#but I wanted to share the vore thoughts
roseytoesy · 1 year
Vore vent thing…
do you ever just want to hide away from the world? I do often since stress is fairly detrimental to my health but I can’t avoid it since it’s in my very genetics to be anxious all the time.
I just want to be held, told it’s going to be ok, that I can take a break. To be swallowed up and kept safe in their very core as I cry my heat out knowing that they are the only one hearing me. that I can kick and scream and yell and they are more than fine with it, they’ve had much rougher prey than me before. But after it’s all said and done. I’d be able to sleep peacefully in the warm plush darkness of them. Knowing I’ll wake up to a new day with them at my side, willing and ready to protect and support me through my hard times in life…
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I feel like when it comes to the "What flavor am I?" question amongst Preys, the answer should never be a singular flavor.
I think that how a person tastes should be a mix of at least 2 flavors: a "Vibe" flavor and an "Essence" flavor
The "Vibe" flavor can be 2 things:
Option 1: you look at someone, and the thing you immediately think of when you look at them is their flavor, based on physical traits. For example, if a person is chubby and spherical, bread and marshmallows would be in the main focus, redheads could be cherry strawberry or tomato flavored, etc.
OR Option 2: the surface level personality of the Prey. Are they kind and peppy? They probably taste sweet. Are they a little hot-headed? A bit of spiciness can kick in, and so on and so on.
The "Essence" flavor is more of an undertone with various boldness, and it depends on how the Prey thinks of themselves as a person. This can vary very differently from Prey to Prey, because each person is their own individual being. But for example if a Prey thinks of themself as a calm and collected person, a vanilla undertone can come into the picture.
A person's flavor can also change, depending on their emotions or personal experiences, for example: a person who's been through a lot could have a bitter undertone to them, but they could gradually turn sweeter as they start to feel better about others and themselves.
Anyways I'd be like a lavender marshmallow or baked good: soft, kinda sweet, generally laid back but also a bit unconventional. What do fellow Prey mentality people think y'all taste like?
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frikus-nom-haven · 3 months
My love for Death/Puss is just making me imagine Death calling Puss a "snack" or says he wants to "eat" him as an affectionate term, because he doesn't know how to socialize properly and he connects Puss to food (sometimes) because that's how he viewed him when they first met.
Of course, he doesn't want to harm him anymore. He's glad Puss is a changed man and values his life, so Death doesn't intend to take it in any way.
But he gets a little vorey around Puss because Puss is so small and what-not, and Death can't help himself from thinking about the fact Puss is on his last life, so it's like an urge to eat him to both satisfy that nagging instinct AND to keep him somewhere he'll actually be safe for a little while /)///(\
Death has no need to "eat" things, his body isn't "alive". He's not a mortal being who needs nutrients, so he could totally just... Nom Puss up simply to hold him and keep him close. To feel a life moving and resting inside of his very being, all for him and shielded from the world.
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alexcutecolly · 3 months
youre 1000% right. he is so truly nice but desperate to have something better in the world and he would be so relaxing to be around most times like i am always saying this. i bet being swallowed by him feels like a hug every time. love thinking about him being really playful like this
v.olo uwu anon
Oh hi again v.olo uwu anon! 💕
He's a wonder to be around fr!! 😭❤️ To me he's the sweetest guy in all of H.isui, you could even fall asleep by his side if you're hanging out with him or something, it feels so cozy and peaceful! He's just got that chill, home sweet home aura! 🥺❤️
And I feel like his cheerful demeanor would transmit sooo well to vore as you said, since staying inside his belly would equal the most wholesome, wonderful and warmest hug he could give! I'd love to be surrounded by him that way tbh! 🥺❤️
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
The combination of protective and playful fits him perfectly imo, omg! And I can see him poke his gut to tease us a bit xD plus after eating us he could start reading a mythology book, or take a nap to relax x3 gosh, this is giving me more ideas for vore stories to write about him!! ❤️ Originally I had slightly more... twisted plans (100% safe as always ofc, dw), but lovely vore fluff is so neat too!! 🥺
Talking about how he feels though, it pains me to see how much he must have suffered ;-; he keeps asking himself if he's unworthy of A.rceus's attention since it favored the MC instead of him, despite everything he's done to even be acknowledged by it ;-;
"I've devoted myself to A.rceus beyond any other! I worshiped it as the creator of our entire world! I bent all of my passion and interest to its study! All the time I've spent poring over the legends... Everything that I've done—!"
And even when he's defeated he goes:
"How? How could this happen?! Almighty A.rceus, if you have any heart within you, then tell me...
The blood of the ancient S.innoh people flows in my veins, does it not?! What is it, then, that you find so lacking in me?!
Do you mean to tell me that this world doesn't need to be remade?"
Also, him asking us if we have dreams like he does literally makes my heart ache ;-; ;-; (and it reminded me of N. as well ;-;)
In general, I think he perceives himself as a very lonely individual, and it gets worse since nobody even goes to look for him after the final battle (I'd do it myself if the game just let me, aksbdejsbsn) and pretty much everyone simply accepts that he was the villain and moves on ;-;
His loneliness got me thinking nonetheless. Despite him being able to hide it behind his usual happy-go-lucky attitude, some of it could still come through. For example, he could enjoy our company a lot more than it seems, and with vore it'd work the same way since a pred is technically not alone after nomming somebody. So he could also rub his middle and take in all the positive feelings that come with eating a close person in safety x3 ❤️
"In the end, I was alone... But not you."
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To be honest, I wish we could say goodbye to him before he leaves, or at least see him tell professor L.aventon what happened, oof ;-; we saw him from a brief moment tho in the second H.isuian Snow episode! That gives me a lil bit of hope xDD
In any case, G.amefreak please bring him baaaaaack!!! (Alive, possibly ;-;) We miss him!!! 😭😭
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cry4mina · 13 days
Take Me Back to Eden - Part 6 - Vore
(Mina x fem!reader) (Nayeon x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back to Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back to Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
Take Me Back to Eden - The Apparition - Part 5
Take Me Back to Eden - The Apparition - Part 5.5
Word Count: 11.4k
Summary: Reader and Mina seem to be getting closer with each other and Nayeon doesn't seem to like that too much.
TW: Cute fluffy shit, Sex, abusive themes, violence, weapons. (Kinda want this one to be a little bit of a surprise, so if you would like a list of detailed trigger warnings, please DM me! <3)
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has requested more of this story, it really makes me so happy to know you all enjoy it! I also hit 300 followers! OMG THANK YOU ALL<3 Thank you for following and keeping up with my silly little stories and yapping with me! I appreciate every single one of you!<3 Thanks to the moots for keeping me sane will I wrote this cuz I was having a TIME. Anyways, love you mean it<3 Feedback always welcome and I hope you have a great day! ~*virtual forehead kiss*~
Sirens ring out as they approach your building, flashing lights almost blinding as they whip into the parking lot. Mina has you wrapped in a blanket, holding you closely and using her body as a shield from the outside world. Attempting to keep you calm as the officers walk to the door, checking the situation out and getting a feel for what was happening. 
Mina takes your face lightly into her hands, one placed on each cheek trying to get your attention, seeing the lack of presence in your eyes, she takes control of the situation. Unsure of what Nayeon was capable of. You were honestly scared of her and whatever was coming next. 
“Hey…” softly stated, bringing you back to her soft brown eyes as she let out a small smile. 
“I’m going to go and let them know what happened here, okay?” Tilting her head as she looks into you, trying to gauge how present you were for her. The state of shock is blatantly on your face as you look over to the broken window and see the police officers pointing something out on the ground to each other. 
“Hey…hey, look at me.” Delicately bringing your attention back to her, hands still present on your face as she continues. “I will be right back, okay?” 
Hands reaching up to grab Mina’s forearms rigidly before she takes her first step towards the door, fear rings through your heart knowing that Nayeon knew exactly where you lived. 
“I know…don’t worry, we will figure this out, okay?” calmly reassuring you before she speaks with the officers about what took place. They’re definitely going to want to talk to you before they leave but you find yourself slightly rocking back and forth on the couch, attempting to self regulate as all of this chaos is happening around you. 
Time stood still as you thought about how Nayeon would have known where you and Mina were. She knows where Mina lives, of course, but how did she know where your new apartment was? Could she have followed you? 
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks when your brain connected the dots; you never shut your location for her off. Getting up with a sense of urgency to grab your phone, you immediately sit back down. Quickly scrolling through the contacts to find Nayeon and turning the location off. Noticing that hers was still on and that she was pulling into the apartment complex you used to share. 
“That fucking bitch” said loudly enough for Mina to hear, side eyeing you while continuing to speak to the officer. The uniform, noticing that you were in distress on the couch, points over to you saying something to Mina as she nods her head and starts to walk over to you. 
Squatting down in front of you, maneuvering herself so she could meet your gaze as she rests one hand on your knee, lightly grips your hand with the other. Slowly focusing your eyes as she comes into view, a petite grin forms on her face again. 
“Hey honey, they want to ask you some questions now…are you up for that?” searching for hints of discomfort as she inquires on what you’re comfortable with, lightly running her hand up to your thigh. 
“I-…” peering up at her as she continues to rub your thigh, causing you to turn a special shade of red, you settle for just nodding your head yes instead of stumbling over your words. 
A gummy smile returned to you, sitting next to you before nodding her head to the officer across the room. He walks over to you, looks you up and down before asking the normal questions you would expect. 
“Did you see who did this?” Husked in a southern accent, pen and notepad in his hands as he looks over the rim of his glasses down at you. 
“No, I didn’t” shakiness present in your voice. 
Mina notices this and skims her hand on your upper back, body facing you with her legs crossed. Studying your body language as you continue speaking to the officer, giving you a sense of safety.  
“This ex-girlfriend of yours, has she had anger issues in the past?” Voice scratching against your memory as you plummet into dread trying to remember any tense moments you might’ve had with Nayeon before she betrayed you in the foulest of ways.
“Sir, we spent 3 years together and she was cheating on me the entire time, I just found out about it a month ago so to be fully transparent, I don’t know who she is…and I sure as hell don’t know what she’s capable of.” Leg bouncing as your voice emits dismay and fragility, arms enclosing your own body in an act of protection and defense. 
“Does she know where you live?” Concern coating his voice throwing hot coals into your ears as you try to keep from grieving in front of this stranger in your new home, and Mina. 
“Yes.” Faintly leaves your mouth as you look down at your lap,scratching the sides of your fingers, avoiding eye contact with anyone around you as you start to shut down. 
“Did you tell her where you live?” now obviously frustrated by the answer given.
Mina's eyes snapped up to him as she stood defensively in front of you, “don’t take that tone with her, she obviously wouldn’t tell her where she lived.” 
“She had my location on her phone. We did that years ago…I forgot until this. It’s off now.” Emotions absent from your voice as your eyes start to unfocus under the stress and implications of intentionality from the officer. 
“Do you have her address? We'd like to speak to her.” Officer now taking things a little more seriously. Mina, realizing you aren’t present, takes over the conversation and gives him the address of your old apartment. 
The sound of her saying your old address rings in your ears. The happiness that used to live there, no longer present. Thinking about what happened in that place makes your stomach churn, boiling through the lining as it rips from her mouth. Eyes brimming with the falsity of the emotions you felt so deeply in those walls. They are now stained in the blood from the knife Nayeon slid across your throat. 
Mina is too sacred to know the location of that cold hell you lived in, unknowingly sitting in the iced flames as life burned down around you, freezing your warmth and removing it from your body. A soul crushing, earth shattering ache exists where the frost bite gnawed the hole through your chest. 
 The officer walks out of your apartment and informs the other two cops of the details he just received. They shake their heads and nod as the officer you just spoke to points and waves with his hands, seemingly creating a plan when he gets in his car with his partner and speeding off, leaving one of them there to speak with you of what the evidence found. 
“There are footprints under the window to the living room, unfortunately they’re not clear enough to take an impression. There doesn't seem to be any handprints or fingerprints on anything, so we will update you with any new information we find. We are going to have an officer in their squad car outside for the night, should anything suspicious happen, we will handle it.” 
“Thank you.” Mina politely says while the officer walks away, still handling things for you while you’re in emotional paralysis and completely checked out. 
This was a brand new feeling for you, something very strange seeped into your pores, distorting your sense of reality. Appendages made of stone as you stilled, descending into the void of your psyche. 
Hazy thoughts coated in fear rise into your mind’s eye. A tornado of grief, guilt, and fear rotate around in absolute madness causing the earth to quake within your skin. Arm hair raising at the action of your home being violated by an unwelcome energy, another betrayal from someone once so close to you, now simply a stranger in your heart. 
Mina watched as your eyes unfocused, the way your shoulders rose, arms crossing your chest as your body withdrew inward. She promptly started attempting to remove the stressors one by one.
“Do you have any boxes? And some tape? Packing tape or duct tape preferred” walking to the kitchen, avoiding the glass, to sift through the recycling. You cling to her every movement as she pulls out a flat piece of cardboard, cuts it to size, and lays it over the window to cover the shattered hole.
“Y/n?…do you have any tape?” patiently waiting for you to hear her, knowing how overwhelming this situation must be, especially after what happened at the restaurant. She was learning how to show up for you, but somehow she already knew the best ways to do so.
“Oh! Uhm, sorry…” running to the junk drawer, almost robotic in your movements and absentmindedly forgetting about the glass on the floor. You step right into it without even noticing. So dissociated that it doesn’t even phase you, continuing what you set out to do and trialing a small bloody pattern along the way.
Pull the drawer open. 
Grab the tape. 
Hand tape to Mina.
Wait for further instruction.
Listing the steps as your brain gave you orders, autopiloting its way through the tasks given, completely separating logic and emotion. 
A troubled look on her face as she quickly fastened the cardboard. Disbelief washes over her for a split second. Standing in front of you who just stepped on a very visible pile of broken glass with no wince, sense of pain, or idea of what you just did. 
“Do you have a first aid kit?” a dash of panic present in her tone, eye searching for clues to where it could be. 
Another instruction. 
First aid kit.
Cabinet under the sink. 
Almost like setting coordinates, your muscular system takes the data and converts the math into movements. Taking a step towards the sink when a cold hand grabs your upper arm tightly. 
Short circuit. 
Cannot complete assigned task.
“Wait, wait, wait” firm grip keeps you still, hardware unable to comprehend the sudden stop.
“You stay here, I’ll go get it. Where is it?” sternly stated as she steps in front of you, now waiting for your directions.
Pointing to the cabinet under the sink, she rushes to grab the plastic container full of supplies out, setting them on the island in the kitchen.
“Up here,” patting the counter. Hoisting yourself up to sit, she pulls your sock off gently and assesses the injury you inadvertently caused yourself. 
“This doesn’t look too bad,” grabbing the tweezers and pulling the glass out of the sole onto a piece of gauze, double checking to make sure she got it all. Mina disinfects the wound while you giggle at the coldness and texture of the alcohol soaked towelette. 
“Are you ticklish?” mischievous look in her eyes after learning the new information not knowing that this level of care was bringing you back to a state of cognisense. 
“I might be.” A smile returned as she refocuses herself on placing the gauze on your foot and wrapping it gently and meticulously.
“There…should be good, but stay put for a moment” ordered back to you as she finds your broom in the pantry and sweeps up the sharp slabs of glass. The sound of the glass scraping against the tile echoes through the kitchen, the clatter of the dust pan on the floor wakes you up a little more from your numbing haze. 
Mina throws the shatter reminisce of the window away and quickly reaches for the cleaner under the sink and a paper towel, carefully wiping the blood off the floor, making sure she doesn’t miss a single splotch before bringing her attention back to you.
“Thank you, Dr. Myoui…for the house visit, are all your patients lucky enough to receive this kind of care from you?” Bashfully smirking in her direction, acknowledging that this was more than a bandage and some cleaning.
“Dr. Myoui is my father, Y/n.” Playfully biting back, fighting a grin before leering at the floor to make sure the hazard was taken care of, then being sure to put everything back where it belonged as she tidied up the kitchen.
She looks up at you with honeyed eyes, fixing her waist between your knees, placing her hands around your waist. Your bodies pressed together, resting your heads on each other's shoulders, relaxing into her and just enjoying the calmness after the storm.
“Hey, Mina…” almost silent in volume, hesitating to make your request.
“Would you…stay with me tonight?” muttered into her hair, your back unclenching in her touch. 
Mina pulls away, reaching up, lifting your chin with her pointer finger to encourage eye contact again. She’s made of literal magic when she does this. Your stomach cages every butterfly you’ve ever witnessed at her touch. 
Mina’s finger is still under your chin as she kisses you gently. Admiring your features before giving you the answer that you already knew you had.  
“Of course I’ll stay with you” 
The bedroom is dark and cold, rain lightly tapping on the window adding to the relaxing state you find yourself in. Absorbing the safety Mina seems to bring with her everywhere she goes. 
Even in one of your old oversized shirts that was so long on her- it was mid thigh, and barefaced, she’s effervescent and elegant as ever.
Laying in bed next to her was a surreal feeling. It felt so natural for her to hold you, both arms wrapped around you, running her fingers down your arm as you rested your head on her chest.
“Y/n?…are you awake?” Lightly spoken into the shadows of the room. 
“Yeah…I’m so comfortable but I can’t seem to keep my eyes closed for longer than a minute” mumbled back. 
“Can I ask you what that dream you had was about?” curiously flows as her hand runs up your back. 
“It was a nightmare. I couldn’t talk or scream or anything. My teeth fell out. Nayeon’s face melted off and she threw me off a cliff into the ocean by my neck…you were there too but you were…glowing? I don’t really know what it means” vulnerability dripping off your jowls as you continue on.
“It was definitely overwhelming…especially with the police and stuff after.” Twisting her shirt in between your fingers, listening to her even heartbeat pace quicken against your ear while you fidget with the cloth..
“I did like what happened in between the dream and the window though…that was nice, but a little unexpected.” Chuckling to yourself.
“Can I be honest?” Mina says hesitantly with a smile, the contradiction of her actions and words confusing, her heartbeat raising again. It’s almost pounding out of her chest as she tells you the whole truth. 
“I…have actually had a crush on you since I met you. I always thought you were so kind and loving, and I mean look at you, you’re stunning. I feel lucky to even have spent any amount of time with you.” 
Astonished at what Mina has just said, you lift your head up to look her in the eyes.
“I mean yeah…you’re great.” meaningfully spoken with a hint of nervousness, her heart pounding against her skin as she confesses the yearning she’s experienced surrounding you. 
“I feel like this is all happening so fast but…I don’t want it to stop…I don’t think I’ve ever felt this safe before.” you comfortably say without any fear or doubt. 
“It doesn’t have to, as long as you’re comfortable…I know there’s a lot happening right now so if you’d rather take it slow, we can do that. I’m patient…and I don’t want to rush into anything that you aren’t ready for.” a small sense of panic rushes over Mina, you can taste it in her words. 
“Or if you don’t want to…be anything but friends, we can do that too. I just…really like being around you and the time we spent together today, even with all the craz-'' cutting her off with a passionate kiss, running your fingers up her sculpted abs, other hand firmly placed on her neck, leaning into the moment. Your body finds comfort in her touch. 
One passionate kiss, turns into two and slowly dances into where you left off on the couch earlier in the night. Shirts flying across the room, this time with no bras to unclasp, tongues dancing effortlessly and in sync like Mina was always the one this was supposed to happen with. 
Both of you in only underwear, heavily making out. Hands create maps on each other's bodies, exploring the new territory. Mina breaks the kiss, trailing her lips down your neck to your breasts. 
“You can leave marks,” you huff between stimuli as she lightly digs her teeth into your chest. A small whine leaves your lips triggering her to look up at you, eyes half lidded with a lazy smirk.
“Not this time, baby.” between the small feathery bites as she takes one of your nipples in her mouth, softly pinch the other one, eliciting more airy gasps. Your hips start to grind against nothing under Mina’s touch, completely losing yourself in it.   
Her right hand chases the rocking of your hips, playing with the elastic band hugging your skin. Hooking a long delicate finger into it and stretching it up, mouth still swirling on your chest in tandem. 
“Can I…?” playfully snapping the band against your skin, sighing into the sting it brought with it. 
“Please” sheerly leaves your lips. She wastes no time, swiftly removing the blockade of fabric from your body, taking in the sight of you lifting your hips for her desperately to feel some form of contact.  
“Are you really this excited for me?” whispered into your skin, side eyeing the glistening of your upper thighs and the damp spot already forming on the sheets underneath you. You are too ready and willing to even reply. 
“Look at how wet you are…did she make you wet like this too or is this all for me?” swiping her fingers upwards from your entrance to your clit. Her eyes are blown out with lust, basking in the sounds you’re making and how you’re twitching at the minimal touch she gave you.
A string of your slick connects the two of you as she pulls her hand away, giving her fingers one lick and humming at the taste of you before taking her place between your legs, caressing up your thighs with her lips, placing open mouthed kisses that leave you attempting to rut into her. 
Feeling her hot breath against you makes you drip. Scooting closer to her, hips first, aching for her in a way that was unfamiliar. The sense of neediness you had for her was unmatched. 
No one has ever made you want it more than Myoui Mina. 
Wrapping her arms behind your thighs, holding you in place, and sweetly kisses from your hip bones down to your core. 
Slowly sweeping her tongue from your entrance to your clit in the same pattern her finger did. Eyes darkening as she starts to tease with different rhythms and patterns, not allowing you to build your arousal too quickly underneath her. 
“Tell me, baby, how badly do you want this?” cooed into you. She starts to form a regular beat of dragging her tongue across your clit. 
“I need you so b-bad, -ungh, right there- ” unaware of what you were even saying. A devious smirk creeps over your naked body, Mina’s lips not leaving your clit as she builds on the pleasure you were feeling, teasing your entrance with the tip of her finger. 
Carefully sliding a finger into you and curling up, continuing the pattern that causes you to twitch underneath her touch, moaning into the shadows of the room loudly for her to hear. You’re sure the neighbors would know her name by the end of this.
Her dainty frame covering your legs, looking effortlessly elegant in the mess created. She slowly picks up the speed of her fingers and tongue. Complete ecstasy rising within you while your mind focuses on the pure pleasure Mina is giving to you. 
“Mina…I’m gonna -right there right there, fuck-“ ripping from your chest as she sweetly pulls the orgasm from your body. Letting you ride it out in her hands, watching as you buck your hips down on her fingers while making sure not to waste a single drop of you. 
“Wow, so desperate for me…couldn’t keep still, huh?” Teasingly with a devilish smirk as she reaches up to lay her lips on yours. Your own taste floods your mouth, tongues re-familiarizing themselves. The way she melts into you is unmatched. 
Mina breaks the kiss and brings her hand to place it around your neck, squeezing softly just to see your reaction. Moaning for her and halfway chasing her lips again, she chuckles and sighs. 
“Don’t worry, we will have time to explore that together too…you’ve had a hard day, honey, maybe it’s time to get some rest?” laying next to you and draping her arms around you so she can hold you close. Tracing patterns on your back and weaving your legs between hers, drifting in and out of sleep. Mina draws little hearts on your back as if they’re little notes of encouragement to drift off.
Stirring in your sleep, the sound of a phone vibrating on the nightstand wakes you. Flipping over to readjust, trying to fall back asleep when you hear Mina breath in sharply and stretch. 
A slap on the nightstand, she grabs her phone, half grumbling as she stands and saunters out of the room to answer it. 
“Hello?” Sleepily spoken, you smile at how cute she is. 
“What?!” The shock laced word spills into the empty living room while you fade in and out of sleep, trying to fight your eyes so you can hear the rest of the conversation or maybe get a hint as to what was going on, but you failed miserably, slipping off into the dreamscape once more. 
“Y/n…wake up, my love” whispered to you from mere inches away. Your eyes flutter open, looking next to you seeing the morning sun casting its beautiful rays onto Mina’s face. She brings her finger up your cheekbone and moves a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
Radiant as ever laying next to you, sheets covering up to her hips, exposing the rest of her body, your breath hitching at the sight. She studies your face diligently, taking in every inch of detail of you. 
Grumpiness is apparent in your face, frowning at how far away she is from you. You scoot into her chest, closing your eyes again, and nuzzling into her. The skin on skin contact causes a flurry of giggles to erupt out of that same chest you found comfort in. 
“You’re too cute like this,” softly running her fingers through your hair. You slowly wake in her arms smiling at the pure hearted person. She peppers your face with kisses to wake you up a little faster even though it just makes you want to stay in bed with her all day. 
“I heard your phone ring earlier and part of the conversation you had…is everything okay?” concerned tone in your sleep drenched voice.You open your eyes to see her affectionate gaze outlining your naked body. 
Unable to help yourself, the world fades around her. Laying in your bed, holding you, the safe and calm you feel is unmatched to anything you’ve ever experienced. Even with all the stressors that were gnawing at you, none of it mattered when you were here. With her. With Mina. 
“Well….it was the police.” calmness in her voice not matching the anger brewing in her eyes as she continues to take in your curvature. 
“They arrested someone in correlation to what happened last night…and I wasn’t ready for who…” conflict in her eyes, something was bothering her and you wanted to make sure you were fully present for what she was about to say. 
Sitting up in anticipation of the news, her eye contact is absent. She toys with the sheet anxiously, your hand reaching out to still hers. She peers up at you through her bangs, trying her best to focus on your face and not your chest. 
“They arrested Jihyo.” gulping in worry of how you’d take the news. 
“…Jihyo?! There’s no way…” confusion blinds you for a moment, unwilling to accept this as true.
“She confessed, apparently.” rolling her eyes, knowing she’d never do that willingly. Jihyo was wrapped around Nayeon’s finger, ready to do whatever she needed, no matter the cost.  
“Did they even questi-” interrupted by the sound of your own phone vibrating. Both glancing down at the sound before you pick up off the bed to see it’s an unknown number. 
Flipping the phone around to show Mina, both of you confused. You answer it on speaker phone. 
“Hey baby, mind if I stop by?” 
Immediately tense at the voice crackling through the speaker. Mina is visibly irritated at Nayeon’s word choice, glaring at the phone while crossing her arms. 
“Uhm…Don’t call me that and I’d actually prefer for you to leave me the fuck alone.” 
“Oh come on babe, don’t be like that. It’s not like you weren’t violently fucking my face two days ago.” Nayeon coyly says in the tone she always used to try and seduce you.
“If you show up here, I’ll call the police again.” anger threads your voice. Nayeon almost moans over it.
“Babeeee, you know I love it when you’re mad. Maybe you should come take it out on m-”  hanging up and tossing your phone back on the bed, repulsed at what just happened.
You turn bright red and avoid Mina’s eyes, not wanting to see her reaction to what was just spoken in front of her. 
“I think I’m going to go take a shower…” softly said, embarrassed at the information Nayeon just threw into the mix.  
“You do know that I already know that happened, right?” Mina asserts in an attempt to reassure you.
“Don’t you remember back at the cafe? Nayeon dropped that information in front of Jihyo…the poor girl. Also, the scratch marks on your back aren’t exactly healed. I, of course, didn’t know about the “violent” face fucking” giggling and bringing her hand over her mouth. She’s really teasing you about this right now. 
“We also were pretty drunk…” Blushing and fighting a smile back, poking fun at you. 
“…I’m thinking maybe I could make some new scratch marks once those heal.” winking at you before grabbing your hand. 
“ Anyways, you’re gonna shower? Is it cool if I join or are you not a shared shower kind of person?” 
A huge grin plastered across your face. Mina sees how you’re absolutely beaming, returning the same volume of light back to you. Swinging her arms around your waist and kissing you passionately before making your way to the bathroom together. 
Laying in each other's arms on the couch again, a movie playing in the background, cozy clothes on- the perfect homebody day. Both of you are exhausted and happy to be relaxing with each other. 
Mina laying her head in your lap, quietly napping while you play with her hair, tangling it between your fingers as you doze off to the sounds of her deep steady breaths and the comfort movie you put on to drown out the silence.
Her phone suddenly clatters against the table it rested on, waking you both immediately. Mina sighs, stretches, and slides her finger across the screen to answer without moving her head from your legs, poking the speaker button before a soft and sleepy “hello?” escapes her lips.
“Mina! Are you okay? You were supposed to be at the house already! The banquet starts in a few hours!” Momo roars through the phone, concerned as to why the always punctual Mina was suddenly late. 
“...is that today?” looking at you with her brows furrowed in confusion, sleep still present in her eyes.
“Uh, yeah! Hello?? You helped plan it!” stunned that Mina had forgotten something so important. 
“Shit!” exclaimed in a small panic before she got up immediately and headed to the kitchen, leaving the phone with Momo still connected on the table. 
Watching Mina closely, studying her movements, not as fluid and graceful as usual. Mina was pacing trying to organize herself in an almost chaotic way, fumbling to get the things she needed together. 
It’s cute to see her like this. 
“Momoring!” shouted at the phone to your best friend, knowing it would startle her. The sounds of a scream and her phone falling ring out followed by your hearty belly laughing. 
“...Y/n?! I thought you and Mina were supposed to hang out yesterd-...wait…Y/n…did you and Mi-”
“Momo, shut up!” rolls off your tongue, silencing her instantly.  
“What is she late to?” 
“The banquet auction we set up for Jeongyeon’s birthday…you were invited you know…if you wanted to come…with someone you might be with currently…you total-” hanging up the phone on her and laugh to yourself. 
The private charity banquet was put together by the entirety of Twice for Jeongyeon’s birthday. Hosting it for a local animal shelter, they were going to auction off Twice memorabilia and the money would then be donated to help the shelter build a new facility they desperately needed. 
The perfect gift for someone who has it all. 
It would be nice to get dressed up and go support a good cause for a good friend with a pretty girl. Plus the girls worked hard to make this happen…just because 2 out of 9 were in your shit list, doesn’t mean the rest should be shown up for. 
“Hey, Mina!” volume of your voice a smidge louder than normal. 
“Yeah?” poking her head around the wall to look at you while you spoke to her. 
“I wasn’t going to go to that banquet because I thought it might be a little awkward after everything that happened, but how do you feel about…us going together?” a slight pang of awkward hovers over you, realizing that you were actually asking Mina on a date. 
Stepping around the wall and coming closer to you, Mina places her hands lightly on your hips, eyes softening into yours. You fight the urge to look away from her when she pulls you closer to her. 
“Are you…asking me on a date?” tilting her head to her right and blinking a few times, a gummy smile warms your stomach.
Nodding your head yes, she’s still silently beaming at you. 
“Yes, I’m asking you on a date.” nervously fleeing from your throat. You bite the inside of your cheek and look down to the floor.
Mina rests her body against yours, the closeness forcing you to tilt your head up. The feeling of her on you is so mesmerizing, like a ray of warm sunshine after the chilled rain storm. 
The walls you built around yourself after Nayeon shake and crumble underneath the feather light touch and coziness she presented to you. A feeling so pure and ethereal encompassed you so tightly that it was almost horrifying how close you let her get so quickly. 
“I would love to have you as my date tonight.” noses brushing against each other, her arms resting on your shoulders before lazily falling around your neck. 
Lips meeting gently, a few rapid pecks leaves your mind completely swirling in what reality was to you now. Devastation no longer bleeds through the cracks left by your past. A tenderness blankets the once dark shadows in a brightness that envelopes your entire being. 
“Meet me at Momo’s when you’re done getting ready?” spoken faintly into your mouth before giving one last kiss that was more passionate than the few before. Both of you having trouble pulling away from each other, tension so taut that even a piano wire wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. 
“I’ll see you soon.” 
Settling on black slacks that taper down the legs, a black button down, and a black blazer to wear to the banquet. You were invited before by Jeongyeon herself, you accepted the invitation assuming you’d be going with Nayeon. That was obviously no longer the case. 
Momo had tried to convince you to go anyway, despite Nayeon and Jihyo being there and you were very undecided about going. Not wanting to interact with someone you found to be so cruel, you pushed off making the decision until Momo put the idea in your head that you could, in fact, go with someone else. 
Standing in front of the mirror, making sure you looked acceptable for the black tie event, you can’t help but dive into your thoughts about how much had actually changed within the last month. 
You hadn’t really thought about what life would look like without Nayeon but maybe it wasn’t so bad. The past month had been a whirlwind of many emotions and even through the weight of them, it felt good to see the little parts of you that she had consumed and tried to destroy. 
Even in the anxious mindset of being around her again, you were going to show up to this event and have a good time.There would be barriers between the two of you and it was a larger event, so it’s not like you had to be near her. This thought brings you peace.
Walking through the kitchen, throwing your dress shoes on, and grabbing your keys before swinging the door open to see a dolled up Nayeon standing in front of you. It’s almost like she knew exactly what you were going to wear, showing up in a very similar outfit, unintentionally matching with the person you wish to never see again.
Blood runs warm immediately, you roll your eyes before stepping outside and shutting the door behind you. Eye meeting before you brush past her, aiming to get away from her. You start walking to your car when you hear an agitated huff at you. 
“Can you just talk to me, please?” perturbation refracts off the early evening sky as it emanates from her mouth at the chill of the air. 
“No. Go Away.” matching the temperature of the brisk weather surrounding the confrontation. 
Nayeon’s heels clicking on the concrete behind you, trying to match your pace to try and get your attention.
“Y/n, please just listen to what I have to say!” voice cracking as she cries out to you. 
Whipping around to face her promptly, causing her to almost crash into you. The closeness makes you cringe in disgust. You can feel her breath on her skin. Struggling to take a very large step back, Nayeon’s hands trying to hold onto your waist trying to keep you near. You’re at your breaking point. 
“Nayeon, I am so fucking tired of this! I want you to leave me alone! I don’t want to be with you, I don’t want to talk to you, and I sure as hell do not want you showing up at my apartment!” pointing your key directly at her face in a sign of disrespect, tearing into the pitiful stranger that stood before you.
“ Nothing is there anymore, do you understand?!” irreversible truths spat in the direction of someone who was just a memory in your mind. 
Giving your words a second to sink seer into her, Nayeon’s eyes well up. Finally understanding that this was the fatal blow. The end.
You soften at the sight of her tears, knowing that it was probably hard to hear even if it was her actions that caused this division between the two of you. 
“After this moment, I never want you to show up unannounced or try to convi-”
“I called you earlier, it wasn’t unannounced!” sneered back at you in a tone you weren’t familiar with. Venomous in nature and sour in flavor. 
“And I told you not to come! So why the fuck are you here?!” matching that same irritation she threw at you.
She’s in your face now, screaming at you. 
“Because I knew you were lying! AND know who was here…” sharply slices the air, creating an even deeper wound. 
“Who even are you?...Where I am and who I am with are not your concern anymore. I’m finally feeling some sense of self for the first time in a long time and you can’t even let me have  aunty fucking peace!” clamoring through the sounds of the busy street near the lot where your car was located. 
“Just leave me alone, Nayeon…I really just want you to let me live my life without you.” bittersweetly spoken in a sense of calm.
A failed attempt to keep your voice steady haunts you while getting in your car, starting it and driving off to Momo’s house. Leaving Nayeon in the parking lot of your apartment, absolutely speechless and seething. 
Pulling into the driveway, you just sit for a second. Needing a minute to gather yourself after that confrontation. 
All of the emotions of the last month flood back to you immediately and tears are running down your face without care, stinging in the grief that exhausted you to the point of mental break. Nayeon really wouldn’t leave you alone, she knew where you lived, she knew who you were with, and she threw it all back in your face because she didn’t get what she wanted.  
Another layer of betrayal peels off the once rose colored love you had for this person. Seeing her for who she actually was really shook you to your core. Nausea builds in your stomach, an all too familiar feeling as the reminisce of the ache returns full force. 
Unable to help yourself, you sob into your shaky hands. All that time, wasted and all the heartbreak suffered just to end up right back at Momo and Dahyun’s house crying, again. 
The front door is faintly tugged open and rapidly closed, a shadow on the porch shivering with a cellphone in hand. Your eyes are too hazy and tear filled to even register who it was. Simply hoping they didn’t look in the driveway and find you trying to regulate your breathing in the safety of your car. 
Buzzing in your pocket momentarily pulls you out of the fog, reaching for it immediately and glancing down at the lit up screen. A single penguin emoji graced your screen, you answered without even thinking about your state of being.
“Hello?” sniffling into the microphone and blinking rapidly to clear your tears from your field of vision, letting them fall down your cheeks and landing in your lap.
“Y/n?? What’s wrong? Where are you?” panicked immediately. 
You can see the shadow by the door growing restless as it paces, head tilted down, arms crossed.
“I’m in Momo’s driveway, I just need a second.” a deep breath through your lips and a shaky exhale makes the shadow by the door stop in their tracks. 
“I want to give you the space you need but I do hate that you’re upset. Is there anything I can do for you while you are calming down?” very composed in the face of your stress, your heart flutters at the thought of Mina hugging you through this. 
Turning the keys to shut the car off, pulling the handle and swinging the door open, stepping out smoothly. The shadow turns around, you hang up the phone and hastily walk over to it. 
Mina sees the look on your face and takes a single step forward, trying not to rush you and overwhelm you, knowing you just asked for space. The closer you get, the more you see the delicate sadness framed in her eyes. 
Taking large strides to reach her sooner, she lifts her arms up in anticipation of you falling into them and you did just that. Resting your head on her shoulder, fighting more tears now that you feel safe, you hold her around the waist and as close to you as possible. 
Mina just holds you, tracing small soft patterns on the back of your neck, letting you just relax into her. Nuzzling your nose into her neck and inhaling puts your body at ease. Slowly your muscles start to unclench, a sigh of relief leaves you slowly. 
Pulling away from her just enough to kiss her, smiling into the lock of your lips. She happily kisses you back before resting her forehead on yours. Wiping the tears from your cheeks with a feather light swipe of her thumb that morphs into her cupping your face. 
“What happened, love?” concerned at the state you showed up in, looking into your swollen reddened eyes, searching for the answer to her question. 
“Uhm…well, Nayeon showed up to my apartment and wanted to talk to me.” 
“And what did she say?” trying to fight the fire that filled her eyes, even if it wasn’t present on her face. 
“We honestly argued…She said she knew you were there…and that she wanted me to listen to her…I told her to leave me alone. Then I drove here…She’s never spoken to me like that before.” another sharp sniffle cuts the silence as she processes the information just given to her. 
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry you were put in that position.” rubbing small circles on your back. 
“I hate that she knows where I live. I wish I would’ve turned my location off. I don’t like that she can just…show up like that.” voice quivering with a hint of rage before Mina proposes an idea. 
“Stay with me tonight then.” 
“I don’t want to impo-”
“Y/n…” leaning into you once more to connect your lips, passionately tugging on your blazer while your hands roam up to the back of her neck. 
Quickly turning into something more than a kiss, her tongue swipes the bottom of your lip and  moves in sync with yours for a moment. Mina starts to pull your tucked in shirt out of your slacks, sliding her finger along your stomach to tease you a little when the front door flies open.
“Hey, Mina did you talk wi- OH?” Momo shouts out when she sees the steamy scene happening in front of her. Both you and Mina turn beat red and separate, ears hot in embarrassment about being caught and knowing that Momo is going to make fun of you for it later. 
“Sorry to interrupt! Should I go back inside or?” playfully teasing the two of you when Dahyun emerges from the house.
“Are you guys ready? Our car should be here any second…is everything okay?” asked through the awkwardness of the situation, taking note of your untucked shirt and how close you and Mina are to each other, beat red complexion gracing both of you. 
“Yes, we are.” Mina reached for your hand to let them know that the two of you were more than what was previously thought. Dahyun and Momo smile at the sight of what’s blooming right in front of them. 
“Alright let’s go eat some good ass food and get a new building for that shelter.” Momo raises her hands to cheer as she walks down the driveway towards the SUV that just pulled up. 
Dahyun takes a step forward, looking back at you and Mina. 
“You know…This,” pointing between the two of you. 
“This is cute.” grinning briefly before walking down the driveway. 
“Do you want another minute?” Mina asks, squeezing your hand gently.
“No, I’m feeling much calmer now…and yes.” 
“Yes?” quizzically repeated back to you. 
“Yes, I’ll stay with you tonight.” leaning in to place one last kiss on her perfect lips.
“LET’S GO!” Momo yells from the end of the driveway causing you both to giggle into each other before you walk hand in hand towards the car, now way more excited for what the evening held. 
Tremendously elegant crystal chandeliers hang from the hand painted ceiling of the venue, a calm murmur of the crowd buzzing in your ears as you step into the mix, still hand in hand with Mina.
 Jeongyeon is greeting people as they walk in and thanking them for coming before they walk through the gallery of what was to be auctioned off. Patiently waiting to get signed in, you finally have the opportunity to admire your date. 
Makeup naturally laid onto her face, her hair is down and wavy to the middle of her back. Fixating on her lips for a moment, the shape of them now burnt into your brain as it clouds with flashes of that which took place at Momo and Dahyun’s house. 
Your eyes slowly make their way down her body to find black satin fabric cascading down her, stopping mid thigh. Eyes tracing back up to her sleeves that cover the middle of her arms with her perfect shoulders bare. The concave of her collarbones almost sends you into a spiral when her head pivots and catches you red handed, gawking over her. 
A small step taken towards her, threading your fingers together loosely before taking a purposefully big step forward in line, turning around and facing her as she follows. Fingers rotating to a more comfortable position but never leaving each other's grip.
Mina leans into you, arm placed around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder. A big sigh is expelled from her when you place your cheek on the side of her head.
“I didn’t get the chance to tell you how stunning you look tonight.” whispered to her through the low bustling surrounding you as it slowly fades out. She removes her head from your shoulder, keeping a close distance, bringing a hand up to hold your face before laying a small kiss on your lips, smiling immediately at you.
“It’ll be hard for me to keep my hands off of you in this little suit you’re wearing, you look too good. Maybe later I can show you what I mean.” sultry and suggestive in tone.
Mina skims her lips along the underside of your jaw, kissing right below the ear when someone approaches you both, breaking the moment before it could go any farther.
“Uhm…Hi, guys?” Tzuyu is visibly confused at what she’s seeing, looking at the intimate way you are interacting with each other. She visibly shakes the curiosity out of her head as the three of you step forward again, place being next in line. 
“Have you guys seen Jihyo? I haven’t seen her or Nayeon tonight. I’m a little worried because she hasn’t texted me back since the day before yesterday. 
Oh, shit…Tzuyu doesn’t know…Mina looks up at you to find you flushed pale, brows furrowed and eyes unable to keep still. 
“We haven’t seen her yet but if we do, we will definitely let her know you’re looking for her.” gummy smile followed. Not exactly a lie, but not the whole truth. 
“Tzu! Mina! Y/n!...Y/n?! I didn’t think you were coming!” exclaimed with her arms up.
Letting go of Mina and throwing your arms around Jeongyeon for a big bear hug. She notices your anxiety immediately but doesn’t draw attention to it. 
“Well, I couldn’t miss your birthday! Or this amazing event! Seriously, this is so amazing. I’m so proud of the hard work you all put in.” sweetly said with an elbow to Jeongyeon’s rib. 
“Thanks, god why are you so sappy today?” poking back at you, playful as always, confusion in her eyes about your attempt to hide the discomfort you were feeling. 
“That means everyone is here except Jihyo. Have you seen her?” Directing her attention to Mina and Tzu for a moment before worry spreads across Jeongyeon’s face when she sees Tzuyu shake her head no.  
“I tried to call her earlier but I think her phone is off…I hope she’s alright. This is very unlike her.” Jeongyeon pulls her phone out to look for a sign that Jihyo is okay and you feel completely guilty.
You can’t bring yourself to tell her what you know, not willing to ruin the happiness of tonight with the uncomfortable knowledge that Jihyo is probably still in jail, or at least in severe trouble with the company. 
A moment of silence lingers as you all sign in for the auction before stepping into the gallery of what was being auctioned off. 
You walk the halls and follow the glass cases set up for viewing. Various outfits from music videos, solo stages, and performances including TV appearances, autographed pictures and other various items scattered throughout. 
Having a hard time focusing on these moments in Twice’s history, hating the idea that you knew uncomfortable information that was being sought after. The pit of your stomach deepens, waving in anxiety even though you know who should be where Jihyo was. Where ever she was. 
Walking through the big double doors of the grandiose ballroom, many vendors and members of the staff line the floor with tables, animals that are up for adoption, donations booths, and an information center where you can find out how to help other local shelters with their needs.
Heartwarming that they’d go through so much effort to help the community they lived in, it truly was an honor to be a part of this, even with the guilt. It was a sight to see. 
Finding your seats at the table you were assigned to, 10 seats around a table that was lavishly set with perfectly shining silverware, white plates contrasting the black napkins adorning them. Your seat is between Momo and Mina, thankfully.
Jeongyeon takes her place on the stage as everyone else falls slowly into their seats. Nayeon walks up to the table with minimal eye contact and waves to everyone. Mina is gripping your leg under the table, knowing how uncomfortable you must feel with her sitting right across from you, especially after the confrontation that took place earlier in the day.  
Everyone is silent as Jeongyeon makes her opening speech, thanking everyone for coming to support a good cause and briefly reliving memories about volunteering at the shelter. Mentioning how kind the staff was and how much care was put into loving these animals that didn’t have homes yet. The light dim as she steps to the side for a video to play. 
The presentation about the shelter starts by following the early years of the shelter being open, and some of the pets they had saved. Stories about the staff and the volunteers who made the hard days bearable. By the time it was finished, everyone was sniffling and giving a standing ovation. 
“Please enjoy the dinner the chefs have prepared for you! The auction will start at 7pm so please have a great time until then!” Jeongyeon exclaims and then claps with the crowd before finding her seat at the table with the awkward silence.  
Poking at your food, you have a hard time eating even though it is delicious. Anxiety keeps you from devouring the meal in front of you as the girls talk around you. Mina leans over to you and checks in every now and then, just to make sure you’re okay. 
The second time she leans over to you, she is interrupted by a loud, harsh voice.
“I get that we aren’t together but can you stop doing whatever this is, in front of me? Kind of rude, don't you think?” sneered to you and Mina across the table. 
“Nayeon, not now.” Momo tries to hush her but she persists.
“You think she can do for you what I did? You think she can be who you need her to be for you?! WE are supposed to be here together, not you and Mina! Mina, of all people!” aggressively throwing her hands as she berates Mina in front of everyone. 
The entire table looks at her in disbelief, unable to understand why she is reacting this way and more importantly why she was doing it in public. Tzuyu looks at you and Mina, and then back at Nayeon who is visibly enraged at the sight of you together. 
Jeongyeon just stares at her in silence, Dahyun can’t seem to find a comfortable seat in her chair, Chaeyoung and Sana are trying to talk among themselves to avoid the conversation but Sana is staring daggers at Nayeon.
“I bet she doesn’t fuck like I do or do you need another reminder of how I fuck you?” Nayeon is now standing, palms down on the table, and leaning forward suggestively. Everyone around the table looks at her with absolute disgust. 
“I can’t believe you wouldn’t want to work on thi-”
“ENOUGH!” abruptly leaves your chest. Loud enough to silence the tables around you, jaw clenching in fury. Everyone turns their attention towards you, surprised at the tone you took.
Mina is continuing to eat but places her hand in yours, resting it on your thigh in an act of comfort. She’s politely chewing her food when she looks directly at you, giving you a look that could only be described as “If you don’t, I will.” They need to know. 
“Nayeon, why don’t you tell everyone where Jihyo is?” spat at her venomously through a tense demeanor. 
“Y/n…I- I don’t know what you mean. H- How should I know? ” stammering now that she has lost control of the conversation. 
“Oh, sure you do!... Weren’t you with her last night?” aggressively questioning her, dropping little bombs of knowledge on everyone around you. 
“Wait, I thought you were here setting up last night…you said you couldn’t come over because of that…” Tzuyu with a saddened tone speaks up through the words being ping ponged across the table.. 
Mina is just smiling next to you, watching as everyone is realizing that they had been lied to. 
“Y/n, shut the fuck up!” growled at you. 
Momo, Dahyun, and Mina start chuckling at the sliver of panic Nayeon was showing, while everyone else just gawks at her for speaking to you the way she was. 
“You haven’t told them yet? Actually, here’s a better question…Why does everyone think we split up?” almost taunting her, dangling the question in front of everyone, hoping they would take the bait. 
“You never did tell us exactly why you broke up…” Chaeyoung is now fully present for the conversation. Sana looks cross, probably from the way Nayeon spoke about Mina. Her arms covering her chest, waiting for Nayeon to explain herself. 
Silence fills the void once more, everyone is staring at Nayeon, waiting for her explanation of what was going on. Panicked in her movements, unable to make eye contact with anyone, she curls into herself. A defense mechanism that you were all too familiar with. 
Standing up from your seat, placing your napkin on the table, tucking your chair back underneath and resting your arms on the back of your chair before dropping the truth on all of the members who didn’t know. 
“Since you aren’t interested in telling the truth…”
“Y/n, please…we can talk about this later” through clenched teeth, Nayeon tries to get you to stop your sentence in it’s tracks.
“I don’t want to speak to you at all. There is no later.” a bite back against her attempt in control. 
“Jihyo isn’t here because of you, you should tell them! After all, don’t you want to claim her since you’ve been sleeping with her behind my back this entire time?” 
An audible gasp from everyone who was unaware of the situation, shock covering their faces as Nayeon’s ears heat up and beam red. 
“Nayeon, are you fucking serious?” Sana being the first to speak up, completely surprised that her elder would do such a thing. 
Your chest tightens as you watch the consequences of her actions come out to smite her down. Feeling overwhelmed that you had to hold her accountable to her closest friends and ruin the perception they had of her. 
“Sorry you had to find out this way. “
Swiftly walking away from the situation and fighting your way through the waves of people, shoulder clashing as you make haste away from the strain you put on their relationship. 
Having a hard time breathing, the panic creeping in. Ducking off to a side room that wasn’t in use, closing the door behind you and taking a set of massive breaths. Trying to regulate yourself from the excessive cortisol in your body, guilt and dread combine to create the feeling of someone sitting on your ribcage. 
In attempts to bring yourself back down to a reasonable level, you take in your surroundings. 
The room is average size with bookshelves built into the walls, filled to the brim with colorful leather laced in gold and silver accents. A dark wood desk sits facing the door, paired with a big leather office chair behind it. Two large glass doors on the far wall that part in the middle to a balcony that oversees a beautiful garden. 
Deep breath in, exhale. 
Deep breath in, exhale. 
Repeating yourself over and over again when you hear a soft knock on the door and a silvery voice speaking your name through your own huffing. You’d recognize that tone anywhere. 
Leaning over to the side, hand missing the knob once before landing on it, twisting it to let Mina in. She immediately hugs you before you hear the latch click shut. She pulls back to look into your eyes, gripping your upper arms with an empathetic look as she studies your current state. 
Realizing that you are having a hard time keeping yourself calm, she goes back to holding you. Her head on your shoulder and hand tracing up your spine to the base of your neck, twirling your hair to give you something else to focus on besides Nayeon’s outburst. 
“It’s okay…It’s alright. You’ve done nothing wrong, okay? You are safe here.” cooed to you from your own arms as Mina tries to get you to come back to her from your panic attack. It’s working better than anything else ever did. 
Breath slowly going back to normal, you lean into her touch, calming down in Mina’s arms was easy. She made hard things seem so trivial and unimportant. You put your entire face into her neck, she giggles in your ear. The ethereal woman fitting perfectly into you.
“Better?” not willing to let go until the answer was given. 
Another deep breath and a nod of your head, she releases you from the hug and starts fixing your blazer and hair, tucking a strand behind your ear before smirking at you. She kisses you quickly. 
“I’m proud of you, Y/n. I know that was probably very hard for you to sa-“ 
The door flies open, knob hitting the wall with a loud crash causing the both of you to jump and swing your heads towards the sound.
Nayeon steps in calmly, using her bag to push the door closed behind her as it bounces back at her, slamming shut. A dent in the wall from where the knob smacked it harshly, chipped paint on the floor at the sheer force used to open it. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Can you just leave me alone, Nayeon!? Isn’t this enough for you?!” breaking apart from Mina for a second, scooting in front of her. This wasn’t her argument to have and you weren’t going to let her put herself in the middle anymore than she already had.
“I think it’s funny” Nayeon starts as she paces, “that you two end up here. Together. Was this always your plan, Mina? To steal my girlfriend from me?” lowly spoken towards both of you, malice very present in her demeanor, stepping deeper into the office space.  
Your eyes follow her every move, not familiar with this flavor she was expressing. You’ve seen her act many ways but this tone and body language were unfamiliar, setting off alarms in your head that you needed to get you and Mina as far away from her as possible. 
“Nayeon, you don’t have a sa-”
“Shut the fuck up, Y/n!” snarled loud enough to feel the vibrations of her voice in your chest. 
“Don’t speak to her like that!” Mina shouts, stepping out from behind you to confront Nayeon with you, not allowing you to do this on your own. 
“You can’t just manipulate your way out of this, Nayeon.” slithers through Mina’s lips and wraps around Nayeon’s throat. 
Nayeon is just smiling calmly. It’s eerie the way she’s silent, almost threatening. She reaches into her bag without taking her eyes off Mina, swiftly pulling something small out of it and pointing it right between your eyes.
Your blood immediately runs cold. Chest tightening, heartbeat felt in every inch of your skin as you stare down the barrel of a 9mm handgun held by someone who seemed very ready to pull the trigger. 
Hands fly above your head instinctively, gulping loudly in the face of the muzzle. Sweat beads up on your forehead, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. 
“Nayeon! What the fuck are you doing?!” Mina screamed while taking a step towards her. Nayeon pulls the hammer down, the sound of the bullet loading into the chamber makes every muscle in your back stiffen, cracking your vertebrae under the tension. 
“One more step and I’ll shoot, I’m sure you wouldn’t want that. Would you, Mina?” an evil cackle erupts her throat as she continues slowly pacing around the two of you. 
You watch her circle like a shark, following her movements as she keeps the gun pointed at your head. Stomach churning, just trying to keep from making sudden movements. 
Nayeon sees the terror in your face and winces. Observing her face to look for signs she was actually going to pull the trigger when you see it. Her eyes soften for a moment, hands lightly starting to shake as she breaks.
“Why wouldn’t you come back to me?!” tears are falling down her cheeks now, sniffling through her sentence; the distraught predator circling her fearful prey. 
“Why would you choose her?!” Shouted while carelessly pointing the gun at Mina, finger on the trigger with her face contorting into a version of her you did not know. 
Mina flinches through Nayeon’s display, jumping every time the firearm is pointed at her. Her hands are visibly shaking as Mina takes a small step back, holding her breath and shutting her eyes.
“Nayeon…maybe you should put the gun down and we can talk about this. There’s no need for something so extreme.” calmly making small movements towards her. She aggressively points the gun back at you. 
Her eyes drowning her face in tears, sucking air sharply between her teeth and holding her breath. Rage, despair, and insanity creep out onto her face, slowly dripping in unison her tears. 
“If I can’t have you…no one can.” Rapidly swinging the gun and pointing it right at Mina. . 
You immediately dive towards Nayeon, the gun goes off before you hit the ground. The window across from you shatters, small shards of glass scatter across the floor underneath you. 
A crunch inside her torso causes her to shriek out in agony. You try to wrestle the gun out of her hand, she tugs down roughly on the back of your neck with her free hand, bringing your faces closer together. Manically laughing at you and smiling.
Kubrick stare prominently on her brow as something blunt hits the back of your head, vision blurring her into two. You collapse on top of her and use as much of your weight as you can to keep her pinned to the floor and away from Mina. This falters quickly with your eyes crossing, dizzying you to the point of being unable to focus. 
The sting on your scalp is almost unbearable. Liquid warmth oozes out of the wound, pooling quickly and saturating your hair before cascading down and dripping onto Nayeon’s face and the floor around it.   
Nayeon pushes you off of her onto your back. The floor temperature cools you, still unable to stand when Nayeon stands up, wincing at every movement, and places one of her heels on your chest, pinning you down as you gasp for air. 
Your own blood is seeping through your shirt as the puddle underneath you grows. You’re suddenly tired, so sleepy. Fighting your eyes to stay open through this. 
“Don’t worry, baby! I’ll get you all fixed up once I take care of this little problem.” grimly ridiculing her intentions. 
“Nayeon, you can’t do this!” Choked out through sobs. Mina looks down at you bleeding on the floor, trying to keep a sense of poise in the face of pure terror. 
Nayeon opens her mouth to reply to Mina, you slam your fist into the back of her knee on the leg holding her above you before she can get her words out. She yelps out as her back slams against the floor, wind knocking out of her and the gun sliding out of your sight. 
Nayeon screams in agony and rage as she crawls over to you, smearing the blood leaking out from underneath you as she reaches you. Your life force coating her hands, 
She straddles your hips, you struggle underneath her too weak to push her off. She cocks her fist back and swings full force at your face, connecting to your jaw. Blood mists out of your mouth as your head is forced to the side. The droplets are audibly hitting the ground as the audible gasp is ripped from you. 
Nayeon throws another punch, wrath seeping from her pores as she swings again and again, slamming her hand down on your chest in an act of pure outrage. 
She gets up from your lap, knuckles bruised, crazy eyes, and in search of the weapon that was out of sight.  
Unable to focus your eyes, lids fluttering, choking on the blood in your mouth. You try to roll over and stand. A swift kick to the gut knocks the wind out of you. The cry stolen from you. The air depleting from your lungs is overshadowed by a combination of crying and laughing.
A gunshot rings out, ringing in your ears blocks out all other sounds. Eyes still trying to gain some form of stability as Nayeon falls to her knees in front of you, clutching her abdomen. Mouth wide open and tears falling, seemingly screaming out in pain when you feel warmth touching your face. 
Head lifting to be placed in Mina’s lap, one hand putting pressure on the wound on the back of your head. Her lips are moving as she looks down at you, seemingly mouthing your name as she tries to get you to focus on her. Eyes fighting to stay fixated on her as you fade in and out of consciousness.   
Tears streaming down her cheeks, the sounds muffled as your hearing slowly starts to regenerate, still ringing when you hear your name frantically called over the high pitched ring and muted screams.
“Y/n! Y/n! Look at me, it’s going to be okay! We are going to get you ou-”
A loud bang echoes against every fiber of your being, reducing your hearing back to nothing. You strain your eyes as hard as you can to focus on Mina, who is completely frozen. Looking over in a daze to see Nayeon, hand over her wound, slouched in the corner with the smoking gun in her hand pointed at Myoui Mina. 
The vibration in your throat tears your vocal chords as you scream out, unable to hear the sheer terror emitting from you as you see the red leaking out of her chest. Mina goes pale, tears spilling rapidly as her breathing picks up. 
You try to reach out with the last stitch of energy you have but fail, fading into total and complete darkness.
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tiredpuppyboy · 26 days
hi !! u can call me puppy, i use he/it pronouns. i’m a 20 yr old autistic, goth, transmasc, bisexual, poly, sub puppy boy ૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა ⁩ woof woof
DNI: minors, ageless blogs, pedos, zoophiles, racists, zionists, pro israel, transphobes, anti-lgbtq+, ed/sh blogs, detrans/misgendering blogs, straight men
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asks are always welcome and highly encouraged, horny or not. send me whatever’s on your mind <3 just know that i share everything with my owner/partner so they will probably see it as well ;)
do not send me nudes/pics without asking
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anatomical terms:
i really like boy or puppy in front of anything (puppycunt, boytits, etc.) but tits, chest, pussy, cunt, whatever is fine as long as you’re not misgendering me. i am still a boy no matter what terms you use for me.
names i like to be called:
puppy, pup, puppyboy, mutt, doggy, dog, fag/faggot, fucktoy, slut, anything ending with boy (pretty boy, baby boy, etc.)
names i do NOT want to be called:
princess, kitty, kitten, kid/kiddo, bitch, anything with ‘girl’ (i am not a girl or woman in any way)
things i’m into (favs in bold):
• degradation & praise
• exhibitionism
• voyeurism
• masochism
• petplay (puppyplay)
• hucow
• breeding (no preg)
• forcemasc
• blood
• impact play
• bondage
• intox (420/alcohol)
• free use
• cnc (some use of r word)
• somno
• monsterfucking
• piss
and probably more…
hard NOs:
scat, vomit, incest, detrans/misgendering, raceplay, ageplay, vore, pregnancy
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• #puppy’s inbox- responses to asks
• #puppy speaks- random thoughts and whatevs
• #puppy’s pics- my pics/videos
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ryanmarshallryan · 2 months
One day I watched a bit of Forrest Gump and noticed Forrest had a similar personality to a gainer I dated many years ago, so I decided to write a little vore story reminiscent about that kind of connection.
Life is Like a Box of Donuts (Tom and Hank’s story)
Tom had always been more of a passive personality, or perhaps simply agreeable. Folks would offer to buy him dinner and he wouldn’t refuse, especially to those friendly feeders who admired his big belly. A stranger might ask to be his best friend and the next day they’d be playing catch together in the park. Just the other day, someone rudely called out “Why don’t you go eat another donut, pal!” to Tom. Always one to take things literally, Tom welcomed the idea, and went down to his favorite bakery and purchased a dozen donuts to bring home.
On the day our story began, Tom was visited by his close friend, Hank. Tom always considered Hank a very special friend, and always tried to bring a smile to his face. They made lunch together, as they often did, and Hank noticed the logo on the closed donut box and remarked “Ooh did you visit that bakery down the street from the park? They have the best coconut donuts I’ve ever had the privilege to taste!,”
“I got some for you, Hank,” Tom remarked, motioning to the box. Hank smiled, whispered a little note of gratitude and looked inside. There were six coconut donuts, and five sour cream donuts, which happened to be Tom’s favorite. “I wanted to wait till you visited, but I was too tempted, so I already ate one,” Tom explained.
“This is incredibly sweet, Tom, I don’t understand why anyone would be so nice to me like you are,” Hank replied.
“I want you to be happy, Hank,” Tom continued.
“I am happy! I’m happy I’m with my best friend,” Hank leaned over and gently patted Tom’s rather large belly, “And he got me some donuts!”
“I know you sometimes like to feed me donuts, Hank, so I got lots of extra in case you did. I like when you rub my belly,” Tom replied, as they ate their lunch, glancing over at the donuts to be had soon.
Hank got up and folded a sour cream donut in a napkin and brought it over to Tom, then got a coconut one for himself.
“Sometimes I get jealous when I eat food as good as this. Jealous of how tasty food can be. Jealous, knowing how passionately someone can hunger for something this tasty, and wishing someone desired me even as much,” he said.
They sat in silence for a bit. They did this often. Tom always said he liked just sitting with someone he cared about, not needing to say anything, just simply caring. But he did have one thought he wanted to share.
“Hank, I like you more than this donut,” Tom acknowledged, “wish I could eat you up and keep you safe from all your sad thoughts, but I wouldn’t want you to miss out on finishing the coconut ones.”
Hank smiled and laughed a little bit, and replied “Maybe if I were in your belly, you could swallow coconut donuts whole for me to have in there.” He got up to get Tom another sour cream donut. Instead of taking the donut directly out of Hank’s hand, Tom took Hank’s arm and guided it to drop the donut into his mouth. Tom held Hank’s arm there, finishing the donut and sucking the crumbs off of Hank’s hand, and holding it there for a moment. He motioned for Hank to get another one, releasing his hand and repeating the process a few more times.
By the final sour cream donut, Tom had Hank’s entire hand engulfed in his mouth, and tried to mumble something. Hank laughed and pulled his hand out for Tom to say, “Looks like no more of my favorite donuts, but I still have my favorite person right here looking tasty.”
“You wanna eat me?” Hank smiled at Tom. Tom pulled Hank forward, having him straddle his lap, or as much as he could, since Tom’s rather large belly didn’t leave much room for a lap to straddle. Hank was looking down at Tom’s belly, pressing against his. Tom put his finger under Hank’s chin and guided their gazes to meet each other. Tom gave a slow nod, and raised his eyebrows slightly.
“I want you to feel as happy as all that food you’ve been jealous of.” Tom took both of Hank’s hands in his own and guided them into his mouth. Tom gave a first swallow and felt Hank’s wrists relax and slide into his esophagus. Hank gave a little smile of surprise and contentment, as his arms began to clasp tightly together, steadily sliding deeper inside of Tom. Tom slowed down to look at Hank’s face again, questioning whether to continue.
“If you don’t like what you taste I won’t be offended, but if I taste better than a sour cream donut, don’t hesitate, bud!” Hank smiled and took a breath. Tom put his hands on Hank’s hips and lifted him off of the ground, pulling his head into his maw and tasting the coconut crumbs in Hank’s beard. Tom leaned his head back a bit, to help gravity pull Hank’s broad shoulders into his mouth. Hank felt his fingers poke into Tom’s stomach, and he could feel the mixture of donuts and lunch about to break his landing. As Tom’s tongue glided across Hank’s nipples, Hank felt a surge of tingling and arousal, relaxing his back and stomach enough to easily slide into Tom’s hungry mouth. Tom relaxed his own abdomen, as his belly ballooned out with impressive volume as Hank’s entire head and torso became encased inside. Tom pushed Hank’s legs up into the air, and as Hank reflexively held them up high, Tom’s hands were free to touch and rub his belly, feeling Hank’s hands push against the other side. Tom wanted to take it slow to let Hank really enjoy and fully experience the feeling of becoming a donut, but Tom was running out of oxygen and needed his throat open soon. So with a large swallow, the help of gravity, and peristalsis of course, he pulled Hank’s legs in all the way to his feet. Hank swayed and curled around his body to better fit inside. Tom took his fingers and tickled the bottom of Hank’s feet, causing him to reflexively pull his feet away, swiftly finishing off the massive swallow as Hank’s entire body, head to toe, was curled up like a ring, or perhaps a donut, inside Tom’s now gargantuan belly.
Tom drew a massive breath, and exhaled “You sure are a big donut, Hank.”
“A big, and very happy, donut,” Hank replied, wiggling around inside Tom to make him giggle. “Hey now you can swallow those coconut donuts for me to eat!”
Tom, rubbing his incredibly distended belly, and groaning in mild discomfort replied “I don’t know if I should eat much more, I reckon my belly is the fullest it has ever been.”
“You got to eat a donut, now I want a donut! Doesn’t the human donut get a donut?” Hank replied, poking Tom’s belly.
“Oh, alright, just ‘cause I like you,” Tom replied, trying to stand up to grab the box of donuts, and immediately plummeting right back down into his chair, pulled down by his doubled weight, jostling Hank all around inside his belly.
“On the count of three I want you to lean hard to my left,” Tom began, knowing that if he could only just extend his reach a couple feet he might be able to grab the box before being pulled back down onto his chair by his big belly, “One, two…”
On the third count Hank tried to push sideways, and by some miracle it worked, Tom grasped the box by the corner before being pulled back down. He plopped the box onto the top of his belly, and slowly swallowed each of the remaining donuts, smiling as he did, knowing his best friend was happily enjoying the donuts as well, and enjoying feeling so wanted like all the food he loved.
“I should have eaten you way back when, when you mentioned liking this kinda thing,” Tom spoke, his eyes drooping in contentment.
Hank, finishing off his last donut and getting comfortable as Tom's stomach walls kneaded his body, replied “We don’t need to live in the past. I am happy right here, in this moment, and nothing but this joy and contentment matters more than right here, right now, as a donut.”
“Life is like a box of donuts; it may not last too long, but it sure can be incredibly tasty if you savor the good stuff that’s inside.”
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epicawsomeusername · 1 month
I’ve talked about how being in a belly would be comforting emotionally, but I also think the *physical* sensations would also be calming and soothing.
I imagine the inside of a belly to be warm and cozy. The stomach walls are soft and slimy, almost like being held in a cushiony chamber of warmth I guess. Idk how to explain it. The walls gently pulse and flex around you, reminding you that everything is alive. You would be gently cradled and coddled in a loving embrace while the tension is massaged out of your muscles.
But now that I’ve talked about the physical sensations, I’ve got to talk about the emotional side of it. There’s a quote from the book Tuesdays With Morrie that I think about a lot. I can’t find the exact quote, but it talks about that feeling of love and affection we feel when we’re young, and how as we grow up, we never really get over that feeling. Most of us still crave it. I think that’s where I get my love for vore. From my point of view, being in a belly symbolizes the feeling of safety and comfort. You’re as close as you can get to someone you love. Cradled gently in their core, showered with unconditional love.
I can see how the pred would find it comforting as well. When you care about someone, you naturally feel protective of them. And what better way to protect your friend than by hiding them away in your belly? It’s the safest place they could possibly be. They’re that comforting weight in your belly.
That’s why I created Kael. He’s designed to be a comforting presence. I wanted him to be the gentlest, most loving dragon he could possibly be, and I think I somewhat succeeded with that.
Sorry about the rant lol. I’ve just been thinking about this a lot lately and I wanted to share my thoughts. Idk if any of this even makes sense lol.
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roseytoesy · 1 year
Vore trope list
Screw it I’ve been looking for a list of vore tropes and stuff and can’t seem to find any! so you know what I’m going to make my own.
(Almost all of these I imagine as safe or has the option to be safe.)
Feel free to use this as an ask game too!
Story tropes:
Knight in shining armor (protection vore)
A heroic meal (protection vore but eating the bad guy)
Dragons sacrifice (poor soul(s) offered to a monster)
A bet (stupid idea + pride leads to shenanigans)
Feral/ lost to instincts (pred looses control of themselves)
Oh no you don’t! (Pred keeping prey from doing something stupid)
Tummy time out (prey annoyed/upset pred too much and ended in tummy as punishment)
Extreme cuddling (just as it says. both wanna be cozy together and what better way than inside a tum?)
dentist (thorough cleaning but with its own risks of being eaten due to being within a mouth)
vore spa day (covered in delicious smelling oils and products and given a deep massage deep into a pred)
magic! (Potions or spells making this small and safe)
sci-fi (aliens and other biological/scientific shenanigans leading to vore)
willingly “sacrificed” to a god
food play (from noodles to cakes and icecream get creative and have fun!)
Saved from drowning (merfolk or lifeguard making sure someone gets the air they need inside where they will be safe)
fearful (I don’t like the sound of fearplay)
cat and mouse games (pred having fun while the prey may or may not, depending)
hide and eat (hide and seek but the seeker is very hungry~)
Any taur vore (from nagas to centaurs, to driders, to anything you can think of!)
multiple stomaches (a safe one/storage and one not so safe one maybe)
slimes (pred or prey they can be both!)
edible clones (best way to remove extras is to eat them!)
high vore (they either got high from the prey or the pred was high and got munchy)
dinner dates (ending with an amazing prey dessert to finish off a successful date)
inexperienced/first time (weather it’s pred or prey is so good)
shy (either pred or prey struggle to ask.)
casual (just walk up to friend and say I want in. Or can I have a snack for a bit. Shrug and relax for an hour or two)
kidnapping (best way to ensure transportation and that they won’t get away)
object vore (from a small key to a fricken box tv. The bulges are always a fun plus)
Come and get it~ (pred ate item/person prey needs so they have to go down to get it)
sick (pred needs something to settle their stomach, or prey wants to hide away from the world and their troubles.)
comfort (help ground a pred during a panic attack. Help hide prey from anxieties)
A different form of love (other species licking and gently swallowing their loved ones as signs of affection.)
healing vore (stomach juices heal things alive and break apart anything dead.)
tough soft guy. (Scary/intimidating with a soft spot for one special prey.)
multiple prey (weather the pred was gluttonous or overwhelmed both are good.)
super willing and unwilling (pred excited to nom someone and they are not ok with it. And a super willing prey where the pred is somewhat worried/freaked out)
VIP (very important prey, gets a nice backstage show ending in a belly.)
sleep eating (pred had a nice dream about eating a marshmallow. Where’s their pillow/prey??)
another world (maybe somewhere where this is normal)
betrayal (prey gets gobbled up by friend and feels betrayed that they were nothing more than a meal/snack to who they thought they could trust.)
always close (pred hugging belly close or always having a hand over their precious cargo)
experiments! (Scientists doing things inside just because they are curious!)
overprotective (either pred or prey but they are possessive of their friend they aren’t allowed to be eaten by/eat anyone else!)
teasing (being charismatic or using double meaning words to get a snack or message across~)
domestic (a happy couple/ roommates sharing some nomes after cleaning together or getting things settled from the days adventures.)
robot (safely store items and prey at optimal temperatures and in a safe environment until threat has passed, or scans are completed, etc)
mine! (Hoarding things where NOONE can get to without their permission)
strings/equipment included (keeping prey on something to help them get out, though it may or may not fail depending on the pred)
demons deal (you got what you want and what they want in return is a nice meal~)
drink addition (prey floating in a drink and going down to their own special pool)
hot and cold (hot belly’s for cold days and cool belly’s for hot days)
It was an accident! (Took a tumble right down someone’s throat?! Or they didn’t notice someone in their drink)
Same size
half size
cat size
goopy/ painless digestion
belly mouth
Vore to endosoma
Half/full tour clean
dream vore
energy sapping
bulging stomach
hammer space stomach/ pocket dimension belly
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teal-fiend · 4 months
Party Trick
A uni student pred goes to a party. The group Find out he’s a pred. They want to see it for themselves.
Content: intoxication, fatal vore, pred pov, digestion, willing prey
It was a late night, I was in my dorm, rewriting notes under the yellow light of my desk lamp. I copied my scrawlings from the lecture in perfect, even strokes. 
I finished the page, and took a sip of coffee that had gone cold. I felt a hungry growl from my stomach. I’d gotten distracted by my work and neglected to have dinner. I lit a cigarette. Another distraction from hunger. 
As I was drifting off in thought, indulging in the cheap satisfaction of a nicotine high, the phone rang. It was an odd hour to call, still I answered it.
“Rowan speaking” “Ro,” I heard laughter in the background, “where are you?”
Alice had invited me to her party, I’d completely forgotten about it, too busy with my studying. 
“I’m at home.” 
“Get your scrawny ass over here now!” She shouted over the ambiance of the party. 
I thought I’d done enough work for the night, and I did want to go. “Alright,” I said loudly. She said something incoherent and then hung up.
I didn’t want to arrive sober, especially since I was already late, so I took a few long swigs from the bottle of whisky I kept in my room, then I put it in my satchel bag, along with my cigs. 
I felt a wave of light nausea and dizziness after the alcohol settled in my empty stomach. I hoped they had food at the party, because otherwise I’d be in for a rough night. 
I checked myself in the mirror before heading out. There were dark circles under my eyes, behind my tawny glasses. And my hair was deranged. I smoothed it down, I adjusted my collar, and smoothed down my dress shirt as well. 
I arrived at Alice’s not twenty minutes later, I fumbled with the gate’s lock, and watched my step as I ascended the stairs.
Alice greeted me, leaning against the doorframe, “Rowan’s here!” She exclaimed, drunk, happy, willing to share that with me. A few other party guests cheered when she said this, partially excited to see me, but mostly wanting something to cheer about.
I entered the house, the windows were foggy from the warmth of the bodies inside, drinking, talking, there was a stereo playing. Alice had a pole in her living room, and a tall boy was swinging around on it like a gymnast, even still with a bottle of gin glued to his hand.
I drank too, and was offered someone’s weed pipe, which I took a few introspective puffs from. I was still hungry, my drunkenness was less energetic like the rest of them, and more forlorn. The weed kicked in and I was content to feel sorry for myself. 
I found myself on a leather couch, in a conversation, but not able to pay much attention to it. The party was winding down, I was nestled in, we all were, in something of a circle.
They were trying to get my attention. 
“Rowan,” a blonde girl, who’s name I couldn’t remember asked, “is it true?” “Is what?” I asked dully. 
A boy, Peter, who was sitting next to me answered, “that you’re a predator?”
I did not expect that question. “Uh, yeah,” 
Alice asked, “what does it mean?”
“It means he eats people.”
“I haven’t done it in a while,” I said, and it was true, “I don’t even know if I still can.” Less true, but it seemed like the right thing to say.
“Why do you do it?” “I get hungry sometimes,” I explain, “It’s just something I can do, I guess,”
“Are you hungry now?” Peter asked.
“How did you learn how to do it?” Said someone else
My stomach made a protracted, implicatory growl. Its timing got the attention of everyone in the circle.
“You are hungry,” the blonde girl said, mystified. 
“You should consume someone here… that would be fucking crazy.”
I laughed self consciously. 
“Wait, should we actually?” Alice asked, with genuine interest. 
I felt a nervousness in my chest that was compounded by the pot. This could be a possibility... Everyone was drunk, high, and eager to see something they hadn’t seen before. My mouth watered at the realisation; the suggestion of a meal. I swallowed quickly.
“Maybe,” I said slowly, I didn’t want to seem too eager, But I’d never before eaten prey while high, and the idea was growing on me. 
“Okay, if we did, who would it be?” 
No one volunteered, and I was let down, and a little embarrassed. 
But then Peter said, “I would,”
Everyone hyped him up for that, and I felt my heart flutter concerningly. I hoped it wasn’t arrhythmia (it’s happened before).
Peter. I had never looked at him that way before. He usually wore glasses, but he wasn’t tonight. He was a good student, but not driven, not obsessive like me. I had never once considered him as my prey, but in the moment it was starting to make a lot of sense.
I had that thing that happens sometimes when you’re high, the time distortion, when you suddenly remember everything you did at once. Probably the weed making things seem more significant than they were, but I began to believe that everything I had done today was leading up to this moment. 
I watched him curiously. His soft brown hair might give me trouble, but his clear (if not alcohol flushed), smooth skin… He had an edible vibe to him. He wouldn’t be too demanding on my stomach.
And he had a healthy, organic aroma. Like he’d showered recently, but wasn’t wearing cologne. 
Alice giggled.
“What?” I asked innocently.
“Dude,” another guy chimed in, “you’re looking at him like he’s a ribeye or something,”
My face flushed. Peter grinned.
“Damn, okay,” Alice said, “do it then”
Peter turned to me. My predatory side was more than eager to have him, but I couldn’t help but wonder what my professor would think of me, eating one of my fellow students.
But then his hands were in my mouth, and I remembered how hungry I was. I hadn’t eaten in hours, I’d studied hard all day, the marijuana didn’t help with the cravings either. He tasted incredible, the vibrancy I was able to experience, no meal I’ve had sober could compare even remotely. 
Still I knew people were watching, so I tried to be cool about it. The prey dropped into my stomach and the reward chemicals in my brain made my body feel like butter. I fell apart.
The blonde girl felt my stomach through my dress shirt, which was riding up since my stomach had become engorged. She noticed how my belt was digging into my gut, so she undid it for me. 
The group cooed at me, gathering around, marvelling at the sight in front of them. The other guy, a redhead, I didn’t remember his name either, he unbuttoned my shirt in order to get a clear look at me. 
I closed my eyes and leaned back, offering my belly up for their inspection. Their many hands were on me, driven by morbid curiosity, pressing gently, tentatively testing my boundaries.
When the prey, Peter, started moving under my skin they gasped in surprise and fascination.
When I had my first prey, I was as interested in the visuals as they were. It was so strange to see my body change so much to accommodate my meal, and watching it squirm, pressing out against my own skin, it used to engross me. But now I was more intent on the sensations happening where I couldn’t see. Inside my stomach, I felt the prey at every point of contact on my internals. The friction caused by his wriggling invigorated my stomach. I swore I could feel the acids and enzymes being squeezed out with every press.
What’s more the prodding and patting that my audience was doing from the outside… I was being stimulated from every direction. It was almost too much. I kept my eyes closed.
I stretched languidly, smirking in content. I basked in the attention which was itself perhaps more enjoyable than the satisfaction of the meal. I relished in their enthrallment, these prey doting on my predatory body, witnessing me annihilating one of their species. It was a dark, existential event for them to indulge in, but by the way they kneaded into my belly, they seemed to be enjoying it more than I was. 
We were all high off our shit - I can’t imagine how Peter was doing in there, enveloped in a vacuum sealed, warm bag of flesh which teethed at him, unrelentingly. And then his friends on the outside, poking at him with almost scientific inquisition, playing with him like highschoolers at a frog dissection.
And for Alice and the two others, I was reminded of this psychedelic festival I was told about, where they had sensory boxes, filled with sand, or slime, any interesting texture that a tripped out party-goer could appreciate. I’d imagine my belly was having that effect on them; it was warm, doughy in places, but firm. It moved like it was alive, shifting unfathomably beneath their hands. 
Wait, does that mean I’m the sensory container? The thought made me feel strange.
Despite being stoned out of my mind, my digestive system went forward with its treacherous work. I heard a noise that sounded like someone was washing the dishes, and draining the sink. I wondered how the hell someone got a sink into the living room, when I realised the sound was coming from my stomach. The blonde girl pressed her head against my gut, and the others took their turn as well, listening to my drunken body digest our friend. 
I heard a door open, and footsteps coming towards us. Whoever it was said “what the fuck is going on in here?” Before promptly leaving. I thought that was the funniest shit ever, and I tried (unsuccessfully) to stifle a laugh. 
It was contagious, we all lost our shit for a minute. Laughing uncontrollably at the situation.
The ginger guy said, “ah man, Peter,” talking to my stomach.
Alice pushed with her shoulder on my lower belly, pushing it up further to my chest - my breath hitched - before releasing the hold, hearing it slosh as it settled back into position.
“Your tummy’s really heavy,” she sighed.
“What were you trying to do?” I asked, suppressing a belch due to the disturbance of my stomach contents.
“Move you onto the couch again.”
“I can get up on my own.” I couldn’t. I was pinned down and too inebriated to find any strength or balance.
“You’re so sleepy,” the guy said.
“Aw, sleepy Rowan,” the other girl sympathised.
It wasn’t so much sleepiness, but I couldn’t even begin to explain it to them. My conversational skills were not so finely tuned at the present moment.
The three of them got stuck into the task of covering me with blankets, quilts, and pillows from around the home. I was draped in what I think were hand towels as well, which confused me, but they were doing their best. 
I was strangely comfortable under the pile which was stacked atop me. 
All the lights in the house were turned off, and I thought they left me alone, but I felt at least one, maybe 2 bodies next to me, or maybe I was imagining things. 
As I fell into unconsciousness, I couldn't help but wonder if I was going to regret it in the morning.
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sillyromance · 3 months
Can you make comfort vore? From Optimus?
Hello, dear evelyntyecrqzy!
Sure! Here you go!
P.S: there is angst and one heavy word in this work. Also I've written it from the first person's perspective... I really hope you don't mind it.
Have a good day and take care!
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- How do you feel, little one?
It was late evening; almost all the lights were gone, the only bright area was Ratchet’s lab: the old medic was staring at the big green screen, typing aggressively on the panel and mumbling something inaudible. He was too busy to pay attention to anything else. The rest of the team left to their quarters after they had brought the kids home. No body had shown any signs of life since then.
I was lying on the couch, curled up in a tight ball. My head felt heavy and hurt; I felt cold and lonely. It was hard to hold back sobbing, but I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention - nobody cared anyways. Why would they? Were my problems that important?
I squeezed my eyes shut, tears running down my cheeks violently as my shoulders started shuddering...
And then I heard his deep, gentle voice.
"How do you feel, little one?" - I turned my red face to the huge mech behind me. Optimus Prime, my guardian. Through the cacophony of my thoughts I hadn't heard him coming. His blue optics far above glowed with concern.
I hurried to wipe the tear tracks from my face and stand up, mumbling something like: "Sorry" or "It's fine, don't bother yourself..." But as far as I did this, his large servo wrapped around me and very soon I found myself sitting on his plain rough palm, being swirled with his kind, sad gaze. I felt nothing but guilt, though the only reason for it was my depressing mood. I couldn't look straight at him, turning away over and over, rubbing my hot cheeks in attempt to get rid of the tears. I hated myself for the mess I had become – I waited for him to throw me away as far as he would get a good look at my ugliness. However, Optimus didn't seem disgusted with me at all.
- Did someone offend you? - The mech asked again with the same sincere tenderness in his tone.
I shook my head negatively.
- Is it something in your body?
I closed my face with both hands and shook the head even more violently, crooking.
- No...
- And what’s about your soul?..
I sniffed silently; choking sensation dug its claws into my throat as it let out a pathetic "Mm-gm..." and I nodded. Everything in me just fell somewhere down; I felt my poor heart beating hysterically in the stomach. There was a crazy mix of panicking fear and complete indifference. I was trembling, wishing to be left alone. But even more, I wanted to be comforted. I wanted someone to embrace me and whisper soothing words, to say that it was going to be OK, to stroke my hair as if I was just a kid. But wasn't it too much to ask? I didn't dare to believe Optimus would bother himself to spend time with such a puny, pathetic creature.
After this cut through my head, I couldn't keep myself from crying anymore – I literally burst out.
- Hey, look at me, Y/N.
Hesitantly, I obliged. I was ready to see disappointment or distaste, but instead...
- There is nothing to be embarrassed with. Do you want to talk about it?
I wasn't sure if I heard him right. Did he really... worry about me? Of course, as my guardian, he should have, regardless... Wasn't I dreaming?
- W-what d-do you m-mean? – I replied indecisively.
- I thought, perhaps you could share your pain with someone. Sometimes it helps. - A small, understanding smile appeared on his faceplate. - I'm sorry... It hurts my spark to see such precious little thing crying.
I lost my ability to speak for some seconds.
- Does it r-really? W-why?
Prime's eyebrows lifted up in surprise.
- Because you matter. You're my friend, Y/N. Friends help each other, don't they?
His gravely voice had already had its way with me. My shudders calmed down and though my eyes were still wet, I couldn't help but smiled back at him.
- Thank you... for this... But I don't want to talk right now...
- It's absolutely fine...
- ... I'm very, very tired, though. - At the moment I said that, my spine weakened and I collapsed at the flat, warm surface of Optimus' hand.
Something childish, basic, something from the abyss of my wild, subconscious core suddenly arose inside me and escaped my chest with barely audible plead.
- Please... Don't leave me here...
A quiet sigh rambled beside me; my entire figure was washed with warm air of his exhale.
- Don't worry, Y/N. I won't.
His digits closed over my tiny form. I wasn't able to see a thing anymore, but I could say for sure that we moved away from the place.
Quite soon the sounds of Ratchet's work faded away. Optimus opened one of the many electric doors and walked into a somewhat room - I heard a soft "whoosh" as the panel shifted back to its place. My guardian set me free on his berth, and only then I understood that we were in his private room. Sitting down beside me, he spoke even gentler than before:
- You are out of energy. And so do I. But still, I don't want you to stay alone...
Do you trust me?
I nod, already predicting where he was heading to. Cybotronian friends committed this small ritual with humans regularly; many were fond of it. However, I had never tried it with him. I couldn't claim that I was completely inexperienced too, but those previous times were emergencies which I couldn't truly like – they were harsh and distasteful like a rotten fruit. Now... It promised to be much more intimate. And it depended only on my wish.
I glanced at him through my eyelashes - I was too sleepy to keep the eyes wide open - and murmured:
- I do.
Optimus nodded. I was lifted up again - straight to his mouth.
Slowly, controlling every his movement, my guardian guided me inside his maw and laid my feet on his squishy glossa - there was a faint blue light twinkling at the back of his depthless throat illuminating a humid, warm chamber. Thanks to him I didn't even touch the sharp dents – their deadly blades loomed right above me, but stayed harmless, serving simply a reminder of what power Optimus actually had over me. The glossa curled around my legs as soft, thick blanket, then released them and I was pushed further to the glowing entrance of the esophagus.
I stared down, processing what was about to happen. I appreciated the leisure pace Optimus chose with me; his gentle licks and steady, rhythmical ventilating brought me nothing but comfort and peace. I sensed my toes in his pharynx and waited for inevitable with dull thrill - to be unceremoniously drugged into misty, humid confines of the muscles’ trap, to be deafed and choked. That what I was usually met with before, every time I was gulped down. However, when Optimus swallowed, his artificial, metal flesh contracted just slightly, pulling me so carefully inside that I almost missed the moment. It was like... A hug. The next swallow was just a little bit stronger - I gasped as he let his hand go off me and my tiny being got engulfed into his soft throat. It felt better than anything I knew before. Surrounded by the pulsing alien flesh, I finally felt protected and loved – the state I sought for so desperately all that fuckin’ day.
For some time he just held me there, his head titled back. I didn't make a move, trying to avoid hurting him. Living heat of his soaked into my bones and made me so drowsy that I thought I would fall asleep. However, at that moment the muscles came to action and lovingly tugged me deeper. The light grew brighter, though it didn't bother me at all; I was easily slipping in a long wiry tube constructed from the smaller ones, thinner and more solid, poured with viscous, bubbling energon – I was watching little sparks floating in there as I was passing by and a weak flame of forgotten happiness flickered in my soul once more.
Finally, I arrived at his fueltank. Its walls greeted me with a friendly squeeze, forcing me to curl into fetal position. I didn't cry anymore; all my worries and demons disappeared long ago, at the second I heard: "How do you feel, little one?"
God! I was so horribly wrong. I thought no one needed me, that I was lost, abandoned... And still, there was someone who couldn't bare me cry.
I felt Optimus' servo laying down on the lump I must have made on his waist, caressing me. I rubbed my head against the spot where I could recognize the pressure and smiled.
I did matter.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 2 months
ooh, how about some prompts for an extremely flustered Asriel getting relentlessly teased by preds who found out he's into vore? (Asgore, Rudy, and Sans would be nice, but whoever honestly)
Oh I'd looove to do this.
“C’mon, A.zzy, there’s no shame in snuggling with your old man, is there?” A.sgore asks with a big smile. He’s got a large arm around A.sriel, and the smaller goat is blushing hotly as he’s being squeezed against his father’s gut. The organ lets out a deep, wet groaning noise and sloshes around weakly as someone moves inside.
“Did you…have to eat my boyfriend, though?” A.sriel asks, unable to keep his eyes off his father’s gut. He’d brought his boyfriend over specifically to meet his dad. He thought things were going well but…A.sgore had just casually opened wide and scarfed A.sriel’s boyfriend down right before snuggling.
A wet burp escapes the older goat and he pats his gut a few times. “I’m just snuggling him, too! Makes sure there’s plenty of room on the couch.” A.sgore chuckles softly and slurps over his lips.
“I guess, but…” A.sriel trails off for a second as he feels A.sgore’s guts gurgle deeply against him. He can hear some muffled yelling inside, and he knows that his boyfriend isn’t having a good time. “…I think you’re digesting him, Dad.”
“Aw, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” A.sgore reassures with a smile. “Your boyfriend can handle being in the belly of an old man like me for a little while, can’t he?” ‘Old man’ is what A.sriel’s boyfriend had called A.sgore before he…
Another deep rumble comes from A.sgore’s gut, which A.sriel is starting to gently rub. “I…guess so, yeah.” He knows that his boyfriend probably isn’t coming out any time soon. Or at all. But this is…kind of nice.
“Besides, you enjoy this kind of stuff, right?” A.sgore goes on. “I saw you looking at this kinda stuff on your phone the last time you visited. So it’s working out for everyone, right?”
A.sriel’s face turns even redder. His dad saw that?! He buried his face in A.sgore’s stomach with an embarrassed whine, but his hand is still rubbing over the goat’s gut. “Dad, that’s sooo embarrassing..!”
A.sgore chuckles softly, but it’s interrupted by another wet belch as his guts gurgle thickly. A.sriel’s boyfriend is starting to move a lot less, the gut getting softer. “Golly, sorry, A.sriel. I thought you’d like this!”
“…I didn’t say I don’t…” A.sriel mumbles a bit into his dad’s stomach. He can feel the moment his boyfriend stops moving and A.sgore’s stomach starts to really work on him. “…I’ll make sure I have another boyfriend next time I visit. If you want.”
A.sgore blinks, then smiles softly. He gently rubs over A.sriel’s back as he feels his son snuggle into his gut. “That sounds like fun, A.zzy.” He sits back and lets out a final, deep belch, followed by a content sigh.
“R-R.udy?” A.sriel’s face turns red as he walks into his room at his dad’s house, just to find the reindeer relaxing on his bed. But more than that, he’s also sporting a very...large stomach. It’s gurgling and rumbling heavily, stomach shifting around inside.
“There ya are, kiddo!” R.udy flashes his usual big, toothy grin. He had his arms folded behind his head at first, but now he gives his stomach a few pats. “I was worried you wouldn’t get back in time! This old thing still works like a charm.” R.udy’s stomach lets out a deep, wet groan, whoever was inside shuddering and making the gut shift.
“What are you...doing in my room?” A.sriel starts moving closer, eyes on the reindeer’s stretched gut. He finds himself sitting on the bed, and without really thinking, he puts a hand against the gut. He can feel it burble deeply, and whatever was inside pushes back weakly. There’s a bit of give to the mass. A.sriel can tell that whoever this is has been digesting well.
“Fluffybuns only has the one guest room,” R.udy comments, slurping over his lips. “Just so happened I heard you were visiting while I was over! You don’t mind sharing the room, do ya? I bet I can make the three of us fit juuust fine.” R.udy pushes his hands down into his stomach, working out a thick, wet belch.
“I uh...I mean...I guess...that’s fine...” A.sriel gulps softly, starting to rub a bit deeper into R.udy’s stomach. He can feel how hard it’s working, melting down whoever it was the reindeer ate. The prey is starting to move less and get softer.
“I knew you wouldn’t mind,” R.udy says with a snicker. “Your old man mentioned this was a good way to get you to come around. And I gotta agree!”
A.sriel lets out a little huff, feeling embarrassed. “Ugh, Dad, does he really have to go around telling everyone..?”
“Don’t worry, kiddo. I don’t think he’s going to be telling anyone anything for a while.” R.udy grins when A.sriel looks up at him in confusion. The mass in his stomach goes still with a final shudder. R.udy leans forward, squishing his gut against A.sriel, and lets loose a deep, thick belch in the goat’s face.
A.sriel doesn’t pull away, his entire face going red as he stares into the reindeer’s maw and gets a good whiff of gut stink. But something comes up as R.udy’s guts soften and churn. Soft tufts of white fur, a bit of it getting stuck to A.sriel’s nose. The goat blinks and crosses his eyes to look at it. “...huh? Isn’t that..?”
R.udy chuckles and slowly slurps over his lips. He leans forward more, until his large gut is bowling over A.sriel and forcing the goat down under him. He sighs contently and relaxes on top of his groaning, gurgling stomach. “I think...the two of us are going to get along just fine, kid. And you can thank Fluffybuns for that one~”
A soft, embarrassed whine escapes A.sriel as the glowing blue stomach presses up against him. He was just trying to get a bit of shopping down at the new grocery store in town, and the skeleton, S.ans, had offered to help him ‘look around’. This is the fifth time he’s felt that gut press against him while S.ans tried to ‘show him’ where something is on a shelf.
Even worse, someone’s moving around in there. S.ans had eaten someone who had gotten annoyed over the skeleton abandoning their checkout halfway through to help A.sriel. They’re still kicking around in there, the blue gut hanging down to S.ans’s ankles. S.ans is shorter than A.sriel, but right now, he’s got weight to use. And he keeps using it.
A.sriel lets out a soft sigh when S.ans finally backs off on him, the skeleton’s gut sloshing and bouncing a bit as the person inside is given their space back. The random, unfortunate customers are still moving around in there but it’s slowed. Being squished over and over has been wearing them down.
“Well, I think that’s the end of the tour,” S.ans says. “But I still got something in store for you, kiddo.”
A.sriel can’t stop himself from snorting into his hand. He doesn’t want to laugh over such a bad joke, but they always get him. He clears his throat and tries to recover. “Uh...wh-what do you mean?”
“Still got the back.” S.ans turns and waddles off, his gut sloshing with every step. He heads behind the counter again and A.sriel follows along, watching the stomach the whole time. Once he’s behind the counter, S.ans makes him sit on the floor, back up against the counter. The goat is confused at first, but then he gets what S.ans wants.
S.ans’s stomach squishes against A.sriel, resting in his lap now and pressed against his body. His nose pokes into the soft blue gut a bit. Like this, he’s completely pinned down, forced to stay in place while the gut works. S.ans leans on the counter, resting his head in his hand. A wet belch rumbles out of him, followed by a content sigh. “I needed a cushion for the tank. I heard goat fur is the softest. What do you think?”
A.sriel lets out a soft bleat as S.ans grinds his stomach into him a bit. The whole thing gurgles and groans deeply. The customer inside is mostly still now, other than some occasional twitching. The organ keeps letting out harsh, wet noises as it works. With nothing else to do, A.sriel presses his muzzle a bit further into the gut. “Uh...y-yeah, something like that.”
“Good to know,” S.ans says. “I’ll just pretend I don’t feel anything hard down there, then.” Another bleat from A.sriel gets him chuckling softly. “Dunno how long you plan on staying in town, kiddo. But if you’re looking for something to do, I can hire you. Part-time gut cushion. How’s that sound?”
The stomach rumbles thickly against A.sriel. He can feel the person inside go fully still. He has just enough movement for his arms to rub his paws into the softening mass a bit. “...sounds...great.”
“Heh. Then you’re hired.” S.ans belches wetly again as he feels A.sriel bury his face into his stomach. “Have fun down there, kiddo.”
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 7 months
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❥ now playing ❝the summoning❞ by sleep token—❤︎
… be sure to follow the main, @krysphycookiez … that’s how we communicate outside of this place, since we can’t submit asks or comments under this blog.
oh … call me kosmo, or kos if you prefer <3
i will serve as your guide from this point on… exert caution as you’re making your way through this ancient palace.
welcome to the church of sacred wonders, my lovelies. each door will lead you to a different path that’ll entrance you with poetic melodies and wonderful treasures that’ll leave you wanting more… be careful now, and enjoy your journey~
a secret treasure trove filled with fantasies and wonders alike— surely you’ll find something that’ll suffice your taste. pick a book, any book! …. we have plenty to choose from :)
➵ interested in victorian novels?
— masterlist for the papas
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➵ interested in vore novels?
— masterlist for sleep token
➵ kosmos ficlets
➵ recommendations
➵ erotic evenings (nsfw event, coming soon~)
➵ holiday hoes > christmas event
where you’ll find the guide… he likes to stay around here. look into the thoughts of those around you… who knows what you’ll find? it may be interesting :)
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#kos’ timestamps [nsfw]
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the devil doesn’t sleep, and so he’s always here… watching. confess your sins… you’re deepest and darkest desires. trust me, they’ll listen :)
request page
— tell them what you want. they’ll listen, they always do. but be sure to read the rules… trust me. you don’t want to break them.
now with all of that in mind… enjoy your stay here…
…we love to treat our guests with love and care.
take care now ❤︎
— kosmo
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nebbynebbu · 8 months
Been thinking lately of how Vore is the ultimate act of intimacy for me. I'm aware some people think the same, just wanted to share my own thoughts. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy the sillier aspects of vore! Nor I think it's less intimate or that someone is wrong by having a different perspective. I adore the playful bickering, shenanigans and different concepts that my friends share and that I see here on Tumblr. These are my feelings and experience.
Holding someone close before consuming them whole because you can't explain (fully or at all) that desire, hunger. The pred's body screams, wanting that warm weight inside, the craving grows, and so, the stomach eats itself as it's demands aren't fulfilled. It's hurting, but once the pred feels the prey's scent and touch… it's all gone, they are bestowed with bliss, even if they can't swallow, just… holding. The stomach growls in protest, but it's rather calm now, it understands the prey can't always be around, still, even if the feeling of "I want to keep them safe, I will keep them safe" lingers around, both know things will be alright. Prey also shares of that hunger, albeit different, but they do. Nonverbal scenarios tend to hit me a bit too hard. Gestures, body language, the understanding of one's emotions without the need of words. How much trust, care, love is in there that leads to a hunger for company that is never satisfied, even when they are close, when one is being held or inside. There is always a lil' extra thing, tight hugs, running their fingers through the one's hair, seeking the other's hand just as they get inside, just a bit more, how the pred unconsciously rests one hand on top of their belly, giving it a few taps and rubs, going through their day, carrying that comforting weight around, refusing to let go.
Letting myself be eaten is how much I love someone. I want to be a warm weight that they can focus on for a bit, I want to hold them in my own way, I want to take care of them, it's unfortunate that I can't become their world. And it's not about solving a problem or stopping an unpleasant feeling, it's embracing it with them. It's no guarantee that it will help and will make them feel better, but... they won't be alone. I'll listen to everyone, some are deserving of my hugs, but there is just one who may have my existence.
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thenixkat · 1 month
Mundane AU!Laios thoughts
Probably contains spoilers
Mundane au= no magic and no fantasy 'races' (like... little people are a thing, they exist in reality, some people just have dwarfism. The elves are just skinny racist and xenophobic Europeans like? And there's already parralells made with the demi humans so if I do anything the orcs are Afro Native and Kobolds are somewhere African or Arab. And for the ogres... gigantism is a thing that exists in real like and totally a teen girl would just wear some horns.)
The Toudens are European-born. From somewhere cold as hell, really isolated and conservative, that's close to some mountains, that's racist towards the local indigenous people.
(The sibs, but especially Laios got chewed out about some shit and has been trying to be better, slips up every now and then but takes criticism well so long as folks tell him what he did/said wrong).
Local weird kids put off vibes that the rest of the village didn't like, Laios and Falin grew up bullied and ostracized. Falin got sent off to schooling in the big city and later to a university in Italy where she met Marcille.
Laios dropped out of high school and joined the military as soon as he was able to b/c he wanted to get the hell out of dodge. Served for a few shitty years b4 just... deserting and backpacking across Europe just straight up homeless and working whatever odd jobs he could find. Man was going through it. Wound up in the same city where Falin was studying at a university in and decided to visit her. She took one look at him and refused to let him just go back to what he was doing, so Laios started couch surfing with her (very much against dorm rules but he looked terrible and Falin wasn't about to let anyone stop her from making sure her brother has a roof over his head and food).
Eventually, she takes him with her when she does a work-study in the USA for her ecology degree and they ended up staying/Falin kinda maybe sorta dropped out and got a job with a vet near where she was doing her work-study.
Laios and Falin are technically illegal immigrants but they're white so no one really questions their citizenship (their working on getting citizenship/papers)
Laios gets a GED. Does some self-study from Falin's textbooks and online stuff but that's about it for his schooling.
Laios definitely, like, lives in Falin's basement. Falin is the primary breadwinner in this household, Laios is aware of this and has learned to accept it even tho he would like to take care of his baby sister and sometimes feels bad about not being able to. They used to share a room in a cheap apartment but after building up enough savings they managed to buy a suspiciously cheap house in a rural town bordering a reservation and not far from a national park.
Laios still works odd jobs, mostly physical labor and stuff where they won't ask for a degree. Has worked retail, where his customer service was trash but he's darn good at just stocking and shelving shit.
Met Chilchuck while working retail, Chilchuck introduced him to the concept of a union which Laios thinks is really neat.
The town where the Touden's moved has a sizable population of people with dwarfism, Chilchuck is a notable member of the little person community in the area. The Touden's go to Chilchuck for help with paperwork (they pay him a small fee) and he doesn't ask too many questions about why they don't have this or that piece of documentation.
Laios enjoys doing citizen science and bird watching. During the tourist season, he runs a small wilderness guide giving campers and hikers tours in the local national park.
There's a hermit that lives in the national park illegally (Senshi) that Laios and Falin made friends with. They love his cooking.
Laios is active in the online furry community. He does commissions, mostly of digital and physical art or people's fursonas and vore stuff. He does great ferals, and decent anthros, but his human art is not good (he's working on it).
Laios is decidedly chubby in this, his weight goes up and down depending on the season and how much physical activity he's doing. But ever since he reunited with Falin, she's been making sure he doesn't skip meals if they can afford to eat. And ever since he met Senshi he's gotten heftier since he loves that man's cooking.
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gayvorestories · 2 months
What you,think about idea of predator who finally meets someone who he’s interested in but don’t sees as food/prey, so that he struggles to share his food preferences? For example, A is Predator planning to go on date with some cute guy B, who A really likes but very nervous about how his vore habits will be met by B, so he’s intended not to demonstrate those. But here appears C, A’s trouble, annoying guy who is obsessed with A after they had a random hookup or few, so C now tries to convince A that C is A’s fate and love till the end of love, causing troubles during date between A and B (or/and during preparation to the date), so A gets eventually annoyed and eventually forced to deal with problem radical way - he eats C, and next tries to go through the rest of the date with B without exposing his carnivorous secret, acting like he’s just overate.
Bonus ideas:
- B is completely amazed by A’s new found shape but too much shy to admit that, so he secretly tries pretending-accidentally to touch the belly, and A is trying to avoid B’s touching afraid that prey movements will be felt
- C knows A’s secret and obsessed with A because of it, and blackmailing A with telling truth to B
- C haves some friend or small group of friends (1-3 guys) who help him to get A back (or/and working at the place where date is happening), but not knowing A’s secret and getting worried when C disappears (and maybe A is eating those as well, eating more prey’s at once that he ever ate)
- Alt. unhappy ending where during some misunderstanding A eventually decides to eat B before B is having a chance to explain his actual feelings
My apologies, got too much horny during describing my thoughts, hope you’ll like this!
If I'm reading this right, you want a story where a guy is trying to go on a date but a clingy former hookup is actively trying to sabotage him so he eats the hookup. Then he goes on the date, trying to hide his pred status from the guy he's dating, all while the guy he's going out with is absolutely fawning over his belly
god bless this is such a good fucking prompt
edit: imma level with you, this will be long so I'm gonna have to write it in more than one installment but GOD I am absolutely doing this one
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