#but I'm still upset. I miss infamous
galazry · 8 months
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please don't ignore me...
pairing: kabukimono x gn!reader [established relationship] genre: modern!au, fluff(?), definately not angst tho content: kabukimono is a clumsy guy and you finally got upset at him words: 496 a/n: based on this brainrot! i just love how kabukimono is this sweet guy, always seeing the best in others... all in all, don't give anyone the silent treatment :(
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Everyone knows Kabukimono, and not for a good reason. He was infamous for being the clumsy guy; always tripping over stuff, accidentally bumping into things, and even misplacing and forgetting the things that he had just placed. At first, you weren't too bothered by it. In fact, you actually find his clumsiness rather adorable. Though, it was always worrying to see fresh new bruises from him bumping into the table.... However, as time passed by, what was once seen as something adorable was now... mildly infuriating.
As always, he was being his clumsy self— bumping into a glass door, tripping over the last flight of stairs, and the sorts. Although today, in your eyes, he had done the worst crime possible; Kabukimono had misplaced your pen and it was now currently missing. It wasn't any other ordinary pen, it was your favourite one; one that you firmly believe brought lady luck to your side whenever you do your exams. You're upset, but you didn't exactly want to yell at him, as you were too tired to do so. So, you did the next "best" thing...
Give Kabukimono the silent treatment.
Even after he had apologized, your boyfriend knows you're still upset— with the way your eyebrows furrowed and with how you were exhaling loudly— Kabukimono was ready for any harsh words coming from you, a raise in voice, anything. Instead he was met with silence. Confusion was written all over his face as you kept ignoring him, not even giving him a single glance. He thought maybe you needed time to regulate your emotions out, after all, it was your favourite pen. Therefore, he gave you some space for a bit, waiting for you to strike a conversation with him first.
One hour pass...
Three hours pass...
Eight hours pass...
The once lively apartment was still, as if no one had been living inside of it. Poor Kabukimono was getting anxious as his thoughts began to spiral. Do you not love him anymore? Are you going to break up with him? Have you finally gotten tired of him? He finally gathered up what little courage he had to go to you.
Just as he had expected, you were in the living room, still giving him the silent treatment. To be fair, you knew what you were doing was childish considering that Kabukimono had misplaced your pen by accident, and he had already apologized for his actions. You decided to finally talk the problem out with your boyfriend before you felt a pair of arms embracing you from behind. A quite sniffle breaks the lingering silence as you felt Kabukimono's face burying into the back of your neck.
"[Y/N]... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... Please... Please forgive me... I promise I won't do it again... I'll try harder to not be clumsy... So please don't ignore me like this... You can get upset at me, call me names, yell at me, anything... But please..."
"Don't ignore me..."
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writingdisposal · 4 months
Vying (Alastor x Gn!Reader x Vox)
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cw: mentions of violence, drugs and vulgar language (minor stuff, nothing extreme)
wc: 3,750
Part 2
Hell's latest arrival is fascinating indeed. They have already accumulated a vast amount of souls in an alarmingly short period of time. It has even the Vees in a mild panic as they discuss the matter in the conference room of Vox Tech Interprise.
"How come no one has even seen 'em?" Vox groaned, leaning back in his chair. Valentino was playing around with a few pills. "I don't know, but some of my whores have gone missing," he crushes a pill in frustration as he spat out, "I don't enjoy some new-comer threatening my business." However Velvet seemed the least bothered by it. She scrolled on her phone, whilst the guys kept discussing how to move forward. According to the web forums, imps and sinners alike have been attacked. "And none of your fancy cameras caught them?" Valentino asked, a snicker escaping his lips, "Looks like they weren't worth all that money..." Vox shot him a glare. White noise quietly filled the room before dying down again.
Sighing Vox replied, "That's why I'm so fucking confused! No matter who, I was able to track 'em..." "Heh, sounds like the whole Radio Demon thing all over again," Velvet remarked, still scrolling away on her phone. Vox clenched his fists. Valentino noticed and whistled lowly, "Carefule sweetheart, you're breaking the TV again." "Why are you even here if you're not bothered by the situation?" Vox snarled. Giggling Velvet answered, "Why shouldn't I watch you two losers panic over some nobody?" "This 'nobody' has killed several sinners and is on track to become a new Overlord if this continues," Vox retorted, standing up to leave the conference room, "it's going to be bad for business." Valentino continued fiddling with the drugs, whilst Velvet just hummed, "Don't get too upset though, darling!" Vox grumbled, leaving as swiftly as possible.
Either this new arrival will pose a threat to the business or become a new ally of the Vees, there is no other way to look at it, at least for Vox. Now that the damn Radio Demon is also back in town, this new-comer could also attract his attention. Sighing deeply, Vox can only hope Alastor won't humour their existence and just ignore it instead of making them sell their soul away. The infamous Radio Demon getting even stronger. Vox couldn't imagine how fucking annoying that would be. He was also expecting the hotel to take priority over the new-comer, at least for a little while.
Typing away on his broad computer, Vox quickly skimed through his camera systems in case they caught something. They caught no attack, however an unfamiliar figure appeared on screen. It was a far leap, that this was the power hungry new-comer, but it was at least something to go off on he supposed. Keeping a close eye on them, Vox continued stalking their moving. They are of a fairly small frame for sinners. Not necessarily petite, but small enough for it to be noteworthy. Their appearance resembles that of a beaver, Vox noted. They picked something up from the ground. A phone perhaps? To be honest, he thought he was wasting time. They were just aimlessly walking around and now seem to be entering an alleyway? Curiosity got the better of him and Vox switched into the right camera.
The scene before him shocked his very core. The one possibility he hoped to not unfold was staring right back at him. Alastor stood before them. His grin was as bright as ever. Both of them were conversing, but the camera was far high up, picking up only little audio. Vox was fuming, slamming his fists on the table. Should he go and interrupt them or just watch them? Alastor didn't notice the camera yet, seeing as how the screen was still clear. In the end, he opted to keep watching them.
In the meantime, Alastor was quite amused by the little copycat in front of him. "My, my! It seems my legacy is still intact on earth," Alastor declared proudly. The other sinner could only cross their arms. "Your 'legacy' is only known because you got caught," they snarled, pointing a thumb to their chest, "I never got caught! Only that wretched heart of mine failed me!" Alastor gripped his staff tighter as his grin started straining. "Carefule now, sweetheart. My death is a touchy subject," he warned, the static noise slightly increasing. They only rolled their eyes, Alastor however heaved a breath to calm down. "Nevertheless, you are just like me! Using the same style and method as I used to," he remarked. Clenching their fists, ready to fight, the other sinner barked, "I'm (Y/n)! I'm more than you! What the fuck is your problem? What do you want from me?" The Overlord twirled his staff as he adjusted his coat and said cheerfully, "Well you see, my dear! I've come with an offer." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, but ultimately relaxed.
"I've noticed your rapid killing spree, yet again reminding me of the simpler times when I first arrived in hell," Alastor chuckled, a wide smirk etching on his face, "I thought to myself, a talented soul such as yourself would need a good ally to guide them through the furious flames of Hell, so I wanted to offer my services!" "No thanks," (Y/n) curtly answered, "I don't want to keep hearing your yapping." Alastor shrugged, "What a shame, I would have preferred to use no violence." Before the new-comer could react, Alastor pinned them up against the wall with his shadow arms. (Y/n) struggled against the demon's might, while Alastor stepped forward slowly. "I think you misunderstood, dear," he explained, static noise following his voice, "I need your allyship and I believe it to be quite beneficial for you too." "Why? 'Cause you won't kill me? I don't care!" (Y/n) shot back. Alastor snickered, but before his lips let another word leave, white noise fills the air.
Vox slides through the air and finally lands behind Alastor. He adjusted his suit before speaking, "Radio Demon." (Y/n) saw Alastor's grin exceedingly strain. He turned his head before fully facing the other Overlord. "Can't you see we are busy here?" Alastor asked irritated. "What the fuck are doing with the new-comer?" Vox replied. Clicking his tongue, Alastor retorted, "That is none of your business. Now shoo, we still have matters to discuss." "You're not discussing shit without me!" Vox barked, "I want them for myself and for the company." "Oh, piss off!" Alastor hissed, his static noise increasing significantly, "Your little group was too late and now I got to them first." "My Vees are more capable of taking such a soul than your old ass!" "Why you little-" Alastor stopped as he realised (Y/n) left his grip.
"How?" Vox exclaimed. He looked around the alleyway before they both hear a voice from above. "You guys suck!" They yelled from the rooftop, "It's gonna be on my terms if I wanna see you again, so leave me alone!" Swiftly they left, leaving the two Overlords simmering in anger. Vox sighed in defeat, "I guess, I'm taking my leave- Huh?!" The camera which got him here in the first place was now destroyed and hanging by merely a single cable. He looked to his side, seeing Alastor's leaving figure wave dismissivly without another glance. If Vox's internalt cooling system wasn't that effective, he would have steam escaping his frame right now.
After leaving the alleyway, Alastor made his way back to the hotel. How troublesome for Vox to show up. Alastor would have preferred this interest of his to not get noticed by Vox and subsequently by the other Vees. A contract with (Y/n) would certainly have been most ideal, but Alastor was ready to accept just about anything as long as they followed his lead. He viewed them like a little puppy and a very cute one at that. They keep on barking, but sound far too adorable to be threatening. "Maybe," Alastor thought, "we can even expand our relationship to something more proper." It was an indearing image to have them be sweet to him, especially since they have such a feisty personality. He would even graciously offer to be sweet as well. Ah, to get to that point will be difficult, but so thrilling as well!
His thoughts wandered back to the hotel. Charlie went on and on about how wonderful it would be for this 'oh-so' tortured soul to find themself healing in the hotel, so that also could have helped with his relations to her too. Alastor gripped his staff tighter. But of course that won't happen because of that noisy little picture box. The next time he sees that good for nothing demon, he is going to make him remember what it means to get on the Radio Demon's bad side.
Nevertheless Alastor kept his pace brisk and his destination in mind. "After that disaster, whatever chaos is happening in the hotel will probably lighten up the mood," he mused, grinning with far more genuine care. For what it's worth, the hotel has so far always been mildly entertaining at least. "Oh shit," a voice said as soon as Alastor entered. Before him stood (Y/n) who apparently just secured a place in the hotel, assuming by Charlie's big smile. Laughing hysterically, the Overlord couldn't help saying, "I thought you wanted to be left alone? Change of heart, my dear?" (Y/n)'s expression soured at the mocking display, while Charlie looked confused. "Wait do you guys know each other?" she asked, gazing between the both of you. "Yeah, we met. That fucker pinned me up against a wall," (Y/n) explained, frowning at Alastor who had stoped laughing, but still had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Oooh, kinky~," Angeldust remarked. Alastor briefly glanced at him before resuming to look at (Y/n). "So you're also staying at this wonderful establishment?" He asked, loving the way their eyes widened at the revelation. "Not anymore," they answered curtly, making their way out of the door. "Wait! Hold on!" Charlie intervened, placing a hand on their shoulder, "I'm sure we can look past this!" "No, not as long as that guy apologises for stalking me and pining me up against that wall!" (Y/n) stated, crossing their arms. Charlie looked at Alastor. Alastor looked at Charlie. He frowned. "You can't possibly be serious?" "Come on! It is the only way to fix the damage," Charlie expressed, placing her hands on her chest, "I know it's difficult to admit when we were wrong, but it is never too late to start doing the right thing." Alastor rolled his eyes. "Very well, as you wish," he cleared his throat, fixing his gaze upon (Y/n), "I apologise for my rude and improper behaviour. It won't happen again."
(Y/n) relaxes a little. Although she didn't really believe his apology, Charlie being able to keep him in check was good enough for now. "However!" Alastor continued, "I want you to keep in mind, my behaviour was purely made out of good intentions." "That's a lie if I ever heard one...," Husk chimed in dismissivly. Alastor shot him a small glare which made Husk turn away. Charlie was beaming, "See? We can all become good friends!" "I'd be fine with settling for acquaintances," (Y/n) stated, smiling for the first time since arriving in hell. "Just fine by me, darling," Alastor commented, "How about I give you a tour of the hotel? I know my way around here quite well." (Y/n) wanted to decline, however upon seeing Charlie's pleading eyes, they accepted.
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Alastor clasped his hands together, "Let's start immediately, shall we?" He extended his arm for (Y/n) to interlink it and hesitantly they did. As they are making their way through the hall, (Y/n) hears Angeldust lowly whistle, "Damn, wouldn't have thought creepy eyes to have the hots for someone..." Groaning quietly, (Y/n) tried ignoring that statement. As soon as Charlie was out of sight, (Y/n) stopped holding onto Alastor's arm. He allowed it, continuing to talk about the hotel. They stopped at one particular room. Alastor taped on the door. "This shall be your room! Allow me," he said, opening the door and letting them in first.
The room was definitely spacious. A cushy queen-sized bed accompanied by a cute nightstand. "Sweet!" (Y/n) exclaimed, jumping face first into the bed. Groaning they commented in muffles, "So much comfier than my old bed..." Rolling onto their back, they sat up and looked more around. In the corner there was a closet as well as a nice couch coupled with matching table. A TV stood in front of the bed. However Alastor noticed the TV too and by the snap of his fingers replaced it with an old fashioned radio. It looked as stylish as the man himself, but (Y/n) would have definitely preferred the TV. "Hey! Why did you replace the TV?" "Well, I believe it to be way more entertaining than that picture box!" Alastor explained, adding, "You also know you will never have someone listen in on your conversations." Slumping back onto the bed, (Y/n) groaned obnoxiously loud. Instead of finding it annoying, Alastor merely laughed at the childish display.
"You can be quite cute when you're less feisty," he commented mindlessly. (Y/n) sat up straight. They looked at him. How can he make such a comment after attacking them? "Is this all a game to you or something?" They asked, genuinely confused at the disconnect this Overlord had to their situation. Alastor cleared his throat, adverting his gaze. "I do not view it like that necessarily, but I suppose the analogy might still work," the Demon began, stepping closer and closer to the bed, "The feistier you get, the more interested I become, so I win. You act more docile and you will still have to deal with me, so you continue losing." "But if I become 'docile' as you put it, you will lose interest, won't you?" (Y/n) asked, backing away slightly as Alastor's grin seemed to reach his eyes again.
"If that's what you believe, sure," he chuckled, "I might lose interest." Scowling deeply, (Y/n) hoped for their looks to kill. Sadly Alastor still stood before them and continued, "You know, I only mean well." "Yeah right," they retorted sarcastically, rolling their eyes. "No, no," he replied, taking a seat on the bed, "I'm quite serious, dear." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, saying, "So that's why you attacked me? You make no sense!" "Alright, allow me to explain my thoughts," Alastor began, placing his staff to the side, "There are many dangers as well as quirks in hell a new-comer such as yourself wouldn't know." He gazed in (Y/n)'s eyes. Their shine reminded him of the stars his mother and he would wish upon. Alastor continued, smiling softly, "I mean, you thought I could kill you for example." (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "You can't?" They asked shocked.
Alastor shook his head, "No, not exactly. I do have ways to eliminate folks, but not to kill them for good. That specialty is reserved for angels only." Giving him a questioning look, (Y/n) silently asked for him to elaborate. Alastor did, explaining how the extermination takes place every year. Well, now it happens every 6 months. "Wow, yeah no," (Y/n) murmered, scratching their head, "I wouldn't have known that..." They scowled, "But wait, that doesn't explain you trying to force me into some allyship?" Chuckling Alastor explained, "That was far too forward, I'll admit. I just couldn't help, but find having my little fan in a contract with me to be most adorable." "I'm still not your fan, or copycat for that matter," (Y/n) pointed out, smiling at his ridiculous behaviour.
Alastor shrugged, "I suppose we will never come to an agreement on that." The Demon stood up before remembering something. "Oh! On that note, you might want to visit the cannibal district," Alastor suggested, loving the way their eyes lit up, "I'll gladly accompany you anytime you wish." (Y/n) nodded, joking that he should pay for their visit as an actual apology. Surprisingly Alastor agreed, calling it a 'rendezvous'. "Sure, as long as you pay, I don't care what you call it," (Y/n) remarked, finally relaxing on their bed. "Then that's settled!" Alastor declared, making his way out of the door after adding, "If you need me, I'll be in my room right across the hall." That made (Y/n) look at his retreating figure with wide eyes. This motherfucker planned this right from the get-go. What clever little asshole...
Ah, whatever! The guy is kind of okay now in (Y/n)'s eyes. I mean, he did give them solid information about this place, so that's good. Pulling out the phone, they stole, the sinner fiddled with the password before opening it. The background wallpaper was some red guy with a wolf? Werewolf? "I guess, I can ask Alastor about the creatures here...," They thought, mindlessly scrolling through the phone and occasionally changing bits and pieces. Their thoughts circled back to what Alastor said with how someone can listen into their conversations. Was he referring to that TV guy? And does this apply to anything electronic like a phone? I mean, a radio is also powered by electricity, but Alastor is fine with those, so maybe it's only TVs.
Chuckling to themself, (Y/n) muttered under their breath, "That TV guy was so lame... Showed up to just bitch..." White noise fills the room after the words leave their lips. Through their phone Vox entered the room. "Hey! That was uncalled for!" He yelled, pointing at (Y/n) who sat up on the bed with a grin. "I figured you were a loser, but you definitly topped expectations," they giggled, finding his flushed face hilarious. Vox was about to retort, but instead he cleared his throat. He lowly chuckled, "I think we met on the wrong foot, let's start fresh." Stepping closer, Vox took the opportunity to take (Y/n)'s hand and give it a quick peck. "The name is Vox," he looked up at them through hooded eyes, "I'm the CEO of VoxTech." (Y/n) retrieved their hand, wiping it on the bedsheets and murmuring a quiet 'ew'.
Vox frowned, but quickly bounced back with a smirk. "I told you, you suck," they reminded him, growling, "And if I wanna get to know you, it would have to be on my terms. Now leave before I show you what I'm capable of." "Oh, I know what you're capable of," Vox smiled devilishly, "my cameras caught a good handful of your attacks. It was truly fascinating to watch you eat those souls up." (Y/n) quirked an eyebrow, "You done?" Vox continued, "So I want you to join my team, the Vees. You will experience great benefits from it, I can assure you." "I don't wanna join some team. Alastor is already enough to deal with for now," (Y/n) explained, turning their back to Vox, so they could continue playing around with the phone.
"Hey!" Vox's voice was a little distorted. He turned (Y/n) to their back, effectively pinning their shoulders. "That old-timey freak is a waste of time. If you go with me, I can open any door you want! Everything will lay beneath our feet! All you have to do is join me," Vox explained, sparks of electricity flying through the air as he tightened his grip. (Y/n) blushed a little due to the closeness, adverting their gaze. Expecting some sort of rebuttal, Vox didn't understand their reaction. As he allowed himself to actually think for a moment longer, he realised the position, he put them in. "Oh wait, shit," Vox immediately backed away, stuttering, "I-I didn't mean to- Fuck, I blew it..." "I make that decision, mind you," (Y/n) reminded him, making Vox's eyes wide. "So you're considering my proposal?" He asked, his voice laced with pure anticipation.
(Y/n) couldn't help, but find the behaviour mildly amusing. If Vox had a tail, it would be walking back and forth right now. "I guess, I'll think about," they replied, noting the huge grin on Vox's face, "But I don't you to be around me and listening into my conversations. Especially those with Alastor's." Pouting Vox groaned in annoyance. "If you don't follow that, I will not only refrain from joining the... your team, I will also make sure to eat your soul up and leave no crumbs," (Y/n) threatened, making Vox chuckle. "Sure, whatever. As long as you consider me, I can follow that small request," Vox said, stretching his arms, "Well! I'm gonna take my leave now." Smiling softly Vox looked into (Y/n)'s eyes, "It was a pleasure speaking to you, sweetheart." And with a snap of his fingers he left as he came, finally leaving (Y/n) alone.
Heaving a big sigh, the sinner relaxed once again. What a weird guy... "He is just like a puppy...," they thought, smiling gently. Hell really is chaotic, as expected, but this certainly tops expectations. (Y/n) can't wait for what Hell has in store for them.
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destiel-wings · 1 year
Did I miss Misha originally say Cas’s confession was platonic?
I don't think Misha ever said that. For as much as i know he was on the main team with Bobo Berens to actively fight to have the confession happen, so he definitely never thought it was platonic. He's always been quite vocal about how non platonic it was actually, like when in Italy the "I love you" was dubbed with the platonic version of it, "ti voglio bene" (instead of "ti amo", which is the romantic equivalent) he posted a video to criticize that embarrassing decision.
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I think there's been a moment, right after the first spn conventions after the finale, when the first fan questions about the confession happened and extremely embarrassing replies were given by certain actors (I'm talking about the infamous reply that Jared gave to a fan asking about it), Misha got really upset (not at Jared, i mean, in general, because apparently even after the confession canonically happened IN THE SHOW, they still weren't allowed to talk about it, or about destiel as an actual thing), and so he may have been quite frustrated for a while, not expressing himself quite as strongly ad he did at first.
But I'm seeing the latest few cons that happened, mainly the latest two jibs, and all the amazing jenmish content we got in their panels together, and how slightly easier it's become for them to talk about it... i mean Jensen and Misha wrote a destiel song on the spot a week ago at the jib11, and Jensen said he would love to see the confession being adressed "maybe we will get to see that soon" and I'm being more hopeful.
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And so Misha has been quite more at ease bringing it up again too, like this is another reply he gave last week at jib11:
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The thing about destiel is, I think the people in power never wanted it to happen because they thought they would lose viewers and thus, money, tainting the franchise. I think most of the writers tried to slip it in anyway, through the subtext, and they were always allowed it to a certain extent because it worked, and it placed the show in a certain limbo where destiel was basically Schrodinger's cat. It was there and wasn't at the same time. The confession was fought for and i think the peole who cared about it did whatever they could, but still, they couldn't get a complete win since the ones in charge still refused to let Dean reciprocate. So that must've been extremely frustrating for Misha too, because he's one of the ones that really cared for it, and understood just how meaningful it was to many people, and the power it had, and it might have had if brough to completion.
I think Jensen went on board too, somewhere along the way, and he changed his mind for the better. Like, i still think that to him, Dean is probably straight, but he's been way more open recently (ever since the confession, and probably during season 15 too, since the moment he knew the story was going to lead there) and probably after seeing the impact it had, the fandom's reaction to it and the finale, he probably understood just how much it would mean to so many people. So even though he may definitely have a preference for Dean being straight IF THE NETWORK ALLOWED IT i really don't think he would be against a canonically bi Dean. Not anymore. I think he might actually go for it. For the fans.
And i think he's had talks with Misha about it.
But what i mostly mean when I say "it's become slightly easier for them to talk about it" is they have more room to do it, because either their NDAs are about to expire or Jensen buying the rights to the story gives him more power to disclose things and talk more freely. Please take all these words with a grain of salt because i don't work in the industry and these are just my personal speculations, but i think the main problem and cause of frustration with talking about destiel publicly for any of the actors has always been contractual. The show didn't officially take a position (denying Dean the reciprocation) and so all the public statements and opinions of the actors needed to contractually adhere to the "company line" (which i think may *only partially* explain Jared's infamous rant, as a horrendously clumsy attempt to avoid confirmation of destiel - note that I'm not justifying it).
Of course, the enraging thing is that while Dean's reciprocation is canonically up to discussion and subject to interpretation, Castiel's is not. So Misha has always been one of the few to be freer to talk about that specific moment, because Castiel's journey took a clearer stand.
But even that has been buried or blurred down to "interpretation" very often by others, taking another time a huge step back, to favor the colossal hiding of destiel and not risk a blatant confirmation from the show, officially, on both sides. So if Misha ever said anything about it being platonic (which i don't think he did), he was probably just ranting it out in extreme frustration or reciting it as a company line to survive from the snipers of the CW (just as the rest of the actors).
That's how i see it anyway. Sorry i went a little overboard with my reply, and brought up Jensen in the discourse too, but hopefully that answers it! :)
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I just went to the orthopedic doctor today and apparently the flexibility in my arm has loosened my scapula(shoulder blade). Now I have to take Anti-inflammatories and see a physical therapist! I was wondering if I could turn this into a request for my comfort character and have 2012 Mikey with a gf who all of a sudden stops visiting them and he gets really upset and then after like 5 months the reader comes back and has to explain that she was in a different state to see a well known physical therapist so she'd be able to do simple tasks with soreness again?
I was originally gonna do headcanons, but I felt a small fic was a better option 💕 <33
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Summary: After being in another state for 5 months for your health, you surprise your boyfriend with your homecoming.
Warnings: None!
Requested: @lemonadae-caekie
Female Reader!
Long distance sucked as much as people always said it did.
You missed your boyfriend and his family, and you hardly ever had anytime to talk on the phone, and when you did, it couldn't be for long since your physicak therapy was exhausting.
It was definitly taking a toll on your relationship, and you wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to Mikey's side while the two of you played video games.
Which is why, after 5 long months of seperation, you were so excited to be on your way back to New York.
April and Casey were supposed to meet you at the airport and accompany you down to the Lair. They were the only ones who knew of your homecoming, since you wanted it to be a surprise.
You waved your arm gently to greet your two friends, doing your best to not strain the limb.
Casey pulled you in for a side hug, "Hey there, (Name), long time no see, huh? Hey did you get a haircut?"
You laughed, "No, Casey, I did not get a hair cut." You patted his arm, "Nice to see you too, Jones."
April smiled, taking your suitcase from you, "Mikey's gonna be so excited to see you, he misses you alot ya know."
Casey scoffed, "Seriously, your all he talks about. 'I miss (Name)', 'I wish (Name) was here', '(Name)-"
You cut him off, blushing slightly, "I uh, I think I get it, Jones."
He shrugged, and the three of you made your way out of the airport and towards the infamous hippie van.
You first went back to your apartment so you could drop off your things, after that, your friends helped you down into the sewers, and it was all you could do to not take off down the familiar tunnels.
"Oh, just go already." Casey said, and you squealed, rushing as fast as you could into the Lair,
"Marco!" you called, you heard a crash, and the sounds of someone knocking things over from Mikey's room, "Polo! Polo!" he shouted, rushing into the main room to pull you into a tight hug and pepper your face with kisses.
You giggled, "Mikey! Mikey calm down, missed you too!"
The orange clad terrapin stopped his affectionate onslaught, and with the widest grin you'd ever seen, you picked you up and started to spin you around, "I missed you sosososososo soOOOo much, Sweets! How did the physical therapy stuff go? Is your arm better, oh shoot, did I hurt you at all?"
Mikey set you down, and you placed a hand on his cheek, "The therapy went well. My arm is still needs some healing, and it's still kinda sore, but I'm fine, babe." you kissed him on the cheek, and he pulled you in for a hug.
"Can we cuddle now?" he asked, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
You laughed, "Sure we can, babe. Just watch the arm, ok?"
Here you are my friend! I know this isn't exactly what you asked for, I hope that's ok. I'm sendimg you my well wishes, and I hope your physical therapy goes well!! <333
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respectthepetty · 1 year
WAIT!!! I’m sure I’ve missed this. But is Jeng actively hiding he is gay ? like was that the issue with his Ex?
Oh no, would he make Pat hide them like Put did?
Anon, I didn't think he was actively hiding that he is gay, but the conversation he had with Put (and his dad earlier in the series) makes it seems like Jeng can't be out in every part of his life due to his career.
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"But I'm so tired of having to wear a mask for the sake of society" [episode 4]
Let's work backwards:
The entire interaction with his ex was awkward as it should be, but Jeng looked for Allon's friends, then for Pat. They both stated they were surprised to see the other. Is this the ex from two years ago? [episode 8]
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Because he looked at Pat greet Jeng in a knowing way, like he had been Pat. [episode 8]
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Put stated that someone who is as famous as Jeng ISN'T ABLE to be out. This implies that Jeng must be closeted due to the level of his family's fame. [episode 8]
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And Put and Jeng know each other from other business projects, so he is familiar with Jeng's celebrity status. [episode 2]
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Tae telling Jeng to stop being afraid of what people will think. [episode 8]
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Jaab was very upset that Jeng might have taken Pat out to eat. Some people thought it was because of what is happening to Jaab and Jen, and Jaab mentioned "it wasn't professional" but what if it's deeper than that since professional = family business? [episode 7]
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When Pat looked up Jeng, all the articles were about how he is the rich, handsome, successful, and available heir to a massive conglomerate. [episode 4]
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Which is something Put threw in Jeng's face when they were at the aquarium. Put told Jeng he was rich, handsome, talented, and born at the finish line, and it was reinforced at the dinner later on. [episode 5]
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Pat found it suspicious that Jeng, the head of a digital marketing department, did not have social media. [episode 4]
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And that wild coworker, stated that Jeng is mysterious when Chot said Jeng wasn't known for being a player.
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Does Jeng have to stay closeted?
This is how the dad looked at Pat when he emerged in Jeng's clothes after spending the night. The mom is looking at the dad because she knows he is displeased. [episode 3]
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This is what Jeng said about his uncle. [episode 4]
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And remember this layered conversation Jeng had with his dad? The dad told Jeng he was needed to rebrand the company, but he was irritated about "things beyond his control." Jeng asked him what he was getting at, and he ended the conversation stating he was "still [Jeng's] dad" but it wasn't affectionate. [episode 5]
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Jeng made several faces during that infamous meeting about BL actors, but the only statement he made was to draw up the contracts. [episode 5]
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We are watching a BL, so everyone is gay until proven otherwise, but that was where we messed up. This show is still based in reality, and that meeting about BL actors showed us that. We messed up assuming Jeng was out-ish, but what if he isn't?
We have no idea what was the actual issue with his ex or if this ex was even a factor two years ago. We have no idea why Put and Pat broke up two years ago, and Pat fled to America where his dad is a chef.
But Pat's dad is visiting next week, and I'm praying we get some answers because Pat being shook that Jeng is gay has us all shook, and now I'm rethinking Jeng's character.
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toa-kirhan · 3 months
TATMR Rewatch
Saw this post appear on my dash again and felt like rewatching the movie again. Thoughts while rewatching a twenty-four year old film about magic talking trains included below.
Btw, if you want to watch this fever dream for yourself, the whole thing is on Youtube w/ ads:
Starting off and- hey it's Diesel 10! You remember Diesel 10, right? What a "blast from the past," right? Right?
I miss the hammy, over-the-top New Jersey accent they gave Diesel in this movie. The slimy, manipulative voice they gave him later on is fine, but c'mon, the guy's got a giant claw coming out of his back. There's nothing subtle about him. Give us our big dumb tantruming baby back!
Interesting to see Gordon shake w/ fear after seeing Diesel, considering how much flak people gave the last couple seasons of the show over the engines 'gesturing' w/ their bodies (same w/ Thomas sneezing later on).
The two ends of the universe: Anytown, USA and a remote island off the coast of England (I know its implied that Sodor is part of a separate magical dimension in this movie, hush).
That said, filming in the rustic British countryside really doesn't scream America:
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Also what's that line about Shining Time being separated from Sodor by "oceans of time"? Dym like time zones (crossing the Atlantic) or time travel? The show is canonically set in the 50s-70s, afterall.
It's a shame that they didn't use the original Shining Time theme for the introductory shot. Not sure if it'd fit, but it's still a shame. Include it during the credits at least.
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Oh, that fish is not having a good time.
Stacy Jones! c:
Billy Twofeathers (wdym he aways looked like that, hush)! c:
S/o to James' androgynous voice in this movie.
Diesel 10 is going to dominate you... sorry.
I know they recut this movie after audience testing, but it is odd having the mystery of the lost engine w/ Burnett's backstory revealed to the audience right at the beginning of the movie, only for it to continue being treated as a mystery by the rest of the cast until the climax.
That said, they still did an admirable job w/ it, considering they cut out one of the main antagonists. There's a few repeated story beats (Burnett and Diesel giving Lady's backstory back to back) and lines that don't quite work (Burnett telling Diesel, the magic talking train, he'll fail bc he "doesn't believe in magic"), but nothing too distracting.
Jumping from that slow, melancholic scene w/ Burnett to Diesel w/ his fucking goofy theme playing is fantastic.
Mr. C Humming the OG theme tune is a really cute touch.
Free Moby Dick!
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"Stacy, where did you find this painting?" Mr. C, I'm pretty sure that's a drawing.
I can't get over Baldwin chewing the scenery in this movie, he's just constantly goofing off in front of the camera, picking up and talking to random props. I know all of it is prob in the script, it is a kid's film after all, but its just so silly that I love it.
I like the implication that Burnett was just a kid that Mr. C talked to and chose to entrust w/ Lady's secret, just like all the kids he'd (well, another Mr. Conductor), interact w/ on Shining Time.
Lily! c:
Bluebird! c:
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Now there's the America I know! Cars everywhere!
I remember too many of these lines.
The scene w/ the angry painting of Topham calming down each time they cut back to it after Mr. C puts back the hat was and still is the best one in the movie imo.
Lady Hatt's portrait is still just one of the wooden figures lmao.
I have a deep-seated memory of constantly repeating the scene of Mr. C reflexively batting the ball he was just roleplaying w/ out of his hand and scolding it.
Nvm the scene of Diesel busting through the shed wall still goes hard as hell, esp. when Mr. C's magic starts failing (same for all of Diesel's action scenes tbh).
Here it is, the infamous sugar scene:
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Also that face. :O
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Jesus, why did they put this scene into the movie?
Hearing Stacy say that and start sobbing is genuinely upsetting.
I didn't even notice the railway (sorry, railroad) got replaced w/ a road in this scene.
It's interesting to think about how in the workprint, an older Lily was the narrator, meanwhile Mr. C would still out here constantly breaking the fourth wall by talking straight to the audience.
Very interesting low self-esteem James moment b/w him and Mr. C. It's a shame that isn't explored more in the actual series. James is usually portrayed as vain, not insecure.
Mr. C, you're on a railway. Why are you hiking in the woods to get to a windmill?
Bertie saying "vroom vroom vroom" after every one of his lines is the best decision they ever made.
James: "Mr. C's not at the Windmill. I looked!" Point proven.
Even though they lean into the sick Henry angle, it's nice to see he still has that edge to his personality, at least for two out of three scenes.
Presented w/o context:
Why does Junior have a Scottish accent? Is he from Ringo's side of the family?
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Mr. C is in charge of this entire railway rn and he's just sleeping outside on the fucking ground having an existential crisis.
Hey Lily can play the harmonica! I need to break out mine again and harass people w/ my inability to play.
There he is! P.T. Boomer! I remember reading SiF all the time going over all the scenes left in after they axed that entire plotline like that freeze-frame of Stacy w/ the picture of Burnett, Boomer, and Tasha.
Lady's ghost whistling still works as is, but just imagine hearing it thru out the film w/o that knowledge. Much more haunting.
They did Toby so much justice in this film. Consistently a wise voice of reason that gets his own spotlight moment vs Diesel.
I... I forgot this movie included a version of "Really Useful Engine" in the middle of it.
I know the film was criticized for how much focus it put on its all new human cast, but I actually really enjoy these scenes. Maybe bc they're part of the quintessential Magic Railroad experience.
That said, w/o the inclusion of Boomer, the human plot lacks tension or stakes for much of the runtime. The Sodor plot (thru the character of Mr. C) is doing all of the tension-building for the whole movie. As it stands, there's little reason for an audience to actually get invested in that part of the story as is outside of just liking the characters.
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Man, this film's special effects have not aged well.
Oh yeah, Annie and Clarabel only get a single line in the entire movie. :/
Oh Alec finally gets to start acting serious towards the end of the film. It really helps the tension building.
Mr. C: "No he is not a dog. Let's just say he's a puppy in need of a good trainer," while Junior is kneeling in front of him w/ his tongue out panting. I get that it's meant to be a short little gag but wtf is this movie?
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It's my favorite character! Tumbleweed!!!
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CGI Thomas just out here chilling on top of a cliff in the real world.
Thomas falls down and almost dies and Lily doesn't notice at all.
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The smelter's yard continues to be the best set in this entire series. With the lighting turning the steam red it looks genuinely hellish.
Burnett: "Well Lady, this is your shining time too." Hey they said it!
The viaduct collapse scene is so good! It feels so real and weighty. Props to the props department.
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Burnett: "Now we'll always remember our shining time together." 🌈🌈🌈
God, this movie is so cute! Really fun watching it again in full some all these years later.
I've legitimately never heard this before. I must've just stopped watching at the credits as a kid. this movie just ends w/ a 2000s pop dance song. okay. sure.
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
An Honest Man
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Pairing: Alfred Pennyworth x pregnant reader
Summary: After parting ways with Alfred, you found out something unexpectedly that could change both your futures
Warning: language, mentions of alcohol,
You arrived at the door you've once visited many times. You slowly take a deep breath and knock on the door.
You could hear your heart pounding against your chest as your nerves took over your body.
You could hear footsteps coming and see the door open slowly. A familiar face greets you at the door, smiling at you widely.
"Oh my goodness, hello dearie! I haven't seen you in ages!" Mary Pennyworth said, hugging you tightly.
You smile back as you hugged her too.
"I'm sorry to intrude at a time like this." You said, almost about to cry.
Mrs. Pennyworth lets go to see if you were alright and rubs your arm.
"Let's come inside, I'll warm up the kettle."
You haven't been to the Pennyworth's in a few months since you've broken up with their son, Alfred Pennyworth.
Yes, the infamous man who will never take no for an answer.
When you started dating, it started innocently. He was a gentleman, and made sure you were protected and loved.
But along the way, he started to lose the 'love' part.
Since the divide in England, Alfred was trying to make enough money to leave the country and move to America. His mother didn't like the idea of leaving her life behind, especially when so many people need help. You felt the same too, but you tried to support Alfred.
After losing the money and his closest friend, he began to change. He became ruthless and unforgiving.
That was the last straw as he kept on lying to you like he did with his mum. He'll never be the honest man he once was.
Mrs. Pennyworth returns with your tea as you sat by the couch.
"Thanks, Mrs-"
"Oh love, you know you could always call me mum. Even if you aren't with my son, I always thought of you as a daughter."
"Thank you, mum." You said, feeling better as you took a sip of your tea.
You place the mug down and place your hands on your lap, bunching the fabric of your skirt.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you, but I don't know how you'll react."
She gives you a sympathetic smile.
"I think the world of you, nothing will change my mind of that."
For some reason, you began to sob. Mrs. Pennyworth became alert, and joined you at the couch as she hugged you tightly, soothing you.
"I'm-I'm pregnant... with Alfred's baby." You muffled out.
She became shocked at first, but rubbed your back as you were starting to calm down.
You started to sit straight, still sniffling with the handkerchief she soon gave you.
"I thought I was getting sick and realized I was missing my time of the month. I blamed it on the stress after everything that's been going on, so I went to a doctor. He said I'm at least 3 months along, and I want to have this baby."
"Oh my love, I'm sorry you had to through that alone. You should have told me sooner..." She said.
"You're not- upset?" You ask.
"Why would I? You're about to make me a grandmother!" She said, hugging you again.
You gave out a relieved chuckle as you leaned on her shoulder.
"What I'm more upset about is my son, stubborn as his father." She said. You've heard around that she kicked him out of her home and that they weren't on speaking terms.
"I haven't told him yet... I don't think I'm ready for that moment."
Mrs. Pennyworth looks at you with a smile and holds your hand.
"Take all the time you need, I hope one day that Alfred comes to his senses and sees that he's been acting like a fool. For now, if you like, you could stay with me as long as you need to. I don't like how you're living alone out there, it's too dangerous." She said, as you wrote letters to her from the past weeks, keeping her date of how you were.
"Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me." You said, giving a tearful smile as you two hug again.
From then on, you stayed with her during your pregnancy. It has been a bit hard as you still haven't approached Alfred yet and have countless moments where you wish he was here with you. His mum made sure to help you like picking out baby clothes and gave helpful tips for when the baby is born.
You were nearing the end of your trimester, and you were cooking dinner for the two of you. The phone began to ring and Mary said she'd be able to answer it.
"Hello?" she asks.
"Mum, it's me, Alfred..." he said through the line.
Mary looks over to the kitchen to see if you were paying attention, but you were looking down at your belly and smiling.
"Now's not a good time, son." She whispered.
"I want to make up for everything for these past few weeks. Would it be alright if I could come so we could talk?" He asks, really wanting to make things right with his mother.
"Mum, the baby's kicking again!" You yelled out.
Alfred couldn't believe who he heard in the background.
"Mum, is that-"
"Hush now, she doesn't know you're on the phone." she whispered.
"Just a moment darling! I'll be right there." she says out loud.
"Why did she said there's a baby kicking?" Alfred asks, clueless.
Mary takes a deep breath, as she doesn't want to betray your trust but knows that her son is trying to mend the torn bond between them.
"I promised not to say anything, but know that she still loves you. She needs you more than ever, Alfie. For my sake, come here and tell her what you need to before it's too late." She said, hanging up.
Alfred was still confused as to what happened. Then suddenly, everything clicked.
"Christ." Alfred muttered to himself, as his eyes were almost popping outside of his head. For the rest of his day, he was alone with his thoughts.
How far along were you?
Did you have to go through this alone?
Were you sleeping alright?
Alfred hasn't been sleeping well either these past nights, either pouring himself in martinis and women. He felt sick to the stomach, as nothing mattered to him anymore, not even money.
As he stared at up at his office ceiling, he knew what he had to do.
There was a loud persistent knocking that woke you up. You slowly got up in bed, as you stayed in Alfred's room.
You'd hope that Mary would get the door as you felt tired from another restless night. The knocking continued, so you grab a cardigan and slowly went down the stairs, realizing that Mary must have stepped out.
"Hello?" You ask, not knowing who'd be behind the door.
"Love?" said a voice you've once known, like a record you once loved to play every night.
You were too stunned to speak, slightly panicking.
"Mary's not here." you stuttered out, placing a hand on your beating heart.
"I came to see you, love. Please, I just want to make sure you're alright."
You hesitantly grab the knob of the door and slowly open it. You were hiding in the back of the door, using it as a shield. You then see Alfred after so many months. There were so many things you could say, but only a few words flew out of your mouth.
"You look like shit."
Alfred couldn't help but laugh. It was true: he has been living off on alcohol and 3 hours of sleep each night.
"May I come in?" He asks.
You move the door aside so he can come in. You then closed the door, not wanting him to look at you.
He slowly closes in the proximity, trying to hold your hand.
"Let me see you." He says quietly. He wasn't demanding, but you knew in his tone that he had to know the truth.
You slowly turn around, unbuttoning your cardigan as you reveal your sleeping gown that hugged your midsection. Alfred looks down, remaining his cool but you knew his mind swirled with thoughts.
"H-How many months-"
"Six." You interrupted.
He nodded in a small motion.
"I tried to tell you, Alfred. But the way we ended... I just wanted to figure things out myself." You said, feeling the room shrink around you.
"I understand... I just- wished I was there for you." He said.
You unintentionally release a scoff.
"I think that's a bit too late for that." You said, waddling to the kitchen to get some water.
Alfred follows you, feeling a bit annoyed.
"I came to apologize, I just want to make things right like before." Alfred said.
You took a glass of water, placing the cup back on the counter.
"Even before our breakup, we were arguing day and night and would end up with angry sex. I don't think I want that." You said.
Alfred is trying to keep his temper in check.
"Can't you see that I'm trying?" He asks, his voice becoming louder.
You give him a death glare as your eyes sparked like a growing fire.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! These past two years, all that you've been fighting for is yourself and what you want. You want to go to America. You don't want to fight in this war unless it concerns to you. I fought for us, Alfred! Every single fucking day I fought for us. And now, my priorities is to this baby that we made together. It is the only piece of you that I love. So don't you think you could just walk back into this home that you've been kicked out of and try to piece back a relationship that you've didn't want to be serious in the first place." You said, your chest rising and falling like a wave.
In recent years, Alfred has taken punches, bullets, and knife wounds.
But your words hurt him the hardest. All he could do was stand and take every blow you swung at him, cause that's what he deserved.
You can't handle his silence, as your eyes prick with tears.
"I can't do this, Alfie. I'm done being angry, I don't what to feel like this anymore." You said, beginning to cry.
At that moment, Alfred breaks out of his spell. He closes in quickly and hugs you tightly, carefully picking you up and carry you to the sofa. He mutters sweet nothings in your ear as he kisses the top of your head.
"I shouldn't have pushed you out. There's no excuse for the way I've been acting lately. I feel like I've been losing everyone I love and I don't want to lose you indefinitely. That fear just kept on growing every night, and my worst nightmares became a reality. I'm so sorry love." Alfred says, as he too became to cry.
You hold onto him tighter, missing the way he felt in your arms.
"You broke my heart, Alfie. How will I know you won't break it again?" You ask in a whisper.
He pulls away, trying to find something in his left pocket.
"I earned this with honest work, cause I want to be an honest man to you and our lil' one."
He soon took out a small box, revealing a simple engagement ring.
"I should have done this a long time ago, I wanted to marry you since the day I met you. But I got prideful and took you for granted. I don't expect you to say yes now, but I wanted to show you how serious I am about us. So take the time you need, even by the time we're growing white hairs and wrinkles."
You chuckle, wiping away your tears.
"I want to work on us before we take the next step if that's alright." You said, unsure how he'll respond.
"That's more than alright, love." He said, joining your forehead with him as you gave him another chance.
Later on, Alfred was back home with his mum and had a tearful reunion. He made sure that he built the crib and got a bigger bed for you to share.
When your water broke, Alfred was there for every moment, even when the nurses tried to kick him out. He was glued to your side and took your insults like a champ.
Now, you were staring down at your daughter, Felicia Mary Pennyworth.
"I was wondering why you chose that name." Alfred asks as he sat next to you on the hospital bed.
"I wanted to give her the nickname Phee, like how her daddy is called Alfie." You said.
Alfred smiles and kisses your temple, getting emotional as he looks at his precious angel.
"It's perfect."
You look at him, feeling proud at how much Alfred has changed for the better. He became the man you loved so much.
And that's when you knew your answer.
"Alfred, do you still have the- you know." You ask a bit shyly.
He was about to ask what until his eyes widen. He gets off of the bed, patting his clothes until he found what he was looking for.
"I never left home without it. Are you sure about this?" He asks, not wanting you to feel pressured or rushed.
"I never felt more sure in my life." You said.
Alfred takes a deep breath, and bent on one knee as he opened the box for the engagement ring.
"I was a fool once for letting you go. You gave me something wonderful and I still don't have enough to show how grateful I am to have me back in you and our daughter's lives. So, will you marry me?"
"Oh my days!" a voice screams out. You and Alfred turn around to see Mary looking gobsmacked as she just arrived to your room.
"Mum!" Alfred replies, making you laugh.
"I'm sorry dear, carry on." She said, stepping away, but making sure she wasn't too far so she can hear.
You nod your head up and down as your smile became wider.
"Yes, I will marry you."
Alfred breaks out in the biggest smile and gets up, kissing you passionately. He slides the ring on your finger and kisses your hand.
"I love you, and I can't wait for us to be a family." He says, as more tears began to pour.
You wipe them away as you kiss his eyelids.
"We already are, Alfie. Nothing will ever change that."
Alfred calls back his mum as she congratulated you two on the proposal and the birth of her granddaughter who was named after her.
From then on, nothing torn your love for the man that you fell in love with.
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windupnamazu · 9 months
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you're the only one i wish would understand
ffxivwrite2023 #11: once bitten, twice shy used to mean that a person who has failed or been hurt when trying to do something is careful or fearful about doing it again
Rhea & Honoka. Post-Endwalker. 1240wc. ⮞ My heart is always filled with unrequited feelings for you.
Rhea clings to her luggage as she steps onto the piers of Kugane, overwhelmed by the fragrance of sea salt and the bustle of the port around her as she navigates toward the grand tower in front of her—the Shiokaze Holstery. She'd been told she couldn't possibly miss it and she really didn't; it's taller than any tree of the Twelveswood and its light pierced the thin fog out at sea. That building will be the starting point and home base of her investigation; a one-woman mission, a mysterious case in an equally mysterious land: a search for a person missing to her and her alone.
Her best friend, Honoka Naeuri.
Rhea listens solemnly as the woman at the Holstery counter gives her a flyer with the directions to the town's best inn, pre-booked for her with her sister's coin. After that, she's on her own: Ahnji (or, she supposes, Tala now, even if she's always going to be Ahnji to her,) knows little about the Far East and the people she knows who do are reluctant to give her information on her target's whereabouts. Even Honoka's own sister, infamously gentle as she is, redirected her to speak with their much irritable cousin instead, who probably would have chased her out of their family home if it wasn't for the presence of her husband.
She's in Kugane, she was told brusquely, and after being pointed in the direction of Isari was told to "get the fuck out."
Rhea presses the back of her hand to her brow to block out the sunlight as she emerges from the other side of the Holstery, eyes wide as she takes in the vista of Kugane's skyline. Was this fear and awe anything like how Honoka felt when she arrived on Eorzea's shores and then Revenant's Toll all those years ago? It's a weird feeling, being impossibly closer and further from Honoka than ever before.
Eyes skimming over the plaza before her, her heart nearly stops as they fall upon a crowd gathered by the aetheryte.
She's here.
There's an Au Ri girl on the steps of the aetheryte plaza, dressed in orange and blue in a style unlike this nation's denizens. Pitch black hair spills over her tear-shaped horns and down her back, longer than when Rhea had seen her last and dyed orange at its ends, but she's very much still Honoka and Rhea's heart starts to ache just at the sight of her. As she sings into a microphone of Garlean design it's with a low voice that makes dread and joy entwined plunge into her stomach; the last time she'd heard that voice it was to awkwardly say goodbye.
Her song is in Hingan, and not for the first time Rhea wishes she asked her sister to accompany her after all. What she would give for the Echo right now.
Before she can even consider pulling out her Eorzean Common-Hingan dictionary and starting to parse the lyrics, the song and the show is over. Most of the crowd departs, but among those who remain are four other youths gathered around Honoka, chattering all the while. There's a dainty-looking Roegadyn girl and a peppy Lalafellin woman and a towering Raen boy and a slender Midlander dressed head to toe in black, and they're completely at ease as they pack away instruments. Rhea summons what little courage she has and steps forward.
"Honoka!" she calls. Her best friend turns, surprised.
"Rhea?" Honoka doesn't look upset to see her, but she doesn't seem happy either. "What are you doing here?"
Before Rhea can explain, the slender and tanned Midlander drapes themselves over Honoka's shoulder, pressing their cheek against Honoka's horn.
"Ugh, Dallie, I'm busy," Honoka whines without any real irritation, playfully pushing her… friend…?—-Matron, she hopes this person is just her friend—away.
"Honohono," says 'Dallie' with a barking laugh and in heavily-accented Othardian Common, lifting their chin at Rhea. "Who's the chick? One of your fans?"
Honoka purses her lips, probably wishing this meeting wasn't happening. "Rhea. From Eorzea. Rhea, this is Dal."
"Rhea from Eorzea," Dal drawls, something like realization and frost in their voice. Behind them, the three others hovering by the aetheryte plaza straighten up. "The idiot who broke your heart?"
Rhea flinches.
"Dal," the Roegadyn girl in green calls, frowning prettily. "People are entitled to their own feelings."
Dal rolls their eyes. Or at least, they give off the impression that they do, with a subtle tilt of their head—they wear shades that completely obscure their whole expression, but their mouth's been twisted with a sneer since they first looked at Rhea.
"Rhea is still my friend, Dal," Honoka reminds them. But is she? Rhea never wrote to her after Honoka returned to Doma. Never even asked Kotone to forward her well wishes or begged Tala to ask for her new linkpearl number. If Rhea is still Honoka's friend she's been a piss poor one. She doesn't feel relief at Honoka's own words, only dread.
"I'm just calling it as I see it," Dal says with a shrug. "Either way, Honoka, we got that next gig in a bell, soooo…"
No, no, no. She just found her. Rhea opens her mouth to ask for just a minute alone or for her linkpearl number or to tell her she's got a room at the Bokairo Inn for the week and to please look for her or to blurt out I'm sorry you confessed to me and I rejected you in the most humiliating and hurtful way possible and I was wrong and I only realized once you went home across the world that I was actually in love with you too and I'm still in love with you even though it's been ages now and you have every right to hate me but please, please don't push me away—
"Ray," Honoka says, smiling at her almost as she did when they were those teenage girls in Mor Dhona following their big sisters around and wishing there was more they could do for them and for each other and for the world. It doesn't reach her eyes today. "It was great seeing you."
She doesn't say see you later or be well or keep in touch. Rhea knows she doesn't deserve that much, but she can't stop herself from watching Honoka's back as she disappears into the city, dawnscale tail and orange ombre hair swaying as she goes, far brighter here than she ever was trapped in Revenant's Toll.
She nearly shrieks when she realizes Dal is still there, though the rest of their friends have followed Honoka out of the plaza.
"Honoka still considers you her friend, for whatever reason," says the Midlander, hip cocked out in an easy confidence Rhea wishes she had an onze of. "So from one of her friends to another, that last song was something she wrote herself. Nearly wrecked herself doing it. Maybe look up its name."
"Its name?"
"Kataomoi," Dal says. They press their pointer and index fingers to their brow and swipe away. "Anyway, ja ne."
As they too disappear into the crowd, Rhea pulls out her dictionary and searches.
Kataomoi. Unrequited love.
"I fucked up," Rhea whispers to herself, alone in a foreign land with nothing but her suitcase and her damned pride all stomped on and muddied. She already knew that though. "I really, really, really fucked up."
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brutalage · 8 months
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— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: vandal savage .
name meaning: vandal , meaning "willful destroyer of what is beautiful or vulnerable," a reference to the germanic tribe of people who had sacked rome in 455 AD . savage , meaning "untamed , ferocious , rude , brutal or malicious." a name he had given himself .
alias/es:  far too many to name . check your history books , open to a random page & guess .
ethnicity: in terms of an ethnic make-up , he is greek , mongolian & egyptian ( headcanon'd ) . in terms of a nation of origin , vandal belongs to none .
one picture / icon you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
vandal has been suffering from an extreme apathy for a very long time . he rarely mentions it to others . potentially , it can be noticed , however .
his metabolism is incredibly , almost monstrously high . this is a side-effect to his immortality & bolsters his powerset .
my personal interpretation of this niche aspect is that vandal is well-known ( or rather , infamous ) to a lot of pagan gods , and a lot of them think he is incredibly insane . :)
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
killing .
eating ( & drinking ) .
fucking .
ha ! here's a legitimate answer . while he does love doing all of those things , of course , Vandal can be quite refined . he still loves to train for combat , read books / gather more knowledge , practice all of his languages , make sure all of his skills are very sharp . when he starts to falter , he gets upset .
eight people your character likes / loves:
none ?
i don't think vandal likes anyone , tbh .
there's like ... no one .
at all .
really , as you could guess , the only person vandal likes IS HIMSELF .
he doesn't "like" other people , and he certainly doesn't "love" them . this includes his numerous brides & children . he doesn't even LIKE scandal , in my interpretation , no matter how many times he canonically claims to love his daughter . he's just going to gaslight her into oblivion .
gods , what a dick .
kill him .
two things your character regrets:
absolutely nothing .
what did you expect ? ( well , i'm sure there's things & events vandal has missed out of on , of course , but i won't get into detail . )
one phobia your character has:
a common aspect of his character , as we see canonically , but it's losing his immortality . or , having it tampered with in some way .
tagged by: the one & only @gwenbiote , thank you !
tagging : @vanykr , @wanda-maximoff , @unboundtravels ( for one ) , @vilestblood , @liesmth , @episomalvector , @fractise , @deathleads , @palecharm , @proditeur , @writteninscarlet , @maximummuses ( for Logan , perhaps ? ) , @corvicarum , @invidentius .
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opie-nixx · 1 year
How am I supposed to Trust her? (CHP. 23)
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Dutch: "White to D4." I've been sitting on a crate outside of the shack with the wrap around dock where Dutch was planted. Muttering his chess play. Was all of this caused by a whack to the head? Or could it be the stress of having everyone depend on him. Needle and thread in hand as I sew up Arthur's infamous blue shirt with the permanent dirt stains on it. A bullet grazed the sleeve luckily only grazing Arthur's arm. 
Ever since I told Arthur the truth about me being from a different time, he's been a bit distant. He's still affectionate but gives me shirt responses. 
Arthur: "Y/n." My eyes flicker up as his voice grumbles my name, but he doesn't call me 'love' or 'darlin' anymore. 
Y/n: "Darlin." I sigh from the discomfort of him calling me by my name. 
Arthur: "How's my shirt comin along?" He asks lightly as if trying to lighten the tension. 
Y/n: "I know you're upset. I hope you can find it in you to trust me again, my love for you hasn't changed." 
Arthur: "I know. I do love you, ya know. I...I- I gotta go talk to Dutch." He says breezing past me. 
Y/n:"....Bye..." I sigh as I toss his shirt and needle to the side, pushing myself up from the crate and make my way to my tent. 
Lenny: "You alright, Y/n?" He asks cautiously as I breeze by him, grabbing the reins to the spotted apaloosa Arthur got me, and begin to walk out of camp. 
Sean: "Where are you goin?" 
Y/n: "Out." I say climbing into the saddle and kicking my horse into a light trot out of camp. 
'Did I fuck up that badly?' 
Arthur's P.O.V. 
My eyes lock onto Y/n's frustrated appearence. 
'I know she ain't happy but I feel so betrayed by her.' I sigh as come down the shack porch. 
Arthur: "Charles..." He seemed to be taken by Y/n's clear upset mood, he looked worried he snapped out of it and looked to me with what would seem to be a hardened gaze. 
Arthur: "Will you ride with me?" 
Charles: "Always." He replies calmly sheathing his machete and grabbing his revolver. 
Charles: "Where we headed?" 
Arthur: "Up past Butcher Creek." 
Charles: "That's Murfree Brood Country." He stops checking the rounds in his revolver looking me in the eye's as if he misheard me. 
Arthur: "That's why I'm asking you to ride with me?" He puts the revolver back and grab his sawed off, sheathing him on his gun belt. 
Charles: "I understand." 
With that we head to our horse's and mount up, riding out of camp we talk about weather to ride up to the supposed new campsite or take a boat. I say to just ride, I haven't seen Charles in sometime and I am not hesitant to say that I have missed him. 
Charles: "Y/n...Is she okay?" My heart drops and my eyes flick open and glance over at Charles. 
Arthur: "Why?" 
Charles: "She seems upset." 
Arthur: "Perhaps, never had too much luck with women." 
Charles: "I don't think luck got you this far." 
Arthur: "I don't know. I love her, I really do, but she just told me some things I can't quite wrap my head around." 
Charles: "Mm." 
Arthur: "Charles, be honest with me." I say as I gallop next to Charles, looking at him with every bit of seriousness I could muster on my face. 
Arthur: "Do you love Y/n?" With that he glances at me flustered a bit. 
Charles: "Yes." My admiration for Charles seemed to waver for a second. 
Charles: "I respect your relationship between each other, but if you ever do go your separate ways, I will be there for her." 
Arthur: "It won't happen." 
Charles: "Are you sure?" 
Arthur: "Here's to hopin." 
Charles: "Your hoping isn't doing to well." 
Arthur: "She lied to me and I'm not to sure how to handle it." 
Charles: "Have you ever thought about it in her perspective?" 
Arthur: "What?" 
Charles: "How is she supposed to explain to you that she's from a different time/world when you introduce yourself?" 
Arthur: "I-...I see your point." 
Charles: "Look at what she has knows, she's kept everyone alive." 
Arthur: "I suppose so. It's just, I'm supposed to protect her not the other way around." He confides. 
Charles: "That's so miniscule, you're supposed to protect each other." Charles replies. 
I hitch my horse to some rat infested bar in Saint Denis. I could care less if I contract some bullshit sickness. I'll care for it later. Pushing open the double swinging doors, I glance around as I walk to the counter and take note about how empty it is. 1 guy nursing a beer at the counter, 4 playing poker, and 2 chatting in the back of the house. 
I order a whiskey, hoping I wouldn't shit my brains out about how unsanitary this place most likely is. I put some money on the table paying for the drink and take a sigh as I contemplate how to even mend Arthur and I's relationship. 
'I don't even know how tog o back even if I wanted to...Would I even really want to?' I take a big swig, throwing my head back and letting the whiskey sting and numb my mouth following through with pushing it down my throat. I twist my my head to hopefully subside the sting faster, but to no avail. I make my way to a table to sit and nurse my whiskey alone, thinking about the first interaction I had with Arthur. 
Lost in thought I light up a cigarette, as heels clack against the floorboards, I glace up to see a familiar green dress with puffy shoulders and red hair walk into the bar. My eyebrows furrow as we make eye contact. Taking a small puff of the cigarette I wave her over, she obliges and glares at everyone looking at her as she makes her way to my table. 
Y/n: "What are you doing here?" 
Molly: "I saw Milton and his men. They've been questioning me." She looks frantic and worried as she fiddles with her hands, I slide her the whiskey. 
Y/n: "Drink." She wastes no time in chugging a 1/4 of the bottle and making a sour face as she swallows. 
Molly: "They questioned about Dutch and you." 
Y/n: "Me?" 
Molly: "They're trying to get someone to talk, about anything. They know about you and Arthur...I'm worried for Dutch...I love him, I really do." She pleads as I take the bottle back and take another sip. 
Y/n: "Molly, I need you to listen to me and I want you to take me seriously. I want you to leave, I want you to get as far away as possible from Dutch." I plead. 
Molly: "But." 
Y/n: "But nothin! Look at how he treats you, how long you've been pleading for his affection. Molly, please...You deserve so much better, this life ain't for you. You will die if you go back to camp." 
Molly: "Where am I supposed to go? I have no money." 
Y/n: "Anywhere." 
Molly: "What about Dut-" 
Y/n: "Stop, Dutch bare-" 
Molly: "Will he be okay?" 
Y/n: "For right now, yes. But this ends bad for you and you deserve to be happy as well." 
Molly: "Okay." She looks reluctant as she takes a deep breathe as if to settle her nerves as I take 1 more big swig and stand up. 
Y/n: "We need to get you to the docks." Molly takes the bottle from my hands and chugs it. I begin to make my way out with her close behind me. Pushing past those swinging doors and looking both ways down the road as I grab the reins from the hitch post and swing them around the saddle horn, I see finely dressed men as opposite end of the street. 
Y/n: "Fuck." I sigh as I climb into the saddle, I offer my hand out to Molly to help her up, she gladly takes as I pull her up. She adjusts in the saddle, wrapping her arms around my waist. 
Molly: "They're looking for you, most likely." 
Y/n: "Gee, thanks for the heads up." I reply sarcastically as I nudge my horse into a light trot. 
Y/n: "We need to get you to the docks. Hold on." I say as I adjust the hat on my head to shade over my head and pick up the speed into a gallop past the men guarding the end of the block. 
Guard 1: "Hey! You!" My horse skids along the brick road as we turn down the long  and busy roads.  A siren sounds into the city as I shout for people to move out of the way. My eyes glance to feathers and black silky hair. A shocked look that turned into a smirk. 
Y/n: "Eagle Flies?" A gunshot sounds into the air and a bullet whizzes past us. 
Molly: "What?!" She squeezes harder than before from fear. 
I take a shortcut through an alley as I hear beating footsteps through the roads and screaming people. Jumping over people's fences and gardens I make my way into the main road again. People shoving eachother out of the way as we emerge from an alley, I pause for a moment as I watch men guard the block yet again. I hear a river boat sound its own horn and gallop my way towards what I believe it could be coming from. Sweat dotting my forehead and my breath heavy with adrenaline and worry. Men spot us and point their guns at us. I don't back down and keep pushing my horse to gallop. Unholstering my revolver I point at 1 of the men and begin to fire the closer we got. 
My horse trampling over/past a few of them they let there own bullets fly, a few grazing my arms and legs. Adrenaline pumping through my body I keep pushing forward. 
The docks soon come into my view. I pull the reins back and dismount, Molly sliding down and following behind me as we make a run for the docks, ducking and hiding behind poles and railings in hopes of losing the men and blending in with the crowd seemed to work. We soon end up in front of a of a ticket master dealing tickets. 
Molly's eyes glaze over the whole board. They seemed to have a twinkle in them. 
Molly: "Where should I go?" 
Y/n: "Wherever you want." Our turn came after 3 minutes of waiting and me glancing around the crowd for angry men in trench coats. 
Molly: "1 ticket to New York." I pull out the correct amount and hand it to the men with haste as he slides the ticket to us. We step aside for the next people as he directs us to the proper boat. I pull out more money and hand it to Molly. Tears well in her eyes as she reluctantly pockets the money. 
Molly: "Y/n." She sobs. 
Y/n: "No time. You need to get out of here." I guide her to the boat as she sniffles. 
Molly: "Thank you." 
Y/n: "You weren't that bad of a person, I enjoyed our friendship." 
Molly: "I wish I wasn't so harsh to you all. I'm going to miss you." 
Y/n: "I'm going to miss you too." I pull her into a tight hug until I hear shouting. 
Y/n: "Take care and make good choices." With that I push her onto the ferry and take off into the crowd, dodging and weaving people and the men. 
I would like to say that I successfully avoided them and went back to camp, but before I even stepped foot into the road, I felt a strong grip on my bullet graze squeeze my arm. I whip my head to the arm and follow who it belongs to. 
Y/n: "Oh, you scrawny bag of dicks!" 
Milton: "Some language you got there. Not surprised coming from Arthur's partner." 
Y/n: "Well, look at you you actually do know something. Jerkoff." With that he strikes me with an open hand across my face, my head lolling to the side. 
Y/n: "With that hit I don't know if you're trying to shut me up or turn me on." 
Milton: "Like it rough don't ya. Not surprised with degenerate filth." 
Y/n: "What's actually sad is that whole suit makes you look like you're mother dressed you this morning." My head gets yanked back and my eyes look up to see another man's face. 
Ross: "Shut up, you bitch." 
Y/n: "Suck my dick." I spit in his eye and Milton laughs. 
Milton: "I can see why Morgan likes her. She's got spunk." I try to yank my arm out of his grip only for it to be tightened. I wince as the adrenaline begin's to wear off. 
Milton: "Take her in for questioning." I groan. 
Y/n: "You need to question your barber for that haircut." This time it's Ross's turn to chuckle. 
Milton: "We'll see what you have to say when we're done with you." 
Little did I know were Bill's eye's watching from the alleyway shadow's. 
3rd Person's P.O.V: 
After Arthur gave Meredith a ride back home from the Murfree gang, he had sometime to ponder about Y/n and what Charle's said. Y/n was no Mary and she proved that time and time again. He was sure that he didn't want to give what he had with her up. Not again. He mentally and emotionally couldn't. His chest began to ache and his heart was in the pit of his stomach. 
Arthur: "Y/n, you make me the happiest fool alive." He was determined to talk to you once he made it back to the new camp. 
Arriving back to camp, he noticed everyone setting up and he began look amongst everyone for Y/n. 
Sadie: "Who you lookin for?" 
Arthur: "Uh.. Y/n...Ya seen her?" 
Sadie: "She left before you and then Molly soon after." 
Bill: "Y/n's in trouble!" He shouts running armed into camp. Arthur's eyes harden as he rushes over to Bill as does everyone else. 
Dutch: "What are you on about?" 
Bill: "Milton and his men picked her up." 
Micah: "Think she'd talk?" Arthur, Sadie and Charles snap and glare at Micah who put his hands up in defense. 
Dutch: "She's not like that." 
Micah: "How much do you really trust her?" 
Arthur: "Shut your god damn mouth if you know what's good for you." He threatens walking up to Micah. 
Javier: "Where is she?" 
Bill: "I didn't see where they took her but they stayed in Saint Denis." 
Lenny: "That doesn't help us." 
Sean: "We still have to look for her!" 
Dutch: "Yes, alright. Micah, Bill and the women stay and watch camp the rest of you mount up and let's go." 
Arthur was the first on his horse, Lenny, Charles and Sadie close behind. 
Y/n's P.O.V
Milton: "What is Dutch planning?" I fiddle with the rope restraints around my wrists as I scan the abandoned building for a way out.
Y/n: "A nice candle light dinner with your mom." Another slap to my already bruised face and busted lip. Blood begin's to pool in my mouth as I slouch over to spit it out. 
Ross: "Why are you making it so hard on yourself?" I sit back up and sigh.
Milton: "Do you think they actually care for you?" 
Ross: "Arthur Morgan is a ruthless killer, he cares for no-one but his loyalty for Dutch." 
Y/n: "Get his name out of you mouth. You know nothing about him or Dutch." He goes to raise his hand again, but before he gets his hand close enough to hit me I open my mouth and bear my teeth into Ross' fist. He grunts in pain as I bite down as hard as I can for as long as I can before Milton pulls me off. Blood pours out of his knuckle. 
Ross: "You bitch!" He begins to stomp up to me only for Milton to stop him. 
Milton: "Calm down. If she won't talk we can't keep her here forever." With that he undoes the bindings around my wrists and I take the chance to run out of the building. 
I was surprised at how unguarded the buidling was. I smell rain in the air as the clouds cover up the sun light and darkness begins to gloom over Saint Denis. I begin to wander the streets before I commit to returning to camp. Rubbing my wrists to relieve the previous pain from the ropes. 
Little droplets begin to fall to the ground and tears prick my eyes. I lean against a building and wait for the rain to fall heavier before sobbing. 
Y/n: "What am I doing?" I don't bother to wipe the tears from my eye's. 
Charles: "Y/n!" My head turns to the familiar voice as I'm not sure if it's real. 
Charles: "Arthur! She's close!" I soon hear heavy footsteps round the corner I was on and almost knock me to the ground only for there arms to wrap around me and shush me. I hear another set of steps and a gunbelt. The 1 I've grown to love. Charles rubbing circles into my back, which was sort of soothing
Arthur: "Y/n!" Unsure of where to put his hands they graze over my body, before taking off his coat and draping it around my shoulders. Arthur pulls me into a tight embrace and pulls us to the ground. My sobs becoming louder. 
Arthur: "I know girl. It'll be okay." He says planting kisses all over my face and hands, before grabbing my head and making me look at him, his deep blue orbs embracing my e/c gaze taking away the pain I was feeling in that time. He said something I couldn't quite understand as thunder began rolling from the sky. The look of worry and stress he had on his face, how could I ever think he doesn't love me. 
Y/n: "Wha-" He pulls my face into his for a deep kiss. 1 that made more tears fall, good thing for the rain or I would've been soaking Arthur's face. I didn't fight him and he didn't fight for dominance either, our tongues danced together as he gripped my face. 
Arthur: "Let's get you home." He says pulling away resting his forehead against mine. 
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Mr Pigeon. An upset Bird Dad.
It's been a couple of days since Adrien's birthday and he happily posted about the many gifts from his new friends.
The rapid fangirls weren't very happy, but his classmates were quite happy for him.
What caught a few of them off guard was that Chloé Bourgeois of all people thought of something as nice and personal as a photo collage of the two of them.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: Did you guys see what Chloé made Adrien?
❤Best Blogger📱: Oh please! She probably made Sabrina do ALL the work!
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: All that matters is that Mr. Sunshine had a happy birthday!
👑Princess Rose🌹: Yeah! And besides maybe Chloé's trying to change. She hasn't pulled any of her infamous pranks on us yet.
💜Priceless Jule💎: It's still quite early in the school year, Sweetie.
����Mylegend♻️: Who knows what she'll have planned....
Alix puts her phone away as she got ready for class.
Tikki: Is this Chloé girl REALLY that bad?
Alix: It's complicated Tikki... very complicated.
At Le Grand Paris, Chloé was still over the moon that Adrien loved her gift enough to post it on Instagram.
The two happily texted each other.
🐱Catty-Chlo💛: I'm so happy you loved your gift, Sunshine!
🌟Princely Sunshine☀️: It's beautiful, Chlo! I gotta repay on your birthday. How about I get Scarabée to make an appearance? It'll be tough without an Akuma Attack to find her, but I'll find a way!
Chloé couldn't help but blush as she read the text from Adrien.
🐱Catty-Chlo💛: Shut up and get ready for school!
🌟Princely Sunshine☀️: So mean! Let's hope Scarabée doesn't see this side of you!
Chloé rolls her eyes before putting her phone in her purse.
Chloé wasn't looking forward to her own birthday, but she was happy that Adrien had fun on his.
~~~~~At School~~~~~~
Mr. Damocles is in Miss Bustier's classroom, telling the students about a design competition being hosted at the school.
The objective of the competition is to design and create a derby hat, which will be judged by fashion designer Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette, Juleka with Rose, Mylène, and Alix decide to enter the competition.
The five of them were taking about the competition during lunch.
Alya: Ladies! How does it feel to have the opportunity to create something to be judged by Gabriel Agreste?
Marinette: Very nervous! I haven't made a derby hat before, but for my dream, I'll have to try.
Rose: I'm supporting Juleka. So I know for a fact she's gonna be great!
Juleka, blushing: Thanks...
Mylène: I decided to get outta my comfort zone. So I'm hoping to have fun.
The group then notices how quiet Alix has been.
Alix: Out of all of us, I know I'm the least likely to win, given my style. But it's been a while since I applied my artistic style to clothing. So I wanna have fun too!
Rose: I'm sure Mr. Agreste will LOVE your style!
Chloé and Sabrina could hear the two from their table (Gabriel makes Adrien eat lunch at home).
Chloé wasn't entering the competition and only Sabrina and Adrien knew why.
Chloé, internally: Although it's unlikely that she'll win. I bet Ally-Kins' hat will be incredible.
Little did they know, a certain someone was planning on coping their derby hat ideas!
And her name was Brigiette Alarie!
Brigiette, internally: Once I beautifully outdo every "talented and creative" girl in Adrien's class, Mr. Agreste will see me as the PERFECT daughter in-law!
So she followed the girls around and asks to about their hat ideas, to make sure "they don't copy her idea!"
~Juleka and Rose while they're walking to class~
Juleka: Well-
Rose: It's a surprise! But it'll be super cute! Just like my Juleka!
~Mylène after she closes her locker~
Mylène: Can't say! It's a surprise and I want everyone to be surprised.
~Alix during gym class~
Alix: Even if I were to tell you, I'm only entering for fun, not to win.
~Marinette before the final day of the day~
Marinette: Since I haven't designed a Derby Hat before, I don't know just yet...
After school, the girls when home to work on their derby hats.
Except for Marinette, who goes to the Trocadéro for inspiration (unaware that Brigiette decided to follow her).
Marinette sits outside at the Trocadéro with her sketchbook open on her lap.
She sketches various versions of derby hats before ripping them out and crumpling them beside her.
Brigiette watches from afar as she does this.
Brigiette, internally: Only the very best for Mr. Agreste and my dearest Adrien.
As she becomes more dejected, a man appears, moving his arms like wings and cooing to the pigeons.
Xavier Ramier sits on a bench and calls the pigeons to him with a whistle.
He then brings out a bag of bird food, tossing it to the pigeons.
Roger Raincomprix stalks over and yells at Xavier for feeding the pigeons, stating that, if he continues to feed them, they will crowd the park and leave their droppings everywhere.
Confiscating the bird food, Roger kicks Xavier out of the park. Marinette feels sorry for him.
After noticing the many pigeon feathers on the ground, Marinette becomes quite inspired and starts hurriedly sketching the idea.
Meanwhile, Xavier sits on a bench overlooking the Seine, dejected.
Hawk Moth senses Xavier's sorrow and sends an akuma to him, which enters his bird call.
Hawk Moth tells Xavier that the police and park keepers should not be allowed to stop him from taking care of his pigeons and offers him the chance to take revenge on them.
Xavier grins, turning into the villain, Mr. Pigeon.
He takes off, flapping his arms and cooing.
At the same time, Marinette finishes her sketch.
When she holds up her book to admire it in the light, Brigiette takes a picture of the sketch with her phone and hugs it to her chest.
Brigiette, whispering: Yes! Mr. Agreste's praise and Adrien's love are MINE!
At The Louvre, Alix was working on her own hat and was almost done.
She was able to sew in her signature street art style light blue and black A into the dark blue derby hat, but felt like something think was missing.
Alix, internally: Damnit, it needs one more thing. But what?
Tikki, giving Alix a pear: You can think of something, Alix!
Alim, knocking on the door: Alix? Are you still working on your hat? I could come back later.
Tikki: *quickly hides under Alix's pillow*
Alix: Come in, I'm just taking a quick break!
When he walks into the room holding a small box, Alim's quite impressed by Alix's derby hat.
Alim: Are you sure you aren't trying to wait, Sweetie? This hat looks incredible!
Alix: It'd be even more incredible if I found out what I was missing!
Alim: I had a feeling you'd get Artist's Block. So I got these. *puts the box on Alix's desk*
Alix: What's this? *opens the box and starts to tear up* Dad... are these...?
Alim: You and Jalil loved making these little feather swords with your mother and I when you were younger. Maybe they can help inspire you?
Alix: *hugs Alim tightly* Thanks dad!
Alim, hugging her back: No problem. Now pick one! I can't wait to see which one you pick for the hat!
Alix then picks up a cerulean feather sword and attaches it to the derby hat.
Alim: Just as I thought. Perfect.
Alix: I know right?
Alim leaves Alix's room with a smile before closing the door.
Alim, looking at his own feather sword: I know you're proud of them, Dalia...
Tikki, flying up to Alix: Since you're done, let's go great cookies to celebrate!
Alix: Of course you'd think of that as a way to celebrate. Guess I'll get some macaroons to go with the smoothie I wanna make. Let's go!
Just as Alix walks up to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, Marinette runs out in a hurry.
Alix: Whoa Marinette! What's the hurry?
Marinette: I need a pigeon feather for my derby hat!
Alix: I'll help you find one. I finished my hat before coming here.
Marinette: Thanks!
The two run to the Eiffel Tower, disturbing the pigeons until Marinette grabs a feather.
Alix walks alongside Marinette, who happily skips before bumping into officer Roger.
Roger, however, goes on his merry way after Marinette apologizes.
The two then sees a dark cloud of birds hovering over him before taking him away.
Marinette: Did you see that?
Alix: Yeah... *thinks to herself* Guess those cookies and macaroons will have to wait. I gotta make sure Marinette gets home safe. Can't risk those birds carrying her away too.
Marinette: Scarabée and Kitty Claws will handle this.
Alix: Let's just get you home. Your place is close!
While Marinette and Alix are on the bus, Alix asks the driver why they can't go faster.
The driver says that they have a situation and tells the people to get off the bus.
Marinette and Alix sees that pigeons are causing the traffic jam, along with other problems all over Paris.
Nadja Chamack, on a nearby screen, reports on the pigeons and is then told that Mr. Pigeon will make an announcement: Paris belongs to the pigeons.
Alix: Marinette, run home now!
Marinette: What about you?!
Alix: You know I'll be fine. Go!
Once Marinette was out of sight, Alix quickly runs to the subway and quickly transforms into Scarabée.
Kitty Claws was on a roof top waiting for Scarabée.
Kitty Claws: I'm so happy I don't have Adrien's feather allergy. I hope he's doing okay... With all the pigeons outside and all the presents he got for his birthday, he was more than happy to stay home.
Scarabée runs along Paris' rooftops until she sees hordes of pigeons flying in the sky, all in the shape of airplanes.
She then notices Kitty Claws a few rooftops away and leaps over to her.
Scarabée: Got any info on this situation, KC?
Kitty Claws: Park Keepers are disappearing and there are pigeons everywhere? You wouldn't happen to be allergic to feathers, would you?
Scarabée: Nope! But I do know for a fact that pigeons are taking Police Officers and thanks to your info, Park Keepers.
Kitty Claws: Where Could they have taken them all?
Scarabée: Don't know, but I got a plan on how we could find out.
~~~~~~At the Place des Vosges ~~~~~~
Kitty Claws, dressed as a Park Keeper: Itty-Bitty, you should've told me you like a girl in uniform~
Scarabée, blushing while holding Kitty Claws' jacket: I told you to put on JUST the hat! The outfit was all you! Just act natural!!
Kitty Claws: I can't help that I'm naturally good looking~
A pigeon sees her and flies off to report to Mr. Pigeon.
Mr. Pigeon praises the pigeon for telling him. A flock of pigeons takes Mr. Pigeon away.
Scarabée: Where is he?
Kitty Claws: Do you think he'll show- *gets carried away by a cloud of pigeons*
Scarabée follows the cloud to the ceiling of the hotel Le Grand Paris.
Scarabée and a now freed Kitty Claws find themselves surrounded by pigeons as Mr. Pigeon reveals himself to the two while standing on a flock of pigeons.
The pigeons surround Scarabée and Kitty Claws, trapping them in a massive bird cage.
Mr. Pigeon, under Hawkmoth's command: Give up your Miraculouses or my pigeons will attack with their poop!
Scarabée and Kitty Claws: EWWWWWW!!!!
Kitty Claws: CATACLYSM!!!!
Kitty Claws quickly uses her cataclysm on the mental bar, quickly rusting them before they fell apart.
Freeing the two heroines, who stepped closer to Mr. Pigeon.
As soon as they come close to Mr. Pigeon, he escapes by walking off the side of the hotel, shouting, "Merry Christmas."
He sends the remaining pigeons to attack the two heroes.
Scarabée and Kitty Claws run inside, slamming the door shut on the pigeons.
They head downstairs, but Kitty Claws' ring beeps; she has 4 minutes left before her transformation deactivates.
They head to the ground floor finding Mayor André Bourgeois.
André: Scarabée! Kitty Claws! These pigeons are scaring all the tourists! Please tell me you'll be able to fix this?!
Scarabée: Of course, but we'll need-
Kitty Claws, bouncing up and down: An empty room and runny camembert please!
André: Of course Miss Class! Get her to the Royal Suite!
One of the hotel's servents got a plate of runny camembert cheese and walked Kitty Claws to the Royal Suite.
Kitty Claws, to Servent: No need to wait at the door! I'll be fine! *quickly closes the door before transforming back*
Plagg, exhausted: *laying on the pillow* You need to get some of these pillows for your room!
Chloé: Hurry up and eat the cheese! If I leave Scarabée alone with my dad for too long, he'll show her pictures of me at my ballet recital when I was eight!
Plagg, with his mouth full: How do you know?
Chloé: He does it with every important person he meets!
~~~With André and Scarabée~~~
André, picking up a big book: I hope my Chloé's okay! If you haven't noticed my daughter means the world to me.
Scarabée: As a girl with a loving dad, I'm sure you mean the world to her too.
André, caught off guard: Thank you... how about I show you some of her-
Kitty Claws, quickly running up to the two: COME ON, SCARABÉE! LET'S GO GET THIS AKUMA!!! *grabs Scarabée's hand and leaves*
Scarabée and Kitty Claws, at a higher vantage point, glances out a window and sees that the pigeons are flying in the same direction and they follow the pigeons.
They reach the Grand Palais and find the park keepers caged inside. They climb up to the roof to enter the Palais from a window.
The two make themselves known to Mr. Pigeon and their battle begins!
He attacks with his pigeons, sending Scarabée and Kitty Claws into the park keepers' cage's bars.
Scarabée uses her Lucky Charm, and a coin appears.
Using her lucky vision, Scarabée spots a support beam and a vending machine.
Scarabée runs toward Mr. Pigeon, sliding underneath him while her yo-yo wraps around his ankle.
She then jumps up to the support beam, swinging over it once, wrapping up her yo-yo's string.
Scarabée runs ahead, putting the coin into the vending machine and buying a small bag of popcorn.
She throws the bag in the air and Kitty Claws uses his staff to break it.
Most of the popcorn lands on Mr. Pigeon.
The pigeons surround Mr. Pigeon and eat the popcorn off of him.
As he is distracted, Scarabée yanks on her yo-yo, pulling Mr. Pigeon into the air.
The bird call slips from his neck, landing on the ground.
Scarabée, Kitty Claws, and Mr. Pigeon go after it.
They grab it simultaneously, Mr. Pigeon's hand directly on top of it, then Kitty Claws', then Scarabée's.
Scarabée grabs Kitty Claws' hand and smashes it down on Mr. Pigeon's hand, breaking the bird call. The akuma flies out from it.
Scarabée catches it, purifies it, and uses Miraculous Cure to return everything back to normal.
Mr. Pigeon turns back into Mr. Ramier. Hawk Moth swears revenge on Scarabée and pigeons.
Scarabée: Perfect job as usual, KC!
Kitty Claws: Thanks Itty-Bitty! *pulls her into a side hug and takes the picture with her baton*
After transform back Alix makes her way to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery to buy her macaroons and Tikki's cookies.
Marinette, running down the stairs: Alix! You're okay!
Alix: Sorry I didn't call, I was too busy dodging pigeon shit.
Marinette: EWWWW!!!
Alix: I know right? So, are you done with your hat?
Marinette: Yeah! It looks awesome! I can't wait for you all to see it!!
Alix: Knowing your skills, you're probably gonna win.
Marinette: Thanks.
Alix then buys her tasty treats and leaves.
~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~
At the school, the design competition is about to begin.
Nathalie introduces herself to Mr. Damocles, and he wonders where Gabriel Agreste is.
Nathalie shows that he is going to be judging via her tablet. Gabriel orders Adrien to take Nathalie around the school.
Chloé was there as well, but only to watch with Sabrina.
She rolled her eyes as Brigiette glared daggers at her though.
Brigiette, internally: SHE'S NOT EVEN COMPETING! WHY IS SHE HERE?! No matter, after Mr. Agreste sees MY derby hat, I'll be the only girl allowed in Adrien's life!
Marinette and the others weren't very happy to see that Brigiette copied her derby hat.
But they had a plan for her.
Gabriel only glanced at most of the hats for a brief second before moving on to the next one.
Alix's hat was before Marinette's and Brigiette's.
Gabriel had Nathalie face the tablet to her hat for a bit longer then the others before moving on.
Which confused Alix quite abit.
Once Gabriel commented on how Marinette and Brigiette's derby hats were the same, Brigiette puts her crocodile tears to work.
Brigiette, fake crying: I can't believe you Marinette! How could you copy ME!?
Marinette: Actually I didn't. I can prove the hat is my original design.
Gabriel: Go ahead.
Marinette: Everything is handmade. From the embroidery to the weaving of the band, to the stitching off the brim. All done by myself. There's a special design that only the designer knows about. *shows them her signature on the hat* I signed mine.
Adrien, remembering that his scarf had her signature on it as well: She's right father!
Brigiette, shocked that Adrien took Marinette's side: WHA-
Alix: Hey, did she ask anyone else about their ideas for the competition yesterday or just me?
Marinette, Mylène, Juleka, and Rose: YEAH!
Brigiette: *runs away actually crying*
Gabriel: Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, Miss...
Adrien: Marinette!
Gabriel: Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You are the winner.
The other girls cheered while Alix gave Marinette a big hug.
Chloé wasn't surprised one bit.
Adrien: Great job, Marinette.
Marinette: Thanks, Adrien.
When Adrien goes to put on the hat, he starts sneezing.
Adrien: Sorry, I'm allergic to feathers.
Marinette, panicking: No, I'm sorry! I'll get a fake one as soon as I can!
Adrien, caught off guard: T-thanks.
Chloé, muttering: You better replace that feather, Dupain-Cheng.
Sabrina: Are you ready to go now, Chloé?
Chloé: Yeah.
As the two walk towards the exit, Chloé couldn't help but admire Alix's derby hat abit more.
She then notices a rather familiar accessory.
Chloé, shocked: Is that...?
When Chloé got home, she immediately runs to her room and pulls a box from under her box.
Instead this box was pictures of Chloé and Alix when they were young, prize toys Alix won for her at kiddie games, and a small cerulean feather sword.
Chloé didn't know she was crying until her tears fell into the box.
"We made so many of these with Dalia..."
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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chidoroki · 10 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 136
Chapter 136: "Maze"
Again, they're so lucky none of the psycho demons show up during their time at this fake Goldy Pond. That would be like.. the Seven Walls: extreme mode. The fact that giant guns can spawn in the middle of nowhere is quite the shock though. I dunno if this place is as quiet as the GF house was before Isabella & the children showed up, but if so, then it's gotta be chilling to be here without the sound of bullets flying around and the usual hunt music.
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I know they're both full-scorers and therefore smart as hell but how can you successfully keep track of every room you enter, along with all their variations, on top of dealing with the annoying bzzt noises and your surroundings constantly glitching in front of your eyes? How are y'all not going completely insane at this point??
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I can see myself getting so frustrated in a place that has no sense of direction or clues on how to proceed further, or any indication that progress is being made, so I applaud them so much for dealing with this chaos for who knows how long they've been trapped here.
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Missing out on seeing Emma deal with a younger Ray is so unfortunate too. Yeah they're in a real intense situation right now but I don't doubt Emma had to make fun of him at least once.
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So insanely proud that he managed to make some kind of sense out of everything and figure out the hidden meanings behind that mark they once saw at the temple.
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It really is a lot of information to take in, so I can't blame Emma for being totally lost. Don't worry honey, you'll figure it out soon enough. And I love that she does, not only because it's a big move on her part but how this arc give the duo both clear moments to showcase exactly why they're premium goods.
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For a guy who always thinks logically, this place truly has to be hell for Ray to experience. Aaahh I feel so bad for my son!
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Nothing to lose except your sanity and you're already on some thin ice with that, sweetie.
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Seeing one of your closest friends falling apart piece by piece (literally) and blowing away like dust in the wind has definitely gotta be so frightening to witness.
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I always have mixed feelings about Ray breaking down once Emma vanishes. On one hand it's like c'mon buddy, we're giving up already? But on the other hand, I understand his pain because how the hell would someone recover from seeing that? If anything bad happens to Emma, then Ray's mental stability crumbles, just as he did after Norman's shipment. My boy needs his two living emotional crutches okay.
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Not me suddenly thinking about how Ray can sympathize with human-world Emma by mentioning he once lost his memories too and making myself upset oh no. But yes, seeing our girl jump out of the cabinet like that is so adorable.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I'll always be upset the anime denied us of seeing the GP arc, but I'll be just as disappointed they skipped out on the Seven Walls too! The anime could've showed us so much! All the rooms might have been repetitive sure, but the more we experience it, the easier we can understand the same kind of stress the duo felt while wandering through this maze as well. That whole idea reminds me of the infamous "Endless Eight" arc now that I think about it.. so perhaps that's why I'm so fond of this arc.
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I love that no matter how frustrated Ray becomes, he still remembers to take care of the both of them. She's not upset by his outburst either. She knows exactly how hard he's pushing himself to try and figure out this chaotic place.
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Also this panel. I dunno why but I always liked how he looks here.
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 year
I love SHINee but I'm a fairly recent Shawol and I know fuck all about the rest of SuperM, EXO, NCT...... Would you be up for a general explanation/rant/history about SuperM, who is in it, and the upcoming member change? If not, feel free to ignore this!
omg welcome to shawolism! i'd be so happy to do a rundown on superm for you i have unfortunately been around for the entirety of this nonsense.
in mid 2019, sm announced that they'd debuting superm, what they marketed as "the avengers of kpop". the lineup was taemin, exo's kai and baekhyun, and nct's mark, taeyong, ten, and lucas. the main intent of the group was to break into the american market, because for all of sm's genius in the east asian market sm has mostly failed at marketing to a broad western audience. when the group was first announced, literally no one was happy about it. taemin had already released two mini albums with full promotions that year, and mark and taeyong are famously overworked. on the other end of the spectrum, exo had been ignored by the company so their fans were upset kai and baekhyun were being put in a new group instead of having a comeback with exo. nevertheless, superm debuted with their song jopping that october, which has become infamous because of how ridiculous the lyrics are. (when it was released everyone hated it because like. seriously? this is what the exo comeback has been pushed back for? but with the benefit of hindsight we all now know it was camp. stream jopping.)
superm only really promoted heavily from 2019-2020, mostly due to the pandemic and then baekhyun and taemin enlisting at the beginning of 2021. but in early 2022, information about nct's lucas's dating history came to light. the controversy is long and extensive, but in essence many women came forward (with truly just So Much proof) that he was manipulative and sexually inappropriate with past girlfriends, many of which he was dating at the same time and some of whom were nct fans. although sm hasn't made a statement about lucas since then, he hasn't promoted with nct at all in the past year and was left out of the the subunit wayv's (which he had been a fixed member of) recent comeback and promotions.
because of all that, plus the fact that taemin and baekhyun aren't even back from the military yet, everyone just assumed superm wouldn't have a comeback for a good long while, if at all. however sm loves to indulge in fuckery, and at the end of the company's end of year concert last week they teased that superm would be coming back in 2023. literally no one is happy about this. it seems like taemin and baekhyun will be releasing music with superm after they return from the military before they do with shinee or exo, which is deeply annoying, and the nct guys are still being seriously overworked (mark especially, that kid needs a vacation so bad).
the lineup change is all speculation for now, though i am sooo sure that lucas is Not going to be a part of the comeback, if there's one thing sm is going to do it's kick people out. in the teaser for superm, the video had the official colours of shinee/exo/nct come together to create the superm logo, with the addition of the colour red, which is the group tvxq's official colour. it's very likely a tvxq member will be joining superm, probably u-know because there were already rumours before the teaser that he'd be joining the group. all in all i think him joining will be nothing but a win because lucas was objectively not a good performer (he's called "dozen" on twitter because he dozen rap he dozen sing he dozen dance he dozen do anything lmao).
so yeah. that's superm. their music is pretty hit or miss, but i'd recommend their songs i can't stand the rain and tiger inside, those ones are bops. as a shawol and exo-l it's mostly just a general annoyance, but taemin does slay in every superm performance so at least there's a silver lining. hope this helped!
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s8e1 we need to talk about kevin (w. jeremy carver)
new season, new me. *silent wish goes up for smaller sideburns*
of course they had to include "dick is coming" in the recap. we can't let the opportunity for a dick joke slip out of our hands
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very xfiles
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okay i threw this in lightroom real quick to make it less dark because what is going on here? it's very... strike a pose, for feral!dean. and the kids are like from a painting. it's very dramatic. maybe i will paint it some day.
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well the infamous benny appears. i also didn't realize purgatory was gonna be a time jump like hell. read something not too long ago that was fairly evocative of the environment of purgatory so i was thinking some of the show happened there (though i suppose flashbacks are also a possibility).
lol i'm already upset, broad strokes know how this goes with their reunion emotionally.
this is so ridiculous. i was just complaining how i felt so blah with the end of s7. well here we go, let's hurt my feelings with brother conflict stress and i'm gonna be upset about it? make up your mind
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okay so some fics i've read are like "sam didn't look for dean while he was in purgatory" but i did not pick up that for all intents and purposes, sam had no reason to assume he wasn't dead.
there's a lot going on in this scene. like the semi dodging the cas questions, how he got out, etc.
SAM Yeah. Yeah, I – you were gone... Dean. Cas was gone, Bobby was dead. I mean, Crowley even shipped off Kevin and Meg to parts unknown. DEAN So you just turned tail on the family business.
are you kidding me right now, dean? like he should carry on hunting because it's the family business??? i'll chalk this up to being mad and fucked up for being hunted for a year.
SAM Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead. DEAN I wasn't dead. In fact, I was knee-deep in God's armpit killing monsters, which, I thought, is what we actually do. SAM Yes, Dean. And far as I knew, what we do is the thing that got every single member of my family killed. I had no one – no one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely alone. And, honestly, I-I didn't exactly have a roadmap. So, yeah, I-I fixed up the Impala, and I just... drove.
DEAN After you looked for me. Did you look for me, Sam? [SAM looks away.] Good. That's good. Now, we – we... always told each other not to look for each other. That's smart. Good for you. Of course, we always ignored that because of our deep, abiding love for each other, but not this time, right, Sammy?
well i can see now why fics harp on this point. so i'm assuming sam thought dean was in heaven. would dean expect sam to try to get him back from there too? tucking 'deep and abiding love' into my pocket
okay right i've talked about this before too, how sam is always the fuckup begging for forgiveness and dean is the righteous man. and i'm tired of it! this thing with the voicemails from kevin tran is just... cruel. i don't like the point they're making.
real life, anyone in sam's situation would be a fucking mess. i still don't really think sam would flake on the phones with kevin like that.
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whoa whole new desktop. so long untitled 1 and 2
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oh we get urls now in the new web browser! and look at that, already an invalid web url http://www.searchtheweb/main missing your tld, friend 😔 1 out of 2, at least
lying about the dog in the car too. all right
okay, purgatory flashback after all. umm. what happens when you die in purgatory? respawn there? or is that the way to the big empty i've heard about
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DEAN Hmm. So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl? SAM The girl had nothing to do with it. DEAN There was a girl. SAM Yeah. There was. And then there wasn't. Any more questions?
*heavy sigh*
not getting through this episode tonight. reconvene tomorrow
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A Slapshot To The Heart
eren yeager x gn!reader <3
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college au/smau. hockey player eren<333. musician/dancer reader.
summary: y/n l/n is a sophomore at paradis university with a scholarship in music. while taking a necessary technology course to complete their major, they meet the infamous hockey player, eren jeager. y/n does their best to avoid him, but their efforts fail as they continue to run into him everywhere. they soon find that eren isn't the douche bag every depicts him as, and grows very fond of his company.
WARNINGS: swearing, lower case intended, reader uses they/them pronouns, reader is attracted to all genders, eren is a huge himbo dork, any major trigger warnings will be given before each chapter.
this series is entirely sfw. mild suggestive themes, but nothing explicit.
point ten!
wordcount: 415
chapter tws: very VERY slight vomit mention
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i could get up right now. i could talk to him. i could. i could go make up with jean right now. he's just across the hall. the hockey game's tonight, i have to talk to him today.
i take the deepest breath i've ever taken, gather my thoughts, and open my door to find myself in front of jean's bedroom door.
i knock softly, "are you decent?" i ask.
"sure, come in" he replied.
i turn the knob, and push the door open. i discover that my friend is a dirty, rotten liar. jean is standing in front of his bed with his pants still unbuttoned, pulling a shirt over his head.
"what's up? need a ride? or is "'ren" gonna come get you," he sarcastically says, "again."
my jaw locks at his words, he's such an ass. i roll my eyes, and sit on his bed. he walks across the room to grab something. he's not even pay attention to me.
"no. i do wanna talk about him, though" i start, he shoots me an annoyed look, "i just want you to know that your attitude is really upsetting me, and if you care about me at all you'll drop it."
jean turns towards me, "huh?"
"oh, my god, jean. eren's not going away soon, okay? i want to be happy, and i'm not gonna be if you two can't settle your weird fight."
"okay…" he moves towards the bed, sitting next to me, "i don't want you upset, obviously. and i especially don't want you to be upset because of me, so… i guess i can tolerate him."
i can't help but smile, "i literally love you, dude." i throw my arms around him. i've been mad at him for a few days, and i missed him so much.
"yeah, yeah. love you too," he murmurs, "you fucking jaeger kisser."
"jaeger kisser?!"
jean bought my breakfast after that, it was his way of apologizing i think. my first class of the day was calculus, i only took that course because my roommates insisted on it. i honestly didn't pay attention at all, which was definitely going to cause problems for me. i could only think about going to that hockey game.
eren could not have been happier. he was texting me all day about it, telling me all sorts of hockey things that i barely understood. jean talked about it all day too. it's so cute how excited they get over hockey.
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previous next
a/n: hi!! sorry i haven't posted in a while i had a breakdown LMAO. but i bought new clothes and got my hair done to yk that pretty much fixed everything. anyway thanks for readin<3
character info! y/n thinks men deserve flowers too. they give jean and connie flowers for special occasions all the time (connie cries).
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takerfoxx · 1 year
Finished the second Rebuild of Evangelion film, which is apparently the one everybody likes. And it's not hard to see why, as I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Where the first one was basically an abbreviated version of the first few episodes, this one did feel like an actual rebuild. The setup, situation, and characters are all familiar, but how things happen is new. We get new Angel fights, new interactions, and new events to really switch things up, and it all felt surprisingly fresh. Loved the aquarium outing and both of the new Angel fights, and the CG was used much better.
I do kinda prefer Asuka's original introduction, and I do miss the dance training sequence. But I got a kick over how they kept the elevator scene.
I also noted that while Shinji is still a resentful doormat, Asuka is still an abusive bully, and Rei is still...Rei, we do see all three making more of an attempt to better themselves. Shinji gets more of a spine and starts to push back, Asuka softens up a bit, and Rei makes a genuine effort to connect with other people. And I felt so bad for her over the dinner party. You can tell from the beginning that something would ruin it after all the hard work she put in.
I wonder how people initially reacted to Mari when this movie came out. She's pretty much accepted as part of the cast now, but she did literally drop in out of nowhere and start kicking ass. I was also surprised by how little screen time she got. I assume she'll have more to do next movie.
Honestly, I don't think Touji is at all upset about not being a pilot this time around.
And wait, is Kaworu aware of the previous Evangelion incarnation? It would track.
I do have a couple of issue, and they're the same as before. First, I'm sorry, but the soundtrack is still weirdly distracting. I don't know if it's the mixing or whatever, but it felt like the music was overpowering the scene instead of enhancing it a lot of the time. And yeah, that song they played over the big emotional climax was just way too cheesy. Shinji is finally having his hotblooded anime protagonist moment where he basically becomes Simone from Gurren Lagaan and saves Rei through sheer force of will while the cheesiest of pop songs is playing.
As for the second...look. I know anime has a problem with sexualizing underaged characters, and most of the time I can roll my eyes and ignore it. But after the fuss Anno kicked up about people fetishizing his characters, leading up to that infamous hospital scene...c'mon, man. And seriously. That plugsuit Asuka gets stuck in? The one that shows up for one single scene basically to sell merchandise to horny otaku?
Then again, I gave the world The Twins, so maybe I'm no one to throw stones.
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