#billy/four x female reader
stray-kaz · 11 months
Hold Me Close, Don’t Let Go : a Billy/Four x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: Billy has been “Four” for a while now, but you still miss him when he’s gone. This time, it’s too much and you need to be as close to him as humanly possible.
Warning: Adult behaviour. Watch your step.
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The rasp of the key in the battered lock pulled you slowly out of an uneasy doze, yellow light reaching down the hall outside of your bedroom. Familiar footsteps made the carpeted floor creak and the heavy sound of a backpack hitting the floor forced your heavy eyes open wider, your heart beginning to drum hard behind your ribs.
By the time the bedroom door opened all the way and the man you couldn’t sleep for worrying about stood framed in the light, you had pushed the covers down and flown to him, knocking into his chest and sending him back a step or two. One arm snagged him round the waist, while the other hand inched down to his left wrist; you sighed in relief as your fingers traced over the familiar worn leather cord, the etched silver coin laced to it as normal.
“Hello” Billy said quietly, having recovered from your greeting. “I missed you, too, baby.”
You felt him under your hands again, for the first time in weeks. He was no dream, he was solid, a little cold from the weather outside but warm underneath it. Leaning into him, your chests pressed firmly together, you felt your heart beating in strange places: at your fingertips, behind your eyes, and most notably, between your legs.
It had been weeks since he had kissed you, held your hand, moved in you through the weeping dark.
You laid siege.
There was no time for softness or tender touches as you kissed him with force, dousing his muffled words of surprise as water douses a candle flame. Desperate hands yanked at the arms of his jacket, the hem of his t-shirt, clawed at his belt buckle. A gasp left your own mouth as your fingers brushed over smooth, hot skin, abdomen twitching under your touch.
Billy tried to calm you, protesting between fierce kisses that all but bruised his mouth.
“Hey...Wait...Babe...I’m covered in blood and I haven’t showered in days...Hold on...Babe...”
He let out a surprised, muffled mmff when you kissed him almost hard enough to draw blood and finally got his arms out of his jacket. Billy was wordless as you tugged his torn and blood streaked t-shirt off over his head, leaving his blond hair tousled and his light eyes wide. You tossed it into the corner of the room before kissing a burning path down his chest and stomach; he stared as you unlaced his boots and heaved them over your shoulder, one after the other.
“Baby, seriously, what is going on?” he asked you, baffled by your onslaught even as he accepted whatever was happening was going to happen. “You’re in pajamas, darlin’, and I’m filthy. I had to - I had to shoot someone yesterday... What are you doin’?”
You still said nothing as you fought with his belt buckle until it hung open and you could drag down his zip, before taking a step back and stripping right in front of him, shimmying out of your plaid pajama pants and kicking your underwear away. Billy’s gaze dragged up from the apex of your thighs to your face just before it disappeared briefly under your pajama top, and then dropped to your newly bared chest.
He softly said your name, but it was as if you were deaf, solely focused on ridding him of his remaining clothes. He stepped out of his cutoffs obediently, still watching your face, concerned by the naked frenzy in your eyes. When you pulled his underwear down his legs, he toed them off, then looked at you again, waiting. In spite of everything, his body had responded to your need and the sight of yours exposed. He would do everything you desired and ask questions later.
He knew you well, loved you well, knew what you liked. But that didn’t in any way prepare him for you shoving him down onto the bed, against the shaky headboard. You were not pushy or dominant in lover situations, but you climbed into his lap, gripped his shoulders with bruising fingers and sank down onto him with no warning.
And then, the moment he could go no further, you slumped against his chest and sobbed, trembling hands rising to tangle in his hair. Billy’s shock subsided as he finally understood, your heat grasping onto him as tightly as your hands had just been. He felt your tears drip onto the skin of his chest and slowly stroked up and down your back, settling his chin on top of your head.
“Whoa, hey, it’s okay” he hushed you, fingertips now drawing quivering patterns over your skin. “I’m alive. I came home to you. Shh, babe, everything’s fine. I’m here. I’m right here with you. See?”
Billy leaned back slightly and tilted your chin down so you could glimpse where your body joined with his, your softness lined up perfectly with his hard.
“I’m here, darlin’. Feel this?” he murmured.
He thrust very gently up and was gratified to hear your quiet, shaking moan and feel your breasts against his chest as you collapsed again. You nudged the slope of his neck with your nose as you pushed away to look shyly at Billy, your face filling with heat as the reality of your actions caught up to you. There was a dark bruise spreading under his left eye and a shallow cut across his collarbone, all marks from the last mission. His lower lip was swollen from your teeth.
“I missed you” you told him, barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry. You weren’t ready for me to jump you like this.”
You tried to get off him, but his fingers pressed into your hips, holding you in place.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, and brushed a gentle kiss onto your lips. “Now that I’m here, I have no plans to go anywhere else.”
You threaded your fingers more slowly through his hair, palms bumping against the shaved fuzz at the back. Eyelids fluttered closed as Billy kissed you again, slow and careful, as he gently kneaded your hips and moved you over him in tiny circles. He leaned up to graze his lips against your earlobe.
“I’ve never seen you so needy for me before” he murmured, making sure not to overwhelm your already heightened senses. “It’s hot, but are you okay? You had no foreplay, nothing. You’re not in any pain?”
You shifted in his lap, testing your inner muscles for discomfort, and saw his eyes narrow with pleasure.
“No” you mumbled, splaying your hands across the backs of his shoulders. “I just -”
You cut yourself off, biting your lip in silence. Billy raised his eyebrows and lightly danced his fingertips over your inner thighs, tickling you. You squirmed, fighting back a smile.
“You just what?” he demanded, grinning. “Come on, babe, give it up already.”
You sighed.
“Want you” you admitted at last. “I just want you, Billy.”
He leaned in again and buried his face in your neck; you felt his flushed skin against your own as he wrapped his arms around your back, drawing you as close as he could.
“How do you want me, babe?” he muffled in your skin.
You closed your eyes as you felt his teeth drag across the top of your shoulder.
“Everywhere” you admitted.
Billy huffed out a laugh and bit down, eliciting a low moan and a tight twitch of your hips.
“Hold on” he warned, and you gripped him tightly, letting out a slight shriek as he raised you up a little and tipped you onto your back, your legs falling open.
In spite of how hard your muscles were grasping him, the movement had shaken him loose, and when Billy pushed back into you, your eyes rolled and he watched proudly as your jaw went slack, all heat and melting limbs.
“Missed me that bad, huh?” he panted, nosing along your jaw to your ear. “Or did you just miss this?”
He punctuated his last word by throwing his weight behind his hips, slamming so hard and deep your vision swirled black for a split second. He grinned as your breath hitched and you stammered, struggling to speak through the pleasure.
“Billy” you whined, anxious, your hands scrabbling across his back, his shoulders, desperate to gain purchase.
You finally grabbed onto his blond hair again, as he raised his head and met your gaze.
“Yeah?” he groaned. “What is it, babe? Tell me what you want.”
He watched your eyes flare and knew he was gonna be done, knew you were ruining him just as much as he was ruining you. He sat up a bit and glanced to each of his shoulders as your legs hooked over them, sinking him even deeper into you. He set his jaw tight, the blue of his eyes almost all gone.
“Harder, please” you gritted out. “All you’ve got.”
Billy couldn’t suppress the moan that tore out from deep in his chest as he did as he was bidden, each thrust sending you both nearer to oblivion. He wrapped his arms around your legs, moving harder and faster, how he knew you liked it. Sweat dripped into his eyes, but he didn’t take them off you as you shook  and bowed underneath him.
“Good girl” he groaned, watching your eyelids flicker and cheeks flush at his praise. “You can take it.”
Without warning, you brought your legs down and wrapped them around his waist, changing the angle again. Billy bit his bottom lip hard as he fell against you, dragging in and out of you with slow precision.
You pulled on his hair, scraping your fingernails over his scalp as you frantically arched your hips to meet his, a fraught desire to be one with him spilling hot tears over your lashes and vining around him as tightly as you could, thighs aching as they snared his hips and battled his movements.
Then, at long last, Billy’s blunt hips slammed home and he slumped, his chest sticking to yours as you traced your fingertips down and up his spine, finally feeling full and close enough, even as his warm weight smothered you down into the mattress. 
Billy breathed shakily as he eventually lifted his head to look you in the eye, his own still blown wide. He kissed you unsteadily.
“You tryin’ to kill me, woman?” he asked, smiling as you blushed.
“Sorry” you mumbled, turning your head away.
“Don’t you apologise” he chastised, kissing your cheek to tilt your head back to him.
He slowly eased out from between your thighs and sat back, his gaze straying all over you. He reached out a hand to push your damp hair back from your face.
“But I do need a shower” he remarked. “And so do you. Come on.”
Billy helped you off the bed, hiding a faint grin when you stumbled a little on quivering legs and had to lean on him.
He turned on the shower water and eased you under the hot spray, wrapping his arms around you from behind as he stepped in after. After a while, you turned in his hold to look up at him, noticed the faint pink streaks of old blood washing off his skin. There were fresh cuts on his chest and upper arms, fresh and deep enough to eventually become new scars.
He watched you examining him, could almost see your heart become heavy. He pressed a finger beneath your chin to tilt it up so you had no choice but to meet his eyes.
“Oi” he said firmly. “I’m fine. There’s nothing that won’t heal soon, I promise you. I’m okay, baby.”
You sighed and nestled into him, your cheek pressed to his chest, his chin on your head, shower water streaming down on both of you.
“Have I told you lately that I love you a lot?”
He chuckled.
“Yeah, you have, babe. But I’m always happy to hear it again.”
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sykokittyy · 2 years
rebel yell | b.h. ☆
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pairing: ghostface!billy hargrove x fem!plus-size!reader
@tw-inkl-e-tit-s request: Heyy! I was wondering if you could do an Ghost face!Billy Hargrove x plus size!reader like it's all over the News that theirs a killer on the loose in Hawkins but reader knows it's her boyfriend billy and he comes home early and she gets turned on by all the blood on his mask and ask him him to keep it on while he fucks her and when their done Billy grabs a Polaroid Camara and says something like " smile for the Camara doll" but readers to fucked out to smile.
warnings: smut (minors dni <3), blood kink, knife kink, oral (male receiving), missionary, back shots, praising, dom!billy, dacryphilia, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys ), hair pulling.
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tonight was halloween and you were just relaxing in the house. you decided to take a little break from halloween parties this year. growing tired of being around people for the day, you decided to just take the day to yourself.
you optimized on just eating candy, and watching slasher movies, you know, nightmare on elm street, carrie, the exorcist, etc. you had a thing for scary movies, you just always found comfort in them.
you loved the blood, the gore, the screams of agony. it brings an orgasm of chills to your spine when you see blood splattered from a body temple. you couldn't explain it, you just knew it brings a wave of excitement through your bloodstream.
you grew bored of the Halloween movie you were watching. you reached over and grabbed the remote with your bowl of popcorn before proceeding to flick through the channels on your tv. as you were clicking, you came across the hawkins new channel, instantly attracting your attention.
“good evening hawkins, indiana, and happy halloween. today, great citizens of hawkins; we have very urgent news. today, we were informed by the hawkins police department that we have a homicide killer on the loose and running through the so-they-say, “cursed community” of hawkins, indiana” you quickly turned up the volume with the remote.
“we were also well-notified that there has been a total of eight bodies found throughout the city of hawkins. we have confirmed that one of the bodies we're one of hawkins high school's most athletic basketball players, identified as jason carver.” you quickly stood up and jumped around your living room in satisfaction.
“yes, yes, yes! right on the fucking money baby, woohoo!” you cheered.
now some may look at you as if you're a psycho and ask “why are you happy about this?” eight people had been murdered and one of them you knew personally from school. jason was a fucking waste of life, and his mother should’ve swallowed him before he could exist. and see—what hawkins failed to realize is that the killer is walking amongst them like a wolf in sheep's clothing. and the unknown secret you held to yourself was that you knew who the killer was. your boyfriend, billy hargrove.
almost everyone knew that the californian pretty boy, dream boat is bold, outspoken, and reckless. and while most people disliked the way he presented himself to others, you altogether loved him for who he was. everything about him spoke volumes to your body, mind, and soul.
you had met billy at tina’s house party for hawkins high. you were known for being one of the most confident plus-size girls at hawkins high. you wore what you wanted and looked ravishing while doing it, and of course, people were intimidated by that because they thought that just because you were plump that you had to cower down to their expectations. boy were they fucking wrong.
you were straightforward that you could do what the fuck you wanted to do, some understood and some just still wanted to give you their unwanted opinion about how you should or shouldn't act. but they still failed to acknowledge that you just didn't want to be tamed. you wanted to make your own decisions.
and this is what billy liked— no fuck that—loved about you. you were a sexy vixen; a young woman that knows what she wants. you looked like a walking sex symbol with the clothes you wore and how you carried yourself. you wore black, red, and latex. you always made sure that you showed enough cleavage to make the young men and ladies sweat, and you knew that you left an impact in a crowded room. your hair was always so perfect (considering it also took you an hour to do to make it immaculate) and you smelled like strawberries and desire. you were everything he wanted, and he got you.
now more people may or may not ask “why are you letting this outrageous behavior go on?” or “why am i not trying to prevent billy from killing innocent people” it's because hawkins is a shit show anyways. you and billy both hated this town, so why not make do with what you both thought is fun? and that was causing chaos through the little town of hawkins. everyone has to die somehow, right?
you and billy both loved seeing people lose their minds when something chaotic happened. the aroma of fear fuelled something within the both of you, but it didn't make either of you feel frightened. it made your bodies fill with adrenaline and excitement. the thought of murder to billy, made him think that it was a fun sport for him. it just involved a lot of blood, and satisfaction for him. that's why he did the killing while you helped him later when he’d get home and fuck him pussy-drunk.
you went on watching the news. “the killer that’s fleeing around hawkins is going by the name of “ghost face”, the news reporter implied. “- he stalks the residence of his prey throughout the night, and gives them a phone call by asking ‘what's their favorite horror film’ before he attacks them after they try to escape”, you couldn't help but grow more excited as the news reporter continues with the erotic information.
“it is proved that “ghost face” is an unidentifiable mask killer that seizes on the community of hawkins, and that every murder that he had committed had involved these eight victims. after he mutilates their corpses, he takes a disturbing polaroid picture with them and leaves a disturbing quote saying ‘be careful, you may be next’”, you had to give it to billy, he sure did know how to keep the people on their toes.
earlier today, you decided that since it was halloween and your boyfriend, billy, was out “handling business”, you decided to spice things up for him for when he came back home. you were wearing a maroon, lingerie set that showed your plump belly and thick luscious thighs littered with gorgeous stretch marks.
you made sure that you did light make-up considering that it was going to be ruined anyway, but you made sure to wear your blood-red lipstick. it made you look even more ravishing and beautiful.
you decided to change the channel to nightmare on elm street; growing tired of the news and their dramatic reactions. as you continued watching the gore scenes of blood shedding and screaming, you heard the tapping at your backdoor. you knew it was billy because he only used the backdoor when he went on his slaying sprees during the evening, but usually, he wouldn't come home this early.
you quickly scurried to open the door, beginning to feel a jittery feeling in your spine. when you opened the door you had an eager smile plastered on your face, but it quickly turned to a look of confusion when you noticed that no one was there.
“the hell s’going on?” you mutter to yourself as you looked around your backyard; seeing no trace of anyone there. you were about to step inside your house when you saw a note placed on your door. you snatched the taped note off the wall and as your eyes scrambled to read the note relaying “tag, you're it doll” written in black ink. you noticed that it had a few droplets of blood sprinkled across the note.
“haha, very fucking funny, you coward!” you yelled towards the dark space of your backyard. you swiftly backed into your house in annoyance and slammed the door. as you went to turn back around; at the speed of light, you were roughly approached from behind by a tall muscular figure that had held you by your neck with a bloody knife threatening to slice you.
“coward huh? tell me y/n, you're wearing lingerie for a coward?” you immediately knew the voice that was coming from behind you.
“billy?” you scurry from his hold as he began to chuckle. “you fucking dick head!” you slightly yelled before hitting him in his arm. “you scared the shit outta me!” you held your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“aww c’mon, i thought you loved a good scare sweet cheeks?” he slowly began to walk towards you as you stand by the kitchen counter. as he came towards you; you couldn't help but take in his appearance. you gaped at his muscular form in his cloak and ghost face mask. you began to feel a ball of heat in your lower gut, as excitement build the closer he approached you.
“i like it when I expect it, y’damn near gave me a fucking heart attack billy,” you looked up towards him as he looked down towards you through the mask. you examined his face as you began to notice the blood that was spattered on the white part of the mask making you feel a small pool of wetness in your core.
he slowly took the bloody knife and held it up under your chin; making you hold intense eye contact between one another. he gradually moved towards your ear; still holding the knife against your skin and you could feel and hear his hot breath inhale and exhale through the mask.
“billy s’not here sweetheart, you're talking to ghost face now,” he pressed the knife a little more into your skin, earning a small whimper from you. “now tell me doll, what’s your favorite scary movie?” even through the mask billy always could see through you with those piercing blue eyes.
you stared at him for a moment before processing that he had asked you a question. it's something about the way he looked at you with blood plastered all over his mask. it made you shiver in anticipation of what he could do to you. it was seconds later when you finally gave him your answer.
“i-it’s carrie. my favorite scary movie is carrie,” you stuttered before letting out a shaky breath.
“care to inform me why doll?” he began to move the bloodied knife towards your bottom lip, making you shudder. “i love details hon.” you could almost sense the taste of copper as the knife trailed your delicate skin.
“i love it b-because, of all the blood. i love seeing the blood spurt out of and onto the victims. it kinda satisfies me,” you watch as he trails the knife back down a little towards your shoulder. a little blood followed along the way.
“mhmm. billy did say that you had a thing for blood,” he trails off before swiftly sliding the knife under your bra strap and slashing it in half. “-i love how you think, doll,” you watch as takes his leather-clad finger and slides it over the blood covered knife. he takes his finger and slides the blood over your bottom lip; immediately you opened your mouth and slide his finger over your tongue. the taste of copper filled your taste buds.
he lifts you with his godly strength and sits you on the counter; mindlessly your legs spread open giving him access to your core. “i love this piece lace number you're wearing,” he faded his words as he brings his hand down to your cunt and palms it, causing to you give a needy whimper. “-too bad i’m gonna cut it off,” you don't have time to react as he quickly brings his knife behind the thin lace and cuts it before snatching it off of you.
he takes his index and middle finger before spreading open your fold; watching your arousal ooze from your mound. he groans in approval watching your cunt clench around nothing. “fuck- you’re as wet as an ocean and I barely even touched you,” he chuckles before light doing circle on your tiny bud making you gasp.
he slides his index and middle fingers into you while continuing to rub rough circles on your clit. you moan in satisfaction as he whispered hot praises into your ear, making your body tremble even more. as he kept stroking your cunt you back continued to arch into his torso. “you're such a naughty slut, y/n. letting a psycho killer stroke his fingers into your cunt,” he groans. “tell daddy you're a slut, hm? tell me you're my slut” he commands.
“i -i’m a a-slut daddy. i’m your fucking slut,” you moan feeling your cunt clenching around his fingers as he fucks them into you harder.
“you're gonna cum aren't ya’? I can feel this sweet little pussy clenching around my fingers,” he asked condescendingly as you rapidly began to nod as you rolled your hips; meeting his thrusts.
“well cum on my fingers doll, make my fingers flood with your sweet cum,” he eggs you on before you let out a loud pornographic moan and release all over his fingers. your mouth forming an “o” shape as you ride out your high and faintly hearing bulky calling you a “good girl”.
“hmm, you think you're a good whore?” he questions tilting his head. you nod giving him your most “innocent” expression. he scoffs, “we’ll see about that.” he takes a few steps back from you before he bent down to hold the cloak over his toned abdomen proceeding to unbuckle his belt. you felt yourself grow eager as he teasingly stripped for you.
you continued to watch as he proceeded to unbutton his pants and slide down his zipper before shoving his pants and boxers to the ground, hearing a faint ‘clink’ when they fall. you watched his rock-hard dick slap against his stomach, as the tip showed an angry red. your heart pounds as he slowly walks back towards you. he stands in front of you tilting his head.
“oh sweetheart, don't be frightened, it's gonna fit in your mouth...and other places,” he looks back down at your cunt before looking back up at you. he snatched the ripped bra off you and throws it across the room; beginning to be long forgotten. “get on your knees slut.”
you quickly jumped down from the counter and did as he said looking at his dick bobbing in your face as he moved. he forcefully grabbed your jaw; making it open before shoving his dick in your mouth reaching with a low moan. he loves how warm your mouth feels. “attagirl, suck it like blood sickle, mph,” he grips you hair continuing his rough stroke into your mouth.
he pulled out lightly smacking your check and thrust right back into you mouth as he proceeded to moan in ecstasy. his moans made clit throb, and one thing about billy, he was never afraid to be vocal.
“god- i love this filthy mouth of yours-fuck,” he gave you one rough stroke before you felt his blond pubes up against your face. “ahh that's it, that a good slut,” he praises before you feel hit spurts of cum filled your hoarse throat. you didn't hesitate to swallow all of his milky load.
he grunts before he snatches you up and places you back on top of the counter. you lay on your back as he manhandles your legs open. “i’m gonna warn you y/n, this is gonna feel so much better than my fingers that you'll scream baby,” he buffs.
“i’m counting on it,” he groans as he places himself at your entrance before roughly pushing himself inside resulting in you releasing a lewd moan. the stinging stretch hurt you but it also brought great pleasure. you whimpered at the friction between your walls.
“oh my fucking god, y/n” billy gasps continue to pound into you. “-this wet cunt is to fucking kill for -fuck,” he presses his body into yours giving you short hard thrusts making you yelp at each stroke. you wrapped your hands around his back you could but scratch him as you felt like his dick was touching your heart.
all you could feel was heat and pleasure building up all over your body as he fucked you dumb. all you could do was call out his name and moan “yes, yes, yes” as he hit that spongy spot deep in your core. you couldn't help but spread your legs even more wider so he could fuck you until you passed out.
you were a moaning mess before he abruptly pulled out of you, and roughly put you on your hands and knees. your back arched off the counter before your head was forcefully pushed down into submission. he hastily pushed back into you and pounded you so quick you thought you had whiplash. “yes, yes! ah -fuck- yes,” was all you whimper and moan out as he pumped deeply into you.
as he was plumbing you from behind reached forward and gripped your hair, using it as leverage while forcing every inch into your stretched cunt. he slapped your ass once, twice, three, four times before he put his whole weight on your back. making sure he had you pinned under him. giving you slow, rough, deep strokes into your throbbing pussy.
“you love it when i fuck you like i own you? huh? c’mon baby, i know there's more words left in that precious brain of yours,” he insists. i mean how could you give him a fluent response when he is fucking you so good. you feel like you're becoming a fiend for him.
“yes daddy, you're the only one that fucks me this good,” it was then when you felt that hot aching feeling in your gut. you knew you were going to cum in a matter of seconds. “daddy i’m gonna cum -please, can i cum?” you pant against the counter. he brings his hand around you front and reaches down towards your swelling bud. you couldn't help but squirm under him as the feeling of you needing to come came crashing down on you.
he leans down towards your ear as you get his hot breath panting against your ear through the mask. “cum, slut,” at that moment you felt a weight off your shoulder as you clenched around him and released all over his dick. you moaned as you feel like you were in heaven.
“that's it -fuck- baby, milk my cock just like that,” he praised as you shook under him. he continued to pound into you as your began to feel overstimulated and soon you felt the warmth of his cum fill in your gummy walls as he grunted incoherent words. he reaches over to grab an object that you didn't pay attention to until he places the front of a camera in front of your face.
he made sure the camera faced you and him as he stood over you making sure the camera gets his blood-covered mask. “smile for the camera, doll,” the camera flashed before the picture slid out making you flinch a little.
he stayed there for a few seconds before he caught his breath and pulled his softened dick from your pussy, making you wince. he stared at your fucked out pussy as a mixture of yours and his cum dripping from your hole. he took his index finger and began stuffing it back into you making you wince from being sensitive, before landing a hard smack to your ass causing you to look back at his.
he shrugs at you before pulling up his trousers, and sliding off the mask. he walks by you and place a wet kiss on your cheek, and giving you a charming wink.
“happy halloween doll-face”
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a/n: i hope y'all enjoyed this! this took me a week to do, but im not complaining because it was very much worth it. make you guys like, comment, and reblog. i love you guys, bye <3 💋
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
AloneInTheHellfire's Masterlist
About Me
fic recs
currently written for: steve harrington, eddie munson, robin buckley, billy hargrove
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Stranger Things
Raining Hellfire 4 Seasons, Extras [on hiatus until ST5]
[an episode by episode story incorporating fem!reader]
Since moving to Hawkins just two years ago, you found that nothing ever really happened in this town. That was until the day you felt your life change. From meeting a boy to Will Byers’ disappearance, you could just feel that 1983 was going to be different.
The question is, was it changing for better… or for worse?
Fortress Of Memories 14 parts [completed]
Y/n Byers and Eddie Munson were killed in the battle. Vecna had claimed their lives and murdered them right in front of their friends’ eyes. They died heroes, saving the town that hated them both. And now, months later, the first New Year since Hawkins’ destruction had come around. But no one celebrates. Instead, they are entering hell to finally stop Vecna. They were prepared for everything. Or… so they thought…
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Gates Of Hell 17 chapters [ongoing]
Hawkins swarmed with monsters, quarantined from the rest of the world, few survivors. Steve Harrington and Y/n Hopper are forced to survive together, knowing that despite their hatred, they need each other to make it out of Hawkins alive.
Eight Months 5 chapters [completed]
Y/n went missing at the end of spring. A note was left explaining that after her father, Bob Newby, died, she just couldn’t bear to stay in Hawkins. The others were shocked but after gaining no leads on where she could be, they had to accept that she was gone. But when summer rolls in and Hawkins starts getting scary, Steve and Dustin find themselves venturing into a Russian base and uncover more secrets than they bargained for.
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Here’s a sneak peek of a ST3 story I am currently working on. I really wanted to write a Steve x Reader story so let me know if it’s something you’d want :) And I promise the story is much more interesting than just two idiots in love
Missing 2.8k words
Straight after the Battle Of Starcourt, panic was in the air. The mall was going up in flames, another Hawkins cover-up, as the kids reunited with their families. Everyone was on-edge, especially since they barely escaped with their lives. Their minds were running a hundred miles per hour as they couldn’t focus on one thought. But not Steve. All he could think was that in all the chaos, you were no where to be found.
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20th April 1985 was the scariest night of Steve Harrington’s life. He may have battled with demodogs and abusive step-brothers, but the Senior Prom would really put his nerves to the test; he was about to confess his feelings to a girl he had taken for granted for too long.
It's You and Me, Always 10 chapters [completed]
You and Eddie have been best friends since elementary school and you both assumed that friendship was all you were destined for. However, when you both experience Chrissy’s supernatural death, you are pulled into the secrets beneath Hawkins and find that your feelings for eachother aren’t what they seem.
The Crawl 3.5k words
Hawkins had fallen from Vecna’s curse, taking friends and family with it. They claimed it to be an earthquake but you knew better; you had seen it all unfold in the Upside Down itself. You had watched the boy you loved die in your arms, leaving him where he lay in the chaos of an escape. The guilt tore at you for days. He was gone. At least, that what’s you thought…
Freak's Best Friend 3.4k words
Eddie Munson was being hunted. After Chrissy Cunningham’s death at his trailer, the town had named him a murderer. He didn’t do it, of course. There were supernatural forces at bay that no one but a small group of people knew about. But that didn’t stop Jason Carver and his basketball teammates from taking matters into their own hands. Eddie stayed hidden, much to the party’s request, until Jason found the ultimate leverage to use against the ‘freak’; you.
Perfect Is A Feeling (eddie x chrissy fic) 1.3k words
Years after the battle of Hawkins, Chrissy and Eddie were lucky to have survived. They celebrated with a date… and then another and another until it felt like a lifetime had passed. Now, they’re married, living in a house of their own with a 3 year old daughter. Chrissy never imagined she could be this lucky.
In Love And Grief 5k words
El Hopper was unsure to her older sister’s behaviour. After the fall of Hawkins, you had been avoiding everyone, and they knew it was because of Eddie. His death had shaken your core. But El never truly understood until she caught a glimpse of how powerful grief really is.
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The Pariahs That Saved The World 7 Chapters [ongoing]
When Vecna comes to town, Robin and her friends need all the help they can get in the final battle. The gang searches for an old friend she's never met before. But what Robin didn't know, was that the help would catch her attention in more ways than one.
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I Wanna Be Yours 2.2k words
Billy Hargrove has been dating Y/n Wheeler for a few glorious months. Considering their friends, they decided to keep it a secret. His friends didn’t like her. Her friends didn’t like him. And neither of them were upset about that deal as long as they were together. But when things start to test this theory, Billy has other plans…
Greatest Fear 2.3k words
After his fight at the Byers household, Billy Hargrove has only one place to go; to your trailer.
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
hi i absolutely love your writing! can you do #44 and #51 for four, please? thank u sm :> i hope you’re having a lovely day!
#44 "We're in public you know." “I really don’t care, you look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now”
#51 "One more word out of you and I’ll bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone” NSFW 🔞
sorry this took so long love ❤️
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"Stop it." you whispered harshly, slapping your lover's hand off of your thigh as it crept over the naked skin under your denim skirt.
He chuckled and removed his hand completely, earning a sigh of relief from you. Now was not the time for this. You had to stay focused so you wouldn't miss out on any crucial information about your next target and how to neutralize him. Thankfully, Four kept his hands to himself for the most part and you were able to focus on what One had to say about tomorrow's mission.
But that was until he decided to stop behaving, again. To be fair, it probably wasn't helping that you were sitting on his lap. He leaned down towards your ear, pressing a small kiss to the soft skin under it. You already knew where he was going with this.
"You're squeezing your thighs together." he murmured. "I know you want it too." He slipped his hand under your skirt again, right at the very top of your thigh, his thumb brushing over your underwear.
And before you knew it, he was rubbing.
Your hips jolted slightly and you cleared your throat, pretending to shuffle on your seat, hoping that'd make him stop. But of course, Four had other intentions. You had to bite down on your lips to hold back a moan and you grabbed his wrist firmly, stilling his hand.
"Cut it off," you whispered sternly once more, eyes wide. "We're in public, you know?"
"I really don't care." You felt your whole body start to heat up, a feeling caused by a mixture of worry of being caught, adrenaline and pleasure. "One more word out of you and I’ll bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone." Without warning Four pulled your underwear to the side, his middle finger slowly dragging up your folds, collecting your arousal.
That's when you had enough and suddenly stood up from his lap, and with a low "I'll be right back" thrown in One's direction you made a beeline for the restroom. Four could barely hide the shit-eating grin on his face as he followed behind you, rambling some excuse about you having a stomach ache to whoever was listening.
As soon as you stepped into the restroom Four had you backed against the wall, his lips crashing onto yours. You moaned in surprise and buried your fingers in his hair to pull him close, eventually having to tug lightly on the roots to pull him back.
"You really don't know how to keep your dick in your pants, do you?" you panted, still out of breath from the kiss. Four chuckled and buried his face in your neck, his lips leaving red marks on your skin while he shoved one hand under your skirt and roughly pushed your panties aside.
"Not when you look like this." He dragged his fingers across your slit just once before pushing two fingers inside, the sudden sensation of being filled making you moan.
"Fuck— shit, Billy!" your body arched towards him, head dropping back against the wall as he curled his fingers and began to pump them in and out, the heel of his hand hitting your clit with each rough thrust. "What if, ah—" you gasped, "What if One finds out?"
"He already knows, baby. Everyone does."
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I was asked to make a taglist early and it's been on my mind since
If you would want to be on a taglist let me know and if it's just for specific characters like Eddie or Billy etc. Let me know!
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mayhem24-7forever · 1 month
Need You Tonight
Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson Fic
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Author’s Note: IF YOU ARE NOT 18 OR OLDER, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, DO NOT INTERACT! This is dedicated to and inspired by the lovely Shan/ @bvcksmurdock. Hope you like the title as a cheeky little inside joke. Special thanks to Arne @lovearne for finding me the floor plan of Eddie’s trailer and to Ashley @likedovesinthewnd and Nina @chaseadrian for helping me get the pipe smoking correct since I have only done edibles lmao. Also huge thank you’s to Vee @a-reader-and-a-writer , Leah @ohtobeleah and Shelby @rhettabbotts for beta reading/editing/giving advice when I was lost. I made the executive decision to set this in late 1987 specifically so I could include a reference to the song that gave me the title, which means it’s set like a year after season 4 so uhhhhhhhh fix it fic I guess. fic dividers from @firefly-graphics
Content Warnings: not canon oops, fix it fic kinda, SMUT, smoking weed/doing drugs, drinking/getting drunk, getting crossfaded (high and drunk at the same time), explicit consent despite mind-altering substances but I was still advised to say dubious consent because of this, blacking out/passing out (not any of the main three), dirty talk, swearing/language, dirty talk (like absolutely filthy, including the word “cunt” and “slut”), Dom!Eddie, Switch!Steve, Sub!Reader, M/M/F threesome, oral sex (female receiving), oral sex (male receiving), handjobs, fingering, penis in vagina sex, anal sex, double penetration (penis in vagina and penis in asshole), bondage (handcuffs and rope), gags (cloth/bandana gag), light spanking, BDSM elements, dom/sub elements, masturbation, brief love triangle that is ended by a threesome (as most love triangles should end), Steve and Eddie are consent kings, all three are unbelievably horny, spanking as flirting, orgasming so many times you pass out, Eddie is currently in charge of the singular steddie brain cell, aftercare, usage of a ridiculous amount of pet names (Reader calls them “Eds” and “Stevie”, Steve calls them “baby” and “lover boy” and Eddie calls them “princess” and “big boy”), Robin awkwardly walking in and seeing something she shouldn’t have.
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“I swear to god, if you put Cyndi Lauper in my cassette player, I’m throwing the tape out the window.” Eddie warned.
“Oh, come on! I love this album!” Y/N replied incredulously. “It has all my favorite songs!”
Eddie was leaning back against the wall casually, beer bottle in hand as Y/N stood at the player, shoebox of cassette tapes in hand. Nancy and Jonathan sat behind them on the couch and even with just four people, Eddie’s trailer was already beginning to feel a little crowded. Jonathan was smoking a joint, his arm around Nancy as they talked quietly, making lovey eyes at each other. Nancy was sipping on a can of soda, having decided to be his designated driver. The whole group was having a party, although Steve, Robin, and her girlfriend Vickie hadn’t arrived yet. 
“Sorry, princess. This is a Lauper-free trailer. It’s out of my hands.” Eddie said, putting his hands up in a mock surrender with a shit-eating grin.
“Fine.” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Then I’m putting in ABBA.”
“Fuck no, you’re not!” Eddie said, pushing off the wall to get closer to her.
“God, you’re so picky Eds!” she scoffed, mildly annoyed. “Why’d you tell me to bring the music for the party if you’re not gonna let me play any of it?”
“Just let me see what else you have.” he said, walking over to her, taking the shoe box and immediately making a face as if the collection personally offended him.
“Oh, come on! I know it’s not heavy metal and rock ‘n roll but my taste in music is just as good as yours!” she exclaimed defensively. 
“Queen, Billy Idol and Oingo Boingo are good, you can play those. Tears for Fears and Duran Duran are a stretch that I’ll allow because you’re so cute, but the rest of this pop shit is staying in this box the whole night.” Eddie said and her jaw went slack with shock.
She knew that they were just playing, it was just something she and Eddie did, like how she and Steve were very touchy with one another. Everyone in the friend group, except for her, knew that Eddie and Steve both had crushes on her and were engaged in a (mostly) friendly competition to get her attention. And everyone in the group, except for Steve and Eddie, knew that she was head over heels for both of them but couldn’t pick between them. Unbeknownst to the three, Robin had even been taking bets from as to which one of them is finally going to do something and when. Even in his weed-induced haze, Jonathan knew that the bickering and flirting was only going to get worse the longer it went on and he decided to speak up.
“Oh, come on Eddie! Just let her play her music!” Jonathan interjected from the couch and Y/N shook her head in agreement.
“See, Jonathan is fine with my music!” she said with a pleased smile.
“Jonathan is high as a kite, I could put on whale sounds and he’d think it was the greatest thing ever made.” Eddie replied.
“Hey!” Jonathan protested before Nancy spoke up.
“Eddie, it’s her turn to pick the music for the party, you don’t get to control it just because we’re having it at your place.” Nancy said.
Eddie looked back to Y/N. She put her bottom lip out in the most pitiful pout she could manage, batting her eyelashes for good measure. He stared at her for a moment, trying not to think about what those big pleading eyes would look like under him, begging for release.
“Fine, I yield, my lady.” Eddie finally said, giving a little bow and a flourish towards the cassette player, using the same medieval-style voice he used in D&D. It was a flirting tactic he used often because the character she played in his campaigns was a princess, and Eddie was nothing if not thoroughly dramatic.
“Oh, thank you Eds!” She squealed in joy, grinning from ear to ear as she pounced into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a grateful kiss on his cheek.
He returned her embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist until he had to pull away so she wouldn’t feel a certain appendage of his that was rising to the occasion in his pants.
 “I never can resist that lovely pouty face of yours.” he said with a charming smile and she blushed deeply before turning around to the cassette player.
She slipped a Hall & Oates tape in and hit play, the opening notes of “Maneater” booming from the speakers. She began to sway her hips to the beat, dancing as she smiled at Eddie, victorious. He shook his head, unable to stop himself from smiling. He took another swig of his beer as she danced, taking the opportunity to let his eyes rake over her body and thoroughly appreciate what he saw. She had taken off her heels almost as soon as she had arrived, preferring to traipse around the carpet of the trailer barefoot—not that Eddie minded in the slightest—as it allowed her to dance more freely. She was wearing a low cut blouse and a short skirt and as she moved around, her breasts bounced in her top, glimpses of her ass visible through the ruffles of her skirt. A knock on the door roused him from his thoughts of what she’d look like without all the clothes and he called out that it was unlocked, the door opened and Robin and Vickie coming in.
“We’re dancing already?” Robin exclaimed and pulled Vickie closer to the stereo, joining in as Y/N laughed.
“Thanks for the help Robin!” Steve said sarcastically as he stepped through the door, three pizza boxes with a few packs of beer on top in his arms, his sunglasses riding low on his nose.
“You’re welcome, Steve!” Robin responded with a laugh.
“Looking hot tonight, baby!” Steve said shifting the weight onto one arm so he could give Y/N’s ass a playful smack as her walked by her.
“Calm down, Stevie! You only just got here!” she giggled and Steve smirked as he entered the kitchen.
Eddie downed what was left of the almost empty bottle and put it down as he pushed off the wall to join Steve in the kitchen area. Steve put the pizza on the counter, took off his sunglasses, and was sticking the beers in the fridge when Eddie walked in.
“We need to talk, Harrington.” Eddie hissed lowly.
“Yes, her ass felt spectacular.” Steve replied with a smirk.
“No, Harrington. I’m serious.” Eddie shot back.
“Me too.” Steve said with a chuckle and Eddie grumbled, leaning in closer.
“Dude, I’m losing my fucking mind right now.” He said as Steve finished putting the beers in the fridge and stood up to look at Eddie properly. “If I watch her dance like that any longer, I’ll be cumming in my jeans. We have to do something.”
“Munson, we agreed that if anything with her is gonna happen for either of us, she’s gotta be the one to start it. We can flirt as much as we want, but no matter how sexy she is, or how much we want her, we can’t be the ones to make the first move. We agreed, man!” Steve replied, popping the top off of a beer bottle and taking a swig. 
“Harrington, fucking look at her right now.” Eddie hissed, swiping the bottle from Steve’s hand and taking a large swig. 
Steve sighed, grabbing another bottle and popping the top off before peeking his head around the kitchen cabinets to look into the living room.
He watched her dance for thirty seconds or so and then turned back to Eddie, adjusting the front of his pants awkwardly. “Yeah, we need to figure this out—and fast! I can’t look at her in that top all night and not ask her to fuck me. One of us needs to drop out.” The pair silently looked at one another, waiting for the other to just give up but neither of them said a word.
“Let’s just pull her aside together and tell her we both want her and see who she picks. It’s not the smoothest move but at least it’ll end this.” Steve finally suggested when it became abundantly clear that neither of them were ever going to volunteer to step out of the running. “She picks whoever she picks and the other one, probably you, just takes the loss like a man and moves on.”
“You seem very confident that she’ll pick either of us. We drop a bomb like this on her and ask her to make a choice and she’ll freak the fuck out.” Eddie said. “She’s never been able to make snap decisions, even for things she feels strongly about, so even if she’s already interested in one of us, she’s gonna get so overwhelmed that she’ll choose neither of us.”
“Well, what the fuck are we going to do then?” Steve asked. “Only one of us can have her… and that’s if she wants us after all.”
“Harrington, you just gave me an idea.” Eddie muttered, his face growing into a grin. 
“Enlighten me then, Munson.” Steve huffed impatiently.
“We don’t ask her to choose.” Eddie said.
“I’m not following.” Steve replied.
“We tell her that we’re both interested in her and that we’d like to share a night with her. Together.” Eddie explained, Steve’s eyes widening in recognition.
“Are you suggesting a threesome?” Steve replied and let out a small laugh in disbelief as Eddie nodded.
“As long as we can get along and share, then she wouldn’t have to choose between us. If she says no, then at least she’ll know we’re both interested and she can act on that information later if she wants to.” he said.
“And if she says yes…” Steve trailed off as they grinned at one another. “Fuck, Munson, I could kiss you right now.”
“Save that energy for later, big boy.” Eddie joked with a wink, giving Steve a light slap on the ass as he walked out of the kitchen with a smirk.
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Several hours and a pack of beer or two later, Nancy announced that she was going to take Jonathan home, the pair walking out the door to a chorus of ‘bye’ and ‘have fun fucking’. Less than thirty minutes later, Robin and Vickie had passed out, super drunk, cuddling on the couch together as Steve covered them with a blanket.
“And then there were three.” Y/N joked, lying on the floor with one of the couch pillows underneath her head.
“I’m gonna smoke, wanna join?” Eddie asked, his back leaning up against the wall as he sat on the floor.
“Drinking and smoking?” she asked, clutching a hand to her chest and pretending to be scandalized. “How positively devious of you!”
“Princess, I’m barely even tipsy.” Eddie replied.
“Fuck, me too. I could use some weed.” Steve said, sitting on the ground beside Eddie. 
“That’s two. Princess, care to join us?” Eddie asked.
From their viewpoint, they could see the side profile of her body, her head turned towards them, one knee bent up in the air. They could see the swell of her breasts with every breath and part of her skirt had hiked up, providing a tantalizing tease of her panties. Every curve and dip of her body was on display like a statue of Aphrodite from a museum in the flesh. Her hair was fanned out on the ground and her eyelids just a touch hooded by alcohol, her wide pupils gazing at them through her lashes. Her lips were pursed slightly as she considered his proposition and the boys couldn’t help but imagine what they would look like wrapped around a cock. Eddie moved his beer bottle to cover the growing bulge in his pants and Steve tried to stifle a groan into a cough, both praying she wouldn’t notice.
“I want to Eds, but I’ve only done edibles.” she said with a shy smile. “I’ve never smoked, I don’t know how.”
“No time to learn like the present.” Eddie said and she glanced over at the sleeping girls.
“Won’t we bother them?” she asked.
“They’re out cold, nothing we do is gonna wake them up.” Steve assured her.
“Maybe we should move somewhere else, just in case. Eds, can we smoke in your bedroom?” she asked and the innocent tone in her voice made Steve stand straight up and pretend he was getting another slice of pizza, just so he could hide his boner from her as he tried to calm himself down.
“If that is what you desire, princess, then we shall make it so.” Eddie replied, getting up and moving to stand by her feet, trying to ignore the sexy way she looked laid out below him, like a spread from a porno mag come to life.
He lowered his hand to her and just as she took it, he hauled her up to her feet quickly and then over his shoulder in one swift motion. Steve took one look at her gorgeous ass on Eddie’s shoulder and bit his fist to stop from making noise, his eyes telegraphing to Eddie that if he kept this up, he wouldn’t last long. Eddie only smirked at him, very pleased with himself. When she realized what he’d done, she playfully slapped at his back, her legs kicking up a little in fake protest. 
“Eds! I can walk to your room myself!” she laughed.
“But my lady, a princess requires a royal steed! Her royal feet must not touch the same ground as commoners such as us.” Eddie replied in his D&D voice and she giggled, rolling her eyes. 
“Lead away then, stable boy.” she said.
“Stable boy?” Eddie said in mock offense. “I’m at least a coachman.”
“Are we going to smoke or just stand here arguing until the sun rises?” she said.
“Ooo, bossy tonight, huh?” Eddie replied, giving her ass a light pat before he started walking towards his room, her giggles filling the trailer as they went.
“Stevie, can you grab the boombox please?” she called as they passed through the doorway to Eddie’s room. 
“Ye- uh yeah.” Steve croaked out, his voice cracking a little as he grabbed it and followed.
Eddie dropped her on to the bed and her body bounced once before coming to rest on the mattress, her breasts bouncing and her skirt flying up for a moment. With great difficulty, Eddie pulled himself away from staring at her jiggling tits so he could rummage through the drawers of his dresser for the metal tin he kept his weed in. The bed was in the corner of the messy room and Y/N sat up with her back on the wall, leaving room for Eddie and Steve on either side. Steve entered the room, setting the boombox on Eddie’s dresser before plopping down at the end of the bed against the wall next to her.
“Heads up Harrington!” Eddie called before he tossed the metal tin at Steve who caught it easily as Eddie headed over to pick a tape for the player.
Steve opened the tin up and began grabbing what he needed to roll some joints. Eddie put in an INXS tape he had just bought.
“Haven’t smoked to this album yet, it should be good.” he said as he turned around.
“What’s with all the handcuffs, Eds?” she asked with a smirk, gesturing at the hook on his wall where he kept a bunch of them.
“Oh, they can come in handy sometimes, no pun intended. The ladies seem to love them and I haven’t had any complaints from the guys either.” he said with a wink. It was an open secret within the group that both Eddie and Steve enjoyed men and women, although they were generally pretty quiet about it. “Why, princess? Are you curious?”
“Just asking.” she said casually.
“Well if you’d like to try them on to see how they feel, that can always be arranged.” he replied and she blushed.
“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you, lover boy?” Steve muttered, trying to keep his tone sarcastic and playful instead of revealing the jealousy he was feeling.
The boys made tense eye contact for a second but she didn’t notice because she was too busy reaching into the tin and pulling out a pipe to look at it curiously.
“How does this work?” she asked and Steve chuckled. 
“Just like a regular tobacco pipe, but with weed.” he replied.
“Can I try it?” she asked, looking over at Eddie with a smile.
“Whatever you want, princess.” he replied before walking to the bed and sitting next to her but with his back against the headboard so he could talk with her easily. “Steve and I are probably gonna share a joint though so we don’t have to keep repacking the bowl all the time.”
“My Stevie and my Eds playing nice and sharing something together? Voluntarily? Without trying to kill each other? Is the world coming to an end?” she questioned, surprised but pleased with their sudden cooperation.
“I think you’ll find that ‘Eds’ and I have recently realized our interests are aligned. We can play nice and share all sorts of things, baby.” Steve said, finishing rolling the joint and lit it, taking in a few puffs before passing it to Eddie.
To reach Eddie, he needed to lean over her. His head was near her chest as he stretched and she stopped breathing for a moment, just taking in his scent. He smelled faintly of hairspray, a scent that had become oddly comforting to her, lingering even as he pulled back. Eddie took a few puffs and then handed it back to Steve, leaning in as well. She could feel a few locks of his hair just barely grazing the bare skin on her chest and suppressed a shiver. His usual scent of cigarettes had invaded her senses and together with Steve’s hairspray were making it hard to think. 
Eddie sat back as Steve put some weed into the spoon-like end at the end of the pipe, explaining that it was called “packing the bowl” and she tried to rouse her thoughts back to the present. Steve leaned in to hold the pipe up for her and press a flame from his lighter under the bowl and Eddie gave her instructions on when to suck the air in, when to hold it, and when to let go, his voice low in her ear. 
As she blew out the last of the smoke, she heard him coo “There’s a good girl, you did it perfectly on your first try.”
She tried to ignore the way those two little words, just a simple “good girl” made her stomach flip, fanning the spark from deeper below until the desire was burning within her. She wondered if that was what his bedroom voice sounded like. They talked her through another one and as she exhaled, she heard Steve whisper in her ear, so low it was almost a growl.
“Doing so good, baby.” he said and she squeaked, trying to play it off as a cough.
Steve and Eddie knew exactly what they were doing to her, it was the same thing she had been doing to them all night, what she was still doing to them as she drew the phallic-looking pipe to her luscious lips and sucked in. Steve took another few hits of the joint and she watched as a single strand of his hair fell in front of his face, resting on his forehead. He leaned over again and passed it to Eddie, who brought it to his lips for a hit. He was taking a long drag when she found herself admiring how his mouth curled around the end and when he leaned his head back and let out a long exhaled cloud of smoke, she was struck by the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as his neck stretched ever so slightly. She was still staring when he finished the breath and his eyes caught hers upon him, a smirk growing on his face.
“Like what you see, princess?” he asked and her mind just stopped.
Suddenly, it was like someone had taken her brain and stuck it in a blender, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say to explain why she had been watching him like that. She couldn’t exactly tell him that she had been staring at him because being this close to him and Steve was making her unbelievably horny.
“I…umm, I just… I was just…I-” she stammered out and Eddie smiled.
“It’s alright princess, I don’t mind your pretty eyes watching me.” he told her, moving closer until his lips were only inches from her face. “Steve and I have been watching you all night.”
“You… you have?” she asked, barely a whisper.
“Baby, Eddie and I have been trying to get your attention for a while.” Steve whispered into her ear, now hovering just over her neck and she shivered.
“We were in a bit of a competition, both of us wanted you but neither of us seemed to be getting anywhere.” Eddie said, his fingers reaching under her chin to turn her head back towards him. “It’s been so frustrating, wanting you so bad, hoping we could make you want us before the other could. Tonight we decided to put our differences aside and come clean with you.” 
“You want me?” she breathed out and Steve’s hot breath was back on her ear as her body instinctually leaned towards him.
“We do.” he said. “And we’re willing to share, if it’s what you want.”
Oh god, did she want it. Her mind was screaming at her to say something, to tell them just how long she had been waiting for one of them to make a move, how never in her wildest dreams had she imagined they’d both want her and especially not that they’d want her together. She wanted to tell them how many times she had collapsed into her pillows with her hand between her legs thinking of them. But her mind felt like jello and all she could do was suck in a breath. Steve’s fingers inched along the skin of her thigh, Eddie’s dancing lightly on her arm, only further scrambling her thoughts with the finger-light touches. She closed her eyes, unable to do anything but feel and want and burn.
“Come on princess, I know I’ve been thinking about it all night.” Eddie said, still so close that she could almost feel the tip of his nose on hers. “The tentpole in Steve’s jeans assures you he’s thinking the same thing. And the way you’re squeezing your legs together so hard they might turn red makes me pretty damn sure you’re thinking about it too.”
“If you don’t want this, we can leave and pretend it never even happened. Nothing has to change if you don’t want it to.” Steve said, lips ghosting over the skin of her neck. “But if you say the word, you can have us, baby. Whenever you want. Wherever you want. However you want. One at a time… at the same time…”
She gasped and her eyes shot open. She found herself staring straight into Eddie’s gorgeous brown eyes, darker than usual with lust.
“Oh, you like that idea, don’t you?” he asked, smirking. “Want one of us buried deep in that tight, wet cunt of yours while the other fucks your pretty little mouth?”
“Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I do, I do…” she whispered and was rewarded with Steve’s lips on her neck, his hand finally finding hold on her thigh and she struggled to continue speaking as Steve attacked her neck with his skilled mouth. “Haven’t… done this… before. Not with… more than… one person.”
“That’s alright, princess.” Eddie assured her, his hand light on her cheek, his rings cool on her hot skin. “We can go slow. We’ll take real good care of you.”
Eddie’s lips crashed into hers just as Steve found the most sensitive spot on her neck and she gasped into Eddie’s mouth, quickly turning into a moan. She could feel Steve’s smile on her skin before he resumed to leaving a trail of hickeys on her neck and shoulder. One of his hands was gripping her thigh, the pressure keeping her grounded as the other hand splayed right in the middle of her back, pushing her closer to them. Eddie didn’t give up his assault on her lips, kissing her as if he needed it to breathe. One hand remained on her cheek, his thumb rubbing her cheekbone lovingly, a harsh juxtaposition of his mouth’s ferocity, his other hand resting on her chest, right on top of her heart.
“Wait.” She breathed out into Eddie’s mouth and suddenly their hands and lips disappeared from her skin, her body whining at their absence.
“If you don’t want to do this we can stop.” Steve said, his hazel eyes screaming his earnestness to her. “I told you we can pretend it never even happened if that’s what you want.”
“No! No, I really want to do this… but I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know how to do it.” she said, breathing hard as she watched them both pant, devouring her with hungry eyes. “I don’t know if I’ll be any good.”
“Oh princess, you’re already good at it.” Eddie said with a smirk and she blushed, her self doubts and anxiety beginning to melt away.
“We want you to be sure this is what you want. That it’s your decision, even with the weed and alcohol in play.” Steve told her and neither of the boys were expecting the firm reply she gave.
“I had one beer a few hours ago, I’m not even buzzed. And as for the weed, I’m pretty damn sure I’m in my right mind.” she said and the boys smiled. “So how do we start?”
“Maybe Steve and I should show you what to expect.” Eddie said, turning to look at Steve.
“That sounds like a great idea.” Steve said. “Let’s get her a front row seat.”
Eddie smirked and got off the bed as Steve led her by the hand to sit in the chair that Eddie pulled up next to the bed.
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions.” Eddie said as he and Steve sat back on the bed, facing one another. “It’s an interactive presentation.”
The boys smiled at one another and leaned in, their lips meeting softly at first, then slowly building in intensity. Steve had one hand on Eddie’s cheek, the other on his waist as one of Eddie’s hands came up to cradle the side of Steve’s neck, the other surging downwards. Steve groaned into Eddie’s mouth as his hand found the bulge in his pants, pressing against it firmly. His hand continued to palm Steve’s junk as he began to suck on Steve’s neck with the same ferocity Steve had for hers. Steve’s head fell backwards and he moaned, his eyes closing in pleasure as Eddie left what would probably be a very large hickey on his neck.
It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. Better than the dirty magazines she had found hidden under her mom’s bed, better than any scene in a porno, better than anything she had ever imagined about them. Her hands flew in between her legs, as if the pressure or the friction of rubbing up against her arms could relieve the fire in her loins. It only made it worse. Her eyes flicked to the handcuffs on the wall, considering all the delicious possibilities and when her eyes returned back to the boys, they met Steve’s eyes, smirking at her as Eddie continued his movements on his neck.
“She’s looking at the handcuffs, lover boy.” Steve informed him quietly with a smirk, his gaze never once leaving hers. “Maybe we should show her how they work.”
Eddie pulled back with a wicked smile and a glint in his eye as he looked to her. “A fantastic idea. Take your shirt off and sit against the headboard, big boy.” he ordered, and Steve obeyed.
Before he went to grab handcuffs, Eddie stopped to press a brief but hard kiss onto her lips. “Because you’re being such a good girl watching us. Don’t worry princess, it’s almost your turn.” he said as his hand cupped her cheek lightly, his thumb tracing her mouth teasingly before he returned to the bed.
“Got a safe-word, stud?” Eddie asked.
“Red.” Steve replied before Eddie advanced. 
She could see only Eddie’s back for a moment, hearing the distinct clicks of the handcuffs locking but then he sat back on his haunches and she took in the delicious sight before her. Steve had a hand cuffed to both of the far posts of the headboard, stretching out his arms and putting his well-defined muscles on display. Steve looked at her and although he was the one handcuffed, she was the one who felt tied down by his intense gaze. He smiled at her and she felt her stomach flip once more.
“For my next trick, I’m going to need an audience volunteer.” Eddie announced dramatically before setting his eyes upon her. “How about you princess?”
She nodded and he smiled, reaching over and pulling her chair up against the bed in a swift motion. She was now close enough to touch them and she eyed the pair with anticipation, waiting for Eddie’s next order. 
“Doesn’t he look so pretty? All spread out like this and just itching for us to touch him…” Eddie spoke lowly and she kept her gaze on Steve’s restrained torso. “Go ahead and touch him, princess.”
Hesitantly at first, she reached out towards the top of his chest, near his collarbones and when just the very tip of one finger had grazed his skin, Steve bucked against his chains, holding on to them so hard his knuckles were turning white. His reaction spurned her on, her touches growing more bold by the second as she explored his body.
Her fingers trailed down Steve’s toned chest and through the patch of dark hair she had seen before when they had gone to the pool together. His breath hitched when she slid a fingernail against his nipple, catching it between her fingers and she repeated the movement on both sides a few more times. When he put his head back and groaned, she gave him reprieve, continuing on with a small but pleased smile. She stopped at each of the scars on his chest from previous adventures gone wrong and took an extra moment to skate the tips of her fingertips over the raised skin. 
“So beautiful…” she muttered, not even realizing she had said it aloud until she heard Eddie in her ear.  
“I agree. You’re doing such a good job playing with him but it’s time we stop teasing him and get to the main event, don’t you think?” he said and she nodded. “Unbuckle his pants and get his cock out for me, princess.”
Her hands continued on their journey and finally made it all the way down to the waistband of his jeans. Steve’s breath hitched, his hips bucking slightly when her fingers stopped on the button. She carefully undid it and unzipped his fly, biting her lip as she reached to pull down the waistband of his boxers, letting him spring free. 
She had often wondered what Steve’s dick would look like and she certainly wasn’t disappointed. She hadn’t seen too many dicks in person, mostly just in dirty magazines or the kinds of movies that were hidden behind a curtain in the rental store, but she knew enough to know Steve’s was larger than average, even only at half-mast. Steve had a smug and proud smile on his face and she looked to Eddie to find he was surprised but pleased by Steve’s cock.
“Not bad at all, big boy.” he complimented before leaning into her ear and whispering. “Get him hard for me, princess.”
She leaned over and pressed her lips to the head of his half-erect cock. Steve groaned, instinctively surging forwards before the cuffs pulled him back. She opened her mouth and let drool dribble down to coat his dick in a layer of slick spit. The tip of her tongue darted out and licked a bead of pre-cum off the tip of his cock.
“Oh, fuck!” Steve moaned and she smiled, continuing to rile him up by teasing just the head of his cock as his cock got harder and harder.
When he was fully erect, she carefully slid her hand down his length, moving so slowly and holding him so lightly that it was like torture, not allowing him the pleasure of release yet.
“Good girl.” Eddie whispered into her ear, his hand reaching out to guide her own in a few more slow and teasing movements. Steve bucked his hips desperately but Eddie simply pulled his hand and hers away completely. “Looks like he’s ready for me. Sit back and enjoy the show, princess.”
She followed his instructions and moved back to her chair although now she sat on the literal edge, as close to the bed as she could be. Eddie flashed a wicked smile before leaning down and pressing a feather light kiss to the tip of Steve’s cock.
“Fuck, please-” Steve choked out, rattling his chains, desperate for the torture to end. “Please, Eds I-” His plea was answered and cut off as Eddie began to take his length into his mouth.
She couldn’t see specifically what Eddie was doing with his mouth but from the lewd noises Steve was making, it apparently felt very good. Eddie raised his head up and Steve whined at the loss of his warm, wet mouth on his cock.
“Tell her how it feels, Steve.” Eddie ordered, in almost a growl. “Tell her what my mouth on your cock feels like. Tell her how it feels to have your hands cuffed to the bed and to be unable to do anything about it.”
“Fuck, it feels so good.” Steve whimpered, his words getting caught in his throat briefly when Eddie returned to his ministrations, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity like a dagger. “Oh baby, it feels so fucking good. I don’t have to be in control, I just have to trust Eds will take care of me. I love it, fuck, I love it.”
Steve was getting close, it wasn’t hard to tell. His hips bucked as much as Eddie’s hands would allow, the sounds of him pulling on the chains getting louder and more frantic as his cries grew louder too. He was begging Eddie over and over again, chanting “please let me cum, please, please, please Eds.”
“Cum for me, big boy.” Eddie moaned around around his cock and only seconds later Steve was screaming in pleasure as he came.
Eddie kept him there in his mouth, working him through the waves of ecstasy, milking his cock and swallowing every last drop. Steve was panting like he had run a marathon as Eddie pulled himself off of Steve with a wet pop. Steve leaned back against the head board, letting his body relax.
“Good boy.” Eddie purred as he reached up and unlocked the handcuffs, Steve’s arms falling to his side as he looked at her through hooded eyelids.
Eddie crooked a finger to her, beckoning her to join them on the bed. In one swift movement, he removed his shirt, throwing it onto the floor in a ball as her eyes raked over his body. He wasn’t as toned as Steve, he was more lean, and the only hair he had on his chest was a light treasure trail leading down into his pants. She knew that he and Steve had matching scars on their chests but seeing them at the same time only made it more clear just how identical they were. She also knew he had a lot of tattoos, she’d seen the ones on his hands and arms many times but this was the first time she got to see the ones on his chest more than just small bits peeking out of his shirt collar. He was beautiful and the colorful art dotting his skin only made him more attractive. He grinned when he saw her looking at him and let her hand trace the lines of ink for a minute.
“Alright princess…” he said lowly as he pulled her hand from his chest, his firm grip on her wrist. “It’s time to show Stevie how much you liked our little show. Go on and let him find out what it’s like to kiss and touch you. Put on a show for me now.”
She crawled up Steve’s body, his back still leaned against the headboard as she tentatively straddled his hips, hovering over his lap nervously. His hands instantly went to her waist and he pulled her down onto his lap, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. She had made out with people before but never with someone so hungry and deliciously rough. His hands moved her waist to roll a little, grinding his bare cock against her pantied pussy as her skirt rode up once more. The feel of his cock against her core, separated only by the thin fabric layer of her panties caused her to gasp against his lips, a moan quickly being smothered and swallowed by his mouth. Her hands hooked around his neck and into his hair, tugging lightly to earn a few pleased hums. 
“Get that shirt off of her.” Eddie ordered calmly, and she could hear his belt being undone and his jeans being unzipped.
Steve obliged immediately, yanking her blouse above her head and throwing it across the room, so quickly and expertly that his lips barely left hers. Eddie spit into his hand before beginning to stroke himself, a groan slipping out as he moved his fist up and down his length. Steve continued to grind up into her, one hand snaking up her back to undo the clasp of her bra as the other found hold on the back of her head, tangling into her hair.
“I didn’t say to take off the bra, Steve.” Eddie warned and Steve’s hand disappeared from the clasp, making her whine into his mouth as it found purchase on her hip. “Patience, princess.”
Steve’s length dragged against her clit and she felt like she was on fire. She took a hand from around his neck and slipped it behind her, needing to free her aching nipples from their torturous confines. Just as her finger grazed the clasp, Steve’s hand on her hip shot up and grabbed her wrist. His large hand encircled her wrist tightly and held her arm against her back.
“Eddie told you to be patient…” Steve warned, pulling away from her to meet her eyes, a smirk when he saw the desperation in her features. “Don’t be a bad girl. You owe him an apology.”
“I- I’m sorry Eds!” she said quickly, glancing over her shoulder to gaze at him as his hand increased in speed in jerking himself off.
“For?” Steve prompted, applying an infinitesimal amount of pressure on both her wrist and the back of her neck.
“I’m sorry for being a bad girl and not listening!” she cried out, shivering when Eddie laughed darkly.
“It’s alright princess, it’s a learning experience. Just don’t do it again.” he warned, holding her gaze intensely before flickering to meet Steve’s gaze. “How wet is she?”
Steve’s hand released her wrist but stayed on her back, a silent warning not to try unclasping the bra again. Her hand returned to snake around his neck, once more finding and hold on his hair. Steve removed his hand from the back of her neck, dragging it down the valley between her breasts before slipping under her skirt and pushing aside her panties. As his fingers ran against her slick folds, she leaned forwards, burying her head in his neck with a pathetic whine. 
“She’s fucking dripping.” Steve said before nipping teasingly at her ear, her face still nestled in the crook of his neck. “Aren’t you, baby?”
She nodded but this wasn’t good enough for Steve, his hand roughly cupping her pussy, his thumb tantalizingly close to her clit but not close enough to give her the release she sought. 
“I said… aren’t you, baby?” he growled as she cried out in surprise.
“Yes! Yes! Oh god please, I need it so bad. Something, anything, please!” she pleaded and was surprised to feel a spurt of warm ropes on her back, Eddie groaning as he came onto her.
“Reward her with a finger, big boy.” Eddie ordered, panting as he came down from his high and within seconds one of Steve’s fingers slipped into her cunt.
Her walls clenched around it, desperate for more as he languidly pushed it in and out, curling it slightly to hit a spot that made her see stars. She vaguely registered Eddie wiping his cum off of her back with a piece of cloth, probably one of his many bandanas. She cried out and arched backwards, thrusting her tits into Steve’s face when suddenly she felt Eddie press his chest against her back. His breath was hot on her ear and she whimpered. 
“Good girl.” he cooed and she keened into his touch as much as she could. “It’s my turn to play too now.”
She couldn’t see it but Eddie held up two fingers with a smirk and Steve grinned wickedly. A second finger penetrated her and she panted as he continued his torturously slow ministrations in and out. Eddie’s hands went to unclasp her bra, finally, and he tossed the offending garment to the side. Cool air teased her heated breasts for only a moment before Eddie’s hands clasped around them firmly. A lewd moan fell from her mouth as his fingers rolled and squeezed, kneading the flesh and teasing her nipples. His hands continued their assault on her breasts as his mouth began on on her neck, deftly finding the spot that made her cry out. 
The sensations were all too much and yet not enough. Steve’s hands in her pussy, Eddie’s on her breasts, their mouths on her lips and neck, but no relief was given to her aching little bud, taunt with need. Steve was purposefully ignoring her clit, succeeding in making her more desperate for him to touch her there with every passing moment. Slowly, she slipped a hand down and was inches away from her fingers brushing against her clit when Eddie’s hands left her breasts and grabbed her wrists, wrenching them behind her back and away from where she wanted them. She whined and could feel Eddie’s smirk against her skin, shifting to whisper into her ear.
“Bad girl. Steve didn’t tell you that you could do that, did he?” Eddie asked lowly and when she didn’t respond, too overcome by the feeling of Steve’s fingers curling inside her, he moved her wrists to one hand, the other snaking around to the front of her neck and applying just a little pleasure, growling “I said, did he, princess?”
“No.” she moaned and his hand disappeared from her neck, moving somewhere behind her. “I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, she felt something cool against her wrist and a loud clicking noise. She gasped as she realized that Eddie had just cuffed one of her wrists with the handcuffs.
“This alright, princess?” Eddie asked, voice firm in his dominance yet with just the edge of softness as he checked in with her.
“God yes!” she moaned out and Eddie clicked the other cuff onto her other wrist.
“Oh, you like them that much, huh?” Steve asked, feeling her clench around his fingers at the sound of them locking.
“Yes, fuck, I love it.” she cried out, testing her bonds as Eddie let go of her wrists but they held fast.
With her hands trapped uselessly between her back and Eddie’s chest, she had to just feel them playing with her, their hands and mouths all over her body, bringing her closer to the edge but never all the way.
“What a dirty girl… a dirty girl who likes having her hands bound together like some kind of slut.” Eddie taunted and his words touched something deep inside of her.
“Fuck, Eds. She liked when you called her a slut, she squeezed my fucking fingers like a vice.” Steve groaned and Eddie chuckled.
“Give our slut another finger as a reward.” he ordered and Steve obeyed, smirking when she gasped at the stretch of another finger added to her wet, hot cunt.
“God, she feels so good Eds, I can’t even imagine what she would feel like on a cock.” Steve said through grunts as he continued thrusting up into her with his fingers.
“We won’t have to imagine pretty soon, big boy.” Eddie said. “If you’re a good girl and you ride Stevie’s fingers like a cock, Steve will play with that pretty little clit of yours and we’ll let you cum.”
She moaned at the challenge before bucking her hips, intent on riding Steve’s hand like a cowgirl on a bull at a rodeo. She put every bit of effort she could into moving her hips and she was rewarded when Steve placed his thumb on her clit. A few small swirls and she was on the edge, begging the boys to let her cum. Eddie gave her permission and suddenly she was coming, her walls clenching down on Steve’s fingers as she threw her head back onto Eddie’s shoulder and cried out in ecstasy. She continued riding him through the shockwaves of pleasure and felt a little disappointed when it ended. He removed his fingers from her cunt, bringing them to his mouth to taste her cum as she panted.
“She tastes delicious.” Steve said with a smirk that made her shiver before holding out his fingers to Eddie. “Want a taste?”
“Oh I do, but I think I’m gonna get it straight from the source.” Eddie replied, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“What are we gonna do with her now, lover boy?” Steve asked him as he brought his fingers to her mouth and slipped them inside for her to taste herself. “All tied up with no where to go, isn’t that right baby?”
She moaned a yes as best as she could with his fingers in her mouth, the taste of her own arousal only heightening the pleasure. The muffled sound went straight to their cocks and Eddie’s face lit up with an idea.
“What would you say to a gag, princess?” Eddie asked and Steve removed his fingers from her mouth. “Be honest if it’s not something you want.”
“What kind of gag?” she asked in anticipation.
“I have a ball gag around here somewhere but if thats too much for your first time we can just do a cloth gag. I have plenty of bandanas.” Eddie answered.
“Can we try the cloth gag?” she asked, her innocent yet intrigued tone making him smile (and making his cock twitch).
“Of course, princess. Steve, can you get her hair out of the way?” Eddie said as he pulled his favorite bandana from his back pocket and although it was phrased as a question, Steve knew it was an order.
“Yes, sir.” Steve said, gently brushing her hair from her neck and pulling it all up with one hand. “Open up, baby.”
She opened her mouth obediently and watched as Eddie slowly placed the bandana between her teeth and pulled the ends together at the back of her neck.
“Is that too tight?” Eddie asked and when she shook her head, he tied the ends off and Steve released her hair, covering it.
“You’re always beautiful but you look even more lovely like this.” Steve told her and she felt butterflies in her stomach.
“Alright Harrington, we need to huddle up and make a game plan.” Eddie said and she whined as he began to move away. “It’s just for a moment, princess.”
Once Eddie was clear, Steve carefully lifted her off of his lap and laid her down on the bed on her back. His weight disappeared from beside her and she turned her head to the side to see the two of them moving to the far end of the room, Steve tucking himself away. When they reached the far wall, they stopped and leaned into one another, whispering too low for her to hear, especially with the music still playing quietly and them so far from her. She watched them, both shirtless with only their jeans still on, a sight that made her press her legs together in need, despite having just orgasmed.
After what felt like an eternity of planning, they returned to the side of the bed, smirking down at her with her hands tied underneath her in only her skirt and panties and a bandana gagging her. Steve reached down and stroked the side of her face, chuckling when she leaned into his touch.
“Are you ready for the next part of the show?” he asked and she nodded vigorously. “Good girl.”
Eddie pulled her upper half off of the bed and held her up as Steve took his place sitting against the headboard again, taking his pants off so that he was only in his boxers. Steve pulled her from Eddie’s arms and nestled her to sit between his legs, leaning back on his chest. The way they handled her so nonchalantly yet still careful, like she was a precious doll, reignited the fire in her core. Eddie took off his pants to reveal his briefs before kneeling on the bed in front of her. He reached around and un-cuffed one of her wrists before pulling them both up over her head, re-cuffing them so her hands were bound behind his neck, stretching her out.
“Don’t pull on these too hard or you’ll hurt Stevie, alright princess?” Eddie asked and she nodded.
Steve lifted her hips up as Eddie pulled off the skirt and panties, leaving her completely naked, all of her bare for their hungry eyes. Eddie spread her legs and groaned at the sight of her pussy laid bare before him. Putting her head down in embarrassment as her cheeks heated, she tried to close her legs but was stopped by Eddie’s hands keeping her thighs spread.
“Are you shy, princess?” Eddie cooed and she nodded. 
“Do you want us to stop?” Steve asked and she shook her head. “Can you knock on the wall behind us?” She answered with a few knocks on the wall. “If you want us to stop, knock on the wall in groups of three, alright?” She nodded.
“You’re so beautiful.” Eddie told her, fingers stroking her wet folds delicately.
She shifted against Steve’s chest and whined, trying once more to close her legs. Eddie gave a light smack to her inner thigh.
“Bad girl! Am I going to have to tie your ankles to my bedposts to get you to stay put?” he scolded and she looked away in embarrassment. “Oh that’s it, isn’t it? That’s what you want. Usually I wouldn’t reward bad behavior but this is a special circumstance.”
Eddie leaned over to a dresser drawer and pulled out two lengths of black rope. Carefully, he lifted one of her feet and tied the silky rope around her ankle. He pressed a light kiss to her calf before pulling her leg down to lay straight on the bed sheets between Steve’s spread legs. As Eddie secured the rope to the bed post and moved to repeat his actions with her other leg, Steve began to lazily drag his fingers across her breasts. He let his nails lightly rake on her nipples, teasing her in the same way she had teased him. She gasped through the gag and squirmed in his arms as he continued his ministrations. His lips moved to her ears and she shivered when she felt his hot breath against her skin.
“What, baby? You don’t like it when you get a taste of your own medicine?” He murmured in a low growl and she could practically hear his smirk. “Guess you can dish it out but can’t take it.”
Eddie finished her other leg and sat back on his haunches to admire his work, Steve stopping his teasing so she would be still for him. Her glistening cunt was laid bare before him and his eyes shone with excitement. Her cheeks heated under his attentive gaze and she averted her eyes away in embarrassment. She felt completely exposed with her legs spread wide open and the silky rope that wouldn’t relent to her tugging, she couldn’t close her legs to staunch the self-doubts that began to pop up. Eddie and Steve were far more experienced than her and had probably seen far prettier girls’ bodies. Every imperfection of her physique suddenly felt mortifyingly unattractive and for a moment she considered tapping out so she could throw on her clothes and run away in shame. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes as she imagined how hideous she must look to them, every curve, line, and mark mocking her in her head. Suddenly she felt Eddie’s hand on her cheek, gently pulling her attention back to him.
“What’s wrong? Do you want to stop? There’s no shame in that, princess.” He said softly and her heart flipped at his earnestness. 
She shook her head. 
“Are you feeling self-conscious?” He asked, Steve’s fingers trailing comforting circles on her sides.
She nodded, eyes shimmering with vulnerability.
“Oh princess, you have nothing to be self-conscious about. You’re fucking stunning. I’ve never seen anyone who looks so beautiful naked as you, except for perhaps Steve.” Eddie assured her and she smiled, tears of comfort and joy pooling in her eyes as Steve chuckled behind her. 
“I’ve been wondering what you would look like without clothes forever and never in my wildest dreams did I even come close to how gorgeous you are right now.” Steve said in her ear and she craned her neck up to look at him, admiration shining in his eyes. “So just lay back and let us worship you the way you deserve.”
As soon as he finished speaking, her attention was drawn back to Eddie gently stroking her folds with skilled fingers covered in those god-damned rings of his. He teased her for a minute or two, simply admiring her pussy as he hummed some rock song, paying no attention to her squirming or mewling. Her handcuffed hands right at the back of Steve’s neck grasped onto his hair and tugged on it in pure anticipation, needing to feel grounded to him as Eddie inspected her. When Eddie felt he had admired her cunt properly, he dove in and began to eat her out. She gasped out through the gag in relief and felt Steve’s chest rumble with a chuckle behind her, his hands roaming her skin until they found purchase teasing her breasts deliciously.
“Thought I wouldn’t get you back for that, did you?” He whispered in her ear and she keened, lost in the sensations caused by both boys. “Think you can tug my hair and play with my nipples and I won’t take advantage when I get the chance? Eddie may be in charge of the both of us tonight but right now, I’m in charge of you, baby.”
It didn’t take long for her to reach her second orgasm, not with Eddie’s lips on hers and his tongue coaxing her to the edge as Steve played with her tits like a violin and whispered dirty things into her ear. She came hard as Eddie looked up at her, grinning like a mischievous devil from between her thighs.
“Good girl.” Steve cooed in her ear as she rode out her pleasure, breathing hard through the gag until Steve removed it, tilted her chin up towards him and captured her mouth in a breathless kiss.
“Ready for the finale?” Eddie asked, pressing soft kisses to the inside of the thighs.
“So ready!” She replied with a wide smile.
A blur of movement later and her restraints were removed, Steve helping her stretch out her limbs as Eddie grabbed condoms and lube.
“Get on your knees.” Eddie ordered and she complied as the boys removed their underwear and she saw that they both had long cocks almost the same size except that Eddie’s was a smidge girthier. 
“How do you wanna do this, baby?” Steve asked her, stroking his gorgeous cock. “Where do you want us?”
“I don’t think I’m ready to do anal, at least not yet, but I don’t have a preference for who goes where.” She replied, gazing hungrily at them.
“Dealer’s choice, then.” Eddie said with a smirk. “Steve, you’ve been such a good boy tonight following my instructions, I think you deserve to pick.”
“I want her pussy.” Steve said, smiling when she blushed and shivered under his intense gaze.
“Are you still sure you want this?” Eddie asked her as he passed a condom to Steve, who began to put it on. 
“I’m sure, damn it! Just fuck me before I lose my mind!” She said before realizing herself an adding as an afterthought “…please.”
“Mouthy girl, such a brat.” Steve commented and Eddie chuckled as he stepped towards her, gently gripping her chin to look up at him
“Normally, I’d punish an attitude like that but you’ve been so good for us tonight and it’s a special occasion so I’m going to overlook it… for now.” He said, a dark and sexy look in his eyes as she nodded. “Hands and knees for the big finish, princess.”
She got into position as Eddie moved in front of her and Steve behind her, groaning when she wiggled her ass a little.
“Spank her if she does that again.” Eddie said, tapping her lips with his cock until she opened them and he slipped in.
She was so distracted by Eddie’s cock in her mouth that she almost forgot Steve was lining himself up until he slid into her wet cunt. Eddie chuckled when she moaned around his cock. It only took a few moments until they began to move, quickly setting a deliciously brutal pace. The boys were seemingly naturals at it and for a moment she wondered if they had ever actually shared a partner before with how practiced they seemed to be at anticipating one anothers moves. She-d never been fucked so fast and rough, bouncing between their cocks in a rhythm that made her feel better then she ever had before.
“Fuck, princess, suck just like that!” Eddie exclaimed, his fist wound around some of her hair just enough to be felt but not hard enough to hurt.
“You feel so good, baby.” Steve moaned, throwing his head back as his hands gripped her hips tighter allowing him to thrust into her even deeper. “Fuck, I’m so close.”
“You don’t come until she does so if you want it, you’d better help her along.” Eddie commanded and Steve moved one hand off of her hips and snaked it between her legs.
His fingertips quickly found her clit and it wasn’t long before she was clenching onto his cock with a loud moan as she came.
Steve and Eddie’s hands were the only things keeping her up, her body feeling like jelly as her orgasm hit. Eddie unraveled next, shooting his load into her throat and coaxing her through swallowing it.
“Good girl.” He panted and she felt her pussy clench around Steve’s cock, those two little words inadvertently causing her to help bring Steve to orgasm.
“Fuck, baby!” Steve groaned, his hips stilling against hers as he rode out his high, her pussy clenching around his as if to help milk every last drop.
They all stayed there for a moment, the boys catching their breath. Eddie was the first to pull out, wiping droplets of cum from around her mouth as she slumped forwards and he led her down to lay on the bed. She groaned as Steve carefully removed himself, disposing of the condom before helping her place her head on the pillow. 
Very sated from orgasming three times in one night, she reached out and latched onto Steve, needing physical contact. She heard Eddie murmur something to Steve about caring for her but she couldn’t comprehend his words with how euphoric she felt. Steve laid down with her and held her, stroking her hair and whispering about how well she did while Eddie helped clean her up. Even in her haze, she felt something was missing.
“Stevie, I want Eds too…” She whined into Steve’s chest.
“You heard her, get over here.” Steve said, pulling both himself and her towards the edge of the bed to make room for him.
“What the princess wants, the princess gets.” Eddie replied, settling in on the other side of her.
“My boys…” She sighed contentedly, drifting off to sleep from her post-orgasmic haze nestled snugly between Steve and Eddie’s bodies.
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She awoke the next morning with her head on Eddie’s chest and Steve spooning her, his arm draped around her waist and his hand on Eddie. She smiled, feeling truly happy there with her boys.
“Morning princess.” Eddie said, his voice gravelly with sleep.
“Morning Eds.” She said, unable to contain her smile.
“I take it you had a good time last night.” He commented with a smirk.
“I did.” She said simply, gathering the courage to ask the question on her mind. “Eds… do you think you and Stevie would be alright with doing it again sometime? I don’t want you to think I’m indecisive or selfish, I just really like both of you. A lot.”
“Steve and I were talking about it last night after you passed out and we came to the conclusion that we’re both so head over heels for you that we’re willing to share if that’s what you want.” Eddie said and she felt like a weight was lifted off her chest. “Besides, Steve and I may have something deeper than just competition going on, we’ve just been too distracted to see it for what it was.”
“So, the three of us against the world?” She asked.
“Always, princess.” Eddie replied, pulling the comforter up to cover the three of them more fully and placing a kiss on the top of her forehead.
They were almost back asleep when the door swung open, revealing a very sleepy and apparently hungover Robin who looked very surprised to see them. Her eyes went wide with realization and shock at Eddie and Y/N, not even noticing Steve as he was covered by the comforter.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I thought this was the bathroom door!” Robin exclaimed, shielding her eyes before adding with a huge grin “...but also this is fantastic, Dustin owes me so much money!” 
With impeccable timing, Steve raised his head from behind Y/N’s body and sleepily said “I don’t think you��ll be making any money today.”
“I just learned way more about your love life than I ever needed or wanted too and now none of us are winning the bet.” Robin replied, a mix of shock and disappointment on her face as she turned to leave. “I’m going to go bleach my eyes… and my brain.”
She slammed the door behind her and all three inhabitants of the bed began to laugh. They sunk into a comfortable silence, content with each other’s quiet company.
“Robin was wrong.” Y/N said assuredly.
“Hmm?” Steve hummed in confusion.
“She said no one won the bet. But she’s wrong, the three of us won it.” She replied and Steve laughed.
“I agree, princess.” Eddie added with a fond smile, holding his two lovers close to him.
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181 notes · View notes
7 Minutes In Heaven | Billy Loomis
Pairing: Billy Loomis x female!reader
Word count: 5K
Warnings/contents: Strong language, mild sexual innuendos, light fluff. 
Notes: Sometimes I forget how hot Billy is when he's pissed off, and then I see this gif and I go... 😍🤤
I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter, I had a fun time trying to figure out what to do for it and I think that it ended up sort of good.
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The sofa dipped beside you as a warm arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close; you were zoning out, staring at the wall behind your friends head for the past few minutes. The sudden action made you jump slightly as the man beside you let out a sigh and grinned. 
“Wasn’t this a great party?” Stu asked, looking around at the room of dwindling guests. He was right— the party had been a success and gone nearly all night long; the sun was going to start coming up before you knew it and everyone started to show up to his house around six o’clock yesterday evening. Your eyes were tired as you glanced at the man and brought your cup to your lips. 
“Yeah, it sure was.” You met Tatum’s eyes across the room and shifted awkwardly. She always knew that there was nothing going on between you and Stu— after all, you were constantly reminding her that he was like a brother— a very annoying brother. However that didn’t mean that you weren’t uncomfortable sometimes when she caught you with him like this. It was no secret that Stu had cheated on her over the summer. And that was the time she knew of. “You want anything from the kitchen?” You asked, knocking his arm off of your shoulder as you stood. 
“Nah,” before he could finish his sentence, you started to head away and walk towards the bright kitchen. Blinking hard, you refilled your half empty cup and rubbed your tired eyes carefully, though you were certain your makeup had to be smudged already. It had been on for over twenty four hours now. You had come straight from work to Stu’s party. 
The kitchen was a mess— you didn’t even want to know what the rest of the house looked like. Somehow Stu would get everything cleaned up before his parents got home, most likely with Billy’s help. 
“Hey,” you looked over and sent your friend a smile when she peeked around the kitchen doorframe. “Stu wants to play a game before everyone leaves. Want to join?” 
“Sure. What are we playing?” You asked, walking alongside Sidney to the sitting room. “Knowing Stu, probably something that ends with someone being naked.” 
“It’s probably strip truth or dare,” she snickered, playing along with your joke. “Or strip “Never have I ever.”” The two of you shared another laugh before walking towards the small group of people left and sat down in the semi-formed circle. There were a few people that you recognized from high school, but then there were a lot more unfamiliar faces. You wouldn’t have been surprised if there were over two-hundred people in this house over the course of the past twelve hours. 
“Alright everybody,” Stu started, though he tipped his head upwards and chugged the last bit of beer in a bottle that you hoped hadn’t been sitting there for too long, and sent the room a smirk. “We’re all playing seven minutes in heaven.” Tatum shot him a dirty look as you and Sidney shared a groan. 
“Maybe we’ll get someone super drunk and we can make them forget what we’re playing,” Sidney whispered hopefully into your ear. 
“Or maybe we’ll get thrown up on.” She cringed at the thought while you watched Stu set the bottle in the middle of the circle and ignored Tatum’s stare. 
“So… who’s spinning first?” Sidney asked, glancing around the room of drunk and hungover college students hunched over with their head in their hands. The thought of being shoved against one of these strangers in the small closet made your stomach churn. You had sworn you’d seen several of the people in the circle throwing up earlier in the night. 
“First to ask, first to spin.” Stu gestured to the daunting bottle on the floor. Sidney sent you a semi-timid look out of the corner of her eye, earning a huff from you. 
“I’ll go first.” You leaned in, grasping the bottle by the neck and hoping that you would end up with someone who either hadn’t thrown up tonight, or who was less drunk than some of the others. You leaned back onto your knees and watched as it came to a stop— then quickly your eyes went wide and your lip curled in disgust. “God, this night just keeps getting fucking worse.” 
“What a lucky man I am,” Stu sent you a devious smirk and stood as Tatum looked between the two of you quickly and huffed as she crossed her arms. He moved until he stood over you and offered a hand down towards you; sending Tatum a quick, apologetic look, you stood up on your own, ignoring the mans hand and starting to walk towards the small coat closet by the front door. You glanced back and saw Billy, a semi-annoyed look on his face as he followed a smirking Stu towards the closet behind you. 
“Have fun.” Billy’s tone was dull, one you didn’t hear often. He seemed less than impressed at the situation, but you weren’t entirely sure why. 
“Oh, we will—“ 
“We won’t—“ You and Stu spoke at the same time as he pulled you into the closet with him. Billy seemed to hesitate for a second before he shut the closet door. 
“Time starts… now.” Billy called through the closed door and blocked the handle with the chair. Your gut wrenched as you shimmied as far away from Stu as possible. He was so close in the closet you swore that you could feel his body heat radiating towards you even as you pushed yourself back against the wall. 
“You couldn’t have picked strip truth or dare, or something?” You grumbled in complaint at the man after a moment of silence. Stu gave a quick snicker and reached towards you for your shoulder. 
“You’d rather everybody see your boobs than just me?” With a scoff, you slapped the mans hand away as his chilly fingers traced your collarbone. 
“You are not going to be seeing my boobs tonight, Stu.” He gave a soft hum in response. 
“Yeah, y’know what? You’re right. It’s way too dark to see anything in here.” It was dark in the closet but slowly your eyes were adjusting to Stu’s outline as he spoke. 
“You know that isn’t what I meant.” You said, agitated with the man. Stu reached for you again, though this time this fingers graced your cheek before he firmly planted his palm against the side of your face. “And stop acting like you were ever going to see my boobs tonight anyways— go look at your girlfriends instead.” Stu hummed in a teasing tone, though it felt like it was only half paying attention to the words that you were saying. 
“But yours look so much better in those tight shirts that you wear.” Your face heated up quick; there was something about him that never failed to anger you. His attitude, his cocky smile, his voice— but most importantly, how little he seemed to care about one of your best friends. 
“You are such a fucking asshole— piece of shit— garbage— jerk!” Stu tilted his head to the side and slowly leaned in, quickly grabbing your hands when you reached up to plant them on his chest to keep him back. Stu held both your wrists tight in his hand, leaning in until his warm breath hit the skin beneath your lips. 
“If I’m such a fucking asshole then why would I bring you in here to do this?” Curiosity bit at you when Stu didn’t immediately go to kiss you or say anything else. 
“Do what…?” Stu gave a soft laugh— a mocking one that made your chest tighten— the smell of alcohol was lingering on his breath, but it wasn’t bothering you as much as not understanding what was going on. Stu was up to something, and for once you didn’t feel a menacing threat from him. 
“Make him mad.” You were wracking your brain trying to understand what he meant, but he spoke up again as soon as the alarm went off in the other room. “Just go with it. Trust me— just this once.” He said in an encouraging voice. Soft footsteps started to head for the closet, giving you a feeling of relief before Stu was quick to shove his knee between your legs and forced his lips against yours. 
You gasped into his mouth at the quick movements from the man, giving him the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth as he reached up and grasped for your neck; his fingers wrapped around the back of your neck and held you painstakingly close so that you couldn’t pull away from him. Your hands wiggled in his grasp as the door opened and the light nearly blinded you. 
With an overdramatized ‘smack,’ Stu pulled away and looked out into the sitting room with a smirk on his face. 
“Whoops. Guess we got caught.” Your face was hot, eyebrows furrowed inwards in annoyance and confusion. Stu let your wrists go, though he lingered for a moment on your neck and sent you a wink. You reached up, rubbing the spot that his thumb had been digging into your skin, wondering if his grip was enough to leave a mark. It had sure felt like he was holding you tight enough. 
Stu went back to the sitting room and sat where he originally was, but you saw Tatum scoot away so that she wasn’t as close to him. Her eyes lingered on you for a moment before she reached for the bottle. 
“I’ll go next.” You frowned, shoulders slumping as you walked back towards your spot and avoided eye contact with the group. Everybody had expected this exact scenario, but you didn’t want to meet anybody’s gaze. Especially not Stu’s. 
“Are you okay?” Sidney asked quietly as she sat next to you. “Did he assault you in there or something?” You shook your head softly. 
“He just… has really strong fingers.” Sidney raised an eyebrow at you and opened her mouth to speak, but you were quick to cut her off. “No! I mean…” You huffed and watched the bottle spin. “He was just holding onto my neck really hard.” 
When the bottle finally stopped, Tatum immediately grimaced. 
The boy that it landed on was possibly the drunkest in the circle, barely even able to stand up right let alone help her stand up. She nudged his hand away, sending Stu a quick glance with a huff before she stood. Stu seemed as if he was pretending not to see her desperate eyes as he reached for the timer from Sidney and stood up. Sidney scoffed as Stu led Tatum and the boy towards the small closet. 
“He is such a… a…” 
“Dickhead?” Sidney gave a soft chuckle and nodded. 
“Remind me— why are we friends with them?” 
“This is all because of Tatum— I didn’t even know who Stu was before she met him.” Sidney sighed and looked over as Stu headed back with the timer in hand. You saw that it hadn’t been started yet. 
“Alright— who wants to play strip truth or dare while they’re in there?” He asked, eyeing you in a way that made your stomach churn. You sent the man a dirty look that made him laugh. “What? I thought that you said you wanted me to see your boobs.” 
“I did not say that!” You seethed at the man. 
“Ooh— that’s right, you said that you’d rather the whole room see them than just me.” 
“I didn’t say that either!” 
“I distinctly remember—“ Sidney cleared her throat loudly before the two of you could get into another one of your longwinded fights. 
“Why don’t we just play normal truth or dare? Or never have I ever? Something that won’t end in a fight.” 
“With him? Unlikely.” You grumbled. 
“Well, I have a wonderful dare for you.” Stu grinned. 
“I would never choose dare from you.” You scoffed. 
“Really? Not even if I dared you to kiss me again?” Your cheeks went hot as you went to reply, nearly standing up to yell at the man before Sidney pressed you back and spoke. 
“Never have I ever hosted a party and had nobody show up.” She intervened while you glared at Stu— a look that only Billy could rival. A girl across from Sidney sighed and grabbed her drink, taking a swift shot of it and wincing. Stu laughed as he looked at her, letting you be free from his antagonizing stare for even just a second. 
The timer went off and Sidney was quick to get up to go save Tatum. 
For the moment, things were quiet, Stu looked back, watching his girlfriend nearly stumble out of the closet with her shirt ruffled. You assumed that it must’ve been some form of revenge as she expectantly looked at Stu, but he didn’t seem like he cared at all. 
“We’re playing never have I ever while other people are in the closet.” Sidney informed Tatum while she fixed her shirt. This time, Tatum moved between the two kids from your other classes rather than sit beside Stu. You expected that their fight might last about a week this time. “So… who’s spinning next?” The girl beside Tatum seemed like she was desperate to find any way out of a game that might end up with her drinking more, so she was quick to raise her hand and lean in to spin the bottle. 
It spun for what felt like forever before it finally started to slow to a stop and landed dead on Sidney— earning a perverted chuckle from Stu as if he wanted to be in the room with them when this was happening. Sidney, however, sighed and rolled her eyes in his direction. 
“Your perverted fantasies aren’t going to be coming true.” You swore that the other girl immediately sunk in relief at being in the closet with Sidney. The guys were drunk and she seemed like she trusted Sidney. Stu hopped up and headed with the girls towards the closet, leaving everybody in a bittersweet moment of silence before he came back. You missed Sidney’s presence next to you, holding you back from arguing with the man that was now seated across from you again. 
You glanced around the circle, but your eyes met another’s quickly. Billy was looking at you, and when you met his gaze, he didn’t look away immediately, you sent him a quick, small smile before turning your gaze back to Stu as he spoke up. 
“Never have I ever gotten so drunk that I’ve pissed on myself.” You were slightly surprised to see a decent number of people in the circle take a sip from their cup. You and Tatum met each others gaze with a mixture of equally disgusted looks on your face. “Never have I ever—“ 
“You don’t get to go twice,” you cut the man off quick, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach from the devious smirk he had on his face as he eyed you down. The look on his face could only bring bad things and you weren’t in the mood for it. 
“Then you go.” You didn’t take the time to think before you spoke, dead-set on trying to embarrass the man like he had you; however, you forgot to take into consideration that Stu didn’t care about anybody in this circle outside of himself— including his girlfriend. 
“Never have I ever had sex with two people in one night— within the past two years.” Stu took a shot from his drink proudly, something that noticeably hurt Tatum. You felt bad for a moment as she stood and started for the bathroom, but you barely had the time to look at her before he spoke again. 
“Aren’t you going to take a shot?” He smirked at you. “Never have I ever sucked a dick in a dirty bathroom for some alcohol.” He shot at you, but before anybody in the circle had the chance to react, you fired back. 
“Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend— multiple times.” 
“Never have I ever been so afraid to admit my feelings for someone that I hid in the bathroom an entire lunch period.” 
“Never have I ever been so disgusting that I want to vomit when I look in the mirror.” 
“Jokes on you, I don’t want to vomit.” 
“Looking at you makes me want to make myself vomit.” 
The front door clicking shut drew your attention away from the aggravating man. The room was empty aside from you, Stu and Billy now. 
“Good going, you chased everybody off.” Stu teased you, knowing that it was going to press your final button. 
“I swear to god, Stu—“ Before you could finish your sentence, the timer on his phone went off. He was quick to bounce up and start heading for the closet with a quick wink at you. 
“You’ll have to swear to god some other time.” 
It was clear as the women left the closet that nothing had happened. Sidney looked around the now almost empty room and frowned. 
“Where did everybody go?” 
“(y/n) chased everyone off with her off-putting personality.” 
“Shut up, Stu!” Sidney sighed as the other girl started to sneak towards the door, wanting to escape the tension of the room. Stu sighed and shook his head as the door clicked shut once more. 
“Well… I guess it’s time we end the party.” Sidney said, but Stu was quick to intervene. 
“What? No, we can’t end the party. Billy hasn’t even gone yet.” 
“Admit it, you just want to tongue Billy in the closet.” You shot at the man, but for the first time in maybe forever, you only received a frown from him. 
“Billy, spin the bottle.” The other man looked as confused as you were as he reached for the bottle; if there was one thing the three of you silently agreed on as Stu sat down in the now much smaller circle, the man was relatively unstable and he was acting weirder than usual— something that nobody wanted to push wrong. 
“Where is Tatum?” Sidney asked. “She didn’t try and drive home, did she?” 
“I’ll go check on Tatum in a minute.” Stu said as he looked at Sidney. “Just sit down.” 
“What the hell happened while I was in there?” Sidney asked quietly as she scooted closer to you. Taking a second to glance in her direction, you sighed. 
“A lot.” 
A devious chuckle left the man across from you that made the hairs on your arms stand up. You looked down at the bottle and saw it facing you perfectly. 
“Come on, lovebirds.” Stu stood, heading towards the closet as if he was happier than anybody else in the room seemed to be— maybe even more excited than anybody had been all night long. Your cheeks flushed as you glanced at Billy. He stood, extending a hand in your direction and waiting patiently for your fingers to grasp onto his. You had barely seen the man tonight— after all, you could barely spend any time around him without making a fool out of yourself on a good day. 
But you took his hand and let him help you; Sidney was quick to send you a smile and a thumbs up when you glanced backwards at her. 
Billy walked into the closet first and as you were going to step inside, Stu nudged you and made you trip. Billy was quick to catch you by the waist as you yelped. 
“Dammit, Stu!” You turned to yell at the man, only to have the door slammed in your face. 
“Seven minutes!” Stu called out from the other side as he pushed the chair beneath the door handle and walked back to the once fully formed circle with Sidney. Stu set his phone down, the timer off and phone facing down. 
“What has gotten into him lately?” You grumbled, shifting with Billy so that you weren’t fully pressed against him in the small closet. Now, you were in the same position that you were in when it was you and Stu in the closet. “He’s been more annoying than usual lately.” 
“Seems like you had fun with him in here.” Billy responded dully. You gave a soft groan in discontent. 
“No, we did not have fun.” 
“Seemed like it when the door opened.” 
“He was the one kissing me—” 
“Besides, you said you wanted him to see your boobs?” 
“I didn’t say that!” 
“Tatum probably won’t mind if you’re blowing her boyfriend anyways. I think she’s getting tired of him.” 
“I am not blowing Stu!” You said, your upper lip curling in disgust— something that Billy wouldn’t see. “I can’t even believe that you’d think— ew! You don’t really believe I’d voluntarily put his dick in my mouth do you? He’s gross.” 
“You looked pretty cozy in here.” You scoffed, going to speak, but suddenly Stu’s voice came to your mind. You hesitated for a moment before you spoke again. 
“Are you upset about that?” 
“Why should I be mad? If you wanna fuck him, it’s none of my business.” 
“I don’t know. Why are you mad?” Billy hesitated for a moment before he scoffed, taking a small step closer to you. 
“Did you ever think that maybe you can’t stand Stu so much because you’re like him?” He asked in an impatient tone. 
“Uh— offensive.” You complained. “Why the fuck does Stu think that shoving his tongue into my mouth would piss you off anyways? Thats what he said.” You were slightly hopeful in the back of your mind. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he’s jealous. Maybe Stu was trying to help after all. 
“He’s an idiot.” Was all that Billy said. You sighed and looked down; the only light that came into the room was illuminating your shoes. After what felt like forever, he finally spoke again. “Alright, maybe there’s something that I should tell you.” Billy sighed, his warm fingers gently nudging your chin up. He’d gotten closer than you thought he had, so close that you felt his breath on your face. Billy opened his mouth to speak again when all of the sudden the front door slammed shut— loudly. 
“Tatum!” Sidney called out and hurried footsteps ran towards the door. It opened again and then shut, a clear indication that both of your friends were now gone. You swore you heard an engine start and felt your heart drop. 
“No fucking way,” you groaned quietly. “There goes my ride.” Suddenly, the door opened and nearly blinded you with the light as Billy’s hand fell back to his side. Stu looked annoyed as he turned and walked away. 
“Party’s over.” You left the closet, hurrying towards the front door and pulling it open quickly. You stepped outside, noticing the car that you had arrived here in was no longer sitting outside of the house. 
“Oh, no, no, no…” You groaned, reaching up to push your hair back. “Fuck…” a cold hand was placed on your shoulder, quickly catching your attention; you met Stu’s gaze. He sent you a mischievous wink, one that didn’t match his previous demeanor. 
“You can stay here overnight. My bed has room for two.” 
“I’ll take you home.” You looked behind the tall man, catching Billy’s gaze and hesitating. 
“No, really— feel free to stay if you want. Both of you can. I have a spare bedroom, too.” Stu nudged Billy, quickly getting an elbow to the ribs in return. 
“She’s got a cat.” Was all Billy said as he reached for the coatrack and grabbed his jacket. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” You sent a tentative glance towards Stu, who looked from Billy to you. He sent you a small smile, one that (for once in the years that you’d known him) seemed genuine. 
“It’s only a few blocks,” you said, turning to Billy and following him out the door. He held his coat over his arm, reaching around you to shut the door behind you as Stu headed in the opposite direction. “I don’t mind walking myself. You can stay with Stu.” 
“What kind of guy would I be if I let a pretty girl walk home alone in the middle of the night?” He said the words nonchalantly, but it made your face feel warm as you averted eye contact from the man and looked down. “It’s just a few blocks.” He repeated your words. You crossed your arms, rubbing them and starting to walk beside the man and towards the sidewalk. “Tonight was kind of a shit show, huh?” He said aloud, though almost to himself. Despite that, you responded anyways. 
“Yeah— I, uh… I feel bad for Tatum. I hope she isn’t too mad at me…” Gently, a coat was placed over your shoulders as you rubbed your arms, eyes concentrated on the concrete beneath your feet. You glanced at the man, shocked at the gesture. It was rare that you were alone with Billy, but every time that you were things felt different. He seemed nicer, walked closer, talked more. 
“I don’t think you need to worry too much about it. Like I said, she’s getting tired of him and I don’t think Stu is gonna keep her around much longer.” You frowned and met his gaze again. “What? Come on— do you think he wants to marry her?” 
“I just think you’re being a little crude.” 
“She isn’t here, who cares?” 
“I care.” You stopped, appalled at the man who stopped a few feet ahead of you. “She’s my best friend and I don’t like the way that your best friend treats her.” Billy looked down and sighed. 
“Alright, I’m sorry.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets as your clammy fingers grasped onto the coat he had lent you. “You’re right.” Things were quiet for a minute between the two of you before he looked around the dark area and sighed. “Come on, let’s just get you home.” He gestured for you to follow him, and so you did. 
Regardless that you could have walked yourself and you had argued that fact, you were thankful for the man in this moment; the area wasn’t dangerous, but you weren’t completely sober and you were never out this late anymore. 
“Thanks for taking me home, Billy.” You finally spoke. “I appreciate it.” 
“It’s not a big deal. It’s late anyways. People are getting killed out here.” You nodded gently, eyes trained to the ground and missing the way that he looked down at you. “Sorry Stu’s been such a dick tonight.” He added. “And, uh… what happened in the closet…” He hesitated, stopping his slow walk and shaking his head. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said in the closet. I know you don’t like him.” 
“Why were you so mad then?” You asked, looking back at the man that sucked on his teeth and quickly averted eye contact when he met your gaze. 
“Because I wanted to be the one in the closet kissing you and he knows that.” Things went silent as your fingers loosened around the death grip that you didn’t know you had on the jacket. It smelled strong, almost as if he was right in front of you despite still being a few feet away from you. “And Stu was just trying to piss me off to get me to say it.” 
“I guess that worked, huh?” Things were quiet again as Billy sighed and looked away from you, out towards the tree line by the dead road. “Why didn’t you just… kiss me?” 
“It’s not that easy— I can’t just walk up to you and kiss you. I didn’t think you wanted to kiss me anyways. Stu thought that getting us alone together in the closet would make it easier.” Taking a small step closer to the man, you bit down on the inside of your cheek. 
“You could have just told me.” You spoke gently. “I would have, uh… I would have told you that I wanted to kiss you, too.” Billy hesitated for a moment before he finally looked at you again. You waited for a moment before you reached up, fingers pressing to his cheek. Your legs shook, your face was hot, and every inch of your body wanted to run away and never speak to the man again. But you forced yourself to stare at him and speak in a breathy tone. “Just kiss me, Billy.” 
He nodded and leaned in, closing his eyes as he reached for your waist and pulled you in to press a kiss to your lips. You gave a shaky exhale as he left you with a soft ‘smack,’ but Billy was quick to lean back in for another kiss— one that you didn’t deny. You let go of the jacket with your other hand, reaching for his shoulder and gently grasping onto his shirt. His scent was invigorating— you couldn’t remember the last time you had been so close to the man— if you ever were. 
It felt like, for a moment, you went braindead. The only thing that you could think of were the slightly chapped lips pressed snug against your own as Billy’s warm hands held onto your hips. You couldn’t think of anything in the moment— in fact, nothing mattered beside the man in front of you— not even the buzzing that started in your pocket. 
After what felt like it could never be enough, you pulled back from the man with a soft exhale and met his gaze— and there was a look in his eyes you had never seen before. Taking the opportunity that you may never come across again, you swallowed hard and glance at his lips. 
“Do you wanna come in tonight?” Billy gave a soft hum and nodded. 
“I’d like that.” You reached down, fingers intertwining with his as you stepped backwards. 
“Come on then. Let’s go.” 
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cobaltperun · 5 months
Lost (17) - Satellite
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 5k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-That's why we won't back down we won't run and hide-
Telling Chad you’d be fine without him, that he should focus on protecting Mindy and Anika in case anyone went after them was a right thing to do, but you still had no idea what to do. How to find Ghostfaces targeting you this time, or how to avoid them, you were stuck at the moment.
But, as the three of you left the hospital you saw her… Gale, like a reporter shark that she was, smelled blood and found you before any other reporter could.
“I heard what happened, are you okay?” she walked up to you, at least she didn’t have her equipment with her.
“Gale, I swear,” Sam had no patience to deal with the woman right now, frankly, neither did you and Tara.
Gale immediately raised her hands in surrender. “Truce, okay? I’m- I’m here for whatever you need,” she said that, but, well, you’ve seen Gale going back on her word before.
“Just like last time,” you said, already trying to spot a cab that would take you back to the apartment. Or anywhere else really. Staying near the hospital could put your friends at risk.
“Okay fine, off the records, okay?” she offered and well, you were stuck and all four of you knew that.
Sam sighed, nodding slightly. “Fine. Thank you,” she agreed.
Gale glanced at Tara.
“Nope! That punch was beautiful, and you will not be getting an apology for it!” you interrupted before Tara could even begin to utter an apology she didn’t mean anyway.
Gale chuckled and shook her head, expecting as much from you and Tara.
Mere seconds later you saw a cop car stopping and Kirby and Bailey stepping out, and that’s how the six of you ended up following Gale’s lead and going to a former movie theater turned shrine for Ghostface.
You felt sick. Angry that someone could actually worship these monsters. So many people died. Everyone in this theater, aside from Bailey, was attacked at least once. You kept an eye on others, on Gale as she passed by Dewey's photos or her own books. On Kirby and Bailey as they focused on whatever grabbed their interests. On Sam as she went and touched the glass case holding Billy's mannequin. On Tara as she went over to Sam.
You were stuck observing crime scene photos from when Amber attacked Tara. You saw Tara's wounds, you knew minute details of each and every scar she had. You never saw the photos of her house from that night. It looked even worse than it did when you went to clean the house, it looked fresh, the blood was still not dry. You clenched your fists, wishing you shot Amber, you wished you could go back and finish her off instead of forcing Tara to do it.
You saw Tara going outside and were about to follow her when your phone rang. This time you checked the ID and saw it was Thomas. His timing really was the worst. With a groan, you answered the phone.
"Hey, Y/N, sorry to call like this, but I heard you didn't go to the gym last night," he opened up with that right away.
"Yeah, sorry, something came up," you didn't sound sorry at all, you'd abandon the gym a hundred times over if needed.
"Look, I know these past two weeks have been tough and I may have asked too much of you-" you really didn't feel like having this conversation.
"I'm busy right now, we'll talk later," you hung up before he could even respond to that. Since your phone was already in your hand you tried to call Susan one more time, but, as it always did these past two days, it just went to voicemail. "Fuck!" you cursed and stuffed your phone in your pocket.
"Troubles?" Bailey asked and you just now realized you were alone with him.
"Are you asking or questioning me?" you still didn't know where the police tracker came from. There was no way you were trusting anyone.
"Just asking, sorry if I'm overstepping," he raised his hands.
You nodded. "You are overstepping," you said and tilted your head in the direction Tara and others went. "After you."
He sighed, but otherwise remained silent and complied with your wishes. The two of you found Sam and Gale in the midst of, from what you could see, burying the hatchet.
"Where's Tara?" you asked right away, honestly hoping you didn't all walk into a trap set by Ghostface.
"Kirby is with her, they went upstairs, wherever that leads," Sam told you and you tried not to panic. Kirby survived a Ghostface attack herself, surely she wouldn’t be a Ghostface, right?
"I think I have a plan how to catch these fuckers," Bailey said and you desperately wanted to agree with the plan. The sooner this was over the better.
You absolutely hated the plan Bailey had. And you were vocal about it. So, here you were, at the park, next to the van Kirby would trace the call from with Tara trying one last time to get her to change her mind.
"Tara, please, at least think this through," you pleaded, already certain you were wasting your breath, but you couldn't just give up.
"I thought it through, Y/N, I'm staying with Sam," Tara leaned against the van with her arms crossed over her chest. She refused to look at you, but you saw the furrow of her brows, you saw her biting her lower lip, and you knew she was getting angry.
You’d still take her being angry at you over her being in danger. "It's dangerous, at least let me come with you," if you couldn't get her to stay safe, then you might be able to convince her to let you come with her and Sam.
"It won't work if you're there. You can fight them," Tara huffed, clearly getting even more frustrated as you kept arguing. The two of you had been going back and forth on this ever since Bailey proposed the plan and she decided she wouldn't let Sam do it alone.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, already feeling a headache over this whole plan. And they weren't even out in the open yet. "I don't want you to get hurt."
Tara narrowed her eyes at that. "And it's fine if Sam gets hurt?!" she raised her voice and tightly gripped her left biceps.
"I didn't say that," you took a step back, trying to cool your head at least a bit.
"No, but you think I could get hurt, so you think Sam could get hurt and you're not trying to convince her not to do it," Tara took a few deep breaths.
"You and I both know I'd much rather take Sam's place, but no, Ghostface is after her so anyone else won't do!" you yelled, what little cool you managed to regain fading away way too quickly for your liking.
"Like you left last night? Right? Like how you chose to put yourself in danger even after you saw there was a tracker on your car?! Do you even understand how worried I was?!" somehow this was reminding you of the night you told Tara you were retiring from MMA.
"I fucked up, okay?" you spread your arms for a moment then let them drop at your sides. "I thought they'd try to finish me off first and figured I could use the opportunity."
"Yeah, you thought putting yourself in danger and possibly fighting someone that defeated you before was okay, but this isn't?" Tara asked incredulously.
"So, your solution is to go ahead and do something equally reckless? Is that what you're saying, Tara?" you had no idea how you weren't already shouting. You felt like screaming, but you still didn't shout, if for no other reason than because you didn’t want unwanted attention on the two of you.
"She's my sister, Y/N! I'm her backup, and if it comes down to it, we'll keep each other safe!" Tara yelled and, perhaps to avoid arguing further began walking toward where Sam was getting ready with Kirby and Bailey.
"Yeah, because being with Sam sure kept you safe every time Ghostface was involved!" you just snapped and watched as Tara turned around.
She was glaring at you. "Don't you fucking dare, Y/N," she warned, her voice barely louder than a whisper.
For once you glared back. "Am I wrong?" you challenged. As long as you could move and you were there no one, not Amber, not Richie, not whoever these Ghostfaces were, managed to touch her, let alone hurt her. Sam didn’t have the same track record.
Tara reached you, anger evident in her eyes, and then, as if she just made that decision at that exact moment, swung her palm toward your face. You caught her wrist, entirely unimpressed with how telegraphed the attempted slap was. "Don't ever try that again," you let go of her wrist and climbed into the van, shutting the door behind you, you missed the way Tara looked down at her palm, horrified by what she just tried to do.
You slumped down and absentmindedly touched the scar on the right side of your jaw. Once again you called Susan, once again you were left in silence. You looked at the last text exchange you had with her, the word fun popping up for some reason. Maybe you should take that vacation the moment this all ends, or at least the moment everyone heals up. Maybe spend a week or two in Sacramento, only you and Susan, and then come back to New York with her for Thanksgiving.
Maybe taking that small break from one another's company would be good for Tara, after all this wasn't the first fight in the past few days, and that one was before you even knew Ghostface was back. Sure, you talked it out and kissed it better, but this one just brought it back to your mind.
You only opened your eyes when you heard the doors opening because you wanted to be sure Kirby was the one coming in.
"You look awful," she commented.
"You look like it's none of your business," you replied, not really in the mood to discuss this with her.
"Someone's cranky," she just shrugged, and you chose not to respond.
Too much time passed before Ghostface finally called, bragging about being a step ahead. And he was. He went after Gale. Bailey got in the van and turned the engine on.
"Where are Tara and Sam?!" you jumped to your feet when you saw he was alone. Your blood pressure probably skyrocketed as the worst possible scenarios came to your mind.
"They stole my car!" he exclaimed.
At this rate, you were going to have a heart attack. "Who's driving?!"
"Tara," that girl was going to be the death of you.
"Are you crazy?! Tara can't drive! How are you even a cop you incompetent fuck?! How could someone just steal your damn car?!" a rage-fueled part of your brain cynically told you this was to be expected. That you should have realized Tara was too reckless to consider her own safety even back when she stubbornly convinced you to take her with you when you went after Sam back to Woodsboro after she just barely survived two attacks and had a broken leg. That you should have realized it when she first disappeared and went to a party with complete strangers.
When you finally reached Gale's apartment building you saw Tara and Sam sitting in the hall and you ran up to them.
Tara looked up when she heard you, or rather the running, and she got up, rushing to meet you halfway, only to stop, as if suddenly remembering the last interaction you had. You took a deep breath and just pulled her into a hug. She quietly sobbed into your chest as you held her.
"Is Gale still alive?" you asked softly and relaxed when Tara nodded.
"She was seriously injured, but she should be fine," she told you when you released her, your heart cracking a bit when you saw the pain in her eyes when you pulled away. With a hand on her back, you led her back to where Sam was still sitting.
"Hey," you squeezed Sam's shoulder, hoping to comfort her a bit.
"Hey, sorry we left you with Kirby and Bailey," she apologized and placed her hand on top of yours for a moment. You just nodded and sat down with Tara. There would be a better, more appropriate time to tackle that reckless decision.
Soon enough you saw Danny running in. "Hey, I came as soon as I could," he ran up to the three of you, looking mostly at Sam.
"Did you?" Tara challenged and he just looked at her, perhaps knowing better than to add fuel to the fire.
"More importantly, what now?" you chose to save him from Tara's anger.
"Maybe he gets to win this time," Sam's words made alarms go off in your head as you turned to look at her.
"What?" you demanded, not quite sure if it was just your exhaustion catching up to you, or if Sam actually just said that.
"He wants to punish me," she explained, on the verge of tears. "Me," she stood up and faced Tara and you. "So maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing and for a split second, you wondered if Sam lost her mind. "Fuck that! Who do you think you are, huh?!" you got up and stormed away from Sam. "Giving herself up? Unbelievable!"
"If this is what it takes to keep you safe, it's worth it," the only reason you weren't yelling that she was out of her mind was because she was crying. Sam was crying and you rarely saw that.
You couldn't convince her, so you'd leave it to Tara and maybe scold her once this was all over.
Tara stood up and approached Sam. "No, we're not doing that, Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time," Tara told her without a single hint of doubt in her words.
"No," Sam said weakly.
"Yes," Tara said firmly and from the corner of your eye you saw her pulling Sam into a hug. "We're a team, remember? I can't lose you, Sam, it feels like I just got you back in my life."
That was definitely going to work. The question remained though. What to do next?
"He's gonna keep coming after us," Sam pointed out while hugging Tara back.
"We could use that, though," Tara said and somehow you just had the feeling she was about to suggest something reckless before she even spoke up.
The plan? That involved Bailey and Kirby? Lure Ghostface into the movie theatre they used as a shrine and execute them. When Tara said she intended to execute Ghostface you looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and just accepted it.
'At this point, the best I can do is be the fucking bodyguard,' a moment later you wondered when was the last time you cursed this much. "Right, off to the murder shrine, where we'll definitely have the upper hand," you couldn't help but grumble.
You drove to the murder shrine, in your car, just you, Tara, Sam, and Danny. No public transport. Nope. none of that. You were not about to be suspicious of every stranger on the train.
When you parked outside the theatre you saw Kirby waiting for you.
"I talked to Bailey, let's get you all inside," she went right down to business, but Sam abruptly turned around and faced Danny.
"Not you," she said.
"What?" he asked.
"Don't trust anyone, remember? We don't know you, not really," she told him.
"I don't know, Sam, we could use extra muscle," you still weren't sure you could defeat that Ghostface in a one-on-one, let alone with at least two more on his side.
"Y/N is right and you know me," Danny tried to convince her.
"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry," Sam wasn't listening.
"It's okay. It's okay, I get it. Just be safe, okay?" he kissed her cheek.
Sam nodded. "You too," with that, she turned around and the rest of you followed, leaving Danny behind.
"Good call," Kirby said as the four of you entered the theatre.
Things just kept getting better and better, Kirby was the only one with a gun, the only one with any weapon, really, and you only had one exit, that could be blocked fairly easily.
Perhaps seeing the tense look on your face prompted her to do it, but Tara took your hand and pulled at it, frowning when you didn't comply. "Come with me for a minute?" she requested, looking softly into your eyes.
"Now? You want to separate from Sam now?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Please, Y/N," you could never resist her for long. Thus, you complied, letting her lead you outside of the shrine and into the hall where you figured tickets used to be sold. "You're stressed," she said, not quite getting into your personal space, but still remaining close to you.
"Can you honestly blame me? I'm one bad thing away from just breaking down, Tara. I'm just tired," the first time this happened you had moments to rest, you slept, and you felt safe at Susan's place, for the last twenty-four hours even when you weren't in constant danger you were either arguing with Tara or trying to reach Susan.
Sure, you slept yesterday, but that was over thirty hours ago at this point and you were really feeling the stress that accumulated over the past two weeks.
"It'll be over soon," she said, reaching up to touch your cheek, but stopping mere inches away from it. As if trying to slap you suddenly put an invisible barrier between you that was only temporarily broken by the adrenaline caused by what happened to Gale.
For once, you chose not to lean into her touch. "Let's go back to Sam," you said, and Tara nodded, lowering her hand. She walked in front of you, and you went back to the shrine to see Sam running toward the doors you just walked through with a knife in her hand.
You were immediately looking around, trying to see if she was running from someone, but somehow you couldn't see anyone.
"It's Kirby! She made this whole theatre a kill box, for us!" Sam explained rapidly.
"What?" you asked, but it made sense. The police tracker on your car, only Kirby having a gun, locking you here...
"Bailey is on the way here, but-" Sam continued as you went back to the middle of the shrine.
"Stay back to back," you interrupted her and the three of you stood in a circle, making sure you had each other's back.
"Wait, wasn't it Bailey's idea to use you as bait?" Tara reminded Sam.
"And Kirby refused to let Gale come with us," Sam said, frantically looking around for any trace of Kirby.
"Unless he figured that's what would happen. Just to be sure, how about we don't trust either of them?" you suggested, and she was alone with Tara, but she would have to be stupid to just try and kill Tara before.
Tara nodded and you felt her brushing her fingers over your hand.
You took and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Ghostface appears you stay still, you hear me. Don't make sudden moves," you could pull either of them behind you and counter-attack at any time, you just needed them to stay calm.
You heard footsteps coming from your left, where Sam was and you moved, getting between the masked attacker and her just in time to catch his fist and punch his face. "Fuck running, I'm fighting you head-on," you said as he stumbled back, from the grunt of pain you figured this was probably the one you stabbed last night.
The second one jumped out, but they didn't attack, choosing to circle the three of you instead.
"Sam, Y/N," Tara was close to panicking and you knew why. The third one. He still wasn't there.
"I need you to be ready! You ready?" Sam asked she had her back to Tara's while you moved to stand closer to the front of her while not blocking her direct line of sight. Sam even handed Tara a brick.
Tara took a deep breath. "I'm ready," she took another deep breath. "Come on motherfuckers!" unnecessary, but as long as she was calm and ready. Or at least ready.
Shooting made both Ghostfaces take cover and you turned to see Kirby, bleeding from the side of her head, and more importantly with a gun in her hands.
Somehow, you relaxed, if she wanted to shoot you, she probably would have done it and used the element of surprise.
"Maybe it's not you after all," you said and turned to Sam. "Come on, what's the point of keeping cover at this point? Your aim really sucks though. Not even one bullet hit them," you said, you'd still keep your guard up around her, but for now you figured you could tentatively trust her.
"My head is bleeding, Y/N," she deadpanned.
"Meh, excuses," you replied.
"Kirby, get away from the girls!" Bailey rushed in, with his gun raised.
"Whatever you think, I'm not the killer!" Kirby quickly denied any involvement in this mess. "I don't know what he's been telling you, but don't listen to him!"
And then the third Ghostface, the one you were the most worried about, came up behind Bailey.
"Behind you!" Kirby yelled only for Bailey to shoot her.
"Great job, you three," Bailey said as the three Ghostfaces stood by his side.
'Right, this is happening. Four of them, just great,' you thought as you fully expected Bailey to point his gun at the three of you.
"You?" Tara asked, and you shared her disbelief, after all Bailey had no reason to go after you.
"Yeah, of course, it's me. Frankly, I expected more from you after what you did to us," he declared, as if this was reasonable, as if they should have expected him to be the Ghostface.
"Us?" Sam repeated.
"Let me guess, Quinn?" you figured since he was saying 'us' maybe his daughter was involved as well.
Indeed, the Ghostface to Bailey's right took the mask off, and sure enough, it was Quinn. "Hello, almost roomies. Too bad I couldn't resist messing with you when we met, but it was a good way to not be on the suspect list," she said.
You narrowed your eyes, realizing that this might actually be worse, because this now meant anyone could be a Ghostface, that they no longer played by the rules and skipped getting close to you and becoming a part of the friend group.
Then the Ghostface to Bailey's left took off his mask. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery!" Ethan exclaimed. "All I had to do to get close to you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, I can't wait to kill him!" he pointed the knife at the mask he was holding. "This was your grandmother's Sam. Nancy Loomis. Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family..."
"Wait for it," Bailey chimed in.
"My name isn't Ethan Landry, is it dad?" and Bailey just laughed at that, as if there was actually something funny.
"Dad?" Tara's eyes widened.
"And then they tell Sam it runs in her family," you sighed as Ethan and Quinn began pacing around once again. You remained focused on the only remaining masked one.
Bailey explained his plan, saying how they were counting down to Billy's mask. Jason and Greg, bodega, Sam's therapist, your shared apartment, that was four, with four of them there were now eight masks. The idea that one, Amber's mask, was still missing worried you. Was Gale the ninth mask? That didn't make sense, no mask was left behind and it was the last attack, not the first as the countdown should imply.
Convinced that the fourth one was content with watching you began walking around Tara and Sam, keeping light on your feet, and making sure Quinn and Ethan were on your opposite sides the whole time. This way you could react to either of them attacking. They wouldn't be allowed to touch either Tara or Sam, not with you right there.
"I'm gonna need you to put it on," Bailey offered the mask to Sam, but she slapped it out of his hand.
Ethan went in to slash her, but you stepped in, making him halt before he could reach you. "How are the wounds?" you taunted and just as it looked like he was about to back away the fourth one spoke, still using the voice changer.
"Step back, she'll just hit you again," he warned, actually sounding amused, and though it was clear Ethan didn't like that, he did step away.
Their plan was insane, though it was working out well for them so far. They ruined Sam's reputation, courtesy of Quinn's efforts, and as Ethan explained it further Quinn made a mock attempt to stab Tara.
You once again moved in time, regardless of her intentions, and pulled Tara behind you.
"Truly a guard dog," Quinn mocked and that's when it all clicked for all three of you.
They weren't Amber's family, but... "You're Richie's family," Sam realized.
"Yeah," Bailey said slowly, just for a moment showing the pain of losing his family.
"Ding, ding, ding!" not liking the enthusiasm Ethan had when he said it you stopped between him and Sam, he seemed ready to lunge at you, but the warning he got before kept him at bay, at least for now.
"Now! It wasn't until I saw those photographs of what you did to him that I knew! I knew you had to die for what you did to him! You had to be punished!" Bailey yelled, angry at Sam for what she did to his son. You could say you blamed him, but you still weren’t about to let him or his children hurt Tara and Sam.
"Real great parenting, by the way," Tara commented.
"Shut your whore mouth!" Quinn screamed at her. Ah, so she was the one that called you.
"And you? What's your deal?" you gestured toward the still masked Ghostface, interrupting whatever Bailey was about to say.
"You really should have figured it out by now. I get that you probably didn't want to consider it since I did help you out so much," he removed the mask.
Your jaw dropped slightly as you recognized Thomas. Honestly, you should have seen it coming just from how well the bastard fought. "What the fuck?" you couldn't help but ask. "Are you kidding me right now? Do you have any idea how bad it'll look when I end up putting 'Killed my employer' down as the reason for unemployment?" why was he even after you. Richie's family you could understand on some level, they were the bastard's family, but Thomas? Really?
Thomas actually genuinly laughed at that. "Trust me, that's the least of your worries, Y/N," he said and held up a paper bag for you to see. "You wondered where Amber's mask ended up?" the smirk on his face, the tone of his voice, it all made you feel unexplainable dread. "Take a good look," he opened the bag and turned it over, letting a very familiar pair of MMA gloves fall to the dirty floor.
Despite Tara's attempt to grab your hand you took steps forward, stopping right between Tara and Sam and the gloves at Thomas' feet. "Susan," your throat was dry when you said her name.
"Exactly, it's been four days now, just so you know why she hasn't been responding all this time," he was taunting you. He was amused by your failure to figure out what happened to Susan.
"Why?! What did she ever do to any of you?!" you weren't the one asking that, it was Tara.
You just stared at the gloves, barely even registering your surroundings. If anyone wanted to kill you, well, there wasn't a better opportunity than this very moment.
"It's simple really. Susan was the only one who'd always, no matter what, no matter what the other choice is, choose Y/N. Your friends won't, Samantha won't, not even you would Tara. It would hurt you, you'd never forgive yourself, but you'd choose Samantha in the end," he turned to you as Tara remained silent. "Parents? Oh, they really don't care. Zack and Susan? Dead. You can try to deny it all you want, but the only reason you are still alive is because you were strong enough to survive on your own. Twice now you were stuck with me, no one came to help. Your girlfriend put up a better fight to protect a friend than she did to protect you. You are alone, Y/N, and you threw everything you could have been for nothing. Quite frankly, what I'm about to do is a mercy kill."
You heard everything he said and you relaxed. There was nothing. No rage. No despair. No remorse. No sorrow. Nothing. Just an empty state of mindlessness.
"That's it," Thomas grinned, tossing aside his robes. Then his eyes abruptly widened. "Wait, Quinn!"
"Y/N!" you heard Tara and Sam's scream.
You glanced to your left and focused on nothing but the blade that was approaching you.
A/N: Here's a fun question, how much would Tara suffer if she had to choose between Sam and Reader?
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worth-the-chaos · 5 months
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 5
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Chapter Summary: The situation with the demogorgons gets increasingly more dire, leading you to the Byers’ house to wrangle four kids that can’t listen to save their lives (literally) while everyone tries desperately to save Will and the world.
Content Warning: swearing, upside down scary shit, billy being an actual complete asshole, physical violence
Word Count: 8.9k
Author’s Note: This chapter was pretty fun to write! Things get pretty intense in this part, so heed the content warning. I hope you all enjoy :)
Series Masterlist | Part 4 | Next Part
There wasn’t a clear path through to Hawkins Lab, making it pretty damn difficult to traverse through the woods, especially in the dark. Regardless of this fact, you were hauling ass, desperate to make it to the lab so you could take these demogorgons out, and maybe, just maybe, put all of this bullshit behind you. Steve was right on your tail, a little overwhelmed between making sure the kids were keeping up and that you weren’t getting too far ahead.
You tripped on a tree root, and you would have face planted if it weren’t for Steve quickly grabbing you by the elbow, aggressively pulling you backwards to counteract your forward momentum.
“Y/n, you need to slow down,” Steve said, his voice serious. His face was twisted in annoyance, which irritated you as you scoffed and shook out of his grip.
“This is time sensitive. We’re not here to take a nice stroll through the hiking trails. We’ve got shit to do,” you grumbled as you went to turn around, but Steve grabbed your arm again, pulling you closer. The kids were still lagging behind, but he kept his voice low to make sure they didn’t hear.
“Listen to me. We’ve got three kids mixed up in all this shit with us. I get that it might be time sensitive, but if you break an ankle, then we’re stuck out here defenseless, moving three times slower. You need to be a little bit fucking cautious. I can’t do this by myself.”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down, trying to push the anger aside as you nodded. You hated to admit it, but Steve was right. You were being impulsive and it was putting everyone’s life in jeopardy. Steve could tell you were still anxious to get there, the anticipation being all too overwhelming. His hand fell from your arm as he grabbed your trembling hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
“I’ve got you, alright? So let’s do this together like we promised, yeah?”
“Okay,” you agreed quietly. He dropped your hand as the kids caught up. He cleared his throat as the air became slightly awkward between you.
After about fifteen more minutes of hiking, the trees started to become less and less dense, until you were almost out of the tree line. Suddenly you heard a voice shout out, which made you jump as your heart stopped in your chest.
“Hello? Who’s there?!”
You all finally made it out of the thicket, finally realizing who had called out.
“Steve?!” Jonathan and Nancy asked in unison.
“Nancy?” Steve stepped forwards just as confused as they were.
“Jonathan!” Dustin chimed in with a smile on his face, relieved to see someone else that could help them.
“Y/n, Dustin, Lucas, Max,” you said, rolling your eyes as you pointed to the rest of you, “now that we’re done with introductions, what the hell is going on?”
“What are you doing here?” Nancy asked, frustration leaking into her tone.
“What are you doing here?” Steve shot back, still not happy with Nancy’s recent actions. In his mind, he didn’t owe her an explanation.
“We’re looking for Mike and Will,” Nancy answered, cutting to the chase.
“They’re not in there, are they?” You asked hesitantly.
“We’re not sure,” Nancy replied, concern flashing across her face as she picked up the seriousness in your tone.
“Why?” Jonathan asked cautiously, but before you could answer, you all heard screeching coming from the lab, finally noticing that the lights were flashing outside in an orderly fashion, indicating that some alarm system was likely enabled.
You all began arguing, attempting to figure out when the last time anyone had seen Will and Mike, when suddenly each floor of Hawkins Lab began lighting up again, one by one.
“The power’s back,” you breathed out, unsure if it was a good or a bad sign. Jonathan sprinted back to the operator’s booth, rapidly pushing the button to open the gate with no such luck.
“Let me try,” Dustin tried to push past Jonathan, but he didn’t budge, “let me try, Jonathan!”
You rolled your eyes as Dustin whined, his pushing of the button making no difference than when Jonathan had been pressing it before. “Shocker, it’s not working,” you called out, sarcasm lacing your voice.
“Son of a bitch!” The boy exclaimed as he continued to shove at the button repeatedly. After a few minutes of button pushing, the gate finally began to roll open, Dustin celebrating the fact that he had saved the day. This kid’s a fucking idiot, you thought, rolling your eyes, confident that the gate opening was the doing of someone inside the building.
Jonathan and Nancy piled into his car as they drove off towards the facility, leaving the five of you behind.
“Should we try to follow them?” Dustin suggested. You glanced back over at the lab, lights still flashing and alarm still sounding. Though you desperately wanted to help in any way you could, you weren’t going to risk the safety of the kids, knowing that if you went, they’d be close behind regardless of whether or not you told them to stay put.
“No. We’ll let them handle this part. If they don’t come back soon, we’ll follow, but until then we’re all staying right here. Understood?” You asked, swinging your flashlight to point it at each of the kids while you waited for their response. They all nodded in agreement; they knew better than to mess with you.
And so you waited, you picking at your fingernails, Steve tossing his flashlight up and down, and the kids pacing and kicking the ground.
“Guys?” Max spoke up as she paused in the middle of the road, noticing two cars quickly approaching. You recognized the first one as Jonathan’s and he laid on the horn, clearly not slowing down.
“Get out of the way!” Steve shouted, grabbing Max by the arm and pulling her to the side. You swiftly followed suit, grabbing the two boys by their collars and yanking them to safety just in time for Jonathan to fly past you. Something was clearly imminent and you didn’t want to be there when it arrived.
The second car screeched to a halt, and you were met with the face of Jim Hopper as he shouted out the window, “let’s go!”
Steve threw the door open, hurrying the kids along to get in the back of the police vehicle, placing a hand on your back to guide you into the back of the van before jumping in the passenger seat and slamming the door. “Okay! Let’s go!” He gave Hopper the all clear, patting the side of the police vehicle to signal that everyone was safely boarded in the car.
“What the fuck is going on?” You asked from the backseat, leaning forward between Steve and Hopper.
Hopper looked at you a bit annoyed, but he knew enough about you to know that you were a good kid, so he tried to stay calm. “I’m assuming you know about the demogorgons given the fact you’ve got a golf club and a baseball bat. What else do you know?”
“Other than that shit is clearly bad again, not much,” you breathed out. What more was there to know? Hopper’s words scared you, and Steve was quick to put a gentle hand on your shoulder to help you settle down.
“There are these tunnels. Under Hawkins. The demogorgons have been using them to travel around town and all this shit from the Upside Down is leaking in. All the ash and shit from last year is there and there’s rot all across town,” he started. You looked wide eyed at Steve, both of you remembering the gaping hole in Dustin’s cellar.
“I noticed a tree in the woods earlier, its trunk was rotting from the inside out. It was marked…with-with a yellow flag. That was you?” You asked to clarify.
“Yes, but that’s probably the least of our concerns. The gate is still open, and those assholes at Hawkins Lab thought it was contained but it’s clearly not. They’ve been doing controlled burns, trying to tame it back, but it’s not working,” Hopper gripped the steering wheel tighter, his eyes fixed on the road ahead of him.
“What are we gonna do?” Dustin spoke up from the backseat, attempting to push around you to be a part of the conversation in the front. You shoved him back and rolled your eyes, giving him a look that told him to watch himself.
“Right now we’re going back to Joyce’s house where it’s safe. And you’re not going to do anything. We’re going to go home and wait for backup,” Hopper glanced back at the boy. You were about the protest, when Steve elbowed you and shook his head. Now was not the time. Besides, Steve wasn’t too upset about the idea. He wanted to be far away from the danger. He wanted you to be far away from the danger.
You sighed and flopped back. Shit was about to hit the fan, and you weren’t sure how prepared you were to deal with it.
The Byers’ house was equally as disheveled as it was the year before, but this time, instead of lights, there were crayon drawings scattered and taped all over the house. Steve watched as Nancy comforted Jonathan while Hopper yelled on the phone, his call for backup clearly not going the way he had hoped it would. Steve entered the kitchen, going to lean up against the counter with you. You could see the hurt on his face, and you gently nudged him in the side to get his attention.
“Hey, chin up,” you reminded him softly. You knew Nancy had hurt him and even though you wanted to be mad at her, you couldn’t. She was hurting too, still grappling with all this shit that life kept throwing in your direction. You couldn’t blame her for wanting different things; for realizing she needed to make changes to be happier. You still couldn’t understand how she wasn’t happy with Steve, though. He’d been your saving grace through all of this and you were envious of the ways that he had been able to be there for her that he couldn’t be for you. You pushed the thought aside and tried to take your own advice, straightening up in the face of it all.
“They didn’t believe you, did they?” Dustin asked as Hopper aggressively hung up the phone.
“We’ll see,” he shot back, not happy with the incessant questioning from these damn kids.
“‘We’ll see’? We can’t just sit here while those things are loose!” Mike yelled, frustrated with the lack of action that Hopper was suggesting.
“We stay here, and we wait for help,” Hopper slowly articulated, his tone making it clear that it wasn’t up for discussion. He exited the kitchen before anyone else could chime in. You rolled your eyes.
Mike began talking about Bob Newby, and your heart sank in your chest as you tried not to let your eyes well up with tears. All day, you’d been trying to prevent anymore deaths; to keep everyone safe. You had failed, but you were starting to find the grace to understand that this wasn’t on you. Despite that, it still hurt.
“We can’t let him die in vain,” Mike begged. You couldn’t agree more, but in more ways than one, your hands were tied.
“Well, what do you want to do, Mike? The chief’s right about this. I mean, we can’t stop those demo-dogs on our own” Dustin spat, clearly feeling just as frustrated as you had felt.
“Demo-dogs?” You asked incredulously. That might be some of the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard.
“Demogorgons. Dogs…Demo-dogs,” Dustin reiterated, and you scoffed.
“When it was just Dart, maybe, but now there’s a fucking army and we don’t have the manpower or resources to take that many fucking monsters out,” Steve spoke up. He still was partial to staying back, letting the grown ups figure this shit out.
“His army,” Mike spoke up and you could see the glint of realization in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” Steve asked.
“His army!” Mike repeated. “Maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army too!” He quickly stood up from his chair moving to pick up one of Will’s drawings. You gently grabbed it and your heart ached knowing that Will had been seeing this thing in his nightmares. By the looks of it, it was huge, its crooked arms reaching out and infecting every inch of town. You shuddered.
“The shadow monster,” Dustin clarified for those of you that weren’t privy, still not quite sure what Mike was going on about.
“It got Will that day in the field. The doctor said it was like a virus, it infected him.”
“And so this virus, it’s connecting him to the tunnels?” Max chimed in.
“To the tunnels, to the monsters, to the Upside Down. Everything,” Mike emphasized.
“Woah, slow down, slow down,” Steve spoke up, clearly not following the boy’s line of reasoning.
“The shadow monster’s inside everything. And if the vines feel something, like pain, then so does Will,” Mike explained.
“And so does Dart,” you added, following.
“Yeah, it’s like what Mr. Clarke taught us about the hive mind,” Mike confirmed as he looked at Lucas and Dustin.
“Hive mind?” Steve asked. Goodness gracious this boy was stupid, you thought, taking a deep breath to avoid snapping at him.
“A collective consciousness. It’s a super-organism,” you explained. The boys looked at you in awe, impressed that you also knew about this shit. Maybe you were more of a nerd than you thought.
“And this is the thing that controls everything. It’s the brain,” Mike pointed at the picture in your hands.
“Like the mind flayer!” Dustin exclaimed. The three boys shared a knowing look, leaving you, Steve, and Max in the dark. Dustin scoured the house, locating a book and slamming it down on the table. Hopper and Nancy had joined the kitchen after all the commotion, interested in knowing what had the kids so worked up.
“The mind flayer,” Dustin repeated.
Hopper looked at him exasperated. He didn’t have time for these kids pulling some imaginary bullshit. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a monster from an unknown dimension. It’s so ancient that it doesn’t even know it’s true home. It enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly-developed psionic powers,” Dustin explained.
“None of this is real,” Hopper groaned.
“Yeah, Dustin, this is a kids’ game,” you added incredulously.
“No, it’s a manual…and it’s not for kids. And unless you know something that we don’t, this is the best metaphor for understanding whatever the hell this is,” Dustin defended himself.
“Okay, so this mind flamer thing—“ Nancy started, trying to understand.
“Flayer,” Dustin corrected.
“—flayer—what does it want?”
“To conquer us, basically. It believes it’s the master race.”
“Oh, uh, like the Germans,” Steve stammered, trying to understand via his own metaphor. You all looked at him in disbelief.
“Uh, the nazis?” Dustin corrected and Steve nodded in agreement, “if the nazis were from a different dimension, then totally. It views other races like us as inferior.”
“Yeah, and it wants to spread to other dimensions,” Mike added.
“We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it,” Lucas emphasized.
You felt the anxiety creep back up, and all of this was way too overwhelming. How the hell were you supposed to fight something that had control over an expansive and complex army?
“This is just great, this is fantastic!” Steve groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose and stepped away. You made your way out of the kitchen, connecting the dots well enough to not need any further explanation. Steve followed you, wanting to make sure you were okay.
“This is insane, Steve,” you breathed out. “We’re not talking about just one demogorgon anymore. Not even a couple. This is a whole fucking army. Imagine the carnage! We can’t fucking do this! I can’t fucking do this!” You began rambling as you quickly began to spiral. The fate of the world was in your hands and you couldn’t do anything to save it.
“Hey, hey, hey, chill out,” Steve sounded exasperated. He was just as tense and overwhelmed about the situation as you were, but ruminating over it didn’t help anything. “When you freak out about it, it just makes everything ten times harder, so just take a deep breath, think about something else, and chill the fuck out,” Steve reiterated. It was tough love, but it helped. He was right; stressing about it wasn’t going to change anything.
The conversation from the kitchen moved into the family room with you as Mike followed Hopper into the hall, “how are they supposed to stop this? You can’t just shoot this with guns!” Mike exclaimed, talking about Hopper’s military backup.
“We don’t know that! We don’t know anything!” Hopper argued.
“We know it’s already killed everyone in that lab,” Mike shot back.
“And we know the monsters are going to molt again,” Dustin added.
“And it’s only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town,” you finally spoke up, your voice even. You were more confident now after Steve’s words. You might not be able to save the world, but you could damn sure try.
“They’re right,” Joyce joined you all, making her way down the hallway. She looked distraught, and your heart broke for her. “We have to kill this thing…I want to kill this thing.”
“Me too, me too, Joyce, but how do we do it? We don’t exactly know what we’re dealing with here,” Hopper reminded her.
“No, but he does. If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it’s Will. He’s connected to it; he’ll know its weakness,” Mike spoke up.
“I thought he was a spy for the mind flayer now?” Max asked.
“Yeah, but he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is.”
Everyone quickly got to work attempting to disguise the Byers’ shed so that it was unrecognizable to Will. You were outside, breaking down pieces of cardboard with Jonathan, while Nancy helped Steve hang tarps to cover the walls inside.
“So, you and Nancy?” You asked, getting deja vu to when you had asked Steve a very similar question during your car ride together that fateful day last November.
“What do you mean?” Jonathan was immediately defensive. You cocked your head to the side, shooting him a knowing look and chuckling before you spoke.
“Dude, it’s so obvious.”
“Well, what about you and Steve?” Jonathan fired back, aggressively ripping more cardboard.
“That is so not the same thing,” you whispered, hoping that Nancy and Steve didn’t hear him. The last thing you needed was to be on Nancy’s bad side. She was super badass and if she knew that things had been weird between you and her boyfriend (ex boyfriend?) you were sure there’d be hell to pay.
“I mean, it seems pretty similar to me,” Jonathan replied frustrated, “it doesn’t matter anyway; they’re not together anymore.”
“I mean, I know they argued, but I didn’t know they officially ended things,” you responded, doubtful of Jonathan’s words.
“Trust me. I know,” he remarked, saying the words with such finality that you could connect the dots to confirm that something had happened between the two of them. You dropped the subject, not wanting to piss Jonathan off further. After twenty more minutes of stapling and duct taping cardboard and newspapers to the walls of the shed, it was finally done, and everyone except for Hopper, Mike, Joyce, and Jonathan retreated to the inside of the Byers’ house.
There wasn’t much else to do other than wait, so you sat on the family room couch as Steve practiced his swing with the nail bat over and over and over again. It was weird, sitting and doing nothing while all of this was going on. You finally felt how tired your legs were from walking all throughout the’ woods and you really just wanted to take a nap.
“Did you put anymore thought into that essay?” You broke the silence as you asked Steve. His concentration broke as he stopped swinging the bat to look at you. The question caught him off guard and he wasn’t really sure what to say. What could he say? This had all been such a huge distraction that he hadn’t even really had the time to think about what his college essay should be about. Every time he thought about it, his mind would just go back to you and then he would push it aside.
“Uh, no. Not really, I mean…there’s kind of been a lot going on,” he chuckled, gesturing to the papers strewn about the house, a reminder of all of the shit you’d been through.
“That’s fair, that’s fair,” you replied, a bit bummed that your question hadn’t struck up a conversation like you had hoped it would; you hoped it would provide you an opportunity to be helpful in at least some capacity while you sat and twiddled your thumbs.
“What about you? What are your post grad plans?” He asked in return.
“You know, I’m honestly not really sure anymore,” you replied, your voice shrinking down into something meek and small.
“What do you mean? You work so damn hard all the time, I thought you had everything figured out,” Steve questioned. It was a red flag to him that you were expressing such uncertainty; it just didn’t make sense.
“I guess…I don’t know, it sounds stupid,” you prefaced, trying to save yourself the embarrassment of your vulnerability before continuing, “but I guess it just feels a bit futile to make these plans for the future when I don’t even know what that’s going to look like. I mean, I was always so set on going to college, but aside from the questions about feasibility—like can I afford it, will I get scholarships, how far can I go if I don’t have a car—I’m now starting to question if it’s something I even want to do. I mean, with all of this shit going on, who even knows if I’ll even live long enough to make it to—“
Steve cut you off, “woah, woah, woah! Y/n, we’re not doomsday prepping here. And if you think there’s a chance you’re not going to get a shit ton of scholarships, well then you’re not as smart as I thought you were…which now that I’m saying it, is a bit…a bit paradoxical but that’s besides the point. The point is, you’re gonna go to some fancy school—as far away as you want to go—collect a shit ton of degrees, and then you’re gonna live until you’re so old you forget how much a pain in the ass we all are.”
You couldn’t help but smile. You were glad that someone was in your corner. Your past self would have dropped dead if she knew it was Steve that was your biggest supporter. Sometimes you felt so lost in the shuffle, not having the social status to feel like your efforts really mattered—or that they were going to be rewarded. Life had a way of very distinctively not going your way, but it was nice to know that you at least had someone who believed in you when you couldn’t believe in yourself. Before you could get too sentimental about it, the lights started flashing like crazy and you could tell that Will had woken up.
It went on like that for several minutes, as you all moved to the front of the house, ready for whatever threat would find you. You jumped when Hopper burst through the door, grabbing a scrap sheet of paper and writing out morse code.
“What happened?” You were quick to ask.
“I think he’s talking, just not with words?” Jim replied. You all watched as he wrote out a series of dots and dashes, translating it as he wrote their corresponding letters.
“What is that?” Steve asked, confused by the mess of symbols on the page.
“Morse code,” you all replied in unison. He shrugged and you wondered for a moment if you’d truly been attending the same school. You looked at the paper, “HERE” spelled out, clear as day.
“Will’s still in there. He’s talking to us,” Hopper explained. So then began the operation of translating Will’s messages. Mike, Joyce, and Jonathan in the shed sharing memories with him while Hopper clicked Will’s communication through the walkie talkie. Huddled around the kitchen table were the rest of you, cheat sheets and scrap paper in hand, as you received Will’s message, letter by letter.
When Nancy wrote down the last letter, you all leaned over to read what Will had covertly been able to communicate to you.
“Close gate,” you all read. Suddenly the phone rang, and you all froze for a second. It was a dead giveaway that Will was still at his house. Dustin quickly scrambled to hang it up, but it rang again, likely Hopper’s military backup. You ran beside him, ripping the phone from the wall and tossing it across the room.
“Do you think he heard that?” Max asked hesitantly.
“It’s just a phone. It could be anywhere, right?” Steve added, trying to quell the anxiety permeating around the room, the air thick with worry. Steve was proved wrong, when Hopper came flying through the back door with his rifle, grabbing another gun as he shouted at all of you.
“Hey! Hey, get away from the windows!” He pulled the kids away from the front of the room. “Can you use this?” He held his gun out to Jonathan. The boy stammered in response, and Him didn’t have time for this. “I said, can you use this?”
“I can,” Nancy spoke up and you felt a bit relieved that she would have the gun. You trusted her with a gun more than anyone else, glad that it was her and not you. Everyone who had weapons held them up, aiming them towards the door. You gripped your knife tightly; this was a fight you were going to finish.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you heard the familiar screeching and chattering of the demogorgons outside of the house. It kept getting closer and closer, and your jaw set as you tried to focus your energy on the task at hand. You knew that after this, you were going to fall apart, and you just hoped that someone would be there to pick up the pieces.
Suddenly, the screeching stopped and a demo-dog—as Dustin had so idiotically coined them—came crashing through the glass of the window, falling in a heap on the family room floor. Dead.
“Holy shit,” Dustin whispered and you couldn’t help but agree. Holy shit was right, this was fucking insane.
You all turned as you heard noise by the front door. You reached up and grasped the back of Steve’s shirt out of fear, as the locks were undone from outside. You almost couldn’t believe your eyes, but you had seen a lot weirder shit, so this was pretty tame in comparison. Despite how ready you had been earlier, in the face of the impending threat, your confidence started to falter, as you pressed yourself up against Steve in hopes that holding on to him would make you feel more secure.
The door slowly swung open, and in stepped a girl about the same age as the other kids, her short hair slicked back, dark makeup applied around her eyes. Everyone lowered their weapons, Steve going to put an arm around you, squeezing your arm. You realized that this must be Eleven, the girl with the telepathic abilities that Dustin had told you about. Mike swiftly stepped forward to hug her as she burst into tears. Your heart broke for her; you couldn’t imagine what it was like to be someone’s science experiment for your whole life.
Hopper stepped forward to pull the girl in for a hug and that was when you all connected the dots that he had been hiding her since she disappeared last year. You were shocked, but not as shocked as Mike.
And he was mad.
Hopper had calmed Mike down, leading to a very long discussion of how you were able to kill this mind flayer without hurting Will in the process. Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce had left with Will to steam the mind flayer out of him so that Hopper could take Eleven back to Hawkins Lab to close the gate.
That left you and Steve in charge of the four remaining kids…which really just made you want to cry. Because now your babysitting consisted of Dustin throwing all of the food from the Byers’ fridge onto the floor while Steve shoved a dead monster from an unknown dimension into it. And you weren’t even getting paid for it.
“Fine, but you’re explaining this to Mrs. Byers,” Steve reluctantly agreed, holding the demogorgon like a damn baby before the boys worked together to slam the fridge closed. Good riddance, you thought as it disappeared from view. Steve put his hand on the boy’s head, jostling his hat, before turning away from the fridge. The sight would’ve been endearing if they hadn’t just bonded over a dead monster that had almost tried to kill you.
Mike began pacing back and forth, frustrated that you were all stuck at Will’s instead of helping Eleven close the gate. The kids swiftly started arguing over it and you pinched the bridge of your nose, unable to take another second of their bickering.
“Would you all just shut the fuck up? Please?” You begged, but no one listened. Steve noticed your frustration and tried to help in the best way he knew how: with a sports metaphor.
“Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in the game, bottom line, you execute it, alright?”
“First of all, this isn’t some stupid sports game. And second, we’re not even in the game, we’re on the bench,” Mike argued. You sighed at how little Steve had thought this through. He noticed you glaring at him and tried and failed to salvage what he could of his life lesson to the impressionable young children.
“So…so yeah, my point is…” he stammered, and you all watched him expectantly as he paused. “Right, yeah, we’re on the bench, so, uh, there’s nothing we can do.”
“That’s not exactly true. When we were at the bus, the demo-dogs got called away,” Dustin reminded you all.
“So if we get their attention, maybe we can draw them away from the lab,” Max continued.
“Clear a path to the gate,” you chimed in. Steve looked at you, betrayed. He needed you to back him up on this otherwise this babysitting shit wasn’t going to work.
“Uh, yeah. And then we all die!” Steve threw his hands up in exasperation.
“That’s one point of view,” Dustin argued.
“That is not a point of view, man, that is a fact.”
“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a fact or a point of view, the point is, it’s still dangerous,” you added, coming to your senses. There was no way you could attract these monsters without someone getting hurt. You’d rather be on the bench than lose a teammate to a career ending injury. Fucking hell, I hate these sports metaphors. Who am I?
“I got it! This is where the chief dug his hole and it’s our way into the tunnels,” Mike explained, showing you a spot on Will’s map, “right here, this is a hub, it connects to all the other tunnels. Maybe if we set this on fire—“
“Yeah, that’s a no!” Steve yelled.
“The mind flayer would call away his army. They’d come to stop us,” Dustin continued.
“We circle back to the exit, by the time they realize we’re gone—“ Mike started.
“El would be at the gate,” Max finished his thought.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Steve clapped to draw the kids out of their batshit crazy plans. “This is not fucking happening.”
“No, no, no, no, no. No buts. I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. We’re staying here—on the bench—and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that?”
“This isn’t some stupid sports game,” Mike shot back, annoyed that his sister’s now ex boyfriend was trying to tell him what he could and couldn’t do.
“I said, does everybody understand that?” Steve seemed scary, and honestly it was kind of a turn on. You didn’t mind him telling you what to do if he looked that damn hot doing it. You tried to shake the thought away, but you couldn’t help but enjoy the way he seemed so paternal. He was stepping up as a babysitter and you couldn’t be prouder.
“I need a yes,” you added when none of the children responded, trying to demonstrate to Steve that you were on his team. While Steve was scary, Dustin still thought you were a thousand times scarier, even though you’d only said four words. Before Dustin could open his mouth to speak, you were all distracted by an engine revving outside.
Max ran to the window, recognizing the car as her heart leapt to her throat. “That’s my brother. He can’t know we’re here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us!” Max rambled, clearly intimidated by her step brother. You went to put an arm on the girl’s shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.
“Don’t worry about it Max, I’ll handle it. I promise,” you told the girl as you stepped towards the door.
“Uh uh. No way. Not happening,” Steve pulled you behind him a bit aggressively as he had recognized the plates from sunny California, connecting the dots to figure that Max had the misfortune of being related to the biggest asshole he had ever met. Before you could protest, he swiftly exited the house, slamming the door behind him.
“Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?” Billy asked with a shit eating grin on his face, stepping out of his car.
“Yeah it’s me. Don’t cream your pants.”
“What are you doing here amigo?” Billy asked.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Steve replied, wanting to give him as little information as possible.
“Looking for my step sister. A little birdie told me she was here. Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch?”
“Sorry doesn’t ring a bell.”
“I don’t know, this whole situation, Harrington, is giving me a bit of the heebie-jeebies. My thirteen year old sister goes missing all day and I find her with you at a stranger’s house, and you lie to me about it.”
“Man, were you dropped too much as a child? I told you, she’s not here,” Steve was surprised he was able to keep his voice even. He was face to face with Billy and all he wanted to do was beat the shit out of him. He had been an ass to you and clearly Max was afraid of him too, so he deserved to have the shit kicked out of him. All things considered, Steve thought he was being pretty damn civil.
“Then who is that?” Billy asked, pointing his cigarette at the window. Steve turned around and watched as all four kids ducked out of view. Where the fuck were you when all of this was happening?
“Oh shit,” he whispered before turning back around to face Billy, “Listen—“
His explanation was cut off when Billy shoved him to the ground. “I told you to plant your feet,” he seethed, kicking Steve in the stomach before entering the house.
When Billy slammed open the door, there you were, in a protective stance in front of the kids, slowly backing them towards the kitchen. “What the fuck is this, y/n?” He approached you. Your breath hitched in your throat and you were scared out of your mind. But in that moment, all that mattered was those kids, as you took a step towards Billy, chin up.
“And look who it is, Lucas Sinclair,” he added, looking past you. He turned to Max, “you disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me…I break things.” He lunged to grab Lucas but you shoved him back enough to knock him off kilter, redirecting his focus as he grabbed the collar of your windbreaker instead, forcing you into a corner of the room. Your shoulders tensed up and you froze, struggling as you attempted to pry yourself out of his grip.
“Y/n, I’ve gotta say. I’m disappointed. I’ve been nothing but nice to you and this—” he dropped your collar, hand shooting to grab your wrist to prevent you from moving away as he gestured to his sister, “—this is how you repay me?”
“Let me go!” You seethed as you kicked him where it hurt. He groaned as he backed up, but it wasn’t enough room for you to escape. He slapped you across the face, grabbing you by the shoulders and slamming you back against the wall. He threw another punch to your face and your nose began to gush blood, most likely broken.
“You bitch! You’re dead!” He shouted, pulling you towards him to slam you into the wall again, when Steve suddenly grabbed his arm.
“No. You are,” he said before throwing a solid punch at Billy. You fell to the floor, grateful you were in the kitchen as you reached for a towel to hold up to your nose. He doubled over before twisting back up to face Steve, cackling with a wide smile on his face. He was absolutely insane, as you sat horrified. You wanted to get up, help Steve, say anything, but you were struggling to keep your eyes open as you began to hyperventilate.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me so much about,” Billy stepped towards him again.
“Get the fuck out,” Steve warned, pushing him away. There was a moment of stillness in the kitchen before Billy swung at Steve, but he ducked at the last minute, throwing another punch back that landed at Billy’s temple. He backed up and the kitchen erupted into a chorus of cheers for Steve to fuck Billy up as Steve threw another punch.
Steve’s advantage didn’t last for long, as Billy grabbed a dinner plate, breaking it over Steve’s head. Steve moved back into the family room, clutching his head as Billy followed him, throwing a punch that knocked Steve off balance.
“No one tells me what to do,” Billy seethed, shoving Steve to the ground before getting on top of him throwing punch after punch his way. Seeing Steve hurt gave you the strength you needed to stand up. You wobbled slightly, grabbing the golf club from your backpack and heading over to the family room where Steve was getting the shit beat out of him.
You swung back, your vision blurred as you attempted to line up your swing. You didn’t want to kill the boy, but you did want to incapacitate him, and there seemed to be a very fine line between those things when you could barely see straight to swing with accuracy. Billy must have seen you in his peripheral as he swiftly stood, Steve long passed out, and grabbed the club from your hand. Your eyes fluttered as you attempted to stay standing, wanting to crumble under Billy’s wild gaze. He shoved you to the floor, your head hitting the ground hard. Your ears were ringing as he got on top of you, pinning your hands down beside your head. A tear escaped your eye as the ringing stopped and he got dangerously close to your ear to whisper in it.
“You should’ve just been a good girl and listened on Halloween.”
A small cry escaped your lips as he grabbed your shoulders and slammed you into the ground again. Your eyes were fluttering shut, but the last thing you saw was Max appear behind the boy, a needle plunging deep into Billy’s neck. He shouted out in pain as Max administered the sedative, Billy standing up to face her. You wanted to say something, anything, stand up to protect the young girl, wrapped up in fighting these monsters even though she lived with one.
You wanted to fight for her, but she disappeared as the world went dark.
Steve woke up in the backseat of a car, double vision making it hard to make out anything in the dark. He saw someone holding a can of gasoline and thought the features seemed familiar.
“Nancy?” He croaked out. But as his vision cleared, he was met with the confused gaze of Mike Wheeler. He felt a deep pain in his face and he went up to feel his nose, which was undoubtedly broken, when a hand pushed his away.
“No, don’t touch it,” he heard Dustin’s voice, turning to look him in the eyes “Hey, buddy. It’s okay, you put up a good fight. He kicked your ass but you put up a good fight.” At least the boy was honest, but couldn’t he at least sugarcoat it a little bit?
The rest of his body started to wake up, and that was when he noticed the weight across his chest, lifting his head which ached in such an indescribable way, to notice you, brightly covered band-aids littering your bruised and battered face, unconscious on top of him.
He heard Lucas giving the driver directions and that was when it all clicked for him and his mind finally showed up. If you were unconscious then who was driving the fucking car?!
“Oh my god!” Steve choked out causing you to stir. His hands grabbed onto you as groaned, eyes slowly fluttering open.
You came to much faster than Steve had, pretty much immediately noticing that Max was driving the car. “What the fuck!” You exclaimed, attempting to sit up, but Dustin pushed you back into Steve.
“Just relax. She’s driven before,” Dustin assured you.
“Yeah, in a parking lot,” Mike shot back, clearly not happy about this plan either.
“That counts!” Lucas chimed in from the passenger seat.
“Oh my god,” Steve repeated gripping onto you tighter.
“They were going to leave you behind. I promised that you’d be cool!” Dustin told him, trying to convince him to behave.
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, what’s going on?” He yelled out as Max accelerated. “Ohhhh, woah! No! Stop the car, slow down!” He yelled and you shrieked as you buried your face in his neck. His arm instinctively curled around your waist, holding you tight against his body.
“I told you he’d freak out!” Mike yelled, annoyed that they hadn’t just left him behind. To be honest, he knew you’d freak out too but he couldn’t in good conscience leave you there. Especially if Billy woke up.
“Stop the car!” You screamed, but it was slightly muffled as you were unwilling to leave the safe haven that was Steve’s neck, head still buried there as if your life depended on it.
“Everybody shut up! I’m trying to focus!” Max shouted.
“Make a left! Make a left!” Lucas shouted pointing at the turn Max was about to pass up. She cut it hard, the inertia throwing you all to the right of the car, as Steve squeezed his eyes shut, wrapping his other arm around you as he held onto you with all his might. Max, swerved as she attempted to regain control of the vehicle, taking out a mailbox in the process. Well, that’s a felony, you thought as she continued on. You’d faced monsters of unimaginable terror and this was how you were going to go out: in the backseat of a car with a child at the wheel.
After several more minutes that felt like hours of reckless driving, the car screeched to a halt at the opening of the tunnel Hopper had dug into. “I told you. Zoomer,” Max exclaimed confidently from the front seat.
“What the fuck does that even mean?” You cried out, done with this hellish car ride. The kids all swiftly made their way out of the car, you and Steve having a bit more trouble. Neither of you were able to gain your footing too quickly, as you stumbled into him. He caught you, allowing you to brace yourself against him as you righted yourself.
“Oh no, guys!” Steve groaned, “hey! Where do you think you’re going?” He added as Dustin made his way over to the opening of the tunnel, can of gasoline in hand. “We are not going down there! I made myself clear!”
No one was listening as the kids all moved around the two of you, grabbing supplies and preparing for their descent. “Hey! There is no chance we’re going in that hole, alright? This ends right now!” He moved away from you gripping the backpack out of the trunk before Dustin could grab it.
“Steve! You’re upset, I get it. But bottom line is a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you promised Nance you’d keep us safe, so keep us safe,” Dustin emphasized the end as he held out Steve’s backpack and tossed you your sheathed blade.
Donning bandanas and goggles, you and Steve descended into the tunnel before the rest of the kids.
“It’s this way!” Mike announced, following his crudely drawn map. Steve snatched it out of his hand.
“Hey, I don’t think so. If any of you shits die down here, I’m getting the blame, got it dipshit? From here on out I’m leading the way. Come on let’s go!” He yelled. You joined him at the front of the group to talk to him as the kids formed their own group in the rear to talk.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” you apologized. He turned to look at you and you wished you could see his face to determine the look on it.
“What the fuck do you mean you’re sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for,” he replied, shocked that you would even think that was necessary.
“It’s just, you stopped Billy from hitting me and then he beat the shit out of you. So I’m sorry because that should’ve been me,” you answered him, your eyes welling up with tears. You willed yourself not to cry. The last thing you needed was these dumbass swim goggles filling with water.
“I’m fucking glad it wasn’t you y/n. And I’m not gonna let him touch you ever again, okay? I promise.”
You nodded, too choked up to trust your voice as you continued down the tunnels. You pushed away the anxiety you were feeling about getting lost, trusting that the map the kids had drawn was correct. It took a while but finally the tunnels opened up and you saw countless other ones that fed to this location.
“I think we found your hub,” you exclaimed taking in the sight. It was pretty insane to look at and you couldn’t quite believe that all of this was here in Hawkins.
“Let’s drench it,” Mike replied, ready to kill the fucking thing; hit it where it hurt. You all poured gasoline all around the hub, the smell almost nauseating, making you glad you had the bandana around your face. When it was all finally said and done, you all retreated to the tunnel that you came from, facing your gasoline soaked work.
“Alright. Are you ready?” Steve asked.
“Light her up,” you replied.
“I am in such deep shit,” Steve added before sparking his lighter and tossing it into the hub. It erupted into flames and your mind flashed back to the fire Jonathan had set last year in his hallway, burning the demogorgon that had nearly killed you.
“Go, go, go!” Steve yelled, the kids running ahead of you as you and Steve took up the rear this time, wanting to make sure that if all else failed, the kids got out. You ran through the tunnels as swiftly as you could, attempting not to trip on the vines scattered haphazardly across the ground. Suddenly, Mike began screaming for help as you realized a vine had wrapped around his ankle, pulling him to the floor.
“Everybody back!” You yelled as you unsheathed your knife, slashing the vine and releasing Mike from its grip. He stood and you geared up to continue your way through the tunnels, when you came face to face with one of the demo-dogs.
“Dart?” Dustin asked. You all screamed at Dustin to get back but he didn’t listen. “Trust me. Hey it’s me. It’s your friend, Dustin. You remember me? Will you let us pass?”
The demogorgon opened its mouth to shriek at him and you were about to lunge forward to grab Dustin, but Steve stopped you.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry about the cellar. You hungry?” Dustin asked reaching into his backpack, pulling out a three musketeers. “I’ve got our favorite! Nougat,” he unwrapped the candy placing it in front of the demogorgon waving all of you to go ahead of him. You hesitated but finally listened, going against all instinct and trusting that the boy might know what he’s doing.
You all finally made your way back to the rope when the ground began to shake and you heard the shrieking of demogorgons in the distance. They were coming, and they were coming fast.
Steve lifted up each kid, boosting them up so they could climb the rope and exit the tunnels, until it was just you and him. They were gaining on you and there was no time. Steve had his bat ready to swing, and you braced for impact knowing that there was nothing the two of you could do to stop the dozens of demo-dogs that were inevitably coming. You shut your eyes, hearing the growl of the demogorgons and the cries from the kids above you, but the impact never came instead, you clutched Steve to keep your balance, as the demo-dogs sprinted past you, headed somewhere else.
You chuckled in disbelief, hugging Steve, burying your face in his chest as his hand went to the nape of your neck. You both swayed like that for a moment, holding each other in relief before the kids broke the magic of the moment.
“Hey lovebirds! We need to get out of here!” Dustin yelled down the hole.
Those damn kids.
Steve agreed to drive Dustin to the Snowball, and you begged to go with. Despite all of the bullshit he’d put you through, you loved the kid more than you loved most things, and you weren’t going to miss the opportunity to see him all dressed up for this school dance.
“Alright, buddy. Here we are,” Steve said as he pulled up to Hawkins Middle. “Just remember, go in there—“
“And pretend I don’t care.”
“There you go. You’re learning, my friend,” Steve smiled and you rolled your eyes from the backseat. Dustin leaned forward to check the visor mirror, but Steve slammed it back shut before he could open it.
“Hey, come on. You look great, okay? You’re gonna go in there—you look like a million bucks—and you’re gonna slay ‘em dead, okay?”
“Like a lion,” Dustin replied, rolling his r’s in a weird purr that had you cringing behind him.
“Yeah, don’t do that, okay?” Steve warned and Dustin nodded. “Good luck,” he added as he shook Dustin’s hand before Dustin exited the car, making his way into the gym.
You moved to the front seat a wide grin on your face. “That was sweet,” you told Steve and he rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, freak,” Steve grumbled.
“Hey, that’s a good thing you know,” you reminded him as he began to pull away, making his way back towards his house. “Are you sure you’re okay with me staying at yours again?” You asked. You two were beginning to blur the line between friends and something more.
“Yeah, yeah! Of course. I wouldn’t want to go home to an empty house after all of that shit either,” Steve told you, though most days he did go home to an empty house, his parents on various different business trips. Your parents just worked nights occasionally, and every once in a while they coincided. Since Eleven closed the gate, even though things were better, you still weren’t too keen on staying home alone, so you’d made it a habit to stay at Steve’s, so long as his parents were gone (which they usually were).
Steve wasn’t going to complain. And he definitely wasn’t going to tell you no. He wanted more than anything to be there for you and if company was what you needed, he made damn sure he could provide it. Plus, you still shared a bed with him when you stayed the night.
As Steve looked at you, moonlight hitting your face and making all your features look soft as you hummed and nodded along to the music on the radio, he knew he wasn’t going to write that damn college essay. College wasn’t really for him, and deep down he’d always known it.
And besides, he wasn’t quite ready to leave you yet.
a/n: I hope you enjoyed this part! I’m excited to start writing for season 3! Comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! I’d love to know what you think ;)
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Put Your Head On My Shoulder
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
A/N: This Fandom has given me the most inspiration I've had in years and this is a thank you to every single one of you. This idea spurred from one too many drinks and unhinged DMs and I'm so excited to share it with you guys. So here goes nothing lol. A special thanks to my lady loves @lesservillain , @ghost-proofbaby , @bettyfrommars , and @bimbobaggins69 for beta reading and letting me fill your inboxes with all my little thots for our little gremlin man !
P.S : BEFORE I GET INTO ANYTHING THIS STORY IS 18+ MINORS NEED TO GTFO PLEASE AND THANK YOU !!!!! Also please remember to like and reblog from your creators It keeps the fandom alive !!! ( honestly don't know what I would do without ya'll )
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader ( Pumpkin )
Summary: A 1950's daydream of malt shop kisses and doo wop singles far behind closed doors. Dreamboat Eddie Munson picks up more than just an extra route. A love that makes you weak in the knees... but how long can you go on loving a man that isn't the one your married to.
TW: Angst- mentions of an affair (adultery), verbal abuse mentions, mentions of weight ( mentions of food within the story throughout), disordered eating, feeling unloved, self deprecation slightly, staying with toxic partner Fluff- pet names, domestic bliss, mutual pining Smut- fingering, soft touches, overstimulation slightly very slight, unprotected PIV, cream pie, spanking,..... tbh i can't think of anymore but if you see any please let me know ... Thank you all so much. ( every chapter will get updated tw)
WC: 4.1K
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Flour covers the countertop in your kitchen, and a rolling pin is set to the side while you knead the soft pastry ingredients together. Apples sit freshly peeled in a separate dish. Sliced and added to sugar and cinnamon. Picking up the rolling pin, you do your best to flatten the dough to a thin sheet and mold it to the glass dish before you. 
“Well, this dough is much better than the first,” you say aloud to yourself. Your husband once told you that speaking out loud to yourself was a sign of a weak mind, you never put much stock in that. But here you were doing exactly that as your days consist of waiting for your husband to return home from work. 
You splash a bit of vanilla into the apple mixture to complete your pie filling. Once it is all tucked neatly beneath the fluffy dough, you take a knife and leave four little holes within the surface and crimp the edges together, sealing the flavors within. A touch of sugar is added to the top along with an egg wash before placing the pie on a rack in the oven. A timer is set for twenty minutes, a reminder to lower the temperature and to add your special ingredient.
Soft music plays throughout the house, Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald keep you company on these long lonely days. Lonely but only for such a short time. Your husband works for the state doing something he thinks you're too dumb to understand so why talk about it? If anyone ever asks you simply say ‘Oh please you think a woman wants to know such things’. That usually earns you a laugh at cocktail parties and a warm smile from your man. If you could even call him that. 
Yes, he is your man in the sense that your last names are the same and you had shared the same bed. Where is the love though? It isn’t tangible and hasn’t been for quite some time now. Your day begins and ends with a few words apart from an I love you. You served him still, acted to the prying eyes, as a doting Wife. Four years and Everyone still thought you had a perfect life. 
That dream of white picket fences and shared milkshakes. That love of never-ending kisses and satisfying sex. Everyone around you wanted all that you had. Would they still want your life if they could see past those closed doors and shut curtains? 
Would they want to spend their mornings hiding the bags under their eyes from nights of restless sleep? Would they want to have a constant monologue of the flaws seen in the mirror? Ones that your oh-so-loving husband pointed out to you time and time again. Would they want to cook and clean knowing they would never receive a thank you? No, you knew they wouldn’t. All the small things that build and grow until it becomes a monotonous routine. Walking through days as if the next would be the exact same and then doing it all again and again, Until one day something changed. 
Two months prior A knock on the door, one that started to come once a week. The company of CC & Drums Dairy was paid to bring you a gallon of milk, A necessity your husband called it. A man with long dark locks that flowed over his shoulder and curls that dipped across his forehead under his cap. Deep Brown eyes that sparkled with flecks of amber as the sun hit him just right. Dressed in white overalls to comply with his company uniform and sleek black shoes that shine just as brightly as his smile. His name tag reads Eddie in a sweet embroidered cursive. Eddie, a name that would soon become something you would never forget. 
Your timer goes off as you check the pie, squeezing a lemon over the crust for that citrus tang. Slipping the dessert back into the oven, for another half hour or so, a knock sounds through the house, sending the butterflies in your stomach in a tizzy. Eddie had arrived.
A quick task of undoing the strings to your apron and a fast fix of hair in the mirror you had hung in the hall. A hand to your abdomen as you intake a breath and let it stagger out between your lips, hesitating to open the door. The second you see him you can feel the way the tops of your cheeks heat and plump with a smile. One that matches his.
 You take a second and wonder if he knows how handsome he is. The way the small lines beside his eyes crinkle with years of use. You wonder if he knows that the instant you see him, your heart stops beating. But most of all you wonder if you're the only one those soft eyes and long lashes catch in his gaze. 
“Afternoon darling, I must say this heat wave has got to be breaking records. Ought not keep these out here too long.” as he lifts the small crate of glass bottles holding the product out.
 You knew better than to take it from him, even if every bone in your body screamed too. The last time you tried you nearly flipped the whole crate, underestimating the weight. From that day on you always stood to the side as you let Eddie into your home to set the dairy in your kitchen. It was another thing you wondered about him. Did he do this for everyone else too?
“ Well let's not keep them then sir.” standing to the side he slides past you brushing a hand across the elbow you held to the door. His way of saying hello. Small touches here and there as he could never keep his hands to himself for too long in your presence.
“ Something smells awful delicious in her ma’am.”
“An Apple pie is in the oven, maybe you’ll stay and have a slice. For your troubles of course.” 
“Mhmm, my troubles.” Eddie sat the crate on the counter next to the ice box and turned his body towards you and enveloped you in his stronghold. An intoxicating embrace as he pulled you flush to his body. 
“ I missed you, you know that pretty girl?” soft tone, almost a whisper. A small smile he couldn't see but could feel made its way to your face. 
“I bet you say that to all the girls on your route.” he lets out a small chuckle.
“Only the breathtaking ones.” a falter to your features as your mind reeled with all the possibilities.
 Does he miss Mrs.Cunningham the way he misses you? Does he miss Ms.Buckley the same? That sick green monster finds its way under your skin as you think of all the girls he must have at his beck and call. But today that monster wasn’t going to ruin the few fleeting moments you could spend with him. You needed Eddie in the most carnal of ways.
“Do you want to know what I missed? “ Your fingers trail their way from the small of his back and up over his shoulder, landing on his neck just below his ear. Cupping his face you bring it down and catch his lips as they meet yours. 
“Oh yeah? you missed me too Pumpkin?” a second crash of your lips to his, makes him hum from the back of his throat. His nose nudges yours to the left so his teeth can catch your bottom lip, pulling back slightly to hear the small whine you emit.
“I always miss you, Eddie.”  His hands travel down over your figure as he starts to ruffle the hem of your dress up. Thankful for its length to hide how wet you had become just from him being in the home you share with your spouse. A topic you and Eddie tried to steer clear of, but the wrongness of the act just felt so right. 
Over a year your husband hadn’t touched you, barely talked to you and some days you were even sure he hadn't even looked in your direction. Eddie though, In the last two months, Eddie had made you feel seen. He made you feel heard, and most of all he made you feel desired.  
As his hand finds the thin cotton that covers your cunt he glides his digits over the wet patch that had grown by just the thought of him. A deep hum and a small huff of breath from Eddie against your neck as he kissed his way to your shoulder. 
“So wet for me and I've barely even touched you. Are you that starved for affection?” The words forming in that sweet small surrender to him were all but cut off as he slid a finger through your folds and teased your entrance. A gasp was the response he got, one he loved to hear in protest every time he had you. 
“C’mon honey tell me what you want.” how could you respond to him with words if you couldn't even think of them? The man before you had spent the last few months discovering just how to make you melt in his arms.
 He knew that the spot behind your knee was his best friend for when he had you on your back. He knew the way your hips stutter when you're close to your peak, and he knew that if your eyes found that they couldn't stay open that you were in utter bliss.
 His favorite thing he had learned throughout your time together though was that even when he knew you had your doubts, you still trusted him in every sense of the word. 
After only two months Eddie knew you better than you know yourself. Better than your husband had ever cared to know you.
“ Please, Eddie.” He smiled down at you 
“ Please What Honey?” 
“ Dip in Eddie, Fuck me please.”  He could feel the slackening of your legs as his assault on your clit had made you a bit sensitive, in his focus on making you feel as good as he possibly could, in what little time he had with you. He slid two of his thick fingers into your dripping heat as his thumb stayed in a rhythm that matched his wrist as he curled in and let the sounds of his efforts echo off the small kitchen walls. 
Moaning into Eddie's ear as his finger worked in and out of you making that heat inside of you grow higher and higher. Clutching the strap of his overalls, a small pull leaning back, as the pleasure he was giving you kept climbing. 
“ Come on now baby, let go.” A final intake of air, hold on to the breath that led you to your walls squeezing eddies fingers tight. That coil snapped as you let your body fall slack against him a loud moan from the farthest depths within you found its way out of your lungs. 
When your eyes land on Eddie after your come down all you can see is that smile. The dimple-creasing smile that kept haunting your dreams at night. 
“I need more.” You didn’t know how but his smile grew even wider and more sinister as his tone began to deepen. A kiss is pressed to your lips, not urgent, understanding. 
“ You need more? Well, it's a damn good thing that what you're asking for is in stock then Pumpkin.” He turned you around to face the small table that sat in your kitchen, knowing what he wanted from you. He wasn’t the only one taking notes from your time together. 
You braced yourself against the worn wood and clutched the sides of it as you heard the familiar clinks of metal as his rings fumbled with the buckle of his belt.  
The wait, though it is small, is brutal. Anticipation makes your stomach flip and cunt flutter. A shuffle out of his overalls gives Eddie a moment to just admire the way you listen so well. These small moments have him thanking every bad decision that got him here. To this small town, with this small job, on this small route. A route he picked up as a last resort. Yeah, he doesn't know who he's praying to but whoever is listening, he's singing grace. 
A grip in the slight pudge of your hips to keep himself steady, Eddie is gentle as he slips his cock through your folds gathering your slick over his length and breaching your desire. A deep moan and a few choice words fall from Eddie as he fills you and meets the small wavering gasp you let out, a breath you didn't know you had been holding.  A whine of impatience, his sign to move. 
A soft speed turns ravenous as his dick uses your walls to curve his hooks into you deeper and deeper. A sigh of his name and you can feel the stutter in his thrust. He slows his pace if only to keep himself from having to leave your presence all too soon.  
"Fuck darling, so good to me, taking me so well like this pussy was made for me."  You mewl from beneath him, dropping your forehead to the wood that is holding you up. You fear that if it had not been here your legs would have given up the second he started talking. "Isn't that right pumpkin? Made just for me? " A sharp thrust and you know he wants an answer in the way his grip turns bruising. A trip through your mind as you try and collect the words from thin air. 
"YES! God yes, I was made just for you." 
"Such a good girl for me baby. That's right, isn't it? You're all mine aren't you?"  Another squeeze to your hip and a smack that lands hard on your ass. Eddie's palm kneads the sting as you answer him. 
" All yours, all yours, no one else, just you baby." A grunt hum from the back of his throat as he grips your shoulder and leans so his body is flush with yours. His breath is on your neck as he leans to your ear. 
"Not even your husband, just you and me baby?" 
"Just you and me Ed's" Your eyes tunnel and you see white as your orgasm rushes through you, Eddie's own a thrust away as he moans deep against your skin. His body weight and yours against the kitchen table as you both find your way down from the clouds. 
Small kisses he leaves to your spine and the back of your neck. You turn your head and he places another small one to the upturned corner of your mouth. A bell chimes and you sit for a few seconds letting Eddie gather his own bearings. A small pat to the curve of your pussy as Eddie pulls the cotton back in place. A shock to your sensitivity.
"Keep that in there baby, that way you have a part of me while I'm gone." A heat to your cheeks as the thought of Eddie's cum dripping out of you while your husband sat across from you and read the paper over dinner. A sly smirk from the man you just let defile the small space, one you would let do ungodly things to you. 
You put on oven mitts as Eddie finds a few glasses in the cabinet. You slice into the flakey crust and slip through the filling as you place the large piece on a plate for you to share. Eddie pours milk as you find some silverware, he places the bottles in your fridge so they keep.
Turning with a smile, he is the definition of adoration. In your eyes he is everything. 
Why is it that when his time with you is coming to an end you almost wish it would end as soon as possible? Almost as if you would wish he would part with some harsh words to make you not want him in the most beautiful ways. You have to make yourself believe these things before he leaves because if you don’t, it would just shatter you. So you take a different route, you don’t shatter yourself, instead, you splinter and crack all the things that hold you until you see him again. The times where he glues those little shards back in place if only for you to break them off again and again. A scared thought and a small shake of your head trying to rid yourself of it. A married woman. What would he possibly want from you other than a good lay? 
He sees that doubt within your mind as if reading it. He takes your hand in his as he laces your fingers together. 
“ Penny for your thoughts Pumpkin?” You glance finally meeting his eyes as you clear your throat. 
“ Nothing important hun.” You slide a fork to his side of the table as your eyes dart to the clock.  He squeezes your hand once more, lowering his eyes in search of yours again. 
“It is important if it bothers you.” Your heart stops. The breath you were going to take gets caught in your throat and you turn on that winning smile you had trained yourself to hold in uncomfortable circumstances. One you wish he couldn't see through.
“ It’s nothing Eds, really.” 
“Do you promise?” you take a hand and cup his cheek.
 How do you tell him that he is your first thought in the morning and the last thought before falling asleep? How instead of counting sheep you try and count the freckles on his face by sheer memory?  How could you tell him you wish you were his one and only? That you have never felt about another human soul the way you feel about his. Instead, you stuff it down, apple pie soon to follow. 
“I Promise.”  
You know he doesn’t believe you but he would rather set out to sea and die of starvation as the sharks feed from him than to make the last moments he has with you tainted with fights and tears. God when you cry it absolutely destroys him. 
The first time you had ever let him take you in his arms you had just gotten off the phone with your husband. He had heard hushed words while he waited for you to grab the weekly tip your husband left for him. Your husband had informed you that he would not be coming home, as the fight from the night before had lingered into the morning and would now follow you well into the night. The first time you had opened the door Eddie studied the angelic features of your face, and they had plagued his dreams for such a long time at this point.
When you rounded the corner with a smudge of mascara beneath your eyes, he instantly without thinking took you in, pushing your face to his chest as his hand rested on the back of your head. Slight comfort made the tears begin again as he wiped the remainder of the smudge and irritation from your face. No man had ever done something as small as comforting you before.  In the two months since he had started this route, he knew he had instantly fallen head over heels in love with you.
You had taken two bites from the plate that sat in front of you and Eddie had finished the slice. He even went as far as to slide a finger in the crumbs on the plate and lick them off in an attempt to show you how much he had enjoyed it. His time with you. 
A gathering of glasses you brought to the sink as he brought the other dishes and sat them in the deep well while wrapping his arms around your waist and you stood eyes closed relishing in the last little bit of affection he could offer to you. 
A kiss to your shoulder as you turn your head resting it on his.
“I’ll be by in a week Pumpkin.” A nod to the fact you already knew. “ Seven days.” Another nod, not risking the crumble in your voice. “ Not long at all.”  Another small kiss to your cheek as you turned into his chest and rested your forehead on his. 
“Seven days?” 
“ Seven days Pumpkin. Do you think you can wait for me? Just seven days? “
“I think I could wait a lifetime for you Eddie.” 
“I’ll see you in a week, Mrs.Carver.”
“ A week Mr.Munson.” 
A kiss to your lips and a parting gift of his very own pie before he snuck out through the back door, so as to not raise suspicion. A slow walk from the kitchen to the door and to turn a lock, on your mind. On your hope. You could do this. You could wait seven days.
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Your husband comes through the door late as he had been doing for the last year or so. You had expected it from him at this point. You had started to make his dinner later and later knowing that if you had made it too early he would tell you all the ways he couldn't eat it. If it had gone too cold he would refuse and the hard work would go directly into the trash. 
He walked in as you took his dinner off the stove and placed it on a dish for him.
“Right on time doll.”
“ I don’t know how on time it is, It’s Nearly eight in the evening, Jason!”     
“ I’m not doing this with you tonight.”  
He always did this. He would come home and you would ask him where he had been, and he’d always end the conversation before it could even begin. You sat his plate in front of him as you sat across the table from him. Times where you could really take him in and see that the feelings you had once long ago were snuffed out like a flame to a candle.
“ Are you not eating dear?” 
“ I ate a bit earlier in the day.”
“Thanks for waiting .”  He rolled his eyes and you returned the gesture. 
“ I wouldn’t have had to wait if you had just picked up the phone and told me when you were going to be on your way home. I’m not waiting until we hit a new day to eat Jason I’m not going hungry just so you-”
“ Wouldn’t harm you any though would it.” 
You left the table. Your weight had started to become a key focus as he knew it bothered you more than anything else. You had gained some weight and your mother and friends had commented on it from time to time. For your husband to tho, it made you furious. You ate when you were unhappy, it was something you had done since you were a child. The only person who thought you could stand to eat a little more had been Eddie. 
It happened slowly, you would make him food now and then, and the majority of the time He would offer you a bit. It started with a bite and progressed into cutting his sandwiches in half just so you could have something to eat. Unlike your husband, Eddie had a suspicion that you weren’t eating enough. Like you weren’t giving your body what it needed to survive so he would constantly ask for you to eat with him. At least then he would know you had something of substance within your day.  
You had gone to your bedroom and gotten out of your daily’s slowly separating them into their hampers waiting to hear the stomping footsteps of Jason as he made his way to the spare bedroom. He had taken residency there about a month before Eddie came into your life and you were thankful for the times that Eddie left you yearning for more. To call out another man's name while with your significant other no matter how insignificant they were would still bring you shame like no other.
Slipping into your nightgown as Jason shuts the door to his room you wait a few minutes to take the walk back down the stairs to stand in front of the sink. Looking up at the sky through the window above the stars seem to shine brightly. You attempt to find the little dipper and look for its companion not far from where it lays, the version of a larger size. Constellations begin to blur as you let the silent tears fall. Hoping that somewhere out there in this little old town, Eddie too is looking up at the moon and wishing you were by his side as you wished upon all the stars in the sky. What a long time seven days would be.
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sykokittyy · 2 years
Hi! Im not sure your taking request but if you are and you do billy Hargrove can you do billy Hargrove x plus!size reader smut? I keep finding really good fics but I feel weird reading being a plus size girl. Thank you
I love this!! I most definitely can do this. Especially me being plus!size myself, I know how it feels trying to fit yourself into the story so I most definitely can do this! I hope you enjoy this anon! 🥰
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𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐞? —𝐛.𝐡. ❤︎︎
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༻₊˚.|❥ pairing: billy hargrove x fem!plus!size!reader
༻₊˚.|❥ summary: reader and billy have been best friends since billy and his step-sister, max, transferred to hawkins, indiana. one night, billy and y/n decided to sneak billy into her room to rant and have a smoke session, when billy admits that he has feelings for y/n. what will happen next? 🤔
༻₊˚.|❥ warnings: smut (18+), (mentions of reader having insecurities), spanking, rough-sex, hair-pulling, marijuana-use, high-sex, (mentions of groping), dirty-talk, p in v, unprotected sex (put on a condom guys, and be safe), doggy style, biting, missionary, creampie, spitting, swallowing, dacryphilia.
you and billy had been friends since after about three months he moved to hawkins. of course you and him didn’t get off at the right foot in the beginning (considering he was an arrogant little shit when you both first met), but after awhile you both started to look at each others point of views and became very close.
it started when mrs. kelly, the guidance counselor, had asked you to tutor him for his history class. you had originally wanted to say “hell no” and keep it moving, but mrs. kelly, had convinced you to help him. at first when you started tutoring him, he would either not pay attention, or just ask you some questions about yourself (which you would eventually answer).
as time passed by, billy had eventually started paying attention to the work you were helping him with, and you both got close and became the best of friends. when your high school peers found out that you two were close-friends, they went into uproar.
they would give you and him weird stares because you were the “fat girl” that somehow got close to billy in a matter of months. it pissed you and billy off when they would ask if you both were messing around with each other. not because you both thought the other wasn’t attractive, it was because they were trying make it seem like you were desperate, and he was just looking for someone to bury his dick in.
but overtime, you and him both just tuned the rumors out and continued being the best of friends. you couldn’t lie and say that you didn’t find billy attractive, hell, everyone thought he was. you even saw the moms look at him while he was working as the lifeguard at the hawkins community pool. it would be times where he would make flirtatious comments towards you, or when it would be time for you to go to the lifeguard chair and he was there, he would give you sly-smirk with a wink with those beautiful long lashes of his, making you flustered.
but most of the time, you tried not to pay too much mind to it because you thought to yourself “why would he be with someone like me, i’m not as skinny as most girls”. you didn’t think that way because you weren’t confident in yourself, because you were, but it just seemed kind’ve odd that an handsome and attractive boy like billy, would find interest in you. so you tried your best to not get your hopes up.
tonight you and billy decided that he should sneak up to your window tonight and you both were going to have a smoke-session, and talk about things that were going on in each other’s lives. he could even spend the night since your parents weren’t going to be home until 11 am tomorrow from their business trip.
you were tidying up your bedroom when you heard three taps on your window, making you quickly turn just to see billy with that prince charming smile of his and a quick wave. you quickly ran, and bent down a little to push up your window with as much force as you could, which successfully opened. you hurried up and pulled him in.
“hi billy” you said before giving him a comforting hug.
“hey sweet girl, whatchu been up to?”
“I was just cleaning up a little bit before you got here” you chuckled, “you brought the weed right?”
“yep i sure did, i brought the rolling papers also. you’ve got the snacks right?” he mocked before chuckling.
you playfully hit his shoulder. “yes i have them smart-ass, their placed in my closet, beside my bed for when we’re done.”
“thats what she said” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“shut up and roll up the joint, pretty boy” you giggled.
you soon walked over to your boom box, and started playing the song “call me” by blondie. you were swaying your hips to the beat as you listened to the song. as billy was rolling up the joint for the both of you, he couldn’t help but watch you in your element. you looked so beautiful and free that you couldn’t give a care in world to who or what was around you.
“can i have my face back dufus” you smirked.
it was then that he remembered he had to finish rolling up the joint, and stop eye-fucking you. “is that how you talk to me, when i’m the one that’s rolling this shit up?” he joked.
“yeah, yeah. however may i repay you, dear billy” you spoke sarcastically before laying beside billy on your bed where he was sitting. he chuckles, “well i do have one idea in mind”, he he looks at you and slowly licks the joint before giving you a small smirk.
you couldn’t help but feel flustered, but you chose to hide it. “you are such a man-whore billy” you laughed. he just shrugged and continued to focus on rolling up the joint, and you couldn’t help but watch him.
it made you feel so tingly inside to watch him use his tongue and his experienced fingers to roll up the joint. you could only imagine how godly he was in when it came to giving head—hell you even heard stories from around the school about it. you just wished you could be blessed to feel what the females he dealt with felt. you would damn near be willing to do anything to feel those pink lips, and tongue, and those thick calloused fingers roam across your luscious body. you could just cu—
“y/n!”, he snapped his finger together pulling you from your lewd-thoughts.
“hmm? what billy?” you said looking into the beautiful blue irises of him.
“i said that i’m finished rolling, but i forgot my lighter, do you have one?” he chuckled, knowing that you were staring again.
“umm-yeah! it’s in my nightstand, by the bed”, you smiled awkwardly.
as he was heading to your nightstand, you remembered that you had a certain something in the drawer, that you were embarrassed for anyone to know that you had it.
“w-wait billy, wait!” you panicked, but it was already too late. when billy open up the drawer, he was surprised to see that his bestfriend had a small, pink, vibrator placed next the lighter in her nightstand.
“oh y/n, i didn’t know you were into that shit” he looked back towards you to see your face flushed in embarrassment. he then holds the vibrator up to where the both of you could see. “and here i thought you were holier than though”, he smirked before you ran up to him and snatched the toy from his hands, causing him to laugh.
“oh please, don’t act like you don’t fiddle with your whistle from time to time, girl have needs too”, you said hiding it somewhere in your closet.
“really y/n? ‘fiddle with my whistle’? what are we in the second grade?” he chuckles before lighting up the joint and inhales it before releasing. “look sweet-cheeks, i’m not judging you for what you do on your spare-time.” he continues to smoke the joint before looking at you. “but why use a toy when you could get the ‘real thing’?”, he passes you the joint while continuing to look at you through those long eyelashes of his, making you look away.
you slowly began to inhale the joint, and held it in your lungs before you released it through your nose, making you feel the high quickly. “because billy, if you haven’t noticed by now, girls like me don’t really get a lot action in most cases.”
“what do you mean by “girls like you” he gave you a look of confusion.
you hesitated because you really didn’t want to explain something so difficult, but true. “i mean that “plus-size” or what some ignorant people would call “fat bitches”, don’t really have sex with a lot of people, because we’re self conscious. we can’t open up to people and give them our body because they judge our body before we even give it to them.”, you took another hit before passing it back to billy. you watched as his lips wrapped around the joint and he inhaled it while closing his eyes. leaving you to stare at his thick and pretty lashes.
“may i ask why you think that? i would like to know sweetheart.” he insisted though continuing to look at you and give you his full blown attention.
“because i don’t have the body that most girl’s have, okay? i don’t have the the thigh gap, or a petite figure with the sharp jawline and small hands.” you began to list. “instead billy, i have the stomach fat, the stretch-marks, and the “thunder-thighs” that by-the-way, i have to worry about them rubbing together and causing friction.” you ranted but billy continued to listen.
“i can’t tell you how many times that i felt so out of place, and i mean—could you blame me?especially when i would go to the pool, and i would wear that lifeguard bathing suit, and tits and ass would poke out. i would feel so exposed when people would stare at me, but i would mask it with a smile and an illusion of confidence with my head held high.” you smiled.
as billy listened to you, he couldn’t help but wish that you could see what he seen in you, and honestly he didn’t give a fuck about your weight, because he thought you were beautiful inside and out. he hung out with you because you were you, not because of your appearance. he didn’t give a flat fuck about what those immature cowards at your school thought when he began to publicly be friends with you. If you were his best-friend he was going to let that be known publicly because he wasn’t ashamed.
“hey, hey listen pretty-doll,” he places his hand on your thigh, making you look directly at him. “fuck what people think about you, okay? because let’s be damn honest, it doesn’t fucking matter in the real world.” He looked you directly in your eyes. “cause’ being “skinny” or “petite” isn’t going to stop people from always having a snobby ass opinion, okay? you could be the prettiest girl in the world, and there would be somebody trying pick at a small flaw that doesn’t fucking matter, an you wanna know why? because their fucking miserable and envious.”
as you listened to him, you couldn’t help but find him even more attractive. he genuinely cares about about you enough to let you know that you don’t have to be skinny or petite to fit in because you are fine just the way you are. these feelings you have for billy right now aren’t simmering down, their only growing to a different level.
“look all i’m saying is that you shouldn’t change yourself just because someone else doesn’t prefer you—and i mean i don’t see a damn thing wrong with your body. i love it all.” he said making a smile grow on your face. “really, billy?” you questioned.
“fuck yeah!” he insisted making you giggle a little. “i like your thick thighs, i love your thick curvy figure—and jesus christ don’t get me started on that big, luscious, plump ass of yours” he rolled his eyes to the back of his head as if he was reimagining it, as if you weren’t right there, making you blush.
“but y’wanna know what’s really admirable?” you nodded as you felt the high kick in from the joint, making your eyes lower a little. “that beautiful chubby face of yours, it looks so cute, especially when you smile.” you smile. “see, that’s what i’m talking about,” he reaches forward to lift your chin gently, “that cute smile that i look forward to seeing.”
you didn’t know if it was because of the weed that you were now starting to feel the after-effects of, but you could feel a hot pit of warmth in your lower belly. you could feel the sexual tension throughout the room, and you couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated as the lewd thoughts came running back through your mind.
you shimmied away from his touch, “oh billy, i think you’re just high—“ and you were shocked by his response, he had interrupted you by swiftly leaning forward and placing his lips upon yours. you of course kissed him back as your insides felt like they heating up with joy and excitement. his breath tasted of marijuana and the mint gum that had been long disposed earlier. you both kept a slow pace as slid his big masculine hand amongst your thighs as the other were hold your left cheek. he lowly groaned in the kiss before he pulled away softly and looked into your eyes.
“i’ve been wanting to do that for a while now” he grumbled before biting his bottom lip, making it turn cherry red.
“i can tell, you damn near sucked my face off.” you gave a soft giggles
“I can also kiss…other places doll.” his eyes trailed downwards towards your cunt before looking back up at you.
you couldn’t help but shudder at his his words. you looked at his eyes and they look like they were piercing through you. you noticed that they had became dark of lust. the look in his eyes were so intense you hurriedly looked away.
“uh uh, look at me pretty-doll” he said softly but with a hint of self-dominance. these nicknames weren’t helping with the sexual tension. but you obliged his command.
“no need to be nervous y/n, you can look at me doll, i don’t bite,” your eyes trailed to his pink lips as his face got closer to yours “well unless you want me too”. his face was so close you could feel his breath fanning over your face.
“billy? are you sure you wanna do this?” you questioned before he softly giggled.
“i should be asking you that sweet-cheeks, you look so flustered and hot, and i’ve barely even touched you” he smirked.
he began to press soft kisses on your cheek and jawline, nipping at it before leaning his lips close to your ear. “go ahead and strip for me princess, i want to see you. all of you” he said before leaning back and giving you a smug smirk with his low lustful eyes.
you looked at him to see if there were any hint of playfulness, and he raised an eyebrow he huffed a short breath to let you know that he was waiting patiently oblige to do his soft but dominant command. you slowly stood off of your bed from where he sat and watched your every move. you began to timidly bring your hands down to the hem of your shirt and pulled the shirt over your head, revealing your breasts hugged by your bra.
you could hear billy’s breath hitch in his throat a little as you proceeded to slowly unbutton your denim shorts. “good girl, keep going pretty-doll.” he praised. you pulled down your shorts and shook them of off your ankles as they lightly flew across the room. you could hell be feel exposed, so you quickly try to hide yourself with both of your arms.
he slowly got of the bed and walked towards you. “hey y/n, what did i say? i want to see all of you. not just a specific portion baby girl.” you looked at him with your doe-eyes, “but what about my stretch marks billy?” he swiftly wrapped his hands around you waist and looked down towards you in the eyes. “y/n i’m a grown ass man, i could give a shit about stretch marks. i know what i’m getting myself into.�� he assured.
you didn’t do anything but nod your head. he leaned his head down and roughly pressed his lips back onto yours, making him groan the kiss. you were so into the kiss that you didn’t even notice that he was moving both of your bodies back towards your bed, until you felt your body fall back onto the mattress as he continued to kiss you. he hands were roaming all over your body, leaving you only being in your undergarments. billy starts to move his lips towards your neck and nips a spot on your neck making you let out a small moan as groaned in approval.
he lifts his head up and brings his hands towards the straps of your bra, and slides them down, while you reach behind you to detach it. as soon as you detached it, he eagerly snatched the bra off your arms and threw it behind him. “won’t be needing that.” he said before peppering kisses all over your breasts. he leaned back up and quickly began to undress himself undress from his shirt while you help him unbutton his trousers, and pulled them down to his ankles. “thank you baby” he gave you a smile. “you’re welcome daddy.” he was astounded at those words that left your precious lips.
“god y/n, you’re gonna be the death of me.” he grumbled. he proceed to kiss your breasts as he stuck out his tongue on one of your nipples before sucking on it while he squeezed the other. you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. “please, please billy, don’t stop.” you pleaded. he let go of your nipple with a wet “pop” while into your eyes. “don’t worry i don’t plan to.” he smirked.
you and billy continued kissing as he slid his hands down your body until it reached your lower belly, teasing you before reaching where you wanted him the most. he then proceeded to palm your cunt, making you squirm a little before bucking your hips. he smirk, “you’re suck a needy little slut, aren’t you? don’t worry, i’mma fuck your lights out soon doll. real soon.” he takes his thumb and begins to rub circles on your bundle of nerves.
he feels you getting wetter by the second, and your whimpers and light moans were making him wanna go feral. when you didn’t expect it, he began to put a finger at you causing you to gasp at the sudden action. “ah, shit” you moaned softly as he continued to work his finger into you. “god y/n, you’re so tight” he adds another finger and you begin to moan even louder, feeling him speed up his pace.
“yes, yes, yes billy, fuck you’re making me feel soo good baby, fuck” you threw your head back against your pillows.
he took his fingers out of your pussy, making you whimper at the loss of the pleasurable sensation, and brung his fingers to his lips and put them inside to taste you. “mhmm,” he moaned lowly. “you taste even better than i imagined.” your stomach fluttered.
“but as much as i want to taste more of you, i have to fuck you right here, right now sweet-cheeks.” he quickly got on top of you and kissed you roughly on your plump lips. he reached down and stroked his dick as it leaked of pre-cum. he spreads your legs even wider and places his dick at your entrance, making you shudder. “you ready baby girl?” you nodded almost immediately.
he placed both of his hands on your hips and slowly pushed himself in, inch by inch. you felt the delicious sting of him stretching your tight walls open to the hilt, before he bottomed out. you moans as he gave you slow strokes to adjust you around his cock. when you gave him the green light to speed up his pace, oh baby, did you know that this was going to be the ride of your life.
his pace began to speed up as he grunted and moaned your name. “fuck y/n. you’re so warm and tight. it’s like this pussy loves me pounding into it, shit!” he grunted. you couldn’t do anything but moan in response. no one had ever or could ever fuck you like this. as if he couldn’t fuck you anymore dumb, mid-stroke, he placed both of he hands behind your knees and pushed them to your chest, making him reach that sweet spot to fuck you at a deeper angle. “b-billy, you’re fucking me so good baby” your moaned. “there’s more where that came from doll, open your mouth for me” he smirked.
you obliged and he puckered his lips and spat into you mouth,“swallow, slut.” you listened, “good fucking girl” he continued to pound into you ferociously making you moan even louder. you felt like you were on the verge of cumming and he knew that too, because were clenching down onto him. just when you were about to come he quickly pulled out and flipped you over. he gripped your hips and raised them to his, making your upper body press against the mattress. he slid right back into you, and continued with his rough and quick strokes.
“are you close baby? let daddy know.” you only moaned making him bring down a rough slap to your ass cheek. “speak up, y/n. i need to understand you baby.” he gave you another smack making you jolt forward and gripped your hair into a makeshift ponytail and make you look into his eyes while fucking you. “yes—fuck billy, yes.” you moaned.
“i am too baby, just hold on a little bit longer. we’re gonna cum together” he whispers into your ear. “mhm” you moaned feeling you eyes get heavy from the weed and the overbearing sensation of his dick repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. “i can’t hold it anymore billy”, you whimpered as a few tears fell down your face of feeling like you were finna explode. he continues pounding into you while still pulling your hair that makes you bend back and look him. he leans his face down, stick out his pink tongue, and licks the salty tears that had fell from your eyes, and groaned in pleasure. he moves over to your ear as you continued to take his pounding. “cum.” he said groaned, and you immediately let go making you roll your eyes to the back of your head and let out the loudest moans. a few more strokes later, billy let out a lewd moan and stilled his hips, and came into you.
as you both were coming down from your highs. billy released your hair, and trained kisses all over your back and caressed your hips. he slid out of you, and you whimpered while his cum slipped out of you. he helped you turn back over on your back, and you lay there as he grabbed his boxer’s and went to your bathroom to go clean himself up. you heard the sink running and didn’t pay to much mind to it.
you went to your drawer and grabbed you a big, oversized t-shirt and put it on, before laying back in bed on your back. he came back in your room and stood in front of your legs before spreading them apart. you looked at him in confusion before he placed the warm, damp, cloth on your cunt and help clean you up. when he finished he placed in your dirty hamper by your closet and got right back in bed with you.
“well, i didn’t know that you could handle me like that, billy hargrove” he chuckles lightly before looking in your eyes with his lowered ones.
“oh that wasn’t a problem at all doll,” you smiled as he wrapped his arm around you.
“the question is, can you handle me?”
The End.
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a/n: whew guys! this shit took days for me to do, but it was most definitely worth it ☺️. make sure your guys like, comment, and reblog for more content. i love you guys soo much, and i hope you enjoyed this ! bye <3
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 7 months
My Tbosas fanfic masterlist!!
My requests are open!!!
Of course, my request list/rules:
Request rules and list
Coriolanus Snow:
Romantic headcanons with Gender neutral reader
Coriolanus comforts gender neutral reader who is a tribute
Crush headcanon with Plinth! Female reader
Coriolanus looking through District Twelve for female! reader
Spending time with gender neutral! reader at the lake near District Twelve
Hurt comfort headcanons with male! Victor! Reader
Fluff to hurt/comfort headcanons with male! Reader
Lucy Gray:
Comfort fic in the arena with gender neutral reader
Romantic headcanons with female reader
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Billy Taupe)
Romantic headcanons of Lucy Gray exploring the woods with female! reader
If you were a boy - Lucy Gray x Fem! Reader fic
I'll hide you in my poetry - Lucy Gray x Fem! Covey Member! Reader headcanon & small oneshot
Basic romantic headcanon with female reader
Female reader comforts Sejanus while he's in District Twelve
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Snow! Reader romantic headcanons
Gender neutral reader angst with Sejanus after he's caught
Making peace with my inevitable death - Sejanus Plinth x fem! Reader romantic oneshot
Billy Taupe:
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Lucy Gray)
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Basic romantic headcanons with gender neutral! reader
Fluff headcanons at a party with gender neutral! victor! reader
Are you sick of me? Would you like to be? - Reaper Ash x Fem! Crush Reader romantic crush headcanons
Coral x Gender neutral! Reader romantic headcanons
Intermixed romantic headcanons with gender neutral! Reader within District Four and in the arena
Platonic headcanons with Male! Reader
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Won't you stay with me, my darling? - Treech x Fem! Tribute! Reader romantic hurt comfort fic
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Basic romantic headcanons with female! reader
Dr. Gaul:
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
This is all at the moment, there will be more added later when I get through the eight requests I have going already!!
Thank you all for your support, it's been very fun writing for this fandom!!
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writethrough · 1 year
What if the group (or just reader and Eddie) go to Lover's Lake, and Jason and his goons show up and try to steal reader's clothes and Eddie gets super protective?👀 I even had a thought about both Eddie and Billy ganging up to protect reader but idk how you'd feel about that 🫣
By the Lakeside
(Billy Hargrove x Female Reader x Eddie Munson)
Warnings: Language, Jason Carver & Co., slut-shaming, suggestive situation (I think that's it. Please let me know if you see anything else.)
Word Count: 2881
A/N: Thank you for requesting this, my love! I'm a little iffy about how I wrote Billy in this one. Not sure if he comes off as too AU. I tried to keep him in character. As soon as I saw "both Eddie and Billy," I knew there was no other way to write this. I hope you enjoy!
Moodboard by @steph-speaks
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Finally, after weeks of extra shifts, sick days, after-school activities, and classes: everyone could hang out.
Eddie had gotten the key to Rick’s place after the dealer had been locked up longer than anticipated. Rick said something about if that ever happened again, he needed someone to water his plants—actual house plants, to your surprise.
And since it did happen again, Eddie suggested a day at Lover’s Lake with accommodations courtesy of the inmate. Everyone quickly agreed.
You had all arrived around the same time. Eddie opened your door before dragging out the cooler Wayne had lent you.
El and Max were already in the lake with Mike and Will running to join them. Nancy and Jonathan were setting up their blanket, and Robin was tugging inner tubes out of Steve’s car.
“How many of those did you bring,” you asked as she hooked two on her arm after hanging Steve four.
“They were having a sale, and Steve had some, so,” she did some mental calculations, “ten? Yeah, ten.”
You shook your head in amusement, closed the door for her, and made your way to the rest of the group. Only one person was missing.
Billy said he would meet you after he got off work, then muttered something about “little shits” and “fucking swimming lessons.” He was all bark and no bite when teaching the kids. He guided them through each movement and reassured them when they were scared to try something new.
You remembered the first time you saw him with them. You had to pick him up because his car was in the shop. He had ushered the rest of the kids to get changed but was still talking to a little boy. You didn’t know what they were saying, but whatever Billy had told the kid had been the right thing. The boy had beamed up at Billy and threw his tiny arms around his neck before rushing into the locker room.
Billy crouched there, eyes wide, then a little smile appeared, and he looked up to find you.
“Good day?” you had asked when you were close enough to him.
He shrugged, trying to fight back the smile. “Alright, I guess.”
You kissed his cheek and whispered, “Hurry up, and I’ll make it better.”
Eddie broke you out of your thoughts by wrapping his arms around your waist.
“All set, sweetheart,” he mumbled, kissing the back of your neck.
You hummed and watched as Steve, Dustin, and Lucas rowed into the lake with their fishing rods.
Grabbing Eddie’s arm, you pulled it to look at his watch. Billy would be here soon.
“Wanna sit?” Eddie asked.
You nodded, and he led you to the blanket, pressing against your side once you were both settled. He leaned toward you, his arm behind your back, so he was as close as possible.
“You think about them tipping the boat, too?” A smirk played on his lips.
You snorted. “The second I saw it.”
Eddie let out a laugh and nudged your shoulder. “Great minds, babe. Great minds.”
Your relationship with Eddie and Billy was unique. It had taken some deep conversations between the three of you to work.
You were good for Billy—everyone could see that. Though you and he weren’t together, there was something unspoken that made you off limits—to everyone but Eddie, that was.
He had been your friend for a while before Billy moved to Hawkins. So, when you developed a friendship with Billy, he had to come to terms with the fact that Eddie was more or less part of the package.
You had all been hanging out at your place, the TV on low, Billy’s arm thrown around your shoulders, and Eddie’s head in your lap. And you couldn’t have imagined being anywhere else.
And maybe it was Eddie's brownies or the darkness that made you say, “You both make me happy.”
They must have heard the hidden meaning in your tone because they looked at you in confusion but had the smallest of smiles on their faces. Then, they shared a glance with one another.
“You make me happy, too, sweetheart,” Eddie said.
Billy brushed a thumb along your shoulder. “Only one I give a shit about, baby.”
Their soft words and intense gazes made your cheeks heat up.
“What does…What does this mean? For us?” you asked, fiddling with your fingers.
Eddie tilted your chin up. “Means we should probably talk in the morning. When we’re all more…ourselves.”
You chuckled and nodded. “Good idea.”
Billy pulled you into him more and planted a kiss on the side of your head.
“My answer’ll be the same. Ya know, before you start overthinking,” he said.
Eddie settled back on your lap. “Mine will be, too. Just so you know.”
They were calling you their girlfriend when you woke up.
“Ew!” Robin screeched. “I think a fish slipped between my toes!”
Eddie laughed, making you grin as well.
He offered you a hand, bowing low. “Care for a swim, my lady?”
Instead of taking his hand, you flung your t-shirt over your head and pulled your shorts off.
“What are you waiting for?” you asked when you saw him standing there, eyes wide.
He hurriedly rid himself of his shirt, intertwined your fingers, and tugged you to the lake.
However, neither of you noticed who had just emerged with his two friends as they got closer to where you were set up to get to their car.
“That was the freak, wasn’t it?” Andy asked, turning to the others.
Patrick nodded. “And his little girlfriend, if that’s even the word for her.”
Jason glanced at you and Eddie, then at the blanket on the grass. A slow smirk spread across his face.
He gestured toward it. “Maybe someone should teach her not to be such a slut.”
They snickered when they caught on to what Jason had in mind.
He snatched your clothes, then rummaged through your bag to find the bra and underwear you stashed for later.
The hum of an engine stopped as they continued to their vehicle.
Billy closed his car door, scanning the area for you or Eddie.
He spotted Jason, and his stomach twisted at the familiar shade of green Billy had seen on you this morning. It couldn’t be.
“She acts like a whore, so why does she need these?” Jason laughed, waving the garments around. He was met with a chorus of laughter.
Billy ground his teeth, rushing toward Jason before he could think, and clocked him across the jaw.
Billy grabbed your clothes before they hit the ground and twisted Jason’s arm behind his back.
Jason let out a pained cry.
“You wanna say that again, Carver?” Billy bit out.
“I didn’t say anything!” Jason let out another sharp yell as Billy pushed further.
“You ever do something like this again—you ever call her that again—you’ll be in the ground.” He applied more pressure to Jason’s arm. “Understand?”
“I—I understand! I understand!” Jason promised frantically.
Billy shoved Jason away from him. He wanted to push him back into the dirt as he scrambled to his feet and rushed to the parking lot with his friends.
He turned toward the lake but stopped when he saw you and Eddie walking up to him.
Billy could tell you were shivering after being in the water. Even though Eddie’s arm was thrown around your shoulders.
“Did what I think just happened actually happen?” Eddie asked, nodding to your clothes.
Billy responded by pulling you into his chest and tucking your head into his neck.
“You okay?” he whispered.
Keeping your hands on his sides, you met his eyes. “I think so…I mean, you stopped him, but…why would he take my clothes? What was the point?” The spike in adrenaline muddled your thoughts.
“Carver’s an asshole. Does he need a reason to do anything?” Eddie rubbed your back, throwing Billy a look.
You narrowed your eyes. “What?”
They were both silent for a moment before Billy spoke. “He did it ‘cause of us.”
“Us?” You tilted your head. “I know we’re not the most conventional couple, but stealing my clothes? Really?” You bit the inside of your cheek, then shook your head. “He needs to mind his own damn business.”
Billy squeezed your hip. “He ever bothers you again, you tell me.” He glanced at Eddie. “Same for you.”
Eddie saluted, breaking the remaining seriousness. “Aye, aye, Captain!”
You breathed a laugh, and Billy rolled his eyes, but the barest of smirks graced his lips.
“You still wanna stay?” Billy asked, gripping your hand.
You looked over your shoulder at the rest of your friends, laughing and splashing each other. It felt like forever since you’d all been able to hang out, and you weren’t going to let Jason Carver, of all people, ruin your day with the ones you loved.
“I really do,” you said.
Eddie tugged on your other hand. “Then, let’s get going!”
Billy set your clothes on the blanket, stripping his shirt and shoes as Eddie didn’t stop until you were in the lake.
Billy joined you, wrapping his arms around your waist and chuckling as Eddie dunked Dustin. The boys probably realized they wouldn’t catch anything with the rest of you there.
You vaguely heard the shutter of Jonathan’s camera, him giving a thumbs up when he noticed you looking.
Eddie slowly made his way over to you, soaked after Max pulled him under by his ankles.
“Your sister’s brutal,” Eddie said, though his grin contradicted his complaint.
Billy shrugged. “She plays to win.”
“At least it was her and not El.” You nodded toward the girl as she dunked Mike with her powers. “You had a fighting chance.”
Eddie rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. “Ha ha, you’re so funny.”
He put his hands on your waist above Billy’s on your hips. And you had to remind yourself that you were surrounded by your friends—no privacy to be found.
However, neither of them seemed to care as they stepped impossibly closer, their chests pressed against you, and you were sure they felt your breath quicken.
Billy’s lips grazed along your shoulder and neck, letting you feel their softness without kissing you outright. Eddie did the same but trailed from your jaw to your collarbone.
Your breath hitched when they hit soft spots simultaneously, and their smirks on your skin nearly made your knees buckle.
“You’re both terrible,” you whispered, barely finding your voice.
They chuckled.
“You love it.” Billy’s words rumbled against your back.
“She definitely does.” Eddie nipped the juncture of your neck, his thumbs moving to graze the underside of your breasts to let you know he felt your body’s reaction through your swimsuit.
One hand rested on Eddie’s stomach as your other slipped into Billy’s hair.
“Hey! Just a reminder that I can see you guys!” Robin shouted, her hands cupped around her mouth. “And children! There are children present!”
All three of you laughed, and you sent her a shy smile.
Billy buried his head in your neck while Eddie took your cheeks and kissed you sweetly—a temporary ceasefire.
“The food’s gonna get cold if you guys don’t move it!” she shouted again.
You bit your lip, grabbing both of their hands and pulling them out of the water.
Eddie wrapped a towel around your shoulders.
“You sit. I’ll get you some food,” he said before walking to Steve at the grill.
When Eddie returned, the three of you settled onto the blanket, surrounded by your friends. Jonathan snapped pictures of everyone, and El insisted that she get one with each person. Once developed, she’d have a particularly funny one of her giving Billy bunny ears.
After you finished eating, there were still some blueberries on your plate.
“You all done, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, pointing to the fruit.
You nodded, pushing your plate toward him.
The little smirk on Eddie’s face should’ve told you what he was planning.
He gingerly picked one up and threw it right at Steve.
“What the hell?” Steve’s brow furrowed, and in the midst of facing Eddie, he was hit in the forehead with another.
You couldn’t help your giggle as you leaned back into Billy.
Steve stood with a handful of his own berries and retaliated. Both of them ran around until they were out of ammo, and by that point, they were close enough to the water for Steve to tackle Eddie into it.
There were boos and shouts of victory amongst your friends, and you felt Billy’s chest shake as he laughed.
The sun began to set as they walked back.
Eddie flopped down, grinning. “I think I won.”
Billy scoffed. “In what world did you win?”
“In the one where I get to kiss a pretty girl ‘cause she takes pity on me.” Eddie’s grin only widened.
You rolled your eyes fondly and gave him a quick kiss.
“Better?” you asked.
You all sat watching the sky shift from navy to orange and pink. Eddie had pulled his hair back before laying his head in your lap. Your hand moved up and down as it rested on his chest.
“You ready to call it a night, baby?” Billy whispered in your ear, catching Eddie’s attention.
“I know we said about staying here, but would you wanna head home?” Eddie asked. “I know Billy stopped anything from happening, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it to be just us tonight.”
“Was thinking the same,” Billy said, kissing your temple. “Wanna love on you in private.”
You hummed. “I think I’d be okay with that.”
You turned, your forehead touching Billy’s lips, smiling softly.
After saying goodbye to everyone and Eddie handing Steve the van keys. You were on your way home in Billy’s car.
Eddie unlocked the apartment door, a hand on your back for you to enter first.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower,” you said.
“Movie?” Eddie asked.
The shower gave you time to think about what had happened.
Jason was prepared to steal your clothes, and not only that, he had gone through your bag to find your bra and underwear. And even though Billy told you why Jason did it, you only started to internalize it at this moment.
Your relationship with Billy and Eddie wasn’t what others expected. You knew when they had seen you walking around with one or the other, they assumed you were cheating. Then, the gossip really ignited when you were first seen with both of them, your hand on Billy’s elbow and the other holding Eddie's.
You had eyes on you in the grocery store and caught parts of conversations between people trying to be quiet.
Isn’t that…?
She’s with both of those guys?
Do you think they’re making her do it?
Those were bad enough, but then there were the people who took things too far.
You think she takes them both?
Wonder if I can be the fourth.
Fucking skank.
It didn’t get to you much anymore. You had boyfriends in the past, but nothing could compare to the trust and communication with Billy and Eddie. You loved them with everything you had, and they loved you.
They drowned out everyone’s comments with their reassurances. And soon enough, you rarely notice it.
The novelty of your relationship died down, most people not even batting an eye. But Jason and his friends could never let it go. It was like they were…offended by it—like it was so unnatural, so dirty, so foul, that it was up to him to cleanse it. He wanted to fit everything into a little box, and when it didn’t, there was no telling what he’d do.
You dried off, threw on a pair of shorts, and swiped one of Billy’s shirts.
When you finished, the movie was ready, and popcorn sat on the coffee table.
You took your spot between them, leaning your back into Eddie once he threw his arm across the couch and placing your legs on Billy’s lap. His hand drew patterns from your toes to your knees.
The movie was halfway over when your earlier thoughts returned. And you looked at Billy, the light from the TV illuminating him.
He must have felt it because he glanced your way, then gave you a small smile.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Thank you,” you said, reaching a hand out for him to take.
“For what?”
Eddie paused the movie.
“For stopping Jason,” you said.
Eddie shifted, making you move so you could see both of them.
“You don’t need to thank me, baby,” Billy said, glancing at Eddie.
“Yeah, sweetheart, we’ll always have your back. We’ll always protect you,” Eddie said.
“I know.” You kissed Eddie. “I know.” Then Billy. “I just needed you both to know how grateful I am for you two.”
“Trust me. We know,” Eddie said.
Billy nodded. “And we feel the same about you.”
You smiled, looking down, then back.
“Love you both,” you mumbled shyly.
“Love you, too,” Eddie said, kissing your shoulder.
“Love you.” Billy brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
You snuggled further into them, letting their warmth sink into you as Eddie pressed play.
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Taglist: @phenomenal-bird @moonlightfountain
If you'd like to be notified when I post fics, please message me or comment with the character of your preference. You can find the characters I write for under Masterlist or Requests in my bio.
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arcielee · 5 months
Closing Time
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Summary: You and Billy do your best to make time for one another. Paring: Billy Washington x Female!Reader Word Count: 1895 Warnings: Semi-public sex, kissing shenanigans, teasing, oral (f receiving), p in v unprotected. Author's Note: This is in the same universe, just a smutty continuation inspired by the wonderful, the brilliant @helaelaemond. I cannot thank you enough and I hope I did your husband justice. Thank you to my brilliant beta reader Angsti, my beloved. 💜 Dividers by @saradika 💜
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Billy could be considered your favorite customer.
There was a bias, of course, since you lived together, though lately your schedules were conflicting. You had made the choice to finish your degree while continuing with your shifts at the coffeehouse, to help with income but also because your boss liked you enough to flex with your academic schedule. Meanwhile, Billy had finished his suspended sentence and had impressed enough to receive a job opportunity to work at a warehouse, though its shifts were a bit grueling with four days on for three days off. 
But it allowed you to find time together with the fourth day becoming something habitual between you two: he would come in to wait around until you were done with closing, and then you would walk home together. Eventually, your boss allowed Billy to remain indoors once the seasons changed, but only after he had insisted on paying for the free flat you had poured him. 
“Such a nice boy,” she tutted along with her permission, though you knew she preferred having a second closer that did not require a separate payroll. 
This night felt different. You were aglow from the moment he dipped through the door frame, his cheeks pink from the growing cold outside. Winter was pressing in and the time shift now tucked the sun away earlier, making the days shorter and encouraging a homebody mentality overall.
Billy was seated with his mug–a holiday treat made by you–and his eyes rapt to you, watching as you escorted the last customers out, locking the door behind them. 
You were well aware of his unwavering stare throughout your shift, now following your movements as you ticked off your closing duties. You were playing into his want, into his desire that swirled and mixed with the black consuming the blue of his eyes. A smile hints at your lips with the sway of your hips, your languid steps that saunter towards a neighboring table, bending over to unduly arrange the holiday decoration. Your lips curl upwards when you hear him finally stand up. 
His chair scrapes against the linoleum floor, the light switch flipping off to cast the coffeehouse in half shadows, half golden glow of the street lights spilling through the windows. His muted steps come up behind you and you feel the press against your backside, his large hands touching your hips and moving to pull you upright, wrapping around until you are flush to his chest. Billy tucks his head into the curve of your neck with a deep inhale, a gentle kiss. 
“We’re closed, sir,” you tease, turning in his embrace to face him. 
He hums in response, his large palms now resting on your hips with a tantalizing squeeze that sends a jolt towards your core. “I’m almost done, Billy,” you continue with your coy tone, “I think I just have this table and then the bartop–” 
He stops you with a kiss. His mouth is warm with the taste of peppermint and chocolate, a drink he only enjoys when you make it for him. Billy steps closer to you, his hands following your curves to cradle your lower back, guiding steps until your backside presses against the solid oak table. 
A sigh accompanies your smile now and his tongue curls into your mouth, moving in tandem with your own in response. It is slow, it is searching, it is swallowing your soft noises that threaten to spill and dragging the air from your lungs. 
You are dizzy when he pulls away. “Billy…” is all you can manage, your voice barely a whisper.
His nose and cheeks are stained crimson, a crooked smile as he looks you over. “I missed you,” is all that he offers before he captures your mouth again. 
Your arms reach to wrap around his neck and he circles your waist, crushing you against his chest. You can feel the heat of his palms following the slope of your back and cupping below your ass, lifting you enough until you are seated on top of the table. 
He kneels in front of you and you peer down to watch his long fingers untie your laces, removing one shoe. You quickly toe off the other. Billy looks up, eyes glittering, shining with his desire. “Look at you,” he breathes, standing up to slot himself between your plush thighs; your breath hitches, your fingers grappling to unbutton your jeans; his fingers dipping into the waistline and peeling them away. “So beautiful.” 
Your felicity that has been thrumming beneath now rises to the surface, a flush of red that spreads from your face to your neck and lower. “Billy,” your tone is soft and you reach to tuck your fingers in the waist of his joggers, pulling him to close the space created between, “I need you, please.” 
His palms cup your face. “So needy,” he murmurs and then kisses you again with a new tensity that curls your freed toes. Billy then pulls away to remove your uniform top over your head, his hand pressing to your chest, “I wanna go slow. Lay back for me, pretty, and raise your arms above your head.”
And you do just as he asks. 
One hand wraps around your wrists, holding them to the table, and then Billy leans forward until his lips are barely flitting across your skin, his hot exhale causing it to rise. He takes his time, nipping and kissing and licking, careful to cherish your soft curves until your blood simmers to the surface, until your writhe and plead beneath him. 
“So beautiful,” he murmurs again, pulling back so his other hand can dip between your thighs. He cups your still clothed cunt and you cry pitifully. His hum is low: “I love the sounds you make,” he admits, his dimples lining his cheeks. 
He finally releases your wrists and your hands move to clamp the edge of the table to brace as you lift your hips, allowing him to finally pull away your underwear. You tilt your chin to your chest, blinking, your eyes wet from your want, watching his smile spread still when he tells you: “I want you to spread your thighs for me.”
They tremble when you do and Billy grabs a chair, pulling up to the table. Your skin pickles when his warm hands press to the insides and push further, dipping his head between. His hold dimples into your skin, pulling you closer to the table edge, his tongue finally tasting you. You mewl tearfully and his moan reverberates your bones beneath, his mouth finally latching to the bloom of nerves above. 
Billy knows you, knows your body. His tongue follows the intricate grooves, a merciless suckle until your pleasure is splintering into your bloodstream and returning with vigor to your core. You gasp from the craftful curl of his finger, coaxing that spot within you that has you seeing stars. 
He feels the flutter of your walls and hums against your cunt, his tongue continuing to pull a pleasure that courses through your veins. It flares to the ends of your nerves until you feel alight, aglow, and you cry out with your release that pulls the air from your lungs and splits you into a thousand pieces, now floating above. 
It is the warmth of his palm that grounds you, guides you, returns you back to your flesh again, aflame and breathless. He is standing now with his hand pressing between your breasts, feeling your heart bruising against, feeling the rise and fall as you slowly catch your breath. 
Your name sounds far away and you look up to Billy. “Good girl,” he praises, his voice low, gravelly. 
You feel dazed, a chill from your post-climax sheen. You also see the swell of him pressing against the crotch of his joggers, his hand dipping to grab the base and pull it above his waistband. There is a genial glide as he sinks into your warm heat, a fill so satisfying that you can still feel the aftershocks of your peak pulsing around his girth.
Billy takes a sharp breath, pausing to compose himself, a red stain on his cheeks with his concentration. “You feel perfect,” he rasps, his hands moving to the outside of your thighs, coming to hold onto your hips. “You’re just…perfect.”   
He moves, his pace brutal but unhurried, and filling you with each thrust. You see flashes of color in the darkness of the shop, your pleasure now white and hot, building and bursting in front of your eyes with each snap of his hips against yours.
“Billy,” you whine, your ankles hooking behind him.
He presses his thumb to your bottom lip and you take it in your mouth, your tongue quick to suckle and coat with your spit. Billy pulls his hand away and presses with intention to a spot he knows so intimately. 
Your back arches with his touch and his other hand grips into the softness of your hips. “I got you,” his voice is low, hoarse, punctuated with how his hips rut against you. “I know, I know. I can feel you,” and he draws a shaky inhale, “and you feel so perfect…” 
You shatter with his words, a tensity that pulls lower, deeper, until it rattles you to the marrow of your bones. Billy follows after you with the hot pulse of his cock buried in your velvet walls, and your cunt clenches with his release, your thighs tightening around his slender waist. 
After a moment, Billy leans forward with golden curls of his sandy locks on his damp brow. He presses a kiss to your hairline and his movement sends another trill of pleasure through you, faint but delicious. His hands grab hold of your thighs and rests them on top of the table where you lay, boneless. 
“I believe you might be one of my favorite customers,” you finally say, pushing to your elbows to watch as he tucks himself back into his joggers.
He chuckles. “I wonder how I can become your favorite?” He bends over to grab your puddle of clothes, coming back to give a chaste kiss on your mouth. “Where did I put your shoes–?” 
You push to sit upright, your fingers clawing into his shirt and pulling him back towards you. Billy looks at you, his brow lifting in amusement, but follows, allowing you to wrap your arms around his waist and burrowing your head onto his chest. He wraps his arms around you and presses another kiss to the top of your head.
“Let’s go home, Billy.”
His hands drop to both sides of you and your arms fall away, looking up to meet with his eyes. The blue has returned, still brilliant in the shadows of the shop. “We should probably wipe this table off first.”
And you dress quickly, remembering to count down the till, peering over to watch his lean form hunch over the table, thorough to wipe away the smell of sex that was pungent in the crisp air filling the coffeehouse. 
Outside, your breath is white and dissipates quickly above. You lock the door and then knit your fingers with Billy’s, which he tucks away into the warmth of his coat pocket. You press close, smiling as you begin to walk home. Together. 
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Taglist [Tumblr kindred spirits]: @aaaaaamond @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @sylasthegrim @fan-goddess @httpsdoll @theromanticegoist @assortedseaglass @theoneeyedprince @babyblue711 @itbmojojoejo @girlwith-thepearlearring @lauraneedstochill @theobjectofyourire @troublesomesnitch @multyfangirl
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arcie's masterlist
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blackreaderfics · 10 months
Pinky Promises | Clark Kent x Reader
↳ Pairing : MAWS Clark Kent x Fem!Reader
↳ Rating :  PG
↳ Summary : childhood friends meet again under unlikely circumstances
↳ W.C : ~1.3k
↳ Tags: fluff, mild language, flashback, childhood friends, extrovert!reader x introvert!clark, reader giving manic pixie dream girl vibes, heat vision when excited/agitated/stressed, mixed in some MoS backstory 
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“Give them back!” Clark swiped at the older boy who was now dangling his glasses high above his head. 
“Or what, four eyes?” His bully since the first day of middle school, Billy sneered. “I just wanna see ’em.”
Clark knew that wasn’t true. Every time Billy wanted to “see” something he’d just outright take it without giving it back. It started with his pencils, which was innocuous enough, until it moved on to the lunches his mom packed, and even his new sneakers at one point. 
Clark was okay with losing those things. He had plenty of pencils, and he was never really that hungry. He could try and fly home if worst came to worst too, but his glasses were the one thing he couldn’t give up to Billy.
The first time his heat vision had flared up, Billy had spilled his carton of milk in his lap on purpose, making it look like Clark had peed himself in front of half the school. He’d almost burned a hole into the school lunch table out of embarrassment. The second time happened on that same day, after school when he’d snapped at his mother for prying too much, singeing the doorframe. 
A few days later Martha Kent would give him a special pair of glasses that she’d made herself using the glass of the spaceship he landed in. And upon seeing her gift, he’d bury his face into his mother’s arms as an apology and a ‘thank you’.
“How the hell are you even seeing through these?” Billy inspected the glasses, all the while avoiding Clark’s reach. “They don’t even work. Just a piece of garbage.”
Clark could feel his anger rising and a prickling heat behind his eyes. Reflexively he squeezed his eyes shut and stumbled, tripping backward from Billy’s rough shove.
“What? You crying, loser?” He taunted. “Don’t worry I’ll take out the trash for you.” Billy wound up, preparing to throw the glasses like a baseball.
“Hey! Leave him alone you big bully!” 
Clark peeked his eyes open to see you barreling down the road wielding a baseball bat and already swinging wildly. 
Clark had heard about you offhandedly from his peers. You were like a Smallville Middle School urban legend mostly for your weird outfits and lack of filter. Unlike Clark, no one dared to bully you for fear of your unpredictable nature. Even Billy, big as he was, knew better than to stick around to test it.
“That’s right! You better run!” You shouted as Billy escaped. 
Clark blinked dumbly back at you, and even more dumbly when he felt his glasses being placed back on his face. Your face was close, and your mouth was moving but he could only hear the sound of his heartbeat thumping in his ears. Your tugging him to his feet was what finally pulled him back to reality.
“—and if any one bothers you again they’re gonna have to go through me! And if I’m not there you better fight back and kick his butt, Clark!”
You held out a pinky, the look on your face leaving no room for Clark to refuse it. He linked his pinky with your own, marking the beginning of your friendship along with the unofficial beginning of Clark’s crush on you. The next day you would sit next to him at lunch, naturally, as if you had always been friends.
The Kents began to notice that their usually quiet son was visibly happier and becoming much more talkative. Imagine Martha Kent’s surprise when a phone call for Clark came into the house phone, and a female voice was on the other end.
Jonathan Kent would be equally surprised when he accidentally picked up the house phone and overheard Clark talking to you excitedly about his favorite book series. Needless to say, they would hint incessantly to Clark that he should invite his new “friend” over for dinner.
It wasn’t long before you were inseparable; and for all of middle school everywhere he was, you were not far off. Until one day you told him you were moving away, 100 miles away to be exact, to Metropolis.
You would pinky promise each other to keep in touch but as you both got busier and Clark discovered more about his own origins, the letters and phone calls became more sparse until communication stopped entirely.
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10 years later
The one day you decided to get your hair done was the day some eldritch abomination decided to descend upon the city of Metropolis. 
You were used to it by now; you had your fair share of close calls. Most people would hole themselves up in their apartments and never come out with all the intermittent attacks lately, but you weren’t most people and in your opinion, living in fear was not living at all.
So when you found yourself falling to your death from a building, you accepted your fate and braced yourself for the inevitable impact. Only...it never came. You did feel your cheek resting against something hard though, and when you looked up at what seemed to break your fall, you found yourself face to face with the “Man of Steel” himself: Superman.
“Fear not, citizen. You’re safe now.” You could hear his deep voice rumble from his chest to your ear as he spoke.
When Clark finally got a good look at your face, it felt like he was back in Smallville again, back to the day you’d chased Billy off. Back to the moment your face had filled his vision entirely; All he could see was you. He almost blurted out your name out of surprise until he remembered he was supposed to be a hero now and not Clark Kent, the farm boy.
“You look…” You began but then trailed off as you stared at his face. You were breathless from everything; the fall, the chaos, and now the handsome man who made you feel safe in his arms. You couldn't quite place it, but he looked oddly familiar. “You look a lot like someone I know.” 
“I…get that a lot, Ma’am.” Clark tried to sound professional and not alarmed at the fact that there was a chance you’d recognize him. “Get to safety quickly.” He recovered the authority in his voice, but it was now clashing with his reddening face. When he set you down, you wondered why the charismatic superhero you’d seen on TV seemed much shyer in person.
“Well, I would but--” Your eyes both drifted to where he still had a protective arm circled around your waist, pulling you close to his body. Upon realizing he hadn’t let you go, he jerked his arm away to give an awkward salute. 
You gave him a curious look; He was so jumpy and…cute? Oh god, it was killing you. Where had you seen that face before?
A loud crash accompanied by a guttural roar from the 50-foot-tall monster in the background saved Clark from further embarrassment. “Well, uh, that’s my cue.” 
“Hey, Superman?” You suddenly spoke up as he turned around.
He paused to look back at you, mid-preparation for flight.
“Kick its fucking ass!”
And with that, he returned you a bashful smile with a thumbs up and took off into the air.
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That night, after a long fight with the inter-dimensional threat, Clark had gotten a voicemail from his Mom saying that you had called her asking for his number. Not shortly after, his phone vibrated, an unknown number with a Metropolis area code filling the screen. It must’ve been you.
“Hey, it’s me, Y/N. Something reminded me of you today." His heart leaped. Ten years later and yet your voice still made his heart rate erratic; a form of muscle memory.
"I got your number from your Mom," You continued. "Do you…still remember that promise we made when we were kids? The day before I moved.” You talked to him like you’d never left. Like you were picking back up a conversation that began yesterday and not a decade ago.
How could Clark possibly forget? And what happened to ‘Hello, how are you?’ But being too embarrassed to say it out loud, he could only breathe out a shaky “Y-yea. I remember.”
On a warm summer day, you made rings out of dandelions and a half-joking pinky promise that you would marry each other someday. 
You were kids who didn’t know much about marriage or how it worked exactly, but you knew that’s what people did if they liked each other enough. And there was no doubt that you both liked each other because that pinky promise was the first and only one that had been sealed with a kiss.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
As Long As I’m Here…
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♡o。.✿ฺ Paring // Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
♡o。.✿ฺ Summary // Ghost finally wants someone, you, for himself but he knows not everyone can have their happy ending, no matter how perfect everything seems to be, everyone has their cracks.
♡o。.✿ฺ (A/n) // Inspired by “everything i wanted” by Billie Eilish. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the bittersweet, I wanted to write something with Ghost that wasn’t just angst. And requests are still open!!
♡o。.✿ฺ Word Count // 520
♡o。.✿ฺ Content Warnings // Female reader, angst-to-fluff, small mentions of abuse, light swearing, pet names (love)...
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You were lucky, you are lucky. Ghost allowed you to see parts of him that he promised himself to never show, and it stole his heart of how kind and willing you are, waiting patiently for him. You showed no resentment or anger, you just waited for him. It’s what made Ghost decide to finally sleep, having you in his arms, the warmth of your body warmed his heart and finally, he believed he could have someone for himself.
But when in time, when Ghost tried his damn hardest to help you, he never expected you to drop it each time. Yet he waited, patiently, day and night, he knew he was reaching his end but he knew that forcing you to share would be the end of your relationship.
“How are you feeling?” Ghost carefully asks, he sat in bed next to you, cup of tea in hand and a book resting on his lap.
“Fine.” You responded, trying to ignore what happened last night.
Ghost sets his tea on the ground, book to the side, “Come ‘ere.” He drags you into his arms, “I know you’re not alright. But I’m here.”
“...I’m sorry-”
“You have nothing to apologize for, it wasn’t your fault.” Ghost keeps you trapped in his arms, hearing your breathing become staggered, “Breathe love.”
Ghost slammed the cupboard by accident, and your gasp worries him. He turns to you, “Are you alright?”
You fidget with your hands for a moment before silently nodding your head, “You just scared me is all.”
The next came when Ghost was cooking, all he heard was soft humming, “Can you pass me the salt?”
“Oh yeah.” You reached over the counter, but a little too close to the pan.
Your elbow hits the panhandle, nearly knocking over the pan if it wasn’t for Ghost grabbing the hot pan and pushing it back on the stove, “Shit.” He quietly curses, “You alright?” Ignoring the searing pain coming from his hands, “Are you hurt?”
“N-no but Ghost, your hands…”
“It’s nothing, just a burn.” He turns off the stove and turns on the faucet, running his hands under it. He thought all was well until he heard you sniffle, seeing you holding back tears, “Hey, I’m fine.” But the words fall dead on your ears.
“Don’t be mad.” You cower in fear, “I’m so sorry.” You cry.
In the four years Ghost had lived with you, he’s never seen you act like this. But it made him question, did he ever notice? The fear in your eyes was recognizable, one that a child has when fearing more than the anger of their parents.
“Come ‘ere.” Ghost softly speaks, removing his hands from the water and drying it on his clothing, “Please.”
Ghost holds you in his arms, “I’m so sorry love.” Careful not to raise his voice, “I could never be angry at you.”
You continue to cry in his chest, “I’m sorry.” He remains silent, “It’s my fault.”
“That’s not true.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeat.
“It’s alright love, I’m here, and I ain’t gonna let anything happen to you.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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