#billy loomis x gn! reader
(billy loomis x gn! reader)
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⋆★ word count : 1,275
⋆★ warnings : angst, severe sadness, mentions of death, idk what else to warn abt!!
⋆★ abt : reader and Billy are all lovey dovey, then it all goes down hill from there
⋆★ extra : n/a
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You were a new student at Woodsboro High School, and you didn't really know anyone. You sat alone in the cafeteria when a group of students walked in. You recognized one of them as Billy Loomis, the most popular guy in school. Most girls talked about him so you picked up quick on that. He was surrounded by his friends, but he looked bored and uninterested in their conversation.
You couldn't help but stare at him. He was tall, with dark hair and dark brown eyes that you could get lost in. You had seen him around school before, but you had never talked to him. He was always surrounded by his friends, and you were far too shy to approach him.
But one day, you were walking home from school when you saw Billy sitting alone on a bench. He was staring at the ground, clearly lost in thought. You mustered up the courage to approach him. Thinking your head it was a bad idea once you got close enough.
"Hey, Billy," you said, trying to sound casual. you failed at that, you were obviously nervous.
He looked up at you, surprised. "Hey," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. eyes locked on yours.
You sat down next to him, and there was an awkward silence between you. You didn't know what to say, and he seemed to be lost in thought again.
After a few minutes, he spoke up. "I'm sorry if I seem out of it," he said. "I just have a lot on my mind."
You nodded, not knowing what else to say. But then he surprised you by opening up to you. He told you about his parents' divorce, and how he was struggling to deal with it. He talked about how he felt like he had to put on a brave face for his friends, but how he was really hurting inside.
You listened to him, and you could tell that he was relieved to have someone to talk to. You didn't judge him or try to fix his problems. You just listened and offered him a sympathetic ear.
From that day on, you and Billy became friends. You would often see him sitting alone on the bench, lost in thought, and you would sit down next to him. You would talk about anything and everything, and he would open up to you more and more.
Eventually, your friendship turned into something more. You would sneak away from school and spend hours talking in private. He would hold your hand and tell you how much he appreciated you. You would kiss under the stars, and he would tell you that he loved you.
You never would have guessed that the most popular guy in school would fall for you, but he did.
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Skip to 13 months in the future, a month or so after your one year anniversary. Your relationship with Billy was going strong, and you were happy. But then, everything changed. People in your town started getting murdered, and the killer was still on the loose. You were scared, but you had Billy to protect you. He was strong and brave, and he promised to keep you safe.
But then, you found out that Billy was the killer. That night at the party, You weren’t supposed to be there, but you snuck over anyways later on because Tatum wanted you there. Little did you know that night was going to ruin you forever. You arrived late, the front door was locked and you knocked a couple of times no one answered. So you went around the back to get in the garage way, or the back door at-least. You saw Tatum hanging from the small doggie door, on the garage door. You’d let out the most piercing and raw scream, tears filling your eyes you couldn’t handle seeing her like this. You’d ran over to her trying to wake her up, it didn’t work you knew it wouldn’t but you had to try. After trying to regain your composure, it obviously didn’t work. You still tried though, but that image of her will always be ingrained into your brain.
Then the worry and hurt started to get worse, adrenaline building up. You knew Billy was at this party so you walked past Tatums body and went inside. It was a stupid idea but you weren’t thinking about your safety only his. You started to feel the tears coming again; the thoughts of Billy gone flooding your head. Then you heard it, as you reached the door. Sidney panicking over to Stu, then the ghostface voice “Surprise Sidney “.
The shock you felt couldn’t be described, then again it got worse. He and Billy then revealed that they were both the killer. You couldn’t handle it, this and Tatum you started sobbing hard. You got scared knowing how loud you were and that they definitely would have heard you; you started backing away from the garage door that lead into the house, then Billy came into the garage knife in hand, covered in blood.
You’d never felt so betrayed and hurt in your life, it was a gut wrenching discovery. At first you didn’t want to believe it, your Billy? your sweet Billy, the man you’ve spent the last 13 months with; laughing, bonding and most of all trusting each other. He had opened up to you let you in and you had done the same, you knew things were bad with him and his mental health. But you hadn’t thought he could have done such heinous acts. He had been working with his friend Stu to.. murder people. Your classmates. Your principal. You just couldn't believe that the person you loved was capable of such terrible things.
Billy tried to explain himself, but you couldn't listen. You blocked everything he said out, everything was a blur at this point. Your head feeling hazy and your mind going blank. You were too hurt, betrayed, tired, everything just happened so fast. You ran away from him, and you didn't look back. You ran so fast and so far, you didn’t even notice how far you had ran until you collapsed on the side of the road. You then called the police, you did it so fast you could barely comprehend that you did it.
You were traumatized by what had happened, even if it wasn’t directly at you the pain and guilt of being with a man so sinister. Him being so evil right under your nose and you didn’t even notice. You couldn't sleep, you couldn't eat, and you couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. You felt like your world had been turned upside down.
You tried to talk to your therapist about what had happened, but they didn't understand. They didn't know what it was like. They didn't know what it was like to be scared all the time. You felt like you were alone in the world, and you didn't know how to cope. You started having panic attacks, and you couldn't leave your house without feeling like all eyes were on you.
It took a long time for you to heal from what had happened. You went to therapy, and you talked to your family about your feelings. You slowly started to feel like yourself again. But you knew that you would never be the same. You would always carry the scars of what had happened with you. You would always wonder how you could have been so blind to Billy's true nature. You would always be scared of falling in love again.
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sethcertified · 1 year
Poly Billy & Stu x Male Reader
Where reader has been canceling plans and spending time with Randy when the three promised to hang out or just generally ditching them for him and they’re hella jealous? Like wanting to keep reader on a leash so he can’t run away anymore jealous.
「 JEALOUSY KILLS ! 」 . . . 📁
scream : billy loomis, stu macher
w.c: 3.2k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . Billy and Stu confront you, raging in jealousy, after seeing you with Randy at Stu’s party; the man you had been ditching Billy and Stu for
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, & male reader
Macher parties were your least favorite. They always consisted of the people you hated the most: snobbish highschoolers that didn't give anyone below their social standards the time of day unless it benefited them somehow. You were bare witness to this in real time as a highschooler yourself.
You could usually count on the company of Billy or Stu to keep you occupied. For a while, at least. Yet they developed the habit of seemingly forgetting your presence as the party raged on. They would hang out with you for the first couple minutes of the party, but leave you alone at one point or another. Usually to hang out with Sidney or Tatum. It had happened again and again, and by now, you were sick of it. Standing alone in the corner as people you hate surrounded you was not fun in the slightest.
So you invited Randy.
Billy sat on the living floor, beer in hand, as Stu sat beside him. Billy was used to having Stu as company, and don't get him wrong, Stu is his best-friend, but there's a limit as to how much Billy can listen to the other man ramble. "Can't believe Will was able to do that! A keg-stand with one hand? I wish I could do that. Whadda ya think, Bill?" Billy's name escaping Stu's mouth caused Billy to look to the blonde boy who had been talking to him for... awhile.
Billy felt himself down the last few drops of beer as he cleared his head. It wasn't common for him to zone out. In fact, he would consider himself to be a great listener. Although, you kinda have to be when being not only best friends but also boyfriends with Stu Macher. But today, something else had caught his attention completely.
Stu flops against the wall as he realizes just how much Billy had been listening for. His gaze flickers to Billy, catching a glimpse of what had ruptured Billy's attention for the past half hour.
You, in all your glory, sipping on your drink in the most angelic way possible. A dark blue sweater draped over your body in a simple but beautiful way. Blue is your color, Stu thinks. No wonder Billy was staring at you. He looks back over to said man, watching as his eyes darken and his jaw tense. Confused, Stu looks back to where you stood, noticing the thing that was bugging Billy. "Is that?"
"Randy," says Billy, in a way that makes it seem like what he's looking at is the most absurd and repulsive thing he's ever seen. Stu mouth falls agape as his eyes catch sight of you, laughing as you touch Randy's forearm. "What is he doing with [Name]?"
Billy lets out a sarcastic chuckle. "What do you think?" Stu's eyes narrow as you laugh at some joke Randy made. He had noticed you two getting closer recently. Hell, you even ditched Billy and Stu to hang out with him more than once! But there was no way you two were-
Maybe you were. "They're not- right, Billy? [Name] wouldn't date Randy." Stu asked, panic and jealousy apparent in his tone. Billy sighs as he lips press into a stern line. "I don't know."
"What if they are?" Stu asks.
"We kill Randy," Billy says nonchalantly but there's something dark underlying his words. "Give [Name] a shoulder to cry on, make him ours. Simple." Stu nods along to Billy's words, but doubt still clouds his mind. "What if that doesn't work."
"It will. And if it doesn’t… I’ll put him on a leash if I have to," is all Billy says before going silent once more. His gaze is glued to you and Randy. You are still smiling at him and talking. But that's okay, Billy reasons. When you're comfortable with someone, you love to talk. You could spend hours rambling about the latest movie you saw or the newest episode of your favorite tv show. That doesn't mean you're dating him. Right?
And smiling? That was nothing. You smile at everything. Something both you and Stu had in common. Hell, you even smile at strays. And, to Billy, Randy was extremely familiar to a stray, wild, animal.
Can't be wilder than you and Stu though. Or did you forget who you are, ghostface?
Billy frowns at the thought. You didn't know. Both Billy and Stu had guaranteed that. But what if you did? What if that was the reason you had started to ditch them for the likes of Randy? Everything you had done with them was stuff you were know doing with Randy, after all.
The first time you had ditched them for Randy was on your weekly movie night. After you had yet to show up after an hour, they had gone out looking for you. They eventually found you sneaking him into a movie theater to see the new Hellraiser movie. Something you had promised to watch with Billy and Stu.
As you began to ditch them more and more, they continued to see what you were doing instead of hanging out with them, and every-time you were with him. Doing stuff you always did and/or promised to do with Billy and Stu. Watching stupid movies to make fun of their absurdity, sneak onto the roof to just talk until the sun crept over the horizon, etc.
It drove them insane. Sure, you didn't owe the two anything. You didn't sign a contract saying you had to spend every waking moment with them. But that didn't make the two any less jealous. Especially when Randy wouldn't leave your side.
"Bill, I can't do this anymore, watching them is driving me nuts, man!" Stu whined as he chugged down some of his beer. For a second, Billy was taken aback. He had completely forgotten Stu's presence (again) while glaring holes into Randy's back. "Maybe we should go up to him?" Stu asks.
Billy clears his throat at the suggestion but glares at Stu. "Does it look like we could with Randy clinging to him? Don't be stupid." Stu pouts as he glances back at you and Randy once more. You're laughing at something he said, again. Stu's pout quickly turned into a frown. He was the only one to ever make you laugh that much.
Was he being replaced by Randy? Could Randy do everything he could? Better, even? The paranoia racking Stu's brain makes him sure he's going crazy. Surely, you wouldn't replace him. Right?
"I'm going up to him," says Stu. Billy gives him a pointed look. "Tell me how that goes."
"You should come with me," Stu replies. Billy feigns ignorance to Stu's words as he lifts the empty bottle of beer to his lips. "C'mon man, before it's too late."
Before it's too late.
The sentence echoes in Billy's ears. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't lose you. Not to the annoying guys at school, not to the girl who always insists on being your partner whenever she gets the chance in English, and especially not to Randy. Billy wouldn't let that happen. Never. Not to anyone.
You were his and Stu's. No one else's.
Before he even can process what he's doing, Billy's standing up off the floor and walking to the kitchen. Stu right beside him with a satisfactory smile across his face.
You chuckle at something Randy says before you notice Billy and Stu walking towards the both of you. Your smile quickly drops. Now they chose to come say hi?
Stu swings his arm around your shoulder, "Hi, [Name]." His tone was flirty in the charismatic Stu way that would usually make your knees weak. Billy creeps up besides Stu. He gives Randy a quick glance before saying, "Hey" to you.
It was impossible not to notice your sour mood. Even Stu felt his confidence falter. You were pissed. Randy clears his throat, causing all three of you to turn your attention to him. "Sorry, Randy. Anyways, what were you saying?" You completely disregard Billy and Stu, focusing all of your attention on the brunette man in front of you.
Randy's gaze flickers to Billy and Stu before sending you a confused look. The two of you do a bit of eye communication as the tension between all four of you gradually increases. "So," Randy finally clears the air, "Have you guys seen the new Hellraiser movie? Me and [Name] saw it the other day."
As soon as those words leave his mouth, both Billy and Stu look like they want to rip his face off. They already knew of you ditching them for Randy, but to hear it out of his mouth made both men want to take you far, far away from the world. Make you theirs and only theirs.
"Not yet." Says Billy as his brown eyes lock onto you. The feeling of his stern gaze makes you swallow awkwardly. Randy didn't know you were going to see it with Billy and Stu. He also didn't know about your repeated ditching to hang out with him. Every word that could and had come out of his mouth was putting you one foot in the grave.
Randy laughs awkwardly, "It sucked. Didn't miss out on much." Billy just nods his head, not interested in what Randy had to say. "But [Name] can make any movie good. I never laughed so hard in a movie theater before."
"We get it." Billy says, annoyance clear in his words. Your eyes widen at Billy. You knew he never liked Randy that much, but he seemed to always tolerate him when you all hung out together. It made sense, so you never bugged Billy about it since Randy made his crush on Sidney very obvious.
Your gaze lingers on Billy, trying to decipher his abrupt aggressiveness. His face is contorted angrily. If looks could kill, Randy would be six feet under.
"So, Randy, you still got the hots for Sid?" Stu suddenly asks. It doesn't sound genuine at all. What were they up to? "Stu!" You whisper-yell at him. His blue eyes meet with yours. "Why would you ask that when Billy's right there?" It seems odd to you the fact you have to remind Stu that mentioning Randy's crush on Sid is a bad idea when Billy's right there. Unless he had something up his sleeve?
"Uh," Randy stutters, now slightly scared of what Billy will do if he answers truthfully. It doesn't help that Stu was staring down at him like a vulture. "A little, I guess." Your lips pull awkwardly back as Randy avoids eye contact with Billy and Stu. Why were the treating Randy like this?
Stu laughs at Randy, "I can't believe you would actually admit that when her boyfriend is right there!" His laughter quiets down but chuckles still escape his mouth. "Are you that stupid?"
"Dude! Stop being a dick," you whisper to him. Stu squints his eyes at you as if he's trying to figure out why you're defending Randy so hard. Stu frowns but continues on his taunts. "Is that why you came? To sneak a peek of her?"
"What? No!" Randy responds. "I came to hang out with [Name], so he isn't alone. He invited me in the first place."
You smile at his words. It didn't take much to notice; however, how Billy's jaw tensed and Stu's hand against your shoulder clenched. If the only people in the room were you four, you wouldn't doubt either of the boys breaking a beer bottle on Randy's head.
"Well, he isn't alone anymore, so you can leave." Billy says. Randy nervously chuckles, "I mean, I could. But I'm already here with [Name], and I like hanging out with him."
"I like hanging out with you too." You tell him, desperate to make him feel less uncomfortable when there's two men right in-front of him who look like they could slit his throat if given the chance.
"You know what's more fun to hang out with? The door. You should go check it out and while you are at it, get your ass out of here." Billy says without any hesitation in his voice.
"Billy!" You gasp. This wasn't cool anymore. "Can I talk to you?" Your gaze flickers to Stu. "Both of you. In private?" You send Randy an apologetic smile before grabbing both Billy's and Stu's hands and dragging them the hell out of here, without waiting for a response from the two.
Billy stops for a moment to speak to Randy once more, "The door is right there. Feel free to use it while we're gone." You curse under your breath as you pull him with you and take him up the stairs, eventually pulling the two into Stu's bedroom. Your hand doesn't leave theirs 'til you shut the door and can only hear the faint noise of the party raging on downstairs.
You let go of them to cross your arms over your chest, "What the hell are you two doing?"
Billy's the first to respond. "Showing Randy his place," he says, without an ounce of guilt for what he had done.
Stu nods and you glare at him. "C'mon, you guys. He's my friend. What's the problem with him hanging out with me? It's better than me being alone in the corner as I watch everyone around me make out and drink booze." It's your turn to be upset, and you hope your feelings get through their thick skulls.
"I don't care if he's your friend," Billy says, putting a strange emphasis on the word friend. Your brows contort in confusion and anger at his words. "What the hell is wrong with you? There was no reason for you to be that rude to him!" You snap. "I really like him, okay? And I don't want to lose him to you two being major assholes."
"Oh, so now you like him, huh?" Stu says and you sigh. Both of them were being so stubborn about this. "He's my friend, Stu. Of course, I like him."
"What about us? Do you like us?" Stu asks and your mouth falls open in shock.
"Yes? Why wouldn't I like you? You guys are quite literally my best friends."
"Then you shouldn't have an issue hanging out with us instead of Randy," Billy says. You close your eyes in frustration. The three of you were just going in circles at this point.
"Is it 'cause he likes your girlfriend? If so, that has nothing to do with our relationship." You ask and the expression on both of their faces makes you immediately regret your words.
"No. I don't care about Sid, okay? And it has everything to do with your... relationship." Billy pauses before saying the word like it's the most disgusting thing he's ever said.
"Yeah, man!" Stu chimes in. "He's weird. His hair is weird. And his clothes. And... and the way he looks at you! You shouldn't be around him."
"What? You two are behaving like children, right now! What is up with you two?" Your eyes widen as you suddenly put the pieces together. "You're jealous!" You place your palm over you mouth as your gaze flickers between the two. "You're jealous of Randy!"
"So what?" Billy says.
You inch closer to them, "You two are jealous because I've been hanging out with him so much. Oh my god. This whole time, I thought-"
"You thought what?" Stu asks.
"I thought you guys just didn't like him because he likes Sidney. But... why do you guys care that much if I hang out with him so much?" You ponder as you sit on the edge of the bed, no longer standing in front of them.
"Because you're ours, okay?" Stu says as he looms over you. Your eyes widen but he goes on. "We know you've been ditching him for us, [Name]. What did we do wrong?" He wraps his long arms around you as he moves to sit besides you on the bed. His hold is tight, possessive, but strangely enough, oddly comforting.
The room is silent for a moment before you speak. "You guys have been ditching me too, you know? At these parties, you'll talk and hang out with me for a little bit, but sooner or later, you leave me alone in some random room surrounded by people I don't know or don't like. Even at school! I didn't want to be clingy, so I made a new friend. I just didn't want to cling to you guys like some dog."
Your eyes show your hurt and Billy and Stu share a look. That was the reason? It never had even processed to them that that could've been the reason. But the same hint of relief in their eyes shone brightly. You didn't know.
"[Name]," Billy says as he walks to you. You gaze up at him as Stu rests his chin on your shoulder. He stands in-front of you before grasping your chin between his thumb and pointing finger. Flushed at the feeling of his intimacy, you avert your eyes. Before any of you know what's happening, Billy closes the distance between you. As your lips met his, everything else went into a standstill.
Too shocked by the action, you fail to respond to the kiss. This wasn't happening. There was no way Billy Loomis was kissing you. Did he-
Suddenly, all your worries turn into mush until the only thing you can think about is his lips on yours. And you finally realize this is what you had wanted for the longest time. To be with him. No- to be with them. They were the only ones in your heart. Stu's body warmth spreads through your body and captures your soul, making you part away from Billy.
Turning to Stu, your eyes bore into his, asking the question that wouldn't dare leave your mouth. Are we about to kiss? Stu answers the question immediately, pressing his lips against yours. The feeling that rushes through you is almost identical to the one you felt while kissing Billy. Your brain fogs, only focusing on him until the necessity to breathe arose, causing you to pull away.
"That was," you pause as your mind tries to find the words. "Unreal." You stare up at Billy dizzily. He takes the eye contact as a positive, sending you a rare but genuine smile. Stu practically jumps on to Billy as he springs up from the bed, wrapping his long arm around Billy’s neck, putting him into a headlock. “Sorry, Bill, but he was talking about our kiss. Not yours.”
Billy pushes him off and you can’t help but chuckle at the two. Billy punched Stu shoulder playfully but still with impact. “I can make them say that about more than kissing. Too bad, you can’t do the same.”
“And how would you know, smart guy?” Stu asks but you can feel the sexual tension start to build up between them. Billy suddenly pulls Stu’s head back by his hair, “Cause you can only take dick.” Stu bites his lip in arousal and you can tell that this was by no means something that they hadn’t done before.
Billy turns to you, Stu still in his grasp. “Do you want this?”
Your mouth opens in response, “I-”
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✎ notes . . . to be continued… my favorite type of endings!! if this does well, I will write a part two that is SMUT AHHH
©️ sethcertified 2023
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tac-the-unseen · 1 month
Gifts the slashers would enjoy
Minor updates for formatting
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Micheal Myers:
•Arts and crafts supplies
-He's enjoyed making Paper Mache masks most of his life. It's very likely that he enjoys other forms of art as well, but couldn't express that in the ward for fear it would be taken away.
-Dr. Loomis sucks
-Giving him art supplies now, would end up in him making his art in secret. He feels embarrassed to like such a simple thing. That shame is intensified if you ask to see it. He'll end up leaving it out so you can see it without directly showing it to you
•Candy Corn, circus peanuts, and Crunch bar.
-Are they his favorite? No. But they bring back good memories, and for Michael, that's enough.
-would spend a good chunk of time snaking on the sweets while you spend time with him
-Can be bribed into a lot of shenanigans with candy
•Homemade meal
-He rarely had anyone make him dinner. His mom being a ‘working’ woman ment that he had to fend for himself come dinnertime.
-Knowing that you wanted to, and found time to make him dinner make him feel that icky (Nice), bubbly feeling in the center of his chest
-minor Headcannon: first time this happened Micheal thought he was having a heart attack.
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Horror movie merchandise
-Their collectors. If you manage to get your hands on something they don't have, they'll give you anything you want in return.
-will trip over themselves trying to replay you
-Stu would actually kiss the ground you walk on if you ask
-They both appreciate necklaces, bracelets, and RINGS
-Stu is a gold guy, Billy is a sliver guy.
-They’re like crows. Anything shiny will end up in their pockets. Imagine Stu showing off his rings like a newly proposed to woman. Fawning over the design and/or jewels.
•knives/knife sharpener
-They collect knives of different quality and look
-they better ones they use to hunt. The best ones and the weaker ones are put on display like trophies.
-No matter the quality you get, it's the fact it came from you but they care about
Thomas Hewitt:
-Thomas is a sucker for old ‘traditional’ romantic actions
-Seeing you hold up hand-picked flowers makes his heart gush. He thinks you look so precious, wanting to make him happy.
-sometimes he'll catch you, out of a window, picking flowers just so you can give it to him. He'll never tell you, and will always act surprised when you present the bouquet.
-its simple and an abundant resource at the house. There's always bones somewhere, and Thomas knows how to use the bones
-They’re good for making repairs, as tools, and as decorations
-You 10000% have a bone bracelet that Thomas made for you when you guys started to get more serious
-Thomas won't admit it, but he has a sweet tooth. Why do you think Luda mae spends so much time baking?
-While a good pie is enough to send this man to his knees, any other baked good will do.
-He likes cherries and strawberries, but because of how expensive they are he doesn't tell anybody that it's his favorite. He doesn't want anybody ‘wasting’ money or resources on him.
Bubba Sawyer:
-Bubba loves flowers. Any kind of flowers is enough for him to let out squeals of happiness. He loves seeing them around the farm, and plants them around the house when he has spare time.
-So when you go to town and come back with a bouquet of flowers just for him, nearly crushed you with hugs.
-Keeps them alive for as long as possible then perseveres them in notebooks and in salt
•Quilting supplies
-Bubba is really good at handling leather. Those human skin masks are hard to make, and human leather is so incredibly delicate.
-On top of that, he is a family man. He want to make things that help his family. So he makes blankets!
-its a fine craft and perfect in enhancing his skills.
•Good old quality time
-He loves spending his time with you! If he could spend all day with you, he would.
-So sitting down and cuddling means that absolute world to him. He cherishes his time with you and it what he looks forward to everyday. It's why he wakes up in the morning. It's why he tries hard everyday. He wants to spend every day starting and ending with you!
Bo Sinclair:
-If your in the workshop often enough, you'll know what ends replacing.
-Bo is as stubborn as stubborn comes, so he won't get new tools until they physically can't do their job anymore.
-If you get him new tools he will begrudgingly take them, but after an hour or two he'll find you just so he can thank you ‘properly’.
-The boy smokes
-Don’t know what else to tell you
-Will kiss you when you give it to him though
•Kids Toys
-Sounds weird, but having his childhood taken away from him leaves him wanting to fill up the gaps.
-when looking through a victim's car you found a two handed water ring-toss toy. when you showed Bo He just rolled his eyes and kept working on his Truck. You started playing with it when at the shop, even leaving it there on a few occasions. Every time you left it there, He would take it and sneak into the back room of the shop to play with it.
-it brought him immense joy. One day he forgot to put it back, and when you asked about it he berated you for losing your things and expecting him to keep track of your belongings. He never told you, and would rather die than admit it.
Vincent Sinclair:
•Art/craft supplies
-Its a given, really
-He very rarely get new art supplies (if you don't count corpses) so it’s nice to get replacements.
-Will take anything you give him, honestly
-Vincent isn't always making art. Sometimes art can get boring for him, or he hits a rough patch and doesn't know where to go from there.
-A book can easily help, Whether it's just something else to do or it helps him overcome his art block. He will oftentimes get up from his work space and find another spot to sit down and read.
-He loves it when you read to him. It's nice to just listen to something while you work.
-with his combination of body issues and wanting to be cozy, A hoodie seems to be the best option.
-Even though it is hot in Louisiana, The cool basement and even cooler nights need a little warmth.
-loves the feeling of the softer cloth and with it being a present, makes it all the better.
Lester Sinclair:
•Lip balm
-Lester has a hard time with hygiene. No one ever really taught him how to take care of himself.
-So when you notice Lester had chapped lips and gave him some lip balm something in his brain short circuited. The fact that YOU want to help him, makes his heart swell.
-keeps it in his pocket and constantly reapplies it
•Car freshener
-Even with him blind to the smell of death, the hot Louisiana sun will intensify the foul smell 10 fold. You knew it was bad when you could smell the truck before you could see or hear it.
-You ran out of town and bought several packs of air fresheners for his truck. You told him that you do love him, just not the smell that lingers when he gets home from work. Lester doesn't want to make you gag every time he gets into bed with you.
-He likes the Strawberry, sugar cookie, and fresh linens scent best
-He’s not the ‘I better come home to a hot plate of dinner' kind of guy, but he really appreciates it when he does. Even though Bo is a semi-good cook, anything after years of having it will get boring.
-Having you cook for him (and most likely his brothers) is a nice change of pace.
-Will eat anything you cook. Whether it's ‘good’ or ‘bad’ he will happily eat it all.
Billy Lenz:
•Being read too
-Isn’t a physical present but he loves your voice. He wants to read but has A) a hard time focusing and B) has a hard time reading in general
-Having you read to him calms him down and gets him settled enough to sit still and/or do an activity smoothly
-Reading to him 100% makes him fall asleep in the end. And boy does this insomniac need it
•Crochet equipment
-After learning how to Crochet he can't stop. He runs through String like a mad man. He has made you 6 sweaters and increasing in quality over time
-Will give you a list of all the colors he wants and will wait patiently on your bed for you to come back.
-Gets ridiculous excited when he's given new supplies. Will be your lap dog for weeks after
•String lights
-Doesn't have to be Christmas themed, he just really likes the lights. Like a moth drawn to flames.
-likes to fall asleep with them on, it's like Billy’s own big night light.
-Has gotten too close to them and accidentally ripped them down. He tried to hide them so he didn't get in trouble, and actually cried when you found out.
Brahms Heelshire:
-You wondered why his clothes were so ill-fitting for a long time before you realized, that's his dad's old clothes.
-coming to that realization you manage to figure out his proper size and (after some minor fighting) when out to get him a much needed upgrade. When you came home he was waiting by the door, waiting for you. Giving him his new clothes was like telling him you would never leave again, he was ecstatic. He ripped the bags out of your arms and ran into his room so he could try them on
-He fell in love with the sweaters you got him, with a nice couple pairs of khakis. It wasn't much of a transition from his old clothes but that's just what he likes.
•Movies/Movie night
-The only movies he's seen are from his childhood, and he can barely remember them. His parents didn't think movies were healthy for a growing boy, so they only allowed him books to pass the time
-When you proposed a movie night he had a couple questions and even a bit of hesitation. “What if they melt my brain?” He asked with genuine concern. After you posed another question back “Why wouldn't they have melted my brain yet?” Did he trust you.
-You started with childhood classics before getting into the more ‘adult’ stuff. He loved every minute of it
-While Brahms isn't a fan of going outside, the garden is the only exception. You wanted him to go outside because orange juice can only do so much for a vitamin D deficiency.
-He said the only way he would go outside was if you had a Picnic and put his sunscreen on. Making sandwiches with chips and then lathering him in 80 SPF he went outside in a tank top layered with a crocheted vest and shorts, had him outside fairly quickly
-Now he wants a picnic every summer
Hannibal Lecter:
-After dating for a while you started to notice where Hannibal got his expensive foods and wines
-you also noticed what he actually liked and what he was just experimenting with. While fruity and floral flavors were always favored, herbs and Nutty wines were much lower on his list.
-With that in mind you got a Cherry lavender wine from Greece. When you gave it to him he was actually shocked you were paying attention to his preferences. He told you most people just buy cheap wine and expect him not to notice.
-The wine you picked out now has a permit spot saved on his wine shelf.
•Paper bouquet
-Paper made into the shape of different flowers all wrapped up in another paper tying it all together. It's cute, classy (though he would never display it openly), and will never wilt!
-He had told you about the complexity of life using flowers as an example and how they wilt. So you decided to make flowers that can't wilt to not only sass him but to give him something
-He put them in a paper vase he made (in only what you can assume was) in his free time.
•Friendship bracelets
-What was originally a gag gift turned out to be one of his favorite gifts.
-You thought there was no way in hell THE Hannibal Lecter would wear cheap bright string woven together, but you were wrong.
-You had made some friendship bracelets out of old string you found in some old stuffed away box and laughed at the idea of Hannibal finding it in his desk drawer. So you did just that, just to come to the shocking realization that during a meeting with the F.B.I he was wearing it, hidden under his sleeve. You had a very hard time containing your laughter that night.
Will Graham:
•Quality time with you!
-Life has always been stressful for Will. So some alone time with you is always a great gift.
-No need for fancy dinners, events, or holidays. Just sitting down to watch whatever pops up on the T.V screen is enough for him.
-Bonus points if the pack joins in for a cuddle session!
•Handwritten letter(s)
-Having a man with a different then most emotional attachment style is hard. Will might not always what to be physically touched or poked at. Sometimes he doesn't even want to talk (Common coping mechanism for Autistic people)!
-But even when he gets like this, it's still nice to get some reassurance. You started writing him little notes around the house a while ago and slowly you noticed Will’s mood improving significantly.
-He found it very sweet that you were taking the time to meet him on a level he was comfortable with. The two of you don't speak about it often but the notes persist.
•New fishing gear
-anything fishing related is always an appreciated
-New lears, poles, vests, hooks, bait even. Anything even if he already has it, he will take it happily
-He’ll take you fishing with his new gear you got him and will happily teach you if you don't know how to fish
The Lost Boys:
-All four vamps love jewelry of any kind
-All of them have earrings, bracelets, and necklaces so why not give them Something they can say they got from their S/O!
-David and Marko prefer bracelets, David’s gloves wouldn't mesh well with rings, and he thinks a necklace might make him seem less intimidating. Marko would chew on a necklace and worse could get caught during a fight. Rings would be damaged either due to said fighting and/or his painting. Bracelets are that perfect in-between!
-Dwayne and Paul like Rings for different reasons. For Dwayne Rings have that ‘marriage’ aspect to them. Not to say rings mean marriage, but historically speaking…it's like putting your claim on him and he's thriving for that.
-Paul likes rings to fidget with. He already has rings he uses as ways to occupy his hands when something or someone isn't. Will 100% show off his ring you gave him to the others.
•Gift boxes
-The boxes full of pictures, candy, and other meaningful things
-They all go feral over those boxes, especially the first ever box. It was filled with your own little doodles, candy you know they like, mini bottles of whiskey, and a note telling them about how much you care about them and where to meet you for the night.
-if you plan to do this more often make sure each boy gets to keep something or they WILL fight over it.
-Memories bunch up and fade when you're a vampire. They can't always remember the little things, so having a book of all those memories they can look back at is great idea!
-You even found a creative way to include them in pictures! They can't be seen in photos, but they're shadows can! You take pictures under street lamps and make silly poses. You have a picture of Paul dramatically falling into Marko's arms while Dwayne and David kiss either side of your face.
-All those silly pictures combined with your and Marko’s creativity ends up in some fun, colorful, memories
Thanks for reading <3
(You know I write a fuck ton when It started glitching out. Like it would freeze while I was formatting it correctly 😭)
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demon-lover-669 · 1 year
Y/n: *leans down to look at slasher* I told you I’d have you on your knees
Slasher: you called and here I am~
Y/n: good boy~
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spinning-stars · 11 months
Mini smut fics! 🦴Slashers🦴 Part 1
Slashers x Reader
(no genitalia is mentioned but its implied afab!!!)
Slashers- Billy and Stu, The Sinclair brothers (Vincent, Bo, Lester), Michael Myers.
Warnings ⚠️- knife play, wax play,body worship, degrading, usage of the word slut, p in v sex, bondage, oral giving and receiving, I made Billy a Sub. (I'll let you know when the bondage, wax play, body worship, degrading usage of the word slut, and knife play)
👻Billy Loomis-
"Please..." Billy looked down at you, eyes filled with lust. You have been teasing his dick for only a small hour, and he was begging for his release. His arms were tied behind his back and you were trying your best to hold his hips still to keep him from thrusting into your mouth. Occasionally you will let his hips go for about a minute or two only to stop his the second he gets close. You gently run your hand over the tip, making his body shiver. "You're going to have to beg more pretty boy," you say while staring up at him with the most innocent eyes. "Fuck... Please, I need it... Y/N... Please" He whimpers while lightly closing his eyes. "Good boy, you earned it," you said while taking him fully in your mouth and lightly sucking. It didn't take much time before his thighs began to shake and you felt his release in your mouth. His soft moans followed his climax.
👻✨Stu Macher-
Stu had your legs spread while you were sitting on his lap. He was rocking his hips back and forth, his hands are leaving deep bruises on your hips. He would occasionally thrust his hips up into you but then continued back into rocking. Stu like teasing you he felt like he was in complete control you would hold down your hips and stop you if you tried moving faster or slower than what he said. "Awe what's wrong Y/n... I thought you could take me. " Stu groans as he sped up a bit. He could feel you tightening around his cock. He slowly moved one of his hands to your thigh and gave it a light squeeze. He thrusted up a bit more into you. He felt your legs start to shake and your nails dig into your back before you both released. You fell into chest and you both began panting.
🎨Vincent Sinclair-
(💥Wax play, Bondage, body worship!!! 💥)
Vincent what's making you into his own kind of art art. He had you tied up the prettiest color of red rope, your legs were spread and your arms were tied above your head. A cute heart design was made on your chest using the rope. Vincent it's on the other end fingering you. He had a hot candle dripping wax on your body. Every time you wince in pain he bends down and lightly kisses that spot. When he wasn't kissing you he was rubbing your body lightly. " You're so beautiful... My muse." You tighten around his fingers and he speeds up trying not to hurt you. When you came he got on his knees and started to eat you out, tuning into your sweet whimpers and moans as you squirm above him.
🔧Bo Sinclair-
(💥 degrading, usage of the word slut, light Bondage💥)
Bo had you been over his giant Dark blue toolbox in the shop. Y'all were doing a quickie before the victims came back to the shop to check on there car. He was ramming in behind you with deep, quick thrust. "Fuck y/n... You feel so nice... you're so damn needy."He groans and throws his head back while picking up the pace. He then slaps your ass leaving a perfect bright red handprint. "You're my slut, Ain't ya'?." He asks as he feels your legs shake and you tighten around his cock. He slows down a tad bit just to leave hickeys and bites on your back and neck. He lets you suck his fingers to keep you from making too much noise. "Shhh... keep quiet, you don't want em' to think you're a slut now do ya?" He says as he bites your shoulder causing you to bleed. He then speeds up the pace while squeezing your ass until you both cum. He loves to pull out and see how much he wrecked you in such little time.
🐾Lester Sinclair-
(💥slight body worship💥)
Lester is the biggest sucker for truck sex. He took his old jacket and folded it into a makeshift pillow, so you don't hurt your head laying on the bed of the truck. Lester is gentle, he kisses your body before sticking it in. He lightly pumped in and out of you while holding on to your hand. "Shit... Honey you're warm and nice." He moans while speeding up a bit. He cums first and then kneels down. "Can't let someone as pretty as you not finish," he pants a bit before eating you out. He bounces back and forth between eating you out and kissing your inner thighs. Here and there leaving light bites until you cum.
🔪Michael Myers-
(💥Knife play 💥)
Michael had you in missionary when he began lightly dragging the tip of his Knife by your side. He was going at a deep but normal pace surprisingly. He looked down to admire his work, you had cuts, hickeys, and bites all over you. For the cherry on top you have a slight ring of tears in your eyes in a face contorted with pleasure. He takes the top of the knife and digs it a little on your side causing blood to start trickling out of the wound. Michael lifted his mask and bent down and began to lightly lick the blood and kiss around the wound. He began to speed up his pace, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. Both of his hands we're digging into your hips as a rammed in and out of you. Your hands flew up around his neck when you got close. He continued the speed until you both came at the same time. After you two were done, he took the knife and carved 'Michael' on your inner thigh.
Authors note🖤- I thought y'all needed something to spice up your day a bit. Who should I do for part 2? Requests are open! Have a lovely day<3
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Yandere! Billy Loomis Headcanons
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He’s definitely a possessive and manipulative yandere. And very toxic. He’d try to manipulate you away from your friends. Making you think they were bad influences.
Even more so if they disapprove of your relationship with him. But he also is an obsessive type of yandere who is unwilling to let you go. So be prepared for that.
Has Mommy issues so his obsessive and slightly clingy tendencies come from that.
Will kill anyone who even looks at you the wrong way.
Extremely controlling. But will manipulate and gaslight you because he is 100% a gaslighter and manipulator.
He’d come off as a sweet and understanding boyfriend if you’re a bit more reluctant towards intimacy but in time will either force you or at least guilt trip you into being intimate.
Unlike Sidney he genuinely cares for you and stalks follows you to be sure you’re safe constantly even if you don’t know it.
Anyone who flirts with you is dead. Besides Stu, the only reason he hasn’t killed him is because he’s apart of the plan.
He doesn’t like the idea of you finding out he’s ghostface so if you do, he’ll gaslight you so you don’t think he is.
Isolates you from your friends as I said before, because they think he’s a bad and toxic boyfriend. Billy? No. He’s an amazing boyfriend and you somehow believe him.
He’s one of the worst yanderes to deal with.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ beautiful (darling) ❞
slashers dating drabble | transmasc!reader | comfort/fluff | graphic description of violence | mentions/implied transphobia (minor) | minor mention of SH in Amanda Y.'s section
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Amanda Young | Brahms Heelshire | Corey Cunningham | OG!Michael Myers | RZ!Michael Myers | poly!Ghostface (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis) | Sinclair brothers
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Amanda Young (Saw) —
She would do anything to ensure that you are happy and healthy.
Even if it means she has to stare you down with her arms crossed and her brow arched as you meekly confess that you'd forgotten to fulfil your daily needs.
Your girlfriend knows how damaging it is to be looked at with disgust by close-minded individuals - as an ex-addict and ex-convict she knows how dark your mind can become when the world seemingly turns its back on you. She may not understand the struggle you face as a trans person but she is SO proud of you for having made it this far.
If you deny these words of admiration, she will cup your face and repeat them.
Resist more and she will whisper praises on your skin as she trails kisses anywhere she can. She loves you, she will not give you room to degrade the person she loves.
Oh! Amanda adores wearing matching pieces with you. She's not interested in full-on "couple outfits" (if you beg, maybe she'll relent...maybe) but matching earrings, necklaces, rings? She loves it. It soothes her possessive side.
Speaking of her possessiveness, she's not a jealous person...at least that is what she tells herself.
Amanda won't ever turn her anger on you when someone shows interest in you, she knows it isn't your fault that someone doesn't understand what "taken" means.
However, this does little to stop her from placing her chin on your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your waist and nuzzling your neck as she regards the "threat" with an unimpressed look.
"Whose this, baby?" "Oh, this is-" she gasps and you look as she points out something in the distance. "Look at that! Come on, looks fun!"
Please reassure her though, she acts tough but she is just a person underneath all that bloodshed.
Your girlfriend loves to embrace you, Little Spoon or Big Spoon matters not.
All-in-all, she is unapologetically touching you any chance she gets.
If someone is an asshole to you, you frankly start worrying about what dirt Amanda is going to find out about them and use against them in their game. You don't need to worry about her sketching new torture devices, disappearing in the middle of the night, or that suspicious duffel bag she comes back with that makes a loud CLANK! sound when she places it on the floor. No, really, don't worry.
When you see the asshole's face and name appear on the news because of their gruesome death, you simply continue to channel surf while Amanda chews on her lower lip, tucked under your arm and looking so smug.
If your cologne starts running out faster you look to your girlfriend - she quite literally smells like the evidence but she will deny, deny, deny.
Self-defense lessons. No questions asked, no rebuttal or refute. She will be more at peace knowing you can protect yourself.
If you decide to help her by "participating" in a game with other people, her eyes will be glued to the camera feed. She is pacing as thousands of "what if's" run through her mind. They dissipate as you turn your head to a hidden camera and smile at her before you continue your performance of distress and anxiety. She falls deeper in love with you (expect the most passionate kiss of your life - no, she won't care if you're covered in blood).
[CHEST BINDING] Amanda reminds you to take a break, and stretch your back and even offers to massage you. She will splurge on a better-quality binder when yours starts looking worse for wear.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, ADDICTION implied] She won't be present while you administer the shot, she will prepare band-aids, praises and kisses once you're done.
[SELF-HARM mentioned] If you struggle with self-harm, she won't start asking "how's" or "why's". Unlike her mentor, she knows how tough this can be, she won't punish or mock you for it. She will help you through it, every step of the way.
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Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) —
This boy is more perceptive than most give him credit for.
"(Y/N), feeling more darling today?" "...Yeah, wait, how'd you-"
He categorizes sliding around the gender spectrum as "pretty" (fem), "darling" (gn), and "handsome" (masc). You usually don't even have to tell him about how you're presenting/feeling today, he gets it right.
Your boyfriend is a brat but he isn't a useless brat. Contrary to popular belief, he can cook (snacks) and take care of himself just fine. He just leans on you more because...he's a brat.
This is hyper-specific, but Brahms knows how frustrating it feels to look into a mirror and see someone that isn't...you.
So he makes you a mask. It's how he copes and he figured it could help you too. If you like them he'd be more than happy to make you more.
Arts and craft master! Did you see his room? He probably kept himself busy with all sorts of hobbies, so he definitely enjoys handmaking your gifts.
Oh, how he loves to be held by you. He enjoys being enveloped completely, it makes him feel so small and safe.
Loves everything about you. Your voice makes the thoughts in his head quiet to a whisper - the power you have on this man.
So he does not understand why some people are abhorrent when they talk to you.
Yes, the two of you are more or less left alone in the Heelshire Manor/estate. Malcolm occasionally drops by with groceries only to scurry off after some mild-mannered conversation because he doesn't want the ghost of a child to chase him off. But, there's only so much you can do to maintain such a grand building and its surrounding land.
So, you have to call some help once in a while to uphold the maintenance. Most of the time, the local hire are sweet, they enjoy helping you since they're usually served cold drinks and snacks after. The handful of assholes, however, are...assholes.
Brahms seethes as he grits his teeth so hard his jaw aches, you glance at the wall he hides behind as you faintly hear his breathing but just got the interaction over and done with.
Unlike the other slashers in this list, he is at the most disadvantage when it comes to enacting justice but by god, he will try. For you? He'd do anything.
You let out a noise of confusion when Brahms murmurs about you going to the local art supply shop to get him something. "You want me to go to town?" he nods, his curls tickling your neck and shoulder. As you attempt to turn to face him, Brahms lets out a whine - high and pouty. "I've been good!" you sigh, patting his arm that was around your waist. "Alright, Brahmsy, alright".
Unbeknownst to you, Brahms had messaged the transphobic asshole whilst pretending to be you and told them something had happened to whatever it was they worked on while they were here. He'd given you an alibi, people saw you in town after all so he was prepared to have a "talk" with the repairman.
He also does not worry much about you going to the art supply shop as the woman who owns it is a kind old lady whom he sometimes makes you send his crafts - under the guise that you made them, of course.
You returned home with new art supplies in your hand, at ease and humming from the pleasant walk from the gates to the manor.
Brahms stands over a dead body on the back patio, his mask covered in blood splatters as he held an antique ashtray in his hand.
"(Y/N)!" he cheers, walking over the man's barely-there skull before he embraces you.
He'd kill for you but the mess is yours to clean. Your boyfriend isn't perfect.
He'll make you something sweet to drink while you hose down the gore, does that help? Okay, okay, fine, he'll bury the body too.
[CHEST BINDING] He knows when your body has had enough. No, he does not know the appropriate time frame you are supposed to have whilst wearing a binder - he just knows your body so well he knows when it's done for the day. He'll run you a hot bath to help your muscles relax.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES, BURN SCARS] His arts and crafts hobbies practically made him have surgeon's hands. So if you need him to, he'll administer the shot and it won't hurt, just a pinch he promises. As someone who had to go through a few medical procedures due to his burns, he stays by your side when you have to go through anything remotely medical. By the way, despite how hard it is to get testosterone when you live in the middle of nowhere, don't worry, the Heelshire funds will last Brahms and you ten lifetimes. Enjoy it, it's all for you.
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Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) —
Corey "Babe, wear my jacket you'll look so handsome" Cunningham.
Oh, how this man dotes over you.
If you open his Notes app, you'll find an entire folder dedicated to you. Inside, your boyfriend has written down every date idea you confessed to wanting (even the TikTok links you'd sent regarding the topic), your favourite and least favourite food (your allergies are bolded and if you're on medication, that is also listed) and other things you weren't even aware he remembered much less keep note off.
It's okay if he doesn't wear a helmet but please wear yours.
Loves, loves, loves going on motorcycle rides with you. Your weight pressed against his, your laughter ringing in his ears, the wind in his hair, your arms wrapped around him, the scenery blurring past - he feels like the two of you are young gods. Eternal and immortal, just like his love for you.
Star-gazing dates! Climbing on rooftops of abandoned buildings to have private moments where you both feel like the only people in the world!
He would have been considered a "Golden Retriever" boyfriend but after his character development, he has turned into a "German Shepherd" boyfriend.
Honestly, he'd love to see anyone try to disrespect you. Their words fizzle out on their tongues when he stands behind you with his eyes so dark they resembled mirrors - just dark pools that only reflect the sorry cunt's expression back at them. They didn't know it just yet but they had just signed their death warrants.
Speaking of his eyes - please remind him to keep eye lubricant on him all the time. He stares at people like an owl, they dry out. Doesn't help that he rides his motorcycle without a helmet. Oh! And pretty please remind him to actually keep track of when he needs to buy new contact lenses, he somehow always disregards his eye health. You're basically the only thing keeping them alive - his optician thanks you.
If you tell him you like the way his jacket looks, how the rings on his fingers give you "gender envy", how good his cologne smells, how his jeans cutting makes him look more masculine - baby, just take it.
Referring to the first point - but yeah, dude, just wear his things if you want, he loves it. If you're not his size, then you best be ready to have him buy and alter things for you.
"You'd look cute wearing my work uniform" You pause from whatever it is you're doing and look at your boyfriend as he works on his motorcycle in your garage, "o...kay...?"
Maybe he just has a thing for you wearing his things...
His bloodlust fluctuates, sometimes he's feeling particularly bloodthirsty and sometimes not so much. What is constant though is the gifts he brings back. Does it count as trophies? Robbery? No idea! But the way your eyes light up when he gives you something makes his heart race.
[CHEST BINDING] This man did his research. He keeps an eye on your breathing when you're wearing a binder, gently reminding you to make sure you did so safely.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He holds you and will even offer to administer it. He talks while he does so - just to keep your mind off the needle and he places a kiss over your band-aid every time.
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Michael Myers (Halloween (1978 - 1982)) —
As predicted, he stares. Sorry, not sorry. That's just how he communicates, through vibes.
In all seriousness though, Michael does "speak" but it's limited to how his eyes narrow, surprisingly sassy eye-rolls, infamous head tilts, sighs, grunts, growls and occasionally...a huff of laughter.
If you attempt to teach him how to sign, he will pick and choose when to use it but your boyfriend keeps himself easy to read for your sake.
Stalking is his love language. Do not attempt to spot him when he doesn't want to be spotted because you won't. He secretly enjoys seeing you pout when you try though, you look so determined.
Your boyfriend won't negotiate on moving so you're going to have to renovate and fix up his childhood home to make it livable- this will be hard as Michael will be hiding in the basement but thankfully, whoever he did kill he managed to make it look like an accident. It made the whole process take longer than it was supposed to though, you sulked by sleeping at a motel and vehemently locking the windows and doors.
He appreciates you, just shows it quietly. The Shape makes sure your windows are locked, doors too, don't want any sickos breaking in. That's his job.
He'll hunt for you too. You coaxed him to stop killing rats to eat them and kudos to you he doesn't eat them anymore. Rats are just as scared of him as most of Haddonfield. If you don't know how to skin and prepare an animal carcass...well, you better start learning.
Oh, by the way, nobody messes with you. Not even the most insufferable, limp-dicked, conservative in Haddonfield and he annoys everyone! But nah, he's tight-lipped when it comes to you.
Everyone who had ever been rude to you...well...they pop up a few weeks later in various states of fucked up.
Your boyfriend does not understand gender conformity, at all. You will catch him wearing a sleeping kaftan around the house, completely at ease with himself. If you paint his nails, he doesn't fuss about the colour. If you decide to dress more feminine one day he'll just look at you and hum in approval - the same reaction if you dress more masculine.
The guy is called The Shape of Haddonfield, truly a frightening but surprisingly gender-neutral title.
So, do not fret, if anybody dares say anything they will rue the day they were born.
[CHEST BINDING] Ah, he makes it known when you've had enough. Michael will simply stand in front of you and point to his chest, a prompt for you to tell him what time you wore it. Then, he'll just stand and stare until you make a move to take it off. Yes, he has scared the shit out of you by popping out of nowhere whilst you were doing chores outside the house - no, he denies ever huffing a breath of amusement (a laugh in Michael's vocabulary) when you blurb out random exclamations and drop whatever it is you were holding.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He won't administer it. Michael doesn't even like to imagine stabbing you so why would he? So what if it's a needle, he simply refuses to do so. He will instead offer support by placing a hand on your shoulder or knee and if he somehow lost track of time while he was out, he'll return with your favourite snacks (he steals them obviously).
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Michael Myers (2007 - 2009) —
Staring but with more...feeling.
Mainly non-verbal but makes communicating easier by signing to you and occasionally whispering.
He is an open book to you in general though so you honestly have no idea why people find him so scary.
Yeah, you have a biased view but how could you not be when your boyfriend showers you with love any chance he gets.
Another arts and crafts lover, his face warms up when you gift him art supplies despite being "expressionless".
He isn't much of a fan of being touched anywhere near his neck or wrists so be wary of that. When he's about to touch you he makes it known by hovering his hand over you. You will need to reassure him he doesn't need to ask for permission every time but he does it anyways.
Aware of his size and strength, finds himself pleased with it despite how hard it is to stalk because he can keep you safe.
Oh, anyone with a shrimp-sized brain is going to have a rough night if they decide to be a dick to you. He will snap their spine over his knee and watch them try to crawl away like the pathetic worm they are.
Your boyfriend is willing to move away from his home once his vengeance is fulfilled.
Roadtrip? Roadtrip!
He is a homebody, if you believe it or not. Michael decorates your home with his artwork and has a good eye for aesthetics.
He wants to dress his beautiful lover (you) if you give him the chance.
Like OG!Michael, he doesn't completely understand why people take gender roles so seriously. Seriously, he can't wrap his mind around it. He honestly finds it all toxic - considering his parents and his sister's shitty boyfriends...why wouldn't he?
He wants you to play with his hair, please play with his hair. He will pass out the minute you do. Big on cuddles, being a Little Spoon is a state of mind not size so please Big Spoon him.
Another stalker, let's just conclude that any variation of Michael Myers just do it because they can. He likes keeping tabs on you is all. When you're working, he tries to keep busy but he just misses you...so don't mind him if you notice him in your peripheral vision whilst working.
[CHEST BINDING] He is good at counting down the minutes in his head. It happens when you're stuck in a mental institution and spend it in partial isolation. So, when he spots you putting on a binder for the day, he starts counting down. Yes, it is accurate and yes, he would prefer if you did take it off once he finishes his countdown - you could seriously hurt your body!
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Curls up behind you, stroking the upper parts of your thighs as he watches you set everything up. He begins humming as you prepare the needle which makes you smile every time.
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Billy Looomis & Stu Macher (Scream (1996)) —
Oh boy, it's never a dull day with these two as your boyfriends.
"Black Cat" boyfriend, Billy Loomis and "Doberman" boyfriend, Stu Macher.
Will not elaborate...defeats the purpose of this entire thing if I don't though so fine -
Billy is calm, not calmer than Stu because that's actually quite an easy category to best him in. Billy is calm. He keeps the balance of your relationship. But he is a menace himself.
He stalks and slithers into your room when he pleases, holds you against him when he feels like it - which, by the way, does not mean he'll be mean if you lean against him or touch him, he just won't reciprocate but it is still welcomed. He also has a habit of pushing against your palm when you run your fingers through his hair or stroke his face. See? Black Cat boyfriend.
If you catch him in a bad mood, he can be snarky but Stu came up with the idea of ending every "bitch fight" with an "I love you". It helped a lot.
Your Doberman boyfriend holds you any chance he gets. It's one of the only ways he keeps still. Billy and you have to pin him down between the two of you to have a peaceful cuddle.
Stu is also much more protective/possessive than the two of you combine. His lovers are his alone. He will smile all teeth and gums and make people feel at ease but Stu is one scary man when he notices someone taking an interest in either of you. Billy and you have felt shivers of fear and anticipation down his spine when you see the gears in Stu's brain switch from "Stu" to "Ghostface".
Oh, oh, how sharp their smiles would be if a transphobe fucked around because they will make them find out. Not because they want you to get verbally abused or harassed! God, no!
They want you to watch them murder them. They will ask you to choose how to end them, how to play with them and what pieces should be found last.
Pieces of clothing are always shared, with how often everyone sleeps over it was inevitable. Accessories as well, hell, Stu managed to lose his body wash twice and he's been to both of your houses - it wasn't there either! Stu just buys things in bulk at this point.
Billy is really good at cutting and styling hair. If you ask, he will help you with yours - regardless of what style you want. If your hair texture is different from his own he will research about it to the best of his abilities.
Kisses with them are so messy. They always want to share and always at the same damn time - you get dizzy just trying to keep up in the mess of lips, teeth and tongue.
Stu throws parties, loves showing you off and Billy is there to whisk you upstairs if you get overwhelmed.
Both Ghostfaces have called you before. They tease you with lines like, "You got a boyfriend, handsome?" or "Damn, beautiful, your boyfriends get you all to themselves? Lucky boys"
[CHEST BINDING] "(Y/N)! How long have you been wearing your binder?" Stu calls from his kitchen, returning with a bowl of popcorn once you answered while you lay across Billy's front on the couch. "Been a while, right?" Billy said, a hand coming to rest on your back "Need a break?" Stu makes a noise of agreement as he lifts your legs and places them on his lap. "Want me to help, baby?" Stu asks.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Billy helps you with administering the shot while Stu holds you, sometimes switching around. Stu has accidentally stabbed himself with the needle - he apologized profusely as Billy tells him he's contaminated the entire thing (you roll your eyes fondly at your boyfriends, Ghostface looks anything but scary when the two of them are squabbling on the bathroom floor).
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Beauregard "Bo" Sinclair (House of Wax) —
I need to get this off my chest, Bo thinks hats are a staple of masculinity...close second are suits and ties, and cars come in third.
He gifts you hats. His favourite was the cowboy hat a victim no longer needed. While placing it on your head he made an obligatory sex joke, it was right there you can't possibly expect him not to.
Bo prefers for you not to make yourself known to victims, he knows you can handle yourself, he just worries.
That and he gets pissed when someone flirts with you. He gets even more pissed when they outright disrespect your identity and labels you as "weird".
He won't even pretend to feel sorry when Vincent questions where their bodies are while Lester grimaces when he sees their state.
If you're someone with long hair please be aware that Bo's eyes will shift to your wrists every so often if there are hairbands around them once he spots it. Anything that is too "snug" around your wrist will make Bo feel uneasy, he will ask you to take it off in an uncharacteristically soft tone that soon turns snappy if you attempt to prod.
When you see the marks on your boyfriend's wrists and/or find his baby seat you'll understand why.
Though he's a hardass to his brothers, he feels so much relief in knowing they love and trusts you just as much as he does.
Touchy - PDA hardly bothers him so why should he hold himself back when you're his darling lover.
Likes to tuck his hand in the back pocket of your pants (he pinches when he's feeling playful).
He rambles about cars. One night, as he was working on repairing a car, he rambles and slows to a stop when he feels as though he was talking too much but when you reassure him that you're listening and interested...his cheeks turn red.
Bo cooks. Not frequently, certainly not his usual task either, but if everyone else is busy/tired he rolls his sleeves and makes a classic and feel-good Southern meal.
[CHEST BINDING] Bo finds himself worrying. The heat and humidity probably don't help your case. He tries to convince you to wear tank tops or simply just your binder during hot days. Sometimes he even gruffs out you don't need to wear it at all as there's no one else around and the people that are there are the Sinclairs who know you. He won't push you but reminds you to keep yourself hydrated and not to push it.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Bo asks if you need help, won't intrude if you say no but he does squeeze in an extra kiss once you're done.
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Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax) —
Vincent Sinclair gives me "White Cat" vibes. So regal looking, so calm and so adamant about not being needy when in fact...he is.
Your boyfriend is an artist. You are his muse. Tale as old as time but why fix what's not broken?
Nonverbal and uses sign language or simple gestures to communicate. He is a bit self-conscious of his laughter but oh how you love hearing it. It makes him squirm every time you stare at him with nothing but love in his eyes.
Refuses to have you interact with the victims. He makes sure you stay in his room, safe and sound.
He was basically the favourite twin - he can be bratty even if he tries to deny it.
If you say "no" to him he genuinely gets wide-eyed and makes a whining noise. What do you mean you didn't want to stay in his basement to accompany him while he worked? So what if it's sweltering hot out and the basement feels like Hell on earth! Spend time with him!
Baby talk always makes him burst into fits of giggles - you could be as unfunny as a heart attack but the minute you start speaking in baby talk he loses it.
He got anxious at the thought of his brothers not liking you. There's no reason why they would dislike you but he just worries. They love you though and he is so relieved that you get along so well.
Feel free to "paint" his wax figures. If his mask is starting to get uncomfortable or he just felt like he wanted to make a new one, you're free to go crazy on his old one.
Your boyfriend complains about wax clumping his hair. You now make it a habit to either tie it up, using a claw clip to hold it back, or braiding his hair before he toils away in the basement.
Genuinely loves spending time with you, even if you're just chilling adjacently from each other. He made a designated (Y/N) space in the basement where you can do pretty much anything in peace with Vincent nearby.
The victim said what about you? There's no way he will immortalize a transphobe in this town. He burns them alive after he paralyses them from the neck down, relishing in their screams as they turn into nothing but ash.
You notice his hearing is unbalanced/muffled on one side of his face and how he seems as though he anticipates touch all the time on that side. You make sure you're always approaching him on his "good" side - he is eternally thankful.
Total cuddle bug when you two are alone, prefers being the Big Spoon as he tucks his head at the crown of your head. He snores sometimes if he's really tired.
[CHEST BINDING] Vincent educated himself on this topic. Honestly, like Bo, he worries if you overexert yourself with the heat and at one point discusses with you if you'd rather have your chest permanently flat/smaller. He'd need proper equipment but he'd do anything to ensure you're safe and content.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] Parks himself in front of you and holds his hand out. Stares at you while you blink owlishly at him. His eye squishes into a crescent shape as he smiles once you hand over the needle to him. Let him take care of you, you're his darling muse!
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Lester Sinclair (House of Wax) —
He's the chaotic "Pitbull" boyfriend!
This sweet lad actually has trouble accepting help. It makes him uncomfortable if he thinks about it too deeply. He just found himself in scenarios where his usefulness was always at the forefront of why he was wanted, it's hard to get out of that mindset.
He loves you for helping him though, just have no idea how to articulate it properly. All blushes, stutters and squirms.
Your boyfriend gets excited when new victims come around, eager to loot through their things. Especially when someone has a similar style as you!
He gets self-conscious of how he smells because of the things he works with so he also loots tons of cologne and body sprays - you two basically have a goddamn Baths & Body Works on your bathroom vanity.
You two make a game of it, changing your scents for the day and deciding if it was shit or decent. Jonesy's vote is heavily influential.
Date nights are heavenly. Lester uses his nicer truck for outings. You two grab a bite and try to find new places to experiment since Ambrose is a ghost town and you two need to experience more than just death. Afterwards, he finds a lookout point and you three (yes, Jonesy follows) pile out to the back and curl up with the radio playing some cheesy country love songs.
If Jonesy is dropped off at the twin's place, the PG ratings climb the ladder.
Lester doesn't consider himself a violent man. He doubts he even wants to be if he is completely honest. But when someone flirts with you he feels this unbridled rage rise to his chest and down to his fist.
He spits at their feet as he tugs you away, his dominant arm already springing up in preparation for a punch when he feels them grab at his shoulder.
Grins when you scold him afterwards at home, nursing his bruised cheek.
If he's busy, Jonesy follows you to do chores!
By the way, that dog and your boyfriend always seem to know when some dick-for-brains are near you and steer you away. Will avoid confrontation when necessary.
Not above telling on the victims that shouted insults your way. Baby brother privilege!
His brothers adore you! So they find no trouble in slaughtering someone who dared spoke badly of you and upsetting Lester.
[CHEST BINDING] Lester is pretty observant of your cues. Quietly reminds you of how long you've been wearing your binder and offers to work out all the kinks in your back. He reads about it! Vincent helped him out as well. Lester peppers kisses all over your back once he's done, making sure you're practically melted against the bed once he's done.
[T-SHOTS, NEEDLES] He has slight hand tremors, minuscule but it worsens when he focuses on not twitching so he watches you as you do your thing, ruffling your hair and asking if you'd like anything to eat.
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satanic-wierdo · 9 months
Going To The Thrift Store With Billy And Stu (Headcanons)
A/n: this is my second fanfic i hope you like it and please correct me if i make any mistakes
When you first bring up the idea of going thrifting with them they seem rather excited and open to it.
When you get there Billy mostly looks at the CDs while Stu looks at literally everything.
Stu might joke around showing you a dress and asking you if you think it would make his butt look big, does it make him look fat etc.
If Billy finds something that he think you'll like he'll show you almost immediately. (Ikr Billy being kinda sweet when tf did that happen)
Oh and if you tell these boys you like something they WILL get it for you no matter how much you tell them they don't have to.
Eventually thrift shopping with you becomes one of their favourite ways to spend time with you. (*cough cough* horror movie dates will always be their #1 favourite)
In short I hope you like thrifting as much as they grow to because you're gonna deal with them begging you to take them.
If they find out you when thrift shopping without them they might actually be offendee for awhile espicially billy. (Istg he takes things so personally)
Sometimes you and Stu get really carried away and will browse for hours before billy has to drag the two of you away.
Which will almost always lead to Stu complaining about how Billys depriving him of valuable thrift shopping memories or whatever dumb excuse he comes up with.
You can not convince me that Stu does not eventually end up losing all shelf space in his room because of all the trinkets he buys.
All in all thrift shopping with your boys is absolutely perfect.
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sykosomatic · 9 months
Hey I’m new to your blog but so far I like most of what you write… I was wondering if I could make a request for a one shot? I can’t write for shit but I’ve always thought this would be really hot:
Billy Loomis as Ghostface x Sidney’s sibling!Reader. Reader is working the graveyard shift alone at a diner or something and is taking out the trash before locking up, Billy comes creeping up on them by the dumpsters dressed as Ghostface (reader never finds out who he actually is, but I’ve got a softer spot for Billy, sorry Stu…) and starts feeling them up… which leads to more. If you take kink requests I’d like to try this with clothed sex, a knife kink, them almost/actually getting caught, and anything else you want to include. Thank you in advance if you end up taking the request!
well thank u! welcome to my blog, i hope u enjoy the stay!! as for kink requests, yes i do take them!! <3 this sounds so hot!
(billy loomis) ghostface x (sidney’s sibling) reader! nsfw!!!
cw: gn reader, anal penetration (reader receiving fingers/cock), clothed sex, knife kink, public sex, semi-cnc, groping, reader is at work, dirty talk, submissive reader, ghostface cums inside reader, ghostface does not use protection (but this is fiction and you very much should irl lol)
you’d just finished wiping down all the diner tables, gathering up all the crumbs left on the last couples’ booth as they filed out, thanking you for your patience with them as they lost track of time and talked the night away. you didn’t mind. they’d been very nice and had tipped really well, and they were the only people left in there. you’d been able to get a lot done in the time they stayed, and you were just about done closing up for the night. you just had one last batch of trash to take down to the dumpster.
typically, tales of the boogeyman didn’t scare you on your journey to the dumpster. but tonight it felt a little farther away; and there were those rumors of a serial killer that came out at night. he wore a ghost-faced mask and a black robe, and you were sure that you wouldn’t be able to see him coming in the black darkness of the night. you shook it off, wishing your manager would be a little easier on not taking trash out late at night. but you knew if your coworker had to do it when they got there the next morning they wouldn’t appreciate it.
so, you took the trash out.
you got all the way to the large dumpster and threw all the trash away, thinking with a wave of relief that maybe ghostface would have grabbed you by now if he was going to… right?
your relief was dashed though, when you felt a hand on your back, pushing you against the side of the dumpster, making you cry out in surprise. another hand rose up and covered your mouth. you could feel the entire body of this person against your back as they spoke to you in a hushed tone, “you’d better be quiet if you don’t want this knife in your back.” you thought maybe you recognized the voice; it sounded familiar somehow. maybe you were just mistaken in your blind panic.
“mhm! mhm!” you said, nodding vigorously at his words, heart racing in your chest as your brain tried desperately to unscramble his voice.
“good, good,” he said, slowly moving his hand away from your mouth. your relief was short-lived because he immediately brought his hand back up, this time to your throat, accompanied by the blade of a knife. “now, i need you to behave for me. am i gonna have any trouble with you doing that?”
you shook your head ‘no,’ slowly, trying to make sure his knife didn’t cut you. you could feel yourself getting lightheaded as the blood rushed elsewhere. embarrassingly, you could feel yourself getting… aroused??? what the fuck? well, at least if you had to be in this situation you were somewhat enjoying yourself. the strange familiarity of his voice was helping in that regard, making you quite confused about how to feel.
ghostface left you little time to contemplate your internal crisis, the hand that wasn’t holding a knife to your throat going to start groping your ass, your hips, even going up your shirt and feeling up your chest. you sucked in a breath as you felt him brush over your nipple, a sensitive spot for you. there was a pause as he interpreted what kind of gasp it was, and you could swear you could hear your heartbeat in your chest.
“enjoying yourself?” ghostface teased, pressing the blade of the knife closer against your throat. you were worried it would draw blood if he pressed any further, but for some reason that wasn’t scary as much as it was… exciting. your arousal built between your legs so much so that there was no way to contain it. you whimpered as he teased you and he laughed, amused. “well, now, looks like you’re the perfect person for me to do this to—“
ghostface snaked his hand away from your chest, shoving you harder against the side of the dumpster. you felt him shift, his fingers diving into your mouth, swirling over your tongue. they invaded deeper in, making you gag and drool all over them. “good, watch those teeth… there you go…” he guided, pulling his fingers away as you gasped and sputtered. his slickened up fingers slipped down the back of your shorts, beneath your underwear. you shivered as you felt his wet fingertips brush your asshole, instinctively clenching but realizing that would make it worse. you tried to keep your breathing even, relax your muscles, and let his fingers in.
you didn’t currently have a partner, but you’d had a couple in the past, so needless to say, you were at least a bit prepared for what the feeling of his fingers going inside your hole felt like.
you moaned, muscles relaxing in pleasure as he slowly slipped two fingers into you, stopping where they met his hand. “wow…” he purred into your ear, curling his fingers up into you. you mewled out in pleasure, heat up to the tips of your ears. “you like this, don’t you? little sicko…” he teased, making you bite your lip.
he was soon fingering you with more force, pushing you against the dumpster in a slow but rough rhythm. the knife was loose against your throat as he worked you over, and you moaned out as he unraveled you. he added another finger after a little while, stretching you out, prepping you for what you presumed might be his cock.
you still weren’t ready for it as he slid your shorts down a bit and sheathed his cock inside of you. he was girthy, that was for sure. the shape and size of his cock felt like it was perfectly made for your asshole, somehow. it hit every perfect spot at once.
and then he started thrusting, and you could barely handle the pleasure coursing through your entire body. “oh.. oh fuck..” you whined, screwing your eyes shut in the darkness and holding yourself up against the dumpster. one arm, you rested your head on, and the other’s hand was splayed across the dumpster to keep you from rocking it too hard as he fucked into you.
one of his hands was on your hip now, the knife staying more or less near your throat, his arm snaked through yours to hold you tightly in that spot. “fuck. you feel good,” he told you, grunting between thrusts, fucking you rougher and with more power in each stroke as he got closer to climax. you could feel yourself getting closer, too, as he hit that spot over and over again. his thrusts slowed after a hit but kept their power, the small dumpster rocking with his thrusts as you moaned in its rhythm.
he finally stopped fucking into you, keeping himself sheathed fully inside you as he reached his hand around and gave you a handjob, making you cry out in pleasure. you came, clenching your ass around his cock and milking an orgasm out of him. he came inside your asshole, filling you to the brim before pulling his cock slowly out, presumably watching himself leak out of you. he tugged your shorts up roughly and turned you around, thrusting his knife in your face threateningly. “you’re lucky you’ve got such a nice ass… maybe i’ll have to find you again,” he told you, before stalking off into the night. you were so stunned with what had happened you stood there for a good long while before going back inside.
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moonlit-horrors · 1 year
Hello! Could you possibly do jealous! Billy loomis x reader? Like Stu and Reader are talking to Steve during his shift at the Movie rental, similar to the scene in the first movie. And maybe Steve starts getting a little flirty and handsy towards the reader once Stu walks away to find and bring Billy back over to Steve and the reader. Sorry if this is bad or doesn’t make sense- this is my first time requesting anyone
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Billy's Jealous ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⊹ฺ Requested by a lovely Anon! ♡
⊹ฺ Characters: Billy Loomis (Scream 1996)
⊹ฺ Contains: Swearing; Billy being semi-intimidating; Jealous Billy; Set before Scream; Gender neutral! Reader (They/Them used); SFW; 652 words
⊹ฺ Note: I hope you enjoy, sorry for the wait! I also wasn't sure if you actually meant Steve (as in Casey's boyfriend), or Randy, but I just kind of assumed Randy. If I was wrong, please let me know and I can fix it. ♡
(Y/N) rolled their eyes at Randy who stood between Blockbuster's movie racks and the bullshit leaving his mouth.
What Randy thought he would accomplish by rattling off everything that sucked about (Y/N)'s favorite horror movie to Stu was lost on them, because it was doing nothing but annoying them. None of Randy's criticisms held any substance and the teasing smirk on his face that bordered on cocky. If anything, while (Y/N) had never exactly been clingy toward their boyfriend, they found themselves wishing Billy were still standing close by. (Y/N)'s lips set themselves into a frown, their eyes looking toward Stu for the briefest second. The eye contact they made felt like it was good enough to get their point across. Even though (Y/N) silently asked for it, they felt annoyed dread pool in their stomach as Stu walked away, barely excusing himself.
Randy reminded (Y/N) of a little boy. He was exactly how the adults in their life described boys with a crush to be; annoying, slightly aggressive, and very antagonistic. Upon making that realization, (Y/N) hoped that Randy wouldn't annoy them as much since they had an understanding. Unfortunately for (Y/N), they were wrong. "You know, Tatum was right every time she told you to shut up."
Randy just scoffed in amusement. "Yeah?"
(Y/N) glared at him and crossed their arms. "Yeah." They turned away from him, passing their gaze over the movies, hoping the Meeks boy would go away and actually do his job. These days it seemed like it was too much to ask of him. Randy was already fired once, his superiors should do it again sooner or later. Even though they weren't showing Randy any attention, he continued to talk and talk.
Strong arms wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s body, pulling them close. They nearly screamed until they opened their eyes, seeing Randy in front of them. (Y/N) let out a breath. It was just Billy.
"Randy, what do you think you're doing?" Billy's voice was low next to (Y/N)'s ear. "Does my baby look like they care about what bullshit you have to say?" Billy's tone was threatening, and (Y/N) felt as though they could listen to him talk like that for ages. (Y/N) felt protected, warm, and admittedly a little flustered.
Randy's eyes widened slightly, and (Y/N) watched as he tensed up. They laughed a little, relaxing into Billy's chest. "N- No." Randy answered, his voice nearly shaking.
"No what?" Billy asks, moving to step toward Randy. Billy still had an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, but they knew it could be only a matter of seconds before they were out of Billy's arms and there would be nothing they could do about it.
Randy seemed to hesitate before answering, as though he were incapable of restating Billy's question. Fear seemed to have choked the boy up. (Y/N) bit back a laugh. After his most recent bout of making an ass of himself, (Y/N) couldn't find themselves feeling any kind of guilt at seeing Randy uncomfortable. (Y/N) reached up to hold Billy's hand with their hand from the opposite arm.
"No, your b-" Randy quickly changed his wording. Whether it was to save himself or not, they weren't sure. "(Y/N) doesn't care about any of the shit that I have to say." Randy's response came out rushed and he had put emphasis on (Y/N)'s name, further solidifying the idea of him trying to save his own ass at this point.
"Right." Billy mockingly grinned, showing teeth. (Y/N) felt a dopey smile creep onto their face as Billy moved away from Randy and back to where he was before. "So, why don't you go do your job." It wasn't a question or request. "Don't wanna get fired again, right?"
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theunburntsblog · 1 year
Hey mate!
How bout a poly Billy & Stu x male reader who they tease and call a pet?
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MALEREADER!: he/him pronouns used NO graphic depiction of reader. Poly relationship between Billy, Stu, and Reader.
A/n: I'm so sorry this is quite late. I've been going through a lot of things! Hope this will make it up to you : 3 mind you, this might be occ I'm very rusty atm.
You and your partners gather around into the living room of Stu's house. Sitting down onto the floor, drinking some beer while playing Uno.
Stu looks at the cards he has before placing down a draw four against Billy as he chuckles softly. "Hmm, let's see here. I guess I'll change it to.. green, " Stu said teasingly poking his tongue out at Billy, who scoffs and rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Billy takes his turn, placing down another draw 4 card before looking up at you and smirking and declaring uno. "Uno, I believe it's your turn, isn't it, pet?" He tilts his head to the side, teasing you. You sternly look at him, "I'm no pet, you're not gonna win so easily." You start to pick up 8 more cards as Stu holds in a laugh and fails miserably. "What's so funny!" You exclaim, furrowing your brows in annoyance. Stu shrugs, smiling widely with his teeth. "It's just funny to see your confidence. Let's be honest, babe, you don't have much chance to beat us for one. Secondly, you're more like a puppy, ya know? Those big doe eyes just scream it"
Billy looks amused at Stu's answer, nodding along. "I will have to admit, you're loyal and have a big heart it's cute. You're definitely a pet. There's no doubt about it."
You set your cards face down before stealing a sip of Billy's beer, then crossing your arms. "You're full of yourself. You both are." Stu coos, sitting his cards down as he moves closer to you, pulling you into a hug "awww he's tryna act all big, sweet boy." You giggle, gently pushing him away, but Stu just showers you more affection while Billy just smirks and admires his two lovers.
He shakes his head at both of you. "Don't try and hide it. You know we're right. " You accept Stu's love, shaking him off as the room fills with soft laughter. Stu reaches over and starts tickling you, which makes you yelp and move around to get out of his grasp, yelling out for Billy to help you. "Billy! Get him off me! Help!" You frail around. Billy goes to you, and you assume to pull Stu off, but he joins into the antics.
You roll around onto the floor as your boyfriends continue to tickle and tease you. Rambling about how cute you look all flustered while you can't really make out what they're saying because they're just speaking over each other as you giggle relentlessly.
After a few moments, they stop tickling and teasing you. You managed to finish the match of Uno, and you also ended up winning, which made Billy and Stu bicker like children because they didn't win. You all cramp onto the couch, cuddling as limbs interlinked while watching a cheesy movie to poke fun at.
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sethcertified · 1 year
slashers : various
wrd count : 842
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . how slashers act in a relationship with a partner who wears glasses
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, brahms heelshire, billy lenz, patrick bateman, & gn reader
⤷ billy loomis
the most nonchalant about you having glasses
gets curious about how they feel, so he tries them on as secretly when you don't have them on
finds them sexy on you, but won't really point them out when he's (very rarely) complimenting you
fantasizes about blood splatters on your glasses
likes how sophisticated they make you look
sometimes he just plucks them off your head to get your attention
likes to put on your glasses for you
⤷ stu macher
he's like a little kid when it comes to your glasses
wants to wear them 24/7
calls you nerd or geek because of them
sometimes he tries to like start fires with them just to see if he can cause he's seen it in movies
asked you once to rp a "sexy tutor" cause of your glasses
has broken soo many pair of your glasses because of how over zealous he gets
but has the money to get you as many new pairs as you need
constantly asks if you can see how many fingers he's holding up when he takes them off
made you guys dress as shaggy and velma for halloween and begged for you to do the "where's my glasses" thing so he can check out your ass
may or may not have made billy dress up as scooby. . .
⤷ bo sinclair
very vocal about how he find you sexy in them
jokes that you're a genius and always goes to ask you about anything he can't understand
steals your glasses and uses them as a magnifying glass when looking at car parts
has the worst habit of getting grease on your glasses and dirtying them
has a bad habit of biting them if he's holding them for you
if your glasses break and there's no victims with glasses to steal them from he makes you handmade glasses
prepare for glasses stolen from victims that are way too strong or way to weak for you to see through them
⤷ vincent sinclair
loves your glasses
clothing and accessories are important for what role he's given to the wax figures, so he likes to add different styles of glasses to them since meeting you
if he finds glasses for you, but knows you don't like the color of the frames he paints them for you in your preferred color
he likes to take your glasses off and draw you, so he can get as many pieces of art of you with your glasses and without
tests the stability of his wax figures' noses, ears, and cheekbones by putting your glasses on them
unlike bo, vincent is much more meticulous when getting glasses for you from victims
he looks for shape and size
and if he can't find the right one he alters them with wax
⤷ brahms heelshire
also in love with your glasses
steals them from you all the time
like stu, he enjoys trying them on which is one of the reasons he steals them from you
at first, he didn't realize you can't see without them and would throw tantrums if you struggle to do activities or read the to do list
also doesn't realize how fragile the glasses are
you can hear the snaps of your glasses breaking from inside the walls
he really enjoys seeing your glasses fog up to the point he deliberately fog thems up
also enjoys cleaning the fog away from your glasses
⤷ billy lenz
dirty talks about your glasses 24/7
especially about how he sits on your face better than your glasses
is obsessed about facials with your glasses on
always going off about how he's gonna stain your glasses with his cum
also is one to steal your glasses
you can usually find him in the attic with your glasses framing his face
has an oral fixation with them
he is always nibbling, biting, or even licking your glasses
he's freaky yk
places hide and seek with your glasses and hides your glasses around the house
truly finds you more beautiful with your glasses than without
⤷ patrick bateman
honestly would not care too much
he broke your first pair of glasses so he can buy you ones from a luxury brand
doesn't care about how you like your glass's overall style when shopping for new pairs
he's going to get you a pair that he thinks would look nice on you
patrick will constantly give you shallow compliments about your glasses because he doesn't want to reveal his actual thoughts
which are that glasses make you extremely attractive
so expect stuff like "they suit your face."
hes boring
but he does have fantasies about you and your glasses
he starts wearing his own glasses a lot because he thinks you make them look good so he can too
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ◯  🖖🏻  ⭒  ⧆
©️ sethcertified 2023
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letssimptogether · 2 years
Bubble Baths with the Ghostfaces!
includes: g/n! reader, Billy Loomis, Danny Johnson, and Stu Macher
warnings: mentions of weed (in stu’s part)
a/n: i’m just writing fanfics while i watch naruto i’m having the time of my life rn y’all🧎‍♀️
Billy Loomis
Billy says he hates bubble baths, but he honestly doesn’t hate them-he just makes the temperature weird and just hates how he makes it.
That being said, the second you start running a bath, he’s sitting there with puppy eyes waiting for you to ask him to join, and if you don’t, he looks like he’s judging you for the rest of the night-he just wants to bathe with you Y/N!
I can see him hating bubble baths, but if you use bath bombs, he’ll be all over it.
Pretty colors and scents? Sign him up
The first time the two of you are in the bath, he’s holding you to his chest the entire time; he’s kinda stiff but he somewhat relaxes after a while-still while holding you btw
Any time you guys take baths after that, he’ll dim the lights or turn them out and light candles<3
Gives you so many forehead kisses while he holds you-it helps him feel secure in a way.
Danny Johnson
He really enjoys them, but I wouldn’t say he loves them.
He really enjoys being close to you, so he’d honestly be just as content showering with you
I’m fully convinced he loves combining bath bombs and the bubbles.
Bonus points if there’s glitter.
He goes the whole yards when bathing with you; bubbles, your favorite bath bomb, candles, some flower petals.
He wants you to feel special<3
When you guys are in the bath, he’ll rub your back, or any body part. He loves pressing kisses against any body part visible to him.
If you do the same to him, he’ll absolutely melt
Stu Macher
Stu absolutely loves baths.
The instant he hears you making one, he’s begging to take one with you (if you say no he looks like a kicked puppy)
Bubble baths galore-have fun trying to clean up the soap afterwards. At least he helps
While Billy and Danny like to cuddle their partner in the bath, Stu likes to play handheld games with his partner or have his partner read to him; he loves their voice.
He will smother you in kisses though, worse than Danny.
Stu 100% likes to smoke weed before bathing and just have those high conversations with his partner.
Or if he doesn’t smoke, he’s just as happy just having silly conversations in the bath.
I feel like he uses candles as lights on special occasions, mostly he’ll leave the light on or just dim it a little bit.
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dahliaslove · 1 year
Hi love!! I was wondering if you could write headcanon aboht snuggle and tickle fights with Stu macher, billy loomis, and Thomas Hewitt
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⭑ authors note: i was a little confused on what a snuggle fight is but hopefully i did your request justice! also i added in billy lenz because i feel he’d be fun to have a tickle fight with
⭑ warnings: gender neutral reader, i don’t really capitalize a lot sorry, billy and stu get competitive with it, but that’s it i think
⭑ characters: thomas hewitt, billy loomis, stu macher, and billy lenz
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- i feel like you would have to be the one to initiate this because i doubt thomas has ever even had a tickle fight
- but that doesn’t mean he’s bad at it, i feel like this man would be a BEAST at tickle fights. why? well he has very big hands so he could probably cover a lot of area and he’s a gentle giant so he would never accidentally hurt you or go to far with it
- since he works so much i think the only time you'd really be able to fully enjoy this is if you're snuggling up before bed and you decide to tickle him. since he's not the most verbal, he probably would let out the most adorable surprised happy squeal if that makes sense?!
- he would probably let it go on for a little bit before getting his shit together and trying to pin your arms down so he can get you back. I know he’d be so gentle with it because he wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt you, but that would definitely just make it tickle so much more
- it wouldn’t take much begging for him to stop tickling you but as soon as he’s done he’s definitely pulling you back into his chest to cuddle you again &lt;3
- and because i am so horrendously whipped for this man i will be expanding on how his cuddles feel !! Okay first off since he’s so broad (he’s 6’5 guys :0) i get the feeling that whenever he holds you it’s just the perfect amount of toasty and his body is so muscular in so many places but he’s soft where it counts (example: his stomach) so it’s just the most perfect cuddle session ever
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- billy gives off a vibe that makes me think he’s very ticklish, i’m not sure exactly what it is that makes me think that but i can feel it in my gut
- i feel like you would find this out on accident, maybe brushing against his side weirdly or just grabbing onto him weirdly, but he would be so embarrassed when you find out
- with that background knowledge in place, i feel like you would also have to be the one to initiate the tickle fight. and be prepared too because i know he’d go so far with it
- if he’d got the jump on you he’s gonna keep going until you’re begging and there’s tears in your eyes from laughing so much. But, if you’ve got him pinned down, he’s gonna try and put all his weight into getting away because this man is a CHUMP
- I feel like he’d be super competitive and try to get you back for it too. he’ll be popping out from behind corners to try and catch you off guard and every thing
- basically he’s a wimp when it comes to you getting him and probably plots weirdly specific revenge plans that he brings stu into for some reason??
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- he also gives off competitive vibes to be honest, i feel like he would chase you all around his house with a goofy grin trying to tickle you and he would probably really drag it out too (he pretends to be slower when he’s chasing after you)
- if you lock yourself in a bathroom or a random room to get away from him, he will wait out there and make himself some popcorn or something, there’s no escaping him unfortunately <;/3
- i know he’d try to get you to come out quicker by saying he’s not playing anymore or that he’s leaving, and if you fall for it he’s going to immediately tickle you until you can breathe
- if you try to get back at him, this man will use weird tactics to try and evade you and will try to get everyone in on it because he’s a weirdo who refuses to ‘lose’ what he calls ‘a very serious game’ (his words not yours)
- after he officially catches you for the last time he’s gonna collapse all his weight on you and just wrap around you like a koala, if you try to leave he’ll just hold on tighter until you give up and lay there with him
-and he will brag to anyone that he won after and that he’s the ‘champion’ because he is a smug bastard :/
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- he would most likely be the one to start it, because he’s just a silly guy looking for a fun way to make you laugh. he would go absolutely feral with it (when is he not feral though) and would just keep tickling you until you’re a laughing mess
- he will run at the speed of light after so be ready. if you wanna get him back you’re gonna have to really put work into chasing after him because he gives off the vibes of a fast runner to me.
- i know he would have the loudest laugh ever, like he would be cackling and squealing as you tickle him. he would also flop around like a fish out of water in an attempt to get away :>
- the only way to end it is for both of you guys to simultaneously give up and just collapse into each other, he would definitely pull you in close and just bury his head into your shoulder while he pants and giggles very loudly in your ear
- in conclusion he is a very silly guy who deserves to have a wholesome moment with his partner while running around the house and tickling each other!!
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spinning-stars · 11 months
What I think slashers will bake you as a surprise🍰:
Bo Sinclair- he said "Just risk the salmonella and eat the cookie, I quit baking"
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Vincent Sinclair- He loves to bake especially for you💖
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Lester Sinclair- He tried his best
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Stu Macher- There is no explanation.
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Billy Loomis- said it looked like Stu
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Original Michael Myers- Badussy.
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Rob zombie Michael Myers- he wanted to make a cat
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Bubba Sawyer- He said it reminds him of you bc "You're both cute and technically editable"
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Thomas Hewitt- Mama May had to help him a bit. (He still thinks you deserve better cookies)
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Billy Lenz- he said "Christras COCKie"
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Authors note- A short little post for today! Requests are open! Have a lovely day<3
And for my Vincent Sinclair fans who love baking, a new shirt fic!-
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4doll · 1 year
Billy Loomis NSFW headcanons 🥺
NSFW Billy Loomis Headcanons
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His hands are always on your body, whispering praises into your skin. He absolutely worships you and your body.
He love seeing your face when you cum, it sends him closer to cumming. He loves seeing your fucked out face.
DUMBIFCATION!!! He loves fucking you dumb to the point you not being able to not even form a sentence. “I make you that dumb huh?”
He loves putting his fingers in your mouth after fingering you, “How good do you taste?” he just finds it hot
Fingering you when you’re needy and he can’t help you with his cock. Busy watching a new horror movie and you get horny for him in the middle of it? You’re riding his fingers while in his lap while his head is on your shoulder watching the movie as you pleasure yourself on him.
Full nelson when you get too tired to ride his cock. He only does it when he’s super needy for you and has enough energy.
Texts you in advance when he’s had a bad day and needs you. When he gets to your house he immediately is kissing you. Taking his frustrations out on you by pounding you into your mattress.
Sex in the kitchen when you’re home alone and he can come over. Fucking on the counter as he saw you making something and seeing your thighs and couldn’t resist.
Telling you to be quiet when he snuck in and you were needy for him. “Be quiet.. Don’t wanna be caught now do we? You wanted this cock and you’ll be quiet for it.”
Whenever your in a place that could have y’all caught he whispers stuff into your ear like “You wanna be caught don’t you? Want everyone to know who you’re such a whore for.” “Don’t want our friends to know what of a slut you are.” “Shhhh..” Stuffing his fingers in your mouth or making out with you to keep you quiet.
When he’s fingering you he’ll kiss you, trying to keep you quiet even if you’re home alone.
Will make you take all of his dick when he’s fucking your throat. No mercy.
Sloppy make out sessions while high or needy.
When Billy is needy he is needy he will not care if you’re busy, he will make you make time for him for you to ride his cock.
When he’s super needy he’s super touchy, his hands exploring your body while you ride him. Gripping onto your hips to keep him grounded in reality.
Loves watching your ass ripple from the sheer amount of power in his thrusts as he fucks you form the back. Slapping your ass occasionally.
Loves marking you. Hickeys and bruises from him gripping your hips or waist to help him with the thrusting, depending on the position.
Watching you cry from the pleasure he’s giving you makes him almost cum on the spot. While you mumble and go dumb while he fucks you turns him on so much.
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a/n: sorry for not posting for a month! I totally lost motivation and I hope this will make up for me not posting </3
taglist: @strawbearyyyyysblog @starboashee @sojaae
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