#big raph makes me happy lmao
rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
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here's how big raph is by the third arc btw- thought y'all might like to know that the cover is not exaggerating his size compared to april lmao
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tangledinink · 6 months
Hi, I really love your AUs, can't wait to see more!
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eEEEE THANK YOU ; w ; this all so sweet and makes me so happy aaaAAAAAA
ask dump below~
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he was 5'3" previously, he's now more like five feet maybe a little bit less. if you were to measure him and mikey back to back, mikey would be a tiny bit taller. you can't really tell yet, though, since donnie currently can't stand, and up until now he was constantly on tip-toes. he's also just very underweight right now, which makes him seem even smaller. as he recovers and gains some weight back, he'll seem a bit less itty-bitty.
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thank you! ; w ; also while i don't think he's ever, like, straight up wiggled his fingers at a boy, i do think he occasionally gets a little fidgety/twitchy with his hands and fingers when he has a crush. maybe also tends to do little arm/shoulder touches with his outstretched fingers as well when he's flirting. u w u
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It's completely gone! his tummy and hips are now just like the other exposed parts of his body, like his arms and legs-- just skin and scales. I don't think it ever actually came up in the main part of the comic, but is illustrated in his reference image in the masterpost! Also don't worry, no ill-effects from being crop-topped. It'll just take a bit of getting used to. (If anything, it's a bit of a boon at the moment for the rest of the fam. A lot of medical care is a lot easier without plastron blocking the patient's entire torso.)
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HEHEHE, thank you <3 i love making them wag their tails I think it's so cute and silly... <3 I think Raph (across all AU's, lol) has definitely accidentally hurt himself wagging his tail in excitement on at least one occasion.
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Oh gosh. It's hard to say because it's such a spectrum... It would have to be a pretty nasty injury for the witchdoctors to not be able to do something about it. But assuming they can't... Big Mama would never outright ask the Gems to perform on a serious injury, but the twins would definitely feel pressure to continue performing for as long as they possibly could, and to keep recovery time as short as possible. If they had to take time off to heal, they would, (and have in the past,) but they'd definitely be impatient to get back on the field. If the injury is truly so bad that one or both of them can no longer perform, they'd probably both retire, (though extremely reluctantly, and doing so would be incredibly heartbreaking for them and cause them a lot of grief and guilt,) because neither would want to go on without the other. There might be some pushback from Big Mama, though, and the uninjured party could potentially be convinced, with enough time and enough conversations, to make a comeback...
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Poorly. It'd probably go about the same way it did for Donnie, except worse the second time around. They'd probably both be in trouble for it-- Leo for keeping things for her, and Donnie because she (correctly) assumes that he's 'influenced' Leo somehow, since he did the same thing first.
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he is being SOOOO brave right now... but he can't NOT. not when his kids are on the line :< though I will say, you're being quite optimistic about how his conversation with Big Mama is gonna go... 👀
lmao april is maybe in a TEENSY bit over her head, bless her. splinter definitely struggled over whether or not to bring her with him to see big mama. he tried to convince her to let him escort her back home once he realized where he had to go, but of course she wouldn't hear of it. thought about having her wait outside, but... is so reluctant to leave her alone in the hidden city... knew she would probably pushback anyway, too, so...
the twins will definitely have a ton of therapy and healing to tackle in the future <3 my poor sweet baby boys....
THANK YOU <3 <3 <3
@11bountyhunters @oh-my-muffins @oneshortlove @khlegacynexus @animal-lover-forever @wings-of-sapphire @devious-little-creature @riseleon
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Hi there! I've read a lot of ROTTMNT fics, and I mean. A LOT. But holy fuck The Neon Void is literally the most amazing thing I've ever read.
The pacing is FANTASTIC? I'm way too impatient for reveals to take so long in my own writing, the fact you've managed to make it last 20 chapters (so far)? INSANE. /POS.
The characterization is absolutely phenomenal, it genuinely feels like this is something that could have happened in canon. It FEELS like the characters in every sense, even with Leo being the way he is! Its genuinely amazing.
Not to mention the ANGST. Presumed death is my favorite trope ever, and the fact all of their grief feels so palpable? The way you described Raph's grief in one of the chapters stuck with me so much, I forget the exact wording but it was like "He couldn't be more grateful to have had Leo for a brother, or more proud of the fact he had been his big brother" I don't know something like that AND IT FELT LIKE A KNIFE TO THE CHEST. WONDERFULLY DONE.
AND THE TELEPORTATION THING- making true teleportation so difficult in such a smart way was such a great move. I LOVE that aspect so much.
I'm gonna cut this ramble off here before I further go off the rails, I just wanted to say this is my all time favorite fanfic EVER. Even long when this is over I expect myself to come back to reread it VERY often. You're doing an amazing job, and you're a really awesome writer!
Have a wonderful day! :D
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But seriously, that means a lot ;w; I’m always worried that my pacing is too slow, or if I’m hitting the marks on the boys’ personalities. ESPECIALLY with Leo fighting between insane giggle fits and self-loathing. It's been a challenge for sure. The reassurance that it’s somewhat believable makes me incredibly happy ;w; The story beats of this fic are honestly new territory for me—so it means the WORLD to me that you took the time to let me know you like my silly story!!! Especially since this is the first fic I’ve ever published—it’s a huge relief knowing that people enjoy my brain worms LOL
Honestly the amount of positive feedback I’ve gotten just from my silly little fic has totally floored me. Everyone has been so sweet and so kind and honestly writing this fic has brought me so much joy and I’m so happy that it makes other people happy too ;w;
But like??? The fact you feel like it could be canon?? THAT IS SUCH A HIGH COMPLIMENT THANK YOU 😭😭😭 I will admit I am proud of the teleportation aspect, and while I have some other silly particle physics lessons planned I just hope it all makes sense to readers in the end ;w;
Thank you again so so so much ;w; I love big dramatic reveal fics too, so it’s been VERY painful for me to have made it this far without a reveal LMAO. Seriously, I can’t wait to get this silly guy written and moved out of my head to free up rent space for some fanfic READING again (I WILL get distracted if I let myself read other fics rn SOB) I’ll def have to check yours out too because it sounds DELICIOUS 🤤✨
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melancholysway · 1 year
Hello! Could I request headcanons with the 2007 turtles reacting to their s/o thanking them (and by extension them, Splinter, April and Casey as a whole) for actually making them feel like they belong/are loved and that it could be okay to be themselves even though it’s still hard to, as they have always had trouble having any form of friendships/relationships before where they didn’t have to mask, as well as to actually treat like they aren’t forgotten?
Sorry, dunno if this is an old request or not– Just always in need for 2007 boys comfort lol. If it’s weird then you can just delete it ^^’’’
Also, just wanted to say that I really enjoy your content (especially for 2007 and 2012) and it always hooks me when I read it! Sending good vibes your way and hope to see more of your writing soon! *\(^o^)/* (Also hope you have a good day/night).
Ofc! I’m so  so so so so so SO SO SO (so) sorry this took so long!
Whoever sent me this request pls pls PM me so I can apologize more LMAO I FEEL SO FUCKING BAD BRO
and im so glad you enjoy my content! I hope I wrote this the way you wanted!
TMNT 2007 Headcanons: Their Reaction to you thanking them
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family means everything to him, and in a way, you’re a part of that family too
He remembered how upset you were after he came back from South America a whole year after he was supposed to, 
how he tried his best to ease back into things with you,
And how you acknowledged his efforts
You felt forgotten at one point. There was a period where Leonardo just stopped sending letters to everyone, even you. 
It felt horrible, you overthought to the point where a scenario popped up- your own boyfriend forgot about you
He sits you down one day, when everything’s finished: Winter’s portal is closed, and everything is back to normal. While he did apologize when he came back from South America the same night, it wasn’t to the multitude that he was apologizing right now
“I’m…so sorry. I know you may have thought I forgot about you, but, how can I? How can I forget a beautiful face like yours?”
He can’t. He could never forget you. He couldn’t forget the platonic friendship he shared with you for the first 2 years of knowing each other, to then be in a relationship right before his training. 
He lets you know that. That you mean everything to him. Truthfully. 
The talk he has with you makes you love him even more, and it ends with a long, drawn-out hug. 
And when you finally get to the moment everyone in the family has been waiting for, you’re ecstatic. Where you, the turtles, Splinter, April, and Casey all get to hang out in the Lair like old times. 
Where you have a whole night to just converse with everyone, no matter what the topic is about.
 How happy you are to openly talk about Raph’s fame, Mikey’s daily beatdowns, Donnie’s shitty job, how big Leo’s bug bites would get, anything! It didn’t matter. 
As April and Casey leave to the surface, everyone except Leo retreats to their respective rooms. Now, it’s just you and Leo in the middle of the living room. 
He’s already yawning and offering his strength to carry you up to his own room when you stop him. You stop him to thank him. 
“Of course, love. I know you’re tired and I usually carry you upsta-hmm?” Leo’s brown eyes look into your own, trying to figure out what you’re thanking him for. 
“Just…for being there. All of you guys.” 
It was a lot more than that, and he knew it. As he lifts up your chin with his thumb and meets your eyes, he just kisses you. 
The thank you’s come out like vomit, and soon you’re thanking him for his understanding family, his entertaining siblings, and their two human friends that also walked into your life. How they really made you feel like one of them. From the moment you met Leo’s family to now, they truly love you like you’re family. 
He loves it. He loves that he not only gave you the love that you deserve, but he also gave you people- and mutants- that deeply care about you. 
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Raph isn’t as good as the rest of his brothers when it comes to dealing with someone else’s emotions. 
He isn’t sure what to say, or if he’s saying the wrong or right thing
But lately he’s been taking you out for nightly bike rides after things were settling back to normal. Sure, he dumped the Nightwatcher gag, but his motorcycle? No. He couldn’t. That’s his baby. Err, second baby after you. 
You loved the adrenaline rush it gave you, and on this particular night, Raphael knew there would be a full moon out (yes, I HC that Raph loves a good stargaze.) and wanted to take you to get the best view. 
“Ya like it?” He asks as he helps you take off your helmet, only to see your eyes puffy, and tear-stained cheeks.
“…did I do sumthin? Did tha ride give ya whiplash?” He isn’t sure. 
He’s trying to think of anything that may have upset you but he doesn’t find one.
“No,” you wipe your eyes, “No, it’s not you, or the ride, I just…” 
“Just, thank you. For being there for me. Always.” Not even just your boyfriend, but his family. His best bud Casey always looking out for you, too. 
You thank him for the bike rides, for being truthful about being the Nightwatcher, and because you were truly able to feel at ease around him. 
Raphael is already a pretty observant turtle, but the fact that you were able to be yourself around him comfortably is what this whole thing is about. 
Raph’s golden eyes stare at your form, and when your arms (attempt to) wrap around his whole body in an embrace, he smiles down at you.
 He’s not good at words, he never was. He was good at showing. So, he showed you how much he loved you. He showed you that he always wanted you around, and he showed you comfort when you didn’t have any. He was more of a soother. 
So, he doesn’t say anything. He just embraces you. 
“Anytime, babe. Anytime.” He pats your head like he always did, only for his hands to rest at your waist soon after. Pulling you close and in for a kiss, he can’t remember when and where he got so lucky. 
Because-- if he’s being honest- he didn’t like you like that in the beginning. When you first met him as the Nightwatcher one night, it was simply a damsel in distress sort of meeting. He saved you, did his job, and was ready to leave. 
But, he couldn’t. Not with you trying to get to know him better. He still doesn’t know what possessed him that night to get involved with a stranger, and he’ll never know. He probably just couldn’t resist someone as cute as you. 
Regardless of how you two met or how long it took for you to go from friends to lovers, Raph was also grateful to have you. Though, he probably wouldn’t tell you verbally.
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Honestly, out of all the four turtles Donnie is gonna be so happy if you thank him for anything.
I’m talking smiley face the rest of the day- even if you thank him for holding a door open for you
He loves it, he loves the praise (SFW & NSFW aside, Donnie likes being appreciated in general)
Since you’re also his first relationship (don’t bring up his April era) he really, REALLY appreciates you.
It happens one day in his lab. For starters, you were Donnie’s lab assistant often. He doesn’t have much to do in the daytime after he quit his I.T job, so he spends it doing experiments
And you can’t believe that 1) you’re Donnie’s permanent assistant, and 2) that you got so lucky to be a part of his life. 
Master Splinter told you that, though he said fate played a role as well. You may never have known that he and his sons existed if it weren’t for Donnie crashing into your window after a failed jump on the rooftops. Once you came running into your room and let out a scream, it was history. 
Donnie was a cutie, and his brothers were pretty easygoing (Leonardo being suspicious of you in the beginning, Raph not fazed, and Mikey excited that he gets to talk to yet another human being. He’s going 3 for 3 now.)
“Thanks, Donnie.” As the purple-banded turtle turns around, he looks at you confusedly with those magnifying goggles that make his brown eyes 1000x bigger. 
It’s sort of comical despite the serious moment you want to have with him.
“Not that I don’t enjoy when you thank me, dove,” He says,  “but for what exactly?”
“Just, you know, being you.” Having an amazing family, and two amazing human friends. You told him all of that. 
That if it weren’t for his clumsiness almost 3 years ago, you would still be with those “friends” who you had to put on a front for. With Donnie, no, you never had to. Even with his brothers and sensei, they knew the real you, and they loved it. 
“Oh, of course!...I…thank you, dove.” Donnie takes off his goggles and plants a kiss on your forehead,  “That means a lot to me, that you feel comfortable. That’s what I care about.” 
God he’s so cute. How he just smiles widely, blushing and fumbling with the test tube in his hands
Donatello felt accomplished that he made you feel that way around him, and that his family did the same. How you built bonds with all three of his brothers, and had a sort of guiding parent relationship with his rat sensei. 
He loved it all, because he never thought he would ever be able to experience being loved or someone appreciating him as much as you do.
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Ooh boy
Boy oh boy oh boy
He’s a people pleaser, don’t deny it guys
He really likes to make you happy, and he was the first one you befriended when meeting the turtles
You’ve come accustomed to being around your boyfriend and his family, especially because you were always invited to the Lair whenever you wanted to come down. Their home was your home
He becomes your boyfriend during Leo’s absence, and it means everything to him. Mikey constantly looked forward to getting a massage from you after a long day of getting beat up by little kids for a check.
Mikey becoming your safe space. He’s a good listener, and a damn good advice giver. Despite his brothers thinking he’s a doofus at times, Mikey really wants what’s best for you
He and his brothers becoming your main friend group. You hang out with them more, and although you already had a friend group up at the surface in your normal life, they didn’t compare to the joy that the turtles brought you
You never actually thanked him verbally, yet you showed and told him all the time how much you appreciated him and his family’s presence in your life. Not only that, but you were even able to meet two humans as well- and April and Casey were truly amazing. 
This thank you just comes out one day while you’re down in the Lair. 
You’re on the couch watching your boyfriend Mikey dictate someone else’s life in Sims while you both converse back and forth. Despite Mikey loving fast-paced action games, Sims was just something he loved to play with you. 
You take your head off his lap and lean in to give him a peck on the cheek, and he (almost) faints. He loved getting kisses from you, always. 
“In public?” Mikey whispers, peering over his shoulder to see the eldest brother walking by. After scoffing and lightly hitting him on the arm, you smile.
“No, silly, just a ‘thank you’ kiss.” You say, yet the orange clad turtle is a little clueless. What did he do?
“Not that I’m complaining,” He trails, “but what did I do for that one?” 
“You gave me a second family.” Not only that, but he gave you him. Befriending and dating Mikey entailed that you’d have access to his family and two human friends all the time, and there was always opportunity to talk to them. 
Thanking him for just being Mikey, and making you comfortable to be yourself around him, as he was with you. Mikey didn’t hide anything, and that’s what you loved about him.
He’s unapologetically himself. 
“Ohhh, anything for you, sweetcheeks!” Mikey exclaims, leaning in and soon getting a kiss from you. The air around you both is almost calming, as you never have to be on edge when around your boyfriend.
“And, for being my comfort person. Well, mutant.” You found comfort in your significant other, and that was the beauty of dating Mikey. You were able to be as chaotic, crazy, loud, and everything in between with him as much as you wanted. Mikey could always match your energy. 
“You’re mine, too.” You’re his comfort person, and it sets your heart ablaze when he says that. It’s a mutual thing, between you both. 
You’re each other’s comfort. 
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside @xnorthstar3x
Masterlist Discord
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qoeww · 2 years
Okay so basically all the ninja turtle bros with someone who paints the future ( kinda like joes mom in TAWOG) and they paint a date with them and the turtle. How who they react to that?? (If this is too much you don’t gotta like write it lmao)
Warning: Nothing
Characters: Turtle Bros
Author Note: I am sorry for late answer hun, I hope you like it <3
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Leo gave his room to you for a couple of hours, he knew you liked to paint in silence
And he knew you were drawing pictures so you needed to focus
But it's okay if he stays quiet, right?
He tries to open the door silently, but the hinges make a noise that fills the entire room
And this happened 10 times already
You gave an "Again?" look to him
"Ahah, well now I think you should rest now- What about eating some ice cream, I know a good place. But you know what before we go, I think I can take a look."
If you try to cover your painting he will get more curious and will do everything to see it
"Geez Y/N, don't be shy, I know you are talen-"
In the drawing you guys are holding hands and it kind of looks like... A date?
if you think he will be sassy about it no. He will start to stutter and gonna try to tug at the neck of his missing sweater while laughing in pain
You guys didn't open feelings to each other yet but it shows he will gonna win your heart
He plays saxophone inside
"You know what, I get it you're being busy with drawing. So I respect your time aaaand this is the place where Leo leaves-"
After two minutes he comes back and whispers "And when you finish it, uhhhhh... please show me."
When you finished your painting and go out for eating ice cream, he will take this as a date
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You two were sitting in his labs, he was trying to understand what he did wrong about flight teams at car and you were painting picture humming a song
He finally understand what he did wrong, paired the wrong cables and... Done!
He picked up Raph's broken phone while waiting for you to finish
He finished literally every work but you were still sitting
He slowly approached you and looked over your shoulder
His brain tries to process, give him one minute
He will deny painting first, maybe this time you draw for fun?
But you swing your head in other directions
Ok, this is impossible for science, even he knows everything you draw had happened
He will turn his back and cover his face, eyebrows are frowning, sweat runs from his neck to his shell
He will take a deep breath and turn to you again
And ask for a date.
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"Good work team, now hero pose!"
The boys came from the mission while you waiting, the minutes passed like hours so you started painting
Raph threw himself on the couch you were sitting on
"Oh, hey Y/N! What are you doin'?"
Leaning back, he watched your back and involuntarily sighed
Your drawing was important for these boys, they can predict future disasters and that was incredible
But for now, he didn't wanna think about the future just hug you
"I was drawing, the painting is almost done. How was your day?"
When you turned him, he saw the canvas
"Raph... Raph?"
"Is that really... Future?"
"Oh yes."
You two sitting at the corner of the building, the place is lit by candles and your shoulder is on his arm
An awkward silence comes between you, he is just looking other direction
You can hear he is having a meeting with Mind Raph
After deciding what to do he turns to you
"Hey Y/N" He scratched his neck with a shy expression on his face
He will open his feeling to you and will wait for your reply without taking a breath
If you accept his feeling his nervous expression slowly goes big smile
He will hug you for couple hours
Maybe your painting can wait
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Mikey was always a sharer so he was happy about sharing his paints with you
I mean, it was a nice way to spend time with his crush
While talking with you, you two can paint. The mix of two perfect activities turned out to be something divine!
He would watch you silently behind you as you drawing the future, sometimes you forgot he was even there
He knows you need to focus
He always wanted and kept his drawings of him and his family from you
But today he was preparing his sprays
After finishing the finishing touches on your painting, you were going to go graffiti
He was so busy preparing everything, so he couldn't look at your canvas, normally you would sit side by side and doodle something
He comes to you crawling from his seat
"Do you need help?"
He looked at your picture as he rested his head on your shoulder
He will be the only turtle who will ask you out without fear
He is sure you love him too
You take a breaktime to spend time with the orange turtle
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to say that I love your blog !! I especially love your rottmnt ones (I adore the Yandere HCs one , you did an amazing job on them ) 💗 I was wondering is it ok to request Yandere HCs for the turtle brothers (separate please ) falling for the reader who acts motherly to them (if that’s to many then I’m fine with Leo , since you mentioned that he wants the reader to rely on him ?) also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water ! 💗🀄️
Thanks for enjoying my work~ Even if I'm sleep deprived half the time I'm writing.
I'm going to assume you're going by 🀄️ anon.
This is romantic btw
Yandere ROTTMNT Turtles with Motherly MC
Tw: SO MANY INSECURITIES, Mikey tries to start a cult, Implied violence, implied kidnapping, I think that’s it
(As someone who's an only child I don't exactly understand Raph's situation but I tried my best)
I think it would take him a bit of time to get adjusted to (because of how he's always been the responsible one), but in the end finding it comforting.
Since he's the eldest one, he's always had to do all the mature things for his brothers (Splinter was kinda there, but in some cases not).
So it feels foreign for him to rely on someone that wasn't himself.
But after he gets adjusted, he's obsessed.
It's such a warm feeling, something he missed out a lot. Feeling doted on and worried over, it's addicting.
He loves it so much that he clings onto it. Now if we are to refer back to this it would only make sense that he's dependent on it.
He's guilty, but at the same time he feels he deserves to be loved after dealing with the eldest child syndrome for so long.
He's basically glue at that point. Just following you around like a duckling.
"Can I have headpats? *proceeds to be big softie*"
He doesn't enjoy it when his brothers or someone else gets the same treatment too. Like sure you can be motherly towards others but he's the main point of your attention, right?
If it's an enemy or an unfamiliar person he'll go threaten them. Which eventually turns into a cold rage and he gives them a good beating or two (think of it the same way he acts when he feels he's all alone).
Overall wholesome big boy.
I feel like this man would go either two ways; either he internalizes the happiness and just acts all cocky, or he feels immature because of how he's treated.
If he interalizes the emotion and becomes egotistic snarky boy then I think he'll react to a smiliar way Raph does except less intense and more subtle about it.
He'll try to spend a lot more time with you, asking if you want to hang out more (he always picks more dangerous areas like the Hidden City for some reason).
So by the chance that he's injured (nothing major ofc) he'll go up to you with puppy dog eyes. Basically manipulating you to baby him.
On the other hand, and I feel like the more likely one, he'll feel even more useless. Like the fact you being motherly to him makes him feel more of a child who can't do anything.
What does he do? Why he pushes himself to prove that he should be the one relied on. Not the other way around.
He'll train his swordsmanship until he's forced by his family to rest, he'll take on villiains himself, and might even try to teleport enemies/unfriendly people of yours to another dimension (after he's done with them).
Praise him and rely on him for safety. That is probably the only way that'll calm down his antics.
If you don't, he'll manipulate you.
"Let me do this. Don't worry about me, I've trained my Kenjutsu for this." Kenjutsu = swordsmanship btw
(Now unlike Raph I understand Donatello to the max lmao)
You, my good friend, may be in trouble.
As canonically shown throught the ROTTMNT series he eats that praise up. So if you're a motherly type person you're fucking screwed.
He's obviously going to love it, since his father never quite showed such affection to him. My fellow Asian kids I'm looking at you.
He'll do anything for more praise, constructing advanced technology, showing his capabilities, all of it.
It's like he almost brags just to get that small ounce of love. Literally shoving his inventions into your face.
Sure he knows he's smart but to actually be told that he's smart? Confidence +100.
It's to the point he drags you into his lab and is like, "watch me do work :p". He hogs your attention and may be very offended if you try to interact with someone else.
If you push him far enough he'll kidnap you and force you to give him all your love.
He doesn't show it but he's extremely self-conscious about his intelligence and technology, kinda like how Leo is. So to be given the reassurance of love it feeds into his brain in a not so good way.
"Aren't I the most intelligent person ever? Look at my work, doesn't it make you proud?"
Ok again, referring to my general yandere Hcs that I did earlier, I think he would just become more cult-like.
His brain's is like "This person loves me, cares for me, makes sure I'm ok, they must be god." (If you get this reference I love you)
He solely believes that you must be the reincarnation of angels who came down to adore his tiny little self.
He starts writing little notes to himself about your antics and thinks it's the perfect example of an ideal human.
He pulls reverse card in a way; but still wanting to worship your kindness.
Which may end up him trying to pull people into his cult. He'll try to convince them that you're the epitome of adoration and love.
If they try to turn down his offer he gets pissed. Like really pissed.
He'll hunt them down, ties them to a chair, and forces them to watch a slideshow about you for hours straight (or until they've converted to the belief).
"I'm sorry, did you just say that you don't believe they're the most perfect deity to exist? Looks like Dr. Delicate Touch needs to give you a check-up!"
You guys remember in the library episode that one scene where he's like a king or something and says "New Toy"? It's basically that except you're the one on the chair and he's ordering people around lmao.
I feel like he's the most terrifying one out of the bunch.
I feel like compared to other Hcs writers I’m like some weird conspiracy theorist who makes a prediction and tries to prove it’s possible lmao.
Anyway hope you like it
- Celina
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Hi :) can You do rise boys or just Leo reacting to a fem reader wearing a toxedo (suit) because she don't like dresses?
Personally, I prefer a tux over a dress. So this’ll be easy for me to write lmao. I’ve been doing a few rise!bros x readers so I’ll do Leo x reader this time!
Also I made the reader gender-fluid but biologically female. I hope that’s ok :)
Suits > Dresses
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Prompt: You and Leo make your own prom after not being asked to the dance at your school. Well… that was half the reason.
Pairing: Rise!Leo X GF!Reader
Pronouns: Feminine but gender-fluid (they/them/she/her)
Relationship: friends (somewhat dating at the end)
Timeline: Post!Movie
Warnings ⚠️: angst, gender dysphoria, mild language
When you texted Leo saying that you wanted to make your own prom so him and his brothers could join, he took it as a challenge.
The only prom he’d seen was from the “coming-of-age” high school TV shows you’d force him to watch with you, so he knew to go loosely off of that. He needed the music, the kissing booth Photo Booth, the sparkly lights, and the dress.
You’d never talked about your sexuality or sexual orientation to Leo, fearing the conversation would be awkward or he wouldn’t understand or care. Some days, you felt like a boy. Other days, you felt like a girl. Sometimes, you were androgynous. It wasn’t something that you could control or ignore. It was a part of you, and sometimes that sucked.
Leo came over to help you pick out a tux for him and a dress for you online. He was extremely eager, pointing at every other dress commenting about how pretty and shimmery they were.
Sure, they were pretty and shimmery and would look good on anybody, but none of them stuck out to you. None of them made you feel… well, you.
“(Y/N), you would look so good in this one!” Leo tapped on a slim red dress. “C’mon, let’s get this one.”
You shrugged, laughing awkwardly. “That one? Isn’t it kinda…” your words trailed off.
“Kinda amazing! C’mon, c’mon, get that one.”
The turtle’s pleas eventually got you to buy the dress and his suit, but an uneasy feeling settled in your stomach.
Despite your appeasement, Leo could sense that something was wrong. Even though this had been your idea, you didn’t seem as excited about it as he was.
(Y/N) was a big question mark to him. But he didn’t mind that much. In fact, it’s one of the things that made him start to develop feelings for you. He enjoyed the mild switch-ups in your style and demeanor. He’d mentally guess what you’d look like when he arrived at your house, and he was usually wrong.
Nonetheless, he liked how your personality always stayed the same. You were always boisterous, your mind bouncing with crazy ridiculous plans and ideas.
Last week, the two of you built a makeshift amusement park in the sewers. A day or two after that, the two built a miniature chocolate factory from the iconic movie with real toothpaste lids you claimed you’d been collecting for six months.
Where did you get all of them? Leo didn’t ask. He was just happy that you were really passionate about something fun yet so intricate.
As soon as the sun set, the turtles began decorating your school rooftop. Raph set up the Photo Booth and concessions while Donnie set up the DJ booth. Mikey scattered rose petals and confetti on the floor and plastered his drawings along the photo booth wall and rooftop door entrance. All of them adorned a suit and tie associated to their designated colors. April—dressed in a bright green dress—supplied them with the camera.
Leo soon portaled onto the rooftop in a white dress shirt with blue dress pants, blazer, and bow tie. “Hey, hey, how’s it goin’, mis hermanos?”
The oldest of the turtles turned his head to smile at him. “Real good! Just some finishing touches and we should be good.”
After a minute of admiring his brothers’ hard work, a question popped into his mind.
“Mike,” he glanced at his younger brother, “where’s (Y/N)?”
The orange clad turtle shrugged as he threw a handful of glitter into the air, the substance landing on his attire. “She hasn’t texted any of us.”
That was strange.
Again, this was your idea, so why weren’t you here for it? Leo was somewhat frustrated, but gave you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you were running late.
But you weren’t.
In reality, you’d been sitting on the foot of your bed staring down at the red dress in your lap for several minutes. Maybe half an hour. You weren’t sure, but you were sure that you didn’t want to wear that dress.
But you felt awful about it. One, because the dress was absolutely gorgeous, but not something you’d ever wear. Although your attire heavily depended on what area of gender dysphoria you’d be in, you were never attracted to dresses. In formal settings, you’d always preferred a suit and tie or at least a dress shirt and tie.
You finally stood up and set the dress on your bed. Ambling over to your closet, you pulled out the suit and tie set you’d been dying to wear. All it was was a regular black and white color scheme, but you felt your heart flutter at the sight of it.
This made you feel pretty. This made you feel seen.
“Hey,” Leo knocked on the glass of your bedroom window, “everything’s ready. Let’s get going before my bros eat all the concessions… which is just pizza. Maybe pizza was a bad idea.”
You stuffed the clothing back into your closet before letting him in. “Uh, yeah, I’m almost ready.”
Leo furrowed his would-be eyebrows at your clean face and large gray t-shirt draping over your body. “Doesn’t look it.” He lifted the dress off your bed and held it in front of himself. “Is it too small or something? Shit, we didn’t check the size before ordering it, did we?”
You faked a chuckle at his worries as you laid a hand against his shoulder. “No, Leo, it’s fine.”
“You sure?” The blue clad turtle sets the dress back on the bed. “You’ve been kinda weird the whole time we’d been planning this. Were you not serious about this or…?”
Ah, shit, now he’s upset, you thought. Now you had to explain your hesitation—“no, of course not. Get out so I can get dressed!”—or suck it up as per usual.
Leo’s confused expression turned into one of joy before he hopped out the window to give you privacy.
You didn’t want Leo to think you were weird. Especially Leo. You two did everything together.
He went with every idea you had no matter how crazy or nearly impossible it seemed. While in the middle of your theoretical rant, you’d notice him staring at you in a way you could only describe as entranced. You were never sure if he was entranced by you or the topics you could talk about for days, but you sure hoped it was you.
The only reason you bought that dress was because of him. He wanted to see you in it and that alone rose the temperature in your cheeks.
This was for him and him only.
You texted Leo asking his to form a portal from your bedroom to the rooftop. He obliged, the glowing blue circle appearing in front of you.
When you step through it, Leo, his brothers, and April are on the other side. The decor definitely wasn’t exactly what you envisioned, you loved that the group did all this over a meaningless text.
“This is so awesome, you guys.” You thanked them. “You’re some of the best friends I’ve ever had.”
The turtles and April cooed before pulling you into a group hug. House music soon begins to blare as Donnie mans the DJ booth. Bright lights strobed as you and the others jumped up and down in the beat of the music, screaming and chanting in joy.
As the night progressed, the songs slowly became quiet enough to hold a conversation. Leo caught you drinking from the punch bowl and decided to try his luck.
“I wouldn’t drink out of that if I were you.” He advised, a wide smirk on his face. “Who knows what’s in here?”
“He said inconspicuously.” You giggled. “Although, we all knew he had spiked the punch bowl.”
Leo sneered playfully. “You’ve been hanging out with Donnie too much.”
You shrugged as you poured a second helping of the translucent drink. “He says, jealousy distorting his features.”
The turtle sputtered, shocked by your allegations. “Jealous? Oh, hardly. I know I’m your favorite twin.”
With another shrug, the music changed into a slow song. Leo looked you up and down before smirking.
“You look incredible in that dress.”
To be honest, you’d forgotten you were wearing it until he pointed it out just now. Suddenly you felt dirty and uncomfortable with the way the tight-fitted material clung to your thighs. Why did he have to say that?
You tried your best to offer him a smile. “Well, you’re the one who picked it out. You have good taste.”
A look of worry washed over his face before returning to his signature cocky expression. “We should dance.”
He held out his hand towards you and you graciously took it. You wanted to do everything to again forget that the retched dress wasn’t sticking on you like a rubber glove.
The dance was conflicting. You hated the dress and the way it accentuated your curves, and it overall made you feel like somebody else. But the way Leo admired you as the two of you danced alongside your friends caused you to think that all the discomfort and dysphoria was worth it.
Even though you looked gorgeous, Leo couldn’t help but feel awful. He had seen you holding the suit when he approached your window. You gazed at it the way he’d ogled at the red dress. The turtle had somewhat known of your androgyny, but never pressed you about it in fear he was wrong and you just enjoyed both men and women’s clothing. But seeing you right now uncomfortable with the clothing he’d picked out for you broke his heart.
“Hey,” Leo murmured as you and his switched positions, your arms around his neck and his hands against your hips, “you—uhm, you can totally wear whatever you want.”
You shot a hopeful look up at him, surprised on how he found out. “Huh?”
“You can wear the tux if you want. It’s not gonna upset me if you do. I just want you to be comfortable.”
No one had ever told you that. No one had told you to change out of a dress and into a tux. Your parents constantly pushed you to solely embrace your femininity. It wasn’t that they were homophobic or transphobic or anything. They just didn’t understand because you’d never told them.
“No, Leo, it’s okay—” you attempted to deny his allegations, but he shook his head.
“Go put the tux on, (Y/N).” He let go of you before creating a portal back to your bedroom.
After portaling back to the party, everyone’s attention was drawn to you. There you were in the black and white tuxedo that didn’t cling to your skin or accentuate any part of your body you didn’t want to be prominent.
You felt like yourself.
The group cooed at you, complimenting your formal wear. You couldn’t feel more proud of your attire.
Leo smiled at you once the group dispersed and invited you back to the slow days. You agreed.
He simply couldn’t take his eyes off you. He thought you wouldn’t look as good as you did in the dress. Once again, he was dead wrong.
The turtle sighed benevolently. “You look even better.”
Heat soon raised to your cheeks at his comment. “Thanks… and thanks for letting me change. I know that dress meant a lot to you but—”
“It doesn’t mean as much to me as you do.” Leo admitted, gently squeezing your hips. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking about what you wanted. This was your idea and I didn’t let you have a say. I’m sorry for being a dickwad.”
You chuckled as you rested your head against his clothed plastron. “You’re not a dickwad. I think you look adorable in that suit. It’s strange seeing you in human clothes.”
He raised his would-be eyebrow. “Human clothes? As opposed to…?”
You loved the banter you’d get into with him, but this moment was too precious. Instead, you stood on your tippy-toes and pecked his cheek.
“Thanks for giving me the best prom ever.” You whispered.
Leo’s brain more or less short-circuited. He had daydreamed about this moment for weeks, but now that it was happening, he didn’t know what to do or say. The only thing he thought to do was pull you flush against his chest and murmur back.
“Anything for you.”
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bulbabutt · 1 year
Favorite joke/line in any TMNT version? For me, it's a tie between Rise!Raph's "Donnie, if you don't quit it with your *middle child nonsense*, I'm gonna SHOVE YOUR HEAD IN-THE TOILET!!!" from Flushed But Not Forgotten, and from 12: Leo: There's a force field? Why didn't you tell me?! Donnie: Well, because I wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY, I DIDN'T KNOW!!! Runners-up include "Donnie learned to drive in New York City" from 03, and the unintentional hilarity from banking on Vanilla Ice's star power in Secret Of The Ooze
Okay those are all SUCH good choices, especially vanilla ice lmfao
There is like 500 episodes of turtles so let me try and think of the biggest laugh moments me and my sibling had from each show
I can say there was one specific moment in rise where I paused the episode from laughing so hard and then immediately hit super like on Netflix, adding to the hilarity of the moment
which is the part in one man’s junk where Leo says “well somebody put the rust in rustic charm” and we hear BA DUM CHHH "who left this drumset here" because Raph TRIPPED OVER A DRUMSET. so fucking stupid but absolutely killed me
In 87 I feel like I reference it all the time in my comics, but the part in Rebel without a Fin where they’re looking for April in the sewers, Leo says “we’re gonna keep on looking until we find her!” And Raph goes “you know Leonardo, if all the sewers in this city were laid end to end” and he nods his head in such a cheap funny way “UH HUH?” “Well it would be a pretty ridiculous sight” and then Leo looks SO offended “but it would probably be long enough to reach from here to the moon!” And then he shoves his beak in Raphael’s face all mad “THANKS FOR SHARING RAPHAEL” To be honest that whole episode was fucking hilarious, they can’t get the villains name right, the villains henchman being so fucking BORED of being there.
In 12 it’s hard cuz so much of the big laughs I remember came from stupid references tbh (which is us being brain dead, not that the show isn’t funny) nothing made me laugh more than when the neutrinos showed up, and the pair of us were WAY TOO HAPPY TO SEE THAT JOE EYEBALL POPPED OUT OF MUCK MAN. Deadass cuz we were sitting there like aw there’s only one of the garbage men, so no joe eyeball? Then HIS EYEBALL BECAME JOE EYEBALL. Again. Brains were broken by that point.
And 03, i think its that part in notes from the underground where mikey complains that raph called him odd to donnie, and donnies like "youre just being sensitive!" and hes like "SENSITIVE? if theres ONE thing i hate its when PEOPLE CALL ME SENSITIVE!" but this might be because this was such a 'oh my god thats our brother' moment. to which, im happy to report, when i showed it to him he immediately said "this is literally bullying", proving my point abt it LMAO
AND. literally no one is gonna ask, but in the next mutation. any time bonesteel was on screen. cuz he makes this cracking noise with his jaw, its so stupid but so funny.
thanks for the question!
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Questions for your tmnt au, if you’re alright with them, you totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I also love them so much, their designs are amazingly well done!
1. When did raph find out he was trans?
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth?
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀?
Again don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I really admire your art and creative abilities!
*cracks knuckles*
1. When did raph find out he was trans? Pretty early in life, so much that Mikey and Leo don't remember ever calling Raph a sister. He still uses his birth name, Aka (Red in japanese), and chose Raphael when he was around 9 with his siblings.
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth? Raph is always texting April when she's not around because they're besties. But as for the heart messages, I'm planning to give Raph two love interests/crushes. One of them is Monalisa ('cuz I LOVE Ramona) and the other is an OC i'm still planning. I just really love the little red turtle finding love and being s softie hehee~
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
April is a childhood friend of the turts like in Rise, but I'm still planning how they met. The only things I have right now is: she's a lesbian, she's some years older than the turtles, is Raph and Donnie's best bestie and she's brasilian because,, because i need to give them a reason to speak my language lmao-
Casey is more undercooked than April, cuz I want to do some Jonatello like in TMNT12 but I LOVE Rise Cassandra. I'll probally split Casey in a pair of siblings. I plan to make 'em latino because yes, love latinoamerica 'till I die.
Splinter already has some good backstory thought out for him, but I crave to redesign him. I tried drawing him twice, but he looks too much like a mix of Lou Jitsu and 12!Splinter and I wanted to give him a more,, monstruos look? I don't know if that's the right term, but I'm looking for a bigger "rattier" mutant look for him. He's a very affectionate and autistic dad that loves his turtle children very much.
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀? Yes I have! :] I'm kinda bad at writing and explaining my ideas, but I can try to give a tiny sumary- Splinter is the reincarnated soul of Hamato Yoshi mixed with one of his decents, that was being kept in a lab for some good years having her DNA used to make tests. He "possesed" his current body while the original soul basically died in the process of getting mutated after the lab where she was being kept exploded. Thanks to various injuries he remembers little to nothing about none of his lives besides fighting and few other stuff. He almost completely forgot how to speak english and spent good years only speaking japanese with the turtles, that until they met April. In the current time (?) they're in, he can remember his former names and has memory lapses here and there.
The turtles and Splints will have family mystics abilities like in Rise, but I'm still thinking of how to implement it without being a straight up copy Shreder is still in the corner not being thought about, just like Draxum, Karai, Big Mama, Usagi, the Mutanimals, etc. Not very sure if I'm going to use all of them too-
As for mystical weapons, wich is a concept i LOVE, the only explanation I have for how this kids got them is: They stole it.
Is very little stuff, but i'm happy to share it anyway :)
Thank u for ur kind words about my art, it really means a lot lot for me! <3 /gen
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fluidfox123 · 2 years
Got any headcanons for any of the rise characters? if so, I'd love to hear em 😌
Ooooh! I usually get these kinds of asks on my writing Tumblr and not my Main one, but yes! I do! Lots! So I'll try and summarize them as best as I can with bullet points (spoiler alert it's still really long): 
He's a headmate and part of a Plural System! I have talked about this many times, and you can find more info on my pinned post on my writing Tumblr. I won't dive into it here because this post will be 10x as long because Plural Raph means everything to me, LMAO.
Eldest Daughter Syndrome all the way; this boy has trauma regarding taking care of his family and boundary issues because of it. This also applies to him loathing and loving his family in a complex way.
He's Autistic, and one of my favorite things about Raphael's traits is that he enjoys the feeling of intense sensory input. Especially when he was younger, he used to get hurt a lot because Raph used to throw himself around when he was understimulated. It's something Donnie teases him about and doesn't understand at all. But they bond over their shared neurodiversity, especially about emotional shutdowns.
He's Dyslexic! He struggles a fuck ton when it comes to reading and writing, so much so that it's one of the main things that caused him to melt down. The frustration over being unable to do things his brothers could became too much, really fast when he was younger. Things are better now, but he often struggles, as outwardly shown with his sloppy handwriting, sometimes taking a while to write out texts and mishearing what people are saying to him.
He's also Dyscalculic, so he struggles with math just as much. Unlike his Dyslexia, however, Donnie was more than happy to help him out and show him multiple ways of doing it. After Donnie went through a whole entire perspective change over not being able to grasp why Raph was so "dumb" until he finally realized Raph understood numbers differently, like how Donnie did but in the opposite. Raph hates numbers, but it doesn't get as much of an emotional reaction out of him as reading/writing does. 
He is a puzzle freak! I cannot stress enough how much he loves puzzles, especially Tangrams and Sodoku! He has his own stash of puzzles in his room or somewhere in storage. It's one of the things he allows himself to buy for himself, a treat of sorts. When he's stressed and needs to be alone, he pulls out a few puzzles and completes them until he feels better. Donnie and Raph have their days that they'll do Sodokus together, and at times Mikey joins Raph in jigsaw puzzles and/or challenges, especially the big ones that take days to complete. It's one of the ways the three bond.
Raph has special interests in Dinosaurs, Puzzles, Anatomy (like how muscles work), Sports, and Stuffed Animals. He's able to info dump on the histories and information about each one but doesn't, mostly because he's so busy making sure his family is taken care of that he's combated the urge to info dump unless asked to.
In a possible AU(?) or, in some fics, I write Leo as Plural, which you can also find in the pinned post I linked. However, it's not a big headcanon of mine as it is with Raphael's Plurality, but it's still something I can talk about for ages. 
He's an insomniac and has been since he was a baby. He struggles to sleep, and when he does, it's not for very long. His family accommodates his fucked up sleep schedule and never puts him down for not being able to sleep or spend time with them because he needs to sleep in/is too exhausted to participate. He feels guilty for not being able to join them in the morning at times, has anxiety about how short days seem, and sometimes feels like he isn't doing enough to spend time with his family because he can't control his sleep. 
He has an Anxiety Disorder. Many things affect him differently than his brothers because of this, like dealing with stress. He also places much of his self-worth in his appearance, his family's perception of him, and the need for constant success. So, if any of those things are affected, he spirals into panic attacks that leave him emotionally drained and mentally fucked for days. Until he eventually bounces back into three of his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
He has Internalized Homophobia, deadass.
He's a music-orientated boy like Mikey is. The only difference is that when he's upset, he'll drown everything out with loud music and pretend to be a rock star/his favorite artist(s) for escapism. He has the most music on his playlist out of all his brothers but still has nearly every song memorized by heart. He hums songs a lot, whether to calm himself down or when he's really happy. A humming, muttering lyrics Leo is usually a good sign unless he's rubbing at his wrist. 
This leads me to my next headcanon: Leo's also very unhealthy coping mechanism is digging and rubbing at his wrist when he has a panic/anxiety attack. It started when he was younger and only worsened until his family helped Leo find different ways to cope.
He loves tea more than Splinter. Anything tea flavored? He'll love it. Get him any kind of tea? He'll down that shit no matter what. Splinter doesn't understand how Leo can enjoy black tea, but he fucking does, so if he's super tired in the morning, he'll drink some caffeinated black tea and watches as his family cringes and teases him for his terrible taste buds. April usually buys Leo some new tea for him to try for the day that they all finally witness Leo actually not like a certain kind. It hasn't happened yet.
Autistic and mostly sensory, avoidant to everything except his eyes, leaving him loving when things are really vibrant, hence why his purple lights in his lab are so strong sometimes. When he was younger, he went through a lot of trial and error trying to find his comfort food/foods he's comfortable with. Sensory issues are his nemesis. This is why he never experiments with his pallet beyond his own food abominations (as Mikey calls them). Hates scented detergents/candles/strong-smelling foods and will avoid really high sensory challenges their family plays that Raphael dives right into.
He has trouble sleeping, not in the same way as Leo, but mostly because he fixates on a project and doesn't want to go to sleep until he's finished. It's led to quite a few arguments from Raph, but only when it leaves Donnie up for 24 hours, affecting his health. Donnie or Leo will mostly silently join each other, so they're not alone. At the same time, everyone else is asleep, and depending on if the other is having some issues, they'll do their Wrist Grab, which is their specific affection grab that developed in their childhood. 
He makes Stress Binders, binders full of information he's printed out, laminated, and specifically made in a certain order. He has some on lab SDS (Saftey Data Sheets), his special interests, data from each of his creations, his family, and random interesting facts. They're on a shelf in his lab that's properly labeled and something his family doesn't even dare to touch because it's literally Donnie's emotional crutches.
He hates fish. Like. With a full-on passion, he hates fish. He hates the touch, looks, and just- everything about them. His family will tease him for it, but they never go too far because he will fucking lose it if he has to touch a goddamn fish. 
He was non-verbal when he was younger and communicated through building Legos. Everyone keeps the Lego figures he's made just for them, whether they were an important thing or as a gift. Donnie still loves Legos but doesn't build with them as much as when he was a kid, but from time to time, he'll leave his family Lil Legos for them to find. 
Because Donnie was non-verbal and can become semi-non-verbal when he is overhwlemed, everyone learned ASL to talk to each other when one of them was silent or needed help. They use it outside when Donnie is non-verbal, but it isn't often enough that anyone would know they knew ASL if they weren't around when Donnie went mute.
He's a father to all his creations and treats them all like they're his children, even if he reflects Splinter's parenting that had hurt him onto them, intentional or not. I know this could be considered canon, considering S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and the Sentient Bed. But seriously, he has so many AI children that no one can even joke about it because it's literally too fucking real, LMAO.
He has Intrusive Thoughts that have a wide fucking range that affect him constantly. I sometimes write him with OCD, but he generally suffers from Intrusive Thoughts. Out of all his brothers, he has the best handle on his issues and healthy coping mechanisms, but he still struggles. He grows silent and distant when his mind is fucking with him, and only on desperate occasions does he confines himself to his bedroom. He never outright locks himself away like Splinter. He would rather suffer than do so, but he does take time away from everyone else to vent or deal with the thoughts until he's all better. 
He was taught how to cook by Raphael before he exceeded Raphael's knowledge and self-taught himself in everything else. He loves cooking, and it's a way for him to get creative and feel like he's contributing to his family and properly accommodating what they need to be. However, he will playfully strangle whoever steals a taste of the food he's making before he's done, and everyone has gotten hit with a spatula by him a few times because of it.
He enjoys making jewelry, mostly bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, for his family's mask tails and ears for those who have them. It started when he used to take a string and tie little rings on his fingers as a kid, and eventually, when he got older, he could make some of his own and self-teach himself how to! 
He is 100% an ADHDer and is a mix of hyperactive and unattentive. He usually stims by doing tricks and hanging himself upside down, especially when understimulated. He gets upset really easily when he isn't able to focus on something, though, and when Mikey was younger, Mikey used to bite down on the inside of his mouth as a way to try and focus, but it never worked, and he ended up leaving scars in his mouth and making himself bleed. It's all fixed now, and he instead finds different ways to express his frustration.
He loves history. He watches videos, documentaries, and easy-to-read books on different cultures and all their information. Reading about history, culture, and such, he can overcome art block and draw things inspired by what he learns. Because he's so passionate about it, April shares everything she gets taught in her history classes and lets Mikey keep whatever she doesn't need anymore from that class.
He writes not very often, but he dabbles in creative writing from time to time, especially if it's poetry or describing his feelings. 
Mikey has issues with not being seen as mature and independent, so it causes a lot of fights in their family when anyone doesn't allow him to do something he thinks he's ready for. He hates being babied, and because of this, he and Raph can butt heads a lot, especially when Raph is being overprotective and hovering. At times Mikey understands, but in others, it's just a one-way trip to him not talking to you until he's calmed down. 
That should be most of them! Sorry that this is really long and might have some spelling errors. I like talking about these turtles and how I interpret them and my Dyslexic ass only vaguely payed attention to grammer, LMAO
Thank you so much for the ask, Hunter <3
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naivesilver · 4 months
Hello I have been summoned
2. When I tell you I think about raph holding up 03 Mikeys like a hamburger to see the city lights, and I can hear the excited chirps and babbles and just see his face turn to such a soft look URGH I THINK ABOUT IT SO MUCH
5. I really want to read your big pinocchio AU fic that you've told me about, and I will one day for sure and I'll get to see the family you have constructed
7. Definitely that Mikey and Raph thing again, babe I think about it so much, but I just a close second is that belle and vector fix you wrote me a couple years ago for sure
9. Your montabello fic may never update again, it might in years time, it could tomorrow! Idc it's fun and self indulgent and I remember you telling me you where going to do it and how excited you where and it's a great read and it is special to me
10/13/14. All kind of related, listen I really don't like crossover fics much, and I especially don't like when people age up or down characters I never have! But you where so excited about shaking the latch I forced myself to give it a go and it is genuinely one of my favourite tmnt fics of all time and I love love love making art for it and talking to you about it and maybe stealing it a little but gosh it's great and the descriptions are lovely and the characterisations are fab and I just love it so so much I'll be so sad when you finish it you know like a chapter has closed on my life and I'm not even actively involved in it's creation
12. Your early vecpio fics, before I met you I read them so many times I was star stuck we where out in a discord together I have to be honest 💕 I've also read your recent gift fic for me a few times aswell but gosh yeah your so talented babes xxx
FUCK YOU I GOT SO OVERWHELMED BY THE SHEER JOY OF THIS ASK I DON'T THINK I CAN ANSWER IT COHERENTLY, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO THIS HARD 😭💞 if I forget to say something, just know that what I tell you every day is the more concise and sensible version and that's that ajsfhjalfhjlahfjl thank you, you absolute menace ❤️
Fanfic Asks (For The Askers)
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours
7. What made me the most emotional after reading
LISDEN.........I spent so much time thinking about that scene before writing it, I'm just glad it hit as well as it did for you too. The 03 turtles had a lot of issues with the outside world not accepting them, you know? So big, rough Raph holding this teeny tiny baby and knowing he can break the cycle and keep these children from going through those struggles...Being aware that Mini Mikey TRUSTS Raph to hold him up high and shield him from the world...It does ThingsTM to me, so it's only fair that you feel them, too 💝
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to
I'd be honored to have you read that, but I'll be honest, I don't blame you for hesitating LMAO I know I went overboard baby, even if you never touch those 2763847393 fics in there I'll be happy :^)
9. A fic I'm excited for you updating/posting
I WILL FINISH THAT!!!!!! Sorry, I know that wasn't the point of the question, but I NEED to speak this into existence - I have so many ideas that need to come out onto the page, so thank you for having faith in it, it's really important to me 🤗
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them
13. If I've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much
Again, thank you 💞💞💞 not much to say aside from what I mentioned before in private but it's been so much fun to go on this turtle journey with you, and your patience with my VERY delayed updates is extraordinary.
12. A fic of yours that I've re-read
Finally, BOY what a blast from the past - I still don't know what compelled you to stick around after the delirium that was 2020, but I'm super glad you did. Those shitty Chaotix parenthood moments have given me a special friend so I can't be TOO mad at them 🥰🥰🥰
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angelpuns · 11 months
Again spoiler warning GO READ SPARKS OF BLUE!!!!
So Raph is obvi high empathy, but even with that it doesn't make it so you just don't feel negative emotions toward a person because empathy doesn't just apply to happy or sad it also applies to anger and Raph has a whole lot of anger, and so does Donnie! But Raph actually understands why he's angry and doesn't want it to take it out on anyone because he can analyze it and he's really in-tune with his emotions because he always feels them so strongly and he can see that anger in Donnie, and he can see how guilty CJ feels. And yeah he's angry too, just like Donnie and he gets why Donnie is angry. But at the same time he can see a lot better than Donnie can that Cj also feels guilty and is grieving too! I'm very bad at explaining but basically Raph is just as angry as Donnie, and he gets and shares that anger in Donnie, but he also doesn't want to take it out on anyone because he also recognizes the guilt and sadness in Casey, so instead of hurting anyone else he hurts himself the way most autistic people with high empathy do, because they can handle seeing themself hurt, but they can't handle seeing anyone anyone else hurt because of that high empathy.
Now with Donnie it's another story, because he has low empathy but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about his family. No he still didn't want April to cry, he still didn't want her to have to walk, etc etc. But when it comes to someone not as close to him as Casey, he doesn't care! He's more worried about how he feels, how angry he feels and and how his family feels because he isn't close to Casey. He cares how he feels and at the moment he was angry, and he isn't sure what he should be angry at and Casey was a part in what Leo did so he's angry at Casey, and unlike Raph he can't see that Casey is sad too, and that he's angry and grieving too. Because of his Low empathy he doesn't know and doesn't really care! Both him and Raph are feeling the same thing they react differently because Raph has high empathy and can see that Casey is hurting and doesn't want to make it worse, but Donnie doesn't and honestly just wants to feel better himself and can't see that he's hurting someone else in trying to do that! Personally when I'm dealing with big emotions I try to work through it as fast as I can and go back to normal and that's what Donnie's trying to do, and having something to hate and something to in a sense destroy that he things is the source of his big, bad emotions gives him something to get rid of so he can feel better again!
Like I said, I suck at explaining this but tldr, Donnie wants his emotions gone and doesn't care who he hurts trying in to get rid of them (Which is caused by low Empathy) and Raph wants to keep all his emotions to himself so he doesn't hurt anyone else because they're already hurting (which is caused by high empathy)
This might not be the most accurate but its hard to put into words what I'm thinkin <3
This is making so much sense btw, like this explanation has done for me learning about high vs low empathy than anything ( I am not very smart and also have not looked into it a lot lmao)
I wish I had more to say about this but frankly this explanaton literally sums it all up LMAO
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plothooksinc · 1 year
For the WIP file game: Before Lisbon? 👀
And this is the Court of Miracles file, saved lazily by Word as the first words in the document, lmao:
Before Lisbon, I would not put my faith in a myth and a child’s fable, but I will no longer claim that Enugu does not exist.  He came to us in our dark hour and he listened to our fear, and then he bade us follow him into the light.
Enugu is, according to the 2007 Leo Prequel, a turtle god. Leo is mistaken for Enugu by small children when he tries to stow away on their ship to catch a lift and... finds a whole bunch of kids who basically say to him, "Hi, we're going to be sold to adults," and Leo goes UHHHH a little bit nuts. One might say. The comic shows him quite pissily slaughtering his way across the ship in question. Leo saves the kids! Leo also murders an entire crew full of child traffickers! Well deserved, but a wee bit homicidal. This kind of spawns a bit of a legend about Enugu the Turtle God, and when the surviving traffickers try to put their crew back together they find intimidation and superstition between them means nobody is willing to work. Because of this one goddamned weird freak turtle who took offence to them doing some honest work, I mean, god.
Anyway, Court of Miracles takes place after the 2007 movie when the surviving traffickers follow the rumour of giant turtles all the way to New York. The main villain is distinctly of the view that if he can find this turtle in question and make an example of him to his crew, he can put to bed these superstitions and fear of retribution and get back to work. But the thing is he has no idea there's more than one mutant turtle and ends up kidnapping the wrong one. And thus Mikey has a very bad couple of days while his brothers try to find him and uh... Raph and Leo have more than a few fights about it: Raph: Sooo you lectured me about the whole Nightwatcher thing, and what is it you were doing exactly? Leo: .... that's different >_> Raph: It sure is. My vigilante job never followed me home and kidnapped my family--
Pour one out for Donnie, who has to deal with this animosity while they try to find Mikey before he, idk, loses an arm or something. This is probably the only fic of mine in which the brothers are not one big happy family because...yeah.
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noodlefluid · 1 year
Random headcanon about the rottmnt bois dynamic
▪︎ Sumary
Just a few headcanon that I think about and I needed to tell someone cause I'm pretty sure my friend is tired of hearing them lmao. Also probably gonna do one of each. Take this while I'm working in the fanfic and trying not to die because of the heat, fcking hate summer
Warning: swearing, angst, alcohol mention, soft
All of them were/are theater kids at some point
The all powerful mouse would not be happy about this, but they went to watch Hamilton without paying :0
Donnie sometimes can't sleep alone so he goes to oke of his brothers, this is how it goes with each of them:
When he goes with Raph, he likes to lay down on top of him, sometimes really just in top of Raph's shell, sometimes he would lay in his plastron
With Mikey he likes to sleep hugging him, Mikey's warm and he likes that
Leo's a special case, he just need him near, just knowing he's there, he would wake up if Leo leave the room. In really rare ocassion when he's really stressed and/or overwhelmed, he would put his head on Leo's shoulder
In any of this cases the brother's would text eachother something along the line of "I've been choseen" or "I can't move" and they would know what it mean
They all wait untill Mikey turn 21 to drink
I lie, Leo drink a bit one time by mistake, he almost die lol
There's a list of games that are forbiden in the lair, in which are include: Monopoly, Smash Bros, Among us (let's say the impostor went outside the game), Mario kart is in and out, Uno unless April's with them, Just dance, and a few others, they all have their own story
Leo and Donnie "flirt" with eachother, ok ok I know how it sound BUT HEAR ME OUT, it something me and my cousin (who I grow up like a brother) do
Basically: they have this "fuck boy face competitiom" whenever they left alone and bored, the first to laught lose
They would say pick up line like the ones from r/incelpickupline, like really really bad, just to see how they would react. No tcst like...just dumb brotherly shit
All of them go to each others room to fart and then run away
They all have a soft spot for April in their own ways
Raph can be vulnerable just with April, since he look at her like a big sister figure
Leo and Mikey would do everything to make her smile
Donnie let her look at his beta, but she broke one of them one time so now she can't get in his lab, he would send her pictures tho
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melancholysway · 1 year
I know it says that the asks are closed but, I do want to throw this out there for when they do become open again.
Can we have the fem S/O give their turtle a gift for their birthday and it happens to be multiple positive pregnancy tests?
also please note: DO NOT do this to your s/o if you both aren't ready to have kids. That's terrible and might even ruin the relationship. Personally if I was a guy and wasn't ready for kids I wouldn't want this as a present. It'll literally ruin my birthday LMAO. (does that sound harsh? sorry ya'll)
So, I'm writing these in the scenario that you've both talked about having kids and are actively trying to have them.
also! I'm so sorry for being inactive! school is whooping my ass and my job! i'm trying my best to get these out without having you guys wait too long!
TMNT 2007 Headcanons: Fem!S/O Giving their Turtle a Positive Pregnancy Test as a BDay Gift!
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lowkey so fucking excited
like the thought of a mini leo running around makes him so happy seriously
he will go on and on and on (and on and on) about how he wants to be the one to teach the baby ninjitsu
"it'll run in their blood just wait and see"
he also wasn't expecting the test to come on his birthday of all days
after trying for a while to get pregnant (wink wink) he just wasn't sure it was possible. A human and a mutant? the odds are super low.
like, scientifically low.
So when you bought the 3 pack of tests for extra reassurance, you thought the best way to tell him was on his birthday that was upcoming.
You don't make it a big scene, you give him the wrapped-up gift in private
"Another gift? You're spoiling me, love" He opens the gift up, confused on what it could be
And tadaa! it's not one, not two, but THREE positive tests!
He's speechless for a moment. You were nervous. Did he not want kids anymore? Was it not the right time for this sort of thing? You were both trying so hard tha-
"I'm going to be a dad."
"I'm going to be a dad!" His smile starts to grow, and after getting up he just hugs you so tight and goes to tell his own father.
He also wants to know immediately if it's a boy or a girl- he's so excited that he forgets you're not able to tell in the first few weeks.
Showers you in butterfly kisses all over your face. He's so happy, that he actually yells it out into the sewers that he's gonna be a dad. He can't stop saying it
And he won't ever stop saying it, he doesn't care, he's ready. So so ready.
Leo would be such a good dad guys omg.
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At first, raph doesn't want kids.
It sucks, but you have to respect it. He's not obligated to say yes, and vice versa
You wonder why, and when he finally tells you the reason, it's almost comical.
he doesn't think he would be a good dad.
It's just- he's so...big...and violent...and, well, wouldn't the baby be scared of him or something?!
"I'm not just telling you this because I'm yours, Raph, but I 1000% think you would make an amazing father."
He takes it with a grain of salt. He's unsure. He doesn't wanna hurt the baby or anything.
But, he's so gentle with you, and you let him know that.
Once you give him some time and reassure him, he caves in and says yes.
"I got this, babe."
He tries oh so hard to get you pregnant. To keep this blog PG-17, I won't go into detail, but you get the idea (wink wink)
Him and Donnie are two peas in a pod, so he's going to Donnie at least once a day to ask him what he's doing wrong or right when it comes to getting you pregnant. Not only that, but he's asking Donnie if it's possible- if it's truly possible he can have a baby with you.
“If I'm almost a 6-foot talking walking mutant turtle, anything is possible, Raph.”
It's been a few months, and once you take a test and says it's positive, you could cry.
You contain yourself, saving the test where raph won't see it- you hide it in Donnie's lab.
It's now a secret between you and the purple terrapin.
Donnie suggests you give him it as a present. Raph's been getting amped up about possibly being a dad, plus his birthday is almost here, so why not surprise him that way?
And, you do.
It's so sudden and you do it so nonchalantly that he has to do a double take when he opens the box.
He's in shock for a bit, as he was starting to lose hope it wouldn't be possible, but here it is, sitting right in front of him.
He puts it aside and gives you such a passionate kiss, you become weak in the knees.
He's gonna be a father. He's gonna be a dad- just like Master Splinter was to him.
He wants to be the best father he can be, and thinks about all the things he wants to teach his kid when they start to grow up.
"I want 'em to be like you, but wit my good looks."
It's the sweetest compliment he could give you, and it's one of those rare times that he smiles. Right now, he's smiling at you, at the box, and at life.
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This turtle is nervous.
He already knows the science behind everything, he knows there’s a slim chance of you actually being pregnant, but he still wants to try.
Donnie thinks he wouldn't know how to parent despite reading so much and watching and experiencing parenting himself. He was basically raised by a single dad
and if Splinter can take care of 4 mutant turtles as a mutant rat, then Donnie can raise a mini him
Very on top of your cycle, he wants to know what phase you're in so that it increases the chances of getting you pregnant
makes sure you're eating enough nutrient-rich foods and drinking enough water for higher chances of pregnancy, yes ya'll it helps!
he tracks how you're feeling and such which is really sweet of him. Dating Donnie is basically dating a doctor.
And after months and months of trying hard for a baby, you're shocked as you're looking at 3 different positive pregnancy tests.
You weren't expecting it today- as it was Donnie's birthday, and being pregnant hadn't been on your mind for a few days until today. Yes, you noticed your period was late, but you assumed it was from the slight stress you were experiencing, you wanted today to be special for him and were focused on just that- and what do you know, you have his ultimate birthday gift inside you at the moment.
Donnie does so much for everyone else that you wanted to spend it with him being pampered like the king he is
It all goes well, and he couldn't be happier
just when he thinks the day is done you whip out this tiny purple box from behind your back and he's super confused. He got so many things today from you, and you had another trick up your sleeve?
He goes to sit in his swivel chair at his work table and opens it, looking at you sheepishly when he opens it to reveal all the positive tests you took this morning
"I found out this morning, and I thought this would be a good gif- Donnie!"
He picks you up and twirls you around, cheering with you that you're going to be parents- finally!
Though he's a little nervous, he has enough knowledge- deep down Donnie really thinks he would be pretty decent at the whole dad thing.
He sets you down and kisses you, thanking you for being his.
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Okay, this turtle couldn't be any happier
will NOT shut up about it at all
He goes to Donnie a lot to give him advice on how to get you pregnant (tmi, but whatevs,) and Donnie tells him about ovulation, fertility, the whole nine yards
so he utilizes those windows in your cycle, the better chance to get you pregnant am i right?
he's not really thinking about how low the chances are, he thinks if he's lucky enough to be with someone like you, he'll have enough luck stored up to have a kid!
Once his birthday comes around, you decide to surprise him with it once he wakes up
"Happy birthday, Mikey. I think you'll like it a lot."
and he does
he's still wiping his eyes from his deep sleep but he's still super excited as to what his first gift on his birthday would be
"Thanks! You got me sticks?" Whoops. You may have forgotten to have them facing up. Either that or he's still not fully awake
"No, Mikey, turn them over,"
It takes him a bit, but he got the gist. You could tell once he shot out of bed
"No way! Everybody, I got a kid for my birthday!"
Cue Mikey waking everyone up in the Lair to tell them the news
He tells Leo first, he's the lightest sleeper anyway- and he's so happy for his baby brother
Now everyone's awake, he's already deciding on names (an equal amount of boys and girls names,)
You didn't even get that far as to names, but he's literally 20 steps ahead of you, I'm talking asking April what kinds of clothes she thinks would fit on a half mutant half human baby
But seriously, this is a great gift for Mikey! It's what you both have been wanting.
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
Hello fren could you maybe do hcs for the 12' maincast reacting to a friend coming out as genderfluid?
-🐚anon (I'm probably gonna be back lol, ur very big brained)
I THINK YOU MEAN THE TMNT 2012 MAIN CAST, RIGHT?? IF I GET THIS WRONG THEN PLEASE TELL ME! I'll do the turtles! ALSO I'VE NEVER BEEN CALLED BIG BRAINED, IT FEELS ODD SINCE I ALWAYS CALL MYSELF PEA BRAINED LMAO -------- I'm gonna start with Raph, he's the first turtle I decided to try and research </3 I might take 2012 off my list, I didn't realize how much I forgot about it! --------- Raph!! - He'd be confused at first. What did that mean? - You'd have to explain it to him! ... Repeatedly. Again, again, again. He can't just seem to get a hang of it at first! - Raph ends up getting frustrated with himself (and you a bit) because he can't understanding it - Until you explain it in the DUMBEST way possible! - Then he semi understands! - You seem scared, though, so he'd gently place a hand on your shoulder and smile at you. "While I don't ENTIRELY understand... I'm no jerk- kinda. I accept you for who you are. Heh, I mean- Look at me! I'm a turtle! Who am I to judge?" - AND IT'S??? ODDLY COMFORTING?? - He'll get the hang of it eventually! Just tell him what you're feelin' that day or if you prefer anything and he'll do his best! Just remind him if he messes up! - He'll... Kinda understand better after a month or two! Leo!! - He's also confused at first, but he's way more calm about it and understands it faster. - Leo... Compares it to something he's seen in his show- I'd imagine there's some character in there that's doesn't really follow gender! - Yeah it's not the most flattering thing to say, but he's supportive! - "Thank you for trusting me with this... I promise, I'll do my best to remember. I accept you." - He gets stuff after a week or two, he's a fast learner! - Leo isn't afraid to correct others, he definitely helps Raph remember to use your pronouns and stuff! - If you change anything about your appearance? He notices first! "Oh, hey! Your hair!" - The second worst at understanding, Raph's the last Donnie!! - Donnie understands immediately... Immediately after asking a ton of questions. - He knows what being transgender is! He knows the genderfluid label, he just wants to understand how YOU experience it! - After you open up and explain how you experience your gender and stuff, he'd open up and explain how he feels about his... He might be trans! Donnie just needs to learn more! - You can go to him about gender dysphoria if you experience it (not all trans people have dysphoria!), he's always open to help! - "Thank you for trusting me with this, (Y/n)... I'm always here for you, ok?" - If he ever builds you something? He'd paint a lil' pride flag on it for ya (if you're comfortable with that! He'd ask first!) - Donnie would slip up once or twice but he'd get the hang of things quickly! He's also not afraid to correct people, even if it's some villain they're about to fight! - "You're weak, (dead_name)-" "Uh! Actually, it's (Y/n)!" "O-Oh-... *coughcough*... You're weak, (Y/n)..." Mikey!! - You'd have to explain what it is to Mikey at first, but he'd immediately get it! - There's quite a lot of lgbt things in comics, even old ones, so he'd seen the concept before! - He'd simply ask about the stuff you prefer before looking at you like you're the most important person! - "You're so cool! I wanna be like you one day!" - He really looks up to you and he's so happy that you told him! - You're so strong! In so many ways! He knows how humans can be awful, he's experienced it before... So you've gotta be so strong to be so open about your identity! - If you're still closeted socially then don't worry! He's got your back! - Aggressively compliments you when you need it, using certain terms and all that to make you feel more valid! Which you already are! I tried my best to not force anything onto the label! People experience these things differently so I left it more vague so you guys can comfortably read! >:]
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