#beauty hacks anti-aging
healthandfitness786 · 5 months
Understanding the Science: Unveiling the Biological Processes Behind Aging
Nutritional Strategies: Foods and Diets that Slow Down Aging
Lifestyle Adjustments: Daily Practices to Enhance Longevity
Skincare Secrets: Tips for Youthful and Radiant Skin
Exercise for Longevity: Fitness Routines to Reverse the Clock
Stress Management: How Mental Well-being Impacts Aging
Supplements and Vitamins: Boosting Anti-Aging Benefits
Sleep Optimization: The Crucial Role of Rest in Anti-Aging
Technology and Innovations: Cutting-edge Tools for Age Reversal
Holistic Approaches: Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit for Anti-Aging Benefits
Click Here To Get More Information For This Digital Ebook
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every-morning-dasha · 2 years
Why do I sleep on a back? How sleeping position can be anti-aging?
Hey here's my new text about sleeping. I really do pay attention to those little things making life better and face prettier. Hope you enjoy and find something useful!
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Essential Oils: A Primer
Essential Oils: A Primer
Rose oil is one of the best for anti-aging If you’re like me, you’ve been using essential oils for as long as you can remember without a clear …Essential Oils: A Primer
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sassypantsdiary · 28 days
This Simple iMethod Eyeliner Stamp Is Perfection for Older Eyes
Are you “Cat Eyeliner Challenged“?  I sure am.  Even applying basic eyeliner has never been my strong suit.  You see, I’m strongly right handed.  Oh, I’ve learned to do a pretty good at-home manicure, but there is something about the eyes!  The one shot deal of it, of applying eyeliner, well it just really irks me and has always been a challenge for me.  Having older eyes has only made the…
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DIY Under-Eye Bars - for Dark Circles and Bags | DIY Skin Care
DIY Under-Eye Bars – for Dark Circles and Bags | DIY Skin Care Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here! Hey, pretty people!       Scrolling through my blog posts you will easily find a few DIY under-eye solutions. They aren’t exactly my favorite products to craft, but they are an essential part of my skincare routine as well. I usually sit down and…
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Best ever White Truffle Facial Peeling | Truffoire
"Peeling" in the context of skincare refers to a process or treatment that involves the removal of the top layer of skin, known as the epidermis, to improve the skin's appearance, texture, and overall health. This process can help address various skin concerns and is often used to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin
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monicascot · 10 months
Unlock the secrets to flawless skin with Truffoire’s skincare tips centered around the Golden Minute Rule and cold showers. Embrace the power of the Golden Minute Rule, where taking just one minute each morning and night to perform a gentle facial massage with Truffoire’s high-quality products can work wonders for your skin’s health and appearance. Complement this practice with invigorating cold showers, known for their ability to boost circulation and tighten pores, leaving your skin refreshed and revitalized. Truffoire’s expertly crafted skincare products, combined with these beneficial practices, will help you achieve a radiant complexion that exudes natural beauty and confidence.
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eunoiaaaaaaa · 1 year
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Let’s face it: beauty products greatly contribute to the destruction of our environment. While we deeply concern ourselves with looking better, the environment suffers from our irresponsibility and self-centeredness.
Did it ever occur to you where those beauty products go after you use them?
Read more: https://eunoiaa.com/blogs/news/sustainable-makeup
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herstylecode · 2 years
Top 11 Trending Spa Services You Can Try This Year
Top 11 Trending Spa Services You Can Try This Year
Spa treatments have become more and more popular in the recent years because of all the new features they offer. The spa is no longer a place you go to in order to get a facial or a massage. A spa is now considered one of the best places to not only pamper yourself. But, to get you get back to looking and feeling your very best. Health and beauty professionals must keep up with the ever-changing…
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Get rid of Wrinkles with Potato! Proven anti-aging cream Botox to Wrinkle Treatment & Skin Whitening
Get rid of Wrinkles with Potato! Proven anti-aging cream Botox to Wrinkle Treatment & Skin Whitening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_pxAVpHZWQ #secretsofnaturalrecipes #Botox #wrinklesonforhead #wrinklesundereyes #wrinklesremoval #wrinkles
Get rid of Wrinkles with Potato! Proven anti-aging cream Botox to Wrinkle Treatment & Skin Whitening Subscribe Please – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtk5GOIUTAs2MeJrik73EJQ?sub_confirmation=1 Get younger, looking, fresh, glowing skin, with my anti-aging cream. Everybody develops fine lines and wrinkles due to the natural aging process. In this video, I am sharing my easy effective, and best…
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also, what do you think about the whole dorian being obsessed with youth and beauty??? i find it honestly really shallow but also really sad
it also reminds me of how today's world is just like that like think about all the fair and lovely ads you've seen until now or the numerous amounts of times your family members have made you face masks or some shit to make your skin glowly and how media advertises wrinkle free skin and a perfect body it's all so sad
FUCKING FAIR AND LOVELY ADS PISS ME OFF but yes i agree it's shallow and the intensity of his obsession is scary. Like you mentioned, it's really not just him who's so obsessed with youth and beauty. There is so much pressure on so many people and this is one of the best times to think about it imo with the anti wrinkling straws and the amount of anti ageing hacks and whatnot circulating social media
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heyitsgigisadventures · 2 months
DIY Face Serum for Perfectly Glowing Skin
DIY Face Serum for Perfectly Glowing Skin Say Goodbye to Dull Skin: 4 Simple Ingredients for a Glowing Complexion   Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!     Hey, pretty people!       I have brought a few serum formulas on the blog over time, but I always try and not only update older versions, but also come up with something new. What I feel like…
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y'know I really do feel sorry for the younger 20 somethings (and anyone in general tbh) that are suffering from tiktok brain rot around "anti-aging" advice. like the other day, I had a review/reaction video from I think james walsh the beauty influencer in my fb watch feed, where he was reviewing/debunking the bs anti-aging advice that people give on tiktok.
one of the videos he reacted to was from some 21yo beauty influencer or some rando idk, I'm not on there. her piece of advice was to "always sleep on your back like a vampire to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and crows feet. that's how I stay looking so fresh... even though yes I'm 21 which contributes quite a bit but still. be disciplined about sleeping on your back ALL NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT to get the PERFECT SKIN!!!" like im sorry, what???? you're 20 fucking one (21). why the FUCK do you feel compelled to give "anti-aging" advice??? why the fuck do you even care about anti-aging stuff when you're like at least 10 YEARS away from any considerable signs of aging beginning to slowly show??? get the fuck out of the house and enjoy nature or some shit. instead of lamenting that you're "getting so old by the minute so I MUST ELIMINATE laugh lines and crows feet even though im still only 21."
"but but. it's in the name of self care." I can hear some people say. "but but. it shows that as a woman you take high self-care maintenance of yourself if you begin EARLY with seeking out remedies for and eliminating the signs of aging" other people are saying. and finally: "but but. look at zendaya (or some other young 20 something movie star or TT influencer like idek mikayla nougeira). she's promoting revlon anti-aging serums! it can't be that bad!!!"
I raise to people with the first response that: no. having some 21yo condescend to you that you MUST fight to stay younger and sleep uncomfortably on your back stiffly like a vampire is NOT self care. starting to "fight" the signs of aging is NOT being a high maintenance woman in your early 20s. it's just being fucking insanely obsessed with youth..... when like... you're still young as fuck. like yes I made jokes about feeling ancient and old and w/e when i was 21.... but that doesnt mean that i became weirdly focused on trying to eliminate any crows feet and laugh lines....... that weren't even fucking on my face yet!!!!!! or cellulite that's on my legs.
moreover, for zendaya or other beauty influencers that may promote anti-aging products. they get paid either 10s of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands or maybe even up to possibly millions of dollars for promoting some bs estee lauder/revlon etc etc anti-age defying gravity super plumping and hydrating hyaluronic acid and idek retonoid vitamins C and E serum fuck shit.... against you, a random 21yo from god knows where in the US (usually).... like idek calabasis or houston or whatever the fuck with fuck knows how many low count followers (im assuming but probs not idek and idc)....
the people who I'll listen to about aging are people who have actually lived a life. like jamie lee curtis. like sandra oh. like leslie jones. like viola davis. idek just people who have ACTUALLY lived a life and are happy with aging, i guess (even if yes, they're famous and kinda unrelateable anyway). not some fucking stuck up rude asf early 20 something whose watched 3 fucking antiaging brain rot videos on tiktok and NOW thinks that they're the utmost expert on anti-aging hacks. and this is coming from someone whose nearly 30. fucking embrace getting older in your 20s. cherish it and use it wisely.
I say this as someone who, in 2020 at 25, nearly fucking died twice after a massive surgery. why the fuck should I give a fuck about crows feet???? laugh lines (ie lines of fucking J O Y)???? my cellulite??? when I'm 28 this year??? (*cue these TT brain rot girlies* EEEEWWWWW OLD HAG WHO DOESNT DO GOOD HIGH MAINTENANCE SELF CARE TO FIGHT THE SIGNS OF AGING EEEEWWWW!!!!!) I'm finally healthy again.... but realisitcally, YOU ARE the one that needs to look in the mirror and realise that being young and looking young ain't that crash hot, really. wise the fuck up and delete tiktok and escape anti-aging brain rot.... when you're still a kid (in a sense) stumbling about in your early 20s... stop giving a fuck about useless shit you can't avoid.
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Still thinking about the Russian-speaking diaspora beauty blogger in, iirc, the Los Angeles area, who made that post pitching 20 mg Androgel as an "anti-aging hack" for women, explained she'd been on T for 6 years, tried both topical and injectable forms, and divided her life into "the pre-testosterone era and the testosterone era"
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Benefits of the golden minute rule and cold showers | Skin care tips | Truffoire
Unlike hot showers, which irritate and dry out your skin, cold showers provide your skin with countless benefits, from reducing inflammation to firming and hydrating it. Golden Rule gives you an additional benefit – better absorption of your skincare. Apply your high-quality skincare routine, like Truffoire Daily Essentials Bundle, within 60 seconds of your cold shower and your skin will benefit the most from all the nutrients. We share all the tips and tricks!
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inkantation-arch · 1 year
Tsunaomi had to admit, there was something anti-climatic about working with computers. When she spies upon politicians, steals from the higher ups of Kamabo Co., there's always some grand finish. Justice, written in Inkopolis Times headlines; money lost, arrests made, reductive politics stripped out like a weed. It may never have her name on it, but Tsunaomi knows her handiwork. In a sense, it's beautiful.
But, all the sleuthing, all Marina's hacking, had only ended up with a simple, black flash drive. The logo SquiDisk stares back at her as if to say, "Hey, I'm all you got."
Disappointment sat with her on the couch; Mom was working the night shift at the hospital, and Eden was out with her friends, so it was just the two of them. Her laptop, covered in stickers from bands and gymnastics events of the past, sat precariously on the back of the couch, eye-level with Tsu, who has her knees up to her chest. Every file she'd seen thus was interesting, certainly! Tons of photos, videos from applicants' tests - videos she quickly closed out of.
Then, she saw some truly weird shit.
To be fair to Tsunaomi, she followed Marina's advice. And by advice, she means instructions: go to this application, create a new volume on your computer, use a dummy copy of your OS system - if anything infects your laptop, you can just destroy that volume, and it'll be like nothing happened.
So, when she laid eyes on some truly bizarre file names - barely legible, fuzzy pixels - Tsunaomi's curiosity couldn't be sated. It'll be fine!
The only legible file is an executable, and even it's not perfect. But she can read it: KOA003. 「Eh, what the hell. 」 She mumbles, and opens the file.
Immediately, it takes up her full screen, a bright flash, and forces her webcam on, the indicator turning red. 「 What—」 She's cut off by coming face to face with a girl her age - pale skin, pink tentacles hiding one of her eyes. 「— What the fuck! 」
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