#blood on Stone
clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Blood on Stone  Chapter one
Find the summary and notes here! 
Notes: Many parts of this story are of my own creation. I made the world and many OC’s for this story! And a great friend of mine helped me name some characters and the world!! 
also! This chapter is kinda short, but as we get deeper into the story it gets longer! 
Warnings Blood, gore, death, character death, alien things and technology, fight scenes that may be poorly written, lots of fighting and killing, Ki-Adi Mundi, cussing/cursing, OC’s, soo many OC’s, Xenomoprhs are gross and make nests from this weird clear gelatinous resin, so be prepared for alien goo and drool, violence and more violence, clone culture, alien culture, injury, major injury, acid and acid burns, advanced technology and medicine, fast healing, things get gross and not in the fun way ;)
 I will post the same warnings at the start of each chapter so I don’t spoil anything within! 
I hope everyone enjoys this story!! 
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*Coruscant, commando barracks*
Fixer, Sev and Scorch looked up from their game of Sabacc when Boss entered the barracks, a holopad in his hands. He cleared his throat loudly, setting the holopad down. 
“Bacara and his boys need our help. Apparently they’re in a tough situation.” Boss spoke as he sat down beside Sev, glancing around the table. Sev sighed and began to clean up the game, all the brothers grabbing their winnings. They were playing for snacks instead of money. 
“We leave in an hour boys. I know this is sudden but Bacara specifically requested us. He desperately needs us. This is nothing like Mygeeto when they wanted us to scout out and prepare the battlefield. This is a far worse situation. I’ll explain on the way there. Until then, pack up Delta’s.” Boss’s words were strong and serious, he almost seemed on edge about this mission. This Delta’s grew instantly anxious by just Boss’s body language alone.
Scorch tried to lighten the mood, “So no bank robbing with Sergeant Vau and the Strill this time around?” Boss shook his head as he stood, “I’m afraid not Scorch.”
Within thirty minutes they were all packed up and ready to go, Boss silent and tense. He was setting the others on edge, and it was finally beginning to get to Sev. “Will you just go ahead and tell us? You’re grating on my nerves.” Boss glanced his way as he put a crate in the cargo hold of the small ship they’d be taking.
“Once we get moving I’ll tell you. We’re in a time crunch right now.” Sev only huffed at Boss’s words and stomped onto the ship.
The ship was a Corellian G9 Rigger-class light freighter. It was one they had stolen on a job a little while back. The Delta’s had fallen in love with the ship, and they customized it a bit so it was more their style. They also added a few more guns on it as well. They called the old silver ship Susie.
*Fifteen minutes later*
Fixer and Sev piloted the ship as Boss and Scorch sat behind them, all four armored up and far from relaxed. Once they jumped into hyperspace all three brothers turned to look at Boss, their gazes would burn a hole into Boss if they stared any harder.
“There was a distant transmission on some shithole planet in the outer rim, I think the name was Tarchceakeue…So, the Republic decided to send the Galactic marines in. Only because the surface of the world is plagued often by harsh thunderstorms and has a fuck ton of caves. Also it’s almost always nighttime there, dark as fuck for hours upon hours. The star is far away and the four moons do almost nothing for light.” He paused to clear his throat. ”We don’t know if anyone lived there, at least in the way of intelligent life. But they still wanted to get someone down there to check if it was friendly or possibly Separatist. Since the transmission was impossible to decode, it was better safe than sorry for them.” Boss shifted in his seat and continued.
“Well they came across these massive eggs in a cave and well…..Things crawled out of them. Fixer remember the hand looking creature we saw in R’tka’s ship? Yeah well those things jumped out. If it wasn’t for the helmets they would have attached to the faces of the marines. The ones they didn’t kill scurried off…..” Boss paused, resting his hands on his armored thighs, waiting to see if Fixer had a reply. All Fixer could do was mumble a curse.
Boss continued, “But what was worse was a few men getting dragged off deeper into the massive cave system by something. No one saw what dragged them off, just shadows and noises. Whatever it was though? It kept them alive…..” Boss looked at his brothers, all cursing and shifting uncomfortably.
Boss continued, “Anyways, later whenever a brother took off his helmet a hand looking creature would stalk him and come out of nowhere, attaching to his face. They currently have six men unconscious with one hand like creature stuck to them each.”
The Delta’s were silent as Boss continued, his accent thickening with his anxiety. “Oh and these hand looking fuckers? They bleed acid. Acid boys. There is no way for them to get off the faces of these brothers without killing them. One is dead from medics trying.”
Fixer shifted and rested his arms on his knees,  “What do they want us to do?” Boss sighed and looked towards the floor, “Help eradicate these eggs I suppose. And whatever may be dragging these men off into the shadows. They’re losing men rapidly and even the fucking Jedi is spooked, Bacara wants us there for some extra insurance I guess.” Fixer nodded at Boss, not very happy with that answer.
Scorch and Sev glanced at one another before Scorch spoke up, “Maybe R’tka could help us? He obviously knows what these things are!” Sev nodded along with Scorch’s words.
“That may not be a bad idea….” Boss spoke, glancing towards Fixer.
*A few hours earlier, the planet of Tarchceakeue(Which translates to Dark Place Of Caves)*
“I believe we need to call in backup sir.” Bacara spoke, his helmeted gaze on Ki-Adi-Mundi. The jedi didn’t say anything at first, his eyes closed and his arms behind his back. His Jedi robes were soaked through by the cold rain, but he paid no mind at all.
They were standing in their little makeshift base, which wasn’t far from a large cave mouth. Troopers sat and paced around them, the nerves in the area almost buzzing in the air. Bacara shifted his footing and glanced towards his men, all of them looking towards him with anxiousness in their body language.
“I agree.” Mundi spoke, his voice as soft as ever. “I thought we were coming here to possibly save lives….But all we have done so far is lose them.” Bacara nodded, his gaze going towards his mud soaked boots.
“We must eradicate these creatures sir. I know you’re not too keen on that option but I believe it is all we have left……We can’t just leave this place with it being this hostile. It could claim more lives or the Separatists could get ahold of it. Possibly weaponizing these creatures.” Bacara moved to stand in front of his general, the Jedi finally opening his eyes. The cold rain pelted them both, the water almost silver in the weak light of the four moons. Night lasted far too long on this planet…….
“I agree with you Commander. These hand-like beasts…..They feel off in the force. The ones we didn’t see in the caves even more so…The intelligence ...The darkness. It’s horrifying.” His eyes locked with Bacara’s visor and the clone nodded.
A medic, named Ket, walked up to them then, “Sir I truly believe you should wear a mask or something. Possibly a rebreather. Just anything to keep these things from getting you too. We already have six men in comas, one dead, and a few…missing…. we can’t lose you as well.” Mundi nodded at that, following the medic into one of the three large first aid tents.
Bacara followed them, “Explain to the general how these hand looking fuckers are working in the bodies Ket” The clone medic nodded at his commander, “Well sir they’re keeping these men alive and in perfect condition. It’s breathing for them….feeding them…..It’s keeping them alive. I even think the creature is altering their DNA, but we don’t have the equipment here to check. I’m a field medic, not a scientist after all…..So I have no idea why it's doing this,” Ket spoke as he began to dig through a box of supplies
“Odd…..Each of you men have your own signature in the force…But these men with the aliens attached. Something is very off.” Mundi’s voice was soft and calm, but laced with enough concern to spook Bacara.
“I’ll call in the Delta Squad, sir.” Bacara spoke, Ki-Adi-Mundi nodding, “Good. Make it quick, they need to get here as soon as possible.” He spoke as Ket handed him the rebreather, Mundi putting it on to protect his mouth and nose.
Bacara stepped out of the tent and looked out at the horizon. The rough mountains and canyons full of caves were everywhere, the faint moon light making the black and gray rocks shine in the rain. Bacara sighed and cursed, pulling out his long range transmitter.
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ominouspuff · 2 months
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Corrie guard mood board
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echo-stimmingrose · 10 months
I have funny but first a quick history lesson
In Ancient Athens they had things called ostracons. Basically every year everyone would carve a name of someone they didn't like into a small stone tablet and then submit it. Then they would look at all of the ostracons and if there were too many of one person then they told that person to get tf out. They had ten days to flee Athens and couldn't come back for ten years.
So now I would like you to imagine Dionysus doing a pseudo version of this at Camp Half-blood every month because we all know he LIVES for the drama. (He's stuck there for a hundred years he might as well have some fun)
He would hand out stone tablets (it was very important to him that the names were carved don't ask why) and every person at camp would write a name.
Whoever had their name written down the most would be sent to live in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. If they survived they would be allowed to return to camp.
Mr. D always makes sure there's a crowd around to witness their walk of shame and he takes a picture of said person every month. He keeps them hung up on a wall in the big house.
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chikinan · 19 days
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Ice-cream stand 🌈🐬 [ptrn | kfi | insta in bio]
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beckyblah · 2 months
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Hey man, if next time I see you and you’re not you… I love you man.
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lenaellsi · 1 year
realistically i know that if caleb is actually a ghost and not a goop-induced hallucination and hunter interacts with him in the finale it will be like. viscerally upsetting for everyone involved. but also. i want them to two spidermans
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do u see the vision.
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daftaiyo · 4 days
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I had a vision...
Don't ask...
Just let me draw my fav characters from my fav campaigns...
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drawsmaddy · 2 months
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[ID: A digitally coloured ball point pen drawing of Dorian Storm from Critical Role. Only Dorian's left arm, some of his cape, and some of his hair is visible. He is lying on the ground with blood pooling around him, staining his hair and cape. In his hand he holds his sending stone. End description.]
I would like to immediately clarify that I am so sure Dorian is fine, however I absolutely had some angst-ridden fun with the idea that Dorian could've died with the sending stone in his hand just like Orym did a couple years ago
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naydralikessoup · 20 days
(not the BEST part, the funniest. the one that made you laugh, chortle, guffaw, even)
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lalalalupia · 1 month
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Rand live but his mind is gone in my book.
CW mental health issue mentioned/mental patient
if you did not notice, Rand is wearing a mental patient uniform in this pic…
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Blood on Stone summary and notes
Blood on Stone will be a Predator(Yautja), Alien(Xenomorph) and Clone Wars crossover! A lot of characters are in it, like my Yautja OC’s, the Delta Squad, and the Galactic Marines(lead by Bacara and Ki-Adi Mundi)
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Summary: Marshal Commander Bacara and his general Ki-Adi Mundi get deployed to investigate a strange transmission coming from a seemingly barren planet in the outer rim. The transmission is impossible to decode, so it is vital that the Galactic Marines discover the source. Is it friendly? Sepratist? A warning? They have no idea and head to the harsh planet. The world is called Tarchceakeue, a world plagued by long nights, caves, and horrible cold rainy weather. Once on the world, the supposedly invincible and hardass marines experience some trouble, and have to call in the big guns. The Delta Squad. But after hearing their problems the Delta’s need their own help! So they call an old Yautja friend in for help. (It’s R’tka if you didn’t know)
Notes: I Don’t own Star Wars, or Predator, or Alien, or the species in this. Bla bla bla 
Okay, anyways! So I suggest you read ‘The Hunt’ before this so you can learn about how the Delta’s meet R’tka(my OC)  and get to know R’tka some before this! But it is truly up to you, my darling reader.
Along with R’tka, another Yautja OC will be joining this story, along with many clone OCs! Tarchceakeue is of my own creation as well! You will learn more about them all and the planet the further the story progresses 
You don’t have to know much about the Delta’s or Bacara and his boys to read this. But I do suggest you have a little bit of knowledge about Aliens(Xenomorphs) and Predators(Yautja) so maybe see a movie or two from the series! (The first Aliens VS Predator is good as hell) But in the story I tried to explains things to the best of my ability! 
Also! If Ki-Adi Mundi is out of character then I am sorry. There isn’t much on this dude other than he fucks, has a calm nice voice, and is pretty peaceful for a guy in a war. 
Blood, gore, death, character death, alien things and technology, fight scenes that may be poorly written, lots of fighting and killing, Ki-Adi Mundi, cussing/cursing, OC’s, soo many OC’s, Xenomoprhs are gross and make nests from this weird clear gelatinous resin, so be prepared for alien goo and drool, violence and more violence, clone culture, alien culture, injury, major injury, acid and acid burns, advanced technology and medicine, fast healing, things get gross, 
I will post the same warnings at the start of each chapter so I don’t spoil anything within! 
I hope everyone enjoys this story!! 
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brightgoat · 4 months
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[ green child AU .13 ]
Jolyne's stand has begun its evolution, and the gravity finally caught a certain someone.
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leulahart · 2 months
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the alayne sample chapter from winds is actually something that can be so personal
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frogmansides · 5 months
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a jojo art dump! a lot of these are older, realized I’ve had a bunch of stuff I just never posted on here (some of these only made it to instagram) so wanted to put them all together here ^_^
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andrew3garfield · 5 months
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POOR THINGS (2023) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos
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randbitb · 8 days
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i just draw shit for myself these days
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