#but goddamn do the people who run it suck ass
asimpleram · 6 months
I do think that there should be a fan fiction website that does not suddenly decide to delete your content based on arbitrary standards, especially if it’s through a mob vote, and one where you can post porn. The problem is, I hate how ao3 is run
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apollo-zero-one · 4 days
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Bane of my existence. My upset returns.
#this house is a fucking nightmare#The mess amd clutter and more importantly the FUCKING UGLY UNCOMFORTABLE ASS CHAIRS#that my parents THREW AWAY THE COUCH TO MAKE ROOM FOR#they are hideous and uncomfortable and BOTH BROKEN. ONE IS STUCK OPEN.#they are that terrible sticky material 😭 and I hate them so much#and now I have nowhere to sit in the living room because the table and chairs are ALSO covered in fuckin clutter#like TOWERING clutter and everything is everywhere and none of it is mine to put away or toss#'clean the living room' I don't know where any of this shit goes and we don't have shelves to put it on!!!! And im not allowed to throw#anything away!!! what the fuck do you want me to do!!! this is why cleaning in this house permanently consists of just moving the piles#and it sucks it sucks so goddamn bad. we need a bigger house and shelves AT LEAST THE SHELVES#I and my friend who runs a cleaning buisness have been telling my parents to buy shelves for AGES#And listen I am not going to spend my own money on shelves for the living room when I keep zero of my own stuff down here#I in fact store extra shit that isn't even mine in my bedroom already!!!! i never let my things leave my room because they will be swallowed#by the mess and broken or never seen again because no one respects my shit the way I have to respect theirs#I like my bedroom here better and I feel much more Allowed in all the areas of the house but. how am I supposed to have friends over like#this. And I don't like going to friends houses because I am uncomfortable in other peoples homes.#and we can't just hang out in a third location because there are no more fucking indoor third locations left.#like we could go to the library together but you can't laugh and tustle there!! we could go outside but the weather is horrible.#this is why my friends and I shoplift together for fun. in minecraft
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stabortega · 7 months
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Summary: Jenna's need to find out who you really are is prevailing, so is her arousal.
Pairings: Jenna Ortega x G!P!Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Implied fem reader, she/her pronouns used. Smut. Mentions of sex and kinks. Sexting, masturbation, voyeurism. Top!Reader x Bottom!Jenna. MDNI.
Author's note: Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I hope it was worth it, huh? Let me know what you think!
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(Y/N)xz: hey
(Y/N)xz: i'm so glad you decided to take up my offer
jenna2709: really?
(Y/N)xz: yeah
(Y/N)xz: i honestly thought you wouldn't say yes
jenna2709: i had to.
jenna2709: getting a private livestream from you isn't something you can get everyday.
(Y/N)xz: i can see you're very excited for that
jenna2709: i am.
jenna2709: what about you?
(Y/N)xz: counting the days
(Y/N)xz: wanted to see your face for quite sometime now
jenna2709: you've at least imagined what i look like by now, right?
(Y/N)xz: a little
(Y/N)xz: also the fact that i can only think about my coworker's face when i think of you it's a little bit strange
jenna2709: oh, why is that?
(Y/N)xz: it's because you guys have the same name
(Y/N)xz: which is weird because i see her everyday and we never even really talked
(Y/N)xz: maybe it's because she is the only jenna i know
(Y/N)xz: was*
(Y/N)xz: now i know you :)
jenna2709: i hope she's pretty enough for you.
jenna2709: i want you to imagine me as some pretty girl.
(Y/N)xz: she's gorgeous
(Y/N)xz: bet you're more, though
jenna2709: guess you'll find out soon enough.
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"Okay, now you're being straight up mean." Jasmine said while eating a piece of her spring salad, while looking at her friend. "You said you're showing her your face and now you're suddenly giving up?"
"I'm not giving up, Jasmine. It's just, I don't know why I agreed." Jenna sighed, while trying to distract herself reading a couple of lines from her script. "And now she's gonna know who I am and she's gonna be so embarrassed. Fuck, it's gonna be so freaking awkward. I'm working with her every single day."
"How are you so sure they are the same person? Just because of a scar? Millions of people have scars." Jasmine said, which made Jenna wonder for a while: What if she was, in fact, losing her goddamn mind and they weren't the same person?
"No, I just remembered. They have the same voice, as well. I'm 99% sure." The younger actress would never admit it, but she was so afraid of that 1%. "And also, she has a few tattoos. If only I could at least see if she has those tattoos. But she's always wearing long sleeves, fuck. I'm definitely not gonna do that video call and that's final."
"You're being a chicken and you know it. What's the worse that can happen? If anything, you'll end up sucking her dick right on that nasty green couch in the break room." Jasmine felt a slap right on her left arm. "Hey! It's not like you're not gonna enjoy it! You seem like one of those kinky ass chicks who no one thinks that are actually kinky."
"Oh please, you should've seen her kink list from her profile." Jenna immediately regretted saying that. Mental note: Think about everything you're gonna say to Jasmine.
"Wait, what?!"
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"Breeding, breath play, knife play- Oh fuck, she's crazy. Run. Run for your life! Run for the hills!" They laughed, while Jenna tried her best to hide her embarrassment. "Holy shit, she's that kinky. How the fuck do they have that?"
"When you sign up, you have to fill out your kink list. I thought you also had an account, dingus."
"I do, dingus, but the kink list is not mandatory." Jasmine stopped for awhile, until she thought for one second. "God, you filled yours?!"
"Give me my phone now." Jenna said, trying to look angry while Jasmine got up from the chair and started to run away with the latina's phone in her hand, trying to search the list on Jenna's profile.
"I have the power in my hands!" Jasmine and Jenna didn't knew how, but they ran until the parking lot, looking like two little sisters having an argument over a toy. "Girl, you're into that?" The black girl said, while laughing, which made Jenna angrier.
Before the younger one could even respond to that, she felt a body crash against hers, making her almost fall over to the floor, but thankfully her body was held in time to prevent that from happening. "Hey, are you alright?"
Fuck, it was you.
"Yeah, I'm sorry... Jasmine- She had- " Jenna tried to speak but ended up mumbling all of the words. The way your strong arms held her, your woody perfume which she swore it was the best scent she has ever smelled in her life, your face looking at her as if you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
"Don't worry about that, just try to be careful next time, okay?" You almost were talking down to her, as if she was a little kid, which was something that would immediately make Jenna hate you. Since she started working as a child, having people treat her as one made her blood boil. But no, not this time. "I was actually looking for you."
"Really?" Jenna said, after recomposing herself, her worries about her phone were long gone. Jasmine could see her nude pics, for all she cared. All she could think about was the fact that you were looking for her.
"Yeah, I kinda needed to adjust some of the camera's settings before we start shooting." Oh, okay. At least she thought about me first, she considered. "You know, saturation, contrast and stuff. Need to do with the whole cast, actually." She knew what it was, she had to do that at least, a hundred times over the course of her career. But god, you looked so cute while explaining it.
"Yeah, yeah, we can do that. I just need to get my phone and I'll be there." Jenna said, trying to seem as casual as possible, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear for god knows whatever reason.
"Alright, I'll be at stage 5. And try to not run like that again, okay? You could really get hurt." You smiled sympathetically to her, it wasn't visible to you but Jenna's heart was fluttering as if she was a teenage girl who just spoke to the most popular boy at school.
"Yeah, sure... I'll be careful, totally." She smiled back, before watching you leave, her legs almost giving up on her before hearing Jasmine's voice behind her, driving her out of her thoughts.
"Oh, (Y/N), I'll be careful, I swear! I'll promise I will never ever fall again, unless you're here to hold me in your arms, oh god!" Jenna rolled her eyes, jokingly, while snatching her phone away from Jasmine's hands. "I mean it, either she's the most oblivious person on the planet or you just straight up told her you want her P in your V with your body language."
"It wasn't that obvious, Jasmine. You're being too much."
"Girl, the tension was almost palpable. Please hope that she's stupid enough to let this pass. What were you guys talking about, anyways?"
"She wants to adjust some of the camera's colour settings and needs me to be there. And also the entire cast, as well. But she asked me first, that must be something right?"
"Literally nothing, Jenna." The latina rolled her eyes, ignoring her friend. "But still, you can use that opportunity to figure out if she's really the chick from the website. Try to find out if she has those tattoos you saw on the livestream."
"Thankfully you had a good idea, for once."
"And if she's really her, you can suck on her balls without feeling guilty."
"You're not helping." Jenna sighed, running her hands through her hair. "I'm gonna kill myself tonight."
"For a girl with a pussy like yours, that would be a waste."
"You'd seen my pictures?!" Jenna looked at her friend furiously, wide-eyed.
"Oh my god I was joking, do you really have pussy pics?!"
"I hate you!" She almost screamed before leaving a laughing Jasmine behind. Jenna was nervous, of course. You guys started filming this week, and throughout the entire period you guys were there, she tried her best to avoid you due to the fact that she was, actually, a chicken. You guys didn't even spoke much, that only one occasion a couple of moments ago being the first real conversation you guys had. Just, being around you made her nervous. And it wasn't even because of the streams she's been watching. It's just, you're you. Your body language, your voice, the way you act around set, you seem so freaking professional and Jenna was a sucker for that. The way you dressed, the way you took care of everyone who worked with you. She has been with her eye on you every day ever since she met you, and she's been watching you very closely. Everything about you drove Jenna insane, and surprisingly, she liked that.
After a couple of minutes walking through set, with her hands sweating and lots of heavy breathing, she finally made it into stage 5. You were there with a couple of people from production; some of them working on their own stuff, and a couple of guys talking about you while you held one of the cameras that would be used through filming. You were laughing a bit, something that made Jenna's heart flutter. Damn it.
"Yeah, and he was the kind of guy who wouldn't - Oh, hey Jenna! Talk to you guys later, okay?" You politely dismissed the guys you were talking to as soon as you saw Jenna enter your field of vision. Fuck, why did you have to be so well mannered? "Are you ready to look at me for a couple of hours?"
"I'm- I-" Jenna stuttered, making you laugh a little bit. She was being kinda cute, you thought.
"Relax, I'm joking. It'll be only a couple of minutes. I promise you don't have to get stuck with me for more than that." But I would definitely like to, Jenna thought to herself. "Can you stand on that mark for me, please?" Oh, she would do anything for you if you asked her like that again. So she stood on that mark, five feet away from you, while you put the camera on the tripod, already connected to the monitors and software responsible for editing. Jenna looked straight at the lenses, but thankfully she got to look at you while you set things up, and oh god you were a sight for sore eyes.
"Okay, can you look at the little red dot for me, please?" She almost hated you for being so polite, and obviously did what you asked. You would never admit that in front of anyone, but Jenna was truly one of the most beautiful women you'd ever seen. Looking at her through the lenses was definitely the best part of this job.
"So, you've been working with this for a while?" Jenna said, wanting to start some small talk in order to find out more about you (and your tattoos, obviously).
"Um, not really. I finished college a couple of months ago, this is my first real job as a videographer. Dave was nice enough to put me under his wing and be my mentor, actually." You said while pressing some buttons on the camera and typing on the keyboard under the monitors. "I've worked in movie sets while in college, but mostly I just held microphones and cleaned camera lenses."
"For someone who already graduated, you seem really young. How old are you?" Jenna couldn't remember if your profile said you were twenty-three or twenty-four.
"Oh, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself, either." Jenna really hoped you were flirting with her (deep down, she kinda knew you weren't). "I'm twenty-four, actually."
"Really? You look really young." Jenna smiled slightly, secretly looking at you while you were pressing more buttons which she wouldn't even bother knowing what they did. "I get that a lot, too. I'm only twenty-one, but people think I'm seventeen most of the times."
"That must be annoying, huh?" You looked at her face through the lenses again, the adjusted lighting making her look more beautiful that she already was, if that's possible.
"Oh, you have no idea. I'm almost getting a tattoo on my forehead that says 'No longer a minor'." You both laughed for a moment. "Do you have any?"
"Tattoos? Yeah, just a couple." Fuck, she was close. She just needed to see one of them.
"Do they hurt a lot? I wanted to get one but I'm kinda scared." She wasn't.
"Yeah, a little. Nothing you can't handle." You stopped doing what you were doing to come a bit closer, which made the latina hold her breath for a second. "This one was the worst, definitely."
You lift up the hem of your shirt just a little, but enough for Jenna to see your slightly muscular v-line. Oh fuck, she felt like passing out. Until you showed her your tattoo, it was a roman number that Jenna couldn't even bother to figure out what it meant, but one thing was for sure: it was the same tattoo she had seen on the streams.
"That's cute..." She tried her best not to sound suspicious. You smiled and started to get back behind the camera.
"That one hurt like a bitch, I swear." You laughed a bit, before pressing the final buttons on the camera. "I think we're done! Can I take a video of you to see if the settings worked out?" Jenna only could nod, the thought of having you abdomen close to her mouth and not being able to lick it was the most traumatic experience of her life. "Okay, can you smile for me?"
And like the whipped bitch she was, she happily did. You shot the video for a couple of seconds and saved it, looking at it for a bit before gazing at the girl again. "Okay, that's pretty much it. Thank you for coming here, yeah?"
"Sure, no problem." She was almost shaking, she hated the fact you were such a sweetheart while at work, and at the website you acted like the lesbian version of Magic Mike. So, she left. Regretting the fact she didn't even made her move because being around you was intimidating enough to keep her from breathing properly, but at least she did what she was there to do: she knew, for sure, that you were the person she thought you were. And now, she had another issue to deal with.
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Thankfully, you guys scheduled the video chat for tomorrow. Jenna knew that today she wasn't ready to reveal her face to the person who's been occupying her thoughts for the past few days. So, she did what she's been religiously doing for the past week. Locked her hotel room door, put her headphones on and relaxed while watching your stream. Only god knows how much she missed watching you stroke your cock while moaning softly and talking the filthiest shit ever. Jenna turned on her laptop and went on the website, which by now was marked as her favorite, and as usual, you were already there.
This time around, Jenna just wanted to enjoy watching you. No games or teasing, she genuinely wanted to look at you while you pleased yourself in front of her.
"Hey guys, how are y'all doing? Hope y'all are doing great." Even now, you were the most polite person ever. Fuck, she hated that. And you. She hated you. Definitely despised you.
You interacted with the chat for a couple of minutes, before really starting to put on your show. Obviously you knew "jenna2709" was watching, and now, even though you would never admit it, you liked putting your show to her, and only her. So now, you were dedicated to deliver the best show you could ever do. "I'm gonna try something different today, if you guys don't mind. But I'm sure you guys are gonna love it as much as I am."
Your hardened cock was already starting to pulse in your pants, so you were quick enough to unbutton your jeans and let your member spring free. Jenna's mouth watered at the sight of your throbbing cock, making her wish she could lick all of your pre-cum off of your tip.
For all these days Jenna's been watching you, she has never touched herself while you were streaming. Mainly because she was scared that once she did, she wouldn't be able to look at your face again out of embarrassment. But it seemed that every stream that she's watched, it got harder and harder to maintain her posture.
Jenna looked at you while you slowly stroked your dick, which started to made her anxious. She knew you had to tease in order to keep your viewers watching (which is why Jenna was the one emptying her bank account to you so you could cum faster). That same odd feeling on the pit of her stomach started to become more and more present, and she hated the fact the she couldn't just cave in and thrust two fingers inside of her aching cunt. You drove her out of her thoughts when you grabbed something from behind your camera, which made Jenna curious to what it was, exactly. And then she realized it was a tiny silicone ass toy, with an small opening right at the vagina. Oh, fuck.
"Do you guys ever think about someone while jacking off or is it just me?" You asked your viewers while putting a litte bit of lube on the toy. You would never admit this on camera, but you obviously were talking about Jenna. Not Jenna, your coworker, of course. But there was something about Jenna, your viewer, that made you intrigued: you didn't even knew what she look like, but all of the conversations you had in this past week made you wonder who was she, and what she was doing watch you religiously every night? What was it about you that made her so committed? The was she spoke to you in your chat, the way she tipped you just so you could cum for her, and her only. It's safe to say that, even without knowing what her face looked like (and trying your best not to think about Jenna, your coworker, because they shared the same name, of course), you started to think about her in those extremely intimate moments.
"So you got someone on your mind now, huh?" One of the viewers asked in the chat, which made Jenna anxious for the answer. If you were thinking about someone else, she would definitely want to know who it was.
"Yes and no. Maybe if I knew how she looked like, exactly, then she would 100% be occupying my head." You laughed a bit. Thank god your viewers couldn't see your face, because it was flushed red from embarrassment. You shrugged it off and started to tease the tip of your cock right onto the toy's pussy, wanting to get your viewers more excited. Which, of course, worked every single time.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $300 with the message: you know i hate it when you tease.
"I know you do, baby. That's why it's so fun." You laughed again, holding your cock by the base while still rubbing your tip onto the toy. Little did Jenna knew, but deep down, you were teasing just to get her attention.
jenna2709: what's the fun of being an annoying tease, huh?
"Being able to frustrate you." Jenna sighed. Oh, you were a demon. How could someone that was so polite and well mannered at work, behaved like this when the night came? "Come on, we both know that you enjoy this."
jenna2709: more than i care to admit.
"Alright, I'll stop being mean, okay? Let me give you what you've been waiting for, baby." You slowly penetrated your dick into the toy, which immediately made you drag out a raspy and low moan. The tightness of the toy was beginning to drive you insane, and for a brief second you wished you had Jenna's pussy around your cock, instead of a fake silicone one.
"Fuck." Jenna whispered to herself, feeling her underwear getting ruined for the fifth time this week. She felt her clit throb and pulse, it was incredible that you didn't even had to do anything huge to get Jenna turned on, just by breathing you aroused the shit out of her. "No. Pull yourself together."
jenna2709: i would kill someone to be in this toy's place.
"And I would kill someone to have you right here, right now." You started to slowly thrust your member inside of the tight, yet slightly slippery toy, your moaning now becoming louder and louder. Thankfully the hotel doors weren't thin enough, so you could be considerably loud without worrying about other people in the floor. Unbeknownst to you, "jenna2709" was just down the hallway watching you, in the verge of tears trying her best not to succumb to her primal desires and touch herself. "Fuck, this feels so good..."
jenna2709: you're making it impossible for me to not touch myself.
"Why don't you, baby? Maybe we get to cum together this time around, huh?" That seemed like an irresistible offer that Jenna really, really wanted to accept and decline, at the same time. For some reason, you figured that she was depriving herself of something good and a part of you wanted to just leave it that way, maybe she had her own reasons to just stand still while watching your streams. But another part of you really wanted to have some fun with this. So, like the devil you and Jenna knew you were, you licked your thumb and started to make circular motions over the toy's clit, while thrusting your cock steadily inside of it. "Don't you wish I was doing that to you?"
"Oh my fucking god." Jenna couldn't hold it in anymore. She tried, god, she really tried. But it was too much, even for her. Without thinking about the day after, she pulled down her pants alongside with her underwear and finally decided to give her pussy some attention. She was dripping wet, not ironically wetting her sheets in the process, but she wasn't even paying attention to those details. The only thing she cared enough to do was to thrust one finger inside her throbbing, aching cunt. Which, of course, she did. And the immediate feeling of relief took over her entire body the minute she felt her finger inside of her. Jenna felt dirty, as she was the pastor's daughter in a small town who just met an outlaw that tricked her into all those things. But damn, it felt good to be dirty and tricked. She started to thrust slowly, giving the fact she didn't masturbated often and she was just getting used to the feeling of her own finger inside her tight pussy. But, for some reason and for the first time, it wasn't enough. She needed more, and she wanted more. Fuck, she just wanted you.
"God, this is so fucking tight..." You moaned, more to yourself than to your stream, which drove Jenna out of her thoughts. She looked at you, fucking that toy while sweat was dripping off your body, and your low moaning was captured through your microphone. You were the hottest person she has ever met in her entire life.
jenna2709: you were right, maybe this time around we do get to cum together.
Jenna typed, without feeling anxious or nervous like the previous times. She couldn't give a rat's ass anymore. She already touched herself, she gave you money for every little thing you did on stream, so why even bother? It felt good. Fuck, it felt so good and she didn't even knew why she deprived herself from that for so long. So, without thinking about it, she added a second finger inside of her, hoping it would fulfill her needs just as you would.
"Maybe next time, I get to cum in you." You were bold for saying that. But in your head, after your guys' private stream, you were both gonna fall madly in love and have a relationship that seemed right out of a movie screen. The last thing you would think about is the fact that the girl you've been thinking about for fhe past few days is, in fact, one of the actresses of a movie you're helping to produce. And one of the world's most famous and extraordinary actresses, actually. "And we both know how much you would enjoy that."
At that point, Jenna was the only one there, for all you cared. I mean, you had almost 2k people who watched you every single day, but sometimes it felt like you and her were the only ones existing in the world. I mean, your chat didn't seemed to mind, most of them were just voyeurs who got off by watching random people online, so what's the harm?
Unbeknownst to Jenna, you were already close to your orgasm. The tightness of the toy and all of the dirty talking you both have been sharing, it was getting pretty hard to hold it in any longer. So, without further notice, you decided to violently thrust your throbbing member inside of that silicone pussy, wanting to get to your high as quickly as possible. You slapped the toy's ass a couple of times, but you knew that if that was a real person (Jenna, you wanted it to be Jenna), you would be saying the most filthy things on her ear while slapping her ass until it became bruised. It killed you not being able to do that. And it killed Jenna too.
jenna2709: fuck, you look so beautiful like this.
And she wasn't any different either. Her hand was soaked by now and the two fingers weren't even close to being enough for her, but for now, they would have to do. With her spare hand, Jenna cupped one of her breasts in order to get closer and closer to her high, while her hand just aggressively thrusted inside of her tight hole. "F-Fuck, I'm almost..."
And you were almost there too, but this time, you wanted to make sure to give Jenna the best experience she could ever get. "Tell me, where do want me to cum?" You asked the whole chat, but in a way, you only wanted to hear Jenna's answer. The chat filled itself with loads of messages, some people wanting for you to come inside, other wanting for you to cum on your stomach.
jenna2709: inside of my pussy, please.
"Your wish is my command." And so you did, you came right into that toy's cunt with a loud and dragged moan, closing your eyes and thinking about how it would feel if you actually came inside of Jenna. You felt your hips spasm into the toy, while you rode out your high and tried your best not to moan any louder than you already did. Little did you know that, down the hallway, Jenna was also having her orgasm just by looking at you. She closed her eyes and thursted the hardest she could until she finally came, with a soft whimper of your name, feeling her juices oozing out of her cunt. She felt one or two tears stream down her face from that overwhelming feeling, riding out her high while looking at you, wishing you were there beside her. You pulled your cock out of that toy, your thick cum dripping down to the floor which made Jenna's mouth water again. She would commit crimes just to be able to lick your cum out of that toy.
And now, Jenna felt embarrassed again. Tomorrow at work, she would have to look at your face and act normally all over again, trying to hide the fact that you were the reason she had a mind blowing orgasm and cried while moaning your name. And also, she would have to think of a way to dodge your private stream, or face her fears and reveal her identity, risking to ruin your work environment for all of the next months that you guys would work together. Either way, she didn't wanted to do any of those two things.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $1000 with the message: consider this as a thank you.
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sukified · 2 months
— his favorite ho.
❀ katsuki b. x fem!reader
❀ outline. teeny tiny drabble because i saw a car sex twt vid and it made me miss kats
❀ w. 18+ content, dirty talk, very light assplay, katsuki has anger issues, riding, car sex
❀ do not repost thx
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katsuki has had a long fuckin’ day.
higher ups yapping in his ear and telling him that his poor attitude towards civilians has become a daily topic and he’s had enough. everyone who knew of the pro knew that his temper was short, that he wasn’t saving people to be friendly. no, he was doing his job, keeping japan safe and sound under his supervision without fake flowery bullshit.
not only that, his anger management classes have been kicking his ass. it was a requirement as soon as they threw katsuki on the front lines— he needed to attend regular sessions. it was believed that going to talk about his feelings, forced out of his protective shell of aggression and anger, would improve his performance.
whatever the hell that meant.
you know full and well how katsuki has been feeling about his current predicament. he brought it up all the time over whatever fancy dinner he treated you to, complaining about responsibility and growth and the likes. the man simply needed emotional guidance, he needed to learn healthier ways to deal with his feelings and mental hurdles because they were strong. everything about him was so very strong.
though, when he didn’t feel like running an irritated hand through his mop of thick ash hair while he spewed profanities about his braindead therapist or his dick-sucking bosses, he’d keep you stuffed.
it was a particularly taxing day on his end, seeing as though spring tends to bring out the evil motives and the villains. popping off explosions and knocking wrongdoers the fuck out could only go so far for his stress, for his mental constipation.
no, today he needed more. he needed to shut his brain up, needed to direct the anger and resentment and frustration elsewhere. what better way to deal with his problems than take it out on his pretty baby?
“been forever since i’ve given you good dick, hah?” katsuki hisses as his head lolls back lazily, thunking against the sleek leather of his backseat, rough hand planted limply on the curve of your waist. you look godsend hovering over him, your shoulders flexing as you grip on his thick thighs, trembling like a goddamn leaf as you fight to keep yourself up.
he’s got you riding him because he’d be damned if he put any extra effort into the shitty day. today was your day to take control, a rare one because he couldn’t be bothered. katsuki had called you up as soon as his patrol ended, voice void of emotion in fear that he’d end up snapping at you for any minuscule reason. after all, you hadn’t done anything wrong to deserve his berating.
your pussy cries and sobs as you bounce on his cock sensually, the strain making your mind fog up and blank on your train of thought. it was almost a routine for the pro to use your body for a nice shutdown, you felt it was the best way to thank him as a citizen. he sought you out on his worst days and you never failed to follow through, something he fucking adores about you.
his jaw is slack, blonde stubble decorating his skin, tongue slithering out to lick at his lips. you were so damn wet and tight around him, it was just enough to help him block out the spiel he had received earlier in the day about working on his rescue skills. nah, he didn’t need to change himself for the sake of others, you seemed to like him just as he was.
“shit, you’re filth. jus’ a filthy girl,” the sound of his voice, mumbled and distant, makes your cunt throb. your walls suction him tight, coating him in a glossy mess of your pussy drool. he swears he could die happy right here and his mind is nearly blank as he slips a thumb in your ass, huffing out a quiet chuckle at the way your back arches immediately.
no matter how nasty his attitude can be, you come back for more. you always do.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD part 2
Fem Reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber Driver
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**image is not mine, from a Google search, all credit to respective owners**
Plot- reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home.
Part 1 , Pt 3 1, Part 3 2, Part 4 , Part 5
T/W 18+ only, minors DNI, alcohol mentioned, mature language, implied masturbation, sexual fantasies, vomit, age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34)
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in this story so much that I decided to change it from a one shot to a series🖤
The following day...
You slowly rose from the dead at 2 pm with a hangover from hell, your stomach lopsided, prompting you to bolt to the toilet. After an unpleasant upchuck and rinsing with Listerine, you couldn't help but smile as you looked in the mirror, still shrouded in Miguel's oversized hoodie. You shuffled into the kitchen, cursing when you find out you're all out of bottled water. You pour yourself a tall glass from the tap and try your best to gulp it down without thinking about the weird metallic taste.
Last night's events slowly start coming back into focus. You were so obsessed with what happened with Miguel that you completely forgot it was due to your friends ditching you. You run back in your room, grunting in annoyance when you realize your dumb ass forgot to charge your phone overnight. You wait impatiently for the battery to creep up to 1% so you can turn it back on. Eager to see if Miguel tried to contact you after the encounter, somehow, some way. As your phone loads, your stomach drops in disappointment when you see that you have no notifications from Miguel, which turns to resentment when you realize your so-called friends didn't even bother trying to call or text you either to make sure you at least got home.
You sigh and flop back on the bed. You double check the Uber app and your heart rate increases when you see that you can report a "lost item" to get in contact again.
Noooo remember girl, let him come to you. Do you really wanna be the one that reaches out first when he turned down a kiss from you last night? But wait, he was a gentleman. Maybe he was just trying not to be an ass or give you the wrong idea since you were intoxicated...He literally wiped taco sauce from your mouth and licked it off his finger for fuck's sakes!
How could someone be so goddamn hot, kind, and gentlemanly at the same time? And what brought him to do all those things for you of all people?
You go to the help section of the app and realize that Miguel can't contact you. Since you're the rider, any personal info won't be shared with him besides your pickup and drop off location, unless you reach out about an issue.
Fuck me! You suddenly feel like you're in middle school again trying to talk to a cute guy.
For the love of God, do it!! Worst he can say is no? That's exactly what I'm scared of, dummy!
Oh no, it's ringing!
-----mini time jump backwards to that night-----
After dropping you off, Miguel arrived back to his apartment about 3 am, teeming with want for your soft skin. He laid down in his dark room with the lights off and flashes of you two together entered his mind.
Breathing into each other's mouths as if the heat between you was the only thing keeping each other warm. Marking you with little red and purple bites of love. Him grabbing your jaw with his fingers, while you desperately sputtered his name, not letting you look anywhere else but at him. Gentle sounds of your love ringing off the walls in varying volumes.
He pictured your beautiful face looking up at him while he murmured how beautiful you looked and what a goddess you were.
He imagined spending all night with you just like this, burning memories of your skin into his mind that he’d replay whenever he needed you like a faulty record.
His fists clenched in frustration. All of those fantasies would have came true if he wasn't such a fucking coward tonight.
After you two would have made love, he imagined taking care of you afterwards. Hearing your soft, beautiful voice as you two shared pillow talk while he planted wet kisses on your shoulder. Tracing every juncture over your collarbones and neck, sleeping naked together. Maybe letting things get heated in the bathroom one more time before washing each other's bodies afterwards.
Tiredness got the best of him and he drifted off to sleep, imagining you in his arms...
-----back to the following afternoon -----
Conchata O'Hara's heeled boots echoed down the marble hallway to Miguel's apartment, her 6 year old granddaughter, Gabriella in tow. Gabi was an adorable, soft spoken little girl. She was musing to her grandma about her friend Peyton's birthday party as they came up to Miguel's door. Conchata was a striking woman. If you saw her you could tell the lion's share of Miguel's good looks came from her. She could have been a former Miss Universe. She stood at 6'1, a long tan trenchcoat over a black turtle neck, with grey slacks, two chopsticks securing her greying raven hair in a bun as two stray wisps of hair grazed her face in front. Laugh lines adorning the corner of her eyes.
Miguel jerked awake when he heard his doorbell. He forgot to set his alarm for when his mother brought his daughter home from their sleepover. Conchata was always happy to watch her precious granddaughter while Miguel worked. Conchata's brow raised as she realized her son wasn't awake. Finally, Miguel opened the door, Gabi squealing in delight. "Daddy!"
"Hey, bumblebee!" Miguel scooped her up, hugging her tight. It was difficult to be away from her, even if he knew it was only because he needed to provide for them financially. Conchata smiled and walked in. Miguel gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, towering over her despite her height as well.
"Long night, mijo?" She asked in a regal voice.
"Ma.." Miguel sighed. She always treated him like a young boy instead of a grown man.
"I raised you better than this!" She tsked at the sight of dishes in the sink.
"Mama," Miguel said tiredly. "I was working until 3 am, I haven't had a chance to get to those." Conchata looked at him as if she was trying to see through him.
"Mija, why don't you go play in your room and get your Barbies." Gabi's eyes lit up and she giggled as she ran for her room.
"Did you have a girl over?"
Miguel sighed and looked at Gabi.
"Ma, please don't talk about that around Gabi..." Miguel said as he started to wash the dishes.
"You just seemed off." Conchata said. "What's going on in your head? I can never read you these days. I worry, you know."
"Maybe I did meet someone, ma."
Conchata's eyes widened and at that moment, Miguel's phone rang.
"Perdóname..Hello?" Miguel walks outside onto his balcony, shutting the sliding door on a bewildered Conchata.
Your voice sunk to the bottom of your stomach when you heard Miguel's attractive voice on the other line.
"Hi, Miguel, it's me, y/n from last night..."
Miguel's face started to turn into a smile. "Hey, it's so good to hear from you. Are you feeling better this morning?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. Thanks so much again, I mean, for everything. I just had to tell you that."
"Well, of course. It's my pleasure to do that for you."
There was a long, painful, pregnant pause.
"Is..that all you wanted to tell me?" He asked softly.
"Well...I mean, yeah pretty much you know I just felt bad and..
Your heart stops at the sound of your name.
"I enjoyed our time together last night and, if you're open to it, I'd like to get to know you better. Can I take you out sometime?"
You felt your internal organs do a victory dance. "Oh, YEAH, I mean, I'd love that. When would you like to?"
Miguel thought for a moment. "Would Wednesday night work? It's a little strange, I know. My schedule is kind of hectic. But maybe we could grab dinner. Do you like Italian food?"
"I do! Wednesday sounds great!" You say without checking your schedule.
You two exchange numbers and make plans to meet Wednesday night. Once you both hang up you're both experiencing a mixture of giddiness, relief and anticipation for your first date.
Wednesday couldn't come soon enough.
Thank you for reading! Pt 3 coming soon 🖤
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kwanisms · 1 year
Kinkuary 07 Yeosang — degradation // panties
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➥ dom!Yeosang × brat!Reader summary: Yeosang hates it when his girlfriend talks back so he decides to shut her up so he can use her without her running her mouth like the little brat she is. wc: 3.8k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, sexual content (minors dni!): dom!Yeosang, bratty!Reader, degradation (use of slut, whore, dirty/naughty girl, bitch, etc), Yeosang goes feral when the reader wears his favorite lingerie, use of panties as a gag, fingering, protected sex (reader is on birth control), a couple spanks, some hair pulling, Yeosang goes hard and rough but the aftercare is incredible and the post nut snuggles are 👌🏻 Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch @rdiamond2727 @indigo35 @sanjoongie @moonlightsora MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: i didnt mess up this time and remembered to finish editing the whole thing! Lmao anyway I almost made this a dom!Reader but I suck at writing those because I've never dommed in my life lmao plus, the idea of being a brat to Yeosang and having him shove my panties in my mouth to shut me up is top tier in my honest opinion. But don't worry, there will be more dom!Reader content later this month! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
“Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?”
Yeosang sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.
‘I love my girlfriend. I love my girlfriend,’ he told himself repeatedly in his head.
And it was true. He really did love you. You were one of the few people in the world that truly understood him.
It was rare for him to find someone who understood his humor, or could relate to him on a deeper level than whether or not they like pancakes or waffles more.
He’d never met someone he wanted to spend hours upon hours talking to about anything and everything until he met you.
He’d have to send Wooyoung another thank you card for bringing you to him.
Your existence was truly a blessing to Yeosang, but sometimes it was a curse.
Particularly when you were being a brat. Like right now.
God, when you acted like a brat, it drove Yeosang up the wall but he wasn’t above putting you in your place.
“Please, Y/N,” Yeosang tried again, attempting to be reasonable and not snap.
“Today is not the day to get on my bad side.”
He could see the way you tried to hide a smirk. ‘Goddamn it.’
“Oh really? And why is that?” you asked, sitting up on the bed in your shared bedroom.
Yeosang curled his fingers into his palms, balling his hands into fists.
You were really testing his patience today and he was over it.
“Y/N, honey, please. Just do this for me and don’t question me,” he asked, pleading with you to listen.
“Oh, breaking out the pet names now?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“You really think that’s gonna sway me?”
‘Oh, that’s it.’
Yeosang moved in an instant, pushing you back onto the bed, climbing on top of you and hovering over you.
“I asked you nicely three times. You know what happens when you don’t listen?”
You tried to push him off you but he grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head and pushing your thighs apart with his knee.
“Let me go,” you hissed, trying to pull free but he wasn’t going to give in easily.
“I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” he growled, sitting back and shifting as he pulled you up, dragging you over his lap until your ass was in front of him.
“Yeos-AAH!” You cried out as his hand made contact with your ass, the sound ringing out.
“Count,” he ordered. You looked over your shoulder at him. “No,” you replied defiantly. Yeosang’s eyes narrowed and he landed another smack on your ass.
You cried out again, skin tingling from the pain. “Stop it!” You tried wriggling in his grasp but Yeosang held you still. “If you won’t hold still, I’ll tie you down!” He growled. “I’d like to see you try!” You hissed.
Yeosang threw you back onto the bed, getting up and moving to the dresser that stood against the wall. He pulled out something long and red and before you had a chance to get away, he had both your wrists bound together with the red satin rope and was using the tail to tie you to the footboard.
“Let me go, Yeosang!” You said, pulling on the rope and trying to yank it free but knowing your boyfriend, he tied the knot too well for it to just come loose.
You looked up at him, watching the way his chest rose and fell with each labored breath. His hair was tussled, strands falling into his face. He combed his fingers through his hair, pushing the stray strands away.
“Now you should calm down,” he said, kneeling on the bed.
“Like hell I will!” You growled at him. You felt another sharp smack to your bottom, making you moan this time. “I told you I’d teach you a lesson,” he said, moving to kneel behind you. “What are you doing?” You asked, trying to look over your shoulder at him. You felt his hands on your hips, smoothing over your shorts.
“Did you know you’re soaked through your shorts?” Yeosang asked, eyeing the wet patch where your crotch was. “No I didn’t,” you protested.
“Then did you piss yourself?” He demanded. “No!”
Yeosang returned his gaze to your clothed pussy.
“Then let’s have a look,” he said, grabbing the waistband of your shorts and yanking them down with your underwear, exposing your obviously wet pussy to him.
“Yeosang!” You said indignantly, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“So you’re telling me you aren’t wet right now?” He asked, inspecting you, bringing a finger to your clit and swiping over it, collecting some of your arousal.
Your body jolted at the sensation and you dropped your head, letting out a whimper.
You heard Yeosang chuckle from behind you. Your head snapped back up. “What’s so funny?” You asked.
“You are,” he said, smoothing his hand over your ass, admiring the marks from spanking you just moments ago.
“How am I funny?” You demanded, still trying to glance back at Yeosang.
You felt him get off the bed and tried twisting to see where he went.
Suddenly you felt his hand close around one of your ankles and tug, forcing you to fall onto the mattress and a yelp to erupt past your lips. With you stretched out, he removed your shorts and panties fully.
“You could have asked for my help!” you whined, rolling onto your side to look at him. Your eyes widened when you realized he was holding your panties in his hand, staring at them intently. His head turned slowly to gaze at you, making you feel smaller and like prey caught in a trap and a predator happened upon you.
“So you thought you’d just wear these and I wouldn’t find out?” Yeosang asked, his voice low as he walked around to the footboard of the bed. You swallowed the lump in your throat, your words failing you.
In his hand was a pair of black mesh panties. They were part of a set that Yeosang had claimed was his favorite one and one you knew he loved to see you wear. The back was made up of a complex mess of straps while the front was the mesh material. The matching bra, which you were indeed wearing, was the same black mesh with straps made from a soft black elastic,
Yeosang grabbed your shirt by the hem and pulled it over your head, letting it fall onto your arms.
“You were prepared,” he said admiring the black mesh and the way it looked against your skin.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” He asked. You shook your head. “No. My comfy set is in the wash,” you answered. It was the truth. Your comfiest set of underwear was in the wash and this was the next most comfortable.
“Sounds like a lie,” he said, walking back around to the side of the bed and climbing on behind you.
“It’s the truth!” You whined as he grabbed your hips and pushed you onto your stomach before he pulled you up onto your knees, keeping your chest pressed against the mattress.
Yeosang scoffed, not buying your explanation. “Uh-huh. Sure it is, slut,” he said. You opened your mouth to talk back but gasped when you felt him pull your ass back against him, grinding his hard erection into you.
He leaned over, a smirk on his face. “What, no witty comeback?” He asked before pressing a kiss to your shoulder and leaning closer to your ear. “Color?”
That was something you loved about Yeosang. No matter what role he slipped into, he made sure to check with you that you were okay. You’d both decided to use the color system in addition to a safeword. When he wasn’t sure whether or not to continue, he’d ask you for a color. Green for good, yellow for change, and red for stop.
“Green,” you whispered, trying to hide your smile as he pulled himself upright.
“God,” he said, looking down where your wet heat had rubbed against his pants, leaving a noticeable wet patch.
“You’re so wet that you could soak my pants,” he said, giving your hips a firm squeeze.
“I bet you’re so wet you could take my cock right now without any prep,” he added, moving his hands to your ass and spreading you so he could see your cunt unobstructed. “Wanna test it?” He asked, a hint of amusement to his voice.
“You wouldn’t,” you said, voice shaking. His hands were so close to where you wanted them yet so far from giving you any sort of friction.
“I wouldn’t?” Yeosang asked, fingers digging into your skin, nails leaving crescent shapes behind.
“You don’t have it in you,” you said, your words hitting him unprepared. “You’re so whipped for this pussy.”
Without a word, Yeosang shoved two fingers into your dripping cunt, making you gasp.
“You mean this pussy?” He asked, curling his fingers slightly, making you whimper. “The one I’m going to fuck until I’ve pumped it full of my cum? The one that only I get to fuck? That pussy?”
You moaned, walls clenching around his fingers. “The-ng- the only way you’re getting it is by tying me down, Yeosang,” you replied, your hands balling into fists as Yeosang slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you.
“To teach you a lesson,” he retorted. “You’re being such a damn brat.”
You let a giggle slip out as you pushed back into his hand and just as quickly as he filled your cunt with his fingers, he left it empty, making you whine.
“Only good girls get to cum,” he said, leaning over your back as he brought his fingers to your mouth. “Open.”
You turned your head, refusing to obey him. “Don’t make me ask again, Y/N,” he growled, grabbing your chin with the other hand and bringing his fingers to your lips. “Open your fucking mouth, slut.”
He held your chin in place as you reluctantly parted your lips, allowing him to push his fingers into your mouth and onto your tongue, making you taste yourself. “Clean them,” he barked. Rather than make a fuss as his fingers were already in your mouth, you obeyed, tongue swirling around his fingers and sucking your arousal off them.
Yeosang released your chin, pleased with your compliance but he knew it wouldn’t last. It never did with you.
You, who liked to push his buttons. You, who liked to talk back and make things much more difficult than they needed to be. You were defiant in every way and tonight, Yeosang would finally put you in your place. If that was with a rough fucking, then so be it.
You opened your mouth, tilting your head back to show him that you could listen. He pulled his fingers from your mouth. “See?” You said, eyes shutting, quite pleased with yourself. “I can listen when I want to,” you added.
“So it would seem,” Yeosang said softly, his fingers keeping your mouth open as he looked inside it.
Without warning, he shoved something into your mouth, causing you to cry out in shock and your eyes to open.
“Don’t you dare push that out,” he growled, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. The ferocity in his voice made your legs quiver, sending chills up your spine. He’d never been so rough before and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t excite you.
Yeosang waited for you to nod before his expression softened. “Green?” He asked softly. You nodded again and he let go of you.
“I’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you,” he said in that same tone from before.
You heard the sound of his belt and a zipper being pulled before a slight rustle of cloth. Assuming he pushed his pants down, you waited for him to enter you, bracing yourself as you felt the tip of his cock rub against you ever so slightly but made no move to push into you.
After a couple moments, you opened your mouth to ask what the hold up was but found yourself unable to speak as Yeosang suddenly rammed into you, a scream ripping from your throat.
“Oh that’s new,” Yeosang said with a chuckle. “I’ve never made you scream before.”
“Mmhhmm,” you moaned, the sound muffled by the panties stuffed in your mouth. Your walls clenched around him as you tried to adjust to the sudden intrusion.
“Have I rendered you speechless in one thrust?” He asked in a mockingly sweet tone. “Where’s that attitude now?”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond, even with the gag, before he started a punishing pace, his hips hitting your ass with each hard thrust. “I knew you’d take my cock easily,” he said, his breathing shaky as he continued to pound into you.
“Such a receptive little slut,” he purred, one hand tangling in your hair and pulling back, arching your back and making you moan again as his hips continued their assault. “Still green, baby?” He whispered near your ear, loosening his grip on your hair so you could nod quickly. “Good girl,” he said, a rare praise that made your heart swell and sent butterflies to your stomach.
His grip tightened and he pulled back again.
Moans left your mouth, muffled by your gag, with each hard thrust he gave you. His cock hit deeper than he’d ever hit before, making you see stars in your vision. You could feel something running down the inside of your thighs and assumed it was your own arousal. “F-fuuuck,” Yeosang groaned from behind you.
“You take my cock so well. Such a greedy little cunt you have,” he added, punctuating his sentence with a harsh thrust. He looked down where your bodies connected and was surprised to see how you’d gotten even wetter as he fucked you.
“Looks like you’re making a mess. You’re so fucking filthy,” he scoffed. “What a dumb, dirty little whore. You like being used like this?” He asked, leaning forward and pulling your head back to look up at him.
You were an absolute vision. Black panties shoved into your mouth, cheeks red and eyes glossed over. “Shit, look at you,” Yeosang said, a smirk forming on his face. “You love this, don’t you? Being tied up and letting me use this tight little hole, you just love it don’t you?”
You couldn’t respond, even if you didn’t have your panties in your mouth.
Yeosang's hips slowed to a stop, making you ask what he was doing, albeit in a very muffled voice.
When he didn’t answer, you pushed back against him, urging him to move. You felt his hand make contact with your ass cheek, your body reacting and a moan sounding from your throat.
“Are you that needy you have to fuck yourself on my cock? Can’t wait for me?”
You shook your head, knowing if he thought you didn’t need him to move, he’d make you do all the work.
Yeosang let out a growl, resuming the same unrelenting pace from before.
“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to play,” he panted.
His hands held your hips, pulling you back to meet each thrust, making more muffled moans slip past your gag. You dug your fingers into the sheets, trying to ground yourself against his force.
“That’s it,” he groaned. “Just sit there and take what I give you, stupid slut,” he growled.
Your head dropped, forehead resting against your forearms, eyes shutting as you lost yourself in the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls with each thrust, the head hitting your most sensitive spots. You weren’t going to last if he kept going like this.
“You falling asleep?” He asked, the dominant tone in his voice gone. It was replaced by pure concern.
You lifted your head, shaking it and putting his worry at ease.
“Green?” He asked, confirming you were still good. You nodded again.
“Good, I’m close. Are you close?” He whispered. You nodded with a moan, your walls squeezing him as your orgasm drew closer and closer.
Yeosang reached around your stomach, darting between your thighs and finding your clit and drawing circles in time with his thrusts. You let out a cry, body tensing as your climax started to wash over you. “That’s it, come for me,” Yeosang whispered, his lips inches from your ear. “Good girl. You did so well.”
The soft tone of his voice as he coaxed you through your orgasm had your mind reeling, thighs squeezing together as the aftershocks of your high rolled over you.
The constant convulsing of your cunt around his cock pushed Yeosang over the edge and he came inside you, filling your heat with his load as he continued to thrust erratically, fucking his cum further into you as a small amount spilled out of your used hole, rolling down your thighs and dripping onto the bed below.
“Fuck!” Yeosang growled, his hips finally stilling and his cock buried deep inside your already full cunt.
He pulled his hand away from your swollen and sensitive clit, pulling your panties from your mouth and tossing them somewhere in the room. He’d worry about them later.
“Talk to me baby,” he murmured, pressing light kisses to your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, body shaking as you tried to keep yourself up but your thighs were numb and shaking.
“I can’t feel my legs,” you muttered. Yeosang pulled out of you, wincing as more of his cum spilled out of you. He was gonna have to wash the sheets tonight.
“Hang on, baby,” he said, pulling his pants up and zipping them up. He moved around the bed to untie you from the footboard. He worked quickly, untying your wrists and pulling the rope from them, letting it fall to the floor. Another thing he’d worry about later.
He carefully laid you down on your side, hands moving to massage your thighs. “I’ll be right back,” he said softly, getting up from the bed and disappearing into the bathroom.
You heard the water running and a moment later, he reappeared, stripping himself of his clothes and pulling on clean ones.
He returned to your side, taking your wrists gently in his hands and rubbing the marks from the ropes.
“Was it too tight?” He asked, looking into your face. You shook your head. “No. Was perfect. Thank you,” you mumbled sleepily. Yeosang cupped your cheek, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips. “Stay awake, baby. You can’t go to sleep yet.”
“But ‘m so sleepy,” you whined. Yeosang chuckled, the hand on your cheek moving to comb through your hair. “I know sweetheart, but I can’t let you sleep until after I care for you. Can you walk?”
You shook your head again. “Legs don’t work.”
Yeosang stood up, scooting you towards the edge of the bed before lifting you carefully and carrying you into the bathroom. He set you on your feet, keeping you upright as the blood started to work its way back into your legs. He helped you lift your leg and lowered you into the hot bath water before turning it off.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair and disappearing through the door.
You inspected your wrists, the red marks from the rope starting to dissipate. You stretched your legs, trying to get the blood flowing again.
Yeosang returned after a few minutes, during which you were able to get your legs working. “You okay?” He asked, kneeling by the side of the tub, setting a fresh towel and clean clothes on the closed lid of the toilet.
“‘M okay, Yeo,” you affirmed, smiling at your boyfriend. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
“You want to stay in there a little longer or get out?” He asked, nodding at the tub. “I could stay a little longer,” you answered. Yeosang moved to sit on the side of the tub, grabbing your favorite bath sponge. “Then lean forward for me a little bit?” He asked, smiling when you obliged him without fuss.
He carefully scrubbed and massaged your back, fingers working over your shoulders as well. Watching your reaction, Yeosang dragged the mesh sponge down your chest, past your stomach and between your legs. Your lips parted in a sigh as he worked the sponge against your skin soothingly, scrubbing off any remnants of his and your cum. He left no spot untouched and kept going until the water started to cool down.
Once you were clean, he pulled the plug and helped you stand, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around you. It wasn’t the first time Yeosang had helped dry your body and it wouldn’t be the last.
After he was certain you were sufficiently dry, he helped you dress, allowing you to hold his shoulder to keep balance as he held your underwear for you to step into, pulling it up and doing the same for your shorts. Your shirt was the easy part,
He led you back into the bedroom and you saw he’d pulled the sheets and put fresh ones on. He sat you down and sat next to you, grabbing a bottle of water from the side table where a plate of fruit sat as well.
You looked at him as he twisted the cap off the bottle of water.
“You always take such good care of me,” you muttered as he handed you the water, grabbing the plate of fruit and snacking on a grape.
“Well,” he said, swallowing his bite. “I may call you mean things during sex,” he explained.
“But you’re still my baby girl,” he added in a much quieter voice. “I wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend if I didn’t pamper you after what I just put your body through.”
You smiled again, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. “Thank you, Yeo,” you whispered.
The two of you finished off the fruit and water before climbing into bed. Yeosang reached over to turn off the lamp beside the bed, throwing the room into darkness before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close.
“Yay,” you said softly, making him chuckle. “What?” He asked.
“This is my favorite part,” you replied. “What is? Sleeping?” Yeosang asked with a laugh.
“No,” you answered. “The snuggles.” Yeosang smiled at you in the darkness, kissing your hair.
“Ahh, the snuggles,” he repeated, you nodding in response.
“Yeah, post nut snuggles are the best.”
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codfanficedits · 9 months
Being with you too.
CW: A little bit of angst? Portraying of an unhealthy relationship/a break-up
Fem!reader x Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Little note: I've posted part one on another platform too and people requested a part two. I hope this doesn't suck ass!!
Part One here
Being with Simon meant you had to go to quite some gatherings with him, but you didn’t mind at all, you enjoyed socializing with people, especially new people. It meant you could tell people all about him, about how handsome he was, how the two of you met, how he was different from all the men you had met before. Not a bad word you leave you lips when you would talk about Simon. After all, how could you badmouth the man that had been nothing but good for you?
Being with Simon caused you to come into contact with the Los Vaqueros, one of the forces he had to partner up with in order to keep the world a better place. Alejandro was a nice man to talk to, a bit of a dominant type, talking over you all the time, but you didn’t mind it, after all, he was praising Simon for his good work, and that brought a smile to your face. You did like his counterpart, Rudy, a lot more. The man was quiet, but his eyes were bright, attentive even and you liked how you could tell how well he listened to you, it was way more active than Simon would listen to you, Rudy’s eyes would never leave your face, not even when you somehow got to your favourite TV show. It was so different from Simon and it brought a weird knot to your stomach. You felt bad for even thinking such things, especially when Simon loved you so much. Of course Simon listened to you, he just showed it different.
Being with Simon was reason enough to break off the conversation with Rudy, leaving him with a puzzled look on his face when you came with a lame excuse to go to the open bar. The internal war of feelings still going on, and to ease yourself you decided to bring Simon a drink, to make the feelings of guilt go away.
A smile on your face as you approach him, his back turned to you while he talked to Gaz. You could feel your heart drop when you heard snippets of his conversation.
“….talks too much…”
“…even after….missions…”
Your mouth runs dry, your hands tremble but you take another step towards him, needing to hear what Simon is saying. It couldn’t be about you? Right? He would never say such things.
“I’m telling you Gaz, she just never, ever shuts up. After our last mission I came home and the moment I stepped foot in that house, she was next to me. Like a goddamn leech sucking away the life out of me.”
Being with Simon was the reason why your heart just got shattered into your chest, the fragments piercing through your lungs as you struggle to breathe properly, hot tears forming in your eyes as his words engrave in your brain. He was supposed to be your safe haven, he was supposed to be different. You want to do all sort of things, scream at him, throw the beer in your hands to the back of his head, cuss him out, call him his father. But you can’t. Instead you turn around, silent steps away from him.
Being with Simon became a lesson on how you couldn’t even trust the person you loved so dearly, it taught you that you do indeed talk to much, making you a flawed human that should learn to shut up. You can’t even remember how you came home, the drive was a blur. Getting into the apartment was a blur, but there you were, sitting on the couch, all alone.
Leaving Simon was the hardest thing you’d ever done. Part of you wanted to change for him, chat less, talk less, shut up more. But you knew you’d advice friends to leave a man who would dare to talk shit about them like this. And you knew you would never trust another word that would leave his lips again. Those same lips that had kissed you so much, and again you could feel that war in your chest going on, your heart chattering, your lungs struggling to breath, your stomach flipping. But you couldn’t let a man break you like this. Because excusing the way he had mistreated you would be a mistake.
You made yourself the promise that no one would ever knock the wind out of you again, not like that, not like him. When you pack your stuff you wonder how you should let him know you’re leaving. Would you wait for him? Call him? Text him? Give him the chance to explain himself? Maybe it would just be one big mistake. But your heart knew better, your mind knew better, you knew better. The sadness in your chest makes way for anger. Calm anger, no more tears running down your cheeks anger, but a I’ll fold my clothes neatly in the suitcase while I leave you anger. You won’t call him, text him, wait for him, no you’re disappearing out of his life. Erasing yourself out of his narrative, and part of you wants to be there when he comes home and find everything stripped from your existence, you’re taking as much as you can load into your car. The spoons you bought? They’re coming with you, the toilet paper you bought two days ago? It’s yours and loaded into your boot. That PlayStation you got him for Christmas? Into the passenger seat it goes. Even the duvet covers are coming with you. You’re content when your car is full with all of the stuff you had bought in the years the two of you had been together and you start the drive to one of your friends. Leaving Simon would be the hardest and easiest thing you had done.
Being with you meant that Simon had to drag you along to the gatherings from work, each one more annoying than the others. You would always be so happy to talk to people, and for him it was a nice break, every word you said to others, was a word you didn’t have to say to him. He would know what you’d tell people, always boosting about how much he loved you, it made him sick to his stomach, the happiness on your face while all he could feel was disgust.
Being with you caused Simon to dread it whenever you had to meet new people he worked with. He could see you talk to Alejandro, seeing you narrow your eyes whenever Alejandro would interrupt you and talk over you, a smirk on Simons face. Because now you knew how annoying it is whenever someone talks so much. Simon could see you talking to Rudy, the poor sucker was being caught in your whirlwind of words and Simon was just really happy he wasn’t in Rudy’s position right now.
Simon turned around when he saw Gaz approaching. “She just never shuts up huh?” Gaz was the first to make a snarky remark.
“Never, she just talks too much.” Simon said with a sigh. “I’m never at peace, not even after I come home after a my missions.”
Simon shook his head. “I’m telling you Gaz, she just never, ever shuts up. After our last mission I came home and the moment I stepped foot in that house, she was next to me. Like a goddamn leech sucking away the life out of me.”
A soft chuckle leaves Gaz. “Man I don’t even know how you hold up.”
Being with you was the reason why Simon could drink this night, after all, you would be his ride home, so he had nothing to worry about. He hadn’t even noticed you had left, no instead Simon was too busy having fun with the people that he actually cared about. While you were struggling at the apartment, he was dancing and drinking. While you had made up your mind and had found the strength to leave, Simon was too busy cracking stupid jokes with Price. While you were content and driving towards one of your friends, Simon was finally ready to leave, and it wasn’t until that moment that he noticed you had left. All he could feel was annoyance, because this meant he had to take an expensive cab home.
Being with you was the reason why he dreaded going home, stepping foot into that house again. But this time it felt different. The apartment felt colder than usual, not as warm, not as cozy. And you weren’t there to greet him at the door. Maybe you were asleep? He stumbled to the bedroom, but it was empty, too empty. Simon noticed the duvet covers missing, he opened up the closet and noticed your clothes missing, his heart starting to race when he realized something was wrong. Did someone break in? No, it would be weird for a burglar to just take the duvet covers and your clothing. Did you leave? No, you wouldn’t have the balls to do so. Maybe you just went to a friend?
He stumbled to the kitchen, opening up the fridge. His eyes widening when half of the groceries were missing. The orange juice you had bought was gone, the meat, the cheese, even the beers you had bought just for him were gone. The realisation that you might’ve left finally dawned up on him, and it brought him a lot of peace. He could just spent time without have you yap an blabber all the time, he didn’t have to listen to your constant talking about those dumb shows you watched. It nearly felt as if the Gods had blessed him. Being left by you turned out to be harder than Simon had thought. He had enjoyed the silence for a while, but when he woke up in that large, empty bed, he couldn’t help but miss you next to him. He thought he would enjoy eating his breakfast in silence, but the silence that lingered in the apartment was an eerie one, and loneliness crept up to him. He tried to reach out to you, but you had blocked him on every single platform he could reach you on and for the first time since he had met you, he found himself longing for your words, the way you spoke, the way you were so passionate about all the topics you talked about.
Being left by you made him realise how much he loved you.
Leaving Simon broke you down, but you managed to pick yourself up again. It took you a while, but you slowly found yourself trusting other again, and although you were still weary of talking too much, you still had that some passion in your voice whenever you talked about something, even your silly TV shows. You went to the store, getting yourself a tub of ice cream before your favourite show would start. Your cart bumping into someone since your mind was busy with the cliffhanger of last episode. “I’m so sorry.” You mutter quickly as you look up.
His eyes light up a little too quickly as a smile forms on his lips. “You never told me if Big Edd and Rose ended up staying together.”
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saeist · 1 year
it was a bad idea honestly. no scratch that, it was a TERRIBLE idea. the idea being of which is that you and the rin would go inside a haunted horror house at the local amusement park. (whose idea came from bachira, who claims that it’d be fun)
now here you were, scared out of your wits, trying to at least make it out alive out of this haunted horror house.
not that rin would admit it, but he was watching you in slight amusement whenever you’d bump into something and scream. to him, this attraction wasn’t even that scary to begin with. he too was forced to enter by his “friends” aka bachira and isagi who both claimed that they haven’t seen him crack a smile throughout the day they were in this amusement park. (which was bullshit as rin thinks)
“dear god.. what have i done to receive this punishment” you cry out, hands trembling as you and rin navigate through the creepy hallways. only to be greeted with another makeshift ghost at the end. of course, rin saw this coming and only huffs as a reaction. you on the other hand..
rin almost felt sorry for you at that point. he notices that your shoulders were trembling and your breath was shaky. were you crying?
“hey..” rin murmurs, standing next to you and thats when he heard your sniffles. ‘goddamn it’ rin thinks to himself. of course he’s the one who gets caught up in this type of situation. a situation that involves someone crying.
as much as rin sucks at comforting people, there’s only little to none he can do at the moment.
your hands were covering your eyes. this whole horror thing was already too much for your scared ass. you wanted this to be over with and beat the shit out of bachira who gave you the idea but you felt yourself stuck in the position you are now. until that is, you felt a tap on your shoulder. instantly you jumped and immediately latched onto the person next to you, which was rin
rin stands there stunned by the way you instinctively latched onto him, your arms wrapped around his torso and head buried in his chest to hide your face
“it’s me, c-calm down” rin stutters. he’s not used to this sort of intimate contact. he can feel his face burn. out of embarrassment? he does not know. all he knows is that he hopes you don’t note how fast and loud his heart was beating
“rin i can’t take it anymore!” you cry, burying your head deeper into his chest. rin panics on the inside. his head chanting ‘what the fuck do i do now’
the only logical way to get out of this was to simply, get moving with you literally sticking by his side. with a heavy sigh, he hesitantly wraps an arm around your shoulders and maneuver around the last corridors of the said horror house.
thankfully, that corridor you two were in was the last corridor before the exit so you guys made it out in no time. there outside waits isagi and bachira who were busy chitchatting amongst themselves about how you two were taking so long. to their surprise, they spot you in rin’s arms, coming out of the exit.
“we’re out, you can open your eyes now” rin says the moment you two step foot out of the attraction. almost immediately you opened your eyes. you don’t even notice the position you and rin were in. the only thing in your mind right now is to find bachira and to literally throttle him for his stupid idea.
“y/n-chan, rin-chan over here!” bachira waves, his face having a mischievous look to it. “i’m going to kill you!” you exclaimed, running after him.
isagi laughs at this while rin merely scoffs. “so did you two have fun?” isagi asks rin who was walking next to him. “what do you think?” rin says sarcastically, giving isagi a glare. only for the latter to give him a knowing look.
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cu7ie · 1 year
gym bros.
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ baji spots draken at the gym (+ he does the wrong kind of spotting).
baji x reader.
cw; sfw. reader's gender neutral but they get called a bitch (idk if that bothers people), baji being a perv (he stares). draken being voice of reason.
"Why's Mikey not coming again?"
"He thinks it smells like sweat, and he doesn't like carrying his gym equipment to and back." Draken thought this was a better alternative. Baji, who'd almost certainly try and pick a fight with the biggest guy there, would be a good candidate for spotter. Mikey likes dragging his feet sometimes, not seeing the point in 'strenuous physical labor' since he already knows how to fight. 
To Mikey, it's all about strength. 
Draken, on the other hand, can appreciate an immaculate physical form. A nicely toned abdomen, thick calves, strong thighs; a testament to discipline, the beauty of working out - hence their trip to the Gym. Baji can at least walk and complain, which works well enough for Draken who tunes him out with ease, navigating the Shibuya streets quickly and without pause. Baji hasn't offered an intelligent thought all morning. He agreed to this yesterday, but still complained when Draken showed up when he was supposed to; when he did his due diligence of waking him up, getting him outside, providing him pleasant quiet company. Baji nagged him the whole way, while he was putting on his clothes and scrambling around for his keys, stuffing his bottle and sweatrag into a backpack so fucking slowly; irritating the shit out of Draken, who put up with it because
at least he's moving.
"Ugh. It's still too early in the morning for this shit." Draken's music is low enough that he can hear the words 'too early', actually looking annoyed for the first time this morning as he turns around,
"It's 10:30. Sleep any longer, you'll get a headache." and resumes walking, hoping their arrival at the gym will put a pin in Baji's incessant yammering- 
First the sun is bothering him, then he remembers he forgot something; so he's irritated about that, and then he sees a pretty thing or two pass by; body banging enough to make his head swivel like a spin top, and right after that, he's quiet for a moment. Thinking for perhaps the first time since they've embarked on his venture,
 he comes up with this:
"There any hotties at the gym?" Draken tosses a look back, sharp and cutting.
"I wouldn't know, I go there to work out."
"But you've looked, haven't you?"
"No man. What the fuck is-" He sucks his teeth, doesn't let his energy go haywire. "Doesn't matter, we're here."
It's cold enough in the gym that Baji's nipples get a little hard. Surely it's to offset the work out heat, but,
"Goddamn." He doesn't try to warm himself and just shivers, his teeth clacking and he's getting the sense that Draken is really getting irritated, because he just goes,
walks so fast he's practically running, and Baji has to tail him or else he'll be lost, thoughtless enough to forget to read wall signs and a little up his own ass that he doesn't want to ask a staff member for help. Runs after Draken like a child who lost their mother in the grocery store.
It's fine, everything's fine. They put stuff up in their lockers and take their water bottles and leave to head towards the bench press racks. Baji remembers how to spot from when he used to be apart of the fitness club back in highschool. They slide on the weights until it's two hundred fifty total, Draken slides into place and gets to pumping that iron. Baji mostly plays attention, but his eyes meander as they tend to do, roaming idly for something to stimulate his dying brain cells -
Then he sees a nice ass working the elliptical machine.
Your favorite gym shorts are such because they make you look good and feel good; but you get your fair share of strangers ogling you, working the machines right next to you when almost every machine is available, that kind of weird ass energy. You come to the gym enough that you're a little used to it; though not everyone's like that. There's a regular that came here before you did - a lean muscle, broad guy, single braid down his back, dragon tattoo on his head.
You never caught his name but you always tell him he looks cool when you cross paths and neither of you are zoning out listening to music. 
You're working out a little too intensely to notice the glare creeping up and down your back, Baji's brain trying to work on overtime trying to assess this situation. He barely notices Draken finishes his set, flushed pink and wiping sweat off his forehead.
"Baji." Exasperated. "Fuck're you… fuck're you looking at?" Baji doesn't point but flicks his head in your direction, gesturing with his hands.
"The one on the push pull machine? You see em?"
"The elliptical."
"What the fuck ever. Do you see them?"
"...yes Baji." Draken pinches the bridge of his nose as he begins to regret some of the decisions he's made. He's being tight lipped on purpose and Baji knows it. He knows Draken lied to him earlier and he doesn't need to ask to prove it, but he does anyway.
"They come here all the time don't they? And you just didn't say 'nothin. Said nothing at all. You know how much time you cost me, and yourself? Coulda had me coming all week if I knew bitches like that came here."
Baji whistles shrill and low - Draken makes a face.
"I'm too tired for this shit right now. M'gonna work on legs." And with that, Draken gets up from the bench press, reracks the weight he had loaded on. Draken gets on the ellipticals too, opposite you and a ways off. You wave but you don't think he sees you.
Baji's still looking at your ass, forgetting himself for a long moment.
He only remembers this establishment has standards when one of the gym bros (not even a staff member, just some guy with biceps as big as Baji's head) tells him to stop staring. You can't see Baji doing it, but apparently people have noticed and it's starting to make them uncomfortable. 
On your side, everything is cool since you're listening to your music. You've worked up a sweat and an appetite, so you dismount, disinfect, (get your stuff from the lockers,) and dip. Baji doesn't mind leaving his stuff in the locker room to step outside and try to talk to you for a minute. He tries to flag you down like you're a cab - and against your better judgment you take out one headphone as you're standing at the crosswalk, polite but clearly impatient.
"Hey man, did you need something?" You have this grimace to your grin like Baji ought to shoot his shot quickly and dash, because you already know what he's gonna say and you're not impressed;
But he puffs his chest out all big anyway, walking over in long confident strides and fixing his mouth to say something else stupid. 
"You come ‘round here all the time? I just might have to come here more often if that's the case." You sigh.
"Please, don't. I just switched gyms." Baji's eyebrows quirk in confusion as you quickly turn your head, his eyes narrowing (but you can't see that because you're already crossing) as he attempts to catch up with you in a strange burst of boldness. You have a good pace about you, and he’s not trying to chase you half way down the block, so he shouts.
“Hey babes!” Your shoulders tense and you don’t turn around, quickly walking off. 
“The fuck is their problem? Hate people who don’t wanna listen..” Irony lost on him, he heads back towards Draken all mopey and whiney again and Draken’s nearly done with his set so they’re fixing to head home (without Baji having done anything, mind you), and Baji is quiet, quiet quiet; up until they’re getting their stuff from the locker room and he turns to Draken like,
“So,” Baji starts. Draken shakes his head, nipping his nonsense in the bud.
“No. I’m not having this conversation with you.”  Matter of fact, he doesn’t think he’s inviting Baji out ever again. 
“C’mon Drak, jus’ be my wingman for the one time!” 
“Don’t call me that. And no.”  Draken looks like he could crush Baji under foot, in spite of his sore muscles he doesn’t look any less threatening. “I’d do the same for you.” 
“But I’m not hopelessly incompetent. Unlike you. Please, never disrespect me like that again.”  Draken leaves the locker room in short order, and Baji follows because he feels like he ought to; stops pushing the subject, sighing to himself about how he never even got your number. Even if Draken doesn’t like it, even if he ends up having to pay for his own membership and start working out more regularly,
He will get you to sit on his face. That’s non negotiable.
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andyling · 10 months
So like, y’know how Tim and Damien are kinda having a custody battle for the Robin title right now because DC never really managed to successfully give Tim his own identity? Well maybe we can have a series focused on exactly that, Tim finding a new hero identity. 
Do I ship Tim and Kon? Yes. Do I understand that Tim is in a relationship with Bernard right now? Yes. Do I know that DC would never let the poly relationship happen? Yes. 
But guess what, I don’t give a fuck. I’m desperate here. These two don’t need to smooch I just need them to talk to each other and be best friends and go on adventures and figure their shit out. I MISS THEM. THEIR RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC, EXCLUDING ANY ROMANCE, IS AMAZING AND I NEED MORE OF IT. 
Think about it, Kon and Tim know that Jon and Damien are going to take the mantles of “Superboy” and “Robin” and they have to learn to move on. They struggle to let go, they doubt whether they truly can make a name for themselves. So, they decide to leave Metropolis and Gotham. They separate themselves from the people that have defined their entire heroic lives. But both of them are afraid of being alone, so they go together. One last journey as Robin and Superboy. 
They travel the world together. They meet some familiar faces. 
Maybe they go visit Greta and Cissie and we get to see how their civilian lives are going. Perhaps the girls suggest that maybe the two need to let the hero life go. Maybe Tim and Kon even consider it, but they realize that being a hero is what they want to do. (AND THEY DON’T FIGURE IT OUT WHILE IN A FIGHT OR SOMETHING, NO THEY JUST FUCKING TALK. THEY BEAT SOME SHITHEAD UP AND THEN THEY TALK. WHY DID THEY BECOME HEROS? WHY DO THEY WANT TO KEEP BEING HEROS? GIVE THEM SOME FUCKING DEPTH DC I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD) 
Shenanigans ensure, blah blah blah. They meet more familiar faces, some friendlier than others. They meet new people that help them along their journey. They now fully understand what makes them different from other heros and how they want to put those skills to use. They know what kind of heros they want to be and are ready to pave a new path for themselves.
And at the end of it the two choose new names for themselves that are hopefully not stupid and are very cool and suits them. The two have a touching moment where they say just how much the other means to them. Then they hug, maybe kiss (sorry i’m delusional), and then go their separate ways. 
Tim returns to Gotham, returns to his family, and we get a nice little reunion between the bat family. He officially resigns as Robin and the first time his new hero identity is put into action is in Gotham with the rest of his family because no matter what, he’s still a bat. Tim, as a hero, does his thing and stops crime and keeps the city safe. However he also focuses his attention on the political and corporate corruption happening in not just Gotham city, but all around the world. He even uses his influence as Tim Drake-Wayne if it can help. Most people won’t know he’s the one digging up evidence and ensuring justice is served, but that’s okay. So long as people’s lives can be changed for the better, he’ll be happy. 
Kon returns to Metropolis and talks to Clark. They have a heart to heart conversation and Kon official gives up the title of Superboy. He then goes to Jon and Kon officially gives his mantle to him. Kon was the first Superboy and Jon will be a more than worthy successor. Unlike Tim, Kon doesn’t stay in his home city. He bounces around from place to place aiding whoever is need of his assistance, whether that be working with another hero to stop a villain or helping a small community recover from a devastating natural disaster. He may not have a home city like other heros, but he still has a home. That home is simply spread out all over the world. After all for Kon, home is wherever his friends are. 
We fast forward a few months. Tim and Kon meet up at the old Young Justice base. They joke about how much they hated each other when they first met, which leads into a serious conversation about much has changed. Despite everything, they both agree that they’ve changed for the better and will continue to keep improving themselves and their lives. And yet, even after all of that . . .
“Kon, we may have given up our old names, but we’re still a part of those legacies. No matter what the future has in store, there are some things that will never change. You’re my Superboy. Always will be.”
“And you’ll always be my Robin.” 
And the comic ends. 
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
Second Chances
(yes i played clarinet in HS. no we not gon talk about it 😭🧍🏾‍♀️)
Part 1! Dio Brando x Black Fem Reader Fluff
College Football!Dio, Band Geek!Reader(me fr), ModernAU, Drabble(esque)
CW: reader is fed up😭
Word Count: 981
TW: bullying mention, not proofread
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After the university won the game, the football team was swarmed by people to congratulate them. Especially Dio, the star wide receiver, who was surrounded by cheerleaders fawning over him and the win. (Y/n) wades through the commotion with her marching band hat under her arm and her clarinet case in her free hand as she pushes past the crowd. The Center walks over to Dio and playfully snatches his helmet away while the Running Back rests his arm on his shoulder.
"Whatchu looking at, Dee?" Center asked.
"That your girl?" the Running Back teased.
"Not yet," Dio replied with a smug grin. “That's (Y/n), we got like two classes together. She's in the marching band."
Center laughed thinking he was kidding, "Pretty nerdy, guessing you want her to help you study?"
The Running Back laughs along, "Yeah, you need more nerds to help you with your homework?"
"Nah, I tried bullying her cuz she's in marching band." Dio chuckles fondly at the memory of their first encounter, "But she shut me the hell down. She may be a short-ass band nerd but, goddamn, she's got one hell of a fuckin spine."
He sees her finally exit the sea of people who once filled the audience and adjust her marching band jacket before turning down a relatively empty corridor. Dio playfully chases after her and he catches up to her and grabs her shoulder lightly from behind.
"Hey, Short Stack."
“You again? What do you want now?”
"You." Dio winks.
She shrugs him off her shoulder and turns around, continuing down the hall only for him to casually follow her with his signature smirk.
"You know, I can't tell if you hate me or like me."
“I don't know enough about you but let's go with I dislike you.”
Dio moves closer, "I don't know, I feel like you do. Besides, if you don't even know me then you shouldn't make judgments about me, short stuff."
“Oh really? Our first encounter, you made me late trying to bully me.”
"Oh right. But I think we should let bygones be bygones. Besides, people change. And people can start over."
“Not when that first encounter happened 4 fuckin’ days ago. Mind you, I was late for practice for the halftime show at the game you just won.”
"Listen Short Stack; are ya gonna let something so minor keep you from doin' that? Like c’mon, that was Monday."
(Y/n) stops mid-step and looks up at him with a narrowed irritated glare.
“No, you listen, Number 33.” She poked his chest, “Not like you asked, but the band director is strict as fuck. If any of us is more than 5 minutes late, we usually have to stay an extra 10 after class to make up for it. But since the game was this week, your fuckin’ song and dance made me have to stay an extra 25 minutes and walk in the fuckin’ rain. That was my Monday."
(Y/n) turns away and storms off down the hall, turning the next corner. Dio's composure breaks for a moment before he sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. Despite the mask of playfulness on his face, he does feel bad for making her go through that.
He also feels slight shame since he’s not used to losing these kinds of encounters with girls. They were usually falling all over him, hesitant to argue, much less yell at him. Dio sighs and follows her around the corner, now getting into a more serious demeanor.
"I have a compromise for you," Dio says calmly. "Hear me out real quick."
She sucks her teeth, “Bruh!”
“I mean it, as a way to apologize.”
“Just apologize.”
“Not good at that, so I want to do something for you to prove it.”
“A deal?” 
“Just hear me out
She sighs deeply, “What is it?”
"Let me take you on a date to make up for those 25 minutes."
(Y/n) genuinely chuckles, “You want to take me on a 25-minute date, Dio?”
“Tch, no, I’ll take you on a date and I have 25 minutes to make you feel better about what I did Monday. If I don't, you can leave and I won't bother you again."
“I mean of course I’ll find you around school for more of this lovely attention you’re giving me right now, but I won’t bother you.”
Another deep sigh. “Can’t believe I’m doin’ this. Fine, but I pick the place and time.”
"Sounds fine to me, where and when?"
“How about another compromise; I'll give you my Insta and text you all the info if you go change out your uniform.”
"A compromise within a compromise. I like it." Dio said with a sly grin. “And what's wrong with the uniform, it's a chick magnet."
“Yeah, not with the smell.” She laughs, “ Like I know we’re both sweaty, but you smell like ass and grass so...”
"Hey, that's just cuz of the game. After I clean myself I smell like a bouquet of flowers."
“You gonna have to prove that cuz that’s not what I’m inhaling right now.”
Dio laughs as he takes out his phone, “Alright, alright; message received. I’ll go now.”
(Y/n) puts her clarinet case down and takes his phone to follow herself on Instagram before handing it back. Dio notices the smile on her face and his eyes follow her movements, even as she starts to walk away. He thinks for a moment; she had every chance to shoot him down and yet she agrees to let him take her to a date. 
Was she interested, or was this her just way of being spiteful? Either way, he was willing to find out. Dio stares at the screen of his phone, reading her Instagram handle over and over again. After reading it a second time, his smirk returns.
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pixeljade · 7 months
Imagine if you were an insanely popular soccer player. Like HUGE, and your dad was a bigger one! He kinda sucked, though, but now the spotlight's on you. And then one day at the championship game, suddenly, a weird fucked up flying whale monster comes and starts killing everyone. And while you're running from it, you come across your dad's old friend, who throws you a weapon and tells you to fight. Then after you fight a bit he just up and feeds you to the whale...when you wake up, you're in some other fucking world. It makes no sense, they dont even really do technology except for sports, and they KNOW about this fucked up whale! They have a whole religion about it. They also know about your home, but they claim it was destroyed ages ago and is now turned into the goddamn holy land. And guess what, their prayer is EXACTLY like the team victory cheer you knew back home. You follow a priestess of this religion and her posse of freaks including a goth girl, her inexplicable jock boyfriend, a fursona, and go across the landscape seeking passage back to your own world. Eventually you run into your dad's friend when a race war results in a kidnapping at this world's championship game, and he joins your pilgrimage and eventually reveals that the fucked up whale actually IS your dad! Also you meet this huge asshole high priest politician guy, who wants to bang the priestess even tho you already got the hots for her! He sucks, and you continue on, and meet the girl who did the kidnapping of your potential girlfriend, and she helped save you once, so you vouch for her. Then you make it to the asshole's home, which happens to have a portal to the fucking afterlife for some reason. That night you find out both that the asshole killed his dad, and intends to kill your priestess girlfriend if she wont bang him. So you're like fuck that, we'll all fuck you up TOGETHER!!! And kick his ass! And then leave and continue the pilgrimage. You find yourself suddenly on the other side of the race war after realizing they were actually the good guys, and rebel against the world's theocratic regime, only to find out the people leading it are a bunch of GHOSTS! And then you attack them and a fucked up ghost dragon underwater for some reason. Whatever its just there. Anyways, then you go back up to the surface for the last leg of the pilgrimage. The furry ends up taking you through his village, and fights his friends with you. Then you end up coming across the asshole AGAIN, but hes a ghost and has fucked up ghost powers!! You kill him again, and finally end up at the holy land that they claimed was where your home was...and its a bunch of ruins and this huge magic mainframe of ghosts. It turnd out you were one of the ghosts stored on it. And that mainframe, it exists because the city the theocracy lives in blew up your city but your people managed to store up the ghosts of everyone and make a backup before they died! Their attack created the first ever Fucked-Up Whale. BUT the whale is so incredibly fucked up he can ENTER the mainframe and take people out of it! Your dad got out of it that way, and then he did the pilgrimage too, defeated HIS whale, and became one because for some reason thats just how it works. And his friend is a ghost too, but just a regular one, and he went into the mainframe using him in order to pull YOU out into the world outside! So now you're like fuck this, fuck you, and you kill the whale, and the asshole one last time, and even the goddess herself! Because fuck it, why not!!! And you were just a fucking soccer player, but now you've killed god!
Anyways Final Fantasy X is wild
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dinsdjrn · 11 months
OH here’s my prompt request 🥰
Angst or fluff (or both) with Joel and this prompt:
32. "I would choose you over anyone."
the first one to break | joel miller
post-outbreak joel miller x f! reader
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prompt: hurt/comfort, "i would choose you over anyone"
summary: if there was one thing joel miller was good at, it was pushing people away. [w.c 900]
warnings: 18+, hurt/comfort, mentions of loss
💌: tysm for requesting vee!! i had so much fun writing this little point of contention i hope you enjoy 🥺
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To put it simply, your relationship with Joel Miller was complicated. 
You had met on a smuggling run in the Boston QZ, you had saved each other's asses on more than one occasion since. When you had first met you were strictly business partners, but as time went on you found solace in each other's bodies. 
Your feelings for Joel were not instantaneous, at first you weren’t even sure you liked him. Slowly over time, you felt a shift between you, feelings came in like the tide and before you could even rationalize it you had fallen in love with him. 
After all you had been through together, Joel couldn’t reciprocate, he pushed and pushed. He had lived in solitude for long enough that he learned it was easier to be alone than to love someone just for them to leave. And so he pushed. He pushed you and pushed you, but what he didn’t expect was for you to push back. Whatever demons haunted him, you could live with too. 
It was rainy Boston, the clouds hadn’t let up in weeks. It made it hard to find work in the QZ and even harder to smuggle as the storm drains were flooded. Being confined to the apartment was fine at first, but had driven you a bit stir crazy. It made it hard to think rationally. You couldn’t remember how your fight started with Joel, but you weren’t going to let it end in him pushing you away again. 
“Maybe this was all just a mistake! We are allowed to expire, darlin’, I’m just gonna go.” He spoke harshly, a cold and distant stare piercing your soul.
“You know what, fuck you, Joel.” You spat. 
“I’m sick of whatever fucking game you think I want to play. I’m offering you the chance to be happy and you won’t even consider that choice.” You laughed in frustration, tears welling in your eyes. 
You felt stupid, you had wasted so many nights with him. You hoped you would be his beacon in the night, and with time he would find you. But Joel Miller was a cruel man with a cold heart, and you were a ruin in his wake. 
“You don’t fuckin’ get it,” He grumbled, looking away from you.
“What’s there to get?!” You yelled, throwing your hands up in defeat. 
“You would rather give up everything, be left completely alone, then choose me and maybe find a little bit of happiness in this fucked up world,” You were quiet now, your words laced with poison. 
“Mother fu-“ he said to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I can’t do this right now,” He stood up to leave. 
“It’s not that you can't, it’s that you won’t, Joel.” 
“Do you know how goddamn scared I am?” He said, finally feeling provoked. 
“You’re not the only one who’s lost everything. I’m scared too,” you softened at his admission. 
“You don’t understand, if I choose you,” he trailed, “I’d choose you over anyone and if anything were to happen…” 
He trailed off again, sucking in a breath. He shook his head and leaned against the wall. 
“Joel,” you walked toward him. 
He was looking at his feet and you gently placed your hand on his cheek. 
“I’m right here. Nothing in our future is certain, but you bet your ass I will fight like hell to keep coming back to you.”
You made sure he was looking right at you. You wanted no doubt in his mind that even though you couldn’t promise tomorrow, you could promise right now.
“I think I just forget what bein’ loved feels like,” he smiled. 
“Then let me remind you.”
You leaned up to meet his lips. The kiss was feathery light at first, neither of you sure the other wouldn’t run away. You pulled away after a few moments, unsure if where his head was at. 
“Baby,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours. 
He brought his hands to either side of your face and his lips crashed down again onto yours. You had found one another again, your hands gripping his shirt as you moved in sync. You had felt worlds away from him for days, but this kiss brought you back into orbit. It was a kiss that left the promise of a future,  but for the first time, that didn’t scare him. The kiss evolved moving into uncharted territory. His tongue moved with yours as it had many times before, and yet this time was different. This time there was no intention to end up in bed, he was kissing you just to kiss you. 
It was simple and sweet, holding every word and feeling; as if they were a secret between you. 
When you had finally pulled apart you both were breathless. He pulled you into his chest wrapping his arms around you. You returned the gesture. You don’t know how long you stood there, holding each other and listening to the sound of the rain. You didn’t pull away from one other and he didn’t try to kiss you again, you just held on for dear life. It was as if he would evaporate in front of you if you were to let go. You pushed your fears away because you had both made a choice. And you chose each other.
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tags: @cupofjoel @thetriumphantpanda @morning-star-joy @tightjeansjavi @cavillscurls @tightjeansjavi @skysmiller @harriedandharassed @beskarandblasters & will be adding the rest of my taglist monentarily! ty!!
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ofmd s2e1 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post bc i've already watched the whole thing. not quite a liveblog bc it's one post and it's probably gonna take me a full hour to get through a 28 minute episode at the rate of pausing and typing i'll be doing
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
anyway, pirate time:
i love how much fun con is having choking on his own blood
dream!stede's extremely teary face right before he takes off running down the beach is doing psychic damage to me
also dream!stede's stupid ridiculous outfit with all the long ribbons and shit...
ed and stede make contact so hard shjfkhsgjkfd the loud OUGH sounds from both of them
also the return of ed's old beard! i didnt expect to see her at all this season, so that was a surprise.
"babe" "love" im tearing out my own hair
stede has yet to learn that ripping ass near your beloved can be a love language
stede is a terrible fucking roommate just deal with wee john's gas in silence like the rest of them. goddamn.
i like when the background OST is familiar to me lol the little strings when stede starts his letter throwing me back to s1
olu: that–that's the swede the swede: Im the swede roach: he's single ;) me: *pissing my pants with laughter*
also the direct confirmation that the swede literally doesn't have a name. incredible
shjkfhdhfkj the crew encouraging him. stede's "it's okay" and roach "be brave" im CRYINGGGGG
stede doing customer service is something that can be so personal. "reservation?" "eat my fuckin' shit" "right! walk-ins, then" average restaurant experience
the random background guy saying "my favorite hand!" abt getting stabbed in the hand is making me giggle. i love the humor on this show
why does stede have so much shoulder movement going on when he's walking through the bar. whore behavior.
"this is for mom!" sorry but i want to know more abt whatever's going on there
also the purple mohawk. dope.
"i know the odds of you finding this are slim but so were the odds of us finding each other in the first place" IM RIPPING OFF MY OWN SKIN
also stede's lil sad hopeful smile after throwing the bottle... i care him
i love how they make this wedding fucking suck so we don't feel too bad abt the whole massacre thing. "the natural condition of humanity is base and vile. it is the obligation of people of standing, such as yourselves, to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony" if i was at a wedding and the officiant said that i'd also start killing people probably
yayy murder montage :)
the whole cake scene is so fucking funny im sorry. i love u jim drawing the line at attacking a shitty wedding. i love u archie who wasn't here for the good old days so you dont really see a problem with how things are. i love u frenchie with ur box in ur brain that u never open again. i love u fang it's gonna get better i swear. i love u frenchie again bc u just took the cake right out of fang's hands while he was fucking sobbing hfjhgkjhdkjkf
I MISS IVAN JUSTICE FOR IVAN. wish they could've said he'd just fucked off somewhere instead of dying but i think that would've raised the question of why hasn't anyone else fucked off since they all seem so miserable
very relieved that stede isn't taking the racist/antisemitic caricature drawings of ed to make like a boyfriend scrapbook like some people were theorizing. would've been overkill if after episode 4 from last season stede still didn't realize that ed hated these sorts of depictions of him.
INTERESTING DETAIL THO the background music in this scene is "a pirate's life" aka the song frenchie sang in the pilot. it's an instrumental version obviously but yeah i recognize that tune
also more cool background ppl with dyed hair man i love this show
zheng yi sao flirting with olu is so good. he deserves it.
how nice of ed to offer his drugs to the crew. sharing is caring.
also it's so funny to me that the thing izzy is tormented by is ed saying "you can't do the job, someone else will" the toe thing's happened three times and apparently that was fine but the thing the show edits together right before izzy breaks down into the most pathetic aheemheem whimpers isn't any of that it's ed threatening to fire him
also they cut ed throwing knives at izzy!! what the hell.
releasing the clip of izzy crying kinda ruined it for me when it came time to watch it in the show bc i watched it several times since it dropped and now seeing it in context i was like "ok i've seen this already fast forward." i mean i didnt fast forward through it but i did kinda zone out bc i've seen this bit already. this post kinda sums up my thoughts on it
"trifling ingrate plan" dshkjfshgdskhfjkhgkjh
"i know that guy we had breakfast together!" "you'll be having a lot of breakfasts-es together" "oh, okay" i fucking love this whole dynamic like i can tell they're writing the swede out of most of the episodes for budget reasons (sorry nat faxon) but by god do they give him such an excellent fucking send-off. can't wait to see him again when he's in his trophy husband number 20 era
roach is upset abt not being able to cook, buttons is tied up so he doesn't go running back to the sea (i assume). stede you are not giving your crew the environment they need to thrive.
olu being an optimist :)
buttons opens his mouth to drink the rain and in the background u can see roach yanking the rope around buttons back fhdjskgfjhgkjfh STEDE YOUR SEA WITCH CANNOT THRIVE IN THESE CONDITIONS
stede tries to make things sound good in his bottle letters to ed but out loud he says his actual insecurities... it's so fucking tasty tho that he thinks ed could be doing better without him and THAT'S why he's been stalling so much. not afraid for his life even a little bit he just assumes he's not wanted. brb i have to cry now
"im sorry if that's a little bit creepy" "you are creepy" in this scene where they're soaked from the rain. ofmd said this prince ricky guys is creepy and wet.
stede's fucking FACE when prince ricky says "you're my hero" his fucking "clearly you dont own an air fryer" face I CANT STAND HIMMMMMM (affectionate)
prince ricky "these rubes" "men of our standing" yeah i cant fucking stand this guy (derogatory) i love how he's barely even in this episode
stede's face when the swede is talking abt how happy he is with jackie... my man believes in love so much im gonna cry
also in what fucking way does the swede owe them a life debt. roach and buttons literally tried to eat him
izzy's "you know me better than anyone knows me and i daresay the same about you" this is literally so false i dont even know where to begin. izzy in e6 being like "if i didnt know any better i'd think maybe ed might possibly maybe be actually enjoying bonnet's company" while ed and stede are giggling and making each other friendship bracelets. this guy doesn't know ed at all.
also i cant get over how izzy wont make eye contact he's like staring blankly into the middle distance delivering these lines so flatly until he goes to say "i have... love for you" and in that moment he looks like he'd rather ed were feeding him more toes.
"im worried about you, we all are" not gonna lie my dude you've had a weird way of showing it thus far. where was all that worry when you told him he was better off dead than wearing a robe and singing songs?? where was that fucking love then?
and NOW izzy wants to talk it through. izzy literally voted to make blackbeard great again and now he wants to give open communication a chance???
lmao there's a limit to how many characters can be in a bulleted list so here's fucking. part two. on the same post:
ed asking everyone if the vibe is poisonous and fang cant stop crying and ed's face is just like "eh good enough" im fdhksgfkjtdkh
anyway ed with a loaded gun under his chin talking to himself is hurting me so fucking much actually. ed my beloved babygirl for whom i would die. this poor traumatized man. yes he is making this workplace toxic as hell but god. GOD. im gonna throw up.
the way ed is so fucking casual about shooting izzy in the leg. just calm and jovial as he promotes frenchie to first mate. stepping over izzy all crumpled on the floor. everything about this is so fucking good. i mean it's horrible for ed and everyone around him but for me watching the show this shit is DELICIOUS. i love when the pirates get violent and unhinged i love when this shit gets fucked up. ed's mental state is so bad right now and it is causing me severe anguish but also it is so tasty. fuck.
anyway frenchie trying to turn down the promotion fhjkghdfjkhf
the cut to the swede performing the husbandly duties is INSANE. COMPLETE TONAL WHIPLASH. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
"fuck those hammies up!" spanish jackie i love you
black pete why are you so fucking loud AND WHY WOULD YOU JIX IT LIKE THAT???
why is prince ricky so small. he's like a full head shorter than stede. also this guy is insufferable i love how stede just fucking abandons him fhjkgdhkdfghkj
"the calf muscle is the most mysterious of alllll the muscles" what the FUCK does that even mean. oh swede i will miss you
obsessed with the swede playing dumb. the dramatic gasp. "wow, so bad!" fhjsghdkjf
"aint you that soup bitch?" "im the money bitch" i love women.
sfdsjkh spanish jackie being into double-crossing. and slapping the swede's ass on the way out. i love this show
i love how zheng says "this much indigo is worth three times what i paid" while spanish jackie and the husbands are still like, right there. and they just don't hear that bit. incredible.
OUGH the back of jim's weird rope armor looks like a ribcage that's so cool
i love how jim is so fucking bad at telling this story. i love how the monkey's paw comes into it. i love fang asking them to do the voice. i love archie trying to hold back her laughter i love jim and fang giggling together I LOVE THIS SHOW
ed's fucking voice breaking through his whole convo with frenchie. im tearing out my own teeth
i take back what i said about jim being bad at telling this story their version is so much fucking better. squeaky voice "I pray to you, Dark Lord, to make me real flesh! I want to be real flesh!" IM FUCKING OBSESSED. JIM I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
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samstclair · 1 year
Kendall Roy’s Princess
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Kendall Roy X Reader
Anonymous Request -
"Sam Saint Clair! Yes! Hello! Listen, I'll be quick and easy about this - Reader x Kendall Roy. That's it. Alright? Maybe she works at Waystar? Who knows. Create a lil power dynamic with it? Rags to riches? I don't know you do you like always! I know it's not completely morally right given it's the workplace but since when is Succession focused on morals?!"
Of all the possible careers in the world, with literally every single possible line of work, there was one you never thought you'd step into - and that one was corporate...
Like ew honestly. The word might as well carry radiation, because every time you heard it in passing it was as if you were a victim in the Chernobyl disaster and old radioactive wounds had just been split open again to fill you with a pretty bad fear and dread. Like who the fuck wants to work in a cubicle? Be real for a second.
But nonetheless, here you were - Waystar Royco in the Big Apple, New York City. Some say it's the biggest apple of them all. You personally felt that honey crisp apples were bigger than the average apple, but, New York was just no ordinary apple - it was a city. And a big, busy city at that.
You really thought about that saying, "don't knock it 'til you try it!" and how based the person who ever came up with that was. There was something so sophisticated when you put on those black heels, that white buttoned up shirt and little slutty plaid (or gingham, whichever you prefer!) skirt. You've never seen the show Mad Men but imagined that was the vibe.
"I'm just a woman in the workplace", you'd recite to yourself as you dressed up in the morning, hyping your self-esteem UP. "Just a woman doing some serious business."
You also had no fucking idea as to what that 'business' was, and in all seriousness you weren't really sure what Waystar was all about. You would Google it at work, but something in your eye receptors or whatever blocked your brain from processing the information. Needless to say, you're a bimbo.
As you fixed your hair into a messy bun, but not too messy because that's not work appropriate, you reminisced on your little rags to riches story. You were just a girl who dropped out of theater school for reasons not important. Some say you were expelled but honestly tomayto tomahto. Everyone will always have their own opinions.
It wasn't all that hard, now that you were knee-deep into the company. It had first seemed overwhelming and intimidating, but honestly, it was really just running around and giving people papers, coffee, other mumbo jumbo like that. What you learned pretty quickly, was that if you walked fast and made it look like you had something on your mind, then no one would bother you because you looked busy. Your leg muscles went CRAZY so there was no need for some stair master bullshit.
You were just an ordinary assistant, mainly for the Logan Roy himself. There was a sense of importance and untouchability with every step your heels took in that fat building, you were literally Logan's number one bitch, (that's what he liked to call you in confidence!). And no one could tell you shit and that's that. You were basically hands off and free from any critique by your peers, even if you sucked donkey ass at your job.
Honestly the only reason he hired you because he liked how kinda oblivious (and a bit dumb) you were, since you never really pestered him with questions about what he was doing and you just do what you're told. "You're not annoying as fuck like my goddamned kids," he'd say. He thought you always stayed in your own lane because you were being respectful and minded your own business, but in actuality it was because you had no fucking clue what they were talking about the great majority of the time. If they weren't speaking in weird riddles and metaphors and similes, they were talking something about numbers. And math wasn't your forte. You literally just found out that "pi" actually meant 3.14 and wasn't actually slang for pumpkin/apple pie.
No one knew how you got the job or what qualifications you even had, but it didn't matter. No, it was all just between you and Lowgie Bear <3 (that was you liked to call him in confidence and was also the name for his contact on your phone). Even if you were on your work laptop playing games like Papa's Pizzeria, no one would even dare to ask if you were actually working. You were so focused on those games it looked as though you were popping some fun big numbers on Excel.
That morning when you got to the office, you did your usual - said hello to the people at front desk, hoped inside the elevator, listened to the click and clack of your heels, got to your office, prepared some coffee, and while that was brewing you signed into your computer and printed out the daily report. While that printed, you lit up your TJ Maxx candle, played some ambient mukbang ASMR on full blast (you're low-key deaf) and looked out the window into that concrete jungle Alicia Keys called New York. You always got to work bright and early, and that was mainly because you lived in an extra mailroom on the last floor in the basement. Logan said it was because he always wanted to keep you close.
It was a beautiful, clear morning, free of any suspicious airplanes. One of your favorite things to do was recite to yourself "I built this." Even though you didn't have literally one thing to do with the construction and knew nothing about scaffolding, it was a good affirmation that helped give you the confidence for the day. You felt like a mother holding her coffee watching her children rip those gifts to shreds like gross little rabid gremlins.
You loved having your new office. It originally belonged to Roman, Logan's son, who you swore was the youngest of all his children but that was actually Shiv. Despite birth records, you still didn't believe he wasn't the youngest. It arguably caused some premature strife between you and Roman when you acquired his office, but you didn't really care. Even after you insulted him the first time you met him, saying he "looked like that Home Alone kid",  from that moment forward he had such a distaste and hatred for you, finding the comment extremely offensive. But like I said you didn't really care tbh. It was the truth and you wanted nothing to do with him, something Logan was also keen on. He always protected you. He was ride or die <3 Some might stay he was a stan <3
A knock came at your door. You whipped around in your rolling chair to see your girl - Gerri.
"Good morning, Gerri!" you said.
She smiled. She was so mother. "Y/N, remember - you can't light candles. It's a fire hazard." She smirked at your forgetfulness. She reminded you of a cute Littlest Pet Shop mouse.
You blew it out. "Yeah, I know, it just always stinks of an office in here. So what if a little a Vanilla Bean causes a little fire? A little fire never hurt anyone."
"I guess, Y/N. Until it does."
"Until it does what?"
"Never mind. Listen, Logan's in a meeting right now. Give him about a quarter to nine before you bring him his daily report or whatever."
"Sure," you said. Like what was previously said, math was not your forte. You only thought a quarter was for two things - a genre of coin and the quarter pounder, which was what you ordered when you resorted to McDonalds when Burger King wasn't available. Since when is a quarter involved in time?
"What are those daily reports about, anyway? I've always wondered," Gerri asked curiously before closing the door.
"Oh, Gerri, I would tell you. But Logan said he'll knock me off the side of a cruise ship like those women if I spilled."
Gerri didn't seem that content about what you said, giving what you know was a fake smile, and closed the door behind her as she left to the meeting. As you struggled to find out what a quarter meant, it just so happened you saw through the glass a tall ass man child limp by your room.
You got up and ran to the door. "Greg!" you called in a harsh whisper, but wasn't successful as a whisper since you saw everyone's head clocked towards you from their desks. "Greg!"
He turned and lit up when he saw you, literally like the child he is. He limped to your door. "Y/N, hey, good morning. What's up?"
"Why are you limping?" you asked, confused as to why he was limping.
"Oh, well, uh," he hesitated and looked around. "Tom and I were sitting at this like, ATN meeting, like across from each other? We started playing - well, are you familiar with the game 'footsies'? Well, we were getting pretty, I guess, into it? I mean, Tom a little more-so than me? And he I guess started to get upset because I was winning? But I'm not completely sure how to win footsies? So he got a little carried away, I guess? He started hitting me quite violently with his foot, like no longer in the playful manner? Anyway, my leg's all bruised -"
"- Greg I have a question. What's a quarter to nine mean?"
He thought for a moment. He needed to lean down a bit for your short ass to hear the whisper. "A quarter? You mean like the coin? Or the burger -"
"No dumbass bitch, a quarter to nine."
"Ohhhh," he said, "sorry, my, or - our separation, like our distance in height prevented me from hearing like, the rest of your sentence. I believe a quarter to nine is, if my knowledge doesn't precede me, eight forty-five."
"Okay great thanks!" you closed the door behind him soon after. You liked Greg, but was sure not to be around him for too long, as anywhere Greg was, so was Tom. And Tom was not your favorite to be around when you were sober. Greg was like a cub and Tom was the mama bear. Wherever there's a cub, the mama was always near. Cocaine bear proved that. #ripRayLiotta
Once that quarter to eight came, you grabbed Logan's favorite cup of coffee, (it was a mug that read "I'm Grumpy Without My Coffee" with Grumpy Cat's face on it #ripGrumpyCat) and the daily report that was freshly printed. You began to walk down the hall towards his office. He had his blinds down, so upon entering you literally didn't expect every fucking person and their mother to be there.
You barged in, "Lowgie Bear! I have you daily repor -" and you were shell shocked. Logan was sat at his desk, hands together like a villain, surrounded by literally everyone. Gerri, Frank, Karl, Stewy, Hugo, Karolina, Roman, Shiv, Greg (and next to him mama bear Tom) and - Kendall.
Kendall. Ken. Kenny.
What was there to say? You froze staring at his fine Mickey Mouse personified face.
You and Kendall - well, you two had history. Actually, it was barely history but there was some pretext. Basically, ever since the first time you met, there was tension. And the good tension, not that Roman type of tension...................................................................
You remembered where you were the day before you met Kendall - the day before you met any of the Roys - boxes in your arms filled with all your stuff from your dorm, standing on some New York street, something like a corner and third, lost like a rat who was kicked out from his borough. All you had to eat that day was a hot dog from the floor that you wrestled a rat for to get. You stood there embarrassingly as cars flew by you, splashing puddles of water all over your Juicy tracksuit. You hated being helpless on the street - the last time that happened a taxi screeecccchheeeddddd on the side of the corner. You didn't want that to happen again.
Then, you felt your phone buzz against your fat butt. You put one of the boxes down, but it actually slipped and some of your shit fell down the sewer drain.
"Motherfucker!" you yelled, ready to cry. Things were definitely not going your way. "What's a girl to fucking do?! Who the fuck is this?"
You reached to your pocket and pulled out your iPhone 4s. It was a number you didn't recognize, but you weren't about to just hang up. No, you were going to see who the fuck decided to give you a little ring and caused your fake Puka shell necklace, Medellín snow globe, pink Barbie Benadryl pills, and extra large tampons to fall into the sewers. Tampons were expensive in today's economy, after all that inflation business or whatever.
"What, bitch?" you snapped.
"Y/N! Hey, it's Willa!"
"Oh my God, Willa, girl, hey!" you smiled, your voice flipping into your true friendly self. Thank god it was her, because being a Karen wasn't your style. That lifestyle was for the Karen's. "Where've you been?"
"Y/N, what a couple of months it's been, you won't believe. I'm calling from my boyfriend's phone, I lost mine."
"Your boyfriend?" you thought, "oh yeah, Zachary, right?"
"No, Connor, actually. Listen, I wanna hang out with you! Connor's going to be out of town for a couple days, you know, work and stuff, but his family is having this little getty at his dad's house. Come with me!"
"Willa I would so love to! When is it?"
"Tomorrow night. I can pick you up at your dorm!"
"Actually Willa," you said, "that can't happen. I got kicked out. Long story. I'm actually homeless as we speak."
"Oh, really? Look it's okay, I can get you a hotel room until you find a place to stay. I would let you stay at me and Connor's, but he gets paranoid someone's gonna take his Napoleonic memorabilia."
"Yeah totally that makes sense. Thanks a bunch!"
Willa, being your girl, got you that hotel room. And that shit was nice as fuck like Scarface when Tony Montana was in that bathtub smoking that cigar. It made you so happy to know your girl Willa got her sugar daddy. You both met in a theater production you were forced to go to for school, but the experience was a lot less boring when you met her. From that day on, you two were destined to be just a couple of girlies. She was like a breath of fresh shy white girl that you couldn't find anywhere else.
You were sitting in the bathtub that resembles Tony Montana's and had accidentally knocked out the fuck out when your phone rang. Thank god it woke you up cause you were about three more minutes before you were completely submerged and could've drowned :/ . You jumped up and scrambled for your phone on the bathroom counter, suds of soap all over your head that blocked your vision. It was Willa.
"Hey, Y/N, you ready? I'm downstairs in the car."
"Uh, yeah I am! Just give me like five, girlie!" you hung up, catapulted your phone across the room, jumped out of the scorching hot tub butt ass naked and ran for your dress that laid out on the bed. You dried yourself of all the suds with the towel before catapulting that out too.
"We'll just have to go braless and pantiless. No bras, no panties! No bras, no panties!" you repeated in an effort to justify the lack of bras and panties. You then threw your dress over you, shoved your heels on, and picked up your hair in a clip. "No bras, no panties!"
Just as you were out for the door, you saw yourself in the mirror and wanted to throw up - the anxiety had built in you and you felt your butt clench. You needed to shit but there was literally no time for this.
"Move, bitch!" you yelled at a guest as you bolted down the hallway towards the elevator, slamming them against the wall. Guests must've thought you planted a bomb or something in your room with how manic you looked and how fast your legs were taking you.
"STOMP! STOMP! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT!", your feet said as you ran. It was the best thing you knew how to do.
Water was still dripping down your leg, and once you got outside the cold New York wind intensified the coolness of it so much so that it was basically stinging. It stung. You jumped over all five steps and landed on the ground, banging your hand on the tinted window.
"Let me in! Let me in! LET ME INNNNNNN!!!!!!" you yelled. The window rolled down, revealing your girl, Willa.
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, what's wrong? Hop in!"
You jumped through the window feet first despite the door being opened moments prior.
You two were in the backseat, now off to the gala! "This is a nice car," you said. "Presidential type. Like, JFK would've loved this."
"John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Like, it's so secretive. He would've liked it because it could've prevented his death, you know. No one can see inside."
Willa's stares lingered on you for several moments before she finally said something. You couldn't talk much after because you were too winded.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
You turned away from the window and looked to her. You tried to smile, but you were too tired too. It looked like a part of your face was melting. "Yeah girl I'm fine. You look great! Why do you ask?"
"Just, cause, uh," she looked you up and down, "you're dripping wet."
"Yeah it was raining."
"Raining? But it's been clear all day -"
"In the room. I mean my hotel room," you chuckled, "it was raining in my hotel room."
She was definitely confused.
"You know, leaks and all," you finished. You thought it best to move on. "Do you have any makeup on you? I thought I should go all natural, you know, no makeup. But now I'm regretting my decision."
"Yeah, I think I have mascara," she opened her purse and pulled it out, giving it to you.
"Better than Sex, oh my god that's like vintage. Like 2016 vintage," you said and used your phone as a reflection to put it on. Some bumps in the road caused the wand to jam into your eye causing it to go red but nonetheless your lashes were coated. You gave it back. You checked how you now looked in the reflection of the car - but it just seemed you had pink eyes in both eyes. Uh oh.
"That's all I have, Y/N, I'm sorry," Willa said, still shuffling through her ludicrously capacious bag.
"No, it's okay. Sometimes mascara is all you need! But sometimes it's not. How come you invited me? Not that I wouldn't have wanted to come, but like, what happened with Connor?"
"Oh you know, he's on this campaign tour thing and all that. I just didn't want to go alone," she chuckled, embarrassed.
"Sounds fun," you said. "Who's this family?"
"The Roys. They're a bit crazy."
You laughed. "What do you mean, crazy? I've seen crazy, heck - you've seen crazy. We were literally in theater together. I bet they aren't even that bad."
"No, they're pretty bad. They can all be pretty mean. And judgey. They're like, blood related but not actually a family, you know? So, like, don't engage with them too much. They don't like when you look in their eyes for too long. So where'd you get your dress? It's so pretty."
"Goodwill," you said confidently. "Isn't it pretty? It makes my ass look fat bro."
You shifted over to show her, struggling as you were still wet and inadvertently created a slip and slide on the leather seats.
She agreed it was fat. "Wow, that's from Goodwill? I wouldn't have thought."
You sat back down. "Of course, what, you think I was gonna buy a dress? I'm broke, remember."
"Well, wait, didn't you have that money from Colombia?"
"Well who says I bought it," you said, biting your tongue with a smile, "also don't bring up Colombia."
You two had finally made it to Logan's penthouse and pulled up outside. You both stepped out and entered, going into the elevator.
"Willa, this is like, rich rich," you whispered.
"I told you," she whispered back.
Once inside the penthouse, you knew you had to unlock your inner theater girl - not the annoying one, but the ACTING one. You had to unlock the Y/N self that belonged here - with the upper echelon of society. This was your debut.
You quickly lost Willa. One minute she was with you in the mess of all these people, and the next moment she was gone. But you couldn't let it throw you off - sometimes in theater, you know since it's live, mistakes happen! The show must go on!
You grabbed a glass of champagne off the tray of a waiter and stood up straighter. You sipped, and despite it tasting like expired sparkling water, you sipped and sipped. You then downed three others - that liquid courage had now been activated and in full effect.
"Man this tastes like dick," you thought. Rich people really did have shitty taste.
The air smelled of expensive cologne and perfume, you wondered if their noses built a tolerance to how strong it was because it was extremely overwhelming and frankly nauseating. Maybe all the coke they do blocks sensory receptors? Who knows, but Jesus Christ it was as if there was an oil spill that actually smelled good but not too good when it's all mixed together. So yeah basically an oil spill in the water but there's no Dawn to save it.
You felt your tummy rumble.
Mama's getting hungry...mama needs to eat so the monster doesn't come out....
But it didn't take long for you to realize that it wasn't cause you were hungry. After all, you more than helped yourself to the snack bar, basically chilling there for like fifteen minutes fucking up everything they had to offer. Rich people didn't seem to like eating, because all the food was barely touched. How ungrateful. The last thing you had to eat was that hot dog you had to roundhouse kick that rat to the ground.
No, it was that very familiar feeling - the feeling when your bowels are incontrollable and on fire. Your body tensed and your heart began to race - you needed to shit. But when didn't you?
You darted (and farted) in every direction, looking for a door that appeared to resemble a bathroom. You felt that anxiety amp up as you failed to find one. You then began to walk around, essentially crop-dusting, still searching but keeping the composure of your rich socialite character you were playing tonight. Never mind the beads of sweat that ran down your face and the shortness of your breath that resembled an asthma attack.
"Y/N! There you are, I thought I lost you!" you turned and saw your girl, Willa. "I was looking for you, I even went to the food bar looking for you -"
"Willa where the fuck is the bathroom in this bitch? I'm hurting," you ordered. "I'm hurting bad."
"Oh, it's literally right behind you. Go in, I'll wait out here. I wanna introduce you to some people -"
You turned to find a door and pushed that shit open, revealing a beautiful porcelain toilet. You entered and shut the door behind you before Willa could even finish.
You hit that toilet and everything, and I mean everything, came out. You desecrated that once beautiful porcelain toilet. The formation was solid, meaning you were healthy! You smiled, you loved solid ones. It made you feel so healthy. Anyway you looked around the bathroom for any refreshers or sprays - you didn't wanna exactly leave your scent in here. But honestly you weren't scared if you did, their colognes and perfumes could overpower it.
Once you finished, you wiped front to back cause you're not a degenerate and flushed, then flushed again to rid any remaining skid marks to cover any evidence. After all, girl's don't shit. You washed your hands on the beautiful porcelain sink and took yourself in in the mirror - you always  looked and felt renewed after emptying yourself. Who needs coke when you have your natural bodily processes?
You noticed some q-tips that were scattered around, snapped in two, and some pieces of magazines ripped all over the floor. You looked below to the trash bin, and saw all sorts of broken decor, more q-tips and magazine pieces stuffed inside. There was also a broken hairdryer and smears of black on the cabinets. It appeared a lot of violence had went down.
"They must've had a crazy number two," you thought. You laughed to yourself, "Oh, how I've been there."
Once you washed up and after taking some grainy selfies on your iPhone 4s, you went back outside and saw your girl Willa waiting.
"Oh, girl, always. It's like spiritual meditation, you know," you said. "Anyway, Willa, you told me this was a getty - but this is like an actual party." You couldn't help but feel yourself smirk at all the possibilities - the champagne was hitting. Willa seemed to read you like a book.
"Y/N, no, I know what you're thinking. Yeah it's more of a party than a getty, but it's not a party party. You can't get 'faded' or 'off da juice' or whatever you like to say. Just don't embarrass me, please. These people are not fans of plus ones," Willa explained, sure to make sure that you got the vibe. You did and assured her. After all, getting fucked up wasn't a part of your character in tonight's script!
"It's okay, Willa, I won't. I thought these rich people would have good alcohol, but after having some to calm the nerves, you know, it's really not that good. Honestly I think I shit most of it out. Liquidated, you know?" you bit your tongue like a mom, but you didn't realize when you did since it was ingrained in who you were, "See? I'm fitting in just fine with these business people!"
Willa began to introduce to you to a bunch of the people there, but you honestly started to get overwhelmed. There was no differentiating between them, they were all old white people and you forgot their names the moment after Willa said them, so you just opted to referring to everyone as "girlie". Some didn't like it but some people don't like seeing a woman succeed.
"Hey, Willa, I'm gonna take a break. It's just a lot of people to take in right now, you know? It's a lot at once," you said. Willa understood and was going to talk to some others, leaving you back to yourself.
You got bored pretty quick. You weren't talking to anyone but the character you were playing was also getting bored. If you couldn't drink, then what fun was there to do? No one was dancing, no one was getting 'lit'. But there was one thing you knew - and that was that someone here had drugs. Like, rich people drugs. You weren't just about to do ketamine or bath salts, but maybe weed? You handled yourself well when you were high and maybe it could help this experience altogether?
You began to scope around for someone who resembled a stoner. It was pretty difficult because everyone was wearing nice outfits like suits and dresses, so picking out who in the building that looked like they skated and listened to Odd Future was proving difficult.
"My god, what's a girl gotta do to smoke around here?" you thought.
And then - you found him. He was abnormally tall and definitely looked like he might be a pothead. He was standing outside on the balcony, looking clueless like a puppy or some shit. Man definitely didn't belong here.
"These nepo babies", you thought to yourself as you b-lined towards him.
"Hey, can I smoke with you?" you asked. He turned and looked down at you. You didn't feel you were that short but brother in Christ this man was tall.
"Uh, I'm sorry? I don't think we've met," he extended his hand out for a shake. You shook it, but didn't like it, "I'm Greg, I'm, uh, I'm Logan's nephew. Well, great nephew, technically. But we've like, fostered a relationship, where I'm more of a nephew than a great nephew -"
"- Yeah that's great I'm sure you're great. I'm Y/N. Do you have weed? Mama - I mean, I could use some."
The tall dude named Greg the great nephew smiled like a little boy, "Yeah I do. I get you, it's a lot of people around. That's how I felt when I first got here, you know. Perhaps we should go to the other side of the terrace, perhaps a more secluded area?"
"Yeah whatever," you said. You followed him a little farther down the balcony, behind some shrubbery that blocked you from the sight of all the other rich old people. He stuck his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a small baggie of weed. He continued to shuffle through, but seemed to have lost something. "Oh shit, I forgot the wrappers at home."
There was no way you were going to miss out cause this dodo bird forgot wrappers. "That's okay," you spat. "Stay here, I'll be right back."
You walked back out into the balcony, then back to inside to the food bar. You grabbed some slimy slices of cheese and salami, then went back out to meet Greg.
"Here, use these," you presented him the slices of salami and cheese, but there was no thought behind his blue Miley eyes.
"Uh, what?"
"Roll with these. I've done it before, here, give me," you grabbed the baggie from his hands and began to scatter the bud in a straight little line across the salami and cheese. You then rolled it up tightly, licking the ends shut and presenting it to Greg, who was safe to stay, astonished.
"You really just crafted a doobie out of salami and cheese?" he said, in awe.
"It sucks being poor. You learn your way around things. I also saw this on a clip on YouTube from that show Extreme Cheapskates. Here," you gave him the deli spliff and began to roll another.
"Does this thing really work?" Greg asked you, inspecting it.
"Okay, Grav3yardgirl," you said. "It does. It's basically a life hack."
Greg pulled out a lighter and lit the end, taking in a drag successfully. He was still in awe.
"This is like, inventive. I mean, there is a hint of, uh, dairy and meat, but it's not actually that bad. It's like a true bodega joint. It's just missing the bagel and the salami would have to be bacon instead."
You lit up your joint and you were set - this was it. You looked over the balcony and taking in the city and those hits. You felt like Remy from Ratatouille eating the strawberry and cheese, all the flavors were coming together. It was disgusting at first, but tolerable after a while. Desperate times called for desperate measures, after all.
You two sat in silence for some minutes, enjoying one another's company.
"So, would you rather be trapped in a pool with a shark, or with a tiger in a cage?" he asked. You looked over to him, his eyes blood red and glossy.
"Uh, honestly," it took you a moment to process what he was saying. You felt so slow and a little stupid. "Well, how about this instead - gay son or thot daughter?"
Greg took a moment before answering. You frankly forgot what you asked by the time he answered. "Well, uh, in terms of which I'd rather have, I honestly don't know exactly. Maybe like, whatever would come first, you know, if I had a son or daughter first, maybe the logistics of the situation would play a factor," he took another moment. "Honestly this question is kinda stressing me out. Is it supposed to do that?"
"Uh, heyyyyy Gregggguuhh! What are you doing out here, buddy? I've been missing my Sporus!"
You both turned your heads pretty slowly to your left, seeing a head pop out on the side of the shrubbery. It looked as if he was floating and your inebriated self thought it actually was. He resembled Horton from Horton Hears a Who.
"Oh, uh, hey Tom," said Greg. "Tom, this is Y/N."
You waved. He came out from behind and revealed his entire body. You were relived that he wasn't floating after all.
"Y/N, huh? And from where do you sprout from, huh? From what depths have you appeared to land a spot on this balcony?"
You stared at him blankly. You saw his eyes dart from yours to both of your joints. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Are those, are you eating the food bar's deli as if it was a cigarette? Why is it all rolled in that fashion, huh Greg?"
"It's, uh, it's weed. Do you want some?" Greg offered.
"Weed? What do you mean 'weed', Greg?" he inspected Greg's salami and cheese, also in awe. He scoffed, stumped. "Well aren't you just a little brainiac scientist? What are you going to do next, Greg, are you going to make a nuke out of the potato salad?"
"It was actually, it was actually Y/N that made these."
Tom looked to you. "Really?"
Though it didn't appear as so, you were getting overwhelmed as you had gotten used to just Greg's presence, and it didn't help you were still getting over the fact Tom wasn't actually floating. All you could muster up to do was a very lazy, slightly paralyzed-looking biting tongue in your white mom way. It was really your default response.
"Uh, what was that?" Tom asked.
"What was what?" you asked back.
"That tongue thing - right there, when you bit your tongue. Wait there - you just did it again!" he said, pointing at you. You didn't realize it but you did do it again. "How'd you do that?"
"Um, I don't know you said. You just do it," you repeated it again. He seemed to really enjoy it as he began to laugh in disbelief.
"That seems fun!" he said, and he began to do the same, "it's quite fun, isn't it?" He then continued, one after the other until he got the bite right, enjoying himself. You and Greg watched with dead faces. You weren't sure for how long that lasted (it was an hour).
"Uh, the fuck is going on here? What kind of orgy is this?" another voice boomed.
A small man came out from behind. You felt your anxiety grow more now that another person was added behind the shrubbery.
"Who the fuck are you?" he asked you. His squeaky voice was one that you found extremely irritating.
"I'm me," you said, more sass in your tone to match his.
He looked to your salami cheese roll up. "The fuck is that? Wait, are you smoking weed out of what the fuck is even that," he looked closer at it, "fucking havarti cheese? I mean, how poor are you? Aren't my tax dollars for you fucking welfare checks to afford wrappers?"
Greg rose up. "It's actually, uh, pretty innovative. It just proves, I think, personally, that anything can be a wrapper if you want it to be. Like, if you set your mind to it."
"Yeah, how about that? Say can my dick be a wrapper if you 'set your mind to it'? And what about you," he turned to your direction, "what're you a fucking - a fucking mute? Who are you fucking, Helen Keller?"
You continued to stare him down. You didn't know what it was but his little presence was really starting to make you angry. A part of you had the strong urge to stand and use all your strength to knock this elf on the shelf motherfucker over the ledge. He seemed to be reading your face.
"Her name is actually Y/N," said Greg.
"Y/N, huh?" he looked to Tom, who this entire time had been practicing his mom tonguing. "The fuck is wrong with you? Why does it look like you're having a stroke?"
"Can you leave us alone," you finally said.
He whipped his head back to you, a daring look on his face. "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do? Run to Twitter and cancel me? I'm Roman Roy, motherfucker. You can't cancel this," he motioned his entire petite body.
"You look like the kid from Home Alone," you shot back. "The one that got left alone."
Roman's face froze. He could not believe what the fuck you just said. Greg giggled but soon stopped once he realizes just how quickly and deeply Roman was made insecure.
You didn't want to linger for any longer in the awkward silence, so you quickly rose and bolted.
"That was the weirdest blunt rotation I've ever had", you thought. And you once smoked with Pablo Escobar's mom.
Fortunately, parallel to the other side the terrace was another corner covered on shrubbery. It was a perfect spot to finish off your joint, now in complete peace but not complete silence, as the party was still going on like ten feet away.
It was now nearing nighttime. The sun began to set over Alicia Key's concrete jungle.
"Hey, mind if I join?"
"Jesus Christ how many are there of you?!" you screamed, turning to your right to see who the fuck was it now disturbing your silence now.
And that was him. Kendall. You didn't know it at the time but that was Kendall Roy.
"Oh, sorry, I, uh, didn't mean to bother you -"
"No it's okay," you quickly switched up, sure to smile. "Come sit. I'm sorry, I just, I got stressed out." You giggled in embarrassment, sounding a little like Trisha Paytas.
He took the seat beside you. "No, I get it," he smiled, revealing his goofy fine ass smile, "it can get pretty annoying, all these fuckers here put in one place. Kendall."
"Y/N," you said. You then offered your roll up, "you wanna kill it?"
He took it. "Sure. I don't even know what the fuck this is, but fuck it," he placed the entire roll up into his mouth, the tip of it barely out from his lips as he took a hit. You watched, transfixed and taken aback. He began to blow out rings and laughed as he coughed. "Jesus, that's some strong fucking shit there."
You tried not to look too much at him, instead facing back forward. But you couldn't help it. Man was fine as fuck in the goofiest way. The way he blew those rings - I mean what that mouth do I don't know.
You remembered a quote you saw on a Pinterest board once - "Compliments are just the absolute best ❤️ ". Now was your time to shine and put that quote to WORK.
"Your eyebrows."
He looked over to you. "Sorry? My eyebrows?"
"They're like, thin. Like Y2K vibes. I have to use a Men's shaver to get mine like yours - but you just have them all natural."
He nodded. He didn't get what the fuck you were on about. "Thanks. So who are you?" he asked. "Who do you know here?"
"I'm Willa's friend," you replied. From then on, you two spoke the rest of the night, free from any disturbance as you two were hidden in the shrubbery. As time went on, you felt a strong connection with him, and despite him being attractive, there was somewhat of a sad presence around him, in his self-deprecating way. There was something helpless, something loser about him that you felt immensely relatable. You could tell that he lacked a mother (and honestly father) figure, something you felt immediately attached to. Not to say that just because you're a girl means you're going to have motherly instincts all the time, but it was extremely intense with this one. A part of you wanted to pick up your hair in a ponytail and let everything do the rest, but another part of you wanted to cradle this man and pop a boob out to breastfeed his ass like the mother from Barbarian did to Justin Long's character.
Later that night, he'd introduce you to his father, Logan, and that was it. You won him over as assistant when he asked you a simple question, "Y/N. What would you do with a million dollars?" he was trying to prove something to his kids but you didn't realize it then. Your answer was quick, simple, and to the point: "If I had a million dollars I would buy so many cheeseburgers and Big Macs in McDonald's. I would also go to sweet tomatoes during lunch hour and I would tell the manager I want to co-own the business. And then I would fly myself to meet harry styles and offer him some money (not like he needs it) and ask him if he can be my boyfriend. And he can't deny my proposal cause I own sweet tomatoes. And I can offer him McDonald's food and he'll love me for that."
He loved that answer. "Smart. Very smart."
From that point on, you pretty much secured your position that family.
Working at the office, you and Kendall flirted here and there, but it never became anything too serious, to your own dismay. You loved the adrenaline that came through you when you saw him at work, and weren't at all opposed to the little office romance you two had going on. A little Jim and Pam hurt no one. You'd even post on your Instagram stories a screenshot of the two and type out "me and who". Kendall hearted it every time <3
One of your favorite parts of the day was getting ready for work, where you woke up two hours earlier to do your makeup and hair, and mentally prepare yourself for when you saw him at work. You looked cute asf every time, so the days he wouldn't show - let's just say it was very difficult for you to go on. Those days always ended up being the worst and resulted in you going to an extra storage room by yourself and going absolutely ape shit and trashing the entire place to let go some of that unwanted tension from the lack of the wanted tension from Kendall.
Okay so back to the office. Again, EVERYONE was there.
You snapped out of your trance. "Oh, uh, I'll come back later!" You were about to turn around, as you were not mentally prepared for all of that, let alone Kendall. He hadn't been in the office for several days and it just so happened that you got self-diagnosed with depression at that same time. See the coincidence?
"The fuck do you want?" Roman asked. "Don't you see the adults are talking?"
"Watch it, Roman," Kendall said. He always came to your rescue and it made you all hot down there.
"Shut up," Roman said to his brother. Oh no. That was a no-no in your book, no-no.
"Shut up Home Alone bitch!" you shot back.
He glared at you. It was like a slur for that man. You saw the flashbacks from the party replay behind his eyes, it filled you with such satisfaction. "You don't tell me to shut up! What do you want? Why are you even here, huh? Wanna crack my dad's back again, huh?"
"Romulus, enough," Logan said. His voice had such power it made the room fall silent again. Roman, annoyed and upset with his father's picking of sides, gave up. He crossed his arms and turned to face the window, away from you. "I'm sorry, Y/N."
"No, it's totally okay!" you said to your boss, "I love a little office rapport!"
Logan smiled softly, his little white mustache moving upwards. He turned to Roman. "For the record, Y/N cracks backs better than any one of you morons in here can." He turned to you again. "What is it, Y/N?"
"I have the, you know," you motioned to the papers, "you know. The documents."
Logan's face lit up. "Oh yes, yes. Alright everyone, fuck off!"
Everyone looked to one another, clueless.
"Well, wait. Logan. What do we do? We need to have a decision for tonight, for the markets, before the stock closes," said Frank.
The moment the words "markets" and "stocks" came out of Frank's mouth, they were as if they were the secret code to turn your brain off. You zoned out the moment they began to blabber on, incapable of deciphering whatever the fuck they were talking about. All the big words were difficult for you to understand. In fact, you didn't understand literally anyone in this office but you did a pretty good job at pretending you did. Your usual rotation of responses were as follows:
"Oh my god yes we have to think about the numbers!" or
"Yeah, the shareholders won't be big fans of that!" or
"The stock! We need to think about how it'll affect he stock!" or
"Yes! Investors are investing!"
There were more and even though sometimes saying any of these would result you in getting pretty confused looks, playing the office bimbo was just, well, YOUR forte. Not math.
You knew they were finished talking when they all began to leave. You snapped out of your disassociation and opened the door for them as they all left. Kendall gave you a small nod (you blushed), Gerri said thank you, Tom did his little white mom tongue that he now completely mastered, and Stewy winked at you. All the others just left, except Roman, who left last. He stopped at the door, and in a whisper said, "Keep up your attitude and I'll personally hire a tech fucker to wipe all your Sims 3 files from your PC."
You ignored him and shut the door behind him, pushing and forcing him out. He couldn't do that. Do you know how hard it was to log into your computer? No one would guess your password was ImJohnnyKnoxvillesLittleTenesseeWhiskeyCowgirl123.
You walked over to Logan as he put his glasses on and inspected the papers you put in front of him. "The fuck is it today?" he looked at the papers carefully, then closely, but ultimately threw it down. "Can you read it, Y/N, the print is so fucking small!"
"Of course, Logan!" you smiled, you cleared your throat. "Okay, today's date October 13th! Today's horoscope for Libras are, (insert here an entire usual horoscope bullshit here that really doesn't mean or say anything despite having a shit ton of words and sentences that sound like they make sense but they don't)."
Logan took a second after you finished. He began to nod. "Sounds about fucking right. I'm surrounded by MORONS!" he looked to you, "Not you, Y/N, you're just a bimbo."
"Aw, thanks, of course! Do you need anything else?"
"Yes, actually. I don't know how to get that goddamned Alexa to fucking work! Can you turn it on for me, Y/N, or fix it. Whatever the fuck, just do something about it!"
You walked over to it, initially not believing you could even try to attack the root of the problem. But, it wasn't hard. It was plugged out of its socket. No biggie. "Fixed it!"
"Thank you, Y/N, can you play that uh," he sat, thinking in his old man brain, "that woman."
"What woman?" you asked.
"Erm, that woman you know the one. You played it last time."
"Oh!" you remembered, "Lana! Yeah sure, what song?"
"The one I liked."
"Alexa, play Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey."
The Alexa lit up blue and began to play. Logan nodded. "Nothing better than a woman who's proud to be an American woman." Logan put his glasses back on and began to look at other mumbo jumbo documents at his desk. "Thank you, Y/N. You may go now."
You walked over to the door, "anything else, Logan?"
"Actually yes, one more thing," he looked above his papers to you, "Go get your nails done. You need refills, 'girlie'."
You looked down to your hands. It was true. You really did need refills bad. It's literally been five fucking weeks and those acrylics were barely hanging on.
You were now at the nail salon, admiring your new set - they were a French set - Logan's favorite. You sat in the chair waiting for your nail lady to get a seat to do your feet. It was packed in there, but you weren't leaving until your patas were done.
"Well, well, look who's here."
You turned around at the bell on the door ringing. Stewy had just entered.
"Hey Stewy," you said, surprised, "what are you doing here? Picking up your girlfriend?"
He showed his well groomed hands. His nails were short and smooth - no cuticle in SIGHT.
"I always knew you were a well-manicured man." He took his own seat with his lady and began to create some rapport with her.
"Hey so listen, there's like no chairs that are going to be available soon, is it okay if we put you in the backrooms chair?" you nail lady asked.
"Yeah sure! Let's go!"
She took you to the back which resembled a photo from that liminal spaces Twitter account and sat you down on a lawn chair with an Orbeez Soothing Spa at the bottom. You put your patas in those rubber boba-esque balls, enjoying the weird sensation on your feet. She didn't realize, but as she was getting things to prepare, you kept popping some of those balls in with your feet. They were delicious. She then began to get to work, taking a little longer than usual taking off all your dead skin. It looked like parmesan cheese had been coated all over those rubber balls.
Mid-way in, with the first coat, your phone began to ring. It was no longer an iPhone 4s, you were able to upgrade now to an iPhone 7 rose gold! Though your nails were still wet, you struggled to grab it from your side with just the palms of your hands.
You gasped, wide-eyed at the contact name. It was Kendall.
"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!" you worried. Your nail lady gave you a giant side eye. "Can you answer it? I can't, my nails -"
You passed it over to her, but before she could grab it your phone thought it would be funny to do a little slippy slip slip from your hands and fell into the Orbeez bath. "Oh fuck!"
Your nail lady grabbed the iPhone, drying it with a towel, answered the phone and passed it over to you. You scrambled to answer.
"Hello, Kendall? Oh my God," you called. His voice was cracky and static. You looked to the lady, pointing at it, "it's Kendall!"
"No, it's wet. There's water in your phone, it's broken."
"Oh no!" you cried, "Ken, can you hear me?"
"He- lo- Y/N - cn an - you - ear - meeee"
The line then dropped, and your phone screen went black. "He sounds like shit. Man. I missed my fucking chance. FUCK!" you catapulted your now broken phone across the salon, accidentally and effectively hitting Stewy in the face. He was not happy. It was a habit you really needed to break.
After you finished both your mani and pedi, you went back to Waystar ready to present to Logan just where his money had gone. It was night time by now, so the building was bordering on empty.
You went up the elevator and went straight for his office - but oh no he's not there.
"Aw, man," you said, saddened. You turned back around, back for the exit, with lack of pep in your step...
"Hey, Y/N," you turned over - oh fuck it's Kendall. "Hey, I called you earlier."
"Oh, hey Kendall. Yeah sorry, I was doing my nails and my phone slipped into the Orbeez Soothing Spa thing. Look at them," you presented your hands. He touched them softly, looking at them in the light. His touch made you SHIT.
"Wow," he said, admiring them, "why are they so long?"
"Uh, cause the longer the better, duh!"
"What's this white powder, under your nail? That white shit? Is that why they're long, you're snorting?" he began to giggle.
"Uh no," you took your hands away from his gently and inspected it for yourself, "it's baby powder. I chafe bad. Some must've gotten stuck. Anyway, you going to Logan's birthday dinner tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, that's actually why I called you. Will you go with me?"
"Of course! I mean, I was going anyway!"
"Uh, yeah, I know, but, I meant to go with me?"
"No yeah I know what you mean. But, technically, me going is like, me going with everyone. But of course Kendall!"
He smiled his goofy smile, it filled you with butterflies (euphemism for anxiety) that made you all warm inside. It filled you with such satisfaction to know that you had that affect on him. But of course you did, you are you and that's just what you do!
The following morning, you had your usual routine - you left the basement, elevator, your office, coffee, sign in, print horoscopes, looked out to the city, "I built this", lit your candle before Gerri told you to put it out, whatever. You made sure to look EXTRA cute today cause girl this was going to be a very important night. Kendall literally asked you out. This is no fucking joke. It's like the D-Day of this World War II thing y'all got going on if no one was dying.
After reading Logan his horoscopes, he asked to look at your nails.
"They're perfect, Y/N," he smiled. When he wasn't scary he was just a chill old man. "French. My favorite genre of nail."
"Of course, Logan! It is your birthday today after all! I actually have a gift for you. Do you mind if I give it to you now, I just can't wait," you said. It was true, you couldn't wait. You handed him an envelope before he could say yes.
He began to open it, taking out your gift - a sticker of bagpipes you got from Redbubble. You waited excitedly for his reaction like a weirdo.
"They're bagpipes! Since, you know, you're Scottish, so they're like naturally your favorite instrument! You can put it anywhere, it's waterproof!"
Logan looked up to you, a dead-serious face he only sported during his seemingly important meetings. A part of you didn't read this Logan expression well - you didn't know what he was about to say next...
"Y/N," he began in a serious, low tone, "this is the most thoughtful fucking gift I've ever received that none of these moronic imbeciles have ever gotten close to giving me. Better than anything my own fucking kids have given me. Thank you. I'll put it on the side of my helicopter."
Your wholesome moment was then ruined by an all too familiar annoying voice. It was Greg.
"The fuck do you want, Greg?" Logan boomed.
"Well, uh, happy birthday Uncle Log, first off. But anyway, uh," he struggled.
"Spit it out!"
"Well, uh, Tom's asking for Y/N. Like, summoning her down to ATN. We're uh actually short of an assistant today, you know, for the debate."
"Debate? Oh yeah, yeah, Y/N, go on."
As you were leaving, you heard the faint and muffled start of what you recognized as "Million Dollar Man" by Lana Del Rey come from Logan's office. You began to walk down the hallway down to ATN, a place you rarely ever found yourself going to. If there was anything worse than numbers, it was politics. It just honestly sounded like a whole lotta nothing to you. But you weren't just about to say no to Logan, especially today - that would be illegal. Greg continued talking about potential gifts for Logan, but you had a knack for drowning people out.
"Hey buddyyyyyyy," another all too familiar voice called. You turned to see Tom's Horton ass face catch up with you and Greg.
"What, Tom?" you asked.
"Well, I'm sure my assistant briefed you," he looked over to Greg, with a little gay twinkle in his eye, "but we do have a guest today for ATN. A little debate, you might say. A little clinking and clashing of fine weaponry, perhaps, shiny swords of red and blue -"
"- Don't you think that's like, embarrassing?" you asked. You three reached the newsroom, where one of the anchors was getting her makeup retouched but looking extremely annoyed as if she was going to bite the makeup artist's finger Abby Lee Miller style.
Tom seem insulted. "Why? What do you mean embarrassing, Y/N?"
"Well, like, lowkey," you said in a whisper as to not get bitten by the woman, Tom leaned in, "anyone from the outside can debate anyone in here and like, win. I don't think it's that hard."
Tom backed up. He took a moment, and looked to the anchor for the day's debate, then back to you. "Well, I take great offense to that, Y/N."
"Yeah, whatever. What do I know, though? Anyway what do I have to do what the fuck am I actually doing down here?"
"The guest should be arriving soon, through the back, where the shredded papers are thrown away. By the dumpster, you know, where you seemed to appear from like a fairy. As if Tinker Bell was a homeless fairy and a slut. Go on, go, escort him up," Tom turned, arms now crossed like a child and refused to talk to you anymore. That was just Tom, though. You shrugged it off and went towards the back.
Once you opened the door, you saw that fat ass SUV of an Escalade pull up and out came the guest. But it wasn't just any guest - no no it can't be. It's not just any ordinary guest, not just your regular Joe - oh no, oh no oh fuck fuck fuck - it's your ex Hasan! Fuck!
His 6'4'' ass stepped out in his signature blue suit - the same he always wore for debates that you ironed (and burned multiple holes through that you blamed on overly-grown moths) yourself - and you both caught one another's stare.
Let's just say - you were stunned. Like, no fucking way. There's no way. But there is a way and this was the way exactly. You were pretty much at a loss for words. All that confidence from "I built this" had seeped out of your body like body oil and it fucking REEKED. Like it was impossible for this to happen. But at the same time it wasn't? Cause he's literally a political commentator. Oh shit this is real.
He laughed in disbelief. You were both in awe. You stood there, blank and still like your ass fucking froze like you computer sometimes when you signed in because of how overloaded and backed up it was from those Sims 3 files. You looked high key stupid.
"Really?" he said as he walked towards you.
"Bro what the fuck," was all you could say.  
"Wow. So ATN, Y/N? Really. That's fucking low, dude. I never thought you were THAT familiar with the political climate of America, but I also didn't see you stooping down to work for literal Nazi sympathizers."
You turned and began walking back, not caring if he followed or not. You needed a moment to take it in. Okay. Okay....Okay cool now you took it in.
"Um, actually, Hasan, I work for Logan. And he's actually Scottish. How can a Scottish person be a Nazi?" you snapped, basking in your sudden femme fatale attitude, oh how you loved being a woman in the workplace!, "Anyway, mind your business just like I did yours."
"Fair enough," you two now stepped into the elevator. He leaned down to whisper, "Do you think Logan likes Zootopia just like you?"
The motherfucker was a rocket up your ass. Too bad he was still fine as fuck. But alas not all good things last forever...
You didn't give him the satisfaction of replying to him. You tried to make it seem like you were being the bigger, professional person, but in reality you had nothing to hit him back with. He was just too perfect honestly.
Now at the panel, Hasan took a seat by the anchor and the two began to fix themselves. They didn't speak one word to another - not even a hello. You cringed. This is awkward asf.
You hid behind the cameras in the corner, to yourself like a kid in timeout. Safe to say you were startled.
"Y/N, what is wrong with you?" Tom asked, now at your side.
You swallowed a pretty substantial wad of saliva, gulping pretty substantially. You said lowly, "Yeah. I am. That's my ex."
"I'm sorry, wait. Hasan Piker, the Twitch streamer, the little fingers dancing on a keyboard while his buttocks gets sores from sitting all day until time calls for his little occasional wee in his two million dollar home, whore-for-Bernie, communist masquerading as a socialist, Hasan Piker?" he seemed to enjoy this sudden news, relishing in its irony. You were not finding it as amusing as him. In fact, you started to see red at his apparent enjoyment. You felt that rosacea take over.
"Your wife cuck-holds you, Tom."
His face immediately fell. He walked away. It really did seem easy to make anyone in this fucking family insecure. Either that or it was another forte to add to your albeit short yet expansive list.
The moment they went live, you knew you didn't have that strength to stick around. It looks like your work was done. You ran out and felt tears well and stream down your face. Thank god you stole that Milk Hydro Grip Primer from Sephora, because this makeup was NOT coming off.
Everyone seemed to avoid you, and you liked it that way. There was nothing worse than this!
Oh god, everyone's gonna see me crying! Fuck! They're not gonna take me, a woman, seriously! you thought. You felt the early symptoms of a psychotic break linger. This was definitely not the time and place.
But there was no doubt about it - girl you were spiraling. Flashbacks that you thought your little brain worked to forget started to appear. You remembered the beyblade. You remembered his love for beyblades. You remembered being HIS beyblade...
You felt your breathing quicken. Your chest was tight. You knew you had to retreat somewhere - there was no stopping the rain after the lightning or whatever Lightning McQueen said.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You turn to see who grabbed your arm, ever so gently at that. Oh my god it's Kendall! He couldn't see you like this!
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Oh my god Kendall I can't no it's that I can't bro what even is that?!" you said through muffled mucus.
"Come here, let's get you out of the hallway," he pulled you into the women's bathroom and locked the door. You admired he didn't care for gender norms. He began to rub your shoulders in a soothing way trying to calm you down. There was something wrong with him being the one to console you, because typically you'd think it would be the other way around. But whatever another time.
"What's wrong, Y/N?"
You started to regulate your breathing. "Okay, so like," never mind you started hyperventilating again, "my ex, that Hasan guy. He's my ex! I just wasn't expecting him, you know?"
"Wow, okay," now he started to process the situation, "wow, he must've really fucking hurt you."
"Yeah, I have a permanent bump on my parietal lobe just to prove it!"
You then began to cry in his arms, he held you in that bathroom and you felt all your problems not go away exactly but for the moment it felt good. There was no way a MAN could fix your ass.
"Hey, listen," he had you face him, "fuck that guy. Okay? I can fucking, like, ruin his life for what he did. Why don't we, like, fucking bail? Okay? Let's go to lunch, we can fucking, I don't know, we can fucking eat açaí bowls or some shit. Whatever."
"Really? Like right now?"
"Yeah. I'm dead fucking serious."
"Oh my god Kendall you're like the best!"
A toilet then flushed. You both thought it best to bolt out of there before you came face to face with whoever was just minding their business to take a shit. No need to call HR here!
You both stepped into the JFK dream car, the chauffeur turned to ask Kendall where they were off to. You licked some of the fallen tears on your face. There was nothing that hit better than the salty brine of those tears on your weather-beaten face.
He turned to you, "What do you want to eat? It's up to you. Anything you want."
You turned to the window to think, watching the droplets beginning to slam at high speeds onto the glass. You then turned to him, feeling flirty and sensual all of a sudden, "I'd honestly really fuck up Oui yogurt -"
"Actually, buddy, can you drive us to Texas de Brazil?" Kendall said to the chauffeur. He nodded and began driving, occasionally going on the sidewalks to avoid that rush hour traffic. Evidently there was no fine that Kendall couldn't afford.
At the restaurant, it was literally just your regular Texas de Brazil. You personally weren't a fan, but you weren't going to tell Kendall no. Telling him no would send him into a spiral, an two spirals together are not good. You know what two people spiraling is? Yeah. Exactly that. It's two people spiraling.
Basically Texas de Brazil is where people go when they have too much money to spend on scraps of fucking meat. Like a vulture would absolutely go berserk. (Authors Note! If you've never been to Texas de Brazil, it's okay! It doesn't mean you're poor, it just means you're smart with your money!)
Kendall landed you two a sweet secluded spot directly in the middle of everything. Men with skewers stacked with meat were running away and offering it to every table. Frankly, it gave you anxiety like why are we running? The meat is not gonna go that cold fast like chill out. You're not getting paid enough for all that.
You and Kendall weren't able to speak too much as every time you tried to the men with skewers with unreadable faces were speed walking towards your table at full  force, one after the other after the other.
Mama's getting overwhelmed...
They kept coming at all angles, not giving you a moment to breathe. In your peripheral, you saw them coming at you like fucking crazy. You wondered when it was the best time to let Kendall know you didn't eat red meat. It wasn't for religious reasons exactly, but it was because it made it difficult for you to shit. And since clearing your intestines was something of a spiritual practice, it could arguably be for those religious reasons.
It's getting worse...
"Chicken Breast Wrapped in Bacon?"
"Filet Mignon Wrapped in Bacon?"
Mama's getting stressed....
"Ox tail?"
"Brazilian Sausage?"
"Lamb Chops?"
Mama's gonna blow.....
"Parmesan-Crusted Pork Loin?"
"Braised Beef Rib -"
"ENOUGH!" you finally shouted, hands on the sides of your head covering your ears, shaking, "STOP! NO MEANS NO! I KEEP TELLING YOU NO!!!!!".
The restaurant fell silent.
You opened your eyes as they were shut tight like gorilla glue. You peeked through, everyone stared at you blankly - you weren't just in the center of the restaurant but now the center of their world...
You and Kendall ended up leaving directly after that. He was pretty quick to get out of there. Now carless, you both walked the streets of New York. It was nighttime already. Neither of you had spoken yet to break the silence.
"I'm sorry about that, back there," you said, faintly smiling in embarrassment, "I just get overstimmied easily."
"It's okay," he chuckled, "actually I - I found it kind of hot. You know, like, telling them off?"
You felt yourself blush. He was for real a man who grew up without a mother figure.
"So where do you wanna eat now?" you asked. Your fat ass was still hungry.
"How about," he stopped on the sidewalk and you faced him. He had that delusional look in his eye. "How about we eat in like, real fucking America?"
"What do you mean Kenny Ken?"
"Like, I'm talking, you know, fucking, oily fries, injected hormone burgers, fucking - disgusting Sprite? Right, like? Type 2 diabetes on a fucking tray?"
"It sounds like you're talking about McDonald's."
"Yeah, sure whatever. Like, how about Outback? Huh? The fuck is that?" he started to chuckle a little manically with his goofy smile, it made you happy, "or like, P.F. Cheng's?"
"Well, if you want real America, we should go to a buffet!" Oh how you loved buffets. There was no rules, you could eat and eat as much as you want until you were bloated and backed up for days.
"So what like a fucking, uh, Golden Corral?"
"Jesus no," you gagged. The fuck was wrong with this man? He really needs guidance and you didn't mind being that for him. "Good heavens, no. Let's just stick to McDonald's, okay? If we were going to a buffet, I'd take you to Sweet Tomatoes."
"Well, why not? Let's go."
"We can't, cause an annoying fucking bitch named 'Covid' took her away. It wasn't just the lives of people that were lost."
"'Covid'?" Kendall asked, "I don't think that happened in Succession universe."
"What's 'Succession'?"
"I don't know. I guess I made it up. So McDonald's, then? Let's go!" He suddenly grabbed your hand and yanked you as he started running, you nearly tripped and tore your ACL. The last time you did that you busted your ass on a city bike in Miami Beach.
You two made your way to the nearest McDonald's using the directions on your new iPhone 8 Plus. You ordered your food, and unlike Texas de Brazil, at your own fucking pace. This was the only red meat you could eat and it went clean through. That oil and grease works magic!
You both had sat in the corner of the restaurant and had been deep on conversation. The ambience of McDonald's was very homey and nostalgic for you. The random beeping in the background was the best.
You were on your round 3 already, not your fault the burgers were small and didn't fill you up. You're still a growing girlie. Your favorite part were those little ketchup packets. They were so cute and small and red. It was your favorite thing that was red next to a tampon when you could afford them. Anyway dipping those skinny soggy fries in it was just the best! It was definitely your favorite activity, next to trimming your nails with scissor's, and after putting Kendall on, he agreed. You rarely shared that secret combo with anyone, so Kendall now knowing it meant that he was worth to know about the ketchup and fry crossover.
"Okay, so how about this," you took a great chomp outta your fry, "who's your problematic fave?"
"Hmm I don't know," he said, "Maybe my dad. What about yours?"
"Great answer! I think," you thought, but you really didn't need to think cause you already knew who, "Nicki."
"No, that's Nikita! Very close, though. I'm talking about Minaj. You know, Lewinsky. The Barbz. I don't blame you I get them confused too."
"I actually, uh, I actually really fucking like Nicki. No one else knows, but my favorite song from hers is Only, with her, Drake and Lil Wayne," he said as he munched on his own fries. It filled you with such joy to know he didn't credit the woman-beater in that sentence.
"Same! I love that song!"
"My favorite part is when Drake says, 'but I'm still staring at the titties though!'" he smiled after delivering the line. Had this been a frat bro, you would've (TW//purging) tried to voluntarily throw up your entire meal at his face because what the actual fuck was that. Your toes curled at the ick. But since it's Kendall, he always got a pass. He could kill a teenager and it'd be okay!
"Okay, what about your favorite song of ALL time?"
"Rich Girl by Gwen," he said, a little too quick. "But keep that between us, please. I put the Private Session option on my Spotify when I listen to it. It just empowers me before I make deals, you know? I just, like, blast her whole fucking discography in my huge bulky headphones. The JBL ones? Yeah, those. Her and Fergie. When I need a good like, fucking cry, I put Big Girls Don't Cry. It helps, my therapist says it's, like, a good way to let all the shit out, you know?"
"You know what you are Kendall?" you said, low but extremely flirtatious, "you're kinda cunt. Like, cunty. Like, you're Princess Diana was reincarnated." You bit your tongue like a white mom - now was a perfect time for it.
Kendall smiled softly but you knew he wanted to smile BIG. If he had rosacea like you he'd be beet fucking red. You loved seeing this loser flustered. "Well, Y/N, no. You're like, fucking my princess."
Your phone buzzed. It was a notification from Twitter. You clicked to open it and the link took you to a highlight from the debate with Hasan. It began playing loud, and thanks to Elon, the app began glitching and didn't allow you to get out of it.
"- and everything I do and say for my viewers is for the betterment of America." Hasan said.
"Well, didn't you wish for 9/11 to happen again?" said the anchor.
"Hey," Kendall placed his hand over your phone. You felt those tears well up again. "Turn it off, it's not worth it, okay? Hey, let's like - do you wanna, like, fucking hotbox or something?"
You shut your phone off. "Of course, Kendall. I'd love to hotbox with you. Let's go!"
You two left the McDonald's and Kendall was able to call his chauffeur. He told him that he needed to stand outside and wait for you and him to finish the hotboxing session in the car. The chauffeur simply said 'okay' and sat on a bench while the SUV was in park on the side of the busy New Yorkan road.
You and Kendall sat in the front seat, he pulled out his pen (the weed one) and began to take big ass, very long hits. He passed it over to you and you did the same, the smoke filling up the car and making it reek.
"So when are we going to hotbox?" you asked, voice barely hanging on from it's effects.
"Well, uh, what do you mean? We're hotboxing right now?"
You were confused. "I mean, usually when I hotbox it gets pretty smelly. Stinky maybe." He still didn't seem to understand what you were saying. He looked concerned as his eyes were swollen red and he honestly probably forgot who you were for a second.
"My farts? I've been told it gives the same high. For the brief period I was homeless, before my girl Willa picked me off the streets, I got paid to hotbox cars. There's no real way of escaping it now. It's gonna come. Usually I don't eat red meat, so when I do I get pretty gassy."
He continued to look at you blankly. You were getting kinda uncomfortable for a minute as you were taking your own hits.
"Do you wanna go to the back?" he finally said, immediately regretting it. "Sorry for being, uh forward as fuck. But, like, I like walking when I'm high, I actually like going to the beach or any body of water when I'm fucked up, but -"
You put your finger to his lips, a little harder than either of you anticipated. "It's okay Kendall, you don't have to explain. Let's hit that back." You began to climb over to the backseat, accidentally flashing New York you pantiless bottom and kneeing Kendall in the face. You forgot you were wearing a business-themed skirt cause it's work appropriate, but your laced Victoria's Secret thong that you stole during your homeless era.
He climbed after you. You two sat and stared at one another for several moments, having temporary amnesia as you forgot why you went to the back in the first place.
"Y/N, can you be, like, my fucking assistant? I need help, uh, assisting."
"Oh my god, yes Kendall! That's like, my forte!" You jumped to hug him, he hugged tightly back, he then threw you on the hard leather seats and you feel his member pressed against your leg. He began kissing you, his tongue licking your lips for entrance. You let him in. Your tongues fought for dominance but you let him win. He eventually started going down on you, taking your business skirt clean off, and started kissing your labia.
"This...this is a fucking, uh, labia," he says.
You lifted your legs as he began to eat you out, his wet breath on your cooter. He held your foot up and raised himself, ready to press his member into your entrance. Your eyes were closed, ready to take the boy from Manhattan Financial District in. This is it. No Excel spreadsheet, no Texas de Brazil waiters, no Elf on the Shelf, no annoying Jordan Belfort sympathizers/incels, nothing - just you and Kendall.
Thank god for illegally tinted windows!
Hope you enjoyed!
~Sam St. Clair
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lastoneout · 2 years
Got asked if I had any tips for new artists during my stream today and I figured I'd put them here too:
Draw, seriously, just do it. This is the hardest part and also the most crucial. Just run at it screaming and refuse to back down. You just gotta do it.
Always do your wrist/arm/shoulder stretches before drawing and make sure to take breaks to stretch/re-center yourself if you've been going for a few hours or more! (Here's the stretches I do, and they help with gaming and writing and desk work too, they're just a good idea all around!)
Try to draw less from the wrist and more from the shoulder(move your arm more and your wrist less basically). That and stretches will help you avoid carpal tunnel which is never fun.
Consistency is only something you need to worry about if you're like, working in the industry/doing some types of commissions(like an twitch emote bundle or a comic book). If you're just starting out or only drawing for yourself it literally doesn't matter. Like, I don't think I've ever drawn a character exactly the same way twice, it's fine.
Don't do warm up drawings, do warm up scribbles. Doodles circles and squares and lines and swirls until you feel nice and lose, then start actually drawing.
If you're between 50-90% done with something and you REALLLY start to hate it, keep going. You just gotta power through, cuz chances are it's perfectly fine(or even really good) and your monkey brain is being a jackass coward chugging that impostor syndrome juice.
If you finish and you still hate it put it away until tomorrow or the day after and then look again. Never EVER trust your negative opinions about your art(or anything) if it's after like 8pm.
Re: the above points, as an exampke last night I HATED my new pngtuber model that I'd spent literally all day on. Went to bed and in the morning was like "oh this is good actually". Trust me, tired burnt out you is not a good judge of quality, especially the quality of something you've been staring at for like 4-5 hours.
If, after all that, you still hate it, that's okay too. It's a bummer, but don't try to force yourself to like something just cuz you spent a lot of time on it. Chalk it up to experience and move on to the next thing!
Do everything in your power to not compare yourself to others. It won't get you anywhere. Instead learn to look at other people's art and find what you like about it and try to break it down or do it that way yourself. Dont fully copy/trace ofc, but really think about how something looks and see if you can figure out why you like it and/or how it's done.
OH MY GOD USE REFERENCES. Anyone who says not to use references is talking out of their ass. You think figure drawing classes are bad?? That artists draw from life just for shits and giggles?? No, its because you need to know what shit looks like to draw it!!! USE REFERENCES!!!
Same with youtube tutorials, especially for learning to use digital art programs. Do take everything with a grain of salt ofc(we've all seen the "masculine vs feminine eyes" shit or the trash trend of "I fix my viewer's bad art uwu" ignore that crap) but you can learn all kinds of shit for free on youtube.
If you can feel yourself burning out fucking stop drawing a take a break. Even if you're in the middle of something, or part of you wants to keep drawing. Burn outs suck and it's gonna take a lot longer to get over it if you push yourself until you crash instead of just acknowledging that you're hitting your limit and stopping for a few days. The art will be there when you get back, your health should always come first!
If someone tells you thick line art or anime style or whatever is bad, ignore them. All art is subjective. Draw what you want how you want. Even if it's all thick line art or you stick to sketches or only do anime stuff or chibis or humans or furries or goddamn stick figures just draw literally whatever. If this is just a hobby for you there's no reason to push yourself. Draw what makes you happy, fuck everyone else.
Anyway that's all I've got for now, might add more tomorrow when I'm less tired(and I encourage additions for other artists as I'm self taught and had to learn most of this the hard way and thus I'm sure I've missed stuff) but yeah, just draw my dudes, this is supposed to be fun. You deserve to have fun.
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