#but how dare anyone be anything but understanding and loving toward any of the LoV
problemswithbooks · 1 year
So, I think I just saw one of the worst takes for ch. 390--that being that Enji is being his asshole self because he's talking over Touya in his last moments.
I understand hating a character but I really don't know why people have the need to read everything they do from the most malicious angle possible. I get that Enji was a bad father, and even now makes mistakes, but it's really unfair to see him apologizing to Touya who has already been aloud to use what little breath he has left to speak, as him talking over him.
And the thing is people were shitting on Enji for not apologizing earlier, but now that he is, they have to find some other reason he's being terrible. I'm 100% positive that if Enji had just listened to Touya rant about hating everyone and wanted them all to die, these same people would say he was bad for not saying anything/apologizing.
Touya was barely coherent before Shoto froze him and now he's freezing from the inside out. He's charred to the bone and it's clear he's having trouble speaking the few times he did. For all the family knows, including Enji, Touya is dying. Does Enji really have the time to wait to apologize? And it's not like we see Touya trying to speak but getting cut off.
Saying Enji is making everything all about himself and speaking over Touya is overly harsh and clearly not the point the story is trying to make. It's just Enji finally apologizing to everyone, including Touya. The apology may not be enough, but even if it's not, it won't be because Enji talked over him and more that it came to late, or that words don't speak as loud as actions.
#idk#the way every non-Touya todoroki got heavily criticized these last few chapters really bugs me#like people make every excuse for Dabi#but as soon as the family gets upset because he's going to kill hundreds of innocent people#instead of telling him how much they want him to live and how much they love him#while risking their lives to try and save him mind you#they're big wrong and should try harder to be better siblings#like Touya's been dead to them for six years or more#and then it turns out he's been alive and shows up trying to kill your youngest brother#and admits to killing 30 random people to make your abusive dad look bad#and helps throw Japan in to a dystopian nightmare#and this makes everyone hate you#like idk i'd probably be more concerned with the hundreds of innocent people he's about to kill over him too#he's put your lives at risk multiple times and has already killed a lot of people#you haven't heard from him for 6 years and he let you think he was dead the entire time#like honestly Touya is lucky his siblings even bothered to show up to help him at all#like Rei and Enji should be there because they're obligated to be as his parents#but it would be more then fair for all of Touya's siblings to wash their hands of him after all the shit he put them through#but how dare anyone be anything but understanding and loving toward any of the LoV#it wouldn't bug me as much if Dabi got the same treatment#but when people said it was pretty shitty he left his family and let them think he was dead#he got the whole 'he owns his family nothing' treatment#like why does Touya own his family nothing#and it's fine for him to leave them to grieve his loss while he plots to murder shoto to show up there father#but wrong for Fuyumi and Natsu to not be 100% showing Dabi with love as he burns everyone in a 100 miles alive#including them
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
LoV headcanons
This is is there toxic traits when in fights:
Dabi is already described as a sociopath and manipulative.  If you guys weren’t in a relationship he becomes much more aggressive, or if you try to break up he will physically harm you because he doesn’t know how to keep you.
If you guys are in a relationship he would completely degrade you, and make fun of your ‘flaws’ and not give a fuck if your crying.  He will continue to insult you in the meanest way possible.  He honestly doesn't realize boundaries with anything.
What he does to make you feel better:
After your fight, you obviously say you guys are done and leave.  He’d probably have a fake sense of relief and will either go out to just walk and go over the entire fight, or he will take a nap.  After a few weeks he will slowly come to realize how he hurt you, and realized you guys aren’t in a relationship anymore.
Him being the possessive bitch he is, will not want you with another man, female or just romantic partner in general.  He would track you down, stalk you, even go as far to kill anyone who even shows interest in you.  He will start an obsession with leaving dead bodies at your window still, or them but cut up into tiny pieces in a bowl soaking in their own blood.
You guys don’t get back together because Dabi is crazy, and to obsessed with you.  Dabi never got over you, he wont not until you come back to him.
(help i'm reading a Hawks cheating story and I have tons of Hawks posters surrounding me.  I want to commit hate crimes on our Birb)
His quirk.  You would be arguing about something simple, like a video game.  Shigaraki is impatient and doesn’t know how to control himself, he attacked you while you were in mid sentence.  He’d be overly furious, and be shouting at you to shut up.
This happened on the regular, this time Shigaraki had taken it to far.  Everyone was use to the fights, they would leave for a few hours and return like nothing had happened.  Both of you were screaming at each other at the bar about a mission where you had to leave the new guy behind to the heros.  Both of you were furious, there was no fighting, not yet anyways.
“You can treat people like that!”, you shouted at your boyfriend who was fuming, “Who gives a fuck?!”, he hissed.  “me! I give a fuck!”, you exclaimed.  You guys were in a storm, it was so much bigger while you two were in it, but once you both looked away you realized how small it was.  Shigaraki grabbed your wrist, he was sure it was 4 fingers.
He didn’t notice the small tick of his pinkie hitting your skin, he didn’t notice the pained expression you wore, or you slowly turning into an ash.  “Tomura!”, you exclaimed, he let go.  You scrambled away from him, tears were falling down your eyes.  Then he noticed your arm slowly decaying, and the scared sobs leaving your lips.  He called Kurogiri, but nobody picked up.
He was frantically trying to stop it, anything.  He grabbed a knife to cut your arm off, but it had already spread to your chest.  The fear in your eyes had him crumbled to the floor.  HIs quirk was destroying everything around him, everything he loved, cared for, everything that meant something.
He knew you’d be gone forever, the only person who loved him was dying before his eyes.  He couldn’t do anything, he’s never felt so hopeless, or so defeated.  He looked at your eyes one last time, you didn’t have to say word, and to be honest it’s better left unsaid.  The feelings still remain the same, sometimes you feel more than you see.  
All the faces Shigaraki saw, every single day, yours was the one that brought him happiness, you were the one who brought him joy and love, you were the face he needs.  And when his mind is absorbed in on screen, and he’s walking blindly through crowds of people, he hears your voice reminding him all is going to be ok.
Now you were just a pile of ash. As simple as that, forgotten, dead.
Now he truly was alone.
(btw guys I am so sorry for this one I love Hawks, he would never cheat on you since he is a Red Tailed Feathered Hawk but I can see him doing this, once again I am sorry)
You guys had a fight, a pretty nasty one.  He had been leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night from work.  You were mostly concerned about his mental health, I mean, yes you did stay up at night and sometimes not sleep for a week, but this was on another level.
Hawks was mad you were trying to tell him what to do, when honestly you were just concerned, and almost begging him to come back and get some rest.  He left for a good few weeks, the entire time you were worried sick the point you had to quit your job, well more of fired for not working and lack of mental stability.
When Hawks returned he seemed quiet, less joyful. You wanted to slap him, but hug him and kiss him, just do everything to him at this point.  You couldn’t bring your feet to move though, the air was thick with a pregnant silence.  He was hiding something, you could tell by the way his eyes were full of fiery spirit or joy.  Even when fighting, or upset, he would look so alive.  Now he looked dead.
He sat down at the counter, drumming his fingers against the marbled surface, “There’s something I have to tell you”, he said.  “I stayed at my assistants house”.  An odd announcement you thought, but he wasn’t done.  “She kissed me”, he stated.
You were in shock, not able to utter a word for a few seconds, “W-what....what did you do?”, you had choked out.  “There’s a reason why I was gone for a week”, he mumbled.  A pain you hadn’t known struck your chest, he had cheated on you.
He fucking cheated on you.
You wanted to cry, to scream, to punch him, to leave, but none of that came up.  The man you had once loved, the man you had thought you knew was someone else.  “I understand if you want to break up”, he mumbled.  Your chest fought for air, all this love, all this compassion, this sympathy, you had gave up almost everything for him.  
“Fuck you”, was all you managed to say before leaving his apartment.
~A few months later~
You had gotten over him, even getting into a new relationship with his Assistant no less.  To be honest she was drop dead gorgeous with one of the most beautiful personality.  You loved her with all your heart, and so did she.  Now she had forgotten her lunch at home, you frowned knowing you would have to go to Hawks agency to deliver it to her.  But you were prepared for that.
You had a knew life, you had an amazing girlfriend, you loved her, and she loved you.  Once you were preapared to go deliever the food, you left the apartment and set foreward to Hawks Agency.  Little did you know Hawks was beyond eager to see you walking towards his Agency, he maybe or maybe not had been watching the security camera footage to see if you were ever going to come back to him.  His wings flapped excitedly when he saw you opening the door with a small container in hand.
“Shoyo, Y/N is coming, let’s go meet her downstairs!”, he exclaimed happily.  Shoyo did not like Hawks anymore, seeing him for the cheating bastard he was made her want to puke.  She rolled her eyes, not thinking it was her Y/N.
She followed him down the stairs, when she saw you a smile appeared, “Hey Y/N”, she chirped happily.  “Hey bub”, you greeted back.  Wait, no, that’s Hawks nickname, and why were you talking to her?! Wouldn’t you hate her for sleeping with your soulmate?!.
Hawks was in awe when you pecked her lips softly and whispered a few obsenities into her ear, Shoyo licked her lips.  “Sounds good babe!”, she said with a blush.  “W-what?!”, hawks shouted.  You looked over at him with a confused expression.  “Why are you with her?!”, he shouted.
“she’s a great person”, you said slowly, “And I love her”.  Shoyo grinned happily, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, he was furious, how dare you date someone else, his assistant no less,
From that day on he stalked you, leaving dead birds at your door, promising to kill Shoyo if you dare even show any affection towards her.  You and Shoyo will never solve the mystery of the man who still loves you.
No no no nono nonono she is baby she would not hurt you in anyway during a fight, same with Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner and Kurogiri!.
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dangerous-mess · 3 years
Breakeven (Kirishima x Bakugo x reader) Part 2
Characters: Bakugo, Kirishima, gender neutral reader, Dabi, mentions of Twice, mentions of Toga
Contains: Polyam relationships, language, implied that someone is drugged, implied of torture, kidnapping, nightmares, implied ptsd, arguing, manga spoilers (chapters 290 and 293), mentions of Bakugou’s hero name, mentions lov, filled with a lot of angst for a while, eventual fluff and happy ending I swear, time skips 
Word Count: 6K+ 
Months had passed since the encounter you had with Kirishima, and since then you had not heard from either of your ex-boyfriends. A part of you enjoyed the break, finally able to focus on yourself and your job. You slowly started to work longer shifts just to keep yourself busy, not sure what to do with the extra time on your hands. Though you would never admit it or say it out loud, you felt like you were missing a few pieces. You tried to fill the void that was left from the breakup, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, you gave in to your mom’s constant pestering and decided to try the whole dating scene again.
During this time you felt drawn to call or even text the two pro heroes who had stolen your heart all those years ago, but you knew it wouldn’t be worth it, afraid of being hurt once more by the two heroes. So with your busy schedule and being having the advantage as you did in high school, you did the only logical thing. You downloaded a dating app and before clocking into work for the day you made sure to have a profile set up hoping to match with some people during breaks.
You felt giddy, to say the least when you went on your first break of the day. You sat down and quickly pulled out your phone and opened the app. You began looking at profiles, swiping left or right depending on whether or not you felt you two would connect. One profile stood out the most to you, a young man, who appeared to be a bit older than you, You swiped right in a heartbeat and saw that the two of you had matched. You felt your heart skip a beat, quickly checking the time. You had five minutes left before you had to return to work, so you quickly typed out a message to this handsome stranger whose name was Touya. You made sure to apologize in advance for any daily, explaining you were currently at work and about to get off your break.
The rest of your shift went by quickly and you didn’t dare check your phone until you got home. You opened up the app as soon as you closed and locked the door to your apartment, happy to see that the man had replied. He was sweet and kind, and surprisingly wasn’t trying to force anything upon you right away. You texted him late into the night before he excused himself saying that he had work. You bid goodbye as he made a promise to message you when he got the chance. For the first time in a long time, you fell asleep happy, a smile plastered on your face.
The next few weeks were amazing, to say the least, in your eyes anyway. You finally felt like you found the piece you were missing and felt like things were finally falling into place. You and Touya had talked more often the past few weeks, even going as far and exchanging numbers and calling on the phone. You weren’t in love with him by any means, but just hearing his voice, definitely caused some butterflies to form in your stomach. His voice was just soothing and relaxing. It was calming you down after the intense days at the hospital and a part of you so desperately wanted to meet him, to go on a date with this sweet stranger. So that night when he called you, you took a chance and decided to take a chance and ask him.
“Hey Touya,” You whispered out, as you laid in bed, not wanting the moment to end. You heard him let out a small grunt as a response and you continued on with your question, “Can we, I mean, would you like to go on a date sometime?” You knew your voice quivered and you knew he heard it. There was silence for a moment and you began to shake and feel the tears well up in your eyes.
Finally, he spoke out, apologizing for the delay, he was just so caught off guard, before continuing on, answering the question. “When were you wanting to go on this date, cause if you aren’t busy we could go now? I know a café that just opened we can go to if you’d like.”
You quickly wiped your eyes, a smile growing on your face as the butterflies danced around in your stomach. “That sounds perfect, I’ll get ready if you wanna just text me the address.” You replied as you started to push yourself out of bed.
“Oh, I can give you time and just come pick you up, if you are okay with that.” He mumbled out, and before you could truly process the statement, you agreed. You gave him your address and he gave you a time he would be over, and with that, you hung up and began getting ready for the date.
Now, you weren’t an idiot, and as someone who had dated two pro heroes in the past, one would think you would be smarter than to give a random stranger whom you’ve never met in person and haven’t seen minus his dating profile your number, nevertheless your address, but you trusted this man. Though you would soon learn that was a mistake, and you should have taken better precautions, but alas it was too late.
You had gotten ready in no time, texting Touya that you were about ready if he wanted to start to head over, to which he replied that he was almost there. You felt your stomach fill with butterflies at the thought of meeting the guy who had brought light back into your life and made you feel like you mattered once more. You were brought back to reality by the sound of your phone going off, letting you know you had a new text, of course, you weren’t surprised to see it was from Touya. He said he was outside and you said you were on your way out. You were smiling like an idiot as you made your way out of the apartment and down to the lobby and front door. As you were about to walk out he said he parked in the alley beside the apartment complex. You thought that was a little weird but shook off the feeling and went out the door and towards the alleyway.
As you approached the alleyway, you didn’t see any car nor did you see anyone either. You called out for Touya before you felt an arm wrap around you from behind.
“Hey Doll,” The voice whispered out and it didn’t take you long to piece that the voice belonged to Touya. You went to turn around, hoping that this was all some prank he was pulling on you, but instead, you were met with a face you didn’t recognize.
“Touya?” You whispered out, your voice cracking at the end, fear starting to settle, as you began to realize what was happening. You started to try and get out of his arm, but his grip on you only tightened. It was a time like this you wished you kept up the training Bakugou forced you to do back at UA.
“How now, little mouse, don’t fight. You’ll only make this harder than it needs to be.” He whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. You started to feel sick to your stomach and realized how big of an idiot you really were. Based on what you knew, you needed to get away or get help now, as your chances of survival decreased by half the moment you are taken away.
You opened your mouth to scream, but was quickly met with a cloth covering your mouth and nose. You tried to hold your breath and not fall victim to this man, but in the end, you failed. You felt the world slowly start to spin and everything starts to go black. The last thing you heard before you were met with total darkness was ‘Touya’ speaking. “Guess you wanted to do things the hard way.”
You woke up what felt like hours later with a massive headache. You tried to move only to realize you were bound to a pole. The room you were in was dark and it was hard to make out anything. You tried to make out some noise, to hopefully call for help or to grab the attention of your capture. You only were able to let out a small groan which wasn’t that loud but clearly loud enough as you heard a voice start to speak from within the darkness.
“Well, well, well. Finally, you are awake, was getting a bit worried for a moment there that the batch was too strong, and killed you.” The voice spoke and before you knew it you were blinded as light filled the room. Your eyes began to readjust and there you saw him, ‘Touya’. You tried to move away from him as he approached you, but you couldn’t, you were just stuck. He stood in front of you for a moment, looking down at you, as if you were beneath him, and honestly, at this moment, you were. He crouched down, making sure he was eye level with you, and slowly lifted his hand, placing it on your cheek. You tried to move your head away from his hand, but that did no good.
“Touya…” You whispered out, your throat dry, making it difficult to get any words out. You looked at him, only to see him pull his hand back before it collided with your cheek. You flinched and fought back the tears that you could feel forming.
“Don’t you dare ever call me that. You’re lucky I let you use it this long. It’s Dabi, do you understand?”
You quickly nodded, fear just continuing to grow. You needed to get out of here or at least find a way to call for help. You had the next few days off work so it would be a few days before anyone even noticed you were missing unless of course, your mother decided to drop in and check on you, but that was a slim chance. You tried to think through a plan, your thoughts drowning out Dabi’s voice. You kept trying to remember everything Bakugou and Kirishima taught you in case something like this happened, but your mind was just going blank.
You were drawn back into reality by a sharp pain on the other side of your face. You looked at Dabi, who appeared to be growing annoyed and pissed off. “Listen to me when I'm talking to you, got it? Trust me you don’t wanna mess with me or anyone else here. We will be your worst nightmare.” You nodded and looked down, too afraid to make eye contact with him. But at least you learned something, he wasn’t alone.
The next few days were long and torturous. Dabi came to visit often, mostly to degrade you. You slowly began to piece together why you were here and who this group of people were, based on interactions you had with others that Dabi had mentioned on your first day. They were called the League of Villains, which you were familiar with, though you were told that heroes had handled and defeated them years prior, but clearly, that was all a lie. You questioned if the pros knew of this and secretly hoped and prayed that they did and someone would find you sooner than later. You could feel yourself growing weaker every day and as much as you tried to play the hero, it did no use. You were useless against Dabi and the league.
As days turned into weeks you could feel your mental state deteriorating, you won’t be able to hang in much longer. One particular day, one that was quite different than the rest before. You were left alone. No one came in to bring you some scraps and water, no one came to suck the life out of you. You just were met with silence, at least until you heard things crashing from up above. You assumed Twice or Toga had pissed off Dabi again and just ignored it, that was until you heard a familiar voice. A voice you hadn’t heard in so long and you were so grateful to hear it. You tried to call out and get the attention of those on the floor above, but you were weak and couldn’t muster anything louder than a whisper. You began to cry, knowing this was possibly the only chance you had to gain freedom and to be saved from the hell you were in. You kept trying to scream out, to call out for the pro heroes above, but nothing seemed to be working. Even as you heard someone fidget with the door handle at the top of the stairs, you couldn’t make enough noise to get anyone’s attention, at least so you thought.
The door eventually opened and the sound of footsteps came down the stairs. It was dark in the room and you were afraid it was Dabi and could feel your whole body begin to shake, your mind only thinking the worst. Had the heroes lost and you were forever stuck here, with the league. You were going to die here, you would never get to see Kirishima and Bakugou again. You would never be able to tell them how much you still loved them, how much you wanted to try again. You cried harder than you were before, when you felt a pair of hands touch your shoulder, you tried to move away before you heard a comforting voice.
“Y/N, is this you?” It was Kiri’s voice, you tried to let out a yes or something, but just nothing came out. “Dynamight, have you found the light switch yet, it’s hard to see who this is.” He spoke out into the dark, which you heard a voice grumble out, curses flying out. Suddenly the room filled with light and once your eyes adjusted you saw red eyes staring at you. He gave you a sad smile before telling you what he was about to do, as he moved to undo your bindings.
Everything started to happen too fast. You felt the bindings come undone and you were lifted off the ground. You could see Kirishima, or at this moment, Red Riot’s mouth moving but you couldn’t process what he was saying. You wrapped your arms around him tightly as he carried you out of the League’s base and to the ambulance that was waiting outside. He handed you off to the paramedics. You could tell he wanted to go with you, and you desperately wanted to call out to him, and to Bakugou to come with you. They were the only thing you wanted right now, but before you could, the doors slammed shut and your check-up began as you were taken to the hospital. You don’t remember much after that as you could feel your eyelids getting heavy as you passed out.
Everything was bright, almost too bright and it hurt your eyes. You woke up in the hospital to the sunlight filling up your room. You could hear monitors beeping, letting you know that you were alive. You looked around and saw you were connected to a few machines as well as had an IV drip. And to your surprise, by the windows, you saw two men sleeping. The two men you had been yearning for, deep down, for some time. You cleared your throat, hoping to be able to get their attention, and it worked. Both of them shot up from the chairs, rushing to your side. You offered them both a small smile as they both just stared at you. It was silent for a moment before Kirishima excused himself to go get a doctor or nurse, to let them know you were awake. That just left you and Bakugou alone, and as glad as you were to see him, the last time you were alone with him, things didn’t go well. So needless to say, you were nervous. He glanced down at the bed and back at you as if he was asking permission to sit, so you moved your legs some so he had a room as he sat on the bed, his eyes never once leaving yours.
“Y/N, listen. I’m not good at this type of thing but I just want to say I’m sorry.” He shifted his eyes down, now staring at his hands. He was picking at the skin around his nails, his hands clearly shaking. “I’m sorry for how I treated you that day in the hospital, I shouldn’t have hit you. I’m sorry for making you feel so left out and like we...like I didn’t care or love you. Cause I did, and well still love you.” You tried to reach out and place your hand on him, but due to all the wiring and the IV, it was nearly impossible.
You watched him, as he kept messing with his fingers, his head down. “I worried about you when I got the word you were missing and fuck Y/N, my heart dropped when I heard the league had gotten a hold of you. My mind just kept replaying the last time I saw you, the last thing I did was hit you and I was so afraid that would be the last memory you would have of me, of us.” He turned his head, looking at you as tears ran down his face. You had never seen him this upset before, not like this. He was never one to truly express emotions the same way as others did, so seeing him in this state, made you just want to comfort him. To let him know you forgave him for the wrongdoings, and most importantly that you still loved him more than anything else. But you didn’t get the chance as the door to your room opened as a doctor and Kirishima walked into the room.
You watched Bakugou quickly wipe away the tears on his face and move to the other side of the room, where Kiri soon joined him. The doctor went over everything but you couldn’t focus on what he was saying, you only kept glancing over at the two men across the room. You were going to be in the hospital a little longer, just to make sure you were truly fine, which you weren’t looking forward to. After the doctor left, both of the men stared at you, none of you saying a word. You worked up the strength and courage to speak up, quickly taking a small sip of the water nearby.
“Eijiro...Katsuki..” You spoke out, your voice shaky, just barely above a whisper, but they both still heard you as they made their way towards you. You felt tears start to well up in your eyes as you looked at them. “I...I’ve missed you both so much.” That was all you managed to get out before you started sobbing. Kiri gently wrapped you in a hug as Bakugou held one of your hands. You tried to get more words out, but the tears kept coming and you just could not form any words. The three of you stayed like that for a while, just comforting each other, putting all of your hearts at ease for the first time in a while.
You were discharged from the hospital in no time and slowly readjusted to normal life once again. You weren’t allowed to return to work quite yet, which did throw off your routine a bit, but it just gave you a chance to settle back into a safe environment. Which was a lot harder than you thought. During the day, things were fine and you went about your day, but by the time night settled, you couldn’t fall asleep without having nightmares from your time with Dabi and the league. And though, the three of you had started to form a friendship again, you were nervous to call them up during the late hours. Worried that you would be waking them from a well-deserved rest or from a patrol. There was also a part of you that was afraid of being pushed away once more, the fear of being the third wheel or shoved aside just to keep up an image, you weren’t ready for that heartache again.
One night, in particular, it got worse. You woke up to yourself screaming and crying, your body completely drenched in sweat. Before you could even process what you were doing, you grabbed your phone and texted the group chat you were in with the two of them. You were quick to receive a message back, but before you could fully read it, your phone started to ring as Bakugou was calling you. You answered the phone, hearing both of the men on the other line, asking if you were okay. All you could do was cry out before they said they were on their way over. Kirishima talked to you on the phone the entire time, as you learned Bakugou was driving. You couldn’t process or even fully comprehend everything that was being said, it even took you several moments to understand that you needed to go let them into your apartment once they arrived.
You let them in, and it took no time for both of them to be at your side, comforting you any way they could. Kirishima tried rubbing your back and offering affection and his support that way, while Bakugou sat beside you, whispering that he was there to listen when you were ready to talk about it. It took a while, but eventually, you calmed down. You quietly thanked them both for coming over, not sure what else to say or do, as you didn’t want to talk about the nightmare, even if it would do more good to do so. It was just difficult, to form into words and then not be seen as weak or receive pity for how you were feeling. You bid them goodbye and thanked them again for coming over, as you made your way to the kitchen to make some tea, as you had decided to stay up a bit longer, afraid of what twisted things awaited you once you closed your eyes.
You weren’t in the kitchen very long before you saw two figures walk in and join you, causing you to sigh. “You two can leave, I’m fine now.” You said, carefully putting the kettle on the stove, before turning it on. It was quiet for a moment or two before one of them spoke up, breaking the silence.
“Y/N, don’t push us away, talk to us. We wanna help any way we can, even if it is just listening to what is going on in your mind.” You recognized the voice to be Kirishima’s and you swiftly turned around. Your emotions were all over the place, due to lack of sleep, and the images of the nightmare still fresh in your mind. “If anyone has the right to be pushed away, it’s you two. You both shoved me away, don’t you remember. And just because we are talking again doesn’t mean I’m going to be stupid enough to spill out everything to you both again.” The words spilled out, and though you didn’t mean for it all to come out so aggressive and filled with venom, it did. You were tired, hurting, and trying to recover from the things that had happened to you. It didn’t excuse you for what you were doing right now, but you had the right to speak your mind and speak the truth.
“Y/N..” Bakugou started to speak, but you shut him down.
“No, don’t you dare ‘Y/N’ me. I can forgive you for some of the shit you both did to me, but it doesn’t mean I am going to just let you back in and trust you with my entire being, how can I? Even if I tried to explain it all to you, you wouldn’t even understand, want to know why? Because it’s always Kirishima and Bakugou, having each other’s back. Kiri and Bakugou protecting each other from everything. Red Riot and Dynamight are always there for each other, no matter what. So just do me a favor and leave.” You let out a sigh as you finished talking, hoping they would just turn and leave, yet they stood there not saying a word. If you had more sleep and were in a better place, this situation won’t upset you, but right now it made you angry.
The two of them just standing in front of you, silently, filled you with rage. You couldn’t explain why, maybe it was from the lack of sleep or maybe it was because the three of you had yet to really address what had happened all those months ago. You quickly turned the stove off as the kettle whistled, leaving the water on the stove, no longer wanting it.
“It used to be us, Eijiro, Katsuki, and Y/N, back in UA. We were inseparable and sure we had issues but we always talked about them. Then you two were heroes and rising up the charts and I was left in the dust. And then it was more of you two, and I was the third wheel. Fuck, you two didn’t even care when I left after ‘Suki proposed. You could have stopped me or called or something, but I was met with silence. Just like I’m being met with the same silence now, you both are here but it’s almost as if you aren’t at the same time. It’s like the both of you two are completely blinded by everything going on with other people.” You made your way out of the kitchen and made your way to the couch. You sat down and all at once everything that just happened and what you said to hit you, hard. You didn’t regret what you said, for it was the truth, though you were sure you could have phrased or worded it better. A few moments later, both of the boys were on the couch, sitting on either side of you. It was silent once more before one of them spoke out.
“Listen Y/N, we should have talked about this sooner, as it’s obvious now that what happened months ago is still affecting how you see and view both of Katsuki and I.” Kirishima started speaking, you waited for Bakugou to chirp in some smart-ass response, but he was silent, allowing the red-haired man to continue speaking. “We should have reached out to you sooner after you left. Fuck Y/N, we should have reached out and spoken to you the moment we thought you were pushing us away. We were stupid for not doing so and there isn’t anything I can say that’ll make it better or not sound like some sorry excuse. You deserved better, you still do, whether that is from us or not.”
Kirishima stopped and looked at Bakugou, who was quick to join in. “We were, and still are dumbasses, as you’ve probably noticed. And I know, we should have reached out to you sooner, I should have talked to you sooner. I should have explained the whole engagement thing to you before it happened, or even told you that day in the hospital. You were our partner, and we totally excluded you.”
You lifted your head, glancing at both of the men, thoughts running through your mind. You had questions that needed answers, questions that for weeks after the initial breakup kept you awake most nights. You cleared your throat before asking the first question, the biggest one you had. “Why didn’t either of you call or text? Why did it take weeks upon weeks to hear from you Katsuki and Eijiro?” You could see them both exchange looks before Bakugou started speaking again.
“Truth be told, I didn’t notice the note until a few days after you were long gone. I figured you were working extra shifts and work was keeping you busy. When I saw the note, I was pissed and hurt and just assumed you would come back and when it became clear you weren’t I blamed you for leaving, I didn’t want to think it was my fault. I ended up coming to the hospital, hoping to sort things out and well, we know how that went.” He nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. You turned your attention back to your hands, trying to keep yourself grounded as you felt a part of your heart break. You wanted answers and knew you won’t like what you hear, but god you didn’t expect it to hurt this badly.
“I was hardly home for a while after you left. I got busy with hero work and taking in students for work-study, I just slept at my office. ‘Suki texted me while I was at work, saying I needed to come home. He found the note, and I wanted to go after you, but I thought maybe time apart would do us some good, and well, I figured you would come back. After the incident at the hospital that you and Katsuki had, I needed time. And when I was ready to talk, I expected you to be with your parents, and after some explaining to your mom, she told me where to find you.” He paused for a moment, before quickly adding in, “Speaking of your mother, she is quite a fierce woman, to say the least.”
The room filled with silence once more, causing you to drift into your thoughts. So you got the answers on why it took weeks for them to come to talk to you about the note, but they never explained why they didn’t text or even call, which just hurt you more.
“Why didn’t you call or text, you didn’t answer that part, and I need to know.” You practically cried out, looking between both of them, watching as their heads fell. The room filled with silence before Kiri spoke out, he was quiet and you couldn’t make out anything he said, you asked him to repeat and instead had Bakugou practically yell out.
“We didn’t know what the fuck to say dumbass.” That was all he said before it filled with silence once again. You wanted to speak up, tell them both they could have said anything, just something to let you know they cared and mattered to them, and without hesitation, you did just that.
“You could have sent anything, I wouldn’t have cared what the hell you said. Just a sign from either of you would have been enough. I left because you pushed me away, I was the third wheel and I hoped that maybe with me leaving that you both would realize your mistakes and come running after me. Pleading through texts and calls to come home, but instead, I was met with silence.” You stopped, feeling tears run down your cheek, silently cursing at yourself. You wanted to be strong through this, but you couldn’t. “I fucking loved you both and thought you felt the same, but it became very clear that you didn’t.”
“Y/N…” They both started to speak out, tears starting to form in both of their eyes.
“No, I don’t wanna hear it, you can’t fix that now, it’s too late. And god to top it all off, you both are engaged, and I had to find out with the rest of the fucking country. My own boyfriends engaged as I was at home clueless, never hearing a word about it.” You were quickly cut off by Bakugou who had started to speak over you.
“I didn’t have time to talk about it with you, the commission made me. They wanted something big and exciting in the news, and since fucking Deku is always shining, they wanted us to bring some news. They told me to go get a ring and propose, and I can’t argue with them, they do control my job!”
You just stared at Bakugou, unable to form any sentences or coherent thought, for that matter. Sure, you understood that he had no choice, but you just wished he would still have talked to you about it, even if it was a quick text 30 seconds before the entire country saw it. You just wished and wanted things to be different or even how they were before you all were adults and they were pro heroes, but that would never happen, and you knew that. You all sat in the living room for a while, no words exchanged, just silence. You eventually caught yourself dozing off as the sun started to peek through the curtains and for once you just let your body rest.
You woke up hours later, content to have gotten some sleep, nightmare free. You glanced around and didn’t see or hear either man in the house, meaning they left while you slept. You knew they had to, they were heroes, but you still wanted them here. You wanted to apologize and just...no that would be silly. You pushed the thought away, and got up from the couch, stretching and going into the kitchen. Upon entering you were surprised to see Bakugou at the stove, scrambling some eggs. You cleared your throat and he turned around and offered you a small smile, which was a rare sight, even for how close you two once were.
“I’m not sure how good these will be, but I figured this would be a good start to make things up to you and to apologize.” He spoke softly, staring at you before turning his attention back to the stove. “Oh, Kiri, went to the store to grab a few things, he should be back soon.” He said, almost as if he knew you were curious as to where the other was.
“‘Suki, don’t you have work today? Correction, don’t you both have work?” You questioned, going to the fridge and pouring yourself some juice before sitting at the table.
“We both called off. We called off for a while actually, on-call if any huge villain attack happens but everyone will be fine for a while without Red Riot and Dynamight. Eijiro would be better at this than me, but we know we can’t fix the past and what we did and how we treated you, but we want to make up for it. We want you to know we still love and care for you, that you matter to us.” He spoke, his voice growing quieter as he went on, but you still heard every word to it. You went to go speak up, but you were cut off by the front door opening and Kirishima walking in.
He walked into the kitchen, bags in his hands, and smiled at you before apologizing for taking the key to your apartment. You smiled at him, chuckling, letting him know it was okay. The two of them finished making breakfast, a huge one at that, before joining you at the table where you all ate. Things wouldn’t be easy, but for now, you knew this was a start.
Weeks had passed and both pro heroes had practically stayed at your apartment the entire time. You enjoyed the time with them as you had truly missed this You had missed them so much more than you realized. And you knew that soon they would have to return to their own apartment and return to the life of being a full-time hero, but at the moment you didn’t want it to end. Sleeping became easier with them near, as the nightmares slowly became fewer and farther apart. You knew they couldn’t cure what happened or your mind, and you may always experience nightmares about all that happened with Dabi, but with them? With the two of them, it was so much easier to handle, for you weren’t alone. You were by two people who you had come to love again, and a part of you could only hope they felt the same about you.
You were all cuddling in bed, just talking and laughing about who knows what, when Bakugou broke the news. He told you he had to return to work tomorrow and Kiri the day after. You couldn’t help it and just cried, both of them holding you close. You knew this was coming but it still hurt. Both of the heroes comforted you the best they could, calming you down, whispering promises of staying in contact and visiting often. It then crossed your mind and with tear-filled eyes, you looked at them both and realized it had crossed theirs as well. The big question, what were you three. Would they even allow or want to be in a relationship with you or was this all some platonic friendly thing happening between you three.
“Katsuki? Eijiro? What….what are we?” You whispered quietly, and for a moment you weren’t sure if they heard you. You had begun to get nervous as you waited for some sort of answer. You were caught off guard by Bakugou chuckling and you turned yourself so you were looking at him. “And what is so funny?” Slightly offended with why he thought now was the perfect time to laugh. You were asking a perfectly reasonable question, that had to be on all your minds.
“God Y/N, you are such a dumbass. I don’t know if I speak for Kiri over there, but I assumed we were dating again. Like I know platonic cuddles are a thing, but uhh when have I been known to do that?” He laughed even more as you pushed your up and out of the arms of the men. He had a fair point, you couldn’t argue with that.
A smile formed on your face as you looked between the two, “Well that’s good to hear, I wanna be with you both again. If you’ll have me, of course.” At this point, they were also sitting up and staring at you, a cheesy grin on both of their faces. They both nodded and you started grinning from ear to ear. “That’s good to know, means I can finally do this again,” you spoke quickly before kissing them both.
The road ahead of you three won’t be easy, and there were bound to be challenges you all would face just like before. But this time, you all were prepared and could better handle anything that was thrown at you.
Taglist: @candybabey @peachiikichu
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fritae · 3 years
The Missing Piece (Chapter 8)
gang! au / ceo! au
characters: dabi x female oc, lov, other original characters
status: ongoing
read on ao3 here.
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I'm sure Mr. Lane has seen me.
With a groan, I take Dabi aside.
"You can go ahead, sir." I tell him quickly, glancing behind me to see if they're watching me.
Dabi looks over my shoulder.
"Is that what's-his-face?"
I shoot Dabi a look and gesture toward Aliyah. We may be friends but I didn't tell her the real reason I left NNTV. She thinks work became too stressful and I needed a break.
She doesn't know about the argument me and Mr. Lane had after I discovered his support of the Todorokis. Or about his cutting my salary and threatening to fire me.
Besides, bad mouthing a former employer is horrible professionalism.
"It's Mr. Lane. Go, go," I try shoo-ing him away. "I'll see you tomorrow sir."
But Dabi doesn't budge.
His eyes are trained on mine.
"I don't like that look on your face."
I groan. "What look? Sir it's just-"
"Like you're uncomfortable."
The comment catches me off guard and I quickly avert my gaze.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I say quietly. "These are my friends."
But that only seems to make him more determined. Dabi turns to face me completely, his feet firmly planted in the ground and his hands tucked coolly in the pockets of his pants. He doesn't look interested in listening right now.
"What are you worried about?" He asks. "Is it him?"
I run an anguished hand through my hair. "Sir please. Please. What happened to not asking about our private matters?"
I don't want Dabi and Mr. Lane meeting. Especially considering how our last conversation went. I didn't tell Mr. Lane I was working for the Blaze, and considering how salty he was that I left after all these years, facing him once again fills me with anxiety.
"Alright I won't ask you," Dabi ignores me. "I'll find out from him."
My eyes widen and I pull him back before he could make his way toward Mr. Lane. Aliyah went to bring Mr. Lane to say hi. I feel my chest get tighter when I see him getting closer.
"See? I don't like that." Dabi eyes me with concern. He tsks and pulls a box from his back pocket. He tries to hand me a cigarette but I shake my head quickly.
Mr. Lane doesn't know I smoke.
And with the amount of anxiety pooling in my gut, it wouldn't even help.
Dabi shrugs, no longer facing me.
"I'm here," He says. The ice in his voice from earlier is gone. I look at him once more before Mr. Lane gets within earshot.
He gives me a small nod and reaches for me, his hand brushing against the small of my back in a way that sends electricity up my spine. "He's not your boss anymore. He has no power over you."
I nod and plaster a fake smile on my face as the short man approaches us.
I hope it's enough to hide my thundering heart.
"Ms. Aoki," His voice sounds as insufferable as ever. "Fancy meeting you here."
I nod my head in respect. "Mr. Lane. It's nice to see you so soon."
As if!
But already, his attention is off of me. Instead, he eyes Dabi up and down.
"Is this your partner?" He asks.
My face heats up immediately. "Oh - no sir. This is my, um - my new boss. Mr. Dabi?"
Just as I expected, Mr. Lane's expression darkens immediately.
I expect Dabi to extend a hand out for formalities. But his hands remains in his pockets. He merely gives him a nod in acknowledgement.
"So you've found a new company after all." Mr. Lane comments coldly.
"Yes. Yes sir."
"What's the name of your company, Mr. Dabi?"
"The Blaze." Dabi says. "I do luxury trading. Rina told me she previously worked for a broadcasting company - what was it called again?"
Mr. Lane's face hardens. "NNTV. We're a leading force in the industry-"
"Right, right. That company that always underperforms?" He asks apologetically.
Me and Aliyah gasp, glancing cautiously at Mr. Lane.
"I have a friend that works at CBS, you see."
There's a smile on Dabi's face.
"I haven't even heard of your company," Mr. Lane quickly counters, evil in his eyes. "When Ms. Aoki abandoned us in such a manner, I assumed she'd join a better known business."
"I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us," Dabi sighs, that same mocking tone in his voice. "You see, we cater to a highly exclusive audience."
Aliyah mouth drops behind Mr. Lane, looking extremely amused. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the subject of tomorrow's lunchtime gossip.
"I see," Mr. Lane smiles at Dabi but it is anything but friendly. "Anyway. Careful with this one." He tells Dabi. "She's loyal to the - " He rubs his fingers to his thumb to indicate money. "It doesn't matter how well you treat her, if she finds a better offer she'll run off on you. Looking at you now," Mr. Lane sizes him up. "it probably won't take long."
I didn't leave because of money you piece of shit! If you actually saw me as a person, you'd know that!
I feel Aliyah's eyes on me in surprise.
Now she thinks I'm making more money and keeping things from her.
I don't face her.
"Hm," Dabi says. "What do you define as a better offer? Because we certainly don't pay-"
Don't say that! I think frantically.
I clear my throat.
Dabi looks at me quizzically. But he understands soon enough.
"...her what she's worth. With how well she's driven up sales this past month, she certainly deserves every penny."
"With all due respect," Mr. Lane smiles apologetically, venom lacing his words. "A secretary who intervenes in your business, gives unsolicited advice, and tries to control decision making is not worth her price. There are many other qualified secretaries who will drive up sales, and do it better than she can."
I feel my heart fall.
Of course he would say that.
Mr. Lane thinks of me as disloyal now. Leaving NNTV so suddenly after all these years, I knew it would matter more to him than he let on during our last meeting.
He doesn't exactly tolerate betrayal. And being his secretary for so long, I've seen how he treats former employees enough to know how vicious he can be.
That's why I didn't want him and Dabi to meet.
My face reddens immensely at the mention of my frequent "interventions" and "unsolicited advice". Because Mr. Lane doesn't believe in teams, he believes in workers who do as they're told. That's it.
But considering how much Dabi cares about his space, the comment fills me with anxiety.
Especially given the conversation we had today.
Will he think this is a pattern now? Will it drive him further away from me - cause his lack of trust in me to balloon even more?
There's an uncomfortable feeling in my gut as my mind questions all these possibilities. I wish Aliyah hadn't seen me.
I wish I just told Dabi I was busy when he asked me for dinner. I hesitantly glance at him, searching for any indication of how he's receiving this.
There's embarrassment written all over my face.
However, Dabi's expression doesn't change. He remains aloof.
Although on closer inspection, I think I see his jaw clench.
I feel my eyes water. Is he angry with me?
He should be.
Perhaps I am too talkative and opinionated for a secretary.
But Dabi's response makes me furrow my brows in confusion.
"She was a member of your team. Of course she would advise you. And intervene as necessary."
My eyes widen.
"It's as much her company as it is mine, so I do hope she does more of that for us in the future."
I look at Dabi in surprise, trying to figure him out. Doesn't he hate it when people intervene in his business though? Is he just saying this in front of Mr. Lane?
That's gotta be it.
Regardless, I'm grateful that he hasn't thrown me under the bus, using me as conversation material. Anyone else would happily listen and even share their own criticism of me to keep the conversation going. Especially considering Mr. Lane is realistically the more powerful CEO of the two. Anyone would say anything to get on his good side.
And part of me feels like Mr. Lane used me in order to shift to Dabi's good side too. After all, what manager doesn't love critiquing his employees?
Only Dabi didn't take the bait.
"I suppose I should thank you actually," Dabi continues, the height difference only further emphasizing the power imbalance in the conversation. Mr. Lane looks small for the first time ever, as he stands there looking up at Dabi. "If you hadn't let her go, our company wouldn't be in the place it is today. She's extremely capable, as you know. And such an agreeable team player, as well."
But instead of responding, Mr. Lane focuses on me with those murderous eyes.
As if it's my fault he was humiliated tonight.
How dare I go on to build up someone else's company. How dare I not cry and beg him to take me back, that I was sorry and have learned from my mistake. That I would never challenge his decisions again and be the loyal, silent employee he expects me to be.
I shrink under his stare, and before I know it, Dabi's hand is once again on my back.
He has no power over you.
I take a deep breath. "Unfortunately, Mr. Dabi has a prior engagement and we don't want to be late." I tell Mr. Lane. "But thank you for coming over personally to say hello. Hopefully, an opportunity for us to meet again arises in the future."
Mr. Lane nods coldly and walks away. He didn't even shake our hands before he left. Aliyah smiles at us apologetically and comes to hug me once again.
"He's a good man," She whispers in my ear. When she pulls away, she gives me a sly wink and my face reddens. She shakes Dabi's hand before she hurries behind Mr. Lane to the outdoor seating area where the rest of NNTV's administration and senior employees lounge.
And Dabi and I are alone once again.
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willoryn · 4 years
~Make you understand~
Sfw/descriptive kissing/fluff/angst
• ~~~~~~~ ♡ ~~~~~~ •
The evening went about as well as one could expect.
Any night out Todomatsu ever had with Atsushi usually ended in one of two scenarios: either Todomatsu gets sidelined, the "nobody" that the women ignored while they cooed over Atsushi, his ride home. Eventually, Todomatsu would throw in the towel early, walking home alone, rejected and heavy hearted.
Or two: the same scenario would play out, however this time Todomatsu would be forced into an uncomfortable car ride, Atsushi taking him home. Complete silence between the two.
This was the latter of those nights. Todomatsu was leaning against the car door, chin resting on his palm and just watching the street lights fly by. He cast a side glance at Atsushi. The man was just watching the road. A calm, cool demeanor as usual.
Smug bastard. Totty thought.
It was bad enough that Atsushi insisted on a much fancier restraunt this time around. Now here Todomatsu was stuck in this suit. For some reason Atsushi didn't find any dates for them, so the two of them just sat there across from each other, alone at a table in a dimly lit restraunt. For what? So Atsushi can just further rub his wealth in his face? He didn't care how good the bastard looked in his nice suit. How handsome his features looked in the dim lighting. How there was an unmistakable shiver that ran up Totty's spine every time their hands accidentally touched when they went for the breadsticks.
"Huh?" The youngest matsu perked up, transforming back into his chipper self.
"You haven't really said anything all evening. Are you okay?" Atsushi asked, looking a bit worried. A change of pace from his usually chill demeanor.
Oh, now its about me, huh? The "nobody".
Todomatsu nodded. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He hardly made an effort to hide the sarcasm. "Just fine."
Atsushi wasnt happy with that answer. He didn't understand what was wrong. Was Totty not feeling very good? Maybe the expensive restraunt was too much? He thought Todomatsu would like it. He intentionally picked a place where it could just be the two of them. Away from anyone who would bother them. Atsushi had hoped that it would bring them a bit closer. He genuinely thought of Totty as a close friend that enjoyed being around him. Though, he couldn't deny that there were deeper feelings than just friendship. But... maybe Todomatsu didn't feel the same way? Was he forcing him into an uncomfortable situation and he was just trying to be nice?
Atsushi's heart sank. That was the last thing he wanted. He loved Todomatsu, and wanted to show it to him. He had almost blurted it out during dinner a couple times, but Todomatsu was being so unresponsive and looked genuinely stressed out that he figured it wasn't a good time. But now here he was feeling guilty for putting him up to all this. Perhaps he just shouldn't have tried. But he couldn't deny his feelings. For the past few years he had felt something growing for Todomatsu. He kept it down for so long. He even thought maybe Totty felt the same way. The way the man would look over at him, would study him. Seemed like there was more behind that look than just a friendly glance. And Todomatsu was always so flustered when caught. He was adorable like that.
Atsushi liked the attention from women. But when it was from Todomatsu it was different. Endearing and honest. He loved how sassy Totty was with him. His little quips and sarcastic remarks. No one else dared challenge Atsushi the way Todomatsu did. He could always count on him to be brutally honest when he needed it. And his laugh. His adorable laugh. Going on double dates was fun enough, as long as they got to see each other. Even more so when they were alone.
But his feelings manifested and grew tenfold since then. Now he was starting to get antsy. Todomatsu was becoming more distant and that didn't bode well for Atsushi. The longer he spent away from Totty, the more he missed him. And the more he feared Todomatsu finding someone else. Why was Todomatsu keeping him out? What was he not picking up on? Atsushi grit his teeth. He couldn't take much more of this.
It's time to start being honest with ourselves. Forgive me, Totty.
Atsushi swirved over into a parallel parking spot along the road, putting the car in park. Todomatsu would have lunged forward into the dash had he not braced himself. His eyes shot over to Atsushi.
"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" Todomatsu asked.
Atsushi swirled in his seat and faced Totty. "Todomatsu, why do you think I've been taking you out on all these dates lately?"
Todmatsu was taken aback, a blush dusting over his face. Not sure what to say. Dates? What was he talking about? Did he mean double dates? But it's been just the two of them.
Either way, if he wanted honesty he was going to get it. Todomatsu crossed his arms and sat up defiantly.
"Honestly? Sometimes I think it's because you want me to be a wingman for you to get women. Sometimes I think it's because you want to rub your success in my face. Sometimes I even think-" You might genuinley like being around me. Todomatsu bit his lip and turned away.
Atsushi cocked his head, still not understanding. "Why would I do that?"
Todomatsu rolled his eyes. "Because that's what you've always done, Atsushi. You always-" he pinched the bridge of his nose. The pent up frustration of the evening starting to wear him down. He just wanted to go to sleep. But he had to dish this out with Atsushi first. "You're always so condescending! 'Oh, Totty, look at my new car! I got a promotion! Are you still living with your parents?' Every. single. time! You're a terrible conversationalist!"
Atsushi couldn't believe his ears. Had Todomatsu always felt this way...? Surely he didn't really take it like that did he?
Oh no...
"Look, I know I'm just some unemployed NEET who doesn't have money or a car-" Tears pricked the corners of Todomatsu's eyes as he spoke, much to his annoyance. But it was Atsushi's fault for pushing him like this. "Or a girlfriend, still lives with his parents and five useless brothers... but I don't appreciate being treated like this!"
Atsushi just blinked. Completely lost on what Todomatsu was so furious with him. "I think you might be projecting."
Todomatsu's jaw almost hit the floor and Atsushi was convinced he was going to sock him right in the face for that. "You- you complete, unbelievable, over-confident-!"
"You're my friend, Totty. You always have been. I've treated you no less."
"You're just pretending to care about me."
"But I do." Atsushi urged. "I care about you far more than you think, Todomatsu."
Todomatsu felt a blush creep across his cheeks but suppressed it for a scoff yeah right! "There you go again! Just stop messing with me already!"
"But it's true, Totty. You're the only other person I'm closest to. I genuinely lov- uh, I enjoy spending time with you. Thats why I've been setting up all these dinners! I want to get closer to you."
Closer!? What was he saying?
Todomatsu's head snapped over to Atsushi. His cheeks red and wet from the tears. "Why? So I can be your personal punching bag? No thanks." Todomatsu wiped his eyes before he started to reach for the door handle. "I'm walking home."
Atsushi grabbed his shoulder and Todomatsu turned back towards him.
"You're not understanding what I'm trying to say, Totty."
"Then make me understand." Todomatsu demanded. No. Challenged.
The space between their faces decreased dramatically during their argument, now Atsushi could see Todomatsu more up close through the dim light of his car. The young Matsuno's cheeks and eyes had become red with anger, slightly puffed out, wet from his tears. Adorable. His brow was scrunched up in frustration but it didn't overshadow his soft, milk-chocolate eyes that bore into Atsushi. Even when Todomatsu was furious with him, he was still so, so cute. He really hasn't changed much at all.
Atsushi remembers those eyes always being full of tears in highschool. Now here they were. Still full of tears and... contempt and anger. Sadness pooled into Atsushi's chest. This isn't how he wanted things to be. But it was. Because of him. How was he supposed to tell Todomatsu how he really felt? He wouldn't believe him, he knew that. Todomatsu would either scoff or wave him off, just assuming Atsushi is condescending to him. So how could he show him? What more could he...
Atsushi, abandoning all reason and restraint, put his hand on the back of Todomatsu's head and pulled him into a kiss.
To say Todomatsu was stunned would be an understatement. His brain had left the station, leaving his body a statue in place. He had never been kissed by anyone. But the electric rush he felt when their lips collided was almost... euphoric. Was it because it was Atsushi kissing him? No, surely this could be how it always feels to kiss anyone. But Atsushi's lips were so warm and soft. His hand was tangled in his hair, holding him so preciously. The scent of his cologne invaded Totty's senses even more. The youngest Matsu couldn't help but let himself be swept away. His eyes fell, half-lidded and instinctly found himself grabbing Atsushi's tie and leaning further into his lips, returning the kiss the best way he knows how, following Atsushi's movements. Further charging the spark and the building heat between them. Atsushi made a groan of approval and his heart practically burst out of his chest. Todomatsu was kissing him back! Atsushi is emboldened by this and can't resist it much longer. He craves more of him. Tantalizingly, Atsushi runs his tongue along the edge of Todomatsu's lips, earning an involuntary gasp from the man, before slipping his tongue between them and-
The change of sensation suddenly snaps Totty out of his haze, reality slamming back into him like a roaring train.
In a matter of seconds his eyes snap open and he roughly shoves Atsushi away from him as if the man had just stung him. Todomatsu glued his back to the window like a cornered rabbit and furiously started wiping his mouth off on his suit sleeve.
"W-What the hell, Atsushi!?" Todomatsu exclaims, his voice muffled against the fabric of his suit.
Atsushi breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath as Totty frantically wipes his mouth clean. Despite the young Matsu's current repulsion at his actions, Atsushi wasn't ignorant to the earnestness in that kiss. He kissed Todomatsu... and Todomatsu kissed him back. A smile played across his lips and his head reeled. He wanted to reach out to him again. Pull him in for another kiss and further punctuate just how much he desired him. To further show Todomatsu what he does to him. But he steels himself. He's already done enough damage.
"I'm... sorry." He averted his gaze to the wheel, running a hand through his hair. Disheveling it in his attempt to regain his composure. "I got carried away."
Totty never broke his eyes away from the dashboard, too flustered to look at the man. "Is that all that was?"
No. It was years of pent up feelings spilling out in one big wave.
"I didn't know how else to tell you the truth. You wouldn't have believed me otherwise. I-" Atsushi gave Todomatsu a small smile. "I love you, Totty. I have for a while now."
Silence fell between the two, the soft humming of the engine being the only sound around them. Todomatsu's hands were in his lap clutched tight into fists, eyes glued to the dashboard. Atsushi was watching him for any movement. Any change in body language. Or even just to look at him, yell at him, something!
But he didn't.
"Take me home, please."
"If you just let me-"
"I want to go home, Atsushi!"
Atsushi gave a defeated sigh and adjusted himself in his seat, switching gears, and driving off to the Matsuno house. His stomach churned the whole drive. He thought he would be sick. Todomatsu never spoke to him. He never even looked over at him.
He felt as if he just blew his shot. He might not ever see Totty after this. Totty could just never speak to him again. He'd never hear his cute laugh, see his smile, or hear him say his name ever again. His chest grew heavy. His heart feeling like it was going to shatter.
Even more so when the car drew closer to the Matsu home. He parked just outside and turned to look at Todomatsu, who was looking back at him finally. His expression was soft. Apologetic. Sad. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever before Todomatsu spoke.
"Did you really mean all that? Everything you said back there." He asked
"Of course." Atsushi answered without hesitation.
"You... really like me?"
More than you know.
"Yes, Totty." As if that wasn't perfectly clear by now.
Todomatsu felt his heart do a flip. To hear Atsushi say that... it made him happier than he'd admit. Everything was becoming a bit clearer now and Todomatsu sighed. "Okay. Well... maybe we should start over."
"Should we?"
"Yes!" Todomatsu sat up straight. "I want to do this over. With you. If that's okay?"
Atsushi nodded with a smile.
"Good. Now go ahead and ask me out to dinner again."
"Just do it, Atsushi!"
"Fine. Totty, will you go out on a date with me?"
A blush exploded over Totty's face. "D-Don't call it a date!"
"But that's exactly what it is. I'm literally asking you out on a date."
Todomatsu gave a half pout and avoided eye contact. "Fine. Call it what you want... I guess... yeah, sure, I'll go out to dinner. With you."
Atsushi's heart soared. He didn't admit it was a date. But it was close enough. He knew how stubborn Totty could be. This was the best he was going to get for now and he wouldnt want it either way.
"Thank you." Atsushi said with a nod.
Todomatsu opened the door and started to step out. But not before turning to Atsushi with a slight glare.
"And... don't tell anyone what happened... back there. With the... you know that thing you did."
Atsushi cocked his head, he can't help but tease him. "You mean the thing we did?"
"No. You! That was all you and we are never speaking of it again!"
"If I recall correctly," Atsushi gave Todomatsu a smirk that he so desperately wanted to smack off his face. "You kissed me back."
Todomatsu turned beet red.
"I kissed you back because you forced me into an awkward situation and I didn't want to make you feel bad!" Todomatsu huffed. "You're the one who took it too far!"
"If you says so." Atsushi chuckled. "Also, you're yelling." He pointed to Totty's upstairs window where, to Todomatsu's horror, five identical heads were peering out the window.
His face now red as a tomato, slammed Atsushi's door shut and ran up to the house, trying to pretend he couldn't hear the man laughing inside the car. Atsushi made sure he got inside safely before driving away, his heart pounding hard against his chest. A new exciting feeling budding in his stomach. He had never felt more successful than he did at this very moment.
Todomatsu watched through a window as Atsushi's car disappeared around the corner. A small smile played on his lips and he reached up to touch them with his fingers. His face reddening as he did so.
"Smug bastard."
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Hatred and Love (ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 14
Jiyong realises something very important.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Now, things are coming to a close. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino, Hanbin and EXO (mostly Kai). This continues with the EXO storyline, but again, I have nothing against EXO :)) I love them, but I had to use someone for the plot. This chapter has a lot of Suho. It also has a good amount of Xiumin:))
This is the last part of the series and I’m so sorry it took me so long to upload it :(((( I know it’s been ages, but after all of this, I just blanked out when it came to the ending. Thanks for supporting me and following the story :)) I’m going to miss this one :))
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Injury, Blood, Eventual smut, Abduction, Guns and Knives, language. 
You had no idea what to expect. You turned to Jiyong, eyebrows raised, wondering what Joonmyeon could possibly want, but Jiyong looked just as stumped as you. He was also way angrier. His eyes immediately became cold and hard. 
“What does that fucker want now?” 
You gently took his hand, trying to calm him down. 
“Let’s go into this with an open mind? Maybe he wants to come up with some sort of agreement?” 
Jiyong tried to conceal his anger but that didn’t work very well. His jaw was absolutely taut when he spoke. 
“Y/N, he wants to fuck things up somehow. Why else would he want you there? You’re the one person I’m scared of disappointing.”
 You planted a light kiss on his cheek, instantly making him relax.
 “Then maybe that’s a good thing. You won’t do anything that would disappoint me.” 
He sighed, but he kissed you back.
 “You’re right, Y/N. You’re the only person I can stay calm for.”
The two of you walked into Jongin’s room, that had been turned into a makeshift conference room. Joonmyeon was there in a wheelchair. Yixing and Sehun were also there with their hands bound, both flanked by Hanbin and Mino, making sure neither of them try something funny. Jiyong took his place at the head of the table, prepared to let Joonmyeon start, but Joonmyeon looked up straight at you. Still looking at you, he said, 
“No Jiyong. That seat isn’t for you. That seat is for her. Your side of the table is over there.” 
Jiyong stretched his neck, unable to believe what Joonmyeon just told him. You were also in complete shock. Why would he want you at the head of the table? Before you could overthink it, Joonmyeon said, 
“I want Y/N to be the head and mediator of this meeting. She can guide us towards a merger.” 
His eyes were thrown at you, as though daring you to take up the challenge, daring you to mess up. Jiyong eyes turned dark with pure, unadulterated rage and he was about to step in when you met Joonmyeon’s gaze. This guy had messed with you one too many times. You had had enough.
 “Okay Joonmyeon. I will.” 
Every single head in the room whipped towards you, wondering what you were playing at. Jiyong, still in shock, quietly got up and went to his seat. You sat down, slowly crossing your legs. Your eyes were so determined, they were nearly piercing through Joonmyeon. No one there had ever seen you that way before. Not even when they first abducted you. Staring straight at him, you began. 
“Well, Joonmyeon, what did you want to discuss?”
 Your gaze was hostile, openly challenging him to try and mess with you. Joonmyeon hated it. He hated that he felt so guilty about harming you and Jongin. He hated that he owed you his life. He hated that he couldn’t completely hate you. This was just his way of trying to find reasons to hate you. But none of this struggle showed on the outside. Eyes cold and calculating, he said, 
“If we’re doing a merger, only I have control over my men.”
 Even before he finished the sentence, you could feel the anger and the protests from the rest of the room, including EXO, but you silenced them all with a glare. Joonmyeon just wanted to make things messy and you wouldn’t let him. Jiyong snarled when he heard that, but he calmed down when he looked at you there, his grip on his gun slowly loosening. Your voice was quiet but firm when you spoke. 
“Joonmyeon, I don’t think you understand your position. You asked for a merger. Not a partnership. With a merger, you become part of an organisation and work the same way the organisation had worked. So, no. You won’t be the only person to have control over your troops. You will be at the level assigned to you. And you will have to report to Jiyong.” 
Joonmyeon already knew all of that, but he just wanted to get a rise out of you. Nonchalantly stretching, he said,
 “Okay, but I’m second in command.”
 That was too much for Jiyong to bear and he scoffed. He threw his head back to laugh and then he slammed the table. His voice was dangerously detached when he did speak. 
“Joonmyeon, is this a joke to you?”
 You saw the glint in Joonmyeon’s eyes. He was happy he succeeded in getting a rise out of Jiyong. He felt that it somehow validated his behaviour and his deep-rooted hatred for them, although he knew they weren’t that bad. You had saved his life. Jiyong saved his men. He was just clutching at straws to justify his behaviour. You were determined to not give him those straws. You would make him realise that there wasn’t any justification for his behaviour. He would take accountability and realise where he went wrong, so that he could go back to being himself, instead of being obsessed with taking Jiyong down. Your hand quietly wrapped around Jiyong’s hand, silently urging him to not say anything. Jiyong eyes flashed, and he glared at you, annoyed that you were telling him to not react, but he kept quiet anyway. You tried to look at Joonmyeon, but he was refusing to look at you. He didn’t want to make eye contact. He could only put up the act as long as someone didn’t see through him. You tried to get him to peacefully meet your gaze, but when he absolutely refused to, you resorted to desperate measures. Standing up, you grabbed his chin and forced him to look straight at you. Your voice was still calm when you said,
 “Joonmyeon, you and I both know that’s not going to happen. You might not even get a commanding post for a while, because you, Yixing and Sehun have to prove your loyalties first. How are we supposed to trust you after everything that happened? You turned on Jongin. Why wouldn’t you do that again?” 
Joonmyeon could feel this crushing pain when you said that. He didn’t want to accept that he did that, but there was no other way to it. Joonmyeon lost all fight when you said that. You had seen through him. He quietly slipped out of your grasp and turned to Jongin, bowing deeply before saying, 
“Jongin, I’m sorry.” 
Jongin sat there, on his bed, in complete and utter shock. Joonmyeon hyung never apologised, especially not in front of other people. He was too in shock to say anything. Heart sinking even further, Joonmyeon turned to you, bowed and apologised. He then looked up and for the first time, his eyes were genuine. 
“Thank you for saving my life Y/N.”  
Everyone other than Minseok was in shock. Minseok had the slightest smile on his face. 
“Maybe we will get out Joonmyeon back after all.” 
Sehun and Yixing were both furious, and they were about to protest it, and Hanbin and Mino were ready to supress it, but you beat them to it. Voice cool, you said,
 “To prove their loyalty, Joonmyeon, Yixing and Sehun will work directly under Minseok and Youngbae for the next three months to start with. They’ll work on the Hongdae area.”
 Joonmyeon’s head shot up when he heard you. You were giving them control over Hongdae? The area that they’d been fighting for? Joonmyeon’s eyes teared up a little. He would finally get to take care of his sister’s grave. Joonmyeon immediately bowed before you. Yixing and Sehun were too shocked to do anything except stare at you in disbelief.
 “Thank you, Y/N. You don’t know how much this means to me.” 
You had the slightest smile on your face when you replied, 
“You’re welcome Joonmyeon.”
Jiyong sat there watching all the events unfold, feeling detached. He didn’t mind that you were making decisions for him. he knew the others wouldn’t mind either. He knew it was only because of you that they managed to resolve things with Joonmyeon. But he was more worried about the other things. The slight tremble in your hands from dealing with this. Your pale and tired face. Your tendency to flinch slightly when people make sudden movements. The near imperceptible tremor in your voice. You weren’t used to this, and it scared you. He felt awful. You didn’t deserve this. You had been through so much. You needed a break. And he would make sure you got one. For the first time in his life, Jiyong decided he would take a break with you. It wasn’t because he wanted to take a break, but more because you needed him around. As weird as it was, although Jiyong was the one drawing you into this world, your only way to feel better about everything was around him. And also, for the simple reason that he missed you, and couldn’t stand being away from you any longer. He was staring at you, making up his mind about exactly what to do when you turned to him.
 “Jiyong, that’s okay right?” 
He didn’t hear you. He had zoned you out, wondering how he got so lucky as to have you in his life. He would protect that at all costs. He would protect you at all costs. He would protect your happiness at all costs. You raised your eyebrows, wondering why he didn’t reply. You mentally scolded yourself for shooting your mouth off like that without talking to him first. You turned to Jiyong, much more nervous. 
“Jiyong? All okay, Love?” 
The vibe of the meeting had changed. Everything was much more relaxed. Sehun was trying hard not to cry, Yixing was apologising to everyone, Jongin was playfully guilt-tripping a very apologetic Joonmyeon about his injuries. But when you said that, everyone turned to Jiyong, a little nervous. He had a rather…intimidating reputation. Youngbae was the only one who was sure Jiyong would be okay with it. He was more interested in watching the drama between you and Jiyong unfold. Jiyong just stared at you, looking at him nervously. There was one thing that was different about you. No matter how nervous you were at that moment, there was no fear in your eyes. You looked at him trustingly, knowing fully well that no matter how dangerous a man he is, he would never hurt you. Ever. Jiyong didn’t bother answering your question. Jiyong just stood up, leaned over the table, grabbed your face and kissed you. A deep, hungry kiss. All his longing, all his fears, all his worries were in that. He deepened the kiss because as he felt your soft hands gently caress his bruised knuckles and kiss him back, he realised that there was something he needed to do. He needed to meet his grandmother.
You were very surprised when you were pulled up from your seat and kissed like there was no tomorrow, but you kissed him back equally longingly. You had missed him. You had never stopped worrying about him. You were right. You didn’t know whether there was going to be a tomorrow. You kissed him until you felt like you had the feel of his lips committed to memory. Cheers erupted all around you, although the two of you were quite oblivious to it. Hanbin rolled his eyes, laughing at the two of you while Jongin whistled. Hanbin leaned over and muttered to Jongin. 
“Thank god the two of them are back together. I didn’t think it was possible, but they’re more annoying on their own.”
 Jongin scoffed. 
“Hanbin, I can see that you’re tearing up.”
Jiyong pulled away first, both of you gasping for breath. You blushed at all the hooting boys around you, some newer than others, but all equally determined to embarrass you. Jiyong didn’t even bother to acknowledge the hooting. He just turned to Youngbae and whispered something in his ear, making you look at him quizzically. He turned to give you a quick, reassuring smile before speaking. 
“Okay. Now that the merger is done, I have an announcement. I’m going to be away for a month. Youngbae is second in command. Don’t try to reach me unless it’s absolutely urgent.” 
Your heart fell. He was going to be away for a month. After everything. When you had just gotten back together. You had missed him so much. But you tried your best to not let your face fall, sticking a weak smile on your face. If he was leaving, it had to be important. You would talk to him about it in private. Everyone nodded except Hanbin. Hanbin was pouting when he said,
 “Who’s after Youngbae hyung?” 
Jiyong froze for a second, staring at Hanbin before sighing and answering. 
“Seunghyun hyung.” 
“After him?”
 “After him?” 
 Minseok looked surprised while Hanbin’s pout deepened.
 “Hanbin, are you really going to make me list this out in order?”
Jiyong glared at him and answered. 
“Then it’s Mino. Then it’s Jongdae. Then it’s Baekhyun. Then Chanyeol. Then it’s you. Then it’s Jongin. Then it’s Kyungsoo. Then it’s Joonmyeon, Yixing and Sehun. In that order.”
 While the others laughed at Hanbin arguing with Jiyong, you struggled to keep that smile on your face. Jiyong playfully glared at the rest of the room before grabbing your hand and walking out of the room. Your heart sank even more. He was going to say bye. He was going to leave again. You were staring at the floor, letting yourself get lost in your thoughts when he tilted your head up and beamed at you, the smile leaving quickly when he saw that you weren’t smiling. 
“What’s wrong love?” 
You bit down on your trembling lips and looked away, not wanting to make him feel worse. He gently cupped your face and made you look at him. 
“Talk to me Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong.”
 You took a deep breath.
 “I’m just going to miss you Jiyong.”
 He looked terrified. 
“Why? Why’re you going to miss me? Are you leaving me?” 
You stared at him confused. 
“No. You’re going somewhere, remember?”
 Jiyong’s brows knitted together in confusion before he laughed and pulled you into a hug. 
“Sweetheart, if you think I’m going anywhere without you after not having seen you for the past month, you’re in for a surprise.”
 It took a while for it to hit you, but when you finally realised he wasn’t leaving, you hugged him tight, burying your face in his chest. You looked up at him, confused.
 “You mean I’m coming with you on work?” 
He leaned in and nibbled on your ear, pressing a light kiss against your neck before saying,
 “No. I mean we’re going on a holiday.”
 Two weeks later, you lay down on the plush bed in Jiyong’s hidden away holiday home, buried under the blankets and wearing his hoodie, so utterly happy with how everything just felt right. You closed your eyes and buried deeper into the bed, enjoying the warmth of it. You felt the bed dip as you heard Jiyong’s sleepy morning voice.
 “Good morning love. I got you your tea.”
 He sat and was about to sip his tea when you crawled into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling into him. Amused, he asked,
 “Do you not plan on letting me drink my tea?” 
You took in a deep breath, letting Jiyong’s familiar scent wash over you.
 “Do you plan on moving from here?”
 Pressing a light kiss against his smile, you said,
 You stared out of the balcony. It was 3 am on your last night there, and you were lost in thought while you stared at the stars. That one month was magical. You had Jiyong all to yourself, and both of you sat and worked through the problems in your relationship. You knew you loved him. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You knew you weren’t scared of him. You couldn’t live without him. You didn’t realise how windy it was until he walked out behind you, wrapping a blanket around you. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck. 
“Love, you have to be careful. You can’t stand out here in just my t shirt.” 
You turned around to face him, wrapping the blanket around the both of you. 
“Jiyong, you came out here in just your boxers. I don’t think you should be lecturing me.” 
He had this blissful smile as he kissed your forehead.
 “I couldn’t help it Y/N. I just needed to be out here with you.” 
You had the same blissful smile as you kissed him, letting yourself get lost in the kiss. He pulled away, suddenly looking nervous. 
“Y/N, I know we’re going back tomorrow, and I know I’ll get busy, but like we discussed, I promise I will always make time for you.” 
He paused to take a deep breath, desperately trying to calm down that rising feeling of nervousness in him. 
“I know you can do way better than me, and you deserve way better, but I promise I will always respect you, and I will do anything to make you happy. I’ve realised I can’t live without you, and I know this might be too sudden, and I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but you’re the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with and start a family with. So, Y/N L/N, will you do me the honour of marrying me?” 
You stared at him in shock for a minute, unable to comprehend what was going on before a single tear slipped down your face, and you burst into the largest smile you had in you. You nodded vigorously. 
“Yes, Kwon Jiyong, I would love to marry you.”
 Jiyong felt all the nervousness leave his body only to be replaced with an overwhelming, indescribable feeling of joy. There are no words for how he felt in that moment. And as he slipped on the beautiful ring his grandmother had given him to give you, he lifted you up and kissed you, knowing that everything finally felt right.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
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About Doyoung - pt.1 (a)
There has been a lot going on in the past few weeks. Your whole life was only about work. It was good for you that the company you helped build up, was super successful. But lately your boss, who owns all the companies, has been making life difficult for you. You have to invest a lot more work and free time than usual and that didn't make the complicated situation with you and Jaehyun any easier. It has been really hard to see you lately, he has been busy too. You have been a little sick the last few days and you still don't feel fit. But you had to work, you couldn't rest. You quickly run to the pharmacy just before work and get some medication. But when you got to the cash register, your boss called again. You try to order everything while receiving further instructions over the phone. "Excuse me, Miss. We could get everything, we just don't run the company of your contraceptive pill here." The pharmacist looks at you, but you only nod and pay for everything. In reality you didn't notice anything and just take the medication and run quickly to work.
As soon as you were in the company, there were further problems and you had to go to SM Entertainment to clarify some things. To be honest you were happy because you hope to see Jaehyun. You could spend the lunch break together. You write to him immediately, but there is no answer. He probably trained and that's why you didn't think much of it. There was a meeting anyway, and you had to go there immediately. But even when the meeting was over, Jaehyun still hadn't answered you.
You would be celebrating your 2nd anniversary in two weeks, but you felt like he was distancing yourself from you recently. Sometimes you had the feeling that he would end the relationship before that date. For weeks you've been feeling your heart breaking. Is this how relationships live apart? Disappointed, you go down the stairs and try to clear your mind with movement, but the relationship with Jaehyun worried you all the time. "Y/N? I didn't know you were here today." Doyoung suddenly stood in front of you and next to him was a younger man who also looked like an idol. "Yes, I had to go to a meeting spontaneously. Did you hear anything from Jaehyun?" You sigh and find it difficult to hide your grief. "He has just written to me that he is going to the recording studio. We are just showing the building to the new trainees. The managers think that should be fun." Doyoung rolled his eyes and you look briefly at the boy next to him. But at the same time your heart broke a little because you have now been confirmed that Jaehyun ignored your message. Slowly everything became too much for you and it was difficult for you to hold back your tears. "Hey, are you all right?" Doyoung noticed this and could already imagine where or rather who the problem was. He noticed that you have hardly been in the dorm lately. "I'm sorry, I don't want to bother you with my problems. I think I'll go again." You wipe your first tear and try to collect yourself. But Doyoung wasn't comfortable with it. He turned to the trainee and handed him a card. "You know where the cafeteria is. Buy a coffee or cake. It's on me." The boy grinned, took the card, and started running immediately. Then Doyoung turned back to you. "Come on, let's go to a quiet place." He opened the door and you go into a small room where there was a small kitchen. It was a break room, so to speak. Doyoung made you a coffee and then sat down at the table with you. "It's because of Jaehyun isn't it?" He looked at you worriedly and you nod. "Yes. He ignores my messages, is so distant and I hardly see him anymore. I mean, yes, I have to work a lot. But nothing comes from him." The next tears ran down your cheeks. Doyoung looked at you and didn't know how to phrase the next words. "Y/N ... I told you earlier that we have such a mentoring program. I don't know if Jaehyun told you, but he also has a trainee. She is ... how can I say .. .she’s here mainly because of her looks. And they call her prince and princess because everyone thinks they look so good together." He pressed his lips together and waited for your reaction. But you could only look at him stunned. You didn't know what to say anymore. Somehow that didn't surprise you anymore. "I've got to get out of here." You get up and feel slowly how a panic attack started. It felt like an invisible cord was tying around your neck. So you run out of the room, but Doyoung grabbed your wrist and looked at you. "Y/N, if there's anything you need, someone to talk to, I'm there, okay?" He didn't let you go until he got an answer and you were glad that at least one person was worried about you. "Thanks Doyoung, I really appreciate that." You look at him and he smiled softly. He let go of your wrist and you turn to the side when you see them. Prince and princess. She was pretty. Really beautiful. You understand why they called them two like this. Visually, they looked perfect, like the perfect couple. Jaehyun stared at you, you only feel more emptiness. What else should you tell him? He ignored you for this beauty. That day had to come. How could you believe to fit into such a world? How did you think a relationship with Jung Jaehyun would work? Why should you be the person who makes him loyal? He had so much choice. What made you special? Your entire self-confidence was destroyed, much in a thousand small parts. Immediately you turn around, you didn't want to see this picture, and immediately run away. You were glad that you chose flat shoes that day because you could run away faster.
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Over the next few days, Jaehyun tried to get in touch with you, but he wasn't very persistent and you still had to work through all of this. When his name lights up on your display, you sigh briefly and your eyes go to your desk, where a gift was. You had made a little book with photos and memories inside. It should be a gift for your anniversary. You invested a lot of time in it and put so much work into it and now you weren't sure whether you still had a future. You would like to cry because jealousy is beginning to eat you up, but then your work phone rang. "Y/N, I know it's Saturday and you're sure to have something better to do." Your boss sounds really stressed and you knew you had to work again on your day off. "I have no plans." What should you be up to? The entire two years you've been in Korea, you've only invested in the relationship with Jaehyun. Maybe you should have taken care of some friendships too. "Perfect. SM are having dinner in a hotel and they really want you with them. They just love you." Your boss laughed and you go to the closet to pick out an outfit. "Okay, is anyone coming with me?" "No, it's very exclusive. They just want to thank a few people and strengthen the connections." You nod and you already know what it is. It wasn't the first time that you were at such a dinner. But you knew that there were often idols and you are prepared that Jaehyun might also come.
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You were wearing an elegant beige dress. It had a one shoulder and went together with a belt on your waist. You also wear beige heels and your hair was open over your shoulders. This dress gave you that little bit of confidence that you still dare to go out. In the taxi, you put on your lipstick and try to ignore that your heart almost jumped out of your chest. In addition to your clutch, you also had a bag with Jaehyun's anniversary gift. You didn't know why you took it with you, but it was important to you. When you came into the suit, one of the highest managers came to meet you and greeted you. You have small talk, but in the corner of your eye you could already see Jaehyun, of course with the trainee at his side. And when the two passed by, the manager noticed the two immediately. "Y/N, we have a new mentoring program. The trainees should get to know us faster and that's why idols look after them. We think that strengthens cohesion." She smiled and pulled Jaehyun and the girl toward her. "Jaehyun and Sora look so great together. We are considering whether to create a relationship for the media when Sora makes her debut in the new girl group," she whispered to you as she sent the two away again. You just didn't know what to say, everything inside you felt numb. "But let's have a look. We don't need to stage everything if they fall in love in the next weeks. I mean look at them." Then she started to laugh and when a waiter came with champagne, she ran after him. You could see Jaehyun immediately get up and want to approach you, but you just couldn't talk to him. It hurt all too much. You clasped the bag with his gift and quickly ran through the people until you saw Doyoung. "Hey, you're there too!" He smiled broadly and he should really be happy to see you. "Yes. I was invited spontaneously." You take a deep breath and try to swallow all the pain. You knew that this evening will still be hell. "You look really beautiful." Doyoung indicated your dress and a shy smile escaped your lips. You were glad that at least he was there.
You couldn't avoid Jaehyun while eating because he sat right next to you. Doyoung was opposite of you and you didn't know who to devote yourself to. "Y/N." You hear Jaehyun whisper your name, but how could you look at him? How could you look at the man you love and he just lets you go. "Can we talk?" You don't understand why he came with it now. You didn't want to talk. Either he talked himself out or he ended your relationship. You weren't ready for both options. "This is probably a bad time now," you hiss and keep trying to avoid his eyes. "Y/N I lov..." "May I take your order." The waiter intervened and you immediately ordered a Martini. Alcohol was the only thing that could help you even more now. When the waiter was gone, Jaehyun turned back to you, but there was a speech and he was interrupted again. 2 Martinis later, you were pretty drunk. You see how Sora tried to flirt with Jaehyun and in your opinion he allowed that too much. She sat across from him and looked at him dreamily all the time. Jaehyun smiled in response to her jokes and that made you angry. Really angry. And you don't know why you came up with this idea, but suddenly you grab his hand under the table and put it on your thigh. You see Jaehyun looking down at him with a smile and he firmly gripped your thigh. However, you keep guiding his hand into your inner thigh until his fingertips touched the fine material of your thong. You see him take a deep breath and feel his fingers try to push the fabric aside. But you didn't want to give him too much. You play this game a bit and Jaehyun struggled with himself. He wanted more, he wanted you. But at that moment you realize what you are doing. You disgust yourself, how little respect you have for yourself. When Doyoung got up, you thought to follow him, so you give Jaehyun's hand away and get up. "Doyoung are you going out on the terrace? I need some fresh air." You don't quite know what you're doing. Maybe you wanted Jaehyun to be jealous. Maybe you wanted him to at least have a reaction so you can see that he cares. "Yeah sure." Doyoung looked briefly at Jaehyun, who only looked at him angrily. But he knew that he would not be deterred by him. Now it would be his turn. Jaehyun had already taken you away from him, now he had his chance.
When you stand on the terrace, you take a deep breath and look over the houses of Seoul. Everything was for you a little bit shaky because of the alcohol, but at least your feelings were a little numb. "Do you have that feeling sometimes? You can feel the wind, hear dull music in the distance and look into the night and you think this is my home?" You turn to Doyoung and feel that you have tears in your eyes. "Yes I know that feeling." He was a little apart from you, but was slowly walking towards you. "I don’t know this feeling." You cross your arms and look into the distance. You sob briefly and try to collect yourself again. "All my life I've been looking for a place where I feel at home. But I never found it. With Jaehyun, I was the first time so close to a home, but also as far away as ever. He made me feel to be at home with him, but your world is so strange to me. I feel so strange in it, I don't understand it." You quickly wipe your tears away, but still look over Seoul. The view was breathtaking and the fresh air made your mind clearer. "Yes, our world can seem very strange to others." Doyoung took a step towards you, but was still a little away from you. "I'm just a simple girl. All I want is a family and a home. I just don't think I have a place in your world with that dream." You press your lips together and try to suppress more tears. "But you have! Look at Chen. He got married also to a non idol girl and has now a beautiful daughter." Doyung took another step towards you and put his hands on your upper arm. "The exception only confirms the rule." You put your hand in front of your forehead because you didn't want Doyoung to see you start to cry. But it was no longer possible. The events have been too much lately, you just wanted to numb your feelings. "Hey, everything will be fine." Doyoung hugged you and you sobbed in his chest, it was good to cry out to someone to get a little soft. Doyoung, however, sees exactly in the window that Jaehyun was watching you and he didn't like it at all. But that caused Doyoung to hold you closer and you tow lingered for a while in this close hug. But you knew that you could no longer stay here. "Here. Can you please give that to Jaehyun?" You put the bag in his hand and look at him with your wet eyes. "What is it?" Asked Doyoung, but accepted it. "It is something that I once loved very much." You smiled briefly and thought of the warm feeling that spread when you thought of the good times with Jaehyun.  "Okay, I'll give it to him. I promise." He smiled softly and you nod. Then you turn around, try to collect yourself and disappear.
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The Messed-Up Kiss Bet
Characters: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Mona and Toby
Summary: Logan takes Colt’s bet of not being able to kiss him for a full day seriously, can Logan last a full day? Can he?
Fourth Chapter of Gay Bad Boys Series
I sighed for what could have been the hundredth time that day, I didn't keep count anymore. I let out a frustrated puff of air, causing Colt to lightly chuckle against my neck. If only he knew the things he did to me...scratch that, he most certainly did know how each one of his seemingly small actions affected me.
"Colt..." I said in a warning tone as his lips lightly grazed my neck.
"Logan." He said simply, his mouth turning upwards into a crooked smile against my neck. I closed my eyes in frustration wishing he would stop his pointless little game. He'd been doing this all day, a bet really between the both of us. Well I didn't mean for it to be taken seriously, but apparently he thought otherwise.
"Please" My voice came out as a whisper causing Colt to stop momentarily from his attack on my neck, it had only lasted a few moments though before he resumed again, ignoring my plea with a small smile. I rolled my eyes, that almost always worked.
"Colt...I don't like this game anymore!" I huffed, crossing my arms in a childish manner. Edward chuckled, pulling away from my neck slightly to look into my eyes.
"It hasn't even been eight hours yet love, can't you live at least half a day without one?" He murmured quietly, kissing my cheek lightly.
"Technically you just broke your own rule, you just kissed me." I pointed out his mistake, hoping that now he would finally just kiss me on the mouth...this game, bet, whatever, it was stupid.
Colt let out a laugh, rolling over onto his back so that I was now lying on top of him. "Nice try, but that doesn't count." He stated as if it was a real rule.
I thought back to how this stupid bet thing started in the first place, I was just joking with him. We had been kissing on my bed...I wouldn't exactly call it 'making out' since he almost never let me go farther than running my fingers through his hair. And I had just jokingly bet that he couldn't go a day without kissing me, and of course since he's Colt, he took my bet as real.
Ugh, me and my stupid words trying to make myself sound sexy...thinking back now I don't even know why that sounded sexy in my head in the first place.
Suddenly an idea struck me; it was brilliant, well not really... I actually don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier. I would just kiss him, easy as that.
But of course things are always easier said than done, especially when there's a vampire involved. I smiled and turned my gaze back to Colt, who looked as though he was trying not to laugh at what I could only imagine was my blank looking façade I had on for the last few minutes while I thought to myself.
"Alright, you win." I stated simply. Colt raised one eyebrow in amusement and what looked a little like confusion also.
"I win." He repeated.
"Yep." I fake yawned, as I rolled on top of him again, nuzzling my face against his cold neck.
"Now if you don't mind I would like to go to sleep now." I said as I closed my eyes.
"Logan, its two in the afternoon." I heard his muffled voice say, with what sounded like a hint of confusion added to it.
"Well sorry if someone kept me up all night." I said accusingly, lifting my face up from his chest to look at him. His brows furrowed worriedly as his eyes flashed with a hurt and guilty emotion.
"Logan, I'm sorry you should have tol—"I put a finger to his lips cutting him off. Now was my chance, when he was feeling bad. I knew it was kind of harsh, but I wanted to win at something against him for once, and playing dirty was a needed asset to complete that goal.
"I know how you can make it up to me." I whispered, removing my finger from his lips. His eyes lit up as he cupped my face gently with his hand.
"How?" He asked eagerly. I didn't answer; instead I just leaned forward very fast, even for me. I closed my eyes waiting to finally feel his lips on mine. Instead I just kept leaning further forward until my face hit something very soft and feathery, definitely not Colt's chest. I opened my eyes to see all white, and let out a frustrated growl into the now recognized pillow.
"Nice try. You really are a conniving little woman Mr.Troublemaker" Colt's voice came from behind me. I sat up, crossing my legs and arms as I stared at him with a scowl on my face.
"I'm older then you." I stuck my tongue out childishly. I cut him off as he opened his mouth to retort. "Physically" I added quickly.
He smiled lightly and before I knew what was going on my back was once again pressed back against the bed as he hovered over me.
"That you are..." He seemed to trail off, or I just didn't hear the rest of what he was saying. My mind was too clouded from the touch of his lips on my neck and slowly trailing upwards towards my cheek and finally to the very corner of my lips, but not enough to be actually touching them.
"Now you're just teasing me!" I complained, this was totally unfair.
Colt chuckled. "Am I now? And what were you doing just a few minutes ago?"
"That wasn't teasing, that was what you call strategy." I stated. Logan rolled his eyes at my theory.
"More like manipulating." He murmured under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear. I lightly pushed his arms away and sat up, turning my back towards him.
"Logan..?" His voice came from behind me, sounding slightly panicky. Probably thinking that what he said actually hurt my feelings.
I faked dramatic sigh before speaking. "I guess I'll just have to go find someone who is willing to kiss me then." I acted...horribly of course, but at least Colt would know that I didn't mean any of it. I heard a light growl from behind me and the next thing I knew I was being pulled back by two cold arms.
"Over my dead body." Colt growled softly into my ear, his lips pressing hard against the hollow of my neck. I giggled lightly before speaking again.
"Colt you can't die." I stated the obvious.
"Over the dead body of anyone who ever dares to even try to kiss you." He corrected for himself for me, his arms pulling me closer against his chest. I laughed quietly to myself, this was fun. I wonder if I could drive him over the edge, make him break and forget about the bet.
I sighed again. "I'm sure MC or Mona would be willing if I asked them." I said to myself loud enough for him to hear.
Colt tightened his grip around me, but not tight enough to hurt me. "Not funny Logan." He growled lightly into my ear.
I huffed in agitation...this obviously wasn't working. I tried again anyway.
"Or Toby, I'm sure he'd would just lov—"
I didn't even have time to finish my sentence or even breathe since before I could even think I found myself lying down, again, with Edward on top of me. This time with his lips roughly against mine. I smiled into the kiss; obviously he did go for the bait.
I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers fisting his hair as I pulled him closer. He pulled away abruptly, I opened my eyes in disappointment, thinking he would say we were about to go too far again. Except that wasn't what he said.
"I will never let anyone kiss you ever again." He said menacingly, referring to the Leah (MC) incident a few months ago. I cringed at the memory; never would I let anything like that ever happen again either.
"Your mine." His voice once again interrupted my thoughts as I looked up into his topaz eyes; I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by his voice again.
"I know it's selfish, I know that. I know that I don't deserve you...and, I know you don't actually belong to me. But I...I, belong to you Logan Even if you ever change your mind about me, leave me, hate me..."
I tried to open my mouth to tell him that I couldn't possibly ever hate him, but he silenced me with a finger to my lips.
"I am yours, more then you'll ever be mine...and that's all I need. I've told you before that I'd be happy with me just having even a part of you, and I meant it." He kissed me lightly on the lips again.
"..." I whispered his name as I cupped his chin and turned him to look at me, this was not what I had expected.
"You silly Bad boy." I smiled before I continued.
"First of all, I could never hate you, no matter what so I don't know why you would even mention that." I sighed and continued before I he could speak.
"And I want to be yours, and only yours. Forever, eternity, till the end of time, whatever." I tried to explain...though not very well. What would I have to say to have him believe that I only wanted him and no one else?
"Colt...I am yours, I guess in a way I always was...I just didn't know it yet." I smiled...wow that sounded cheesy but oh well; I think I was getting my point across.
"And I can't believe you think I would ever even consider changing my mind or leaving you!" I poked his hard chest, hurting my finger more then I actually hurt him, if at all.
I cut him off again. "I agreed to marry you, change for you, and I'm never going to change my mind about any of that." I finished as I gave him a hard look, trying to get my point across of just how much I loved him.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me, a lot more passionately this time. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I gasped in surprise, he never let it go this far. I closed my eyes in bliss, slowly turning red...from embarrassment or lack of air, I wasn't completely sure nor did I care.
Colt seemed to sense that I needed to breathe and pulled away, kissing his way down my neck.
"Logan Logan Logan..." He murmured, almost so fast that I couldn't understand what he had said. He placed a kiss to my collar bone as I took another deep breath.
"You'll never know how much I love you..." he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I sighed in frustration, like he could actually love me more than I did him, impossible is what it was.
"Not possible to love me more then I love you." I voiced my thought to him and felt him smile against my skin, choosing not to retort but instead place another cool kiss to my collar bone.
"So this means I win." I said after a few silent minutes passed he lifted his head from where it was resting on my chest. He leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips.
"This is a bet that I am happy to lose." He stated simply against my lips. I rolled my eyes at his answer.
"What? So you meant to lose?" He smiled at the question.
"Maybe I did." He answered. I huffed in annoyance; he was turning it around again!
"I think you're the conniving and manipulative one." I murmured to myself, causing him to laugh lightly against my lips.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down closer. "Just promise me this." Colt looked at me, his eyes turning serious.
"Anything." He stated simply, staring at me with a confused look.
"Don't ever do a bet like this again. I don't want to waste one minute not kissing you." I said, bringing my lips to his again. He immediately responded, kissing me even harder than usual pushing the back of my head deeper into the pillow, but I didn't mind.
"We have an eternity of kisses ahead of us love, don't worry." Colt said after pulling away slightly, smiling that crooked smile I loved so.
"Eternity" I repeated staring at him. He leaned his forehead against mine, pecking me quickly.
"Eternity, love." He assured me again before crashing his lips against mine once again.
An eternity of kisses like this...
I could get used to that. " Logan said braking the bet
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thatbangtanbloom · 5 years
lost stars || jjk
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Jeon Jungkook | lost stars 
mostly angst, dash of fluff towards the end | jungkook x you
idol!jungkook, videographer!reader
Word Count: 2,728 (I got a bit carried away with this)
 - “He wants the galaxy with her, but he is no bigger than a small star in the universe to her.” 
 She doesn't know how or why - maybe it is because the leaves crunch against the ground and gravity in the autumn or because the way he skips the sad parts in books, but she knows that the end is near and that Jeon Jungkook was not someone that her future forecasted.
She knows that when he learns the news that she has to move on, he won't understand, but it was easy to say that he rarely ever understood her. Maybe that was why she found it so hard to leave. The sun couldn't know what it meant to be the moon.
She could almost laugh, knowing that all of their actions together would be the last and he doesn't know. Silly Jungkook, barely knowing his right from left. How many lasts did she count that he did not even realize?
Their last time holding hands as he spoke animatedly about his new editing software he discovered; how he learned several new English words from his older brother, Namjoon, how for one last time he would be able to send her a cheeky bunny smile before the storm began. She knows that each second is one closer to despair and he is none the wiser. Perhaps ignorance was bliss.
She knows that this will be the last time he laughs at her as she tries to learn a new Korean word; the last time his eyes will crinkle into half-moon crescents that only Galileo could have known and she has to swallow the way her heartstrings pull. That wasn't how it was supposed to be. That wasn't what he was supposed to be.
She remembers the first time she saw him - in a mere stroke of fate from behind a screen to seeing him by mere luck a year later. She doesn't know why she is so lucky and why she is able to love a boy adored by so many but she does so happily. She is happy. She likes the way he laughs at her terrible jokes; how confused he becomes when she mentions something other than banana milk, Overwatch, or some athletic tournament.  
And then she knows - she knows that something as imperfect as him and her is like a butterfly with its wings touched - a flower plucked too soon. Can't he realize how terribly imperfect they are?
“What are you thinking about?” He asks with a goofy smile as the two of them stand beside each other at the edge of the boat - only them two alone while the whole world slept - just to talk. Jungkook can not dare ignore the way his heart beats in triple time by just being near her and he knows that she is the one he wants forever with. Who else would give him the love and support he needed?
She sends him a lazy smile as she leans against the railing and shakes her head. He always asked her such simple questions - how are you? Did you eat breakfast? Were the hyungs too rough on you? You know I can take care of them if you ever ask. Questions that made her wonder if the phrase 'just friends’ applied to them.
Spoiler: It didn't.
It's something he will never admit, but it irked to him to no end that she never acknowledged him for what he was to her. He knows there is something more to them than her just informing him of his comings and goings - more than just purposely sharing food with her when he doesn't do it with anyone else -  and more to them than just friends.
“I was just thinking about what I will remember when I grow older,” She replies as she taps her fingers against her cheek. She can't bare to look at him knowing that she will take the last look of him soon - to move on, not necessarily happy, but satisfied with herself for being able to leave just because she could.
“Just 'I’?” He whispers as he tucks away the camera he had been recording her with and bites on the inside of his lip. For years it had been just him in her focus, more than anything he wanted to capture every fleeting moment with her. When she talked like this - like she was moving on with no space for him to take beside her - he gripped the camera case closer.
She nods, not looking away from the moon high in the sky. She notes the way that the sun is tucked away, nowhere to be seen and she instantly wonders why Jungkook is there with her. Didn't he know better?
Jungkook bites the inside of his lip before he moves closer to her, letting his arm brush against her own as they stand side by side one another. “Do you have to be so indifferent towards me?” His intonation changes with each word and he is flustered to no end. Could she not feel the love that radiates from him?
“I'm not being indifferent… I'm being smart.” She replies as she watches the moon hover over the ocean, as though enticing the waves to pull them closer than what was gravitationally allowed. “Jungkook.. whatever this is… it isn't what is best for us. I don't want to lose myself while waiting for you to come back to me.”
Jungkook turns his head to look at her and bites down on his lip. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“Is there anything to break up?” She retorts, not able to look at him. She knows if she looks at him any longer that she will give in to his gentle gaze and soft words.
Jungkook doesn't hesitate to respond. “Yes. Ye,s there is.” He places his hand on her elbow to turn her to him and bites his lip. “I don't want you to run away from me the second I try to love you.”
Love? She nearly chokes on his words. “Jungkook..”
“I know that I'm lacking what you want.. I know I'm not brooding or strong or good with words like the guys you desire… but I love you with all my heart.” Jungkook's heart rattles against his ribcage and he wonders if he ever knew heartbreak than the look in her eyes. He hates how she could tell him to leave with tears in her eyes and his broken heart in her back pocket. “I am in love with you.. my heart bleeds just to be by your side and you pretend as though I do not understand how disappointed you look in me.” He bites down on his lip to try to settle his voice that rises in every octave.
The gentle sounds of the waves crashing against the boat is the only thing that fills the silence between the two of them. He wants her to say something - anything to reassure him that this is some cruel dream that he can wake up from.
“You don't love me.. you love the idea of me.” She  replies as she bites down her lip. “You love the idea of someone loving you.” She whispers before closing her eyes.
“Answer me..” he whispers as he squeezes her arm gently.
She glances at him and shakes her head. “Jungkook, you can't feel that way.” She replies, ignoring his large eyes that bore into her own.
“Why not?” He asks. Jeon Jungkook hated to be told what to do, especially when it came to his emotions.
“For starters, you’re an idol.. Do you have any idea how hard it is to bounce back after a dating scandal?” She tries to reason with him, in efforts to mask her true feelings. She decides to continue, but the second reason is less effective than the first. “You only love me because I fill in the empty space of her.” She replies as she bites down on her lip. “Don't you think I realize I have feelings for someone who only likes the idea of me?” She takes in a deep breath. “You never cared about me. You only like the idea of me-”
“Isn't that the same thing as loving you? Seeing you for who you are?” Jungkook replies, feeling desperate. His lungs constricting as more time passes.
She laughed cynically and shakes her head. “That's just it… Jungkook,” She bites her lip so hard that she draws blood, tears welling up in her eyes the more time she spends with him. She hates it so much. She wants to erase. “I have always seen the way you look at her.. how happy you are just being with her.” She swallows hard, a lump filling her throat and her hands shake. She's doing it. She's pushing him away. She's moving on. “You love her so much that you never had any room for me.. so who are we kidding when I could never be her?”
Jungkook's eyes narrow at her words and his mouth falls ajar at her words. “W-what?” He stutters.
“I hope you find what you're looking in for her.” She replies in a tone barely above a whisper. “Because whatever it is.. it isn't me.” She replies - her voice barely above a whisper.
Jungkook pauses as he looks at her, eyes widening. Where was she going with this? “You're not understanding-”
“Why can't you say my name then?” She replies before raising her brows. “Why can’t you ever acknowledge me for who I am? Because you can’t. You don’t want to, and I’m not going to play second best when the guy I love is fawning over someone else. That’s not me, Jungkook, and I don’t want it to.”
And just like that, Jungkook experiences his heart break for the first time in his life. He sees it in her eyes, how tired she is of pushing away her emotions just to protect herself. He hates that he is selfish when it comes to her - that he wants her and her alone and no one else. He does not want to own her - never, that was not who Jeon Jungkook was - but he wanted her for who she was as a person in all her imperfections. He loved her for who she was, who she could be, and what she would be.
“Why is it that you make up excuses when I try to love you, Y/N? She doesn’t matter. She never did. She isn’t the one who I plan on spending the rest of my life with… she is not the one who cheers me up when I feel like the world is falling apart… She is not the one I can run to and tell my troubles. She is not the person that I trust, because the person that I trust is you, Y/N. ” He asks, glancing out to the waves that crash against the yacht. His elder members in the group now sleeping or staying late into the night to write music just as they always have. How very different their tracks of lives were, them finding their heart between the lines of sheet music and Jungkook about to have his town apart by the girl who has been by his side for the better part of five years. “Are you afraid to let me love you? Is that it?”
She looks down at her hands, how they tremble ever so slightly under the moonlight, how cold they feel against the metal railing. She contemplates what it would mean if she did listen to Jungkook, if she did consider what it meant to make that life changing cross from friendship to lovers. She wonders what it would mean to fall in love and to be loved.
But then she remembers that it will never happen, because Jungkook and her were so different. She was nothing more than a mere videographer, tasked by BigHit to record the seven members. She was meant to be behind the camera, isolated behind the lens when he was meant to be in front of it. She had plan to know her place and stay in it, but of course, it was a given that Jungkook did not care.
He dared to linger beside her as she edited videos. He asks questions, subtly staying in the contents department of BigHit for hours long after the other members have gone just to catch a glimpse of how she pouts when the editing software freezes or laughs when she adds the squeaky sound effect to Jimin when he does the slightest thing.
And Jungkook is desperate, because he is so in love with her that he can not breathe. He wants to hear her talk about her struggles after a long day of work, or how a particular class is giving her problems. He wants to be able to hold her hand when she feels like she is alone. He wants her to be the one he arm wrestles with at one in the morning just so that he can be the big spoon and nuzzle his face into the crevice of her neck. He wants the galaxy with her, but he is no bigger than a small star in the universe to her.
But he wants to be more than just the focus of a camera lens. He wants to be a part of the focus of her life, wanting to embed himself in every crevice of her life. He finds her breathtaking under the Malta moonlight, how the curve of her lips gives the slightest hint of a pout as he stares down at her. He wants to make that jump.
“Are you even listening to me?” She asks as she notices the gleam in his doe eyes. He looks hopeful, charming, every positive adjective in the English language that could illustrate his perfect simplicity.
Jungkook shakes his head. He was honest through and through. He had not been listening to her. He did not want to hear how they could not be together, a mere mess of words along the lines that he had once loved someone else, that he was an idol, and that she worked for BigHit. He wanted to risk it all if it meant being with her.
To put it simply, he was whipped.
“I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I want to wake up in the morning before you and cook you breakfast. I want to wake you up with kisses and slightly burned toast. I want to be able to kiss away all your troubles when the world seems like it is crumbling. I want to be able to run to you when I’m tired. Hell, I want you to stroke my hair and tell me I am doing okay after a long day.” Jungkook’s voice is strained, but he does not care. He feels like he is on trial and this is his last resort. He wonders if it would be too much if he dropped to his knees. He was not too proud to beg. “I want to be able to ask you to be my wife one day. I want us to have a house full of children where they all have your eyes on little me. I want us to garden together, and do scrapbooks or some shit where we look back fondly on who we used to be and smile because we never changed.Y/N… I want forever with you, by any means…. You see me for who I am, just some boy from Busan who likes banana milk and anime too much.. Please accept my love for you… because when I say I love you, I mean it.”
She is silent throughout his entire confession. She considers the fallout this could have - how she could be risking it all for a mere boy with a bunny smile and a banana milk addiction to match… but it is hard to deny how his words and lopsided smile pull at her heartstrings. After all, everyone knows that the sun can not know what it means to be the moon. But what harm is it in trying?
Would you accept his confession? Feel free to send your reactions! Don’t be a silent reader~ :)
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gaiyofanfiction · 6 years
Rare Blood (10 Final)
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10
Vampire Prince!Yoo Kihyun x Siren!Reader
Much angst, maybe fluff
Vampire world!AU
A/N: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR LOVING THIS FIC. I think this is one of the best ones we’ve done based on the notes! We are SO SO CLOSE to 1000 and hopefully it’ll happen soon! Once we do, we will be doing a giveaway that you guys will love! This is our final chapter. We made it MUCH longer than normal as a treat. Twice as long actually. So, please enjoy! (We always have this fear that you guys won’t like the ending but we really hope you do)
Disclaimer: This store is pure fiction. Yoo Kihyun and the rest of Monsta X are the sweetest creatures on this earth, we know they would never do anything to harm or manipulate anyone.
Trigger warning: Mentions of manipulation, abuse and blood for right now. Very slight mention of sexual assault. Character death.
Yoongi never ran so fast in his life. He feels his legs burn with each step, his muscles hating him for not keeping up with training. He looks down at your unconscious body. Your face could deceive anyone, you looked so peaceful. Yet he knew you were anything but.
'IM’s magic is coursing through her veins. If I don't get her to his Highness soon to overpower it, it'll be permanent.’
Yoongi quickened his pace. Within half an hour he makes it to the front door of the castle. He pounds on the door with his foot, praying to God someone can hear him.
His thoughts were answered as the door swings open to reveal a tired looking Wonho. The moment Wonho sees the face of the man at the door, his expression turns dark and furious.
“Min Yoongi. What in the HELL are you doing out of your cell!?” His nostrils flares as he tries to keep his composure.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “The Prince let me out. I don't have time to explain myself. Please, move aside.”
Wonho grinds his teeth and lets out a low growl, “hell no. Kihyun would be the LAST person to let you out. You killed my cousin, you sick son of a-”
“Wonho!” Yoongi yells, interrupting the Royal. “I understand how you feel right now and your anger towards me is extremely warranted. But right now is NOT the time. I need to get Y/N to the Prince immediately!”
For the first time, Wonho looks at your limp body in the arms of Yoongi. His eyes widen and he becomes pale, forgetting his ill will towards the hunter for the moment. He nods his head and runs to go find the Prince.
No more than five minutes later, Yoongi sees both Wonho and Prince Kihyun running towards him. The look on the Prince's face is nothing but pure horror.
“Oh my God, Y/N.” He breathes out, seeing your unconscious state.
Yoongi hands you over to Prince Kihyun. “Your Highness, IM has injected her with enough of his magic that if it stays in her system any longer, she'll permanently be bound to him. You need to inject your magic immediately or it'll be too late.”
Prince Kihyun nods, not looking at his old friend. He turns and heads to his room. “What happened to Minhyuk and IM?”
“I was able to kill Minhyuk but IM got away.”
The Prince growls, “IM got away?”
Yoongi swallows the lump in his throat. “Y-Yeah. I would have gone after him but I needed to get Y/N to you immediately or else there could have been severe consequences.”
Prince Kihyun sighs and walks into his room. Just before he shuts the door he made one final request of Yoongi. “Min Yoongi. If you could, I would like you to stand outside my room. Guard the door and don't let anyone in. This process can be lengthy and if I'm interrupted… I might not be able to get her back.”
“Of course your Highness.” With that Yoongi kept a parameter around the room.
Prince Kihyun laid you down gently on the bed. Your skin was cold and pale, he knew he didn't have much longer till the magic would overpower his.
Quickly he exposes your neck by tucking your hair behind your ear. He notices something odd. There was something purple around the bite marks.
“Damnit. He somehow changed his chemical makeup to poison whoever were to try and reverse his magic.”
Kihyun loudly yells and drops to the floor hitting the ground with both his fists.
'No. I can't lose her. Not like this. She doesn't deserve this!’
He gets up and starts to pace the room thinking how he can execute this without killing himself in the process.
Suddenly Kihyun hears a low wimper coming from you. He rushes to your side.
“Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.” He pets your head.
“Hmph, you can't get rid of me that easily,” you somehow gather up enough energy to smile to him, but you slip into a state of unconsciousness once again. He brushes the hair out of your face.
“Y/N, I-I lov-”
Kihyun suddenly hears a slight scuffle just outside the door followed by loud banging on the door.
He approaches the door slowly. Suddenly the door was kicked down. In the doorway stood Minhyuk grinning and IM holding Yoongi’s arms behind his back. IM kicks Yoongi down.
“Really? Did you think a hunter could stand in our way a second time? Fool us once, shame on us. Fool us twice, shame on you.” IM laughs.
Prince Kihyun's eyes widen, “Minhyuk? How the hell are you still alive?! I thought Yoongi killed you!”
Minhyuk chuckles, his look dangerous. “Well, thank God this Hunter isn't a doctor. He didn't actually check to see if I was dead or not. IM came back and was able to help me heal with a certain little potion he had gotten his hands on.”
Yoongi still on his knees then looks up to the Prince with concern while his hands were tied behind his back. “Be careful your Highness. I suspect her blood was tampered with.”
“I have figured that out already by looking at her neck,” Kihyun says while glaring at his evil cousins.
“N-no, it's more than just her neck. They've done something to her blood. And instead of drinking it to sustain themselves they harnessed more powers by-”
“Transfusion.” Minhyuk interrupts to finish Yoongi's sentence.
Slowly walking towards the Prince the whites of his eyes start to turn black and so does the veins on his arms. “You see, rumor has it that a vampire once whipped up a concoction with the blood of a siren. It gave him unimaginable power and stamina to last him for several days. The recipe was so sought out that eventually the authorities of the Kingdom intervened. However, they didn't destroy the evidence of the recipe. It was stored away inside the depths of the library of the castle. Which, of course is only accessible by Royals. Such as myself.”
“HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A ROYAL! You have tainted the family name!” Prince Kihyun exclaims.
IM grins, a very creepy look on his face. “Just a few more minutes till the little siren will be mine, permanently. Then, we'll be able to harness her blood to make this potion for ourselves and sell it for unimaginable profit.”
“M-My Prince?”
He hears a quiet high pitched voice coming from his right. He turns to see Princess Soyou looking absolutely terrified.
“W-What’s going on?”
“Princess, you need to run! These guys are dangerous!”
But before Soyou could make her exit, Minhyuk suddenly flashes behind her as fast as lightning and grabs her by the throat. “Don't you dare move, dear Princess. I am in need of you right now.” Minhyuk locks his black eyes onto the Prince. “Now, you will give me your little human halfling and in exchange, I will let go of the Princess.”
“NO! Don't do it!” Yoongi yells. “Kihyun, it's her! SHE’S the one behind Y/N’s kidnapping! The three of them are working together! She wanted to sell her blood!”
Prince Kihyun's eyes widen into a mixture of shock and anger. He looks to Soyou, who's still being held by Minhyuk. “Is this true?!”
Soyou shakes her head, “of course not! I would never do that to you! Why would you believe a traitor over your fiance?!”
Yoongi growls, struggling against IM’s grip. “Don't listen to her, your Highness! Yes I may have gone against the clan and did something unforgivable, but I'm trying to redeem myself! I'm trying to show that I'm not like that anymore! Besides, even if I was still against vampire kind, why would I bring a human back to the lair of a vampire Prince? Don't you think I would have taken her somewhere else?!” IM slaps a hand over Yoongi’s mouth, shutting him up.
“I-it’s true, my Prince.”
Prince Kihyun stiffens at the sound of your weak voice and whirl around to see you leaning against the door frame. His eyes soften when he sees you, noticing how skinny you've become and how much paler you are.
“Y/N, you shouldn't be out of bed. You need to lay down.” The Prince speaks softly, concern laced his voice.
“Prince Kihyun, Yoongi is right. The Princess is behind all this. S-She's the one who-”
“My little siren, come here to your Master’s side.” IM’s eyes flash yellow, his voice turning into dark velvet.
Your body stiffens and unconsciously your feet move towards the sound of IM’s voice. Prince Kihyun immediately grabs you and hides you behind his back.
“Stop! Don't you dare do that to her!” The Prince growls low, eyes shifting to a blood red color.
IM rolls his eyes, “soon you won't be able to stop her. Once my magic is permanent, she will do anything to come to me when she is called. Even hurt the person in her path.”
“K-Kihyunie, please help me. Just give her to them, please save me.” Soyou’s eyes glisten with tears, her lip quivering.
Yoongi bites IM’s hand to get him to let go of his mouth. “Don't listen to her! Kihyun, you heard Y/N! She told you it was Soyou who kidnapped her!” He cries out as IM jerks him backwards to shut him up again.
Prince Kihyun turns his attention to Soyou, who is still in Minhyuk's grip. “Is this true, Soyou? Did you steal what's mine?” He speaks in a low voice.
“N-No! Of course not! I would never!”
You snap out of IM’s trance and step in front of the Prince. You feel your legs shake from weakness but you stand your ground.
“Yes! You did! You wanted to sell my blood for money. You were going to allow any pathetic vampire who gave you money to drink from me. You were going to give me to IM permanently!”
Soyou’s eyes burn blood red as she lunges for you. “YOU BITCH! I WILL KILL YOU!”
Prince Kihyun grabs you and holds you close to his body, his fangs elongated and his eyes still red. “If you touch her, I will KILL YOU MYSELF!”
Soyou takes a step back, horrified and shocked of the Prince's wrath. “You're going to pick this filthy half breed over ME? A PUREBRED PRINCESS?!”
“What good is a purebred who is willing to make a profit any way that she can for the price of a life?” Prince Kihyun staring her down.
Soyou scoffs. “What good? It’s called status, honey. More money means more control and more control means being unstoppable.”
“You utterly disgust me.” Prince Kihyun hisses.
“Hmph, no matter. I don’t need you to control the Kingdom anymore. We signed the marriage certificate. I already own the kingdom, as your queen!” She laughs maniacally. “Still, a shame that such a handsome Prince is making the wrong choice.”
Soyou quickly pulls out a dagger and lunges for him. Prince Kihyun pushes you aside and is stabbed in the side and doubles over.
“Prince Kihyun! You’re injured!” You tuck yourself under his arm trying to stabilize him.
“You come to my side still, though I have done so much wrong to you. I should have treated you better.”
You blush, but realize it’s not the best time to be having a moment. “You alright? You’re starting to sound nice. It’s unlike you.”
Kihyun smiles, but winces in pain. “Of course her dagger has poison on it. That’s why I’m unable to heal quickly.”
Frantic and worried all you could ask was, “how do we get out of this mess alive!?”
Suddenly the door flung open. It was Jooheon.
“I-I came to check on you my Prince. I didn’t expect so many unwanted guests to be in the same room.”
The look on Jooheon’s face changed from shock and concern to pure horror. His nose flares and veins start to pop out by his temples.
“Jooheon, listen to me. Get everyone in the castle out of here and protect the family.” He winces again and more blood starts to pour.
“K-Kihyun… You’re hurt.” His hands form into fists. “You’re bleeding…” his head lowers and his eyes fill with rage.
IM laughs. “And just what are you gonna do ‘bout it?”
A dark, ominous aura surrounds Jooheon. His face black, and eyes dark red like that of a monster.
“Watch and see.” His voice was demonic. It sent chills down your spine.
Your eyes widen. You've heard stories about certain types of vampires with unimaginable strength and a blood-lust like no other. A soulless vampire.
Your voice trembles, “i-is that-”
“A Strigoi. Yes, Jooheon is part strigoi. When he was little, his parents were killed by a group of them. He would have been too if the guards had not finally realize what happened. They were able to save him and kill the Strigoi. Unfortunately, that didn't come without consequence. One of the Strigoi had bit him so now he has it's venom running through his veins. Thankfully, that part of him only comes out when he gets angry.”
Jooheon was moving swiftly about the room. He was so quick your eyes couldn’t catch up with him. In just a few seconds IM and Minhyuk were thrown across the room, their bodies crashing into the hallway wall with a deafening crack. Yoongi collapses to the ground, freed from IM’s grasp.
Jooheon wasn’t Jooheon anymore. He was Strigoi.
Soyou steps in. “Hey, freak of nature. Why don’t we end this right here, right now.”
She throws the dagger laced with poison towards Jooheon, but he was able to swat it away and pin Soyou against the wall.
“NO ONE DARES HURT MY FAMILY AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!” Jooheon exclaims angrily. Soyou pretends to squirm while she reaches for another dagger strapped to her side.
Prince Kihyun notices this and immediately picks up the dagger from the floor. A quick shove into Soyou’s side and her body crumples to the floor, lifeless.
“Fallen by your own sword,” Prince Kihyun says to Soyou, glowering at her fallen form.
“Well, technically it’s just a dagger,” you remark as you shrug your shoulders, but wince from the pain of IM’s bite. Your head suddenly feels dizzy. You lean up against the wall to keep yourself from keeling over.
Prince Kihyun immediately rushes to your side. “Y/N! Are you alright?!”
You nod your head and try to breathe. “Y-Yeah. I think I’m alright. It’s just this bite-” You brush your fingers over where IM’s bite used to be and feel...nothing? “Wait, where did IM’s bite go?”
Yoongi groans and struggles off the floor. “I imagine it’s gone because Jooheon accidently killed him, along with Minhyuk.” He gestures over his shoulder to two crumpled, broken bodies on the floor.
“Damn, that’s some power,” you breathe out, a mixture of shocked and impressed.
Suddenly you remember something. “Wait, what about the dagger that Soyou impaled you with? Wasn’t it dipped in poison?” You look over the Prince to see no wound, just blood.
Prince Kihyun looks down at his side, “looks like my impeccable healing ability finally kicked in.”
“B-but, it was poisoned! Why did she die and not you?!”
“The Monsta Clan is one of the highest ranking vampire clans around. One of the reasons being is that our blood can heal poisons.” You look over to see Jooheon back to normal, leaning against the wall, his breathing heavy,
Prince Kihyun walks up to Jooheon and claps a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you, Cousin. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what we would have done.”
Jooheon smiles and nods, showing his dimples. “You know I would do anything to protect you, Your Highness.”
“Your Highness, there’s something that needs to be discussed.” Yoongi clears his throat, getting the Prince’s attention.
Prince Kihyun sighs, “and what would that be, Min Yoongi?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Well, let’s start with the feelings you have for your human feeder, Sir. Your love for her.”
In that moment, the world stops. You freeze, a look of shock coming over your features. Prince Kihyun’s lips tighten into a thin line, his eye twitches. “Mr. Min, I don’t think that’s anything that should be discussed at this moment!”
“Actually, I think it is.”
The four of you look up to see both of Kihyun’s parents, the King and Queen. They were both accompanied by Wonho, Shownu, and Hyungwon. Prince Kihyun immediately bows his head. He notices your frozen state and glares, a sign to do the same.
“Mother, Father. What are you doing here?”
The King raises a brow, “well, for one, we live here. And two, how could we not hear the ruckus booming throughout the entire castle?”
The Queen gently comes up to you, “my dear, are you alright?”
Your lip quivers and nod your head quickly. “Yes, your Majesty. I’m okay. Please don’t worry about me.”
The Queen nods her head. She turns her attention to her son. “Kihyun, it’s quite obvious how you feel about this girl and Mr. Min is right. According to the current laws, this is something that needs to be addressed.” She clears her throat and shoots an uncertain glance towards the hunter.
Prince Kihyun sighs, forgetting all about formalities. “Yes, you’re right. Obviously my feelings have gotten in the way of our Master/servant relationship. It’s time I let you go.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. “Wait, let me go?! Why! I don’t want to go anywhere. Please, I love you too!”
Prince Kihyun turns to you, a pained look on his face. “Y/N, I did nothing but put you in harms way. I also didn’t help by hurting you myself. You don’t need to lie to me, girl. I know how you truly feel about me. You need to leave.”
The King and Queen exchange glances. The Queen turns back to you, her eyes glowing yellow. “Now, Y/N. You are to tell my son, Kihyun, exactly how you feel about him.”
Prince Kihyun notices what his mother is doing and tries to stop her, “no, Mother. Please don’t, it’s okay-”
“How I feel about your son, Kihyun.” Your body springs to attention, “Prince Kihyun was a monster who I thought would do anything to anyone on his way to the throne. He would even threaten an innocent thief who just wanted nothing more than to live in peace.” Prince Kihyun doesn’t want to hear anymore, his heart in pain. But you didn’t stop there. “That was what I thought before I got to know him. The more I got to know him, I saw who he truly was. A man in pain, betrayed by his best friend. His walls built up just as high as mine. The more time I spent in his presence and the more time I thought about him, my heart grew and my walls came crashing down. I feel for the Prince, hard. I’ve never loved anyone in my life as much as I love him.”
The Queen ends her magic on you with a content nod. You shake your head coming out of the trance. Your face turns bright red and you start to freak out as soon you realize what you just said.
“Oh my god, Prince Kihyun I am SO sorry. That was so out of line and I don’t know what got into me-”
Suddenly, you feel the lips of the Prince pressed against yours. Your eyes widen in shock. You dreamed of this moment, the moment that Kihyun’s lips would meet yours. They were just as amazing as you imagined it, soft and warm and everything you wanted in a first kiss. You melt into the kiss and press your lips back with just as much force. You immediately feel the prick of his fang on your bottom lip, making you pull away.
“O-oh, Y/N. I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?”
You shake your head and giggle quietly. “No, I’m alright. I’ve been bitten worse.”
You stare into those hypnotic eyes of his. ‘God, he really is the most magnificent creature to exist.’
You hear the Queen clap her hands, pulling the two of you out from your thoughts. “Well, now. Time to prepare for a wedding! My son, I imagine you should mark her permanently soon, as there are others still hunting for Siren blood.”
“W-Wait, a wedding?! For us?! What about the laws?” Your mouth drops open in shock once again.
“Well, we were the ones who made the laws, right? We can always change them. Any laws, actually. Including tearing up a certain marriage certificate.” The King winks at you.
Prince Kihyun suddenly grabs you and lifts you up, spinning you around. You giggle, still in shock. Suddenly you remember something. “Wait, does that mean Wonho can finally find Sumi and be with her again?”
Wonho looks up immediately at your question, hope lacing his features. The Queen nods, “of course. We actually have just sent out a search party to find the girl.”
You never thought a smile could be as big as the one that appeared on Wonho’s face at this moment. He drops to the floor in a low bow to the King and Queen. “Thank you. Thank you so much, your Majesties. I am forever in your debt.”
The Queen leans down and raises Wonho up from his bow. “Honey, we never should have taken her away from you in the first place. We were mislead by what happened to my daughter, we never should have blamed all human beings for just one’s actions. Y/N has shown us that. I never thought I would see my son this happy ever again.”
That’s when Min Yoongi rushes forward onto one knee in front of the King and Queen. “I could never make up for my transgressions. I deserve nothing but pain for the rest of my life for what I have done. If you would have me, I would love to serve under you two, to pay off my debts to you. Even if it takes the rest of my life.”
The King nods, “Min Yoongi, as much as you’ve caused this family pain, you’ve proven to have remorse for your actions. I will grant you your wish. To pay off your debts, you will now be Prince Kihyun’s and Princess Y/N’s personal bodyguard. You will protect the two of them till the day you die. Am I understood?”
Yoongi nods his head vigorously. “Absolutely. Thank you, thank you so much your Majesty.”
The King and Queen turn their attention onto you and Prince Kihyun. “Now, we have a lot of wedding planning to do. But first, you all need to get your rest. Y/N, you and Kihyun will rest in his room. The servants will be at your call when you need them. Min Yoongi, your wounds will be treated but as soon as that’s done, you will be standing watch outside their bedroom door. Jooheon honey, come with us. We need to make sure the Strigoi venom won’t activate again anytime soon.” And with that, Jooheon, Shownu, Hyungwon and the King and Queen take their leave.
Wonho rushes up to you, pulling you into a tight hug. “Thank you, Y/N. So much. I owe you everything.”
You pat his back and try to breath, but his vampire strength is crushing you.Prince Kihyun peels Wonho off you. “I’m sure she appreciates it, Wonho but you're crushing my fiancé.”
Wonho backs away, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ahh, I apologize. Well, I’m off to go find the love of my life. Thank you again. “He bows his head and rushes off to join the search.
Prince Kihyun turns his attention onto you, giving you a gentle smile. “Go inside the room, my Love. You need rest and I need a minute with Yoongi.” You nod your head and make your way into the bedroom.
The Prince turns to his old friend. “Min Yoongi, I wanted to thank you for saving Y/N. I just wish I could have gone with you, to make sure neither one of you was harmed.”
Yoongi shakes his head and puts his hands up. “You needed to stay here, your Highness. Just in case I didn’t find her and she came back on her own. It was no problem.”
Prince Kihyun sighs, “I don’t think I can fully forgive you for what you did, Yoongi. It hurts so much still.” He looks Yoongi in the eyes, his face serious. “But, I’m willing to try to make this work. As long as you protect me and my future wife, I will learn to forgive.”
Yoongi nods his head. “Of course, your Highness. I would give my life for you.”
Prince Kihyun nods, content with the response. He turns to walk into the bedroom but stops. “To tell you the truth, I missed you, Yoongi. And I still consider you my best friend.”
He didn’t turn around to see the look of pure shock and happiness on the man’s face. He walks into the room and closes the door behind him. Immediately he comes to your side, making sure you’re okay.
“Y/N, I know a lot just happened. I hope you’re okay with the arrangements that were made.”
You nod your head and smile, “honestly, I am. It will get some time getting used to, but I think I’ll be happy like this. But, wouldn’t you need to find a new feeder?”
Kihyun gives you a look, “you’re still set to be my feeder, my love. That was the original arrangement. Except now, you’re not just a servant. You’re a Princess and soon to be Queen. And once I permanently mark you as mine, no one will be able to hurt you or take you away from me.”
You smile wide at your Prince. Marrying a vampire prince was the last thing you ever thought would happen to you. But you can’t complain. The best decision you ever did was to break into the castle of the infamous Vampire Prince, Yoo Kihyun.
“So what now, Prince Kihyun?”
Prince Kihyun thinks for a moment. “Well, for starters, you can drop the formalities. You are soon to be my wife, my dear. You can call me just Kihyun.”
Kihyun. Wife. Love.
That all sounded like a very happy ending to you.
A/N: Thank you all for being dedicated followers and loving this story! We really appreciate it!
Just  remember everyone:
Steer clear of Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Envy, Sloth and Wrath. It could just get you into trouble. Or worse, killed. They are called the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ for a reason. ;)
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5x22 · 7 years
june 12, 2017.
it’s easily been about six hours since he opened his eyes, unaware of half the words he had said last night. mostly unaware of those that put him in a promising situation, one he had been trying to avoid ever since he realized it. but there was just something different this time, why did he feel so bent on bringing it up to the two people that he loved the most? what was driving him to bring the topic back up when it had clearly destroyed them recently? it was doyoung. because even if last night he forgot how incredibly hard this was going to be and how much it would bring him down if their reaction was what he expected, he didn’t forget the way doyoung spoke to him. the strength he never failed to emit to him, he didn’t forget that if he ever felt motivated to do what he wanted to do it was when doyoung told him he could. here he is, in his room, then the kitchen, then the living room, all around the house unsure of how to start. ‘’i’ll call them in an hour.’’ he said for the past four hours, the other two he had spent much too preoccupied with it or not thinking about it at all, it was a game of pushing it past his mind, of procrastinating on something that was not even remotely close to work- it was a responsibility nonetheless. one that came with a lot of baggage if things turned out the way he expected them to.
he waited, and waited, and waited. convincing himself that this was not necessary, it wasn’t something he had to do. though his thoughts were partially true, if he let himself back out now then in a way his parents would be right. they’d never let him get away with it, they would never allow him to be who he was in peace. this was him proving a point, this was him saying that he wasn’t going to change because he didn’t need to, because he had someone beside him that made him want to be this way forevermore. the purposeful waiting only good to bunch up his nervousness in one huge clutter that suffocated all his insides. a phone with a purpose laid on the coffee table. a purpose, yes, one that he did not dare to fulfill just yet. it seemed to be mocking him every time he stared its way nervously, it seemed to dare him. Do it. Do it now. He was merely buying time, or wasting it, for fear. Of what? Unsure at this point. Mom and dad knew about his feelings, though they always seemed to almost convince him he was confused, they had already done their crying and they were doing their denial still. So why was he so scared? There was nothing else they could do right? There was no way that what had already happened could worsen but only prolong itself. It’s best he does it now rather than stir up a commotion when things are peaceful once more.  
‘‘They’re the ones to change.’‘ The soothing voice of his lover played loudly enough to drown that sound of the connecting phone call and his heart beating out of his ears. ‘‘Not you.’‘ Not him. He wasn’t ill, or wrong, or weird. Doyoung said that if that was the case then so were the entirety of them. All seven them had to be flawed if Johnny was. His large hands gripped tightly on the phone while it pressed to his ear, shaking and just thanking everything that this wasn’t in person- at least there was a barrier. Something that stopped him from seeing the disappointment in their eyes again. The beeping finally replaced by an older man’s deep voice, in question, like he answered to a complete stranger. ‘‘Hello?’‘ The frail voice sounded. Johnny couldn’t help but smile at this, he hadn’t heard such passive innocence in his father’s voice in a good few weeks. It was almost like he had not heard him at all actually. It was needless to say it brought him tears to his eyes, tears he didn’t let escape so he could continue to speak. ‘’Dad, hello. How are you? How is everyone?’’ Perhaps a very silly question since last time he had seen them he had left them torn. Quiet and distraught. How else would they be? It’s only been a few days. Did he really expect change? Ah, but his father was either the one ignorant soul or the one that really believed this could turn out well. The positive attitude emitted from the older man at the other side of the line eased Johnny’s nerves, it relaxed them and spread them from the mess they were just slightly and he felt that he should just blurt it out right then and there because at any other time would probably be a bad time, at any other time he would probably be much too scared to. But it just wasn’t wise, not now.
Sadly enough his parents acted like there were never previous conversations about the same thing. Like he had not gone through hell trying to live to their expectations and like he had not tried to open up to them- mom did anyway. Johnny could never really figure out his dad. Now he was on speakerphone and it was audible the way his mom bickered with dad about how low the volume was and she could not hear her son, another smile painted on his lips as this but this time it made him a little more nervous. ‘Please don’t listen to me. Leave the volume that way.’ He thought. It had to be like a bandaid, it had to be ripped out that way and said that way because if he did it slowly then it would hurt much more than it should and it would be much more difficult all as well. ‘’I’ glad you’re doing well. I miss you guys, I know I saw you recently- we are very busy. I hope you will be thinking of us during our comeback and that we can see each other again soon.’’ Those words seemed to excite the both of them, sweet souls who only wanted the best for him but at the same time had an erroneous idea of what that was exactly, well he was about to break it to them, making small talk only pushed him to drop the subject for now and that would be a waste of time all over again. Overthought for nothing. The happiness they both obviously radiated served as a cushion for his heart drop and the sharp words he was about to squeeze into a few sentences. ‘’Umma, appa..’’ Silence took over the previously cheery environment at the end of his words, silence that clouded him addressing them and allowing him to talk. ‘’We’ve talked about the same thing lately, not that long ago i even got to see grandma because she felt that she had to talk to me about it and i’m sorry that I keep bringing it up. I apologize for straining you both of your tears and your energy with me, i know you guys want the best for me and i know you love me. I love you guys too, i love you a lot which is why I can’t keep lying to you or destroying myself with my own lies. I have to be honest.’’ Heart beat speeding up per second because the silence continued and suddenly he couldn’t think of what to say, or why he was even calling. A knot formed at the base of his throat and it seemed to block every word his brain thought of and wanted to express. He couldn’t backtrack, there was no way out of this even if he wanted one. The ring hit the light and glistened in the corner of his eye, silence still suffocating him but that one piece he wore proudly moved him around. Brought him back a reason and purpose for why he was on this couch about to cry, in this call at this very moment. ‘’I love Doyoung. Yes, Kim Doyoung. My labelmate. My member. I love him more than words could describe and we have been together for a while now. I am going to marry him someday and I needed the two of you to know… Mom and dad, I need you guys to be there when the time comes.’’
He did it. Said knot in his throat evaporated into flowing tears running down his face and he was still drowning in their silence, silence soon broken by a disappointed scoff coming from his mother. Voice becoming distant, muffled, suddenly he couldn’t understand anymore. ‘’Dad.. I know I’ve surprised you guys a lot. I wanted to this in person but-’’ But nothing. Nothing that could be more important than what his mom had to say, the tears were obvious in her voice, it was obvious that he had once more broken her heart for the third time this short month and he couldn’t think of the time he’d forgive himself for this. The distant voice of the smaller lady was soon a bold one that resonated in his ear like she thought he couldn’t hear him, perhaps after all the times she had stood by her opinion and him still defying it she really believed he couldn’t hear. It was the same cycle as the one he had seen in person, the same thing. A vocally loud opinion from mom and nothing from dad. Which makes him wish he could see them now, maybe he could hug them, maybe they’d take compassion in him if they saw the genuineness in his words and actions. It wasn’t all just to hurt them or defy them- it was him, who he is and he just wanted to be accepted by those that mattered the most to him. The words his mother expressed were soon just as loud as her voice, harsh words you’d never expect a mother to express to anyone such as her child, words that you don’t even think a kind hearted mother holds as part of her vocabulary for the simple fact of being a mother but you’re wrong. you’re so so very wrong. Johnny could hear his world crashing down, he could see the way walls crumbled and cars crashed against each other with every word that his mom made clear to him but he couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t say anything. Not now. ‘’I’m sorry you feel that way mom. I hope you can see what’s truly the best for me someday.’’ But there was nothing that could bring his mom down from where she was, there was nothing that could be a reason or an excuse or anything to get her to realize right now. She felt the need to reiterate her words, her decisions towards the situation and towards him as a person and Johnny’s world was still ending right in front of him but all he did was cry and nod. ‘’Okay. Okay, umma. Okay. I understand. I apologize for bringing you problems. I will respect your decisions but I hope you know things won’t change. I lov-’’ Tiredness flooded his eyes, his face, he was tired of arguing with them. Tired of them not letting him say what he wanted. Tired of lying. But the remains of his world laid beneath him, shaken and destroyed along with himself, engulfed in his feelings, helpless, broken on the floor of the shared living room. Ready to isolate himself from the rest of the guys living in this house, to close up and let his feelings swallow him whole. maybe then he’d be able to be okay. He was tired of bringing sadness to his parents but if he was not to communicate with them or see them again, how was he meant to fix it? If his mom didn’t want sight of him, how could he call her every day to remind her he loved her without stepping over boundaries? What would be of free evenings without his dad? What would be of him?
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