#bone magick
wishbonewitch · 1 year
common outdoor items & their uses
a guide to common outdoor items and their magickal uses.
acorns- luck, protection, wisdom, power
walnuts- healing, protection, self care
pinecones- fertility, masculinity, growth, nature
pine needles- cleansing, healing, strength, banishment
pecans- employment, protection, success, abundance, prosperity
grass- growth, learning, healing, new beginning, grief, recovery
maple leaves- feminine, travel, change, decisions, healing
oak leaves- truth, justice, knowledge, steadfastness, protection, guidance
birch leaves- protection, cleansing, fertility, purification
dandelions- calling spirits, divination, healing
dandelion seeds- divination, wishes, manifestation, dreams, luck
dandelion leaves- defeating negativity, steadfastness, growth, purification
2 leaf clovers- love, luck, courage, cleansing
3 leaf clovers- protection, luck, fidelity, divination
4 leaf clovers- spirit work, luck, psychic ability, attraction
5+ leaf clovers- wealth, luck, attracting money, sanity
wild clover flowers- animal magick, blessings, breaking curses, luck, love
apple seeds- love, secrets, knowledge, gateways, divination, prosperity
tree bark- protection, binding, banishment, cleansing, purification
rocks- many rocks have crystals hidden inside, the most common is quartz types. if unsure, rockcs can represent strength, stability, protection and banishing. if you suspect its a crystal, look it up and discover the correspondences that matter to you!
will add more as i can, feel free to add your own!!
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squeamishvulture · 11 months
Pufferfish skeleton part 1
Last summer, I found a dead pufferfish on the New Jersey beach and brought it back to my car (wrapped in two ziploc bags). I'd been interested in vulture culture and bone collecting for a while, but this is the first animal whose skeleton I have hoped to preserve.
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I was able to (imperfectly) determine that it was probably Chilomycterus Schoepfi, aka the striped burrfish. They usually live in reefs and seagrass fields in the Caribbean and Brazil, although they venture as far north as Canada.
Striped burrfish spawn in July in New Jersey, and because I found this on May 29th, I thought it was plausible that he was early to the party, but unfortunately died from natural causes. The body seemed completely unharmed after washing off the sand and examining the underside.
I used the advice given in this post from @unofficialvulturecultureproblems on how to decompose small animals in pots, because I live in the city and I can't just leave a corpse out to the insects (although I have heard that is a better method in many ways). I also was not mentally strong enough to cut this poor guy open, he just looked too alive :(
I used those nets that onions are sold in to contain the body and so that the bones could be easily collected after decomposition. I buried him in a medium outdoor plant pot, watered him, and basically just left him for a year.
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I just uncovered the bones and they are CLEAN. No flesh at all. I think they may have even been left in the soil too long because many bones are delicate and may have been broken down by soil microbes.
I spent ~3 hours cleaning the soil off these individual bones with a toothbrush, although you may be able to see that some soil has been absorbed into the cavities where the bone marrow may have been, making the areas darker.
I left them to soak in water to degrease, but nothing seems to have come out of them after over 24 hours. According to the advice of this post, the next step is to soak in hydrogen peroxide or expose to the sun to bleach.
Neat stuff:
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Check out the beak on this guy! Burrfish use their powerful jaws to crush and eat shelled invertebrates like crabs, clams, and mussels.
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Here are some close ups on one of the many burr bones that make up the skeleton. They should fit together something like this (although this is a pufferfish, not burrfish skeleton):
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Future plans:
I hope to assemble this skeleton like the example above, although I'm not sure exactly how to go about this. I'm thinking glue at the moment, but I'm not confident I know how all these bones fit together (see the picture earlier of them all set out on a towel).
I would appreciate any ideas for what these bones are or for ideas on a plan of assembly. Also, if anyone has any tips on how to lighten and properly clean some of these bones I would love to hear it! I am excited to join this community!
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starrbeast · 1 year
so this video made me wanna share my spookiest witchcraft story, and also genuinely the most terrifying thing to happen to me.
one of my favorite things in witchcraft is bones. i’ve ethically sourced my entire collection (and by that, i mean i found all of it on my own, as well as properly thanked their spirits and cleaned them) and i will never pass up an opportunity to get more.
so, my friend and i went to one of our favorite lakes to rockhound. we found some neat stuff, and i got a cool serpentine chunk for my Mon-Tey. but on the beach, i found a little sliver of what i’m assuming to be a femur or rib. im not exactly sure how the cut on it is so clean (maybe it was food?), but i thought it was cool, so i thanked the spirit and took it home with me.
on the way home, as we were turning onto the road we live on, we were rear ended by a 72,000 pound cement truck. we were in a very small mitsubishi. car crashes are my worst fear, and they’re the reason i don’t drive (which is also linked to health issues that make me more likely to crash). so, i was just talking to my friend, yada yada, and then i black out for a moment, and when i come to, the world is spinning, i’m screaming, my friend is freaking out, and the only thing going through my head is, “i’m going to die.”
luckily, idk if you could tell, i didn’t die. i’m actually completely uninjured, as far as we can tell. i got very lucky with that, especially considering everything under the sun is wrong with my body, and so much as stepping wrong can dislocate a knee.
my friend wasn’t so lucky. his spine and hips might be permanently or at least long-time messed up, as 2 months of physical therapy hasn’t helped him at all. his car is also fucking totaled, which he was so upset about because that car was his baby. he’s suing them.
i think the only reason i’m okay was because of my guardian. maybe it was just a hallucination or false memory, but i’m pretty sure i remember seeing his green and white fur when we were hit.
i’m not actually sure if it was the spirit of whatever bone i found did it. i don’t feel anything really negative when i hold it, and nothing tremendously bad has happened since. but it’s an awful weird coincidence that my worst fear happened after i took it. but uh. yeah. thank your animal remains lmao
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green-cannaclectic · 2 years
A little magick ✨
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Trying to get back into things a bit. Got a nice little set up for meditation last night. Hoping better things start to come my way.
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kdmatheson · 2 months
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"BONE-LICKER" kd matheson 2024
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raining-tulips · 5 months
Damn I made bone broth and bread in one day? Who am I? The elderly sage who lives at the edge of the wood?!
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wanderingsorcerer · 22 days
Bones of the Past: Unearthing the Ancient Art of Osteomancy by W.S.
Osteomancy, an ancient divination art utilizing bones, boasts a rich history spanning millennia and has manifested in various forms across diverse cultures worldwide. In today's Wanderers Tea Time, we'll explore these distinctive variations and even guide you through crafting your own personalized set.
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The art of osteomancy goes by many names across many different cultures, but its main purpose is to divine future or present events. This can look like bone throwing, which entails reading the way bones land after asking a question.
Pyro osteomancy in which the bones are heated in fire and the cracks are read by the shaman or fortune teller.
There is no one correct way to practice osteomancy because each cultures take on the practice differ depending on region and era.
Chinese Oracle bones
The practice of shamans reading Oracle bones in China is seen most prominently in the late shang dynasty, the process involved the use of Turtle Shell and or Ox scapula bone.
Emperors, nobles and even peasants were known to frequent these fortune tellers for answers. The process involved carving questions into the bone or shell and then placing them into a fire. The heat from the fire would cause fracture points in the bone and from these cracks the shaman or fortune teller would be able to get insight into the questions asked.
If this sounds familiar to you and you've never heard of osteomancy there is a chance you recognize this scene from Avatar the last Airbender.
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This scene, despite its animated nature, adeptly illustrates the profound reliance individuals often placed on fortune tellers, while also delving into the cultural intricacies that underpin this ancient practice in an easy to digest manner.
osteomancy in Ancient Greek culture
In Ancient Mediterranean culture there were many different ways people could divine the future. One such way was the use of Astragaloi, an ancient four sided die usually made from a sheep's knuckle bone.
These dice were usually numbered and correspondence charts were used to see which God would be governing over your question, once completed whoever was doing the readings would be able to divine an answer.
This was a fairly common practice and was a type of game in and of itself. But the Astragaloi were used in other games all around the ancient Mediterranean and it was so common to have a set, that many children who died young were known to be buried with a set of them.
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New Age Spiritualism*Derogatory
The rise in new age spirituality has led to a rise in cultural misappropriation, Osteomancy is not as common amongst the new age spiritual movement as say tarot cards are.
It's Folk practitioners I've noticed who are keeping the art form of osteomancy alive, and are doing so respectfully within their cultures parameters.
That being said when it does bleed into New Age Circles What I've unfortunately seen in recent years, especially on tiktok, is the practice of osteomancy being used in the same fashion as hoodoo and African religious practices. (By white people)
And while it is important to learn about other cultures and to grow as a practitioner. It is also important to understand that copying the way a specific culture does their divination is not something you should be doing unless you are a part of that culture or at least are attempting to reconnect to it.
Osteomancy is an open practice and has been practiced for thousands of years, however you shouldn't be playing copyright infringement with our African brothers and sisters.
Osteomancy Sets: The Found
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To create your own Osteomancy set it is common to go into the forest or parks and search for animal bones which have already dried and been exposed to sunlight. These sets when created are said to be more valuable than one purchased because each piece of bone holds a story and a different assigned meaning. This allows you to read a more detailed answer to the question asked. The can take years to complete though so people will also add stones and other nicknacks into the mix.
Make sure each bone is cleaned with a degreasing solution and then soaked in a hydrogen peroxide solution for several days to keep rotting from taking place. If done properly the bones should last several years, if you do it incorrectly you may notice bone flies appear. They feed off of bone and are a nuisance they damage the entire set.
You can also make a Vegan version out of Wood, carving answers into them and throwing them as you would a normal Osteomancy set.
Below I will show you how to make your own set of Osteomancy Bones from the Grocery store :)
[Liability Disclaimer]
"Wandering Sorcerer shall not be held liable in the event that you become sick after attempting this project, please do not attempt unless supervised by an adult or are yourself over the age of 18. Follow all safety procedures, both recommended and inferred by the warnings given" W.S. 04/08/2024
"This is going to include the handling of fresh animal meat and bone. Please practice food safety and contamination control, I don't want you to get sick. while not found in avians, if you do this project with other animals Bone dust can expose you to prions, which is known to cause brain diseases when inhaled. If and when carving into dry bone wear a mask and have proper ventilation, its best to do most if not all of this outside."
Now that that's out of the way without further adieu here is -
Osteomancy sets: The Formed
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As someone who has done a fair amount of taxidermy work and wanted a set of my own Osteomancy bones a few years back I decided it would be cool if I made my own instead of buying one off etsy. This step by step can be converted to suite any animal however at the time I decided on chicken because it was rather inexpensive, and I was craving fried chicken that day :)
Opus Est~
Raw Chicken Drumsticks ( 6 is a good number ) store bought is fine
Dawn Dish Soap
Hydrogen peroxide
Very Sharp Knife
Metal Pot
Gloves (please wear gloves when handling hydrogen peroxide and wash your hands and the area after handling meat to avoid spreading bacteria)
The Burden Of Creation
Start by deboning the chicken, this can be tough but what I did was follow the bone using the back end of the blade. Very important the blade be as sharp as possible.
Then begin pulling away the meat and separate any cartilage from the drumstick. Cook the chicken however you like but DO NO COOK THE BONES
Once the bones are prepped we are going to begin the degreasing stage, using Dawn Dish Soap and water begin cleaning and scrubbing the remaining blood and meat from the bone.
once you're satisfied with the results, get fresh clean water and inside the metal pot add a decent amount of soap, you will allow it to sit for at minimum 24 hours.( 72hrs is best with daily water and soap changes) keep doing this until the water no longer has scum forming from the bones.
After degreasing stage is complete, get a new pot and add in hydrogen peroxide, you can get high proof 12% or higher peroxide from the hair salon, but if not Medical Grade 3% is fine, it just takes a few more days.
Change the peroxide solution daily, you should begin seeing a bleaching effect after 72 hours. Once the bones are white you can leave them out in the sun for a few days to allow them to fully dry.
The Joy Of Creation
Now that the bones have been degreased, bleached and dried we can begin actually designing the Osteomancy Set,
The set we will be creating is the crossing questions Osteomancy set, many people more than likely already know of this set as it is a common form of divination seen amongst many yes no fortune tellers on Live Streams today.
To make a set of your own you will need
Dried Bones
This is entirely up to you on how you decide to wrap or paint your Bones, the main important aspect is that a specific amount of your Bones are wrapped in twine and the others are painted with varying symbology and answers. If you have the aptitude you can carve into the bones to create permanent symbols (please use proper ventilation)
The most common for a set of six, is three wrapped and three painted.
Allow yourself to get creative, once they've been created bless them however you like and name them as you would any other tool.
So now that you've created your very own set of Osteomancy Bones, you might be asking how you read the answers.
Well look no further:
How to Not Be Dyslexic When Reading Bones
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You should have a designated throwing cup in which the set can both be stored and thrown from, think Yahtzee but for divination.
when thrown, the bones will land dependent on their varying weights and your throwing styles.
If they create an X the answer to your question is yes.
If the answer is no they will drastically separate from one another, sometimes subtle other times at cartoonish velocity.
When two stringed ones cross it becomes a definite yes. Meaning the most likely scenario to happen.
If a painted and a strung bone cross it means probably, if two painted cross its a soft maybe.
Depending on your own point of view and the symbology painted on your bones, you can interpret different meanings from your throws. The more personal a design you give your Bones the more you will be
I Feel It in My Bones
Osteomancy is an important aspect of divination, many of the ancient divination practices have unfortunately been lost or made illegal by society(The Vapors) so i think it's nice that we see this ancient art still widely practiced today. I hope I was able to offer some insight into this practice and maybe even inspired you to create your very own.
Thank you for sitting down and having Tea with me on the Other side of the Great Divide
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Reddening a moose bone ring to aid in facilitating congress with The Land. As far as I’m aware moose aren’t especially sacred to the tribes here nor could I find any stories where they played a significant role. Tho please do correct me if I’m wrong!
EDIT: there’s a rather funny folk story here regarding “Specter Moose”. Couldn’t help but think of it during the process haha.
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witchy-kiggy · 1 month
What do we want? Land Justice!
When do we we want it? Now!
On Land day, an Open letter from witches, magical and Pagan communities in Solidarity with D.R. Congo, Palestine & Sudan.
Please sign and share and begin the political conversations we so desperately need in magic communities.
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Click here to sign!
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magickpumpkin · 6 months
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New deck💀✨
Earth & Bone Oracle
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xerxeswitch · 11 months
My Bane Magic
(This doesn't cover curses, because the post would be way too long) ---
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This type of magic has always came to me very easily from my experiences, both consciously intentional and "non-intentional." I once had a unhinged woman berate racist profanities at me over a cup of coffee at my work, (because she doesn't like the extra costs of 1 pump of vanilla, 1 pump of mocha, 1 pump of toffee nut, two extra shots, and extra caramel drizzle) and she screams how I parked my bike was offensive and it "triggered" her. (It was parked on a bike rack as its intended purpose like everyone else) I bitterly thought, "I hope someone finds your car offensive and just hit it." I performed a freezing hex with the intention to just keep her from bothering me in the future, but I still was hyperfixated; stewing on the idea of her car getting hit. Two days later, she got into a bad car accident. She came back with a broken arm but thankfully that's it. (Even then, I never wish death to anyone.) I also suspected my spirit Family may have had their hands on that too, to really make sure it works. I suggest anyone into this to be careful in general. --- As a side note, I personally believe that everyone's energy type is different and some people can perform certain type of spells better than others because of that. For example, some people's energy are naturally talented moreso in healing energy and they do well in reiki healing, but they need to implement far more effort or practice if they want to do bane magic. Think of the series Avatar, a natural born airbender having problems with earth bending. ... Take it with a grain of salt though. ----- So what is bane magic?
It's casting magic with the intention of inflicting or reflecting negative energy with the motive to harm. That can include bad luck, blocking someone's path...or well, leave it up to the imagination. Some witches do it because they want to get back at someone...which is 99% of the time from my observation -- and I'm no exception. My personal rules with bane magic:
Reflect on why it angers me. Is it really warranted or was my ego getting inflamed with something that wasn't intentional?
Was I in the wrong in the situation instead?
90% of the time, I use bane magic to reflect bad intentions sent to me back to sender.
I do my best to never hit first.
I do not believe in the Wiccan rede of the three, but I still believe that energy is transactional and something will come to you at a cost...and it depends on what coverage you get with the intent of the magic and the situation.
Is it worth using my energy on using bane magic? If not, I don't use it. I consider bane magic like spending money instead of saving money. The currency is not just energy...
I want to take responsibility and accountability of what happened if it didn't go according to plan.
I do not cast bane magic on someone who I live with -- I'll be around taking in that second hand smoke.
Use protection for yourself before performing any of this ... Types of bane magic I use: Freeze Hex - Some people don't consider this a hex, but I personally think it does due to the wide range of intentions that can prove to be harmful in a passive way. It's more of a gray arts aspect -- because it can be used to "freeze" someone's intentions or actions towards something. That something can imply stopping them from being harmful to me, or to even stop them from performing tasks rendering them stagnant. On the other end, I had used a freeze hex on someone with the intent to stop them from harming themselves. It really depends. I consider freezing hexes one of the mildest ones to use because of these spectrums. The procedure is putting the appropriate herbs, liquids (hand-squeezed lemons is great to "sour" it up) that brings out the nature of my spells, and something that belongs to my target. If that last one isn't available, I use a picture or their name written on a bay leaf in the jar. Poppet Hex - Poppets are not just used for voodoo, it's a concept of use in many cultures around the world and in history. This also can be a gray arts spectrum -- it entirely depends on what you use the poppet for, obviously. For hexing, I take a poppet that represents them and pin in needles for discomfort or even sickness. (This is consider a big hex if I really, really, really despise someone. I only ever did this once because they severely abused a friend) Or, I use a poppet of someone to surround it with healing, or calming energy instead. Again, it depends. Hex Water - This one is passive too. I basically place in my herbs, some nails, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sigils, insect carcasses, and my death and hex oil. (The death oil isn't used for "death" -- it's to end the cycle of the situation) I can use this as a hex protection spell where if someone wants to harm me, the energy in the jar will bounce back. But most of all, if warranted, I would take their names and place it in the jar of hex water and I shake it vigorously to get it to work. I even carry around a smaller jar of that water and I shake it near that person's presence if they warranted it. (Mostly if I come across really bad customers at my job. But otherwise, I let it go if they're just being a pain) Earwig Hex - This requires using a head of lettuce, writing someone's name on the lettuce, cutting a hole in it and place your message in it with the earwig, dead or alive. (Preferably dead) This is exactly what it sounds like: Go into someone's head, worm around and implant a message in their thoughts. I use this to prevent the person similarly to the freezing hex. This hex is credited to Kate Freuler -- the author of the book "Of Blood and Bones." (Highly recommend; it's my favorite witchcraft book so far and it fits my energy) Psi Vampire Hex - This one comes to me more naturally since I'm a psi vamp. True, I take vital energy from others out of necessity but this is to really pinpoint someone while feeding. It's how it sounds; I basically just zero in on someone's energy and feed. If I really want to, and if they are still around, I keep feeding until the effects take in which includes signs of fatigue, headaches, other body aches, and even sickness. Personally, I don't like to go that far to sickness. Sending a Spirit/Entity - Just how it sounds. You can place an offering to a spirit/entity that can be outside or inside your spirit team. However, they can always refuse the offer -- mind that and respect it. ---- Overall, for me, I always tell people who are interested to use hexes wisely. It's a responsibility. The number one rule for me is making sure if it's worth the risks and the cost. Sure, one can say that there's no real consequences or the three way law, but there's always a cause and effect. So, at your own risk, fuck around and find out. Or, you can take heed of the rules, protection measures, and self reflection.
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
animal parts in magick (pt 1)
please note that while i go into a bit of depth about some animals, most of these can also have characteristics added regarding the species of animal they come from (such as crow wings vs bluejay wings)
cat claws- protection, hunter energy, stealth
rabbit foot- luck, speed, money, 
bird foot- protection, prosperity, luck
rat foot- determination, innovation, confidence
feet in general- movement, travel
legs- similar to feet, 
fox fur- cleverness, warmth, stealth
cat fur- stealth, healing, cleanliness
fur/pelts- camouflage, protection, warmth
skins/molts- change, renewal, fresh beginnings, letting go, banishing
antlers- sexual attraction, victory, protection
horns- dominance, power, sexuality, fertility
fangs- protection, survival, victory, intimidation
molars/nonfangs- abundance, prosperity, defense
claws/claw husks- protection, spiritual defense, deflection
cloven hooves- sex, desire, fertility, prosperity
equine hooves- power, strength, beauty, capability
turtle shells- protection, divination, order, justice, fortune, strength
snail shells- protection, strength, love, sex, fertility
crustation shells-protection, strength, power
ears- truth, knowledge, language, learning
eyes- truth, healing, seeing the bigger picture, dreams
tounges- communication, kindness, hexing liars
brain- thought, communication, dreams, health, wisdom, intuition
hearts- love, emotion, heartbreak, healing
whiskers- luck, protection, wishing, manifestation, secrets
wings- communication, spirit communication, intellect, knowledge, ideas, messages
feathers- similar to wings but can have lesser energy attached rather then the whole wing. can use color magick with these and whole wings!
crow feathers/wings- death, divination, spiritual connection, swiftness
tails- communication, travel, stability
spinal column/vertebrae- intuition, communication, clear thoughts, protection
entrails- divination
blood- binding, hexing/cursing, banishing, devotion
urine- communication, attraction, hexing/cursing, protection
eggs- protection, fertility, banishing, divination, wishes, growth
misc bones- divination, life, death, ancestry, honor
skulls- connection to the animal it belonged to and its properties
please understand that i highly discourage actively killing an animal for your witchcraft. if you find roadkill or bones, purchase parts/bones/blood, or have hunter friends who are willing to let you harvest past the meat/flesh, please feel free (this is what i do.) if you are ok hunting animals for food and using the body for magick as well, go for it. but please dont mindlessly kill/sacrifice animals. its disrespectful towards the animals, the earth and the energies involved.
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freyjahcandice · 1 month
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Searching for Cave Fairies & Trolls 🕸️🔮
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nordseehexe · 4 months
I bought a whole grilled chicken Just to collect the bones and how are you?
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stagewitch · 1 year
Fluorite | calcium fluoride
Also known as: The Genius Stone, Fluorspar
Appearance and Other Info: Fluorite is a translucent crystal that can come in nearly any color; purple, green, blue, yellow, clear and white are most common. Fluorite is often banded and contains multiple different colors. On the mohs hardness scale it is classified as a 4. Fluorite most commonly crystallizes in an isometric cubic or octahedral pattern. Fluorescence, the phenomenon of a substance emitting light that it has absorbed, can be found in fluorite containing certain impurities, and the phenomenon was named after fluorite in 1852.   The earliest known record of Fluorite is a 1530 work by Georgius Agricola and was originally known as fluorspar. 
Correspondences: mental clarity, calm, relaxation, sleep, bone and joint issues, cleansing, memory, wind, balance, grounding
‘Practical’ Uses: Fluorite is useful for those who deal with musculoskeletal concerns, it aids in relieving bone and joint pain, and mobility issues. It is also related to dental health. 
Metaphysical Uses: Fluorite enhances mental clarity, clearing out or cleansing negativity, confusion and scattered thoughts. In this way it can strengthen analytical abilities, especially decision making, by reducing emotional involvement in a situation. This balance can help to ease worries or anxiety about the future. The mental clarity aspect of fluorite is also beneficial to the student, assisting focus, helping to open space for learning and calming anxieties about academic performance. Fluorite has been called the ‘Genius Stone’ and can aid one's memory. Fluorite is not only a stone of mental balance, but also helps to provide physical balance and grounding. Different colors of fluorite contain their own additional  properties and correspondences.
Purple - purification, Spirit communication, reduce workplace pressures to overwork, calm, relaxation, sleep Blue - throat chakra, communication, creativity Green - cleansing, heart chakra, healing the heart Pink - cleansing, heart chakra, emotional cleansing/healing Black - astral cleansing Yellow - mental powers, intellectual ability, creativity, group endeavors
Sources: "Fluorite Meaning: Healing Properties and Every Day Uses." Tiny Rituals, https://tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/fluorite-meaning-healing-properties-everyday-uses#. Accessed 27, March 2023. “Fluorite.” Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem &; Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publications, 2006, p. 95-96. SIMMONS, ROBERT. Pocket Book of Stones Who They Are and What They Teach. North Atlantic Books, 2015. Eason, Cassandra. A Little Bit of Crystals: An Introduction to Crystal Healing. Sterling Ethos, 2015. Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfeild Press, 2003 Wikipedia contributors. "Fluorite." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 Feb. 2023. Web. 31 Mar. 2023.
Disclaimer: This post is not professional medical advice. Nothing on this website should be considered as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice. Persons should seek the advice of qualified health providers.
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x22817 · 8 months
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A Bean with a bone!
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