#because otherwise fans throw a tantrum about it
hwiyoungies · 1 year
maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i’m sick and tired of all the private messaging apps and making all the content something you have to pay for, i know that the number one goal for companies is to make money but i’m so sick and tired of them if i see one more random pm app i’ll burn something
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justmenoworries · 5 months
some unorganized thoughts about Vox and Valentino Hazbin Hotel
Spoilers For Hazbin Hotel episode 2
TW: Discussions and depictions of abusive relationships, sexual assault, extortion and financial abuse
So going by the promo material shown to us, a lot of fans seem to think that Vivzie has changed course on VoxVal and that it's going to be a much more healthy relationship than previously implied.
Not gonna lie, that disappoints me.
Because depicting an abusive romantic relationship with an imperfect and unexpected victim would have been extremely interesting. We already know Valentino is a piece of shit who doesn't care about anything but himself and profit.
The "Addict" music video and the prequel comic "Dirty Healings" make that very clear.
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Valentino regularly assaults Angel, keeps Angel's earnings for himself and tries to keep Angel in the studio as long as possible, even getting angry when Angel goes out by himself. Even if it's to get money for Val.
And for all of his faults, it's very easy for the viewer to feel sympathy for Angel. Angel is a likable character who's been shown to have a much kinder side to him via his friendship with Cherry and him trying to comfort Charlie in the pilot after her pitch for the Happy Hotel flops.
Vox though?
Vox is slated to be a main antagonist. He's a fellow Overlord of Hell. Someone for whom it'd be much harder to believe that he'd let anyone treat him like Valentino treats Angel.
And yet...
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To be fair, this artwork is from the in-character Instagram accounts, which were already confirmed as non-canonical. (The accounts themselves are sadly archived now due to some really messed up stuff that happened with the Octavia and Stolas accounts.)
Still, depicting Vox as one of Valentino's victims would have been pretty intriguing. It shows that this kind of thing can happen to anyone, no matter the gender or financial or social situation. It would also acknowledge that just because someone is a victim of abuse doesn't mean they're pure, innocent or weak. And that no matter the circumstances, no one deserves to be treated like Valentino treats Vox and Angel.
I'm honestly hoping that this aspect of the VoxVal relationship isn't entirely gone and I kinda think it isn't.
In episode 2 we see right off the bat that Vox doesn't really like Valentino. And it's easy to see why.
Valentino is a spoiled angry manchild with no self control. He needs Velvette and Vox to reign him in, otherwise he's going to do stupid shit like waltz up to the princess of Hell's doorstep with a gun in hand. Because he can't handle the idea that one of his employees is living somewhere he didn't approve.
If Vox hadn't stopped him and talked him out of it, Val would have gotten the VVVs into some serious shit. His violent streaks can also not be talked down completely, they need to be satisfied somehow. Vox needs to offer Val the lowest earners to shoot at and work out his aggression on or Val's going to continue to go on a rampage and most likely tear apart more of Velvette's models.
Speaking frankly, Valentino seems way more trouble than he's worth. Vox and Velvette appear to be doing all the work in their shared empire while Val just throws tantrums and forces them to go out of their way to calm him down.
So if that's the case, why do the other Vs puts up with Val?
In Alastor's and Vox' duet in episode 2, Alastor has this very interesting thing to say about Vox and his relationship to Valentino and Velvette:
"Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vs."
What's also interesting is Val's and Velvette's reaction to it.
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They're smiling. Like they agree.
Alastor also reveals that Vox was trying to get Alastor to join the Vs. Alastor declined.
Vox of course tries to deny all of that, but in the process gets so worked up he short-circuits himself and causes a city-wide blackout.
If Alastor is telling the truth here (and we don't really have a reason to believe he isn't), that puts everything in a whole new light.
Vox is he brains of the operation but is he also the only thing that's keeping it together? Val and Velvette don't really get along (Velvette insults Val behind his back, Val rips apart her models when he's angry) and both don't seem to respect Vox that much. Velvette lets him deal with Val's bad moods, Val doesn't hesitate to throw stuff at Vox when he's pissed (the fact that Vox nonchalantly dodges the glass Valentino throws at him implies this is not the first time). They both have a look of disdain on their faces when Vox hugs them during "Status Quo".
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So why does Vox go to all this trouble to keep these two assholes in line if he doesn't really care for them and they in turn have no love for him?
Maybe for business reasons, but Vox already has a giant multi-media empire, right? So again, what does he need the other Vs for?
I think it has to do with Vox's need to be admired and liked and at the top.
See, another thing this episode tells us about Vox is that he's deeply, deeply, insecure.
He has a dozen different programs where he changes his outfits, approach and demeanor to cater to every single sinner possible, he throws out new business ideas on the fly so he'll always be the newest trend everyone follows. If something (or someone) comes up that cracks his cool confident businessman facade even a little he can't handle it and literally breaks down.
Really, Alastor puts it best:
"Is Vox insecure? Pursuing allure? Between this fad and that, is nothing working? Every day he's got a new format."
So Vox doesn't just want to be powerful and popular, he wants to be the most powerful and the most popular and his shows alone aren't going to cut it for that.
That's why he needs Velvette and Valentino. They provide the content that draws the viewers Vox so desperately craves. Without them he'd be all on his own, might lose large chunks of his viewership. And that's something I think Vox is deeply afraid of.
So no matter how little he might actually like them, regardless how shitty Valentino treats him, Vox needs these two. In his view at least, he can't afford to lose them.
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jasmine-tea-latte · 3 months
JTL's long but not as long as it could've been review of Netflix's ATLA
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I’ve finished watching the Netflix adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender and I have a lot of thoughts. Because despite some of the more questionable changes, I overall enjoyed this as an adaptation.
I wish I could say that I was surprised by the criticisms I'm seen so far, but unfortunately, I’m not. As much as I adore the OG series for being one of the greatest animated shows (or television shows, period), it’s been placed on a pedestal over the years and any adaptation of it will always be held to an impossibly high standard. And for better or for worse, a lot of fans have their nostalgia glasses on when it comes to the show, so any deviation from the source material is going to receive some form of backlash. I say this as someone who clearly still loves the show 19 years later, otherwise I wouldn't be here writing about it, ya know?
Anyways, if I had to give it a grade compared to the OG series, I’d give it a B- or a C+. If I’m grading it as its own thing, I’d bump that up to a B+ or A-. There are some elements (pun not intended) that definitely should have been kept in, and some changes that I thought were done well.
TL;DR – I had fun watching it even during the parts that made me cry, and the parts that made me say “… well that was a decision.” I’d love to see the last two books be adapted as well, if for no other reason than to meet Toph Mothereffing Bei Fong and see all of Team Avatar together.
(Also because I’d LOVE to see The Ember Island Players, especially if they managed to work in a few fun cameos. Can't you picture Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Play!Toph and thee Dante Basco as Play!Zuko, hamming it up for all it’s worth? Shut up and take my money!)
(And of course, the Last Agni Kai for obvious reasons)
So I’d recommend at least checking it out if you’re interested. I’d also like to recommend that if you do, watch it from a pragmatic standpoint that it’s a condensed adaptation, not a shot-for-shot remake.
Some things that I liked, and some that I didn’t are below the cut:  
(SPOILERS, obvs)
Aang – I really liked this version of him, and though his actor’s still young, I thought he embodied the upbeat, playful side well. I also liked that they removed his one-sided crush on Katara, and – don’t shoot me for this – if they went with Kat@ang later based on how they did their characters in this first season, I wouldn’t be entirely opposed if it’s built on actual friendship and not an unrequited crush. (Still Team Zutara for life, but I don’t think that I’d *hate* it if the show went in this direction.)
Katara – I thought her actress did great when it came to portraying the nurturing, sensitive side. What I didn’t like was them removing nearly all of her feminine rage. Let her be angry! Let her lose her temper and be hot-headed! This post sums it up nicely. That being said, I do think she did well enough with the direction she was given. Here’s hoping we’ll see our girl eff some stuff up if we get Seasons 2 and 3.
Sokka – Fantastic and sarcastic. I really liked his actor’s interpretation of him, and it definitely felt more in line with the character we all fell in love with during the OG show.
Zuko – out of the main cast, I think his performance was the best. He had to step into a major role, taking over from a beloved performance that is still hailed as one of the greatest redemption arcs in modern media with a lot of expectations riding on his shoulders, and I think that his actor knocked it out of the park. It’s different from Dante Basco’s interpretation, obviously. But as I watched each episode, I kept thinking, “there’s our grumpy fire boy.” The scene where he’s throwing the temper tantrum over losing his journal, while Iroh’s standing back and watching? I thought to myself, “this boy is the worst, he’s perfect.” Plus the flashbacks to his life before scarring were done well, and even though I knew what was coming re: the Agni Kai against his father and subsequent banishment, I still got emotional.
Also, regarding the Agni Kai – on one hand, I feel like his absolute refusal to fight back was such an integral part of that scene and understanding who he is as a character. That being said, I didn’t *hate* that in this version he was pushed into defending himself, albeit by holding back. That one shot where he hesitates to attack Ozai, only for his father to use that same move against him moments later… oof.
My ONLY complaint with this version of Zuko is that he didn't say "honor" once.
Other thoughts I had:
🟣 I really liked that we got to see more of the Air Nomads and life at the Southern Air Temple prior to Sozin’s attack. I also liked the explanation the show gave of having all the Air Nomads gathered together for a festival celebrating the comet, which makes more sense if they’re all (allegedly) under one roof.
Additionally, witnessing the genocide itself… I was crying. Especially during the final showdown between Gyatso and Sozin, and the realization that we were witnessing Roku’s (former) best friend slaughter one of his other closest friends.
But why wouldn't they send the children out on the flying bison to escape instead of having them all cornered?!
🟣 I really enjoyed getting to see interactions between Ozai and Iroh, which was one of the biggest missed opportunities in the OG show.
🟣 MY GIRL JUNE. That is all.
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The part where she flirts with Iroh was also a nice flip on what happened in the OG show, with his covert pervert crush and all. Plus Zuko’s face when she calls his “dad” cute? Peak Zuzu. Also, poor Iroh hahaha.
🟣 Suki! I really liked the Kyoshi Island episode, plus her awkward flirting with Sokka by kicking his ass.
🟣 I really wish the whole subplot of Kya’s necklace hadn’t been cut, tbh. The flashbacks involving her were good, and as devastating as it was actually seeing her death, it does hammer home the point what a horrifying experience that was (side-eyeing you, everyone making the jokes about Katara always bringing up her dead mother.)
🟣 THE SCARF SCENE. Nice try, Netflix, but I know better than to get my hopes up again from 5 seconds of slow-mo. Did I still screech when it happened, though? Ofc I did!
🟣 The twist with the 41st Division was bittersweet and I may have (okay, definitely) cried.
🟣 Combining Jet’s subplots with the Mechanist’s and putting them in Omashu wasn’t too bad. I do wish the message of “not everyone in the FN is evil” from Jet’s episode had made it into this version, tbh.
🟣 Overall, I liked Jet + the Freedom Fighters. Also, props to his actor for capturing the pretty boy / f*ckboi attitude well.
🟣 Loved Chong and the hippies, of course (SECRET, SECRET, SECRET TUNNEL, YEAH!) and I don’t mind that they were included this early.
🟣 I loved the change to the Cave of Two Lovers and having Oma and Shu be lesbians.
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🟣 I feel like if the show’s renewed for a second season and we come back to Omashu, there’s a chance they could revisit the COTL with Katara and Aang this time around.
🟣 The random lady smacking Zuzu with a broom – “how dare you hit that child?!” – was hilarious, and Dallas Liu’s facial expressions of “wtf” and “fml” were a thing of beauty (starts at 1:40 in the video below)
🟣 CABBAGE MAN! I just love that they got the original voice actor, hamming it up and screaming at the sky.
🟣 I LOVED the Blue Spirit episode, and all of the flashbacks, plus the voiceover about masks and seeing past!Zuko contrasted to present!Zuko, as presented in this gifset? RIP my heart.
🟣 The flashback to Lu Ten’s funeral and showing Zuko being the only person to join his uncle, sharing a sweet memory of his cousin while Leaves from the Vine plays? Beautiful. Ditto to the flashbacks of Iroh standing up for his nephew prior to the Agni Kai and the scenes of them getting ready to set sail to search for the Avatar. “I don’t need a babysitter.” “How about a friend?” how about excuse you I did not ask for these emotions how dare you.
🟣 I actually liked the inclusion of Ozai and Azula + Mai and Ty Lee. I also loved the opening of Ep. 3, showing how she was able to infiltrate the team of rebels. RIP to Kevin Tran (in advanced placement), though.
🟣 I loved that Katara rallied the women waterbenders and they were able to help during the Siege of the North. I also liked her reaction when she's talking with Yugoda in the healing huts and realizes why she's been sent there. It gave us a glimpse of the fiestier / headstrong Katara we all know and love, and if the show gets renewed I hope we'll get to see more.
🟣 I really enjoyed them giving Aang and Zuko a few minutes to talk / form a connection after he was unmasked as the Blue Spirit. That was nicely done.
and finally...
Nothing else to add, just chef's kiss.
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(gif source)
Anyways! I might make a more extensive list of my personal pros and cons, but for now, I’d still recommend giving it a shot.
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sakebytheriver · 1 year
There was drama behind the scenes in Community? Do you feel like you want to elaborate?
Oh my gosh there was so much drama 😭😭
I'm surprised you haven't heard about it, it's like the biggest dark cloud that hangs over that show.
Okay, so here we go this is going to be such a long post,
Dan Harmon and Chevy Chase were both competing to be the biggest dick working on the show, in the end Chevy won, mostly because Dan recognized the error of his ways and worked to change, but the point is Chevy saw himself as this big time Hollywood legend due to being one of the first cast on SNL, and so his over inflated ego did not enjoy the long hours on set or the way they were writing his character (of course a lot of how they wrote his character was in response to his own bad behavior) and so he acted like a little bitch all the time, if you've seen the show there's an episode where Pierce throws a tantrum and then goes to hide in a trailer the whole episode, that's basically how Chevy would act on set, most of the cast ended up hating him too because of his behavior and the writers had to find ways to limit his on screen time replacing him with a body double because he did not want to work as long as the rest of the cast and because Community was this insane show that had off the wall concepts for their episodes and scene concepts that would only last two seconds in the final product but would take entire days setting up filming locations and dressing the sets the days and the hours were Long af and so the more crazy concepts the show ventured into the less Chevy wanted to be there and so in turn he ended up clashing heads with Dan Harmon the other dick in this story, now Dan Harmon was the show runner and creator of Community, he is the mastermind behind the whole thing, but at this time he was pretty much at rock bottom for his entire life and his behavior, he was an alcoholic, he was sexually harassing a woman who worked under him, and he happily provoked Chevy Chase's little bitchiness in public, going as far as to play an angry voice message Chevy left him into the microphone on stage at a fan convention to a room full of fans and the media.
In response to all of this bullshit the studio fired Dan Harmon and replaced him with two guys whose only experience running a show was a racist show called Aliens in America about a white family that wanted to get a hot cool European exchange student to make their nerdy son cool, but instead got a brown dorky foreign exchange student with a funny accent and weird food, the show lasted one season and was promptly forgotten by the entire world for very good reason 😬
Anyways these two guys were brought in to showrun the infamous Season 4 of Community, otherwise known as the gasleak year. Now, these new showrunners weren't enough to make Chevy happy and he was still a little bitch most of the time and his coworkers were very unhappy with him for getting the guy who turned this show into a cultural icon fired. But they did season four and it was a big pile of shit, there's a couple episodes from that season that are worth watching, the body swap episode written and directed by Jim Rash is one, but for the most part this season is a write off, it's not that it was bad, it was honestly a lot better than most shows out there, but it was really really bad in the context of the rest of Community. It was a season desperately trying to be the show that came before it and it just utterly failed, trying to capture the magic that was Community without knowing how to do that.
Anyways, after this Joel McHale, the actor playing Jeffery Winger and a man who calls Community the best thing that ever happened to him went to the studio and said, "you gotta bring back Dan Harmon" and ultimately, the new showrunners were sacked, Chevy left, and Dan Harmon was brought back to the show.
Season 5 premiered with an episode called, Repilot that brought our now Greendale six instead of seven back together in a way that felt like coming home again after your first semester at college, bittersweet in that way that makes you feel like everything has changed, but nothing has moved. They lost Donald Glover in the fifth episode of the fifth season playing Come Sail Away by the Styx and now the show only had five of the original cast that made up the community we follow and by the end of season five the show was canceled at NBC and even when the giant cult fanbase raged at them they still refused to bring the show back for that iconic Six Seasons and a Movie Abed so often proclaimed in the text of the show
Until of course a streaming service that no longer exists called Yahoo!Stream came in and spent $42 million dollars for one singular season of Community (and two other shows apparently) and the fans were overjoyed to get their final season even if we also lost another key part of the main cast Yvette Nicole Brown to get it. Now the show had lost almost half the original cast, lost its showrunner, had a shit season, then got its showrunner back, got canceled at its original network, and now brought back for an internet streaming service in the days when Netflix still mailed people DVDs, and so this is the mindset they went into Season 6 for. The final season of the show had lost the fun whimsical tone of the golden age of the first three seasons, but still had the wacky zany adventures now couched in this sad feeling of reality that the end is coming soon, but then the last episode flashes a black screen that says "and a movie" and the fans had hope
Of course until Yahoo!Stream goes bankrupt and blames Community for it and that movie never comes.
Dan Harmon goes on to make Rick and Morty and a podcast called Harmontown where he admits to his horrific behavior on the set of Community and apologizes to his victim in a way that makes her feel vindicated and satisfied that he has changed his ways and moved forward with his life crawling his way out of his rock bottom to make a career far surpassing anything Community ever gave to him. While Chevy Chase has all but fallen into obscurity as he still does not accept that he did a single thing wrong ever. And now in the year 2023 we are getting the final chapter of the Community story in the form of a Peacock streaming movie that will most likely bring back almost every character and actor except for Chevy Chase
And that is the very very abridged version of the bts drama that haunted Community for six seasons and now a movie 😭😭
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bcacstuff · 6 months
Hello BCAC it's Sam's housekeeper I actually call him Master H as it makes him feel important but we all know who's really in charge 😉.
Obviously I can't tell you exactly where he'll be next for fear of the poor lamb being mobbed (he does have some full on fans if you know what I mean) all I can say is he's working on a few things and he's had me filming him making cocktails again so watch this space.
He's back now from all his events I packed all his suitcases for him (he's got a new set of Unicorn Trunki cases so he can see them better on the airport carousel), I made sure he had lots of choices of outfits but for some reason he kept on wearing the same black jumper whenever he was out and about, that boy has no idea it's a good job when he's at home I put his clothes out for him everyday otherwise he'd wear the same thing over and over. He does make some questionable choices for clothing as well take for instance those tiny swimming trunks he wore in New Zealand I get awful flashbacks when I'm buying pineapples in the supermarket.
Master H is certainly a globetrotter and loves the jet-set life but because he's an A-list celeb (his words) he gets lots of freebie holidays which comes in handy whenever he has a "new friend" on the scene I can never keep up so I just assign them numbers.
The best bit about him being away is at least the house stays tidy he goes from one project to the next, one minute his playing with his Back to the Future lego in his bedroom the next he's making a lego Formula 1 car in the living room and don't even get me started on the mess he makes in the kitchen plants everywhere or "botanical" as he calls them for his next alcohol venture. While he's away it gives me a chance to sort his lego out he throws a real tantrum if he can't find the right size or colour of brick, I always make sure his hip flask is full and at hand to keep him calm.
I will let you into a secret BCAC he's been talking about getting a Scalextric set but he wants the race track to go through the whole house and then into the garden - I'll keep you posted 😉.
Well that's all for now I've got to go and tidy up the garden someone keeps throwing tupperware boxes over the garden wall containing lasagne do people not think I feed him? I've promised Master H once he's had his bottle and I've tucked him in for the night I'd read him a bedtime story of his choice, I just hope it's not one of his Clanlands books again award winning or not there's only so much I can take.
Take care BCAC love to your readers ❤️
So happy to hear back from you Mr. H's housekeeper 🧡, and to see you're all fine and your old self again after your wee accident. We're all very much looking forward to videos of his Scalextric race track. Maybe he can get some ideas from this video
Just keep us posted, I'm sure my readers appreciate your updates 😊 Oh and those tupperware boxes, I think I know where you can send them back to... 😉
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blueikeproductions · 2 months
The reason why gender is such a mess in IDW is mainly because of Simon Furman stubbornly refusing to let go of his old Marvel G1 belief that the Transformers should be a genderless masculine presenting race. Which, I'm sorry Furman, but you can't put that genie back in the bottle. The girls exist, and it doesn't do you any favors to throw a tantrum and do weird shit with Acree's origin every time Hasbro forces you to write her.
Oh I’m acutely aware, I was there at ground zero, but my problem in IDW was less Furman, though he didn’t help by introducing Arcee as the result of a forced gender reassignment procedure, it was the countless retcons and asterisks other writers felt compelled to fix and only made it WORSE. It would’ve simply been better to just let Arcee’s trans roots be ignored and instead focus on having her become a better character, something IDW did at least attempt but I don’t know if they succeeded.
Like to Furman’s credit, the comical Prime’s Rib at least still showed Arcee to be strong, smart, and capable (what the feminists in story CLAIM they wanted), with most of the humor being Prime trying to appease stereotypical feminists and only making them angrier because they could only see Arcee just being pink and having an interest in men (because she did show an interest in Hot Rod). As much as some don’t want to hear it, the story aged all too well because of the current hyper political environment we’re stuck in now, with even stuff like IDW and EarthSpark being somewhat the result of appeasing radical groups rather than being entertaining to all ages and groups. And IDW lost the license, and EarthSpark had failed on all fronts, only sticking around out of a weak desire on Hasbro’s part to have something on for the 40th anniversary. They’ve otherwise moved on to TFONE and Arcee in Skybound is having a much better time.
I do think Furman may have let it go though, he wrote the Terrans just fine in EarthSpark’s tie in video game, and the tangibly related to Transformers in concept, Astrobots, that he writes, features several main female robots who are strong, capable and smart. Their origins in their race not being dwelled on beyond some handwaved human involvement if I recall correctly.
I do understand his confusion, why do a race of robotic beings who don’t sexually reproduce need females in THAT context, but having them in general doesn’t seem to be an issue beyond that to him. The problem remains is he dwelled on it too long, explained it in a jokey way in Marvel UK that honestly was pry the best way to explain it back then in THAT universe, then tried to explain it in a cooler sci-fi way in IDW and got backlash from EVERYONE that it seemed to have humbled him enough. That said, some ideas are still clung to via Earth Wars, where he gleefully makes fun of both Dreamwave & IDW, and kinda rightfully so in SOME areas. Deathsaurus, with the threat of being sent to Dreamwave’s universe, is horrified at the idea (probably didn’t want to be drawn by Pat Lee among other things). The Prime’s Rib story having a spiritual successor where the Autobots find Melody has written romantic fan fiction about Drift & Prowl, and while they say as a species they don’t romantically pair off and poke holes at the Conjux terminology they don’t even have, they don’t really have too much of an issue with what Melody was doing. If anything they were more confused why she paired Drift with Prowl, and then playfully teased a clueless Prowl about it. Melody is also the main Autobot ally in the game and she and the Autobots get along just fine too.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World
I'll be watching this two part episode as two separate episodes.
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Starting strong with some stunning pastoral views.
I like how Appa's shadow undulates over the clouds.
Is Aang passively airbending at all times when they're on Appa? Otherwise how do they hear each other? Unless it's a windless day and they're flying at walking pace there's no way they would be able to have a conversation.
Can you imagine the freedom of being able to throw yourself into the air with no consequences? Imagine how being able to ignore gravity since (presumably) a very young age would shape your worldview. Aang must look at the world in a fundamentally different way.
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Blow dried Momo.
Could Katara stop babying Aang for five minutes?
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The perspective is so funky in this shot that Appa looks Momo sized.
Did Gyatso say that Roku specifically would help Aang? He said that someone in that special room would guide him, but the only living creature in there was Momo.
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Emotional support Momo. Maybe the help Gyatso spoke of actually was Momo.
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Every time Iroh appears I become increasingly convinced that the creators of this show are fans of The Big Lebowski.
I love Iroh weaponizing teenage awkwardness to get himself five more minutes in the tub. I think I can also now declare myself officially used to Zuko's voice. I no longer find it muppety.
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This is the environmentalism after school special.
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The way this guy talks about flying Bison and airbender tattoos, is he actually old enough to have known airbenders?
Katara blindly trusts this guy because... he's old?
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"It is the greatest honour of a lifetime to be in your presence." "Nice to meet you too." Yep, those greetings are definitely in proportion to each other.
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I love the lighting in this scene. Everything has this golden glow.
The winter solstice sounds a bit like Halloween. The walls between worlds thin to almost nothing and things can cross over which shouldn't.
Aang's eyes are brown in this episode.
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I love this attitude. Optimistic, upbeat. "I have to try, don't I?" is so true.
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Is it just me, or is Sokka's ponytail weird this episode?
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I think this is the Bumi guard voice guy again.
This episode appears to be taking place in a part of the Earth Kingdom that hasn't been taken over by the Fire Nation (unlike last episode). So for Zuko & crew, this is enemy territory. Iroh, who is a general with a fancy title, the brother of the leader of the fire nation (so I guess the next in line to the throne?), and so recognisable to the enemy that they can identify him without a single piece of insignia or even clothing denoting his country of origin, thought it would be a good idea idea to have a solo, unguarded spa day here? I bet the fire nation is happy the other brother is the one in charge.
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More pretty.
Sokka racking up some major Big Brother points this episode. Aang may be the Avatar, which makes this kind of stuff his responsibility, but he's also 12 and clueless. He shouldn't have to face this alone.
This village must be close to the Avatar world's equator because that sun set ridiculously quickly.
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You know, if I turned around and saw that thing following me, my first impulse would be to scream and run away, not introduce myself. This is why I'm not the Avatar.
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If that's their water tower gone, this village is done for with or without the Avatar's help.
This spirit is throwing a proper tantrum. I love the way it moves too fast to see. I did not see Sokka getting kidnapped coming. I actually had to rewind and watch it again because it happened so fast that I did not see it at all the first time through.
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I think the fire nation solider here is the Bumi guard voice too.
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This is an insane shoulder to waist ratio. Also nice to see Zuko figure it out so quickly. This show has given me the impression so far that he's kind of stupid, but I guess not.
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It's a panda! Black and White spirit, plus the environmentalism stuff from earlier, I really should have put that together sooner.
"I Failed." yeah you kind of did. So pick yourself up and try again.
Bird horses? Also those earth soldier helmets are probably really effective, but they look so stupid.
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Proof that Katara is used to relying on Sokka to do all of her thinking and planning like I said last episode. If Sokka was the one left behind and Katara the one missing, he would not be so passive.
"All I have to do is figure out what I have to do. But once I do that, no problem." Even the most impossible tasks can be broken down into manageable steps. I love Aang's attitude.
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It's so painfully in character that what gets Katara out of her funk is looking after someone else.
Where's Momo in all this?
In the spirit world, the avatar is just some guy? Can't bend. So what makes him uniquely qualified to be the guy who deals with spirits?
Dragons can talk with their whiskers. I'm sure I've seen that somewhere before.
Iroh can see stuff in the spirit world? Maybe it's an old people thing?
How stupid are these earthbender guards? Nice call back to the water heating trick. This show is really good at set up and payoff like that.
This dragon is very fluent at talking in pictures. Also the sky in the accelerated days and nights animation is actual live action footage of sky, right?
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Earthbenders can skate on their bare feet. That's beyond cool. Imagine having an inborn ability to sock slide at will. I'd never walk anywhere again. Only slide.
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Comforting Appa really did get her out of her funk and inspire action. Neat.
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Aang and Zuko's stories do intersect this episode after all. Also I had no idea the two parties were this close to each other. Zuko showing this episode that in addition to deductive reasoning, he also has long-distance tracking skills.
I want to visit this village just to see the sunsets in person.
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Iroh was right, they were clearly outmatched. These guys are just the worst. They're on a dirt floor in a dirt cave with the advantage of numbers and actual pants, and they still lose. Did Iroh even firebend?
I take back what I said earlier about Iroh being stupid for going off alone in enemy territory. If this is the calibre of soldiers he knew he would possibly run into, then he was perfectly safe all along. Although the last minute rescue from Zuko was a nice touch. Did anyone really believe that he would choose chasing the Avatar over his uncle? I didn't.
I like the creepy spirit whispering at the gate.
Did Katara yelling to Aang attract the spirit's attention to that main building? Because it seemed to be ignoring it before.
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Chekov's acorn!
When Aang went to the spirit world, his body stayed behind on the statue's head. But when Sokka went his whole self was stuck there? Also that bathroom joke is payback for all the denied potty breaks.
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Sokka's practicality and bluntness is just so perfect this episode. A nice counter balance to the spirity stuff. Just spent 24 hours in the Spirit world? That's nice. Can we have supplies?
Momo's back in these final scenes, but where was he the rest of the episode?
How does Aang know the island is in the fire nation? From the temple architecture?
Final Thoughts
I really like this episode! There is so much that is good: -beautiful visuals (so many sunsets!) -interesting sound design (that whispering was neat, and the single wind chime in the last spirit attack was so eerie) -so many well-executed set ups and payoffs (acorn, firebending heating stuff, how the spirit does relate to the burnt forest from the beginning) -So much good dialogue, from Zuko especially ("Now would you please put on some clothes?!?" / *sniffs* "Yeah, that's Uncle Iroh.") -relationship stuff (Sokka being big brother, Katara being lost without him until someone else needs her to be strong, Aang's relationship to his responsibilities both internally within himself and externally with how the village sees him and what it expects of him, the exasperated teenager and secretly amused parent dynamic between Zuko and Iroh switching flawlessly into a fighting team, then flawlessly back) -Everyone feels in character (optimistic sweetheart Aang, practical protective Sokka, caring Katara, super chill yet super skilled Iroh, Zuko just so fed up with everything) -The humour was downplayed this episode but the few jokes that were there were genuinely funny. Sokka getting hit with the acorn in particular. I'm thinking that there must have been a rule in the writing room that it's not a proper Avatar episode unless Sokka gets to be the butt of the joke at least once. -Zuko and Iroh finally getting fleshed out a bit. I feel like this is the first episode where Zuko hasn't come off as an asshole. -Worldbuilding (this is the first time the avatar's done his job as per the job description) -How it's supposed to be the first half of a two part episode but it doesn't feel like set up at all. It's a self-contained story with actual stakes, a conclusion that matters, lessons learned all around, and ALSO set up for next episode.
Once I had gotten a good look at firebending in the Southern Air Temple episode I started wondering how the fire nation hadn't completely decimated all their enemies. After I saw Bumi's bending skills I understood how the earth kingdom had resisted the fire nation for a century, but Bumi really was the exception to the rule, wasn't he? If these earth kingdom soldiers are typical of the earth kingdom army, I'm going to have to switch back to my original opinion and wonder why the fire nation didn't win the war 85 years ago. Because these guys are bad. They are surrounded by their element. Their prisoner is standing on their element. Just make the ground grab his feet! He'll be a sitting duck and they'll be able to do whatever they want to him. Better yet, just bury him completely. Or make handcuffs out of rock instead of metal. That being said, the soldiers' stupidity set up a really cool fight scene. How did Zuko not break his foot with that kick?
Everything is woven together so well in this episode. Almost nothing feels contrived - you can't tell me that Zuko didn't wait behind a bush somewhere so he could time his rescue of Iroh to have maximum drama. But otherwise this episode feels organic - like we were actually watching a couple of days in the life of these people.
I really liked this one.
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silver-wield · 5 months
So what was exactly the point making Aerith and Tifa look like they're best friends if in another moment she's trying to get it with Cloud KNOWING FULLY WELL what he feels for Tifa and what Tifa feels for him? Is this some kind of watery try to paint OG Aerith in a better light? Not really working for me. I don't care even if she's grieving...she's still a grown woman.
Making her to be a red herring and the whole ltd with it's vagueness is the most exhausting thing in the entire series by this point. The girls need NO equality with Cloud. Cloud is not "Aerith's too". I hope SE makes it up to the fans this whole mess BIG TIME by the end of the trilogy..since it pisses me off and doesn't look good at all in what light Tifa and Zack are painted too. Especially Tifa. Like she's some kind of punching bag and a doormat who just takes whatever is thrown in her way and forgives like she doesn't have any other options because "she was written to be with Cloud". Otherwise this whole mess looks worse than the worst soap opera with it's misogyny, sexism and bitchy "friends". If Cloud and Tifa aren't marked as lovers by the end...I most probably wash my hands off of the whole compilation.
Give Tifa some freaking dignity...jesus fucking christ.
It's on brand for Aerith though. She's always been a two faced selfish bitch. She literally throws a tantrum because her birthday party gets cancelled when a friend of Elmyra's has a heart attack. She bitches when a picnic is cancelled because a kid goes missing, and when she finds the kid, she doesn't take him home straight away because she wants to be out exploring the sector for longer. She bitches at Zack because she wants more than one flower cart and even he says she's being too picky.
Aerith is a spoiled, selfish, privileged two faced bitch who thinks she can have whatever she wants and never listens to or respects anybody else unless it benefits her. She's all about her own self interests, which is why she's a match for Sephiroth, who is also arrogant and self interested.
I think people forget that a foil isn't just someone who acts as the opposite for another character. They also compliment them. They are a comparative to each other. They can have traits or experiences in common. People just ignore and excuse her because "uwu so cuuuuuuuute!!!!" Or "awwww she so saaaad about Zack we have to understand why she's trying to sit on Cloud's dick and forgive her for it because she just misses her real boyfriend!!!!"
If some bitch tried to get on my bf and said she did it because she misses her ex I'd fucking slap her. People need to take off those stupid rose tinted specs and accept Aerith has some fucking rancid character traits.
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spacestationstorybook · 4 months
how am i seeing so many otherwise normal blogs‏‏‎ ‎become‏‏‎ ‎hazbin‏‏‎ ‎hotel‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎fans now that the show is out as if‏‏‎ ‎vivziepop‏‏‎ ‎doesn't provably treat her employees horribly, guilt trip and throw tantrums when faced with any criticism while seeking out things to get upset about, and is also like‏‏‎ ‎a provable‏‏‎ ‎proshipper‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎who puts sexual assault into her shows because she and her friends think it's sexy and doesn't care to give it the proper weight it deserves even slightly. this shit is bad! this shit is bad! i feel like i'm going crazy seeing people go "well‏‏‎ ‎sure she did this bad thing one time but i still like the show :3" THE SHOW ITSELF FUCKING SUCKSSSSSS character designs are shitty and bad. everyone has the same color scheme, again. way too blatant and horrible mishandling of sexual assault. we are informed characters are people of color but have no way of knowing because they're all literally shades of gray (also the big overarching scary villain is a black man‏‏‎ ‎who is promoting the scary evil voodoo‏‏‎ ‎practicioner trope) and as far as i know the only lesbian in the whole show and maybe all of‏‏‎ ‎viv's‏‏‎ ‎work has a name that's a vagina joke. the female characters in general are treated so poorly. i hate this show so much i hate that i'm being forced to see it again by people who just. ignore everything that sucks about it?? like i know the state of adult animation is bad but the solution to that isn't just to shovel whatever slop you can find into your mouth and be like "well i'm so happy indie animators can have a platform nowadays :)" good lord i'm so sick of it all!!!!!!!!
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I did a TWDG character tier list because it’s been a while
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Back in July 2019, I posted a tier list ranking TWDG characters from all four seasons with explanations for why I placed each character where I did. It’s now 2023, and I’ve mostly stepped away from TWDG and the fandom. I pop in occasionally to answer asks or give updates about the Clementine comics. Sometimes I get the itch to do an analysis post. Or something like this.
Distancing myself and then revisiting the series has changed a lot of my opinions of these characters and my ranking is quite different, so I thought it’d be interesting to discuss.
Just a note about how I’m ranking this: This ranking is solely based on my feelings about the characters. Last time I ranked some characters higher than I wanted to because I acknowledged their good writing and popularity. I’m not doing that this time. Well-written/popular or not, if I don’t like them, they’re ranking low. If I like them, then that’s the only reason I need to rank them high. That’s probably going to cause disagreements and that’s fine. Agree to disagree, y’know?
Each character is limited to a 3-4 sentence explanation. I can’t write a heavy analysis for every character, otherwise we’ll be here forever.
Also, I didn’t include characters from the Michonne mini-series since they weren’t included in my original and the mini-series is separate from the main series. All you really need to know is Michonne and Pete would’ve made A-tier.  
Starting from F-tier and working our way up to S-tier:
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Troy Surprise, Troy’s my least favorite character in the entire series. He’s an asshole and I find nothing compelling about him other than his death scene. He’s insignificant, I hate him, and he can suck an egg.
Vernon Vernon has some sympathetic qualities to his character but as far as characters in S1 go, I can’t say he’s all that great. Sure, he patched Omid up but that doesn’t mean he gets to fuck us over in the end. Screw him, y’know?
The Stranger I feel like I like the idea around The Stranger more than the Stranger himself. I get it, he’s supposed to be just some dude and it’s a neat reveal that he’s the guy we stole food from, but I liked him better when he was just a voice over a walkie. He’s just kinda here to guilt you over your choices no matter what you did and use it as an excuse for kidnapping Clementine, but I need a little bit more from my antagonists.
Joan Joan has one of the coolest villain moments in TWDG when she asks you who you want to save, then orders who you picked to be executed, and honestly? I respect that. It just sucks that Joan as a character is boring as sin. I can’t forgive boring antagonists, she sucks.
Larry Not going to lie—Larry is the biggest asshole and I kinda live for it. I still absolutely hate him, but I can respect him as a character for being such a piece of shit. He has some depth to him when you bother to try out different choices, and his death is so ingrained in my brain, but he’s in F-tier for a reason. I hate him, but he’s a damn good antagonist within the group.
Abel I think Abel is a great antagonist and he’s well-written, but I also think he’s garbage and I hate him. They really captured how crusty, creepy, and cruel he can be while also giving him a moment of vulnerability when he realizes he’s dying.
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Kenny Yes, I’m ranking Kenny this low. He’s one of my least favorite characters in all of TWDG, but at least he’s an interesting character study despite just being such a piece of shit. I’m sorry, I know he’s a fan favorite and he’s a broken man with a sad backstory, I understand that he’s a complex and well-written character. But I can’t stand him; he’s manipulative, violent, possessive, you can’t disagree with him without him throwing a tantrum, and I just don’t like him.
Andy, Danny, Brenda I’m clumping these three together because I might as well, my opinion of them individually doesn’t differ much. These guys are cannibals who lead people to their farm to butcher, eat, and trade the meat with bandits. They fed Mark’s leg meat to the group like…. It’s so fucked. They’re great antagonists, the best in S1 for sure, but fuck these guys.
Walter I’m kinda meh on Walter. He’s where he is on this tier list not because I hate him or anything, he’s mostly just here to guilt Nick and then be executed by Carver, and eh.
Arvo I don’t like Arvo. I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. I feel bad about everything he went through and Kenny was absolutely in the wrong for abusing him the way he did, but I can’t say Arvo himself is compelling. I think that’s a common theme with me—boring is usually worse than bad, and Arvo isn’t all that interesting. Then he shoots Clementine and we never hear from him again sooo…. Cool.
Omar Oh no, poor Omar ranking so low. But again, for me boring is worse than bad, and Omar is boring. I’m sorry, I know that’s wild coming from me given my past with TFS but it’s true. Omar is a character who exists, he cooks, he gets shot, he survives, and that’s about it.
Mark The only cool thing about Mark is how he died. But as an actual character? Meh.
Sarita Sarita is barely her own character. She exists to serve Kenny’s character development, and I hate that for her. She’s nice, and unfortunately that’s it.
Willy Willy is okay. He definitely has the most depth in this tier, save Kenny. But he’s still a minor character who I can’t justify putting any higher when I don’t love him.
Mari Oh, poor Mari. She’s sweet, but her death is more impactful than her actual character.
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Carver Carver’s a pretty good antagonist. I like him well enough. He’s a piece of shit, he’s intimidating, and he’s dangerous. Not the best, not the worst antagonist.
Carlos Carlos is hilarious, which I don’t think was the intention behind his character but if not, then they shouldn’t have made him so funny. I’m not saying funny as in “haha,” I’m saying it in a “you are an incompetent man, why are you doing this” way.
Duck I feel kinda bad for putting Duck so low, but he has the same problems as Sarita and Mari, though he does have a bit more personality going for him. His character serves Kenny’s character development, and his death is more impactful than he actually is.
Bonnie Bonnie’s fine. I liked her more in 400 Days. In S2, she’s just kinda meh.
Rebecca I like Rebecca well enough. Her going from being a complete asshole to wanting to be friends with Clementine between episodes kind of gives me whiplash but I can’t help but sympathize with her. She’s a pregnant woman in the zombie apocalypse who lost her husband because Carver’s a piece of shit and then she dies shortly after giving birth... it’s sad.  
Shel and Becca I like Shel and Becca a lot more than I did before. Their situation in 400 Days is rough, and I feel a lot for Shel wanting to give Becca a good life despite the state of the world. Becca’s also just a kid who tries to act tough and like she has a thick skin but c’mon, she’s still just a kid. 
Mike Mike was super chill until he betrayed us at the end. I would’ve ranked him higher but frankly, I’m still a bit bitter about him wanting to run off with Bonnie and Arvo, completely fine with taking all the food and resources so that Clementine and baby AJ starve. We were bros, Mike, then you had to go a do that. 
Brody Once again: Her death is more memorable than her character. But, in this case, I will say Brody stands out given the fact that she’s lying to everyone about the twins and dealing with the guilt gnawing at her in ep1. I find her interesting within the context of “who is telling the truth? what really happened?” because unfortunately, both she and Marlon end up dead so we’ll never know the full story from either perspective. 
Mitch Oh, my boy, there was a time where you ranked waaaay higher, but I can’t do it. Mitch is a good character and serves his purpose, and his death is still pretty bullshit. I still like him, just not nearly as much as I used to. 
Eleanor I’m still pissy about Eleanor snitching on us to Joan which results in either Ava or Tripp being executed, and then having the balls to yell at us about it. But prior to that, Eleanor’s a character with great medical knowledge and skills who wanted to help people. She just ends up being a victim to ANF’s less than stellar writing. 
Kate I still have a lot of issues with Kate, like I still hate the romance between her and Javi and how bitter she becomes after being rejected, but I don’t hate her. She’s a flawed character but I understand her perspective on things when it comes to David and Richmond. She’s also resourceful and charming at times, I like her well enough. 
Violet Yeeeeeah, remember how I said this is 100% my biased opinion on all of these characters? Violet is a mid C-tier character for me, she’s just okay. I don’t hate Violet, I don’t love her. She has some really endearing moments just as she has infuriating ones. I talked a bunch about her in my revisiting TFS post, if you want a full explanation on my feelings about her, then you can read that. 
Chuck I like Chuck, he’s chill. I appreciate the reality check he gave Lee about Clementine and their plan, and I’m sad that he died. Not much else to say. 
Vince I really like Vince. I talked a lot more about his character in my 400 Days post, so to summarize, he’s another interesting protagonist in that dlc and I liked his story a lot. 
Molly Might be an unpopular opinion to put Molly this low, but even though I like her, I can’t justify putting her higher. Molly’s story is heartbreaking though, and incredibly traumatic when you sit with it... like, she traded sex for medicine so her sister wouldn’t be thrown out, and given that we don’t meet her sister and dipshit doctor said he couldn’t keep helping her out... yeah. Molly brings a lot of charm and humor while she’s around but she’s also just so sad, y’know?
Jesus Jesus is cool. I don’t really have much else to say about him other than that. 
Christa I feel like a lot of these C-tier characters can be summed up with, “I like them, they’re cool... yeah.” because that’s how I feel about Christa. She shines more as a character when paired with Omid, and like with Rebecca, I really feel for her as a pregnant woman in the apocalypse who then lost both Omid and their baby and had to remain strong to care for Clementine... even though her resentment and bitterness are clearly present. 
Conrad My boy Conrad... I still really like him, though my love has definitely toned down. I enjoy his story and still stand by keeping him alive to the end, even though he makes it difficult sometimes. He’s hurting and that makes him stupid, and if you keep him alive long enough, he genuinely apologizes then tries to be better and I respect that. 
Ben Ben didn’t quite make it to B-tier, but know that he was close. Ben is such a screw up and he does so much damage, but I can’t bring myself to hate him. Most of us don’t wanna admit that if the apocalypse actually happened, we wouldn’t be a Lee or a Clementine, we’d be a Ben. 
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Aasim Aasim is definitely one of my favorite side characters in TFS and I’m always going to be bitter that he wasn’t used to his full potential. He’s the perfect middle ground between Louis and Violet, I love that he keeps a journal to record everything that happens, and that he’s the only one willing to push back at Marlon. Aasim’s great. 
Ruby I adore Ruby, she’s great. She’s small and fiery yet she’s the group nurse and takes pride in patching people up. Again, one of my favorite side characters in TFS. 
Alvin I have a lot of feelings about Alvin. Most are sad. This man loves his wife and their baby. I love the exchange between him and Clementine where she tells him he’s nice, she can tell, and Alvin’s just like, “I ain’t nice!” and Clementine goes, “...Yes, you are.” with a smile, it’s great. He didn’t deserve his fate, I’m still hurt by it. 
Nick Speaking of not deserving their fate: Nick. I like Nick a lot and will never be over his off screen death and how no one really cared. 
Eddie and Wyatt Lumping these two together since I couldn’t decide who I liked more. The two are amazing, their story in 400 Days is so damn enjoyable, and the chemistry between them is off the charts. Both interesting characters with great personalities. 
Katjaa I’ll never not be sad about Katjaa. Woman deserved the world and yet that’s what she got. She’s so interesting given her career as a vet which made her the group doctor, the fact that she married Kenny, and how she straight up tells you that she has her limits and she would’ve left Lilly behind if it was her choice. 
Doug Doug’s pretty great, but there just wasn’t enough time devoted to him in S1, especially if you don’t save him in ep1. When you do save him, though, he’s one of the more enjoyable characters to be around and I appreciate the efforts he makes to help the group despite his talents lying else where. 
Luke Luke is great for two episodes, then his character slowly went down the shitter. He had the makings to be great, to be an A-tier character, no questions asked... but honestly, putting him in B due to my personal feelings is being generous. When you’re only great for 2/5 episodes, then maybe you’re not an overall great character, hmm? But I’m biased and I like him. 
Minerva Okay look, I love Minerva as a tragic antagonist. I take back every mean thing I’ve ever said about her. 
Tripp Man, I love Tripp. He’s my bro, y’know?  
Gabe Gabe is a brat and I love him. I understand the criticism, but I also understand a lot of that criticism is rooted in “any child character who isn’t exactly like Clementine is deemed annoying.” He's one of the better parts of ANF in my opinion. 
Tenn I’ve done a lot of thinking about Tenn since I wrote my retrospective on TFS and like... Tenn is a great character. He’s interesting to have within the story of TFS, and I know, it’s so easy to just hate him because he keeps making the same mistakes. It’s when you look at the full picture that you understand why he keeps doing it and it’s just... sad. He always dies in my playthroughs, it’s heartbreaking. 
Sarah Sarah should get a shirt that says “I was wasted potential in S2 and all I got was this lousy shirt.” Because yeah, the set up for Sarah is executed so damn well, then the game fumbled, and then she was killed off. My girl deserved better than that. 
Carley I adore Carley. That’s my girl, I love her. Just.... I love her. Not much else to say. 
Ava Ava is so fucking cool, why is it that ANF killed her off in the most comical way possible when she survives execution? How could you do that to one of the most badass characters in TWDG? She fucking knocked TRIPP on his ass. I love her so much. 
Marlon Marlon is the perfect antagonist for ep1 of TFS. I have an entire character analysis about him, and again, I covered his character again in my retrospective of the game. 
Lilly Yeah, yeah, laugh it up-- I love Lilly, she’s an asshole and she’s great in both S1 and TFS. She’s a woman under so much damn pressure in S1 due to looking after her abusive father as he’s all the family she has left, she’s leading the group which Kenny continually gives her hell for, and she just wants to survive. Then she comes back in TFS as a great antagonist and we see just how far she’s fallen due to everything that’s happened to her. I talked more in-depth about her in my TFS retrospective post so if you want more details, you can go there. 
David Okay listen, this is my tier list and I say David is on the verge of being A tier for being such an interesting bitch. David is such a bitch, a real bastard, I could punch him in his damn nose, but damn it, he’s fascinating and I won’t apologize for being invested in the Garcia brother dynamic. I hate him but also I think he’s great. 
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Pete I feel like Pete being this high is just purely my bias showing. He has no business being this high and above so many other characters, but I don’t care. I love this man. He’s only in two episodes [assuming you ran to him instead of Nick] and he’s still one of my favorite characters in S2. 
Russell Russell is my favorite protagonist in 400 Days and I will be forever salty that he wasn’t more important in S2. 
James I could talk and talk about James until I’m blue in the face. I adore James, he’s such a compelling and often misunderstood character. 
Omid I mean, c’mon.... who here doesn’t think Omid is an A-tier character? He’s just so charismatic and charming, it’s hard to dislike him even a little. All these years later, and I’m still hurt that he died the way he did. 
Jane Yeah that’s right, Jane ranks this high. Jane is a fucking great character and I’m tired of pretending she’s not. I want to give you an in-depth analysis that elaborates on that, but unfortunately, I’ve limited myself on this post. That’s what asks are for, I suppose. 
Javier Javier Garcia is the best thing about ANF. Listen, ANF is the worst installment in the series, I feel like I can confidently say that, but Javi makes it all worth it. That, and his dynamics with Gabe and David, and Clementine, too. I love this man. 
AJ I debated on if I should put AJ here or S-tier, but ultimately, S-tier is for my absolutely favorites. While I love AJ and his development over TFS, he just barely misses the mark. But I think his spot here is well-deserved, love that little goofball. 
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Rosie Rosie is best girl. That’s it. She’s best girl. 
Lee It’s been how many years and I’m still not over Lee. He deserved the world. I love him so much. 
Clementine What’s there to even say about Clementine throughout all four seasons? She’s S-tier. She’s incredibly well written throughout the series, her growth is amazing, and her ending in TFS is definitely deserved. I love her so much. 
Louis Coming as a shock to literally no one, Louis is my favorite character in all of TWDG and he deserves the top spot in the top tier. What can I possibly say? I have written countless posts about how much I love him. He’s my favorite and I fucking love him. 
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And for a fun comparison, my 2019 tier list:
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cherienymphe · 1 month
i think it’s mostly new people that are coming here and getting their feelings hurt tbh. while i haven’t been here since 2019 i’ve been here long enough to know what is and what isn’t acceptable. sarcasm is a form of passive aggression and you’ve already expressed that you’re well aware and that you’ve even gotten that in the past. i do find your persona on here sarcastic and curt at times and i think it’s foolish for people to expect something different when you’ve never presented yourself otherwise. to me you just seem like someone who simply isn’t in the business of people pleasing or mincing their words. i think the anonymity emboldens people to “tell you about yourself” which is ironic because that’s them being passive. it’s simple really. don’t like it? leave. it bothers you so bad? unfollow. this isn’t me saying you’re above critique. it’s okay to enjoy and be a fan of someone’s work but not the person they seem to be. hp and tlou fans do it daily. just show your support and go (though it sounds like they don’t properly do that anyway so i guess…just go.) and for the people who keep asking about bt or any other wip, find something else to care about. there are plenty of other writers/stories on here and elsewhere to entertain yourself with. hell, pick up a hobby in your real life, something. anything other than coming on here to throw a tantrum and waste your time being disrespectful. this was long ik. woke up with it on my mind.
Maybe that's where my disconnect lies when someone called me passive aggressive bc i associate passive aggression with people who are afraid of confrontation and who throw stones and then hide their hands and that couldn't be more opposite of me 😭
right like at the end of the day I think it's kind of silly to harass someone bc they aren't as nice as you think they should be. Just leave 🧍🏾‍♀️this is my home after all and I've said before that some people think any kind of tone less than gentle and hand holding is "mean" when...it's not. I've argued with people who just don't know wtf mean actually is and this is why I have the friends I do irl bc I don't need someone asking me every single day if I'm mad at them just because I'm not babying them and speaking to them in a gentle voice. That's just not who I am. I'm a very matter of fact and straight to the point kind of person and some people don't like that personality type which is valid but idk why it's becoming my problem
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revehae · 3 months
I like how none of your readers act like kids in the noncon ones. Like some of them are like extremely stupid adults but they kind of brought it up on themselves. Its kind of ironic i enjoy noncon content but i draw the line at self infantilization. Hate the lana del rey coquette shit honestly. Not even lana del rey herself, shes very selfaware about how destructive she is, but her fans arent and its so annoying qnd nauseating
i don’t really like the phrasing “brought it upon themselves” maybe let’s not say that! but otherwise i understand because it is kind of meh reading things where the reader is like childishly stupid or something. i’m writing a fic right now where i intend to make the mc more naive because she’s younger (legal) and sheltered, but i want to do it with a bit of nuance… i think it’s possible to do “innocent” readers without making it seem like they were born yesterday lol (highly common with stepcest for some strange reason)
ugh no shade but i remember i got a request where they literally wanted the mc to throw something and have a whole childish temper tantrum which was just something i was not interested in writing 😭
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sakuraharuno156 · 1 year
What was the worst harassment you received from a Hinata stan?
So i made a few screens of messages, but I'm gonna post just one because well... Tumblr doesn't really have age restrictions on posts unless it's nudity, and I don't want you to read the vulgar ones 😂
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This is rather standard.
How do I know that it's from Hinata Fans? Because it comes in waves after a post about her, and then its quiet, and then i post something, and they want me to d*e again.
And to be honest I moan about it, but I'm not so concerned for me. Like those people are 12-13-14 and this is how they process disagreement.
The thing that is concerning for me is that they write that to people who are young and impressionable and they may not look at it and laugh at the irony of "FANS OF *supposedly/accordingto them* THE KINDEST AND NICEST CHARACTER" sending death threats 😂.
The thing that we all have to learn about that site is to see them as they are - children throwing tantrums. They kick and scream but at the end of the day they just need a nap 🤷‍♀️.
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And the thing that annoys me is that they get offended when I don't reply to them. Like? What am I supposed to reply? "Ok"?
I love arguing with people, it's literally my job to argue and i especially love that topic, because I read the manga like 5 times and every time I see Hinata I despise her even more.
She is against everything I believe in. (Anti-feminisctic, boy-centric, boring, unambitious - you know the drill).
But to argue, you have to have a logical opponent, otherwise you are arguing with a wall and it's just a waste of time. 🤷‍♀️
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forelsketparadise · 6 months
I have lost the count of times the team fucked up Pierre race for Esteban. Esteban fans better stop crying about team favouring pierre or his luck when clearly Esteban gets favoured alot because otherwise he will throw a fit. They fuck up Pierre's races to stop Esteban from having a tantrums
Somehow we still managed to beat Esteban head to head and have one more podium than him. Oh right the Monaco podium that should have been pierre's but who was again got fucked up by the team.
Esteban is not going to like being beaten by pierre btw. He is about to lose his mind over the winter break
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saberamane · 1 year
I love how people mistake my words as 'loving' a character that I really have no feelings for, make a whole post saying how me saying I 'like' that character under a post of another character is basically invalidating the second character and this persons views, tells me to to write them to discuss it, and then BLOCKS ME so I can't.
So acgames, since you want to make me a bad guy over YOUR misunderstanding, I shall write it here. I can't post my initial response since not only have you blocked me, but my secondary tumblr account can't see my response since I assume you deleted it in your childish tantrum.
First off, here's my response to their tags on the Alexios post, which are (asgames reblogs, Alexios of sparta, Finally someone gave alexios credit he deserved, Everyone who posts alexios content over Kassandra is my favorite person, Alexios fans-you are my fave, assassin's creed odyssey.)
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As you can see, I agreed that Alexios is a great character, but that yes as acgames said, most odyssey posts are of Kassandra. I went on to say that I believe this is the case because she is 'canonically' the 'correct' protagonist (ie. from the viewpoint of ubisoft) And then went on to try and make conversation by saying I have started odyssey and picked Kassandra, not for any 'correct' reasons or anything, but merely because not many games have female lead's, so I like to choose that when it's an option. Not for any other reason. I didn't pick Kassandra because she was the 'correct' protagonist or whatever, I literally thought it had no actually plot point like in Valhalla where no matter if you picked man or woman, the main assassin is called Eivor and that's it. Didn't know Odyssey was going to have a 'the gender you didn't pick is now a 'bad guy' that you will have to spare or kill at some point in the story.'
Now, acgames's post, which I responded to trying to explain the above in a shorter format.
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As you can see, they tagged me in this post where they say "I never mentioned I consider you being wrong for playing as Kassandra." Of which I did not say that...at all. "I have no idea why you feel you have to defend your point about playing as her." Which I wasn't. I was simply stating a fact. I started Odyssey. I picked Kassandra. End of story. "You should play the way you want and no one should tell you otherwise (which I am pretty sure I didn't at any rate.)" No, you didn't. And that's not what I was saying either. You took what I said the wrong way.
Their next paragraph I completely agree with. Kassandra and Alexios are both possible canon protagonists, depending on who you choose at the start. I simply said that Ubisoft basically wrote it as Kassandra being the 'canon' option, if her showing up in Valhalla means anything.
"This is what I expressed: I love people who play as Alexios because of how underrepresented he is. I see scraps of Good guy Alexios story, I show love to that, but at the same time I never throw any shade towards Kassandra players." Which is also what I expressed.
"If story has favored protagonist and underdog protagonist, who "canonically" is villian, I will always prefer underdog, because there so much less content and love shown for them and I just vibe with underdog more." My favorite characters usually are the 'bad guy'. Final Fantasy 9- Kuja. Marvel Movies- Loki (though this is... questionable?? sometimes?) Winter Soldier (Again, questionable, but he is a badass villain.) Final Fantasy 10- Seymour (Honestly love the crazy bad guy hair, and his Aeon which you can also get? Badass) Naruto- Itachi, Sasori, Deidara (And many, many more)
"So why you have to write your testimony towards (I assume) me, it's very weird to me" It wasn't a testimony, it was trying to start a conversation with a fellow AC fan and sharing my own gaming decisions. Not that it actually matters. (My mistake for trying to talk to you.)
Their tags under that post.
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Not once did I try and 'pressure' you into liking Kassandra over Alexios. I was perfectly respectful, you making a passive-aggressive shit post, however, is. Again, I wasn't defending my choices. I was trying to make conversation and simply sharing my choices. I never said you hate Kassandra. Again, I have no preference to either Alexios or Kassandra, I haven't gotten that far in the story yet to really 'like' the main character yet, so you saying I prefer Kassandra over Alexios is literally you putting words in my mouth. I definitely don't see you as my role model. I'm a grown ass woman with a job and a mortgage, not some teenage girl looking for a role model to obsess over. I wasn't challenging your preferences, nor was I being 'serious'. I was making conversation.
I LITERALLY can't write you an ask with any issues I have, as you've blocked me. Very childish. I also wasn't posting my issues with you under other people's posts. I had no issues with you AT ALL until now. You're the one who created issues where there wasn't any.
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In your post itself? Not really. But your tags and these comments after the fact that I can't respond to? Yeah, pretty aggressive. About something that was merely suppose to be a friendly conversation. I wasn't defending Kassandra as a character, simply stating what I chose at the beginning to start a conversation about Odyssey. Which you took issue with.
As for me saying 'You should have dm'd me' in the comments you blocked anyone else form seeing? I meant your apparent issue with me stating simply what I did in a video game. I was being nice, trying to start a convo, you came back with a passive-aggressive post about my 'defense' and 'love' for Kassandra, of which didn't happen and not what I feel for her.
"Idk, posting under alexios themed post that you prefer kass because she's female protag... I do not get what dialogue you are trying to make there, because I otherwise miss the point..." You very much have missed the point, and made yourself look like an ass doing so. I NEVER said I preferred Kassandra. I simply said that's who I picked. I can infer you probably picked Alexios then?
I wasn't making excuses to you, I was trying to explain what you obviously misread or misunderstood. Again, I do not 'love' or 'prefer' Kassandra. I really don't give a shit about her. I simply stated I picked a female protag in a game because you don't often get that choice, and you've twisted it into this bullshit. I picked female Eivor too. Are you going to say I hate male Eivor because I chose to play a female protag because I'm also a female?
And as you can see, acgames did hide/block/ or remove my 2 comments trying to explain what my original comment was about.
But that's not all! Acgames continues to go on about me and twisting my words to make themselves a victim! How fun!
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For your information, I touch a lot of grass. I own a farmstead, with vegetable gardens, berry patches, starting on orchard etc. Plus flower gardens. I spend a lot of time outside. I play very little video games anymore. Because I'm a grown adult with responsibilities. In fact, saying I can't take normal discussion? Sorry, that's you. With how often your post's are 'I can't deal with people, I'm gonna be gone from tumblr for a few days.' etc. I am owning it, btw. Your the one throwing a tantrum and blocking me after making several posts saying I should send you an ask or dm about issues. And you only allow messages from people you follow? I can't contact you anyway, so why tell me to? You make all this shit up and then run away?
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"Read the notes to make your own assumptions of our spat." Wasn't even a spat, and people literally can't see my two notes because you removed them. "Some people just want to start the fights..." Wasn't starting a fight, was trying to explain to you how you mistook my words. Now I'm pissed off cause you make these allegations, ask people to back you up by reading everything, then HIDE what I said so people can ONLY side with you. "I am too old for tumblr drama bullshit." But are you?? Didn't you make all of this into drama??
Like you, I am also 28, but one of us is obviously more mature than the other. It feels like there's already some bs drama going on in your life, and you mistook what I wrote and decided I was to be your punching bag. I hope you get whatever help you need, because if this is how you react to people trying to start friendly conversations with you, well... Good luck to you, because you'll never make it through life or work with this kind of attitude. And maybe put my messages back up on that post so people can actually get the full story and not just what you're selling them.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Can I ask something bluntly? Why do some people here in the comments act so... strange and weird about unimportant stuff? I remember when you first started Legerdemain and it was all great and amazing and people interacting here on you blog was a cherry on to top and fans were actually asking thought-provoking and interesting questions, but after some time it got... weird.
Suddenly all that was important was:
- "No X Character has the biggest and most veiny dick!"
- "Nooo I'm gonna cry because that's not fair to the Y Character! Y Character has the most beautiful humongous dick! And amazing abs! I'm gonna cry if Sam doesn't confirm this!"
Suddenly all that everyone stressed about was: dick size, ass size, attractiveness, height and other trivial stuff.
At first it was all just a good fun, people were mostly joking but honestly I think the tone has shifted after a while. Now, a lot of these people seem genuinely stressed and horrified if their fave character isn't the Best at Everything, which I find both hilarious and weird at the same time.
Can I ask the fandom something? Is dick size/height/physical looks THAT important to you in fictional characters? Are we all really that shallow?
I mean, I know that physical looks are important to some degree but honestly I've seen people here arguing vehemently more about character's genitals rather than their actions/goals/thoughts, which makes me believe you have a very young (I'm guessing female) audience who think having the biggest penis is the most important thing in the world.
Like I said, it was fun at first but I think it got out of hand fast because everyone got so competitive over their fave characters. (Ironically a lot of these people were acting like George, who's main obsession and goal in life was to see Harry's dick so maybe the fans took inspiration from him XD)
Does it bother you sometimes that you receive (forgive me for saying) rather stupid and childish questions about this stuff? That people basically throw virtual temper tantrums if you even slightly disagree with their handcanons about X Y Z's stuff? It sounds so exhausting.
I want to start off by saying I appreciate everyone who reads my stories. I appreciate all of your asks on tumblr. I downright fucking love you if you take the time to write a review and you are my special superstars that I want to hug and squeeze the living daylights out of you.
But this ask hit me hard because it’s something I’ve been feeling for awhile.
Honestly, I don’t know why there is such a fixation about it on my tumblr. I’m not a smut writer and the only thing I can think of is because I dabbled in smut in Legerdemain and in Brio. But it has turned me off to writing smut, to be completely honest. Since I haven’t been writing smut in Legerdemain anymore, I’ve noticed a decrease in not only those asks but in general traction and reviews with the story as a whole which is disappointing.
I’m not going to lie, I do get tired of the dick debate. I’ve said before I don’t have that stuff in my character charts and I don’t really think too much on it. Writing smut was a fun exercise and the initial discussion was fun and interesting… until my opinion was wrong and I wasn’t allowed to have that opinion so I was bombarded with asks to convince me otherwise. Then there were complaints that I didn’t make him big enough or I can’t have James being as big as Albus and Harry or I can’t have Albus bigger or they can’t be a normal big but have to be really fucking big. At the end of the day, I just didn’t care so I just said whatever and put less of that in my stories so it wouldn’t be talked about as much. It was fun at first with the jokes from George or even the debate at first on tumblr, but some of the fun did get sucked out of it.
In short, I get disheartened by it. If I was a smut writer, it would be more on par with my writing. But I don’t write smut. I write angst and complicated storylines. I feel like sometimes nobody cares about the amount of work and effort it takes to write such complicated storylines because I get asked constantly when the next smut scene is or people say the Hinny fandom doesn’t care what the storyline is as long as they’re having lots and lots of sex. So, I don’t know. It is frustrating at times and I wonder why I even post very complicated and complex storylines because very few of my readers seem to fully appreciate it.
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