joyffree · 2 years
Join us on the #SeriesTour with #Giveaway
The Perfect World Series by Shari Sakurai Publisher: Farnhurst Publishing Cover Artist: Shari Sakurai Genres: LGBTQ / Science Fiction / Superhero Fiction
Superhero. Supervillain. Super-complicated
London, 2115
It is the year 2115 and the world is very different. With climate changes, natural disasters and war shaping the landscape, England has become a nation made up of several super cities and wasteland in between.
The stories should be read in order: Perfect World (Perfect World #1) Adam (companion novel) New Era (Perfect World #2) Broken World (Perfect World #3)
Facebook @gaybookpromotions @sharisakurai Instagram @gaybookpromotions @shari_sakurai Twitter @gaybookpromo @ShariSakurai
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floatingvibesquish · 9 months
Oh, broken world. Crush me not upon thy rocks. Let me soar among the gentle winds that fear no place, no person. The gentle breeze that awakens the darkness and brings to life the light. Embracing every person in its path. How has my world become a well for me where the caress of the wind cannot reach me. Nor the light of the sun. Break open the earth and set me free. The wind is kind, the wind is cruel. The wind thinks not. And yet, I want to be more like the breeze. Gently floating things, carrying things softly.
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wordart-in-german · 1 year
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Die Welt ist zerbrechlich – The world is fragile!
two chopsticks lie on a bowl standing on a table with a flower, on the chopsticks is written: "The world is fragile" (in German)
Download image (via Dropbox) (without registration - keine Registrierung notwendig, ggf. das Fenster zum Registrieren rechts oben [x] wegklicken)
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lifefuckedusall · 4 years
Er ist keine Träne wert. Tränen bedeuten Gefühle. Gefühle ist er nicht wert.
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ghslacker · 5 years
The Broken World
Have you noticed how stuff gets dirtier when you just leave it alone? My theory is that the universe at large is chaotic and frenetic. It will fall into a disordered state if you leave it alone. Humans have tried since the dawn of time to push back against the chaos and succeeded in the early age. Unfortunately, we didn’t anticipate that the chaos we were fighting would naturally evolve into the ordered society we were creating. So...we have no defense for it. If we can’t figure out how to fight against this chaos, it will be our undoing and the next generation will find our remains and repeat our mistakes
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sadsongoflies · 5 years
you’re spiraling. you’re falling apart, but what did you honestly expect? to come out of a cruel world unscathed?
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sanakiani · 5 years
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emilyliston2002 · 3 years
Me whenever I lose a friend or a loved one! 😭💔
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You will #never find #validation outside of #yourself Because a #brokenworld cannot make you #whole 🙏🏼 @msrachelhollis
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culturemorph · 4 years
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#tbt I made this piece when Australia was on fire late last year. It seems fitting again as the West Coast US is currently on fire. . “Broken World” - digital art by Sara Edge (2020); created using Procreate. This piece represents our world on fire in the face of global climate change. . . #procreate #digitalart #digitalpainting #globalwarming #environmentalart #artforearth #procreatepainting #celestialart #galaxyart #brokenworld #emotionalart #californiaartist #alamedaartist #galaxypainting #earthday #earthdayart #everydayisearthday #riseup #rageagainstcapitalism #environmentalactivism #activism #fixtheworld #fixtheearth #fixourplanet #planetearth #throwbackthursday https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_JXsJlTNc/?igshid=1tbqx2ap61sd8
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virtualciti · 4 years
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DO NOT TRY TO FIX ME. TRY FIXING OUR WORLD. OUR WORLD IS BROKEN. COULD SOMEONE FIX IT? STOP FIXING ME PLEASE. #brokenworld #fixit #officememes #leader #leadership #leadershipquote #leadershipquotes #executivecoach #mind #mindsetcoach #mindcoach #lifecoach #lifequotes #lifeskills #artofliving #quote #quotes #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquotes #bestquote #bestquotes #depressed #depression #overthink #overthinker #overthinking #mentalhealth #mentalhealthquotes #mentalhealthawareness #worldmentalhealthday (at Chandigarh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4o4fiDIBw/?igshid=1jvs0pxtx9cxq
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one-twisted-sister · 4 years
A useless meeting 
"General Rozland?". A voice came from the opening of the large canvas tent Rozland was currently going over defensive strategies to keep the trolls of the region safe while Neriss threw her tantrum he had hope it would have been over by now but messiahs her and Meenah never back down from each other. Alternia was split into two parts  Alter and Neeah they were never  creative even as wrigglers and to make things even more complicated Meenah had changed the spelling.
Meenah ruled over the left side while Neriss ruled over the right at one point they were like sister but now that they had grown older they saw each other as competition especially over the Limeblood caste. "Yes what is it Kariee?". Rozland asked looking away from the table his hands slipping behind his back, always so noble in everything he did be it even walking to the little messenger. "Um, the Empress Neriss is calling a meeting of all the blooded Generals and their captains, the note says it's urgent". The page was lifted up to the purpleblood whom accepted it his eyes just glancing over the page once before his attention when back to the messenger. "Is this all young one?". When he received a nod he placed a gold piece into the trolls hand, a tip. "Careful on your way back to the palace".  Kariee smiled up at the male giving a nod before scurrying off. Muldun stood from his seat his own hands slipping behind his back. 
"Sir?". "It's a bunch of mumbo jumbo wording, it would have been easier if she had just called over the radio".  Rozland pinched the bridge of his nose. "Muldun tell the group that we will be heading out let the men and woman know that Yonten is in charge until our return they are calling the annual meeting early this time". Rozlan answered  as he grabbed his coat that had been hung on the back of one of the chair that surrounded the table.
In minutes the Generals and Captain's steed were ready for the travel.  "Easy boy". Roz cooed to the hoofbeast as his gloved hand pat it's nose, he always had a way of calming the beasts down everyone had always assumed it was an indigo thing but well Rozland had done proved that wrong, Muldun came closer to the second horse though he stopped in his tracks as it stomped it's hooves obviously not liking the fact that the purpleblood was so close to it. "Hold still you stupid..". "Everything aright?". "Ah- yes sir the  beast is just being a little difficult". He watched as Rozland only chuckled. "Well perhaps if you spoke more kindly to them they would like you better". Muldun was silent he never understood this man, he never seemed to get angry even on the battle field he kept his cool then again when ever they had been on the battle field it had always been about defense, it was always defense.
Defending the land and the useless live that lived inhabited it the man had so much power behind those base walls that Muldun was more than certain that Rozland could have easily torn apart the lowblood caste. The purpleblood saddle up on the not so happy steed and took off side by side with the General.  It didn't take long for them to reach the Hidden Colosseum a place that Neriss had the Indigo's build a fitting place if there ever was one, it was located within a large cavern much like the one that the Jadebloods occupied some say that this meeting hall was once a Jadeloods brooding cavern but with the rising water and the amount of traffic via the sea they had relocated the Mother Grub somewhere more quiet.   A water fall hid the entrance to the Hall  which is how it got it's name obviously , once they had arrived Rozland dismounted his steed his boots making small thuds against the stone below in the distance he could see two sea ships tied off bobbing up and down with the surf that told him that both the Cobalt and Violet Generals had already arrived atop a mountain sat two large ships made for traveling through space and galaxies. Muldun soon came to Rozlands side eyeing each ship.
"I see that Greely, Vahbiz are on time for once ". "Some nerve". Both purples turned to see the Violet General, Vahbiz walking free from the vegetation hands pulling the zipper of his trousers up apparently having gone to relieve himself he made his way over to the water squatting down to wash his hands. "So rude talking about me behind my back tsk tsk Mully figure your lusii taught you better".  Muldun growled and slapped his hands over his face. "I fucking told you to stop calling me that!, call by my proper name you finned buffoon". "Muldun relax don't start anything that you either don't intend on finishing or can't handle". Rozland scolded turning to face the Violetblood as his arm slipped around Rozlands. "You tell him Rozzy". The Viloletblood snickered a cheek being rested against the large Purples arm, he didn't seem to pay no mind and allowed the Violetblooded General to escort him behind the waterfall. "Now that you are the fun can begin". Vahbiz purred, though a loud frustrated growl echoed through the cavern, that growl belonging to none other than Meenah herself or as she now preferred The Condesce. "Sounds like the fun as already started". Rozland commented his voice having a fake tired tone to it. As the three entered the main hall both Neriss and The Condesce were standing glaring at each other though their eye's and everyone else for that matter turned to them, Vahbiz letting go of Rozlans arm making his way back over to Dulscar whom was the General of the Violetbloods beside him stood Darkleer and Greely.
"Bout' time brothers". Came a deep raspy voice Kurloz lumbered over to the two his walk was slow, almost as slow as the grin that appeared in his face showing off each and every razor sharp tooth he to went by other names one being 'Grand Highblood' of course Rozland didn't see anything 'gand' within the man he deemed himself a speaker for the messiahs that they spoke through him and deliver their messages to his brother's and sisters seems that every generation had their ideas and beliefs in their messiahs it almost made Rozlands heart ache he still followed the old ways of the messiahs, the true messiahs. They stood eye to eye as Kurloz offered a hand, of course Rozland didn't want to be rude so he accepted the hand the hold being firm the shake stiff. There wasn't bad blood between them they had known eachother or a decent amount of time in their youth Rozlan had tried several times to get Kurloz to reconsider his violent ways to seek help for his out bursts of rage but his efforts were fruitless the fact that he took the job of Meenah's enforcer only proved it. Letting go Rozland too to Neriss's side of the table standing along side her Violet and Indigo Generals Raahid and Pahara.
"Ladies, if we are done yelling at each other, may we know why you have gathered us here today?". Rozland asked his hands folding together behind his back. "Yes of course we can finish the previous discussion later, Meenah". "Condesce". The other corrected through clenched fangs her fins giving a little wiggle. "What ever". The Condesce cleared her throat stand up straight. "Okay listen, it seems that the Saint's council isn't gonna be joining forces wit us anytime soon, matter a fact seems Lime boi turned down Ner's advances". The Condesce couldn't help but laugh. "LIME BOI SHUT YO AS DOWN GURL!". Neriss growled  her face growing a dark maroon. "Oh put a sock in it bubbles!". She huffed  sinking down into her seat, Rozland even rolled his eyes he had almost forgotten how annoying the Neeah's people spoke or more importantly how annoying Meenah's voice was in general.  "Okay!, anyway since Limeboi ain't gonna be joining either of our sides and he is a potential threat he must die then me and Ner here got to thinkin what's keeping any of the other lime's from jumping up and taking his spot we already got that little candy red speck trying to rile the lowbloods up so we came to an agreement". The Condesce's eyes caught sight of a small beetle that was scurrying across the table, picking it up between her thumb and pointer holding it up, the little animals legs flailing about trying to find the ground before it was squished to death between her fingers. "Cull them all, first the Limebloods and then the lowbloods and mutants".
She rubbed her finger's together before she moved to wipe them clean on Kurloz pant leg, the man didn't even grimace or move one would guess that he was used to her wiping things on him. "So that's it?, this is why you called us out here?". Rozland spoke up his hands moving from behind himself so he could cross his arms, not at all pleased. "You want me to kill someone, no several castes just because they do not see eye to eye with you and have different beliefs?". The Condesce and Neriss exchanged looks before their attention was once again on Rozland and Muldun whom looked just as shocked, he thought it was a good plan of course.
"Well, yea pretty much". Neriss confirmed watching as he closed his eye's for a moment to keep his composer rolling his shoulder's. "Well then I'm done here". He turned on a heel heading to the Colosseum's door, Muldun looking back and forth obviously lost for words what the hell was Rozland doing?!, Neriess stood from her seat. "General if I were you I would stop right there and return to your spot". "Well you are not now are you? Neriss, I refuse to mindlessly slaughter the masses for what they and whom they believe in plus culling an entire caste just because one didn't want anything to do with you is pathetic". Neriss stared, everyone did none of them had ever heard Rozland speak ill of someone even The Condesce.  Kurloz was the first to approach Rozland  a hand being placed on his shoulder. "Brother come now, let's not be throwing around those vibes the Messiahs done told me that-". "Enough".  Rozland cut the other purple male off shaking his hand off before turning to him. "Your fake Messiahs have told you nothing". He held a glare, the normally calm, cool and collected Rozland glared at the other highblood, Kurloz stared at him with his lazed look no one could ever tell what was on the clowns mind or what he would do exactly why The Condesce had put him in charge she believed she had control over him or rather he let her believe that she had some control over him for the time being.
"All of you youth's out there have your ideas on what the mirthful ones want or what they say, you make your own visions of them twist them to make you feel right and that your acts are righteous in their eyes, well let me tell you Kurloz this is not what our messiahs would want, not how they are and deep down you damn well know it boy you are doing the Horror Terror's work here and I will have no part of it". He could see it, that soft glow of anger creeping into Kurloz eye's Rozland stood his ground. "Kurloz". Came The Condesce voice making the clown turn around and look at her.
"Let him leave, but be warned Rozland, if you leave and do not side with us then there will be no help from any of us". "Then let it be so". He spoke turning his back on the bunch. "Muldun let us go ". "Muldun". He spoke again a bit louder, he had been talking with Neriss softly, whispering before Rozlands voice broke his attention, it being taken from her. "Yes of course General".  Muldun gave an understanding look to Neriss a nod following it as he turned to leave with Rozlan.  All watched as the two vanished from sight before speaking. "You are a fool Rozland and you shall pay for your actions here today". The Condesce spoke before she turned back to Neriss allowing the meeting to continue without Neriss Purpleblood General and Captain.
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celestiallycreated · 4 years
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Let Jesus tell your story. #bible #church #jesussaves #love #brokenworld #peace #waymaker (at LexCity Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI_G8PpahQ/?igshid=nvccb3bvcrek
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s3xyangel69 · 6 years
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Be the change you wish to see in the world. #truth #wisewords #wisdom #brokenworld #worldneedsrepaired #lovenothate (at Salem, Oregon)
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wiznitin1610 · 4 years
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“I don’t know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too.”🙁#brokenworld #greenlove💚 #naturelove #trippylife #fakeworld #solo #missingbadly (at Broken World.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WLrNkpjepwCBtG-TVerzWc3nZDEOq6ou7RvI0/?igshid=1vi0aeq0mb63p
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aniehart · 7 years
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Giving the old blog an overhaul and I found an old poem - here's the first verse of that . . . . #writerscommunity #poetrycommunity #writersofig #poetry #poem #art #poema #poetryisnotdead #prose #lyric #instapoet #dikt #womenwhowrite #lifequotes #instapoetry #spilledink #wordporn #brokenworld #brokenyou #beautifulworld #beautifulyou #tbt #throwback
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