#blood bowl gnomes
conniemb · 3 months
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zrinboy · 3 months
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I am truly at a loss for words, good or bad...
Gnomes Plus the treemen are pretty cute
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shad0whunt3r · 3 months
Bloodbowl players rn (and a further feather in my hat that they will return in ToW)
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boardgametoday · 3 months
Warhammer World Anniversary 2024: Gnomes come to the pitch and bringing some Animals with them
Warhammer World Anniversary 2024: Gnomes come to the pitch and bringing some Animals with them #bloodbowl #warhammercommunity
A new Blood Bowl team?! Like, brand new Blood Team!? The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs have been revealed. Yes Gnomes are coming to the Blood Bowl pitch and bringing more stunty goodness. Gnomes make use of their furry friends to help make up for their short stature. There’s also a mastery of illusions and trickery to help them out. So, a ferocious goose or a speedy fox with a ball in its mouth on the…
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k-marzolf · 21 days
I’m gonna live forever;
title inspired by Irene Cara’s song Fame.
cw; hit man!Billy Russo, ADHD coded reader, kissing, a hint at Billy’s darker side, fem!reader.
summary; Billy is your neighbor that you’re enamored with, but what secrets is he hiding?
tagging; @terry2227 @kayhi808 @e-dubbc11 @bookloverfilmoholic @aoi-targaryen @firequeensposts @oops89 @thejanecampaign @littleblackcatinwonderland @zz-kennedy @fictional-hooman @cant-help-simping @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @danzer8705 @firexfate @rosaleenablack @idaofinfinity @russosafehaven @vaguekayla
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You see him with her in the drink aisle; she’s flirting as he grabs your favorite wine, and puts it in the cart. You feel the sting of jealousy; she’s beautiful.
She was like Snow White, or maybe some Twilight vampire, minus the sparkling. A Volturi member, ready to kill you for your blood. Or maybe—a fairy but ones with claws, and fangs. A human—you stop yourself as you go on yet another tangent.
You look down at yourself in your sweatpants and one of his PT shirts you’d swiped. You made a habit of stealing his clothes like a little gnome, they were comfortable. And they smelled like him. You casually make your way over, missing the way his eyes light up when he sees you.
You know your neighbor isn’t yours, but god you want him to be. Karen had seen him twirling you around in the hallway, with a glass of wine in your hands, somehow not spilling.
“I got the better wine.” He had husked in your ear, opening his apartment door.
“Are you sayin’ I have cheap wine, sir?” You had huffed.
He hummed, “‘I’m trying to catch a fairy.” He said, breath tickling your ear.
You had stumbled forward, nearly spilling the wine.
He laughed, “First day on your new legs, Ariel?” He said, helping you into the apartment.
“He’s an asshole, but a beautiful one, isn’t he?”
When you approach, the woman looks at you with disdain. But Billy wraps his arm around you, kissing your mouth, making your cheeks blaze, and eyebrows raise in surprise. “Hey, fairy.” He says, smiling at your wide eyed expression.
The woman curls her lip glaring at you, before she leaves the two of you. Not a vampire, then. He sighs once she’s gone. “What a pain in the ass. They only ever want my beauty. I’m a goddamn prize to them.” He admits in irritation.
“You could walk around with a bag over your head. Like Scarecrow. I’d dress up like Batman, too. You know, so you won’t be alone. Or a pumpkin like the headless horseman. We could put LED lights inside to give it the murder kitten vibe, and I could be Ichabod Crane, or—” You ramble, the train wreck gaining speed.
He cuts you off, kissing you mouth, tasting your iced coffee, and you make a surprised noise in the back of your throat.
He looks at you as he pulls back, and gives you a boyish grin, making butterflies erupt in your belly. “Wanna get some wine and snacks?” He asks you, pointing to the wine in the cart, enjoying your sweet smile.
“We could have a movie night, we could watch the Terminator, or Alien. Bloodthirsty aliens against a woman and her cat, I’m also not opposed to homicidal dinosaurs, or The Mummy, gets the ancient Egypt nerd in me happy—” You ramble.
Billy grins, cheeks dimpling. “Sounds good, fairy.”
You both agree no to rom-coms (you loathe those, something Karen never understood, “Romance and comedy, what could be better?” She asked you one time. “Criminal Minds. Serial killers and Spencer Reid,” you had deadpanned. Karen had blanched), so you and Billy decided to throw some movies in a bowl, and select one.
Forging relationships has always been difficult, due to you being so ditsy and a chatterbox.
Maybe with Billy, it doesn’t have to be.
“Young man?” An older lady stops Billy in his tracks as he moves to climb the stairs. Her hair is graying, and pulled up in a tight bun; she has laugh lines, and her eyes are warm.
“Yeah?” Billy asks, one foot on the step in front of him, body turned.
“Thank you for befriending her. I’ve always worried about how isolated she is. But she seems at ease with you. No one should be alone all the time.” She says, and Billy’s heart aches at the image of you alone with no one.
You peek from the top of the stairs, “Bill?” You say impatiently, giving him golden retriever energy.
“Comin’,” he says, turning back to the lady who shoos him up the stairs.
“What’d she want?” You ask, bouncing on the balls of your feet, noticing an outline of a knife in his combat boot.
Billy ruffles your hair distracting you, “Just worried about you.” He hums, kissing your cheek. “How about that movie night?”
You give him a sweet smile, giggling as he raced you down to the end of the hall where your shared apartment was, carrying chips and salsa.
He was going to steal your heart, you were sure of it.
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
I'm Tisiphone - or Tiss, or Tizzy, I don't mind (she/her). I mainly write SFF, but I intend to try my hand at horror and potentially espionage thrillers in the future. I also can't seem to write anything without women being very gay in the middle of it all, so I'm leaning into it.
I follow from @princessw0lf
About me:
I'm a disabled trans lesbian from the UK
What I like seeing in books? Mysteries woven through the plot that resolve satisfyingly. Characters that bounce off each other and grate against each other in interesting ways. Weird romances that don't dominate the plot, but are a key part of it. Great character development.
Favourite books? The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir, The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood, Malice by Heather Walter, The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. And a lot of Terry Pratchett.
Fiction I probably won't enjoy? Something where the plot is purely interpersonal drama or romance with nothing interesting happening outside of it. Literary fiction. YA.
Outside of writing? By day I'm a software developer. The rest of my time is spent drawing, playing games both video and tabletop, and playing electric guitar (badly).
DMs/Asks/Tag games? Fire away!
@sam-glade is my pal and you should go check them out too!
With this blog I'm aiming to post writing updates, inspiration, and probably writing-related memes.
About my writing:
At the moment I'm primarily writing high fantasy/epic fantasy, with a view to trying out some more genres later on.
Admittedly a lot of the classic elements of western fantasy are in there, but I've been trying to get back to the mythological roots of creatures like elves, gnomes, and dwarves, and to present them as not being all white and vaguely British.
The world of The Tectomancy Saga is also, like that of my childhood writing hero Sir Terry, an odd shape. There's a reason for that, and we'll get to it eventually.
While my stories are currently third-person multi-pov stories, I intend to experiment on that at some point in the future.
My stories will probably all revolve around two things; a central mystery and a central relationship. I love a plot where you can pick at the smallest words and phrases, theorise about absolutely everything. I want to write stories where people have a thousand ideas about what the truth is, and each one of them knows there's a good chance they could be correct. I also, as a queer trans lady, want to write about sapphic relationships and include many people who are not cis.
My favourite themes to write are anti-authority, people breaking out of systems they've been trapped in for a long time, people being more important than power.
I'm definitely a plantser. I know kind of where I'm going, but let's see where the journey takes us along the way!
Finally, you can expect the tone of my writing to be trying to find that sweet spot between serious and dry humour that makes you groan, with a healthy sprinkling of subtle meme references.
Current projects below the cut
The Tectomancy Saga
On a bowl-shaped world suspended far above swirling blue mists, nine goddesses, witches, or geniuses, blessed their peoples with divine magics, then disappeared. Now, the world is decaying, tensions are rising, and people scramble to control the magics in order to shape the future.
Made with Crown and Claw
WIP Intro
High Fantasy: The classic Princess-in-a-tower-guarded-by-a-dragon story, but we see the machiantions that put her there, and what happens afterwards.
Releine Sholt is hand-picked by the heir to Tectomancy, Princess Almyra Tectus, to be her new bodyguard. The role has one ominous stipulation: nobody can ever speak to the Princess, on the threat of dire punishment.
'There was only one bed' turns out to have horrifying consequences.
Progress: Fourth draft done at 129.5k
Bound by Stone and Blood
High Fantasy: The saga continues from different perspectives, having different adventures, that will eventually conjoin.
Almyra vies for control of her kingdom. Ellimane tracks down two misfits who are being hunted by a rogue automaton. Releine visits hell. A new threat rises in the shadows of Versewelt, the decaying land.
Bitter exes who technically never dated are definitely not thinking about each other.
Progress: First draft underway at 69k
Snippets and Short Stories:
Flash Fiction Friday: On the Edge
Flash Fiction Friday: I Can't Tell
Her New Captain (Alternate Chapter)
Naenia, through Murder
WIP Intro
Naenia, the reaper who is responsible for death through murder, is shellshocked when a murdered homicide detective returns to life before her eyes and promptly asks her out on a date.
Detective Carina Choudhry has an odd - very Goth - new girlfriend, who saved her from the serial killer she was on the trail of.
Progress: Complete at 46k
Fay and the Red Kite (Title pending)
Fay Orrel, a trainee mech pilot, finds that her beaten-up old training machine holds an AI that has replicated its deceased former pilot. She tries to keep the other woman secret from the PMC that owns the mech, who would be certain to wipe the AI's memories, destroying Mina forever.
Progress: Well, I wrote the prologue and some of the first chapter. Being dabbled with!
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skunts-own-truth · 3 months
Oh man, new Stunty team? That’s a shocker, I really wasn’t expecting there to be a Gnome release for Blood Bowl! But just look at these guys:
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I currently play a Necromantic Horrors team, “the Yellow Kings,” but I’ve been itching to try out a Stunty team! I had enough minis to do a goblin team, but I just never fully went gobbo mode. Gnomes, though? Gnomes? We going with the Gnomes, gang.
If their lore is consistent with Warhammer Fantasy, they should also have some natural Ulgu in them, making them masters of trickery and illusion. The Warhammer Community page hints at this slightly, so that’s good! But I’m really just excited about that fucking goose with the Guard skill starting out on the roster.
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justmightyshadows · 3 months
A Karlach/Lae'zel mini story
Just a smutty little story over two chapters about my second fav ship!
This is NSFW and there will be a fan top who I see as a bottom(mostly) ;)
Is this #Laelach or #Karzel? I like both.
Lae’zel slips on a pile of gnome guts and sees the shadow of the beholder come around the corner right above her almost immediately after. She scrambles backwards reaching for her sword until she hits her back against a wall.
No, I will not meet death today she thinks to herself, lifting the sword with one hand and slowly rising to her legs, using the wall as support. From behind the beholder came a squelching ripping sound of flesh being separated. Its large eye tried to swivel but was caught on something, blood began to pool from the socket and its iris pressed forward until Karlach barreled out the other side. She had ripped the beast in two with her bare hands.
Lae’zel felt as though she was practically drooling when she grinned to face Karlach. The Tiefling emerged gore covered and limping - they were the only two left of the original companions and had no coin to be heard of, they’d have to survive if they wanted to bring the others back. She scans the abandoned temple and sees a door she hopes will lead to a room.
“Let us make camp in there. We must rest if we are to win the battles ahead.” Lae’zel says as she points towards the dusty door on the other side of the temple.
“Think you’ll have to help me get over there, Lae.” Karlach says flashing that signature smile before it fades into a grimace. She only uses the nickname when addressing her Lae’zel noticed, as if her full name was too much to say.
She props Karlach up with her shoulder and helps her into the center of the room without the usual fuss. With a great heave she moves several large cabinets in front of the door and turns her attention back to Karlach. The gory mess she has made of herself hid the large gash along her arm that continued into her leg and has had the added benefit of clogging her vents. She was running hot and suffering greatly.
Karlach is being uncharacteristically quiet Lae’zel ponders, she leans her against a wall and begins to clean her wound and vents.
“You are quiet now, Karlach. Where is that warrior’s rage?” It felt odd to be the one who started the conversation with her, usually she was chatty and bright, humming and making noise to keep herself entertained.
“Trying to focus and not burn you up soldier.” Her breath is ragged and smells of brimstone and flame. She is surprised to see Lae’zel being so gentle with her, looking down at her work the wet cloth over her wounds and free each vent with care. There is a type of devotion in her hands and Karlach couldn’t understand why. What about her inspired such care? Maybe Githyanki liked burnt to a crisp Tiefling. Just her luck.
Lae’zel is efficient as ever and as soon as she finishes wrapping the wound and hears the hum return to Karlach’s engine she turns unceremoniously to starting a fire and preparing dinner.
“We have little meat but more than enough wine it seems. It will have to do.” She says, passing a bowl of crispy meat to Karlach and pushing some bottles between them. They feast in silence trying to find some relaxation to the night after the terrors of the earlier battle. Still chewing her last bite Lae’zel begins to shed her armor and line it up on the other side of the room, she then removed her undergarments and rinses everything with water. When she returns to the fireside Karlach is staring at her with a confused look on her face.
“Tired of your clothes, Lae?” Karlach is trying to break a bit of the tension of having her naked in front of her. Lae’zel raises her eyebrow and gives a stern response to the bit of joking Karlach is trying to do.
“We must maintain the quality of our weapons and garments. There is much battle ahead of us.” She leans back onto her hands, exposing her breasts to the heat of the flame and stretching her neck back. Karlach looked at the harsh lines of her body and the scars that she had collected over the years.
She is beautiful. Scary as all hell. But absolutely beautiful. Karlach thinks and curses herself a bit for not jumping at the opportunity when she had the chance. Lae’zel had offered her relief after saving the grove but her engine had been burning too hot. Then, when she got it cooled she wasn’t sure if Lae was still interested anymore. She had heard around camp that her eyes were on someone else.
“Is your injury causing you pain? You have not cared for your weapon or clothes yet.” Lae’zel’s voice seems to bring her back to the present moment.
“No you patched me up pretty good, just thinking.
gonna take care of that now.”
Karlach rose and stood next to the pristine pile of Lae’zel’s armor and after cleaning her clothes and axe placed them down next to Lae’s to dry. Drying them this way was useless as her heat would have dried it faster on her body but she didn’t like telling Lae’zel no. She quickly returns to the fire and tries her best not to stare again thinking it best to make conversation instead.
“What did you do back home to blow off steam after a big battle? This reminds me of the Hells. Lots of drinking involved after any fight - lots of nakedness too.” Karlach takes a big swig of wine and offers the bottle to Lae’zel, who reaches out and answers with a matter of fact tone.
“We would blow off steam with more carnal pleasures. The best among us would have our pick. You have not had that in a long time, has that changed since you had your engine cooled?”
Karlach felt like maybe that sentence alone was turning the temperature up on her engine, she could feel Lae’zel staring at her over the bottle of wine that she was sipping.
“I mean - I haven’t tested it out just yet. Not fully anyway. I kissed Shadowheart but thats been it.” Talking about this with Lae’zel was so uncomfortable. She wasn’t sure if she was pushing her away bringing up someone else.
I mean she asked - Karlach thinks - so I’m just giving her answers.
Lae’zel frowns, seemingly annoyed with the thought “I saw. That was enough for you?”
“Gods no. I’m so pent up, you have no clue.” She presses her legs together to hide the growing wetness from staring at Lae’s exposed body. This conversation wasn’t helping either - it felt like it was leading somewhere. At least she hoped it was.
“And yet, you have not approached me. Am I no longer of interest to you?” Lae’zel looks away, which felt to weird to her. She didn’t know why the question felt so foreign on her tongue. Did she even want the answer?
“Not at all Lae. I would love to, ya know, touch you.” Karlach leans forward a bit, hoping Lae’zel would make the first move. Inviting her to be close.
“Then why haven’t you?” Lae’zel responds, her eyes still facing down. Lae was relentless - she put that in her notes for reasons not to mess with her, or lie, ever. She would follow a point to the ends of the world - maybe even the ends of the next one. It was admirable for anyone who wasn’t on the receiving end.
“I’m out of practice, don’t want to disappoint.” Fuck. That felt so weak, she’s definitely gonna say something. Karlach thinks, reflexively closing her eyes for the coming blow.
“Such weak thoughts from such a powerful warrior, I am surprised. We must put an end to this. Let me lead, I will bring you pleasure.” Lae’zel leans forward accepting the invitation before her and bringing their heads close together.
I would.
I’d love that.”
That worked?!?!? Her engine stuttered a bit as Lae’zel presses her hand against her shoulder pushing back with slow pressure.
“Then lay back, I have been patient enough.”
Karlach leans back onto the cool stone floor, her tail flicks to her side in excitement. Lae’zel spread her legs open with purpose looking down at her with a sense of accomplishment - she had been waiting for this for so long. She leans down and places her hands upon Karlach’s hips bringing her mouth to fold around her nipples, her tongue expertly massaging each one as Karlach arched her back upward in response. She works her way down the Tiefling’s body, taking her time to leave deep sucks and bites as she goes - the heat that emanated only made her more excited as it lightly lapped at her tongue and kissed at her cheeks.
She did not pause when meeting the joining of her thighs, sliding her mouth over Karlach’s clit with a ravishing sound from her deep suck. Karlach’s legs shake in response she’s already near her limit, already moaning and gasping. Her hips lifting and rising into Lae’zel’s mouth.
Hells, she thinks I need to last longer than this. If I tap out now it will be so embarrassing. But damn, she knows what she is doing.
“So sensitive. You really have been deprived.” Lae’zel whispers, the edges of her lips bouncing off Karlach’s lips gently. She was enjoying the feel of having such a warrior come undone at her touch.
“Hold on to me - we’ve only just begun.” She presses her mouth forward again. And Karlach weaves her fingers into Lae’zel’s hair - the soft strands felt like bliss to her touch. Looking down she could see Lae’zel’s head moving, and when she feels like she can’t hold any longer the fucker looked up at her - her eyes were beautiful and full of passion - it was as if Lae’zel was seeing the most stunning sight of her life. It was just a look but she came undone inside of her mouth with a deep moan and clenching of her thighs.
“Fuck - Lae. This is how it was in my dreams - just better.” She caresses Lae’zel’s head as she lifts it from Karlach’s lap, her slick dripping from the Githyanki’s cheek and mouth. The look on her face was smug but also excited - as if she could keep going for hours. She turns her head a bit and sucks deeply on Karlach’s fingers sending shivers up her spine.
“Your dreams can not compare to this reality, Karlach. I am a great lover.” Lae’zel teases, running her tongue over the inside of Karlach’s thigh, leaving steam in a small trail in its wake.
“So it’ll get better than this? I might combust.” Karlach says back -playfully placing her hand around Lae’zel’s throat and receiving a satisfied purr in response.
“Absolutely not. You’ll control yourself and your heart machine.” Lae’zel said seriously releasing herself from Karlach’s grip.
“Ha! Not literally Lae. Just really enjoying myself, as you know. ” Lae’zel seems to almost ignore her as she sat on the ground with her legs out in front of her. She began rubbing the base of Karlach’s belly before reaching behind her and lifting Karclach’s ass into her lap. Lae’zel took her hand and rubbed the soaking wet entrance before her with her knuckle the other hand extending a thumb to focus on her clit.
“Ah…that feels amazing.” Karlach let out in a low whimper her head pushing back against the stony floor. Lae’zel looks down at her- her body stretched out and bare, she slides two fingers in without looking away making sure to take in the tensing of Karlach’s muscles and watch the moan fall from her lips. As always Lae’zel is focused - moving her fingers in deliberate strokes enjoying the powerful pull from inside her bed partner. She felt Karlach begin to buck against her hand begging for more.
Unacceptable to be inadequate.
Lae’zel thinks to herself switching her position to bring her mouth over Karlach’s erect nipples and her now free hand down towards her ass.
“Tell me, is it sensitive as well?” She had always wondered about Karlach’s other appendage.
“Whasddd? Eu mans?” Karlach says in a garble of words her eyes closing in pure ecstasy as Lae’zel continues to push in and pull out of her.
Lae’zel slides in another finger and grabs the base of Karlach’s tail, massaging it with her hand, raking it gently with her fingernails and that seems to open up the Barbarian underneath her.
She tenses but Lae’zel is not satisfied
“Look at me, Karlach.” Karlach’s eyes flash open - two brimming rounds of pleading that connect with Lae’zel’s. Her mouth opens and the stuttering moan that comes out turns into a high pitched whine - her voice riding the sensation of her climax through to the end. She reaches out a hand and brings Lae’zel into a kiss, pressing forward with her tongue showing off the feel of the forked flesh in the Gith’s mouth.
Karlach is emitting steam and breathing heavy as she holds Lae’zel close to her body. She reaches her hand down and pulls Lae'zel out of her gently and hears the wet sucking sound of her own body.
“I can’t believe I climaxed so easily. More than once.” She buries her face in her arms, embarrassed at Lae’zel’s gaze.
“My skill made it easy, do not blame yourself. If you had the stamina I could give you pleasure many more times.” She rakes her fingers along Karlach’s side and caresses the base of her tail.
“I guess you’ll have to help me build up stamina then. We’ll have to try a couple more times.” She runs her hand up Lae’zel’s body and presses her nipples gently, kissing the joining of her neck and following it up with a gentle bite of her ear.
“Yes, I will have to train you. Though, I admit having you not be as sensitive as today will be a change. I enjoyed the sounds you made, how your body responded to my touch.”
Karlach stumbles over her words, for a couple minutes, the heat from her body increasing in temperature again and looks towards the tent to avoid Lae’zel’s gaze.
“Yeah - you were just so, I meant ya know how you are. It felt so good Lae. I’d say it was worth the wait but.. 10 years was so long. Could have used this before. ”
“Well you will suffer no more.” She lifts Karlach easily into her arms, the Tiefling’s eyes grow wide with surprise, her arms wrapping around Lae’zel’s neck for support.
Lae’zel never wavers and gently places her onto the bedroll in the tent, completely unfazed at the size difference.
“Rest. We have much to do in the coming days.” Lae’zel didn’t have to tell Karlach twice - she felt full in so many ways. She pats the ground next to her and signals for Lae’zel to be the little spoon. Lae’zel stares apprehensively but with Karlach’s urging she allows her to put an arm around her so they could sleep. Karlach nestles her head behind Lae’zel’s and strokes her abdomen gently.
“Thank you, Lae’zel.” Lae’zel flushes hearing her full name fall from Karlach’s lips and allows the hum of her engine to lull her to sleep.
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3xm-draconic · 5 months
Broken Chains (Werebat Cyris and Astarion Story)
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Summary: Astarion confronts Orin to save Cyris...with help from an unexpected source.
The temple reeked of blood and viscera. Orin and a pure white dragonborn stood definitely before them, “Durgy, Kill them, make their bowls ooze all over the floor, for Bhaal!” She giddily hummed to the twitching muttering creature “hahahaha…yes…FOR BHAAL!” he roared.
They needed to fill the dagger with her blood, it would consume her with one stab…if only Astarion could get that close…
Halsin and Karlach were smashed into the walls and poor Shadowheart was sent flying into the temple ceiling…this Dark Urge guy…he’s tougher than they expected, but NOTHING is stopping him from killing Orin and taking her blood back to the temple of Entumbrue.
He’s cutting that bitch’s heart out one way or another…
Astarion got Halsin up “Get Shad and Karlach out of here”, “no Astarion we are not leaving you here”, “Iam not letting you all get killed by-”
The Durge roared and looked as if he were tearing himself apart…then he transformed.
He took the form of a hideous monstrosity, “YOU need to leave NOW”, “NO, I know you want him back but it’s suicide! You can’t fight that thing alone!” 
Astarion wasn’t listening…
They were all pinned…
“Gods…Cy..” he sobbed “I’am sorry”...
Suddenly the door to the temple burst open and an elderly dwarf in gleaming platemail zoomed past them striking the creature in the face with a gigantic warhammer.
“YOU” BOOM whent the hammer down on the creature’s head, “DON’T”, BOOM down it whent again, “HURT”, BOOM “MY LITTLE GRAND BABBY’S”, BOOM, “FRIENDS!” WA-BAM!
The creature was sundered into the Skull of Bhaal, “GRah! You-” BANG, “enough out of you, I’am done looking at such an ugly face!” He snapped.
The dwarf raised his hammer high, “NO!” Orin screamed as the Durge’s head was caved in like a rotten pumpkin…
“Alright you, get back on your feet we have this nasty piece of work to deal with”, “who are you?” Shadowheart gawked, “no time for introductions, kill crazyass first”.
Orin screamed and transformed into the same monster as the Durge before…
That's when Astarion got an idea “get her to face you guys, I’ll sneak attack her, one shot is all I need…”, “you sure boy?” the elderly dwarf turned to him, “trust me”.
Orin lunged at the dwarf but he was surprisingly nimble for an old man, Astarion turned into a bat and clung to the ceiling “just the right angle…” he murmured, Orin stomped and slashed about…then.
Astarion dropped from the ceiling, poofed back into human form mid-air and stabbed Orin in the head.
She shrieked and roared and cried, but the dagger did its job, it exsanguinated her and now with her life blood in hand it was time for a sacrifice.
“Ok…who are you exactly?” Karlach asked the old dwarf as Halsin patched her up, “Oh right, I promised to tell all of you when we killed that crazy bitch” the dwarf laughed “name’s Cyris Stonebreaker, I’am Cyris’s Grandpa”.
“WAIT WHAT?” everyone gawked, “I thought he was raised by halflings” Shadowheart pondered, “your correct, his mother is light foot but his daddy be a strongheart, a stout, a half-dwarf” Stonebreaker laughed “I married a halfling lass who had o’l little Tommy boy”.
“A strongheart halfling half-dwarf?” Karlach scratched her head “well ain’t that something…”
The temple to Entumbru was rebuilt, hastily but with care, the basin at the base of the shrine was repaired and ready for its offering. Menphes Gloombeard acted as priest of the ritual, “you sure this will work?” Gale shuttered, all the bats looking at him…felt…hungry, “yes, Entumbru promised and he will keep his word” Astarion turned to Gale with a determined look.   
Out of the 300 or so spawn and 70 werebat deep gnomes, they had the 100 worshipers required, they had Orin’s blood, the temple was rebuilt and now…
Astarion took the dagger out and broke it over the basin, a gallon of blood oozed out, the converts began chanting…
“dominus nofler. rex bate. custos crepusculi. adtende vocationi nostrae o sancte pater et huic orationi mediae responde”, Entumbru hopped down and began to drink Orin’s blood. 
“reddite nobis furto. Hanc oblationem suscipe, et huius sacrificii virtute convalescas. o rex lunarum pallidarum et purpurearum astra” Entumbru morphed before their eyes…he grew into the form of a man…
A very familiar man…
“Cyris?” Astarion gawked, this…form of the bat god…why did he?
“I go now to rescue my son” he turned to the worshipers “keep the basin full…please do not let my power wane” he stepped through a portal to the hells… “I will be back…shortly”
The basin never seemed to be full, it kept draining and draining like a bottomless pit “Astarion we may not have enough blood for this” Sebastian worriedly turned to him, “I have an idea” he said as he approached the basin, he put on every item of magic that increased health, had his friends stand by with healing potions and spells…
He then cut his palms and let them bleed into the basin, repeatedly using the spell “life transference” to give his blood to the basin.
“ASTARION!”, “I’ll be fine…just, just keep me alive” he groaned.
It felt like hours but Entumbru returned with Cyris’s soul intact, “that when rather quick” Gale noted “what on earths did you do to get him back you could not have fought the devil that easily?”, “simple…I fucked Mephostpholies” Entumbru nonchalantly shrugged.
The party was silent, “what?” Entumbru grumble “Iam a god of nature, twilight, harvest, protection and…” he chuckled coyly “Iam also a god of…fertility”
“Whatever lets just put Cyris’s soul back into his body now” Karlach flusteredly changed the subject. 
Cyris awoke to being in a bed back in Little Hope-Light, the tavern in Bloodcrystal Vail “was it all a dream?” he groaned, Astarion saw him awaken “CYRIS!” he embraced him “gods darling~!” he kissed him all over his big bearded face “I love you, I love you!” he cried.
The party practically smothered him in affection, hells even lae’zel was hugging him and telling him how worried she was about him.
Cyris looked at his body, the chains were gone…but scars of their presence still remained, on his neck and wrists were long jagged scars where the tattoos had been removed.
“Jellybean!” Cyris’s Grandfather, Stonebreaker, called out to him as the two hugged “oh, boy It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, Moradin’s beard! You’ve gotten tall haven't you?”, “Grandpa! You came all the way here to help” Cyris smiled but the frownd “won’t grangran be worried about you with your mechanical leg acting up?”
Stonebreaker shrugged “as long as I got oil on the thing it’ll be fine squirt” he chuckled.
Entumbrue approached Cyris, Cyris confused at what was before him simply gawked in stunned silence, “hello son” Entumbru smiled, “son?”,  Entumbru laughed “son as in my SON, you are of my flesh and blood, I am your biological father Cyris”.
Stunned silence filled the room.
“Then…who’s my mother?” Cyris asked, his mind racing, “you met her already, she saved you from jumping off that belltower…”, “you mean?” Cyris gasped in shock, “yes Cyris” Entumbru nodded “you are the son of Yondalla”.
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rose-lizzzy · 9 months
Katherine quickly pockets the crystal, to where Shrub wouldn't be able to get it, before returning to hugging the gnome, holding onto her while she fought.
"Ow! Let me- ugh! Let me go!" Shrub insists, but Katherine continues to hold her in the embrace.
In the moment of peace, she observes the scene. A bowl sits, empty, on the floor near them. Small drops and bits of mushroom stew are splattered around, and Katherine realized some of it was on Shrubs clothes.
Glancing over at Gem, even though she and Scott were in a heated battle, with the elf seeming to not want to engage, she suspected Gem had the same stains.
She looks at her hand, realizing that it was sticky. It was covered in the same goop. But only the hand that had held….
"Shrub…." She groans at the gnomes ignorance.
In response, Shrub tries to bite her.
"Shrub! Hey! Shrub look at me! It's me! Remember?"
She refuses to acknowledge Katherines attempts to bring the gnome she cared about back, and Katherine looks around, trying to figure out something to do.
Her side was still covered in blood, she probably wouldn't be able to travel at all, or even get up from their spot.
She didn't have many options… she could try to reach for her communicator, send a cry for help to-
"Gem? Gem are you here? Are you okay?! I…I had a-"
Sausage stops mid sentence as he landed in the middle of the chaos, looking at Gem, bright red streak in her hair and a crimson glint in her eyes, fighting Scott, who looked terrified, but for some reason not of Gem. He saw Katherine on the ground with Shrub, both covered in blood, a pool building around them, and something was off there too, but the king already suspected what that was.
He had been building yet another castle in Mythland, when his sight went black out of nowhere.
When his vision returned, he was in Gems wizard tower, and she was shivering, huddled close to her fireplace wrapped in a blanket. She had a white streak in her hair, and frost covered her cheeks, her fingertips, and spread across her skin slightly.
He watched Shrub come in, try to help, give her some soup, and then his eyes widen.
He watches in horror how the white streak turned red, her eyes glinted with malice.
Gem steps towards Shrub, menacingly, and the gnome tries to scramble backwards, but she hits a wall.
"...Gem…? Gem…please…don't…"
The wizard laughs. "Oh come on Shrub, you clearly can't escape the corruption! I'm sure deep down you like it. How about we remind you about that?"
The gnome shakes her head wildly. "No! I'm done with the corruption. Scott got his deer god to protect me!"
Gem scoffs, and then breaks into a full laugh. "Really!? You think that is going to save you?!" She holds the bowl of stew, still half full. "Come on then, have a bite."
Shrub shakes her head, pushing the bowl away, some of it sloshing and dropping onto Gem and the ground.
The wizard growls. "This isn't a request, gnome. You are going to eat this." She shoves it towards Shrub, spilling some on her as well, and Shrubs eyes go wide, she tries to push it away, get the stew off of her, but it only makes more of a mess.
Gem rolls her eyes, raises her staff, and suddenly Shrub couldn't move at all.
"You either eat the stew…" Gem starts. "Or….I feed it to Katherine. She'll be here soon to check on you, won't she? I'll just force the stuff in her."
Shrubs eyes go even wider.
".....no………" her gaze drops to the floor. "...fine.."
She reaches out, taking the bowl with shaking hands. She had never wanted to hear the voices again, to have that dark red cloud in her mind. But here she was.
Sausage tore out of the vision, on the ground by his current project. Bubbles was licking his face, worried for the king.
"Sorry girl…I have to go check on Gem."
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farsight-the-char · 2 months
FuCking FinallY
Kill Team Nightmare, and Warcry Pyre and Flood, both coming to preorder this Saturday.
Wildercorps Hunters and Gorger Mawpack both getting indpeendent releases, alongside several of the Warcry terrain kits that have come out the past while (no Frog Head, yet).
Blood Bowl Gnomes team and accessories.
New White Dwarf with "Bladeborn" Warcry rules for 6 Underworlds bands, Boarding Actions rules for 40k, and Necrons Lore focus.
The "Deathworlder" Catachan Guard novel coming out in hardback (neat).
Some neat BL reprints, and some Space Marine (Loyalist) e-book shorts.
Warhammer Plus has a lore focus on Mandrakes, and a Battlereport using the above mentioned Boarding Action rules (Black Templars vs Necrons).
AOS and Gnomes focus on Warcom.
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday!
This is from one of my all-time favorite fics I've written (and it doesn't even have my OTP! Shock!)
Ayala Trevelyan's new pet is not met with universal approval:
The gnomes waiting in the line took offence to Cullen's movements, but unlike the one he had just kicked, their protests weren't aggressive. One of them rapped his boot with its fist and gesticulated angrily between Cullen, the popcorn, and the back of the line. Cullen glared down at the thing. He was in no mood to be lectured on manners by a blood-covered, killer garden gnome.
He reached the table and grabbed the bowl of popcorn away from Ayala. She looked up at him in alarm. "Hey! That's mine!"
What happened? How'd this happen in the first place? Read more!
Omfg I forgot the tags 🤦‍♀️
@mxanigel and @mxkelsifer
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mistysworldboutique · 2 years
Tumblr media
The illustration shown with me, and many other images are available on magnets and postcards from my shop.  ⁣https://mistysworldboutique.etsy.com . Purchases may give me rewards. ⁣ Here is a 1915 drawing from Swedish illustrator John Bauer. It shows a prince and a tomte.⁣ ⁣ A tomte is a little creature from Nordic folklore. Depending on where you're at in the Nordic lands, they may also be called tonttu or nisse.⁣ ⁣ They seem to have taken their fashion inspiration from garden gnomes, as they normally sport white beards and wear conical or knit caps in red or some other bright color. From the description we can assume that the tomte is the one on the right.⁣ ⁣ They're solitary, domestic spirits who secretly protect farmsteads, and they'll even help with the chores. Just like old people, they value tradition and they demand respect. If treated well, they'll protect the homestead and animals from all kinds of evil and misfortune .... well, except for taxes.⁣ ⁣ But just like many people in modern Western society, they're easily offended and they have short tempers. If anyone offends one of these little spirits, they'll steal things, break things or turn things upside down.💥 I think I may have some tomte blood in me.🤔😸⁣ ⁣ Long ago, Scandinavian farms were very isolated, and during the long, dark Northern winters, the tomte was a companion to keep solitude at bay, even if he wasn't really seen. When country folk moved to the cities, they brought their tomte with them. They were kind of a valuable asset. A home without one could not thrive and the family may be reduced to poverty.⁣ ⁣ Tomtar (plural of tomte) didn't ask for much in return for their services, just respect, trust and on Christmas Eve, a bowl of julgröt with butter. 🥣🧈 That's a kind of porridge. I've never had it, but I assume it must be like a liquid cat treat.😋 ⁣ ⁣ Folktales say that tomtar will steal from neighbors to increase the prosperity of their own homes. If that's true, there may be some of these tomtar living in neighborhoods all across America. I think they're the "Porch Pirates" we keep hearing about.☠️🏴‍☠️📦📦
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imaginekhaos · 3 years
The Bet
Pairings: Demon!Kirishima x Reader, A bit of Bakugo x Deku x Kaminari
Synopsis: Being a realm messenger sometimes gets you involved in situations that required creative solutions.
Warnings: demons, mythical creatures, magic summoning, unprotected sex, voyeurism, spanking, dubcon, male/male sexual interaction, use of "Daddy" and per usual- a severe lack of editing
Word Count: 6.7K
Your world was full of mysterious things. You had sprites in your attic, gnomes in your garden, and a few blood bags in your freezer for your vampire visitors. You even had the new schedule for the portal stations hanging on the front of your fridge, cut from the newspaper delivered by your local goblin horde. Magic permeates the air here, filling everyone's lungs with every breath they take, making their skin buzz with slight power. So, as a realm messenger, you were used to all kinds of strange paranormal things happening. You had summoned many creatures before in order to complete contracts and to transfer messages from the beyond to those who roamed the mortal realm. That was your job, but something you could never have been prepared for was Eijiro Kirishima.
A light haze of smoke filled the room of your cabin along with the heady scent of burning herbs and spices. The light was dim, your shadows dancing in and out on the walls. You had received a request from two villages over to create a contract with a demon to push off the frost for another week so that they could harvest a little longer. You had taken your time to measure out the specific elements needed for this summoning into their little brass bowls, placing them in their designated spots. You carefully ground together ash and talc, mixing it with fresh spring water in order to create a paint that you used to draw a large circle in your bedroom floor.
You sat cross legged in front of said circle and centered yourself into a meditative state. You focused your energy into your core, the haze of it swirling just under your skin. Your mind cleared and all the small sounds in your cabin quieted as you opened up the link between yourself and the demon realm, requesting assistance. As strange as it was, it worked kind of like a job bulletin board. You requested help and allowed passage for anyone willing to help.
It wasn’t long before a flash of bright light filled your room. A ring of blue flames traced around the circle you painted on the floor, running around the edge before meeting together to complete the shape. From your floorboards a body emerged.
The first thing you saw was a set of black horns atop a head of long, silky hair that ombred from black at the roots to a bright red at the ends. The second thing you noticed was the mouth full of sinfully sharp teeth arranged in a lopsided smile that could be considered goofy if not for the blazing mischief in a set of ruby irises just above it. The rest of his body emerged and there wasn’t a single aspect of him from his broad and muscular shoulders to the very tip of his spade tail flickering back and forth behind him that didn’t scream power.
There was a moment where you just stared into each other's eyes, enraptured in the glowing red of his eyes. His smile widened to something more predatory and you snapped out of the trance you found yourself falling under. Such was an occupational hazard of working with demons. They often liked to flaunt their abilities and power to prove they were capable and that often caused trance-like symptoms.
You started your introduction, “Good evening, sir. My name is Y/N and I am a realm messenger. I requested a contract. Am I to assume you are here to do business?” you cocked your head to the side as you looked up at him from the floor.
“Hello, y/n” his voice was deep and gravely, abyssal in nature, making it seem like multiple voices stacked on top of each other in whispers while his voice reigned loud. “I accept your request. My name is Eijiro Kirishima, but you are more than welcome to call me Eijiro. All of my friends do.”
A smile broke across your face. You really did enjoy your job and it was always much easier to do when you got the summoning correct.
“I think I will stick with Kirishima for now since we just met and all.” You gestured for the mountain of a demon to take a seat on the floor across from you. He smiled back as he sat down. The circle of blue flames reflected light across his sharp, stone-like features. The circle did not bind him inside, he had free reign until you shut off the link, but it was more out of respect that he didn’t leave while talking business.
It didn’t take long to realize that while Kirishima very much fit into the mischievous role of demon, he was also a gentleman. He patiently waited for you to explain the situation and lay out a plan with clear guidelines for him, nodding along and asking questions when needed. He was obviously no rookie when it came to contracts and you had a feeling it had something to with the waves of power radiating from him. He wasn’t some low level demon looking for side work. This was his whole job and it took a lot of power to complete numerous contracts at once and he already told you he currently had three he was working on.
The next part of this process was the part that always made you nervous– payment. Most summoned entities asked for money or goods which were easy to come by but every now and then you got more personal requests for things that were harder to fulfill.
“Okay, so if there are no more questions for me, the only thing left to do is discuss payment. What would you request for a deed like this Mr. Kirishima?”
His mouth quirked up in the corners at the way you addressed him, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“How about free passage?” he offered.
That wasn’t an uncommon request, and you let out a relieved breath at it. Most demons needed a little help to enter this realm and they often liked the idea of having free passage to a place of their choosing. Once a portal was placed for them, it stayed for a month before they needed renewal.
“I can grant that. Where would you like passage to?” You confirmed.
He rested his chin in his palm as he looked at you. He seemed to be studying you and thinking about his next words.
“Here, if you don’t mind.”
It was odd that he wanted free passage to your village, but it did have a few shops that sold rare goods so it wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary. “Okay, Mr. Kirishima. I will have to talk to the council to set up a portal for you, but they shouldn’t protest too much. Would you like it on the north or the south end of town?” His brash laughter echoed off the walls of your cabin, confusing you with the sudden outburst.
“No, you misunderstand, love. I meant here as in right here, in your home.”
Your confusion only magnified. “Why would you want to have a passage here? I don’t have anything to offer you.”
“You’d be surprised what you have to offer me.” his eyes flared up but simmered down again. “I am curious about the life of a messenger. Will you indulge my curiosities?”
You mulled over the options for a moment. You didn’t understand his curiosities but there couldn't be too much harm in allowing him to come and go for a bit. You already summoned everyday so it wasn’t like he would be intruding because you always had someone or something around your home. You shrugged in approval.
“I think I can agree to those terms. Are there any other questions?” You asked.
He shook his head and you extended your hand to his. He took your hand in his, making yours look comically small comparatively, and shook it firmly.
The frost was delayed another week, the weather surprisingly tame for the season. This ensured a more bountiful harvest for that village and many others in the area. This also kickstarted the budding relationship between you and Kirishima. At first he started showing up for short periods of time once or twice a week. He stayed long enough to watch you complete a job and then said his goodbyes. But it wasn’t long before he began to show up more frequently at all hours of the day and he stayed for much longer than before. Still, this didn’t bother you because you stayed rather busy with your work. Being a realm messenger meant that you often had to forego sleep in order to discuss matters with other realms that were on different schedules than you.
Even when it came to summoning a demon, it was always Kirishima who appeared in order to help. He was slowly invading all aspects of your life and you just didn’t have it in you to complain. He was harmless when it came down to it and you were beginning to really enjoy his company, even going as far as to miss him when he was gone. You would even consider you guys friends with the amount of time he spent with you talking about his life and asking you about yours.
The only thing keeping you from committing fully to the friendship was the very prominent heat in your core when he sent you his crooked grin and flashed his vermillion eyes in your direction. He was a sin, and he obviously knew it. The way he looked at you sometimes crossed the traditional boundaries of friends. They were full of heat reserved for more private encounters. You didn’t know how to deal with the emotions you were experiencing, and it was driving you crazy. There should be no lust between friends, yet you couldn't deny the shameful amount of time you spent daydreaming about his large hands around your hips holding you into the mattress as he used you as he saw fit.
But the month of free passage would be up soon and you knew your head would be clear of all these thoughts, at least you hoped.
A flash of bright light lit up your room, waking you from your deep sleep. You felt a strong hand wrap around your ankle and pull you down to the end of your bed.
You looked up in alarm, eyes connecting with a familiar set of rubies.
“I need you to help me settle a bet.” That was all the warning you got before Kirishima pulled you from your bed, onto his arms, and through the portal burning a circle into your wooden floor.
You tried to scream, really you did, but it came out as more of a broken gasp. A scorching heat enveloped your body for less than a second as you passed through the portal. You watched the portal above you close just as quickly as it appeared. Before you knew it, Kirishima landed on the ground, bouncing you in his arms slightly from the impact. Your hands gripped tightly on his broad shoulders, nails digging red crescents into his skin. His very naked skin. Quickly, you started wiggling and struggling in his arms making him set you down as if you weighed nothing.
You hastily straightened out your pajama shorts and the tank top that had twisted around your torso in the struggle. Crossing your arms over your chest your lips pursed in annoyance.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing, Kirishima?!” Your words hiss through your clenched teeth. Your patience had run out and you didn’t have the energy to be your usual nice self. Perhaps getting angry at such a strong demon wasn’t a super smart move but this was Kirishima we were talking about. He wouldn’t hurt you, but he obviously had no qualms about pulling you from your bed in the middle of the night and bringing you to wherever you were. Before he could answer you quickly followed it up with another question.
“Where did you even bring me?”
He chuckled bashfully, muscular arm tucked behind his head as he rubbed the back of his neck. You tried to keep your eyes on his but you couldn’t help looking down at his toned torso that rippled with rock hard muscles. “I’m sorry, y/n. I may have gotten too excited. This is my home. Don't worry though, you’ll be safe here. Well, mostly anyways.”
Mostly? What the fuck is that supposed to mean. You roll your eyes, exasperated, but you take some time to look around. He had teleported you to the middle of a large room ornamented in gold crowning and white accents. The walls were covered with patterned wallpaper in a deep shade of burgundy which added to the warmth of the room. A plush chaise rested against the far wall from where you stood along with a small side table. A few pieces of art hung on the walls depicting abstract bodies pressed against each other in poses that seemed far more erotic than you thought appropriate for a room. But you had to remind yourself that you were in the demon realm and things were different here. The main lightsource for the ornate room came from a massive fireplace that flickered with wild flames. In the darker corners of the room held candelabras with lit candles casting familiar shadows on the wall lighting up two doors which you guessed one led outside and one to the bathroom.
When you turned around you came face to face with, possibly, the biggest bed you had ever laid eyes on. The comforter looked so warm and soft, the pillows doubly so. It called to you in your exhausted state and all you wanted to do was curl up in between the sheets that you were sure were as lush as the rest of the room.
“And why couldn’t you have just waited till in the morning to invite me here instead of dragging me out of bed. You know I don’t get much sleep with having to work my deals all the time. Kirishima, why am I even here?” You rubbed your hand over your face before massaging your temples trying to push away the headache forming behind your eyes. His glowing red irises flashed to a set of deep embers, flickering like the flames in the hearth.
“I told you, y/n. I need you to help me settle a bet.” he walked closer to you, fingers tucking your hair behind your ear. It was a familiar gesture, but it ignited a fire in your lower belly.
You sighed, a little shakily. “If I help you settle the bet, will you let me go back to sleep?”
He grinned wider, “Of course, you can sleep however much you want when we are done. I’ll even let you use my bed so no one disturbs you.”
The thought of uninterrupted sleep in the bed of your dreams appealed to you far more than you would like to admit, persuading you to nod your head in agreement. “Okay. What’s the bet?”
He clapped his hands once in excitement, smiling just as wide as the first time you had seen him yet somehow twice as predatory. A cold stone of unease settled in the pit of your stomach. The feeling of regret washed over you because you were sure you’d just agreed to play a game you didn’t quite understand the rules to.
The sound of one of the doors opening behind you caused you to jump in alarm. Swiftly turning around, putting Kirishima to your back, you watched as three vaguely familiar figures walked through the doorway. The first figure was a man– no, a demon. His black horns curled around the sides of his head like a ram, complementing the ash blond head of hair. His torso was covered in a black tank top that showed off his muscular arms that glistened in the firelight. The shirt was long on his frame, longer in the back and shorter in the front where it met a pair of black joggers that clung tightly to his thick thighs. Red eyes met yours, staring intently at you and raking down your form. You could have swore he was impressed with what he saw if it wasn’t for the sneer that seemed to be at home on his face.
The next person who came in behind him, gave you a bright smile. His freckled cheeks flush in the heat of the room. He had a mess of green hair that fell across his forehead in messy curls. Large gold cuffs encased his wrist as he shyly waved at you and you noticed a matching set on his other wrist. He wore a loose fitting tunic that shimmered when he moved. The fabric was light and airy, shear so you could see his lithe form below it. His legs were covered in a light pair of teal leggings that wrapped around the heels of his otherwise bare feet.
The last person who came through the door, closing it firmly behind him, winked at you, smirking in mirth. His eyes were golden, glowing and crackling with energy. A black streak of hair disrupted the yellow. He was shirtless save for a black choker around his with three chains that split off. Two of them wrapped around his shoulders and under his arms before meeting in the back. The third one trailed a straight line down his torso and disappeared beneath the front of his black jeans to a mysterious location.
Each face that entered the room caused your anxiety to rise higher and higher. You recognized them now. The first was Bakugo, a demon known for his ruthlessness and violent tendencies. You had contracted with him once before and he had asked for two drops of your blood in return for his– to put it lightly– slaughter of shadow walkers that had infested an island on the west coast. What he wanted with your blood, you'd rather not know.
The second was Midoriya, but he was a djinn that worked under the name Deku. He was kind, his task bothersome but he completed it with grace. He was asked to steal a magical compass from the leader of a neighboring land. In return the only thing he asked for was a secret. There wasn’t much you could give to an entity with as much versatility as him, but a secret was something he could never obtain without permission so it meant a lot to him.
The smirking man was very familiar to you because his request was extremely memorable. He was a Raiju, a companion of the lightning gods. His kind were exceptionally rare and most of them were beyond your summoning capacities since they answer to a power much higher than you. Denki, as you so understandably remembered, had made himself available going as far as summoning himself and requesting a reward for something no one had employed him to do. When a large storm had rolled across the lands, lightning had struck down numerous trees, setting them ablaze and burning a forest to the ground. The loss felt by the land was immense but it was no surprise since it was the way of the natural world. Denki argued that he went out of his way to burn the forest down so that it would grow back richer and more fertile. His reward, he demanded, should be three virgins. It was needless to say he did not get his reward. At least no from you anyways, but there were rumors that said otherwise.
So focused on the familiar faces in front of you and your ever rising confusion, you didn't notice the large set of arms wrapping around your waist until they were already there. Your hands flew to Kirishima’s forearms around your middle, breaking your concentration. His palms were flat against your plush stomach pulling you tighter against his muscled torso. His chin came down to rest on your shoulder. His mouth was dangerously close to your ear as he spoke.
“Y/N, these are my friends. I would like to introduce you, but I’ve heard you've already met. You’re such a busy girl.” The three other men in the room walked over to the chaise. Bakugo flopped down, occupying most of the space with his large frame. To your surprise, Deku climbed onto his lap, settling on one of Bakugos legs and throwing his legs across the other. Denki followed suit, getting comfortable on the tiled floor by Bakugo’s feet, resting his head on the demon's knee. They kept their eyes on you the entire time, predatory and curious.
Your body shook as he continued to hold you. “Wha...What is this, Kirishima?” you stuttered out
“You see, darling, I’ve grown rather attached in the month I've been blessed to spend with you. But then I found out that you were rather well known for doing favors for other people.”
You started to protest, claiming that it was your job and that that’s how contracts worked. You didn't get the chance to say anything however, because one of his large hands came up to cover your mouth. He was gentle but firm, cutting off any complaint. You started squirming once more against him, trying to get him to let you go.
“Shh, shh, shh. I know. You're going to say that it’s your job. But I thought I was special, y/n. When they told me about all the little gifts you gave them, I couldn’t believe it. They had gone on and on about this gorgeous, kind, delicious little messenger in the mortal realm,” his arm around your waist tighten with every description, forcing your wiggling to a minimum. “And I thought to myself, it couldn’t possibly be the same girl. Not my, y/n.” he laughed humorlessly, the sound vibrating against your back.
He sighed before continuing, “But they were telling the truth so I made them a bet. Do you want to know what it was?” He used the hand on your mouth to force your head into a nodding motion.
His mouth moved closer to your ear with his next words. “I bet them that I was your favorite. That I could get you to admit it before the end of the night. You think you can do that for me, sweetheart? Think you could tell them I’m your favorite?”
The question was rhetorical, his greedy hands on your body giving you enough insight to know that your answer mattered little in this moment. He carefully released his hand from your mouth but it was quickly covered with his lips as he tilted your chin to meet him. One little action, and your resolve broke. Why deny such obvious feelings you had for the demon when he was offering relief?
His soft lips moved over yours, commanding all your attention. Even his kisses exuded power and you melted under his touch. He carefully turned your body towards his, arms wrapping around your waist, palms resting on your ass that was barely covered with your sleep shorts. The kiss deepend. His sharp teeth grazed your bottom lip, dragging it into his mouth before releasing it with a pop. Your hands gingerly snaked around his neck, fingers threading into the hair at the back of his neck and pulling slightly. A low growl resonated from his throat as your fingers tightened in the silky strands.
Suddenly, he scooped you up in his arms, large hands gripping the underside of your thick thighs that wrapped around his torso. Your legs could barely reach as they squeezed him closer. His body was broad, wide in all aspects. He was a literal mountain of a man and you couldn't help but feel small in comparison. A jolt of fear ran through you as your lips moved against him. He could literally break you if he wanted, and you weren’t so sure he wouldn’t in the end. You quickly dismissed the thought and focused back at the task at hand. If this is what took you out of this world, you had a feeling you wouldn’t have any complaints.
In a display of strength Kirishima tossed you on the bed. As your body bounced on the soft surface, sending your limbs sprawling about, a chorus of jeers came from the corner of the room. A quick glance at their direction distracted you long enough for Kirishima to grip you by the ankles once more and tug you to the edge of the mattress. You let out a yelp, eyes tearing from the crowd and meeting a pair of crimson ones that were furrowed with frustration.
“Hey, don”t look at them. I’m the only one you should be worried about.”
Worried is the right word, you thought. Carefully he crawled over your body, his eyes never left yours as if to make sure he had all of your attention. His eyes reminded you of a beast about to devour its prey and by the time his face was level with yours you were almost shaking with their intensity. His long hair fell around you guys like a curtain between the both of you and the outside world.
Your breath was caught in your throat. His stare, his scent of wood and smoke, the heat that rolled off him in waves. It was all too much and just as you were about to break, his hand caressed your cheek. Knuckles ran over your cheekbone and down your face. His fingertips ghosted over your neck and across your collarbone. His mouth met yours in a feverish mess.
The way his lips moved against yours with such conviction, such purpose, made heat pulse in your core. Swiftly his lips moved from your mouth and started trailing a line of fire down the column of your throat. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing deeply.
“Gods, y/n. You smell divine. I could just eat you up.” His statement was followed by the wet heat of his tongue lapping at your pulse.
His large hands wandered up and down the curves of your body. He groped and kneaded your softest parts, fingers grazing upwards to pinch your hardened nipples through your shirt. You gasped sharply, fully aware of the four sets of eyes on you but unable to stop the sound. He rolled the sensitive bud between his large fingers, twisting and pulling before switching and repeating the same for the other one. From this stimulation alone you were already a panting, writhing mess. The sensation of foreign hands and gazes on your body only proved in heightening your desire though you couldn’t deny that your blush was equal parts arousal and embarrassment.
Kirishima pulled back from you, a wild lust raged in his eyes as he looked down at you. Deft fingers made quick work of your night shirt, pulling it over your head and practically growling at the sight of your breasts bouncing out. The action left your hair sprawled all over the sheets like a halo. Sitting back on his heels between your spread thighs he ghosts his fingers down your chest, palming your breast. He continues this path letting just his fingertips flow over your soft skin until they reach the waistband of your shorts.
His fingers tuck in the elastic band before pulling them gently down your legs, you arching up to help him. With a flick of his wrists, he tossed the offending fabric somewhere on the floor behind him. His hungry eyes only darkened as they took in your, finally, naked form. Your mind and body were at odds. On one hand you were so embarrassed to be seen by so many people like this. There wasn’t much time for sex when you had a profession like yours, much less anything that felt quite as intense as this. But on the other hand, you were starving for Kirishima’s touch. Every point of contact between you two felt like liquid fire to your surely dripping cunt.
Once more, you were brought out of your thoughts when Kirishima gripped your thighs, squeezing the plump flesh of them. You tried to look up at him, only to find his eyes already staring at the apex of your thighs. He looked like a starving man as his eyes never moved from your sex.
He also acted like a starving man when he dove between your legs, still gripping your thighs tightly. You squealed in equal parts surprise and pleasure. His tongue lashed about, tasting every inch of your arousal before flicking over your clit. One hand flew to your mouth as the other fisted his hair and pushed him impossibly closer to you. If you weren’t wet before, you sure were now. Arousal gushed from your core as he flattened his tongue and slowed his strokes, dipping strongly into your hole and pressing firmly against your clit. His spade-tipped tail flickered wildly behind him.
“Ah~ Kiri… Don’t do that-- ah~ Please.. I can’t handle... “ Your words were cut off with a lewd moan. One of his thick digits slowly slipped inside you. He thrusted it in and out a few times before adding a second one, scissoring them inside you. The stretch was already a lot for your tight hole but add that along with his ravenous mouth and your thighs were shaking before too long. He wouldn't let up enough for you to catch your breath. Your chest was rising and falling in rapid succession, the crest of your orgasm quickly approaching.
Without warning, Kirishima brought your clit into his mouth, sucking hard on it. You didn’t have time to warn him before your orgasm overtook your body. Stars danced on the edges of your vision. Your hands flew to his horns, gripping them tightly, pushing his face tighter against you. Tremors wracked your body, your thighs squeezed tight around his head and your hips bucked wildly into his mouth. Your orgasm felt like it lasted forever but it was probably only a minute.
Ever so slowly you started to come down from your high, releasing your hold on Kirishima’s horns. Your body felt lax and warm, a glowing buzz of ecstasy filling every limb. Your eyes were heavy lidded as you risked a glance down at the head of crimson and black hair between your thighs. Stark red embers stared up at you. The hunger in his eyes was almost tangible in the air. “Sweet, sweet, y/n. I could taste you for a thousand years and still not get my fill.” His voice growled into the apex of your thighs, eliciting a whimper from the back of your throat. His tongue slipped back out and licked a stripe up you sex on last time. It was all too much for you to handle and you couldn’t help but feel out of control.
Your gaze darted away, afraid his lust would further consume you but what greeted you was arguably worse. Presumably turned on from the scene in front of them, the trio of previous summons had begun to find new ways of entertaining themselves while Kirishima made a mess of you. At the center of the scene was Bakugo of course. Head tilted back in pleasure, one of his large hands cradled Deku’s head. His fingers were threaded in the mess of green locks as Dekus mouth traced sloppy trails up and down the column of Bakugos throat. He made quick work of the available space, painting the blonde’s neck purple with love bites.
Bakugo’s other hand was fisted at the nape of Kaminari’s hair encouraging the up and down motion of the lightning spirits head. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening and the wet sound of gagging only solidified the fact. Though you couldn’t see the blonde’s member from here, your brain concocted images of Kaminari’s lips wrapped around a thick shaft, cheeks hollowed and hunger in his golden eyes. Your cunt clenched from mere imagination. They were in such a tangle of lust that you couldn’t help but feel drawn into their little cocoon of pleasure, pulling you deeper under the spell of arousal.
Feeling overwhelmed with the scene in front of you, you looked back to Kirishima, whose lips were leaving hot open mouthed kisses on your thighs. He was still watching you as he started kissing up your torso, tongue dipping into your belly button before continuing its path upwards. When he got to your breasts he buried his face between them. He kissed all over your exposed chest, drawing each mipple in his mouth, sucking, and then releasing with a pop. Your skin buzzed each time it touched him.
Soon enough he straightened, his hips settled between yours and you could feel the hot bulge of his member pressing against your sensitive core. The thin layer of his leather pants did little to conceal his arousal.
He spoke again, having to be the voice for both of you since you couldn’t focus enough to form any other sound then pitiful gasps and whimpers, “I’m going to fuck you now, and you’re going to tell the others that I am your favorite. You can do that for me, angel, right? You can do that for Daddy?”
Your head nodded on it’s own accord, entranced by every word. He grinned down at you, pride swirling in his features.
“Good girl, y/n. What a good girl you are.”
Leaning back on his haunches, his hands took their agonizingly slow time unlacing the front of his pants. After what felt like forever, he pushed the concealing material down his thick muscular thighs, just far enough to free his cock. His length bounced upward towards his stomach, his large mushroom head beading with precum that trailed sticky rivers down his girthy shaft. He was beautiful, there was really no other way to put it.
Wrapping his hand around himself, he ran the leaking head up and down your folds, mixing your juices together. With practiced precision he slowly pressed the head of his member in your already quivering pussy. Your eyes clenched shut at the feeling of him stretching you, but your mouth fell open in broken moan. Inch by tantalizing inch pushed into your core until he bottomed out and his hips met yours. You both sat there for a moment, enveloped in the feel of your bodies joining fully for the first time. It felt so intimate and yet so raw with passion that you couldn’t bring yourself to question his reasoning for doing this in the first place. Hell, you could barely remember there was an audience, who were moaning rather loudly at this point, much less that this was all about proving who was right and wrong in a bet.
Kirishima began to pull out until it was just his tip, then pushing back in till the very last of his shaft disappeared inside you. He thrusted in and out like this a few times before he started picking up the pace. Each time he bottomed out in you, you couldn’t help but moan. It wasn’t long before his thrust became wild and he was fucking you with unhinged carnal desire. His hands were grasping the underside of your thighs and in one swift motion he pushed your knees up to your chest, cradling the back of your knees so he could thrust deeper into you. This new angle allowed for him to hit new places, and your vision blurred as his tip drug against your velveteen walls.
At this point you were babbling incoherent nonsense, fucked dumb on his dick. You had never experienced such pleasure, and every stroke of his shaft drove you higher and higher. His own low moans and growls met your ears and a feeling of pride bloomed in your chest that you, a simple messenger, could bring a demon to such pleasure.
You squeezed him tighter as you could feel another orgasm rapidly approaching. Sensing your upcoming release, his thrusts became slower but harder, driving the head of his cock against your womb. He thrusted one, two, three times before bright lights danced behind your eyes as another orgasm was ripped from you. Your screams and moans echoed throughout the room, bouncing off the high ceilings and returning to you only to be met with more. You had barely come down from your second high before Kirishima rolled you guys over so your thighs straddled his waist.
Being on top of him helped restore some of your control, but you could tell it wouldn’t last for long. Exhaustion filled your body and you had the hardest time even sitting straight up. But Kirishima was there to help you. His fingers dug bruises into the swell of your hips as you slowly sank down on his length again. As your two bodies met, Kirishima threw his head back against the mattress, eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. A groan tore from him as his grip got somehow tighter.
You started to rock your hips with him, body buzzing in the afterglow of your orgasm but craving more. You could feel that little bit of control slipping because you couldn’t deny that it was him giving you pleasure.
“Tell me how much you love it, angel. Tell Daddy and he’ll take such good care of you. C’mon, y/n.” He groaned deeply, his thrust becoming violent. Suddenly, his tail came down hard on your ass, spanking the soft globe, succeeding in making you clench tighter. Time after time it lashed against your soft skin, turning it the same shade of red as his eyes.
“Ah~ Y-You’re so good. You feel so good. Please...please, Daddy!” you couldn’t control your words if you wanted to at this very moment. His thrusts angled perfectly so that the head of his cock hit your deepest parts. The in and out motion drug his thick shaft across your g-spot and his pelvis ground against your clit. The outer edge of your vision began to darken as another orgasm crested into its breaking point. Your whole body shook. Toes curled, thighs squeezing him. Your mouth spilled the most lewd sounds you had ever heard, let alone made. The consecutive moans from the trio in the corner chaise only caused your velvety walls to squeeze harder on Kirishima’s cock, making him groan in unison until the air was heavy with pleasurable sounds and the heady scent of sex all around. He twitched inside you, cum coating your walls, painting them the most intimate white. He kept pulsing, filling you to the brim and past. Thick globs of pleasure slipped down his shaft and began to pool in between your bodies.
The heat you felt inside couldn’t be compared to any you had ever felt before. This kind of pleasure, this insatiable lust, was new to you and you couldn’t decide if it was something you liked. Your body still shook in the aftershocks of orgasm as large and warm hands trailed from their bruising grip on your hips to up and around your back, pressing your body into his chest that still rose and fell rapidly. You collapsed into him, body too tired to hold you up.
He rolled you over so that he hovered above you. His eyes still held the same predatory look as before. It was like his primal urges hadn’t quelled a single bit with your actions. Hell, he barely looked phased besides his rapidly beating heart. A sudden jolt of fear ran down your spine as the realization of what that look meant. He wasn’t done with you.
“But... But I said it.” you stammered out breathlessly. Your eyes still struggled to focus, limbs heavy and skin shining with sweat, hair sticking to your face.
His chuckle rumbles from his chest, the layered nature of his voice crawling down your spine. He brushed your hair off your forehead with his fingertips. “Sweetheart, my precious messenger. You said I was the best, that is not the same thing as your favorite, and we have plenty of moonlight left to get you to say it.” He punctuated his statement with a deep grind of his hips against yours, his member hard once more. Breathy laughter from the corner of the room haunted you as you shut your eyes tightly, tender core clenching in response.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! Reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Summary: Molly knows about the reader’s relatives and she’s not so sure to put her trust in a girl that had just betrayed her own family
Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: Swearing
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A/N: Hi! i’m so happy that you guys liked this thing! thank you so much for your support and, again, if you want to keep reading this let me know. Same note as ever, english not my mother language, so tell me if something’s is wrong.
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Chapter 2: Not your family
The next morning turned out to be quieter than you imagined.
You slowly got out of bed and looked at everything around you noticing how quaint Bill's old room was. The ceiling was lined with grainy wallpaper with stacks of photographs of Quidditch players hanging from the reeds that moved from side to side, simulating the playing field; the right side of the room had a huge hole behind the small stool that tried to hide it, and from that hole a small garden gnome was sleeping peacefully with a small piece of cloth on top of his head. You stood up, walking towards the huge window that gave you a beautiful view of the Weasley's garden that at that moment was covered by a thin layer of drizzle that had fallen during the night.
Molly's fruit trees gleamed under the faint rays of the sun and you saw how a doxy from between the leaves poisoned Mrs. Weasley's apples, causing them to fall from the tree branches in a thick black mass with a foul smell coming out of it. You shook your head, excited to witness a very different way to wake up.
Even though several minutes have passed since you woke up, the house continued to remain in a strange silence that made you think that the family had decided to leave the burrow with the intention of buying more supplies or something like that. You knew that Bill wasn’t at home precisely for his obligations within the Order, so you didn’t worry about looking for him around the room, so you decided that a better option was going down to the dining room and know what was happening.
As you went down the spiral staircase, you cursed in a whisper when you forgot to put on your slippers before leaving the bedroom cause the floor was so cold that you slipped a couple of times. Back in the days, when you were still welcome in your parents' house, you had many servants who did all the things for you - putting on your shoes as soon as you woke up was one of those things - but now that your life had changed so much, you assumed that you would have to adapt and start taking care of your own needs.
Your curious eyes roamed the walls covered in family photos that caused a big warmth in your chest. In each of those photographs, all of Molly's children appeared along with their father, smiling for the camera and sending effusive greetings. A pic was hanging at the fireplace were Molly and Arthur were carrying a small white bundle crying his lungs out. You assumed it was Bill as his parents seemed too young back then and even as a small baby, you could recognize those tantrum features anywhere.
A giggle escaped your lips when you noticed a funny sequence from that same photo in which, even with Bill crying in his mother's arms, his father tried to carry him for a moment to calm him down, however the baby's cries didn’t stop. The baby was so annoyed that he ended throwing up  the milk ration that he must have had before the photo session on his father's neat shirt.
You laughed because you knew that William's impertinence was something he had carried with him for several years now.
"Bill hates those photos." You jumped in your place scared to see Molly standing behind you. Your cheeks turned red “He says that it’s embarassing but i think that’s nonsense. He was an adorable baby”
"he was," you answered, looking anywhere but into Molly's shrewd eyes. "but I guess displaying them in the fireplace isn’t the right thing to do."
“Is it not?
"No, they should be at the front door where everyone can see them”
Molly giggled as you watched the sequence of photos over and over again. A silence settled between you, but surprisingly it was not an awkward silence, but one that was allowing you to create a bond that neither of you expected. Mrs. Weaslsey brought up a rag, wiping it around the corners of the photo from the dust.
"Arthur and I had to save up for months to take those pictures," she mentioned wistfully, "we just had Bill and it seemed like a good idea to welcome him into our family with a gesture like that. Arthur was new in the ministry and wasn't earning too much, but we had that quirk and decided we could afford to skip certain things to pay for the pictures. It cost us ten galleons and it still took us four months to gather them”
“Oh” You didn't know what to say, but you just kept looking at the photograph feeling a bit uncomfortable. You never had those problems at home because your family was insanelly rich thanks to the inheritance in life that your grandfather Tim had left to his son and later to his grandchildren. Even the descendants of your grandfather's servants came to work in your house, reason enough for you and your siblings to grow up with no sense of responsibility other than your own wishes. Molly sighed remembering those times when life seemed to be easier.
"So when Bill asked me to remove it from the fireplace, I refused. He doesn't know how hard it was to raise that money, but I think he has nothing to be ashamed of, he was too adorable!
"I don't doubt it for a second, Mrs. Weasley."
"You can call me Molly," she said, walking back to the kitchen where you continued watching the way the pans moved back and forth preparing breakfast. You were not very good at cooking - in fact, you had never cooked before- however, that didn’t stop you from offering your help. So you took a pan, placed it on the stove, and decided that you would find a way to make a good mountain of strawberry-filled pancakes just like your dear nanny did. Molly observed you carefully. "I think that now that you are living with us it is appropriate to have a more cordial treatment.My son told me a lot about you”
“Just the good things, i hope”
“Kind of” You stopped mixing ingredients to look at her carefully” He told us a bunch of marvelous things about you and how you two met. Actually, what worries me the most is what he didn’t tell us”
And there was the recrimination you were waiting for. You were aware that it had to arrive sooner or later, however, you would have been grateful that it did it when Bill were by your side to give you the opportunity to defend yourself properly. You cleared your throat uncomfortably, knowing that what Molly needed to hear from your own lips was which family you came from. You continued your task with the pancakes, turning out as bad as you expected.
"I'm sorry it turned out this way, Mrs. Weasley."
"Molly," he corrected.
"Molly" you smiled slowly "But believe me when I tell you that it was me who asked William not to mention anything about my last name or where I come from. I know that in this case, with the war above our heads, it is necessary to be certain of the people who enter your family and I apologize for that, it's just ... Bill is very important to me” Molly's eyes narrowed “Since we met ... I have found a home in him and well, all that feels when someone is in love. "Mrs. Weasley shook her head, understanding the feeling." I have experienced the rejection before. When people know that Tom Riddle is my family ... they run away in fear, curse my family and even walk away from us, as if sharing a blood bond makes us as evil as he is.
“And it’s not like that?” Molly asked with a hand on her neck. She didn’t want to be like the others and judge you without knowing the full story, just as she had promised Bill the night before that she would, but it was so difficult not to remember the death of his brothers by Voldemort’s hands and to pretend nothing had happened in the past. You sighed because the eggs you cracked on the bowl got mixed with their own shell “ I've heard of the Grants before, they're all Death Eaters, including your siblings!”
“It is difficult to have to choose a side  when you don’t have your own convictions”
"And you have it?"
You looked at Molly in pain. Of course you expected those reactions from Bill's mother, she was within her right to be upset that her oldest son never told her that he was in a relationship with a girl who seemed to have the most fucking powerful and evil wizard in the world as a great-uncle. No, Molly wasn't mad, she was deadly angry, she felt like she was bursting!
Her hands became fists and without knowing how, you found yourself between the wall and Molly's big arms from one second to the other. The pancake batter was forgotten, as was the woman's promise to treat her son's girlfriend in a good way.
"How is it possible ..." Molly questioned in an agitated voice, pressing your arms against the wall, "... that a single deer leaves the nature of its own herd?" How can you ensure that one rotten apple even in a gold container doesn’t rot the others?”Your breath caught at the questions of the woman in front of you. Once again, you were aware that your presence wouldn’t be good news to them, but at least you hoped they understood your motives before judging you “Explain to me, (Y/ N) Grant, when have you seen a pig away from his equals?”
Your words caught in your throat at Molly's fierce question. Bill had talked a lot about the temper of his mother. Even if she could be really grumpy at times, she was in general a very sweet, pleasant and maternal woman with everyone; however, you didn’t fit into that generality because it seemed that the woman was determined to kill you with her own hands.
"If my presence bothers you so much, then you shouldn't have let Bill and I to stay here."
“He's my son! All I want for him is to be happy, and that's why I don't understand what he managed to see in you”
"Maybe the same thing you saw in your husband." Molly's lips twitched in anger, but you didn't stop. You hoped that she would at least understand what your words meant, because that would make it easier for both of you to try at least get along better, even if Molly seemed not to want to do it under any circumstances. How is it that this haughty little girl dared to compare herself with her dear and wonderful husband? "I'm sorry, but I don't think this conversation is going to take us anywhere."
"If someone betrays his own family ..." Molly stopped you before you walked out the front door. The others got down the stairs, seeing the scandal formed in the kitchen “The rest of us can't expect too much, can we?
Your eyes blured.
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astrolovecosmos · 4 years
For Fellow Astrologers 🌟
Aries: Red sheer curtains surround a heavy ivory table. A black astrology chart etches into the stone, customized for each reading. Later it disappears without a spec of dust & with a ting. Smell of cinnamon hangs in the air. Blood oranges & pomegranates in a sandstorm-hue bowl.
Taurus: Star charts stacked on a wooden stump. Tea leaves forgotten about. Inside a tree hollow, fairy lights dotted. Candles safely burning. Every reading comes with a snack or drink. Copper mugs, green ink, rose petals. A garden gnome outside wishes you farewell.
Gemini: Motley scarves & drapes scattered about. Palm reading posters, circle of tarot cards, flutes & hand-held harps. A skylight to crystal blue & white paint strokes. Chart readings done at a different place each time. Likes to draw them out by hand with a golden ink pen.
Cancer: In a cozy bedroom. Stormy always outside, making the pines dance. Sandalwood in the oil diffuser. Zodiac wheel tapestry. Readings done through zoom on the bed or at the handcrafted desk with few. Spells hidden away. Wool blanket over the mirror - how you enter and exit.
Leo: Golden statues of protection & blessing. Throne at the head of the room, readings recited or conversed. Orange blossoms fall from the ceiling frequently. A bejeweled quilt guest can use for comfort or a flute of champagne. Enter with an offering, even if simple or humble.
Virgo: Off the busy street. Flashing neon sign. Enter through beads, welcomed by flowery incense and succulents. There are plenty of balms and potions to look at and invest in. Traditional palm reading, astrology, tarot card set up. The back door... leads somewhere else.
Libra: Light colors paint murals on the walls. Sliding door open to a red stone patio. Inside or outside today? Plants thrive in their pots. Ambient music, dragonfly visitors, tiny fountains. Favorite charts hung or displayed on shelves. Messages come in on paper planes.
Scorpio: Waves crash against the porthole. There is distraction from the glow-in-the-dark chart being drawn and read. Crystal ball and cards off to the side. Scorpion and snake trinkets. Black tablecloth and tall melted candles of white and maroon. Loud and long silences common.
Sagittarius: Quiet but lively music in the background, purple, red, orange tints delight. Cushions to sit on the floor. Crystal ball and hand mirror in the center of the room. Readings are done with coffee stained paper. Lava lamp but little technology other than that.
Capricorn: Emerald flooring & mahogany walls, grand fireplace that flickers visions. Bat in a golden cage. Runes & sticks in a glass box. Blessed pottery. Behind the partition the reading takes place. It's all business, but sometimes sympathy requires cucumber sandwiches & tea.
Aquarius: Enter through a fog where deep blues & violets greet you. Ceiling sparkling with stars & floating UFO saucers. Your name written out in rainbows, charts always drawn a newer & better way each time. Here things are never on schedule but worth the patience & wonder.
Pisces: Meet below the wisteria flowers. Charts will be hand drawn or explored with a stick and mud. There can be fortune telling in bird baths, dream analyzation in the clouds. Seashells, charms, unicorn horns, and mermaid scales decorate a white picnic blanket.
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