#because again if you are only playing internationally with the best defenders protecting you
the-physicality · 21 days
#are we ready to have a conversation about the definition of “best goalie in the world” yet?#i'm being a bitch but i've held off on this#on the upside at least we were never shut out and we don't have to play fucking *******#to my first point this is the problem with not having a consistent league#international play is so limited that you cannot judge based on that and you cannot judge based on college#i mean tbt to last year's red stars#we should also have a conversation about how obsessed we are with shooting the puck low#and every other team has a couple of snipers#and if we sniped a little more instead of doing the fake outs we might be in a different place#im just so tired#and not to rub it in but we were never going to win the cup#like somehow every team plays their best against us#i hope erin ambrose still gets defender of the year#and i hope ******* ******* does not get 4 awards#like if you see someone coming at you 1-1 have you considered moving back in your crease a bit#i would also be interested to know if the order gets shaken up#because again if you are only playing internationally with the best defenders protecting you#then how much are you really tested#same could be said for campbell though#i maintain that montreal's biggest enemy is their brains#and he was way out of crease on a lot of these#and if you look at frankel or campbell's positioning they are never that far out#also we have to talk about the face offs being atrocious tonight#like i said i'm glad it's over#and like i said before i think i prefer the winning the league situation instead of the playoff setup#maybe minnesota pulls it out#but at the end of the day we are undefeated in regulation playoff hockey#brings me to another point which is would it not make more sense that you have to get 9 of 15 points in a playoff series#and so then the score would be 3-6 and we'd still be in it#like continue with the points system
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(TFATWS) Bucky x Reader: Protective- Part 1
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 (Author’s Note: I watched TFATWS and loved it.  So here we are).
 The tension had finally fizzled out an hour or so into the trip- at least for a little while.
   Your consulting criminal, Zemo, made himself comfortable as soon as he set foot on the jet.  He was leaning back in his seat across from you, looking very pleased as he read a book and took an occasional sip from his champagne glass.  His contented demeanor had visibly affected both of your friends, Sam and Bucky, causing their irritation with him to skyrocket earlier.  But after some of the confrontations concerning Bucky’s inherited notebook from Steve, Sam’s music, and Zemo’s observations of you, things had finally calmed down.
   He was a crafty one.  He knew how to push buttons, knew exactly what to say to trigger each individual’s weak points.  Things had begun to escalate especially when Zemo turned his attention to you.  His piercing gaze had you frozen in place as he made inquiries.  While he didn’t ask anything outwardly uncomfortable, the probing questions about your life were starting to make you uneasy.
   The other two males didn’t take too kindly to Zemo’s attempts at conversation with you.  Bucky stared out the window with his jaw clenched.  At one point, Sam let out an exasperated sigh, causing the criminal to halt mid-sentence. He leaned over to raise his brow at you diagonally across the aisle of the jet.   “_________, is he bothering you?”
   You didn’t have to speak: the look on your face said it all, and Sam shifted in his seat again to look over at Zemo.  “Alright, that’s enough.”  His tone was firm and leaving no room to question.
   Directly across the aisle from you to your right, Bucky’s shoulders relaxed when Zemo followed Sam’s command.  The jet had fallen silent except for the muffled whirring sounds of its mechanics.
   You pretended to skim through a magazine that you’d found laying on a tray.  With one hour down and twelve more to go on the flight, you felt the need to unwind a bit.  Everything had happened so fast from the moment you agreed to go with your friends to Berlin to see Zemo.  After Thanos’ horrible plan came to an end, things heated up when John Walker went public as “the new Captain America.”  He’d even offered you a place working with him since you were part of Team Cap back in the day.  You declined, of course, and found yourself even more determined to help Sam and Bucky.
   You were happy for Steve.  You were.  It was still hard to have him gone.  For years, ever since the Avengers broke apart over the Sokovia Accords and Bucky’s framing, you’d followed Steve.  Even before then, when it was discovered that Hydra had been infiltrating SHIELD, you’d left the broken agency to join him as he continued his fight against threats to the world
   You hadn’t imagined that you and the others would be left to keep fighting without him.
   “You in the market for a new grill?”
   You were drawn from your deep thought to a set of dark blue eyes that looked from you to the magazine page that you hadn’t turned in at least ten minutes.  You chuckled and closed the magazine, playing along.  “Yes, I figured with all this extra time, I’d do a little shopping.”
   The corner of Bucky’s mouth twitched up in a brief show of amusement.  You rose from the seat to go to his side, kneeling down beside his chair.
   “Why does he even have this?”  You lowered your voice as you glanced at the eccentric baron, setting the magazine back down onto the tray.  “You’d think there would be more European fashion magazines or something.”
   Bucky’s eyes flickered to the man in question before leaning in to speak in an equally quiet tone.  “I have to admit.  We lucked out with him.  Not only does he have a lead, but he’s got private transportation so we can stay under the radar.”
   “I think we made the the right choice going to him,” you replied.
   “We can only hope,” he muttered.  “Seriously though, what were you thinking about when you zoned out?”
   “Oh.”  You averted your gaze, playing with the hem of your jacket.  You didn’t want to delve into your train of thought.  It was plain as day that Bucky and Sam were both dealing with Steve’s departure in their own ways, and you didn’t want to add to it or open up any healing wounds.  So, you settled on being vague.  “Just...everything.”
   He seemed to know what you meant anyway.  The silence that followed made guilt gnaw in your chest, but before you could say anything, Bucky spoke.
   “Hey,” he nudged you with his shoulder, making you meet his gaze again.  His eyes had softened significantly and forehead smoothed in absence of the lines caused by furrowed brows.  It was a nice change from the scowl he had since the mission started.  “Sorry we dragged you into this.”
   You dismissed the apology with a casual wave of your hand.  “You guys didn’t drag me into anything.  I was along for the ride from the beginning.”
   A comfortable silence fell between you then.  He returned to gazing out the window while you stood up and headed back to your seat, sinking into it and letting your head tip forward.  You figured that a cat nap was in order since you hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before.  All that business with an internationally-known criminal breaking out of prison had you on edge.  With nothing but the sounds of occasional page-turning from Zemo’s book and Sam tapping his foot lightly to the beat of music he listened to on his phone with earbuds, sweet sleep claimed you in no time.
   You were pulled from your dreamless slumber by voices, but your body wasn’t ready to respond just yet.  The first thing you noticed was that you were leaning against something on your right side, your face resting on a soft material that held the scent of leather and cologne. Bucky’s scent.  It must’ve been his jacket balled up to serve as a pillow.  In fact, it was his voice rumbling closest to you.
   “Stop looking at her like that.”
   “Apologies, James, but I don’t know what you mean.”  Zemo’s accented voice was quieter, but there was a sprinkle of amusement in his tone.
   “You’re doing it right now.”
   “Bucky, come on,” Sam interjected.  “We managed to make it a few hours without killing the guy.  Don’t let him get to you now.”
   Zemo’s tone took on a new intensity, as if he was gripped by fascination.  “You seem very protective of __________.  The way you move around her is intriguing, as if prepared to defend her at a moment’s notice.”
   “Don’t engage,” Sam warned in a low voice.
   By now, you were almost fully awake.  Despite the potentially awkward situation that Zemo was creating with the analysis of your friend, you figured it would be best to intervene.  You shifted, blinking your eyes open.
   “What’s going on?” you muttered, voice still a little rough from sleep.  “It better be good because I haven’t slept that well in a while.”  You lifted your head from Bucky’s jacket, eyes darting up to see him staring out the window again.  “Sorry,” you muttered, brushing a bit of drool from his jacket before handing it back to him.  He stole a glance in your direction again, not seeming to mind.
   “No big deal.  You needed the sleep.”
   Bucky didn’t say another word, so you turned to Sam for answers.  He shrugged with the shake of his head.  “Zemo’s being... well, Zemo.”
   You nodded in understanding, as if that simple phrase was all the explanation you needed.  Zemo caught your gaze, the corners of his lips turning up a smile.
   “As I mentioned before, we will have to go undercover to meet with Selby in Madripoor.  I was merely thinking of disguises for you and Sam.”
   He seemed like was telling the truth, but you didn’t doubt that he relished the added bonus of getting under Bucky’s skin in the process.  While Bucky had been protective of you and those who chose to put themselves on the line to prove his innocence when it came to the UN bombing, you hadn’t expected him to be quite that defensive in this situation.  As flattering as it was in some ways, it made you worry.  Zemo knew what buttons to push.  Would he eventually push a button to make things go his way?  To forward some plan of his?
   You got up to stretch and use the refresher.  You took your time since there were still several hours left in the flight.  Zemo had informed the group that upon landing, there would be  limited window to get into costume and go over your characters before heading to Selby’s club.
   - - - - - - -  
   “Only an American would assume that a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp,” Zemo complained.  You stole a glance at your friend who gave his outfit another displeased look.  “You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing.  The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”  He handed his phone over so Sam could get a look at his character’s picture.
   “He even has a bad nickname.  He does look like me, though.”
   “And who am I supposed to be?” you asked, pulling the jacket over your form tighter.  You wore a dark blue dress that went to your knees.  The material was soft and had a subtle glimmer in the light, and the outfit was complete with a pair of black heels that clacked on the pavement with each step, a shiny silver bracelet, and the black jacket that you were glad to have in the chilly air.  The group was walking to the halfway point of the bridge to be picked up.
   “You will be my date,” Zemo replied casually.
   You gave him an incredulous look.  “Really?  I’m just the date?”
   He released a sigh before launching into explanation.  “You don’t exactly resemble any crime bosses.  Besides, it’s not uncommon for dates to come and go in this town.  No one will be asking who you are.  No one will expect what’s coming to them if we need to fight.  You may have the greatest advantage out of all of us.”
   As much as you hated to admit it, he had a point.
   “Just remember to remain at my side at all times,” Zemo continued.  “Make it look convincing that we are together.”
   You refused to meet his amused look.  “Yeah, yeah.  Whatever.”
   A black car idled just ahead, and Zemo once more reiterated how important it was to stay in character. He told the group about High Town and Low Town, though you were a little distracted by the city lights reflecting off the water.
   You squeezed into the backseat between Bucky and Sam.  The ride was tense with only the sound of your breaths in the small space.  Bucky stared straight ahead through the windshield even as motorcycles surrounded the car and escorted it the rest of the way.  The car dropped you all off near the club, and Zemo held out his hand to help you out of the vehicle.  He put an arm around your waist at a respectful level, but Bucky took one look and halted.
   “Okay, this isn’t going to work,” Bucky snapped.  Everyone’s eyes were on him.
   Sincerity was written all over Zemo’s features as he responded.  “I assure you, it will.” Suddenly, his eyes flickered with realization, though you glanced between the two men in confusion.  “I know you don’t trust me, James, and I understand your discomfort.  However, you are playing the part of the Winter Soldier.  It is best if she remains inconspicuous as my date.”
   “Wait, that’s what this is about?” Sam asked in disbelief.  “Who ________ pretends to date?”  Your eyes fell to the pavement.  The situation was already unpleasant.  The last thing you wanted was to bring confusing feelings into the mix while in the middle of an important mission.
   Bucky began to protest.  “No, I-”
   “Relax,” Sam said, holding up his hands to show he meant no offense.  “________, you can stay by me.  Smiling Tiger can have a date, right?”  He looked to Zemo for confirmation.
   “Excellent idea.”  He nodded in approval.  “Just remember to stay in character.  All of you.”  
(Link to Part 2)
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
mutuals (pjmxreader) [bonus:celibacy]
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~mutuals~ [youtuber!reader x idol!jimin] social media AU
synopsis: park jimin is a (slightly problematic) idol singer, and he becomes completely smitten with a youtuber after stumbling upon her dance cover to his own song.
genre: fluff, a good dosing of cracK, literally two seconds of angst blink and u miss it
word count:  2.3k
[A/N]: thank you for all the love you’ve given mutuals! can’t believe it’s only been like one week since this blog has been up hehE enjoy this drabble of thirsty!jimin after he found your video. if you have no idea what i’m talking about gO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER
series masterlist
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           When JinHit first hit record sales with the success of Jimin’s mini album, and RAPLINE’s first title single a couple years ago, Jin finally gave in to Jimin’s begging and gave all the artists their own personalised studio in the JinHit building. It’s where all the greatest hits on the charts are written. It’s practically the modern eighth wonder of the world, considering the names and talent that have graced the walls. 
          Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all have their separate studios to write, produce, and record in, and all three of the small rooms are located next to each other. Partially because of design and common sense, but also so all three friends can conveniently annoy each other when needed. Jin’s office isn’t too far away either, just across the floor. Usually, if they’re all working in the studio, they’ll walk over to Jin’s office during lunch hour and leech off his amazing personal pantry in his office. The office is much, much bigger than their studios, and Jimin never fails to remind Jin that. 
          All three artists have grown a little attached to their studios. It’s where they do what they all love most, after all. Yoongi barely lets anyone into his ‘Genius Lab’, and ever since a staff member accidentally messed with his coffee machine, he hasn’t let anyone step foot in. Nobody’s even allowed to come inside Namjoon’s studio during what he calls his ‘namjoon talent time’ which is basically just a period of time before comeback season where he locks himself in the studio, writing music 24/7. 
          He occasionally asks Jimin to listen to his unreleased files for suggestions, but other than that, noone except Yoongi goes inside his studio during ‘namjoon talent time’, and Namjoon only reluctantly lets him in as his bandmate. Not that Jimin minds, he hasn’t been let inside since he accidentally mistook Joon’s studio for his own and brought one of his one-night-stands over. Joonie was horrified, and made Jimin sanitise, wash and clean every part of the room, all while he cried about how his ‘baby was molested’. It was traumatising for both parties. 
          Out of the three, Jimin’s the least protective over his studio, even though he’s the one who put the most effort into it. He’s spent years perfecting it, making it the best place for inspiration and writing music. Everything in the studio has been personally chosen and thought out by him. The snacks and custom mini fridge, the wall of his entire discography, trophies, music awards, and his personal favourite, the official JIMIN logo sign above the couch. 
          It lights up in purple.
          Despite being a pretty stereotypical assholey partying douche idol, Jimin’s likes to think he’s actually quite talented. He’s been named ‘Most professional idol’ on every single online survey he can find (He’s also always voted for ‘Most handsome’, but that’s besides the point), and it’s true. Jimin never sells himself short. He is a professional musician, singer, and producer. He writes his own music, choreographs his own dancing, and uses his platform to spread positive, meaningful messages. There’s a reason he’s so internationally successful, and it’s because he’s talented. 
          Maybe right now isn’t a great example of his talent. Jimin was in his studio, holding his head in his hands. Sure, he’s a globally recognised and accomplished songwriter, but to be honest, he hadn’t written a single piece of original JIMIN music since he wrote ‘Filter’ with Namjoon months ago. He was in the biggest creative slump in his entire career. He had tried almost everything, co-writing, exercise, music samples, playing around on instruments. Hell he even tried music therapy. Whatever melody he tried to create, whatever lyrics he tried to write, it all came out sounding like garbage. 
          Yesterday was a little bit of a blow to Jimin’s ego. It was three in the morning, and he’d been in the studio for seven hours, with only one verse written. 
I love to let loose,
Have you ever tried eating moose?
It’s all so bananas,
Tony fucking Montana. 
          Yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing. It’s not even a verse, it looks more like a kindergartener’s attempt to write poetry. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t really feel like writing music or putting his thoughts in a song. Jimin is just plain out of ideas. He has nothing to write about. And if he doesn’t have good content to put out, he’d rather not put anything out at all. 
          But he still hates it. All his life, he’s coped by writing, singing and dancing. This writer’s block has been too frustrating. Too many sleepless nights and crumpled papers have been wasted over it, with no progress or music in result. Plus, Jin might be one of his closest friends, but Jin was also a boss, and he still needed more tracks for Jimin’s big comeback, happening end of the year. 
          He can’t help it. Jimin has nothing left to write about. He opened one eye when he heard the distant ding of his phone coming from somewhere in the studio. Grumbling incoherently, he opened the notification, to find… you. 
          Jimin’s mouth was hanging open the entire video. His eyes twitched the tiniest bit and he almost dropped the phone when you said his face was “decent”, but he had to watch it again, because the first time around, he didn’t hear a word that came out your damn mouth. He was otherwise… preoccupied. No matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t tear his damn eyes off the screen. Curse Min Yoongi for sending him this. 
          He even cringed when he had to bring his sleeve up to wipe the tiniest bit of drool off his face. Practically salivating. What the fuck? How old was he? He was Park Jimin, why was he popping a boner from watching some stranger on the internet dance to his songs? He’s been in the industry for way too long now, he was practically immune to scantily clad women prancing around him. So why he completed concentrated on your stupid little crop top? Not to mention, you were practically insulting him at this point. What was so special? 
          For one moment, Jimin forced his eyes off the screen, wondering if the sleep deprivation had really affected him that much, or if this was another side effect of the writer’s block he’s been having. It’s the partying ‘clean act’ ban Jin’s been forcing me to go on, he thought, even though Jimin wasn’t totally convinced of that. (Despite swearing not to, he looked straight back to down at his phone afterwards to reply the video.) 
          He was so fixated on the screen, he didn’t even notice when Yoongi flung the door open and walked inside. Jimin only lifted his head when he heard Yoongi’s obnoxiously loud groan. 
          “What- When did you get here?” Yoongi recently went back to a fan-favourite hair colour of his, and Jimin was still not used to seeing him with bright mint coloured hair. In his opinion, he looked like a highlighter, but Yoongi seemed to not mind it. 
          “I’ve been standing here for the past two minutes, drinking my coffee. The fuck you watching on your phone that’s got you drooling?” 
          “NOTHING.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes, and before Jimin could even move away, he managed to snatch the phone away from Jimin’s hands. 
          “What the fuck- how? You know, this is why your fanbase thinks you’re a cat.” Yoongi ignored his words with ease. “Oh my god,” He said. “Are you watching the video I sent you? I didn’t expect you to actually watch it.” 
          “I always watch my fan’s videos after a comeback!” Jimin insisted, clawing upwards to steal his own phone back, but Yoongi kept slapping his hands away. 
          “Yeah, but this isn’t a fan. This is just like, one of your fanboys and a girl roasting you.” Yoongi stared back at Jimin suspiciously when he tried to defend himself. “Why were you watching this girl dance like a starving man, Chim?” 
          “Just, because- what- I was nOT watching her like a starving man. Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of a pervert!” Jimin finally managed to grab ahold of his phone again, and he threw it behind him on the couch, away from Yoongi. 
          “Hyung,” He sighed. “I think maybe it’s Jin’s new ‘clean, good boy’ rule. Along with this stupid fucking slump I’ve been having these days, I just don’t feel great, okay? So don’t be so fussy with me. I can’t write, I can’t party… If I want to ogle over some random girl on the internet, I will.” Jimin cringed once the words came out of his mouth, but Yoongi slowly nodded, sitting down on the couch. 
          Min Yoongi may be a little too gay to understand Jimin’s womaniser ways, but the frustration behind not being able to write music, that, he understood. “You’re trying to justify being a perv by using your mental problems, but I’ll talk to you about that later on.”
          “Chim, we all have our slumps. It’s honestly a wonder that this is your first serious creative block. Me and Joon, and every single artist in the world, is bound to go through that at some point. It’s not the end. You’ll still be able to write good music soon, you’re a good writer.” Jimin refused to meet Yoongi’s eyes, even if what he was saying did make a little sense. He just chose to stay silent. 
          “You just have nothing left to write about. You can’t keep living like this though, Chimmy. It’s unhealthy.” 
          “What do you mean, unhealthy? I’m perfectly fine, thank you.” 
          Yoongi stared at him deadpan, gesturing to the entire state of his studio. “It’s a complete mess in here,” He said. “Plus, I don’t think you’ve left this studio for days. The others may not want to say it to your face, but we’re all a bit worried about you. Stop forcing yourself to ingest all these redbulls to try to keep writing.” 
          “When inspiration comes, it’ll come. You can’t force it, it doesn’t work that way. What you need, is a break. Go back home for once, maybe visit your mom. And for god’s sakes, take a shower please. Trust me, okay?”
          Yoongi doesn’t like admitting it, but he’s the most caring one out of their friend group. Anyone can tell from the look in his eyes right now, that he’s genuinely concerned about his friend. He’s also the one with most sense, but Jimin will never tell him that, because his advice, no matter how sensible, is useless. 
          All he’s known is singing, writing, and throwing himself in work. To just stop? Even if it’s to take a short break, it doesn’t feel right to Jimin. Instead of telling Yoongi his problems, he just poked his tongue in his cheek. If lightbulbs actually popped up above people’s heads when they had a good idea, a massive one would’ve appeared on top of Jimin’s. 
          “I’ve got it!” He said, excitedly. Yoongi sat up straight. “You’re going to take my advice for once?”
          “No, of course not, Hyung. Don’t be silly.” Yoongi slouched his back again, closing his eyes. 
          “I’ll just hit this girl up!” Yoongi’s eyes snapped open. 
          “Yeah! Who knows, y’know? Maybe I’ve been keeping myself to Jin’s rules a little too well. It won’t hurt the company if I let myself go just once. Blow off some steam, come back fresh and recharged.” Jimin rubbed his hands together like a bad Disney villain. 
          “It’s too early for this.” Yoongi whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
          “It’s three in the afternoon.” Yoongi ignored him. 
          “You really aren’t going to take my advice, huh.” 
          “Nope!” Jimin said, popping the ‘p’ annoyingly. 
          “You promised Jin you’d go celibate.”
          “I said I’d clean up the partying act. I don’t recall taking a vow of celibacy.” Yoongi just sighed, and fell back down on the sofa, mindlessly sipping at his coffee. 
          Jimin hesitated. “You’re not going to… tell me not to? Or give me another one of your eco-feminist speeches again?” Yoongi shrugged. 
          “You’ve heard it too many times. Plus, I have a feeling this is going to be funny.” 
          “Funny? Hyung, what part of this could possible be funny to you?” There was a brief pause filled with awkward silence, before Yoongi blinked slowly. 
          “When she rejects you, of course.” Jimin threw his jacket, aimed straight for Yoongi’s head. His stupidly fast cat-like reflexes managed to dodge it, but Jimin scowled at him nonetheless. 
          “She’s not going to reject me.” Jimin walked over, picking up the very same jacket he threw at Yoongi, before plopping his sunglasses back on his face. “No woman has ever managed to reject me before, and I intend on adding her to that list.” He pursed his lips. 
          “Plus, she’s super hot. Great ass. Attractive people attract attractive people.” Jimin turned his phone back on once more to sneak one last peek at you in the thumbnail of the video, before stuffing his phone into his back pocket. “I just need to get it out of my system. This might be what I need to get me out of this creative rut!”
          He could’ve sworn Yoongi muttered something under his breath, something along the lines of ‘fucking asshole’, but he chose to ignore it. 
          “Alright, well, see you, Yoons!” Jimin practically skipped out of the studio, startling the producer’s assistant outside with his slightly disturbing enlarged grin. 
          “Don’t come crying to me when she refuses to get in your pants, you fucking diva!”
          Jimin continued walking towards the elevator, but he threw up his middle finger behind him. 
[taglist:] @notmontae97​​ @lucedelsole97​
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The Pull (80/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was gifted to them. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 2389
Warnings: angst, anger, drama
<<Prev || The Pull Masterlist || Next>>
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You’re making your way through the yard when you see Kira running towards the house. She looks somewhat terrified as she changes course to meet up with you. 
“Liam just…” she begins through panted breaths, “he woke up and he broke through the rope and I swear I thought he was going to attack us but he just… he took off,” she tells you. 
“Which way?” you ask the girl and she points towards the east side of the property, where the woods seem to press against the house.
“Scott went after him,” she tells you and you nod your head in acknowledgment.
Turning to her, you grip her arms and tell her, “I’m gonna go help him out. Go find Stiles. Let him know what’s going on and tell him to tell Lydia. Malia should be with him, grab her and the two of you keep watch out here. Just in case he decides to come back this way. 
“He’s gonna be pissed and depending on how things go down with me and Scott he may be looking for something, or someone, to take his aggression out on. The last thing we want is for him to attack someone here. Got it?” 
She quickly nods her head and tells you to be careful before she makes her way towards the house. 
Turning towards the woods, you follow the sounds of foliage breaking under the footsteps of a running wolf. Thankfully, you’ve run through woods most of your life so making your way through the foliage isn’t very difficult and you quickly begin to close the distance between you, Scott and Liam. 
You hear a roar and then Scotts muffled grunting. Picking up speed, you find the two are fighting with each other. Liam trying to literally tear off Scott’s head with his teeth. 
“Liam!” you hear Scott calling out, “Liam wait! Stop!”
You can see them through the trees as you close the distance between you and you watch as Liam continues his assault on Scott as he demands, “What did you do to me?!” 
Scott doesn’t instantly reply, whatever he does though pisses Liam off further and you watch as the boy stalks forward, growling, “This is your fault.”
The growl quickly turns to a scream of pain as he accuses, “It’s all your fault! This is your fault!”
Liam lifts his hand and you can see his claws are extended. You step forward to try and either push Scott or Liam out of the way so that Liam doesn’t end up slashing his claws across Scott’s face. You know that you’re too far to be of any good if Liam swings now but you have to try. 
Thankfully the whooshing sound of an arrow is heard right before a crackle of electricity and a blinding light go off.  Instantly, you squeeze your eyes shut, your heart pounding in fear that hunters are back in Beacon Hills. 
You can hear Liam scream in pain before the sound fades. Opening your eyes, you see Scott’s look of shock and, stepping out of the trees, you follow his line of sight. 
Standing just uphill from where the two boys had just been is Chris Argent, a modern crossbow in his hand, aimed at the trees above Scott.  He’s making his way down to Scott and the boy seems to be in shock. 
“How did you know?” Scott asks the older man when he reaches out to help him up. 
Once Scott is on his feet, Argent tells him, “Natasha called about Kate… and I got your text.”
“Wait you texted him about Kate?” you asked Scott, pulling the boys' attention to you at the incredulousness in your voice. 
“I didn’t have the money to call internationally,” Scott defends himself and you can’t help but notice that he sounds like he’s said this before. 
“Really though Scott… a text?”
You chuckle at the sound of exasperation in Argent's voice. Before it can go any further, however, you’re distracted by the sound of an echoing howl through the woods. 
The three of you share a look before Argent tells Scott, “There’s a clearing just north of here. All you have to do is corral him there. The rest is taken care of.”
“What are you gonna do?” Scott asks the older man and you snort. 
When eyes turn to you, you tell Scott, “You bit him. You turned him. It’s not up to Argent to do anything here. It’s up to you.”
“She’s right,” Argent defends, “He’s your Beta, Scott. The question is what are you going to do?”
“He won’t listen to me,” Scott points out with a heavy sigh. 
“He will if you start using your own words,” you tell him. You can see the question on Argents face and elaborate, “He had this weird, ‘the bite is a gift’ speech he was trying to get through earlier. It was the most awkward thing I had ever seen.”
A pained scream echoes through the forest and Argent hands Scott a control before telling him to go. 
Both you and Scott make your way to the sound of the screams, finding the clearing that Argent had been talking about along with the sonic emitters hunters tended to use against were’s. 
As you walk up, you can see Liam on the floor, his hands covering his ears.  Scott turns off the emitters and makes his way to Liam as the boys breathing evens out. 
“What’s happening to me?” Liam asks, his voice betraying how terrified he is as he looks up at Scott. 
“The same thing that happened to me,” you hear him tell the boy as he kneels down and begins to explain what changes Liam can expect. 
Standing off to the side, you let the two talk. Scott had been right… he is the only one (that you know of) that could help Liam right now. Most of the weres you knew were born, they weren’t bitten. And the bitten weres you knew had usually been bitten when they were old enough to be able to adapt to it.
Stiles made his way through the party, Kira had found him and told him about what was going on with Liam and Scott and how Tasha was going after them.  His first thought had been to go after Tasha but Kira had turned him around and told him that if he managed to get himself killed by the pup, Tasha would probably revive him just to kill him again. 
Besides they needed Lydia just in case. 
Not finding the banshee downstairs, it occurs to him that she may be upstairs. 
He sees the pup's friend making his way out of a room but he’s calling out, “Lydia, it’ll come out. It will.”
“Wait, Lydia’s in there?” he asked the boy who nodded his head, “Yea some wine spilled I’m gonna go get some club soda.”
The sound of the door opening and closing catches Stiles’ attention and he turns to walk into the room. Walking in, he finds an ominous cream room and Lydia’s leaning over an old record player. 
When she clicks on a button, the needle moves along the vinyl but nothing plays. Stiles is about to call out Lydia’s name and grab her attention but a movement catches his attention. Lydia’s head is moving around and when he steps towards her, he realizes her eyes are moving across the wall.. it takes him a second before he realizes that she’s hearing something. 
He gives her a moment before stepping up to her, “Lydia… what do you hear?”
He has to repeat the question but she answers him softly, “The key… The key to break the code.”
“The code?” he questions for a moment and she nods her head again before telling him to get her a laptop. 
As the temperature drops, you find yourself wishing that you had in fact, taken Jax’s jacket when he offered it to you. Or at least stolen Stiles’... Thankfully, it seems like Scott’s mostly gotten through to Liam and you’re about to step away when you hear Liam break down into sobs. 
“They can’t know about this,” he begs Scott, “My mom and my step-dad I can’t do this to them again.”
Scott gives you a confused look and you walk up next to him, kneeling to the side of Liam, “Pup… what do you mean again?”
He turns to look at you and shakes his head, “I got kicked out of school and I deserved it The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car….”
Liam trails off but you have no idea what he’s talking about. It doesn’t particularly matter to you though and you reach out, running your fingers through Liam’s hair, “It’s okay pup.”
“They can’t see me like this…. Like…” Liam trails off, his face ashamed. 
“Like a monster?” Scott offers and your eyes snap to his, narrowed in a glare. 
He puts his hands up in surrender as you feel Liam nodding his head. Turning the pup you tell him, “You’re not a monster. You are so far from a monster… Liam… you’re a werewolf… Same as me...” his eyes turn towards yours and you flash him your eyes.
“Like me,” Scott tells him but there’s a pride in it. You watch as he stands, less hesitant as he seems to accept the role of Alpha and flashes his reds at Liam. 
Liam looks between the two of you and you help him to his feet. The three of you are joined by Argent as you walk Liam back towards the boathouse as you tell him, “Seeing as it’s a full moon and your first one at that, it’s probably best if we don’t go back inside for the party.”
“You were in there,” he points out, trying to get back in. 
You snort softly,  “Yup, and I was sorely tempted to rip someone's arms off and beat them with them.” You felt Liam stiffen next to you and before he had a chance to move away, you wrapped your arm around his, “Relax. Everyone’s arms are intact and no one was pummeled with anything. At least not by me. Lydia may murder all of us later for the impromptu party but for my end, folks are good. Just… don’t threaten mine.”
At his questioning gaze, you nod your head, “I can be very… protective.”
“Good to know,” he mutters as the two of you arrive at the boathouse. 
Thankfully, it didn’t take very long to find a laptop and Stiles was back in the room with Lydia, handing her the laptop in no time.  She turned it on and he watched as she opened a webpage and entered the first part of the code he’d seen on Malia’s notebook. 
The page begins to show the rest of the code and he can hear Lydia take a deep breath, her heart pounding. 
Her fingers hover over the keyboard before he watches her enter in the name of Scotts first love. 
The code immediately changes, forming names with numbers to the right. 
The Walcotts are each listed, one by one - followed by a few other names. He recognized five of them Lydia, Scott, Derek Kira and at the bottom, Natasha. 
“Is this…” he asks, his brain still trying to wrap around what he’s seeing. 
“A list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills,” Lydia confirms, “It's a dead-pool and we’re all on it.”
Stiles takes a look at the list again. The Walcotts are listed, one by one, followed by Lydia, Scott, Demarco, Derek, a Carrie Hudson, Kayleen Betcher, and Kira but the last name on the list stops his heart. 
There, in plain black and white for the world to see is Natasha Ragnulf.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading!!  Any guesses on what Natasha is worth? Let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, asks… all of these things let me know how you’re feeling about the story and give me life!  
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Posted 28 February 2020
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paulriedelposts · 4 years
Third Reich artists: Leni Riefenstahl
The Third Reich artists, like Leni Riefenstahl, played an important role in spreading Nazi propaganda. All artistic branches were culturally valuable. Some of them flourished during Hitler's regime, and one of them was Leni Riefenstahl.
Who was Leni Riefenstahl?
Helene Bertha Amalie "Leni" Riefenstahl was a German dancer,  actress, film director, photographer, and writer. In the early days of her career, during the Weimar period (from 1919 till 1933), she was one of the few female film directors. She directed in 1932 her own film The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht). In the 1930s, she directed her first propaganda films: Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens) and Olympia. These two films were technically innovative and some of the most effective propaganda films during the period. They brought her worldwide acclaim and attention. Even years later George Lucas used some of her monumental techniques. However, most of her works, especially the film Triumph of the Will, negatively affected her reputation after the war. Being involved with the Nazis greatly damaged her career; she was also a friend with Hitler as well. Hitler and Riefenstahl also collaborated on a few Nazi movies. Some people claimed that her visions played a key role in the Holocaust. The police arrested her after the war and released soon after because they classified her as a Nazi sympathizer. They hadn't had enough proof to accuse her of being associated with any war crimes. She strongly denied that she had known something about the Holocaust. Aside from directing, Riefenstahl also pursued a photography and writing career. Later in her life, she wrote a few books about the Nuba people, as well as her autobiography.
Helene Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl was born in Berlin on August  22, 1902. Since her early childhood, she loved art and started to write poetry and paint. She was interested in swimming and gymnastics so she decided to join school clubs. Aside from her interests in arts and gymnastics, Riefenstahl's love for ballet and dancing seemed to be the greatest. It took her to the Grimm-Reiter Dance School in Berlin, the place where she achieved brilliant results.  Riefenstahl became one of the best students at the school.
Early years
After having attended some dancing academies, Riefenstahl became famous for her unique dancing skills. As a dancer, she got a chance to travel all around Europe. Her dancing career did not last long, unfortunately. After a few foot injuries, she had knee surgery which hugely affected her dancing career. In 1924, while on her way for a regular check-up, she saw a poster for a film. The film was The Mountain of Destiny (Der Berg des Schicksals), which inspired her to pursue a film-making career. She spent lots of time in cinemas, watching movies and attending film shows. After she met Arnold Fanck, the man who directed Der Berg des Schicksals, she started her acting career. He featured her in one of his films after witnessing her acting skills and learning that she admired his work.
Leni Riefenstahls acting career
Arnold Fanck gave her a role in his 1926 film, The Holy Mountain (Der Heilige Berg). Riefenstahl took roles in several other films and learned editing techniques and acting from Fanck. It was one of Fanck's films that brought her fame in many other countries.   The movie was The White Hell of Piz Palü (Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü) in 1929. A few years later, in 1932, Riefenstahl produced and directed her own film, The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht). Béla Balázs and Carl Mayer were her co-writers. Even though not well-received, the film won the Silver Medal at the Venice Film Festival. Riefenstahl blamed critics, mostly Jewish ones, for their criticism. The film saw its second release in  1938 when Sokal and Balázs, both Jewish, didn't get their credits. Many believe that this happened at Riefenstahl's behest. In the Blue Light, Riefenstahl plays the role of an innocent peasant girl. The villagers hate the girl, believing she's diabolic and they cast her out. She gets protection from a glowing mountain grotto. Leni Riefenstahl once stated that she had received many invitations to move to Hollywood and make films there, which she refused.  In 1933 though, she appeared in other Arnold Fanck's films, which were German- USA co-productions. She filmed S.O.S Iceberg, the only English language role film she ever had. She wanted to live and work in Germany.  Upon seeing the movie the Blue Light, Hitler became interested in her. He was convinced she portrayed the perfect German woman and wanted to meet her instantly.
Directing propaganda movies
Before she got a chance to meet Hitler in person, she heard him speak at a rally in 1932. His talent for giving public speeches fascinated her. Riefenstahl captivated Hitler as well as she fitted his ideal od Aryan woman.  After they met, she got an offer to direct The Victory of Faith (Der Sieg des Glaubens). This was a propaganda film about the fifth Nuremberg Rally in 1933. Triumph of the Will The second propaganda film she got a chance to direct was Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens). This was another film about the party rally in Nuremberg in 1934. Many believe this is one of the greatest propaganda films in history. The motion picture of the film was an innovative and epic work of propaganda film-making. Riefenstahl became internationally popular and recognized. According to Riefenstahl, she agreed to film Triumph as the last one for the party. Lowlands Riefenstahl then continued to direct a film based on Eugen d'Albert's opera, Lowlands (Tiefland). She received the production funding and shot the film between 1940 and 1944. It was a black and white film, considered to be the third most expensive films of the Third Reich. For this film, Riefenstahl employed Romani from internment camps for extras. Unfortunately, the way people treated them on set was inhumane. After shooting the film, those Romani ended up in Auschwitz. In one of her interviews, she denied any attempt to create Nazi propaganda. She told to be appalled that Nazis used Triumph of the Will for such purposes. Olympia in 1935, Hitler invited her again to film the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. She accepted, believing the International Olympic Committee commissioned the film funding.  The truth was that The Third Reich secretly funded the film. This film was Olympia, an immensely successful film for its aesthetic and technical achievements. Riefenstahl was one of the first filmmakers who used tracking shots while filming a documentary. To follow the movements of athletes, she placed a camera on rails. She also took slow-motion shots, panoramic aerial shots, underwater diving shots, high and low shooting angles. These shots were pretty unheard of at the time. Her work on this film influenced modern sports photography.
Leni Riefenstahl visiting  the USA 
Riefenstahl visited the USA to secure the commercial release of the movie Olympia. At the time, Hitler was one of the greatest men and she defended him fiercely. Little did she know then about the brutality he had been preparing.  While she was in New York City, Kristallnacht took place in Germany. Again she defended Hitler and his actions. She carried out her mission in the USA. Olympia played at the Chicago Engineers Club and it received great appraisals.  She met with many great names in America: Walt Disney, Louis B. Mayer, Henry Ford, and others. She had a chance to live and work in Hollywood, but she preferred to stay in Germany. 
World War II
The Nazi's violence during WWII shook her confidence in the party.  Following German troops for film-making, she saw the execution of Polish civilians. The very same day she witnessed such violence, she left the set to meet Hitler. She made an appeal against such actions. However, she did not object to filming the triumph parade in Warsaw a few weeks later. 
After the war
After the war,  Riefenstahl tried to separate herself from the Third Reich regime. She stated how she only created work and it happened that the Nazis commissioned it. For her, it didn't mean she worked for them and their purposes. She was never a member of the party, but only their sympathizer during their early years. This association with the Nazis made it difficult for her to regain position in cinematic communities in Europe, especially Germany. Riefenstahl chose still photography. In the 1970s published an illustrated volume on the Nuba people, the primitive tribe of Sudan.  Later in her life, she became interested in underwater cinematography. Years that followed after the end of the war were isolation years. She lived in Munich, where she died of cancer on September 8th, 2003, at the age of 101. Her burial site is in Munich at Munich Waldfriedhof. People will probably remember her more as Hitler’s favorite film director, and not a great artist. And she was one indeed, the first female film director with international acclaim. Not well known for her work, she does deserve more attention.  Just like many other artists during the Third Reich, she was manipulated and used to advertise its propaganda. They weren’t all aware of how it would end. They did what they did best, create work that would live long after they’re all gone. The work that tells the story of their time.
More about Leni Riefenstahl?
If you are interested in booking my Third Reich tour, be sure you’ll get a chance to come near to the manipulation of folk and artists in those dark years. There are plenty of sites that exhibit the great works of art, the Third Reich art. There are places that witness the mistakes of our past.  Visiting concentration camps, in my opinion, honors the Nazis and their propaganda. What we can do is to see works of art as they tell more about the whole society. These works tell about mistakes, good deeds, and they can help us learn.  We don’t need more discrimination, more hatred. What we seek is love and peace for everyone, no matter their race, sexuality, or religion.
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lianordin · 5 years
Dark-alley defense: Tech tools to keep you safe
“The self-defense seminars that I teach are all weapons-based,” White said. “Because I do believe, even after all this time doing martial arts, that the empty-hands stuff, it’s effective but it takes time to distill. And it’s not always going to work out for you on the street. I always promote somebody leveling the playing field by getting something in their hand.”
White’s doorstop advice isn’t a suggestion to bring down assailants by smacking them with rubber wedges. It’s about prevention, and it’s proof that your self-defense tools don’t need to be high-tech to get the job done (though a little electricity certainly helps).
We asked White to break down the best gadgets to have in your bag, pocket or hand when walking alone down a dark alley, and he had plenty of suggestions. He also had a story for every situation.
One night years ago, White found himself in a teachable moment.
“I broke up a fight,” he said. “It was a melee, really. It was about 30 people. It was bikers and punk rock kids. It was back in the day.”
Instead of diving in, fists flailing, White wanted to defuse the situation with whatever he had on hand. In this case, it was a bamboo fan.
“One of the weapons we use in Chinese kung fu is a fan,” he said, “and people don’t realize when you really pop it open, it’s loud. It’s really close to the sound of a gunshot.”
So, White pulled out his fan and made his move.
“These guys were pounding the shit out of each other,” he said. “And when you take the fan and pop it, you go like pop-pop-pop-pop-pop five times quick, what actually occurs there mentally is it’s a state-breaker. And that’s what happened. Every single person just stopped. They were still holding each other mid-punch and just looked, and everyone went from anger to what the?”
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State-breakers come in myriad forms, from jarring sounds to bright lights, but they essentially cover anything that shocks an attacker into temporary confusion, pausing the assault and providing a window to escape or fight back. White doesn’t recommend everyday folks carry fans in their back pockets, but there are plenty of tools on the market designed with state-breaking in mind. For instance, there’s the BASU eAlarm+ ($25), a gadget that emits a loud sound when the top pin is pulled. It looks like a USB device and it’s small enough to fit on a keychain, but when activated it emits an alarm at 130 decibels, a noise level comparable with standing 50 feet away from a military jet, complete with afterburner, as it takes off from an aircraft carrier.
“It’s not so much the gadget as what the application is,” White said. “Like the flashlight, just blinding somebody with a flashlight for a second is a state-breaker.”
A flashlight is one of White’s go-to personal defense tools. Not only can one temporarily blind someone, but many are heavy and sturdy enough to also be used in a physical altercation.
“A really good flashlight, it’s not obvious, but when you look on the end of the bezel, which is where the light comes out, they have these crenellated striking edges on them,” White said. “And they’re so underrated as a self-defense tool because you can hit with it, but you don’t even really have to. You can press it into somebody’s clavicle and they’ll just wilt under it.”
Some flashlights are built specifically for self-defense purposes, with exaggerated bezels and textured grips. The SureFire Defender Ultra ($179) is an LED tactical light designed for fighting, with an aluminum body and Mil-Spec hard-anodized coating. It’s small enough to fit in a pocket and strike with one hand. It’s also a powerful flashlight, of course.
“Obviously with a flashlight you can blind them, but in general just illuminating your path and seeing what you’re coming up against — it’s just good practice to have a flashlight,” White said.
Stunna tech
The Venn diagram of “tech gadgets” and “self-defense weapons” has one giant, all-caps word at the heart of its intersection: TASER.
“I can only recommend what I know is going to work for people, and when it comes to using self-defense tools, the obvious one when it comes to tech, to me, is the taser,” White said, “which is a great option.”
He took a few seconds to talk through that last statement before adding, “Where they are allowed, a taser is a good option.”
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Tasers may be the ultimate self-defense tool, but they come with a handful of limitations. First, here’s how they work: Pulling the trigger expels two tiny electrified probes that stay connected to the weapon via conductive wire measuring up to 15 feet in commercial models. The darts in newer iterations are designed to puncture thick layers of clothing and stay embedded in the skin once they make contact, firing electrical pulses into a person and resulting in neuromuscular incapacitation — the loss of control of their muscles.
Tasers are high-reward and also high-risk. They’re effective when wielded properly, but they can be extremely dangerous, even lethal, for anyone who hasn’t studied up and practiced using one. Tasers are more expensive than many other self-defense tools, and they’re not legal for civilian use in every state.
But if you can get a taser and invest time in training, it’s the number one option for personal self-defense. The Pulse+ ($450) is the latest model from TASER, the company and proprietary eponym. It’s equipped to work in the Information Age — the Pulse+ pairs with the Noonlight app, which can alert authorities the second your weapon is fired, using your phone’s GPS to track your location. That service costs $9.99 a month.
“There’s a lot of training involved,” White said. “They’re not cheap. But that’s kind of the ultimate, I would say, gadget. …I teach more locally in the northeast, and again, it’s just not an option because you can’t carry one.”
Which brings us to the final scenario: weapons you can bring nearly anywhere.
Writing and wet-weather weaponry
White’s next recommendation sounds like something out of Spy Kids.
“When I travel internationally,” he said, “I usually have what’s called an Unbreakable Umbrella.”
Unbreakable Umbrellas come from NTOI, and the walking-stick model that White favors runs $129.95. On top of functioning as a perfectly fine umbrella, an Unbreakable is light, weighing just over one pound. It still “whacks just as strong as a steel pipe,” according to NTOI, and it’s legal to carry everywhere.
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“It’s really cool,” White said. “Just a super sturdy umbrella with a metal rod all the way down the center, and it’s got a crook on it like a cane does. And, because it’s an umbrella, it really comes in under the radar.”
Another everyday item that works well as a defense tool is the tactical pen. This one is a little trickier, when it comes to airplanes — the Transportation Security Administration considers tactical pens to be weapons, and therefore they’re banned from flights. However, many models are sleek enough that they simply look like high-quality or extra-rugged writing devices, meaning they can be carried into most scenarios without raising alarm.
Take the ISBOSI Tactical Pen ($39.95), for example. It’s a large, stainless-steel device with a knob on the back and an extra-long, extra-pointy tip, but it’s still immediately recognizable as a pen, not a weapon.
Proper training
An unspoken refrain runs beneath all of White’s advice: Practice. Practice. Practice. He teaches self-defense classes and highly recommends them to anyone curious about personal-security gadgets. Even with all of the fighting and defense styles at a student’s disposal, White said some of the most powerful moments in his lessons aren’t physical at all. They occur when a student actually gets their hands on a tool, and suddenly recognizes their personal limits of violence and security.
“These tech items are part of the recommended self-defense spectrum,” White said. “I teach all those different things because I understand that choosing to carry a weapon is a very personal thing for somebody. Not everybody is willing to grab a blade and cut somebody — nor should they. And vice versa with firearms and any weapons. So it’s really a bit of discovery you have to go on internally to decide what’s good with you morally.”
There’s absolutely nothing wrong, morally or otherwise, with buying a new umbrella. And if you’re going to buy a new umbrella, you might as well get the one with a metal rod running down the center for protection from the rain and anything else.
Images: Brett Putman for Engadget
In this article: alarm, basu, defense, gadgetry, gadgets, gear, isbosi, ntoi, personalsecurity2019, security, SureFire, taser, thebuyersguide, umbrella
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howtohero · 7 years
#021 Support Squad
Being a big-time fancy shmancy internationally renowned superhero is a lot of work. Way more work than being just your average casually-stroll-around-the-same-six-blocks-in-your-neighborhood-hoping-someone-commits-an-easily-stoppable-crime-in-your-line-of-sight superhero. But you know what they say: if you’ve got great powers you’re basically morally responsible to do lots of good stuff with them. (If someone has a catchier way of saying this please, send a telegram.) Now all this added responsibility can be overwhelming for just one measly super person. It is conceivable that you’ll need help in accomplishing your goals of ridding the entire world of crimes. (A real hero would work tirelessly to dismantle and rebuild the social and political systems that create an environment where people even need to commit crimes, but whatevers, we’ll start small.) Which mean you’re going to need to start putting together your own superhero support squad.
The members of your support squad are the people you can count on to help you foil crimes and keep people safe. They’re the trainers who help you master your powers. They’re the omni-disciplinary scientists and engineers who build you cool super-gear. They’re the guys at base who quickly google the supervillains you come up against and help you devise the best way to stop them on the fly. (They’re the literate folk who quickly read through this handy dandy guide in order to help you get through situations such as infiltrating ancient temples, filling out insurance claims for your jetpack choir, and asking other heroes out on team-up adventures.) They’re the mechanics who help upkeep your fleet of hat-themed vehicles. They’re the tailors who design dynamic and striking (and comfortable and chic) costumes. They’re the doctors and police officers and firefighters [and lawyers] who often provide key assistance. They’re the random teenagers who one time stumbled upon your hideout by accident and since you can’t just make them disappear or lock them in a cell or something you have to give them something to do so they don’t go off and tell everyone about your secret (they’re basically like the unpaid college interns of the superhero world). A hero is only as good as the people who assist him or her in the heat of a battle. So making sure you have a good superhero support squad is key.
Now, since the most effective support squad is made up of people who actually know who you are it’s important to gather people who you know you can trust. Go through your close friends and acquaintances and see which of them might be useful. A good way to determine a friend’s viability as a member of your support squad is to give them some sort of quiz or questionnaire (quizstionnaire) that covers the following areas.
1. How big is your thirst for justice?     a. I have no thirst.     b. I have some thirst.     c. I have a moderate to severe thirst.     d. UNQUENCHABLE!!!! 2. How often do you reveal the deep dark secrets of your friends to the press?     a. About once a month.     b. Basically every month which has 31 days.     c. Leap years.     d. I never have and never will not even for a million billion bazillion dollars. 3. Do you know how to build a freeze ray on a budget?     a. No.     b. Uh… what kind of quiz is this?     c. I can build a freeze ray but it will be obscenely, prohibitively,     aggressively expensive.     d. Yes. 4. If given the opportunity would you gladly spend all your time helping a superhero fight crime?     a. Yes, gladly.     b. No, can I go now?     c. All of the above.     d. Wait that last one doesn’t make any sense.
If none of your friends perform well on that quiz, or you’re just friends with incompetent people with no useful skills, you should start befriending people who will actually be useful. Once you’ve assembled the people you want on your team you need to actually take the time to mold them into a functioning unit. That means it’s camping time. Take the new squad on a team-building outdoors retreat where you all can do trust falls and tell each other your deepest darkest secrets and do practice supervillain attack drills. Have one of your new squadders play the role of a random supervillain and have the rest of your squad come together to come up with an effective strategy to defeat them. Keep repeating this with different squadders portraying different supervillains until you’ve developed a workable, timely, supervillain response system that you can confidently implement in the field.
Now, once you’ve gotten yourself a support-squad you need to take extra precautions against bad guys who seek to hurt you. Keeping the identities of the people on your squad safe and secret is just as important as keeping your own identity safe and secret. Assign everyone codenames that you can use over comms when you’re fighting. Stuff like “Googler” or “McTypey Pants” or, hell, just call them by the wrong normal people names. Call your official superhero electrician Donald something like “Matt” or “Diana.” Really as long as you’re just not calling them by their real names you’re golden. Advise your team not to put “superhero support team member” on their social media profile or on their resumes as cool as that might be. Because that will get them kidnapped, tortured and possibly killed by supervillains. Tell them not to put down “Captain Thunder” or “Nightron” as references when applying for jobs. If they still do it anyway be sure to give them a terrible reference so they don’t get the job and they learn not to pull that kind of thing again. At the same time also make sure everyone on your team has some sort of device that can alert you immediately if they are in danger. If one of your squadmates gets captured, you need to make rescuing them your top priority. Drop everything else to save your bud. If you can’t have favorites when saving people what’s even the point. Also if -worse comes to worst- one of your squaddies does crack under pressure and gives up your secret identity or the location of your hideout or your favorite guilty pleasure film, don’t hold it against them. You should’ve been there to protect them. You can’t bring a person into your secret crusade against crime and then not save them when they’re kidnapped and endangered because of it. Also like you should move. Your base is definitely compromised. Also check to see if your dude hasn’t been Trojan-Horsed into some kind of mind-controlled lackey or living bomb. Supervillains loooove their mind-controlled lackeys and living bombs. 
Once you’ve put together a quality superhero support squad you’ll no doubt find that you’re able to operate as a better and more effective superhero. People perform better when they know someone has their back and having other people to assist with the parts of city-protecting or world-saving or galaxy-defending that you might not be best equipped to handle can only help things. Sure they might get annoying sometimes. You might need to get a bigger hideout. You might not all agree on the same type of music. Karen is allergic to peanuts and insists that nobody puts anything with peanuts in the team fridge. And also someone keeps stealing Karen’s lunch from the team fridge. Probably as revenge for the peanut thing. Maybe you should just invest in two fridges for your hideout. One with peanuts and one for Karen because she’s making things difficult but at the same time you’ve never seen a better mutant toucan trainer than her and it’s not like you’re going to give up your mutant toucan sidekick. Lots of little annoying things that you may need to deal with. But overall having a support squad means you can save more people and be better at doing it, and really isn’t that the whole point.
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swwewrestlers-blog · 6 years
Movie Review - The Wrestler
Throughout the World Wrestling Federations heyday that they had many alternative product vehicles. You could purchase buying and selling playing cards, lunch boxes, video games, attire, tickets, VHS tapes; you name it and you could just about guarantee that the WWF had a product for it. Again within the eighty's you'll discover many overt promos for all of these products. Fifteen second spots would air selling the products, the announcers would have them, followers with the product can be shown on TV and even the wrestlers themselves would carry the product or "gimmicks" to the ring.
Whereas many of those merchandise nonetheless exist, the very best sellers for the company are T-shirts, video video games, & wrestling figures. And the promoting of these products is extra tongue and cheek than up to now, as usual mentions are brought about in a comical manner.
Taping Format
Lately on Monday nights the WWE tapes a one hour web and international market show named Warmth, followed by the 2 hour reside version of Monday Evening Uncooked. On tuesdays ECW is taped and is immediately followed by a taping of Friday Night Smackdown. As you can see, every taping consists of one week of TELEVISION for 2 completely different reveals.
The previous format was drastically different. Utilizing lengthy blocks, the WWF would run TV tapings for 4+ hours. Usually they'd tape 4 one hour episodes again to again, each episode representing every week's price of TV. Many wrestlers would appear three or four instances per show. Clearly this is able to develop into just a little tedious for the followers in attendance. As was the norm, the vast majority of the tapings included the aforementioned "jobber" matches. On prime of this they might additionally usually tape one or two matches that had been unique to the WWF's residence video tape library, Colosseum Video.
Objectives of TV
The construction for the business was different again then than it is at this time. For example, right now's WWE tv is geared in the direction of scores & PPV purchase charges. Prior to now, whereas essential, rankings weren't as huge of a priority. The principle income sources for the WWF got here by way of home present (off TV reveals held in native towns) and in PPV revenue.
The usual for as we speak options not less than two massive matches per TV. Within the mid eighty's there would normally be a set of jobber matches, matches by which big identify stars have been placed towards no-name expertise, with the celebs set to get "put over" or to destroy these no-identify wrestlers on a weekly foundation. This formulation would occasionally change, in most situations during the WWF's late saturday night NBC hit dubbed Saturday's Night time Essential Occasion.
In October 2006, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched its annual 'Living Planet Report' - detailing the global impression on pure sources and the declining numbers of animal species which can be dependent upon them. It also provided solutions on tips on how to reverse the downward traits in these areas. This year's report also explores the affect of human exercise on the planet and concludes that the world's natural ecosystems are being run down at a price never seen earlier than in human history.
The 'Residing Planet Report' makes the terrifying inference that the world's inhabitants of vertebrate species have declined by a third since 1970, thus confirming the worst of human wrestlers who need to retire fears: that humanity is utilizing up the planet's resources at a much quicker rate than which they can be produced. Carter S. Roberts, President and CEO of the WWF, commented:
"The bottom line of this report could not be extra clear - for twenty years we have lived our lives in a approach that far exceeds the carrying capability of the Earth. The choices we make at present will form the chances for the generations which comply with us. The truth that we stay past our means in our use of pure resources will surely restrict alternatives for future generations to follow.
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In truth, the USA, because the world's foremost client society, is seen to be on the forefront of what the WWF report calls 'resource overshoot' - the use of extra resources than is sustainable by the planet. This makes it all the more necessary for institutions within the USA - including the federal government, mother and father and academics - to show our kids (the "future generations" that Roberts talks about) with such concern of precisely how dangerous human behaviour might be to the planet.
In an try to attempt to educate kids, there has, so far been a wide range of efforts made by totally different sources on how best to protect the setting for future life. For example, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) runs a children's educational useful resource referred to as TUNZA, which goals to work in partnership with children internationally so as to equip them with the tools wanted to maintain the surroundings for their very own children in flip.
With environmental and wildlife awareness having turn into a lot extra prevalent in in style culture over the past ten years - by means of sources as broad ranging as The Body Shop's 1990s product packaging, through to Al Gore's recent film 'An Inconvenient Truth' - many bigger organisations that are not traditionally related to schooling have jumped on board. As an illustration, Doubletree hotels runs a program called 'Teaching Children to CARE®' - a special academic initiative that goals to carry wildlife and environmental awareness to the forefront of the classroom.
With the continued initiation of this and different, similar packages each in America and the world over, there may be the chance that such applications will allow a reversal of the downward development of environmental harm; maybe permitting for the WWF's Living Planet Report back to predict a way more promising future for the world in future years.
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As lobby teams and environmental organisations proceed to push governments the world over into taking drastic measures to curb the acceleration of world warming, it is maybe fair to say that other environmental points may be in peril of being pushed apart. People need to do not forget that local weather change will not be the only scourge to the health of our planet; the protection of endangered species, as an example, remains a paramount concern to many individuals intent on the preservation of natural wildlife across the world.
What makes a species 'endangered'? Generally speaking, a species could be mentioned to be in peril of extinction whether it is few in number or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. The 20 th century noticed the significance of defending certain species from extinction - particularly with the pioneering efforts of organisations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which has been protecting endangered species since its inception in 1961.
The UN estimates that nearly 100 species are lost every single day - a staggering statistic. The foremost species protected by teams like the WWF include: tigers, nice whales, marine turtles, elephants, gorillas, of which fewer than 650 are left, and giant pandas, of which solely 800 are estimated to exist within the wild immediately.
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Nevertheless, these are only a collection of the hundreds of endangered species that exist internationally. Their survival is crucial for plenty of causes - including that they function umbrella species; because of this their survival additionally helps quite a few other species that reside in the identical habitats.
The early efforts of organisations like the WWF have been essential in passing essential laws for the safety of endangered species; this consists of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 in America, which was designed to guard plant and animal species from becoming extinct. Since this time, international awareness of the significance of defending endangered species has skyrocketed. In the late Nineteen Nineties, excessive road retailers started to see the importance of animal safety - retailers like The Body Shop, for example, designed a whole vary of products on the protection of endangered species, and saw their recognition improve dramatically.
Local weather change is a natural means of the earth, any mammoth or dinosaur would be able to inform you that, nevertheless the speed at which it's at the moment occurring is unnatural. Should you have been to think about a process your physique goes by way of when a mosquito bites you; you get an itchy-bite, for a couple of days have a small pink bump and then eventually it goes away. It is a natural course of if it was left alone. But we do not depart things alone; in fact humans have a repute of improvement, change, growth and become involved in things when maybe sometimes issues ought to simply be left alone. So we itch, we scratch, we infect. The itchy-chew turns an angry purple and develops into something a lot more extreme than it ought to have been.
The yr 2010 is the Worldwide 12 months of Biodiversity, the yr that new species proceed to be found, but there are extra tigers in captivity than there are within the wild. Here in Africa our trademark beast, king of the jungle, the lion is now an endangered species, with consultants predicting its extinction in 20 years. These are occasions occurring in our life-time.
In accordance with the Living Planet report in 2007 alone man-form used 2 planets price of assets. We already over-shoot the biocapacity of our planet by 50% in 2007 and the carbon footprint has increased by 11 fold since 1961. seventy one countries are experiencing stress on blue water sources and here in South Africa we're already predicting water-scarcity points and a few rural and small cities are already experiencing them.
As per the ripple impact, biodiversity loss has an impact on ecosystems, inflicting injury, degrading and eventually leading to a whole collapse. Threats of habitat loss, alteration and fragmentation, over-exploitation of untamed species populations, pollution, climate change and invasive species in turn destroy the companies that ecosystems give people free of charge; regulating services of natural processes, similar to water filtration, waste decomposition, local weather regulation and crop pollination. Providers resembling help for regulation of basic ecological capabilities and processes for example nutrient cycling, photosynthesis and soil formation.
"Crucially, the dependency of human society on ecosystem companies makes the loss of these providers a critical risk to the long run nicely-being and growth of all individuals, all around the globe" - Residing Planet Report; 2010.
Globally there has been a 30% decline in biodiversity. A couple of examples of particular person species embrace the blue-fin tuna, a fish made famous not just for tuna salad and pasta but by the latest risk of its breeding ground caused by the BP Gulf oil spill earlier this year, has decreased in inhabitants by 5.8%. One other instance is the leatherback turtle, another species affected by the BP Gulf oil spill, which has declined by 20.5%.
In the report's biogeographical realms, South Africa is part of "Afrotropical" which exhibits indicators of restoration since the 1990's the place the Living Planet Index was at minus fifty five%. The statistics differ for every nation as in America and Arab Emirates need four.5 planets to keep up with carbon emissions and consumption used. In India they need less then 50% of a planet.
In an try to seek out 'greener' gasoline by utilizing bio-gasoline, palm oil crops have increased by 8 fold over 20 years, changing 7.8 ha by 2010. This land conversion included forests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, the home of the Orang-utan. Their population has decreased by 10-fold in two species populations on account of the deforestation and habitat degradation.
However the report does say that each one is not lost. The minimum criteria for sustainability based on accessible biocapacity of the planet and the human development index "indicates that it's actually possible for international locations to satisfy these criteria, though major challenges remain for all nations to satisfy them.
Minimalist structure moto "Much less is Extra" method is needed, not solely in structure and art but from the person, to nations, to the world. The steadiness wants to vary us getting all the things and nature nothing, to nature getting extra, more in protected areas, more in conservation, more in investment to recuperate the injury that has been created over the years and us to getting much less and rather using the sources we've already captured.
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