#body sheet
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fallmonds · 3 months
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Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb
Believe it or not these are animation rigs I made and I might be making some more animations with them (I need to fix Hoonis' arms and legs because they're kinda janky)
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sc0tland4evermember · 4 months
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all I have rn 😭 @tuvinn
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yaksh6asxiaonemo · 1 year
Buddy body sheet but colored and more accurate than paper
Tw: scars
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ruby0fficial · 1 month
I changed my oc--
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misgay21 · 2 months
made my wifey a body sheet 🤑🤑🤑🤑
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jaradraws · 4 months
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DISCLAIMER: the blood is a feature, not a bug 🩸☎️
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saraswritingtipps · 1 year
Body language cheat sheet for writers
As a writer, understanding and incorporating body language into your storytelling can greatly enhance your characters and their interactions. Here's a cheat sheet to help you describe body language effectively:
Facial Expressions:
* Raised eyebrows: Surprise, disbelief, or curiosity.
* Furrowed brow: Concentration, confusion, or frustration.
* Smiling: Happiness, amusement, or friendliness.
* Frowning: Disapproval, sadness, or concern.
* Lip biting: Nervousness, anticipation, or tension.
Eye Movements:
* Eye contact: Confidence, interest, or honesty.
* Avoiding eye contact: Shyness, guilt, or deception.
* Narrowed eyes: Suspicion, skepticism, or concentration.
* Wide eyes: Shock, fear, or surprise.
* Rolling eyes: Exasperation, annoyance, or disbelief.
* Crossing arms: Defensiveness, disagreement, or discomfort.
* Nervous fidgeting: Anxiety, restlessness, or impatience.
* Pointing: Assertiveness, emphasis, or accusation.
* Open palms: Honesty, openness, or sincerity.
* Hand on chin: Deep thought, contemplation, or evaluation.
Posture and Movement:
* Slumped shoulders: Defeat, sadness, or fatigue.
* Upright posture: Confidence, attentiveness, or authority.
* Pacing: Restlessness, agitation, or contemplation.
* Tapping foot: Impatience, annoyance, or frustration.
* Leaning in: Interest, engagement, or curiosity.
* Hugging: Affection, comfort, or warmth.
* Handshake: Greeting, introduction, or agreement.
* Patting on the back: Encouragement, praise, or camaraderie.
* Clenched fists: Anger, determination, or frustration.
* Brushing hair behind the ear: Nervousness, coyness, or flirtation.
* When two characters unconsciously mimic each other's body language, it indicates rapport, connection, or empathy.
* A subtle nod can convey agreement, understanding, or encouragement.
Crossed legs:
* Crossed legs can indicate relaxation or a casual, nonchalant attitude.
Tapping fingers:
* Impatience, anticipation, or nervousness can be expressed through rhythmic finger tapping.
Hand on the chest:
* Placing a hand on the chest can convey sincerity, empathy, or a heartfelt emotion.
- Tilting the head:
* Tilting the head to the side can suggest curiosity, attentiveness, or interest.
Rubbing the temples:
* Rubbing the temples can indicate stress, fatigue, or a headache.
Chin stroking:
* Stroking the chin while in thought can portray contemplation, decision-making, or intellectual curiosity.
Arms crossed behind the back:
* This posture can indicate authority, confidence, or a composed demeanor.
Tilted body posture:
* Leaning slightly towards someone can suggest interest, attraction, or engagement in a conversation.
Biting nails:
* Nail-biting can reveal anxiety, nervousness, or tension.
Foot tapping:
* Rapid or impatient foot tapping can show agitation, restlessness, or eagerness.
* Squinting the eyes can signal suspicion, doubt, or an attempt to focus on something.
Shifting weight from foot to foot:
* Shifting weight can imply discomfort, unease, or anticipation.
Covering the mouth while speaking:
* This gesture can indicate hesitation, embarrassment, or the desire to hide something.
Remember that body language can vary across different cultures and individuals, so consider your character's background and personality while describing their movements. Additionally, body language is best used in combination with dialogue and internal thoughts to create a more nuanced portrayal of your characters.
Happy writing!
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 218
“Moom, there’s yellow-eyed creeps fighting ninjas outside the window again!” 
Danny sighed, taking a deep breath- in for ten, out for eight- as he set the pot he was cleaning back in the sink. Dan- currently six- came running in from the living room of the apartment, where he was watching TV. Or he should have been if not for the bullshit outside. 
He sighed again, picking up baby Ellie- currently closer to two- out of her highchair (even if she could just float out) and let his oldest drag him to the window. Sure enough, another fight was happening, with no vigilante in sight stopping it. Look, he knew most people didn’t live here, but it was still rude. 
“Jordan, remember how I told you how violence isn’t always the answer?” Danny asked sweetly, Dan’s expression shifting to a wicked grin as he opened the window. “Feel free to practice tossing some fireballs while I clean up your sister, yeah?” 
Ah, the sweet sound of surprised cursing and startled ecto-signatures. Maybe they’d be polite enough to take their spar elsewhere. 
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quiddling · 2 months
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kissy kiss kiss
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Do u still have that height chart u made of all the characters? Im trying to find references, no prblem if u dont!!!
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You might be referring to my old one, but this is my updated one! Forgive the hastily doodled on clothes - this is also my body type/scar/tattoo/etc/general ref sheet, and while I've posted it without the colors before, it feels weird posting it with colors cause for some reason then it looks like theyre all naked, lol. Ref sheets are funny that way. So doodled on clothes it is.
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awkwardosthe3rd · 1 month
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Grabbed this design of mine from... err... 2022 now? Gosh its been a while - I just checked as I was writing this.
But yeah I grabbed this design to prep a proper refsheet for, took some older pieces, fixed them up a lil bit and drafted up some more lil visuals. Its been a bit since I've done a non-dnd refsheet that wasn't adoptable related.
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sc0tland4evermember · 4 months
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UGH PEOPLE ARE RIGHT IT DOES TAKE 72863862863862763762763762736726736726376276376273672672 YEARS JUST TO MAKE A BODY SHEET
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kiashieart · 1 year
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i'm how you say... in shambles 😳 (update: decided to add just a solo one of that one doodle cos i like it on it's own... i'm sure u can guess why)
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sergle · 2 months
pointless trivia of the day: I get annoyed when people refer to cats kneading on something as "making biscuits" because biscuits aren't like breads, and should under No Circumstances Be Kneaded
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