#but also kinda a rant
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I am having normal emotions about the new hozier ep
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ursamajori · 1 year
god i love being SOOO obnoxious about my ocs everyone should be 50% more obnoxious about their ocs right neow
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epiphainie · 7 days
i've just finished my s7 rewatch and it's kinda so funny to me how much discourse people created over every bucktommy interaction when their whole arc boils down to tommy being patient and vulnerable with buck and showing up for him. like when you are not wearing shipper goggles under the name of "analysis" and don't try to reverse-engineer every word and look and shot with utmost bad faith, that's what it is. a simple and sweet story of a new exciting relationship with a guy who's understanding and willing to show up. literally the two things buck needs from a relationship but never had with his previous love interests. they are kinda sickeningly sweet and well-communicating actually lol
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cutie-lumi · 5 days
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Let's make a deal~ ❤️
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ahalliance · 8 months
rapid fire french rayou strikes again (transcript below the cut)
[Video transcript:
[ENG] Etoiles: I— I’m speedrunning it [Mario Party], but it’s like—
[FR] Etoiles: The next person to bust my balls by saying, ‘he’s going to miss the Ascension [French competitive event happening this Saturday 28/10]’ even though my plane is at six PM, you bunch of morons, it’s not because ZeratoR [Ascension event organiser] said once that I’d miss my plane that I will miss my plane, because what you guys don’t understand is that a plane doesn’t get missed if you arrive three hours in advance, and the last time I missed the plane was because my corresponding flight was one hour and a half [late]!
[ENG] Etoiles: I was just saying to my chat that I love them :)
Tina: Awhhh
Foolish: See, once again I have a feeling maybe that wasn’t—
End Video Transcript.]
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the-halcyon-effect · 19 days
"i support asexuals" do you? do you appropriately tag your nsfw posts? can you accept that sexual liberation includes accepting and loving people who don't want sex? can you talk to or think about a trans person without focusing on their genitals? do you see queerness as inherently sexual? can you accept that, even though queer history has a lot to do with sex, there's much, much more that doesn't have to do with it? do you respect the boundaries of people who ask you not to make sexual jokes or talk about sex around them? are you normal about the asexuals who want nothing to do with sex? can you accept the idea of non-sexual kink? are you normal about people who want physical intimacy without sex? are you normal about people who disagree with you about what's "sexy" or "erotic"? or do you only respect us when we're willing and able to uphold your suffocatingly sexual view of queerness?
(allosexuals are encouraged but not required to reblog)
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kkolg · 1 month
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Blank Canvas - Jakeneutron
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so im not sure if anyones interested, but, i went through quite a bunch of totk critiques by people who were also very disappointed with it and thought id share my favorite videos i found (granted, i only really wachted those that youtube recommened and its mostly .. white men... things like the orientalism problem are not mentioned at all for example, maybe ill update this post if i find any more diverse voices)
i dont agree with every single point and also dont know most of the channels (aside from the big zelda theory guys) so i judged solely by what they mentioned in those videos and the quality of it (like the audio .. bc i cant listen to bad audio)
in no particular order, also they talk about or use footage of the literal ending stuff so if you arent done with the game yet, better leave these for now
(the following one is a podcast thing by multiple zelda theory guys, there some stuff you can skip at the start thats just kidna random things, but the video is marked with chapters)
(theres some mention of some things not making sense, like the sonau only being two, and ithink thats kinda bc the english translation was weirdly vague about that, in the german version its much more directly said that they all died out and only rauru and mineru were left of them;
also mentions of how unfitting it is to call the enigma stones "secret"stones in english might come from a similar thing; in german they where called "Mysterienstein" which would be translated as mystic/mysterious/enigma- stone
just wanted to mention that since the vast majority are gonna play it in english only and the stuff online is also dominated by english)
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systememergency · 1 year
OSDDID community, please remember that, yes, most cases of DID are covert, but not all cases. I am an overt DID system, my alters act extremely different from me and this has repeatedly caused me issues throughout my whole life. It has made navigating this disorder extremely difficult for me and has made people other me a lot. People have almost called emergency services on me for how differently I start acting when certain alters front. I physically cannot hide my symptoms. My symptoms have always been pointed out by others and I was very much estranged from and bullied by people around me for it. Even teachers would badger me over my symptoms.
It gets really tiring and demotivating seeing people saying over and over that "DID is covert," "DID is hidden," "DID never makes itself known" when all my life my DID has been overt, has never been hidden, and has made itself known. It makes me feel like my existence is inconvenient to address because people want to feel better about their experiences. But what about my experiences? It makes me feel isolated from the community because people are constantly saying that my experience is not real which has driven me further and further away from OSDDID communities because there's such scorn for the idea that overt systems do exist.
You can absolutely acknowledge that OSDDID most of the time is covert and not spotted by others. A lot of people do end up figuring out symptoms purely on their own and others doubt their symptoms because they are not obvious enough, and that sucks. But please do not then assume your experience is the only one and that overt systems are some made up concept or that OSDDID is inherently covert. We do exist and we need a place within the community as well
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antichrists-plus1 · 8 months
Watching the dynamic between bonny and read vs stede and ed in s2 ep4 was such a rollercoaster cause it went from me thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they actually ran off to China together and had a loving happy relationship" to me getting further into the ep and thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they ran off to China together and their relationship turned fucked up and toxic cause that's what happens when two traumatized pirates run of to live in isolation with eachother on a whim".
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lionfission · 1 year
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Happy one year Anne-iversary to the end of Amphibia!
A fantastic finale to an unforgettable show. I'll always remember watching "The Hardest Thing" at 2 am with my siblings and crying my eyes out :'))
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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boy he's rly mobbin all over the place
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jsheios · 2 years
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justalittleguest · 3 months
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The ending scene of Chapter 26 from “Spilled Ink” by Im_sorry_buddy on AO3 is the only thing my rotten brain let me think about every day since I read it. That kind of consistent obsession can be sorta comforting.
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siyelius · 4 days
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jericrew pj party
(totally not just an excuse to draw hc body refs post-revolution and rant in tags)
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nordsea-horizons · 3 months
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da for my normcore island petrichor💛🪴
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