#boutique books publishing
iridescentpull · 2 months
Gatos e Rosas will be on hold for a week or so since I have a VERY busy week ahead of me and won't have time to write the new chapters.
As an apology, I did a thing on twitter that for every like the tweet received, I would post one fact about a character of the GeR universe (mainly fitpac ofc).
So here's part one of those facts, hope you enjoy :) lmk if you want more!
Ramón was adopted by Fit and Spreen when he was barely 3 years old
Pac lost his leg in an accident (will be explained in the story) when he was 19
Fit went to the army straight when he was fresh outta highschool, thinking he knew everything (he didn't)
Pac's amputation is an above knee one, also known as a transfemoral one
Phil and Missa are in a queerplatonic marriage
Tina works in the fashion industry and has dreams of owning her own boutique and line in the future
Quesadilla City is a small city in a fictional island located in the Northern Hemisphere
Ramón is autistic, and he goes nonverbal whenever he's extremely stressed or overstimulated. He and Fit communicate through sign language when that happens
Pac has diagnosed depression and anxiety and takes meds for it
Cellbit and Roier met when they were called to the school because Richas and Bobby had a fight
Fit figured out he was gay when he was in his teens, but didn't accept it until he was in his late twenties/early thirties
Roier does drag, aka Melissa
Quackity HATES Chayanne, and the feeling is mutual with Chayanne. Their hate-relationship started since Chayanne was a toddler
Missa works in a really famous orchestra, which means he often has to travel around for concerts, leaving his family behind for long periods of time
The first few weeks after Pac was alone in his new apartment for the first time, he fell into a rough depressive episode. He slowly got better after adopting Xereta
Ramón's special interest is the Krebs Cycle. Fit has no idea when, what, or how his son even learned what the krebs cycle is, but he's happy to listen Ramóns infodumps
After Pac and Mike immigrated from Brazil, Mike searched high and low for somewhere they could stay that would be cheap until they could get back on their feet. He met Bagi, who was searching for more roommates at the time. They moved in, and the Favela Five apartment was born
Death Family live in the more country side of the city, around the same area as Mike and Mine
Fit lost his arm up until the shoulder, also known as shoulder disarticulation
Pac and Mike met in the orphanage at Brazil when they were both seven and five, respectively
Fit and Phil met just when Fit was discharged and lived together as roommates until Phil met Missa
Quesadilla City is a VERY diverse city, with immigrants from all over the world having their little communities spread around. The Favela is one of the most popular communities, though!
Cellbit works at Ordo Theorita’s Publishing House, and he dreams of publishing his own thriller book in the future
Pac is transmasc, and had his top surgery in his midtwenties after the Favela Five managed to scrap enough money to pay for it
Ramón's biggest fear is his dad being lonely. His second biggest fear are heights
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performativezippers · 2 months
If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find a writing agent to represent you? Been interested in writing a book for a while and I thought you might have some pointers since your posts are so informative and I think you’re an awesome writer :)
Great question, and thank you so much!
Background: The reason you get an agent is because you're interested in having your book published by a publisher (not self-publishing). Not all publishing houses require you to have an agent, but all of the big ones do, and many of the other legit ones. Some big exceptions are boutique small presses, like Ylva, for example, who accept unagented submissions and sometimes even solicit people.
But in most cases, if you want to be published by a publishing house, you need an agent, which is because these houses do not accept book submissions from authors. they only accept them from agents; ergo, to be published you need to submit, and to submit you need an agent.
Answer to your question: The way you get an agent is by applying, a lot like a job application. Here are the steps:
You need to write your whole book first (unless it's nonfiction) and have it be as good as you can possibly make it. That means beta readers, editing rounds, everything. Get it to the level where if you were self publishing, you'd be done.
You write what's called a query letter for your book, which is essentially a cover letter. Title, word count, comparison titles, plot hook, character intros, take them through about 50% of the plot, establish clear stakes, plus a bio about you. All of this in 400 words, mind you. This is often the hardest thing you'll ever write. I find the podcast "The Shit No One Tells You About Writing" to be the very best way to learn how to do this, and also a LOT of great stuff about writing craft. I listen religiously even though I haven't queried in years.
Research agents. There are thousands of agents out there. Some don't rep in your genre, some are not accepting queries (only working with the clients they already have). You can follow them on social media and search "Manuscript Wishlist" or MSWL to see what they are looking for.
Start querying! Send your query letter and sample pages (usually the first 10-50 pages, depending on what each specific agent wants) to agents, usually in batches of 10-15 at a time.
Some agents get back to you very quickly. Most never get back to you at all, and you figure sometime between 6 weeks and 6 months is a pass. It's a very awful, sad, dehumanizing process that you need to be prepared for.
I queried for a year. I queried 65 agents. I only received one offer of representation. I think this low success rate was because I had a weird book that was outside of any typical genre (this was my fault, not that I created something new) and a bad query letter, but my writing was good and my now-agent saw potential in me.
But I will say this: If the only reason you want to write a book is to be published, you should either be good with self-publishing, or not do it. The odds of being published are astoundingly low. There are many many more talented authors than there are slots for debut novels. It takes talent and perseverance and luck to make it through all of these processes and emerge with a book deal, especially from a large publishing house that will pay you an advance and treat you well.
So I'd say, write the book if you want to write the book. Make it a joyful process whose best possible outcome is it being written. And then when you're done with it, if you're ready to drink from a firehose of research, resources, rejection, and hope, then fucking do it!
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lesbianmarrow · 1 month
a great way to feel like no good books are being published nowadays is to shop at BARNES & NOBLE.........their selection is wholly generic and corporate-driven so as to appeal to the widest selection of people and maximize profits. if you can, find a local independent bookstore with an actual sense of taste, preferably one that aligns with your values and preferences. if that's not possible for you, do some research and find an independent publishing house (or a boutique imprint of one of the big 5 publishing houses, those can be good too!) that you vibe with and check their catalog every so often. i like astra house and feminist press. but if youve been browsing barnes & noble and youve been like ughhhh why cant i find any books that are actually GOOD......it's bc those books exist but barnes & noble may deem it too much of a financial risk to carry them
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4nt1chri5t · 9 months
Whispers of Betrayal - fem!readerxDracoFF
Originally published on Wattpad - Whispers of Betrayal by Alaskas_ice (me)
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9 - 'Shimmering Emerald'
A few days ago, her dress finally arrived. However, she opened the letter that was attached to the box with the boutique's name on it first and decided to wait until the day of the Yule Ball to open the box and see her dress for the first time. She trusted her mother with getting the perfect dress for her, ever since she always knew how to dress the family for grand events.
The letter was simply a response to the previous ones that were exchanged and it ended with a 'Merry Christmas' to (Y/L/N) and her friends, as well as her date for the Yule Ball.
Now, the time had come. The Yule Ball was happening just in a few hours and she had to get ready. The Slytherin common room was filled with nervous students, rushing from one room to another to get everything they needed to get ready. (Y/L/N) however decided to get ready in the Ravenclaw's common room, ever since she wanted to be accompanied by Luna. She would've been fine alone as well, but still - if she needed help now, she could easily get it, especially since Luna sadly wouldn't be at the Ball and could fully concentrate on her. And, Luna's company hadn't been a bad thing so far.
(Y/L/N) managed to sneak into the Ravenclaw common room quite easily. Since there had been so many students coming in and out of the common room, she could just simply walk in without anyone even noticing, ever since everyone was fully concentrated on themselves, instead of others.
She managed to find Luna's dorm room quite fast and Luna almost already suspected her to come. She just had a sense for these kind of things. (Y/L/N) brought her back, which she earlier enchanted with an Undetectable Extension Charm, so that she could bring everything she needed, including her dress, make up as well as anything else she could think of that she might need. One could've said that she brought her entire dorm and stayed for other a week, although it's all about a single night.
As (Y/L/N) entered Luna's dorm room, she was greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The room was in Ravenclaw's blue house color, buut the color wasn't too overpowering. Even if Luna hadn't been there, it wouldn't have been too hard to figure which bed was hers, since there was only one which was decorated heavily with dreamcatchers and surrounded by books all about magical creatures and ancient legends.
Luna, turned to face (Y/L/N) with a knowing smile. "I thought you might seek me out, (Y/N). It's as if the magic whispered it to me."
(Y/L/N) just returned a soft smile, knowing that no words are needed between the two of them. She placed down her back on a small table nearby the bed and pulled out everything she needed just now. The black box with the dress was placed neatly on the bed, until they needed it.
Luna's eyes twinkled with anticipation as she took in the array of makeup supplies that (Y/L/N) had brought. "Let's begin with creating a look that enhances your natural beauty and captures the enchantment of the night," Luna suggested.
(Y/L/N) nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for Luna's guidance. She took a seat in front of a mirror adorned with delicate silver charms, reflecting the soft glow of the room. Luna, with her gentle touch, began selecting the makeup products needed for the transformation.
Luna started by applying a sheer foundation, allowing (Y/L/N)'s complexion to radiate with a healthy glow. She then delicately dusted a touch of rosy blush on her cheeks, accentuating her features. As Luna moved on to the eyes, she rushed to the box on the bed, to have a swift look at the color of the dress, without ruining (Y/L/N)'s surprise of how the dress would look like.
Luna carefully selected an eyeshadow palette that contained a range of green shades, from soft sage to deep emerald, as well as a simple black. She chose a mid-tone green shade as a highlight to the look, one that would beautifully complement (Y/L/N)'s eyes and the dress without overpowering her natural features.
Using a fluffy brush, Luna gently swept the mid-tone green eyeshadow across (Y/L/N)'s eyelids, blending it softly towards the crease. She ensured that the color was seamlessly diffused, creating a subtle wash of green that added depth and intrigue to her eyes. She made the green stand out a little bit more by putting down black on the outer side of her eyelids, making the green tone the real eye catcher of her eye make up.
To add a touch of shimmer and highlight, Luna dabbed a pearlescent shade onto the inner corners of (Y/L/N)'s eyes. The iridescent sparkle caught the light, making her eyes appear even more enchanting.
As Luna moved on to the rest of the face, she opted for a soft and natural look. She applied a thin line of black eyeliner close to the lash line, subtly defining the eyes without overwhelming them. Then, she curled (Y/L/N)'s lashes and applied a coat of lengthening mascara, enhancing her lashes with a natural flutter.
For the lips, Luna chose a sheer berry lip tint, adding a touch of subtle color and shine. The lightweight formula provided a hint of allure without drawing attention away from (Y/L/N)'s mesmerizing eyes and the beautiful emerald dress.
As Luna stepped back to admire her work, she couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. "There you are, (Y/N). A makeup look that complements your stunning dress while allowing your natural beauty to shine."
It was finally time for (Y/L/N) to see her dress, so she headed over to the boy, which was still lying on the bed and waiting to be opened by the girl. She carefully pulled of the lid and moved the light packaging, which still hid the view of the dress behind it. Once there was nothing left between (Y/L/N) and the dress, she took a deep breath and pulled it out of the box. 
She then stood there, her arms stretched out so she could see the gown in it's entirety. I was in a beautiful emerald green with black detailing. It shimmered beutifully and had the girl hypnotized by just looking at it. 
Now, she couldn't wait to put it on, so that is what she did. She carefully slipped into it, making sure she wouldn't rip off any of the detailed little features of the custom-made dress. Once, Luna helped her with putting it on entirely, she slowly walked over to the mirror. The dress truly fitted her like none other piece of clothing ever did. 
Upon arriving at the mirror, she was truly out of breath due to the stunning dress she could now finally admire. Luna was stood beside her with a soft smile, genuinely happy for her friend.
With a single wave of her wand, Luna transformed (Y/L/N)'s hair in a beautiful look, which improved a look, (Y/L/N) didn't even think could be improved anymore. "Oh, and not to forget!" Luna suddenly said and wandered of to the small shelf next to her bed. She came back with a small spray bottle and sprayed it's insides all over (Y/L/N)'s hair, which made them now shimmer as magically as the dress already did.
"You look absolutely enchanting, (Y/L/N)," Luna exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. (Y/L/N) couldn't help but smile, grateful for Luna's unwavering support and magical touch. She felt a surge of excitement as she realized it was time to head towards the Yule Ball.
Luna accompanied (Y/L/N) out of the Ravenclaw common room, walking side by side down the corridors of Hogwarts. As they made their way towards the staircase leading to the Great Hall, (Y/L/N) could feel her heart pounding with anticipation. The corridors were bustling with students, their voices filled with nervous excitement and anticipation for the event.
Luna stopped at the entrance of the staircase and turned to face (Y/L/N), her eyes brimming with warmth. "Remember, (Y/N), you are breathtakingly beautiful inside and out. Enjoy this magical night and let the joy and wonder fill your heart."
(Y/L/N) nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through her veins. "Thank you, Luna. You've been an amazing friend tonight. I am truly glad to have you."
With a final hug, Luna bid her farewell, watching as (Y/L/N) descended the grand staircase, her emerald dress flowing gracefully behind her.
As (Y/N) stepped onto the staircase, the gazes of the students turned towards her. The whispers filled the air, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down. All eyes were fixed on her, captivated by her stunning appearance.
Draco, who had been waiting at the bottom of the staircase with his friends, his thoughts consumed by his initial intentions, was struck by awe as he laid eyes on (Y/N). His breath caught in his throat, this time completely forgetting his true intentions.
The world around Draco seemed to fade away as he stared at (Y/N). The emerald dress accentuated her figure, and the intricate detailing showcased her elegance. Her eyes sparkled with a touch of mystery, and her hair shimmered like liquid silver. In that moment, (Y/N) was the embodiment of beauty and grace.
As (Y/N) descended the staircase, her eyes met Draco's, and they both stood there for a moment, captivated by each other's appearance. The grandeur of the Yule Ball lying ahead seemed to fade into the background as they took in each other's stunning transformations.
Draco was the first to break the silence, his voice slightly shaky yet filled with genuine admiration. "You... You look absolutely stunning, (Y/N). I mean, wow." He gestured towards her emerald dress. "It suits you perfectly."
(Y/N) felt her cheeks warm at Draco's words, a mix of surprise and delight washing over her. She couldn't help but return the compliment, her voice soft yet sincere. "Thank you, Draco. You look absolutely amazing too. I'm... I'm speechless."
Draco's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, and he shifted slightly, a touch of awkwardness seeping into the air between them. "Well, um... Thank you. I didn't expect... I mean, you really caught me off guard. In a good way, of course."
(Y/N) nodded, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I understand. I didn't expect to see you like this either. It's... It's a pleasant surprise, Draco."
Draco's eyes sparkled with a mixture of uncertainty and appreciation. "You know, I've never seen you like this before. I mean, you always look nice, but tonight... it's like you've transformed into someone... extraordinary."
Although the champions were dancing right in front of them, they seemed to only have eyes for each other. Whenever one of them watched them dance, the other one admired the grace of their date. Draco for once didn't concentrate on his plan or Potter, who was dancing right in front of him. No, he truly admired how elegant she looked. His arrogance chimed in for a second, but even that side of him didn't have anything negative to point out about her tonight. He tried so hard to not be distracted from his plan and seemed to be doing alright until now. But today, something in his head just allowed him to truly enjoy the evening, as long as it was only for this evening.
Draco extended his hand towards (Y/N) with regained confidence, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "May I have this dance, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with surprise -  although she should've known they'd dance earlier or later - but she quickly regained her composure and placed her hand in Draco's. "I'd be honored, Draco."
As they stepped onto the dance floor, the music enveloped them, a soft melody that seemed to resonate with their emotions. The other couples swirled around them, their movements synchronized and elegant, but Draco and (Y/N) were lost in their own world.
They moved together with a natural ease, their steps perfectly in sync as if they had danced together countless times before - not just the one time at dance practice. Draco's hand rested securely on (Y/N)'s waist, guiding her effortlessly across the dance floor. (Y/N) rested her free hand on Draco's shoulder, her touch light yet comforting.
Their gazes locked, and everything else faded away. The whispers and laughter of the other students, the grandeur of the Great Hall, even the weight of their responsibilities - all of it melted into the background, leaving only the two of them in this intimate moment.
Draco couldn't help but admire the way (Y/N) moved, her grace captivating him. Her emerald dress swirled around her as they twirled, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene. The soft lighting of the Great Hall illuminated their faces, revealing the genuine joy and contentment they found in each other's company tonight.
During their dance (Y/N) couldn't shake off the feeling that something had shifted between them. Before tonight, he was there for her, he helped her out in a bad situation she found herself in. But tonight - something was quite different tonight. She felt somewhat vulnerable around him tonight, a feeling she wasn't used to feel when he was around. Within the last weeks he usually rather gave her the feeling of comfort and being safe. However, she now needed to figure out what that newfound vulnerability means...
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dk-thrive · 18 days
Be still, my soul, and steadfast. Earth and heaven both are still watching though time is draining from the clock and your walk, that was confident and quick, has become slow. So, be slow if you must, but let the heart still play its true part. Love still as once you loved, deeply and without patience. Let God and the world know you are grateful. That the gift has been given.
— Mary Oliver, "The Gift." Published in 2020 by Penguin Books in Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver. (via Make Believe Boutique)
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ebookporn · 9 months
Elegy for the Publishing Industry
Recent wave of editorial layoffs reminds us that the book world we loved is gone 
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by Rebecca Kurson
A decade ago, Penguin and Random House merged in a blockbuster deal. In December 2022, the courts blocked that megamouth behemoth from swallowing up Simon & Schuster. A federal judge finally noticed that publishing houses had become essentially a turducken, which creates a stranglehold for authors, agents, competition, and readers. The continued contraction of publishing houses ensures fewer real editors. There are even fewer of the glorious old guard this week, as a recent round of layoffs at Penguin Random House specifically targeted employees older than 60. Reports indicate that buyouts are coming as well at HarperCollins and Hachette. The blood-letting in publishing continues.
The editors who are leaving represent decades of experience, thousands of pages of margin notes, and millions of books sold. Remember when you fell in love with Joan Didion’s Slouching Toward Bethlehem? How about all the gelato you sampled while devouring Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love? Hope you have a good memory, because the editors responsible for signing and shaping those books are gone.
Worse than losing the institutional memory in publishing is what it means for writers and ultimately readers. Before publishing was corporate, publishing houses allowed editors to take chances on authors who might not be bestsellers. When Cormac McCarthy died in June, Dan Sinykin eulogized both him and the glory days of boutique publishing. Joyce Carol Oates tweeted that McCarthy’s career would be impossible today: “true that most writers of McCarthy’s generation, & younger, were supported by editors & publishers through early careers of modest sales, careers-in-the-making that probably could not be replicated today.” Yeah, her editor just took the retirement package too.
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oracle-fae · 7 months
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Mermaid Princess published by Boutique Publishing in 1989 as part of the ``Good Children and Moms' Anime Picture Book'' series.
i can't believe that after nearly two decades of searching, i finally found a full set of art from this picture book. this book holds a special place in my heart. i found a translated copy at a thrift store circa 2002-2003 and loved it so much. i distinctly remember it being one of my favorite childhood books.
the art is incredible and the story further cemented my love for mermaids. i vividly remember sitting on the floor of the thrift store, flipping through the pages and begging my mom to buy it for me. as an avid book lover, my mother never denied me reading material.
this probably doesn't mean a lot to anyone else but me, but i had to share this because this might be the only time i have these pictures in my possession again. i'd love to find a copy to buy and hold on to.
anyway, i hope someone finds this as exciting as i did.
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jeannereames · 26 days
Dancing with the Lion
Dancing with the Lion is now off Kindle Unlimited, which means it is BACK on a variety of other sites for normal purchase. (Amazon demands an exclusive for KU, so it's only available on Amazon during the KU stretch.)
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So, for anyone waiting who didn't want to pay Amazon, you can now find the novels at B&N, Kobo, etc.
But if you want an ebook, and it doesn't matter to you, please get it directly from Riptide Pub. The price is no different, and I get a tad more of the Royalties (in pennies, but hey): Book 1 Becoming and Book 2 Rise. Or both novels as a pair for a little less each, if you know in advance that you want them both.
You can also purchase a physical copy, but the publisher told me they no longer handle print-on-demand because Amazon, B&N, etc., owned the machines anyway, and they're no longer "renting" them to publishers. So basically, all boutique publishers now have to go through Amazon. Classic monopoly. If you would like a print copy and don't want to put money in Amazon's pocket, you can buy it directly from Indiebound: Book 1. (They don't seem to have book 2 for whatever reason. May just not be up yet.)
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minim236 · 9 months
Requested by @angel-starbeam - Edwina is feeling homesick, so Friedrich gets Mary and Kate and they cook her favorite food.
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Modern AU
Edwina loved her life in Berlin with her husband. Getting to settle in one place after all her travelling and marrying Freddie was certainly one of the best parts of her life. Her second book - a retelling of Emma set during 15th century India - would be coming out soon and there were already great reviews.
Five and a half months pregnant, she supposed she was truly beginning to feel the homesickness she had never felt before. She missed her mother and sister, particularly. Face timing was not enough but they were both busy. They were all so busy.
Edwina distracted herself by preparing for the baby - furniture deliveries came almost every other day and she went to baby boutiques.
"Liebling, what can I do?" Friedrich asked. The former navy man could come up with solutions for so many dilemmas - but he did not know how to help his wife.
He finished building a crib, the two sitting in the unfinished nursery. Edwina had a bowl of pistachio ice cream as she watched him
She sat down, pouting, as she ate, "No, I just want to nap. And eat ice cream."
"Can I have some?" Friedrich asked, amused and she smiled, feeding him some. He hummed happily.
"This is like from that place in London that we went to with Kate - you know the one in... Hackney?"
Edwina grew sad, "Yeah," She murmured and he looked at her. Friedrich put down his screwdriver, leaning over to her and kissing her bump, rubbing her stomach as he looked at her.
"Schatz?" He asked and she stroked his hair, "You miss your mother and sister, hmm?"
"Yeah, but I'm just being silly."
"That isn't silly."
"I'm an adult."
"A pint-sized one." Friedrich joked and she flicked his forehead, "It's okay to miss them. Why don't they come here? They are welcome anytime."
"Mama does not have any annual leave and Kate is so busy with her work. She had a baby just well." Edwina reasoned, "I don't want to keep asking them for stuff." She kissed him on the forehead.
Edwina did not think too much of what she and Friedrich talked about. She had a meeting at her publishing house and came home, tired.
She entered the house and could smell something delicious. Friedrich's cooking was always great, but this was familiar. Fragrant. Was that… paneer curry? Her favourite.
She walked into her kitchen, and was surprised to see her mother, humming to herself as she was cooking away. Multiple pots on the go of the curry, rice and she was making naan.
"Mama?" She gasped, so surprised to see her in her kitchen. In Berlin!
"Eddie! Oh, you look amazing." Mary complimented, turning down the hob. Edwina hugged her tightly, trying not to cry.
"What are you doing here?"
"Freddie called. He thought you might need a taste of home, and well, you cannot fly, so we flew to you!" She explained, "Why you did not call us sooner?"
The front door opened and she heard her sister and Friedrich chatting.
"...I can't believe you think that the first one is better than the second!" Kate was saying as they carried bags into the kitchen.
"I did not say better - I preferred the first version." Friedrich said defensively.
Kate put down her bags and hugged Edwina, "Hello, you! Your husband has terrible taste in sci-fi."
Edwina really wanted to cry, "I can't believe that you are both here.
"Of course we are and I'm so angry for you not telling us that you were so down!" Kate scolded gently.
He brought a box of cupcakes from her favourite bakery, kissing Edwina, "I told you they would come."
"I didn't want to interrupt your lives." Edwina said apologetically, with a small shrug.
"You are a part of our lives." Mary said, "Or did you stop being my baby when you got married? Are you an orphan?" Kate rolled her eyes at her dramatics.
"Anyway, we are here for two weeks. We are going to get that nursery finished and you are going to relax." Kate listed, "And no protests!"
Friedrich looked at Edwina, "She has been bossing me around all morning." He received a punch in the arm from Kate.
"You are ex military, you should be used to it."
"Navy!" Friedrich corrected.
Edwina just laughed, so glad to have her favourite people around her.
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tuesday again 9/26/2023
six sentences or less, bc having a physical form has been super duper extra fun this past week
i like Chappell Roan very much as an artist/performer/media personality (and have previously featured tuesdaysongs Pink Pony Club and Red Wine Supernova), but i do not like her new album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess very much as an album. it is not very good to listen straight through as a work. very high high and very very low vibes all over the place, three different kinds of club bangers interspersed with torch songs. After Midnight both sonically and like, vocal delivery? reminds me a lot of modern paramore?? chill but danceable, a canonically bisexual song.
what would we fucking do without Riptide Publishing and their batshit insane (lovingly) catalog? The Glamour Thieves by Don Allman is the platonic ideal of a "one last job"-style heist book, in gay urban magic/paranormal wrapping paper. had remarkably good action sequences, buckets of atmosphere, excellent pacing. i read it in one sitting and was up until 3AM. my library doesn't have the other two in the trilogy, so i'm impatiently waiting until there's more fun money in the fun money budget
JT is an orc on the way up. He’s got his own boutique robotics shop, high-end clientele, and deep-pocketed investors. He’s even mentoring an orc teen who reminds him a bit too much of himself back in the day.  Then Austin shows up, and the elf’s got the same hard body and silver tongue as he did two years ago when they used to be friends and might have been more. He’s also got a stolen car to bribe JT to saying yes to one last scheme: stealing the virtual intelligence called Blue Unicorn. Soon JT’s up to his tusks in trouble, and it ain’t just zombies and Chinese triads threatening to tear his new life apart. Austin wants a second chance with JT—this time as more than just a friend—and even the Blue Unicorn is trying to play matchmaker.
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the latest Felix Colgrave and partner Zoë Medcraft video has big madeline vibes. in a big giant anthill all covered in vines lived twelve billion ants in many straight lines. love to watch an ant carry off an entire head of garlic
the next g/enshin update is rapidly approaching and that's about all i've been doing the entire time i've been sick. toodling around and finishing off stray quests here and there, accidentally discovering i never engaged with a fairly major quest, exploring nooks and crannies for stray chests and puzzles.
i did an extremely tiresome quest chain and rejuvenated this big tree that you can see from three other in-game nations which is pretty cool. i wish it looked slightly less like a nuclear test cloud?
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this monarch butterfly of a claymore-wielding woman will be released in late winter/early spring hopefully and i Must have her. this game is so good to me re: women with giant swords
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fallow week. i hope to GOD i will have the energy this week to make these fucking couch covers i want them to be Done
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miraculousturtle · 11 months
Please reblog or back this lovely children's book by a wonderful Chicana poet from Los Angeles!
Kickstarter closes ends on June 14th and she is only at 17%.
BUTTONZ FINDS HIS MOJO is a story about a black cat named Buttonz...
He is the only cat - among humans and dogs! - until one day he comes across two black kittens just like him in his family's backyard...
But when Buttonz's cat fam unexpectedly grows, even more, they seem to have all the fun in the world in the wild cat jungle of the backyard. Then, some strange feelings come up inside Buttonz's otherwise purrfect heart. Soon, his tail begins to sag, and, alas, he loses his appetite! Something's gone missing. Will Buttonz ever find his mojo again?
Why Mojo? Why now?
Kids have been struggling in a post-pandemic world in their key formative years. Mental health specialists have encouraged concerned adults to help our children name their feelings and find healthy ways to manage them during difficult times. BUTTONZ FINDS HIS MOJO was written to serve as an important reminder to children that even though not every day is ameowzing, we can still nurture our mojo and find new ways to build relationships and support networks with those in our community.
Kickstarter Goal
Our Kickstarter goal budget of $8,500 is designed to offset the cost of illustrating 100% of the book and carry us right into book production. Book production includes a professional layout, cover design, and ebook conversion. There are other costs associated with publishing and merchandise development (see rewards) that are covered within this goal.
You can help Oh My Gatos! Books unlock two more books in the series - Mama Mittens Magical Tails and Lady Lemons the Library Cat - when you help us reach our stretch goals. Check out the details down below to see how!
From the Author
Hi! My name is Brenda Vaca and BUTTONZ FINDS HIS MOJO is my first children's storybook. I am a writer who fell in love with stories - reading and writing them! - from a very young age. I published my first book, a poetry collection for grownups called Riot of Roses, last year in December 2021 with incredible support from the Kickstarter community. I'm back again this year because my first experience was so incredible, I wanted to do it all again. This is my family's first cat, Buttonz. He's the inspo behind this new children's book series.
About the Illustrator
Sucy Ananda, known professionally as "SucculentFleur," is an incredible artist and illustrator from Indonesia. Brenda was a big fan of SucculentFleur on Instagram so when it came time to find an illustrator, Sucy agreed to help! And we're so thrilled she did. Her bright artistry and imagination really capture the spirit of Buttonz and his family.
The Rest of the Team
Ana Karen is a fantastic stationery designer and producer. What can we say, she loves paper! And, of course, other wonderful essentials to make learning, writing, reading, and creating fun. Ana Karen is designing a special pencil, especially for Buttonz's book launch!
Paola Gutierrez, otherwise known as "La Piedrita Feliz" and "El Libro Feliz y Yo" is a children's book writer and poet who loves to paint beautiful stones with encouraging messages and affirmations. She graciously agreed to be part of our campaign by designing several sets of Mojo Motivations and we couldn't be more thrilled!
Naynay the Cat Lady is a mysterious gal who loves to crochet and is so so crafty. She has created a prototype of a Buttonz stuffy using her fabulous crocheting skills that are available exclusively for this campaign. How very boutique of her! Recommended for older children. Limited supply, so snatch yours up before they're gone!
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kyywtii · 2 years
Tears Of Themis boys as ||𝙻𝙸𝙱𝚁𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽𝚂||
𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚐
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First of all, you're not entering a library.
You're entering a Bibliothèque.
Artem's Bibliothèque.
The door is probably more expensive than a whole month of groceries
Not probably, defintely.
Wipe your feet before entering you filthy rat
Everyone loves his boutique because he has EVERYTHING
From thick books to thin ones
Big to small ones
Interesting to boring ones
The most random things a mind could possibly ever imagine existing
Just shoot a title and watch him slide through the shelves knowing exactly where everything is
"Excuse me, do you have 'the 50 blades of grass' ?"
"I do"
"The actual book, the one published 3 months ago ?"
"The one with the red cover and crown stamp ?"
"That one"
"Is there a-"
"Why do you have that book"
REFUSES to let anyone work in here with him
He doesn't trust anyone.
(Marius tried working for him and got kicked out but that's another story)
"I can help you !"
"No thanks."
"I'm actually very competen"
"I appreciate the thought"
"You would have more free time if I take care of some things for you !"
"Very kind, but no"
"I know how to-"
"Get out of here"
Doesn't allow food in here either
𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎
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Just no.
He tries his best okay, BUT HES SO CLUMSY-
"What do you mean I can't carry these 30 books all at once!! Just watch!"
He couldn't carry all these 30 books all at once.
He could carry 30 books
But not all at once
Can't ask people to keep quiet he's literally the one making the most noise-
Working in a library was actually a dream of his apperently
(Said he)
(No one approved)
(No one dared stop him either I mean have you seen him have you seen that smile exactly)
Is very very knowledgeable when it comes to books actually
Enthusiastically talks with the customers about what they picked
Gives recommendations
Gives his personal opinions (without spoilers ofc)
Chit Chat with him and you'll learn great many things
Might have scared the shit outta a good number of people who were just looking through the shelves because he didn't make any noise getting behind them
"Where is it, where is it... it should be around here... L... M... M.... N! Here it-"
Some people come to the library just to look for him
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝚅𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗
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Him being in a library is a violation on its own
He does a really good job actually
Just sometimes actually
"Excuse me, do you perhaps have 'Like a Water Drop' ?"
"1983 ?"
"Yes, that one !"
"We do have some copies of it yes."
"Where can I find them"
"Where ?"
"..... Somewhere there-"
No one on earth knows what brought him here, of all places and all available summer jobs
Clearly doesn't want to be here but looks like he's having the most fun he's ever had
Bet he was forced to be here and is slowly starting to like it
Pretends to be a customer when he doesn't wanna deal with someone-
Grabs a random book and sits in a corner embracing the "I don't work here" attitude
"Sir, hello."
"Excuse me, sir-"
"Can you not see I'm trying to read in peace??? If you have any questions, go and find someone who actually works here."
"... your book is upside down."
His little "Ah" said it all
𝚅𝚢𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛
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You're too dumb to understand the books he has in his library.
Get out.
Even tho it has pretty much everything and anything, this place is specialized in poetry and literature in general
Door going 🎆ᶜˡⁱⁿᵍ ᶜˡⁱⁿᵍ🎆 when you get inside
Looks each person who enters up and down
(Hes judging yall yes)
Actually owns this library
Puts the books in place and hates it when people fiddle with his work
"Here, I'd like to take these please"
"What about this one?"
"... I don't think I'll take-"
"Third row, on your right. Fifth shelf from the top, right after the 15th book."
"If you're not taking it then put it back where it was. Third row, on your right, fifth shelf from the top, right after the 15th book."
Don't tell him it's HIS job to put it back in place cuz I swear he'll jump you
And not the way you want him to, trust me
When people borrow books from him he asks for their address
"Enjoy your reading."
"You said I had a week to return them, right ?"
"What if I can't return them in a week?"
"... you will return them in a week."
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applesharonfiction · 2 months
le paysage changeur
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Wriothesley/Neuvillette
Rating: M
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50603038/chapters/127829749
Latest Chapter: Chiori, fashion designer and owner of Chioriya Boutique
The final piece of this odd puzzle falls into place in Chiori’s mind.
She has heard rumours that the Fortress of Meropide Administrator and Fontaine’s Iudex were in a secret romantic entanglement. Someone had once wrote anonymously into the Steambird claiming to have seen them kissing in the dark alleys of the Fleuve Cendre, which was quickly dismissed by most as something more likely to be an inebriated misidentification than evidence of a clandestine meeting. The location and timing didn’t make sense, especially given the fact that Wriothesley rarely visited the overworld, choosing to spend most of his time at Meropide.
Chiori’s own family had asked her about it after Yae Publishing House had released a light novel about this very subject, using characters that were apparently so similar to Duke Wriothesley and Monsieur Neuvillette that additional rumours of a potential lawsuit had emerged. Nothing ever came of any of it and the book, like the Steambird report that came before it, had been acknowledged as a clear work of fiction.
Nodding, Chiori looks directly at Wriothesley, narrowing her eyes.
Yes, this is going to be an inconvenience at best and her undoing at worst.
It also could be her greatest masterpiece.
“Bring me the measurements by the end of next week,” she says. “It will take a year.”
Outside perspectives on Wriothesley and Neuvillette's relationship. (Or, several times people didn't think Wriothesley and Neuvillette were together but they actually were.)
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
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Found this excellent thread compiling the evolution of the DCU's Asian mothers - Lady Shiva, Shado, Cheshire, Talia Al Ghul and Linda Park.
Talia is the only one not entirely of East/South East Asian descent (for all the good that does her lmaoo DC absolutely hates Asian women), and I've mentioned earlier that she's still probably three-quarters Chinese (Ra's was originally a manifestation of the US's Yellow Peril, which later evolved into the "Arab World" anxieties around the Gulf War in the '90s and finally Arab terrorist tropes post 9/11). Still, considering Damian was introduced with Arab jihadist tropes, that Talia' still very much the "Arab terrorist woman", and the lack of West Asian characters in the DCU, it gave me a little thrill to see this:
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(Alt text included)
It's from a fan created book called Gotham: (1919 - 1939) by the boutique publishing company Giant Panda King. It's not a DC affiliated or authorized one, but it's still the first time I'm seeing such a gorgeous face claim.
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literaticat · 4 months
Amazing story mentioned in The Guardian: "Last year’s Booker winner, Shehan Karunatilaka’s second novel, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida, very nearly wasn’t published at all in the UK. Nobody wanted it: publishers including Jonathan Cape, which brought out Karunatilaka’s debut, Chinaman, let it go on the grounds that its Sri Lankan context would perplex readers... As the story shows, a hair’s breadth lies between winning the Booker and not even getting a deal." That's nuts! Really?
Here's a link to the story in question.
The story isn't about Karunatilaka's novel almost-not getting picked up, that's sort of an aside to illustrate the larger point, which is that there are some more "daring" publishing choices being made from smaller publishers.
This is obviously true, yes. Really.
I don't think it's THAT nuts. Large corporate publishers tend to be risk averse. (A less-kind way to say it would be "tend to have their heads up their asses", but hey.) Publishing has always been and still is a low-profit-margin endeavor, and publishing in a HUGE way with worldwide distribution, etc, is quite costly. So naturally large publishers want to, ideally, pick up books that they think are likely to sell big numbers and be appealing to the largest possible group of consumers. Which means that sometimes books that are worthy and wonderful but which a large publisher deems to be "too niche" will not get picked up. Sometimes books in translation, books set in small countries, books that take a lot of risks narratively, etc, might not feel "commercial" enough for them, which, whether you think that's a smart fact or a dumb fact, is still just a fact.
Smaller, boutique publishers, like the ones in this article, can sometimes take bigger risks -- their financial outlay is much smaller, so they consequentially need much smaller sales numbers in order to be profitable. They aren't TRYING to have books sold in big box stores or airports around the world -- they are creating a beautiful product for a small audience that maybe will take off in a larger way but maybe will just be a beloved favorite of the cognoscenti, and either way, that's OK.
The same can be said on the kids side -- take a look at the books coming out from, say, Enchanted Lion, compared to books that are from bigger publishers. There's nothing wrong with either -- but the Enchanted Lion books are definitely "weirder" (IN A GOOD WAY), more unique, and thus, often get accolades like the NYT Best Illustrated award, etc -- they may not ever be mega-bestsellers, but they certainly get attention and praise from those In the Know.
(This does tie in to what I was saying yesterday -- a book from a small press, like these award winners in this article, or like Enchanted Lion or other similar SUPERB very small publishers, is not a bad thing. Having one of your books published by a reputable, good small press that makes beautiful books is a GOOD thing. And that kind of sale, particularly if the book goes on to win awards or get accolades, can make a bigger publisher take notice in a way they might not have if they were just presented with an allegedly "weird" book. As is the case for many of the authors in this article! You just have to separate the wheat from the chaff -- not all small presses are created equal.)
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pluckyredhead · 11 months
hello! so i was looking to get into comics some more, and was wondering if you had any advice or preferred method for finding them? the dc infinite app seems the simplest but i don't usually read comics online and never really see people talking about it so i was wondering if there's an easier or more common method than getting a subscription
(also as an aside i got here from your fics and they are. so good you are such an amazing writer thank you for sharing them <3)
Aw, thank you so much!
Back in the day I would have recommended Comixology, but now that they've been purchased by Amazon and folded into the Amazon storefront, it's a much worse app than it used to be. That said, it's a good way to purchase just what you're interested in across multiple publishers instead of paying a subscription fee.
I also recommend checking out your local library, and digital library services! They won't have single issues but they will have trades and you can read a whole chunk of comics that way, for free.
I'd also look into whether you have a local comic book store, although those can be a mixed bag - some are great, some are kind of creepy. (The creepy ones are fewer than they used to be, though.)
Personally, I read DC via Comixology and Marvel mostly via Marvel Unlimited. (I prefer Marvel Unlimited's "digitize it and put it on the platform forever" model over DC Infinite's "take things on and off like Netflix" model.)
(And since I'm positive someone's going to say it in the notes...it is very, very easy to pirate comics these days. Personally, I don't have any problem with pirating old comics, especially if they aren't available any other way. However, I really urge anyone reading this not to pirate comics that are currently being published. Comics sell in very small quantities on a very narrow margin, and too many people pirating a book instead of buying it will absolutely get a book canceled. This is not like pirating from Disney or Netflix (even though Marvel is owned by Disney), this is pirating from a tiny boutique publisher that just happens to be owned by a large corporation. And comic book creators don't make much money and still have to eat.)
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