#but little notes of their daily intakes - not everything. just some things. ))
wolfofwinchester · 11 months
Got my hands on a book of herbal medicine and you better believe Claudia is having me take note. Will these ever come into play for threads? Maybe, maybe not. Are they fun to have stowed away all the same? Absolutely.
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thatconfusedanon · 7 months
[The morning brings an alert (and an ask for a quick hand) from Coffee, who had since done some math and research to get everything up to date. And at long last, with a helping hand to get to the medicine room (he could walk with help, but it was not more than a handful of steps and looked awkward and painful), Coffee had gotten that little white and purple bottle labeled "Topical Testosterone Gel 1.62%" and even got the printer to spit out a label saying it belonged to Estell, Altair and to apply it once daily, and be sure to wash your hands and not let the medicine come into contact with women, children, or eyes.]
[Coffee sat on a chair for the professionality of it all, scribbling down a few notes on the margins of Altair's intake info in lieu of having his laptop.]
Ok, ok... so you've heard some of the speech before, so I won't go too in depth, just the differences from the old method. Before that, any undesirable side effects you remember from before? Any side effects you were not seeing that you wanted?
I've gotten an equivalent dose of it from your old ones, and I'm not going to up it or lower it much, but we can get around a few things and know where we're aiming. More notes and deets the better.
*Altair sat down by Coffee, swinging one leg over the other and listening to Coffee. His head tilted slightly and hands folded before him, one look at the tube and he made a mental note to keep it outta reach of Voyyd. Maybe locked in a fire proof box or a mason jar...*
*When he was presented with the questions he shook his head a little.*
Nothing that I can remember... Don't think... at least.
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rainedrops-omo · 2 years
Trials and Tribulations of a Hydrated Person
Nothing like all traffic lights turning yellow as a torrential downpour splatters against the window while doing your best to hold a seriously full bladder. Managed to hit every pothole and bump in some cruel twist of fate. 
I wasn’t stretched levels of full for most of the drive, which meant I felt everything. Liquid gently swaying back and forth, waves sloshing against slowly stretching walls. A fluid tickle from the inside, oh god. I’d rather be bursting over that. 
Then the heavy rain--was it my ‘punishment’ for some queued posts? My username?
Water noises don’t usually get to me too badly, but the force of the droplets’ spatter and visuals plus the pressure and wave-like tickle feeling... Two thoughts repeated like a mantra: “I need to pee, I need to pee, I need to pee right now,” and “don’t you dare piss yourself.” I’m quivering, my bladder’s rippling, my heart’s jackhammering like it does close to wetting. Rain comes down harder and all I see are fat splatters and solid streams.
The urge to pee was intense and growing stronger as tea and water filled me further. All I could see and hear was water and ohhhh fuck me, that’s all I felt. Struggled to not rock in my seat. Thighs snapped shut, subtle squirming, toes pressing up and down for a distracting sensation. 
Another curve heavy stretch of road bounced the sea of piss demanding out. 
A contraction slammed into my wavering control. Closed like a vice. I feared I’d squirt a long stream if it didn’t ease. I couldn’t take it, couldn’t stop it... I started leaking drops. Half a gallon desperate to pour out with the rain. Alone in this battle, at least. My poker face is legendary and I’m wearing baggy clothes, so no one would’ve noticed how swollen I was.
(Am, because I’m typing a blurb out with a bursting bladder.)
We hit every single light. I cannot describe the frustration and desperation as they turned from green--“almost time to gush a piss!”--to yellow. “Can’t do another couple minutes, here’s some more for your wet spot.” The anticipation of relief dashed four times to six times.
About ten minutes from home, there’s a big hill and dip. Bladder rollercoaster, here we go. Pee surged up, down, and swirled. Please give me rock solid bursting over this overstimulation. Rain still falling, slowing the drive and torturing me.
The swirling got me and I spurted through clenches. Simultaneous embarrassment and teased relief. Sitting there trying not to show anything but normalcy as tiny spurts kept leaking out. Brief warm streams no part of me was able to halt. 
Droplets and spurts are two very, very different things for me. Little drops are difficult to feel, but mini jets leaving my underwear hot and damp only encourage more. 
The new goal became don’t leak enough to cause a wet patch on pants. There’s a grace period of small leaks for me before my bladder... splashes... and it’s over. 
Get home without any other delays, take note of empty bottle and tea tumbler partially responsible, and get faced with the new guy doing the counters. Please no. Talk to someone else, my brain isn’t functioning at the moment, thanks. 
Finally get to my room and start what was supposed to be a short ‘share and/or enjoy my desperation misadventure.’ About to sound idiotic. I didn’t want to inspect the damage once I checked pants were good. Piss brain isn’t an intelligent one. 
I... had to get up upon describing spurting. No splash, but close enough. There’s no point denying I’m a leaker, is there. 
Now to complete my daily intake. Just over a gallon. I stick to the ‘pee when you need to,’ not before leaving anywhere if I don’t have to. The pros and cons of being a water guzzler.
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ahappybeginning · 2 years
It’s been a minute since I posted here, and a LOT has happened in the past couple of weeks, both good and some really not. I’m gonna try to cover everything because a big part of the reason I made this blog was to help me track my progress during this journey and I don’t want to gloss over any important developments along the way, good or bad. So I’m gonna use this post to rant about the bad/annoying stuff first, then I’m gonna make a separate post for the good stuff so I can leave things on a positive note.
So the biggest and most devastating thing to happen was that this past Monday, it was announced that the hospital I was supposed to be having surgery at, which is only 10 minutes away and holds a LOT of history and sentimental value for me, is set to close at the end of next month, and they’re stopping all non-emergency surgeries next week. And this came right as I JUST let myself finally relax and breathe easy because after months of hard work and a million appointments, I’d managed to get through everything on my pre-op checklist for both the surgeon and my insurance, had already applied for short term disability with the dates I had gotten the ok from my boss to be off, and was basically ready to just wait out the last two weeks until my surgery date.
And then everything got upended with this news. So now, I will be forced to travel over an hour to the next closest hospital that my surgeon works at (and there’s no way I’m switching surgeons because I love the one I have, and anyway that isn’t even an option because my insurance will only cover me if I use specific doctors/facilities), and because there’s so much chaos with trying to move so many of his patients around, my surgery date got bumped back 6 days to September 12th.
Ok now, my logical brain knows that this could have been much worse. Overall, I know things will still be fine and I will still have the same end result. But the emotional part of me had a proper breakdown over all of this for several different reasons. First, 6 days may not seem like that much in the grand scheme of things, but the fact is, I’ve been maintaining a 30 carbs or less (daily) diet for well over a month already. I ended up starting it a few weeks before I really had to (it’s supposed to be a 30 day pre-op diet to shrink your liver to help during surgery) because I didn’t want it to be a huge shock to my system so I slowly started decreasing my carb intake until I could get to where I officially needed to be. And let me tell you, this shit is NOT easy. I’m hungry all the time and I’m experiencing some very unpleasant side effects based on the fact that I’m not getting enough of certain nutrients because of the restrictive nature of the diet. It’s not really meant to be sustainable for an extended period. So with that said, adding another 6 days that I have to do this is TORTURE. When my mom tried to tell me that 6 days is nothing, I challenged her to try and stick to this diet for 6 weeks and see if SHE would be ok with adding an extra 6 days to it, because I can guarantee she wouldn’t. And beyond that, the surgery date is now only 3 days before my birthday, and I tried SO HARD to avoid being miserable and in pain on my birthday. Plus, the likelihood of a hurricane happening increases significantly the farther into September we go, so overall I’m just very frustrated and unhappy with the delay.
And then if I set aside the technical aspect of the surgery for a minute, the news of that hospital closing hits a lot closer to home for me, because it’s where my dad used to work (my mom actually did, too, but only for a brief time), and I still have memories of going to visit him there when I was young, and he would give us the little booties the nurses wore over their shoes and we’d all eat lunch together in the cafeteria. It’s one of the very few memories I even have from that period of my life. And when I was there last month for an endoscopy, one of the nurses taking care of me said she’d gone through nursing school with my dad and remembered him fondly. So even though he’s been gone for a long time now (and hadn’t worked there in many years even before he died), I still felt his spirit and energy there, and it was a huge comfort to me. And I don’t think I realized just how grounding the idea of him somehow being there with me when I have surgery was until it was very suddenly ripped away from me. It’s deeply upsetting and it’s not something that most of the other patients being displaced by this closure can understand. So I’m honestly still grappling with that part of it, even though I’ve mostly calmed down about the rest.
And just to add insult to injury, I was told yesterday that now I also have to drive all the way up to the new hospital the Friday before my surgery in order to do a COVID test there and for registration. Well first, I already DID the registration online, so I have no idea why I need to do it AGAIN there. And second, the idea of driving 2 hours round trip for a test I SHOULD be able to do locally and that takes less than a minute to complete is ludicrous to me. It’s beyond frustrating and I hate that there’s nothing I can do about it (believe me, I tried).
So that’s where I’m at with the negative stuff. Next post will be a lot happier. ❤️
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sandbergschou56 · 13 days
Nobody wants to be up all night thinking about how to go about losing weight each day. You should get healthier for yourself and your loved ones. You should begin equipped with interesting facts about losing weight. Read this piece for great guidance.
Keeping track of what you are consuming is a great key to learning how to drop those pounds. Keep a food diary that shows what you've eaten and the calories consumed and you will easily start to see items that you can eliminate from your diet. Just a few simple changes to your daily intake, will add up to great weight loss. Remain active to shed weight. Doing simple activities such as going out for a ride on your bike or a walk, you will burn more calories than just watching television from your couch. If you do some activities each day, you're going to do fine, which is why you should turn off the TV. Fitness is an important factor in weight loss. It is important to try to get 30 minutes every day. If you have children, meeting this goal can be simple, just play with them! Encourage your children to go out each day and toss around the football or a frisbee. Go bike riding with them, or maybe just a walk in the park. Doing this will achieve three things all at the same time. 1) You are sticking to your exercise routine. 2) It helps you spend quality time with your children. 3) It helps you teach your children proper fitness habits! Eating an apple before every meal will help you lose weight faster. Not only is it a healthy way to get lots of fiber and extra water in to your diet, but it will also fill you up before you begin eating the main portion of your meal. You will eat less of the higher fat and calorie filled foods and therefore consume less calories overall. As we all know, less calories means less pounds. If you have ever spent a day counting exactly how many calories that you have consumed that day, you may have found it a daunting task and have been very surprised at the results. Try simply taking note of everything you eat in a notebook or spreadsheet. By writing down everything that goes into your mouth, you may find that you're consuming much more food then you thought you were when you were making mental notes. Although exercise is essential to losing weight it doesn't have to be boring. Play a sport or do an activity you enjoy for exercise. If exercise is boring or a chore, you are more likely to stop. Doing an exercise you like makes you more likely to continue being active and less likely to give up. To help Dhruv piplani lose weight you should eat five to six small meals a day instead of three meals. Eating smaller meals will allow your metabolism to keep working throughout the day and keep your blood sugar stable. Eating several smaller meals will also help to keep your blood sugar stable which will keep you from feeling famished. One way to encourage yourself to lose weight is to keep a pair of cute jeans that are just a little too small in your closet. Dhruv piplani don't even have to be one size too small, just a little too snug to be able to wear out of the house. Try them on at least once a week. You will be happy when your diligence pays off because you will look smokin' in your "new" old jeans. Go ahead and throw out those high calorie foods. It might feel wasteful, but if you are serious about losing weight it might be a good idea to hurry and get rid of any foods that might tempt you to stray from your diet. Clean out your fridge and pantries to make room for healthier foods. In summary, it can be very tough to fall asleep each night when you are worried about losing weight each day. You must do it as soon as you can to begin a healthier life. Begin today by utilizing the advice provided.
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seawatersongs · 8 months
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☽ October 21, 2023 ☾
water intake: 94 oz
breakfast: blueberry greek yogurt, tea with almond milk
lunch: egg sandwich with microgreens
snack: bbq pork buns x2, smarties, Gatorade
dinner: shrimp teriyaki and rice
dessert: white mocha Starbucks
Total: 2,335
Woke up around midnight and couldn't sleep. Not unusual for me. Tonight I did a 3-5 minute stretch, brewed some lavender chamomile, then turned on ocean wave ambiance... but I still ended up scrolling through Tumblr and Pinterest pretty mindlessly. I did go through my photos to get rid of obviously triggering content, but it was a lot to go through because some of ot is style inspiration too. I got a little overwhelmed by the task and left it to be combed through again another day - or perhaps just not at 2 am when I was having trouble sleeping.
I started asking myself what I want out of life, and truthfully I want to explore. I want to live somewhere where trees and ocean are abundant, where I can live a pescatarian or raw vegan type of lifestyle, where I can surf and dive. I want to explore the ocean and learn new things and take pictures of the beautiful underwater world. I want to be a merrow, or as close as I can. I want to walk on the beach daily and get sunburned and just enjoy life.
Perhaps one day. Currently my situation doesn't allow this, but I'll take the little steps I need in order to one day get there. Maybe it won't be soon as I hope, but nothing says it's impossible. In five years, I could be living my dream life, and maybe it will take longer. I need to recognize my limits, push through barriers when I can, and prioritize my mental health.
I fell asleep again around 3 am. Woke up around 6:45 am and scrolled through Tumblr and Pinterest again. Fed the cats, played with the bravest kitten but Stove is the only brave one so far. A couple ate while I was outside and that's progress.
Went on a short walk for breakfast supplies, and then a separate store for shrimp, then made early lunch. then took a nap because today was a slow morning.
Ran another small errand, got steamed bins, and my kid came home! my sister stayed for three hours, and I got overwhelmed by everything happening around me, so I went outside with kid to play with cats.
Sister came out with mom and we had a great conversation regarding autism and how it's been easier since discovering I might be, and the fact it's hard to get diagnosed later.
Then, once sister left, I made dinner. Then took kid to park. I did not do as good as I hoped calories wise, but that's life. I was a little stressed out today. Low energy and high stress,but I didn't binge, I just had a few high calorie food options.
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switchflare7 · 2 years
Nobody wants to be up all night thinking about how to go about losing weight each day. You should get healthier for yourself and your loved ones. You should begin equipped with interesting facts about losing weight. Read this piece for great guidance.
Keeping track of what you are consuming is a great key to learning how to drop those pounds. Keep a food diary that shows what you've eaten and the calories consumed and you will easily start to see items that you can eliminate from your diet. Just 스포츠중계 to your daily intake, will add up to great weight loss. Remain active to shed weight. Doing simple activities such as going out for a ride on your bike or a walk, you will burn more calories than just watching television from your couch. If you do some activities each day, you're going to do fine, which is why you should turn off the TV. Fitness is an important factor in weight loss. It is important to try to get 30 minutes every day. If you have children, meeting this goal can be simple, just play with them! Encourage your children to go out each day and toss around the football or a frisbee. Go bike riding with them, or maybe just a walk in the park. Doing this will achieve three things all at the same time. 1) You are sticking to your exercise routine. 2) It helps you spend quality time with your children. 3) It helps you teach your children proper fitness habits! Eating an apple before every meal will help you lose weight faster. Not only is it a healthy way to get lots of fiber and extra water in to your diet, but it will also fill you up before you begin eating the main portion of your meal. You will eat less of the higher fat and calorie filled foods and therefore consume less calories overall. As we all know, less calories means less pounds. If you have ever spent a day counting exactly how many calories that you have consumed that day, you may have found it a daunting task and have been very surprised at the results. Try simply taking note of everything you eat in a notebook or spreadsheet. By writing down everything that goes into your mouth, you may find that you're consuming much more food then you thought you were when you were making mental notes. Although exercise is essential to losing weight it doesn't have to be boring. Play a sport or do an activity you enjoy for exercise. If exercise is boring or a chore, you are more likely to stop. Doing an exercise you like makes you more likely to continue being active and less likely to give up. To help you lose weight you should eat five to six small meals a day instead of three meals. Eating smaller meals will allow your metabolism to keep working throughout the day and keep your blood sugar stable. Eating several smaller meals will also help to keep your blood sugar stable which will keep you from feeling famished. One way to encourage yourself to lose weight is to keep a pair of cute jeans that are just a little too small in your closet. They don't even have to be one size too small, just a little too snug to be able to wear out of the house. Try them on at least once a week. You will be happy when your diligence pays off because you will look smokin' in your "new" old jeans. Go ahead and throw out those high calorie foods. It might feel wasteful, but if you are serious about losing weight it might be a good idea to hurry and get rid of any foods that might tempt you to stray from your diet. Clean out your fridge and pantries to make room for healthier foods. In summary, it can be very tough to fall asleep each night when you are worried about losing weight each day. You must do it as soon as you can to begin a healthier life. Begin today by utilizing the advice provided.
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nepalshrine1 · 2 years
Nobody wants to be up all night thinking about how to go about losing weight each day. You should get healthier for yourself and your loved ones. You should begin equipped with interesting facts about losing weight. Read this piece for great guidance.
Keeping track of what you are consuming is a great key to learning how to drop those pounds. Keep a food diary that shows what you've eaten and the calories consumed and you will easily start to see items that you can eliminate from your diet. Just a few simple changes to your daily intake, will add up to great weight loss. Remain active to shed weight. Doing simple activities such as going out for a ride on your bike or a walk, you will burn more calories than just watching television from your couch. If you do some activities each day, you're going to do fine, which is why you should turn off the TV. Fitness is an important factor in weight loss. It is important to try to get 30 minutes every day. If you have children, meeting this goal can be simple, just play with them! Encourage your children to go out each day and toss around the football or a frisbee. Go bike riding with them, or maybe just a walk in the park. Doing this will achieve three things all at the same time. 1) You are sticking to your exercise routine. 2) It helps you spend quality time with your children. 3) It helps you teach your children proper fitness habits! Eating an apple before every meal will help you lose weight faster. Not only is it a healthy way to get lots of fiber and extra water in to your diet, but it will also fill you up before you begin eating the main portion of your meal. You will eat less of the higher fat and calorie filled foods and therefore consume less calories overall. As we all know, less calories means less pounds. If you have ever spent a day counting exactly how many calories that you have consumed that day, you may have found it a daunting task and have been very surprised at the results. Try simply taking note of everything you eat in a notebook or spreadsheet. By writing down everything that goes into your mouth, you may find that you're consuming much more food then you thought you were when you were making mental notes. Although exercise is essential to losing weight it doesn't have to be boring. Play a sport or do an activity you enjoy for exercise. If 야구중계 is boring or a chore, you are more likely to stop. Doing an exercise you like makes you more likely to continue being active and less likely to give up. To help you lose weight you should eat five to six small meals a day instead of three meals. Eating smaller meals will allow your metabolism to keep working throughout the day and keep your blood sugar stable. Eating several smaller meals will also help to keep your blood sugar stable which will keep you from feeling famished. One way to encourage yourself to lose weight is to keep a pair of cute jeans that are just a little too small in your closet. They don't even have to be one size too small, just a little too snug to be able to wear out of the house. Try them on at least once a week. You will be happy when your diligence pays off because you will look smokin' in your "new" old jeans. Go ahead and throw out those high calorie foods. It might feel wasteful, but if you are serious about losing weight it might be a good idea to hurry and get rid of any foods that might tempt you to stray from your diet. Clean out your fridge and pantries to make room for healthier foods. In summary, it can be very tough to fall asleep each night when you are worried about losing weight each day. You must do it as soon as you can to begin a healthier life. Begin today by utilizing the advice provided.
0 notes
leejungchans · 2 years
prove it, you won’t : h.js [teaser]
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word count | 0.7k (estimation: 14-15k total)
pairing | joshua hong (svt) x female reader
warning(s) / includes | food mentions (in this teaser only; more will be included in the full fic)
note | part 3 of the fallin’ flowers series
a/n: i pulled through!!!! :’)))) idk what compelled me to do a teaser for this part, maybe it’s bc it’s been over half a year since i last posted for the series so i was worried people might have forgotten about it </3 but i just wanted to thank you all for the support you’ve been showing and for being so patient with updates!! i hope you’ll enjoy this teaser and that the full fic will be somewhat worth the extremely long wait 💗
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The first time you brought him to the café, your heart was pounding from the ambiguity, unsure why Joshua Hong of all people would want to ask you out for coffee. Today, you’re back with the same jittery feeling that quakes every cell in your body and makes your stomach do flip-flops.
Sweat collects in your palms as you wrap a hand around the door handle and push it open, already spying Joshua sitting in the far corner of the quaint café. You sneak a glance at the table by the window you and Joshua occupied all those months ago, finding a young couple seemingly in their early twenties settled into the cushioned chairs.
You squeeze past a server on your way to the table, a mumbled ‘excuse me’ falling from your lips, hardly audible from how your throat seems to have closed up from nerves.
Joshua looks up from his plate as you draw closer, offering a weak smile as you slide into the empty chair across from him. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you say back awkwardly, busying yourself with taking off your crossbody purse. It sits in your lap, your arms coming around to hug it against your torso for some semblance of comfort.
“I, um… I just ordered the same things we did last time. I hope that’s okay with you.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Of course.” Frankly, you don’t remember what you ordered that day; it’s the least of your worries with everything that has happened since. You do, however, remember his plate of strawberry waffles that was topped with more powdered sugar than days’ worth of the recommended daily sugar intake.
You cease your fidgeting in favour of scanning your surroundings. While you like to think of yourself as a regular of the café, you don’t think you’ve ever sat in the far corner before. Why would you when there are far better seats, like the aforementioned window seats that get plenty of sunlight, or the sofa seats with the fluffy pillows? But for the dreaded conversation you’ll be having, this little corner where no one else other than the staff passes by allows for the most privacy.
Your eyes finally land on Joshua, a jolt of lightning shooting down your spine when you find him already looking back at you, simply observing. You both chuckle uncomfortably.
“Thanks for seeing me, by the way,” he’s the first to make conversation again, something you’re deeply grateful for, “I really appreciate it.”
You shake your head. The guilt that’s been haunting you for months rears its ugly head again, creeping up your throat like bile. Admittedly, you’ve been extremely stubborn, he has every right to be annoyed with you and yet he’s treating you with the same kindness as he’d always shown.
“No, thank you for… actually trying to amend things,” you admit. Nerves sink their fangs into your skin, and you begin playing with your fork for a distraction as you continue, “I’m sorry for ignoring you for ages.”
“It’s okay, you needed space and time to think. I understand.”
The server approaches your table with a smile and places your orders before you. Strawberry waffles and Iced Americano for Joshua, iced oat milk latte and—oh yeah, you did get the chocolate-banana crepes last time.
“Enjoy,” the server chirps before turning on her heel and striding off to another table.
The air around you is still heavy, discomfort still emanating from both of you in strong waves as you pick up your forks. It feels wrong to be in such a happy, cosy place just to eat in silence, avoiding meeting Joshua’s eyes like your life depended on it while he did the same as if you’re strangers who were forced to share a table. You begin doubting the success rate of this meeting; judging by how things are looking at the moment, the air wouldn’t be cleared until one of you spoke.
You desperately rack your brain for a conversation topic, anything to get the ball rolling so you don’t throw up from the silence that tightens the knots in your stomach. It hits you out of nowhere as you peer up at him through your lashes when he’s not paying attention—his hair isn’t blonde anymore!
You decide to start there.
“So…” you begin slowly, eyes still trained on the ashy brown colour Joshua now sports, “you dyed your hair again.”
The harsh clang of cutlery against porcelain reaches your ears as Joshua drops his fork and knife on his plate of half-eaten waffles.
“I’m sorry!” he says, “I—I didn’t mean to eavesdrop!”
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a/n: forgive the wall of text here but i wanted to include this here bc i’m sure more people will see it here rather than in a separate post—a few days ago i hit 1k here, so i’d really just like to take the time again to thank you all for your support and love ❤️ i can’t always respond to every comment and that’s something i’m working on, but trust me when i say that i read all your feedback, no matter how long or short, with the biggest smile on my face :’))) i really don’t think i deserve it or that my blog’s anything special but regardless i’m beyond flattered that so many of you decided to stick around and for that i’m more grateful that i’m capable of expressing ❤️ i promise once i have more time i will do a lil event to celebrate
on that note, do go and send your favourite writers/creators some love bc they deserve it and who doesn’t like hearing feedback for something they devoted so much time and effort into? :’))) and to my fellow ccs (whether you write or make gifs/graphics etc.) i just wanna say that you’re doing amazing and i’m proud of you <33
okay this is getting long but ily a lot and i hope you’re taking care of yourselves!!! i also hope you’ll continue to stick around so don’t be scared to chat w me hehe bc i’d love to interact more on here and make new friends 💗💗
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doppopoppo · 3 years
Bundle of Feelings
|| Uramichi Daily Headcanon ||
|| Warnings: married, minor cussing, angst, argument ||
|| Uramichi • F!Reader || 
Everything was silent. 
The only thing that could be heard were the trees rustling outside. The curtains swaying softly and hitting the glass door. The fridge is running in the background. And the heavy breathing of two adults. Hearts pounding in their chests. Both afraid the other may hear their heart wanting to explode into a volcanic mess. 
Otherwise, silence. 
Y/N hasn’t seen her husband this mad since she last saw him interact with his father. Uramichi was red in the face, a scowl permanently settled atop his facial features. The way he was holding her hand, squeezing it tightly for mental support. She doesn’t even remember what they were even arguing about, as her father-in-law bickered about the most minuscule of things. 
Today, however, Uramichi’s anger was directed at her. She had thrown out all of his beer and cigarettes. His wife was tired of having to deal with a drunk husband more nights than she wanted. Only sleeping when he was wasted and slurring out cuss words. The heavy smell of tobacco following his trail, making her scrunch up her nose in disgust. Coughing whenever she walks by as he puffs out smoke. None of these were healthy coping mechanisms. She genuinely wanted to help her husband figure out and find better alternatives. Healthier options. One that wouldn’t harm his health. 
As a gymnast, shouldn’t he know better? 
Little did she know, her actions would cause Uramichi to have an outburst. The most the two fought over what to eat for dinner, junk food or protein filled. He began the argument by yelling at her. Then proceeded to belittle her, what can she know? How stupid can she be? 
She cried and tried to calm him down, but he wouldn’t listen. “It's for your own good!” Y/N sniffled, “why can’t you see that?” She was hugging her own body. Unsure if it was for comfort or out of fear; maybe both? 
Uramichi sighed and rubbed his forehead, “I’m a grown man. I can make my own fucking choices for fucks sake, Y/N!” He’s never used such vulgar vocabularies with her before, this was a first. 
She didn’t want to change Uramichi, instead help diminish the fire inside of him. The one his father lit and kept throwing gasoline at it. 
“You won’t grow like this, dear. If you want a brighter future and to help your depression, we need to start fixing your bad habits.” She emphasized ‘we’. Because they were in this together. 
Uramichi had yet another strenuous day at work, all he wanted was to drink beer until he passed out. His wife’s cuddles no longer lulled him to sleep. Her sweet whispers felt meaningless. Only cigarettes could help him calm his mind down. Yet, she still tried to reason with him. Saying bullshit about seeing a therapist, hanging out with friends more often, or going outside that’s not the gym. 
“I know your fathers did horrible things to you. Such as forcing you into something you didn’t want to do. But you have to stop living in the past. Stop blaming your father for your future, which is your present now.” His wife tried to get close to him to bring him into a hug. 
Enraged at her words, “Oh my god, I could just hit you right now!” Uramichi threw the nearest dumbbell to him across the room. She heard a vase shatter, the one that was a hand me down from her mother. 
“What the hell do you know!? You’ve lived a nice and spoiled life, no inch of worries. No wonder you’re such a stubborn brat half the time.” His words were like a sharp knife cutting through her heart. 
She bent down over the broken pieces of vase. Shattered just like her heart. Uramichi’s eyes and mind were clouded in red rage. He hasn’t realized he broke an important item. One that was personally given to them by his mother-in-law. The woman who entrusted her daughters happiness to him. 
“Stop.” Y/N whispered. “Stop this right now!” She shouted at him. New, hot tears fell from Y/N’s eyes as she held into the broken vase pieces. She was in shock that her husband was willing to get physical over beers and cigarettes. This wasn’t what he promised to her on the day of their wedding vows. 
“You’re no different from your father, Uramichi.” She stood up. “An abuser raised another abuser. I can’t have this cycle continue.” Y/N went to put on her coat. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Uramichi was irritated that she had the audacity to leave in the middle of an argument. 
“Our child doesn’t need to witness what you witnessed your father do to you.” His wife glared at him. 
Those words flipped a switch inside Uramichi. Child? But they didn’t have any children. Then it clicked, his wife was pregnant. Was that the real reason she wanted him to stop? Why didn’t she say so in a better way then? It was too late to ask her these though, because she already left the apartment. 
The small apartment that used to be lovely thanks to his wife, now felt cold and lonely. The way it was before she came into his life. He took a look around the room and saw the mess he made. It might’ve been minor, but it left a big impact. Uramichi noticed the important vase he broke and ran out the door to catch up to his wife. Though she was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and went back inside and laid down on the couch. He screwed up big time. 
When morning came, it was raining but the smell of food tickled his senses and woke him up. He slowly got up from the couch and went towards the kitchen. He found his wife in her favorite apron cooking breakfast. 
“Morning.” She chirped. “I’m making American style sausage with scrambled eggs! Go sit at the table in the living room, I’ll be there in a minute.” 
Questions ran through his head as he sat at the table on the floor. The broken vase pieces are gone, but so is the vase. Y/N’s eyes looked empty, betraying the big smile she displayed. He saw his wife bring the food to the table. He quickly got up and helped her. Likewise, he went to grab some additional items to set up the table for breakfast. Was last night a dream? No it couldn’t be. 
The question was itching in Uramichi’s throat, he had to ask. “Why?” 
Y/N looked up from her place, “why what?” 
“Why'd you come back? I even broke your mother’s case.” He thought she walked out for good. He threatened to hit her. He vowed to never be like his father, and that’s exactly who he became last night. His nightmare coming to reality. 
Y/N put her fork down, “Listen, we are married, way passed the dating phase. On our wedding day we vowed to love each other until death do’s us apart. It is both of our responsibilities to make sure the other is doing okay. Physically and mentally. You’re always there for me, dear. I want to be here for you this time, in what I think will help you. I’m sorry I threw out your beer and cigarettes without discussing it with you. I just want  to see you make healthier choices for yourself.” she put her hand over his. “I found out about the baby after I made the decision a while back. It’s another reason now why I would like for you to stop, but the main reason here is you. This is about you and us helping you.” she stared at his eyes. “I don’t wish to change you, but help you. As for the vase, you can buy me another one.” She winked and giggled. “As long as we’re fine, it’s all that matters.”
It was a big change she was asking him to make. But he can take small steps. That’s what the couple decided on. To limit his alcoholic intake to certain days of the week. Same with his smoking. He didn’t have to quit, but he was trying not to be dependent on it. He has the strongest support laying next to him at night. Holding him tightly. Uramichi was truly excited to know he’ll become a father! He’s nervous, but he knew he’s not alone. He thinks about what he can do to be a better father than his was.
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Author’s Note:
He needs a hug. And a raise.
Remember, who your parents are don’t define you. If something happened in the past, don’t let it define you and who you are today. It might hold you back from growing. Just remember to take care of your mental health! 💜
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silky-stories · 3 years
aight so wut about headcanons for ruv, sarv, and garcello with an s/o who’s addicted to caffeine with a low tolerance and is constantly checking their own pulse because their heartbeat is always high/irregular
Thank you for the request! I don’t normally write for Ruv or Sarv so I hope this is okay! (^^;;)
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Caffeine Addict S/O (With a low tolerance of caffeine) {Ruv, Sarv & Garcello}
Genre: Not really sure actually, fluff I suppose? Is having people very concerned about you and caring for you a genre? Yeah, probably fluff.
Words: 979
Disclaimer/s: Talk about addiction, mentions of hands shaking and headaches, mentions of smoking
Notes: I hope this is alright, I’ve legitimately never had a cup of coffee before and don’t plan on it anytime soon so I had to rely on research instead of experience haha
He genuinely doesn’t understand why you would do something if it could be so dangerous for you
He found out one day after he noticed you checking your pulse frequently and got confused so he asked
His reaction was a mixture of absolute horror and confusion
Maybe a little bit of intrigue too
He admires the fearlessness, but it freaks him out when you’ve only had half of a cup of coffee and your hands are already shaking
After seeing you lie restless for an entire night after pushing it a bit too far though, he watches and monitors your caffeine intake like a hawk
“Haven’t you already had a cup of coffee today? That’s what I thought. Hand it over.”
He’s constantly checking the ingredients of literally everything you eat to see if there’s any caffeine content
“This painkiller has 55 milligrams of caffeine in it, that’s more than a cup of coffee. Are you trying to kill yourself? Here, take one of these instead.”
Checking your pulse is just a part of his normal routine too, no matter what it is that your doing, he’ll just come over and check to make sure
It stresses him out a little every time he sees you checking your own pulse too
“What? What is it? Is it too fast? Well move your hand, let me check.”
He can be a bit much sometimes, but it’s all out of only good intention
He doesn’t really say it, but he’s just very scared that one day you’ll overdo it and he’ll end up losing you
He might (absolutely would) try to ween you off of caffeine all together just to get rid of that fear, although he won’t push it if you really don’t want to
In the end he ends up having a real distaste for caffeine
Mom mode activate
She found out when she noticed your hands shaking one day and quickly got concerned
As soon as she is filled in on the whole story she immediately took the situation into her own hands and started monitoring you with your caffeine intake
Her monitoring is not overprotective or controlling though, its very loving and concerned
“Didn’t you already have some coffee today darling? Come on now, let me make you something else instead.”
She’ll start looking into all sorts of alternatives like chicory coffee, which is caffeine-free
She doesn’t want you to suffer because of your sensitivity, but she also doesn’t want you to feel deprived of something
Whenever you get any side effects like headaches, she’ll be right there to help you relax and soothe your ailments if she can
She will check your pulse occasionally, but always makes sure to ask first, usually after making sure that you’ve been checking yourself
“Having you been keeping an eye on your pulse darling? No? Oh no it’s fine my dear, here, allow me to check it for you.”
She also gets to use it as an excuse to hear your heartbeat, which she loves, so it’s a win-win situation
She might try to encourage you to break from your addiction all together if she sees you getting better at keeping your caffeine intake low, it’s sort of her end goal the whole time she helps you, she’s just fine with waiting as long as it takes
As long as you’re safe in the meantime, that is
He’s... quite concerned, but he gets it
He knows how hard an addiction can be to shake, especially when you’ve become dependant on it for one reason or another
He found out when he came home really late one night and found you in the living room, wide awake
He ended up staying awake with you all night trying to help you get to sleep as you explained why this was happening
Surprise was his initial reaction, then concern, then understanding
He’s been trying to deal with his nicotine addiction throughout the time he’s been with you, so you know that he understands too
You’ve helped him with his addiction, so he returns the favour tenfold
His effort to help you isn’t controlling or overprotective in the slightest, it’s very reassuring and a mutual effort to keep you safe
He helps you keep track of all the caffeine you’ve had in a day with a little notebook, he’ll go over it with you often, if not daily, to make it easier
“...and what did you have have for lunch? ...I thought you already had coffee for breakfast though... no no, that kind of tea has caffeine in it too... no it- here wait lemme write it down before I forget.”
He helps you find substitutes for caffeinated things that you like, kind of like how you pointed out to him that lollipops were good for having something for mouth stimulation to keep his mind of of smoking
He’ll bring home caffeine-free snacks and drinks that he knows you like or new things for you to try too
He likes to check your pulse because he also loves to hear your heartbeat
“How long’s it been since you checked your heartbeat? Mind if I?”
(He says he’ll just check but he’s actually going to lay of top of your chest, listen to your heart beating, and pass out on top of you)
Whether you want to break your addiction completely or just keep yourself safe, he’s fine with helping out however he can
You both have your struggles that you have to deal with, what matters is that you’re both working together to be healthy and happy
He’s just appreciative that he’s not only got a partner that wants to help him, but trusts him enough to let him return the favour
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jjuzoir · 3 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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ezwhump · 3 years
⛑ - Some tender first-aid maybe? for Lennon?
Ice - Russell & Lennon - injuries, fluff, medical jargon, mention of previous abuse, first-aid, attempted deconditioning, ice
In the end, Russell decided to have a private doctor make a house-call.
Dr. Bryant was thorough and gentle, humming whenever she disinfected a shallow cut, talking to him softly, explaining what she was doing and how it would help him feel better.
Lennon seemed more at ease, almost bewildered by her presence, and noted softly after she left that she smelled good. Like you.
“He’s a tad dehydrated, so he’ll need to up his fluid intake. Switch between water and electrolytes; Gatorade, Powerade. Introduce it slowly, water it down. It doesn’t seem like he’s all that used to sugar.” She gave him an almost pitying look, and then handed Russell a serrated piece of paper on top of a pile she’d printed out for him.
“On top are things you’ll need to tend to on a daily basis, like cleaning to prevent any kind of infection, instituting a balanced diet. Start with bland foods; sugar-free applesauce, plain oatmeal, watered-down broth. Stuff high in nutrients. He might not like the texture but he needs it.”
Russell nodded along, taking a pen to the paper and scribbling down notes on the blank side, thanking her profusely as she breezed out the door with a sincere “call me if you need anything”.
On Friday night around 9pm, Lennon padded into Russell’s office, obediently setting down a bottle of antibacterial ointment, the saline bottle, the glove box, tape, and fresh non-adhesive wrappings. Russell shuffled in his chair over to the love-seat where Lennon had already put a pillow down. He was getting used to the smaller luxuries, learning his way around, and it eased Russell’s mind.
“How’s the book?”
“Funny, sir.”
Russell had found out Lennon could read when he asked how to pronounce ‘electrolytes’. Huh, so he’s been reading my notes. He was less pleased when he asked how Lennon could read.
“Old master said it was no good ownin’ a dumb pet.”
It still made Russell seethe if he thought about it. Old master.
“That’s good. If you finish it and want another, all you gotta do is ask, yeah?”
Lennon nodded and climbed up onto the love-seat. He liked to be facing Russell as much as he could whenever it was time to clean any of his cuts or re-wrap his neck. At first it was ugly, Lennon whimpering and grinding his teeth, tears springing up every time Russell so much as touched the skin above the abrasions. But after a week and a half of antibiotics and lots of practice, the wounds were healing up nicely and Lennon was more vocal with his thoughts.
Russell rolled up his shirt sleeves and dug in his drawer for the cotton pads, setting everything down at Lennon’s feet, bracing himself for any sort of grinding or whimpering.
And then he had an idea.
“Hold on a sec.”
He returned holding a small cup filled with nugget ice, offering it to Lennon who took it willingly, not taking his eyes off of Russell.
“Right, let's get this over with, hm?”
Russell unwrapped Lennon’s neck gently, trying to ignore how he could feel Lennon’s breath on his open collar, pulling back before he could buckle and bury his face in the kid’s hair.
Kid. The little fucker’s twenty. He had to keep reminding himself.
“Sir?” Lennon almost whispered it, still reluctant to address Russell first.
“Russ. What’s the cup for, sir?”
Russell laughed and tossed the old wrappings into the trash, flushing Lennon’s neck with the saline and snapping on a new glove.
He picked an ice cube out of the cup with his free hand.
“For you, sweetheart.”
He pushed it into Lennon’s mouth with one hand and dabbed the ointment on with his gloved pinky in quick succession, trying to be as gentle as possible.
Lennon jerked a little, but then moved the ice around, tasting, and Russell tried his damnedest to pay attention to the task at hand instead of the interesting little mouth sounds Lennon was making as he cradled his head.
“My mom used to do it for my little brother when he got sick,” Russell explained.
“That’s awfully nice of her.”
“Mm.” Russell cleaned off the pink running stains off Lennon’s neck and re-wrapped it, taping the edge down.
“Did you get sick, sir?”
“Nah, healthy as a horse. You’re all done, kid.”
Lennon touched at the bandage and then almost immediately grabbed for his shirt, and then remembered the ice cup instead, digging another nugget out and popping it in his mouth.
Russell winced when he heard Lennon crunch down on it.
“You don’t have to chew it kid. You can just suck on it till it melts.”
“Sorry, sir.”
Russell smiled and tousled Lennon’s hair, scratching the base of his skull gently. Lennon practically purred.
“I’ve got to finish up some work, but I’ll come to bed soon, okay?”
“Yessir.” Lennon collected up the supplies and fished the old wrappings out of the office trash to put into the kitchen trash. “Sir?”
Russell turned in his chair, lifting his eyebrows.
He watched Lennon swallow, almost wincing at his unspoken words. “If you got sick, I’d feed you ice.”
Russell made a weird noise in his throat and then smiled.
“Thanks, kid. Be out soon.”
this prompt was so fun, i couldn't resist taking my laptop off it's charger as soon as i could to get it down <3 thank you bee!
tags: @deluxewhump @queenofthedark @highwaywhump @yet-another-heathen @briars7 @whumpzone @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpadump1939 @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi 
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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Food in the Tracy household is a fugitive thing.
It has been known to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. It has been known to be squirrelled away as if a billionaire or six may suddenly run into famine. It has been known to be spooned gently into a sick family member.
It has been known to be wrapped in decorative paper and handed over as gifts.
Yes, food is very popular in the Tracy household.
Well, all the food that wasn’t cooked by Grandma that is.
Why does Grandma continues to cook ghastly concoctions even though everyone in the building, including the many appropriately positioned pot plants, knows that it is a major failing on her part? Only Grandma knows.
Virgil suspects it is simply out of love and a need to show how much she truly cares.
Alan secretly suspects it is a long term plan to summon a demon.
In any case, it is highly recommended to all guests that their grandmother’s cooking be avoided.
Or exorcised, according to Alan.
Each of the boys has their favourite foods of course and each their own quirks at consuming them.
Scott is efficient. That is the only word that can really be applied. He’s a busy man. Food is necessary. It gets eaten. His tastes are simple and easy. It’s food, he’s hungry, get out of my way, Gordon.
He can knock some eggs up, a good sandwich…don’t let him near the barbecue unless you desire charcoal for your meal. Seared steak apparently comes in shades of black.
Virgil, on the other hand, loves a good meal. Sure, he’s a busy man too, but there is a lot of him needing feeding and he has been known to take those few extra minutes over a meal just to enjoy it. A snooze afterwards never hurts. Digestion is something one’s body should enjoy.
Never get between Virgil and his meal. You may be bulldozed. Politely bulldozed, but flattened nonetheless. He’s a busy man. This is his time with his food, don’t interrupt, Gordon, shut up.
Virgil can cook. As long as it is steak.
There have been wars fought over the barbecue between the two eldest brothers.
Do not touch Virgil’s steak.
Particularly if you are Scott.
John appreciates a fine meal. Of the five brothers, he is the one who will know about the wine. He’ll know which region it came from, what it should be eaten with and which year grew the plant it was made from. This, of course, means he is the most likely culprit to steal Scott’s boutique beers out of the fridge…to the point that one of the first signs of the middle brother being back on Earth is the sudden missing bottles from said refrigerator.
Virgil thinks it is hilarious.
Scott’s worried his brother is a secret alcoholic and keeps monitoring his intake.
Alan keeps messing with Scott’s head by pinching extra bottles to ‘up John’s intake’.
Gordon messes with everyone by refilling the bottles with apple juice.
But yes, John is the one to appreciate a good meal, most likely because he has to eat all that space crap eighty percent of the time.
Virgil likes to make sure his brother gets a treat from time to time.
So John gets gifted lots of steak.
Alan is fed and watered regularly. With four older brothers, a sister and a grandmother, it is not like he has any choice. The appropriate quantities of vegetables and fruit are provided daily and his consumption noted. Any diversion from the menu is queried thoroughly and a health assessment performed, usually by a pair of stern blue eyes that take their responsibility ever so seriously.
Too bad those eyes have yet to work out that quite a bit of that food is delivered to the two pet hamsters he has stashed in his room. Also Buddy and Ellie consume a diet not recommended by any vet on Planet Earth.
Buddy and Ellie have been eyeing the hamsters for quite some time and are happy Alan is fattening them up.
The hamsters agree with Alan regarding Grandma’s cooking and often mistake Gordon for the demon she is apparently attempting to summon.
Alan doesn’t mind his diet too much. He knows his brothers just love him to death and the feeling is mutual. Plus Kayo slips him junk food on a regular basis. How she got hot churros to the Island still hot, he has yet to work out…Shadow is fast, but really?
As for Kayo, she eats what she wants to eat. No one is going to argue with her. Hey, you want the last pancake, be my guest, here have the maple syrup. After all, she did get her nickname from the big blowout of 2049. One cupcake, five skittle brothers and a very hungry young female bowling ball. Hey, you try growing up in a house full of men and boys. It is either kick ass or have yours handed to you. Gordon, touch that and you die.
Don’t mess with Kayo. Regarding food, or any topic for that matter. Just don’t mess with her. Take her name as a warning and stand back.
No one is quite sure what Grandma eats. Alan is pretty sure it isn’t her own cooking otherwise how could she have possibly lived this long? Virgil keeps an eye on her, makes sure she is happy and content and has everything she needs. Gordon once tried scientific method on his grandmother and her food consumption, leaving several tempting tidbits around the place fixed with sensors to see which would take her fancy. Results were inconclusive since Alan ate half the experiment.
Virgil poured pink dye in the pool and the hypothesis was abandoned.
Brains is the trash can of the Island. He will eat anything put within arm’s reach. The engineer finds food an inconvenient bodily function and often won’t stop working to fulfil his body’s needs. Food appears beside him, the one neuron not focussed on whatever he is doing declares the food his and it is consumed efficiently.
Virgil quickly learnt to keep his lunch out of Brains’ reach when they are working together. One too many instances of going hungry because of grabby food hands taught him quickly.
Gordon, of course, thinks it is hilarious. The aquanaut once sat quietly beside the working engineer and managed to feed him an entire cheesecake piece by piece.
Scott was not impressed when Brains threw up on his shoes fifteen minutes later during his maintenance report. Gordon, go to my office, now!
And that leaves Gordon.
Gordon is a seagull. If you’ve got it, he wants it, and he will nag you until you give it to him.
Of course, this doesn’t prevent him from acquiring his own. Seagulls are scavengers after all. Then he will sit at the table with his plate or bowl of whatever and quite calmly sit there pinching things off your plate.
Whether he does this to amuse himself, or he has a psychological disorder, none of the brothers have bothered to investigate. It’s just Gordon, slap his fingers as needed. Of course, Kayo doesn’t have a problem. No one would dare steal from her plate.
Well, he did try once. Most people think the scar on his hand is just one of those from the hydrofoil accident.
It isn’t.
Of course, there was the time where he ate the steak Scott and Virgil were arguing over. They didn’t realise it until a full ten minutes later, by which time Gordon was no longer in the room, taking the digesting steak with him.
Grandma got to bake him a cake for that one.
But yes, in general, food in the Tracy household is a little chaotic. There have been death threats, mild bruising, profanity, theft, slander, the occasional all out war and sometimes a whole pile of mischief. But honestly, under it all? There is a whole pile of love. Because push comes to shove, each and every Tracy, by name or not, will give their all to help another.
And that includes food.
Though Grandma’s cookies have been declared lethal weaponry and throwing one results in mandatory dish duty for a month. Gordon, for the love of everything, put that down now!
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mintseesaw · 4 years
Aurora | 2
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aurora - n. dawn Pairing: general!jungkook x princess!reader Genre: angst, smut, historical au, joseon dynasty au, established relationship au, secret love affair au Word count: 7.9k Warnings: smut, outdoor sex, rough sex, details of struggles due to war, manifestation and mentions of hallucinations, lewd dreams, manifestation of character dynamic Summary:  A story that centers on a forbidden love affair amidst the centuries-long war of greed and power. Rating: explicit mature content Disclaimer: based on King Sejong’s time, yet is fictional and not historically accurate note: uhm,,, I’m sorry?? yfasksksdkh song recs for this chapter: still with you (jungkook) and through the night (IU)
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With your back facing the front lawn of the house kneeling as you lay the fresh mint leaves onto the fabric covered bamboo mat, you scramble in your feet when you hear the distinct sound of the wicket opening to reveal the person you have been expecting home for an hour ago. That was what Jungkook had caught you up in, drying some greens for his daily dose of tea he has grown fond of over the course of months of your marriage.
“Jungkook, you’re back. What did the king want from you?” You asked, expectantly. Of course, he had anticipated your curiosity when the king, whom you have no contact with since your marriage, suddenly summoned him. Your husband. Jungkook did not respond as he greets you with an embrace and a soft peck on top of your head. “Seobang-nim,” you call, however, Jungkook has other intentions rather than entertain your curiosity. “I miss you, wife.” He mumbles against your temple. Your mouth slowly curves into a smile. His sweet, little remarks always win a reaction from you. “You saw me before you went to the palace.” “Still…” Jungkook trails, proceeding with his very intention through the tiny prurient squeezes of his palms on your hips. Adamant to know more about his itinerary, you lightly pull back to peer at your indifferent husband. His grip intentionally loosens, but not enough to let you go. Yet, it was an opportunity for you to increase your proximity. “Tell me, what was the purpose of your visit? Why would His Majesty suddenly summon you?” With your tilted head and focused, expectant eyes, waiting for him to supply you an answer, he draws a heavy sigh. “He wants me back in the service. Did it answer your curiosity, wife? Now, can I indulge my breakfast? I did not have a proper meal last night, wife.” He sentiments, with a trickle of provocative tone in his whisper. He sees you peeking from your eyelashes, giving him a glare, as if silently scolding him for obnoxiously lying through his teeth. However, before you could accuse him of anything, a small yelp instead broke out from your throat as Jungkook lunges forward, using his obvious advantage to make his lewd thoughts a reality. Given your unsuspecting mind and feeble-like strength due to last night’s steamy activities, Jungkook is well aware you had not regain your stamina just yet to oppose his advances. With the evidence of his arousal pressing deliciously against your stomach, your protests were swallowed as he devours your mouth whole. His hands on your nape controlling his ministration and on the small of your back maneuvering your length right against his towering built. Contentious with his early carnal needs, you try to keep your heavy-lidded eyes open as the warmth of his mouth spreads so heavenly on the length of your neck.
“Jungkook,” He hears you mewl. His mouth twitched, just by your weakening grip onto the fabric of his robe and your soft, breathless call of his name tell him your supposed defiance is slowly disappearing into bubbles of vapor. As his constricting arousal longs for your tight, warm sheath, he wasted no more time, hoisting you up in his embrace and strutted effortlessly towards the terrace. Carefully, he laid you flat against the timber-made floor, then swiftly hovers your body in between your thighs with his arms supporting his weight above you. With urgency, he shuffles through the multi-layered articles of your skirt, lifting them up until your undergarments are visible enough for him to be able to pull the strings to remove the tiny piece of fabric hiding his hidden gem. In other times, he would show you just how much he loves worshipping every inch of your body through his mouth and fingers without losing the momentum, if not inflaming his desire more. But right now, he just needs to fill you up good, fast and hard. As he proceeds to open his robe, pulling the strings of his baji to free his length, he felt the warm squeeze of your hand in his arm. His dark, lustful eyes squinted to yours. “Jungkook, someone might come in.” You attempted to argue in between your rapid intake of breaths. With an arch of his eyebrow, he manage to make a point to ease your worry, “We have not had a visitor since our marriage, Jagi. Do not worry about it. Have you not seen me locked the door when I arrived?” You shook your head, not trusting your voice. But as he releases his aroused member, he caught your pellucid eyes as hunger slowly replaces your supposed hesitation. Knowing he has gained all your focus now, specifically in his bare lower region, Jungkook pumps his sleek length. Your loose grip in his arm gradually closes tightly, your teeth piercing through the suppleness of your lip. He couldn’t wait any moment longer, he nudges his head on the curve of your neck to counter the tremors of lust coursing through his body, giving you a second more before he loses it all. With his skillful fingers, he uncovers your dripping core. His awaiting steel hard cock coming in contact on your warm, fully aroused center as his sensitive head pokes in your warm entrance. “Forgive me for taking you this way my love, I just need to be inside you now.” And just as he utters those words, he jerks his hips against your pelvis so forcefully that his balls slam right at your other hole from the impact, as his tip touching the undiscovered depths in your sheath. “J-Jungkook!” Your screams pierced through your throat uncontrollably as he builds an incredibly unforgiving pace. “I’ll make it up to you tonight, jagi.” He promises in between pleasurable groans. The tightness of your hot walls around his thickness indicates his intrusion must be painful for you—a stark contrast to the blissful grip of your tight pussy around his shaft. But the way you cling onto him, the way you meet his powerful thrusts halfway through, and the way your back arches when he rams so deep inside, indicate a different story. “Do you like it, my love? Tell me. Tell me how I make you feel, Jagi.” He demands, wanting to wring something from you just to validate the endless strings of pleasure trailing in his lower region. “It feels good, Jungkook please… Don’t stop, don’t—” another cry rips through you as your walls spasm involuntarily at the intense surge of sparks spreading from your core. He knows, you’re close just as he is. In most instances, he would prolong his pleasure, delivering you to the end several times, yet not chasing his own, and only reaching for his orgasm only when you’re too exhausted to take him yet again. However, this moment is not among those cases. Right now, he wouldn't deprive himself from chasing his release as it becomes too powerful, too addicting to prolong. “Yes, yes. Fuck!” He hisses onto your neck, endlessly pummeling through you. And just about another inch of moment where he reaches the seventh heaven, he feels his shoulder shook. With a flick of a finger, his world came in a painful halt. Then everything turns black, and into evanescence, he arduously returns into the real world. Particularly, in the depths of the woods where he'd wasted himself in the dead of the night along with his subordinates. As his smoky vision briefly skims through his surroundings, he immediately concluded his fate last night. He failed to make it inside his tent, and the only thing he could blame it for is the alcohol his subordinates had provided the night prior. He was too intoxicated, and the spirit of alcohol still lingers in his head as he felt it faintly pounds. At least he had the decency to sleep against a tree. The army had camped here to rest for the night, but the intended rest turned into a chaotic, wasted moment of their lives.
He lifted his death glare to whoever dared cut off his dream, ready to slice their head off of their shoulders. Jungkook was met with an anguish looking soldier. “My lord, forgive me for disturbing your rest but our comrades— they are trying to kill each other. One of them is already severely wounded.” The soldier exclaimed frighteningly, his face is covered with beads of sweat. Why did these soldiers even partook the army only to be such wimps dealing with their violent comrades? The commotion could be heard from his spot, the clashing sounds of sword against sword could be heard through the peaceful silence in the forest. Dismayed, Jungkook collected himself. He dismisses the soldier through a wave in his hand then disgruntledly rub his palms on his face to wear off his hazy vision and stood, bracing himself for another long day of journey. He must remind his subordinates who is in-charge of this army. However, with his head lowered, he notices the effect his dream had caused a mere second before he had recognized the pain. There it was, a tent of his own arousal. Groaning, he deliberately bumps his head against the uneven surface of the trunk of the indigenous tree he had slept against at. Dozing off in the oddest, most incoherent positions and places is not something foreign for him, for the soldiers. At some point, they had to spend nights stuck inside manholes in the middle of the forest to catch the rebels— who like them, have manmade caves to keep their tracks untraceable.
The ache in his back and neck he undoubtedly obtained from spending the night leaning against the hard bark of the tree in is nothing compared to the constricting pain in the expanse of his lower region. His lewd dreams had frequented in his nights these past few months—years even. They not only consist of his dirty little fantasies with you, but figments of how he'd imagine his future to be. They are almost real, and a story on their own. He‘s certain he’s gone crazy by the manner his dreams are able to create the images his heart had coveted, how his thoughts hone his dreams and stir something feral from his body, his impure needs. Perhaps, that’s how he had cope with your absence. Time had passed by a blur, but his feelings had not. It’s not so surprising to ponder over it for you are his other half, the soulmate the gods have bestowed upon him. He only needs to fulfill his mission, and it won’t be too long until he completes it. He misses you just as his soul longs to hear your delicate voice, your sweet laughter. He covets to be blessed upon your elegant beauty, and your bright smiles.
He had considered writing letters for you to ease the longingness in his bereft heart. However, the risks are too high for him to act upon his wish. Being an enemy in the unclaimed territory, foreign rebels would not think twice of hurting someone on his behalf. And that includes you. The adversity the two of you had caused four years ago left an ugly wound on your reputation, that was what he had gathered from his messenger. Despite the hierarchy of your status, noble families in the capital refuse to offer their unmarried sons to the princess for fear of being inflicted with misfortune tailing from the sin you had committed. The thought of you having to endure the pain from the gratuitous judgement of the people became his nightmare. No. It used to be his nightmare, as convinced by his selfish instincts. A blessing in disguise. In the midst of the predicament both of you have endured for years, your situation had only amplified his hope and eagerness to survive the uncertainty living in the  battlefield. If no one would want to have your untouched, pure soul, he will gladly have you in his arms. With the military power he had acquired, the significant impact the army under his leadership had contributed over the years, and the loyalty of the army to him, the king would not refuse to his bidding. Even with a promised prince at your disposal. Still, the fear of losing you for someone else had cogently crossed his mind. Rare is when he dwells into solitude. And it is fortunate to be the case for him as he would not have to deal with the overwhelming plethora of emotions his heart carries every sane second of his life in the north. Mayhaps, his traitor mind chooses to play fool of him through an endless series of dreams. Of you. With you. It was a tricky game that he willingly succumbs himself into. Through the years, he had lost count how many lives he had ended, how much enemies had his sword touched their blood in order to survive the truculent situation in the borders. He knows, despite having his foot buried deep in the ground, he would survive in the death trap alive or, at least, breathing. But he realized, the longer he endures the uncertainty in the north, the higher the possibility of him losing in another battle. That, or he’d have to have you as soon as he arrives in the capital. That was his final consolation before he proceeds to slice through the disturbing sound of commotion, cheers of encouragement rather than peace. It was not only him who had gone insane from the years worth of ordeal they had braved through, it seems. The mere sight of a brawl now entertain his army. If these pieces of shit do not stop killing each other off just by the presence of their general, Jungkook might as well do the job, himself.
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Since the deployment of the extensive military presence at the borders of Joseon, neighboring empires have adopted similar strategy to protect their own lands from possible foreign invasions. In Joseon empire, threats of rebellion were already ceased some months ago. But the war didn’t dissipate in Joseon. Now bearing enemies inside the territory. Among the endless reasons why the king had out of nowhere summoned one of his trusted allies, is to seek perspective over these matters from someone as wise as he is. Perhaps, wiser than he could have ever been. Since his ascension to the throne, his brother had completely extended his loyalty to him. With his brother on his side, he was able to see the situations on the outside palace. Corrupt officials from isolated states are seized, stripped off their positions, and arrested for the rest of their lifetime. The only thing they have not agreed so far is the forthcoming marriage of the princess with a Ming royalty. The former prince considers it an unwise judgment to arrange the princess’ marriage with a foreign ally, arguing foreign empires, an ally or not, will inevitably shift partisan as the need arises. If war stirs between them in the future, the princess may be used as a token of weakness against the Joseon empire. “Rumor has it that Councillor Kang is plotting to stir a commotion regarding the first born son’s title, Your Majesty.” He supplies to the King before taking a graceful sip from his tea cup. Perhaps, if there is one thing he misses in his previous life, it’s the refreshment teas and the sumptuous serving of meals in the palace that are exclusively served for the royal family. His resources are now limited, despite the constant help the Queen Dowager sends in his behalf, he cannot rely on anyone for his survival. King Namjoon made a sound of agreement, deeply in thought of his current predicament. “I have anticipated that even before Consort Li gave birth to my son. The opposition will always find a way to seek for my weakness.” “They cannot use the prince against you or the queen. The customs favor your wife in this matter. For a concubine’s son to qualify as the crown prince, he must be taken under the care of the queen. But in this case, no existing law would support the Southern Party’s agenda if the queen is already carrying the next king.” King Namjoon heaves a long sigh, viisibly relaxing, despite the creases present on his forehead. He had thought the same thing. “You are right. Clearly, they have nowhere to go but to follow the process. However, something portent tells me this does not conclude their plan to destroy our family. I need to gather enough proof of their misdeeds before they come chasing for my dethronement.” Namjoon discloses the last remnants of his worries. Yoongi’s lips curve into a dark smug, disgusted by the audacity of those greedy snakes to even attempt to disrespect the throne of the monarch with their lousy lives. "You mean, you are thinking of the possibility that they may attempt to challenge your throne, Your Majesty?” Yoongi echoes. As the thought crosses his mind, he agrees with the king. There is a possibility. However, would the favored faction risk their positions over a poorly, indecisive move?
As if the monarch heard his thoughts, King Namjoon proceeds to speak, "The Southern Party will not dare lose their only chance to be in government. They know of my capabilities. I could turn and replace the government if they insist against my will. This is why I need your help, Hyung-nim. I need to know what the people think of my first born son. They might consider using my people for their selfish interests.” Yoongi studies the king’s face for a moment, recognizing something he only ever had witnessed once when their father had succumbed to his illness, vulnerability. “Of course, Your Majesty. Expect my letters in the coming days. I will envoy a different messenger to avoid raising suspicions from the state council.” He immediately bid a farewell to the monarch, before leaving the royal quarters of the study. Discreetly, he saunters across the length of the endless maze-like hallways in the royal residence. No one must have recognized him for even the court ladies who run into his way did not stop to pay respect to the king’s brother. It did not matter to him, because his unrecognizable identity allowed him to live peacefully outside the palace. As he scurries past the series of familiar quarters, his mind wanders back to the discussion he had exchanged with the king.
Yoongi did not willingly lose his title, in favor of his younger brother just for the throne to be snatched away by these corrupt officials. He knew. He already had the realization at a young age that the throne, his birthright, was not for him. It was not his right, not only because he despises the tremendous responsibility that the title carries but he perceives his skills are not equally meant to rule the nation his father had cherished all his life. Despite inherently having the highest title a prince could acquire, he believed the third born prince, his prodigy brother, deserved to be the next in line in the throne. With this in mind, he did the simplest form of deviation, committing ungracious and inappropriate acts inside the court. His misbehavior acts lasted for months until the state council had had enough of it. Yoongi succeeded, he was stripped off his title. But he paid the lasting price of his deviance. Being banished in the palace as the court perceives his presence as a threat to the next heir.
It was an ironic thought. He deliberately lose his title only to be seen as a threat to the throne. Following this predicament, frightened by ascending to the highest title of a prince, the second born prince abandoned his title in pursuit of his dreams.
The assumption of crown prince was then passed to the third born prince. His feet continued to take him to the right paths. Never relenting, mindlessly scanning the nostalgic, extravagant constructions in the royal residence. Not until he heard a familiar feminine voice that he abruptly stops and peers behind his back. Catching a glimpse of his sister, his stoic expression slowly softens. You quickly strutted forward without losing the grace you had mastered from being taught since you were tiny when the top of your head barely reached his hips. Excitement bubbled up inside you at the sight of your eldest brother. You lower your head, and instead of hearing a proper greeting from your brother, he scolds you just like the old times. "Stop the formalities, Princess. I am no longer of title.” Your eyebrows form a line while a smile ghosts on your expression. “But you are still a Grand Prince for me.” He leans closer and ruffles the side of your perfectly braided hair, to which earns a protest from you. His smile widens, revealing the sets of his pearly white teeth. “I have missed you. It’s been a while since you’ve showed up here. What brings you here? Have you visited mother? What about the King?” He bursts into series of soft chuckles. “Slow down, little flower. No one is chasing you down here, is there?” Your face stretches in a frown, "You seemed to be already going out of the palace, Orabeoni. Do you not wish to see us before you go?” "I apologize, Your Highness, I have matters to attend to. I will come back to visit you and Her Majesty in the future." You sigh, but nod in understanding of the situation. His life now revolves outside the palace, you realized. "I hope you have been living well?" “You don’t have to worry about me. Perhaps, it would not be wise to tell you in detail the beautiful things I have witnessed during my travels.” He regards, meaningfully. You understood what he meant.
The bright smile your face adorns slowly fading, “You have heard, haven’t you? That was a long time ago...” The least for him to do to fill the void of the loss of his family is through gathering news about them. It was the safest means for him to remain knowledgable of his family’s matters rather than exchanging letters with them. Despite losing his royal status, living outside has given him the wholly overview of the nation. He had learned a lot of things for his survival and for his scholarly works. With his brother’s permission to delve into the records in the Bureau of State Records for his scholarly works, he stumbled upon the history of his ancestors, and the untold secrets of the old royal families. Even the undiscovered edicts, one of which would soon reverberate through the empty halls of the palace.
“I always know what goes on in here even when I’m not around.” A small smile rests on the corner of his lips in the hopes of lessening your sudden uneasiness. Somehow, it did. “What about Prince Hoseok? Have you heard of him? Since his disappearance, the queen dowager and Prince Taehyung refused to talk about his whereabouts.” “Do not worry about Hoseok. He is, like I am, in the best condition of his life.” He prompts with collected patience. Living far from the extravagant lifestyle was difficult to get used to. But as the beauty of life slowly unravels for his eyes to admire on, he realizes he had no regrets giving up everything his previous life had offered before him. For you to navigate the same onerous path he took to endure the new, yet simple living, he’d rather have you revolved your life around the good side of the world, somewhere where nobility surrounds you. Life outside the palace is cruel and filled with misfortunes and unsaid miseries. “I’m relieved to hear that. Please take this before you go,” You say, reaching out to your braided hair, unclasping the gold pin and placing it in his unwilling palm. He arches an eyebrow, questioningly. "It’s the only thing I have right now—“ “I should take my leave now, Your Highness.” “Right, then please accept my gift, brother. I believe it carries luck as well as my prayers… for your security.” Yoongi draws a long breath, closing his palm around the metallic piece of accessory, wondering what he would it use for. Crouching forward, he places an affectionate kiss on the top of your head, dropping a promise, “I will come see you when you get married.” Your brother swiftly pulls back and turns away without sparing a single glance from your direction, heading off towards the secret passage that only you and your siblings knew. The same path you crossed when you took off years ago. His sudden disappearance made your apprehension profound, and at the mention of a forthcoming marriage, it left a disturbing, unwarranted feeling at the pit of your stomach. You have been faithfully loyal to your promise, despite the uncertainty. You tirelessly waited for his return. But, it does not mean you would only vain while you remain unmarried. You have aged a couple years since he left the capital. While you age more, your royal duty becomes inescapable. Years without him have not been forgiving, but there was nothing you could hope for as you remained out of the attention of the government, avoiding an inevitable marriage— something that should have happened several years ago. As much as the queen dowager worries for your future, the situation seems to be more a blessing than curse for you. You have no power to control an arrangement that only the queen and the king have, and the only way for you to stay unmarried is to avoid the marriage itself. However, you know, as time ticks off, the life of a lighted candle decreases. So are your chances. You wish to see him, at least, at the break of dawn.
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On the east side of the grand palace, unbeknownst to the rest of the royal family, the queen had met with the queen dowager in the garden of Huwon, at the similar period of time while the king and his brother were at the royal residence. A couple of servants and royal guards were awaiting on behalf on the foot of the pavilion. More than a year ago, the queen dowager had descended from the throne when the first ranking lady in the Selection whose father governs a remote state in a distant province assumed the highest position a female of title can acquire. From then on, the king's mother had learned to trust the queen for her genuine efforts in regulating the palace women's affairs. With her faith on the queen's fair judgement to the matters in the inner court, she bestowed her blessing to arrange the princess' marriage with a suitable man of nobility. It was the purpose of their vigilant meeting in the secluded royal garden of the East Palace. But the profound carefulness in addressing the matter had soon reached the prying ears of the government officials through their scattered watchful spies disguised as servants inside the grand palace. Rumors of your betrothal rapidly spread through the halls of the palaces and into the capital. Your forthcoming marriage had been expected years ago, but as you had remained unmarried for a long time, the society had already concluded your future. Being a lonely maiden for lifetime, as your punishment for painting damages to your virtue and disobeying the gods’ laws. When the news reaches Yoongi, he immediately decided to return to the capital.
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Several days later, half of the army from the northern border had finally returned to the capital, and into the East Palace’s throne hall, they had paid a respect to the king of the nation. The couple hundreds of soldiers in a full view from the king's throne, it was a display of the king’s military power from the watchful eyes of the prospective enemies. While the army stood outside, across the king’s throne hall, General Jeon entered the royal throne to present himself as the leader’s army which he had led for the past four years. His left arm holds his head armor, the other hand securing two scrolls as he takes long powerful strides across the length of the hall towards the awaiting monarch on the throne. With his head high, he stopped in front of the throne, before he crouches on his bended knee, and lowered his head in front of the King. It was not long before he rose back from his feet. The authoritative voice of the contented king resonates inside the throne hall. “I am glad you have survived the war, Jeon. I have not missed a reading on all your accomplishments. Although your army have lost a great amount of soldiers in the past four years, I am immensely impressed by your skills and leadership for you have not only captured the rebel leaders but also conquered parts of the outside north.” King Namjoon could perhaps be in an ephemeral peace. With the influence and loyalty of the army the general has come to acquire, General Jeon would make a great ally for his empire. He needs to keep it that way. “It is the only way I see fit to end the war against the rebels. If we have not conquered the North, they will not surrender on their own.” General Jeon proceeds, with the boldness of him to return the stare of the king. King Namjoon did not mind, in fact, the fearlessness that the General emits through his mere stature impresses him. The same general couldn’t even risk lifting a gaze in front of the ruler a few years ago. But the young general before is nowhere near recognizable from the man standing in front of him. The battlefield had honed the general into a real soldier. Tracing his stubble on his jaw, he continues to praise the general, “I commend you, Jeon. I must say, you are wiser than the late general. What have you brought for your king in your return, May I ask?” Jungkook didn’t waste any second longer, handing out one of the scrolls to the king’s eunuch. He waited until the eunuch places it on the king’s table before concluding the content of the scroll. “That record accounts for the extension of the lands outside the northern border. The peasants and commoners who reside in these areas now recognize you as their king. With this piece of record, no other ruling monarch would question your ownership to the conquered lands. Unless, they want to seek war against your kingdom.” “I am beyond impressed, Jeon.” King Namjoon asserted, clearly showing his utter astonishment. As he skims over the sloppy, almost unillegible calligraphy, Jungkook decides to prompt another matter, a significant one. “Perhaps, Your Majesty, you have heard that the Ming empire had sent an ally troop for us in the north.” Showing too little interest over the subject, King Namjoon's attention stills on the scroll’s content. “I am aware, General Jeon. What matters with it?” “Commander Park, the leader of the Ming army, is the 13th prince of the Ming empire, full blooded brother of Emperor Kim. One of his brothers had warned him about the traitors in the Joseon court. It is Councilor Kang who attempted to seek alliance with the Ming princes against your ascension, Your Majesty.” At the mere mention of the Southern Party's leader, the attention of the king immediately shifted to the general. Perplexed, the heat of anger rushes in him. If this is the truth, he would make the Southern Party receive an unforgiving punishment for threatening his throne. “You don’t say…” The king dangerously trails, “Do you understand what your allegation could mean if it bears no truth?” King Namjoon couldn’t seem to perceive the credibility of his claim. There was nothing he could read from the general. Nothing but the dead in his eyes. “I am merely relaying the words of Commander Park to you, Your Majesty. It is not an accusation from me but a warning not to trust Kang’s pretense intent of peace.” With the dark grin ghosting on the general's face, King Namjoon scrutinized his expression. What is his motive? “You are not telling me this out of concern for my throne, Jeon.” He warily prompts, testing the waters. He has no doubts of his loyalty. If there is one thing the king is certain, Jungkook honors his words. But with the sudden shift of the discussion, King Namjoon is suddenly holed up with utter confusion. The slight curve of Jungkook’s lips twitches more as his eyes remain black. Empty. “You are right, Your Majesty.” Jungkook has been keeping it long enough, after fulfilling his duty and his unspoken promise to his father, it’s about time to fulfill the most important one in his lifetime. “What is it that you wish in exchange for this giving me this information?” “I have not yet told you that Commander Park and Prince Jimin are the same person. It is the same prince you have arranged betrothal with Princess ______, is it not Your Majesty?” His eyes narrowed. So this is about the princess all along? “That matter is not of your concern, Jeon Jungkook. You must know where your position would account for your regard. I would not wish for you to be among my enemies, Jeon. Stay away from the princess.” admonishes the monarch. “I do not wish to start a war against you, Your Majesty. I am merely seeking for your blessing to grant me this decree.” Jungkook raises the scroll before holding it forward towards the Eunuch’s reach. He spoke no more and waited for the King to read the decree. Once King Namjoon got hold of it, he urgently opened the scroll, eyes eagerly skimming over the texts written in familiar calligraphy. Jungkook watches the shock slowly uncovers from the face of the King. The control and power crumbling into pieces as the riffles his eyes through him pellucidly, throwing the scroll on his table. Whatever it is that was in the decree has discomfited the king as the darkness of his eyes now matches the general's lifeless eyes.
“This couldn’t be possible…” He calmly concluded amidst the fury his expression is giving away. Did he think he had outsmarted me? King Namjoon silently thought. He turns to his side, the glower in his face effortlessly made his Eunuch tremble in fear. “Call the Chief Secretary!” He ordered. Despite the king's anger, Jungkook remains passive, anticipating the worst that may blew up by revealing the undisclosed edict. If this is the his ploy in order to have the king capitulated on his terms, he has to pay for the inexorable price of his crime, a military official or not.
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On the other side of the capital, there you were in the market, enjoying your time outside the palace. This day is one of the few instances you are allowed to wander off in the capital. The Queen has reasonably permitted for your gratuitous trips. You are grateful for she did not perceive your royal status as a threat to her ascension for you want to sustain a peaceful relationship with the royal family. Years ago when Jungkook brought you in this particular shop, you have frequented here since. The lady merchant has grown a liking to you for you have always been one among her generous customers. The pieces of accessories they sell, you have learned, were crafted by individuals of no noble descents. Your fondness of buying illegally published literally books was replaced by adding up pieces by pieces of jewelry and hair accessories to your collection. After a moment of eclectic selection, you finally have made up your mind which pieces you would purchase this time. Instead of making your way back to the palace after purchasing these items, you decided to stay a little longer, absentmindedly surveying the variety of inexpensive goods aside from the luxurious pieces the shop sell.
A few feet away from your stance, a rugged looking man of seemingly from a noble trace with the dark, elegant shade of his robe approaches the same merchant. And even without a gay atop his head, the rarity of his robe’s colors colors could already be speaking of power. This man is not just one among those government officials that commoners frequently see in the daylight.
The eager shop owner beams, noticing the indifference of the noble man’s eyes as they bore over the pool of jewelry pieces and accessories. Perhaps, another prospected customer who is merely buying for their lover, “My Lord, do you wish to buy something for your wife?” It was then the lips stretch in an endearing smile, “Yes, I’d like to purchase something for my lady. Do you have something to recommend for me?”
The shop owner surveys the official for a brief moment, before an idea pops into her mind. “Oh, I have been keeping this one of a kind piece for a long time, now. If you are interested, My Lord, I’ll show it to you.” The shop owner regards in a mysterious, lingering tone, as if to pique his curiosity. Why did she not offer you this piece? You pondered, without lifting your gaze upon them. “Go on.” He encourages. The seller holds out a small intricately designed box, opening it in front of him to reveal a pair of plain yet immaculately crafted gold rings. "This was brought to a temple for five days in order to bring good fate for lovers. The shaman said to sell this to lovers who are willing to pay generously in exchange for a good future.” In a heartbeat, the man curtly nodded. "Consider it sold.” He says in a certain tone. The shop owner’s eyes widened in surprise, immediately collecting the box, allowing no opportunity for the man seemingly in a high-ranking position to afford such to change his mind. “Your lover is lucky to have you, My Lord.” The lady dreamily remarked. He only smiled and didn’t speak further as he hands out a generous amount of currency in exchange of the content of the small box.
You were there all along, listening closely to the interaction. The strange man caught your unsolicited attention with his mere voice. That’s what it seems. You're as puzzled as overwhelmed from unintentionally hearing the interaction. But you’re certain, he’s not the one you think he is. The man only sounded like him. Too late, for your heart already started pounding loudly on its own accord. Your state frozen, seemingly lost in your thoughts to have your body move as you wish. It was not your nerves but your doubts that is stopping you from looking at him to rest your judgment. It took you a while. And you regret not taking the chance when you had it because before you could gather your pittance of a strength to gaze upon the man, he was already out of sight. In desperation, your eyes eagerly search through the sea of people, mentally sifting through the layers and layers of passers-by as if your eyes will magically blur everything else to locate his figure. He was already gone. This has happened before. For several instances. Your mind always creates an imagery of him whenever he crosses your mind, wherever you are— seeing someone bearing his familiarity. But every time you do, you’re always unable to see their actual face. It was not him. That’s what you’re sure of.
He couldn’t be omniscient in nature, he couldn’t be in the north while grazing your presence here every now and then. He just couldn’t be here.
This is just one of them. Would your heart not mind if you see his home, at least, for the last time? Would it matter more to you to see his lifeless household, or would it just a waste of time and a heartache?
With your lurking mind, you scurried the path where your heart is taking you.
You didn’t really noticed the long, arduous walk you had gone through. The sun is about to set when you arrived. Your feet like a mind of their own, stopping in front of the wooden barricade. His mother has lived with his relatives in a distant town somewhere after Jungkook left.
There’s nothing else to see other than the barnished wooden gate. You cannot even open it for your own perusal. But you kept on coming back here for it was the only thing in the present that connects you with that memory, reliving them in the present. He spent his last moments here with you. But however beautiful your memories here had been, the contrited pieces always linger elsewhere in your mind as you relinquish the past. Fate is a mere imaginary force, perhaps, created by entities living in this world, as fictitious as happiness, as treacherous as love. While hope brings you a strong faith of anticipation to the uncertain, the endless cycle of waiting only gives you the bittersweet acceptance in return. There was no regret behind the years of your wasted youth amidst the inescapable obligation of being an object of possession under a political truce— the truth that you have to live from the guise of a royal birth. You kept your promise, and until time and your royal duty comes in between, you will stay faithful to your words. Your fingers quickly shed the moisture threatening to spill from your eyes. And as you emotionally gather yourself up, you turn away in bereft. Not knowing that someone from behind is going towards the opposite direction. With your occupied mind and your sudden move, it was too late for the stranger to step sideways to avoid your approaching figure. The impact left you immobile for a second, losing your balance as your legs gave away. However, they caught you just in time.
Ambivalently speechless, you were unable to scramble off to your feet away from them and utter words of apologies to the stranger you have caused a burden of. When you have recovered, you softly gasp in embarrassment, mumbling series of apologies without prying your bashful eyes up towards them. Scared that they will lash out at your carelessness. Not until you hear the voice of the stranger. “_______?” Your rapid breaths stutter, you felt like everything else around you stops but the loud thumping of your heart. Was it your mind one again creating a hallucination of him? Slowly, you lift your head up. But you swallowed the urge to gasp as your eyes eagerly rake through the rugged looking man in front of you. It was your first time to see their face, to see him fully. The face your mind has created for years. Unfortunately, nothing resembles him of Jungkook but his eyes. And his voice. Stupid of you to think he’s real. You immediately turn away, gathering the strength to go as far away as you can. “______ wait!” You hear them call, your mind is pretty adamant, because the farther you walk, the louder his voice gets to you. It was not long when they had caught up with you as you felt the force in your arm, yanking you back around to face him. “What are you doing here?” He asks the same question he uttered to you years ago when he saw you in front of his house. You clenched your eyes shut, disturbed with your evil mind’s tricks to play with your heart dangerously. How could it possible for him to be here, coincidentally when you’re mourning, when you had just imagined him at the capital? As much as you‘re convinced he’s not real, the warmth from his hands seeping through the fabric covering your arms as they keep you locked on their hold tell you the person isn’t just a figment or your imagination. He’s real? “Jungkook?” It took him a second before he realizes the tone of your affirmation. “You didn’t recognize me, Jagi? It’s me.” Lips quivering, you clasp his face in between your palms with your collected strength, silently wishing none of this is a part of your imagination like it has been in the past years. “Is it really you? Am I not just dreaming?” You whisper in grief, as your sorrowful eyes pierces through his soul. Something twists in his gut, catching your efforts as you control the faint sobs threatening to break out from you throat.
It was too late for you to swallow them as tears pooled out of your eyes. The calloused pads of his thumbs feather lightly brush against your tear stained cheeks.your efforts to control the faint sobs.
“I’m here. I came back for you. Haven’t I promised you that?” He wants to prove it to you, just so you would believe it is real. That he’s here before your eyes. His face was mere inches to yours, but he stilled, almost losing his control if not reminded by the fact that the two of you are out for the world to see. You blinked, hiding the dejection when he steps back just as you were anticipating something else. With a heavy heart, you prodded. “When did you come back?” Jungkook deliberately didn’t answer. You have all the time to ask him later. Right now, he needs you. Swallowing a big lump in his throat, his fingers entwine tightly with yours, gently tugging you forward.
“Come with me.” He says. “Jungkook, what...“ Your voice faltered, panting from the distance you had walked through. Your curious eyes follow his free hand as it swiftly unlocked the hidden bar of the wicket.
Just as he has pulled you inside the vicinity of his household, he pushed the door shut along with your body, pressing you flat against the hard surface. Jungkook cages you in between with his hands glued on the sides of your head. He used to dream about this happening. With you, in an arm’s reach. He stays still for a while, savoring the moment. His leering eyes quietly memorizing every detail on your face. You have not aged a year older. Jungkook thinks he was looking at your younger self. Except for your hollowed cheeks, and dulled pair of orbs, you still look mesmerizingly breathtaking, beautiful, pure and only his. He inches closer, invading your mouth with much controlled passion. The faint sting of his stubble as it made contact against your skin creates another foreign sensation, sparking desire within you as tremors run down your spine.
“Gods, I miss you.” He groans against your mouth. For a moment, you were stiff, shocked by the boldness of his advances. Jungkook had kissed you before, you had felt the wetness of his lips pressing against yours before, as he expressed his affection for you.
But not like this, not with the way he was lewdly nipping your lips, not with the way his tongue is chasing your own. Not with the way his hands are exploring the untouched parts of your body.
Jungkook nudges his head south, on the crook of your neck. He moves closer, flushing his huge body against yours. Your eyes clenched shut at the feel of his need on his lower region pressing on your clothed stomach. A soft cry resonates through the quietness of the household at the feel of his teeth and stubble piercing simultaneously through your skin. Bound speechless under your clouded mind, unable to discern the right and wrong when Jungkook plotted the hole that you have willingly allowed yourself to be buried into its depths.
As he captures your lips once more, your fingers corded beneath his long knotted hair. There was no turning back now. He will have you one way or another.
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a/n: what do you guys think? im curious to know what your thoughts are pls share them with me :(( it’s rushed i know and as expected this is unedited so forgive me for grammar issues and typos
mintseesaw ©️ 2020
credits to the rightful owner (Jeesung Kim) of the image edited as a banner
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Don’t Ignore Me
Notes: For the ask by @dirtpie39, based off this comic. 
Summary: Izaya’s been avoiding Shizuo ever since the blond made a certain discovery about him, and chaos quickly ensues. 
Izaya was ignoring him.
It took Shizuo a couple fight-free days for him to realize it. After all, it wasn’t exactly like he was tracking the flea’s movements. Still, the city was small and drama was big, so it wasn’t unusual for the two to run into each other on a near daily basis. Usually this resulted in a full-blown fight or at the very least a round of petty insults and jabs. Now, though, whenever the two of them ran into each other, Izaya’s eyes would widen and he would bolt like a spooked deer.
For some reason, that pissed Shizuo off. Admittedly, most things pissed Shizuo off, but this especially. It wasn’t that he wanted the other to be constantly picking fights with him, but there was something comforting about the consistency of it. Now everything felt off-kilter, his days going by one after the other with not a grievance in sight.
He already had a pretty good idea why the other didn’t want to face him, too. The memory swirled in his mind, crystal clear despite a week having passed since then. He had been chasing Izaya as per usual (it was difficult to remember what specifically had pissed him off that day but he was sure he must have had a justified cause), when suddenly Izaya tripped on the pavement. Shizuo took the oppurtunity to grab him, but the second his hands made contact with his sides the other had let out an uncharacteristic squeak. Shizuo had been so shocked that he accidentally let the other get away.
Evidently, Izaya’s strategy was to simply avoid him until he forget all about the events of that day. Fat chance of that. The noise he had made then was already locked in Shizuo’s mind, the precursor to a round of new discoveries. Unfortunately, he hadn’t gotten a chance to see the other face to face since then and Shizuo was growing tired of it.
The next time he saw Izaya, he was turning a corner and nearly bumped into him. Their eyes locked. Izaya bolted. Unlike every other time, however, Shizuo grabbed the other’s wrist before he could scurry into a passing cab.
“Hey,” he growled, whirling Izaya around to face him. “What’s the big idea?”
Upon being faced with an angry Shizuo, Izaya’s first response was a dazzling grin and a noncommittal shrug. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s not illegal to take a taxi, now, is it?”
“You know damn well what I’m talking about,” Shizuo insisted. He dragged the other towards an abandoned alleyway, a move that would have made most people nervous, but Izaya’s nerves were for an entirely different reason. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
Izaya stiffened, shifting his gaze to the left of him. “I’ve hardly been avoiding you. We’re not exactly friends, you know. How could I possibly ignore someone I have no social obligation to?”
“You show up in Ikebukuro, my city, you cause chaos and disruption everywhere you go, you deliberately mess with the lives of everyone you meet, and somehow you drag me into every shitty situation you create.” Shizuo ticked each issue off on one hand. “So I think I have a right to be a bit confused when you suddenly start acting like I don’t exist.”
“Do you want me to ruin your life?” Izaya asked irritably. “You never seemed all that pleased about it before.”
“I want to know why you can’t look me in the eyes right now,” Shizuo corrected. “I’m giving you the chance to tell me, but I can take a guess if you’d like.”
Shizuo heard Izaya’s audible intake of breath. He tugged on his wrist but Shizuo’s grip was firm. His voice was tense as he answered, “Would you like to inform me then, if you’re so sure of the reason for my supposed avoidance?”
“I think,” Shizuo said, quickly snatching up the other wrist before Izaya could do anything and pulling both arms above his head and against the brick wall. “That you don’t want me to take advantage of a certain discovery I made last week.”
Izaya shrunk back instinctively against the wall as Shizuo transferred his hold to just one hand. He held his chin high with fake confidence as he asked, “Oh? And just what discovery was that?”
“That you—” Shizuo poked a finger suddenly into his ribs, causing the other to jump involuntarily—“are ticklish.”
Slowly, a flush began to overtake Izaya’s features, his ears glowing a bright crimson. Izaya glanced away, trying to cover up his obvious embarrassment with nonchalance. “Really Shizu-chan? What are we, children?”
“You’re not denying it,” Shizuo pointed out, taking a finger and gently dragging it up the length of his side. “Are you ticklish, I-za-ya?”
Izaya’s breath hitched at the drawn-out syllables, trying desperately not to squirm under his touch. “O-Of course I’m not ticklish. That would be ridiculous.”
“It would be,” Shizuo agreed, not letting up but not growing any more aggressive than his current pace. Just the slow, dragging pressure of his finger, skimming over the thin material of his shirt. “I mean, the famed info broker, one of the most dangerous men in all of Ikebukuro, ticklish? Almost enough to make you laugh.”
Izaya was trying his hardest to do the exact opposite of that. “R-Right. So there’s really no need for you to—ah!”
He bit his lip as fingers curled softly at the edge of his underarms. “I wonder what would happen,” Shizuo mused, tapping a rhythm against his skin. “If I tickled you ever so slowly…right…here...?” As he spoke, he wiggled fingers into the sensitive hollow, Izaya’s shirt doing very little to protect him. “What would you do, hmm?”
To be fair to him, Izaya really did try his hardest not to give in. He squeezed his eyes shut, tensing every muscle in his body in an attempt to hide how much the other was getting to him. In the end though, the soft persistence of it all was too much for him and he broke, musical giggles spilling from his lips.
“S-Shihihizuo!” he protested, writhing under his touch. “C-C’mohohon!”
Shizuo’s heart melted at the sight. Originally, his plan had been to come in and destroy Izaya with his newfound information, but now…. Looking at him now, flushed and giggling under such a gentle touch, Shizuo found that the only word he could describe him with was pretty. Though the thought was strange when applied to Izaya, his enemy, his nemesis, a man he had despised since the early days of high school, he found that he didn’t care in that moment.
So instead of digging in, Shizuo continued to administer the light touches currently driving Izaya up the wall and producing those heart stopping giggles that Shizuo was quickly becoming addicted to. “What’s wrong? Does it tickle?”
“F-Fuhuhuhuck yohou!” Izaya spat, the venom stripped from his words when matched with the stupid grin on his face. “A-Ahahaha, nohoho! Pffft, shihihihit!”
His legs gave out when Shizuo moved down suddenly, the feather-like touch dancing all over his hips. Shizuo swept a knee under him, his presence now the only thing keeping Izaya from collapsing on the ground. “You know, I think I enjoy you like this—all helpless and laughing. Maybe I’ll have to do this again whenever you decide to cause trouble in the city.”
Izaya’s eyes widened. Being held down and tickled like this daily was a thought that sent butterflies aflutter in his stomach. His struggling increased and he squeezed his eyes shut to try to distract himself from the situation. “Stahahahap ihihihit, yohohou bruhuhute! J-Juhuhust Nahahahat thehehere!”
“Not here?” Shizuo questioned innocently, continuing to torment his hips. “Why? Is it a bad spot?”
“Yehehes—Ihihihi mehehehean nohoho—I mehehehean—shihihihit!”
“I’ll take that as a yes then.”
For the next couple of minutes Shizuo persisted with his gentle assault on his nerves, driving Izaya out of his mind with the overload of sensation. It took a while for Izaya to genuinely plead, as he continued to insult and jab at him all the while until Shizuo discovered that fluttering fingers under his chin made him positively shriek and the man’s sanity quickly dissolved from there.
“Ohohohokay, ohohohohokay, I’m tihihicklish, n-now stahahahap!” Izaya scrunched up his shoulders, frantically trying to catch the other man’s hands between them. “Plehehease!”
Shizuo did stop, eventually. What he did next, however, was lean down and quickly press his lips against the other’s, claiming his leftover giggles in his mouth. He couldn’t have said what possessed him to do it, only that when Izaya had uttered “Please” through laughter-filled lips he found that there was nothing else he could have done. The kiss lasted for a mere two seconds before he realized what he was doing and quickly stepped back, releasing the other.
Izaya was staring at him wide-eyed as he slowly regained his footing. Shizuo’s hand covered his mouth, his fingers brushing against the place on his mouth where Izaya’s lips had just been. A similar red hue colored both their faces as they each tried to figure out what the fuck had just happened.
“Shizu-chan—” Izaya started, narrowing his eyes, but the sound of the familiar nickname was too much and Shizuo quickly fled before the other could get a chance to ask him any questions. Heart racing, the bartender quickly returned home and tried to figure out what had prompted him to kiss the flea and why he sort of wanted to try it again.
That week, it was Shizuo’s turn to avoid him.
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