#but its just. is this ever gonna happen to me when im not fueled by pre-exam anxiety?😭
minglana · 1 year
of course i get the urge to reorganize my entire life the day before an exam
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l44serbeam · 1 year
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— TIRED OF YOU ʚɞ đ©đšđ«đ­ đ­đĄđ«đžđž
← đ©đšđ«đ­ 𝐭𝐰𝐹 | đĄđšđŠđžđ©đšđ đž
warnings — blood, gore, swearing, violence, disassociation, weapons
The second Ellie stepped foot out of Jackson to find y/n, she no linger had control of her body. She walked hours and killed dozens of infected and kept going with empty eyes. When she comes across a note leading her to y/ns whereabouts, she doesn’t hesitate to follow it. On the other hand, y/ns stumbling through her surrounds deliriously, helplessly trying to find supplies or anything to help keep her alive.
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“No! You’re cheating!” Y/n hissed, leaning over the table to smack Ellies hand.
“Im not cheating! You just suck at this game.” Ellie snickered, placing down another card.
“Its not a game of skill dumbass.” Y/n rolled her eyes, and placed down another card.
“Then your luck sucks.” Ellie replied before placing another card. “UNO!” The girl barked, her voice coming out more eager than warranted and jumping in her seat.
“YOU BITCH!” Y/n yelled, laughing with skepticism laced into her voice.
“C’mon y/n/n. You know what you gotta do.” Ellie said, her tone jokingly condescending.
“Fuck you.” Y/n said as she placed the only usable card she had.
Ellie didn’t spare a second to slap down her final card, jumping up and raising her arms in the air and laughing hysterically.
Y/n laughed as she watched Ellies antics, at that time being her best friend of a year and a half.
Three gentle knocks on the door made the two stop for a second, the door opening to reveal Joel.
“Whats going on in here? I can hear you from the porch.” He said but not in a chastising manner.
“Ellie being a cheater is what.” Y/n said as she grabbed the Uno cards and began shuffling them.
“Am not!” Ellie squeaked. “Shes just mad shes shit at every card game ever.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and flipped off the girl before her, igniting a hyena kind laughter from her.
“I think this games gonna fuel a rivalry.” Joel chuckled slightly. “Y/n, Maria is asking for you to talk about some job for tomorrow.”
“Shit.” Y/n cursed under her breath. “Yeah let me grab my stuff and ill go to her.”
Joel nodded and closed the door.
“What job for tomorrow?” Ellie asked, squinting her eyes at y/n suspiciously.
“Shes making me pick up some grunt work. Says itll help me ‘find peace’ and ‘distract myself’.” She said, saying the reasons in mocking voices.
“The fuck. You’ve been having shitty jobs for like weeks now. Thats not fair no one else our age is doing those jobs why do you have to?” Ellie began, starting to get riled up to what in her eyes was unfair.
“Its fine Els i don’t mind. Not like I have anything else to do. I like being busy.” Y/n reasoned, shrugging off Ellies worries.
“You’re going to get burn out quickly y/n if you’re doing this shit every day.”
Y/n turned around to face Ellie and crossed her arms and looked at the gurl with round eyes. “Ellie im fine. Ill be fine. If i get burnt out then i rest but i enjoy this. I get to go into the forest around us and it’s peaceful.”
“I still don’t think you should let them make you do these things y/n. I don’t want to see something happen to you.”
“Ill be ok Ellie. If anything happens to be ill beat up whoever made it happen.”
Ellie laughed and looked at her best friend, her fave soft and eyes happy. The sun that shone against her back casted an aura of gold around her head and hair. Ellie couldn’t identify the pitting feeling in her stomach, but it was there, swallowing in on herself.
“I dont doubt it y/n/n.”
The night was hollow and bloody, Ellie crouched over a lazily burning fire. She looked into it, her eyes empty and glazed.
It’d been over 48 hours since Ellie had left Jackson.
Shed walked and shed walked. She checked every building shed come across, killing dozens of infected along the way.
After almost a day of walking, shed finally reached the warehouse that Luke had marked on the map, anxiousness and excitement picking at her chest as she looked at the rusted building.
Shed desperate begged whatever was above to find her. To walk into that factory and the only attack shed receive was y/n’s warm embrace.
But, Ellie knew her life had a habit of not going the way she wished.
Searching through the factory, she found dozens of dead infected littering the floor, the blood pooling around them still shimmering against her flashlight. It hadn’t been ling since they were put down. She inspected their wounds, the majority having stab wounds instead of gunshots.
She knew. She knew that y/n was the one to do this. That her y/n, pained and hungry had killed dozens of these infected in a fight to save her life.
This conclusion Ellie had come to was only solidified when she came across an opened closet in the first floor, blood staining the ground of it. But what caught Ellies attention wasn’t the blood of the ruthless scratches carved into the door. It was the arrow sticking out the wall by the door, pinning a polaroid onto the wall. It was simply a picture of the forest, green blooming everywhere and the suns rays reflecting off the leaves.
Ellie knew this was y/ns way of telling the girl she was alive.
With hope prickling at her ears, Ellie took the arrow and polaroid and went off to try to track her.
Now, the day later, Ellie had set up a fire to warm herself before she kept on her search, her feet aching in pain and her arms burning.
She didnt care how long shed have to be out there, she knew she had to find her. She couldn’t bare knowing that the last time the two interacted was an argument where she’d said things she couldn’t even think of repeating.
When Ellie pulled off the arrow, not one, but two polaroids fell, another one hidden behind.
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The e’s. The handwriting only confirmed the polaroids and arrows belonging to y/n.
Staring down at the miswritten e’s and scratchy writing, Ellies eyes solidified as she breathed in deeply.
She stuffed it into the pocket and exited the warehouse, searching for the sign that was referenced in the note.
After walking around the perimeter, Ellie found a path that went downwards and led to the near by deserted town below the elevated land. Next to the beginning of the path was a big yellow metal sign with a black arrow pointing down the path.
Ellie straightened her back and breathed in, flicking open her pocket knife in a smooth action and holding it readily at her side. She began lunging down the path, alerted and ready to get through anything and anyone.
Step after step, breath after breath, y/n stumbled into the beginning of the town, seemingly unbothered and unclaimed.
Her head was faint and hazey, the plentiful blood that had rolled down her legs had practically dried onto her skin and muddy sweat beaded at her neck.
For the past 24 hours, y/n had been painfully taking down infected. Her lack of supplies left her clutching onto holding reality.
The burning sun beamed down on her for hours, evaporating basically all the water from her body, but no where was there any replenishment for that loss of water. Her fatigue weighed down on her and the empty grovel of her stomach made her fragiler.
A pharmacy.
Y/n felt the world around her sharpen when spotting the weathered words on the wall of the building before her, reading 24 HOUR PHARMACY.
She peered in through the windows as best as she could before losing her sense of control and pushing her way inside.
She looked around desperately, the place obviously not exactly flourishing with left behind items.
“Bingo.” y/n whispered upon finding a few supplies hidden behind the checking counter.
A bottle of alcohol, a few rags, and a protein bar. Desperately she collapsed to the ground to claw at the supplies, ripping the cap off the alcohol and pouring it on a rag. She leaned to her leg and hesitantly held the cloth over the wound on her leg.
Taking a few shaky breaths as she prepared herself of the torturous burn she was going to feel.

Hot, red, flashing pain shot through y/ns body, her moth hissing and head hitting the counter behind her. “Jesus fucking christ.” She groaned, reaching over to the protein bar as her other hand held the rag. She ripped it open with her teeth and ravished the thing, the chocolate flavor blessing her dry, swollen tongue.
But what is it that they say, all food tastes amazing when you’re starving, right?
“Ok boys lets do this quickly!”
The hairs on the back of y/ns neck immediately stood and the fog in her brain subsided.
“Groups of two, alright? Leo and Nick with me, rest go. Kill anything and anyone you come across.” The voice of the yelled from outside the pharmacy, close enough to a broke glass that y/n could clearly hear their conversation.
Her hand desperately clawed at the ground around her is search of the knife shed had all along. Once grabbed, she pulled it against her chest, arm at ready for any sudden action.
Then, the sudden noise of the ring of the pharmacy door opening, followed by the shuffling of feet.
“Look ‘round. See what you can scrounge up.” A dark, rough voice ordered from the door.
Y/ns grip on her knife tightened and her breathing settled.
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@lady-curpse @depressionandobsessionsessi-blog @muthafuckingstargirl @slut4vampire @evangelinejxy @lanasluverr @galacticstxrdust @lazyotakuofficial @agalswrittingobsession @dania7361 @jolieetoile @star-j0 @macaroni676 @gocryariver @a-beee @elliewilliamsissobabygirl @daddysfavoritesexkitten @dergy @dakota-dream @hangel0veb0t @randomhoex @l0v3e1i @stvrl1ght333 @ilovemydinoboi @bertandfearnie @luvwanda @hotgirlsshareaccounts @boobabietch @lazyotakuofficial @imaginexred @miadean
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a/n — the way this is a day late and i havent posted the robin fic i was supposed to a few days ago😭😭 im so sorry yall this week has been CRAZY. i went to my first ever pride this weekend and got fuuuuucked up, i saw a few friends of mine perform (but it was a monday night and felt the consequences of my actions the next morning), i bought my first car ever by myself đŸ„łđŸ„łđŸ„ł(finally a bitch can get out of the public transportation shes been trained to use since she was like 10💀), and i did an interview for a new job im trying to get and it went surprisingly well. these next few days ill b posting a bunch of stuff ti make up for my delays so i hope u enjoyyy.
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chaotic-iguana · 11 months
Hello, I would like to request a story about Joel (no apocalypse) who picking up reader from their workplace. However, as the reader is walking towards the car, she experience a hit-and-run accident or another type of accident (you can choose freely).
Joel, who witnesses the accident becomes extremely panicked and protective during and after reader out the hospital. Joel is deeply traumatized and afraid that something bad might happen to the reader. I need fluff and angst Joel and you are excellent at creating it đŸ„ș💖
thank you anon! you’re so sweet, i really appreciate you and the prompt! im going to make this an installment of the husband! joel verse (introduced in tease)
Borrowed time
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Summary: Reader gets hurt, and Joel doesn’t know how to deal with it. (no-outbreak! au)
Wordcount: 1.7K
Pairing: husband joel x f! reader (no use of y/n)
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, blood, a little gore, allusions to sex 
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Your car had broken down last week, so Joel had been dropping you off and picking you up from work. You’d resisted at first, suggested walking or cycling or even the bus - all of which had been met with the same incredulous expression etched onto your husband’s face, an eyebrow raised at you in amusement. ‘As if, honey’ was all he’d snark at you before shushing you when you tried to argue about the fact that this would add an hour and a half to his route after dropping Sarah off in the mornings and  two hours in the evenings, which felt unsustainable for you since your car was at the mechanic’s garage for the foreseeable future. At that, he’d just huff and mumble something about not minding the extra time with you that much, and your heart would just melt again. 
The two of you settled into the new routine fairly quickly; Joel chuckling at your sleepy grumbling in the mornings and getting teased by you when he was grumpier and complaining about his aching back in the evenings. “Too far past your bedtime, old man?”, paired with a shit-eating grin as you watched him scowl and shake his head at you, turning back to the road as his lips twitched ever-so-slightly upwards. Enough for you to make iterations of the same joke every evening, just to watch him fight his smile. 
On a seemingly normal thursday morning, you’d been slightly distracted by a meeting you had with your bosses. The board of directors, actually, and the anxiety was practically crippling you by the time Joel was ushering you and Sarah into his truck. There was just so much that could go wrong, but if it went right, it would result in a massive promotion with a pretty nifty raise and four-day work weeks. Which sounds amazing, but you were sure it would feel even better. A whole extra day? 
Joel rested a hand on your knee to stop its bouncing, the warmth of his palm seeping through your jeans and immediately crushing the wave of nervousness that had been rising in you. “Look at me, sweetheart. You’re gonna crush it. And ‘f for whatever reason you don’t, we’ll go out an’ watch that movie you’d been wantin’ to, even pig out on icecream after. Whaddya call it? Self-care.” His words made you burst out laughing and lean over to kiss his cheek. 
“That actually sounds good. And for the record, I call taking a bubble bath self care, not swallowing five pints of icecream at three am. Like you apparently have the ability to.” He mock-frowned while beaming in the rear-view mirror. 
“Technically honeymoons are to learn new things about each other. Plus, we’d been fuckin’ an’ passin’ out with damn near no breaks f’thirty six hours at that point. A man’s gotta have some fuel to keep up with that kinda pace, no?” He snickered as he glanced at you with a pointed look. To be fair, you had, in fact been fucking till you passed out for the first three days of your trip to Italy, and you’d both only realised how hungry you were when neither of you had the energy to leave the bed. It was three am, and for some inconceivable reason, most restaurants had closed. So Joel had walked into the nearest grocery and just gotten 5 huge tubs of icecream and some waterbottles. While it worked great as fuel, you and Joel had been forced to spend two consecutive days holding each others’ hair back and eating proper meals, because as it turns out, eating four meals’ worth of icecream on empty stomachs does not sit well. 
“Seemed pretty good at keeping up when you fingered me in a full restaurant just because the waiter asked to get some wine for your missus.” You retorted back, shaking your head at how insatiable he’d been, too. It had taken a whole week for the nearl-feral glint in his eyes while referring to you his wife to fade - even then, not completely. 
“Never gonna tire of hearin’ that, you know.” Turning the corner to pull up to your stop, he leaned down for a sweet, slow kiss before leaning back to whisper softly. “You’re gonna do well, baby. You’re the smartest person I’ve ever seen, alright? Don’t you worry about a damn thing.” At your wordless nod, he kissed your forehead. “Go get ‘em, honey.” With nod and a parting greeting, you turn and walked into the building. 
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After a long but extremely successful day, you rushed out of work the second your phone buzzed with Joel’s message, practically vibrating with the need to give him the good news. Brows furrowing, you scanned your surroundings looking for his truck. You caught his wave out of the corner of your eye and  returned it with a breathless laugh, striding in his direction and failing to notice the smudge of black approaching your side rapidly. The last thing you saw before your vision went black was Joel’s wide, panicked eyes and the urgency with which he pushed his door and stumbled out. For a second, it felt like you were in the air, limbs flailing. A second of impact; a sharp pain settling in your right leg, before you were out. 
Your eyes heaved open, blurry, and you heaved your head to the side to see Joel holding your hand and stroking your head, tears running down his face. You were lying in the middle of the road, surrounded by a crowd of concerned passengers. Joel’s mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear him- in fact, you couldn’t hear anything except for a high-pitched tone buzzing in your ear. There was blood on his shirt, and before you could ask whose it was, you noticed it coated your hands, too. Looking down, you caught a glimpse of your thigh, flesh ripped open as bone jut out from its side, just before your eyes rolled back and consciousness slipped from your grasp once again. 
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When you woke, it took you far too much effort to wrench your eyes open. Blinking against the painfully blinding lights overhead, you opened your mouth to call someone, anyone, to explain where the hell you were and why the beeping coming from next to you was so damn loud. Even your thoughts were lagging, unable to piece together why you were in this room that definitely wasn’t your own. Images of your previous waking moments flashing in your mind, you felt alarm building in your chest as your breath began coming in short gasps. Suddenly, something in your peripheral vision moved and suddenly Joel was here, his large hand cupping your face as he urged you to breathe. It took a minute - maybe even more- for lucidity to return to your rapidly-spiraling mind, but he stayed unwaveringly calm as he held you patiently and waited for you to come back. 
“W-“ you wince at the dryness of your throat, at how hoarse your voice sounds from lack of use. “What happened?” You tried again, clearing your throat this time. Joel’s soft eyes met yours, lips turned downwards in a frown. 
“Fuckin’ idiot drivin’ a car was on his phone, texting when you started crossin’ the road. Bastard didn’t see ya, and one second you were smilin’ so sweet at me, an’ by the next you were on the floor, bone stickin’ outta your thigh. Closest I’ve ever been to a heart attack.” You could fear fraying at the edges of his voice as you moved your hand up to hold his, cradling it to your cheek. “Asshole drove away, too. Didn’t even get his number plate ‘cause I was so fuckin’ scared for you.” He looked away, tears filling his eyes. 
Reaching out to stroke his jaw, you nudged him to look at you again. “‘M sorry, honey. Should have been more careful. Think I would have gone crazy if I ever had to see you like that.” You murmured, feeling your heart break at seeing Joel this scared, this frantic. He shook his head. 
“Not your fault, baby. None ‘f it, ya hear me? ‘M just so glad you’re okay. Rest up, sweetheart, you need it right now.” You nod, kissing the back of his hand as you lean back in your bed.
The next few days in the hospital go by in a blur, Joel refusing to leave your side for a single minute. His hand is always somewhere on you: holding yours, stroking your face, your hair. Sarah hadn’t come in at your request; you hadn’t wanted her to see you in a hospital bed, unable to move much. When the time to get discharged rolled around, Joel seemed even tenser, his grip on you tighter. It took some time for you to get the cast taken off, which on one hand was an extreme relief, it also meant that you now had to attend regular physiotherapy sessions to regain full mobility. 
The real adjustment, however, was the way Joel would straighten and tense up any time you left home after that. The way he grabbed your hand when you crossed streets; accompanying you even to the pharmacy down the block. At first, it irked you. Then, you realised what he had been through. If the roles had been reversed, you’d want to accompany him everywhere too. His fear was very real and very valid - one of his worst nightmares had just taken place in front of him, afterall, and if all he needed to feel a bit better was to walk you to places you needed to go, then you’d indulge him for as long as it took for him to realise that you were safe. 
It lasted a few months, but as you returned to normal, so did he. Your car came back from the garage, but Joel still drove you. Not because of his fear, or because he had to, but just to revel in that extra hour he got out of it. He’d learned that time was precious, and he wanted to spend every conceivable second of his with you and Sarah. 
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist: @imherefordeanandbones @theywhowriteandknowthings, @josephquinnswhore AMAZING dividers by @cafekitsune!! absolute god who makes amazing dividers for free! 
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dazyskiie-luv · 8 months
Overblot mc/yuu but...????
TW — mention of vomiting, fighting Crowley and winning (sorry Crowley lovers), past death. I like thinking a lot tbh
not necessarily angst but it is in here! Same with fluff...this was really just me rambling.
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I think about MC overbloting a lot and I also think about adding it into my own books because of how??? good??? the idea???? is???????
I genuinely imagine that even from the start MC was in danger of overbloting themself, with the stress and despair of finding out they aren't in THEIR world, away from their (family and/or friends) with possibly NO WAY BACK EVER because of some egocentric crow refusing to do more than he wants to???????
They would obviously be hella upset, stressed, depressed, anxious, etc because they know NOTHING of this world and is practically a BABY among people who lived here THEIR WHOLE LIFE.
So as more overblots happen, the more their OWN overblot is brewing. Bubbling, waiting to enter the game. Especially with the magic always getting slashed onto them. I think the only reason why they HAVEN'T overbloted just yet is because of grim
a more personal headcanon; Grim's fire, when you have a close bond with him, sorta starts erasing your blot and fueling HIS flames, making it more powerful. Essentially, think of when you're close friends with someone... you'll find it easier to fight for them right?? like you have more power to do that??? that's what its like
Now think of when MC is just TOO deep in their mind, TOO deep into their emotions and its the ONE TIME grim isn't there to help. They go to throw up blot and after panicking for a bit they just accept it. They accept that "I'm gonna overblot and probably die" because they're just too tired to worry abt themself
They don't tell anyone and since the overblot is already taking over the entire inside of their body, grims flames can't really???? get it all???? It'll always be there and it'll continue to grow and slowly grim notices that when he's feeling more powerful than ever while MC is showing obvious signs of getting ready to overblot
Grim choosing not to say anything to other people would be like... i guess out of character but at the same time i think In character????? He knows how tired MC is with dealing with everyone and honestly he's tired of it too so YASSS SLAY HENCH-BESTIEEE!!!!!
Sooner or later the others would notice too and it would be a little late to help MC since the overblot is already seeping out of their skin like they're crying. and honestly? their body IS crying. it's crying blot. And even as everyone is screaming and panicking about MC, they're just... sitting there.
Like they're annoyed everyone is making a big deal out of it considering no one cared before, and they're just like "stfu we're in class" and then focus on the teacher going "u can continue im sorry abt that."
And everyone is just??? confused?? because why aren't they going haywire or like.....???? idk..... crying in pain....????? what...........
MC just chilling the entire day while overbloting, even their overblot monster just floating behind them in peace and waving at times when people look for too long while everyone else is wary and giving them (+ grim who's always in MC's hold) a bunch of space while the teachers and dormleaders have their pens/wands/wtvr thr fuck at command just incase
but then everyone just realizes that??? MC isn't gonna???? do anything?????? and it kinda irritates them because why aren't you doing shit its freaking them out.
And lets say,,, ortho... as discreetly as he can... scans you. And it shows that you're perfectly fine??? like you aren't dying or in pain. It even shows the Blot monster being alright too like its just a guy standing there.
And now the confusion is up to 100 because WHAT????
MC and the Blot [+ Grim] just doing their everyday assignments and eating in the cafeteria with their friends being visibly tense and MC just raises an eyebrow like "whats wrong with yall tf" before continuing to absolutely DEMOLISH a burger they got for free. FREE!!! best day ever fr they'll tell you that much
I feel like the Blot would get sorta aggressive/protective when it comes to people who has like hurt MC to the point they had to take a nurse visit (half of the school but its alr we gang fr) but when it comes to crowley....??? They'll see the FULL POWER of a magicless blot monster which is actually more terrifying than the others.
The blot going hulk on crowley is so funny to imagine for me cause he'd just be running away and suddenly gets smashed into a pillar from a literal stomp. just one. and it was relatively weak compared to the Blot AND MC picking up and swinging that SAME PILLAR to smash it into crowley.
All that anger and other negative emotion finally coming out the SECOND they even so as HEAR that crows heartbeat nearby. It gave everyone whiplash but then again they also all collectively thought that he deserved it considering he hasn't truly done anything to HELP the students but just to HELP the schools reputation.
I'm half certain a student died there and he just covered it up and they turned into a ghost that haunts places. (i mean... look at the three ghosts in Ramshackle. they used to be students there I'm pretty sure????? i forgot.)
As MC is beating the DOG SHIT out of crowley the Blot is just cleaning everything up slowly because they realized that they dirted up the place :( and when MC is done they help too as the teachers all circle around a throughly beaten and bruised Crowley who has blood seeping out of his mouth while being half awake.
Of course they help him don't die because they honestly don't want the one helpful person to go to the equivalent of jail in twisted wonderland for committing murder and ykw thats so real.
I feel like as Mc stays in this overblot form everyone thats close-ish to them gets memories of things that's happened to them in the past like how MC did. But it's worse. I want an mc thats traumatized im sorry and i want it to be worse than what half of these guys went through.
I need them to feel guilty even more. Like. "Oh my god I really said that when— holy shit" FEEL BAD!!!!! Grim would already know their past because I know I would be cuddling into Grim's stomach and crying about everything.
When Mc finally stops "Overbloting", the Blot would still be there but as its own person :D How does this work????? it works bc I said it does.
The Blotℱ would help MC a lot and vice versa, basically acting like parents now with how worried they get over everyone and the other. Grim is eating the attention up though as both Mc and The Blot cuddle as therapy (and bc they wanna)
Everyone (especially idia) would need time to like... get used to that because there's "NO FUCKING RECORD OF AN OVERBLOT BECOMING ITS OWN PERSON AND BEING....NICE?????"(shrouds words not mine ong) and when they do get used to it its like everyone is genuinely happier because! gasp! they are!!!
kick the crow out the seat. Both the Blot and Mc are the new headmaster contrary to the students voting them when Crowley got demoted from it.
I also feel like....??? Instead of MC goinf back home cause they realize just how BAD it was back home, they choose to have a bridge between both realities so that its their (friends and/or families) choice on if they want to be with them in twisted wonderland or not.
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MC & Blot beating the shit outta Crowley as everyone watches (and cheers)
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spikedhe4rt · 11 months
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Word Count: 1411
Request by: @whoreforbrownies
âœ­ăƒ».ăƒ»âœ«ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚. .ăƒ»ă€‚.ăƒ»ă‚œâœ­ăƒ».ăƒ»âœ«ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚
I finished putting on my final stroke of blush before packing up my makeup container. I had a date with Soda tonight. I walked over to my closet, searching for something nice but classy to wear. I pushed all the other hangers to the side as I settled on a little black dress that i hadn't worn in a while.
I pulled out of my pajamas leaving me in just my underwear and bra. After that, I realized that the dress was tight enough to show my pantyline. I decided to just not wear any, its not like anyone could notice. Once I was dressed, I took my hair down from its ponytail, finishing my look.
I walked downstairs to grab my black flats and made sure to unlock my door for Soda. I make sure to unlock it for him all the time so he can just walk in. He was taking me to a restaurant that we've never been too. He wanted to try something new.
I was putting on my second flat when I heard my door shut and close. "Babe!" he yelled out for me. "Im in here" I replied. I heard running then felt hands around my waist. "You look so good." Soda whispered into my ear. It sent tingles down my spine.
He took me to his car aka Darry's truck that he borrowed. Soda kept his hand on my plump thigh as he drove. I just stared at him, watching him focus on the road and looking at his amazing features. "Anyone ever tell you you're a fine man, Sodapop Curtis." I giggled at my own joke. He smiled and shook his head slightly "Ive heard it couple times I think."
We arrived at the restaurant after 5 minutes of driving. Soda walked up and told them we were ready for our reservation. Fancy. He walked back over to me, grabbing my hand, walking us over to our table. A waiter came to take our drink orders, he was eyeing my figure but I chose to ignore it.
Im guessing Soda noticed because his grip on the table tightened.
I gulped because I knew he was jealous. Soda scooted his chair closer to me and leaned into my ear, "Im gonna rip that pretty dress off you later." he said as he squeezed the fat of my hip. I whimpered quietly, clearly getting worked up from just that. He scooted his chair back to his original spot, continuing on like nothing.
The waiter came back with our drinks, setting them down lightly and walking away. I sipped my lemonade as I tried to get my mind off of Sodas words. My thighs clenched in anticipation for what happening later. "What would you like, ma'am?" the waiter said to me, snapping me out of my trance. "Ill take the fettuccine pasta. T-thank you." I rush out quickly.
Soda told the waiter what he wanted, not even looking at the menu. Once the waiter left, Soda scooted his seat back over to me. "I got you all worked up, didn't I?" he said. "Soda, I want you" I whispered back to him.
He smirked, "And you can have me...after dinner." He knew what he was doing and he knew how i would react. Asshole. "Please, Soda!" I begged again. He pinched my thigh lightly right where the hem of the tight dress started. "After dinner, ok?" he said to me. I whimpered quietly once again before giving a shy nod.
By the time dinner was over, I was desperate and soaked. As we walked into my door, my back was already being pushed against a wall. Soda hot tongue ran against the soft skin of my neck as I moaned out. "Ive been waiting to do this all night, pretty girl" he mumbled between kissing my neck.
I felt his hand trail down to bottom of my dress.
The cold air hit my bare bottom half as he yanked my dress up. Soda brought his hand to my pussy, his fingers pushing through my arousal. "Fuck! Soda, please." His lips found there way to mine in a rush after that. I felt a finger push into me as we continued to makeout. The stimulation made me moan into his mouth, fueling him on even more.
I pulled away from his lips to beg for more, wanting to feel more satisfaction. "More, Soda more!" He smirked at my begging. "You're such a slut for me." I whimpered at his degrading words. Another digit found its way inside me, making me mewl from the feeling. "Shit, Soda keep fucking going!" He curled his two fingers inside, massaging my g-spot. My moans poured out, echoing in the room.
I draped my arms over Sodas shoulders, trying to maintain balance. A thumb found its way to my clit, the light circles on it making me silently scream. "You like that don't you, baby?" I nodded rapidly, "Yes, I love it! Fuck!" My pleas of "Faster" and "Just like that!" were loud. I felt my peak getting closer and closer as Soda rammed his fingers into me. I leaned forward until my head was in the crook of his neck, suddenly feeling shy.
Sodas free hand came to my chin, lifting my head up to look into his blue eyes. "Come on, don't get shy on me now. Come for me!" I cried out at his words, about to topple over the edge. "Fuck, Soda. I'm cumming!" My release gushed over finger, coating them slightly.
Soda brought his arousal coated hand up to my mouth, offering me a taste of myself. I immediately took his offer, running my tongue over the two digits. I began to pull off my dress before being stop. "You look so pretty, keep it on for me and turn around." I followed his directions with a smile.
My hands touched were braced on the cold wall, waiting in anticipation. "I cant believe you had no panties on in that nice place like a slut, sweetheart." his tone was sultry as he spoke. "Please, Soda! Fuck me." I heard a fly zip down and the buckle of his brown leather belt hit the floor.
Next thing I know, I felt the tip of Soda hard cock against my puffy cunt. I recoiled slightly at the sensation before whimpering from sensitivity. Sodas hands came to my hips, gripping them harshly as he pushed into me. We both moaned at the feeling. His thrust started at a unruly pace, making me silently scream once again.  "Soda! I love you so much. Oh!" I moaned out, already feeling breathless.
One of his hands came up to grab my breast from the back, slightly tweaking my nipple. "I love you too, pretty girl. You're so good for me!" Fuck. His other hand came up to my hair, pulling slightly. "Soda please pull harder." He let out a nod before pulling me back by my hair, my back again his bare chest. "Fuck!" he groaned out as I clenched around his cock.
He continued to thrust into me as I mewled and moaned. "F-feels so good" I whimpered out. "Yea? You like that" he responded. Soda hand cracked down on my ass, the sting only adding to the pleasure. "Yesss! I love it, Soda."
His thrusts remained steady as our bodies collided. I brought my hand down to my needy clit, making sure to get steady first. I rubbed tight  and soft circles on my clit, making myself shudder at the pleasure. "Mmmm" I moaned. My orgasm only got closer as we continued.
"Soda! M'gonna cum. I wanna cum. Please!" I felt like I was in heaven with the pleasure he was giving me. His thrusts started to become sloppier, signaling he was close. "Im right there with you sweetheart. Cum all over my cock!" Soda pushed into me a couple times before I finally came. "Oh shit! Cum inside me please. I begged.
He moaned as he released his warm cum into me, making me moan once again. He pulled out of me and turned me around. My back was once again against the wall as Soda pushed his lips onto mine. His cum was leaking down my thighs as we made out. "You're definitely wearing this dress around me 24/7" I smiled at him before giving a final kiss.
âœ­ăƒ».ăƒ»âœ«ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚. .ăƒ»ă€‚.ăƒ»ă‚œâœ­ăƒ».ăƒ»âœ«ăƒ»ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! This was a request from my tumblr. Thank you guys for all the support. Its means everything to me and my request box is always open <3
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broooooo · 2 years
(writing this first story of mine, for me specifically, to experience my own fantasy)
My name's aaron
Im in my 3rd year of highschool, I'm 19 years old, long hair, ace, nothing going for myself, not exactly bullied, not exactly popular, just Invisible most of the time, sitting alone and watching the masses, Im not a fan of school either, math can suck ass, and everything else is annoying, for years I look upon the popular seniors, all so hot, all so popular, when ever I was noticed, they would talk to me , they are so kind, the jocks in the group are nice to, although they are very horny, since I'm older, I never played sports, I was a protected child, but I always fantasize about playing football, to be a jock, iv loved the look of muscles, cleats, beer, iv jacked off to many pictures, to fuel my insecurities, maybe one day I could fit in, oh how I wish to be one of them
I said this under my breath, just so I could hear it, to calm me , I sigh and go back to listening to music to wait for my next clas
Without me knowing it, one of the jocks (Jason) ended up vaguely hearing me from close by, mostly the part about I wish I could be a jock, muscles , beer...,
He has a blank but grinning smirk, he gathers his other jock bros and rushes to coach, coach is an eccentric man, large muscles and gym lesson workouts that leave the students in pain for days.
Jason tells coach about what he heard , coach has a evil grin with his hand rubbing together,
"jason- bring him... to me"
"yes coach"
While I wait for my next class, listening to music, I see Jason and his buddies come up to me, I'm kinda shocked and happy someone acknowledged me, wonder what they want
I look up at Jason making eye contact.
"What up Aaron, my bro, coach would like to see you*
I'm visibly confused
"me? Why?"
"nothing bad, your gonna like this"
" eh, ok, what's the worst that can happen"
"ALL RIGHT LETS GOO" jason and his buddies are cheering,
In my head I think, why are they so happy xd, I wonder what could be happening, I hope Its nothing about how I skipped gym class last week,
I enter coaches office-
I say - " yes coach, you wanted to see me?"
-" yes I did, come sit over hear"
I sit across from him, taking note of the musk in the room, an intoxicating smell to say the least.
We make eye contact
"soo Aaron, I hear you want to be a jock"
Shock runs through me,
"wait what?, But how?"
"my boy Jason told me, a friend of yours I asume?"
"well I wouldn't say "friend" but we have talked in the past"
My heart's racing , breathing faster, the smell in the air ain't helping either, but I am getting hard under my trousers.
In coaches mind" don't worry my boy, Jason and the others will soon be your best BRO'S"
"now what do you say Aaron?, Want to join us?, To become a jock, I can teach you everything like your my son"
I'm a little scared, but also excited, like what the fuck is going on rn?
"umm .. y yeah , sure, I wouldn't mind coach..."
Coach smiles,
"well answered, hear, for starters, drink this son"
Son?, He hands me a can of beer,
"go on, drink, it's a staple jock drink"
Shaking, I click open the can and start of sip , gulp , and then slowly down the drink,
"how do u feal Aaron, anything different?"
"well idk, besides me being hard as a rock and sweating hard, maybe a little tipsy, I don't drink all that often_ I start to drool a little
In coaches mind he says ( well it's sure working fast I'd say, he wants this, so there's no resistance, soon he will be drinking all the time), coach smirks
"Well come with me son, leave your things, you won't be needing them, and don't worry about your next classes, iv got you covered"
I leave my jacket, and bag behind, as I get up, I feel dizzy, but a happy dizzy, Jason takes hold of me
" you good lil bro?, Don't worry, things will bet better"
lil bro ? I think, hah,sounds cool
"yeah thanks Jason, I owe you... Big bro"
Jason smiles ,
He's my big bro hehe, drool keeps coming from my lips, my head is dizzy
I'm moved into the locker room, coach orders Jason to put me down on one of the benches facing a TV, usually used to watch the game
"Jason, help Aaron undress"
"yes coach"
I become undressed, my top, my trousers, my boxers are soaked in pre ,and my hard cock is a sight to see,
Drool keeps coming
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"Alright Jason, sit next to him, while I set this up"
Jason and his bros sit next to me ..
A video starts to play, Jason holding me up, as I stare at the screan.
Jason Whispers into my ear" don't worry lil bro, master coach and I hear for you" with a big dumb smile,
I continue to drool in a dazed state, my cock rock hard and leaking a fountain of pre
I stare at the video
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Coach comes out of the back with a football kit, cleats, jock strap, pads, and a helmet,
"now stare Aaron, stare, become who you wish to be me, who's your meant to be,
A dumb jock"
I , Jason and the bros start to laugh, as we all stare at the screen, we are all hard, but I'm the most affected, seems they have been through this already,
"what do u wish you Aaron?"
Slobly I say
"dumb... Jock.... To becum...beer..... Bros.... Muscles ...... Football..... Wish.... I am dum , I obsy, I .... I must obey, .... I jock bro.... Bro.... Cum."
Coach grins- "good boy, now who do you obey?"
"i..,..I obay....yoouoou.... ... Master coach"
"and what are you?"
"a... Dumbbro... Jock..."
"good boy my son, we are almost done here, stand up boy, don't look away from the screen
I sand up, my bro Jason holding me steady
Coach then dresses me up in the kit, all soaked in something that soon my skin soaks up
It's all too big for me, but then,
My muscles are , my body, they are growing, my stomach hardens into 6 pack abs, my triceps and bi ceps , my arms are inflating and hardening with pure muscle, my hands beef up with hardened fingers from years in the gym and the field, my neck thickens and chest widens with huge hard nipples, my legs thicken and elongate , tree trunk muscle legs form, my feet expand, grow , while my hardened dick, grows longer, harder, leaking even more, a 12 inch monster , my body start to stink,
The kit starts to fit against me, tight, the cleats feel snug and the gloves give energy, my body fully soaked the liquid from before , coach stands back holding the helmet
"good boy Aaron, now recite the screens words, submit to me, to your new life
My thoughts are changing, my memory fading, changing, I recite the screens words..
"I am a jock,
I am a jock, I am a jock
I am a bro, a jock, a dumb
A dumb jock bro, football
I must obey coach, I am a jock, football jock , I m obedient, I am dumb , I am a bro , I am A dumb
Football jock...."
"who do you obey"
"I obey you coach"
With that, coach places the helmet on my head
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My mind stops, I go blank, my memories reshape,
I am a dumb jock, I am a bro, quarterback of the team, Jason and the other bros have been my bros for years, we love sucking each others dicks, no homo bro, only us men know how to to work a dick, better than any chick,, Jason is my big bro, we workout, we get drunk together,, we obey
We obey master coach
Coach then pays attention to my hard leaking jock, were all my old memories are in the lemon sizes ball churning with new jock cum
"sit down boy" I sit down to coaches orders, Jason and others relax against me, we are all about to burst
Coach starts to jack me off, I start to grunt in a deep voice.
"good... Good boy Aaron , good jock boy , relax, let it sink in, you are dumb jock my son, your dreams have been fulfilled, who do you thank?"
" I thank you coach"
" good boy... Now CUM"
We all moan and grunt as cum, CUM , rods of cum shoot out all over us, puddles of cum stain our Kits, the walls, the bench, some got on to coach , he licks it off of him.
Coach lets go of my cum covered dick, and pushes it back into the cup jock strap, then tightens the tight football leggings to complete it
My huge muscled body sits,against the wall,
"stand up Aaron my son"
My head starts to clear, thinking only of beer, cock, coach football, the bros, football.... . muscles. Working out... Beer..
Me , Jason and my bros stand up
"yes coach? My dick still hard , ready for more , very horny
" we are gonna do some training for the game, Jason and the others , go, your bro Aaron needs his picture taken for the year book.
"Yes coach!, Hehe, welcome to the team lil bro, we'll be waiting outside , Jason bro bumps my back,
_" see you there big bro"
"stand over hear Aaron my son"
"yes coach"
Click, the pictures are taken
As the flashing light fades, my dick explodes once again, cum pooling in the jock cup,
I am a dum football jock.
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" run off to practice boy, ill meet the team there,
I run to the field, my loud steps echoing
Coach takes one last pic of me on the field, to commemorate this special day,
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"soon he will be bringing others to me.
So happy to make Aaron's dreams come true"
Coach runs to the field, proud , ready to get us to the championship games
" ALRIGHT BOYS, 6 laps, GO, there's beers waiting for ya"
The end, ahhhh , the dream... Atleast I made it come true in writing xd
If anyone sees this, what do you think?
I sure enjoyed my first story
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
i see the bra strap idea has made it into the chappy 👀 hoon silently freaking out in the inside forsho, jake checking on yn while silently cursing hoon in his brain, AND IT WAS JAKE! I KNEW IT! jake definitely gave hoon a nice bonk on the head later :3 also I saw hoon go very silent when they talked about staying over
hoon in his lil brain : i finally get to fuck in peace 🙄 good pussy in peace
jake being on guard duty so no one gets between hoon and yn <3 he's just happy for his friends to be fucking people he approves of
I HATE THAT FUCKING MOM- THE AMOUNT OF RAGE I FEEL?!? LIKE WHY DOES SHE HATE YN THAT MUCH?!? YNS A SWEETHEART TO NIKI AND SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN SWEET TO YUKI AND KENTA TOO IF THIS BITCH HADNT INTERFERED! NIKI IS DEFINITELY SNITCHING TO HOON AND HOONS GONNA GO BAT SHIT CRAZY AGAIN (pun intended) won't be surprised if hoon takes a quick solo trip to Japan during the girls trip and who knows, a certain sperm donor might be found in a ditch with multiple broken limbs with no witnesses and he doesn't remember shit about who did what to him đŸ€­â€ïž guessing the falling out is gonna happen before or during the girls trip or them realising that there was a miscommunication so hoon is absolutely all emotional and feeling nothing but pure rage and AHHH I LOVE <3
kinda miss fuma being around to fuel hoon's jealousy 💔 he's such a fine man, I need him to rearrange my guts đŸ˜«
also hiii zadie!! im visiting home and I've just been super duper busyy 💔 the sun here is so nicee but it's so hot I feel like I'm gonna evaporate if I go out in the sun- but I've been eating good food and studying for my exams so hehe how's you been pretty girl? - đŸ’«
HELLO BABY!!!!đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©· im so so glad youre enjoying your time at home, i hope youre also resting!!!đŸ€„ thank you so much for your amazing hcs and suggestions and ideas i was so, so excited to use this one i lit thought about it ever since you sent it to me 😭
ive been doing well, just spending time with family and friends and work ofc!!!!
unfortunately hoonyn will actually......notgetofuckinpeace đŸ€• since they will go no contact after the next chapter 😀😀
i love how you guys are so mad at the stepmom and i know its gonna get worse in the following chaps so im just ready atp 😝
also, bc ive noticed a lot of you guys have said similar things (regarding the nishimuras) they actually live in seoul too so hoonie wouldnt even have to gosll the way to japan to yk..be ch!hoon 😝😝😝
to give you guys a little overview of the upcoming written chap: the realisation of the miscommunication and second fallout will all happen in that chapter if that makes sense...the reason will be revealed to everyone and thats when hoonyn will have their "fuck." moments bc theyre gonna realise their lives were basically based on a huge game of intentional miscommunication đŸ«Ł
that's all im gonna say!!!
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gvftea · 7 months
Do you know what boils my absolute blood about tumblr? Blogs like this which encourage hate. The anon feature is too powerful. However im gonna use it to come here to try and put some things into perspective for those who are clearly struggling.
1. It is NEVER ok to tell someone to KILL themself. Never. How tf do u sleep at night?!
2. Your opinion doesnt make you right and inciting a mob mentality doesnt make u right either.
3. It was never about ai. It was about the person who shared it. It was about their writing. It was about the fact you hated her for comments made that u didnt agree with and you saw ur chance to ruin her.
4. The amount of jake ai ive seen shared by blogs who called her "disgusting" is hilarious. But its ok if someone you like does it, isnt it?
5. You all ATE her fics because they were superior. But because she wasn't as easy to digest as a person you decided she had to go. Nobodys perfect. Not even the so-called saviours of Jakes safety. Which btw is laughable. Considering the "bark like you want it" edits were all shared by you guys.
6. Did i mention its not ok to tell people to kill themselves? Yeah. I know for a fact it was one of you blogs that was once her friend. But you wont talk about that. All the times she hyped you. The times she gave you writing advice when asked. She gave ideas freely and supported other writers whole heartedly.
7. Her own DV and S/A trauma was overlooked in the discord. Nobody ever once cared. Only that she said things about what she perceived power imbalances to be. And that she didnt believe what she wrote in one of her fics to be sexual harrasment from her own perspective. You all jumped on that screenshotted it and shared it like a badge of honor. "Oh isnt she terrible" no shes a fucking human with thoughts feelings and experiences.
8. She was and still is my friend and to see her years of loving work gone is to me a great shame. Because despite what you think she wasn't disgusting. Or a monster. If u didnt like what she had to say then all u had to do was message her. The hate campaign said more about u than it did her and i really dont blame her for trying to stand up for herself when the ai drama happened. She'd had enough. And rightly so.
9. I fucking hate lists. Making one shouldnt be necessary but here we are on number fucking 9 of why you are all fucking hypocrites and not the peace loving PC army u think u are. Blogs who never fucking followed her called her names ffs. The comments made about SH and ai werent that deep but yall love to stir the pot.
10. You can disagree w/ me and carry on the tirade of hate. Just know not everyone agrees with what uv done to someone who only ever supported u all. Who is the real monster cos it aint the person who had to get pitchforks and torches and run the most misunderstood yet terrific writer we had out if here. I hope ur high horses are comfortable. I hope u dont fall off those pedestals uv all put yourselves on for being the protectors of jakes online safety. Idk wtf harm u thought could be done with a quite obviously synthetic voice just speaking smutty fiction?? Ive seen worse on tiktok. And if u think sending anons telling her to kill herself, that shes disgusting, sharing screenshots without context in order to fuel YOUR narrative of her is ok i seriously beg you to reconsider your life choices.
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sabaramonds · 10 months
saw this post (its funny. i did laugh) but all i can think of is the fact gojo cant handle 3 at once, he cant even handle 1....gojo sex jokes always fall flat for me (personally) in this way because ik in my heart of hearts that gojo is like hes probably a virgin he didnt have sex with geto (it wasnt on their radar they werent event dating for real yet they were in the are we/arent we teen 'dating' stage and then everything happened and the kfc break up occurred and you all know the drill) and you could say he got with nanami but nanami can do better than that and they probably tried once and it was so bad they just never spoke of it again and pretend it never happened it was humiliating for them both right? and gojo doesnt really have anyone else bc he deliberately detaches himself from people and keeps a certain (emotional) distance even when he cares and wants to be close, even with shoko he does this, their friendship has a gigantic fucking chasm that never got bridged again after geto left for a variety of reasons even if they still love and care for each other, but like.... idk...gojo is like...yeah hes the strongest but if hes gonna have sex with someone thats putting himself in a position of emotional vulnerability nevermind physical with a ONE NIGHT STAND? a STRANGER? which is the worst thing ever and total nightmare fuel to do with someone he knows on a personal level let alone a rando, so he hasnt done it. so yeah no. im sorry . he cant handle 3 at once. he can say he could but hes lying. hes a liar. he talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk. also he would cry during sex
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minniepetals · 2 years
honestly take all the time you need - you deserve it. i’m addicted to cmar and i’d honestly wait forever for it. i’d also be completely down to start funding the continuation of it (idk if that was an option or if anyone else is open to that) but thank you in general for creating it as cheesy as it sounds. i hope you realize what it does for people because there’s something so unexplainably comforting about it and i reread it over and over on my worst days and will continue to do that until i get to see it again. idk obviously it’s dark and angsty or whatever but something about it feels like drinking a latte curled up in a freshly washed soft blanket on a rainy or chilly day or like when you get home from work or wherever after the longest day and you get to take a hot shower and then lie down and feel the relief of your muscles finally getting a break. anyways i didn’t think i had that much to say lollll thanks again for writing it in the first place when you don’t technically get anything out of it other than some random strangers telling you it’s so good or ranting about namjoon or crying about the cliff hangers considering you’re doing this in your free time and im sure it’s hard for people to really grasp how taxing it can probably be at the same time. i really really really appreciate itđŸ«€đŸ«€
i always get so excited when i see a long ask haha, so first off thank you for that.
you know i once thought about creating a choice for some exclusive readers to buy a certain membership where they'd be able to get cmar chapters earlier than it'd be posted on tumblr BUT i feel like i wouldn't be consistent enough and my slow updates in general wouldn't be worth the money.
funding the continuation of cmar does sounds nice because then that would mean me putting my sole focus on cmar during the month long break however there will always be a risk of me not being able to just write it up as fast as i want it to be. cmar's difficult to write after all, despite how much i know what's gonna happen in each arc -- though putting it on a break itself does pose its own risks because what if i dont wanna return to it you know?
but one of the biggest reason to opening up commissions is (besides financial reasons) for me to venture out of the cmar world because i MISS WRITING FLUFF. sorry lmao but cmar's just so centered around angst and trauma i wanna return to writing more genre even if that lasts for just a month.
also listen, i freaking love all the rants and wailings and cries that comes my way after each update (it fuels me lmao) so if you ever feel like you're talking too much, just know that i get just as excited knowing you have much to say about my works 💗
also are you my đŸ«€ anon because you kinda sorta signed off with đŸ«€đŸ«€ but also didn't so i'm not too sure lmao
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void-selfships-archive · 2 years
Ok I just FINALLY finished bojack horseman after taking a very long break from it cuz it was not good for my depression BUT!!! I was strong enough to finish it and I’ve followed this blog for years and I know you self ship with bojack but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a post explaining how you fit into that world?? Like, what’s your role, how did you and bojack meet, how does your story grow along with the others? AND!! Woooo, “the view from halfway down” episode was. Wow. How would you/your s/i (idk which one you use) react to all that? Are YOU maybe the one bojack calls instead of Diane? Do you/your s/i have their own “view from halfway down” episode? Sorry if this is a lot but I’m back into this show now and I’d love to know your role in the whole thing. :)
Also i get having to take breaks with this show bc if you aren't doing well it will NOT be good for you fjekwjcje I'm on my 4th (5th?) Rewatch rn after like a year (it's a comfort show) [ALSO VIEW FROM HALFWAY DOWN POG??? <- (my top favorite episode)]
I'm gonna put everything under the cut for SPOILER REASONS but also PLEASE read the tags just in case!!! We're talking abt the mfckin CANON timeline I have for my self insert shits depressing as hell (also I hope I generally explained everything fjejcjdh bad at doing that smtimes)
I'm almost glad I'm not talking abt the Childhood friends au bc its SO softcore like wheres the angst bestie? But also damn. Why all the angst in the canon tl? Chill OUT /lh
Generally the canon tl follows the show pretty accurately, aside from the fact that IM there and a few things r obviously different
I met him in a bar during the 90s! It was one of those "Oh we're both actors! Pog." And we basically drank together and trauma-bonded. They quickly become good friends (It was funny, considering the first thing we said to eachother was "oh you look familiar" and "YOU'RE THAT GUY FROM THAT SHOW I WATCH!" Truly the start of a wonderful friendship.)
And, I basically stayed around him. The Whole Time- through Herb getting fired and both of our shows ending and various depressive episodes (on both ends), parent funerals and hallowern parties and benders and awful horrible shows that definitely should never be mentioned nor have been put on air.
And weird one night stands with eachother that never get brought up the next day (or at all for that matter) just to keep things from being weird.
So I've known him for awhile, and I've stuck around for awhile, basically a ride or die friend (with a tiny little crush that I'm not acknowledging) that's my role, the Yearning Best Friend- so cringe but it works out in the end.
I think, major event wise, everything still happened the same. It's right until S4 when things are, a little different? (Not by much though)
When he heads to his old family summer home he invites me to come with (I also didn't think itd be smart to leave him alone) and through that entire trip he told me about Horsin Around and his family and at a point a drunken rant abt New Mexico that neither of us remembered in the morning. (It was a bonding trip, definitely the start of Feelings too) we start dating in the middle of that season (specifically when we all got trapped underground, you confess a lot when you think you're going to die)
So naturally, S5 is different too, he's not dating Gina in that season, but everything still happens the same otherwise. (Of course I knew something was off the whole time, you don't stay friends with someone for several years and NOT notice when something's off, motherfucker wouldnt *talk* to me though, and when he did it was to tell me someone was trying to sabotage the show and of course you cant have two paranoid mfers under the same roof, they just end up fueling eachother until it's too late and something horrible happens)
And something horrible happened, and Diane told me about what she thought happened in New Mexico, and I'm thinking "I feel like I've heard this story before." And then Bojack tells me what happened in New Mexico and then he choked his co-star and hes going to rehab and everything is obviously too much and I tell him I can't visit of course, because theres a lot of information i need to process, but I'll still write and I'll still text and watch over the house while he's gone since I practically live there at this point but I cant see him rn.
And I didn't! Until he got out of rehab, of course and it was back to "Bojack and Jackson against the world!" And "Let's move! Go somewhere different get a change of scenery!" And we did. He got that job at the university and I! Stayed with him, ever the loyal boyfriend. (Until in getting calls from a reporter and suddenly we're trying to figure out what shitty thing he did before the reporter calls and Oh. It's about Sarah Lynn and Oh!! Thus is certainly new information I wasn't told about! Fuck.)
After the interview- the second one- it was...complicated. I didn't want to leave but i also recognized that i needed to. For now, to let him deal with the aftermath of his mistakes because if he came to me- and he did- he'd be looking for reassurances I couldn't give him. We got into a really bad argument, it was moreso implied that we weren't dating anymore, neither of us said it but we both walked away and that was the last time we spoke.
It's so funny that you asked abt The View From Halfway Down because I was literally just thinking about that episode the other day and if he would've called me and not Diane and honestly! Yea. He did! Tho he called me. Twice that day, once before, after he left Angela's house, and again before he got back in the pool- I picked up the first time but he was pretty much incomprehensible and I couldn't pick up the second time so when I called back and he didn't answer I was. Quick to panic. (I was right for being worried too, all things considered)
And then he went to jail. And we didn't see eachother again until PC's wedding (bonded a lot with her, during that break up period. It was hard y'know? But she got it. Also I was Helping Babysit with Todd, she was rlly making me rethink my opinion on adopting a kid)
We didn't start dating right away tho, but we did start hanging out again? So that was a bonus!
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jamisonwalker1996 · 2 years
So I’m going into my junior year of college at the moment. I play lax there, and one of my lax bros Darren and I started beach lifeguarding last summer. It’s a good way to get tan and an excuse to spend all summer at the beach showin off the gym gains. We rent this shitty trailer house on the edge of the town and room together, doin whatever the hell we want. It’s a whole lotta fun, except when you absolutely dump in your pants at work.
Anyway, last summer one of the hottest days of the year, Darren and I had a typical all day shift, 10–6. Darren was on a different rotation today, so I wasn’t gonna see him much. Given the heat and the fact that Darren and I had drank the night before, I was chugging waters, so much so that I was pissin in my trunks every 30 minutes (that was childs play though most dudes i know do the same). I had an egg salad, a chicken sandwich, and a protein shake for lunch, trying to get over my hangover and fuel my body. I make it through the rest of the day and im chillin.
I get up into the stand for my last sit of the day and immediately feel my stomach rumbling. Oh no, I thought, the beer and my lunch had finally caught up to me. I struggle through the next 45 minutes, pushin out nasty farts. I’m wearing only a visor, tight red swim trunks and some white briefs underneath, I definitely was stainin my undies, but at this point i didnt give a fuck. I look down at my watch, 5:45, only 15 minutes left. I had to go real bad at this point. I clench my fists and my abs so hard that my veins were poppin out. Finally, 6 o’clock hits, I’m off the clock, anybody left on the beach was on their own, because I was about to explode.
I get on my ATV and drive to the guardhouse, about a half mile away. My ass cheeks are quivering, I’m cropdusting as I drive, more like cropfertilizing. I park my ATV in the garage and walk towards the guardhouse, a little brick building behind a dune. There was a crusty locker room inside with a single nasty toilet that nobody really used, but I couldn’t care less I was gonna bomb that thing. This was bouta be the sweetest shit I ever did take. I spedwalked, I ran, I didn’t think I was gonna make it, not that it mattered, my undies were already moist, either with sweat, piss, or shit. I sprint up the front stairs and inside, farting with every step. I was gonna make it, I could see the bathroom door. I bust it open, and I see Darren on his way out.
It reeked in there, I could tell Darren had just had the same idea I did, and he beat me to it. I turn to see that toilet splattered with his mess, he hadn’t even flushed. Out of shock from the stench and running into Darren, I pause and it was almost like my body was confused. It wasn’t expecting this in its plan to destroy a public toilet. Darren daps me up and as soon as he slaps me on my sweaty back, it happened. I shat my pants. I immedietaly and audibly explode, filling my tighty whities to the brim. BLORT. Diarrhea mushroomed around my ass and up around my balls. It was awesome. I smiled and closed my eyes as I finally had sweet release. A gallon of hot shit the consistency of baked beans or baby food spilled out of me and onto me. Residual moisture dampened the mesh of my trunks. I had never felt better. The stench intensifies and I come back to my senses. I open my eyes to find Darren smiling at me in awe. “Dude, what did you do,” he says with a laugh. “Too many beers bro.” We both laughed our asses off and decided it was time to head out.
I walk out with pride, with my chest out and shoulders wide. Even though I completely unloaded in my pants I was still the sexiest mf on this beach. That was the best dump I’d ever taken, even if it was into a pair of tight swim trunks. We hop in my truck and the mud immediately smushes around in my briefs as I sit. I felt so primal. This aint the first time I shit myself in this truck. We roll with the windows down all the 20 minutes back to the house, Darren grimacing and laughing at how bad I reek. Halfway through the ride I’m hit with a second wave, and though I definitely coulda made it back, I push out another slimy load right where I’m sitting because why not. I’m a man and I’m free. Darren loses it with laughter. “If it makes you feel better I wet the bed last night,” Darren says. I scoff, “childs play.”
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 2 years
muslim anon again (final to you message btw)
i dont like how this is how you decided to talk to a muslim individual pouring their heart out to you. your opinions and how you expressed yourself is gross and im appalled by it. you say that an attack was deserved, yet youve acknowledged it multiple times via posts youve reblogged how islamaphobia and anti terrorism laws have ruined lives. how could you be okay with something happening, yet hate the effects of it? you even tell me that im right, yet you continue to explain the corruption of america without considering how im feeling. you clearly didnt consider anything ive said.
“yeah this attack thats killed many and traumatized anyone left alive TOTALLY isnt gonna worsen the bigoted views of others. in fact i think this attack was deserved. but anyways, i will say its sad how muslim people are effected by islamaphobia :((( anti terrorism laws are bad :(((“ you cant have it both ways. you cant support the attack that was used as fuel for bigots’ hatred for my people. how can you act like you care about our lives if you support the attack that was used against us. i cant even express my own religion to others without fear of being discriminated against
i literally poured my heart to you about the struggles of muslims, arabic speakers in general, and how the tsa racially profiles/discriminates (we all get seen as suicide bombing terrorists), and yet you just kept babbling on about how corrupt the government is about the oil and about politics? the only response you should have to a muslim individual speaking about islamophobia is “im sorry youve dealt with that. you dont deserve to have things like this happen to you.” and MAYBE if you had some braincells, youd say “hey maybe someone’s retaliation that was used as fuel for bigotry and constant warfare thats lead to deaths and torment of minorities shouldnt have happened.”
but no, you mansplained (i mean this in a gender neutral way) about how corrupt and bigoted america is to someone whos DIRECTLY effected by said bigotry and corruption. how can you consider yourself an ally to my people and i if this is how you talk to me? again i hate the government as much as you do, but the way you spoke to me is deplorable. id much rather listen to some idiotic edgy teen make a 9/11 joke for shock value than listen to you earnestly explain your abysmal opinions. you dont want to listen to minorities. you only want to listen to yourself, you fence sitter. do better.
Simply put: America can Deserve retaliation and then also use it to justify more horrors, because this country sucks in a predictable manner. What happened that was a tragedy, it was also justified. It was also used to justify a lot of shit that wasn't justified. All of these things can be true. It's like when a kid hits their bully back but they're the one that gets expelled. Did the kid deserve to hit their bully? Yes. Did it only cause more problems for them? Also yes.
Also I'm not gonna lose any sleep about one random Anon that says they are Muslim saying they disagree when I know Muslims personally that do agree. Even if I do give you the benefit of trust on this matter, which I do, No people is a monolith. Of course there are Muslims that would disagree with me. It'd be insane to claim otherwise. You are misinterpreting what I am saying.
Additionally even if you claim it's gender neutral don't ever say I'm mansplaining especially when I'm mostly agreeing with you.
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x---1999 · 8 days
its so hard being human when u feel like ur constantly trying to avoid stepping on landmines with friendships. sometimes theyre not even really there, you've just been told they could be. so it'd be better to just not move at all.
this metaphor is about how i usually try to avoid giving others attention. or showing that i want it. and i'll then feel like shit when i give them too much, since ive been convinced theyll see me as 'needy'. but then theres the fact that people dont like feeling like theyre putting in all the work onesidedly, so its all about the timing of when i'll be allowed to put some of my own effort in.
ive just gotten so incredibly numb over the years. im not allowed to get mad at anyone(and if someone gets mad at me, its my responsibility to play my cards right to convince them otherwise). im merely a vessel for making others feel good. like all my opinions are calculated and specifically for the good of the other persons emotions. cuz if i get mad, it gives them a reason to hate me. its not even a choice anymore, my brain just...doesnt feel mad. tho i cant remember if i ever genuinely did tbh. it couldve all just been being dramatic. (but i think i have).
its hard to tell what thoughts are genuine anymore. good and bad. they all just feel like reactions, but not my own. i dunno, i have this weird thing where anything thats also experienced by others i see as just copying them(even tho thats. literally how humans work. but it might also just be a symptom of this weird close up fusion thing).
i know i used to not be like this. cuz i used to think that u could do anything to ur friends, and since they were ur friends that meant they couldnt leave...i was kind of an ass sometimes. but no one ever actually left. i just started thinking this way all of a sudden once highschool hit.
i have a memory from 2nd grade. my closest friend leaves, pissed, and i say to the person next to me something like 'she'll come back'. i dont remember what pissed her off, but i remember in this context knowing this happened pretty often.
i think the answer to all of this is just accepting that im gonna fuck up sometimes. and learning to deal with the times i have. friends are supposed to like me for who i am, and they wont ever get the chance to see that if i hold back so damn much. obv. its just...i wanna keep myself safe too. if people start hating me for who i am, it'll just fuel my own self hatred more yknow?
sometimes i think i should just get it over with so people will realize who theyre really talking to and leave.
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dojunie · 3 months
(this is the same anon who wanted to throw down w mark after ch5)
ok so i reread the chapter a couple more times (bc the story is simply too good to only read over once) and i think i understand what u mean in ur reply to my ask now. wink wink (i am now abstaining from throwing down with mark but he is on thin fucking ice)
and therefore can i just say ur use of perspectives in misdial is so well done in both characterization and also furthering the plot!!!! obviously i don't know whats gonna happen with the mc and mark yet (but again, the Quintessential Younger Sister being pulled away before actually witnessing her brother's reaction... and thus jumping to self-justified assumptions fueled by her internalized fears.... hmmmmmmm ;) ), but you also do it so well in chapter 4 with the jeno pov too!!! with jaemin clearly explaining how mc and jeno's relationship could potentially be mended by explaining the misunderstanding; and also how jeno reads the room when mc returns home late after practice, in comparison to mc being dead tired and Scared Shitless with simply the idea of making eye contact with jeno again. how they're both reading each other completely wrong and how its so so so Telling to their characters.
crazy crazy stuff. i kiss ur brain always. i may update u more when i inevitably reread again. it is 3am here. take all the time u need to write ch6. i hope i did not yap Too Much.
hearts and kisses mwah mwah <3
my brain is kissing u BACK
apparently the general consensus amongst readers rn is Fuck Mark Fr, which is actually so wild because in my head he is the biggest victim of Stubborn Younger Sister-ism... i 100% understand where you're coming from bc its not like i dont know why you want to fuck him up, im the one putting him in this position LMAO, but knowing what i know... 👀
and thank you 😔 mc and jeno simply assuming the worst is a trait i didn't even realize i was giving them both until you sent this ask, but its So Obvious when you look back at all the stupid shit they do in relation to one another. mc assumes the worst on purpose because her life tends to kick her when she's already down and she's learned to avoid getting hurt by putting up shields before she can get hit, and jeno assumes the worst on accident because he's a bit dense and only takes things at face value, which, when ur dealing with someone as avoidant as mc, makes everything they do seem like they don't want to be around you...
wow that so juicy of a psychoanalysis. im hugging u for making me think deeper about that
thank you for sending me an ask :( you dont even know how happy it makes me when i get to talk about my silly lil stories with people who enjoy them....... wishing u a constantly cool pillow and no bug bites ever again
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hello! im not usually active on here (i use twitter more) but i stumbled on your asks while scrolling through my feed and after reading some, i realized that we have the same stance on chapter two. when it was announced that each member would be releasing their own solo album, i was super excited. ive loved everything each member has put out before including collabs and their songs on soundcloud so, of course, i was excited to see what this chapter had to bring! looking back, i have no idea how my feelings abt this changed so much.
it was definitely after face that i started to get a bit tired with all the releases but i still streamed and kept up with all the content because i truly do love all their solo works and wanna give all seven members my full support. i was definitely a bit overstimulated with how much individual content we were getting, which could be why i started to feel these things, but ive always shown my support.
although im vmin biased and adore the layover album with my whole heart, i definitely think layover era was definitely my breaking point. twitter has become so insufferable and has just created a space so negative that its hard to even enjoy anything. i was so excited for layover but everytime i would go on twitter, solo stans would be tweeting nonsense and comparing numbers and its just all too much. this has been a problem ever since chapter two started but i never saw how bad it was until now and its honestly heartbreaking. i miss when there was no division between the members and everyone was supported equally among the fandom. ive spent a lot of time on twitter and would just block solo stans and call it a day but its come to the point where its impossible to just block and ignore bc theres way too many! chapter two has definitely fueled their narratives and given them more confidence for some reason but i truly hope theyre gone when 2025 comes around.
even some fans have started acting like solo stans but hide behind the fact that theyre heavily biased. theres clearly a difference in how armys treat the members and it definitely shows more with how they treated each solo release which is just disappointing. i understand people have different music tastes but would it hurt to act excited for a member that you supposedly love?
ive never noticed this before but this chapter definitely showed some armys true colors. this chapter also did an amazing job of fueling solo stans and their narrative that their favorite could go solo and leave bts behind, which is completely untrue and none of the members would actually want that. because of this, twitter has become such an uncomfortable space and has definitely made me less excited abt future solo works which ive never thought would happen since i love new bts music.
im definitely gonna take a break from twitter until jin comes back but for now, i really do wish i was able to enjoy chapter two without such negative feelings. i was truly very excited but looking back, i see how rushed everything was and although im glad each member was able to shine in their own way and explore with different genres, sometimes i wish this chapter took a different approach or just never happened. im hoping this feeling goes away when bts are fully seven again but i dont know. i just felt the need to let that out since ive been feeling this way for so long that i started to feel guilty bc ive never had such negative feelings towards bts before.
and of course, this is no hate to bts! i love my boys and have gone all out for all solo releases. im more just ranting abt army twitter and how they kinda ruined this experience for me which isnt the boys faults at all.
Your feelings are valid! You don't need to feel only positive things about people you love. Think about the people you love most that you know personally. Have you never been disappointed in them, with or without reason? Have you never been irritated by them, irrationally or righteously? Have you never wanted distance from them, because you wanted space or because you were upset with them? People only have these kind of unrealistic expectations about love when it comes to their favorite celebrity. Having mixed feelings about people you're close to, or even love, is just life.
Fandom is a large part of being Army - I mean, it's right there in the name -, of course bad fandom experiences can "turn you off" from the group. Before this blog actually started to resonate with some people, I wanted to delete it and hated myself every time I posted because I felt that all I did was spread hate - even when it was more political and not really about BTS themselves. I felt so alone and it was hard being a fan. Then, because of my Jikook and Jungkook posts, more people started following me and interacting with me - for example, sending me asks like this - and everything changed. Now I know that if I don't like something, I can share it, and someone will most likely feel the same way. It makes a world of difference...
I don't think I was ever that excited about chapter 2 tbh. And, unlike you, I definitely was disappointed by most releases. Most of it grew on me over time though, and I genuinely appreciate everything BTS has accomplished in chapter 2. I had so many mixed feelings about Jungkook, and still regularly get annoyed and disappointed, but when I see everything he's been able to achieve... like having the fourth most streamed song on Spotify this year??? With 3 months of tracking? Being the first Asian act ever in the top 5?? That's crazy. His music is so loved, and he's done so many cool things... I wouldn't trade solo era for anything. I really believe they needed this. There was always so much talk about BTS having no individual branding, and everyone wondered how well they would do solo - I'm sure BTS themselves had these thoughts about how they'd manage on their own - and now we/they know. They did great!
Obviously, chapter 2 made solos worse and fueled petty competition between the members, but I don't think it was that bad? These issues have always existed in the fandom and I don't believe chapter 2 made things that much worse. I still see so much support for OT7...
Honestly, I'm OT7 but I love Jungkook way more than the other members... I only streamed for Jungkook because otherwise I didn't have the motivation to stream songs I didn't want to listen to that many times. I think it's impossible to expect everyone to have the same energy towards every member. I listened to every song and album in chapter 2, and watched most of the performances, but with so much content, I couldn't be bothered to keep up with most of it. I have, like, 10 Jungkook lives as well as radio interviews and other videos of Jungkook to watch still.
Another point, I think it's easy to get caught up in fandom battles. I found myself pitting JK against Jimin, for example, because I saw so much of it and maybe I'm naturally competitive? You just get sucked into the bullshit as well. Even if you're not a crazy toxic fan, Twitter can change you.
Sadly, solos will still be around in 2025, and a lot of them will still be crying out over mistreatment and other bullshit. Now the members have "legitimate" solo stans too - ie. people who became fans during solo era and didn't bother checking out, or liked, the other members.
There was definitely so much content that it was overwhelming, but that's BTS tbh. I've just been a fan since 2019, but I was only not overwhelmed with content in, maybe, 2022?
This post kinda got away from me, but, yeah, take a break from Twitter, don't feel bad for feeling tired and overwhelmed with all the content (what Army isn't tbh), and my ask box is open anytime you want to vent!
Thanks for the ask!
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