#bts sexy gif
itstheimpossibledream · 10 months
Pairing : Jungkook and reader(y/n)
Word count: 3856
Summary: You drop off Bam from his grooming appointment and finally meet his owner. From there it's sexual tension city !
Warnings : Uprotected sex, domJK, smut , oral, all the things
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“Bam!Get out of the tub- Get o-” 
The doberman’s eyebrows knitted and he seemed to question why it wouldn’t be fine for him to stay in the bathing tub all day. It wouldn’t have bothered you as much if you didn’t have the most splitting headache,your body begging for the day to be over. The rest of the groom went by without contest. Your coworker had already left for the night so, it was your job to finish up Bam’s look and drop him back off at home. You pulled up to the intimidating building and Bam eased out of the car, leading the way through the halls to his place. Your apron was dusted with an assortment of dog hairs and wet splotches where dogs had shaken to their heart’s content. You had groomed Bam a few times. He was becoming a regular client , and you chuckled to yourself, always finding it funny that people with short haired breeds would choose to get their dog groomed instead of doing it at home themselves. Must be rich you snort to yourself raising your hand to knock on the door. Not that you were mad. After his first groom, the owner had requested you. What you did to make him look so much different than other groomers you had no idea but, you were grateful for the client as well as the consistently generous tip. Even if you never knew who it was coming from. The door opened and the music in the background was much louder than it had seemed in the hallway. He was young and surprisingly attractive. His t-shirt fit loose but, you can see the canyon between his pec muscles through the shirt leaving no illusion to the fact that he was incredibly fit. You wanted desperately to reach your hand out and run your fingers over the hard mounds of flesh but, alas your professionalism was unmatched. 
He clears his voice “Thank you.” he extends a colorful arm out to grab Bam’s leash, the large doberman moved accordingly; completely unphased by the facial symmetry of his owner. You feel yourself staring at the tattoos but, each time you think to look away another picture catches your interest. He uses his other hand to put his glasses on his head,creating a temporary headband.
“Was he good?” he asks. While every bone in your body wanted to tell the truth you found yourself unable to disappoint the light in his eyes. The slight dimple, the questioning smile, he was ridiculously good looking. “Yea- ummm he was great !”  You lie shifting yourself in the hallway, finally realizing that you have to pee and your headache has not let up.
“ you okay?” He asks noticing your attention change.
“Mmmmhmmm.”  you turn to leave but, find yourself immediately turning back. “Actually would you mind if I use your bathroom?” You’re almost embarrassed to ask but you convince yourself to be cool. Everyone has to use the bathroom, be an adult. But let’s be honest ,your only thought  was how grateful you were right now that you only had to pee.
“ Ofcourse !” He smiles backing out of the doorway. He clearly thought there was something seriously wrong with you, if asking to use the bathroom was that much of a relief to him. He pointed in the direction of the bathroom and you ran. Embarrassed but aware there was a time stamp on this activity. You relieved yourself quickly; washing your hands and checking your appearance in the mirror and then searching the medicine cabinet for something that would help your headache. You were partially annoyed that you hadn’t found anything and the fancy ass cabinet/mirrored door was so elaborate that it slipped through your hand and crashed into place. You double checked yourself in the mirror and decided to just go with it. Post work you was not your hottest you but, there was really nothing you could do about it now. You chide yourself for that less than helpful pep talk and head out the door. 
As you entered the room he turned from the counter gently placing the small glass of soju on the island infront of you and then leaning on the countertop behind him. 
“What’s that for?” you ask a smile creeping into your cheeks with the thought that he might want to spend more time with you. 
“You look like you need it.” he jokes, extending his arm to grab the other glass that he had filled for himself.
“Cheers!” he smiles like a little kid and downs the liquor. You taste yours as well. He pulls his lips back with a short intake of breath before leaning forward, forearms on the island, bangs beginning to fall free of their glass barrier and floating into his eyes.
“So did that wash down whatever you stole?” his eyes were intent on you studying your face. 
“I mean I know I don’t have anything good.” he says, turning to pour again. 
“I didn’t take anything. I just had a headache and was looking-” you trail off. 
“Ooooo. well you could have just asked!” he brushes past you and goes into the bathroom laughing. He comes back out with the container gingerly twists off the top and you watch as the veins in his fingers work delicately to pull out two pills for you. Your eyes shift to Bam on his dog bed squeaking his toy, happily ignoring the humans in the room. 
“Here.” he rolls the pills into your hand and you mumble a thank you. He reaches across the counter for his glass and the bottom of his shirt rides up the smallest bit. You roll your eyes because it's all you can do to keep from tattling on yourself with stares. AVERT YOUR EYES is all your brain is thinking. He hands you the small glass. 
“Wasn’t this yours?” you ask.
“Scared of drinking after me?” he plays with you, stepping in closer. 
“I don’t know you but, I don’t trust you.” you say mimicking his action and not breaking eye contact. You wonder if it was too much but, you can tell by his body language he was more focused on continuing the conversation. 
“I don’t have diseases, if that’s what you're worried about.” he turns and crosses the room petting Bam on the dog bed. 
“Says the wealthy, hot man in his 20’s” you snort taking a sip to wash down your medicine. Now, you make a grimace. The alcohol and the ibuprofen create a disgusting fizz on your tongue. 
“I’m hot and wealthy you hear that?” he mimics, talking to Bam.It wasn’t like you didn’t stand by your words but, you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as he said it. You look down at the crystal glass in your hand, your thumb picking at the design. 
“You can take off your apron if you want.” He says finishing a scratch on the top of Bam’s head, Bam to invested in his toy to notice. 
“ O ! Yea…” you begin pulling your apron over your head. You feel it get caught in your hair and almost die of embarrassment. He notices your need for assistance and quickly closes the space between you. You hear him let out a small laugh before you feel his warm hands on top of yours. 
“Let me try.” He says calmly.
You huff and put your arms by your side. Acutely aware of the fact that you seemed like a stubborn child but, he soon had you released, popping your hair tie in the process.
“You broke it on purpose.” You joke in a deadpan voice as he presses the broken fibers into your palm. You look up at him and he walks backwards towards his soju again.
“It’s pretty down.” He says winking before he turns to the counter. He moves so quickly you almost weren’t sure if you saw it.
“So you use Bam to lure women back to your home and kill them with compliments?”
“  mmmmm.You started that.” he says between swallows. 
“Well don’t get used to it.” You say. “ I’m usually not that nice.”
He snorts at that. “ you work with dogs, I find that hard to believe.” his glasses fall onto his face but, he doesn’t seem to mind.
“ Ahhhhh there’s where you’re wrong.” You smile “ The dogs don’t care if you’re nice, Just consistent. Plus, they’re easy to get along with. They don’t talk.”
“ You think I only intend to talk with you? “ he asks, raising his eyebrows over his glasses. The act itself was enough to make your breath catch in your throat but you somehow manage to stay calm and collected. For a moment it felt as though all the air had left the room. You quietly held your glass, picking again at its intricate design. Listening to the music of his footsteps as he gently pads his way to stand in front of you. 
“Do you think I poured you a drink and invited you in, only to talk to you ?” You finally looked up from your glass, he toyed with the piercing on his lower a boyish smile playing on his face.
“Am I not a riveting conversationalist?” you say blankly.
He laughs over your dry humor, using it as an excuse to move closer to you.
“You definitely are.” he promises,stepping closer into you. You can’t help but smile at his smile.Your eyes flicker up to him and you find yourself screaming ‘just do it!’ in your head.
He swings his hand to the crook of your neck  and pulls you in for a kiss. It’s simpler than you expected, soft but confident. He holds you like that for a while, his mouth working on convincing you, his hand holding your neck and playing in your hair. His other hand comes to the small of your back and you finally feel contact between your lower region and his. He goes slow, pressing into you to test out the levels of your comfort. You focus on the kiss deepening and at the right moment he pulls back and you're able to bite his lip a bit, piercing the opposite side of his mouth. He smiles, bringing his other arm up to your throat, choking you a little bit. His kiss makes your stomach flip. You’re  lost in the comfort of his arms but somehow manage to work your hands into his hair. He holds your hip and slowly starts to grind into you. Instinctively you let out a moan , which causes him to break into another smile. 
“I’m that good ?” He whispers in your ear. Unable to tolerate his smugness you grab a handful of his hair and pull. 
‘O? Really ?’ He asks. You look up at him , unable to respond but not letting up on your grip either. It almost feels made up but, you swear you can see his eyes darken. ‘Let go’ he commands , voice lower than normal. You open your hand and he pulls his shirt over his head slowly only momentarily breaking eye contact with you. ‘Race You!’ He says, throwing the t-shirt at you and you run behind him practically chasing him into his bedroom. He spins around, scooping you up as you run through the threshold of the room.He holds you so you have no option but to wrap your legs around him so as not to fall. ‘Good’ he whispers , pressing his forehead to yours. You knew, it was too smooth.  You knew he must have pulled that move a million times before. But, at that moment you didn’t care. He must have felt the hesitation in your body though, you momentarily stiffened and he lets you go. Setting you down,you take a few steps back and watch as he removes his socks and pants. He sits there in his underwear,his thighs thick through his clean Calvin Kleins.
“Your turn”  he says, peeking through the bangs of his hair, and folding his glasses on the nightstand. He cocks his head to the side and for a second you can tell he doesn’t know if you’ll oblige him or not. He leans back on his forearms, lip playing with his piercing and the view alone is enough to make you commit to fucking him as long as you physically can. Taking off your shirt makes him illicit a deep hmmm. You feel your stomach flip again at his approval. But, the jokester inside you wins,you turn around and shoot him an overly sexy look. You unhook your bra and let it float to the rug of his room. 
“Whooooo Hot!” he cheers you on. You put your all into it, quickly jumping out of your jeans and turning your back to him. You hook your fingers into the sides of your underwear.  
“Come On….Sell it !” he screams jokingly. You slowly shift it down your hips until they fall to the floor. You turn your back to face him, your hands barely covering all of your chest.
He tuts with his tongue “show me” his voice is soft, as he reaches out a hand towards you. You step forward, taking his hand and revealing yourself fully to him. He sighs, bringing you in close. You get on your knees in front of  him. Somewhat out of want but partially out of habit. 
He frowns down at you .
“What are you doing?” his voice is low and gentle. You look up at him, eyes wide and are almost embarrassed by the position you found yourself in. Completely naked on a stranger’s floor after a bit of conversation and one drink. He must be reading the self judgment on your face because he lifts you up, placing his forehead on yours again.
“Hey - we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” 
You relish in the intimacy of being this open to an absolute stranger. 
“O there’s nothing I don’t want to do right now.” you whisper to him. 
He laughs and the dimples in his cheeks deepen,making it impossible for you not to return his smile. You kiss him and he immediately gives in, lending you confidence that shatters all previous reservations. 
“Let’s just go slower “ he says, breaking from you and sitting at the edge of the mattress. 
“Ride” he says, slapping his thigh. A shiver races throughout your entire body and you feel your stomach flip as you look at him. He’s serious, you can tell. You slowly close the space between you, lifting one leg to straddle his. You look up at him, face innocent. You kiss him again, this time grabbing him by the throat and adding the slightest bit of pressure. You pull back and he is giving a wide, toothy smile like a kid. “Ride me , please” he jests with a lifting of his eyebrow. You allow him to pull you in again; this time as you kiss you find yourself slowly grinding into his thigh. He lets out a low growl in response and your stomach flutters. He sits his large hand in the crook of your hip and helps to move you on his leg. He can hear your moans becoming higher pitched and right before you get to release all over his leg he lifts you up, swinging your leg to his hip. Now you’re fully straddling him and his hands cup your face as he kisses you.  
“I’m sorry I couldn’t wait any longer.” he smiles , you lean in to kiss him but, he pulls back, playing  coy. 
“I thought you couldn’t wait any longer,” you joke.
“I just wanted to see you beg.” he says , lightheartedly.
“ Well I won’t” you say teasingly as he slips a hand between your bodies, smacking at your pussy. You jump a bit at the surprise and his other hand rests at the back of your neck.You omit a low hum as his hand moves in between your legs, coaxing a moan from your body. He smiles, pleased with his work.
“Good girl…. Good girl. Now beg.” You bite your lip, willing to moan but not give in to his demands yet. He uses his hand on your neck to angle your forehead to meet his. You kiss and his lips are unbearably soft. He finally uses two fingers to enter you and your breath hitches in your throat. You rest a hand on his chest and use it as leverage to help you ride his hand. He praises you while you move your hips faster, chasing that feeling. You feel yourself building up to it, almost tasting a touch of ecstasy, right when he removes his hand entirely. Your voice betrays you as you let out a sound in disappointment. He kisses you, soft and slow, holding your neck but extending a thumb to your chin to run the finger over your bottom lip. He sits it on your lip, slowly moving it in and out of your mouth, you suck it instinctively. 
“Say please baby.” He kisses you again, and you break the contact to whisper “please, please “ into his lips. As if making a pact with the devil , he immediately flips you over, removing his underwear and carries you into hell. He is a flurry of creamy skin, tattoos and dark hair as he positions his head between your legs beginning with a slow and consistent lick , eventually building to a mouth and hand combination that makes your legs shake. You lock your hand in his hair, grabbing tightly  and he laughs up at you reminding you to “be nice.” But he doesn't seem to actually care as you go back to suffocating him in your heat. After your third or fourth orgasm he decides it’s finally time for him to enter you. He speaks, sweetly , angling himself at your opening. His smile holds a mirror to the little boy he once was and while your attraction to him is unparalleled you can’t help but find him trustworthy, to feel as though you know that little boy would grow to be the kind of man who wants to keep you safe. 
“I got you , I got you.” he whispers into your ear before trailing his lips down your neck. He can feel your fighting for control of your body again, after coming down from the high of your last O. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and for a moment it feels like floating, him holding you, him filling you up, his voice whispering comfort to you. You watch from below him, as the veins in his neck bulge in the pursuit of his bliss. 
“Mmmm” he seems to say to himself , unaware that every sound he makes, assists in sending you over the edge. He held you down by your neck and you scratched at his back while he pushed into you a few more times, creating a space for himself. Carving out a moment of comfort and oneness between the two of you . His eyes closed, and his brows knit together as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“You feel amazing.” he whispers, into a smile. 
You kiss him and you feel the shiver that runs through his body. You’re momentarily pleased that he's just as surprised as you are by your physical connection. 
“I want to make you cum now.” he says ,sure of himself.
“Oh sooooooo confident !” you joke before he grabs your hips and swings you on top of him. With your hands on his chest you press yourself up and down bouncing on him. He holds the crook of your hip, his tatted arm coming up to grab you by the neck.
You dig your nails into his chest and he tightens his grip on your throat, challenging you as you wind your hips on him. You lean forward and whisper to him “I think I’m going to be the one to make you cum” before sucking on the skin at the side of his neck. 
He groans, letting go of your throat to run a hand through his hair. You lean back up to allow him a better view of you while you continue to ride him and you can see the resolve in his face beginning to break. His bicep looks large against the headboard and taking in his body from up top is too overwhelming. His hand makes its  way to your chest, gripping at your breast, your nipple nestled safely in between his fingers. It begins quiet but, it doesn’t escape your attention. He keeps closing and reopening his big brown eyes, his chest rising and falling with his moans as he lets you ride him. You’ve fully checked out on pleasing him and are focused on your own pleasure which seems to only intensify the sensations for him. You cannot watch your mouth as you near your orgasm and find yourself letting out a slew of curse words as you use him to reach your apex. His moans get louder and seem partially controlled until he feels you cumming. The contractions around him are too much for him to bear and he lets out a guttural noise you had not yet heard from him. He closes his eyes, head titled back towards the headboard trying to steady his breathing as he recovers from spilling inside you. You’re panting on top of him but find yourself unable to move and grateful for his supportive hands at your hips as you bring your lips down to meet his. 
“My god.” he exhales , and you laugh down at him through the wisps of his hair that had fallen in between you. He joins you chuckling, catching your breath as Bam paws at the bottom of the bedroom door. Not in a bad way but, just enough to let you know he is there. Which only makes you both laugh even harder. “I don’t want to move.” he whispers.
“ Well I think  Bam would disagree.” Your eyes read his face, trying to sear the memory of this intimacy into your brain forever. 
“Well Bam gets to see your beautiful face every few weeks, he can wait a little longer.” He smiles, leaning in to kiss you but you move away. His dimples deepen, attracted by your unwillingness to give in so easily. You turn your eyes to Bam’s pawing at the door. 
“Fine.” he rolls his eyes rolling out of you and off of the bed. You watch as the muscles in his back contract as he redresses. He crosses in front of his record collection, coming back to the side of the bed to kiss you on your forehead.
“I’m not done with you yet.” his smile is cheeky as he leaves the room, you can hear the excitement in Bam’s footsteps as they race down the hallway. It was by far your most unprofessional thought of the day but, you found yourself secretly praying he never would be done with you. 
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53/638 One (🥵) Suga a day while he is away
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holdontokpop · 2 years
BTS reaction to you walking into the room in sexy lingerie
Anon said: pls pls bts reaction to you wearing sexy underwear, lingerie!!
Jungkook: You leave him speechless *gif*
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Jimin: His eyes would look at you from head to toe, admiring your beauty *gif*
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Taehyung: "Come here, baby." he speaks softly, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you in close.
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Rap Monster: "Come closer, babygirl..." *gif speaks for itself*
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J-Hope: *gif*
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Suga: "What are we gonna do with that.... Let me take it off"
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Jin: *can't wait to make love to you*
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kimtaegis · 2 months
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bangtan gif challenge ☆ ↳ stage mix (one song) + your bias(es) → BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS + YOONGI (cr. 0613data) (vmin + dynamite)
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spicyclematis · 4 months
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weekend with namjoon (7/?)
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Vincent Price interview on the set of The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
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honsool · 1 year
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yoongi x jimmy fallon 
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namchyoon · 2 years
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4K notes · View notes
kxxkiecxre · 3 months
・❥・ A life that’s so carefree | Jeon Jungkook ・❥・
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!reader
SUMMARY: Jungkook is a good guy, you know that… he’s just stuck on you and won’t leave you alone. Maybe you should be concerned, maybe even run. Deep down however, you know you love this.
WARNINGS: 18+, stalker au, stalker JK, stalking descriptions.Sex, descriptions of sex, cunnilingus, unprotected sex.
CONTINUATION OF: trapped hearts
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You took a couple deep breathes before you got back up. Pulling your hair into a ponytail, you stripped yourself off of your soaked dress.
Slipping on your leggings and sweatshirt. You were about to press the call button, to ring Yuna. Until a series of knocks echoed through your house. A shiver ran down your body, that dreadful nauseating feeling taking over your body once again.
You entered your living room, watching the door as he continued knocking.
"Baby, cmon, let me in." He called out in his innocent voice.
"It's not at all what it looks like, I promise.
The thunder rolled right after his sentence, lighting up your rather dark living room in a shade of blue.
What do you do now? What the fuck are you supposed to do now?
You know Jungkook, fuck you’ve dated this guy for a year you know he wouldn’t hurt you. But after all this? How can you be so sure? Are you sure? The doubt that surrounded you was going to suffocate you, the fear, the shock it was going to eat away at you. If you opened this door right now, you’d be inviting him in. You’d be giving him permission to come in and talk to you, rewarding his behaviour. But if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to sleep. You wouldn’t be able to understand why he did that, why he made you sick of your life.
Maybe it was stupid and naive, maybe it was a mistake. But you couldn’t help yourself. Not when his whiny voice was coming through your door, begging for you to open the door, to let him in. His voice, his presence itself was wrapped around your throat like a snake. He had you obsessed with him, you know that. No man that you’ve ever dated before had this much power over you. They were always obsessed and like puppets for you. But something about Jungkook made you exactly like the men. It was sickening, you know.
Your hand reached for the knob, “baby please, I can explain all of this.”
You shut your eyes, trying so hard not to cry. The key clicked and the door opened, revealing his worried eyes. The rain was literally slamming off the ground, so loud in your ears and the house and the grumbling of the thunder around you was fierce. He pulled you into his chest, hands in your wet hair. He held you so tight as if to prevent you from running away from him again, he smelled good. Sweet and leathery. His leather jacket was soaked, his hair too. It was dripping down his face and onto yours as he cupped your chin, bringing your face closer to his.
Your heart beating out of your chest. But for all the wrong reasons, just as scared as you were a minute ago, right now you’re nervous. Nervous because you want to kiss him, you want to kiss him so bad but at the back of your mind you’re reminded he was stalking you. His thumb pressed against your cheek, rubbing the coldness off it. You closed your eyes, sighing. How come he can make you nervous yet relaxed all at the same time?
“I know baby, I’m so sorry.”
“But why?” Your voice was so small, so hurt and soft.
He entered your house, closing the door behind him. The fire in the chimney the only proper light that was helping you see him. The fire was going when you got home, you’re guessing he was the one who did it. He shrugged his jacket off, laying it on your couch.
He must be freezing, he was only wearing a tank top underneath it. You walked around to the smaller couch, right across the fire. Sitting with him and waiting. Not sure what for, but you didn’t know what to ask first. There was a million thoughts racing through your head so all you could do was sit there, listening to the fire crackling in the background.
He stared at you, watching the scared expression on your face. Maybe not scared, but void? He knew he messed up. He really did, but it was much simpler this way. Your eyes finally met his, the gleam in them not as present as before and his heart sinks.
“Why?” You asked, your voice shaky.
You hugged your knees to your chest. Out of reflex his hand began playing with your now semi dry hair, “because I wanted to make sure you’re safe… because I missed you so much that I’d rather die than not be as close to you as possible.”
You shook your head, hiding it in your knees before you sighed leaning away from he touch, “didn’t I say we could remain friendly?”
His expression softened, head tilting to the side just a small bit, “friendly isn’t being friends Y/N. You know that.”
“I don’t know what to think of this… what about the pictures?”
“I’d lose sleep looking at them, engraving every feature of your face into my brain. Into my heart.”
“You can’t say these things Jungkook, or behave like this. We broke up.”
He sighed heavily, “exactly, but I couldn’t be without you. Or close to you. Because every time I’d be away from you I wouldn’t be able to breathe. My entire life would look nothing short of a massive black hole. It was like someone would continuously take my life away, like a battery deteriorating.”
It was silent once again. What could you say to that? There’s nothing that you could possibly say and not hurt him. You loved him so much, so much that you find it comforting that it was him stalking you. Beside you at all times. Though it doesn’t excuse what he did.
“Why did you break up with me, be honest with me.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, the room suddenly too warm. You’re not sure why you were sitting in almost pure dark aside from the fire in the chimney, though it did bring a certain level of comfort to you. You leaned into his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. Your fingers playing with the hem of his head white tank top.
You didn’t know how tell him without upsetting him. That’s the last thing you want to do, but at the same time he does deserve an explanation. Mostly because for some reason you resent his mother more than you ever have before. She’s ruined this beautiful thing that you had with him, all because of her personal feelings and issues. Such stupid people.
“Your mother was giving me hell. She kept following me whenever we’d be together, she’d tell me to stop leeching off of you, to leave you because a low class like me doesn’t deserve prestige.”
He was quiet. The fire felt ice cold compared to the fire taking over his body. His mother never had the right to come between your relationship. She shouldn’t have ever said even a word to you. His mother was someone he could barely tolerate as is, but right now, right now he’s not even sure if she exists for him anymore. Sure she’s his mother, the woman who gave him life. But she was never truly there, she never hugged him, or spoken softly to him. She’s never played with or talked to him about anything but his grades. She was practically never present in his life, she had absolutely no right to intervene.
“She had no right…” he trailed off, “I hate her.”
You shook your head, “don’t. She was just concerned about you.”
He laughed mockingly, “she wasn’t concerned about me, she was concerned about herself and her money. She was never there for me. She never cared about me, I only ever felt the love of my father, until he died. She didn’t even comfort me, I was seven years old when the only person who ever showed me love died. She told me to stop crying before she dropped me off to school. I was then picked up by my babysitter. That’s the mother she was. I despise her.”
You frowned, heart sulking at the thought of seven year old doe eyed Jungkook hurting by himself.
“Kook,” you whispered, climbing on top of him, “I love you.”
“ I know that,” he smiled, head leaning back against the couch “I love you so much more, I think you know.”
“That’s not funny” you chuckled.
He smiled as you held his face in your hands. Your lips so close to his own. He couldn’t take it, the warmth of your plump lips against his own melted him within seconds. It was messy, rough and dirty, the type of kiss that had his breath stuck. The type that made him hiss as you hands began trailing over his body. Feeling the warm smooth skin beneath your hands. He was fucked, so whipped for you.
Your hips had a mind of their own, grinding softly against his bulge. He hissed, detaching from your mouth, his hands now on your face, eyes looking between your bodies and brows pulled into a frown.
“Fuck Y/N,” he hissed as you pressed down harder, “are you sure?”
“Isn’t this what you want Jungkook?” You said, voice low and uneven from your rocking, “ you must have been going crazy hm? Watching me fuck myself in my room, watching me play with my pussy the way you would. Every time I came, I thought of you. Every time I fucked my self I imagined it was you. Fucking me so good, the way only you know how to.”
He groaned, a deep guttural groan that resonated against your own chest. He flipped you over, laying you down on the couch as he hovered over you. His necklace hanging above you. Fuck he’s so fucking hot.
“Should I fuck you good now? Or should I fuck you so good you’ll never be able to pleasure yourself without me hm?”
You scoffed, “as if”.
He didn’t need much time to have you naked underneath him, only taking his pants off. Yet you were fully naked underneath him, breasts round and plump. Fuck he could cum just at the sight of you. Your pussy was pulsating with need, the bottom of your stomach filled with hundreds of butterflies. As he kissed down your body, sucking and marking, his finger dipped into the wetness of your cunt. It made him smile against your ribs, always so ready for him.
His mouth was hot against your skin, bruising every inch of it as your breathing hardened, his finger playing with your clit, “mm kook I need you”.
He was busy marking your skin, but still listened. He eased a finger inside, hooking it as he pumped it in and out, rubbing the walls of your pussy as you moaned a little more now. Breathy and soft. God he loved you so much. His finger continued its sweet torture inside you as his tongue bestowed itself on your clit, flicking it and sucking, alternating between the two. It was good, so good, but you needed more. You need him inside you.
“Fuck me Jungkook, fuck. Me.”
He chuckled, going to take his shirt off before you stopped him, “leave it on.”
He didn’t tease, he just smirked before lining himself up with you, “still on the pill?”
You nodded closing your eyes as he eased the tip inside, just the smallest bit. Every time you thought he’d push in more he’d only pull out, making you whine. What a tease. It took you by surprise when he finally did push all of himself in. Right to the brim. You gasped against each others mouth, kisses only ghosting against each other as he continued fucking into you. He did exactly as he promised. He fucked you good. Too good. He was pumping in and out of you at a pace that had your breath stuck mid air, that had you arching right off the couch and into him.
His pace was animalistic, balls slapping off your ass. The tip of his dick kissing that good spot inside you, he was everywhere. You could feel him in your stomach, pumping in and out with a rhythm, with so much precision that you’d have his babies right now.
“Fuck kook,”
Your thighs were on fire, tightening around his waist as his thumb came down on your clit, drawing perfect little circles and matching his pace. It was insane. There were not thoughts inside your head aside from him, from his furrowed brows and masculine scent to his dick. He pushed forward a little more, earning a loud moan out of you. A moan that bounced right off the walls, your nails digging into his back as he forced your legs higher up his waist. Getting a better angle and access to that sweet spot.
You were a goner that second, when began shallowly fucking you. Your face said it all, your pitching moans and quicker breathing. The red chest and cheeks, you were cumming. Right around his cock, it took him only a few hard and sloppy rounds before he followed after you. Filling you up with his cum.
He stayed buried inside you, your pussy now overstimulated and swollen. His lips never left yours, barely giving you any time to breathe. You missed him so much, so much that you didn’t even realise it until now.
“I’m sorry.”
You smiled at him lazily, fucked out, “don’t be, just don’t stalk me. Not that you have to anymore.”
You just laid there, with him still inside you and on top. He was dozing off as you took the white fluffy blanket and laid it on top of you two. Your fingers gently playing with his hair.
“You’re lucky you’re cute” you chuckled.
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a/n: I know this is so short please forgive me lol. Hope y’all enjoyed! Also what do y’all think? Should she have forgiven him? I think she should (obviously ha) I mean he’s Jungkook ;).
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minieggukie · 3 months
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this look of his has me in a chokehold
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nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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해금 AGUST D (2023)
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esmes · 7 days
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look at me baby, dead in my eyes it's the end of our holiday, but it isn't goodbye carry me with you all of the time eat of me baby, skin to the bone body on body, until I'm all gone but I'm with you, inside
🎥 @theriddletrades
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94/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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bisexualrapline · 2 years
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100 days of jeon jeongguk (9/100)
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
Thank you for calming some of my fears about this. This is stressing me out so much 😖
Do you have anything Jikook to share? It doesn't have to be about this, I just need some comfort right now.
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This is really not something to bother you leave alone stress you? Antis annoy me yeah, but I never let them get to me. Ever. I refuse to let ANYONE affect my BTS experience. Leave alone my Jikook experience. I know what I know, have seen what I've seen, and it will take Jikook themselves to make me stop believing they're a couple. Not some rats on the Internet waiting to shit on Jikook any chance they get.
Of course there will always be Jikook moments to talk about. I'll throw some random shit at you. How's that? 😆😆
Random shit No.1 -> I made a post here about JK's type and Jimin's lips keep popping up on every sm recently so they've been on my mind. Which is y I remembered a tiny thing from Bon Voyage season 1 ep 1. Keeping in mind Jin and Jimin are the 2 members with full lips (and RM some but not as much as Jinmin) it would make perfect sense that they are the 2 JK would zoom in on when interviewing them
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Thanks editors for the caption. 😜
Random shit No.2 -> Remember this post I made about Jikook living together, remember how I said it was weird Jimin was the only one who didn't have anywhere to live? Well recently this Karmy was talking about how hard it was for Jimin to leave his dorm life since he loves being around BTS sm
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Then this Kjikooker chimmed in on how JK bought Jimin an apartment to make him feel better 🥺🥺🥺
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So guess the theory is that JK is the one who bought Nine-one for them seeing as they were both living there. I mean if anyone should know its fans who live there, right?
When u really think about it, it all comes together because JK moving into Brunnen... a house owned by the company with furniture from the old dorm...proving just how temporary that place is...which again makes sense coz of the house he's building in Itaewon.....
While we are on topic, there is a moment missing on my living together post but we all know it very well.
If you pay close attention to Jimin you will notice him subtly lifting his eyebrow. Its so subtle that idek how people noticed. JK looks at Jimin while members are laughing at him and Jimin does that. 🤭 So yeah, that coupled up with the fact that they were all making fan of JK and his mattresses but Jimin who under normal circumstances would be part of the discussion was quiet as a church mouse. That was incredibly sus.
Random shit number 3-> is a tiny BV analysis coz we know how much i love those. Okay so JK climbs up a steep hill without cameras at the crack of dawn to get his baby some snow. We know all about that. So tkkrs the morons that they are, tried to claim this moment for themselves because JK showed the snow to V first and offered him to touch if he wanted to. But, aside from JK waiting for Jimin to come out, apart from him jumping up eagerly to show Jimin the snow, apart from him watching Jimin's face to see his reaction when he handed him said snow, and apart from editors saying point blank that JK got a gift for Jimin, we also have this;
Season 4 episode 3. Members play RPS and losers have to climb the hill and bring back snow.
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Someone i dont remember who, says that the snow will melt
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But JK who's a professional of bringing snow from mountains by now, chims in
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He already knows its not gonna melt since he did it before. Now he says that and then looks at Jimin and keeps looking at him
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Doesn't once break eye contact. This here makes it perfectly clear that he got the snow for Jimin and no one else. JK stares at his boyfriend for so long that Jimin has to look away/looks down 😂😂
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And JK still looking at him 🤭🤭 This dude just makes me so happy to watch Jikookery stg 🤣🤣 what does he want from Jimin?
Random shit No.4 -> while we are talking about BV there is something that happens i had to take note of. Yoonmin are the ones who lost and had to go up the hill to get the snow. When the rest got back to the cabin, Jhope was making people this magic toast with his secret recipe. This shit was so funny y'all should be able to remember it. He was so proud of it 🤣🤣 Anyway, when Yoonmin got back, Jhope asked Jimin if he wanted his special toast.
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But here comes the kicker. Jhope uses JK to convince Jimin to have the toast.
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This, ladies and gentlemen are the reflexes i was talking about. It's not just Jikook keeping the secret that they are dating. It's the members too. And sometimes they will slip. Our president being the main culprit. 🤭🤭🤭 what does it matter that JK liked the toast? Suga and Jin had the toast too. Why is JK the member he uses to appeal to Jimin?
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Random shit No.5 -> Is just this edit I like of Jimin having JK on a leash 😏😏
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Random shit No.6 -> Is this photo of JK looking at Jimin.
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That man is gone. His mind was elsewhere right then. Jeon Jungkook is a man in fucking love y'all. 😭😭😭😭
What's that? Different angle you say? Sure fam, I got you.
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Random shit No.7 -> BH saying fuck you to the haters.
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Random shit number 8 -> Jikook in Tokyo. The gift that keeps on giving. Here is a fan recounting
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Here is that one time members were asked:
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One more time from Jikook 🤗🤗
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He he hee... and we have heard them call eo that many, many times.
Random shit No.9 -> NBD just sassy bfs in the soop
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This is mostly for those who think Jimin is the only one who exudes this type of energy. 💅🏽💅🏽
Random shit No.10 -> This post wouldn't be complete without us going to the bedroom. 😏 Anygays, here is how Jikook look like when they're shouting in each other's briefcases
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That is all... hope u feel better now... have a good one ✌🏽😘
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taesify · 11 months
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hit different
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