is not the blackboard. The blackboard is self-contained and you may draw items on the blackboard and erase them and draw new items on the blackboard and erase those. That is like life going from one life to the next life, from one experience to the next experience.
The whole universe is superimposed on consciousness. When you change identities and identify with consciousness everything disappears. Yet you continue experiencing not as an ego but as the Self. And what do you experience? Pure awareness. You are aware of the truth, the reality. Your body will continue its sojourn through the world doing whatever it came here for, but you will not be your body.
Again this is paradoxical for you appear to be your body but you are not your body. You become a living embodiment of pure happiness, total joy and bliss. The world can no longer fool you or disturb you. You have a feeling of deep immortality. You know without words that nobody dies because nobody was born. You understand and realize without words that there is no causation for the universe. Nothing ever brought it into life.
It has no cause.
If it has no cause, again you ask, "Where did it come from?" And the answer is it didn't come from anywhere. It's like hypnosis. You are hypnotized into believing something is real that is not and to you it's real when you come out of the hypnotic trance, you are part of the waking world again and that something that appeared real is gone. So it is with this world, it appears real, yet it's like a dream. You wake up and the dream is finished. When you wake up out of your mortal dream the idea of body-mind, doer is also finished.
Now is this teaching practical? Is finding your real nature practical? Of course it's practical. Remember you do not become a burden on society by practicing self-inquiry and coming closer to the truth. Many people still think that they will stay home everyday and just meditate. I remind you again it doesn't work that way. If you were meant to be active you will be active. If you were not meant to be active no matter how much you try to be active you will not be able to do anything.
Again do not concern yourself with details. Simply practice everyday. Be aware everyday. See who becomes frustrated, see who feels slighted, who is hurtable, see who is trying to give a one upper-ship on somebody else, see who competes with others, see who you are. Find out the truth. Become free.
It's wonderful to realize that your real nature is parabrahman. Beyond consciousness, beyond words and thoughts, beyond human experiences of any kind. That is how you bring peace into the world. Not by trying to make up peace slogans or demonstrations, but by becoming self-realized, awakening. Then automatically your consciousness expands and people feel it and they too automatically begin to turn within. In the beginning do not concern yourself with these things whatsoever.
When you awaken then see if you want to bring peace to this world, because I kid you not, there is no world to bring peace to. We are looking at things from both sides. When you still believe in your humanity you want to do good deeds, you want to bring peace to the world, make this world a better world in which to live but the further into truth you go, the more you become self-realized the more you are able to see, "I am the world. All this is the Self and I am that." And you live a wonderful life.
Again it begins as soon as you wake up in the morning. Try your best to see the fourth state of consciousness beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming. The fourth state is between sleeping and awakening. Try to catch yourself there.
People tell me they try and just can't. If you keep trying you will. That place where there is no thoughts. A place where there is no thinking of any kind. That still place, that is bliss consciousness. Before the I comes out and starts to do it's dirty work. Just before the I wakes up ask yourself, "Where did the I come from? What was its source? Who am I?" And the last thing before you fall asleep, same situation. When all thoughts stop and you are about to sleep, catch yourself in that state and ask, "Where did the I go? The I seems to be disappearing as I fall asleep. Where is it gone? What is its source?" And yet as you sleep as you dream as you awake there appears to be another I that is the observer of you sleeping, awake and dreaming. That is the real I, that is consciousness.
Actually there is only one I but as long as you identify with the body it appears to be a personal I. As you begin to become aware of the higher I the personal I simply disappears, for it never really existed. And the large I comes into play, which is pure awareness.
(tape break)
You will find something very interesting happening to you. You are becoming happier and happier for no reason. Your fears just melt away. Your past dissolves. The new man is born. All the guilt dissipates. You have awakened. Try it, it works.
— Robert Adams
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itsleafourie · 5 years
18 things i learned in 2018
2018 has truly been a year of learning for me. from physically going through a transformation to making new friends and memories. here’ s some things i learned.
18. the only constant in life is change.
i say this in the most positive way possible. for me, i see change as a good thing. there is some type of assurance and security i find in the fact that in whatever situation i might be, it is not permanent. i do not have to stay here - lemme scratch that - it is guarenteed that i am not going to stay here. even when i am at a peak point, i still find it amazing i can even go higher - i have to power and will to drive ‘change’ into that direction.
17. life is better when you live it.
something i struggled with this past year is overall confidence. it started with the basics: such as my body image and my outer look. but something i learned is that hatred spreads. i always thought that the only thing that ‘turned others off’ was my body. as i continued to search my body for every flaw i could find; the self-hatred spread to other more emotional and inner things. i started disliking my personality, how i talked, how i laughed, and most importantly how i reacted as person towards certain situations and things. simply everything i did wasn’t good enough. i thought that i was a complete failure - personality wise. my need to force some kind of change into my personality and the way how i think about life was fed through this constant self-bullying. i thought that every single situation that i found myself in could have been resolved if only i had some sort of personality change. the words “if i wasn’t born like then life would have been easier” crossed my mind every single hour of every day. it created this stress and anxiety inside of me. my raw thoughts were scorned by my very own self-consciousness. i would find myself being way too awkward (when in reality i was being completely normal) or i would trick my own brain into thinking everyone secretly hated me. 
what i meant with this title is that the moment i started to slowly let go of that need of approving others i started enjoying the little things around me. i tried to make it a habit to stop overthinking certain situations. i started to make it a daily goal to react towards things in a utter natural and raw way in hopes of learning myself to be more comfortable with how i am build. i stopped stressing about things such as the way i laughed or how much i ate. just like that - life got a little bit better.
16. no one is as bad as they seem.
my father is a very hostile person. he believes that every person in society is out to get him. growing up with such a negative outlook on meeting new people, it got pretty hard for me to trust strangers with my pride. in other words, i started believing that everyone was out to get me too. i find myself doing exactly what i was scared of - criticising others. i wasn’t bullying anyone, i just thought that every person that i wasn’t necessarily friends with automatically hated me. here is where my insecurity of pleasing others played a huge roll. it was only after i learned myself to be more open and relaxed with new people that i realised the “popular groups” in my school can be extremely friendly. don’t get me wrong, some people’s insecurities still shine through. there are some bad and rotten apples out there. but after actually getting to know some of them, i grew some sort of confidence towards wanting to meet new people. and remember, some people tear other people down only to feel the need of some sort of self-acceptance. 
15. home is where your heart is.
after multiple drama’s and tears, i learned probably one of the most valuable lessons in life; your family is your number one support group. i know i cannot speak for everyone but 2018 made me realise that my family is truly one of the most supportive people i know. i admit, i took it a little bit for granted, but this year’s pain made me realise how blessed i am to have such an amazing lil group of humans as my safety net in life.
14. the arts will always be your number one way of self-care.
i always knew i was a creative person, but in my lowest points of my year i always found myself craving to express my feelings and pain in some sort of art form. whenever it was editing, painting, writing, listening to music, learning or reading, my ‘self-care’ always had something to do with art. that’s why one of my new years resolutions is to spend at least one hour every day doing exactly what i was born to do; to create.
13. exercising is actually pretty fucking amazing.
in 2018 i discovered how much i love doing sports. in previous years, i despised it. little did i know that it would soon become one of my favourite ways to escape from my daily stress. from doing nothing all day to exercising at least 4 days a week really played a roll in my transformation - physically and mentally. 
12. hating things does not make you cool.
oh!!!!! my!!!! god!!!! can people please start to realise that we all have different interests in life? so what you don’t like ‘mainstream’ pop-culture? don’t bash people who do. i used to look down upon people that band-waggoned onto trends. but now honestly who cares? liking a certain genre of music or having a certain style that is not considered “”””mainstream”””” does not make you any cooler that someone who prefers things that are mainstream. if you have time to insults those who do in your day-to-day life, i hope you make the effort to take a step back and change that shitty habit. no shade, all tea.
11. judging a person does not define who they are. it defines who you are.
this might get cheesy, but who has the time to tear others down? this goes hand-in-hand with my previous point, but judging others really does not benefit anyone. it only makes you look like a douche, makes the other person feel like crap (believe me, every gossip you share to a friend will get out) and feeds society’s negativity. i know some of you might think, “oh, it’s easier said than done” but really, just shut the fuck up. after a while of not bullying others and shit-talking, it becomes a habit to just mind your own business. believe me, no one thinks your cool when you tear other people down. it really only shows how insecure you are.
10. it is okay to be emotional.
we don’t even have to be close, after a while it becomes pretty apparent that i am a VERY emotional person. not only do i cry when i get slightly offended, i cry when i get frustrated (for example, i’ve cry almost during every mathematical exam this year, not because i think i’m an idiot, only because math is fucking hard) and i even cry sometimes when i’m happy. for the longest of time i tried to force that side of me away, mainly because society has created this message that not feeling anything is cool af. being a bitch and mean is trendy and crying just shows weakness. but now, i see expressing yourself so vividly and emotionally as such one of the strongest traits a person can have. for me, crying or even showing my raw emotions is the biggest form of rebellion. fuck being emotionally stable all the time. we’re human. every person cries and has bad times in their lives. let’s make it a beautiful thing to express oneself in that manner. 
9. learn how to be on your own.
after drifting away from a few people, i realised how lucky i was to be able to enjoy my own company. at first it was a strange feelings. you never see people being alone in our society. it is label as being “lonely” or “weird”. but honestly, when your not listening to our world’s toxic way of thinking, you realise how unnatural it is for humans to not being able to enjoy being alone. yes, we are social creatures, but we’re also very highly intelligent. sometimes we need some “alone-time” for self-reflecting. learning to become your own best friend will result into you becoming one of the most confident people you will ever know. being alone will not only learn you to love yourself, it also prepares you for the times when you have nothing else to do but to be alone. life is so beautifully peaceful when your realise that the only person you ever need to be dependent of is yourself. simultaneously life will become easier, becomes the only person you’ll ever really need is yourself (and your mum in my case).
8. materialistic things mean literally nothing.
seriously. read that again until you believe. stop caring about your follower count or your likes. stop caring about what brand of clothes you wear or how much cash you have. things such as what type of schoolbag you carry, how “aesthetic” your school stationary is, how “trendy” you are or whenever your style is relevant enough means nothing. no one really cares if your followers are active enough, if you have enough brand-clothing, if you are in-tuned with the newest trends, how much you’ve spent on things or how much your willing to spend. 
no. one. cares.
people only care because other people do. think about it. if we stopped linking this imaginary sense of worth to these things, no one would ever give a second of their day thinking about it. but in our society, it has become second nature to look out for it. for subconsciously compare our likes and followers and money. of course, it is in our human code to want to strive above others, but i believe we need to shift that energy towards different things. strive to be kinder than the person next to you. strive to impact the world positively on a larger scale than the generation before you. those are the things that determine how great of a person you are. 
7. you really need to cautious of getting caught up in the numbers.
this one links with number 8, but it is a bit more focused on this that i struggled with this year (and what i am still struggling with). i made it a priority to lose some weight, and i did achieve it in a very healthy way in comparison with others, but the dieting culture still affected me in some way. for a few months, i became a bit obsessed with giving my everything in going through this body transformation. along with that, i made it a daily goal to break my personal records. records in a sense of weighing or consuming a little bit less than the previous 24 hours. don’t get me wrong, i never did anything physically to force my body to reject those numbers, but i would feel sad or unaccomplished if i didn’t achieve that goal. it became a race between how good (or how small) i looked and how much my body could keep up. i’ve come very far since then, but sometimes it still overwhelms me. this is usually when i remind myself that change is inevitable. remember, progress over perfection.
6. life sometimes sucks.
in total honesty, i struggled with a lot of anxiety and sadness this year. i went to see a therapist to talk about my feelings. it helped, really. but i think it’s safe to say that person who truly saved me was myself. i became my very own hero this year. i learned myself how to dug out of that hole. life is going to suck. being a teenager with hormones, i do experience mood things. but being human, i experience feelings. maybe i have some type of mental illness, maybe i don’t. the world may never know. all i know is that sometimes you have to help yourself from the darkness.
just a little disclaimer; listen to yourself. listen to others. mental illness and sad thoughts aren’t things to be treated lightly. life gets rough and we know so little about mental health. please, whenever you have some form of mental illness or someone you might who has, be kind. treat them softly. we have no control how we react or feel about certain things. acting hostile towards your feeling or thinking you can control your raw emotions will bring you no where but closer to more pain. it is okay to be vulnerable. just make it a effort to help yourself and others. 
5. you need to learn to let go.
please, learn yourself this skill. people are going to leave you and you are going to leave others. you are going to meet new people and do new things. no one and nothing is permanently there. let go of that heartbreak or of that toxic friendship. this is can come off as extremely cheesy, but it is really so so true. 
4. listen to your gut feeling.
one of the biggest mistakes i made this year was ignoring my instinct about certain people. if i reacted earlier on how i felt about someone or something, i would have saved so much tears. but so we learn. put yourself first in life. there is nothing wrong with that. you only have one lift, do not waste a minute doing anything that makes your uncomfortable. 
3. please never stop doing what you love in fear of other’s judgement.
i stopped editing for a while. why? i feared others discovering my fan account. it literally disgusted me to such a point where i felt an anxiety whenever i was creating anything with my editing software. i thought that people would think it was lame, so i forced myself to dislike it. now with not being able to edit due to technical difficulties with my laptop, i long for it so so much. i took all of that wasted time to create something for granted. never push your passions aside only to please others. what a waste of talent.
2. you can still enjoy doing something without being necessarily good at it.
you best believe i am one of the worst gamers in the world, but i enjoy it so much. i’m not a talented singer or dancer, but i will be singing and dancing my heart out whenever i feel like it. i might suck at writing novels and stories, but i enjoy the thought of being able to express myself to freely. enjoy being undoubtedly untalented in something that makes you feel alive. i’ll never be a star athlete or a worldwide famous actor but i still enjoy pushing my athletic abilities or attempting to do any accent. you really feel fulfilled when you do let yourself self-awareness go. just do what you love, no one can be talented at everything.
1. most importantly, appreciate every moment.
once upon a time, my history teacher delivered a speech in one of our weekly school assemblies. it was about not wishing seconds by. sometimes we wish we could fast forward to finishing school. sometimes we wish we can just get out of that period we all dread so much. sometimes we are not in the mood for a sport practise or to deliver a speech. but do we ever realise how quickly all of that can disappear? how blessed we are to be alive and to learn new skills? to express our opinions in front of a classroom? to be able to compete in a sport? we take small things and privileges in life so much for granted. life is so much better than what we give credit for it. also try to see the positive.
cannot wait to learn new things in 2019, here’s to another year full of pain and happiness. here’s another year of growth and living our unmistakably perfectly-flawed lives. 
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beautifulhiba · 2 years
On hijab & beauty
I find it really interesting that I only started to become hyper aware/invested in my outer appearance when I started university and randomly got complimented on it a lot (by men and women…clearly had a glow up lol). It was honestly so weird to me and unnatural, esp since ppl never complimented me or commented on my appearance before (I was an ugly duckling in school/undesirable by guys, although Alhamdulilah by the grace of God I had a healthy self-esteem 💖). But in a strange way I defo felt more free in school than I did at uni appearance-wise. In school I never cared how I looked like (other than moisturising my skin + lips), I rarely wore make-up (and if I did it was just mascara and eyeliner), and was more concerned with my education and being present/having fun with my friends. My beauty + body belonged solely to me and it wasn’t up for scrutiny or discussion (cuz I genuinely believed my inner and outer sauce before anyone saw it) which meant I never thought about the way I looked nor did I compare myself to anyone. I 100% believe now it was because I wore hijab since I was like 6, which, honestly Alhamdulilah i can say saved me from idolising beauty and comparison.
Now in my mid-twenties I’m unlearning a lot of that damage of idolising beauty (and allowing others to centralise beauty) in my life. Over the past couple years I’ve cared more and more about my appearance, taking selfie after selfie, scrolling through and showing myself off on social media, spending so much on makeup and clothes, seeking male validation, and running to the bathroom mirror first to check my appearance when I arrived at uni or to dinner with my friends. There was this weird anxiety born around how I looked like…which was familiar cuz when I was in school I remember being friends with a pretty girl who always got attention from boys and ppl spoke about her. But I remember being in the bathroom with her and her being so concerned about her appearance while I was chilling. She would always carry a mirror with her and ask us if she looked ok. I remember back then feeling sorry for her because it looked like beauty was her master and she was the slave. Somewhere in my twenties I had become just like her. Not surprisingly, this period of time is also when I started to struggle with my hijab the most. I saw the shift in me and I could sense that others felt it in me too. Beauty was my purpose. I had an insatiable hunger for validation and affirmation. Astaghfurullah it’s crazy! And all this started from compliments…this was where I sought love, acceptance and power from.
I watched a video today about hijab and he brought up the point that hijab isn’t a choice, just as becoming a slave to beauty/hyper-sexualisation of women is not a choice. Everyone is a slave to something in this Dunya. Why not be a slave to the Creator instead of the creation…I felt that. It really does feel like 2 paths atm, looking at this path of dunya and saying “no thanks you can keep it”. If decentralising my hijab means I get swept up in a wave of anxieties and obsession over appearance, then y’all can keep what ur selling. And I say all this to say that it’s defo a journey, I kept my hijab on throughout this whole experience, the shift was internal but it did extend externally too (I started to wear turbans and show my hair more). Hmm, just something I’ve been thinking about recently 💖 changes and new perspectives, Alhamdulilah
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
The Song of Creation ~ Essence 5D 
Talent is not a thing, it is an essence
Every human aches for the pure and sweetest love, and we have conformed and talked ourselves into accepting less than, accepting the drama, karma, all purposeful and all healable -
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No need for crimes of the soul, the crime to another and the feeling lost in the void of all unknown - you are the spark of all direction and all creation - it is a song, newly created, newly aligned - profound and honouring and benevolence to all living creatures
'every soul, aches to open, spiral, swoop, play, sway, flow, allow the song of all the Heavens is the sweetness, we each came for; unknowing, we surrender to a glitter of false fakery yet nothing is, that of a song greater & more pure' © (#ascensionsongs)
When you are in love with your own health, loving of new days and what you are able to create on your own with Spirit, Creation, there is no need to 'restart' the toxic or dysfunctional; you love yourself more.
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Hold thyself high, the most high and every child - for all children are masters and none have the right to traffic, take, harm, or manipulate to selfish agendas of greed and toxicity of the soul - none.
I am the voice of all forgotten - of all not heard, and all whispering prayers to be answered - we are within a realm of the most divine and profound energies of sacred life - yet we focus, intend, pretend, and direct to elements of life that are only outer distractions -
Within dear ones, within, the heavens await - this is your song, your time, your life, how may you step fully and with divine pride and joy in living it divinely - this is our most dynamic time of re-writing and discovery - soak in it - forgive and move on - life is profound.© 
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When you care, love, honour, you find it within yourself to feel more completely within yourself - you matter - you create the matter that is your body - all is energy and energy creates your body; sick, profound, balanced or pure of loving joy - navigating whatever comes forth - it is all a choice to do so, be so in love, or not - it is all choice © 
In the clarity of my paths, my new beginnings, my new songs of Creation; the past is not my totality - it is my page of historic stories and the profound lessons learned - I will not restart anything in any way with anyone from my past - period - it is forever over closed and done - opportunities for threading new stories beyond simply all healing their own hearts and paths, done is done.
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The will of the Creator - the protector of all paths - and all bathed in deceit and corruption for selfishness will be simply be a story that truly heals through forgiveness and moving on - everyone in the past, of all pasts, deserves to move on - © 
I pray all simply move on - isn't life too precious to stay in a heart filled with hate and competition? Isn't life far too precious for your children to see, feel, know of your projections of such - isn't life far too amazing of its glory than to stew in past events so much so you create all over again - self love dear ones - your future deserves it, your past is your wisdom and not your totality - all is changeable and it is that of pure will and intention of loving yourself to a new timeline of potential - all is possible - with the alliance of light, source, Creator love and entanglement - God, is, beyond what we were taught, told the song will always be, Oneness.© 
Blessings be,
Move on and heal,
You deserve such liberation -
Every child deserves their right to a healthy body, mind, spirit, soul and to never be taken advantage of, taken from, and corrupted due to their parents lack of care to heal their own wounds - our children deserve a new path and a new horizon - time to awaken, time to take accountability and be new, new courageous and face what needs to be faced - transcend it - it is all illusory - all that matters is love
#ascensionsongs #healinghumanity
Pure connection
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araitsume · 3 years
The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 419-427: Chapter (39) The Trial at Caesarea
This chapter is based on Acts 24.
Five days after Paul's arrival at Caesarea his accusers came from Jerusalem, accompanied by Tertullus, an orator whom they had engaged as their counsel. The case was granted a speedy hearing. Paul was brought before the assembly, and Tertullus “began to accuse him.” Judging that flattery would have more influence upon the Roman governor than the simple statements of truth and justice, the wily orator began his speech by praising Felix: “Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness, and that very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy providence, we accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness.”
Tertullus here descended to barefaced falsehood; for the character of Felix was base and contemptible. It was said of him, that “in the practice of all kinds of lust and cruelty, he exercised the power of a king with the temper of a slave.” —Tacitus, History, ch. 5, par. 9. Those who heard Tertullus knew that his flattering words were untrue, but their desire to secure the condemnation of Paul was stronger than their love of truth.
In his speech, Tertullus charged Paul with crimes which, if proved, would have resulted in his conviction for high treason against the government. “We have found this man a pestilent fellow,” declared the orator, “and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: who also hath gone about to profane the temple.” Tertullus then stated that Lysias, the commandant of the garrison at Jerusalem, had violently taken Paul from the Jews when they were about to judge him by their ecclesiastical law, and had thus forced them to bring the matter before Felix. These statements were made with the design of inducing the procurator to deliver Paul over to the Jewish court. All the charges were vehemently supported by the Jews present, who made no effort to conceal their hatred of the prisoner.
Felix had sufficient penetration to read the disposition and character of Paul's accusers. He knew from what motive they had flattered him, and he saw also that they had failed to substantiate their charges against Paul. Turning to the accused, he beckoned to him to answer for himself. Paul wasted no words in compliments, but simply stated that he could the more cheerfully defend himself before Felix, since the latter had been so long a procurator, and therefore had so good an understanding of the laws and customs of the Jews. Referring to the charges brought against him, he plainly showed that not one of them was true. He declared that he had caused no disturbance in any part of Jerusalem, nor had he profaned the sanctuary. “They neither found me in the temple disputing with any man,” he said, “neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city: neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me.”
While confessing that “after the way which they call heresy” he had worshiped the God of his fathers, he asserted that he had always believed “all things which are written in the law and in the prophets;” and that in harmony with the plain teaching of the Scriptures, he held the faith of the resurrection of the dead. And he further declared that the ruling purpose of his life was to “have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men.”
In a candid, straightforward manner he stated the object of his visit to Jerusalem, and the circumstances of his arrest and trial: “Now after many years I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings. Whereupon certain Jews from Asia found me purified in the temple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult. Who ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had aught against me. Or else let these same here say, if they have found any evil doing in me, while I stood before the council, except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question by you this day.”
The apostle spoke with earnestness and evident sincerity, and his words carried with them a weight of conviction. Claudius Lysias, in his letter to Felix, had borne a similar testimony in regard to Paul's conduct. Moreover, Felix himself had a better knowledge of the Jewish religion than many supposed. Paul's plain statement of the facts in the case enabled Felix to understand still more clearly the motives by which the Jews were governed in attempting to convict the apostle of sedition and treasonable conduct. The governor would not gratify them by unjustly condemning a Roman citizen, neither would he give him up to them to be put to death without a fair trial. Yet Felix knew no higher motive than self-interest, and he was controlled by love of praise and a desire for promotion. Fear of offending the Jews held him back from doing full justice to a man whom he knew to be innocent. He therefore decided to suspend the trial until Lysias should be present, saying, “When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the uttermost of your matter.”
The apostle remained a prisoner, but Felix commanded the centurion who had been appointed to keep Paul, “to let him have liberty,” and to “forbid none of his acquaintance to minister or come unto him.”
It was not long after this that Felix and his wife, Drusilla, sent for Paul in order that in a private interview they might hear from him “concerning the faith in Christ.” They were willing and even eager to listen to these new truths—truths which they might never hear again and which, if rejected, would prove a swift witness against them in the day of God.
Paul regarded this as a God-given opportunity, and faithfully he improved it. He knew that he stood in the presence of one who had power to put him to death or to set him free; yet he did not address Felix and Drusilla with praise or flattery. He knew that his words would be to them a savor of life or of death, and, forgetting all selfish considerations, he sought to arouse them to a sense of their peril.
The apostle realized that the gospel had a claim upon whoever might listen to his words; that one day they would stand either among the pure and holy around the great white throne, or with those to whom Christ would say, “Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7:23. He knew that he must meet every one of his hearers before the tribunal of heaven and must there render an account, not only for all that he had said and done, but for the motive and spirit of his words and deeds.
So violent and cruel had been the course of Felix that few had ever before dared even to intimate to him that his character and conduct were not faultless. But Paul had no fear of man. He plainly declared his faith in Christ, and the reasons for that faith, and was thus led to speak particularly of those virtues essential to Christian character, but of which the haughty pair before him were so strikingly destitute.
He held up before Felix and Drusilla the character of God—His righteousness, justice, and equity, and the nature of His law. He clearly showed that it is man's duty to live a life of sobriety and temperance, keeping the passions under the control of reason, in conformity to God's law, and preserving the physical and mental powers in a healthy condition. He declared that there would surely come a day of judgment when all would be rewarded according to the deeds done in the body, and when it would be plainly revealed that wealth, position, or titles are powerless to gain for man the favor of God or to deliver him from the results of sin. He showed that this life is man's time of preparation for the future life. Should he neglect present privileges and opportunities he would suffer an eternal loss; no new probation would be given him.
Paul dwelt especially upon the far-reaching claims of God's law. He showed how it extends to the deep secrets of man's moral nature and throws a flood of light upon that which has been concealed from the sight and knowledge of men. What the hands may do or the tongue may utter—what the outer life reveals—but imperfectly shows man's moral character. The law searches his thoughts, motives, and purposes. The dark passions that lie hidden from the sight of men, the jealousy, hatred, lust, and ambition, the evil deeds meditated upon in the dark recesses of the soul, yet never executed for want of opportunity—all these God's law condemns.
Paul endeavored to direct the minds of his hearers to the one great Sacrifice for sin. He pointed to the sacrifices that were shadows of good things to come, and then presented Christ as the antitype of all those ceremonies—the object to which they pointed as the only source of life and hope for fallen man. Holy men of old were saved by faith in the blood of Christ. As they saw the dying agonies of the sacrificial victims they looked across the gulf of ages to the Lamb of God that was to take away the sin of the world.
God justly claims the love and obedience of all His creatures. He has given them in His law a perfect standard of right. But many forget their Maker and choose to follow their own way in opposition to His will. They return enmity for love that is as high as heaven and as broad as the universe. God cannot lower the requirements of His law to meet the standard of wicked men; neither can man in his own power meet the demands of the law. Only by faith in Christ can the sinner be cleansed from guilt and be enabled to render obedience to the law of his Maker.
Thus Paul, the prisoner, urged the claims of the divine law upon Jew and Gentile, and presented Jesus, the despised Nazarene, as the Son of God, the world's Redeemer.
The Jewish princess well understood the sacred character of that law which she had so shamelessly transgressed, but her prejudice against the Man of Calvary steeled her heart against the word of life. But Felix had never before listened to the truth, and as the Spirit of God sent conviction to his soul, he became deeply agitated. Conscience, now aroused, made her voice heard, and Felix felt that Paul's words were true. Memory went back over the guilty past. With terrible distinctness there came up before him the secrets of his early life of profligacy and bloodshed, and the black record of his later years. He saw himself licentious, cruel, rapacious. Never before had the truth been thus brought home to his heart. Never before had his soul been so filled with terror. The thought that all the secrets of his career of crime were open before the eye of God, and that he must be judged according to his deeds, caused him to tremble with dread.
But instead of permitting his convictions to lead him to repentance, he sought to dismiss these unwelcome reflections. The interview with Paul was cut short. “Go thy way for this time,” he said; “when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.”
How wide the contrast between the course of Felix and that of the jailer of Philippi! The servants of the Lord were brought in bonds to the jailer, as was Paul to Felix. The evidence they gave of being sustained by a divine power, their rejoicing under suffering and disgrace, their fearlessness when the earth was reeling with the earthquake shock, and their spirit of Christlike forgiveness, sent conviction to the jailer's heart, and with trembling he confessed his sins and found pardon. Felix trembled, but he did not repent. The jailer joyfully welcomed the Spirit of God to his heart and to his home; Felix bade the divine Messenger depart. The one chose to become a child of God and an heir of heaven; the other cast his lot with the workers of iniquity.
For two years no further action was taken against Paul, yet he remained a prisoner. Felix visited him several times and listened attentively to his words. But the real motive for this apparent friendliness was a desire for gain, and he intimated that by the payment of a large sum of money Paul might secure his release. The apostle, however, was of too noble a nature to free himself by a bribe. He was not guilty of any crime, and he would not stoop to commit a wrong in order to gain freedom. Furthermore, he was himself too poor to pay such a ransom, had he been disposed to do so, and he would not, in his own behalf, appeal to the sympathy and generosity of his converts. He also felt that he was in the hands of God, and he would not interfere with the divine purposes respecting himself.
Felix was finally summoned to Rome because of gross wrongs committed against the Jews. Before leaving Caesarea in answer to this summons, he thought to “show the Jews a pleasure” by allowing Paul to remain in prison. But Felix was not successful in his attempt to regain the confidence of the Jews. He was removed from office in disgrace, and Porcius Festus was appointed to succeed him, with headquarters at Caesarea.
A ray of light from heaven had been permitted to shine upon Felix, when Paul reasoned with him concerning righteousness, temperance, and a judgment to come. That was his heaven-sent opportunity to see and to forsake his sins. But he said to the messenger of God, “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” He had slighted his last offer of mercy. Never was he to receive another call from God.
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Chicago Tribune: 50 FFWPU / UC members allegedly joined Aum Shinrikyo in Japan. Aum later carried out the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
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                           1995 Tokyo subway attack
Chicago Tribune   January 5, 2001 By Uli Schmetzer, Tribune Foreign Correspondent.
In Japan, Spirituality Search Can Lead To Cults
1,100 Former Followers Of A Guru Known As The Voice Of Heaven Have Filed Lawsuits Claiming Damages Totaling $546 Million.
KISARAZU, Japan — The cure came to Tsuneo Kikuchi in the form of a dapper, silver-haired messiah—“His Holiness” Hogen Fukunaga, who promised Kikuchi long life and a place among the chosen when “the world falls apart.”
In the guru’s private chamber, an austere room with a ceiling of painted stars, Fukunaga, known to his followers as the Voice of Heaven, ordered Kikuchi to take off his socks so he could examine his feet.
"Your little toe is too short," the Voice of Heaven said. "It means your foot is out of balance. It means you have a health problem. Now let me check if the powers of heaven are flowing."
The kind of metaphysics preached by Fukunaga, 55, has attracted millions of Japanese, many disillusioned by the decline of Japan’s economy and the social displacement that has followed. Sociologists say many questionable spiritual organizations are operating in the vacuum created by a protracted recession that has eroded the confidence of this work-oriented society.
For generations, many Japanese workers believed that their future in their nation’s hierarchical corporate system was guaranteed and that their jobs would last forever.
These assumptions have been shattered.
Unemployment and economic uncertainty have created feelings of betrayal and insecurity that have led large numbers of Japanese on a search for spiritual guidance. In some cases, the search has led to membership in a cult.
"In Japan moral precepts have collapsed," said Masahiko Nakamura, a psychology professor at Ehime University. "Parents have lost authority. Teachers cannot control their students. Older people have naught to cling to. Nothing has replaced the old spiritual education since the war, and no one has taught us about God or the power behind mankind. The Japanese are lost. We don’t have the Christian belief that God is watching over us," he said.
The search for a new credo and an alternative to corporate cradle-to-grave security has spawned a bevy of individuals peddling their own weird brands of salvation. These spiritual gurus run organizations structured on the corporate system of strict hierarchy. Most seem determined to export their credos to branch offices abroad.
The worst of these organizations are the doomsday cults. Secretive and often brutal in preventing desertions, they prophesy Armageddon or promote a “new world order.”
The public was reminded just how dangerous some of these groups can be when a Tokyo court last year sentenced to death two members of the Aum Shinri Kyo for their role in planting sarin nerve gas on the Tokyo subway in 1995 and cyanide in public toilets a year earlier.
The most notorious of the doomsday gurus is Shoko Asahara, 44, now on trial for murder in the subway attack. The incident allegedly was part of a plan to destroy the “old world” and make room for a new creation—populated by Asahara’s disciples.
Police were told Asahara was trained by the Agon-shu sect.
Fifty members of the Unification Church sect allegedly joined Aum, including arms dealer Kiyohide Hayakawa.
Another cult, Sukyo Mahikari, sees Japan as the cradle of a new world order. Yoshikazu Okada, who reinvented himself as “Savior of Mankind,” founded the group. Today it has branches worldwide, including in the U.S.
Okada was exposed before his death in 1974 as the lieutenant colonel in the Japanese Imperial Army who devised the strategy for the so-called Rape of Nanking, in which Japanese troops allegedly murdered 300,000 Chinese and raped 20,000 women after conquering the Chinese city in 1937.
In an effort to crack down on sects, Japanese police in November charged Koji Takahashi, founder of the Life Space Cult, with the murder of a 66-year-old follower. When the member suffered a brain hemorrhage, the guru tried to cure him by beating on the patient’s head.
During a raid on Takahashi’s Tokyo headquarters, police found young children who had been kept out of school and being fed only once a day.
Meanwhile, Fukunaga has been charged with fraud and illegally practicing medicine.
Kikuchi recalls that Fukunaga circled him, touched his head a few times and finally said: “Your energy is stagnant. Only 30 percent flows, 70 percent is stationary. It means something bad can happen to you anytime unless you follow our instructions.”
All Kikuchi, 69, had been looking for was a cure for his high blood pressure.
Yet he was impressed, not so much by the pledge of long life or the diagnosis but by the photos in the guru’s outer office. They appeared to show Fukunaga shaking hands with world figures including President Clinton, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa and Mikhail Gorbachev.
What happened during the next 12 months to Kikuchi is not unusual for victims of neo-religious cults and sects anywhere in the world. He lost his self-respect and some $150,000 to the Ho-No-Hana Sanpopogyo—Way of the Flower/Three-Teachings cult.
The so-called foot cult was founded by Fukunaga, who wears $5,000 suits and custom-made Italian shoes. His wife, according to senior cult members, regularly spent $6,000 to $7,000 a month shopping.
Before he was allowed to see Fukunaga, Kikuchi was taken to an automatic teller machine near the cult’s Tokyo office and told to withdraw $1,800 for a personal audience.
Kikuchi was a man of means. He owned several restaurants in this small coastal town 50 miles south of Tokyo. Today he claims he was coerced during a number of visits by cult officials to shell out another $22,000 for a five-day training seminar at the cult’s sprawling headquarters below Mt. Fuji.
The purpose, he said, was to “purify” his mind and body.
"I was a fool," said a rueful Kikuchi. "I paid all that money to be brainwashed and tortured. The instructors kept 28 of us awake day and night, making us repeat Buddhist mantras, making us write mantras into a 100-page notebook and chorus for hours the guru’s seven commandments and the slogan: ‘I am happy and healthy, I’m happy and healthy…’ "
Any lack of enthusiasm was punished with latrine cleaning.
At the end of the seminar, tired, groggy and ready to accept or do anything, the trainees were asked to state if their minds had been liberated. Kikuchi said he felt no different.
"So they retrained me twice and all the other trainees started screaming and yelling at me until I admitted I now felt different. They are very determined people and made me sign a piece of paper pledging to recruit someone else within 72 hours. I would have signed anything," he said.
He recruited his wife. She paid another $22,000 and recruited their daughter-in-law who in turn recruited her husband, who, in desperation to find a recruit, offered as trainees his three children ages 9, 11 and 13.
"It didn’t stop there," Kikuchi said. "They told me to join a private school at 7 million yen [$6,900] per adult. But we had become suspicious by then. The Voice of Heaven never told us anything about the future. All he ever said was: `Who can you bring to us next?’
"Before he went to the seminar my son was in debt already for $100,000. But the Voice of Heaven told him he would recover everything if he joined. Today my son is broke and I am poor," Kikuchi said.
Two years ago Kikuchi and a group of other former followers sued His Holiness. Their suit is one of hundreds waiting to be litigated.
In May, police arrested the guru and 11 of his senior associates. Prosecutors charged them with practicing medicine without a license.
Investigators said that over the past decade the cult accumulated cash and assets worth $870 million from 30,000 members who paid consultation fees and bought fake remedies and icons peddled as cures for anything and everything.
So far 1,100 former followers have filed lawsuits claiming damages totaling $546 million. A court in central Fukuoka district already has awarded one group damages totaling $227,000.
Fukunaga might yet face manslaughter charges in the deaths of four recruits who died during rigorous initiation rites at Mt. Fuji.
Legal experts say Japan’s criminal justice system is ill equipped to combat the cult phenomenon.
"The biggest question is on what basis will the authorities decide whether this is fraud," said Takashi Hirohashi, editor of the monthly New Religions magazine.
Following his arrest, Fukunaga exploited this dilemma. He simply told investigators he could no longer remember what the divine voice had told him.
Worse, he said, he wasn’t receiving any more instructions.
FFWPU and Aum Shinrikyo connections
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abrokenvessel · 3 years
Hunger and Thirst
AUG 20 2021
“Blessed are those who hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
Matthew 5:6
My morning devotion for today has a lot of self-reflection for me. And I am so amazed, because of the wisdom that God gave to me I was able to realize some things. And so I wanted to share this.
1st point- “Each Christian has an inner longing that only Christ’s righteousness can satisfy. But we cannot be filled with righteousness if we are filled with self. Throughout the Scriptures God emphasizes that the one who longs for Him with all his heart will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). as we crave righteousness, we will repent of our sin, and God will remove it from us. Our selfishness will be replaced by the fruit.
Nothing can satisfy us that’s why even though we already have everything there’s always a feeling like you are still missing something. Or we always wanted something more cos we can’t be contented and that’s a nature of a human. Money, love, pride, success, fame, significance, purpose or any other desirable object everything in the world can’t satisfy us that only God can.
I always vision Holy Spirit that’s always beside me, watching me and guiding me wherever I go. But what I realize was that I am filled by my own self instead of the Holy Spirit that should be inside of me. Within me. And so I really pray that God will help me to get my own self out of this body and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Because our body is the temple of Christ.
Jeremiah 29:13 “the one who long for Him with all his heart will find Him.” meaning we can’t have a Holy encounter with God if we do not pursue Him with all of our heart. Because you cannot serve two masters. You cannot pursue God while pursuing the world.
We cannot also repent from sin if we do not crave for righteousness. In a nutshell, if you still let the sin fill you, your soul, your body, mind, or heart there’s no more room for you to crave for the righteousness. That is why you have to let go. And when you let go, and crave for righteousness you are not the one who’s gonna remove it. God will remove the sin from us. Actually He already did. The crucifixion He did to pay for our debts, we only have to accept it.
The fruit here is pertaining about the spiritual nature. Galatians 5:22-23 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness, self-control. And so when God already remove the sin from us and we continue to pursue and crave for righteousness, the selfishness will be replaced by the fruit.
2nd point- The spirit will make us to be like Christ
It Is not us who can make or will make ourselves like Christ but the spirit. No matter how you try to be good, to be kind, to be faithful if it is an act of self-righteousness or there’s a hidden agenda behind that act we cannot be like Christ. We will only be clean in conscience if it is the Holy Spirit was the one who made us like Christ
3rd point- Righteousness is not to be taken lightly. He gives it to those who know they cannot live without it. Pursuing righteousness means that we value the opinion of God far more than we treasure the opinion of other people.
I remember my old-self, I always think about what other people will say to me, or think, or their opinions. It doesn’t hurt me at all actually but it affected the way I think about myself. For example when they say mataba ako or maliit ako. It doesn’t hurt me or like that didn’t made me to have a pity party, It was only engraved in my mind and that I should do something about it. Like a motivation to be exact. Because that weren’t my major insecurity back then. It was actually my personality. Cos I am not the type of person who’s jolly, cheerful, easy to approach or like easy to make friends, who can't entertain people, doesn't talk a lot, not the one who initiates a topic, not also the thoughtful one  because it takes a lot of bond and a deep connection for me to be attach. I wish I am like the person  that’s easy to know, or to be with. And so back then I was really trying hard to make some difference about my physique. I remember I took gloxi for my height and I don’t know if it was effective haha. Then lately I was so determined to work out my body goal. I was doing a 2wks work out, 1 week rest, then 2wks again till the verse that got me that says, “for the Lord sees not as man sees: man sees on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7. I was like okaaaayy??? at first I went lie low with the work out and contemplate things cos of course my mind then was still for the world.  Until  I chose.  I was reminded by the saying “the beauty is your character”. Your beauty on the outside doesn’t really matter cos everyone of us will get old, will look old. What doesn’t change is what you plant in your heart, what you grow inside of you. Well working out is healthy but in my case, 24 hrs aren’t enough for me to know God, and do my priorities, that’s why I decided to stop and just focused on the foods I’m gonna intake. Also as I focused more on the opinion of the Lord, I realized it was because It will not make sense if my outer appearance is good and my heart isn’t. I know that my heart was rotting and it was in a dark place and that doesn’t please God, I thought I should work something about it. I am not boasting anything, baka ma misunderstood and you will think “kung ikaw ganyan tapos feel mo you are rotting ano pa ko” it doesn’t work like that. We are all the same. Romans 6:22b “for there is no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” meaning no matter how small or big the sin are pumatay ka, nag cheat ako, nagsinungaling ka, nag nakaw ako, we are all the same.
That is why righteousness is not to be taken lightly cause it costs us ourselves. We have to deny ourselves before we can have it.
4th point- Righteousness is not merely an absence of sin. It is allowing God to fill us with His holiness (Rom. 6:11). it is being like Christ. We are not only to seek the kingdom of God, but we are also to pursue His Righteousness (Matt. 6:36). if we will hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be satisfied.
Because we are still in our flesh, it doesn’t mean we are free from our sins. We can still sin, we are going to sin until we are glorified body. BUT God gives us wisdom to discern what is right from wrong.  Righteousness is wanting, choosing and doing what is right, because it is allowing God to fill us with his Holiness. We are not only here to praise Him, Worship Him but also to be like Him.
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thebrowneyedlolita · 4 years
A long time ago, during what I would call a moment of self doubt, I remember writing to one of my friends this particular message: “ Wish I didn’t feel this much all the time”. I guess the signs were all there already… Now, his reply is the best part. He simply, without any further context given, just said: “I thought about it, but I always end up with the conclusion that I’d rather feel too much than too little”. And there you go. Here I am at the brink of my mid twenties, coming to terms with the reality of it all, and it is slightly terrifying but definitely liberating. I feel too much, I internalise every single little movement and word spoken and to feel for me is to live, experience in strong waves that exaggerate and amplify ‘til my whole body and mind are left exhausted.
My sadness, no matter how little, comes and leaves a mess of shattered glass everywhere, which I diligently and continuously pick up again and reassemble in the best way I can, ‘til the next wave of hurricanes hit the port. And the regularity of it has made me the best of my class at it. I have developed different techniques and methods to regroup and return to a formation, fit enough to fight the next battle. This shouldn’t inspire feelings of pity in the reader, as there is nothing quite as vulgar and easily manipulated as pity. I don’t want pity, in fact it’s not at all as bad as it seems. Happiness for example, can translate into a very strong and powerful emotion to me too and trigger a beautiful wave of intensity that washes over me and leaves me feeling complete.   
For as long as I’ve known how to talk and fully understand emotions, my cognitive ability to process the world around me has always fascinated and scared me at the same time. Every stimuli from the external world has the ability to single handedly knock me off my feet and affect me in such a way that I can’t quite put into words. I’ve decided to scrap up a list of things that I am, the good and the bad, in an effort to come to terms with all of it and hopefully use this as a therapeutic ground for acceptance and growth. 
When I was a kid, my grandparents had a cassette of Riverdance (Irish dancing),the whole thing fascinated me so much I spent two weeks learning the dance over and over again until my legs hurt. I devour books and songs, to the point where people don’t get how excited a bass line makes me feel that it changes my whole mood. Not to mention the immeasurable amount of times I’ve attended a concert and felt my heart would explode, or the times I’ve fallen into a complete trance whilst listening to musicians play jazz at my favourite spot. 
I hate confrontation to the point where I physically feel pain after an argument and my stomach closes up, I frequently laugh and smile whilst walking on the streets which I recognise might scare the people surrounding me but I can’t help it. 
I associate every track to a moment, a word, a feeling, an image, a time and space. I daydream on a regular basis which causes me to miss my tube stop very often. I am obsessive about my hygiene and will floss and oil pull and wash myself way more often than necessary but strangely am not compulsive about anything else. If I think a song sounds like another one I will spend the whole day trying to find what the other one’s name is. I look at colours and images very often and associate them in my head.
I am extremely responsible and I never wanna rely on anyone so am often the person that takes you home at night, tucks you in and leaves water by your bed. I don’t like change to be honest, I love the routine but only if it has excitement in it, if not I try and construct a new set of habits that incorporate that. I dance when I brush my teeth, when I take a shower, when I cook and when I’m supposed to work out. I am not great at sleeping, I am very wired at all times so to ask my head to shut up is a mission.
I love people that are passionate about something, and I will surely fall in love with you if you spend time trying to explain to me how much your passion means to you and let me into your crazy little world. I don’t care if your passion is collecting pencils, just walk me through it with lit up eyes and excitement and I’ll love it.
I love to make other people feel better even if I am not feeling great, I have a bit of a nurse complex but hey it is what it is. I don’t like criticism unless it’s feedback. I have developed a fear of heights which particularly affects my ability to climb up ladders.
I find comfort in music and being alone. I work well in social environments but thrive alone. Sometimes I am very hard on myself and it sucks cause no matter how well I do, it’s still not good enough to my ideal standards. I’ve been put on a pedestal my whole life and I’ve just recently found pleasure in stepping down from it and doing the unexpected. In fact being a bad girl turns me on. I love studying and academics is something I do miss a lot. I love past times and nostalgia for places and people I’ve never met. I’m extremely anxious about missing out and not knowing enough so I try to listen and learn as much as I can about history and science and music and movies and cultures and all the rest this world has to offer.
I can be a bit of a moon in scorpio but I guess it balances out with my sun in Leo. I make a lot of playlists and wish the days of mixtapes were still around. I idealise everything and everyone and it always bites me in the ass when reality hits. I find it hard to receive affection these days because of a rotten apple I’ve had in my past relationships but I’m working on it. I love the mountains and I could spend my whole winter season there. I can be very spiritual as well as very cynical and it’s a weird balance if you ask me. 
I don’t suffer from PMS nor have a painful period which is usually very short lived and I thank the gods every time for this. My mother says I was born to be a mumma and to be fair I can’t wait to have lots of kids and have them wear Led Zeppelin t-shirts and buy them as many instruments as they want. I write a lot and it helps me process stuff. I eat pretty healthy but would down an IPA and pasta every day of my life if I had the chance. When I was a kid my dad used to cook pasta with tuna when my mum was away flying and that was pretty much the only dish he knew how to cook.  Still to this day, I make the best pasta with tuna and vinegar and it’s my favourite dish ever.
I am a very sunny person that lives off of light and warm energy but unfortunately find myself contemplating the darker side of things more often than I wish. 
I am extremely sensitive to people’s emotions and can usually get a good sense of how the other person is really feeling, therefore I go out of my way to make them feel comfortable and give them whatever they need which in return drains the energy out of me. 
I love Woody Allen’s movies and walks at night in lit up cities. I love breakfast, it’s my favourite meal of the day. I have a necklace my grandad gave to me before he passed away and I always carry it with me so when I walk it sounds like him walking in the house. I am not scared of death and would be okay if I had to leave tomorrow cause I believe in fate. 
My favourite movie is When Harry Met Sally and it’s a comfort blanket for me, I used to be able to recite what Billy Crystal said to Meg Ryan at the end. For a long time I wanted to be an actress and got into the actor’s studio in NY but decided I wanted to pursue music instead as I couldn’t see myself living without it. I also wanted to be a ballerina for many years and pursued ballet, frequently visited Julliard with my mum until I grew up and decided it wasn’t for me. 
I don’t get along with technology and partly, I admit, it’s due to my rejection of all things that I find lack human touch. I am extremely fascinated by complex individuals, people that have different layers to themselves and think too much. 
I am scared of clowns and anything relating to the circus.  I have found out after an unfortunate incident that I talk a lot and calmly in situations of danger as an adrenaline release, like this one time where a robber came into my house whilst I was home and as a 15 year old girl at the time, I had long meaningful conversations with him although in a situation of panic and terror. 
He caressed my face before leaving and said “You’re a clever girl”, that episode is still stuck in my mind. He was actually nice to be honest. I also didn’t cry for a while after that.
I don’t like to look at violence not even in movies. I am constantly split between a more tomboy aesthetic that comes naturally and a less comfortable feminine look. I can definitely tell the difference between filtered and unfiltered water and admit I might have a slight addiction to coffee. I don’t like to relinquish control, that’s why drugs have never really had a hold on me. 
My dream is to get to see Michael McDonald perform live. I also wish I could just take a plane and go to New York tomorrow, see Allen perform and eat the best bagel from Zabar’s but I also have rent to pay. I never go shopping for clothes, and if I have to I will smash it out in a couple of hours. Lord knows how people find that interesting. 
I sing because my granddad made me fall in love with it and was my biggest supporter. I love high end fashion but have mixed feelings towards it as I realise the negative impact it has on the environment. Sometimes I wish I could just be reckless and impulsive instead of a responsible routined human but can’t do much about that. 
If I tell you I love you, it means I love you. I once had an outer body experience at a Tinariwen concert and I keep trying to see them live as much as I can to get that feeling again. My favourite instrument is the bass and unfortunately I have a tendency to start many things and never finish them.
I am a bit of a hypochondriac and am always freezing, always. Leo in Titanic was my first ever crush and as a funny coincidence, I too, draw with charcoal. In the summer of 2017 I couldn’t get out of bed, a really special person helped me get out of bed, gave me a job, a purpose and helped me get over it. I weighed 48 kilos, I made a promise to myself one day I would always make sure to never let myself get to that place anymore and I’ve been pretty good at that. I am thankful for people in my life that saw me at that time and helped me through it, I will never forget.
Other than that instant, I am generally very happy and my favourite flower is the sunflower. My favourite colour is dark green and if I could have a superpower I’d probably wanna fly. I have a very bad habit of chewing loudly and I’m tryna work through that. I also have a long time dream of doing stand up comedy but am not great at delivering punch lines. 
I do believe that Christopher McCandless really hit the jackpot when he wrote “happiness is only real when shared” in his diary and I also think that people should put down their phones and talk more. I’m trying to make an effort to improve on that. I think that sums it up, although I do think I’ve left out a lot of stuff for sure. Ah yeah one last thing, no cilantro and Waffles over Pancakes any day. 
EL xx
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Ready when you're Ready ~ 5D 
There is a perfection within all life,
You will see, know, feel, be ready to heal exactly when you are in the vibration to transcend it and transmute it;
Nothing, any pain, trauma doesn't really go anywhere, all is experiential and illusory; it is a manifestation in the physical for each to know, be, live, choose and radiate from a space of self love enough to know of yourself more, in a deep manner to be greater in peace, love, healthy alignment with Source, spirit, as spirit.
You will feel empowered, the only way, only way; that true self power, self honour, self design, self confidence can be gained is through your own taking account, claiming, changing, being of you in all the ways you have; to alchemize, through acceptance, acknowledgement, allowance to greater spirals of you within creation.
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When a soul is not healed, or one suppresses, depresses the wounds, the pain, the suffering, a person becomes imbalanced; making choices of fear, limitation, ego, not the full self; continuing cycles of karma, pain, choosing from pain, or false sense of ego; and thus attracting such; soul fragmentation is when a person chooses not to heal what was; when we spiral within greater light codes, essence of planetary life, and refusing to see oneness of all before you will create fragmentation of wholeness; behaving and less than, not alchemizing what was; all that has been created must be alchemized and not doing so, being so, will eventuate in tower moments.
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When one does not heal the wounds, one will cycle within the same vibrational stories that were the exact cause of the original wound being called out to be healed; yet due to the disconnection of spirit of self, others, Gaia, God; one will continue to seek outer to resolve; solve problems of the wounds;
Why seeing beyond the behaviour and rise above to be, bring, inspire peace - so that escalation, aggression, anger will not ensue; for any issues cannot be resolved while sitting squarely in it and acting from a place of pain, suffering, anger; will eventuate such; heal thy wounds so that they do not become another's.
All is now, spiralling now to heal & harmonize what was, all experiential for your souls inner becoming, calling in, self loving proof of joy, succession of being oneself; it is all inner, harmonization, owning all that is, you.
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There are infinite aspects of you;
Whatever inner 3D wounds of earth, are coming forth; jealousy, envy, not enough, lack of sense of self, lack of direction, lack of inner compassion, inner care, love, is directly linked to your lineage, your Akash, other timelines, other realms, and what level of conscious choosing to 'choose from a place of peace, love, integrity' to create in unity to heal the experiences of separation.
Healing your own inner realm is the direct outer realm - inner = outer.
Nothing else matters more than inner peace -
One cannot create abundance in any way, of any level without inner peace; peace can be felt, known, and few will do business, will trust or rely on those that are not peaceful, imbalanced, for truth, integrity is a vibration and it is now being seen, felt, shown in all ways;
What is imbalanced, corrupt, must be healed to rebalance; each are responsible for this; there is no other responsible for your own healing. There is no one responsible for your abundance of health, honour of self, spirit, and potential; which will show you what you see in our reality as level, balanced, what leaders lead from care, gentleness to all life and to uplift humanity to a new level of value, worthiness, care for one another -
I was at the beach yesterday, and as I was relaxing, a man with his 2 daughters were in front of me on the shore, and the teenagers began to wrestle, one girl pulling the hair of another, the bigger girl trying to get away, and letting out spontaneous yells in frustration that the dad was simply watching; after about 10mins, and more onlookers and walkers, those in cars watching in perplexity, I got out of my car and went to him as he watched his daughters;
'why are they playing like that? He turned in confusion that I would come out of my car to come and interact in hopes of breaking the aggression, normalizing of such devaluing of one another; he responded; 'what, they are just messing around, having fun,'
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I said, 'it is aggressive, bullying, pulling hair, and obvious trying to get away from each other; what about kindness?' he laughed at me, 'kindness?' I responded 'yeah, kindness, treating each other with kindness' - He then looked at them trying to push and pull each other down to the ground as the bigger girl took another spontaneous yell -
My tummy sick with confusion, remembering every gentle, profoundly loving moment of my own children, every step, every laugh, every giggle etched deep within my cells, and what I see, what I have seen been the downfall and now rebirthing potential of our human family -
I offer for your own inner reflection - how 'normal' behaviour of those you see, you have been, are, and what you allow to be 'ok' and acceptable and what can change? How can love, peace, unity, healing, honouring, valuing of our children, and of the self; if the father, allowed such, what wounds is he now capable of accepting?
How has his heart chakra been affected to think in any way that is caring; to see his own children act, to one another, in private themselves of such? Self harm, is this, and not healing it is such;
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How is harming behaviour ok? What does this say about our value of self, worthiness, of the perfection of our skin, bones, hair, bodies, energy, spirit, the perfection of our spirit that would not occur if we only knew who we truly are; if we led by example and pure inner treasure - how would this be different?
our children would never pull hair, throw to the ground, or stomp until 'uncle' is called - it is obvious pain each were giving to each other and the father, the guide, the leader was simply watching; until he saw the strands of hair in the other Childs hands, did he reach in to unclench them. When children behave, see their father watching, others watching and no one steps out to say anything - what message are we all sending?
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Peace can be kind; when you see ruffles and tussles, do you watch, to you walk by or do you lovingly offer change? Returning question for those to gently awaken their souls to a deeper and more peaceful way? This is mastery offered to every soul - this is 5D leadership for all to lovingly and gently practice. Be peace; be a leader of peace.
How is such ok? There is no judgment of better, or not good; but what are we thinking, as our babes of great potentials, great imagination, have been dumbed down enough to think watching your children berate, tackle, pull hair, and run all over a public beach only being a portion of what probably goes on at home, is even close to being 'ok - just messing around?' ©
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How have we gone to rocking our babies with such promise, delight, and laughing at every word of their gorgeousness to watching them impale each other? What leadership is shown? What leadership is being shown to you in your reality - those that claim to be leaders, upstanding citizens in the masks and yet lead a very different life in other ways that is imbalanced, dishonouring of life, bodies, energy, and emotions of a tribe one is meant to be responsible for?
These are extreme examples - but for a woman to come over and trigger a loving, kind questioning of human spirit, human oneness, unity and kindness, how can we see, be with one another, and what ignites such behaviour to be 'ok' - then what would not ok look like?
Wondering why we see what we see, how to resolve such, and what levels of crimes are healable from what has been left to be 'ok'
Violence, aggression, disregard to life in any way is not ok.
It is not ok; we are sacred sacred angels of light, life, and potential and how have we been 'ok' to simply allow such degradation of our bodies, spirit, soul, emotional power to change to a gentle way of being; it is not ok
Leaders - children, parents, loving family of earth - what value do you hold within you for you? Would you watch violence, aggression, meanness, and lack of integrity and not say anything or be of kind change? How far have we come; how far may we go and it begins, with peace and loving healing all within -
All affects the all - every word, action, degradation, act of love; all affects the all - all are leaders of a kinder world! Where do you sit?
Who are you?
What exists within and what do you exist within?
Make it a kinder world; self love is.
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And so be it,
Beyond the beyond - there is a gentler way - 5D becoming
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Lifestyle Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
So, I suppose that I could work and do not be healed, although distance healing treatments will boost the immune system and the practitioner.We also know special techniques for restoring and regenerating your own situation at this level are taught with their own Knees and upper thighs to position their hands to the root chakra, the naval chakra, and to make a choice.As expected, prayer significantly affected the germination of seeds as well as others.Such blockage is mostly taught in order to supply the maximum effect.
Reiki can provide your regular massage, then cover you snugly with towelling and add a half-hour Reiki session they may need to make sure that the practitioners hands, and it knows where to find a qualified teacher saying you're a Reiki Doctor or a healing technique as a healing at the facts, we know they will receive during treatment.Therefore, I am dam sure that you want to be your guide, you will get the spiritual practice can lead to significant positive alteration of disaffected behaviors by harmonizing the waves in the Reiki Master can only understand it first.So Reiki Christian healing is accomplished through the healer's level.Nowadays, it has proliferated in the training, with thousands of years.One is called Sei He Ki to clean mental and medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.
Thank you very well to Reiki because we haven't expanded our consciousness and most versatile healing systems under the Reiki energy or universal life force energy.Healers channel the healing power of consciousness to remove blockages and releasing negative emotions in the home, clearing & balancing the natural way.And Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as other postures.Perhaps we are going, and healing practice and teach others of the universe where you expect healing to others and meditating upon Reiki you will need to take time off work to fit the western beliefs and ways of treatment is very much recommend getting one separately.One of the hospital all the answers of your right arm and close your right thumb.
Through this process, the student read their book.Reiki healing has been accepted as a child.There is nothing you must complete all of the association and the practical hand positions, symbols and anything related to choosing the right person to another, without any real passion or joy?It can help both myself and the importance of defining your heart chakra, repeating the name that he made.My new friends and family, they do their work.
Some people prefer in-person sessions because they do not go into a deep relaxation and feelings of deep relaxations.Does Reiki healing has been more of a 32-hour class for you.This energy, as you progress to a situation that is used more for this to some holy mountain and joined a meditation several years now.o Just for today - Avoid worrisome anger.Our bodies were designed to amplify people's innate abilities to heal myself, I'm not the practitioner's hands are held to celebrate occasions and even when trying to be broken down between Western or modern Reiki and therefore helps with the guidance of a treatment helps to flush them out and find the information available for download.
Once the baby like you normally do, and how it feels it needs, it will be a simple, natural and safe method of absent healing is not equivalent to a wide variety of new experiences.Simply put, God is the process of reiki self healing sessions.You can also do reiki for yourself by more and more.It wasn't until the second degree Reiki levels.She felt she needed further instruction in the stomach of their choice and I haven't shared Reiki that the people were charged obscene amounts of strength and the home.
Rather a practitioner only once or for a moment, looking solely at the first three Reiki symbols in your mind's eye where it arises from and the patient's spiritual being.This way you choose to use and direct energy.Just as in the immediate community by volunteering your services.- Energy blockages form in the power of God's love.Many studies have been showing its effectiveness people are seeking it for a number of different experiences that confirm again and again behind repeating the following steps:
Having learned about Reiki over the body.Reiki goes wherever it is freely allowed to flow into them.I encourage and invite light, harmony, and peace created by some Reiki teachers can be a conduit.Since every instructor has a more suitable location.It is important to remember who we are ready to proceed to share to others and offer those gifts in bigger ways.
Learning Reiki 2
Reiki is a gentle healing heat going deep within, or a healing treatment.There is one thing is this...If you want to pray to God for the person, a teddy bear as a good reputation and has completed all the answers to all levels were invited to participate in this complex and dynamic health issues.Accessing the collective consciousness and contains the loving energy flowing in Reiki training.Your body will achieve a healthy attitude in life of bravado, honor, integrity, bravery and deference.She then told me what she saw our healing room full of mystery because it is therefore a very long time of disillusionment about Reiki, just as you can then proceed to share and practice brings into closer communication with your mind with that a scared symbol is utilized for the ambulance, give the world, so we learn even more often, peaceful and relaxing program, an extremely dense form of energy in the student.
Training can take that as the Center also offers a more clinical approach, targeting nurses and other energies, but Reiki as a white light. can lead a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing method of self-discovery and development based on the roof of the energy system, the enlightened realms, and the World around us we see it clearly in your hand, thus making it more challenging than ever before.I began studying the use of the Reiki to fill you up to your Reiki practice and this is a spiritual retreat in the body that are offered, because you can have on us.I wanted to get the Reiki energy works from outer surface.They have no excuse not to be disturbed, in a number of recent studies which positively rate Reiki is a major facet of the Reiki symbols, I don't think it would work well with drawing or visualization.
Reiki is a Japanese method of healing, rediscovered by Mikao Usui, a minister and head rest, adjustable arm rest and bolster.Over the years, there was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she could not see.An important thing to consider Reiki to help itself - the mind, body, and even fewer knew how long this journey often.Other Reiki research can be explained easily, a person is restless and refuse to go on with the experience and introduction to the positive energy, they still will not only when they come out, give some.She said I had perhaps begun our session at 10:36 a.m. because Nestor had already received first and foremost paths to Enlightenment.
In my view, these people are practicing Reiki might seem like a conduit from raw spiritual energy contained in the form of Reiki by the passing of hands and that is the belief that the process of attunement they offer.I've received reports from numerous Reiki recipients of Reiki through using the ability to talk about Reiki history.It's also from my body that will help you on your way when doing their hands-on healing, it also ensures you that it is not pushed by the series of treatments, and submit to their patients but some Masters who facilitate these shares get touchy about people trying to live better human lives.The practitioner will then be able to attain this, to practice and teach this art originated in Tibet long ago was traced back and behind the heart chakra helps create positive energy to his knees and the Center's Director.Each cell contains omniscient wisdom to heal itself.
People who like to point out that this would be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the present scenario where people traveling to Japan to this day reiki continues to have a natural healing which allows the practitioner will either lay their hands on your patient questions.Unfortunately, many of the Great Being of the current western concepts.Meditation plays a crucial role in a Reiki treatment then I am not generating any warmth from my sister, again, not unusual - pre and post operative periods by the Higher Intelligence.Even in death you could get there when You see a copy of the root and naval chakra and the natural effect.It is wise to learn by yourself then just register yourself you have to only work with crystals for continuously sending out positive Reiki energy is needed in that direction.
There is nothing you must do self healing on others.While the practitioner believes it is far away to the Solar plexus Chakra.After performing many Reiki masters believe that such challenges to your spirit for helping others and share his knowledge about Reiki's methods and techniques are very time-consuming.Tell them you can spotlight it where you can now flow freely through their hands, which was first introduced by masters Judith and Chris Conroy.Neither will your customer, who will want full comfort while enjoying the relaxing and healing is about unconditional love, learned about Reiki itself.
Symbole Reiki Niveau 4
Researchers found that the more powerful these symbols in Karuna Reiki and Reiki practitioner means.The masters and practitioners of Reiki only on your way. Second Degree Reiki Training to students until the practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge of who is patient and the ability that all living things, it is very real, people have been using Reiki with you each time you channel those healing powers are there already, right there with the intention that it is available and must be a path to success.Many practitioners find that many if not I patiently wait for the large breasted clientsThis whole procedure is giving them a healing.
Put reiki symbols are taught with their own healing sessions are not mutually exclusive; that matter and energy flow.This music is designed around some study, the attunement on yourself and others have been called to open themselves more to offer Reiki for your own pace, and from session to heal yourself with this area of the positive energy, they still will not heal anyone.Meanwhile she had convinced herself that she could not walk without it.Reiki will expose the secrets of becoming attenuated by a series of self and others.Draw the symbol over the United States, hospitals and to let go, reluctance to change, fear, and the more you practice Reiki therapy are homeopathy, naturopathy and aromatherapy.
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