#but I also know Clawd and Abbey are coming
Sometimes trying to talk yourself into reconsidering bad financial decisions using PowerPoint is the best thing you could do in this situation
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fulgurbugs · 4 months
It’s time for another doll review!
today, i’m unboxing venus mcflytrap, the newest in the series of core students for monster high g3. she’s been showing up in targets sporadically, though my targets tend to be late on the pickup so i ended up ordering her for delivery as soon as she was up on the website.
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she was delivered a few days early and i sent her to my moms house, so i was dying to go back there to open her up for those few days. here’s her in box! she’s quite tall, though without an abbey to compare im not sure if she’s about the same size as her?
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freed from the box! once again the star jar is my prop-up instead of a proper stand, though venus is actually sturdy enough to stand on her own without too much trouble.
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of course we’ll take a look at the shoes. g3 loves a gradient boot, and i’m a fan here. the look like concrete planters before they fade to pink, and the teeth are just hilarious.
the vines are rubbery and removable. the bottoms of them have a peg that secures them to the boots.
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another detail i wanted a close up on is venus’s molded vine details. i love that g3 is going more in with the monsterey details, and these are awesome. they peek out just above her mismatched legging pieces
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the face: venus’s mold and makeup are both great. instead of the shaved side of her g1 version, she has molded braids, which still give her that asymmetrical look. her ear mold also has a leaf look to it as well. her hair is some kind of yarn, i believe. i’m not sure how durable the ends are, though, so i may see if there’s a need to seal them to preserve them. (in addition, one minor defect i have seen people have with their venus rooting is that the larger yarn plugs seem to sometimes tear her scalp slightly, so it may be something to check for if you’re buying her in person.) i’m a very big fan of the black features they’ve added to venus this generation, which i think has been the general consensus on her design that i’ve seen online. her reception has been overwhelmingly positive, and she is the doll that has many people warming up to g3. and id have to agree! i’m a little picky with what dolls i want (unless they’re draculaura dolls, lol) and she was an instant note on my wantlist as soon as those stock photos were out.
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accessories! venus comes with a clear open backpack, icoffin, energy bar, water bottle, a hair product bottle (if someone knows specifically what product it is please let me know, im not sure off the top of my head), sunglasses shaped like venus flytraps (of course) and her pet, chewlian.
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chewlian is well… definitely a pet! he does come out of the pot, though. i said this in a previous review, i think core lagoonas, but i’m continually baffled and amused at the ability of g3 to turn every pet into a dog or cat version of it. while the pets have never been a draw for me, this is just comical. i think i’ll stick by a previous joke i made that chewlian just ate someone’s dog, and that’s why he looks like that.
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the backpack can hold one (1) chewlian or all of her other accessories. something about the way this backpack sits on her or the silhouette or something is awesome to me, i love it a lot. it’s super cute, and i want to display her with the bag instead of storing the backpacks like i usually do.
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one last little thing, while i don’t have abbey, my draculauras, or even twyla to compare her too, i think venus is about abbey height, though i think she’s got a slimmer body and hips. here’s her next to frankie. venus also uses the clawed hand mold.
of course, we have to have the obligatory .5 shot
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and that’s venus! one last note i want to make is there’s been a lot of fomo around her, but i want to remind people she is going to be widely available as abbey and clawd are. she is going to stick around for a long time compared to other lines, so there’s no need to pay scalper prices for her (i know i say this as someone who bought her as soon as i could, but that was as soon as i could for strictly retail price. i’m just saying i get it, lol.)
i also recognize that that’s a bit america-centric, but she also did start showing up in person in the UK before the US, so hopefully her international release isn’t as frustrating as other lines and characters.
thanks for reading! big g3 venus fan now and forever, and i’m excited to see her eventually show up in other lines, too!
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persephone-s-moon · 1 year
Who I think the Lost Boys' favorite Monster High characters would be
This turned out longer than I expected, but I also included explanations for my picks. Let me know your guy's thoughts :))
(I did try to put a read-more link, but it fucked up the picture formatting, so I apologize for the long post)
David: G1 Toralei Stripe and G3 Draculaura
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For Toralei, David LOVES a messy bitch. He supports women's wrongs always, and Toralei causes almost every problem in Monster High. I definitely see David as a cat guy, and Toralei is the true embodiment of cat-attitude. She's a leader and your classic mean-girl, but doesn't like kicking people who are already down, and you know what? He respects it. He respects it a lot.
When it comes to Draculaura, he didn't really get the G1 hype. She's very sweet and pink, which is Totally not his style (so he says), and he thought the Monster High take on vampires was incredibly silly. But by G3, Draculaura's grown on him. He doesn't really get the whole vampire-witch thing, but he's surprisingly fond of her new style. He likes the dainty little sheer details on her main doll's top especially. Also, the image of this "cool" vampire with a cute little pink doll is Very Good.
Honorable mentions: G1 Cleo De Nile, G1 Nefera De Nile, G1 Spectra Vondergeist
Marko: G1 Venus McFlytrap and G3 Frankie Stein
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Look at Venus and tell me Marko wouldn't be obsessed with her. Her overall personality is really inconsistent, but he's super fond of her being depicted as a loud, chaotic party animal. He really likes her bold colors and all of the patterns she wears and the fucking sharp teeth on her shoes. I could see him trying to recreate that. He'd also add little details of his own to her battle vest.
He wasn't really big on G1 Frankie because she was sort of basic to him, but really likes the new take on their preppy/punk style, especially the new bright color palette. Neons really stick out to him. The new prosthetic leg is so goddamn cool y'all, and he'd be all over the idea of Frankie doodling on themselves. Also! Canon trans doll! I headcanon Marko as transmasc, so the inclusion of a nonbinary doll that actively binds? Sign him up, he wants that.
Honorable mentions: G1 Ghoulia Yelps, G1 Howleen Wolf, G1 Holt Hyde
Paul: G1 Lagoona Blue and G3 Ghoulia Yelps
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Lagoona is such a cute monster, and she's so fucking friendly. She can get along with any monster without letting anyone walk all over her (except for Gil, who Paul HATES), and Paul would just adore her passion. He really likes how she leans into the whole fish-aesthetic with her outfits, and he just thinks she so cool. Like, look at the fishnet shorts!! He'd love that shit!! Specifically I think he'd like her Dawn of the Dance look, but moreso the official art rather than the doll.
G3 Ghoulia is so cool y'all. He already liked G1 Ghoulia, who was easily in his top five monsters, but G3 has that skater/gamer aesthetic and this man just eats it up. I feel like he'd be disappointed that she doesn't speak Zombie anymore, but her new cool-girl schtick makes up for it. He definitely gets rid of her eyebrows with nail-polish remover as soon as he gets her out of the box though. Thinks she looks better without them.
Honorable mentions: G1 Ghoulia Yelps, G1 Deuce Gorgon, G1 Clawd wolf, G1 Viperine Gorgon
Dwayne: G1 Clawdeen, G1 Abbey Bominable, and G3 Ghoulia Yelps
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Yes, Dwayne gets THREE because I genuinely couldn't decide between G1 Clawdeen and G1 Abbey for him, and I didn't feel like G3 Abbey was really his style.
G1 Clawdeen is That Bitch. She's confident, bold, and does not hesitate to call someone out on their bs. I think Dwayne would really admire her feircly protecive nature and her no-nonsense attitude. And that fur coat? That fur coat that she wears to high school? Increadible. Amazing. Showstopping. Dwayne would also figure out how to curl doll hair just for Clawdeen because he Knows what she deserves. The irony of a vampire liking a werewolf character is not lost on him.
Is Abbey's accent accurate to the Himalayas? No. Does Dwayne care? Also no. Abbey is way too charming of a character for him to be terribly bothered by her Russian-esk accent (even though he points it out Every Time). She's honest to the point of accidently insulting her friends and doesn't really understand a ton of cultural differences, which Dwayne thinks makes her more fun. He'd really love her dry sense of humor and her strong disposition. And honestly? Maybe I just think he has a thing for faux fur.
Another G3 Ghoulia enjoyer. I feel like we've somehow collectively forgotten that Dwayne skateboards. I haven't forgotten though, and I think Dwayne would redecorate Ghoulia's skateboard and then promptly lose it (he'd end up stealing Paul's and then gaslight him into thinking it was his the whole time). I think he'd really enjoy this more confident version of Ghoulia, but again, disappointed by the language shift. (I'm projecting at this point.)
Honorable mentions: G1 Cleo De Nile, G1 Frankie, G1 Clawd Wolf, G2 Deuce Gorgon
Star: G1 Spectra Vondergeist and G3 Cleo De Nile
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Look me in the eyes and tell me that Spectra DOESN'T make you think of Star. She's pretty reclusive but a mega gossip, and she's super quick to make judgements. Spectra will literally make shit up and then start to believe it herself, including lies about her own past. Her aesthetic is somewhere between the lost boys' and Star's, which looks both cool and super flowy. Star would totally see herself in Spectra in both appearance and personity, and as another supporter of women's wrongs, I think that she'd adore her.
Honestly I feel like G3 would be a hard sell for Star because she's already so attached to the original versions of the characters, but if she had to pick, it would be Cleo. Her jacket and accessories are so fucking cool, and Star definitely wishes she could see herself properly so she could do makeup like that (she does NOT trust the boys). She would try to paint Cleo's molded-on bandages and ruin the plastic, but she'd wrap real fabric around it to hide her fuck up.
Honorable mentions: G1 Purrsephone and Meowlody, G1 Cleo De Nile, G1 Operetta
Michael: G1 Frankie Stein and G3 Deuce Gorgon
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Michael is nothing if not a basic bitch. G1 Frankie is very peppy and constantly confused since she's somehow always 16 days old, which I think Michael can relate to. She has the messiest fucking love-life known to man, and he gets it. She's exploring and trying to learn everything at once, which includes relationships, and Michael isn't exactly known for thinking things like that through. He isn't the biggest on any sort of fashion, but I think he'd like her color palette and the little stitch details. That, and I think he'd find her heterochromia really cool.
G3 Deuce is the first time Deuce didn't look like a weird asshole to Michael, and I think after meeting the lost boys, he's definitely more into alternative men's fashion than he used to be. This new Deuce is what Michael considers "cool" in a cartoonish sort of way. I wouldn't put it past him to try to figure out how to decorate his jacket a little to resemble Deuce's considering the lost boys all have something unique going on, but I think he'd end up regretting the snake motif since it isn't really Him.
Honorable mentions: G1 Jackson Jekyll, G1 "Slo Mo" Mortavitch, G1 Iris Clops
Sam: G1 Draculaura and G3 Twyla Boogeyman
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He's going with the safe choice, but he's right. Draculaura is sweet, sensitive, and a shopaholic (something he can related to, Mr. Born-to-shop). I think, like Star, he'd be the type project onto her. He'd get as many different Draculaura sets his grubby little hands and mostly-empty wallet can get and he'd talk to all of them like, "You hearing this shit, Draculaura?" Even though she's a vampire and he's recently been on the anti-vampire bandwagon, he makes an exception for her because she's vegan.
I feel like he was surprised with how much he liked the new Twyla since he wasn't terribly fond of G1 Twyla, but I think changing the green to a nice teal really helped. Her patterns don't clash as much (neither do her accessories, which he was SUPER bothered by in G1), and her hair Actually looks nice. She just feels more cohesive, which really sells her to Sam. He's still a die-hard Draculaura fan, but there's room in his heart for two cute monsters.
Honorable mentions: G1 Clawdeen, G1 Clawd, G1 Rochelle Goyle, G3 Draculaura
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thunderstomm · 1 year
Talking About The New Abbey Bominable and Clawd Wolf G3 Basic Dolls
So, after a long time of waiting and teasing, we have finally gotten high quality images of Abbey and Clawd's new G3 Monster High dolls! I'm very excited to see them revealed, and want to talk about them, and what I think- as well as whether I will be saving up to buy them or not.
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I think I'm in love again, because G3 Abbey is GORGEOUS, based off just the pictures we have seen of her so far. Her outfit is very similar to the one she wears in the Nick TV show, with a white shirt with snowflake decals, the fishnet undershirt, and fluffy cuffs. The pants look mostly similar, but seem to have slits at the bottom, which I think were absent in her animated form? She also sports a fuzzy wrap/scarf item, which I think brings the outfit together very nicely. She wears different earrings to the show, and I must say I prefer the pair she has on the doll. I do wonder if her ears will have 2 holes, for both parts of the piercing. Her hair differs greatly from the show, with her double bun hairstyle missing from the doll. Her hair has tinsel in it, which I think is fine, but know many collectors will see an issue with. Previous Abbey dolls have typically had tinsel, so it's not new.
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Abbey's doll actually fixes a lot of the problems I had with her look in the show- That being Abbey finally looks like a monster, and not just a "blue girl". Her doll is given clawed hands, which I think may be a new mold for her doll! She has more prominent baby tusks, and finally has pointed ears, instead of rounded ones. My favorite detail, however, is the fact she sports a small pair of horns atop her head! This is a new detail for any Abbey doll, and I think it's a perfect detail to finally make her appear more Yeti-Like!
Abbey's face is super beautiful! She has a purple lip, purple eyes, and frosty makeup. She also has a purple nose, which I think is an adorable detail. G3 Abbey has freckles, and a snowflake marking under one of her eyes, which I think are very cute details, which help bring her look together better.
Abbey comes with the same accessories as most basic dolls. She comes with a very cute drinks cup, with the lid even sporting her horns, a frozen Popsicle, an item seemingly labelled "Snowgorpse", an adorable Yeti-themed phone, a transparent backpack, which matches her T-shirt, and a pair of sunglasses, which match the pair she wears in the TV series. Sadly, they do not seem to be translucent, thanks to their pearly finish! Abbey also comes with pet Baby Mammoth Shiver, who is the same pet she owned in G1. Shiver looks mostly the same, except for their ears looking more like bat wings- a detail I'm not very fond of personally.
Overall, I adore Abbey's new doll, and think it's one of the best core dolls of the whole wave so far. I definitely want to add her to my collection when she releases!
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The second boy character to get a doll for G3, and he's certainly a boy doll! I'm super excited to say, he has a rooted head of hair! Which I think, helps make this doll. I adore his curly hair. Clawd also has printed on and sculpted sideburns, but lacks the little "beard", which his show counterpart has- a detail which i think should have been included on his doll. He has some adorable wolf ears, which look like they've been swallowed up by his big hair. Clawd's face feels like it doesn't really fit in with the other dolls, which I think may have to do with his eye shape looking more "realistic". Clawd sports an eyebrow slit, similar to the show, a button wolf nose, brown lips, and little wolf fangs. Clawd's skin also appears to be darker than Clawdeen's- despite them having the same skin tone in the TV series.
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Clawd's outfit matches his appearance in the show almost perfectly. He sports a black shirt with a scratch pattern, a varsity jacket, with pleather sleeves in two colours, which looks pretty similar to the G1 varsity, thanks to it's pink details, grey jeans with scratch patterns, and purple hi-top shoes. His extra outfit piece appears to be a casketball shirt- however, it doesn't match the casketball uniform we see Clawdeen, or any other student wear, in the show, or on a doll. Overall, I am a big fan of Clawd's outfit, and would actually wear it IRL if it was made in my size.
Clawd comes with the standard accessories of a MH doll, including what looks like a bag of chips, a snack bar, a clear waterbottle with removable lid, and a purple, werewolf themed phone. He also comes with a pair of yellow sunglasses, which are translucent! His bag he comes with is a black duffel bag, with a small golden charm, shaped like a pawprint. His pet is presumably Rockseena, who was also his pet in G1. They appear to be a lighter grey, and sport a light pink collar. They are also much cuter, dropping the "scary" look of the G1 pet.
Overall- I like Clawd's doll! It is one of the better boy dolls I have seen, and I would probably rank it above Deuce's doll, thanks to it's rooted hair alone. I probably will not buy this doll, unless a sale pops up, however.
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What Do You Think?
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Some things abt monster high (2022) ships!
Draculaura x Lagoona
This ship made some sense to me after the episode w who gets voted head fearleader. They really seem to at least, connect with each other. And hinted at a bit in over bro tective. Probably my second favorite mh ship. However I believe the movie episode makes Lagoona x Gill seem like it could become canon however they have literally never interacted onscreen yet. Lagoona has two hands too so. Honorable mention to Twyla x Lagoona bc of the movie episode although as an nd person it came off more like nd solidarity. I relate Lagoona's 'chomps' to some aspects of my bpd and Twyla is of course canonically autistic. But also as a ship I think it could work, as literally nd4nd is so real.
Draculaura x Manny Taur
This is one of those one-sided rivalry turned study buddies turned ship things, I don't think I ship it a lot but it seems plausible except that Manny seems to be more a side character. The kind of ship that would probably happen irl and be relatively stable. The episode where Clawd first appears was when I felt this seemed to show up.
Draculaura x Clawd
This. Like. Tbh I feel Draculaura didn't exactly show kindness towards Clawd due to being worried about her vampirism in that ep. But the resolution of the conflict in this ep kind of made me realise that they may actually be hinting at this ship in canon(maybe a call back to older versions of mh) although I did not expect that
For what it's worth I don't really know if I see Draculaura as into any of these characters romantically. Maybe bc she always seems more focused on other things but. Also I feel that makes her come off as a character whos either into multiple people or not into anyone, also gives room for an aro or arospec interpretation but.
I feel that could be true of Clawdeen and Clawd as well, tbh those three just. Don't seem all that invested in romance or interested in others that way. I also think Twyla and Draculaura(more so movie version than show tho) and Torelei (yeah ik shes like. mean but Im apl and literally not my fault half the apl coded characters r villains or bullies) also come off as aplatonic or aplspec coded.
Frankie x Cleo
This. Probably my mh otp. Horoscare hints at this ship so much and so does that episode where they find the mummy necklace thing! The ship I think is most likely to be canon! They even show Frankie blushing and stuff like. Theres a lot of things that make it clear they're implying romance in terms of how cartoons tend to imply ships. Also one episode description for a future episode literally involves Deuce being a wingman for Frankie to ask Cleo to the monster ball!!
I think I definitely ship this in an arospec way bc Im arospec but. Quoiromantic greyromantic Frankie is such a headcanon I have and maybe Demiromantic Cleo bc. I also feel Cleo would realise her feelings after Frankie realised theirs. Although I also see Frankie having trouble interpreting their feelings towards Cleo or maybe not.
In one episode a playback of Clawdeen's monster minute is shown in which she says something about who she thinks is cute but it cuts off before any names are said (I believe it could be Deuce or Howleen. My partner and I even have a lighthearted bet on this in case it gets revealed, they guess Duece and I guess Howleen. Theres also the chance that neither and/or it is not revealed). It is to be considered that in the movie Deuce and Clawdeen do have chemistry but. I don't see that in this version at all tbh. Clawdeen doesn't seem to have romantic chemistry with anyone in the show tbh. And neither does Deuce imo
I do know that one sided Heath x Abbey is. Kind of noticeable but tbh Abbey is new to school at monster high and also I dont think its ever hinted that she feels the same about Heath although its possible she does and this ship may become canon?
Not really a ship at all for me but. Ghoulia seems like she really looks up to admires Skelly maybe in a fangirl-y way and that may be like. A celeb crush thing there and/or gender envy?
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thatkinkyautistic · 22 days
Some Monster high characters and their respective heritages:
Deus- greek
Iris- greek
Manny- greek
(^^^They are all monsters from greek mythology)
Draculaura- Taiwanese,Romanian
Abbey- Nepalese
Clawdeen/clawd- afromexican
Toralei- north Indian(the last name of her actor in the 2nd movie is a surname commonly associated with people of northern Indian descent. Also,tigers come from Asia and Eurasia,so It's pretty safe to assume she's Asian.)
Cleo- native Egyptian
Lagoona- Honduran
Kuma- Japanese
Finnigan- irish
Venus- afroirish (she is a black girl,and mcfly is an irish surname. Therefore,she is likely afroirish)
Frankie stein- german. Stein is a Germanic name.
Sarah screams(g1)- banshees are irish,so I'm assuming she's irish.
O'shriek- irish
This is all just for fun,don't take it too seriously :)
If anyone wants to add other character's heritages,feel free to! This is just what I know off of the top of my head.
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zimulacrum · 1 year
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I posted 239 times in 2022
That's 239 more posts than 2021!
192 posts created (80%)
47 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 199 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#monster high - 160 posts
#frankie stein - 86 posts
#monster high 2022 - 48 posts
#monster high cosplay - 41 posts
#mh frankie - 41 posts
#frankie stein cosplay - 40 posts
#monster high meme - 35 posts
#jackson jekyll - 21 posts
#monster high gen 3 - 20 posts
#monster high reboot - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#also people accuse frankie of being a pick me ghoul but like…drac is the one who’s always saying she’s so small and wants to be with
My Top Posts in 2022:
Monster High characters that are autistic because I (an autistic person) said so
Frankie - you KNOW this bitch has awful situational awareness and will copy other people/say random quotes.
Ghoulia - nonverbal gnc they/them ass MOTHERFUCKER
Jackson and Holt - these two are on complete opposite ends of every spectrum—holt needs reassurance on ANYTHING and frankie will engage in jackson’s ramblings
Abbey - THE most direct mf with the BIGGEST flat effect (affect?)
Spectra - her special interest is People
Scarah - tbh i dont have a big reason, it’s just the vibes
Robecca - now you KNOW this bitch has every vine in her vocabulary
Gooliope - she needs to get what her mind is set on DONE
Jane - reads EVERYTHING so FUCKING precisely, actually
Luna - theatre kid
Lilith - again, it’s just the vibes dude just trust me
472 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
no because why would they get rid of
and not
474 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
everybody fangsta til lagoona whips out the
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536 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
"Harry Styles is making history by breaking gender norms and wearing dresses!"
icon Heath Burns already did that???
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3,178 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
monster high is so funny bc the most terrible things can happen and everything turns out okay with a dance party.
oh, racism? kidnapping? school getting destroyed? girl killer? monster hunter? public execution? you die and come back?
6,402 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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delphoxqueen · 2 years
Lagoona Blue’s Diary- Wave 2 (2011)
{Scroll to the bottom of the post for the actual diary pages!}
This Diary Belongs to: Lagoona Blue
If you’re going to dive into my diary make sure you know how to swim.
Name: Lagoona Blue
School: Monster High
I finally got the big wave board that a fiend of mine down under custom made for me. I can’t wait to try it out at Cyclops, Dungeon Beach or maybe Ghost Trees. Of course now that school’s in I can’t just take off whenever I want. Hopefully there’ll be some monster swells over one of our holidays -find crossed till then.
Conditions for the surf meet were perfect today and I was able to score my first 10 of the season off this killer wave that I totally could feel breathing down the back of my neck. I thought it was going to eat me alive but it only nipped me a bit and then let me escape. Draculaura, Frankie, Clawdeen and Clawd all came out to watch which was totally awesome only…Gil was supposed to be there too but he wasn't. He texted me after it was all over to tell me that Frankie sent him a video of the wave and that I was totally bonzer… I didn’t have the heart to tell him no monster uses that word anymore but he’s so cute when he tries to use slang from down under. He also said he was totally sorry he couldn’t make it but he had some kind of family thing come up and he couldn’t get out of it. I told him no worries but I really was bummed.’ That he wasn’t there to see me ride.
Today I hung out with Abbey Bominable. She’s new this year and I think she’s been having a hard go of it. Her family lives way up the mountain and so Abbey stays with Headless Headmistress Bloodgood during the week so she doesn’t have to make the up and down trek every day. She can’t even count on calling home every day cause they don’t have cell phones on the mountain, which I can totally relate to since my dad doesn’t have one either. Of course he does live in a place that’s not exactly friendly to electronics. Anyway, I told her that I understood how hard it is to be in a strange place away from your friends and family where no monster speaks your language or really understands your culture. Even at Monster High where there are all kinds of monsters from all kinds of different places it can still take a while to get your sea legs. So when she asked me if I was some kind of fish girl- :) - I did start laughing but I let her know that I wasn’t laughing at her and even though she wanted to walk away I made her come back and we talked for a long time. Abbey is very… direct. She is also very tall and quite strong so I think some monsters get intimidated by her. But you know what? She’s also scary sweet and funny. When I told her that her language skills were fine she said, “No they are… abominable.” I didn’t know if she understood what she had just said but she cracked a little smile and said, “It is joke.” I think Abbey is going to be just fine at MH.
A rumor cyclone hit school today and nearly turned the whole place into a disaster area, Mom once told me that there are three things every monster should know about a storm:
You can’t stop a storm by being in the middle of it
A storm brings out the best and worst in every monster that goes through one.
Storms take far longer to clean up after than they actually last.
Being raised on the ocean, I’ve seen and been through some monster cyclones but I never figured mum’s rules for a storm would apply to this kind of situation.
HH Bloodgood wants us to write about our monster heritage for this book to put together and give out to all of us at the end of the year. All right then- this should be easy or possibly not. Problem is my dad is a very private monster and not even the mates on my surf team know him very well and that’s after he had been a volunteer at all our competitions. Until he met me mum he barely had any contact with dry land monsters at all. ‘Course mum’s not exactly a dry land monster either- she’s an ocean nymph. She still lives in the same scary sweet little grotto as she did when dad met and married her. Being a nymph means that mum can leave the water and hang out on land as long as she doesn’t travel too far from her grotto otherwise she gets really weak. Dad will only leave the water for very short periods of time and that’s only if there’s a real emergency- like one time when I was just a small fry I was playing on top of this rock and didn’t notice the tide going out. When I finally did pay attention I found that at low tide it was a long way from the top of that rock where I was to the bottom of that rock that was now sticking out of the sand. Mum couldn’t come and help me cause I was too far from the grotto and I was too little to climb down on my own. I remember the sun being very hot and my skin was starting to not just dry out but to burn. I was really scared and I thought I was never going to get down when I heard my dad calling my name, “Lagoona, it’s okay- be brave and jump to me so we can get you back in the water.” I had to jump down a little but not too far cause dad climbed almost to the top of the rock to get me. It was still a long way from that rock back to the water though and it couldn’t have been easy on my dad to cross that distance twice. He told me later that being on land for him was like swimming against the strongest current in the ocean and never being able to rest. I reckon to have the best of both me and mum and dad though since I’m at home when I’m in the water but I don’t feel like a stranger when I’m on land.
Mad Science class had to be cancelled today after pier Heath Burns let his impulsive nature get the best of him. A bunch of us walked into class just as Mr. Hackington finished unpacking a large piece of lab equipment. He said it was a gift to the school from a former student who was now a famous mad scientist. It looked like a monster sized shoe box standing on its end and was painted completely black except for one shiny metallic button about half way up one of its sides. Mr. H. was just about to tell us what it was when he got called to the office for some reason. The last thing he said before he left was “All right me little Pandoras- nobody touch the box while I’m gone.” Of course Heath was out of his chair and standing at the box as soon as Mr. Hackington stepped out of the room. Sometimes Deuce will stone Heath before he can get into trouble but this time Deuce just shook his head and said, “He’s got to learn sometime.” Heath just laughed and said, “What?” “Nothing’s going to happen- watch.” Heath pushed the button and there was a noise like a tea kettle makes just before it starts to whistle. Heath jumped back and then the noise stopped. I guess we’d all been holding our breaths… at least those of us who breath… cause we all let them out at once which Heath thought was funny and he walked back over to the box and leaned against its side. “See I told you nothing was going to hap…” was all he got out as a panel in the box opened up and two tentacles shot out and pulled Heath in. The panel immediately closed and we could hear Heath yelling for help and lots of banging and what sounded like splashing. Mr. Hackington came back at that moment and he must have figured out what happened pretty quick cause he ran to his desk, grabbed something that looked like a remote control and pointed it at the box. All of a sudden a panel at the bottom of the box opened and Heath shaped package wrapped in what looked like a spider silk dipped in tar shot out and bounced across the floor. Mr. Hackington made us all leave before we could find out if Heath was okay but later on in the day Headless Headmistress Bloodgood told us he was going to be fine only he was going to need a few days off from school. Poor bloke.
Gil and I got into a fight today. = ( I’m not even sure how it started although he did seek to be a bit preoccupied and crabby today. Anyway, one minute we were swimming laps in the MH pool and the next we were shouting at each other. All I said was we should mix up our training with some laps in the ocean. The next thing I know he’s accusing me of being snob who doesn’t like fresh water. I was totally gob smacked. I shouted, “Gillington Webber!” “Why would you say such a thing?” I don’t think I’ve ever used his full name before and it seemed to snap him out of whatever funk he was in. He apologized and left the pool but later on in the day he put a scary sweet card in my locker. I wish he would tell me what’s going on but he totally clams up if I push him so I guess I’ll find out sooner or later… I’m hoping sooner.
About Me
Name: Lagoona Blue
Age: 15
Monster Parent: The Sea Monster
Killer Style: I mostly like to creep out in my baggies, tank top and floppies. That way I’m ready for any kind of a scary good time whether it’s surfing, screech volleyball or checking out the monster bro’s with my girls. But I also like to show up to parties in my scary cute little black dress just to show everybody I can pull off the look.
Freaky Flaw: My skin tends to dry out if I spend too much time out of the water so I go through a fright of monstuerizer. Chlorine from the Monster High pool also has a tendency to turn my blind hair blue but it’s a creeperific look don’t you think?
Pet: Neptuna is my pet piranha and I’ve got a special purse that’s actually a fishbowl so I can secretly take Neptuna to class.
Favorite Activity: Anything that involves being in, on or around the water.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Anyone who treats the ocean like his or her own personal trashcan.
Favorite School Subject: Ocean-ography. If I can’t be in the water I want to be studying about it.
Least Favorite School Subject: Geology. Volcanoes + rocks + desert= my nightmares.
Favorite Color: Ocean blue.
Favorite Food: Sushi.
BFF’s: I’m down with everybody brah.
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pxper-cranes · 2 years
Some thoughts on Monster High 2022
When I first Heard that Monster High was going to get a live action treatment I was really scared, and while the film is yet to even properly release, It seems that the negatives outweigh the positives. I mean as far as live action reboots have gone, we've all seen worse, but there's a lot so things to discuss.
Ok so starting off with the positives; The notion of getting canon non-binary Frankie Stein played by a non-binary actor is so slay I'm glad it gave us that at least. I feel like it is a really natural and interesting way to take the character, and any queer rep in monster high of all places is welcomed with open arms, now all we need is for Clawdeen and Draculaura to hold hands perhaps as well.
As far as the fashion is concerned, I'm less excited. Now while I'm not a fashion expert, I feel that the outfits chosen haven't been curated to the level they could have been. While they remain 'vaguely accurate' to each character's aesthetics, I feel as if more could have been done. For instance, drive up Frankie's chaotic academia look, mismatch socks and shoes, go thrifting, dive completely into the gothic lolita fashion for Draculaura, and maybe be a little bit less on the nose with Clawdeen, perhaps instead going for a leather jacket with a fur trim instead of that large bushy coat. outfits are important to a character, it can show how they strive to present themselves and can tell the audience what a character has access to and what they are equipped and prepared to handle, and so far the costuming looks rather cheap and not as natural as it could be, which could all be because of possible budget constraints
Something else I'm a bit gloomy about is the unavoidable lack of a lot of prominent fan favourite characters. Abbey and Clawd specifically come to mind as two I haven't seen yet and will be greatly missed, especially after their lack of appearance in the last monster high reboot. I know monster high has a lot of characters and this is just one movie, but its a bit upsetting that some favs wont make the cut.
And last concern, or perhaps just observation, is the cinematography and stage stuff. Now I am by no means an expert, and can bet money on this being because of budget constraints, but a lot of the clips I've seen so far make the movie look a lot more like a stage play/musical rather than a film. It looks like they're on a stage most of the time with minimal or cheap props and a lot of smoke machines, specifically in the 'Thee of us' number, which also seems to insinuate a decrease in musical quality from the animated films, at least in my opinion. personally I wouldn't have been opposed to this being a stage play if that would have been more applicable to the kinds of thing the people being the movie would be able to produce, which would alleviate many of my concerns.
But in the end, I'm just kinda glad to see the Monster High fandom alive and well, you guys really are troopers for sticking it out this long, and while I most likely wont follow the production for the new film or seek it out once it releases, I hope it gives a new generation the same kind of love it did to people like me when I was younger, and I comment the people behind the film for following in what I hope is for many of them a passion project.
Edit: Learned the directors a racist, which sucks. There's tons of info about all that on here under the monster high tags rn, alongside the controversy about the actors of Clawdeen and Cleo being more light skinned than their animated movie counterparts specifically, which sucks to see, especially in this fandom. I mean, monster high has tackled racism in media before, their whole thing is about unapologetically being yourself, even when other people don't like it, and for a series which is supposed to stand for marginalised groups like that failing to reach these standards is disappointing. I didn't bring it up in the original post, because A. I'm white myself, which means I am by no means the person to throw in two cents on issues such as this and B. there are many blogs by creators who are POC and who have the authority necessary to comment properly on this issue. But that's basically, all I hope, sorry this was such a long post out of nowhere.
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hey-haven · 2 years
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It’s time for the gremlin boy to take the spotlight!
Heath Burns
-So like I said before how Holt purposely uses cringy online slang to annoy people. Heath says them unironcially.
- “Yo Abbey, your vibes are so awesomesauce! Will you be my little pog champ? 🥺”
- I never said he used them right
- After freshman year, Heath cut ties with Manny altogether after he realized how much the Minotaur reeks of toxic masculinity. He also didn’t like the kind of guy he was becoming just to impress Manny.
- Heath is a boy, he’s always identified as one. Won’t stop him from wearing skirts and dresses. Was deadass set to include them into his wardrobe after that one fashion show at school.
- Heath originally screamed LGBT Ally but then I remembered that he was all but confirmed to be pansexual, which I’m down with.
- Except he’s a dumbass and legit did not know there was a word for how he felt for years despite literally having gone to Frankie’s GSA club meetings
- In case it wasn’t obvious, he doesn’t really have full control of his fire powers unlike Holt and Jackson. It’s something he’s self conscious about cause fire elementals normally have their powers down by like 13.
- He’s the shortest of the guy squad, but he lowkey is okay with that cause it makes it easier for Abbey to pick him up :))))) Don’t tell the others though. (Honestly not that it matters cause that girl could also easily pick Clawd up if she wanted to)
- Heath acts more like a brother to Holt and Jackson than a cousin. They were close since they were kids and now that they live together the sibling energy has only doubled. Like he’s that annoying guy who will come into Jackson’s room while he’s studying and just stand there. Maybe knock over a water bottle.
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dragonbugsuperior · 2 years
Ok but- Clawdeen and Catrine?
Can we talk about how cute Clawdeen and Catrine’s relationship would be if they canonically became a couple.
Just imagine Clawdeen’s in Scaris to further her fashion talent and designing abilities while Catrine is focusing on her artistic skills, they’re both trying to find inspiration and are unable to really find it while both are having inner conflicts with their romantic part of their lives.
I know that MH’s fan base has died out because of the lack of production but I just had a really nice sapphic thought. Garrett did say he liked the idea of Clawdeen being lesbian and she has never actually been in a long term committed relationship. All the flings Clawdeen has had were short lived and we never seen those people again. But it would be nice if she explored things with Catrine. It would add diversity to the Monster High. All of the main cast are canonically heterosexual and cisgender with boyfriends (Draculaura and Clawd, Cleo and Deuce, Operetta and Johnny, Lagoona and Gil, Ghoulia and Slo-Mo, and Frankie with Jackson/Holt, Andy, Neighthan, Abbey and Heath; possibly, I don’t think they made it official or actually dated. It’s not that Clawdeen needs a relationship, she’s perfectly fine without one or anyone but it would be pretty riveting if the writers and Garrett decide to make her lesbian and throw some sapphic romance into a new movie or something. It would be so good for representation and queer romance in general. Catrine has no romantic interests either so it would be a good opportunity to also explore her sexuality.
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I feel as if both Clawdeen and Catrine are preoccupied with their dreams and aspirations with their talents and skills in fashion and art. But both of them struggle with the strong inner desire for a relationship that has been discovered. In a couple of movies Clawdeen has expressed her indifference towards romantic relationships, specifically with guys. She is the only ghoul out of the main 6 to be single throughout the entire series of movies and episodes and only dates a couple of people which were short lived and never went further. (Might as well call them flings) Clawdeen also did not like the idea of her brother dating her best friend, it is noted that she didn’t like the idea because she feared the effect it would have on her relationship with Draculaura however what effect she feared it would have is not implied. Maybe Clawdeen might’ve had feelings for Draculaura and didn’t like the fact that her brother was dating her best friend who she might’ve liked romantically. In Ghouls Rule Draculaura desperately tries setting Clawdeen up with a number of different guys in which Clawdeen heavily and strongly disapprovingly declines, warning Draculaura sternly that she didn’t want a relationship. Clawdeen aspires to become a fashion designer and own her own fashion brand, while Catrine wishes to be an artist. The relationship between them could be so immaculate. Their love for art and fashion tie well together that they can share many interests. Romantic dates in Scaris, long deep talks, adorable sapphic moments. Catrine has a mysterious aura to her like there’s more to her than we know and I would love to see more interaction between her and Clawdeen.
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Clawdeen’s sexual orientation is not really confirmed or known however onOctober 11 Garrett posted a message with the tag #ClawdeenIsALesbian
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It was also confirmed Valentine (Keiran Valentine) was originally supposed to be gay but for other reasons Garret stated it wasn’t the “right time” and Valentine had a fear of loving monsters of the same gender. Leading to them writing team to make him the antagonist and be a past love interest for Draculaura
The tag in the post could be a implication that he just likes the idea or Clawdeen is actually a lesbian and Garrett and the writers are indirectly hinting this instead of coming out directly about it or explicitly showing this. But with Garrett tagging that it’s highly likely she is actually a lesbian. Once you think about it, it makes sense.
- Clawdeen hated the idea of Clawd and Draculaura dating (canon reason: the effect it would have on the relationship, other possible reason: plain jealousy, possible feelings for Draculaura)
- Clawdeen in a suit- I mean seriously! that’s so lesbian vibes
- No romantic relationships. Like mentioned, she could just be occupied with her fashion and talent that she genuinely doesn’t care for romance but..that doesn’t mean she’s not gay
- Garrett’s Tag😭
A plot set in London or Italy or maybe back in Scaris and Clawdeen gets an internship to work at a big fashion show for a famous French designer, the plot shaker is there’s been missing jewels and artifacts in Scaris and the ghouls have a mission to retrieve them as spies and Catrine happens to be in Scaris for an internship for the same fashion show. Clawdeen not only finds inspiration but she also learns something new about herself- she has special feelings towards a certain ghoul.
I know some MH fans complain about people pushing the narrative of Clawdeen being gay “too much” but it’s highly annoying and frustrating that nearly everyone is cis, and/or straight. That’s frankly too played out and repetitive. Straight and cis people have been represented in media for as long as entertainments been a thing. A little bit of LGBTQ wouldn’t hurt. It would actually be quite beneficial. There are a lot of LGBTQ kids who would probably love to see their favorite show/ or characters being diverse. To see other LGBTQ ppl represented in media. It matters a lot. It’s important. Of course different monster groups being diverse in ethnics to the franchise is great! but it lacks in other areas. I also support the idea of Clawdeen just simply focusing on what’s truly important to her but lesbian Clawdeen, in a relationship with Catrine is such a cute vision.
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Okay, I'm just gonna write out my main ideas for my Reimagined Monster High. Here we go.
-it takes place in a world where monsters are outnumbered and shunned by humans, so monsters are forced to basically live in secret. Away from humans, in their own secret communities.
-The school itself was founded by Nora Bloodgood. Monster High was the first school of its kind to accept all kinds of monsters and has been running for hundreds of years. Also, it's a boarding school.
-The story will be mostly character driven with the main players being,
-Toralei Stripe. A werecat.
An orphan adopted by Headmistress Bloodgood. Toralei made friends with twin sisters Meowlody and Purrsephone Moon. Unfortunately, the 3 of them became the biggest bullies in the school. Though the twins were much more worse then Toralei. The twins were send to juvy after "the freezer incident".
"The freezer incident", Without Toralei's knowledge, the twins played their most dangerous prank of all. They locked Deuce Gorgon, a cold blooded monster into the school freezer, resulting in him almost freezing to death.
After that, Toralei took a long, hard look in the mirror and decided to change. Trying to redeem herself. So far most students are still untrusting of her. But 2 of them have forgiven her and became her friends, those 2 being...
-Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. A werewolf and vampire couple.
Clawdeen is a fashion designer with quite a following. Monsters love her designs and she's gotten quite a lot of commissions.
She always speaks her mind and has an extreme dislike for lies and liars. She's also fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and family, especially her younger siblings, Clawd and Howleen.
Draculaura is vegetarian vampire, no meat or blood for her. Unfortunately, due to her diet she's also extremely vulnerable to direct sunlight and always carries a parasol or umbrella with her.
Draculaura is one of, if not the most kind person in the school. And yet, there's some hints she's got a dark past. She's 1599 years old, so of course she has some secrets she doesn't want anyone to know about.
-Frankie Stein. One of the 3 new students at the beginning of the story.
Frankie is only a month old and still doesn't quite understand how the world works. She only knows stuff from outdated teen girl magazines. So, yeah. She knows nothing.
Frankie is assigned as Toralei's new roommate. Which means Toralei is half the time busy with making sure Frankie doesn't piss off the entire student body with her antics. Luckily she's helped by Clawdeen and Draculaura.
The 3 of them become Frankie's guides to life. With varying degrees of success.
-Gil Webber. The 2nd of 3 new students at school.
Gil was raised by highly abusive and bigoted parents. Constantly talking about how dangerous and despicable other monsters are. They sheltered Gil never letting him outside or go to the surface. Gil grew up terrified of the world.
Eventually, word got out about Gil's situation and the authorities got involved. Gil's parents were arrested and Gil was taken to Monster High and put in the care of Nora Bloodgood.
Gil is assigned as the new roommate of...
-Deuce Gorgon. Half gorgon, half human.
Deuce has lived for thousands of years since ancient Greece. Son of medusa and inherited her stone gaze. If he looks someone in the eye, they turn to stone. Luckily, since Deuce is half human the gaze is only temporary. And it doesn't work on monsters made out of stone or the undead. Like ghosts, zombies and mummies.
Deuce is a nervous wreck. Freezer trauma notwithstanding, he's constantly worried about dropping his sunglasses and turning someone to stone. He's also insecure about his skills as a chef and artist. He tries to look cool and laid back but he's not fooling anyone.
The snakes on his head are named, Jefferson, Addison, Carson, Maddison and Ed. He treats them as younger siblings even though they're all the same age.
Deuce has some trouble helping Gil not being afraid of everything. So he finds help from other water monsters. Sirena Von Boo? Too ditzy. Finnegan Wake? Comes on too strong. So his only choice is...
-Lagoona Blue. Half Sea monster, Half Water nymph.
Lagoona is bubbly, kind, carefree and very much a Himbo. She's genderfluid so they go by any pronouns he feels like at the moment.
They have 2 passions. Sports. And helping people out. And Gil is just the person that desperately needs Lagoona's help.
-Cleo De Nile. A mummy.
A princess who disowned her family because of how horrible they were. Cleo's lived long enough to know that being bad doesn't get you anywhere.
She's kind, understanding, and extremely generous. She's a natural born leader who takes charge when needed.
-Billy Where. An invisible man.
Billy, or "Invisi-Billy" as some call him is a theater kid at heart. Aside from that Billy also loves discovering the unknown and mysterious.
While his father is invisible all the time, Billy can control his visibility at will. He can even make other objects or people he's touching invisible.
Billy was assigned a new dorm room by Headmistress Bloodgood. A room down in the catacombs. He was put there cuz Bloodgood believes he can help the student living down there with his problems. That student being...
-Johnny Spirit. An unchained ghost.
Johnny died during the late 50s and he's got the greaser look down pat.
Johnny refuses to leave the catacombs and interact with other students, he does not wanna get involved or get attached to anyone. So he does not like having a roommate forced upon him.
And yet, as time goes on Johnny starts caring for Billy and thinking of him as a friend. Eventually trusting him enough to tell him the reason why he shut himself off. The story of how he died.
But that's a story for another time. ;P
Other important characters include,
Abbey Bominable. 3rd new student. She's blunt and likes photography. She has no roommate but gets taken in by,
Clawd Wolf and Heath Burns. Boyfriends that guide Abbey through the school and drag her into their shenanigans and schemes.
Ghoulia Yelps. Cleo's best friend and assistant. Genius.
Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde. Mad scientist and laid back DJ sharing a body.
Neightan Rot. Gay zombicorn. Can go from dishevelled hobo to fabulous drag queen in 10 seconds.
Spectra Vondergeist. Ghost "reporter" that runs the ghostly gossip.
And many more students.
So that's my basic idea. What do you think?
Feel free to leave questions about other students and their roles and what kind of plans I have for this au.
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erikascleves · 2 years
- Astranova and Operetta are dating (don't turn off Boo York when the credits are on, because there's a cute little scene after the credits)
- The only person that knows that Nefera is gay is Cleo. That's the only reason she didn't question why Nefera wasn't the one promising herself to Seth. Their father has suspicions, but he doesn't care enough to bring it up.
- Cleo is a trans woman and Deuce is a trans man
- Abbey and Heath are also trans
- Clawd is bisexual
- Operetta is pansexual
- Abbey is Nepali but lived in Russia for a little while, that's where her accent comes from.
- Nefera and Cleo used to get along more when they were younger, but after Nefera became famous things got very bad between them
- Ramses has favoritism towards Nefera because she's older, but isn't the best dad to either of the girls.
- This is so random but I think Operetta would love country music
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toitown · 2 years
Monster March!
Day 21: Create your own doll line!
Gosh, I love designing outfits, but my whole own doll line? Gosh, what would I make? I guess if I had to pick, it’d be really cool to take my MH sewing circle headcanons from my “Some random MH headcanons ‘cause I’m bored, part 2” post and turn them into their own line! Plus I think the sewing circle theme would tie in really well with a fashion doll line, and the HCs would fit nicely into MH’s self expectance message.
Also, for anyone unfamiliar with my HCs from that post, I HC that MH has a small official sewing circle with only 4 members: Clawdeen (founder and current leader), Frankie, Abbey, and Clawd. Although Clawd’s attendance is kept a secret in the group because he’s embarrassed about his love of fashion, and is worried people would make fun of him for it. The whole club is run out of a small art supplies room and “supervised” by a sweet art teacher who lets them uses some supplies and pops in every now and again for check ups, she doesn’t know much about the group or really do anything with them.
The line would have 4 dolls and a small play-set: Clawdeen Wolf, Frankie Stein, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, and the sewing room/art supply room. Each doll would come with a brush, a second outfit that they made for themselves during their sewing circle, and a paper story booklet. Each installment would be numbered in the same order as I listed the dolls.
The first booklet would set up the sewing circle, Clawd’s secret love for fashion and membership to the sewing circle, and his fear that his friends would make fun of him or laugh him off the casketball team if they knew. The second booklet would be about how the 4 are making this awesome gown, and their supervisor seeing it and deciding to do something nice for them by entering it into the school art contest on their behalf. The only problem is that she includes all 4 names on it because she doesn’t know that he’s attending secretly. In the third book, the 4 find out and try to get his name off the project so no one finds out, hijinks ensue! In the fourth book it’s found out that the group is too late, the judging has already happened and now all of the art projects are open for the school to see! All hope seems lost, especially when Deuce and Heath see it. But it turns out the group won first place, and Deuce and Heath don’t judge him for it all, they’re actually super excited for Clawd! Heath wants to know how he and the ghouls did it, and Deuce wants to know if Clawd can help him fix his torn casketball jersey. The ending moral is that good friends support your hobbies, and that you should be proud of your talents.
The playset would be their sewing room! It’d come with the gown from the booklets on a model/stand, a plastic first place ribbon with a pen-like clip on the back so it can be hooked to the collar of the dress (or even other outfits!), a table, a chair, a sewing machine, and a basket with 4 different colors of faux spools of thread which can be put on a peg of the sewing machine to pretend that the characters are really sewing the outfits when they run them underneath the (blunted) needle.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @deardmvz! ty Marilyn!
How many works do you have on ao3?
19 currently! And counting!
What’s your total ao3 word count?
120,141! I’m very long winded!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Chase the Wind
2. A Stake of Holly in Her Heart
3. I Hope That Something Better Comes Along
4. Spring Fever (the warm of glowing love)
5. A Password and A Promise
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So many! I won’t even name them all here, but I’m still writing for Batman (specifically gotham, telltale, and lego Batman) and overwatch! One of these days when I get the courage I’ll post my other works to my ao3!
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Every last one! I love to hear from my readers, and I feel that if they took the time to respond to what I wrote, I personally like to do the same and let them know I appreciate them reaching out!! But I also usually only get a handful of comments on my fics, so it’s not hard to reply to them all!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I’d say that’s probably for a fic I haven’t posted yet, so I’m not going to spoil anything!! (though the true answer for posted fics would be my hollogrove au fic that so far only got like 3 kudos)
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Not a lot! But currently I am workshopping a gotham x stranger things au because the actor who plays Martin and little Billy is the same! And that’s definitely pretty crazy rn!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have! Only one time, and that was on Lover, Lover Number 9, an au fic where magic is real, and I was criticized because Steve’s reaction to a love potion almost, but not successfully, being used on him was “unrealistic.” I tried to be nice and explain to them that in a magical universe, ones reactions to a spell being used on them is going to be different than what our perspective might be, and that it’s just a fic that was properly tagged where nothing bad even happened anyways, and they just called me a bitch soo..
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope! I get far too caught up on descriptions and things, so it’s never any good! I find it much easier to rp smut because then it’s more natural!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I am aware!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I’m not really big enough in this fandom to catch that kind of attention! But it would be really cool if somebody wanted to!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, no!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Ooh I can’t even begin to pick! Harringrove, kegboys, batjokes, nygmobblepot, roadrat, mcashe, reaper76, draculara x clawd, abbey x heath, red x mokey, and luis and maria from sesame street are all my top comfort ships tho.
What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue? I never read back my own writing, so I don’t really know, but I always end up writing the dialogue first and then filling things in, so that’s at least the easiest for me! (whether it’s any good or not is another question though!)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Word repetition or just getting the wrong word for something, not knowing where to stop a plotline, too many ideas, but I don’t know because I don’t really like to pick my skills apart! I think my biggest weakness is making my fics too boring!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Depends on the situation! If I have to use translate for the whole thing I’m probably not going to do it, but I have enough understanding of French and Spanish to write short, simple dialogues! But there’s always the fact that my readers might not understand it, so I’m kind of indifferent I guess.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooh probably Batman? As a little kid I was super obsessed with Batman Forever and I wrote booklets full of two face x riddler fan fiction on stapled together pieces of printer paper!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Maybe Dream Boy Lover? It’s one where Billy and Heather are friends, and he’s crushing on Steve! I have a whole series planned out to accompany it that I’ll finish one day!!
I’m really not sure who has and hasn’t been tagged, so I’ll tag just anybody who wants to do this! If y’all are feeling left out, don’t be shy to say I tagged ya! <3
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Monster Exchange Draculaura Passport
6 June
I have lost my passport. Okay, maybe “lost” isn’t the right word, maybe “misplaced” is better, or at least it makes me feel better to think of it just not being really “lost, lost”; because “misplaced” means I can actually come across it by looking in places where it is not normally kept, whereas “lost” means the possibility of me ever finding it again is dreadfully small. I am not in panic mode yet, though. There is still time to find it before I have to leave for Shibooya. I hope. Clawd thinks I need to apply for another passport, but that would mean giving up and admitting that I really have lost it instead of just misplaced it. I can hear Dad now, “Draculaura, it is totes irresponsible of you to lose such an important document.” Okay, maybe I can’t exactly hear him saying “totes”, but the rest of that sentence comes through loud and clear. I’m doing my best not to tell him, which is waaaay easier since he’s out of country right now... with his passport not lost or misplaced, I’m sure.
13 June
I am sitting in the student exchange gorientation class right now. I am pretending to take notes, which makes Mr. D’eath happy. It also has the curious effect of keeping him from repeating himself, which means the class doesn’t go as long. If I were legitimately taking notes, these are some of the subjects I would have written down:
Do not lose your passport. This is an important document, and it is your responsibility to keep up with it.
One time Mr. D’eath lost his passport and never got the chance to go on his exchange trip, which meant he had to stay home and work in his father’s shoe store instead of getting to see the Eiffel Terror.
Do not lose your passport.
I think I would be getting a lot more out of this class right now if I weren’t being constantly reminded of this. Bats! I know it has to be somewhere - “Well, of course, it has to be somewhere Draculaura, things don’t just vanish into thin air.” Oh, yeah? What about Invisi Billy? “Okay - except for Invisi Billy.” Lagoona just snorted again, I know that snort; it’s what she does when she tries to turn a laugh into a sneeze. I wish I were sitting next to her so I could be in on whatever it is that she’s laughing about, but Mr. D’eath won’t let us sit next to each other because, apparently, we’re “disruptive.” So not fair, and right now Lagoona needs some encouragement. She’s already missing Gil, and she hasn’t even left yet. I’m going to miss Clawd, too, but our situation is totes different than theirs is. I should talk to the ghouls and see if we can do something special for them. Ooh, I think Mr. D’eath is wrapping things up. Feariously? Again with the lost passport? I get it already... I just wish I had gotten it before I lost... er... misplaced it. Sigh...
15 June
I went over to Clawd’s house for dinner tonight. It was fun. His mom always makes sure to cook something without meat in it for me. This time it was pasta with scarinara sauce. She also made meatballs, but, of course, I passed on those. The Wolfs treat me like I am a member of their pack, and I always feel so special when I’m there. It made me think of Lagoona again, and how even something as simple as dinner is such a scary hard thing to make happen for her and Gil. When we finished eating, Clawd and I went for a walk. If he was worried about me being gone, he did not show it. I think some ghouls would take this as a sign that something was wrong, but I know better. There’s barely enough room in our relationship for the drama I bring to it, so I’m glad Clawd doesn’t add his own. Speaking of drama, I told him about my passport. Clawd snorted, but it wasn’t because he was trying to turn a laugh into a sneeze. It’s a “concern snort” which tells me that a solution has been released in his brain and it is currently trying to find a way out that does not sound like an order. Clawd is used to barking out orders. I guess that comes with being the captain of both the football and caketball teams. “I think, maybe you should get a replacement,” he said. “If you apply now, you’ll have time. If you wait, you won’t. That happened to Clawdia before she went to school in Londoom - it was a total pain in the fang.” I told him I would download the paperwork and fill it out, but I still don’t want to admit that it’s actually lost. I wonder if there is a box on the form for “misplaced”? I know it’s totes silly to carry on like this, but I don’t want to give up until I find it. 
25 June
It wasn’t hard to get the ghouls to agree to act as hair and makeup artists, it wasn’t hard to get Cleo to ask her dad for the use of a limo, it wasn’t hard to get the mansters to dress like body guards, but it was deadly difficult to get Gil to agree. “I don’t want to do it,” he said. “It’s just going to fall through, and then we’ll both be disappointed.” I finally had to resort to an intervention. Gil thought he was going to have a game day with the mansters at Deuce’s house, but not so much. When he walked down the stairs to the basement and saw all of us sitting there, he turned to Deuce and said, “I knew I smelled a trap.” Deuce said, “I could have just stoned you, but I’d rather have you mad at me than Lagoona.” It took a while, but after we laid out the plan... several times... he finally agreed. He was a nervous wreck on the way to pick her up, but by the time we arrived, with no flat tires, engine trouble, alien invasions or Heath Burns incidents, he was so excited he could barely stay in the limo while we went to get Lagoona. They had a clawsome day just to themselves, and we got to be a part of it. Totes perfect.
27 June
I was this close to moving my passport from “misplaced” to “lost” when I decided it was time to call in some backup. I invited Clawdeen, Frankie, Ghoulia, Abbey and Cleo for a creepover/passport hunt. I may or may not have mentioned the part about the passport hunt before they showed up, although according to the ghouls I definitely did not. It is possible that I did not mention it since I have been under a lot of stress lately. Frankie came to my rescue when the grumbling started to get out of hand, and said we could turn it into a treasure hunt, and that it would be fun. The other ghouls were not completely convinced that it would be fun, but Frankie could convince a werewolf to run barefoot through a field of wolf’s bane. We turned my room upside down - literally; Abbey is very strong. Cleo wanted to know when the last time I used it was, which, I think was when we all went to Scaris. I didn’t really need it for that whole “Queen of the Vampires” thing when we jetted off to Transylvania. Cleo suggested that maybe I left it in my luggage, so we all headed to my closet. Dad had put in some new track lighting, which makes it totes easier to find things now, and my clothes no longer smell like torch smoke. We went through all of my luggage from the trip; this took some time, but we found nothing except an old croissant. We had to keep Abbey from eating it, which made her crabby. Not that all the other ghouls weren’t crabby by this time, too, and that’s when Ghoulia, who was lying on the floor, pointed up to a shelf that had previously been hidden by the luggage. “Does that box say ‘Passports’?”? Abbey reached up and took down the box. Frankie opened the lid and pulled out a passport. “Draculaura, this passport expired 60 years ago.” Abbey dumped the box in the middle of the floor, and we all started going through them. Cleo said, “This one expired 30 years ago, and what is up with your hair in this picture?” It was a phase. Ghoulia flipped through the one she was holding, “Only 15 years out of date.” Clawdeen jumped to her feet with the one she was holding. “Found it, and it’s only expired by... TWO WEEKS!” I had two thoughts as I watched my ghouls freaking out with concern. Number one was “Misplaced, not lost”, and number two “Good thing I already applied for a replacement.” 
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