#but maybe I’ll show off my fav wall corner for fun
squuote · 9 months
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took the day off for a mental break but I wanna show off my newly redecorated shelf
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king-finnigan · 4 years
Looking Up For Heaven - Oneshot
Summary: The first time you touch your soulmate, you remember things - the other life, people call it. Jaskier's heard the stories of this other life: witches, wizards, magic, medieval but not quite medieval. His flatmate, Yennefer, has already met her soulmate, and remembers the other life, but Jaskier is still not sold on the idea, and would rather not be a part of this bullshit.
Pairing/Warnings: Geralt x Jaskier, Modern AU, Soulmate AU
A/n: Look this is either the most creative fic I’ve ever written, or just one big pile of flaming garbage, that’s honestly up to you to decide. Title and idea from Glory by Bastille (and my fav song ever!). As always, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy, and don’t hesitate to leave a like and a comment if you feel like it!
You can also read this on AO3! M A S T E R L I S T
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Jaskier sighs as he stares at his reflection the mirror, hand threading through his hair. It’s slightly greasy and he remembers he forgot to take a shower today. Again. For the third day in a row. Goddammit.
He sighs again, looking at his flatmate in the reflection of the mirror, as she pulls her raven curls up into a ponytail. “Do I really have to go, Yen?” He ignores how whiny he sounds, instead leaning on the wash basin with his forearms, chin resting on them as he pouts at Yennefer’s reflection.
She scoffs from where she’s sitting on the edge of the once-white bath, tying her ponytail with one of her girlfriend’s scrunchies, the bright yellow a stark contrast with the rest of her exclusively black outfit. “Yes, you have to go, Julian. You promised a week ago that you would, and Triss will be really upset if you don’t show up.”
She gets up from the side of the tub, taking the half step towards the wash basin, pushing him aside. “Scoot, idiot.” She takes her eyeliner from the open cabinet next to the mirror, uncapping it, leaning her elbow next to the sink as she slowly, deliberately, traces a line over her eyelid. “I swear to god, if you make her sad, I will throw all your food in the trash and bend the needle of your record player.”
He frowns, leaning back against the edge of the sink, arms crossed in front of him. “Fine, whatever, I’ll go, then. Just don’t break my record player. It took me five weekends at bloody Starbucks to afford it.” He suppresses a shudder at the memory of working customer service.
Yennefer finishes her eyeliner, grabbing her mascara from the cabinet. He takes the eyeliner from where it’s lying on the sink, twirling it in his hands, as she rolls her eyes at him. “Don’t even know why you want a record player so badly, but okay. You know you can just stream music, right?”
He scoffs. “Oh, please, everyone knows vinyl sounds better than digital.”
She side-eyes him, eyes widening for a bit as she looks at her reflection again. “Okay, grandpa, if you say so.”
He sighs again, still twirling the eyeliner in his hands, as she finishes her mascara, pulling her ponytail taut again – even though it’s not sagging in the slightest. She finishes her makeup with a dark lipstick, before casting a last wink at her reflection and turning her back to the mirror, leaning against the sink, next to him. “Alright, what is it, Julian? We’ve been living together long enough for me to recognize an ‘I’m so sad please ask me if I’m okay’-sigh when I hear one.”
He side-eyes her for a moment, but she simply stares at him, dark-painted lips pursed, violet eyes stubborn, waiting for him to speak. After a few moments he sighs again, relenting under her unforgiving gaze. “Fine, I really don’t feel like going to this party.” He looks at her, cutting her off before she can scold him again: “Yes, I know Triss would be upset if I didn’t show up, but, like, I don’t know anyone there, and you know I hate crowds.”
She rolls her eyes. “Here’s an idea: maybe if you made some fucking friends for once, you’d actually know someone at this party. You really need to go out more, you can’t just sit in the flat all day, pretending to study.”
He gapes at her. “I do study, like, all the time! Hell, I have two essays due next week that I need a lot of time for. And if I didn’t go to the party, I’d actually be able to finish them in time.”
She scoffs, shaking her head slightly as she looks at the once-blue tiles of the wall opposite them. “Yeah, sure. I know you procrastinate, Julian. A lot. You’re just using these essays as an excuse to stay at home. We’re both well aware you wouldn’t do shit.”
He sighs, throwing his head back a bit. “Okay, fine, maybe I would spend all evening bingeing Netflix. Still, that’s a hell of a lot more fun than standing in the corner of some bar all evening. I love Triss, I really do, but I’m not willing to spend all those hours bored out of my mind and getting panic attacks when there’s too many people.”
She sighs, bumping into his shoulder slightly. “I know, alright? I know you can’t really talk to people and that crowds make you anxious, and I know that this evening is probably going to be a waste of time for you, but you promised, okay? You promised Triss that you would be there and she’s really looking forward to seeing you again. She’s going to be really disappointed if you don’t show up.” Her voice drops to barely above a whisper. “And so am I. You really need to go out more, Julian, you can’t spend the rest of your life cooped up in this apartment. You’re never going to make other friends or meet your soulmate if you sit inside all day.”
He scoffs at his feet when she mentions soulmates, but she simply ducks her head to meet his eyes. “Please, Julian, just go to this one party. If not for yourself or Triss, then for me.”
He sighs again, throwing his head back, looking at the mouldy ceiling. “Fine, fine, I’ll go. If only to stop you nagging.”
She laughs. “Oh, please, I’m never going to stop nagging. Speaking of,” she looks at him, one perfect eyebrow arched up, “you seriously need a change of clothes before we leave.”
He frowns at her. “As opposed to changing my clothes after we leave?” He laughs as she smacks him in the back of his head.
“You know what I meant, idiot. Seriously, at least wear some jeans, you look like you live in your mum’s basement and play Fortnite all day.” She gestures at his sweatpants, and he rolls his eyes. “And at least wear, like, a hoodie. It’s cold outside and that thin-ass shirt won’t be enough to keep you warm.”
He rolls his eyes, but pushes away from the sink anyway, calling over his shoulder as he walks to his bedroom. “Fine, alright! Jeez, mum. What’s next? You’ll tell me I have to comb my hair and part it in the middle so I can bedazzle my soulmate with my charming good looks?”
He rummages through his closet, pulling out the least crumpled jeans out from the pile of unfolded clothes, as he hears Yennefer letting herself fall on his unmade bed. “Actually, yes. I think you’d look dashing with a middle part and you’d be sure to instantly woo your soulmate once you meet them.”
He snorts as he pulls off his sweatpants, wiggling into the slightly too skinny jeans. “I don’t think I’m going to meet my soulmate, like, ever.” He struggles with the button a bit, sucking in his stomach. “Don’t think I want to.”
Yennefer looks at him, frowning a bit. “Why not? It’s such great fun, honestly. Like, you get all these memories of this cool-ass other life, and you get an added bonus of, you know, having a soulmate. Like, me and Triss didn’t even have to date, I immediately got this amazing girlfriend. It’s a win-win, my dude.”
He scoffs, rummaging through the pile of clothes at the bottom of his wardrobe again, pulling out a light blue hoodie with great difficulty. “Okay, first of all, you got lucky with Triss. There are a ton of people who end up hating their soulmate.” She shrugs, snorting as he struggles to pull the hoodie over his head. “Secondly,” he continues, when he has finally managed to put it on, “why would I want to know about the other life? Huh?”
Yennefer scoffs, as he sits on his desk chair, pulling on his Vans. “Because it’s cool as fuck. Did you know I was a witch in the other life? So was Triss, by the way.” She sighs, looking at her phone. “Though, I do miss being able to portal everywhere, that was really tight.”
He pulls his leg up, tying his shoelaces. “See? I don’t want to miss something I’ll never be able to get back. Also, your other life was cool, sure, but what if mine sucks, huh? What then? What if I died, like, the most stupid death humanly possible? And that’s another thing,” he continues to rant, as he ties the laces of his other shoe, “why would I want to remember how I died? That sounds like shit. Like, you remember how you died in the other life, that’s not a fun memory, right?”
Yennefer shrugs. “I mean, I got stabbed and fell off a tower in the middle of a battle, that’s all I remember. Didn’t hurt that much, really. And I’m sure you were an alright person in the other life. Probably royalty, since you’re so unbelievably stuck-up.”
She laughs as he flips her off. “Piss off, I’m serious. I don’t want to know about the other life. People keep saying you’ll really find your true self when you first touch your soulmate and remember, and they’re all like ‘ooh, you don’t know real happiness until you experience the glory of meeting your soulmate’ but that just all sounds like such bullshit. What’s wrong with this life? Why does everyone say it’s not enough? It’s enough for me so far.”
He sighs, gritting his teeth as he stops his rant, cheeks hot with annoyance. Yennefer simply stares at him from where she’s still lying on his bed, one eyebrow pulled up. It’s quiet for a few moments, until she speaks: “Are you done? Cause it’s nine thirty and we should leave right about now if we want to be fashionably late and not just plain late.”
He sighs, rolling his eyes, grabbing his phone from his desk. “Yeah, let’s go.”
҉    ҉    ҉
“Oh my god, Julian, you made it!” Triss’ voice is loud and clear above the noise of the people at the bar, as she nearly skips her way over to him and Yennefer, pulling him into a tight hug. He’s barely able to return it before she holds him at an arm’s length, beaming at him. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Hello, I’m here too,” Yennefer says next to him, and Triss laughs as she pulls her girlfriend into a short kiss.
“Oh, please, Yen, you’re so needy.” The two of them smile at each other and Jaskier clears his throat, kind of uncomfortable. He turns to the bar right next to them, ordering a tequila, only half paying attention to Triss and Yennefer’s conversation.
“So,” Yennefer asks, “who’s here?”
Triss looks around, pointing to different people as she names them. “Mostly friends from uni,” she waves at a group of people in one of the corners, “not a lot of people. Only Sabrina, Fringilla, and Anica. Istredd is still on his way, though.”
She turns her head left and right, stretching her neck a bit to see over the crowd of regular pub-goers. “I invited Geralt as well, but I haven’t seen him yet.” She shrugs. “He might not even show up, though, he said he’s not a big fan of parties.”
Jaskier takes the tequila from the barman, paying before he turns, sipping his drink as he leans his back against the bar. He sees Yennefer shoot him an uncomfortable look, something he can’t quite place, before she turns back to Triss. “Uh… who’s this Geralt-guy?” She glances back at him again for a second. “Haven’t heard of him.”
Triss blinks, visibly confused for a second, before some sort of realization dawns in her eyes. “Uh… oh, yeah! I uh… met him yesterday in the uni cafeteria. He was sitting all by himself and he looked kinda lonely so I joined him.”
Jaskier looks up, snorting a bit. “You sat with a total stranger and then invited him to your birthday party because he looked lonely?”
Triss blinks again, bright smile faltering a bit. “Uh… yeah, I guess I did. Anyways, he’s a really nice guy, I think you should really meet him, Julian. You know, give him a chance?”
He frowns. “What do you mean ‘give him a chance’?”
Yennefer clears her throat, she and her girlfriend sharing another strange look Jaskier doesn’t really understand. “At being a friend. You seriously need to make some friends, remember? Also, he doesn’t know anyone else at the party, either, so you two can be socially awkward together.”
Jaskier frowns again. “How do you know he’s socially awkward? I thought you never met him.”
She shrugs. “Well, he must be if he was sitting on his own.” Jaskier nods, not entirely convinced there isn’t something else going on as well, but he decides against asking about it. Maybe later, he thinks, as he sips his drink, looking at his phone a bit.
It’s rowdy and hot in the pub, and he can already feel a panic attack starting to build, as his eyes dart around, lungs constricting in his chest a bit. Yennefer and Triss have made their way over to their friends, leaving him on his own at the bar. He downs his tequila, placing the glass on the countertop behind him.
He’s contemplating making a bee-line to the side door and slipping away into the night – maybe getting a taxi – when someone stands next to him, ordering a beer from the barman. Jaskier looks to his right, eyes first meeting a black leather jacket, seeing long, white hair as he looks up a bit. He directs his gaze to his phone as quickly as possible, hoping the guy next to him won’t notice how much he seems to be blushing because fuck, this guy is hot.
He chances another look up, startling when he meets amber eyes. He swallows thickly, as the guy looks away again, taking the beer from the barman and tipping generously – Jaskier notices. He expects the guy to walk away, and part of him is already dreading never seeing those amber eyes again.
The guy doesn’t, though. He turns around, leaning against the bar, next to Jaskier, sipping his beer as he looks over the crowded room. Jaskier looks at his feet, fumbling with his phone a bit, unsure of what to say or to do.
He sighs in relief as he hears Triss’ voice, clear above the murmur of the crowd. “Oh my god, hi, Geralt!” She drags Yennefer behind her as they make their way over to Jaskier and the mysterious guy – apparently Geralt. She smiles brightly as she looks between the two of them. “So, I see you’ve already met Julian! This is my girlfriend Yennefer, by the way.” Yennefer gives a small smile and a weak wave from behind her soulmate. “Julian is her flat mate! You two really should get to know each other, I think you’d be great friends!”
Jaskier frowns at her, and he can see Geralt cocking his head in the corner of his eye. Triss smiles brightly, though, and looks behind her at Yennefer, who gives her girlfriend a reassuring nod. Reassuring her of what – Jaskier is not sure yet, but he narrows his eyes at his friend nonetheless.
“Oh! Look!” Triss says. “Istredd is here! And he brought some friends! Come on, Yen, we should go greet them.” She turns back to Jaskier and Geralt, giving them a final wave before disappearing in the crowd, leaving him alone with the guy. Great.
She was right though – Istredd did bring a ton of friends, and the bar feels a lot stuffier and rowdier than it did a few minutes ago. He considers leaving again, but doesn’t want to be impolite towards Geralt, so he stands there, leaning against the bar, heart racing, lungs constricting and oh fuck, he’s starting to have a panic attack.
His hands tremble as he fidgets with the hem of his pale blue hoodie, and he wishes he hadn’t worn it, even though it’s his favourite sweater. It’s too warm in the room, and he can feel sweat starting to form on his brow. He tries to keep his breathing even, but that only results in spots dancing across his vision from lack of oxygen, and his chest hiccupping with every other breath.
After a minute or so of silent suffering, he’s had enough. He throws a tight smile at Geralt, who looks at him weirdly, and mutters a “nice meeting you” before pushing through the crowd towards the side door, his shoulders bumping into several people on the way.
Once outside, he takes in deep, gulping breaths of night air, leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees. It’s blissfully quiet in the side alley, and he closes his eyes, waiting for the rush of blood in his ears to subside.
The door opens behind him, flooding him with light and noise before it’s closed again. He doesn’t look up, waiting for Yennefer to start her rant that he needs to practice conscious breathing when he feels a panic attack coming up, or Triss to ask him if he’s alright and if there’s anything she can do for him.
Instead, he hears a deep voice behind him. “Are you okay?” He stretches out again, looking behind him to see Geralt, amber eyes surprisingly concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just…” he shrugs, looking at his feet “had a bit of a panic attack.”
Geralt takes a tentative step towards him. “You wanna talk about it?”
Jaskier smiles, shaking his head slightly. He hadn’t taken Geralt for a talkative person, so the fact that the guy offered to talk about it means a lot to him, surprisingly. “No, it’s fine.” He shrugs again, hands in the pocket of his hoodie. “Just don’t like crowds.”
Geralt smiles a bit, and oh god, oh shit, oh fuck, he looks so hot when he smiles. “Yeah, same here. Not a big fan of them.” Jaskier looks around, the street in front of the bar deserted. He’s not sure what’s down the alley, but he might find a taxi there.
He looks back at Geralt, who’s shifting from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable. “It was nice meeting you, Geralt.” He starts walking down the alley, hands still in the pocket of his hoodie. He hears footsteps behind him and half turns around, frowning as he sees the guy catching up with him.
“Where are you going?” Geralt is walking next to him now, and Jaskier takes half a step to the side in the small alley, making sure their shoulders don’t brush.
He cocks his head. “Why do you want to know?”
And he might definitely be mistaken but he could swear he sees Geralt blush in the dim light of the streetlamps behind them. “Just doesn’t seem very safe, walking into an alley on your own in the middle of the night.”
Jaskier smiles. “And it’s safer to walk into an alley in the middle of the night with a stranger?”
He can see Geralt chewing on his lip, frowning deeply. “I suppose not.” He stops walking, and Jaskier does, too, after a couple of steps, turning back to Geralt. “If you want me to leave, Julian, that’s okay, I’ll leave.”
Jaskier laughs a bit, shaking his head. “Nah, don’t worry.” He keeps walking, signaling with his head for Geralt to follow him again. “Come on, let’s keep moving, it’s too cold to stand still.”
Geralt falls in step next to him and Jaskier can’t help but smile. He looks to his side. “My name’s not Julian, by the way.” Geralt frowns at him, confused, and Jaskier shrugs. “It is, officially, but my parents changed their minds a few weeks after I was born, and named me Jaskier, but didn’t change the legal documents. Yennefer just calls me Julian to spite me, and Triss does it cause she thinks it’s more polite, and I don’t have the heart to tell her no.”
Geralt laughs, shaking his head slightly. “I only met her yesterday, but that sounds exactly like her.”
Jaskier cocks his head. “I am wondering, though, Geralt, why did you come to the party? Like you said, you only met Triss yesterday.”
Geralt shrugs, hands buried in the pockets of his leather jacket. “She was very insistent. And, just like you, I didn’t have the heart to tell her no.”
Jaskier smiles, nodding a bit. “Fair enough.”
He side-steps around a garbage bag, before they reach the street behind the pub. It’s deserted. Well, fuck. So long, taxi. He looks around, the street stretching into the darkness on both sides. There’s a fenced off field in front of him, and he can see street lamps and cars passing by on a street on the other side of the field. He begins walking forward.
“Where are you going?” He hears Geralt call behind him.
He half turns around, pointing to the field with his thumb as he walks sideways. “Gonna hop the fence, go to that street over there and try and find a tax-“
His sentence is cut off abruptly as he trips over a small rock in the middle of the road, painfully hitting his head on the curb as he falls on his side. “Shit!”
He clutches his head as he sits up, but luckily there’s no blood on his hand, as he pulls it back. It is going to be a nasty bump, tomorrow, though. “Jaskier! You okay?” He looks up as Geralt half-jogs towards him across the street, looking both ways even though the neighborhood seems deserted.
He’s almost reached Jaskier, when he trips over his own feet, landing on his knees next to Jaskier. “Shit!”
Jaskier can’t help but laugh, clutching his stomach as he wheezes. God, just a pair of fucking idiots, lying in the middle of the street. He laughs harder when Geralt frowns at him, though the guy can’t help but laugh as well, as tears start to form in Jaskier’s eyes.
He gasps for air between fits of giggles, and leans back, lying on the asphalt, still clutching his stomach as he hiccups. He feels Geralt joining him, lying next to him in the middle of the street. “You okay, Jask?”
He finally quiets down and nods. He turns to Geralt. “You called me Jask.”
The guy shrugs, seemingly blushing again, though Jaskier tells himself it’s just a trick the streetlamps are playing on his eyes. “You don’t like it?”
Jaskier smiles, looking up at the sky. “No, no, I do like it. Just… no one’s ever called me that.”
Geralt shrugs again. They lie there in silence for a few moments, staring up at the night sky, the sound of cars in the distance.
“So, Geralt, what do you study?” He looks to his side again, admiring Geralt’s profile.
Jaskier pushes himself up on one elbow, looking down on Geralt, who smiles softly. “Really? Didn’t take you for an animal lover, honestly.”
Geralt shrugs. “Most people don’t. I just have a soft spot for horses, I guess.”
Jaskier can’t help but smile at that. “Oh? Why horses, specifically?”
Amber eyes grow distant, as if Geralt’s suddenly transported into his own memories. “My dad’s got a horse farm, in the countryside. Taught me how to ride and take care of them at a young age.” He blinks, and suddenly he seems to be back in reality, as he looks at Jaskier. “What about you, though? What do you study?”
Jaskier leans back again, unable to look into Geralt’s eyes too long, for some reason. “English Lit.”
He hears Geralt chuckle next to him. “I wish I could say I didn’t take you for a book lover, but I’d be lying.”
Jaskier laughs a bit. “Alright, fair enough.”
He hears the quiet sound of a cap being unscrewed and looks to the side, seeing Geralt take a swig from a metal flask. “Wow, dude, you’ve come prepared.”
Geralt smiles, handing the flask to Jaskier. “What can I say? Pubs are expensive.” Jaskier laughs, feeling a slight burn in his throat as he takes a sip of whiskey – apparently Geralt’s a whiskey kind of guy. Horses and whiskey.
He laughs as he imagines Geralt, with a frown on his face, downing a bottle of Jack Daniels as he rides on a horse, wearing a cowboy outfit. He sits up as he chokes on the whiskey, coughing violently into his elbow. Geralt sits up next to him as well. “You okay?”
Jaskier gasps for air, coughing the last bit of whiskey from his airway, tears in the corners of his eyes. “Yeah, fine, just thought of something funny.” Geralt shoots him a questioning look and Jaskier shakes his head. “It’s not important.”
Geralt lays back down, taking the flask as Jaskier hands it to him, putting it back in the pocket of his leather jacket, folding his arms behind his head. “Well, watch out the next time you think about something unimportant, then. Don’t want you to laugh until you die.”
Jaskier smiles, laying back down on the pavement. “Honestly, can you think of any better way to choke?”
Geralt smiles as well. “Hmm.”
It’s quiet between them for a couple more moments, as they look at the night sky. The light pollution of the city makes it hard for him to see the stars, but he can make out some blinking lights in the dark abyss above. He points up. “Look, a plane.”
Geralt nods next to him, then points to the right of where Jaskier’s pointing. “Another one.”
Jaskier nods as well. “Very busy night for the plane business.”
And Geralt’s chuckle might be the most beautiful thing he’s heard in his whole life.
“So,” Geralt starts, and Jaskier looks at his profile again, noticing how soft the white hair looks and how much he wants to touch it, “do you do this often?” Geralt turns his head towards Jaskier, and oh god, those lips look so kissable.
He blinks. “Do what?”
Geralt smiles. “Lying in the middle of the road at one in the morning with strangers?”
Jaskier shakes his head. “No, I never do that. See, I know your name and you’ve watched me fall on my face, so we’re not really strangers anymore, are we?”
Geralt looks at the night sky again. “No, I suppose not.” He lets out a long deep breath, and Jaskier can see small clouds above his face in the cold air. “So,” he looks back at Jaskier, “what do you do in your spare time?”
Jaskier scoffs. “You mean besides watching Netflix and pretending to study?” Geralt laughs, and Jaskier can’t help but vow to make this guy laugh as many times as he possibly can, because he can’t imagine ever getting tired of the sound. He shrugs. “I don’t know, really. Lie in the middle of the road at one in the morning, and look up for heaven, I guess.”
Geralt frowns a bit. “What do you mean with looking up for heaven?”
Jaskier shrugs. “Well, people always say that when you find your soulmate you will find glory or some shit, but… I don’t know. It’s always sounded like an empty promise to me. Something that only happens if you find your soulmate, and… what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Wait?” He shakes his head, looking at the sky, watching as another plane passes overhead. “No, I don’t really like that. Life has meaning even if you don’t have a soulmate or if you haven’t found them yet. I can’t do anything with empty words for glory, so I’ll just be here, looking up for heaven, trying to find something else to strive towards.”
It’s quiet for another moment, and eventually he turns his head, looking at Geralt, amber eyes searching his face. Finally, he speaks: “You said ‘even if you don’t have a soulmate’. Everyone has one, though.”
Jaskier scoffs. “I don’t believe that. I mean, my parents were supposedly soulmates. They did the whole thing: touching each other for the first time, seeing the other life, falling in love, marrying, getting a kid. But then they ended up hating each other. So were they really soulmates, then? I don’t believe so.”
Geralt nods, turning his head towards the night sky. “I understand. I don’t know if my parents were soulmates, I never met them.”
Jaskier frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Geralt smiles and shrugs. “It’s okay. I’ve got my adoptive father. He never found his soulmate, though, but he seems at peace with it. I think you’d like him.”
Jaskier smiles as well. “I mean, he owns a horse farm, so I’m already sold.”
Geralt laughs again, and maybe Jaskier feels something flutter in the pit of his stomach, but he’s probably just hungry or something. He sees another plane pass by. “Kind of weird, isn’t it? That there’s a scientific explanation for everything in this world, except for the other life and the whole soulmate ordeal.”
Geralt nods. “Guess we really know nothing at all, when push comes to shove. We can only make the best of what we have, as long as we’re here, and maybe there’s something afterwards, who knows? Maybe another life, where soulmates will remember this one when they touch for the first time.”
Jaskier smirks, half turning his head to Geralt. “Now who’s looking up for heaven?”
Geralt scoffs, half turning towards Jaskier as well. “Not me. I’ll take my chances on the curb here with you, thank you very much.”
Jaskier notices little, dark brown flecks in Geralt’s amber eyes, and has to look away, a blush gracing his cheeks. In the distance a church bell chimes three times. Jaskier looks at his phone, suspicions confirmed: it’s three in the morning already. “Huh, it’s getting late.” He sighs, putting his phone back in the pocket of his hoodie. “I have class in the morning. I should probably get going.”
He makes no move to get up, though, and simply watches as another plane passes overhead. He hears that deep voice again, and feels a shiver run down his spine that has nothing to do with the cold. “What is it, Jask?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna go home yet, I guess.” He looks at Geralt. “I don’t know why, but it’s really easy to talk with you.”
Geralt smiles. “Same here.”
Jaskier looks up at the sky once more. “I just wanna stay here, in the middle of the road, with you, looking up for heaven together.”
Geralt chuckles, pushing himself to his feet, as Jaskier sits upright. Geralt extends his hand, smiling a bit. “Stop looking up for heaven, waiting to be buried.” Jaskier laughs, reaching out his hand to take Geralt’s.
Their skin touches, for the first time that evening, and his eyes grow wide as memories that aren’t quite his own flood him.
“Love the way you just sit in the corner and brood.” “I’m here to drink alone.”
“Respect doesn’t make history.”
“I need no one, and the last thing I want is someone needing me.” “And yet, here we are.”
“We could head to the coast, get away for a while.”
“If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands.”
He lets go of Geralt’s hand, falling back on the pavement as he is pulled back to here and now. He looks up, wide-eyed, shocked, and he can tell Geralt just experienced the same thing. Fuck.
The other life. A Witcher, a Bard. Soulmates.
He breathes out, shuddering breath leaving his lungs in fragments, forming small clouds in the cold night air. “Oh.”
Geralt simply stares at him, then at his hand, as if he can’t believe what just happened. Eventually, he nods, lowering himself back onto the pavement, next to Jaskier. “Oh,” he says as well.
Jaskier looks at his own hand, half expecting a mark, something to indicate something’s – everything’s changed, but his skin is the same as always. Really, he’s the same as always, it’s just the memories that are new.
He looks at Geralt, who’s still staring ahead, amber eyes wide. “What happened in the other life, Geralt? How did you-“ his voice catches in his throat as he imagines Geralt dying.
The guy – the Witcher looks at him, eyes still absent. He blinks, then clears his throat. “I uh… After… our fight, on the mountain, I went looking for Ciri, for my…” a sharp intake of breath “Child Surprise. Never found her. Got attacked by ghouls, died a day or so later. You?”
A memory presents itself to Jaskier, and he shudders, burying his hands in the sleeves of his hoodie. “Got robbed a few weeks after our fight. Got stabbed, bled out.”
Geralt frowns at him. “I know we only just met, really, and that we’re not who we were in the other life but… I do want to apologize for what I said on the mountain. I never meant any of it, and travelling with you for…” he frowns, swallowing thickly “twenty-two years, was an honour and a privilege. You deserved better.”
Jaskier smiles. “I did, and thank you, Geralt. It does mean a lot to me, even if it wasn’t really… me, but… other life me? I don’t know, this is so weird.”
Geralt laughs. “It is. I’m glad we’re here, now, though.”
Jaskier leans his shoulder against Geralt’s, something that feels so natural he doesn’t need to think twice about it. “So am I. And I’m glad we’re soulmates.” He frowns. “I’m glad we got a second chance, Geralt.”
Geralt smiles back, softly, fondness in his eyes. “So am I. I really messed up the first time. I want to do better in this life, if you’ll have me.”
Jaskier leans forward, resting his forehead against Geralt’s, the clouds of their breaths intertwining in the cold night air. “I’ll have you, Geralt of Rivia, if you’ll have me.”
Geralt sighs, softly. “Yes, of course I’ll have you, Jask. No question about it.”
Their eyes meet, and Jaskier can barely suppress a shiver that runs down his spine. He’s drowning in the molten gold of Geralt’s eyes, and can’t help but smile. “May I kiss you?”
Geralt leans forward, their noses brushing, hot breath fanning over Jaskier’s skin. “I fear I might die all over again if you don’t.”
Jaskier laughs. “God, Geralt, you’re so dramatic.” He leans forward further, softly pressing his lips against Geralt’s, and he feels a hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer, the kiss deepening.
After a few moments he pulls back, drawing in shaky breaths of cold night air as their foreheads rest against each other. He can’t help but smile as he takes in every little detail of Geralt’s face. The little freckle under his right eye, the small scar on his left eyebrow, the brown freckles in his amber eyes. He hopes he gets the chance to spend the rest of his life memorizing every single detail, every single imperfection that makes Geralt perfect.
Geralt smiles at him, frowning a bit as he sees Jaskier’s searching eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Jaskier smiles, before pressing a chaste kiss to Geralt’s lips and he could never, ever tire of this. Not in this life, not in the next. “No reason, I’m just… looking up for heaven.”
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Working For Love: A TerrorMoo Story 10/17
Er.... I mean, enjoy this drabble?
Previous Part
Start from the beginning
Brian wasn’t a fan of surprises. 
He liked to be a part of them when the focus was others, but he never enjoyed when the attention was placed on him. Evan always claimed it was a control thing, and that it lead to Brian always taking initiative with his potential partners. He didn’t want to be thrown off his game, whether it was in his professional or romantic life. Brian picked the same times to run classes, looked at his lists a half hour before they were due to start, and never strayed from his guided plans once the class started. It was not only safer for his participants, but it kept the area calm and left Brian little to no chances of being left unsure of what to do next.
Unfortunately, nothing would have prepared him for how he’d felt when seeing Brock cry in the locker room the week before. Tears had looked so out of place filling the brown eyes when he’d stared at Brian, as if hoping Brian could fix all the broken parts inside him. Brian didn’t know what had cut Brock so deep, what had made him tremble under soft touches and feel unworthy of compassion. But it’d been an unpleasant weight in Brian’s chest that had lingered for days after. Brock had to take two days off from the gym because of his foot, but even when he’d come back, a somber aura had settled around his shoulders like a cloak. Brian did he best to cheer him up, and at times he’d catch the glimmer of his normal smile. But Brock still wasn’t fully happy, and it left a bitter taste in Brian’s mouth. 
And then, because the universe felt like he needed another swerve, Craig showed up to his morning yoga class.
“Hey, don’t blame me,” Mini had said when Brian had tossed a glare his way. “Ingrid seduced me with blueberry vodka smoothies; how could I say no?”
“Why do you still hang out with them?” Brian asked, Craig pressing his hand to his chest with a dramatic sigh.
“These are my people, Brian. They resonate with my old soul.”
“How are you friends with Brock?”
“You worried your lover boy’s gonna realize our love potential and let me whisk him away?” Craig raised his voice enough to catch some of the ladies' attention in the class, and Brian had to bite back a swear at their curious gazes. He loved his yoga classes, and he didn’t mind being friendly with the vocal older women. But there were times when their forwardness tended to be overwhelming, such as their desire to find him a wife. 
“Ladies, please start your first position. And you-” He pressed his finger into Craig’s chest, pushing him toward the corner of the room. “Don’t start shit.”
“I would never.” Innocence looked wrong on Mini, and the faux blinks of naivety he sent to Brian made his spine tingle in discomfort. His shoulders didn’t relax until Mini plopped himself down onto his mat, sending Wanda a shit-eating grin while sliding into the first pose. 
The class, for the most part, followed the normal routine. It left Brian with the calmness that he attributed to yoga, and his mind drifted back to Brock when moving into his seated position. His eyes stared down at his ankle in silence, remembering how warm Brock’s skin had been under his touch. But the memory, which should have been embarrassing or pleasant, was tinged with sadness at the thought of Brock’s trembles. Brock said he wasn’t okay, but what had made him feel like that? Despite getting to know Brock better with each month that passed, there were still parts of him that were a mystery. He rarely dabbled in the romantic side of Brock’s past, only knowing he was interested in men from mention of ex-boyfriends. Names and time frames were never introduced into the conversations, though Brian hadn’t brought up his own either. Still, to think that Brock had looked so broken because Brian had simply allowed him to be broken-
It made his nails dig into his calves, and he switched the position to keep from punching the mat in frustration. It took time to lower his anger, but he’d captured it back into his chest when finishing the final stretch of the routine. 
“And remember that when you do these moves at home, to have a flat surface to place your mat on. Otherwise, you’re at risk of hurting yourself.” The smile he pushed forward felt more real than it had any right to at the moment. “Any questions before we wrap up?”
“When are you going to ask that young man out?” Velma asked, blue tinged hair a curled mess above hawk-like eyes. Brian caught his jaw before it could fall open, any sense of fatigue from the week vanishing from his sudden spike of adrenaline. One glance around the room proved that Velma wasn’t the only interested participant in the conversation, none of the woman moving from their mats while staring him down. It didn’t take much to realize that the question hadn’t been sporadic, but pre-planned by the group to catch him off guard. 
God, Brian hated surprises. 
“I meant about the poses-” Brian tried to start, but Mini looked far too pleased when he cut in.
“Yeah, Brian, when you gonna make an honest man out of my best friend?” Brian’s eye twitched at the feline grin that tickled the edges of Mini’s lips, bright blue eyes glancing at the attentive women while he counted on his fingers. “They’ve been flirting for months, Brock’s been single well past the allowed time after a terrible break-up, and I think we’ve all discussed enough at our Saturday Smoothie Brunch how their chemistry is simply adorable. The problem is that we all know Brock’s far too shy to ask out Brian, so he’s gotta be the one to put on his big boy pants and do the work.” 
“What a sweet boy, that Brock is.” Ingrid sighed like she wanted to be in her twenties again simply to have a chance at Brock, and Brian wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh to smack his head into the wall. 
“And just a perfect match for our Brian,” Velma added, sending another pointed look toward Brian. 
“Why is this even a topic?” Brian blurted out, wondering when it was that Craig had hi-jacked his yoga class. He really needed to get Tyler to fuck Mini just to keep him out of his hair. The women hadn’t been this riled up since Brian had forgotten to wear boxers when running on the treadmill. 
“Well, isn’t that obvious?” Mini pulled his knees up in front of him to rest his chin on them, rolling his eyes to show how unimpressed he was with Brian’s arched eyebrow. “We want Brock to be happy again. You’re not the only one who cares around him.” 
“What?” Brian blinked, genuinely stunned at the collective nods that the women shared at the answer.
“He’s been so sad lately,” Wanda continued, the hot pink lipstick emphasizing her frown. “Normally, when I see him in the gym, he gives the warmest smile. It reminds me of how my Howie used to look when we were high school sweethearts, so bright and endearing. But this past week, that shine just...hasn’t been there. And we can see how that affects your, which means that both of our favorite boys are sad.” 
“The only time we get Brock to really smile is when you’re in his orbit. Even when I’m showering him with love at the apartment, it just doesn’t get the same reaction that you do.” For the first time since meeting Craig, his voice was lacking the confident bounce that was a staple of his character. The point he was trying to make was serious, and grabbed Brian’s attention. “Brock’s working through some stuff, and I’m going to respect him by not spilling it. But that doesn’t mean he has to be alone while he’s healing. If there was someone who helped the pain, someone who maybe would treat him right, then I’ll do whatever it takes to get that guy off his ass and make a move.” 
“The double dates between you and Tyler would be so cute with Brock and Brian.” Ingrid pinched Craig’s face affectionately, and he laughed through his pinkened cheeks. Brian, dumbfounded at how much energy the group had put into Brock’s happiness, made him sit back on his mat, hands falling limp in his lap. 
“You guys really think Brock would give us a shot?” 
“Honey, that man looks ready to marry you.” Wanda’s eyes held a haze of romance, and Brian felt his smile grow at her confidence in Brock’s feelings for him.
“And that’s before he knows what you’re like between the sheets,” Mini tossed out, snickering when Brian scoffed. 
“Then again, he was there during the treadmill incident; he’s got a very good idea what you’re working with. We all do.” Never too shy to say her peace, Velma gave a pointed glance to Brian’s crotch, the rest of the woman erupting into giggles and whistles. Brian’s shock was loud for a moment, but it fell to the side when he laughed, head shaking at the absurdity of his life. But one thing was sure; they were all right. Brian didn’t need to wait for Brock to be 100% to pursue him. Brock was great now. And if he never got better, Brian would still want him for as long as he could keep him. It was strange to feel so comfortable with his decision that had seemed so impossible an hour ago. 
But life was full of surprises, and not all of them were bad.
Hee hee Mini hanging out with dirty old women is just too funny not to put it. Okay, so! I actually had a ton of fun writing this one, and this little mini story is one of my favs so far. So like, reblog, and let me know what you think! <3
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader Chap. 8; Love is formed
*Author’s note*
Okay everyone here it is, my most FAVORITE SONG OF ALADDIN AND MY FAV. PART TO WRITE. And since I love both versions of this song SOOOO much I leave it up to you all on what you want to listen to. Whether its the OG or the LA version I’ll have both links up for you all to enjoy. So I’ll shut up now and let you all get to it and OHHH CHALLENGE ESP. TO US GIRLS!!! DON’T. SING. JASMINE’S PART!!!!! Since you the reader are basically Aladdin’s part you’re gonna have to sing the male part while Deacy takes over the female vocals hehehe. So hope you all enjoy that challenge :)
OG version
LA version
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After the party Freddie and I were in my guest room with my pacing around and Freddie brushing out his hair with his disguise now dropped.
“He just—walked out.”
“Perhaps I might’ve gone too far with the splits, but darling let’s be honest here. That dance was probably the best thing you will ever do in your entire life.”
“I was pretty good wasn’t I?” I bragged still remembering the look on that bitch Priyanka’s face as she tucked and run. But then I thought back to John, I mean nothing seems to impress him and I thought all royals loved treasures or women fighting over them. “But nothing seems to impress him.”
“I know. Not gems or jams or jewels. I mean if I can’t impress him, I wonder who can?” I looked out of my balcony to see just across from my balcony was the Princes’ balcony.  I saw John with Roger and Jim and the three of them went back into the room.
“What are you saying Freddie?” I asked as I turned towards him.
“I’m just saying maybe just try being yourself.”
“I already told you, he has to marry a Princess.” I sighed as I turned back towards the Princes’ balcony. “If I only just had a few minutes alone with him.” Then an idea came into my mind. “You have to get me over there?”
“That an official wish?” he asked me as he shook out his hair and turned towards me.
“No it’s more of a—favor. For a friend.”
“Sorry dear, genies really don’t do favors.” He said as he turned back towards the mirror and observed himself. “Plus we don’t really do friends.”
“But I thought you said you never had a friend like me.”
“See that’s where you’re wrong (y/n). I said you never had a friend like me. See when you’re a genie, people always want things from you it’s just—awkward.” He placed a turban on top of his head and modeled it wondering if it looked good on him.  That’s when I got a clever idea.
“Yeah, you’re right. Besides it would’ve involved distracting a—certain animal keeper to the Princes.”
“Oh-ho I see where this is going you clever minx, I hook you up, you hook me up, right?” Freddie said as came up in front of me with a wide smile while I just grinned back at him.
*3rd Person POV*
Now back in his disguise Freddie appeared at the Princes’ door and extended his hand outwards to the door, then using his magic he made three knocks sound off before they opened to reveal Jim.  He was surprised to see the advisor to the Princess and Freddie greeted him with a smile.
“Good evening.”
“How did you get past the guards?” questioned Jim.
“Oh I uhh—I snuck past them.”
“All 48 of them? Even the ones that spit fire? Impressive.” Jim said in a blunt tone.
“Well—that’s what people say about me.” Freddie chuckled nervously. Jim however just gave him an unimpressed look. “Oh that—that came out arrogant didn’t it? I mean I’m not overly arrogant or a prick I just I don’t know why I said that. Uhh….” He then saved himself by bring out from his back, a small bouquet of roses.
“They’re lovely.” Jim awed. “He’ll hate them.” Jim then suddenly spoke with a blunt matter-of-fact tone. “Tell the Princess that the way to Prince John’s heart is through his mind.”
“Actually these are from me—to you.” Freddie said. Jim’s face softened and he said softly.
“Could you excuse me for one moment?” Jim said as he reached for the doors and slowly closed them.
“No, wait I just….” Freddie tried to save himself but the doors closed in on him before he could say another word.
Jim remained calm as he slowly turned towards the Princes before finally letting go and silently pumping his arms up and down in victory.  John, Brian and Roger also mouthed out a cheer for him.
Meanwhile from the hallway Freddie turned his head angrily muttering to himself.
“‘Not that I’m overly arrogant’ really Freddie? That made you sound like a right up arsehole basically.” The doors opened up and Freddie turned back and smiled at Jim.  Jim took the roses and said.
“My favorite, I plant these all the time back home for the Princes garden. You may continue.”
“I was noticing of how—pleasant the evening is. At the party I noticed you noticing…me how—pleasant I am. Right, how is this going?” Freddie stammered awkwardly before asking cautiously.
“It’s clumsy. But in a…..charming sort of way.” Jim answered him honestly.
“A stroll.” Freddie blurted out. “Would you like to take an evening stroll with me?”
“Just the two of us? On purpose?”
“Yes, as people.” Jim was silent once again before whispering softly.
“Just one more minute.”
“Okay.” As Jim closed the doors once more, Freddie muttered, “Why the fuck would I say that?” as the doors fully closed he turned aside and softly growled “That woman is contagious!”
Inside the room, Jim tossed the bouquet over to John who caught it and he gestured and mouthed out ‘go’ to Jim.  Jim opened the doors once again and he said to Freddie.
“I’ve never really been on a stroll, how does it work?”
“Follow me my dear and I’ll show you.” The two men then walked side by side of each other, their hands briefly rubbing off against one another.
*My POV*
“I’m happy Jim finally found someone while we were here.” I heard Prince Brian say from the balcony.
“Yeah, he seems to be happy with Ali’s advisor. He looks like he’s a lot of fun, maybe I’ll ask if he’d like to go for a ride in the gardens.” Prince Roger spoke.
“You know you just wanna interrogate the poor guy in case he hurts Jim.” John’s voice spoke up.
“I just care about Jim’s wellbeing. I mean remember that one arsehole that used him to get to us, mainly you Brian.”
“I’d—rather not talk about that thank you Rog.” I then decided to make my presence known so I knocked on the corner of the wall and I heard John say.
“Come in.”
“Actually I’m already in.” I said cautiously as I came around the column pillar.
“Don’t move!” John warned me.  That’s when I saw both the lion and lioness stand up and growl at me, but the lioness seemed more protective as she looked like she was ready to attack me.
“I just came back because you left so…..”
“How did you—get there?” he asked curiously. I closed me mouth and said the first two words that came to my mind.
“Magic carpet?” he just scoffed at me.
“I, for one, am glad you’re here though Princess Ali.” Spoke Prince Brian as he stood up holding some sort of creature in his hand.  It looked kinda like a mongoose of sorts but it wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before. It was big, probably the size of a domestic cat, it had grey fur for the back but black on its underbelly, around it’s face was white with black lines along the eyes.
“You are?”
“Yes. For hours I’ve been trying to find Ababwa but it doesn’t seem to be on any of my maps. Care to show me?”
“Well I…..”
“Yes. I would also like to know just why your kingdom isn’t on any map.” John spoke up as he crossed his arms.  As I took a step forward, the lioness took a step forward while the male lion softly roared. “Now Nala. You and your brother can’t eat the princess tonight she needs her legs for dancing.”
“Did I go too far with the split?” I asked as I finally began walking forward while the two big cats were distracted.
“A little. Ababwa?”
“Yes.” I spoke loudly before finally muttering to myself, “Freddie I need to find Ababwa, they have maps, lots of maps.” I cleared my throat as I finally stood by the two princes and picked up the map and held it over my face in between me and John’s face specifically. “Ababwa, of course.” I remained silent for a bit before finally saying again, “Ababwa.”
Finally I saw a cartoon drawing of Freddie on the map in his genie formed and he waved at me.  He then began flying about and I followed his frantic movements as his genie tail began drawing random kingdoms at the center.  Along a banner it read ‘WEMBLEY KINGDOM.’
‘Not funny Freddie!’ I mouthed at him.  He then waved another banner in big bold letters that read JUST BE YOURSELF, his drawing scowling at me with his arms crossed. ‘Fred enough of…..’ John’s hand came on top of the map and he bent it over as he told me.
“Have you lost your country?” oh Allah say something you idiot.
“What no? No! No not at all its……” I set the map down trying to stand between the map and John. “It’s right here.” I pointed in a random spot. His brow rose skeptically as he said.
“I don’t think so, see I was with Brian when he was—” he looked down and low and behold Freddie had drawn the fake kingdom of Ababwa and gotten rid of the other drawings he had done, even his drawing was gone.
“There it is!” I exclaimed cheerfully.  John and Brian hovered over the map and Brian said.
“How did I miss that?”
“Well I mean who needs maps anyways? They’re old, and useless and add no practical value.” I said as I took the map away from the desk.
“Maps are how we see the world.” Brian said as he set down his pet.
“But I thought a prince could go anywhere?” I asked. All three of them had solemn faces as Roger finally spoke up.
“Not these princes unfortunately.” John especially seemed to look the most solemn and heartbroken.
“Well, if you’d—Prince John I’d gladly oh!” I felt a brush up against my leg and a soft bite on my shoe.  I know it wasn’t intentionally at my foot per-say, but I did feel small teeth nibble into my skin.
“Ahh Lulu naughty girl!” Prince Brian scolded as he came up and picked the creature up.  “Sorry, she’s always been a curious little badger but I’ve never seen her act like this before.” Then just before Brian could catch her, she went between my legs, her medium sized body knocking into my heels sending me towards the ground.
“Oh dear Princess Ali are you…..” just before Brian could help me up, the male lion stood between him and I.
“Simba! Nala!” Roger proclaimed as I was now surrounded by two massive big cats.  The female lioness standing right over me growling right into my face for a bit till it suddenly softened.
The male’s face also softened and soon the female slowly licked my face from my forehead down to my chin.  The two of them softly bellowed a soft roar as I said.
“Thank you…..Nala.” I scratched the side of her face and she leaned into my hand and accepted my scratches while Simba came up and plopped right down beside me and raised his paw up and wrapped it around my neck which ended up bringing me down and forcing my face to be buried into his dark mane.
“Incredible.” I heard Brian mutter.  Once I had my fill of lion snuggles and managed to break free of their loving grips, I adjusted myself and said as I walked out towards the balcony.
“I was saying you should really see these places. I mean there’s a whole world beyond books and maps. Do you want to?”
“How? There are guards at every door.” John stated bluntly as he looked at me.
“Who said anything about using a door?” I said as I walked towards the railing.
“What are you doing?” John’s tone turned into an alarmed tone as he came down the steps.
“Sometimes my English Princes, you just—have to take a risk.” I said as I swung over to the other side of the railing before finally letting go.
*John’s POV*
We all let out a gasp as Princess Ali just fell to her death.  All was quiet as I looked from side to side.
“Please tell me we didn’t just witness a suicide.” Spoke Roger.  Suddenly slowly rising up sitting perfectly fine and alive was Princess Ali on top of a—no way they really do exist? I thought these things were just stories.
“Is this…..” I asked as I walked up to her.
“A magic carpet? Yeah.” She scooted closer to the edge of the carpet and said to me, “Do you trust me?” wait a second. Did—did she just say what I thought she said?
“Do you trust me?” she said again as she extended her hand out to mine.  I turned towards Brian and Roger and they nodded and gestured for me to go on.  I turned back towards Ali and gave her my hand as I said.
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“Yes.” She then helped me onto the magic carpet. The two of us sat down on top of the magic carpet and as Nala came up towards the balcony bellowing out a whine, the carpet took off flying over the entire city.
It was then I heard Ali beginning to sing, and my god she—had the voice of an angel.  The only other voice to sing so sweetly like that was my mother.  We flew through the tight alleyways of the Agrabah city and I couldn’t help but be in awe of the city at night.  When I turned back towards Ali, she had a small plum petunia in her hand and she held it out to me.
I took it and sniffed it as it’s delicate scent tickled my nose as we continued to fly through the rooftops of the city now before flying high into the sky.  Going up and over the clouds before slowly diving back down through them, like whales breaching in the ocean.  Even going as far to fly across the moon.
I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, my prince, now when did You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming
        I then began to feel the song in my heart as we continued to fly high over the clouds.  Soon the magic carpet even handed us some armful of clouds for Ali and I to hold.  
Never did I dream that I would actually get to hold a cloud it was more—fluffier than I imagined.  Kinda like feeling stuffing.
        As Ali’s cloud broke apart, I released my cloud go as we spun around a cloud making it into the shape of whipped cream topping before doing a loop-de-loop.  We now flew alongside a flock of cranes and I couldn’t help but extend my arms out, it was then we were briefly tossed off the carpet before being caught again, doing somersaults as we went higher and higher into the diamond lit sky.
A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you *Ali*
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world
We flew straight down from the sky and through the clouds to see a river coming up.  I closed my eyes but she took my wrists and gently took them away from my eyes as we flew right over the water before going back up towards the sky to see the city of Agra.  The Taj Mahal standing so proudly just ahead as we flew over it.
We then flew far out of the city towards the open desert to see a herd of wild horses running freely.  As we got closer to them, I stroked the youngest stallion underneath his chin and he whinnied while we flew on ahead of the herd. *Ali*
Don't you dare close your eyes *Me*
A hundred thousand things to see *Ali*
Hold your breath - it gets better *Me*
I'm like a shooting star I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world *Me*
Every turn a surprise *Ali*
With new horizons to pursue *Me*
Every moment red-letter
Now flying over the Indian ocean we both looked down to see the dolphins swimming up to the surface doing their breaching technique, the moon bouncing off the water gave it a beautiful glow and as I looked towards Ali, the moon also gave her an ethereal beauty, especially from her raven hair to her bright (e/c) eyes.
We turned to face each other as our song came to a close and I could feel my heart beat just a little bit faster at seeing her eyes shine like the stars under the moonlight. *Both*
I'll chase them anywhere There's time to spare Let me share this whole new world with you
*Ali (Me)*
A whole new world (A whole new world)
That's where we'll be (that’s where we’ll be) *Ali*
A thrilling chase *Me*
A wondrous place *Both*
For you and me
We leaned up against each other, my head on top of hers and her head resting against my shoulder as my hand gently took hers and they intertwined with each other’s.
After seeing the world we stopped right back into the city of Agrabah to see the people having a celebration of their own in the middle of their city.  A large bonfire was at the center, drummers banging on the drums in rhythm while the people danced in a circle and cheered.  I looked over to Ali and took off my white vest and draped it over her shoulders to keep her warm.  She turned to me and smiled in gratitude.
“Of all the places you’ve shown me tonight this is by far the most beautiful.”
“Sometimes you just have to look at it from a new perspective.” She answered.
“It’s them. The people. No matter what skin color they are, they make it beautiful. And they deserve to have an ally who knows that. I don’t see how that ever could be me.”
“Because it should be you.” She answered.
“Do you really think so?” I asked as I turned to face her.
“Does it really matter what I think?” she said as she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, much like how (y/n) did a couple nights ago.  
But it—it couldn’t be her. Could it? So I decided to test something out.
“You know,” I slowly moved my arm around her waist. “It’s a shame that Abu had to miss this.”
“Nah, he hates parties, besides he’s……” she stopped talking and I saw her face fall. So it was her. It was (y/n)!
“I knew it, you are (y/n)! Why did you lie to me!?” I said as I backed away from her.
“John I’m sorry.” She pleaded.  No she doesn’t get any mercy from me.
“Did you really think I was stupid? That I wouldn’t figure it out?!”
“No, no you’re not stupid I was just….”
“Tell me the truth. Is your name (Y/n) or Ali?!”
“I’m Princess Ali.”
“So (y/n) wasn’t real?”
“No she is! Because I’m also (y/n). I—just use the name (y/n) for when I need to disguise myself amongst the commoners. To—escape the pressures of palace life.” I just looked at her with a skeptical glare and I asked her.
“Why didn’t you just tell me the day we met?”
“Well I mean you know—royalty going out into the city in disguise it sounds kinda strange don’t it?” well she’s got me there. I mean after it was my idea that Roger and I dress as commoners to escape the palace just shortly after we had arrived.
“Not that strange.” I said as I gently nudged her shoulder with mine.  “I’m sorry I snapped at you. Is just I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.”
“It’s okay. People just don’t see the real you when you’re royalty.” Don’t I know that much.  We looked at each other and that’s when I returned the favor and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“We should—” she started off.  I looked down at her and she continued, “We should head back.”
“Already?” I sighed and that’s when Ali had the magic carpet take us back to the palace.
We arrived back at my balcony and I could see the lights were off, so I’m hoping Brian and Roger are asleep by now.  Ali helped me off the magic carpet and handed me back my vest and that’s when the magic carpet lowered itself down.
“Goodnight, Princess Ali.”
“Sweet dreams, Prince John.” She said softly with a soft smile.  Slowly the two of us began leaning forward when suddenly she was pushed right up into my face.  Well I guess I’ll have the thank that magic carpet tomorrow.  I then leaned the rest of the way and softly kissed her lips.
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She kissed me back and it felt like an eternity before the desperate need for air became necessary.  I pulled away before giving her a warm smile and turning my back on her to walk into our room.
*3rd Person POV*
After the kiss and John turned back into his room, (y/n) extended her arms outward as she whispered.
“Yes.” Before falling back onto Carpet who flew away from the balcony and (y/n) let out a giggly, whooping cheer.  However she was unaware of Iago who had witnessed the entire thing.
“Fascinating.” He crooned darkly.
Back in her room, Carpet stopped right at her balcony where Freddie now in full genie mode was drinking a cup of vodka and he said as he saw (y/n)’s face.
“Ohh I love that face. Good date?”
“The best.” She answered with a reply.
Meanwhile in the Princes room Roger and Brian who were still awake while Jim was preparing John for bed, John said to them.
“But it was better than the best.”
“Wow Deacy, who would’ve thought you had it in you.” Roger praised.
“However the thing was Roger we’ve actually met her.”
“Wait what do you mean?”
“He even figured out that I was (y/n). You said that wouldn’t happen.” (y/n) told Freddie.
“Well genie magic is really just a façade. Eventually real characters are always gonna show up. But that’s a good thing, right? Now he knows.”
“Well…..” she dragged out.
“Wai—hold-hold up now. What?”
“She told me that she was only pretending to be a thief to escape the stress of palace life, but she’s really a Princess.” John explained to Roger just after Jim finished brushing his hair. “Thank you Jim, you can retire for the night.”
“Thank you Prince John. Good night boys.”
“Night Jim.” Said Brian.
“G’night Jimmy boy” Roger called out as Jim left their bedrooms to go to his sleeping quarters.
“And you believed that?” asked Roger.
“I think so.” John said as he got into his bed.
“(Y/n) darling, eventually you are going to have to tell him the truth.”
“Eventually I will tell him Freddie. But anyway, how was your stroll with Jim?”
“Oh no, no, no you are not turning the conversation around dear.”
“I’m not I’m genuinely curious. How did it go?” Freddie looked at me skeptically but when he saw that I wasn’t lying to him, he proceeded to tell me everything.  He seemed to really like Jim, and heck maybe by the end of it all, maybe they could end up together.  Sure it’s frowned upon but love is love and that’s how everyone should live their lives, right?
Brian turned to his side to face John and asked him.
“You don’t think that maybe you want believe her because you have to marry a Princess, but can’t marry a thief?”
“No Brian. I believe her. I do.” John said affirmatively.  He looked up at the ceiling before sighing softly and shutting his eyes to rest for a new day.
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saint-patrice · 5 years
“Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD” 
here are some more of my favourite marchy pics, complete with my bizarre personal commentary, for anon! the 34 bergy pics can be found here also!
Note: a few people have said they like these posts, so i’m up for taking people’s requests if there’s a particular player they’d like to see! inbox is always open (and anon is on) so just drop me your request and i’ll get working on it :)
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okay so this is some absolutely premium cute marchy!! the smile that manages to be completely self-confident yet in no way cocky? the polite little wave as he surveys his audience who, if i recall correctly, were booing him heavily?? oh i do love you mr rat. marchy is fantastic and i have so much respect for the way he deals with his reputation across the league and the excessive amount of shit he gets.he knows what people think of him yet doesn’t seem to let it get to him. i have so much love for him.
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KATRINA IS LEGENDARY. before moving on to the part of the image that gave me whiplash when i first saw it, we’re back to talking about brad’s smile. i think i said it in my last post but he really is one of those people who smiles with their whole face - even if you just saw his eyes in this photo you can immediately tell that he’s got that little grin on his face and that’s adorable tbh. now onto the d*lf mug (censored bc i fear the dodgy underground porn blogs these days)… i don’t even know where to start. i feel like he very proudly bought it for himself. and it’s like the only mug he ever wants to drink out of. just my take. i also think the longer hair really suits marchy ngl
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ahhh the boys and their dirtbag christmas suits 💛 highlights of this image are the suit jacket that is definitely just one size too small for this absolute man rocket, and the pants with “FRAGILE” plastered all over them - very relatable if not at all festive.
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gay rights are stored in the rat!!! i’m glad marchy has been pretty open about his support of LGBT stuff, particularly within hockey. also i feel like some of the stuff he’s said in interviews or social media (esp re: lickgate) manages, even if not intentionally, to be quite diminutive towards implicit homophobia or ‘toxic masculinity’ within hockey. okay maybe that that was poorly expressed but basically he just doesn’t give a shit and appears very open and accepting and i think that’s super nice. this picture also makes for a good reaction image when someone says something dumb
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short kings love.jpeg !! a wonderful example of the love that brad shows his teammates on a regular basis, despite his constant chirping. i have no real opinions on torey krug (no h8, i just don’t think i’ve seen that much of him off ice so idk) but him and marchy are quite the duo tbh, i live for their back and forths on twitter - more on that later - and they seem to love each other an awful lot, it’s v cute :^)
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that’s my pest™. honestly i think lickgate is one of the best scandals in recent hockey history. when looking for a good image of this is saw an article where some dipshit reporter was outraged about it and was like “how would you feel if someone just came up and liked you?” i mean what if someone just came up and started punching you or hip-checked you into the wall????? hockey is a nasty game a lot of the time, and instead of giving people concussions or broken bones (not that he hasn’t in the past ik…) marchy managed to make opposing teams just as angry, if not moreso, just by licking players. i think it’s fucking hilarious. and most of them took it well in hindsight anyway - i think it was komarov who said he kinda liked it lmaoooooo. peak bradley kevin antics if you  ask me
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every pic from the china trip has such a special place in my heart. this is just an all-round adorable photo and brad is looking gorgeous in the sunlight and his backwards cap
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brad waving the towel in surrender is just about the funniest thing i’ve ever seen someone do in the penalty box… i can’t believe they gave him a 10 minute misconduct for it, something i think they’d wouldn’t have done if it had have been someone else. at least someone in this league has a goddamn sense of humour. the penalty minutes stat in the corner just makes this even better
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brad, once again, showing us how we should deal with people talking shit about us - just get on board with it. i love how much he’s just embraced his massive nose and his height and his general reputation. idk if it’s really deliberate but i think it’s such a good message to send, and it makes for some pretty funny stuff too.
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brad single-handedly keeps nhl refs in a job. in my bruins drinking game™ you have to take a shot every time the ref has to physically restrain marchy (2 if it’s because he was going to get revenge or fend for bergy) and you could get fucked off that alone during some games. it was nice to see him not actually get suspended this year, but i will always love that he’s such a physical player and quite the pest on the ice :))
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me: *slaps helmet of brad marchand* this bad boy can fit so much personality.
really though, can you believe he’s managed to squeeze more charisma into only 5 feet and 9 inches than 85% of the league combined… very cute picture, and always lovely to see him by bergy’s side on the ice where he belongs
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oh my goddddddd how fucking cute is this though!!!! the hat! the dad energy those jeans and the boots give off!!! his face!! his little daughter!!!!! i can’t take it, my heart is going to burst.
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(gif via @kureally) this is also just so cute, i need a minute. brad has some very powerful eyebrows and this gif displays them wonderfully. this section of behind the b was also pretty sweet all round, and i agree with pasta that the hair is looking pretty first class
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(gif via @murlin09) i am not like into marchy (no tea no shade if u are though), but this gif… whew. i’ll let you come to your own conclusions on this one, gang
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i was not lying when i said more on the brad-torey social media antics earlier. there are some truly iconic chirps (the zamboni one is lethal), but this self-roast just kills me every time. i never once thought i’d read a tweet from the official brad marchand twitter account that opened with “hey shorty” but here we are. “my nose wouldn’t fit” i astral projected the first time i read that. and if you’re wondering what torey said to prompt this, it was simply��“hey marchy”. it doesn’t take much for brad to light on you, huh? we better watch our backs
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definitely a favourite marcheron pic right here - the pucks and paddles (i still think that’s a questionable name but maybe that’s a me issue) content is always top notch. if you can find the video, it’s even better, but this picture captures the general energy of the video perfectly. the only thing missing is that brad’s feet aren’t actually on the floor because the height difference is so pronounced that bergy has to lift him. beautiful
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return of the cute brad smile!! a cute yet mischievous little grin, i can only assume he’s restraining himself from laughing at m*tthews fivehead (although who is he to talk with that schnozz. at least he rocks it tbf 👃🏻). not sure blue is really his colour but he’s going for it anyway. that’s my all star!
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it’s been days since this photo first surfaced and i haven’t stopped palpitating. the cutest photo ever, they all look so happy and i love that!!! also how are their wives so beautiful….!? oh my every pixel of this image is just stunning
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i know i included this in my last bergy list but if they can name new york twice i think i can put this on 2 lists, because lord knows it’s even more iconic. i feel like this is a good metaphor for brad marchand: getting up to no good, although still relatively harmless, all the while supported by the considerably more sensible, yet still entertaining, patrice bergeron. additionally, another excellent display of the oft-overlooked fact that this man is built like a motherfucking tank. holy shit
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i wish i could see these boys in suits without my brain immediately trying to think of some sort of au. anyway, i really like this look on brad (unpopular opinion - i love his loud checkered suits as a concept but i don’t think they look good). although he has dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark facial hai, the all black actually looks really good on him. coffee in hand really adding to the look too - well done, brad “fashionista” marchand.
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ahhhhh i love nothing more than family man marchy 💛 his daughter is adorable - those tiny jerseys kill me - and i love that his son is wearing the all-star jersey omg how cute (he is definitely going to end up taller than brad lmao)
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sometimes i forget that brad is short and then i see photos like this (brandon is 6′5 for reference)…amazing. i relate to the lady on the left on a spiritual level. brad’s face is a mood and a half. his feet are half a foot of the ice at least. i adore this photo.
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(gif via @brandoncarlo) absolutely one of my fav things about watching bruins games is how brad and patrice will always find each other during a celly - nothing beats the 100 hug. this is also just a very satisfying skating gif that i love.
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last but very very very far from least is this. there is literally no need for me to make any comment on this so i’m just going to leave it and go. bradley kevin marchand you are iconic and ily
ayyy this was super fun to do, thank you for requesting it anon, i hope you like!! again, i’m absolutely up for taking requests for more of these lists so hmu if you have ideas :) 
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 13
Revali didn’t leave until Aryll got home from school, and it wasn’t without him raiding Link’s fridge of most of his beer as ‘payment for babysitting.’ Link didn’t argue with him, and in fact, felt a sense of relief to know that there was less beer in there, which meant less of a temptation for him. Of course, nothing was stopping him from going out and restocking, but the idea didn’t really cross his mind as he was too anxious to see Mipha again.
At some point during the day, Kit had called to check up on him, making Link vow to never show his ‘ugly mug’ in his bar again. He seemed satisfied with Link’s promise, even going so far to promise not to serve him if he ever stumbled in again.
Aryll seemed genuinely relieved to see her brother when she got home, but otherwise, she said nothing about their interaction that morning. All in all, she appeared to be in a good mood, humming to herself in the kitchen as she made them both peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
It was then when Mipha poked her head into the kitchen. She stepped in and rolled her eyes at them as they turned to her from the couch. There was a box in her hands.
“Is this what your diet consists of?” she said with a frown. “Are you ten?”
Aryll bit into her dinner with a grin. “And pizza,” she said as she chewed. She took a moment to swallow before speaking again, looking between her and Link. “What are you doing here?”
She raised the box and sighed. “Pizza.”
Aryll threw herself over the couch excitedly. “It’s a good diet,” she said. “I’ve got all my nutrients.” She took the pizza from Mipha, setting it on the table and taking a slice. “So,” she started slowly between bites. “Are you guys back together or something?”
Mipha hesitated. She turned her gaze to Link, who was letting his arms dangle over the edge of the couch. He pointed at his sister.
“Get off your ass and get it yourself,” she sneered at him. She made a dramatic display of shoving her own pizza into her mouth before turning back to Mipha. “Yeah?”
Link sighed and dragged his feet across the room, but before he could grab a slice, Mipha pulled the box away with a sly smile.  
“That depends,” she said.
“Gimme,” Link said simply.
Aryll looked between them, her brow raised. “Depends on what?”
“How badly he wants pizza,” Mipha said, grinning.
“An interesting ultimatum,” Aryll said, her hand on her chin. “But do you really want to force him to be with you for pizza?”
“I’ll take what I can get.”
“That’s a terrible relationship.” Link grabbed the box from her and yanked it out of her hands. He took a slice and immediately shoved it in his mouth. “But I accept your proposition.”
 “Congratulations,” Aryll said dryly. “You’re stuck with him, you know. He’s your problem now.”
“It was much more romantic the first time,” Mipha said.
“You conned me for pizza,” Link reminded her. “How is that romantic?”
“Should I get on one knee and offer you another slice?”
Link grinned. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Mipha sighed. She took a slice, got on one knee, and shook her head. “This is what my life has come to, apparently.”
“That’s so sweet,” Link said. He took the slice from her and pulled her back to her feet, planting a kiss on her lips. He pulled away quickly to devour his next slice.
“Did you miss that?” Aryll said, rolling her eyes. “Did you really, honestly miss this idiot’s bullshit?”
“Love makes you do weird shit,” Mipha said.
“Well.” Aryll picked up her bag from the corner of the room and swung it on her shoulder. “You guys have fun being weird. I have finals to study for.”
When she heard Aryll’s door close, Mipha pulled Link toward her, kissing him once more, but after a moment, he pulled away.
“You know the rule,” he said. “Pizza first. Sex later.”
Mipha rolled her eyes. “It’s like nothing ever changed,” she said with a dramatic sigh. “Honestly. Who puts pizza before sex?”
“You’ve had pizza, right?”
Mipha cocked a brow. “You’ve had sex, right?”
Link paused to consider this for a moment. “They’re comparable.”
“Well, see if I give you pizza or sex ever again.”
Link frowned. “That’s cruel. You’re a monster.”
“You know,” she started. “We’ve never had makeup sex.”
Link’s eyes widened. “I’ve heard incredible stories about that,” he said. “I thought they were just fairytales.”
Mipha smiled. “You sure you want to pass that up?”
Link look towards the pizza, then back to her. “I guess I can have pizza any day.”
Mipha grinned. “You’re an idiot.” She took his hand. “Come on,” she said. “I have a tiny apartment with a shared wall that doesn’t have your sister on the other side.”
“Good plan.”
The rest of the week went without further incident. Link fell back into his usual routine at work, and though he originally found it dull, he came to appreciate the normality of it all, especially considering the depression he had fallen into. For once, life felt almost normal again. Though he was still working two jobs and barely keeping up payments on the house, the world felt right again. The weight of his responsibilities didn’t feel so heavy. A part of him knew the feeling would likely not last long, but he wanted to enjoy his moment of happiness for as long as he could. He wanted to forget his worries for as long as life would allow him. Mipha was back in his life, his friends were coming back to the city, and everything felt the way it should.
When Saturday finally came, he found himself in the company of his friends, standing around the firepit in the backyard as the first stars of twilight began to show themselves. Aryll was speaking excitedly with Mipha and Urbosa on one side, while on the other side, Revali passed out cigars to Link and Daruk.
“ Well, here we are,” he said with a sigh as he blew out smoke. “The boys are back in town.”
 “I heard you’re sticking around,” Daruk said. “I didn’t know you were so in love with Link.”
“What can I say?” Revali said. “The heart wants what the heart wants.”
“He’s in the mafia or something,” Link said. “He’s here on business to bust some kneecaps.”
 Daruk raised a brow. “For real?”
“He tried to drag me into it,” Link continued with a nod. “I think he might be considering blackmail.”
“Why does everyone assume I’m doing something shady?” Revali whined.
“Because you won’t tell anyone what you do for a damn living,” Daruk said.
Revali grinned and brought his cigar to his mouth. “The less you know, the better.”
“He’s working for the Yiga Clan,” Link said. “I’m sure of it.”
“It makes sense,” Daruk said thoughtfully. “Getting some dirt on you. Trying to lure you into their trap.”
“Please,” Revali said. “What would they want with that dirtbag?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Daruk said dryly. “Maybe the Triforce?”
Revali considered this. “Wait. Let’s be real for a second.”
“We weren’t?” Link muttered.
“That’s a totally plausible explanation,” Revali continued.
Daruk raised a brow. “That you’re working for the Yiga?”
“No, no,” Revali said quickly, waving them off. “No, I mean. The Yiga were once Sheikah. They’re followers of Ganondorf. So, wouldn’t that be their main directive? Get the Triforce and bust Ganondorf out of his seal.”
“This is true,” Daruk said. “But, we’ve also never encountered them, even when we were running around Hyrule closing portals.” He shrugged. “Maybe they’re really not a threat.”
Revali shook his head. “I don’t buy it,” he said. “Dorian and Rusl had beef, remember? Dorian’s up to something. Maybe he’s keeping things quiet.”
Link stared into the flames. “I thought we agreed not to worry about the Yiga Clan?” he muttered.
“How about the Termina festival, then?” Revali pressed. “King Roham kept that real nice and quiet. Come on, Link, your father -”
“Enough,” Link snapped at him. He hesitated as Revali fell silent. He turned his gaze back to the fire. “I told him I would stay out of it,” he said softly. “Zelda’s convinced Dorian is innocent. I promised her I would drop all of it.”
“You sound like a conspiracy theorist,” Daruk said to Revali. “Link’s right. If they were an issue, they would be an issue by now. They wouldn’t be silent for ten years. They would actually be relevant.”
Revali didn’t press the matter further, mainly due to the fact that he did not want to upset Link any further. While he had not originally meant it to be a serious accusation, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy it made him. Still, he pushed those thoughts aside and changed the topic.
“So, are you gonna work for me or not?”
 “Not,” Link said.
 “Why not?” Revali whined.
“I have absolutely no skills worthy of any job,” Link said. “The fuck do you want me for? I don’t need the pity party.”
“Dude. I’m making you work for this money. There’s no pity party.”
“All the money in the world -”
“One hundred,” he said quickly. “One-double-oh.”
“Dude,” Daruk said. “Take it and run.”
“I’ll be running for my life,” Link said. “He won’t even tell me what the damn job is.”
“Fine,” Revali said. “Look. All I need from you is your signature. Sign the papers I give you, and that’s it. Literally all you need to do. You can sit in a big fancy office all to yourself for eight hours a day, sign some papers, and go home to bed on your pile of cash.”
Link stared at him for a moment, then narrowed his gaze. “Signing what?”
“Documents,” Revali said. “You just sign them. Don’t read. Just sign.”
“What the fuck…” Daruk murmured under his breath.
“That’s shady as fuck, man,” Link said.
“And that’s why we have lawyers,” Revali said with a grin. “To cover our asses.”
“Hylia, I don’t even want to know,” Link said, shaking his head. “Leave me out of your shady ass business.”
Revali shrugged. “You’ll come around sooner or later,” he said. He winked at him. “They always do.”
“Don’t do it, Link,” Urbosa said, shaking her head as she caught the end of their conversation. “I won’t let you.”
Mipha frowned. “Do what?”
 “Work for Revali,” Urbosa said, placing a hand on her hip. “I checked the contract you’d have to sign. You’d be lucky if you only had to give up your left nut.”
“That’s my favorite one,” Link said with a playful pout.
 “Who really reads contracts, anyway?” Revali muttered.
“I do,” Urbosa said. “That’s my job.”
“Hey, you’re my lawyer, not Link’s.”
“Free advice,” Urbosa said, turning her attention to Link. “Don’t do it.”
“Why you gotta ruin everything for me, woman?” Revali barked at her.
Urbosa grinned. “Why do you need to be working for such a shady company?”
“Because they know how to pay.”
“Revali, you could go to jail.”
Revali waved her off. “They keep me protected.”
“Come on,” Daruk pressed. “You gotta give us more than that.”
“Alright, alright,” Revali said. His voice lowered and he looked between his friends as if he were about to reveal kingdom secrets. “My company is the largest company in the industry of producing energy, to put it simply. They do everything from oil to gas to solar and other various clean energies.” He air quoted this last part.
The group was silent for a moment, staring at him.
“That’s… that’s it?” Daruk raised an unconvinced brow.
“That’s it,” Revali said simply.
“That’s it on paper,” Urbosa said. “But what they do in the dark is a totally different story.”
“So, what do you do, exactly?” Aryll asked.
 “I oversee all transactions,” Revali said. “Contracts come across my desk and I implement them. I send out jobs all over the world.”
 “So, why do you need Link?” Mipha asked.
“To sign off on contracts I can’t.”
 “And why can’t you?” Daruk asked, narrowing his gaze.
“Because I’m too closely involved in the company. Link would be acting as, say, an outside employee.”
“To sign off on the shadier jobs,” Link said. “So that when your company gets sued, I’m the one going down.”
“That’s why we have lawyers,” Revali reminded him. “To cover your ass.”
“You’re insane.”
 “I am not representing you,” Urbosa snarled. “Link’s right. You are insane.”
 “You would slander the name of the hero?” Link said.
“That’s exactly it,” Revali said. “There’s no way the hero would be involved in anything questionable. They see your signature and all their doubts and worries wash away.”
“Right,” Link said dryly. “That’s exactly it. No problem at all.”
“What I tell ya?”
 “Not happening.”
“It’s not like it’s that big of a deal,” Revali said. “We have other people that do this. I just need someone in my new office.”
“So take whoever you had before.”
“Can’t,” Revali said. “He’s in jail.”
 Link just stared at him.
 “He’s in jail for trafficking drugs!” Revali said in a exasperated tone. “Goddesses!”
“Did your company have him do that?” Daruk asked.
“The point is,” Revali started, blatantly ignoring Daruk’s question. “It’s not as bad as ya’ll are making it out to be.”
 “No, I think it’s that bad,” Urbosa said.
 “Dude,” Daruk started. “How did you even get involved in that?”
 “Headhunters,” Revali said proudly. “They saw my skill and worth. I am a valuable asset.”
“What skill?”
“They had me doing the same shady ass job in my early days,” Revali said.
“So you admit it’s shady?” Urbosa said.
Revali ignored her. “I proved myself and I got promoted.” He crossed his arms. “If you don’t want the shit jobs, you gotta prove your worth.”
“So, now I get the shit job?” Link said.
“Don’t look at it that way,” Revali said. “See it as a stepping stone.”
 “To a future in jail.”
“Whatever,” Revali said, crossing his arms. “I don’t want you to work for me, anyway.”
 “So, how’s the apartment?” Urbosa said to Mipha. “Glad to be back?”
 Mipha frowned. “My neighbors are either having an affair with the pizza delivery guy, or they really like to roleplay.”
“Why don’t you just move in with Link?”
Mipha’s cheeks reddened and Link made a sound of disgust.
“Wow,” Daruk muttered. “Tense.”
“I don’t need to live with two women,” Link said, narrowing his eyes at his sister.
“Hey, fuck you, man,” Aryll said.
“He’s right,” Revali said, coming to his defense. “That’s double the PMS. Nobody needs that shit.”
“Move forward in your relationship!” Urbosa barked at them.
“We’ve been together a week,” Link said. “At that rate, we’ll be married by next weekend.”
Urbosa rolled her eyes. “You’ve been together forever. You might as well be.”
“Don’t do it,” Revali said. “It’s a trap. Teba got married, had a kid, and I haven’t seen him since.”
“That must be so hard for you,” Urbosa said dryly.
“Don’t worry,” Link started. “I won’t fall into that trap.”
Mipha sighed and turned to Urbosa. “Do you have any single guy friends?”
Urbosa grinned. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll get him to come around.”
“That sounds like a threat,” Revali said, and Urbosa winked at Link.
And under the stars muffled by city lights, the night went on.
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Your Favs as Meet-Cutes
So I owe yall an explanation on two fronts for this one.
1) This post contains @onlyslightlysmallerthanwoozi ‘s favs. Its her birthday today and she’s my baby sister, so show her some love.
2) A meet-cute is, usually in a rom-com, when the main love interests meet.
Anyway, (for the third try) Here you go:
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Felix- There's no one else to dance with at out mutual friend's wedding.
The wedding itself was glorious, being able to watch a few old friends tie the knot was something that made Felix happy, but the reception, not so much. The food was delicious, and the music was fun but when a slow song came on and all the couples flocked to the dance floor, Felix was suddenly aware just how single he really was. He must have been the only person without a date.
Then, he saw you.
You were just sitting by yourself, playing on your phone while everyone else danced. What was worse, you were really pretty in your purple dress.
“Felix, you should be dancing.” Hyunjin huffed, plopping down next to Felix.
“No one to dance with.” Felix shrugged.
“What about Y/n?” Seungmin asked, and to Felix's shock, he pointed to you.
“Oh um, she's uh,” Felix, for once, was at a loss for words.
“Oh I get it, you're intimidated cause she's pretty.” Hyunjin laughed. “Hey, Y/n!” He called over the music. Your head shot up as Hyunjin dragged Felix over.
“Hey, Hyunjin.” You greeted. “Who's this?” Felix cleared his throat before holding out a hand to you.
“Hi, I'm Felix.”
“Hi Felix, I'm Y/n. Want to dance?” Felix felt himself smile at your offer. 
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Suga- Stuck in an elevator together.
Yoongi was already annoyed as he stepped into the elevator. The storm outside had Namjoon worried and he wanted the older man to come down and back up his music in case the power cut.
“Hold the door please.” A voice called, just as the doors began to close. Yoongi glanced up from his phone ready to watch the doors close on some poor sod but when he saw you, his heart told him otherwise. He reached forward and stuck his hand against the door to stop it. You jogged into the elevator, breathless, bowing and thanking him. That was supposed to be the end of that. A quiet 7 story ride to the lobby while you played on your phones on opposite sides of the elevator, but as the number above the door changed from 4 to 3, the elevator shuddered to a stop.
“What the hell?” Yoongi asked, looking up from his phone as the lights flickered out and the melody over the speakers was silenced.
“The power must have gone out.” You realized, then murmured quietly, “I hope my fish are okay.” He let out a chuckle at that. He quickly tapped the 'open door' button, but nothing happened.
“Yeah, I think you're right.” He sighed, unlocking his phone again to call someone only to find he had no bars. “And I have no service.” He sighed again, “What about you?” You shook your head, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.
“Of all days to get stuck in an elevator.” You huffed, typing out an unsendable text to your manager.
“I feel you. I was supposed to go back up my music before the power cut at my studio.” He wasn't sure why he was telling you this, but he joined you on the floor.
“Ouch, I hope someone got to it.” You sympathized. “I was supposed to be heading to a photo shoot.”
“Oh, that's where I recognize you from.” He realized. “You're Y/n from Y/G/N, right.”
“Yeah, and you're Suga from BTS.” You nodded.
“Call me Yoongi.”
“Alright Yoongi, wanna play cards while we're stuck here?” You asked, pulling a deck of cards from your purse.
“Why not?”
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Tao- We are both in the hospital for stupid reasons
“Yeah mom, I'm fine. They're keeping me overnight just to make sure I didn't mess my head up too badly. I'll keep you updated I promise. Love you, bye.” You groaned as you hung up, tossing the phone on your bed. 
“Yeah, don't worry, they're just giving me fluids and sending me home in the morning. Yeah I know, please stop yelling. I get it.” You could sympathize with the guy next to you getting chewed out over the phone. Being in the hospital was never a good thing, especially for preventable reasons.  “Yeah okay, goodbye.” The guy on the other side of the curtain, let out a groan, similar to yours as he hung up.
“You seem about at excited about this as I am.” You joked. He let out a small laugh.
“You could say that. I'm just kinda tired of being yelled at, its not making me feel any better.” He explained.
“I understand that.” You sighed, nodding, even though he couldn't see you. “It's like, yeah I'm aware I messed up, you don't have to remind me 40 times in rapid succession.” You laughed, which made him laugh too.
“Its worse when it's the people you were with when it happened, you know? Like people who could have helped prevent it.” He added.
“Exactly, like, this is both of our faults. Don't just blame me.”
“So what happened to you? If you don't mind me asking.” You cringed a bit at the events leading to this moment but figured telling a stranger was the least of your problems.
“Its no biggie, my sisters and I were filming a video and they released a bass drum down a hill I was standing on. I didn't realize till it was too late and got hit, smacked my head really hard when I fell.” The guy sucked in a breath.
“Ouch, sounds painful.”
“Probably was, but I don't remember it, I went from seeing a drum bouncing towards me to looking at the sky as my sisters called my name. What about you?”
“Oh, I've been working pretty much nonstop for a few days and kinda forgot to eat, or drink anything that wasn't coffee, or sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time.”
“Nice going.”
“Thanks, I passed out after a photoshoot and woke up here.”
“Oof, feeling better now?” You asked.
“A lot, actually, I think you're helping.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment. “Do you mind if I...” He toyed with the edge of the curtain that blocked you from each other's view.
“Go ahead.” He pulled the curtain back, finally being able to see you, looking beautiful even in a hospital gown with a bandage around your head.
“Hi, I'm Tao.” He finally introduced, breathlessly. 
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Woozi- I burst into the room to get away from fans
When you first stepped off the stage, you were greeted to the hustle and bustle of backstage, but as you made your way deeper into the building, all you could hear was the muffled music from the stage. It was nice, just wandering the halls, letting your body cool after the vigorous dancing you had been doing.
However, your serenity was cut short by a high pitch scream. Looking behind you, there was a small gaggle of fans who had spotted you as you rounded a corner. You weren't sure how they had recognized you from behind, and while part of you wanted to commend them on the ability, the other half of you was scared when they began running towards you. Of course, you did what any normal person would have done when a fairly large group of people began sprinting towards you, you booked it. Weaving down the mostly empty halls trying to lose them until you finally rounded a corner and burst into a room without looking, spinning to close the door quickly. Leaning your forehead on it, you heard the group sprint past, chattering on about how you had gone that way. Finally letting out the breath you had been holding, you shut your eyes, trying to calm your frantic heart.
“Um, I think you have the wrong room.” The voice behind you made your eyes shoot open.
Oh dear god, you had just burst into someone's dressing room, hadn't you? Turning slowly, you were silently praying it wasn't a company head or the show's producer. To your luck, it wasn't. Sitting on the couch across from you was Lee Jihoon, of Seventeen.
“I am so sorry, there was this hoard of fans and I just needed a hiding place.” You explained, hoping he would understand. You had never met the man but most people said he was scary and standoffish, but at the current moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a couch wearing corgi socks and playing SuperStar Pledis. Not exactly intimidating.
“Oh, I understand. You're welcome to lay low here for a while if you need to.” He offered.
“Thank you.” You breathed, taking his offer of sitting on the couch with him.
“You're Y/n, right? I just saw your stage.” He explained, pointing to the TV that was showing the current standing of your album on the charts.
“Yeah I am, you're Woozi, right?” When he nodded you continued. “You know you really have a way with words, we should collab sometime.”
“Yeah, we should”
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Xiu- We both got ditched by our dates so were gonna go on a date to spite them
It was one thing to forget about a date, but it was another to take another girl to the same restaurant on the same night, at the same time. You had gotten all dressed up, worn a nice dress, cute undies just in case, and had done your make up, only to find the guy you were supposed to be meeting, eating happily with another girl. What were you supposed to do? Go up to them and throw your drink at him and shout at him? No, causing a scene was never your style, and besides she looked like she was having a good time, there was no point in ruining someone's good night because you were hurt. So instead you sipped your wine and glared at them, not even trying to hide it.
“Excuse me, miss?” A new voice snapped you out of your visions of eating the man's tongue down his throat, thinking it was a waiter you turned to look at the voice. Instead of a waiter, you found a dark-haired man in a crisp suit smiling at you.
“Um, hi, can I help you?” You inquired. His smile faltered. 
“Maybe, I can't help but notice that your glaring at that couple over there.” He gestured to the pair that you had in fact been glaring at, and you felt just a little guilty.
“I'm sorry, I must seem awfully rude, I can go.” You offered, picking up your purse to pay for your wine.
“Actually, um, look the girl the guys with was supposed to come here with me, and from the way your glaring, he was supposed to be here with you.” He confessed. You nodded, frowning slightly.
“Looks like we both got screwed over tonight.”
“Yeah no kidding, but I was wondering, well, I know how long it took me to get ready, there's no sense in letting our hard work go to waste, right?”
“What are you implying?” You asked.
“What if we had dinner together? You're beautiful, I won't even try denying it, and you got stood up by some dickhead, but there's no reason we can't have a nice dinner, I mean we are already here.” He asked, somewhat sheepishly. He was handsome, so him calling you beautiful made your heart flutter.
“Well, I suppose dinner with a handsome man, one much more handsome than the person I was supposed to be with, I might add, well that doesn't seem too bad.” You shrugged playfully.
“Awesome, I'm Minseok, but my friends call me Xiumin.” He introduced himself, sitting across from you.
“A pleasure, Xiumin, I'm Y/n”
I know the gifs have nothing to do with the stories but they are my girls favs. Love you Spork, Happy Birthday.
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
New Years w/ Joel
Day 5, it’s Christmas, and ya girl is tired 😴 I loved this little marathon it was so fun and different so i hope y’all liked, i saved one of my favs for last, it’s a little long tho sry. So enjoy some first kiss Joelito action~
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You step out of the house and into the cold with as much enthusiasm as you’d had all month. This was your season, the only time you felt at peace and ready to take on anything.
With Christmas already passed and the new year arriving within hours, you were full of so much excitement you could barely contain it.
You were never one to pass up a good party, so when your friends had managed to get you all into the hottest event in town, you swear it was a Navidad miracle.
You spent all day gettin dressed up and making yourself pretty that when the time came for you to leave, you left the house with the intention to have the best time and to make this new year your bitch.
You get to the venue and are a little taken back. Definitely not what you expected. Instead of a building or even a small night club, you were staring into the heart of an old parking garage.
You check your surroundings and decide if you should leave or not. Instead you send a text to the group chat of friends you’re meeting.
“Uuhhh?? Estoy aquí....?”
You wrap yourself tighter in your jacket and wait for a text. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to wear this short of a dress.
You gather some courage and walk into the sketchy garage. Your keys are secured in your hands tightly and you’re so thankful for the pepper spray on your keychain.
The first and second floors are cold and dark. Little flurries of snow brush against your cheeks and you sniffle. The lights are so dim and you hate every part of it.
You start halfway up the steps to the third floor and you can’t help but feel you’re being watched. The sound of very faint music is in the far distance and it gives you slight reassurance.
Until you hear footsteps behind you. You whip around and see nothing. Your heart races a little and you hope it’s nothing.
The footsteps get faster. You stop in your tracks and yell out into the empty void.
“If you’re trying to scare me, stop being a coward and do it already” Something shuffles from behind a car and you inch closer cautiously, pepper spray ready to go.
Your breathe hitches from adrenaline as you finally reach the side of the car. You lean over to get a good visual and prepare yourself for.....
You sigh in relief and as soon as you turn back around a figure jabs at your sides teasingly and screams “bOO”
You scream and throw your keys at the person quickly, not even realizing who it is.
“Tranquila, T/N” they say with a chuckle and you clear the hair that fell over your eyes from your scare.
“JOEL YOU ASS” you’re relieved but annoyed at the same time and hit his arm with your fist.
“Damn good thing it was just me,” he observed the keys you threw a him. “Cuz i don’t know how you’d make it with throwing your weapon AT the bad guy,”
He pulls you into the same hug he gives you every time you see each other and you feel more at ease. He’s warm and smells like the cologne you like.
His arm lingers on your waist and you hold back a tiny smile. He was always so sweet with you, even if he could be a total jerk sometimes. You’d been friends since high school, so you knew his antics, and it was always in good fun.
“This place is scary dude where the hells the party” you shiver and stand closer next to him.
“Lo sé, it’s weird, but trust me you’re reaaally gonna like it up there,” he motions up and pats your back. “3 more floors up tho sorry”
You “ugH” annoyingly and follow him up the stairs.
As you reach the last staircase of your journey, the party being held becomes more noticeable to you. The music is louder than ever and you hear a multitud of voices filling the scene.
At this point you’re running up the last few steps and get a first look at it all. It was the same old format of the parking garage. But there were tables upon tables of drinks and snacks, a setup of beer pong and numerous other games. Your favorite was the lights, the dark space of the building let the fluorescent colored bulbs bounce off the walls and dance across moving bodies.
There was even a damn dj in the far corner, a crowd of people jumping and singing in a circle in front of him.
“What the hell???? ?” It slips from your mouth and Joel laughs. “Weird, huh? Like what is this place, who thinks of this??” he jokingly agrees.
You guys wander around the area until you make your way to a drink stand where you see the rest of your friends have congregated. They’re taking shots and already seem waaayy above Joel and your party level.
They shove a few drinks in your guys faces, trying to get you both a little “loose” as they said. “You guys are always so uptight, have some fun,”
You look at Joel with a hesitated look because you knew how much he didn’t like the whole “getting trashed at a party” scene.
He always told you how much you didn’t have to hold back at parties with him. He felt bad that you liked to make him comfortable and stay somewhat sober through these kinds of nights.
It wasn’t all for him tho, he was your best friend, it felt so wrong to have him sit back and be the only one not participating. And plus, you always managed to have way more fun together anyway, alcohol or no alcohol.
He looks at you reassuringly before starting, “I’m good with just this drink, but i know T/N wants one,” you shoot him a glare because he knows you weren’t planning on drinking. “Joel, no it’s okay, i don’t-“
By then your friends are already cheering you on and pouring one more for you. “I’m not letting you be a loser with me tonight,” he says to you with a smile. “Have fun, you really deserve it, I’ll be fine”
You crack a little side smile and cross your arms disapprovingly. “Fine.” You take off your bulky coat and toss it on the table. “Just one, that’s it”
You grab the tiny plastic cup and gulp it down with ease. You shiver a little from the impact and chase it with the coke Joel had in his hand. “Not so great?” He laughs and you hand his drink back.
You agree with a little “mhmm” and separate yourself from the group before they make you do another. Joel follows as you lead him to another table that seems to be a “make your own drink” stand.
“Is this sketchy???” He says and you shrug, “i dunno, better to make our own than drink whatever the hell that shit was that they just gave me” you make a face and he laughs.
“Alright then I’ll be the bartender,” he makes his way on the other side of the table. “What can i get ya, ma’am?” His accent forms into a terrible southern drawl.
“Surprise me, cowboy” you mock and he starts scrambling at the various liquids surrounding him. You realize what he’s trying to make and observe with a grin as he catches on to his big mistake: no ice, no blender.
“Uuuuhhh...” he second glances around and puts his hands on his hips. “I fucked up, didn’t I” you glance at his mixture, the saddest piña colada you’ve ever seen, and throw a bendy straw in it. “I’ve seen better, but this’ll do,” you take a sip and hold back how fuckED his mixing ratio was with a sarcastic “mmmm....”. He throws a stack of red plastic cups at you.
“Te odio,” he says as you throw a cup back. “I know it’s your favorite so i thought I’d try,” you beam on the inside at his little meaningful acts of kindness he always did for you.
You look towards the crowd around the dj growing and spot your friends once again. “Ven,” you motion towards them. “Let’s go dance,”
As the night went on, time seemed to almost drag on in your anticipation for the New Year. There was only so much dancing and mingling you could do for hours on end.
You were thrilled when the dj stopped the music suddenly and made the announcement. “5 minutes everyone, get ready for the countdown soon”
The crowd cheered and gathered around the tables to pour themselves more champagne and random drinks. With the sudden rush of people preparing themselves, you found yourself cut off from your group.
You wandered around in hopes to find at least one of your friends to share the moment with. But with time passing quickly, you decided to toughen up and enjoy it alone.
Becoming more aware of your location, you remember that there was a scheduled firework show across the city that was probably visible from here. You find the nearest staircase and climb the last 2 floors to the roof.
You wrap your arms around yourself and blow warm air into your hands as the cold hits you first hand. You look up at the open sky and see the light snowfall, reflecting off the faint city lights in the distance.
You lean against a cold rail on the edge of the building, your teeth beginning to chatter quickly. You get lost in a sudden new year daydream.
You close your eyes as you imagine some fantasy love interest- typical. It was always this time of year that made you want it more and more. Someone to sweep you off your feet with a huge romantic gesture. When the moment is perfect and the snow is falling just like this.
Someone to find you unexpectedly, tap you on the shoulder and say-
“Que haces güey?????”
The fantasy is cut off by another lame scare attempt from Joel. “BrO” you say out of fright and when your shivering becomes more intense his smile fades a little.
Oh shit, where’s your coat,” he starts to take his off and wrap it around you, rubbing your arms to warm you up. “I th-th-think i lost it,” you chatter, the cold and sudden nerves hitting you.
“I saw you come up here, you wanna go back inside where it’s warme-“ he’s cut off by the sudden burst of fireworks in the distance. The both of you jump a little, not even aware that the new year countdown had just ended.
You both stare up at the bursting lights in the air, not realizing the distance that was closed between you both.
He had you in his arms as an attempt to keep you warm and you hadn’t noticed just how bundled up into his chest you had become.
“Happy new year lol” you joke, trying to lighten the air that you both just missed the big moment. “Good thing we’re up here so we didn’t have to watch everyone have gross New Years makeouts,” He laughs to agree and you continue to watch the fireworks finish off.
They start dying down one by one and you close your eyes to make your New Years wishes.
You open your eyes to find Joel staring down at you, “What?...” you say nervously as he smiles.
“I’ve known you for years and i still can’t get over how you do that,” you finally step out of his grip and watch as he talks to you.
“I’ve seen a lot of New Years rituals like the whole colorful underwear for luck or love, or even when people eat all those grapes as the clock strikes, but I’ve never met anyone who straight up just makes wishes,”
“Listen you can roast me all day for my weird superstition, but I’m just sayin, maybe you should try it before you talk smack,” you joke and he leans against the rail lining the building, closing his eyes.
“Alright,” he says and rubs his hands together. “I’m all in, teach me how to do this whole wish thing,”
You take the opportunity to roll your eyes at him since he’s not looking. “There’s nothing to teach, just make a wish,” you stick a tongue out at him and mock him even more.
“My eyes are closed, but i can see that” he points at you with a little frown.
“Ok shh I’m starting,” you get silent and watch the faces he makes as he’s thinking and wonder what the wish is. His furrowed brow softens and a shy smile plasters his face, he giggles and rubs the back of his neck, he was nervous.
He slowly opens his eyes and stares right at you. You’re wrapping yourself deeper into his jacket and give him a confused look. “Ta’ bien, güey?” You say as he makes his way to you.
“I just-“ he laughs nervously again. “I didn’t have a wish i guess,” you roll your eyes. “Dont do that” he continues. “I think i just realized something tho...”
You give him a look and you’re more confused then ever. “And...?” You suggest for him to go on. “You’re the risk taker in this friendship, you always have been,” he starts.
“And you always peer pressure me into taking more risks sooo,,” none of what he’s saying is making sense to you so you listen understandingly. “I want to tell you how i really feel about you.” Your eyes grow wide and heart skips a beat from anxiety.
You stumble for words but nothing comes out. He looks nervous- no- more than nervous, but he finishes. He grabs your hands in his and you know he’s not joking this time. “I’ve just- i always knew there was something between us. Ever since i met you.. you became more than my best friend. You’re somehow the angel and devil on my shoulders, you’re my positivity when I’m down, you- you’re basically my everything.”
You try not to get emotional at the sudden confession. You couldn’t deny you had felt it too, just never let it surface for the sake of your friendship. Your eyes water a little through a shy grin and that tells him everything he needs to know.
“Can I.....can i kiss you?” He almost whispers and you melt.
“I-“ you rock back and forth on your heels nervously like a child. “I think I’d like that,” you finish and he smiles the biggest you’ve ever seen, his perfect teeth peeking through and his eyes shining against the moon light.
He takes his time and grabs you by the flap of his jacket that was blanketed around you. His hand slides up your neck to cup your cheek gently and you can’t help but look to the side embarasingly from the touch.
“No te pongas tímida..” he says in that voice that he’s used on you so many times. For as long as he’s known you, he always knew how to relax you when you were spiraling.
You look up into his eyes and they’re so familiar, yet you’ve never seen this look in them before. You see his breathe in the cold air and it feels like you’ve been looking at each other for an eternity now.
He leans closer.....
His eyes never leaving yours
He smiles once again before his eyes flutter shut. You quickly do the same and feel the warmth of his lips brush to yours.
The contact is slight and not full yet. You both pause almost as to savor the moment. Feeling this tiny touch from him was making your senses go crazy.
He lets out a shaky breathe and finally presses his lips to yours.
At first they softly meet, resting against each other nervously to find the perfect position. It’s short and sweet, a bundle of anxious bodies snuggled up against each other.
The next moment is more courageous. You both know what the first feeling is like, and suddenly you become more open.
Your lips begin to move against each other’s, finding a rhythm to work with. He’s holding onto you so gently still and it’s the most safe you’ve ever felt before. With that, you reach up to touch him. Letting your fingers roam the side of his face, and he lets out a loving sigh against you.
He has both hands on either side of your face now and he’s holding you still. His lips roam from your lips to the corner of your mouth, covering as much ground as they can. You smile and he continues to kiss your cold cheeks, your chin, your nose, before finally returning to your lips.
He stops and lets them hover over you again. His eyes are closed and his breathe is heavy like yours. His arms move down around your waist, pulling your bodies together. He takes a breath, and suddenly he’s lifting you up off your feet, his lips meeting yours once again.
He spins around once and you smile against his mouth as he sets you down, feeling a smile grow on him as well. “What the hell was that,” you brush your lips against his as you speak. “I dunno, saw it in a movie, just always wanted to do that i guess.” He says innocently and you lay your head on his chest, his arms around you to keep you locked in a hug.
Now that’s one way to start the year off.
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Party At the Potters/// James Sirius Potter II x Reader
A/N: Update: I’m actually getting a lot of these done and I’m incredibly surprised. I know I keep talking about it and I’m super sorry but I’m just really excited. This one was originally one of my favs so i hope you guys like it. Enjoy!
     “Hey (Y/N).” You were on your way back to your dorm when you felt someone put their arm around your shoulder. You didn’t even have to look at him to know it was James. 
    “Hello James.”
    “So Halloween’s this weekend and my family’s having this annual Halloween party and I was wondering if you wanted to come.” You looked up into his expectant hazel eyes. 
    “Thanks for inviting me but I was actually thinking about-”
    “Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt but let me rephrase that. I kinda really need you to come because my family kinda thinks we’re dating and I’ll look like a huge idiot if you don’t show.” You stopped walking. His arm fell away quickly and you turned towards them. 
    “Sorry James, I must be missing something. Why exactly does your family think we’re dating?” 
    “Okay okay so I kinda told my parents a long time ago that I had a girlfriend and they believed me of course. They never asked for a name but then randomly one day Lily said it was you because I guess she’s seen us hang out a lot and I didn’t know what to say so I just said it was true.” You stared at him in disbelief. You laughed. 
    “You are a huge idiot.” You continued forward and he followed. 
    “(Y/N), please.” You were all too prepared to tell him to piss off when suddenly an idea struck you. 
    “You know what? Why not? I’ll go.” He pumped his fist in the air in victory. “Under one condition.” 
    “You name it, I’ll do it.” 
    “All you’ve got to do is let me decide our costume.” Easy enough, or so James thought. 
     James stood in the mirror trying to adjust the costume. Every angle he looked at it got worse. There was another bang on the door. 
   “Hurry up James, we haven't got all night,” Teddy yelled from the hall/ 
   “I’m doin my best alright!” 
    James turned his attention back to the mirror. Teddy knocked once more before opening the door. James stood there unable to hide. Teddy stared at him not knowing what to say. James was wearing a bright red leotard with feathers lining the hips and wings on the back. Teddy didn’t quite know how to react. 
    “Um...okay is this just like....is this how you’d like to dress because if it is then I completely-” 
    “This wasn’t my choice Teddy. (Y/N)’s trying to get back at me for lying about dating her.” Teddy burst out laughing. 
    “That’s a relief. Geez man this has got to be some kind of divine retribution. All those years of checking out chick’s arse’s and now yours is on display, this is perfect.” James flipped him off and stepped out of the room. Just as he entered the hallway he heard a knock at the door. He spotted his mom going to answer it. 
   “I’ve got it.” He walked in front of her and her eyes went wide. 
   “James what are you-” He looked back at her. 
   “It’s revenge mom. Not a choice.” He opened the door. You stood on the other side dressed as Dumbledore, beard and all. Even with the beard hiding your mouth he knew you were smiling. 
    “Yeah, I bet you think that’s hilarious.” 
    “Oh I definitely do.” You stepped past him in the living room. 
   “If you wanted to be a couples costume I could’ve been McGonagall. That would’ve been way funnier.” 
   “For you maybe.” You turned towards Ginny. “Hi Mrs. Potter, I’m-” 
   “(Y/N). Sorry I’m just really excited to meet you. James talks about you so often I just have to see what all of the craze is about.” You looked up at him.
    “Oh okay, that’s a stretch. I don’t even talk about her that often-”
    “Sometimes, I wish I could just tape his bloody mouth, not that i don’t love hearing about you but wow.” 
   “That’s enough!” James grabbed your arm and pulled you into the dinning room. You both sat down next to each other at the empty table. The room was silent for a while until you broke the silence. 
    “You talk about me?” James became even redder than he had been in the living room.
    “No!” Everyone else flooded into the dining room sitting around the table. When everyone finally arrived, James stood up. 
    “As you all know this is my....” He cleared his throat. “Girlfriend. (Y/N).” It didn't sound completely unnatural when he said it which surprised you. “Yeah, so I’m really glad she could come and I just really hope we can all have a nice night and you can all be not embarrassing for just one-” Suddenly, there was a arg at the end of the table. 
    You all turned to see Harry with his head lying on the table. Everyone gasped besides James who sighed. “It seems there’s been a murder,” Ginny announced. You looked around the table and then your eyes feel on James’. He gave you a look that read ‘yes this is really happening’. 
    “Mom, I thought we agreed-” 
    “Sorry honey, murderers don’t care about those types of things and as it seems  there is one among us.” Everyone gazed around the table. James sunk further into his chair. 
    “Just don’t embarrass me for one damn night, that’s all I ask,” James mumbled. 
    “As usual there will be four locations where you can look. The attic, where the victim was last seen. The bedroom where the victim has recently slept along with the attached bathroom. The dining room which is where the body was found and last but not least the kitchen, where witnesses spotted a suspect.” You smiled realizing just what was going on.
    “You are to determine three things. 1. The murder. 2. The motive. 3. The cause of death/weapon. That’s all. You have one hour to investigate. Your hour starts now.”
    James leaned against the wall, watching you look for clues. You crouched down on the ground with your flashlight looking for any type of clue. 
    “I’m sorry about all this. I begged my mom not to do this but she gets really into the whole Halloween thing. I know it’s lame.” You got back up and walked over to him. 
    “Please, this is a thousand times better than anything I’ve ever done for Halloween. It’s so much fun. However, it could possibly be more fun if you actually helped.” He sighed and turned his flashlight on. 
    “This is ridiculous.”
    “Be quiet and keep looking.” You moved on from where you were to one of the corners in the room. It was empty but as you shined your flashlight on it you thought you saw some odd sort of glimmer. You reached into the corner and felt your hands wrap around some soft material. It was an invisibility cloak. 
    “James look.” You held the cloak up to him. 
    “What the hell? That’s mine.” Your hand lowered to your side. 
     “James...was it you?” 
    “No! I barely want to partake in this at all, trust me I’m not that engaged in this thing.” He grabbed it. 
    “Then who took it.” He raised it up to eye level. 
    “Someone who had the key to my trunk.” He threw it back into the corner. “I didn’t think anyone knew where I kept the key.” 
     “This means whoever killed your dad was watching him.” James looked up at you. One clue down. 
     Once the bedroom was finally empty you and James entered. He looked through the bedroom while you headed to the bathroom. You looked in the medicine cabinet and then under the sink. Nothing looked out of place. You looked again and then once more but there was nothing. 
    James stood in the doorway. “I’ve got nothing.” 
    “Me neither.” You stood up in defeat. “Maybe this was just something to throw us off.” James didn’t look satisfied with that. 
    “That doesn’t sound like mom.” You left the bathroom to let James look at it. Maybe he could find something that you couldn’t see. You return to the bedroom. You had never been in there but nothing looked to strange. You peered under the bed. It was completely empty. 
    You got back up and accidentally hit your head on the bedside table. “Shit,” you winced. You rubbed the top of your head, closing your eyes from the pain. You felt a gentle hand on top of yours. 
    “Are you alright?” James’ eyes were full of worry. 
    “Yeah, yeah. I just bumped into this.” You looked over at it. “What’s this anyways?” 
    “Just the nightstand. It’s always locked so-” Your eyes panned down. The very last drawer was open just a smidge. It wouldn’t have even been noticeable if you hadn’t been searching. 
    “What about this one?” You pulled it open and James leaned in. 
    “That’s weird.” The bottom drawer was full of books. High level magic books that you had never seen before. James pulled out one of them. 
    “Oh man! I bet they wouldn’t even allow this stuff in stuff in the forbidden section in the library.” 
    “Focus.” You picked up an all black one that felt like dragon skin. It was clearly a Dark Arts book. You flipped through it. You landed on a section where there were a few pages missing. 
    “There’s some missing in this one too.” You looked over at him. 
    “I think we’ve found our cause of death.” 
     You picked up the autopsy report. “ ‘Nothing of note physically wrong.’ Just like we thought, that sounds like magic.” The “body” had wasn’t there anymore. All that was left was the cup he was drinking out of and the autopsy report. 
     “So we’ll go with cause of death: dark arts spell .” You nodded. “We’ve still got suspect and motive to figure out.” You sat the report back down. 
    “Yeah, I haven’t gotten around to that yet.” 
    “We’ve still got another room, it’ll be fine.”
    “Mhmm. I think we’ve got a fairly good shot at getting this right.” You looked down at the report one more time. You felt James’ eyes on you and slowly met his gaze. “It’s not polite to stare, Potter.” He laughed quietly. 
    “Sorry, I was just thinking...thanks for coming. I know I shouldn’t have told them we were dating but I’m glad you decided to come.” You stepped towards him and tugged at his feathers. 
    “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” 
    “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t. Seriously though, I’ve had a great time tonight and I hope you have as well.” You suddenly became very aware of how close you were. You were so close to him that every time one of you took a breath in you almost touched. 
    “I’m having a great time.” And it would only get better. James moved closer and your lips connected. Or at least they almost did. James pulled back as soon as he came into contact with your fake beard. He laughed. 
    “Sorry.” James pulled the beard down to so that it wasn’t covering your lips. 
    “Much better.” The kitchen door flew open and Albus took a step out. You scrambled away from each other. 
    “Uh...” He looked between the two of you. “I’m done in there, it’s all yours.” 
    “Thanks, Al.” James ran his hand through his hair nervously. Albus left the room without another word. As soon as you entered the kitchen James made a b-line for the pantry. 
    “Where are you going?” He scavenged through the pantry. 
    “The book I had with the pages taken out was a potions book so I figured this must have something to do with potions of some sort. Yes! Look at this.” You joined him, trying to see what he was looking for. 
    “Dad was poisoned,” James exclaimed.
    You shook your head. “All of the ingredient that could be used to make a good poison are still here.” He reached forward and picked up and empty jar. 
    “Yeah but all of the bezoar is gone. Whoever did it made sure that there could be no cure antidote. My dad always makes sure to keep a bezoar around, always. This is no coincidence.” James picked you up and spun you around. “We’ve done it.” He sat you back down and gazed into your eyes. 
    You knew he was going to kiss you again or you hoped he would. Suddenly, Ginny’s voice rang throughout the room. “Your hour is up. Go back to your rooms, you have ten minutes to come up with a final result.” 
    You followed James back to his room and paced next to his bed while he closed the door. You took off your hat. “It had to be someone who had access to your trunk. You said it was locked, who knew where the key was besides you?” He sat down on his bed.
    “I didn’t think anyone did. I keep it secret cause I don’t want anyone going through my stuff. Albus is so quiet and observant, he picks up on things so it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure it out. It wouldn’t be that hard for Lily either, she’s so small and sneaky you barely notice she’s there half the time.” You thought about all of that for a moment. It didn’t really get you anywhere. 
    “The book was also kept in a locked space so the same thing applies for finding the key to that. There were dark arts books in there which is pretty straight forward. We still haven’t got motive.” 
    “We’ve barely got anything. All we have is some good guesses.” He was right. This whole thing was much more frustrating than you had originally thought. You had found all of the clues yet each and every one of them led to a dead end. 
    “Let’s just go with Albus. He’s clever and has a better understanding of these types of things so it wouldn’t have been that hard for him to have done it.” 
   “I haven’t got one.” You sat down next to him, putting your head in your hands. 
   “We really did good though.” James placed his hand gently on your knee. There was a long moment where silence filled the room. “Hey, is it weird how incredibly hot I find you even in a beard?” You burst out laughing. 
    “Seriously, I may have some sort of issue.” 
    “You’re ridiculous.” He leaned closer to you casually. 
    “We’ve still got a few minutes in here alone. We could...” He trailed off, letting the sentence hang in the air. He leaned in even more. Just as he was about to close the gap between you, you stood up.
    “Or we could get down to the dining room.” He fake pouted. You held your hand out to him and he took it. You led him out of the room and into the dining room. 
    It seemed like everyone else had the same idea because they were all already there. They all looked confident in themselves. Their gaze drifted around the room from person to person, accusingly. 
    Ginny smiled. “I was just about to call you two down. Now that everyone is here, are you guys ready to get started? I will admit, this one was a bit harder.” 
    “Mom! Can I go first,” Lily asked. Ginny nodded at her. She got to her feet. “Alright so at first I didn’t know at all but now I think I do. It was James. I found his cloak that dad gave him and he’s always trying to sneak books like that out of the forbidden section so it had to have been him.” 
    “How’d he do it?” 
    “Some spell, I dunno.” 
    “Do you know why?” She shook her head. “Alright. Thanks dear. Albus, you next.” Albus stood up. 
    “It was you mom. You’re the one who knows where everything is around here. It’s your house after all. You probably found the key too get into James’ case and already knew where the key to the beside table was. You must’ve cast some kind of very subtle spell but I don’t know which. The motive is something I haven’t figured out.” 
    “Very nice. Teddy?” Teddy cleared his throat. 
    “It was obviously Albus. You’re always sneaking around the house, who knows what kind of keys you’ve found. He did it because he was tired of his father putting James before him, which is evident in him stealing the cloak. I don’t know how he did it though.” Ginny nodded along. Finally, she gazed over at the two of you. 
    “Your turn.” As everyone talked you thought more about what you had found. Your mind was leaning in a slightly different direction. You didn’t know if it was right but maybe....
    You both stood up. You looked at each other nervously. James was the first to speak. “We think it was A-”
    “It was Teddy,” you interrupted. James looked at you in confusion. “It all makes sense now. Okay so we first thought it was Albus because he’s observant and smart he probably could’ve found the keys right? But that’s a lot of effort and a lot of chance luck. Teddy, however wouldn’t have needed a key. He’s 17 he could’ve just cast Alohomora and both would’ve unlocked.” James looked very impressed. 
    “He killed him with a poison which we knew because despite all of the ingredients needed to make one being in tact all of the bezoar had come up missing. So Teddy was clearly trying to make sure that he couldn’t be saved. Now the motive...we don’t know.” 
    “Actually, I think I might,” James chimed in. You looked at him in surprise. “It’s something I’ve been working out in my head. Dad doesn’t keep Dark Arts books in the house, he doesn’t want us anywhere near them, he keeps them all in his office. So those books couldn’t have been his. And why rip pages out of the book of someone your going to murder that has information about why you’re going to do it? They’d notice. There are better ways to go about it unless you don’t have much time and it wasn’t your book anyways. I think Dad took away Teddy’s dark arts books away and he wasn’t too happy about it.” 
    You both sat down. You tried to look like you had expected it to go that well but that wasn’t even close to the truth. You were so excited about how you had worked together and you thought you had cracked the case. You had your eyes fixed on Ginny ready to hear the results. 
    “One of you was right.” She gazed around the table. “And it was...James and (Y/N).” James grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug. 
    “We did it,” he shouted. You hugged hm back with as much force. 
    “We did.” You closed your eyes savoring the hug. 
   Teddy and you were the last one left downstairs. “Good job, figuring it out. It was super hard.” 
    “Well, I had James with me and he was a huge help.” Teddy smiled at you kindly. 
    “I’m glad you made it. I know James was super excited to have you here tonight. You probably already know but he’s like super into you.” You were a bit surprised by this but didn’t let it show. 
    “I don’t know about that. James is James ya know. I only came cause I didn’t want him to get caught in his stupid lie.” Teddy’s eyebrow went up. 
    “What lie?” 
    “You know, he told all of you guys he was dating me.” Teddy looked confused. “He did tell you guys that right?” 
    “I don’t think I know what you’re talking about but have a great night.” He disappeared up the stairs and James almost immediately took his place. 
    “Here’s your hat, I couldn’t find it for the life of me.” You took it out of his hands. He slipped his hands in his pockets. “So...”
    “You didn’t tell them we were dating.” He looked confused. 
    “You said you told your family we were dating but that’s not trie at all. You lied. I think you lied just to get me here.” His face got red. 
    “I don’t...I don’t know what you mean.” You pulled your fake beard down and in one quick movement, kissed him. 
    “Just for the record I would’ve came anyways.” He gave you a goofy smile. He leaned in to kiss you again but at the last minute you turned your head so he kissed you on the cheek. "Goodnight James, and thank you for tonight.” 
    “Yeah...um...yeah anytime.” He was clearly flustered. He ran his hand through his hair once again and you could tell he was nervous. You laughed. 
    “Bye James.”
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doctormelapples · 7 years
all the a s k s
Here you go homie:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?More milk, get them slightly soggy cinnamon toast crunch 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?One of my favorite feelings tbh 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Receipts,,,,,, I doggy ear them from the bottom 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?Tea, STRONG, Maybe with a lil honey 5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I cover my face with my hand when I laugh, if that is the connection 6: do you keep plants?A goal of mine is to keep plants 7: do you name your plants?I totally would, I named everything 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?Photography??, Writing? 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?I do all the time. Apparently I hum when I work, but I don’t often notice 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Um side? Idk I just asked the only person who has seen me sleeping in the last three months, she said I can’t make up my mind 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?SharkBecks,, #rip, Crab walk,, In this Denny’s tonight,,,, whipping in response to an attack on your person 12: what’s your favorite planet?Uranus 13: what’s something that made you smile today?I went to coffee with my ride or die and that was fun 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?The walls would be brick for sure, wood floors, shit ton of rugs, plants everywhere, we stole the plants from cafes, small windows, maybe circular, you know that nasty looking gross pale blue fridge, looking nasty and old, that one, and we found a bright red couch on the side of the road, it’s perfect, string lights, and the occasional lamp, old fashioned lightbulbs, warm light, yellow and orange lights, a mix of framed and not framed posters, bean bag chairs for parties, Cupboard space, only used for mugs, paintings and art, and photographs, polaroids, all over the fridge, cupboards with pins and magnets, probably some salt crystals, salt lamps, some rose quartz stuff, candles everywhere. It’s a study apartment, so all we have are two really big beds in the middle of the beds, THROW PILLOWS EVERYWHERE, too many pillows,, polaroids hanging from string lights on the ceiling, BOOKS EVERYWHERE, stacks everywhere, corners= books, top of the fridge=books, vanity made of several different old mirrors, hanging cubbies for our shoes, we share all the time anyway, no floor space, fashion racks for all of our clothes, we mix, cuz we always share clothes anyway 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Did you know Venus is the hottest planet, not mercury, even tho it’s closest to the sun? Also NASA is fake and nothing is real? 16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?Lasagna 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?PINK BLONDE WITH DARK ROOTS, AND PINK 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.Something I did? Welcccs, I said welcccs In the gc once,,, never lived down, Pronunciation: Whelc-k-kz I also said pipin’ ass tea, so 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?Lot’s 20: what’s your favorite eye color?Green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I have a bag, that I got recently, it’s black leather looking, and I have a white puffball on it, and I love her, Victoire, is her name. 22: are you a morning person?YEET NOPE 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Sit and contemplate the fact that literally nothing is real and nothing matters. Or go to the park with my friends 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?No, tbh 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?I broke into a closet once 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My grey hightop converse 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?Sour Apple 28: sunrise or sunset?Sunrise 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Anytime @thumper-darling sits in a comfy chair she immediately snuggles up with the arm of the chair for a hot mo 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Yes, shall I tell the story?? Send me an ask and I’ll tell it 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I love socks, I like weird socks. Sleeping with socks on is of the devil. No fuck off, I have this pair that is a strawberry, one sock is the right side, and one is the other half, and I love them, I also have lime ones like that, and I have lots of different, polka dotted ones that I can wear as mix and matched 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I went on an adventure to a city a lil out of the way, and it was like exactly 2:54, I have it on a video, and it was lit, we walked around the city, at 3 in the morning, and got passed by 4 different police cars, we made up a plan to tell them who we were, but neither of us really think straight ever, so it was a damn mess. 33: what’s your fave pastry?I love a good strudel 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?I got my fav stuffy on my seventh birthday, sophie, a white dog that glowed if you pressed her hand, My mom snuck up to my attic room that I shred with my sister, and handed it to me, It felt like it was exactly midnight, but it was probably only like 10, and she glowed and I love her. She sits in my closet and watches over me now. She stopped glowing a few years after I got her. Her lights died, after so many battery replacements 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?I love them, so much, but I don’t have many. I would use them all the time, if I had more. 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?I got my rose scented candle going, I got my main lights off, and I’m listening to my drunk friend breathe over the phone while she reads probably It by Stephen King, let’s go with,,, alt-J, does he count? Or Wild Party? The 1975?? IDK 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I think better in messy, but I do like clean 38: tell us about your pet peeves!Do I have pet peeves? People telling other people that I’m “in a mood”, touching my stuff without asking, someone making offhand comments about something without explaining themselves, DONT TOUCH MY HAIR 39: what color do you wear the most?Pink? Black? Pales, neutrals essentially. 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I don’t actually really wear jewelry 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Coffee Chaos, it’s a blessing. I actually have two, to be realistic. Espresso Milano has the aesthetic, the vibe, but Coffee Chaos’ coffee is just better, so 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I watched stars with some of my photography classmates, the other day, we were shooting on location, and it was Night™ 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?I don’t know her!!!!! WAIT JK I had a dream about Taehyung the other day, idk man it was pretty damn serene, can you believe that tae is the most beautiful man in the world 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Always, if my vibes don’t jive w u hecks off 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.The only puns that currently reside in my soul rn are in Korean… wolwol…. How bout: I’m going to bed,,, Mind if I Slytherin 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?FUCKING COTTAGE CHEESE 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?My mom being mad at me,, debatably. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I love Record Storesssss,,, a happy place, tbh 50: what’s an odd thing you collect?I used to collect bottle cap tops, like izze tops, Snapple tops, etc. I’m tryna collects pins/buttons now tho 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?I associate tipsy by J-Kwon with @thumper-darling 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?I dig some snazzy The Floor is me me z, nothing but respect for my president, right in front of my salad, the ditty.its, he protecc he attacc, etc there were some good memez this year 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?I’ve only seen heathers out of all of these and it was the play, it was pretty hecking good. 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My aunt at my cousins funeral. 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Honestly whom knows, once I painted my hand bright green, but for no reason so there’s your answer 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?I like it when people smile while reading, 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?Lit,, get lit, if you don’t dramatically reenact the lyrics did you even listen to bohemian Rhapsody? 58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?@thumper-darling is the wine mom, and the vodka aunt. She’s an alcoholic. Rip 59: what’s your favorite myth?One of my faves 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?I do, but I don’t often retain names,,,, rip, one of the first ones I memorized was the jabberwocky by lewis Carroll 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I gave a mcdonalds happy meal toy away once as a gift, and once I got a whole ass gum wrapper legitimately 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Love me some juice. I favor Apple Juice, but no o n e else in the house drinks apple juice so all we ever have is orange juice. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Stacks, my music, yes, but theses books really be out here, overflowing from my shelves, so we got stacks, and any organization they had is now gone. 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?The sky is dark rn, cuz it’s night, but during the day this week it’s white and grey cuz it’s Rainy Week™ in Michigan rn. 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?I can list a good few people. My old classmates, from my old school. That would be nice 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?My most ideal flower crown would have flown pink stained roses, vines with thorns, small white and pink flowers, be really extra in the center like a crown. 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?Serene, content 68: what’s winter like where you live?Slushy, sometimes we get lots of snow, sometimes its lacking, 69: what are your favorite board games?I love clue, I got a doctor who version for xmas last year, best gift in years ngl. I also love risk; world domination, and a new fav: Truth Bombs™ Created by Daniel Howell and Phillip Lester available anywhere they sell games, for example: B&N where you can pick up The Amazing Book is Not On Fire at the same time, and while you’re at it, check out Dan and Phil Go Outside. 70: have you ever used a ouija board?FUCK OUTTA HERE FUCK OYOU MEAN FUCJBOI NO 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I dig some good ol’ Bengal spice, I dig strong spicy tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?I mean, yes, but do I write shit down? The answer is no 73: what are some of your worst habits?Picking at my nails, making internal commentary on Everything around me @ a l l t I m m e s 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They really out here, at all times. They tend to be the loudest of the group, and they honestly bring the party. Story telling skills level master, You can’t beat them, They’re just so good at telling an entertaining story, even if it isn’t entertaining. Sometimes doesn’t have good days, and that’s okay. 75: tell us about your pets!I have two dogs, Maddie, and Arenal,, Maddie is a boxer lab mix, and she’s allergic to like literally everything 100% ,,, except cats. Arenal is a white blonde golden retriever and he’s the laziest mf I’ve ever met 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?A literal Photography assignment, idk why I procrastinate on these, I love doing them. 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Pink! 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?HATECLUB FUK U 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?My promposal last year was pretty dang cute, rip that tho. 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?I didn’t get to chose, they’re kinda a milky white, I don’t mind it to much, its not bad 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.doe eyes, at their finest, and that’s what I got 82: are/were you good in school?Not really, like I’m pretty average tbh 83: what’s some of your favorite album art?I really loved Young The Giants “Home of the Strange” CRUISR’s album art is all pretty aesthetic, Anti was good, I liked “Bleak” by Froth, “Cult of Personality” by Varsity, and like tons others 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?Yeah! I want to get a lineart tattoo of a swing set, with wildflowers growing specifically yellow and red flowers with light blue ink for the swings, I want to get something to do with Scorpio, and I also want an vertical ellipses in my inner elbow 85: do you read comics? what are your faves?Not really, But I have read Archie comics my whole life, Betty n Veronica, I looked at the new Riverdale ones, it’s pretty okay. You can’t really beat the go comics tho. and I own some snazzy local artists comics, those are my faves 86: do you like concept albums? which ones?I guess so,, I don’t really go out of my way to recognize it tho. I like Hospice by The Antlers, Of course Lemonade, does channel orange count? Idk, I had to look up a list of concept albums to say which ones I liked. 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Breakfast Club, Men in Black, Star Wars, Harry Potter, (all) the og Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Hocus Pocus, ET, LOTR, um and more for sure, but idk right off the top of my head 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?I suppose there, are but I couldn’t tell you the name 89: are you close to your parents?I’d say I’m like relatively close to my mother, but not so much my dad 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.Just one? It’s either Chicago or Stratford, let’s go w Stratford, Ontario, okay. There is a lot stuff going on in the summer over in stratford, they have the Stratford Shakespeare festival and the theatres in the area are beautiful as shit. I haven’t been there while it’s not going on, but I gather it’s a very touristy sorta town. They have ups and downs in streets, it’s not big enough to get lost, but you can still lose yourself in the different shops and cafes. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?The year is almost over, but it would be nice to visit my family who live hours + hours away. I want to go down to the capital and go to my favorite shops in the city I used to live. 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I’m lactose intolerant 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?Probably a half up pony tail 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My friend Jalee, her birthday was the 21st and she is exactly 3 weeks and 3 days older than me. 95: what are your plans for this weekend?I have a halloween party I might go to, or else I’ll be at my dad’s house this weekend. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?I procrastinate a lot,,, I have pressed the damn remind me later button so often,,, 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?Oh shit I can’t remember my Myer briggs, maybe I should take the test again,,,, okay hold on…. Okay: ENTP-T Scorpio, Slytherin, 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?Maybe this summer? I love hiking, It’s one of my favorite things to do 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Suburbia by Troye Sivan, Growing Old on Bleeker Street by AJR, Trapdoor by twenty one pilots, Body Gold by Oh Wonder, Sea by BTS, Art Exhibit by Young the Giant, Titus was Born by Young the Giant, actually that whole album Home of the Strange by Young the Giant. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?5 Years into the future, I never wanna go back. Unless I could change events, in which case I’d go back.
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homo-pink · 7 years
First off: you are everything fucked up and beautiful in this world. Second: I'll be going on my first ever visit to NOLA for my birthday in May, and (since you love it so much) was wondering if you had any tips/recommendations for places to go/see/eat. I'm thinking a ghost tour is definitely in order. Any personal favs? Too touristy for you? Would love any ideas you have to offer — thank you!
1) i just went to new orleans again over spring break weekend and it was unbearably fucking dreamy and decaying and weird and wonderful. expectedly.
2) i’m so so excited for you. you’re probably going to leave part of your heart behind when you have to say goodbye. at least a little throb of it.
3) of course i have recommendations. of course, oh god, so many.
i’ve never been on a ghost tour, personally. i tend to be weird about anything structured or laid out with guidelines, go here, do that, gasp at the right time. i like to do my own poking around, seeing what i can see, meeting who i’ll meet.
if you can, don’t stay at a hotel chain, something you can find anywhere else. the whole charm of being there is being there authentically, i think. i love le pavillon with the big statues in front (there’s more up on the roof around the pool). it’s noted for being one of the most haunted hotels but i’ve stayed there so many times and have yet to be touched by any dead darlings, sadly. but they do offer free peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and hot chocolate every night down in the lobby. everybody leaves their rooms in masses to go down. it’s fun.
also highly rec the creole gardens b&b. cutest, most charming place i’ve ever stayed.
for food:
– the camellia grill on carrollton. expect a line on the weekends anytime before noon. always. there are no tables, just one long winding countertop with stools. it doesn’t seat more than 20-ish at a time but it’s worth it to wait, very much. park across the street in the shopping center where sally beauty supply is at. 
– reginelli’s pizzeria. there’s a few locations and all are good. i like the poydras one best for sentimental reasons. it’s not just pizza. they have good everything. i always get the pesto tortellini and the garlic knots. cheesecake is also A+
– betsy’s pancake house is a must must must every time. it’s easy to pass if you’re not looking for it. there’s nothing special about it on the outside but it has a lot of history to it and the food is so so incredible. the silver dollar pancakes are knee buckling if you’re a pancake slut. the owner was murdered a few years back and it was a kind of big thing. it’s bittersweet to see her photo inside.  
–  ideal discount mart’s a tiny little grocery spot that sells the best cookies in the center of the store. and the house made rice pudding is almost ambrosia???
places to go:
– anne rice’s old house. whether you’re a fan or not, it’s fascinating to peek into the gates and think about someone living in there, looking out those windows, sitting in that garden, and coming up with dreamworlds to write. right there.
– holt cemetery. it wasn’t always gated up the way it is now. you used to be able to (mostly legally) get in at any time. but you can still go during daytime hours. there’s something extra sorrowful clinging to this particular yard.
– larry flynt’s hustler clubs. because because because. ♥
– the market (it’s down in the french quarter near decatur. you’ll know it when you see it. tons of vendors. who will push you to spend $50 on a $15 item. just say “i only have $10 on me” or whatever and 95% of the time, it’s yours.)
– and if you’re a supernatural fan, there’s a little voodoo shop that i can’t remember the name of (but it’s on decatur street near an antique shop that sells dead butterflies) and they have this high shelf of candles. it’s mostly memorial stuff, dead musicians and actresses. but they have a pair of saint sam winchester and saint dean winchester candles up there, arranged together sweetly. ♥ ♥
– audubon park. there’s a special tree there that hangs low to the ground and you can sit down on it and watch life walk by. it’s written into one of my favorite PZB books. 
– the prosthetics room @ st. roch. it’s filled with artificial legs and false teeth.
– maskarade. they sell high quality handmade masks. mostly animal faces. kind of expensive but so worth going in to look at. and you’re allowed to put 1 mask on and take 1 photo of yourself. most mask shops won’t allow that. 
– every shop on magazine street but especially the trashy diva boutique.
– the museum of death. thank you @dollylux for this one. i hadn’t known it was there until this past trip. i thought it was only in california. it was one of the most gratifying experiences. you can’t take any photos but it’s magic inside. the first room is purely animal corpses in varying stages of death. some are taxidermy heads or bodies, and some are in jars. some are framed. some are rare. it’s mostly dedicated to serial killers though. the next room plays a video on BTK in detail, shows clips from his trial, etc. they have old body draining tables on display and burial dresses hung on the walls. a section of mourning dolls. graphic crime scene photos in glass cases, including sharon tate. and dorothea puente’s cookbook (!!!) and in the very back is a theater but the seats are pews and it feels very much like a small church. it’s dark and quiet and there are altars in the corners and the film that’s playing is food-yanking gore set to some upbeat maybe-60s music. it’s graphic as f. 
an entire little corner of the museum is for jeffrey dahmer. i spent most of my visit there. they have his entire confession (nearly the size of a phone book) that you can flip through and read. you can also see his old request memos and letters to his friends. in one sent out for thanksgiving, he wrote, “i suppose you’ll be eating turkey and pumpkin pie. i don’t know what i’ll be having.“ 
in the last room right before the end of the exhibits is a podium of notebooks. one where you can write in your ideal death (it’s both wonderfully dreamy and fucking hilarious to flip thru it and read what others have written. mine is in there too now) and another for how you think your light will actually flicker out.
when that’s done – there’s the death merch. i almost bought one of everything.
oh and the bathrooms in back are labeled as embalming rooms ♥ ♥
i hope you have so much fucking fun when you go. please tell me all about it!
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ethanjsmith-blog1 · 7 years
Monday & Tueday:
First day of the project we was given the brief and brief rundown on what we should be aiming towards and our first task was to question what fine art is, this is something i had to do because i have no real clue what it is but it turns out fine art is open and wide range of most/all art forms. after we was given 14 different press releases which were a mystery to us of who made the art so we can’t get influenced. we have to make 3 pieces based off the press releases in our on style and take on the words. I chose releases 3,6 and 9 which were the ones that seemed to related to things i’m interested in. for the rest of the day tuesday i was working on the 10 pages of ideas we was required to do
I brought in my snapped skateboards and took them to the 3D workshop to use the electric sander to get off and the old graphic and leaving with a nice wooden surface to paint on. In the afternoon i painted my skateboard based on a picture by pontus alv.
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I spent the morning coming up with more ideas for the after noon where went to computer room to do a collab with April.
you can view the pieces here, theres one more but there ins’t a link to it but it’s on the wall in the studio. 
Today I worked on more ideas for my final piece and Graham the fine artist who came in to help showed us his work on the projector to see the kind of work he does, i found it interesting because he works on the computer like me for when he works for another fine artist helping out with backgrounds that he comes up with on the computer which is really interesting to a computer based artist like myself. 
Today is the day we took the trip to london! Gill, Wendy and Graham took a small group of us on a mission to find some of the galleries on the list! The first gallery we went was Gallrey 1 which was showing Stephen Friedman’s work, i really liked the film or the sutter pieces with the little places in the tiny squares, the gallery was super tiny it was just a room with his work on the walls there was about 3 or 4 pieces but! Virtually opposite was the Gallery 2 which housed Friedmans more appstract/surreal paintings, the lady in the gallery said he started but doing more realistic paintings then went into way more apptract but his paintings still have real things in them like a broken branch or a tree etc which i find really interesting to look at specialty with someone like me who isn’t a huge fan of realism.  After Freidman we razzed round the corner to have a peek at Maria Lassning’s showing in Gallery 23, Lassnings work was really nice too see, it was a mix of phallic, grotesques and real life paintings.  The people in the galley told us that Lassning started off doing abstract work then going into more real life pieces as you could tell by walking around inside the gallery because as you walking theres more wacky animal vagnais with legs but as you go to back there's a life portraits and painting of people real or not. Before we hit the last gallery Graham took us to the Photographers Gallery 16-18, he seemed pretty excited about it so that go us excited too i was because the shows focused on people which is my fav thing about photographing. I’m going to be honest i’m so bad with names so i can’t remember if it was Martin Parr or Roger Mayne i saw first but i remember a slide show with loads of vintage photographs which was really interesting to see into the lives of people in the past so we sat and watched that for a bit. after that we went upstairs to a really cool idea, they had all these photos of different people living in which looked like a ghetto and there was a pair of headphones on a bench and it was a voice recording of all the different people talking about life and such i didn’t get a good listen because we had to go, i’d look behind a curtain but there was a video of a like a animal all cut open so i quickly left after. Now for the last Gallery (frith st) , this gallery was cool because it was in a house and it was converted to show Adrian Paci/ Giuliana Racco’s work, there wasn’t loads of piece but it was pleasant to enjoy, there was a few paintings on the wall but they was small but had character, there was also two films we watched one was a appstract trippy kind of feel and the other was about some children cleaning up a graveyard which was really nicely filmed and remembered me of a few skate films i’ve watched before. We got lost in Soho found classic Mc D and got back on a very long coach ride where it felt like i wanted to die thanks to big man Harvey and hype man James.
Today was the last day of the fine art project so i started to write and finish off my work then i hammered in a nail to the wall tied a piece of string though my skateboard and hung it up and printed the peices me and april made on some nice A3 pieces of paper and tacked them to the wall all nice and simple looking just how i like it.  
When i heard the next project was fine art i got a bit worried because to be honest I really don’t know what fine art is, so it was good the first activity was to question us was it is so we actually have an idea which always useful, it turns out fine art is broader than i thought, it’s not just fine paintings thats just the name! it’s really just about anything that has a creative response to things! so i just got brain storming straight way but it was hard a first because the project is heavily based on reading the press releases it was a bit tricky seeing that i can’t in fact read so i had to get them printed off from Wendy and read to be by Billy which was very kind of both them! after they was read to be i picked 3 and started tracking down, i felt so free but maybe too free because i spent a lot of time getting lost in my own doodles a lot. i managed to come up 3 decent ideas which i’m really happy with but i wish i actually made 3 pieces instead of just two but time and stress got the best of me which of no excuse so i’ll have to pay the conquenses but! i’m really happy with how my pieces turned out. I’m not the best painter some happy my skateboard painting came out on top looking really good tho a few hiccups it’s decent enough to make me happy! for my collab with April is was very fun to work with another person because we both shared the same stress and working together help us alot, i was good fun working in my natural habitat working on a computer! drawing over images is something i’ve wanted to do for a long time so to be able to do it now was a real treat even if it was just white lines it still showed a new world with in ours which was the am i was going for. I actually surprised i planned this time because that doesn’t normally happen but everything i planned went to plan but i wish i had a little more time to finish the other pieces.  
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