#beach picnic company near me
Beach Proposal with a Twist: Unleash Your Inner Sarasota Flair!
Planning a beach proposal in Sarasota?  Sure, a stunning sunset and glistening sand are a classic backdrop, but what if you could add a touch of local flavor to make your moment truly unique? Here at Certified Cupid picnics and proposals, we love helping couples craft proposals that are as special as their love story.
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Unveiling Sarasota's Hidden Gems:
Sarasota boasts a vibrant culture and exciting activities beyond the beach.  Imagine incorporating these local gems into your proposal:
Ring Delivered by a Ringling Brother (Well, Sort Of!): Hire a talented Sarasota performer dressed as a Ringling Bros. character to present the ring box, adding a touch of theatricality and a nod to Sarasota's circus history.
Treasure Hunt Through Siesta Key's Hidden Murals: Plan a scavenger hunt leading your partner to a series of Sarasota's stunning hidden murals. The final stop could be a custom mural declaring your love, complete with the ring waiting to be discovered.
Kayak Proposal with a Dose of Marine Biology: Explore Sarasota's breathtaking mangroves on a romantic kayak adventure. Plan to "accidentally" "drop" the ring box overboard, only to have a friendly (and pre-briefed!) local kayaker "rescue" it, revealing the proposal written on the inside of the box.
Let Your Proposal Reflect Your Shared Passions:
These are just a few ideas to spark your creativity.  Do you and your partner love the thrill of a drum circle? Arrange a surprise beachfront performance culminating in your big question.  Are you passionate about sea turtles? Partner with a local conservation organization to incorporate a symbolic turtle release into your proposal.
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Turning Your Vision into Reality: Your Sarasota Beach Proposal Specialists
Sarasota offers a treasure trove of possibilities for a unique and unforgettable proposal.  At Certified Cupid picnics and proposals, we'll work with you to incorporate local traditions or activities that reflect your shared passions and create a Sarasota beach wedding proposal that will leave you both speechless (in the best way possible!)
At Certified Cupid Picnics and Proposals, we believe that every proposal should be unique and memorable. Whether you’re looking for a classic beach setup or something with a twist of local charm, we’re here to help you create the perfect Sarasota beach wedding proposal. Let’s make your dream proposal a reality, infused with the beauty and culture of Sarasota.
Contact us today, and let's transform your proposal dream into a reality that celebrates your love story and the vibrant spirit of Sarasota!
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
description: Y/N and Wilbur being high school sweethearts 
an: a lil headcanon list that i came up with; i imagine y/n and wilbur being in high school and they both aren’t popular but they aren't underdogs either,
warnings: mention of alcohol and anxiety; y/n not being a fan of public display of affection
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-Wilbur wasn’t very lucky with girls. He had some crushes buy oh boy when his eyes laid on you.. He was walking with his head in the clouds. He regretted that he hasn’t noticed your beauty earlier. To him you were like an angel. Teachers would get mad at him for not paying attention to class while he was admiring you. 
-It was hard not to notice. Will’s best friend quickly connected the dots and started talking to you and inviting you to hang out with them. At first it was quite awkward but with time Wilbur became more and more comfortable around you. He still couldn’t hide his crush. 
-With time you had also developed some feelings towards him. You saw in him what most girls couldn’t - not only his height but also his sense of humour, ability to lift up everybody's mood and this special spark. You always felt safe with him. He would always offer to keep you company while coming back to your house in the evenings. 
-After some convincing Wilbur decided to confess his feelings to you. It was a usual walk from your mutual friend’s house to your home. As soon as you left your friend he started getting nervous “So, I wanted to tell you something.” he lost all his words. You stared at him as he avoided your eyes. The two of you heard a distant yelling of your friend “Are you going to tell her you love her or not?!!” and the rest was history.
-Wilbur was a very sweet person. He would do anything to make you happy - show up with flowers on a random day, bring you coffee to school or even visit you when you were sick just to keep you company,
-You would always wander around a city after school. This would usually end up in cute unplanned dates near the seaside,
-I’m so convinced you would try alcohol for the first time together and end up tipsy in a meadow,
-Also figuring out how to make out- lots of laughs, constantly asking each other is it okay, really listening and paying attention to each other. Anytime a moan escapes your lips Wilbur smiles and makes a little note in his head. (nothing happens beyond this - just to be clear).
-A lot of little dates: going to the theatre, picnics in the parks, lots of walks, 
-It always felt weird for you to be all over your boyfriend at school so you usually behaved like you were just friends. You weren’t hiding your relationship but it felt uncomfortable for you. It quickly began to bother Wilbur. “Did I do something? You act differently when we are at school. The moment we exit the building you are back to normal acting like nothing has happened. I feel as if you don’t want people to know we are a couple.” he randomly stated while you two were sitting at the beach enjoying the afternoon sun. “I just don’t like rubbing into everyone’s faces that we are in a relationship. That’s all.” you looked into his eyes as you spoke. You could clearly see worry in them. “Is it about me?” he quietly asked. “Oh, no, no, honey of course no. It’s just I don’t like being so transparent in school. I love you more than anything, Wilby. I would never be embarrassed or anything because of you.” You grabbed his cheeks in your hands as you spoke. A single tear escaped his eye but you quickly wiped it. To show him you meant what you said you kissed him and pulled into a hug. 
-This boy is so anxious sometimes. A lot of the times he needs your reassurance. Whenever he would feel down his mom would call you and ask if you wanted to stay at theirs overnight. You had those little self care nights for him. You would help him refresh and organise the room a bit. Later you would put on a movie or start a game. You would spend hours praising him, giving him soft massages and kisses, playing with his hair. You wanted to make sure he feels as safe with you as you with him.
-Overall a very pure first love :)
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jeridandridge · 1 year
Beach Day
Reader meets some of Melissa’s family during a trip to the beach.
My grasp of Italian is very limited as you’ll see 😅
“Are you sure you’re up for this, hon?”
You chuckle as you finish packing up the cooler for the day.
“Baby, if I didn’t feel like going I wouldn’t go. You’re more nervous than I am.”
Melissa huffs leaning against the truck, you two already in your bathing suits under your clothes for a day at the beach with her family. You’d met a cousin or two, but not almost the entire family. Even nonna was excited to spend a day in the sun.
You walk over to your girlfriend resting your hands on her hips. “It’s gonna be a great day, okay? I’m so excited to meet the people that raised such an amazing person.” You beam.
Melissa smiles cupping your cheeks with her hands bringing you in for a soft kiss.
“The last time I brought someone around it was Joe and they didn’t like him at all. I married him anyway and they ended up being right.” She explains.
You shake your head gently giving her hip a squeeze. “Parents love me. I’ll show you.”
An hour later you find yourself wheeling the cooler down the cement path to the sand, Schmmenti family in sight. You spot Melissa’s cousin Joey kicking a soccer ball around with his son and a bunch of other relatives seated on a picnic bench.
“Hey there they are!” A guy you recognize as Melissa’s uncle Tommy waves them over.
You smile when you see Melissa relax a bit, you two walk through the sand and grass getting to the table where she playfully shoves her cousin off when he goes to give her a hug.
“So you finally brought the woman you never shut up about!” Uncle Tommy teases her.
“Yeah yeah, don’t make it weird. This is y/n.” She smiles at you as you give a little wave.
“I already know this guy.” You playfully groan pointing at Joey getting everyone else to laugh. You look around the rest of the group nodding at each one naming off another aunt, cousin, niece, and finally, Melissa’s grandmother who’s happily lounging in a folding chair.
She has her dark hair piled up on her head much like Melissa wears hers and has kind brown eyes you’re shocked at how young she seems chalking it up to years of good food and company.
As the group disperses Melissa takes your hand walking you over to the older woman.
“nonna questa è la mia ragazza.” She smiles. You learned a little bit of Italian, and picked up a few words.
“Oh, Cara ragazza, she’s a pretty one.” The woman smiles standing up and kissing both of your cheeks.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mel’s told me so much about you.” You beam keeping your fingers laced with your girlfriends.
“Ditto, y/n. Welcome.” She smiles reaching out to squeeze your upper arm.
Your smile only grows when nonna takes her seat again and Melissa looks at you with almost watery eyes.
“Why don’t you go show off and kick joeys ass.” She nods to the sand where the guys are playing soccer.
You smirk and lean in kissing her cheek before you leave your shirt and flip flops near the cooler taking off in your bikini top and Jean shorts.
Melissa smiles sitting next to her grandmother on the lawn chair. As you run around with the guys giving joeys son a high five when he scores a goal Melissa’s smile widens.
“I like her.” Nonna nods in your direction, laughing when you fake Uncle Tommy out with the ball.
“She’s amazing.” Melissa smiles dreamily in your direction as you jog back over with a breathless laugh.
“Baby, do you have the keys? I forgot Anthony’s body board in the back.” You explain as the young boy bolts towards you. She fishes the keys out of her bag handing them to the excited pre teen.
“You only use that thing when your dads around, capeesh? Y/N heard you like surfing and insisted on one of those for today.” She smiles.
Anthony nods eagerly buzzing as he runs towards the truck.
“You need more sunblock, Mel.” You hum seeing her shoulders already a light shade of pink.
Nonna shoots her granddaughter a knowing look as you get the sunscreen from the bag, a look that says you had her approval.
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builtbybrokenbells · 10 months
5/18 with Sam?
Prompt list here
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Also I already wrote #5 with Sammy, I’ll give you the link here 💞
Person A noticing person B is cold and giving them their coat.
w/c: 3.3k
pairing: sam x reader
warnings: drinking, one very brief joke about sex, fluff 🫶🏻
thank you for requesting and I’m sorry it took so long! I hope you like it!! (also i got a tad carried away and it turned out a little longer than expected… so apologies for that, too 😭)
Early fall was not the time of year you would expect to get a chill, especially just after dusk on a particularly sunny day. Perhaps you could accredit it to your body being familiar with the warm summer nights, now shocked at the sudden cool air that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Maybe it was because you were tired, and the drink you were sipping on wasn’t helping the drowsiness, nor your body’s ability to maintain its body heat. You decided trying your luck near the bonfire was the best option, thinking the blazing flame would warm your cold hands, if nothing else. When you tumbled towards your group of friends who were gathered around on lawn chairs, you were immediately greeted by smiling faces and words of welcome.
Josh loved company, and that was obvious. It seemed like every weekend he tried to gather as many friends as he could, even just for a few hours. You never complained, always finding yourself at the top of the invitation list, and never failing to have a good time. His house was like a second home to you, and you were always happy to be there. This get-together seemed different, though. Maybe it was the lull of the season, the green leaves beginning to creep into oranges and yellows. The summer sun was now a distant memory, as was the fun that went along with it. But the most looming threat of the fall was not the coming winter, the warm air turning crisp, nor the loss of beach days and park picnics; it was the fact that the boys would be touring again, gone for weeks at a time, and stuck in time zones with hours in the difference. You were lucky to have them around for as long as you already had, but your luck was running out. The ache of loneliness had already begun to creep in and they hadn’t even made their departure yet.
Being best friends with the four boys was incredible, and they were everything you could have hoped for and beyond. You never felt out of place, or unwelcome. They cared deeply about you, and in your opinion, they were the best company in the world. It was like winning the friendship lottery, but everything has a downfall eventually, and in truth, theirs was nothing extreme. The long periods spent away from home was the hardest, and only downfall of being their friend. Well, that, and being in love with Sam, but that wasn’t particularly a fault on their part. Missing them was difficult in the beginning, but now that Sam held an extra special place in your heart, it was excruciating.
You almost didn’t notice the sound of your chattering teeth over the roar of your own thoughts. You were so caught up in missing them that you seemed to be forgetting how to enjoy them while they were still around. “Here, this will warm you up.” Jake said, handing a bottle your way. You reached for it, catching his eye as he gave you a sly smile.
“Warm me up, or knock me out?” Your eyes drifted over the label, noticing the bold letters announcing the potent alcohol content.
“Depends how much you drink.” You both let out a chuckle as you popped out the cork from the bottle, taking a long sip. He was correct in saying it would warm you up; the burn from the alcohol lingered from your throat all the way down to your stomach, where it settled in an angry fashion. You took a long breath, working through the unpleasant feeling while Jake continued to laugh at your grim expression. “How was that?”
“Lovely,” you shuddered, fighting back a gag at the thought. “What are you celebrating?” He gave you a quizzical look. “A bottle this expensive should be used to celebrate something, or it just seems like you’re showing off.” He nodded, agreeing with your statement. The tinge of red on his cheeks and heavy eyelids let you know he was more than tipsy, even if he refused to admit it.
“Ah, well, if I had to pick, I would probably say… life, love, happiness, and… sex.” He listed. “I’m celebrating all of it, the joys of being alive.”
“That’s a big itinerary, Jacob. Planning to fit all of that in tonight?”
“Not just tonight, sweetheart.” He shook his head, shutting your statement down. “Every night.”
“I like the way you think,” you laughed, handing him the whiskey. “Are we all celebrating, or is this just a Jake thing?”
“You can celebrate with me anytime.” He sent a wink in your direction, causing you to reach over and give him a playful shove. “Worth a shot.” He shrugged.
“You say that every time.”
“Cause it’s true,” he defended himself, leaning back in his chair. “Wouldn’t want to step on any toes, though.” He smirked, eyes landing on someone across the blazing fire. You furrowed your eyebrows, unsure of what his comment meant. You followed his eyes, your gaze settling on Sam, who was looking at his brother with a sour expression. Your heart sped, unsure if Jake was serious, or if you were just hoping that his words meant what you wanted to hear.
“Uh, what?” You let out a nervous chuckle, almost afraid to pry.
“Oh, come on.” He scoffed, looking back over at you. When he noticed the shock on your features, he cut himself off, eyes widening slightly. “I just… nevermind, I’m drunk, y/n. Don’t mind me.” He brushed it off, hoping you wouldn’t push the point. Lucky for him, you didn’t have the courage to do so, anyway. Even if he did want to tell you Sam liked you, you didn’t want to risk the crushing disappointment if it weren’t true.
“Never do, Jacob.” You said, trying not to let your feelings get in the way of the conversation. “Hand that bottle back over.” A smile lit up his face at your words, but he did so without a hint of hesitation.
The night dwindled into early hours of the morning. The air grew colder as the flames settled into embers. Your eyes were burning with exhaustion and irritated with the smoke fizzling from the coal. You and Jake had engaged in the bottle of whiskey perhaps a little too much for your own good. He was practically sleeping in the chair, a cigar between his fingers that had burnt out long ago from the lack of attention. You looked around, noticing that you two were not the only ones affected by the lull of the night and bested by the alcohol. Most of the crowd has dissipated, some going home and others returning inside for some shut-eye. You knew Jake was close to it, too, but you were dreading his departure, knowing that once the morning came, it was one less day to spend with your best friends.
When a choked snore erupted from him, you’d thought it was best to get him inside so he could sleep in a real bed. Luckily for you, it seemed like Josh and Danny were about to do just the same, meaning you didn’t have to help carry him into the house. “Hey,” you said, nudging him slightly. The first attempt at waking him was useless; he was still long gone from the world. You tried again, your hand connecting to his arm a little bit harder than before. He jumped at the contact, not expecting to be awoken so bluntly. “Bedtime, Jacob.” He let out an incoherent mumble, but you continued pestering him. “Josh and Danny will put you to bed.” You informed him. The two had already noticed the state of their brother, coming to your rescue so you wouldn’t have to deal with him alone. You loved Jake, but he was a pain in the ass when he was drunk. His eyes eventually fluttered open, looking around at the two boys towering over his chair. “Thank you.” You whispered, catching Danny’s eye. He gave a smile, but opted not to respond, helping Josh pry Jake from the lawn chair instead.
When they disappeared from sight, you continued to sip on the last of your drink, unwilling to sleep before it was finished. Your eyes watched the glowing embers lose their last flame, a pathetic puff of smoke billowing upward in defeat. You barely had time to comprehend the loss of company, because almost as soon as the three boys were in the house, the vacant seat beside you was filled again. You looked over, already knowing who you would find. Something about his presence radiated comfort, and even without knowing who it was, you could feel that it was Sam who took place beside you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, his pretty face illuminated by the dim glow still shining from the fireplace.
“Free for you, Sammy.” You smiled.
“That’s not how you bargain, you know.” He teased, expression matching yours. You gave a shrug in response.
“You’d never have to pay for my company, I love having you around. Maybe I just don’t want to bargain with you.” You couldn’t tell if it was just the glow from the coal, or if his cheeks tinged pink at your statement. You tried not to stare, but you found it almost impossible to pry your eyes away from him. No matter where he was, or what he was doing, he was always captivating.
“Good thing, because I like your company, too.” He leaned back in the chair, never breaking eye contact with you. You were certain he noticed the hint of a blush on your cheeks, too. “I can’t believe the summer is over.”
“Me, either.” You chose not to express your opinion on the matter. “At least we have Christmas to look forward to, now.”
“What is it with you and Christmas?” He asked with humour, but the question was genuine.
“What do you mean?” You laughed.
“You get excited to celebrate Christmas again literally the day after it’s over. I like Christmas, but I don’t think I like it that much.” He explained. You thought about it for a moment, trying to formulate the best way to speak your thoughts.
“I get to spend it with you guys.” You said, simple and to the point. “The weather sucks in the winter, days are shorter, not really a whole lot of joy. But I know that you guys will be around to make gingerbread houses and all of that stuff… it’s just nice, you know? The promise of time with the people you care about most.” And it was true. You most looked forward to a few days of interrupted time with them, celebrating a holiday filled with joy.
“Yeah, I do.” He agreed, but his expression shifted as he spoke, almost as if he wanted to say more but didn’t know how. “I’d decorate a gingerbread house with you right now if it would make you that happy.” You both laughed at the silliness of the idea.
“It’s not the gingerbread houses, Sam.” You said, also holding back the words you so desperately wanted to say. Once again, you were too caught up in your own thoughts to notice the slight chatter of your teeth and the goosebumps raised on your arms. You hadn’t truly appreciated the flames of the fire until they had burnt out, and now you were cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket.
“You’re looking forward to Christmas and you can’t even handle weather like this?” He teased, sitting up in his seat. Before you could argue his comment, he had slipped his hoodie over his head and handed it to you. You watched him, unsure if it would be right to take it, worried that it meant more to you than it did to him. “Take it, y/n. You’re freezing.”
“Thanks.” You managed to squeak out, really hoping that the light was dim enough to conceal your burning cheeks. You took the sweater from him and quickly put it on, instantly surrounded by Sam. His cologne and body heat was still lingering on the fabric, inviting you in even further. “Now you’ll be cold.” You realized, feeling guilty for taking his sweater from him. He was too caught up in staring at you to realize you had spoken at all. It took him a few minutes to register your words, but he finally caught up to speed and answered, although his response had nothing to do with your statement.
“How drunk are you?” He asked, giving you a stupid little grin.
“How drunk am I?” You raised an eyebrow. “Odd question, but enough.” You giggled.
“Drunk enough to forget this conversation if it goes badly?” You felt your heart speed, unsure of what he was hinting at.
“Uh, yeah, sure, I guess.” Your giggle turned into a nervous chuckle.
“Come over here, sit with me.” He rushed out, clearly anxious before he even finished his sentence.
“W-what?” You weren’t sure if you heard him correctly. “How drunk are you?” You laughed, finding the inquiry more prudent on his behalf.
“Clearly drunk enough to ask that.” He muttered to himself amidst a laugh, followed by a spark of embarrassment flashing in his eyes. “Just thought… neither of us would have to be cold.” He looked like he wanted to retract the statement, to completely forget he said it in the first place. Before he had the chance, you stood and stepped in front of him. Clearly shocked by the action, he gazed up at you with curiosity.
“Well, make room, then.” You said, a smile still eating away at your face. The words seemed to snap him out of his daze and he quickly sprung to action. He sat back, holding his arms out to you, welcoming the change in position. You carefully lowered yourself down to him, finding that he was much comfier than he appeared to be. You were slightly turned to the side, but your back was pressed against his chest. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, and your legs were decorating his. It was a scene you never would have imagined for yourself, but were more than happy to be in. One of his hands took post on your hip, and the other rested on top of yours, which you had laying on your thigh. The contact was overwhelming but in the best possible way. “Better?” You asked, voice quiet.
“Much.” He agreed, the vibration of his voice resonating through your entire body. “I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I’d get this far. Not sure what to say, now.” You both fell into a small fit of laughter, finding the entire situation humorous. “Still promise to forget about this if I make myself look stupid?”
“Only if you do, too.” You smiled, looking up at the sky littered with twinkling stars.
“You look good in my sweater.” He stated, finally overcoming his anxiety for a moment. Your reciprocity was giving him an entirely newfound sense of courage. “Better than I do, actually.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” You dismissed him.
“I do.” The clarity in his voice was astounding. So much so that you couldn’t find a reply to challenge it. “Is this normal for friends? Do friends do this?” His courage seemed to flee him again, the panic creeping in at an alarming rate. He couldn’t help but second guess himself; the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.
“I mean, we’re friends, and we’re doing this. So yeah, I think so.”
“Okay, cool.” He said, trying not to let any disappointment show at your use of the friendship term. You both fell into silence, content with the position and being with each other. After a few moments, a dreaded yawn surfaced and pushed its way from your lips. “Are you tired?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to go inside yet.” You were honest. If you could, you would stay outside with him all night without a single regret. “Unless you want to?” You were both nervously chattering like two kids in middle school, finally alone with their first crush.
“No, I’m perfectly fine.” He said, running his thumb over the back of your hand. “I’m going to miss you when we’re gone, you know.” Your heart broke at the confession, because it was the same one you had been holding back all night.
“Thank god,” you sighed “I’m so glad you said it first, because I was too scared to say it.” He chuckled, letting the hand that rested on your hip snake around you so he could pull you closer to him.
“I’ll still call all of the time, and text whenever I can, and all of that. I’ll still drive you crazy, even from halfway across the world.” He hummed, his cheek pressing into yours as he attempted to give you a hug. You let your eyes close, holding his arm to you in hopes that he would never let go. “I lied to you, earlier.”
“I’ll never forget this, even if it ends badly.” He admitted. “I never want to forget this.” You found the courage within yourself turn turn your head towards him, your body following suit so you could finally see his face.
“I’m glad,” you whispered. “I don’t want to forget it, either.” A glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, one that was so familiar to you, because you had the same one every time you spoke to him. It was a glimmer of hope that the situation would change, grow into something larger than just friends, and it was impossible to ignore.
“I’d like to kiss you, if that’s okay.” He said, mesmerized by the closeness of your face. You gave a nod, too excited to speak any more. He leaned forward, capturing you in a moment that seemed too extraordinary to be true. Under the stars, with the sounds of the crackle from the burnt out campfire and the taste of alcohol still on your lips, you realized that you could spend the rest of your life kissing Sam and you would never have to worry about anything else. It was sweet, filled with emotion that you both had been to scared to speak into existence, and sedimented with a promise of truth. All of the words shared that night were more true than you could comprehend, and it made your head spin worse than the alcohol and his kiss combined.
When you parted, you both had the same smile on your lips, one that showcased happiness and radiated relief. You wished you could live in that moment forever. “I should have given you my sweater a long time ago.” He said, eyes still locked with yours.
“Yeah?” He gave a small nod.
“Yeah, so I could have done that a long time ago, too.” You let out a giggle, still drunk off the confession. “You don’t have to wait until Christmas to see me. I’ll come home to you whenever I can, if that’s what you want. We can decorate gingerbread houses in July, for all I care. As long as I get to see you, it doesn’t matter what we do.”
“I do, Sam. I want that way more than you know.” You breathed, almost too enthusiastically. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, too.” At your words, he leaned forward for another kiss, this one much shorter and more playful.
“For that?” You nodded, another laugh forcing its way out. He leaned forward, peppering a few more kisses across your cheeks and nose. “Is that better?”
“Yeah,” you grinned, unable to hold back your laughter. “Much better.”
“I have a lot of time to make up for, so I better start now, hmm?” His laughter matched yours, no sweeter sound ever gracing your ears.
“I guess so, Sammy.” The threat of the cold night meant nothing, anymore. Not even the thoughts of a tour could penetrate the bubble of happiness protecting both of you. The sun began to creep back up in the sky before the high of the night began to wear off, and the birds chirping in the trees rang like an anthem of victory.
You were still excited for Christmas, but now for a much better reason; it was the first Christmas you were lucky enough to truly spend with him.
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starshinegarcia · 27 days
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Aaron Hotchner x plus-sized FBI secretary reader
Or: Hotch meets JJ’s stunningly quirky younger sister.
CW: mentions of alcohol, tad bit sensuality
tags: @discotitsposts @cerisereids @missmitchieg
Diet Mountain Dew baby, New York City..
Once a year, when late May rolled around, when the sun peeks out from behind the seemingly permanent clouds, and the trees were in full bloom, the FBI held a company picnic. It was always huge- just because they’re FBI agents doesn’t know they don’t know how to grill a solid burger here and there. That being said, the BAU usually tried to make an appearance, but more than not they were out of town on a case. This year, however, it happened to roll around on a quiet day, a day when the office became stuffy with the early-summer heat and the agents became restless.
So Hotch knew as he came in, that his team would most likely beg him to accompany them to the picnic, adorned in sunglasses and tote bags filled to the brim with goodies. Garcia was the first to approach him, wearing a spotted sundress and a wide-brimmed beach hat, “Sir, the company picnic, do you want to come-” “No, thank you Garcia. I’m quite alright.” Discouraged, Derek takes her place, leaning on Hotch’s office door frame. “C’mon boss, it’ll be fun.” Hotch sighs defiantly, glancing to Rossi for help. “Are you going, Dave?” “You betcha. Made some caprese to share, if you’re nice. C’mon, Aaron. Loosen up.” The whole team was hanging on his every word, with even Spencer peeking into the corner of the bullpen to hear his consensus. Hotch thinks on it for a second, before nodding slowly and loosening his tie. “Alright, team. Let’s leave in 10.”
You weren’t even planning on going- I mean, come on, a company picnic? But, you figured there wasn’t a better chance to, one, get free food, and two, show off your new sundress as a newly single woman. Just a month prior, you had ended a pretty serious (yet toxic) relationship, and getting out there was “exactly what you needed” (according to your mom.) So, you slipped on the flowy, blue and green flowered sundress, admiring the way it fell on your curves and hugged your body. Smiling, you made some fresh guac and headed down to the park. A gentle breeze rustled your hair, and you shaded your eyes from the midday sun as you admired the freshly- bloomed cherry blossoms. Setting the bowl of guac down on a nearby table, you surveyed the crowd of people, your eyes landing on your sister, with her team nestled in a cluster of trees near the edge.
“JJ!” Grinning, you bounced over, and she turns around, smiling widely and bringing her arms out. “__! You made it, sunshine!” You hug her quickly and tightly, letting go and smoothing your dress down. “Of course I did. It’s not every day I get to spend time with my sister, an FBI AGENT, who got little old me a job here.” JJ smiles, a twinkle in her eyes. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Here, here, meet the team!” JJ offers, leading you by the elbow and introducing you one by one. Rossi shakes your hand firmly, Spencer gives you an awkwardly charming wave, and Emily brings you in for a quick hug (you’d met her before, being your sister’s girlfriend and, as of recently, fiance.) Garcia squeezes you tightly, and you get to talking with her for a while, as she chatters about the team, introduces you to Morgan (her boyfriend, of course), and you talk about where you both shop (most of the same thrift stores and boutiques).
Hotch, having been here mostly not of his own will, had found a shady corner and set his lawn chair up, cracking open a La-Croix and simply observing the rest of his team. He had always loved this time of year- the way the flowers start the bloom, and everyone seems just a bit happier when the sun is out. It was also Jack’s favorite time of year, because he could stay outside playing much later. His eyes drift over his team, meeting the gaze of JJ just as she turns around and greets- someone new. He watches as she hugs a shorter, blonde woman, wearing a long flowy dress and smiling like there was no tomorrow. Her hair fell in wavy locks down her back, and the sun was shining on her and accentuating her body in a way that made him lose his damn mind. Through some force, not his own, he finds himself standing up, gravitating towards her and JJ, eager to be introduced and feeling like a kid again.
You had just managed to escape Garcia, seeking a drink (preferably the alcoholic kind) when JJ grabbed your hand, “Sunshine, my boss wants to meet you.” You brace yourself for another old white guy, turning around and reaching your hand out. “Hi, I’m __, it’s nice to-” you trail off, stuttering as you lay your eyes on quite possibly the Greek god of male beauty. He smiles slightly, somehow sensing the effect he has on you and shaking your hand with a gentle yet firm grip. “Aaron Hotchner. I hear you recently got a job here.” “Just a secretary, y’know, nothing fancy like you.” “I’ll leave you to it.”
JJ giggles, with the same twinkle in her eyes as earlier as she joins Em at the drink table, leaving you sweating and stuttering in front of Aaron fucking Hotchner. “You know, I’ve heard a lot about you. JJ really likes talking about how proud she is of you.” You smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Actually, I’ve heard a lot about you, as well. Mostly how great of a dad you are.” He shakes his head, smiling. “She exaggerates. I’m simply doing the best I can with a great kid.” “Well, I admire you for it.” Hotch watches you, wondering if you’re chasing the same stomach butterflies as him. “So, Sunshine. Where’d that come from?” You flush slightly, leaning down for a second to grab a Whiteclaw from the cooler near your feet. “When we were growing up, JJ used to be a little.. Grumpy. But, being younger, I always had more energy, so our parents always called me sunshine and her rain. Even though we’ve both changed from that, I guess, it’s just a habit.” You down the WhiteClaw in seconds- damnit, you really were thirsty. “Well, it fits. Take it easy with those, yeah?” You scoff slightly at his protectiveness, grabbing a cup and dumping your new can in it. Hotch watches you with a careful eye as you wander off back to Garcia.
As the picnic progresses, Hotch keeps a careful eye on you. Okay, maybe you had a few too many drinks. Maybe Hotch memorizes the movement of your body, of your lips. All you know is at the end of the day, as the sun is setting, you look for him and find only a business card at the bottom of your empty cup, with a note on the back, “I could use a little sunshine in my life”.
Never was there ever a girl so pretty..
this probably sucks but I wanted plus sized secretary so here we go :)))
unapologetically jemily and penelope and morgan (porgan?? 😭😭 menelope???)
likes/reblogs/comments always appreciated!!
e/a <3
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 3 months
You owe me at least three days of rest in the infirmary - Solangelo
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Pairing: Nico di Angelo x Will Solace
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 768
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- Love those who will love you when you
have nothing to offer but your company -
Will came to hang out with Nico almost every day. There were some days when he was too busy in the infirmary to get time over but at those days, Nico came to visit Will. At first Nico thought it was a terrible idea. Who would want a son of Hades to help out in the infirmary? But Will had insisted and after an hour, Nico found himself enjoying it. He liked to help Will with cutting bandages or getting a wet towel. To get food or a snack for the clients or tell them a story to calm them down. 
Will too enjoyed the time in the infirmary with Nico. They were always having fun and the kids Will took care of seemed to like Nico's company just as much as Will did. He didn't do the big things like fix broken bones or snap back bones that had been dislocated. He mostly got the supplies or food. But mainly he told stories. The young kids smiled fondly and nodded eagerly when Nico asked if they wanted to hear a story. And even though Nico didn't notice, Will loved to hear the stories too. They were always different and new. The other day he'd told a kid from the Demeter cabin the story about Achilles and earlier this morning he softly told about how life was in the 1940s. The kids loved it. 
But when they did get the chance to spend time outside the white walls of the infirmary they were often found near the lake or at Thalia's tree at the half-blood hill. They would just sit together and talk, tell stories and laugh. Sometimes they had a picnic on a red and white checkered blanket in the dusk or a breakfast together at dawn. When whole days passed by and both of them were too busy to come see each other they laid down in Nico's empty cabin to look at the ceiling. The stars that were spread over the dark surface shined and had a calming effect on both of them. 
Now they both had checked out from the infirmary for the day and they sat on the half-blood hill, resting their backs against Thalia's tree. The view from there was breathtaking and even though both Will and Nico had seen it a million times before it was still just as beautiful to look at as it'd been the first time. The green grass flowed down the hill and swept their ankles in the soft wind. The camp's cabins and the messing hall seemed to glow in the orange peeks from the sun. The dark forest seemed calm and peaceful and the dragon that guarded the camp's borders was peacefully lying against the tree with half closed eyes. Nico's head rested gently on Will's shoulder and Will played lazily with Nico's pale hand. They stayed quiet and just watched as the waves rolled in and hit against the glowing beach. Nico's eyes were heavy and he fell in and out of a light unconsciousness. Will smiled down at the small boy and placed an arm around his thin waist. Nico didn't like affection that much but when he was tired and it was Will, he didn't mind. 
Will smiled softly as the son of Hades cuddled closer to him. It was incredible how close the two had become. From not knowing anything more than each other's names to being one of the persons they relied on the most. And Will was happy to have Nico. Sure, his mom was great and loved him to death. His sibling looked up to him and helped him out in any and every situation. His friends from the other cabins were just as amazing. But Nico was something else. They were more than friends. More close to family. They trusted each other, teased each other and had fun. Helped each other out and spent time together. And even though they were so very different they went hand in hand with each other. Will's happy and shining personality and Nico who invited the darkness like a family member. They completed each other. Plus and minus. 
Will pulled Nico even closer, pressed a kiss to the dark locks before resting his head against Nico's. His heart swelled with love for the smaller boy as Nico turned around and cuddled up to Will's side. He made a mental note to tease Nico about it tomorrow and to tell him about his heart's desires.
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 31
-emily is 9- Anthony ramos pov:"ok so maybe it did take a year but todays the day" "EMMY VEN ACA" "sí papa" "we're going out today" "for real" "yes get ready" "ok" -15 minutes later- "ok are you hungry" "very much so" "lets head to breakfeast" "ok daddy wheres mommy" "warming up the car" "ok" we head to the car and lock the doors turn on the security and called jazzy to house sit "hey baby you ready for today" "yes ma'am" "so are we getting breakfast" "can we get breakfast and brunch" "ok princess" "guys theres something ive meant to ask you" "yes sweet heart" "can i PLEASE social media" "sfffff i dont know sweetie" "PLEASE ILL DO ANY THING" "ok you can have social media but we will run and watch the account but you can have snapchat to your self" "OK THANK YOU SO MUCH" she started downloading the apps and following people "here log into the accounts on our phones" "ok" she did then we made it to breakfeast we step inside and sit down i look up shes making a tictok "let us see before you post" it was a lip sync to one more hour" "you do love us" "never didn't" "EMILY" a young voice called "oh no" "whats wrong is that he brothering you" "no no no no no dad" "ohhhh is that jose" "no no no no" "tell him to come over" "NO NO NO NO NO" she whispered screamed "does he speak spanish?" "mas o menos" "jose ven aquí" "hola emily" "hola" "como estas" "bien y tú" "biennnnnn" "so jose you into mixed girls" "PAPA" "oh y-yeah?" "oh my god" "im just asking a question mija" "ANYWAY jose donde esta tú familia" "esta aquí" "bien bien" "well this is my sisters birthday brunch so i gotta split bye m&m's" "bye" "that went well" "DAD!" "what" "why did you do that" "what" "ANY OF THAT" "i was getting to know him" "you embarrassed all three of us" "i did not" "DID TOO" "well i apologize for trying to meet my duaghter crush A family fun day is a special time for families to come together and enjoy each other's company while having a blast. It's a day filled with laughter, excitement, and unforgettable memories. Let me take you through a fun-filled day that you and your family can enjoy!
The day starts with everyone gathering in the morning, full of anticipation for the adventures ahead. You and your family decide to kick off the day with a visit to a local amusement park. As you enter the park, the sound of joyful screams and the smell of cotton candy fills the air. The rides are calling your name!
You start off with a thrilling roller coaster ride that leaves you breathless and exhilarated. The wind rushes through your hair as you twist and turn through loops and drops. The adrenaline rush is contagious, and you can't help but laugh and cheer alongside your family members.
After the roller coaster, you make your way to the water park section of the amusement park. Splashing and laughter fill the air as you slide down towering water slides and float lazily along the lazy river. The refreshing water cools you down on a hot summer's day, and you can't help but feel a sense of pure joy as you see the smiles on your family's faces.
As the day progresses, you and your family decide to take a break from the rides and head to a nearby picnic area. You spread out a cozy blanket and unpack a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. The sun shines down, casting a warm glow on your family as you enjoy a leisurely lunch together. Laughter and conversation fill the air as you bond over shared stories and jokes.
After lunch, you and your family decide to try something new and exciting - a mini-golf adventure! The colorful and whimsical mini-golf course is filled with challenging obstacles and tricky holes. You cheer each other on, celebrating every hole-in-one and laughing at the near misses. It's a friendly competition that brings out the playful spirit in everyone.
As the sun begins to set, you and your family head to a nearby beach for some relaxation and fun. The sand feels warm between your toes as you build sandcastles and collect seashells. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls overhead creates a serene atmosphere, allowing you to unwind and appreciate the beauty of nature.
To end the day on a high note, you and your family gather around a cozy bon
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Rescue Me [Part 03]
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Pic From Pinterest | Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Summary: Sam does something for you that makes your heart melt. 
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Prompt: Romantic Gesture for @fictional-affairs ​‘ 250 Follower Challenge
Squares filled: Mutual Pining for @samwinchesterbingo​
Word Count: 880
Warnings: Insecurities, mutual pining, fluff, beach date
| Supernatural Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Following Chapter | 
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Four weeks later
After the minor accident in your house and later on released, Sam basically installed in your house and barely left your side.
Having Sam with you at all times brought back the safe feeling and comfort of being in your home. 
You didn't want to admit it, but Dean was right. Being there, near the beach really helped you to get better in every way, not only physically but mentally too. 
Sam was always texting you or calling you, claiming he was just checking in on you. You were grateful to Dean for bringing the both of you together, you noticed that Sam was kind of lonely even though some of his co-workers were close friends of his. You also noticed that whenever Dean was around he stopped going around with his friends and stayed with you two.
Sam really took you out of your shell, you haven't felt this happy in a really long time, if it wasn't for them, well him actually, you'd probably be somewhere else, if not dead. 
Even though not everything was happy, there were days when you felt sad and unsafe, you were afraid that Ashton would show up and try to hurt you, Sam always tried his best to make you feel safe and comfortable, and kept reminding you that he was going to be there for you whenever you needed him. 
You appreciated every little thing he did for you, and you tried to thank him in every possible way, but there was one thing you wanted to do but weren't able to. 
You wished you could hug him, giving a hug for you was something very personal, very intimate, but with Sam, there was something that held you back, probably it was your mind reminding you that your relationship with Ashton started the same way.
However, Sam was one of the best human beings you could've ever encountered in life. He never pushed you to explain yourself, he never forced you to do anything, he was there to hear you, to help you, to keep you company, he was there for you not wanting anything in exchange. You knew he was doing everything because he cared.
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One morning, when you went to your kitchen to get breakfast ready, there was a small note next to a cup of your favorite coffee and pastries.
"Meet me at the beach entrance. 6 pm. Wear something comfortable. XO Sam"
Seeing the note with the coffee and pastries warmed your heart, but reading the note made you feel love again. You didn't know if you were ready to find love again, but Sam made you feel things you clearly haven't felt before.
You were excited about what he was planning. 
Fifteen minutes before six, you arrived where Sam asked. He was there, waiting for you.
"I knew you were going to arrive early," he said, approaching you. He grabbed your hand and kissed your cheek, then put a strand of hair behind your ear looking at you with dopey eyes. 
You just need to tug his hand to lower him and just kiss him, but what if you are reading everything wrong? 
"Shall we?" He asked, and you nodded. He intertwined his fingers with yours and guided you towards the beach.
There was a blanket laying on the sand with pillows and a picnic basket.
"Sam, this is stunning," you said, "it's…"
"Like you always wanted to have a date. I know, I remembered" he said, interrupting you.
You wanted to hug him so badly but you weren't sure. "Thank you, this is absolutely stunning. Thank you" he kissed your forehead and led you to the blanket.
The food Sam picked was perfect, most of the treats were the ones you mentioned in random conversations and he just remembered.
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Sam and you watched the sun settling cuddling together, it was a huge step for you, but as the date went you got more comfortable with him but mostly, you felt safe.
"Baby" he called with that pet name you loved, you backed up a little and watched him, “I know this is your dream date, but I want you to know that by no means do I want you to feel pushed or pressured to do anything. I just want to see your smile most often"
Without thinking you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him, pouring all your love and trust into it. You've never felt so safe in the arms of someone. 
At that moment, you understood that all the small and sweet gestures he had towards you were because he wanted to prove to you that he was different, that not all men were the same, and that he was not Ashton. And, even though you didn't want to admit it, that was something you liked about him, he never pushed you to do anything, everything you did with him, was at your own pace, even if that meant waiting for weeks for you to be comfortable with him while being alone.
Sam was very understanding of the whole situation, and that proved to you that he was an incredible man, finally understanding that what happened to you was just an unfortunate event with someone who didn’t deserve you.
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alenales · 1 year
Valentine's Day for Nevra/Spika and Nevra/Alya couples
Spica belongs to @mooniet
Probably everyone wants to spend their loved ones day only in their own couple, but sometimes ideas to combine celebrations come and now, when the evening was coming in one parallel universe, where a lot was already united with another or just happened to fall for a while, one very curious person, walking under the arm of a cold looking vampire approached another couple, which had the same vampire, but more joyful in life and his favorite vampire.
-Alya, Alya. - With a smile said the blonde, turning to the other. - Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Would you and Nevra like to spend it with us in the clearing, near the beach? The brunette was surprised at such a suggestion, but could not say no to the one who happened to be in their universe.
-Perhaps, but don't you want to be alone this day?
-No, we've decided to spend it with company today. Well, company's company, and they're kind of like couples. After agreement, they went to their rooms and we will find out how it goes tomorrow. **** The moment of the meeting at the gate. Alya as well as Spika had prepared various treats for this little picnic and met closer to evening when a little fog began to cover the plain and the voices heard from the square were already distant. The couples spent the first part of the day walking separately through the market with the children and what was set up at headquarters.
The brunette was still unwilling to let go of the children who remained with Nevra's mother, who attacked not only Alya, but also Spica with her remarks. She really didn't like who her son had tied his life to.
-Nevra, I still don't understand what you see in both of them! - She looked from one to the other in the parallel room.
-It's not your business, Mother, it's mine. And she is beautiful in every way, my dark angel! - Angrily the more cheerful vampire replied.
-I agree, I'm free to choose with whom to tie my fate! Trying not to swear in front of the children of one of the families, Maora still left the couple-s.
-Is everyone ready? - Asked Spika with a smile, she knew that Nevra's mother was nowhere near fond of her sons' choices, so she tried to distract right away.
-Yes, I saved some delicious cookies. - Alya answered her and confirmed the local Nevra.
-She is a good cook at my place and made them herself in the kitchen! The couples, having oriented themselves, went outside the gates of the headquarters, where they laid something like a sheet on the grass and sat down on it. The boys opened a bottle of the drink they had saved for the occasion, and the girls laid out some snacks. And then they sat down next to each other, embracing their loved ones.
-I'm so glad we're all here now! - Spica continued the conversation, she looked back and forth with a smile to her Nevra, to the more cheerful one who kissed Alya on the cheek, and to the brunette one who kept up with her. - Alya, we do not communicate much because of the affairs of the world, can you tell me how do you spend this holiday? - She was very interested, because she was not from here, and there could be different traditions.
-It's pretty much the same. - The brunette began to answer her, stroking the cheek of her Nevra. - I don't remember there being any contests, or it's just that my town was so small that they didn't even have tents, just couples walking together in the evenings.
-Yes, it must be romantic to look at the stars that decorate the sky at this time of day. - It was a shame to Ala that Spica couldn't see their brilliance and radiance, she doesn't even know how she feels and sees them. - But that doesn't stop us from enjoying each other's company. - The blonde turned to her Nevra and looked into his eyes, while the butterfly was on his nose.
-The most important thing on this day is to be together with your beloved. - Alya decided to summarize, looking at her smiling Nevra, who immediately kissed the girl on the nose.
-I see that the merging of parallel realities did not hurt you much and you are still cheerful.
-Strongly, not strongly, but the main thing that hasn't divided you, you have to adapt to the world, and that's not much different. - The guys were talking among themselves.
-Enough about bad things! - Alya said suddenly and found a music box which she opened and put next to her. A beautiful slow melody came on and the Hevers took the girls by the waists and led them in a slow dance. The truth from a parallel universe took Spika by the waist and lifted her up and twirled her around himself, kissing her on the lips. Alya and her Nevra smiled at this and rejoiced at the happiness of both, for they had nothing to complain about. Each Nevra got his beautiful half, his family, and his children. Nevra did not complain and was happy with life, as were the girls who joined their families. They could always overcome difficulties together and sometimes meet like that. And now they were enjoying a brief moment of celebration and the company of their loved ones. The stars shone in the sky and decorated it, it was a pity that Spika could not see them as brightly as the others, but that did not spoil her mood and everyone was smiling.
Наверное каждый хочет провести свой *день всех влюбленных* только в своей паре, но иногда приходят идеи совмещать празднества и сейчас, когда наступал вечер в одной параллельной вселенной, где уже многое объединялось с другой или же просто попало на время случайно, одна очень любознательная особа, шедшая под ручку с холодным на вид вампиром подошла к другой паре, в которой был такой же вампир, но более радостный в жизни и его любимая вампирша. - Аля, Аля. - С улыбкой произнесла светловолосая, обращаясь к другой. - Завтра день всех влюбленных. Не хотели бы вы с Неврой провести его с нами на поляне, возле пляжа? Брюнетка была удивлена такому предложению, но не могла отказать той, что случайно попала в их вселенную. - Возможно, но разве вы не хотите побыть одни в этот день? - Нет, сегодня мы решили провести его в компании. Ну что ж. Компания так компания, да и похожих отчасти пар. После согласия они разошлись по своим комнатам и только завтра узнаем как все будет. **** Момент встречи у врат. Аля, как и Спика подготовили разные угощения для этого небольшого пикника и встретились уже ближе к вечеру, когда небольшой туман начал покрывать равнину, а голоса, слышные с площади уже отдалялись. Первую часть дня пары провели раздельно гуляя по рынку с детьми и тому, что устроили в штабе.
Брюнетку все никак не хотели отпускать детки, оставшиеся с матерью Невры, которая накинулась не только на Алю, но и на Спику со своими высказывания. Ей очень не нравилось с кем связал свою жизнь ее сын. - Невра, я все же не понимаю, что ты нашел в обоих! - Она смотрела то на одного, то на другого из параллельной. - Это не твое дело мама, а мое. И она прекрасна во всем, мой темный ангел! - Сердито ответил более жизнерадостный вампир. - Согласен, я сам волен выбирать с кем связать свою судьбу! Постаравшись не ругаться перед детьми одной из семей, Маора все же оставила пары. - Ну что все готовы? - Спросила с улыбкой Спика, она знала что мать Невры нигде не любила выбор своих сыновей и потому постаралась сразу отвлечь. - Да, я припасла вкусное печенье. - Ответила ей Аля и подтвердил здешний Невра. - Она у меня вкусно готовит и их сама сделала на кухне! Соориентировавшись пары все-таки вышли за ворота штаба, где уложили на травку что-то вроде простынки и присели на нее. Парни же открыли бутылку с напитком, припасенного для этого случая, а девушки разложили закуски. А после присели рядом друг с другом, обнимая своих любимых.
- Как я рада, что мы все собрались сейчас! - Продолжила разговор Спика, она с улыбкой переглядывалась то на своего Невру, то на более жизнерадостного, который целовал Алю в щечку, да и ее не отставал, то на брюнетку. - Аля, мы очень мало общались из-за дел в этом мире, можешь рассказать, как проводят у вас этот праздник? - Ей было очень интересно, ведь та была не отсюда и могли быть разные традиции. - Да в принципе так же. - Начала отвечать ей брюнетка, поглаживая по щеке своего Невру. - Правда я не помню, чтобы устраивали конкурсы или это просто мой город маленький, что даже палаток не ставили, только парочки гуляли вместе и по вечерам. - Да, наверное романтично смотреть на звезды, которые украшают небо в это время суток. - Але было обидно за то, что Спика не могла видеть их блеск и сияние, она даже не знает, как та ощущает и видит их. - Но это же не мешает нам наслаждаться компании друг друга. - Блондинка повернулась к своему Невре и посмотрела в его глаза, бабочка же оказалась у того на носу. - Главное в этот день быть вместе со своим любимым. - Решила подвести итог Аля, смотря на своего улыбающегося Невру, который тут же целует девушку в носик. - Вижу, что слияние параллельных реальностей не сильно задело вас и вы все так же бодры и веселы. - Сильно, не сильно, но главное, что не разделило, к миру надо приспособиться, а так он мало чем отличается. - Вели между собой разговор парни. - Хватит о плохом! - Заявила вдруг Аля и нашла музыкальную шкатулку, открыв которую и поставив рядом включила. Из нее заиграла медленная красивая мелодия и Невры, взяв своих девушек за талии повели их в медленных танцах. Правда из параллельной вселенной взяв Спику за талию приподнял ее и кружил вокруг себя, целуя в губы. Аля же со своим Неврой улыбались на это и радовались счастью обоих, ведь им не на что было жаловаться. Каждый Невра получил свою прекрасную половину, семью и детей. Не жаловался и радуется жизни, как и девушки, соединившие с ними семьи. Они могут всегда преодолеть трудности вместе и иногда встречаться так. А сейчас наслаждались коротким моментом праздника и компании своих любимых. Звезды сияли на небе и украшали его, жаль что Спика не могла их видеть так же ярко, как остальные, но это не портило ей настроение и все улыбались. 
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How to Plan the Perfect Beach Proposal with Your Pet
Let's face it, our furry companions are more than just pets; they're family. So, why wouldn't you want them included in one of life's most momentous occasions – your proposal? Here at Certified Cupid picnics and proposals, we believe your pup (or feline friend!) deserves a starring role in your beach proposal story.
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Imagine this: You're down on one knee, heart pounding, as your love gasps in surprise. But wait, who's stealing the show? Your dog, proudly trotting up with a bandana tied around their neck that reads "Will you marry Daddy?" Cue the tears, the laughter, and the overwhelming joy of having your furry best friend be a part of this magical moment.
Tail-Waggingly Adorable Proposal Ideas:
We can help you brainstorm creative ways to incorporate your pet into the proposal. Here are a few ideas to get your tail wagging:
Treasure Hunt with a Twist: Hide the ring box in a beach bag with your pet's favorite toy. Let your love chase after your furry friend, leading them to the surprise proposal setup.
Collar the Question: Spoil your pup with a custom collar engraved with "Marry [Your Partner's Name]?" It'll be the first thing they see when they bend down to pet your furry accomplice!
Four-Legged Ring Bearer: Train your dog to hold the ring box in their mouth (with a secure attachment, of course!). This adorable entrance will leave your partner speechless.
Planning a Pet-Friendly Proposal in Sarasota:
Sarasota offers a wealth of pet-friendly beaches, making it the perfect location for your furry-friend-filled proposal.  We'll help you choose a beach location that welcomes canine companions and ensure your proposal setup is safe and comfortable for your four-legged guest.
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Let Certified Cupid Plan Your Unforgettable Proposal
Don't let the logistics of including your pet in your proposal stress you out. We'll handle everything, from coordinating with pet-friendly vendors to ensuring your furry friend has a blast during the big moment.
We understand that planning a proposal can be daunting, especially when you want everything to be perfect. That's why we're here to help. From selecting the ideal beach spot to coordinating with you on the best time of day, we handle all the logistics. Plus, our experience as a wedding proposal planner in Sarasota means we know the best locations and have the expertise to make your dream proposal come true.
Contact Certified Cupid picnics and proposals today, and let's plan a  wedding proposal in Sarasota experience that's truly unforgettable – for you, your love, and your furry best friend!
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diorsbrando · 11 months
[ Hey Sosa! I haven't checked on you in a while, so I just wanna see how you're doing ^^ ]
[ I also just read that little drabble you wrote for byakuya and I - you write him so good 😭. If i can add to that, I think he would also make up for the argument by taking you out on a cute little date. One that's silent and peaceful. In modern, I like to think it would be the top of his lavish penthouse (bc rich noble man yes). In canon, I think a walk and picnic in the estate's garden would be something he'd do (i actually have this as a self-ship hc since i just got into self-shipping aksksndns) ]
HELLOOOO GREY! i am so so sorry that i'm answering so late i appreciate you checking on me <3 i'm doing okay for the most part how are you !!
i am so glad you enjoyed that little drabble i wrote ! i very well could written more and sprinkled some plot in it but i thought that would be overkill so i cut it short LMFAOOOOO but trust me a longer piece about rich bf/ fiance byakuya will be dropping courtesy of mrs. kuchiki herself 🫡 also i COMPLETELY AGREE WITH UR THOUGHTS !!!! in addition to that long talk you had and a kiss to make up ( ahh y'all would probably have some hot make up sex afterwards because he hardly touched you for what feels like TOO long for him so baby boy is all pent up 🥺) he is the type to take you out on a simple but beautifully planned date because he is aching to treat you and take you out (although he is mr. stoic so his face, seldom his voice, will ever show it). i agree with ur concepts for both modern au and canon !! in canon he'd def plan a 'stay at home' date, and because his mansion + estate is humongous there's probably some hidden part of the land he owns that you haven't seen yet and he has his servants ( he helps too just so he can say with his full chest that he helped set it up; his house staff are utterly shocked with the idea ) set up a quaint picnic with all of your favorite foods, teas and/or sake, and desserts and it'll be at night, when the moon has risen high in the sky and illuminates your supple skin, along with the fireflies that float around in the air. he doesn't think you can look more beautiful but everyday, especially now you prove him wrong <3 and he gets even more angry with himself for being so stubborn, dense and materialistic because he absolutely missed gazing upon you like this. let me stop myself here because i'ma end up writing a whole fic in this ask box LMAOOOOOOOOOO
as for modern au, i definitely feel as tho 'kuya has personal chefs that come in often to cook food for him butttt to make it more authentic, because he just learned his lesson about using his privilege and material wealth to woo you, he might cook everything himself and serve it to you in his fancy penthouse. i'm hc'ing that 'kuya can for sure cook because he had to cook for himself and his sister rukia when they were younger and doing so while he was in college, but now that he's rich and whatever he thinks 'my time can be used more efficiently for more pressing matters.' for you though? he would do anything for you ( a recurring theme w my man here) . so yes basically he wines and dines tf outta you and the ambiance before, during and after is soooo romantic it makes you feel like a little girl with a crush ! another option for a date he might do in modern au would be to take you out to restaurant and then afterwards, take a walk out on boardwalk near a beach-- or out on the sand beaches themselves, hold hands w you and just talk and be in each other's company <3
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I’ll Paint Your Picture, Darling Excerpt 2
Word count: ?
Characters: Fjord, Jester Lavorre(mentioned), Original Child Character
Warnings: No archive warnings apply.
Notes: Chapter from my archive story; I’ll Paint Your Picture, Darling
Written in collaboration with the incredibly kind @somethingwritey
It was a near-perfect beach day.
Fjord and Jester had seen many, many coastlines in their day, but they both agreed that Nicodranas had one of the very best.
They so rarely got to enjoy it, though, what with their boat life and shipping company, so when they did spend extended time at home in their little artsy house, it was a luxury. And one that they all intended to enjoy, at least for a little while. So despite all the work that still needed to be done on their home, all the gardening that needed to be completed, all the half-painted walls that never seemed to be done, Jester decided that they all needed a leisurely outing.
Which is how Eysel found herself swinging happily between Fjord and Jester as they walked together down to the beach, a picnic basket clutched in Fjord’s other arm.
“You look very lovely, Fjord,” Jester grinned, motioning to the frilly little basket. “Very handsome. So pretty.”
Eysel giggled, squeezing Jester’s hand. She liked it when Jester made Fjord all flushed in the face. No one else could really do that except for her.
As they strolled down towards the water, Eysel saw many other families enjoying the nice weather. Some of them were big. Others were small.
Once upon a time, she used to feel heavy in her chest whenever she saw things like that. Now, she just jumped higher between Jester and Fjord, using their hands to propel herself into the air as they swung her back and forth.
She didn’t want to be those families anymore.
She liked her own just fine.
“Whatcha doin’ there, Eyselcakes?” Fjord called as he and Jester set out the blanket on the warm sand and positioned the umbrella for shade. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, with a nearly cloudless sky and small wavelets that kissed the shoreline.
Eysel was currently burying herself in the sand. She’d spent the last twenty minutes chasing away any and all seagulls in the surrounding area, laughing and growling playfully. Now, she’d nearly covered herself in the mounds of golden grains.
At the sound of Fjord’s voice, she looked over—grinning widely. She so rarely got to let completely loose like this, and it showed in her face. She glowed. “Hi, Fjord.”
“Hi.” He shielded his eyes from the bright sun. “You’re very sandy.”
She laughed, nodding. “Yes. I am.” She noticed a shell sitting a few inches away and snatched it up, tucking into the sand burrow. Fjord suspected she had a whole hoard of shells in there.
He shook his head, continuing to help Jester lay out their supplies. “She’s a funny one.”
“That’s our Eysel.” Jester gave Fjord a kiss on the cheek. “I think she gets it from me.”
After their camp was satisfactory, Fjord decided it was time to cool off in the water. He ran straight into the surf, paddling, splashing and waving to Jester—who was currently curled up on the blanket with her new... romance... book.
The salt water felt divine, and he breathed a deep, calm breath as he thanked the Wildmother for the peace that had been returned to him. The ocean no longer provided such a terrifying pull; he no longer felt his old patron’s presence in his chest.
“Thank you,” Fjord said quietly, eyes shut as his legs treaded through the cool water. “For everything.” He was met with a warm ocean breeze blowing past his cheek.
Caduceus would probably call this meditation.
Fjord just... called it a conversation.
Once he was satisfied that the Wildmother felt his gratitude, Fjord floated closer to the shore, eyeing Eysel still happily hoarding her shells in the sand burrow.
“Eysel,” Fjord called, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Come swim.”
She eyed him, shaking her head. “No.”
“Oh, come on. Are you gonna make me swim alone?” Fjord waded into the more shallow water, beckoning. “C’mere, I’ll hold you.”
That, at least, seemed to be a more promising solution. Eysel crawled out of her burrow—sand raining off her body—and carefully joined him at the shallowest edge of the ocean.
She took thoughtful steps, letting the water brush around her toes, ankles, thighs, before nestling herself in Fjord’s arms. He held her, swaying back and forth. She was light as a feather in the water.
Occasionally, he splashed her, and she would growl—retaliating in equal force. Apparently, they were having so much fun that it was too good for Jester to pass up, because she set down her book and joined them, too.
Eysel grew a bit more confident the more she paddled about, still clinging a bit to Jester or Fjord—whoever was closer. She conceded to letting them swing her up and over the waves, just as they’d been doing on dry land.
She drew the line, however, at jumping off the nearby rocks into the water below. Apparently, the lack of flying in this form was a big detractor.
“Just jump!” Fjord called up to her, watching Jester try and coax Eysel to the edge. “It’s just like flying, I promise.”
“Nah uh!” Eysel shook her head, sending water droplets flying. “Flying doesn’t involve falling.”
“This is fun falling!”
Still, it took her another ten or so minutes to creep to the edge, and another five minutes (along with the promise of gelato before dinner) to actually leap off with Jester. Eysel landed right on top of Fjord, sending him plummeting into the depths below, but that was alright.
He didn’t mind.
“I told you I’d catch you,” he grinned, only wincing slightly as he rubbed his shoulder where she’d landed.
“I smushed you, Dadi,” she corrected, holding onto his arm as he paddled her back to the rocks. “Can I go again?”
Fjord nearly dropped her, heart stopping. It was the very first time she’d ever called him that, and he swallowed hard—a sudden tightness swelling in his throat. He gripped Eysel tighter, hugging her.
“Sure thing, Bee,” he said hoarsely, hoisting her back up onto the rock. “We can definitely do that again.”
As the sun slowly turned the sky golden, beginning to dip below the line of sea and sky beyond, the three of them entertained themselves by diving off the rock in increasingly crazy ways.
Fjord canon-balled.
Jester flipped.
And Eysel twirled—flapping her arms a little like they were wings.
Finally, the little girl seemed to grow tired, and they all paddled back to shore for some dinner.
“Gelato first,” Eysel reminded Jester.
“Yum.” Jester certainly didn’t seem to be complaining.
Jester didn’t think anyone else had ever had such a lovely picnic.
Surely, someone had, in all the years of Exandria, but her dinner with Eysel and Fjord had to rank among the top ten. Maybe even top five.
It wasn’t perfect.
Eysel accidentally dropped half her sandwich into the sand, Fjord forgot to pack the lemonade, and she used up all the napkins trying to clean gelato off Eysel’s face.
But that was okay.
They were laughing, and the food was good, and the evening was warm and rosy. Once they’d sufficiently stuffed themselves, she and Eysel decided to bury Fjord in the sand. He only grumbled a little bit as they set to work, digging a hole big enough for him to fit into before filling it back in with the sand—still warm from the day’s sunshine.
As Eysel went to cover Fjord’s head, Jester shot out her arms. “No, no. Air. Fjord needs to breathe, remember?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s not a fish.”
Jester smiled, and Fjord looked up at her thankfully. “My hero,” he winked. And then grunted, trying to twist and break free from his sandy bonds. “I may not be a fish, Eysel... but I’m still a sea monster!”
With one last roar, he broke free—chasing a squealing Eysel all around the beach. He chased Jester a bit too, grabbing her around the middle and kissing her neck when Esyel wasn’t looking.
“Fjord,” Jester laughed, pretending to struggle. Secretly, her heart leapt, and butterflies stormed her stomach. She’d never get used to knowing that he was hers.
This life... this family... it was more than she’d ever thought she would have.
“Ew!” Eysel had spotted them now, sticking out her tongue.
“What?” Fjord kissed Jester’s cheek quite dramatically. “Am I not allowed to kiss my Jester? Huh, Eysel?” He took off after her again, sending the little girl screaming away.
The chase slowly became a leisurely stroll, and the three of them fell into line as they walked beside the shoreline. It was definitely sunset now—the remaining dregs of sunshine putting on quite a show before they let the night take over.
Eysel ran ahead, collecting shells and running them back to Fjord and Jester to hold while she gathered more. She always seemed a bit confused as to how they disappeared when she returned, and Fjord and Jester shared a small smile with each other.
“This is nice,” Fjord said quietly to Jester as they walked.
“Yeah, it is.” She couldn’t agree more. “It’s funny. I’ve lived in Nicodranas my whole life, practically. But I never saw it like this before.”
Eysel crouched down ahead of them, inspecting something.
Fjord took Jester’s hand in his. “Same place. New chapter.”
“Something like that,” she laughed.
Tiny footsteps alerted them to the approach of Eysel, who was scurrying back to them with something cupped in her hands. “I found something,” she told them.
Jester knelt to get a better look, and saw a tiny little crab nestled in Eysel’s palm. “Oh. A little creature.”
“I want to keep it.” Eysel tried to hand the crab to Fjord. “She can go with my shells.”
Jester glanced at Fjord, chewing on her lip. She carefully touched Eysel’s wrist. “Little Bee, why don’t we let her go? Instead of keeping her all locked up?”
Eysel pouted a bit, shoulders sagging. “Why?”
“Well,” Jester’s mind searched. “She has a family. A little crab family. And we can’t split them up, right? Families belong together.”
Slowly, Eysel’s pout dissolved into a pensive expression. She nodded, opening her palm and setting the crab down on the sand.
Jester blinked, realizing suddenly that Eysel was talking about her. She was Mamma. The name washed over her like the waves themselves, bathing her. She wanted to jump and cry and scream, and she didn’t do any of those things. She just nodded—patient, present.
“Will the crab be happy?” Eysel asked.
Jester bundled Eysel into a hug, trying not to cry. “Yes, Sweets. So happy. She has a mamma who loves her very, very much.” Pulled back, she tapped Eysel’s nose. “Like you.”
They watched the little thing scuttle back into the ocean, waving goodbye.
The stars eventually came into view—slowly at first, then all the sudden there were hundreds of them. They winked and flickered high, high above.
Jester held Eysel in her arms, leaning up against Fjord as the three of them stared at the sky. Occasionally, he would point out constellations, telling Eysel their stories. She liked the way his low voice rumbled against her body.
It wasn’t long before Eysel’s breathing evened out, and Jester knew the little girl had fallen asleep in her arms.
“All tuckered out,” Fjord commented, a smile in his voice.
“She had a big day.” Jester made sure Eysel was asleep. “We had a big day. Did you hear what she called me?”
“I did.”
“Did she— for you?”
“In the water.”
Jester resisted the urge to squeal, not wanting to disrupt the sleeping child in her arms. “That means we really are parents now.”
“We were always parents,” Fjord assured her. “It’s been quite the adventure.”
“A good one, though.” Jester liked adventures. “I don’t want this one to end.”
“It’s not ending.” Fjord stared up at the sky for a long moment, exhaling gently. “I think it’s just beginning, really. There’s a lot more in store for us. I feel it.”
“I hope so.”
And that was the absolute truth.
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aria0fgold · 1 year
Back at it again with the wiki page of the photo album and I just realized that Sunny’s incident by the lake happened much later than I thought. I thought it happened around the events when everyone was making a flower crown during a picnic.
But checking the picture from the Final Duet sequence and the excerpts in the Lost Library, it actually happened sometime around September which is scarily close to the incident with Mari.
1st excerpt: The Ride Home - Timeline is during their trip from the beach, date: 6/22.
2nd excerpt: Tracks - Timeline is during Sunny’s birthday, date: 7/20.
3rd excerpt: Hottest Day of Summer - Timeline is during the duration of their Summer vacation, date: 8/14 (day the treehouse was completed).
4th excerpt: School Day - Timeline is during the first day of school, date: 9/9.
5th excerpt: Statue at the Lake - Timeline is during September, after 9/9 and before 9/22.
6th excerpt: Saturday Morning Cartoons - This one is much more vague.
Excerpt 6 matches with practically any other day during that year but judging by what’s written in it, it seemed to be sometime in September and October before the recital.
“☐ grimaces. What he thought would be a rewarding hobby has been nothing more than a nuisance."
"Instead of watching the shows with the rest of his friends, he'll be the only one to miss out."
It might just be me but it seemed like Sunny did enjoy practicing before. He thought it was a rewarding hobby up until that moment. Perhaps it’s a case of excitement still but the slow build up of tasks and responsibilities while the time he gets to have fun decreases caught up to him. Also, the excerpt states that a group of 6 friends and yet Sunny is the only one that’ll miss out on the last hour so Mari is with them too. Mari has a different time for practice which is expected but maybe Sunny wanted a different time as well, maybe even one closer to Mari’s so he doesn’t have to miss out on anything at all.
So what time does Mari practice? In 9/22, the photo has a sunlight glow to it so it should still be morning. Also, the fact that the gang had to convince Sunny to join Mari for the practice, the recital is in next month and it seemed that Sunny was still not that confident with his performance.
Anyway I got a bit derailed, I was supposed to talk more about Excerpt 5 and how scarily close it was to Mari’s death. In that excerpt, it seemed that the only one around is Hero, Kel, and Sunny.
"Either way, it doesn't matter to the company visiting it today. They're only here to use it as a diving board."
“The brothers take turns jumping off the statue.“
Strangely, the one that saved Sunny was Mari. So it’s either, the company that the excerpt was referring to included the others but they’re only standing by the side so the “They“ was then referring to the brothers that would be using it as a diving board. Or that Mari had a hunch something happened and wanted to check up on the boys. Much like a motherly instinct. Either is likely honestly.
So then we go back to the reason this post exist, the fact that Sunny’s near death experience is so close to Mari’s death and there’s one person that was very close to both. Hero. Hero was there when Sunny fell but Mari saved him.
Hero wasn’t there when Mari died and honestly, it seemed to have impacted his mental health even more of “If only I was there would I have been able to save you?“ while there’s another that would accompany it as “But I was there when Sunny fell and I couldn’t even save him.“ And now this post suddenly focused on Hero but just imagine! The impact of Sunny’s near death when paired so close to Mari’s death. The gang nearly lost one friend, the relief they had when Sunny was alright but then weeks later and they find Mari’s corpse.
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rentnhop · 4 months
Choose Between the Beach and the City: Two Mumbai Bike Rental Itineraries for Valentine's Day
Mumbaikars, are you looking for a fun way to explore your city's romantic side this Valentine's Day? Well, look no further than getting a bike on rent in Mumbai and cruising around Mumbai's iconic sites with your special someone.
Whether you want to enjoy the sea air at the beach or get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city, a Mumbai bike rental is the ideal form of transportation for an exciting Valentine's date.  Let me share two different Mumbai bike itineraries - one along the waterfront and one through the concrete jungle - to help you plan the perfect bike date.
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Bike Route #1: Mumbai's Scenic Beachfront
If you and your Valentine want to enjoy soothing ocean views, refreshing breezes, and peaceful vibes this V-Day, a beachfront bike route is just the ticket! Here are the highlights of a romantic ride along Mumbai's beautiful beaches:
Starting Point: Bandra Bandstand
No Mumbai bike itinerary is complete without visiting the iconic Bandstand promenade. Start your beachfront journey at Bandra Bandstand for postcard-worthy views of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link bridge. Don't forget to snap some selfies with the sea breeze in your hair.
Stop #1: Carter Road & Juhu Beach
Ridel north on the bike-friendly Carter Road for spectacular seaside views without the crowds. Stop at food stalls along the way before rolling up to lively Juhu Beach. Take a relaxing stroll along Juhu beachfront and watch the waves. Nothing says romance like sunset at the beach.
Stop #2: Versova Beach
Keep the ocean vibes going by biking up the coast to Versova Beach. This quieter beach is the perfect place to lay out a blanket and have a romantic picnic. Bring your own snacks or grab chaat from nearby stalls. If you come for sunset, you'll catch a breathtaking sky over the Arabian Sea.
Stop #3: Madh Island Beach
Cap off your beachfront bike date further north at Madh Island Beach, a more secluded spot away from the city buzz. Bike down near the mangroves and then walk with your date along the tranquil shoreline. End the day with a relaxing dinner at one of Madh Island's outdoor seafood restaurants.
Mumbai Bike Route #2: The City Sights
For couples who prefer the excitement of the city, Mumbai's urban bike route takes you past historic landmarks, bustling bazaars, and more.
Starting Point: Gateway of India
Kickstart your city bike tour at Mumbai's iconic Gateway of India. Snap pics in front of the Gateway arch and watch the bustle of boats, taxis, and people. It's one of Mumbai's top attractions for a reason.
Stop #1: Kala Ghoda Art District
A bike ride is just a few minutes North of Mumbai's famous art district around Kala Ghoda. Spend time browsing the art galleries, checking out outdoor installations, and people-watching over a cup of tea at a chic cafe.
Stop #2: Chor Bazaar
Continue North to explore Mumbai's antique shops, vendors, and eateries in Chor Bazaar. Rummaging through vintage treasures together is a fun romantic activity. Don't miss trying street food like vada pav while you're here.
Stop #3: Marine Drive
No Mumbai itinerary is complete without Marine Drive! Ride down this seaside boulevard and take in views of Chowpatty Beach, the Art Deco buildings, and the Queen's Necklace lights. End your bike date by watching the sunset with your valentine by your side.
The Perfect Bike for a Mumbai Tour
For navigating Mumbai's streets and sights, I recommend getting a bike on rent in Mumbai which is easy to handle, or a non-gear scooter or moped which is easy to handle in traffic. Many companies like Rentnhop offer bike rental in Mumbai starting at around ₹200-300 per day. Avoid peak hours if possible and drive safely. 
I hope these Mumbai itineraries spark ideas for your perfect biking Valentine's date! Whether you want to cruise along the serene sea or explore the electric city sights, Mumbai has epic routes to ride with your sweetheart. Just don't forget to soak in special moments together between stops. Getting a bike on rent in Mumbai helps you spend your Valentine's amazingly.
Let me know if you have any other questions! Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day filled with love and adventure.
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diksha012 · 4 months
Your Partner Will Love These 5 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
As Valentine's Day approaches, expressing love and appreciation for your partner becomes a top priority. While traditional gifts like flowers and chocolates are timeless, consider taking it up a notch this year with unique and memorable gestures. Here are five Valentine's Day gift ideas that are sure to make your partner feel cherished, plus a special touch for a romantic journey using party bus hire services, like Party bus hire companies near me, Party bus hire Birmingham, Party bus prices, or Party bus hire in Newcastle.
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Personalized Memory Book: Chronicle Your Love Story Capture the essence of your relationship by creating a personalized memory book. Include pictures, notes, and anecdotes that highlight special moments in your journey together for Party bus prices. This thoughtful and sentimental gift allows you both to reminisce about the beautiful moments you've shared.
Couples Spa Day: Indulge in Relaxation Together Treat yourselves to a day of pampering with a couples' spa experience. Whether it's a massage, facial, or a full spa day, this gift provides an opportunity to unwind and connect. It's a gesture that shows you care about your partner's well-being and value the time you spend together.
Imagine cruising through the vibrant streets of Newcastle in a party bus equipped with dazzling lights, state-of-the-art sound systems, and comfortable seating, creating a mobile party venue for you and your guests. With Party bus hire Newcastle, the journey becomes as thrilling as the destination, adding a touch of glamour and excitement to any celebration in this dynamic and lively city.
Surprise Romantic Getaway: Create Lasting Memories Plan a surprise romantic getaway to a destination that holds significance for both of you. Whether it's a cozy bed and breakfast in the countryside or a weekend retreat by the beach, creating lasting memories together is a gift that will be treasured for years to come.
Culinary Adventure: A Gourmet Experience If your partner is a food enthusiast, consider arranging a culinary adventure. Whether it's a private cooking class, a reservation at a Michelin-starred restaurant, or a curated gourmet picnic, this gift allows you to bond over a shared love for exceptional food and create a memorable dining experience.
Special Touch: A Romantic Journey with Party Bus Hire For an added touch of romance, consider organizing a surprise romantic journey using party bus hire services. Search for Party bus hire companies near me, explore Party bus hire Birmingham or Party bus hire in Newcastle, and plan a chauffeured ride that adds an element of luxury and excitement to your Valentine's Day celebration. The party bus provides a private and intimate space for you and your partner to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
In conclusion, these Valentine's Day gift ideas go beyond the ordinary, offering unique and thoughtful ways to express your love. Whether you choose a personalized memory book, a couples' spa day, customized jewelry, a surprise romantic getaway, or a culinary adventure, each gift is a testament to your thoughtfulness and the value you place on your relationship. And with the added touch of a romantic journey using party bus hire services, your Valentine's Day celebration is sure to be an unforgettable experience for both you and your partner.
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Top 3 Beach near Powell, OH
Welcome to Powell, Ohio. It's a small town with big scenery! If you're looking for some great beaches to visit while in Powell, I've got you covered. Here are the top 3 beaches near me:
Grayton State Park
Grayton State Park is a great place to go for a day trip. It has a beach, boat launch, campground, and playground. The park also has picnic areas as well as nature centers where you can learn about the wildlife in the area.
Black River Bay State Park
Black River Bay State Park is a great place to go for a swim, hike, and camp. It's located in Huron County, Ohio, and offers hiking trails, fishing opportunities, and campsites. The park is near the Black River and Lake Erie so there are plenty of opportunities for swimming or boating if you don't want to drive too far away from home!
Great Seal State Park
Great Seal State Park is on the Ohio River in Clermont County, Ohio. It's a 1,093-acre park with a large campground and boat launch. There are 62 campsites available at Great Seal State Park that can accommodate tents or RVs up to 35 feet long. The park also has a swimming beach and picnic areas with grills available for use by campers during their stay in this beautiful area of Ohio!
Lewis Centre
The Lewis Centre is the largest city in Delaware County, Ohio, United States. The population was 8,539 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area.
Lewis Center was laid out in 1856 by Robert Boughton Lewis (1828-1895), who owned much land around there and wanted to create a town on his own property. In 1868 he gave half his land away for free to anyone willing to build homes there; these people formed what would become known as "Old Town" Lewis Center today.
Orange Beach is a great place to go if you're looking for peace and quiet. This beach is located in the northwest corner of Powell, OH. It's only about 10 minutes away from downtown Powell, so it's easy to get there without having to drive too far out of town.
Orange Beach has some great amenities such as a pavilion with picnic tables and grills, restrooms with running water and sinks inside them (a rarity on many Ohio beaches!), plus plenty of parking spaces so that no one has trouble finding a spot when they arrive. There are also lifeguards who patrol this area during peak season (May through September), so swim at your own risk if you go outside those months!
If this sounds like your kind of place then bring along sunscreen because unlike other beaches we've covered today this one doesn't have any shade trees or umbrellas available at all - just sand dunes everywhere! Plus don't forget towels since there aren't any showers either...just kidding - there's actually one shower head near each set of bathrooms which means multiple people can use it at once without taking forever waiting their turn like most public facilities do nowadays...but still bring towels just in case someone else hasn't cleaned theirs yet :)
Powell, OH is home to some of the best beaches in Ohio. Whether you're looking for a quiet spot to relax or an action-packed day out with friends and family, these three beaches have something for everyone.
The most popular beach in Powell is South Beach Park (also known as Lakeview Park). This beach has lifeguards on duty during summer months and offers amenities such as restrooms, picnic tables, grills, and playground equipment for kids. The lake itself is calm enough for swimming but not deep enough for boating or jet skiing - which makes it perfect if you want your kids to swim but don't want them playing around boats!
If you're looking for more than just sand between your toes then visit Sunset Cove Marina & Boat Launch where there are plenty of activities including fishing charters available through local charter companies like Captain Jim's Charters & Tours LLC which offer deep sea fishing trips lasting anywhere from two hours up until full-day excursions depending on how much time they have available each day."
We hope you enjoyed our list of the top 3 beaches near Powell, OH. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!
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