#but in order to really develop a character & get your readers invested in them you have to like. keep them around
bahablastplz · 3 months
As a chronic fanfic reader, I have a lot of recommendations. So, these are the ones I think about the most. All of them include smut, so they're 18+. Red text indicates fics on AO3. Go support these amazing authors!! Enjoy!! <3
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Bang Chan 
The SKZ house @writeonwhiskey (Chan x reader x Hyunjin…SKZ but make it a frat… and also sexy) 
Silent cry @j-0ne25 (Fake dating/friends to lovers, live laugh hurt comfort… emphasis on the hurt) 
Love is intuitive @skzonthebrain (forbidden love and angst… so emotional and loving <3) 
Kinktober Day 8 @dreaming-medium (breeding, best friend, fake dating, so sweet and spicy) 
Summer in Seoul @writeonwhiskey (strangers to lovers, summer love, spicy and romantic) 
Saturday mornings @skzdarlings (Chan/reader/Seungmin where Seungmin is an absolute menace that gets reader in trouble… dom Chan is so good in this one omg) 
It’s cold out @therhythmafterthesummer (roommate Chan is going through his rut… oops there’s more ABO on this list than I realized sorry not sorry) 
Bodyguard: The first guard @skzdarlings (A sequel to the bodyguard, an ongoing work that has elements of enemies to lovers and great, in-depth world building and character development)
However you want it, lover-lover @cbini (you ask your bf Chan to step on you after watching spicy edits of him on tiktok omg)
More than just friends @kwanisms (roommate Chan is entering his rut... he's usually able to control himself but this time you're ovulating. sprinkle some brat taming in here as well and it's so delicious)
Lee Know 
The Experience Project @leeknowsallyoursecrets (Enemies to lovers Lee Know, really good plot and relationship building!) 
Sanguis Limerence @jl-micasea-fics (Vampire OT8, Lee Know x Reader x Chan, SUPER good world building, especially in their sequel with the backstories… I was so invested. And it’s super hot)
Barb Wired Brat @roseykat (BDSM Lee Know with reader going into subspace… awakened things in me) 
Audience @gimmeurtmi (2 min, wet dreams, exhibitionism, degradation… yeah) 
Well Shit @2chopsticks2eyes (Brother’s best friend, inexperienced reader, enemies to lovers and fwb… literally so good) 
Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall @skzms (Lee Know x Reader x Han, complete series, Pirate AU with beautiful world building, in-depth characters and GREAT smut. One of my all time favs)
rsvp @cbini (teasing dom vampire boyfriend Minho and you get the punishment you deserve... brat taming and so so so sexy like it's insane)
 The accidental acquisition of sugar @skzdarlings (accidental sugar daddy Changbin x reader that’s absolutely hilarious with great smut) 
Valentine’s series ‘do you really think you’re in a position to give orders’) @skzdarlings (forbidden love/romeo & juliet style but with gun play… um this was so hot tho) 
Close your eyes (...And count to seven) @MysteryBird (Possessive gang leader bf! Changbin that you’re trying to piss off by sleeping with the other members… 100k+ words and so delicious) 
Praise kink Hyunjin @dreaming-medium (A kinktober fic, enemies to lovers detective Hyunjin… absolutely delicious) 
Snowed In @moonjxsung (really artistic, heartfelt, and beautifully written)  
Jury’s still out @straywrds (rivals to hooking up/hate sex… super spicy and hot) 
Dressing down @jl-micasea-fics (shopping trip with best friend Hyunjin turns out spicy ahh the chemistry) 
Four of wands @straywrds (beautifully crafted story I was so immersed in!! witch Hyunjin and sex magick, the characters have so much depth! crazy tension)
Watch your six  @dreaming-medium (sensory deprivation kinktober ah this is engraved in my brain) 
The same but different @skzdarlings (ahh hanlix fairy au where they’re linked with great world building and is so funny… I maybeee think about this every day) 
Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall @skzms (Lee Know x Reader x Han, complete series, Pirate AU with beautiful world building, in-depth characters and GREAT smut. One of my all time favs)
Screen Identity: Mismatched Passion (SIMP) @leeknowsallyoursecrets (Spin-off series to the experience project! Jisung x reader enemies/academic rivals to lovers in which they’re both anonomously sexting each other on discord without knowing who’s on the other end of the screen!!! top tier level tension)
The bodyguard @skzdarlings (Forced proximity, enemies to lovers, had me SUPER invested and made me cry) 
The same but different @skzdarlings (ahh hanlix fairy au where they’re linked with great world building and is so funny… I maybee think about this every day) 
Snap out of it @2baabbies (Felix gives you the option to either go home with your shitty boyfriend or go home with him at the end of the night ahhh!!) 
Bet on it @skzonthebrain (Academic rivals, enemies to lovers and such good tension/chemistry) 
Audience @gimmeurtmi (2 min, wet dreams, exhibitionism, degradation… yeah) 
Saturday mornings @skzdarlings (Chan/reader/Seungmin where Seungmin is an absolute menace that gets reader in trouble… dom Chan is so good in this one omg) 
Seungmin + hairpulling @straykeedz (kinktober fic, best friend Seungmin finds out you have a thing for hairpulling and can't get you out of his head... this is taken straight from the deepest depths of my fantasies i s2g)
no nut november @gimmeurtmi (this whole nnn series is fantastic but seeing Seungmin lose his composure because of his breeding kink does something for me)
august is a fever @seungminheart (mean dom Seungmin... you don't think he is really into you so you see how far you can push him/I love mean dom Seungmin and I think this fic does it just right)
Lavender boy @hyunsvngs (A/B/O Alpha jeongin… super sexy and great dynamics) 
Clueless @jeongin-lvr (inexperienced big dick I.N. that just wants to make reader feel good… also omg he’s so hot in this pls) 
Better and better @seungminheart (sharing a bed, best friend Jeongin, amazing banter, soft dom Jeongin, brat taming, every trope from my hopes and dreams)
Third leg? @beesspacedotorg (huge dick alpha Innie... some brat taming, great banter and dynamics and sexy)
Sharing a bed series @skzdarlings (Best trope ever and they really do it justice) (Chan's is linked but you should read all 8)
Sharing is caring @skzms (Minsung x reader x OT8… really well written spice) 
Fake texts @thefantasyden (I swear these are like crack I read them every single time) 
Kinktober23 @roseykat (one of the first SKZ blogs that I started reading that really brought me deep into the fandom… My fav from this is Table Manners and Bible Studies, and it has a part 2)
All Bark no Bite @doitforbangchan (Main pairing is Chan x Reader with some OT8, it's an ABO au with some really good spice)
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arttheclown · 2 years
can i also say i appreciate that sean lewis (king spawn’s writer) doesn’t kill off villains very often, which is a real problem that mcfarlane had in the earlier issues LOL
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 months
Heyy :)))
any writing tips for beginners?
First off, can I just say, it is genuinely such an honor to get asked this question? It makes me so happy.
The biggest thing I would recommend for beginners is just to write. The more you write, the more used to it you get. I know that doesn't sound like very productive advice, but it is the truth. I have been writing fics since I was twelve and I am twenty one now. My first fics were shit. One of my earliest ones (its a BSD Akutagawa x Reader fic called Project X I started when the show first came out back in 2016 and finished in 2022 that is still up on my wattpad, which is linked in my pinned post, if you want proof I am not lying) is genuine shit, but I put a lot of passion and a lot of time into it (to the point that if you read the book, you watch me learn how to write). It was the practice and time spent that did the trick. So write and write and write. You don't have to post it anywhere or show it to anyone until you feel like you are ready (or at all). The more you do it, the more everything will fall into place.
The second thing I would recommend is to write the stories that you want to read, whether fanfiction or not. You have to be invested in whatever you're making in order for it to work. If you don't care, you wont put the effort in. You wont take the time for it. The only reason I started writing in the first place was because I would read fic after fic and I never saw anyone else putting the ideas I had on to paper (this actually lead to me starting a mini trend in the BSD fic community on wattpad lol). This will also help, if you are putting your work out into the world in some way, with the idea of reward. Whether through notes or readers or whatever, as long as you like what you are writing and you want to read what you are making, it is worth it and it is enough.
Third is to read. One of the ways I developed my own writing style was by taking note of the things I liked about other peoples writing styles (doesn't matter whom. I take a lot of the way I write from poets and authors like Annie Dillard and Terry Pratchett as well as other fic writers). So much of writing is about aesthetics and personal preference. Once I knew what I defined as 'good writing,' I could figure out how to morph my own work into something I deemed 'good.' This also counts for reading the things you yourself have written. I go back and re-read and edit my own work all the fucking time, both out of an enjoyment for the stories I create and in an effort to make them better. The best thing you can do is to read your work out loud. Listen to what you change when you read it out loud, what sounds odd or uncomfortable, where there are gaps. It really helped me when I first started writing fics almost ten years ago, and it still helps me now.
This is a weird one, but when you're writing about emotions, try to feel the emotion yourself. Think about what something like fear does to a person. Picture the situation you are writing and take the time to think about the ways in which you personally, or your character, would react to it. Writing reactions, body movements, things like that, has always been the most difficult for me, especially when its in-between dialogue and not just big blocks of text. Taking a moment and closing my eyes, feeling the shiver down my spine or the burst of sudden joy, really helps pin down the ideas and figure out how to describe them.
Also, if you know other languages, think about the things you like about the way those function and how you can incorporate that into your work. A lot of the way I structure sentences comes from ancient Greek, for example, with my usage of participles and timing. It doesn't have to be an ancient language though! And it doesn't even really have to be another language. All that matters is that you are actively thinking about the way the words interact with one another and what is pleasing to you. English is such a flexible and fun thing, there is so much meaning in every word and if you want to, it can be really fun to play around with. (I am a philologist. I am sorry for the little rant.)
That being said, it is important that you understand the grammar of the language you are writing in. This might just be a personal thing, but incorrect grammar tends to really bug me. Once you know the rules, they are easier to follow and it makes a huge difference. Also, incorporating techniques like varied sentence length/structure and literary devices like metaphor, allusion, ekphrasis, and simile can really make a piece more enjoyable for a perspective reader (whether the reader is yourself or someone else.)
Write what you know, write what you love, write what you want, write what you need, write. Don't worry about it being 'good enough,' if it is on the paper it is good enough. The hardest part is starting. Once you've got that under your belt, anything is possible.
Now that this post is almost excessively long, I am gonna make myself stop. I really hope at least some of this made sense and that you find it helpful.
<3 <3
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
i recently binged hotgw (by recently i mean a little while ago, i've just been a bit too shy to properly drop in) and i just have to tell you how much i love it which is best summarised by this
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first i just have to say... the character dynamics!!!!!!!!!
you've put so much care at giving all of the characters the reader knows with such a unique, highly-detailed and multi-faceted relationship and it really shows because not onky is every relationship brilliant but i'm so invested in each and every one.
the earlier chapters are so interesting with the way you've written the broader baratheon dynamics - i would've never even thought to consider a barristan selmy relationship, and the decline of robert's character (not that he ever had much integrity to begin with haha) through her lens is so so interesting - it expertly shows the scope of how one character impacts another. also, the baratheon and targaryen lineage you paralleled with young griff was just ajsjajshxhhaajajajwj
and nothing delightfully pains the cockles of my heart than a dysfunctional father-daughter relationship (deffo not projecting here), you've managed to capture such an interesting mix of regret, anger, distance and love it's just so realistic and lovely (and sad) to read.
i also love how you developed selyse further than the (shit)show ever did and you've made her character development feel so earned.
and speaking of character development...
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i would go into detail how much i love their bond but i would be here all day and this ask would be even longer than it already is
and getting into the two best relationships - robb and jon!!!!!!!!
a lot of fics always diminish the first relationship in order to make the second properly established but my god have you written them both so equally well.
the fact that robb (and all of the other dead starks) gets mentioned and is thought about so often is painful, but like, in a good way (especially compared to the show where rickon was never thought/mentioned again after he died). and i love love love his and the reader's dynamic - it's all so tragic but in a very very good symbolic and narratively satisfying way (even if my heart breaks apart every time).
and jon!!!!!! the way you have them doing constant acts of service unthinkingly gets butterflies in my stomach... and i'm a lesbian haha
i also adore how their relationship doesn't always improve in a linear line, as does her healing process becausw let's be honest... life isn't like that. and you've written her trauma so well and with such honour and dignity while still maintaining a sense of reality i just have to applaud you.
i'm also loving your insertion of the magical side of things into everything which is the thing that always pissed me off about the show - it was never meant to be a game of thrones but rather a song of ice and fire!!!!
and all your foreshadowing is so so so clever!!! i don't get half of it in the moment but whenever i reread (which is a lot) certain things tend to make such sense as the plot progresses and i just makes me so ughfhfjdjsj
and speaking of future events i cannot wait to see what you do with euron (it's already 1000000x better than the show) and the greenseeing i'm so fucking hyped.
and correct me if i'm going crazy... but are we pregnant???? or am i seeing (reading? idk) things?
i just cannot wait to see what happens - the time you upload is normally the exact minute i get off of work and it's one of the highlights of my week getting to read your chapters <333
the reader has been on such a journey from being grave as a coping mechanism (so so cool by the way) to wearing her heart on her sleeve, and with a high battle iq and political tactics, i just love her so much.
so thank you for putting so much effort into the story and for posting it too (it takes a special kind of bravery to participate in the got/asoiaf fandom, which i certainly don't have haha) and i cannot wait to see how it continues <33333
sorry for the rant haha
anither side note: that sassy dig at the stupidiry of the beyond the wall episode never ceases to make me have a little giggle
First of all, I do not deserve such an in depth ask about this story, you are way, way too kind!
I'm glad the characterization agrees with people, one of my biggest things about the series is consistency. How to develop these characters we already know into plots we haven't seen yet but keep them recognizable. It's my biggest worry with every chapter that I have totally missed the mark.
But a lot of these characters did not get their fair treatment, and they have so much potential. It's also just fun trying to think, what changes in this world with a whole other human being? Like how does the dynamic with Ser Barristan effect the story, does it have an impact on events later on? How do I incorporate the reader without making them feel shoved in or feel like I've made them too important and it takes away from the other characters, but also not have them be just set dressing in the background.
Robb will never leave this story, and I am beyond thankful he and the readers relationship worked as well as it did for you all. I adored their marriage and I knew it was going to have a huge long lasting impact and feared how it would go over should people not believe their love.
And boy oh boy I hope you were being honest about the magic stuff because we are about to go in pretty deep with that side of this world that the show never even slightly touched. But I'm super excited about it all, so I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Also, I knew putting that jab in there was so petty but I could not help it, that episode is the bane of my existence.
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berkeley-mews · 6 months
for the book ask game: #3
thank you so much for the ask <3
3. what were your top 5 books of the year?
i won't attempt to put these into a specific order of preference, but the first book that came to mind was certainly william godwin's 1794 novel, caleb williams!! it was essentially a fictionalisation of godwin's earlier works on political philosophy, very saliently exposing institutional oppression, injustice, and abuses of power in britain at the time. what really drew me to this book, however, was godwin's gothic, suspenseful mode of writing, and its memorable characterisation. the central characters' dynamic and mutual obsession with each other really clinched it for me (and produced quite a number of queer readings, which i later followed up on!!). it's also just pure, unbridled fun most of the way. shenanigans were plentiful: from eighteen-year-old caleb's attempts at probing his employer's psychology through small talk about alexander the great, to his rants calling for prison abolition, his (several) prison-escape attempts, his joining a group of anarchist thieves, and donning very silly disguises. definitely a highlight this year!!
i also read jane eyre for the first time this year (which is very strange to think about, because i feel as if i've known her forever). i went into it knowing the plot twist at about halfway through, but without other expectations, and i was very pleasantly surprised. from the first few pages i was fully drawn in & immensely invested in jane's fortunes, and later, her relationship with rochester. i also find jane eyre to be narratologically fascinating, i think charlotte brontë does some very interesting things with narrative voice & also constructs her characters' psychologies really well -- i could talk about foils and parallels for hours and hours, so i better stop here!! i've also managed to read wide sargasso sea, jean rhys' post-colonial response or "writing back" to this novel, which provided even more perspectives & ideas!! <3
this year i've gotten into philip k. dick's works for the first time, having read both the man in the high castle and do androids dream of electric sheep? while i was much more invested in android's character, high castle was probably the more worthwhile & rewarding reading experience. it was anything but easy trying to get into it, and i found it wasn't really doing anything for me in the first hundred pages or so. slowly, a little inexplicably, perhaps, i came around to it, and allowed it to take me on a journey through alternate history, different realities, and planes of existence. the world-building is less interesting to me than the uncertainites, the interruptions of meaning, and the unspoken in particular this novel. it also had some very interesting things to say about the production of art & its role in history-making & culture more generally, but i'm still getting my thoughts about that in order -- essay forthcoming. /j
i've also read rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead this summer!! it feels as if were very late to the party, but i'm glad i managed to get here in the end. this one really speaks for itself -- Two Of Them, the absurd, existentialism, meta-theatre, whacky temporality (!!) & the whole shebang. i actually didn't quite expect it to be as funny as it was, now that i think about it, but i did thoroughly enjoy its humour at least as much as its weightier implications.
aaaaand finally i will go with george eliot's the lifted veil -- a gothic novella (and subtle frankenstein pastiche, i like to think) narrated by the world's most pathetic, sad, sopping-wet sliver of a man, known only as "latimer", who finds himself developing clairvoyant & psychic powers. it is extremely well-structured, without a single awkward, unnecessary, or out-of-place sentence (or maybe i'm saying that becuase i'm just really, reaaally partial to eliot's writing style!!). the narrative structure is chilling, and is constructed in such a way that the reader feels as if they were partaking in latimer's strange powers. as is usual for her, eliot offers percepitve & profound insights into the human psyche and character, without ever losing a beat as to the progression of her gloomy, gothic narrative -- and everything is neatly, devastatingly tied up in the story's inevitable conclusion.
well, there's 5 books!! i could mention many, many more (jean toomer's harlem renaissance masterpiece cane comes to mind, so do several short stories & the novella mathilda by mary shelley, rhys' voyage in the dark, acd's valley of fear, agatha christie's and then there were none, austen's persuasion, and even dracula, which i also can't believe i read this year), but i shall restrain myself and stop here, to everyone's relief, i'm sure :)
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mariacallous · 2 years
thoughts on YA:
so I have a friend who's been trying to get published on and off for some time with mostly frustration. 1. It seems like a lot of the books that get any oomf behind them are often part of different publishing competitions where you query your book but not to agents but to other published writers who pick the ones they want to "work with" basically its a big PR thing, think like American Idol but not at all televised, a chance to get a chance
you can also just query your book to real agents but thats 2. which is you only send in 10 pages and every time he sends it in they're like "oh we like the writing but MORE! has to happen" and they keep pushing him to both have not just a hook, not even just an event but to establish the totality of what will be happening in the book in the first 10 pages.
and I'm thinking about this because I picked up a book my Nephew has been reading to see whats up and the first bit I feel like I'm being info dumped on, I'm told the main character's 3 siblings names, ages, and jobs, our character is a prince, and about the queen, the court, the lands, we meet in person 4 characters, oh there's magic, but it's also problematic, you're on a boat and its just... very info dump and I keep thinking about my friend trying to write 10 pages where he can show off his main character before getting into the plot (time travel out of order romance) because you need to be grounded in the character to get invested in the story, and being told over and over "no we need time travel and the love interest right away!"
"Instant gratification takes too long." - Postcards from the Edge by Carrie Fisher
Part of me wants to think this is connected to the way attention spans are changing because of the glut and domination of short-form content and so you need to GRAB the person from the off if you want them to continue and keep going.
And I think this is doing a disservice to writers and readers - for me part of the appeal of reading fiction is the way the story develops. I don't really want to know what happens in advance, and to see how the author puts it together.
Also you don't just want something jellied in you all at once, like let's see where things go.
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trashlie · 1 year
hey it's the same anon as last time ^^ i'll try to stop by your inbox more often when i have the time and some thoughts to share. discussing these things is fun and you make such great points about the characters and the story. i'll be signing these asks with lil anon (like lil buddy 😼) so you know it's me. and good to hear! i hope you continue to get better 🥰
i get why you're invested in kousuke's story. he is, objectively, a really interesting character. it's unfortunate that people disregard him, bc understanding him is a key part of understanding the story. and understanding him doesn't necessarily mean having sympathy/empathy for him. like on a personal level i can't stand him and want to smack him with a broom lmao but as a reader/observer it's interesting to try and understand his motivations/actions, if that makes sense 🤞
oh yeah you're completely right about kou getting worse as the story progresses. his recent development has felt like watching a car crash in slow motion - tragic, but fascinating and you can't look away. if ily was a less interesting story, a character like kousuke (typical rich asshole with some redeeming qualities) would have had significant growth by now. but that would be such a cliché, right?
and sometimes i do wonder if kousuke is doomed by the narrative, or if he eventually will be able to break free from... himself, essentially. the thing is, kousuke's is trapped. in order to grow and change, he needs to separate himself from the hiraharas/this fake reality that's been constructed from him, and see his situation from a different perspective. but in order to even want to change, he needs to grow as a character first. which he cannot do as long as he's involved with the family. it's like a snake eating its own tail. nothing/no one has been able to get through to him yet, so i guess there needs to be an outside force (maybe a revelation) that breaks him out of this cycle, shatters the very foundation of his fake reality, or maybe removes his safety net. and i really wonder what's that going to be. like... even though christmas is coming up in the ily universe, i doubt he'll be visited by the ghosts of the present, past, and yet to come and then all of a sudden he's a gentler, kinder man the next day lmaooo idk what do you think it'll be that's going to push him towards (positive) change? i think it's undeniable that kousuke needs to crash and burn first, and then maybe he can build himself up from the ground. i really do hope that's what's going to happen eventually! he is (mostly) a victim of his upbringing/environment, so it'd be nice to see him make steps towards growth/healing/being his own person. either way we're still so far from anything like this happening so who knows.
re: nol and fear - wow i didn't make the connection that nol is also driven by his fears, but you're absolutely right. i saw him as someone mostly controlled by self-loathing/self-destructiveness/low self-esteem, but these feelings are ultimately rooted in his fears. thanks for pointing that out. such an interesting parallel between the brothers.
all the ways the brothers are two completely different people with similar issues are endlessly fascinating to me (i just love me a complex siblings dynamic). you mentioned that neither of them have that family relationship with their parents at this point, and i agree. however, i think it's important to keep in mind that a key factor in nol and kousuke being such different people are that their early days were completely different.
nol had a very loving mother who shaped him during his most critical years of development (ages 0 to 5). and i actually believe nol got his best qualities (kind, caring, generous, brave, funny, etc) and morals from nessa, not rand. also, the hiraharas hadn't poisoned him yet. the layers of pain and trauma came later. on the other hand, kousuke received a completely different version of care and was taught a number of really negative traits - that his wealth and name make him better than other people, that his family doesn't function like others do and that that's normal, that he shouldn't feel guilty taking advantage of people and situations, that he deserves to have everything he wants, that his sole purpose is to inherit the company, and - as you said - that love as a reward, rather than something he's inherently deserving of. no wonder nol was/is such a threat to him - he's competition, and there can only be one winner. how can this boy, a 'mistake', have received this "reward" (=rand's love (nol hasn't actually received it but kousuke thinks he did)) so easily, when he didn't do anything to deserve it? that can only mean that nol is better, that kousuke is in his shadow, somehow inferior. and that just contradicts kousuke's entire worldview. idk it's just. much to think about.
oh wow i wrote so much, sorry about that. btw feel free to copypaste this in a separate post under a cut so it doesn't take up too much space if you feel like it, i wouldn't mind! have a good weekend 💗 - lil anon
Lil' Anon, I love it, perfect! Hehe!!!
You are SO right about Kousuke, too, in that you don't have to love a character to enjoy them. In-verse I would not get along with Kousuke or even want anything to do with him lol. He frustrates me a LOT - but right, you can understand WHY a character is frustrating. You can become invested while knowing you would absolutely fight them lol. The thing about compelling characters is that, for the most part, they are the drivers of plot and story and if they aren't a character worth investing in, you run the risk of caricatures of antagonists, villains who fall flat and cartoonish. ILY certainly borrows from the truth that everyone is going through something, no matter who they are. That doesn't always validate what they do, but as far as a story and PLOT goes, it makes everything far more interesting. That's the main thing I want people to come away with, not just as far as ILY goes but media in general. Because it's fiction, there is no harm in enjoying an antagonist. Your plot and story wouldn't be as enjoyable if they WEREN'T compelling or intriguing. When I say Kou has become a character I'm very invested in, it doesn't mean I approve of the things he does. In fact, I root for him BECAUSE I want to see him grow, because I want to see if he ever takes the reigns on his life and comes to much-needed realizations.
Because you are right - there is a big chance that Kousuke IS doomed by the narrative. I've talked about this re: Alyssa before, too, in that just as in real life, there's a chance he may never come to the terms he needs to. He may never find his way out of his safety spots, may never try to leave what is safe and secure. That's what's so important about acknowledging how fear drives him - if he cannot overcome that fear of being uncomfortable, of facing disappointment, of being outside what he finds safe and secure, then he really can't make the changes he needs to. He won't have the opportunity to see himself in a way that might give him the perspective he needs. In general, growth requires courage. If we want to grow, we have to face scenarios that bring us discomfort, that maybe make us fall apart, in order for us to learn just how much we can take, just how much we can overcome. But Kousuke has never really been in that kind of position. He's had everything handed to him, whether or not he wants it to be.
I really like the analogy that it's like a snake eating its own tail; I think that really sums up the vicious cycle and why we've not seen him wake up to reality, why things seem to go in one ear and out the other.
Over on reddit I've been talking to someone a lot about Kousuke, too, and a thought we share is that not only does Kousuke need that crash and burn - I think everyone is in agreement about that! - but maybe something that can be a wake up call for him is his career. They made some really great points, too, I'll link to their response here, but we know that Kousuke isn't truly happy in his life and career. To him, we endure uncomfortable situations, or one's that aren't fun because that's life. We don't live in an ideal world, we have to do whatever we can to get by. But Kousuke literally could have his pick of anything in the world, couldn't he? At some point, when does he realize he's unfulfilled? The whole purpose of his career trajectory was to earn Rand's affection. At what point does he realize it isn't going to happen - if he's not already at that realization? At what point does the empty, hollowness set in? When does he realize he doesn't feel fulfilled because none of this was for HIM, this doesn't mean anything to him without Rand acknowledging him? And suppose he does get that acknowledgement. Then what? The quest is over, there's no higher goals, nothing more to achieve. Oh, sure, he can go on to be the CEO as he was born to. But would it MEAN anything to him?
I'm thinking - or hoping? - that this might be the kind of thing that gives him the wake up call. That there is no point in his life that brings him joy - except maybe eating sweets lol. But that can only be a catalyst. You're right in that a big need is for him to get away from his family, for him to exist outside of their reach, to lose that safety net.
I have a couple thoughts in this regard. Whatever Yujing is working on - likely an expose - syncs up with Shinae's graduation and Nol's release from prison. It clearly has to do with the Hiraharas - and this means Kousuke, as well. When she found out Nol had pleaded guilty, she'd been looking at an old article about Nol attacking Kousuke, which we've seen may not be what we thought it was at all, that perhaps it was Kousuke who attacked and Yui blamed Nol. There's also that incident Kousuke is so DESPERATE to hide, something Yujing knows about. It seems likely that this expose, this piece, is something that could taint the Hirahara name. Even if Kousuke was not involved in other aspects, this would end up affecting him, because a major part of his identity is that he is the Heir, so what happens if his identity is that he's the Heir of a dirty family? If it becomes known that he is not the ideal gentleman bachelor he's been made out to be? Is that enough to make him step back and see his family - especially his safety net Yui - in a new light?
There's also my favorite crack theory, that Kousuke is not Rand's son. Now, again, I don't necessarily think I believe in this as much as I enjoy exploring it, but there's been a number of little moments that feel like they could be foreshadowing - or red herrings lol. Suppose it was true, Rand isn't actually Kousuke's father. Aside from the fact that he's spent his whole life trying to earn love from this man, I think it would also be detrimental in that he'd finally have to face the unsavory parts of Yui that he tries to ignore or deny. The one pillar in his life having lied to him and egged him on to chase after this pipedream, reassured him that if he's good enough, he'd be acknowledged. Wouldn't that shatter him? Again, I'm not so sure if this is likely - it kind of feels overdramatic, but then again, the deeper we delve into the story, the more those kinds of dramatics start to feel normal.
At any rate, yes, I think he needs a wake up call that will make him see his family for what they are, make him see himself in a different light. And that's just the beginning! I really look forward to our big timeskip to see where we find Kousuke, if he's yet in a place where he can start making these changes to himself, if he's got a security network to push him to make those changes (and if he cares enough to do it lol).
Also yes, yes, very good points about Nol! Nol and Kousuke are definitely foils in that Nol had the kind of nurturing, affectionate childhood that Kousuke lacked. We've seen instances of Nol surrounded by peers his own age and we might be able to assume that, aside from being teased for having such a long name, maybe he actually got along with them? But also, because of the teasing incident, Nol had that safe space in his mother - Nessa comforted him and gave him a nickname to make up for the teasing. We've never once see Kousuke receive such affection, and I just always think about that little flashback where he's in the bush watching Nessa dote on Nol and then Yui appears before him without eyes. It's such a cold relationship, it doesn't feel like it was nurturing. She goes through the motions of being a mother, certainly, but that's the thing - the difference between mother and mom. Nol had a mom, Kousuke had a mother. And we can see that even when Nol was driven by fear, even when he was trying to distance himself, he couldn't help but indulge in those traits his mother passed on to him. He started to care about the friendships that weren't supposed to matter because he's such an empathetic person. He understands loneliness so well, how could he help but reach out to people he thought needed help? But Kousuke never developed those kinds of skills or traits. How is he meant to empathize with or understand people he was literally raised to see himself apart from. They're not like him, they are Other. Literally a formative foundation of the way he views the world!
Light and shadow plays such a role in the ILY universe. Nol is literally in the shadows, but Kousuke thinks that its him who is in the shadow cast by Nol, that he cannot let Nol shine, lest it drown out his own light. I think that really sums up the root of their relationship and their issues: Nol didn't so much want to shine as much as just share that spot with Kousuke. I think at some point he gave up trying to earn Rand's favor and instead sought out Kousuke who was in the same boat as him. But Kousuke thinks only one of them can be in the light and if it's not him, that means it's Nol - Nol who is so undeserving who hasn't put in the same effort as him. Isn't that funny? Kousuke literally was born into privilege, knows he is afforded things most others never will be, knows that he has things others could work for their whole lives and never possess. But he thinks it's Nol who has earned something without making any effort. The irony of it, man.
Don't feel bad about how much you wrote hehehe! I.... also cannot hold back when it comes to anything ILY so I'm delighted to receive equally long messages haha! Looking forward to more fun conversation with you, Lil Anon! And thank you for the well wishes! I'm going to try to make myself do more painting today! Fingers crossed (I am not doing the best job at taking care of myself this week lol I'm hoping some painting will help!)
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hello hello hello!! this is brainrot anon!! I LOVED THIS CHAPTER OF TMYG!!!
I wasn't expecting to like Readers and Mays interactions so much, but i love how May does care but shes just kind of lost her way, how reader cares so so much about the people she loves and Eddie meets her head on in that category and JUST UGH
He really wants to do right by her and treat her special, but he already is! Just by being himself and he cant see that! I've always thought of Eddie as having an inferiority complex or being really insecure about being wanted. And almost having to prove that hes worth having around yknow? I'm not wording this very well ahdlfjlflfljdlf but once again you have NAILED Eddie's character!!
I wonder if I'm reading into this too much, but is May slightly jealous of Eddie? In that Reader is used to getting validation and comfort from mostly May alone but now that May has changed and Eddie's come into the scene, Reader is getting a much more stable source of comfort and May can see that? She's used to having Reader all to herself and now she doesn't want to share but she's not showing that in a good way ahldhdkfjmfjfk
Im basically in love with TMYG and I love the world youve created with it!! I really wasnt expecting to be so invested in the way May develops with Reader but damn okay I can't wait to see how this goes!!
YOURE SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER and I hope you keep having fun with this series!!
Sweet brainrot!!!! Thank you!!!!
Ramblings below the cut
Yeah, very much so. I'm really trying to make it clear that May's not just mean. She's actually verrrry similar to reader in that they're both worried about being judged/not liked. For reader that makes her shy, for May it's made her want to be at the top of the pecking order. She does love reader. But at the same time it's a cycle of her judging reader and then being kind, judging her, being kind. And that's sort of what reader is used to at this point? And it means she's in this place where she has the people she loves and she'll keep loving them even if they hurt her. Then Eddie, big loving goof, and she's not getting this cycle with him. He just likes her all the time.
I think Eddie is very determined not just to be wanted but needed. Like the whole lost sheep thing to me screams that he feels comforted when people need him because it means they won't leave. He has this little gaggle of weird kids that he's looking after. Even with Chrissy, he was worried about her, but also kinda tickled that he was the one offering her relief, right?
She is, and will be moreso. Not just that reader's less focused on May and what she wants, but because all of this; dating Eddie, not telling May in the first place, maybe standing up for herself a little more? It flies in the face of how she thought about reader and their friendship.
That's all my ramblings. I really do think about this fic so much lmaoooo it's a whole world in my head. Thank you sososo much, I'm soooo glad you're enjoying it!!! Any brainrotting thoughts, or general thoughts, do send em my why. Asks like this make my day cause it's magic to hear that the things I want to be coming across are coming across, and as always it's lovely to hear from youuuuu!!! (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
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shazzeaslightnovels · 1 month
Carneades 1
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Author: Keishi Ayasato (Author of Isekai Goumon Hime)
Illustrator: Rurudo
Label: MF Bunko J
Release Date: 25 September 2023
My Score: 3/5
I'd been hesitant to pick up anymore Keishi Ayasato releases recently since I haven't really enjoyed anything they've put out since Isekai Goumon Hime, but this was cheap and had gotten good reviews so I thought I'd give it a try and it was... fine, I guess. It follows Ell, a cop angel, and Eve, a criminal demon. When Ell is trying to capture Eve, they are attacked by some strange monsters, and end up becoming buddies to solve the case.
The highlight of this volume is definitely the relationship between Ell and Eve. While at times the development is rushed, it's rewarding seeing them grow closer, and they have plenty of cute moments. This isn't a romance though, so don't expect any kisses anytime soon, but if you like your female friendships, you'd enjoy this aspect of the story. That being said, the development of it was too rushed for me to really get invested in it. For an example of just how rushed this volume sometimes is (spoilers for about halfway through the volume), in the span of a single chapter, the following three events happen: Ell accepts Eve as her buddy, Ell and Eve's buddyship disbands due to an order from Ell's superior, and Ell and Eve reunite and their buddyship is revived. It's so ridiculous. It's like Ayasato was told that this plot about Ell and Eve being separated had to happen, but Ayasato didn't like the idea so rushed through it as fast possible. As a result, it lacks any impact, and there are so many moments in the book that are like this. Even Ell accepting Eve at the beginning of the chapter felt like it came out of nowhere. It made it really hard to get invested in these characters and their relationships which made the climax fall flat.
At the end of the day, I didn't hate this volume, but I'm not eager to read more. It was too rushed to get me invested in the characters or the story, so I feel no need to continue. I only learned this after reading the afterword, but Rurudo was actually the original creator. The characters are OCs that they have drawn over the years and they came up with the setting, plot outline, and characters. This makes a lot of sense as this is far less dark and bloody than I've come to expect from Ayasato, and their usual lyrical prose feels somewhat restrained here.
I guess there are three audiences I'd recommend this for: fans of Rurudo's art, readers who like stories centered on female friendships, and fans of buddy cop stories.
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smalltownfae · 11 months
The Reading Taste Book Tag
I found this great tag on this blog and I decided to do it.
What is your favorite genre?
At this point I am not even sure, but I am going to give the most cop out answer possible and say speculative fiction. Even with that I am not completely sure because I have been enjoying historical fiction and contemporary a lot lately.
What is the most difficult genre for you to read?
Science fiction. I know it’s part of speculative fiction, but I can’t deal with the emotional detachment in most of the books in this genre. I can make it if they are really short, but I seldom enjoy them. I don’t mind a little bit of science and technology, but I can’t stand info dumps about it. Even when there isn’t the emotional distance from the characters, I usually don’t like the setting. A spaceship is just too cold of a setting to me, for example. That said I did read some science fiction I enjoyed and some I even love.
I guess the most truthful answer is erotica. I did read some books I would consider such that I really enjoyed, but apparently they are categorized as romance only (they just had a lot of smut). But, it’s so hard for me to like reading sex scenes. I demand too much of them I guess because they need to be a part of the plot and make sense as to why it’s happening and they need to be varied. There is nothing worse than reading a romance book where every sex scene is the same (be more creative with your sex lives for fuck’s sake). Also, if I can remove that scene and nothing is lost then it’s not essential to the plot and therefore I probably will not like it. The smut that I liked to read so far had emotional development for the characters attached to it. I guess that’s what it’s called porn with feelings.
What is your preferred age range?
Adult. I usually only read YA or middle grade to take a break from more serious and deep subjects and to have a fun time. That is why it can be frustrating when I pick up an adult book and it feels like I am reading YA. I would like to know beforehand if certain adult books read like YA so I know in which mood I need to be in order to read them.
Are you a character-driven or plot-driven reader?
Character driven 100%. Sometimes I don’t even need a plot. I just need the characters to be interesting and the writing to be good.
Do you have a preferred perspective?
First person. I like to be as close to the characters as possible and first person makes it easier to get to know a certain character deeply and get attached to them. If I am reading a book in third person I would prefer it to be as close to the characters as possible too. First person also makes it interesting to get how the main character sees other characters vs how the reader sees those characters due to contradictions in the text. It gives so much more room for debate and interpretation and I love that.
I tend to associate third person with plot driven stories, but that isn’t always the case and some people seem to associate first person with YA as if adult literary fiction doesn’t do it all the time. I just think the perspective preferences are usually skewed by people’s assumptions. I know most people prefer third person which makes sense given that it is better to use it for plot reasons in genres like fantasy, but since I prefer characters first and foremost I say first person. It’s not a coincidence that my favourite fantasy books have a first person perspective (Farseer and Tawny Man).
Do you have a preferred tense?
Past tense. If a book is written in first person past I am already more likely to enjoy it. It is that easy.
Do you like series or stand-alone books best?
Standalones. I really really need to be invested in the characters and a world to stick to a series, which is why I haven’t completed that many. When I find a series I am invested in I love it a lot, but it’s way easier to find a stand-alone book to love, especially because it has a complete story so you get all the character development and theme exploration in a single volume. I even prefer omnibus versions when it comes to manga. The more you can pack in one volume the better. It is also cheaper. Series also tend to have many ups and downs too.
Which would you rather read, long or short books?
Medium is the best, but if I have to pick I say short books. By short I mean 300 pages or less. Just like it happens with series, I need to be really really invested to finish a long book. I have an easier time finishing short books, but also some long books are so engaging that I manage to finish them faster than a short book. It really depends. However, looking at my favourites list the books I love tend to be short and the ones that aren’t are usually part of a series.
Which format do you like best?
Paperback. However, a lot of the books I want to read aren’t easily accessible to me in my country so I have no other option than get them on ebook. Nothing beats the feeling of a physical book in my hand, turning the pages and seeing how far I have come though.
What are you currently reading?
So many books hahaha but given that a lot of them are on pause I am just going to answer with the ones I am paying attention to at the momet. The Count of Monte Cristo and My Brilliant Friend in paperback. I am also reading at least one poem a day from the Complete Poems of Robert Frost.
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haruchyio · 3 years
omg I just read your hc of langa reader and I also wanted to request one like that lmao .Can I request an hc with a reader like Izumi miyamura, who at school is very quiet and dressed in a more formal way, but outside she dresses very pretty and cool and has piercings / tattoos and that is more intimidating than it seems, maybe he also gets into fights or something? you can obviously ignore this request! I would like it to be with mikey, chifuyu and baji, thank you <333
izumi miyamura ! s/o hcs
— characters. sano manjiro, matsuno chifuyu, keisuke baji x reader (separate)
— themes. fluff
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# sano manjiro.
prim and proper, quiet because nobody really talks to you aside from academics related stuff. when mikey first met you, he actually thought you were just another boring student. so at school, he never really went out of his eay to talk to you because you didn't catch his attention
however, that soon changed when he saw you fighting a gang by yourself, in an empty street. at first, he didn't really recognize you to be the quiet classmate he awlays ignored. afterall, no prim and proper student like you would wear piercings and have tattoos decorating their arms, right?
he was impressed when you managed to beat down all the men on your own without breaking a sweat, and he had the greatest idea to recruit you because you were a good fighter and thought you'd be a great asset to toman
he was caught off guard when you introduced yourself though. like ???? wht the fuck do you mean you're that timid (l/n) (y/n) from his class ?????
he really love your piercings btw and would ask about it everytime he gets the chance. did it hurt? do you think it'll look good on me if i get a matcjing one? where else do you have piercings on? where did you get it?
still in complete shock when he enters his classroom and you're back to your quiet persona, pierxings nd tattoos hidden behind your hair and sleeves
100% will follow you around school and pester you to tell him all about yourself
everyone is so confused as to why the manjiro sano is so invested in learning more about the shy kid in their class, they might even gossip around as to what your relationship with him is.
mikey will physically drag you to meet his friends and basically force you to join toman because he wants to "hangout" with you
he will !!! get matching piercings with you !!!! just you wait and see !!!!
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# matsuno chifuyu.
chifuyu never expected himself to fall for you. let alone be friends!! he always sees you in class but never made na attempt to talk to you because he doesn't see a point in having a meaningless conversation with you.
you were his english partner for a project, and as you spent the rest of the week working with him, he got to know you little by little. you became good friends with him and overtime, he starts to develop this little crush towards you
in order to finally finish the project, you insisted that you both could do it on your house during the weekend and he agreed.
though he's... in shock? no, that's not the word. he's baffled.
imagine his mouth hanging wide open when you opened the door to reveal a different version of you. wearing a sleevless top that displayed the artistic inks that decorated your arms up to your neck, and the many piercings on your ears—who even were you?
he honestly thought you were a sister. that or he got the wrong address.
but here he was, sitting at the edge of your bed with you beside him, awkwardness creeping unto his skin.
"candy?" he asks when you handed him a bag of sweets.
"my mom won them all but they're all weird flavors..."
chifuyu rummaged through the bag and took out a clay flavored one, and placed the bag down on the floor.
"what flavor is that?"
chifuyu unwrapped the candy and ploped it in his mouth, swirling it against his tongue to get a good taste of the odd candy.
"what does it taste like?"
kissy kissing
chifuyu had to take a moment to process that your lips were on top of his, and he suddenly couldn't breathe like @-#/)(#-£
it was just a quick smooch though so you pulled away just as soon as your lips met, a thoughtful look on your face as you licked your lips
"it does taste bitter, huh. weird."
chifuyu will blush so hard. where did his shy crush go? where did your sudden boldness came from????
not that he's compaining though because he got a free kiss. will definetly ask you for another to act cool so you wont know thst you flustered him
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# baji keisuke.
you reminded baji of himself. how he leads a double life when in school, and how different he is when he's not.
he met you coincidentally when he's on his way to their toman meeting and you startled him when you jumped over the fence at the back of the school in a hurry.
he thought you were really cool because your movement looked so natural, like climbing up a fence was something you do in a daily. "discount eggs! gotta go!"
you hastily announced to no one in particular but he knew you saw him, so he assumed that the announcement was for him. discount eggs? the fuck is that?
but when his mother caleld him to go get groceries, he realized what you menat by discount eggs. in the center of the grocery store was a huge crowd of people, holding their money up high, surrounding a poor staff as they try to accommodate the people begging for their discounted eggs.
"hey! i got here first, old hag!"
baji turned to look at the source of the voice, a laughter bubbling at his throat at the insult, only to stop when he saw you.
you looked so different even when you were still in your uniform.
no, it was different. you had your white uniform unbuttoned to reveal the black shirt you had underneath, he could barely see a black ink peaking out the nape of your neck.
baji whistled to himself
was that really you???? the shy classmate that sits at the very back of the classroom??? fighting an old woman for eggs?????
just wow.
baji will approach you with this smug smirk, placing a hand on your shoulders while proudly exclaiming "we're best friends now, got it?"
"here, i got too many eggs. take this as a symbol of our blooming friendship."
you're equally as shocked as he was when you found out he was involved in a gang. he even pestered you in joining toman and enter his division so he'll have a reason to hang around you.
in his logic, if you're like him, then you must be really good at fighting just like he is underneath your shy and timid persona in school. he believes that with his whole heart
he genuinely enjoys your company though, in and out of school. he sticks by your side when he gets the chance, even if its to do groceries.
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© sen (haruchyio). all rights reserved. no work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without my permission.
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emilyoracle · 2 years
How to Make Instantly Likeable Characters: Pt. II
Okay, I can't guarantee instant, but... gotta have those attention-grabbing titles, folks. This guide is actually three guides in one!! Aren't you lucky! We are going to discuss:
How to effectively introduce a character
How to get readers emotionally invested in a character instantly as quickly as possible
How to make a new character likeable (or dislikeable) in a few lines
Getting Readers Emotionally Invested
We've all been there. We're reading a story and realize that we just. Don't. Care. We know the characters, we know what they want, we know the stakes, but we can't seem to give a shit. Truth be told, sometimes you do everything you're "supposed" to and still the audience doesn't care. Audiences want to love your characters; if they don't, they rarely stick around to discover your brilliant plot twist. If you have everything you're "supposed" to and still don't see the engagement you're looking for, it might not have anything to do with character development or plot. It may be because your characters aren't attention-grabbing. This isn't a character creation guide. And while this may be a controversial take, I don't think you need to spend hours developing a character, determining their favorite color and brand of microwave, in order to make them realistic or interesting. You just need to make them likeable. Yeah, no duh, you might think. But I don't mean likeable as a person. I'm talking about likeable as a character. They don't have to be heroic or charming or kind or really have any virtue at all. You could make your protagonist an annoying, shitty person and still make them a likeable character. How?
Agency and Reason.
Agency is one of the most important qualities of a likeable character, and especially important for a protagonist. If the plot happens to a character, if they spend the entire story reacting and not acting, it's hard to root for them. Readers want an active character who is consciously working towards an achievement, whether that's as big as saving the world (or destroying it!), or as small as getting to school on time. A branch off this is obtaining achievement. You don't want to hand everything to your characters just because they put in a little effort, but on the same note, it gets tedious and frustrating for your audience when your character tries and tries and tries but never gets anywhere or achieves anything. You might think that's obvious, but I have beta read plenty of manuscripts where writers just beat their characters into the dirt for chapters on end with no reward. Throw your characters (and readers!) a bone. - Reason is part of the package, too. Your audience needs to understand a character's motives and reasoning, whether or not they agree with them. Think of season-one Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender: he actively works towards catching the avatar (even though we don't want him to achieve this), and his reason is that he believes it will finally earn his father's love and approval. The audience knows that gaining his father's approval means being a terrible person, but they understand it nonetheless. Thus, even as a bratty, self-centered antagonist, Zuko was a likeable character because he acted with agency and the reasoning behind his decisions made sense. If you have no idea what I'm talking about because you've never watched Avatar the Last Airbender please go do that right now. Drop everything. I'm just kidding. Kind of. But do watch it. Now, you don't need to spill a character's tragic backstory right away or immediately explain their motive with stiff exposition. In fact, there are plenty of instances where withholding a character's "reason" might be beneficial to the story, plot, and reader intrigue. But if you want your character to be a likeable one, at least hinting towards their reason is necessary. When there is no clear "why" behind an action, you aren't giving readers any motivation, and therefore nothing to be emotionally invested in in the first place. If a character is digging into a mountain, that's boring and tedious. If a character is digging into a mountain because their lover was cursed to be stuck inside it for all eternity, that's tragic and attention-grabbing. - Okay, this is all fine and dandy, Em, but how do we get readers emotionally invested quickly? That's what you promised.
Ah, that's right. I did. In general, authors get one (1) chapter to draw a reader in, so I'd say emotional investment would preferably take less than that. You want readers ending the first chapter eager to spend more time with the characters. Here's a neat psychological trick: reward them for it. Reward readers for investing in your character. Remember what I said above about obtaining achievement? It's actually a good idea to do that almost immediately. It's not just your characters that want to win! It's your readers, too. So show them right away why they should invest in this character and then reward them for doing so. Give your character(s) a smaller goal to work towards, that they can actually achieve, within your first chapter. If you throw them into the thick of the main plot that still has three-quarters of the book to reach a climax, you're setting your audience up for a lot of strife and struggle with no reward. I'm going to use my own story as an example (this isn't a plug, it's not published and likely never will be). The pitch is: The empress, reincarnated as a slave, must cross the continent with the enemy prince in order to free her people and reclaim her empire. The main goal, the plot, is for the empress to get across the continent and reclaim her empire. But before that, in the very first chapter, she has to free herself from slavery. She has a goal, she has a (pretty obvious, but still justifiably demonstrated) reason for why she wants it, she overcomes obstacles to actively work towards it, and she achieves it: all within the first chapter. A word of caution: Don't let the small achievement be a complete "arc." In the above example, the MC escapes slavery, but it's not the end of an arc, it's the beginning. There are still unanswered questions, such as: Where will she go? Can she survive on her own? Can she evade being captured again? Remember, more than rewarding your readers, you want to leave them hungry for more. This isn't the be-all-end-all method for getting emotional investment in one chapter, but it's the easiest to incorporate regardless of your experience, style, or genre. (Other methods? Tease your audience with a titillating question and don't answer it, captivate them with a dynamic between characters that they'll want to see more of, entertain them with humorous prose and style, entice them with hints of what's to come, or simply compel them to the next chapter with a good cliff hanger. If you're really ambitious, try all six at once.) - To sum up: If you want readers to be emotionally invested in your story from the start, give your characters agency, make sure their motives are clear and understandable (even if they're not agreeable), and give them a small goal to actively work towards and achieve within the first chapter. Check out Part I: Effectively Introducing Characters, and stay tuned for Part III, being posted tomorrow: Making a Character Likeable (or Dislikeable). - Remember to write a sentence of your story today~ Thanks for reading!
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
you said kishi wrote a gay love story on purpose saying that the fact they invested so much in a 15 year long project is proof,
so why do all that and then ruin it at the end? have them be het, have children and create all that? what happened to the story 'they were so invested in'??
😳 Because it's shounen? What, did you expect them to get married in some gay ass ceremony with Sakura as their flower girl? Did you think they would kiss and Konoha would wolf whistle and throw rice at their heads? Did you really think that, that was a possibility? What are you even asking me? Guess you are new to my blog.
I will not repeat myself for your benefit, but you are welcome to go through my blog, the trials and tribulations of Kishi to continue writing a gay love story till the end, I repeat till the end because the last chapter is so utterly out of sync with preceding 699 chapters, you asking me this question seems almost surreal to me. But have at it.
However, it's not like having them be married to women and having children with them is such a proof of heterosexuality. No. The proof is in the narrative so fully rich with poetically and aesthetically placed nuances and twists and turns that assimilate so seamlessly with the development of Sasuke and Naruto's characters, that I don't have to look at a poorly manufactured and ridiculously inferior attempt of continuing to milk a gargantuan franchise for any fucking proof. Yes, that's what Boruto is.
And bless Kishi, who could have chosen to finally write Naruto and Sasuke as heterosexual in the sequel, but my dude still writes them like they are in love with each other while their actual wives either make do with twelve year long absences or sleep on their beds alone. We really don't need to know any of this for Boruto's sake but we still keep getting bombarded with throwbacks to SNS moments from part one and two. You think the producers aren't aware of this??
Look. It's really not that difficult a deduction. Like I always say, work with what you have. Solid facts. The fact is Kishimoto wrote 699 chapters dedicated to a love story between two male characters and that he didn't leave any stone unturned to tell us how they were made for each other visually, symbolically, narratively, like cosmic freaking lovers and this is all literally text. The haphazardly applied band aid that is the last chapter doesn't overturn any of that. Any conscientious reader or viewer should be able to see that.
People underestimate the process in which stories are written. Which is to say that they often ignore the deliberation with which an author decides to give us information about the plot and the characters. They don't question it, well if you don't question it, you won't understand it.
The fact is Kishimoto mindfully wrote a vastly intricate narrative that gently but routinely and firmly urged the audience to evaluate and revaluate the nature of Sasuke and Naruto's relationship in order to process the progression of the story. It is so well assimilated in this medium defined genre (shounen), that a younger, more inexperienced audience may still enjoy it without noticing the details that are so obvious, they are easy to miss. But a more mature audience will notice it. And marvel at the obviousness of the fine details. Naruto and Sasuke's story is a poetry of paradoxes. And trust me, it's a privilege to understand it in its finer details. I don't call it one of the greatest love stories in the world for nothing.
It's a coming of age story as well. Coming of age stories don't always end positively. Boruto does not read like a positive ending to me. Not for Naruto and Sasuke, the two heroes and survivors, who look so perennially dejected and defeated, Kishi makes a point of it. Why? Does this not scream investment? Why still be loyal to consistent characterization in a sequel that is not even about the two characters anymore?
The proof is in the pie. Like, please look nowhere else. It's all in there, just be more open, a bit curious. It's in text, subtext, visuals, like tbh, what I don't understand is how you miss it...
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wordsnstuff · 3 years
Tips on Writing Grief
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Get the Reader Invested
It’s difficult to get a reader to care about a character’s grief when they can’t draw any personal connection from the situation. With this topic, it’s important to represent more universal characteristics of an experience most people have had and evoke emotions most people can empathize with. It’s more effective to remind readers of their own experience by depicting it through the eyes of another person than it is to get them invested in the details of the loss itself.
Long-lasting Impact
Grief is a long process and it’s rare that it’s ever really “over”. The loss of a person is never recovered from, and you need to keep that in mind, especially if that loss is integral to the plot or the character arc. It may not always mean your character bursting into tears at the mention of their loved one’s name, but a sad smile when they find their loved one’s bobby pins between the couch cushions one day. There will be opportunities you find in the story to evoke these emotions in little ways that remind the reader that the character is still grieving and getting through the loss. These moments enrich the emotional payoff of the story.
The Change of Perception
When someone suffers a loss, it serves as the catalyst for change. Change of behavior, change of world view, change of values and priorities, etc. It may not always be extremely apparent, but the change should be there, and it should be easily connected to the grief. The absence of a person changes the way someone lives their life, thinks of things they associate with their loved one, and prioritizes various things. They may go through a phase where they “live in the moment because you’re never guaranteed a tomorrow”, or they may decide they want to do something because they’re convinced it’s “what they would have wanted”. We’re all familiar with these instances, and it can be more subtle or blatant than that depending on the character and the nature of their loss.
Personalize the Process
Grief is not a universally characterized experience. Everyone processes loss differently, and changes in unique ways to their personality and background. They may be very familiar with loss and have a better understanding of how they experience it, leading to a tougher exterior while they deal with it internally. They could be experiencing it for the first time and struggling to even identify what feelings they’re having and why. These things are all affected by who they are and what they’ve experienced in the past, so when you’re designing a character’s grieving process, you have to construct it around the characteristics and background you’ve already developed.
Pace & Momentum
No grief is linear or uniform. There’s no prescribed order of stages, not really, and the progression of a character’s grief is completely personal and dependent on them. However, when you’re laying out a character’s grief arc, pay attention to where the momentum of the process is impacted by other events. Even if the plot is about the character’s grief, the grief should be impacted by events outside the character’s internal struggle. Grief can be accelerated or decelerated by positive and negative events/interactions happening to the character. Keep close track of the momentum, because the grieving plot can become very disjointed or inconsistent if these exchanges are not crafted with intention.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
What did you think of the way the redemption arcs were handled in Naruto? And do you think the bnha's redemption of their villians follow a similar path to how it played out in Naruto?
Well now that my initial reaction to the story has toned down, I can look at it a bit more clearly lol
At first I really liked Naruto's and Sasuke's storyline together, AND I STILL DO--BUT, there are some things in it that fell kinda flat to me at the end. My initial reaction was just "Omg they're friends again and they love each other again I'm so happy happy endings for everyone", but now I can actually see some stuff I didn't care for.
But really quick: honestly the only redemptions from Naruto I see being somewhat replicated in BNHA are Sasuke and Obito.
I did a really long explanation here on comparing those two to Shigaraki and Kurogiri, so I'm not gonna get super into it again (it's a lot of words lol).
BUT to answer your question yes I think those two arcs are big inspirations for the way Shigaraki's and, eventually Kurogiri's, arcs will play out.
Sasuke's arc, I mean I loved it and he's my favorite from Naruto. His arc had all the drama and pain and just, his arc was the heart of the story. But his character specifically was not exactly the best handled.
Basically I think what Horikoshi is doing with Shigaraki is a way way wayyyyy more improved version of Sasuke's arc:
Goes down a dark path due to trauma and manipulation
Gets worse and worse throughout the story, as in commits more crimes/atrocities/causes more pain to others/whatever
Develops through friends they made along the way, reminding readers of their humanity
Get even WORSE closer to the end
Being shown one final attempt of love and friendship/compassion and all that and finally breaking down those walls between the two opposing characters
Redeem themselves by reconciling/uniting with the protag and helping defeat the common enemy, therefore saving the rest of the cast the readers care about
I would say that Sasuke fell short on the "developing through friends" part, as I never really got the vibe that he was super invested in the wellbeing of "Snake"---> "Eagle". Whereas with Shigaraki, it's kind of just ingrained in his character that he cares about other people but can't healthily express it due to the Traumas™️.
I ALSO think that it was kind of dumb to have Sasuke reunite with team 7, defeat Kaguya, and then still double down and want to kill Naruto of all people because he made a last minute decision to take Naruto's dream from him. But more importantly, there HAD to be an open heart-to-heart between the two of them for the ending to land. I loved the final fight between the two of them, but I think it was out of order. Like...if it had happened before the fight against Kaguya, idk.
I see what Kishimoto was trying to do though. It's basically what Horikoshi is trying to do too (just better). You have someone who is drowning in their pain and has lost the ability to even ASK for help, and then you have someone who is willing to risk it all to get through all that pain and get to the core of that person and bring them back to the surface, because they care and love and feel all those things for people they aren't obligated to care about and love. It's a pretty feel-good story. Both of them are, but I think Shigaraki is just, ten times better written than Sasuke.
Kurogiri and Obito---> I don't have much to predict except I think things will get desperate and they'll need Kurogiri's warp maybe, but because of Shigaraki's hand thing possibly decaying everything in sight they'll have to leave Monoma to erase decay and Aizawa will make another attempt to get to Kurogiri's core. Which will eventually lead to Kurogiri helping Aizawa realize that the way heroes have been handling villains for generations is not going to help anything, and some changes need to be made. And I don't know how, but I'm assuming Kurogiri is going to die in the process of helping Shigaraki and Midoriya defeat AFO, like as a final act to make sure AFO disappears for good Kurogiri sacrifices himself or something. Basically a lot like Obito I think he'll end his arc saving everyone alongside the LOV and it'll be a bittersweet good bye (also that's what I think will happen with Twice too at the end).
And then, exactly in the same way Konoha pardoned Sasuke after he saved all of them, I really do think society in BNHA will look the other way from the LOV after they save everyone. I really expect this conversation to take place again between Aizawa and the LOV at the end:
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as well as this one:
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Aizawa's conversation with Aoyama is too perfect to not be repeated and used with the LOV. Walking alongside people who reach out to you....come on man. That's the LOV and the UA kids.
But anyway, aside from the other things throughout the story that were clearly an inspiration for a lot of stuff in BNHA, those two characters' arcs are the endings I expect to see basically taken right out of Naruto and put into BNHA lol.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P6] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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A/N : Hello ! I wanted to start by thanking you guys for the AMAZING responses on chapter 5. This makes me want to continue investing in this story !! I read all of your messages and I cherish them, they make me want to continue. I'd also like to thank my beta reader for her hard work. I hope that you will enjoy this chapter as much as the others.
Please always tell me your opinion as it’s my kryptonite ! Also feel free to ask to get tagged.
Synopsis : Isn’t love a matter of timing after all ?  That’s what Sabo has always thought. It was about finding the right tempo, making the right moves and hitting the right spot. Patience is a virtue after all, and he had a lot of it. It all started when your ex cheated on you. You were heartbroken, you needed someone and he was there. Was he always that hot ? You didn’t know. But after that night you have never seen him in the same way. Chapter Warning : Smoking (cigarettes) - mention of ex relationships AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/31877203/chapters/81748033
P I - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6
I made a playlist for this chapter but I suggest you listen to it after ! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3posJHlUg1XFJzQbPkjF0J
The crimson-haired man ceased to look at you, as if it hurt to do so. Your lack of response discouraged him. How could it be otherwise? You had created a narrative where he was a cheater, believed in it, ended the relationship - all of this without him knowing; without him even doubting it. It was ironic enough that he who saw so clearly in the future, he who knew how to read people’s moves so easily was totally blind when it came to love. Or maybe had he tried to blind himself? To overlook the fact that you weren’t answering your phone anymore? To find excuses upon excuses for you? He had always been that type of person after all. As a big brother, as a “responsible” person, it was second nature to him to bottle up his feelings and to never lose composure. And even in this moment, he couldn’t tell you how much your actions hurt him.
But for once, he accepted the fact that he saw a future that you weren’t a part of. Deep down, he knew that by overlooking the signs and hints, he has also played a role in the downfall of your relationship.
He saw it too clearly: you weren’t his anymore. Just like when you excluded him from the decision making, choosing to put an end to your relationship on your own - you didn’t even have the courage to tell him that yourself. He had to do the same: fill in the gaps and read between the lines. He remained silent for a moment. He got up from his seat when he gave up on you saying anything.
He moved towards the door, ready to leave all your shared memories behind his back.
People don’t always get the closure they need in order to move on, he knew that too well.
“Katakuri,” you called for his name weakly. He didn’t know if it was his imagination or if you had really pronounced his name. He turned his head towards you, unimpressed.
Your heart was pounding hard in your chest. You knew that if you let him go now you would regret it forever. You knew that you had to tell him about everything. He deserved it, after all. It was hard to be the bad guy of the story. But you had been a bitch and you had to face the consequences of your behavior. Wasn’t that what being an adult meant?
“There is something else that I think you need to know,” He seemed interested now. He was listening to you without turning your way.
“I apologize for everything that I have done and I know that you will probably not forgive me and honestly, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't either.” You took a deep breath before going on. “What I am going to say might be hard to hear, but I feel like you need to know it.”
You don’t know exactly how the rest followed, nor how you found the courage to tell him about everything. You didn’t get to any details, it would have been too cruel, but you told him what he needed to know.
“I am really sorry, but I think that it’s best for us to split up. My feelings have changed, I have caused enough damage as it is. I think that it’s better for both of us. I am really sorry I hurt you.”
You looked down and from this angle you couldn’t see his smile. It was bitter, the smile of someone that had seen all of this coming. And yet, he was relieved that you confided in him. It was the closure he needed after all. At least now, he could move on.
* * *
The cigarette trembled between your index and middle finger. Your head was clouded. It took too much effort to try and empty your head, to try not to think of what was going to happen. You had lost so much already and what you were going to lose was beyond repair. With every breath you took, you felt your stomach contract and your legs get weaker. It was one of those days when you wished you hadn't woken up. Despite all of this, a feeling of peace submerged you. Peace? Maybe because you had been honest to your ex, maybe because you were trying to be honest to yourself. What got you into this situation was your indecision after all. You didn’t want to hide anymore.
If you can’t see it, then it doesn’t exist. This mentality of yours had to change and you were going to change it tonight. It was the best opportunity, it had to happen, you had to grow. Maybe to some extent, your “romantic” failures weren’t all to blame on others, maybe you also played a role, maybe you weren’t ready yet. Didn’t Sabo say the same thing?
“I thought that you stopped a long time ago.”
A firm voice broke your trance. His hand snitched the cigarette from your lips before putting it out with the sole of his shoe.
“Hey!” You whined in protest, features softening when you were met with his dark eyes.
“I did quit. But I was stressed,” you tried to justify yourself. “I needed it.” You mumbled.
“Bullshit. You always have the choice.” He shrugged and took place next to you on the sidewalk.
Choices, decisions, you were already done with all of this. An awkward silence swallowed the atmosphere, but it seemed as if it was only awkward for you.
Now that you had nothing to do with your fingers and mouth, you started scratching at your wrist slightly - a nervous tic.
The ambience of the park offered you, however, a feeling of safety. The darkness hid your embarrassment. He was now sitting next to you and it was as if words deserted your mind. He didn’t want to pressure you, he didn’t say anything. Under the moonlight, his blond hair took on a silvery shade. He kept looking in front of him, hands in his pockets. Silence didn’t bother him, he knew that something was wrong, otherwise you wouldn’t have texted him to come to the park at around midnight.
Truth is, you couldn’t calm down, you felt like you had to come clear about this whole situation, you felt like you had to make a decision. You felt that if you let today pass, then you would find one hundred excuses and hide again.
It was now or never.
“Sabo,” you started.
“Y/N,” he mirrored your answer.
“I’m going to tell you something... But please don’t judge me, alright?”
“Have I ever judged you?” He arched an eyebrow, his eyes meeting yours, making you switch your gaze almost instantly.
“Well... You have... Like that time I used the microwave at your place…”
“Y/N, you microwaved a fork…” You fake pouted as you playfully punched his arm.
“Well, the fork was in the bowl and Ace was there and he didn’t say anything! Not my fault.”
“And you trusted Ace?” he smiled and held your wrist to stop you. “He’s a living disaster. You guys can’t do anything without me, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah. What would I do without my Mr. know-it-all of a best friend?” you laughed it off.
Best friend. That word reminded you of the reason why you contacted him so late. You coughed two times, trying to switch his attention to you. Laughing things off helped ease the atmosphere. You twirled a hair strand around your finger then started as if you were going to give a speech.
“Hey, I’m gonna try to... be decisive…”
“That’s some character development.”
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” he said with a sweet smile. You sighed and started bouncing your leg nervously.
“So If I called you tonight it’s not to have the pleasure of your company… and it’s not to rip you off your precious hours of sleep... It’s also not to... ”
Noticing that you were starting to diverge from the topic, he held your hand in his softly and gave you an encouraging look. Honestly speaking, he didn’t have much patience around others but he had loads of it with you.
“I called you for something else. And don’t you dare hang up on me next time! I want to have a serious conversation about…everything, about us, and most importantly about…” you sighed before continuing “About my ex situation.”
He took his hand off yours now that you seemed calmer. He was surprised by your willingness to talk about such matters. It was a pleasant surprise to him, it meant that you wanted to take things in hand, that you were growing.
“I’m listening to you.”
“I thought that it was only fair for you to know as well... that I fucked up pretty badly. I assumed that my ex cheated on me and as it turns out, he didn’t. I just learned it this evening so I feel very confused and bad. It’s a long story. It was just me, assuming things because I was scared and because I feared confrontation. Then everything happened so fast between you and me... I shouldn’t have... I feel very ashamed. For him, for you, for acting so immature.”
Your voice cracked and you couldn’t hold your tears any more. You looked down and started wiping your tears with both hands on your face. You didn’t want to cry in front of him because you had caused him pain as well. Sometimes not taking action is also an action and it has consequences.
You didn’t dare look at him, did he look disappointed? Did he stop loving you? After all, you didn’t even know the reason behind his love. Maybe he was “playing games” too as that anon suggested on Reddit. No, you couldn’t afford to assume things again now. You had to be honest, raw, vulnerable. You couldn’t see his reaction through your tears, but you felt his hand on the top of your head, gently bringing you towards him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Wow, this really sucks.” You were surprised by his reaction, but the fact that it wasn’t one of disappointment as well as his easy-going demeanour released your stress. You started sobbing, shoulders shaking. He didn’t know how to react at first, but one thing he knew for sure: you came first, and he hated to see you cry.
“Shh... Here, here... It’s okay to cry... Let it all out...” He then continued “It’s going to turn out just fine. You can count on me, okay?”
“I was a really bad person. I should’ve acted differently. I should’ve at least told you... or Nami or someone... but I just... assumed things... I was so scared that you’d stop... that you’d stop being my... friend... And stop loving me…”
His grip tightened around your shoulder as he pressed you a bit closer to him. He offered you a warm smile as he spoke in the same light note.
“Well, whatever happened, happened. I don’t think that you are a bad person. You’re human and you made a mistake that you’re now aware of. I know that you had no ill intentions. At least you learned something, hm? And about me... Aren’t you underestimating me a bit?” He smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Did you forget that I’m Luffy and Ace’s brother? I’m tough, you know.”
You were overwhelmed by his kindness, and this just made you realize that it wasn’t only about your feelings, you couldn’t count on everyone else to put up with you and clear up your mess.
“Sabo, you’re so kind.” Despite your mascara running under your eyes and you looking like a total mess, he found you incredibly beautiful. He felt proud, he knew how hard it was for you to go through all of this. He felt like it was worth it that he had loved you for this long, you were honest and strong, even if you weren’t aware of that strength, you had proven it in this moment.
“I’m not being kind.” He meant it; after all, his intentions weren’t all that innocent towards you, he had wanted you from the start. “I’m just being truthful, as your best friend.”
Maybe he wanted more, but he was content being your friend as well. Since for him everything needed time, he had no right to rush you.
Love is a matter of timing after all. Too fast and all of his subtle efforts would go to waste.
“About that... I mean... The “best friends” part...” He could easily see your chest heaving with your breath. Your heartbeat raising little by little until it was unbearable, your lower lip slightly trembling as you dreaded the weight of the words you were going to pronounce. He looked at you with genuine interest and curiosity; he laid off a bit, turning your way.
“I don’t think that we could act this way anymore...” You dug your nails into the palm of your hand nervously.
“I... told Katakuri about everything. I told him that I couldn’t be with him anymore because of how things have changed. I can’t be here and pretend that nothing happened when so much did…”
“Nothing has changed for me.” He said in a stable voice, trying to anticipate your reaction. Despite being sure of himself, of every step he had taken till now, he felt a hint of uncertainty, for this was a variable that he hadn’t taken into consideration.
“But everything changed for me, and I can’t ignore it. I can’t continue to play pretend... Of course it was convenient for me... And I didn’t wanna lose... Whatever it is that we have. But I didn’t realize that it had already changed. I can’t be your friend anymore, Sabo. Not like this. Not with these thoughts in mind. Not after…” Y our eyes flicked from his lips to his eyes and back. “After... everything we did.”
You didn’t give more reasons, but your eyes gave one hundred more.
We can’t be friends because I touched myself to the thought of you. Because I can’t help but think about being with you. Because I don’t stand the thought of you being with someone else. Because I love the way your arms fit around me. Because I love everything about you, from the way you say my name to these stupid blond eyelashes that reflect the light everytime you blink. And most importantly... because I love your way of loving me unconditionally.
As much as I want you...
As much as you want me back...
I can’t be with you, not now, because it would hurt me and hurt you even more, because I have to make a decision, because I can’t draw the line between love and lust and because I am afraid to wrong you in the way I was wronged.
But just for a moment, just for this time, you wanted to kiss him just one last time. You wanted to get intoxicated by that mint smell that you have grown addicted to. He looked at you as he drank your words, eyes reflecting the darkness of the sky. His piercing gaze seemed to understand your dilemma. Suddenly, the emptiness of the park felt too weighty and the air too heavy.
“Say something,” you pleaded, almost begging him to break the silence.
To words, he preferred actions. Before you even realized, he captured your lips into the kiss you were longing for. His hand was fast to encircle your back, pressing your upper body against his. Your fingers instinctively reached for the fabric of his shirt, tugging on it as to pull him closer. For him to kiss you so passionately, it only made you realize his burning desire for you. The more you kissed in an attempt to ease your craving, the hungrier you got for his lips, for his stupid minty taste. But it wasn’t nearly enough for you, the growing warmth and tingles created a desire that you were unable to appease yet. You pressed your legs together when his free hand gently rubbed your thigh. He kissed you deeply, almost willing you into giving up on your decision to give in to his embrace. He was indeed that good of a kisser, making you want to shift into his lap and have him inside of you. You whined at this thought growing more eager, tongue chasing his, teeth nibbling on his lips. But you eventually had to break the kiss, even when you prayed for the seconds to last for hours, it was bound to end. You took a moment to collect your breath again. His eyes were demanding, pupils dilated and greedy, yours were more modest, shifty.
“Looked like you were dying for it.”
He broke the silence, finger tracing your neck before lifting up your chin, making you lose composure as you looked into his deep gaze. It was too late to deny it, you were indeed dying for it. But instead of satiating you, that kiss felt like the promise of something forbidden. You only groaned meekly as an answer, feeling too weak to actively protest. You indulged in his embrace, resting your head in the crease of his neck. You breathed in his scent, even his hair smelled fresh like mint. As you took in a bigger gulp of air, you could inhale the subtleties of a thyme or violet underlying smell. What shampoo did he use? Another diverging thought that you discarded.
You closed your eyes. “Can we stay like this for a little longer?” you asked, and who was he to deny you so little? He revelled in your desperate need for his touch. He felt needed, wanted, but he knew that he shouldn’t get carried away, he knew that it wasn’t the right timing yet. So he just let you sink into his warmth. For now.
You peeled yourself off of him reluctantly. Your eyes avoided his. Nice progress ,he thought, but there was still need for improvement.
“I can’t be selfish, not anymore. I have to make a decision. I am sorry I can’t make up my mind yet.” Your voice cut through the silence, firm, yet not devoid of sensitivity.
You needed time, it was clear, but he was nothing if not patient with you. He was ready to settle for your friendship for now while he worked for your love, but he liked your idea more. He wasn’t one to push his emotions onto you, he was there to lead the dance, to toss a bottle into the sea. If good news came then good for him, if nothing came out then he had gambled and lost. But he wasn’t as detached and passive as things might have seemed, as he took multiple variables into consideration to place his best bet.
“Take all the time you need.” Not an ounce of annoyance was to be detected in his voice. It was steady, a rock that couldn’t be moved. He had what it took, he knew what he wanted and he was ready to wait for it because he had the deep belief that you were worth the wait.
“Why are you so patient? Don’t you think you’re too confident? Aren’t you scared? ” It was genuine curiosity, but you bit your tongue realizing that your words might’ve seemed cocky or doubting. His lips stretched into a roguish smile, making him devastatingly handsome. And here he was, a Sabo that you had encountered a few times between two eyelash beats. It was so destabilizing, the way he morphed into a totally different person from one second to another, giving you a strange feeling. It was something that you couldn’t fully place yet. He kept escaping from your grip while being totally still. He was like sand between your fingers and you were fascinated by the prospect of catching him.
“I thought that it was obvious, doll.” Here he goes again, calling you sweet names and raising the rhythm of your heartbeats. How did he make everything sound good? You would’ve scoffed at anyone else calling you ‘doll’, but that voice of his made it sound oh so appealing. Or maybe it was the seed of desire that he had planted in your core, that was now growing and blossoming, vines intertwining with your lungs.
He got closer again, black eyes scrutinizing yours.
“You can have all the time you need. What I want is simple, non-negotiable, immutable.”
At first he was startled; your ex appearing out of nowhere seemed like an inconvenience, but after giving it some thought, he realized that he was in luck. He didn’t have to make you choose, the choice was there for you to make.
“And what is it that you want?”
“You. But all of you.” He looked you up and down as he said this then got up. He wasn’t the type to settle for less. He wanted no compromises, no half-open doors, no half assed answers. If he wanted something then it was all of it, out of respect for you and for himself. Another reason was probably that he knew: the longer the chase, the bigger the prize.
He got up since he considered that the conversation was over now and it was also getting late. You looked at him, eyes wide open, cheeks aflame. His voice trailed off, cutting through the silence.
“No rush, I think that it’s better for you to focus on your exams for now. Will you manage without my help?” Another charming smile, shifting back to that playful Sabo you have always known. The mood felt less serious now.
“I think I’ll do just fine this time…” you smiled gently, following his lead.
“Good, then. Good night.” He put his hand on your head, softly ruffling your hair before turning back. He seemed a bit more distant now, like he was plunged into some deep reverie. You instinctively got up, looking intensely at his back slowly fading into the darkness. Before his silhouette got completely enveloped, you shouted.
He turned back instantly and you threw something in the air towards him. He was quick to catch it.
“I don’t think I need these anymore. Take them!”
He opened his hands, looking at the packet of menthol cigarettes and a blue lighter. He put it into his back pocket prior to giving you a proud smile. He then continued his way back home, leaving you behind. You felt both relieved because things had gotten a bit clearer, yet apprehensive since your feelings were still very much unclear. But maybe what you felt above all was exhaustion. You looked for a moment at your empty hands. Did you make the right choice? Whether it was good or bad, you couldn’t care less. At least you had acted true to yourself.
tag list : @chloenanami @mwls-garden @soanywaysistartedsimping @portgaslari @lofi-coffee @donvampiro @fishandfuck @vemuabhi @gabrielasalazar18 @kiriechanx
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