#be respectful to my family and my brother in law or don’t speak to me
kaizokuseb · 1 year
i need to go to therapy so bad. at this point, i’m not even thinking about my overall mental health and ptsd, etc, i just need to talk to someone who has absolutely no bias about my situation. i’m going to use a readmore to talk about it because it could be triggering.
cw for suicide, domestic abuse, attempted murder, ableism(?)
my sister’s husband had a mental breakdown. this man has been my best friend for nearly a decade. he’s my brother. he lost both of his parents within a year and just sunk deeper and deeper into grief and trauma until he was drowning in it. i knew he was. we tried to help him, but there’s only so much that outside help can offer.
he screamed at my sister, hit her, pushed her around. then he drove their car into a barrier with her inside in an attempt to kill himself. from what i understand, the intent wasn’t to kill her too, his mind was just in such a screaming panic that he couldn’t think or stop himself. i believe that’s true. it all happened in the course of several hours, and he had never put a hand on her before.
my dad thinks he should be in jail. my sister, mom, brother, and grandparents have already forgiven him. some of them act like there was nothing to forgive in the first place. so where does this leave me?
i don’t want him to go to jail. he went to a hospital for a while and now he’s in therapy, and he’s living separately from my sister. they’re going to stay separated for at least a year and work on themselves and their relationship in therapy. i approve of all of that, though i really wanted them to just get a divorce.
but i haven’t spoken to him since the morning that i found out what happened. what am i supposed to say? i was so, so furious and so hurt, and now i feel nothing because it was too much and too confusing and i just… turned it off. i’ve seen him a few times now, and we didn’t speak to each other, and all i felt was dissociated and kinda awkward. i cant even fucking feel anything anymore because i couldn’t handle it. like i couldn’t decide if everyone was being unreasonably (like insanely) forgiving or if i was being a crazy person by wanting him out of our lives forever. the fact that my father, a man who sees suicide as a moral failing, is the one i’m closest to agreeing with makes me feel like i’m losing my mind.
but just because i can’t feel it all right now doesn’t mean i’ve stopped thinking about it. i would never, ever judge some for trying to kill themself. but this man abused my sister and then tried to kill her with him. maybe i’m being close-minded, but i feel like his actions have spoken for themselves. he wasn’t sane at the time, he was acting on completely panicked instinct, but i don’t understand why no one else sees that he can’t be trusted now. forgetting all of my anger and hurt, if i try to be logical and realistic, i see that he’s shown us what his most basic instincts are. i believe he is a good, loving person. i really do. i hope he gets all the help he needs, and i don’t think i’ll ever not love him.
but how can i ever trust this man again?
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sailor-aviator · 8 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Prologue
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Don’t Hang'em Til Noon: Prologue
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x reader
Summary: Jake “Hangman” Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger posse of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Mentions of parent deaths, swearing, no Dagger members yet, but they’re mentioned, use of y/n. I think that might be it?
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! Let me know what you all think! Should I continue? 18+ ONLY!! This work is also being published on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator.
Series Masterlist || DPU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The carriage did very little to quell the seemingly never ending heat of the western territories. In fact, you were fairly sure it was making it worse. You had long given up on attempting to read the many books you had packed - the heat coupled with the constant jostling from the dirt path causing you to nearly lose the contents of your stomach on multiple occasions. Why your brother thought he would try his hand at settling the expansive west, you’d never understand.
Your brother, Benjamin, wasn’t an impulsive, reckless man. No, quite the opposite actually. He had done well for himself back home in Maryland at your father’s law firm. One of the best law firms in the state, perhaps even the entire eastern seaboard. Your great-grandfather had founded the firm, and it was your brother who inherited the family’s legacy when your father had passed only a year prior.
You let out a long sigh, still trying in vain to cool yourself down with your prized folded fan. It had been a gift from your mother on your sixteenth birthday, and it was one of the few things you had left of her now. Your father had been thrown into the depths of despair when she died - the doctor’s had said it was consumption. It was a miracle, really, that none of you had contracted it. Your father had withdrawn after her death, and your brother had been left to pick up the slack as a result. Thankfully, he had already been regarded as a respectable lawyer at the time. So it had thrown you for a loop when he announced one night at dinner that he was moving his practice out west.
You had had been completely against the idea, of course. Why wouldn’t you be? Your whole life was spent amongst polite society in Baltimore. Your friends were there. You had interests there. Your parents were buried there.
“We’ll make happier memories, y/n,” Benjamin had said with a soft smile. “We’ll have a fresh start there. What do you say, Scout?”
Of course, when he called you by your childhood nickname, it was hard to ignore the pull on your heart. You had earned that nickname before you had even hit double digits. Your father was an avid hunter, and despite the constant protesting from your mother, he insisted on bringing you along.
“It’s not proper for a young lady,” she had scowled at him, earning a micheivous smile from your father.
“And so is scowling, my darling. Yet, here we are.”
You chuckled at the memory. Your mother had grown red in the face and practically stomped her way out of the parlor. She had refused to speak to your father until he came home the next afternoon with a small bouquet of wildflowers. They had sat proudly on the table by the front door until they withered weeks later. And you had, indeed, gone on the hunting trip, picking up the art of tracking fairly quickly much to your father’s approval.
“She’s a natural! A regular scout, she is!” he had exclaimed excitedly to your mother when you had returned from the trip. Despite herself, your mother had smiled warmly at his enthusiasm.
Your heart clenched again at the happy memories from long ago. Your mother had died nearly five years ago now, and with your father’s death still so fresh, it was hard to allow yourself to dwell too long on those memories. Perhaps Benjamin was right. What you both needed was a fresh start.
The carriage lurched to a halt on the side of the road, and you heard the driver climb down from his perch. Gathering your skirts, you opened the door and stepped out into the blazing sun. No, the sun was much worse than the stifling heat of the carriage. Shielding your eyes from the dazzling light, you looked over to where the driver tended to the horses.
“Why have we stopped, sir?” you asked, moving to the front of the carriage. The older man looked up at you with a friendly smile, but you could see the tension that laced his shoulders.
“Just giving the horses a quick break, miss. We’ll be movin’ on shortly. I reckoned you’d want to stretch your legs for a bit, anyway.”
“Yes, thank you,” you smiled, looking around at the seemingly endless wasteland before you. Oh, how you longed for the gardens of Baltimore.
“How much farther until we reach Maverick?” you inquired. The newly founded town of Maverick was named after it’s founder - Peter “Maverick” Mitchell. A prominent businessman who had decided to try his luck at helping settle the west, much like your brother.
“Only a couple more miles now, miss,” the driver answered politely, eyes darting around the terrain.
“Are you quite alright?” you asked, nerves starting to eat their way up your spine.
“Just making sure we aren’t ambushed while we ain’t paying attention, is all.”
“Ambushed?” Your eyebrows shot up in alarm. The driver nodded.
“Yes’m. These parts are the Dagger posse’s territory.”
“The Dagger posse?” you murmured, inching closer to the carriage.
The driver scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh. “Some o’ the meanest sons of bitches in the west. Gang is led by Hangman and Rooster, and no one wants to get on their bad side.”
You didn’t respond. Of course you had heard rumors of outlaws here in the west, but you didn’t even think to entertain the possibility of them being anywhere near you. A mistake you now regretted. The driver must have seen your thoughts on your face because he offered you a reassuring smile.
“I reckon we’ll be fine, miss. Don’t you worry now.”
“Yes, thank you,” you answered politely, turning to make your way back towards the carriage. It was only a few moments later when you heard the driver climb back up onto his perch. The carriage lurched again as it began to move once again down the empty road.
Oh, what had you gotten yourself into?
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calisources · 8 months
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HBO'S HOUSE OF THE DRAGON.   sentence   starters   taken   from   the   hbo's   adaptation   of   fire and blood  from   george   r.r.   martin.   change   titles,   names   and   pronouns   as   you   see   fit.
The gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power.
You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it. 
Many that are tested only wish to have been spared it.
Meat without wine is also a sin. 
Do not allow your temper to guide your judgement. 
Reluctance to murder is not a weakness.
Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.
We have always been meant to burn together.
The gods give just as the gods take away.
The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear.
I’m Queen Rhaenyra now. And you all are traitors to the realm.
The gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power.
You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it. 
Many that are tested only wish to have been spared it.
Meat without wine is also a sin. 
Do not allow your temper to guide your judgement. 
Reluctance to murder is not a weakness.
Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.
We have always been meant to burn together.
The gods give just as the gods take away.
The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear.
I’m Queen Rhaenyra now. And you all are traitors to the realm.
What is this brief, mortal life, if not the pursuit of legacy?
The Iron Throne looms larger than me, larger than anyone in my family.
Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are.
A marriage is a duty, yes. But that doesn’t stop us from doing what we want. From f***ing who we want.
When I’m Queen, I will create a new order.
I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not.
Everyone says Targaryens are closer to gods than to men, but they say that because of our dragons. Without them, we’re just like everyone else.
You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?
When dragons flew to war… everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone.
Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag.
There are times when I would rather face the Black Dread himself than mine own daughter.
Take care not to startle Syrax, my lords. She’s rather protective of me.
If the King isn’t feared, he is powerless. If you are to be a strong queen, you must cultivate love and respect, yes, but your subjects must fear you.
History does not remember blood. It remembers names.
Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It’s trampled under your pretty foot again.
When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to observe.
I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, usurper c**t of a king.
I’m next in line to the throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to be found.
No king has ever lived that hasn’t had to forfeit the lives of a few to protect the many.
No matter how fat the leech grows, it always wants for another meal.
We have royal wombs, you and I. The childbed is our battlefield. We must learn to face it with a stiff lip.
We play an ugly game. And now, for the first time, I see that you have the determination to win it.
Who gives a f*** what some lord thinks? You are the dragon. Your word is truth and law.
You are the King, and so, your first duty is to the realm. Mother would’ve understood this. Just as I do.
You sit upon the highest seat in the realm, Your Grace. Proud men don’t like having to look up.
By naming me heir, you divided the realm.
I thought I wanted it. But the burden is a heavy one. It’s too heavy. If you wish me to bear it, then defend me.
A loyal Hand must tell his king a discomforting truth from time to time, Your Grace. If he doesn’t, he’s failed as a servant.
A seat at the King’s table does not make you his equal.
Fire is such strange power. Everything that House Targaryen possesses is owed to it. Yet it has cost us both what we loved.
How sweetly the fox speaks when it’s been cornered by the hounds.
The blood of the dragon runs thick.
The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided.
The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion. They’re a power man should never have trifled with. One that brought Valyria its doom.
The truth does not matter. Only perception.
We are the blood of Old Valyria. We don’t belong here.
Valyria is gone. We don’t belong anywhere.
We are the realm’s second sons, Daemon. Our worth is not given. It must be made.
We do not rule but we may guide the men that do.
We don’t choose our destiny. It chooses us.
A dragon’s saddle is one thing, but the Iron Throne is the most dangerous seat in the realm.
Born wearing a crown? Gods spare me, birth is unpleasant enough as it is.
Daemon only ever does what is best for Daemon.
Perhaps the Velaryons knew the truth of it. The sea is the better ally.
For men marriage might be a political arrangement. For women it is like to be a death sentence.
Has anybody ever told you’re nearly as pretty as your brother?
I did not decide to name Rhaenyra my heir on a whim. All the lords of the kingdom would do well to remember that.
I imagine even dragons get lonely.
A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark.
If we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms, we must answer to their gods.
It’s no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have.
Many in my line have been dragon riders. Very few among us have been dreamers. What is the power of a dragon, next to the power of prophecy?
My mother was made to produce heirs until it killed her. I won’t subject myself to the same fate.
My oath reaches beyond our personal ambitions.
Swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen, to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne. Or, if you support the usurper, speak it now, and you will have a clean and honorable death.
But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks, know that you will die… screaming.
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silky-nereid · 4 months
— a family friend
tw : death, attempted of an elopement.
Yandere!noble friend x friend!reader/you
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Yandere! Noble friend who is your best friend and always had her eyes on you but bitterly watches when you get betrothed to a Count that held a small footing in the higher elite class.
Yandere! Noble friend who is heavily yearning for your appearance during noble parties, just to see you since she hardly saw you after your marriage.
Yandere! Noble friend who notices the sudden behavioral change in you and the tiredness etched in your eyes. She questions it but you brush it off.
“Are you truly alright, dear?” she asked.
“Swimmingly well,” you responded. “Why do you ask?”
“You look tired,” she responded.
“Just…It’s difficult.” You smiled at her. “I heard about the courting of a noble for you. I never expected for you to get courted that quickly.”
She looked away, a champagne flute glimmered in the yellowed light of the candles from the chandelier. A smile remained on her lips, slipping on the champagne and looking back to you who wasn’t there anymore rather seemingly pulled back into the arms of your spouse and lost in the crowd of aristocrats.
Yandere! Noble friend who somehow loses contact with you and desperately tries to write to you but the letters always get sent back and she’s utterly distraught as her spouse notices her behavior and tries to comfort her but can’t since she only wants you and nobody else.
Yandere! Noble friend who is trapped in a loveless marriage with a sole heir but the color is seemingly brought back into her life when she sees you again, time hadn’t been kind to you but you still held a respectable title and still looked ever so lovely from afar; swooning again.
Yandere! Noble friend who heard about your niece’s arrival to your house and her betrothal to the prince but days later, the prince’s farewell ceremony to go to the unfortunate frontlines. She watches your tearful eyes, saying that your spouse will return despite her hoping that they don’t.
Her eyes scanned the study floor filled with crumpled pages of failures. Polished shoes clicked on the floor, it was a servant holding a letter on a silver platter.
“A letter—“ they said.
It was you, disheveled and hands trembling, the fresh fallen snow clung to your cloak. Had something happened to you? She got up from sitting in her cushioned chair which you paced, nails cut and bloodied.
“We—I need your help,” you said. “My friend, please help me. I’m in need of your services.”
Her warm hands grabbed your cold, bloodied hands and looked at you with concern.
“What happened?” She asked.
“She’s let down the family!” you cried, “She has broken her betrothal to the prince and tried to elope!”
“Who has she tried to elope with?” she questioned. “Doesn’t this girl understand what would happen if the prince agrees to breaking the betrothal as well?”
“Adrian Wells.” You pulled away from her. “I…I will lose everything. Please I beg of you to find him and speak to him, your brother in law about this or…or I will never speak to you again.”
Yandere! Noble friend who flips the world on its head to find him because she can’t risk losing you again which she does end up finding him. After a little roughhousing, she manages to get him out of the country to somewhere safe.
Yandere! Noble friend who comforts you despite hearing the arrival of the soldiers coming home but how deeply she wishes to replace your spouse and wants to hold you in her arms. She smiles internally when you come to her arms, sobbing about the demise of your spouse; it was a pure gift to her.
Yandere! Noble friend who continues to comfort you and spends more time with you than her actual family. She holds you and lets you cry in her arms while she reassures you that she’ll always be there for you.
She looked down at the fresh pile of dirt that held her spouse who recently died from an illness. Dressed in black, the veil covered her face and she wiped away the tears from her face with a handkerchief. She held your trembling gloved hand, her thumb rubbed your knuckles and she looked at you.
“Come, my dear,” she whispered. “We must return back home and our child is awaiting our return.”
She entered the carriage and helped you in closing the carriage window, she pulled back her black veil.
“Shouldn’t your son be present during this?” You asked. “It wasn’t right to come here without him.”
“Our son dear,” she added, “it would be meaningless because he’s too young to remember them. You would be a perfect fit to parent him with me.”
“I…I,” you stammered. “Please don’t make me, Evangeline. I can’t—“
“I know you can,” she said. “Let me into your heart, my dear. You have done it so many times with them, why am I so different?”
Yandere! Noble friend who after a few days and she has you move in with her since she knows how lonely it is since the servants hardly ever appear.
Yandere! Noble friend who starts being more of a prevalent parent with you by her side. She begrudgingly wears her mourning clothes to events and smiles when you wear yours as she has on occasions custom ordered matching mourning clothes for you and her.
Yandere! Noble friend who occasionally forgets that you did love your spouse to a degree since she wants to be the only person in your heart.
Her hands rested on your shoulders, both of you were in your nightwear. You had taken refuge by sitting on the new vanity chair that she had brought you days prior, your forehead rested on the wood. She stood behind you, hair tucked back into a loose braid with a light familiar smile on her lips.
“You have been like this for a while, my dear,” she said. “Tell me what’s wrong? I can help you get better.”
“I don’t think that I can do this, Evangeline,” you said. “I…please.”
“I saw you eyeing a specific spot yesterday,” she said. “Would you like that we have a walk tomorrow and we could bring our son too?”
You looked up at her from the vanity mirror, her eyes stared down at your scalp then to the mirror; still smiling.
“I..I would like that,” you said.
“Excellent,” she replied, “now come on, let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be wonderful.”
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pix3lplays · 11 months
HII ITS ME AGAIN SOO UHMM CAN THE PART 3 BE LIKE THEY ARE LIKE TAKING CARE OF THE KID OR LIKE ITS THE KIDS BDAY AND THEY WANT TO HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER OR SISTER?? so uhm idk what to be called so uhm idk just call me uhhhh (E) since my name starts with e idk what cus like yes so uhm yes
Heyyy (E), I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself!
Ok part two to my parenting Hcs here!
And part three to this!
-Honkai Star Rail men, raising their child-
Dan Heng: Dan Heng as a parent turned out exactly as you expected. He’s a good dad, he really is, a little distant but not on purpose, it’s just his personality. He loves his kid, he really really does, and he does everything in his power to protect his little family.
He will probably train his kid to use Cloud-Piercer when they get old enough, an exciting day for sure.
One day his little kid asks him a question while they’re training. Asks if they’ll ever have a brother or sister in the future. It stops Dan Heng dead in his tracks, the usually steely man looks a little…flustered at the question. “I’ll consider it,” is what he says, which basically means he’s going to talk to you about it.
Idk, I can see the two of you having another kid, especially if your kid wants a sibling.
Jing Yuan: is just as level-headed and calm as a father. He’s very gentle and patient with his child, but firm when necessary, just very balanced and very good as a father.
When his child asks about getting a sibling, Jing Yuan smiles at the question, and looks at you expectantly.
“I think we could make that work,” is what he says, partly to fluster you, and partly to put a smile on his kid’s face. He’s serious though. He could easily see himself having another kid, or two or three or four more to be honest.
He was built for this parenting thing anyways.
Sampo Koski: Sampo Koski is a pretty bad father. Very distant, never home, always at ‘work’. It’s frustrating. Your kid needs their dad in their life, but he’s never around. Your poor kid misses their dad. They’re lonely without Dad around. So one day, your kid asks him when he finally gets home from a ‘business trip’.
“Dad? I want a sibling!”
And Sampo goes pale, looks a little annoyed at the suggestion. “No, no, we really can’t afford to have another,” is what he says to the kid, but it’s mostly addressed at you. He suspects you put the kid up to this. Too bad you end up accidentally getting pregnant again anyways.
Blade: Blade is a very distant, very intimidating, very quiet father. He never raises his voice, but his words are LAW, and you better believe his kid doesn’t step out of line. Not because he gives out harsh punishments or anything unusual and unhealthy like that. His kid just has a lot of respect for their dad, and they don’t want to make him unhappy. (And they might be just a little bit afraid of him)
When asked if they could have a sibling, Blade’s response is very blunt. “No, I think not.” Harsh, but that’s his decision. He might speak to you about it later that night though, and maybe, just maybe you can change his mind. He does actually genuinely like being a father. Maybe he could be a father to just one more kid, so your own child doesn’t get too lonely while you’re both away doing missions for Elio.
Luocha: after all this time, you still can’t tell how Luocha feels about being a father. He’s a pretty good dad, gentle and considerate, firm and strict when he needs to be, but there’s still that distance there, like he doesn’t quite like his child or something. It’s impossible to explain but you can feel it.
That’s why, at the dinner table you felt a shred of nervousness creep it’s way under your skin when your kid asked about having a sibling. Luocha gave them a gentle look, and shook his head. “I think one is plenty,” is what he said, and you could Sense more behind those words. (One is too many.)
You still ended up getting pregnant though, and you could tell he wasn’t quite so genuine when he was expressing how happy he was for the two of you.
Gepard Landau: a strict, but emotionally aware dad. He doesn’t want to push his kid away by being too strict and rigid and unfair, so he does his best to be open and honest with his kid. And they’re open and honest with him in turn. Such as when they asked about having a sibling.
Gepard nearly choked on air. He looked rather flustered when he turned to you. “Well…it depends on what you think?” And when you have it the green light, Gepard promised his kid a sibling.
Truthfully he was very very excited at the thought of having another kid. And you were happy to see him so happy.
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yuly · 1 year
↬ A Two Way Street ↫
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Aaron Hotchner x Jessica Brooks x female reader (platonic)
Summary: Aaron walks in on you calling him out and urging your friend Jessica to speak up for herself. 
Warnings: angst, some comfort, family issues, Hailey is mentioned, angry Hotch
A/N: just a little blurb I thought of after watching S10E20, hope you enjoy 
WC: 1K
Pic credit: pinterest 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
You were heartbroken, sitting across from your best friend as she broke down for the third time this week. You’ve known Jessica Brooks for almost seven years. The two of you share everything and have an almost sisterly bond. Despite her bubbly and outgoing persona, the past few years have been tough on her. Between the sudden loss of her sister, stepping up in a major way for her nephew Jack and his dad, financial stress, and her father's new dementia diagnosis, you were worried about your friend. She had too much on her plate and was slowly losing herself. 
Naturally, you felt angry for her. She gave every part of herself to her family, held nothing back and never said no. But everyone has their limit, and Jessica was well past hers. 
“Jess, please let me help you. I can watch Jack, we both know this interview is important.”
You had called up an old friend for a favour to get Ray a spot at one of the best assisted living facilities in the city. Jessica landed an interview, but Jack’s father wasn't home for another two days. You’ve only met the man in passing, you never really had an opinion on him one way or the other, but as of late, you've grown to resent him for all the pressure he puts on your friend. 
“It's fine Y/N, you know how Aaron is, he wouldn’t be happy with his son being around people he doesn’t know,” you rolled your eyes at that. 
Meanwhile, Aaron’s case ended earlier than expected. He decided to come by Jessica's place to surprise Jack. He let himself in quietly, knowing it was either Jack’s nap-time or reading time, not wanting to disturb either. He paused at the sound of your voices coming from the kitchen.
“You know what I mean Y/N, I trust you with Jack but I want to respect his father's wishes,” she explained patiently. 
“C'mon Jess, I know he’s your family but this laundry list of demands and expectations is ridiculous. He knows about your dad, has he offered to help in any way? He knows about your job situation, has he offered any help? Jess, why is it that you have to be the backbone for everyone and no one looks out for you?” Jessica sighs, biting her lip.
Aaron’s jaw is clenched tightly as the heat begins to rise to his face, he feels a swarm of emotions at the moment, but mainly anger. Anger at being called out by someone he barely knows, anger that you know this much about his family life, anger that you have the nerve to say any of this out loud.
“Y/N, you're always looking out for me and I’m forever grateful, you put in a good word for dad at this facility, you put in a referral for me at your job, and you always offer to watch Jack for me. You are the best friend and biggest supporter I have right now and I love you for it Y/N. But it's different with Aaron, he's-” 
“Your ex-brother-in-law that you feel bad for? Look, Jess, I know I'm well out of line here but you are drowning and you need to speak up for yourself.” That was bold, but you stood ten toes behind every word and behind your friend. 
Hotch decides he has heard enough, he clears his throat, causing you both to jump.
“Aaron, your home! Jack’s gone down for a nap, he was worn out today, they played tennis and it was his turn to be pizza helper,” Jessica rambles on nervously, firmly planting herself between the two of you. The tension in the room is thick. 
“Can I have a word please,” he shoots you a stern glare, “in private.”
You move out to the balcony, avoiding all eye contact, feeling guilty for the awkward situation you've created for Jess. 
“Aaron listen, she’s my friend, her delivery is harsh but she means well,” Hotch abruptly cuts her off, “I don’t want her anywhere near my son and I’d appreciate it if you'd stop indulging our private business with her,” he snaps. 
Jessica is slightly taken aback, “Aaron, I understand she said some harsh words just now, but that's not fair, she's my friend and she’s genuinely concerned. She's coming from a good place.” Her tone is calm, a stark contrast to his.
“Why didn't you just come to me instead of venting to your friend about our family’s issues?”
“Aaron, you are not the easiest person to talk to. You have a lot on your plate already, and you're not always open to having hard conversations. Y/N is a good friend, she listens and offers real solutions to help.”
Aaron shifts slightly, feeling an uncomfortable pang in his chest.
“I would've heard you out. I didn't know you were struggling with work, and I was going to talk to you about your dad, but I wanted to give you some space first,” his voice is lower now.
“That's it, Aaron, I don't need any more ‘space’ I feel like I'm on an island by myself as it is! I want to feel like I can talk to you without worrying about you getting upset.”
Jessica sighs, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, “and I want you to talk to me Aaron, you don’t have to carry everything by yourself, this is a two-way street.”
Aaron looks down at his feet, hands tucked into his pockets as guilt washes over him. Jessica has been a rock for him and he had no idea how badly she was hurting. Aaron’s coping mechanism is to drown out the noise with work, to bury his head in the sand. 
“I’m sorry Jessica, I’m sorry for not listening and for making you feel like you couldn’t talk to me. I’ll try do better about talking to you.”
You’ve been watching and listening silently from your spot on the balcony as the two of them talk it out and you smile to yourself, proud of Jessica for finally speaking up. Hearing Aaron speak candidly and be vulnerable for once shifts something inside of you.
Maybe Jack’s dad isn't as bad as you thought….
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association by Ariaste
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Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association
by Ariaste
M, 119k, WIP, series, Xiyao & Wangxian
Summary: Two gremlins, their husbands, and the horrible HOA board. As long as nobody gets arrested for arson or murder, we're gonna call it a win.
Mojo's comments: Very funny modern au (all POV meng yao) wherein he and lan xichen are happily married and living in suburbia near a similarly happily married wangxian. Meng Yao only thrives when he can scheme, of course, and his shameless violence is aimed at protecting his hubby (whose tomatoes were violated by Horrible Susan of the HOA). Wwx is just happy to gremlin with his brother-in-law via late-night McDonald's warroom planning. Somehow, this turns them into accidental friends. Meanwhile, Lan family secrets start coming out ('secret' is a foreign concept to wei 'overshare' ying, heh) and it explains SO. MUCH. 9 works so far, series in progress. (9th work is 2/3.)
Excerpt: “Sometimes I just tell A-Yao things. They just fall out of my mouth.” Wei Wuxian spoons an alarming amount of marshmallows into his cocoa. “You understand, don’t you, dage? It’s just so easy to tell him things.” “I understand,” Huan-ge says. “I too tell him things often.” Meng Yao, sipping at the edge of the foam on his cocoa, pauses. There’s a… tone in Huan-ge’s voice. A setting-a-trap tone. “Yeah! Yeah, you get it.” “For example,” Huan-ge says smoothly, picking up the tray and straightening again, “after every time A-Yao and I make love, we shake hands and say, ‘Thank you for the orgasm, respected associate, it was satisfactory,’ and then I give his sexual performance a rating on a scale of one to ten.” Wei Wuxian freezes at the phrase ‘make love’. By the end of the sentence, his eye is twitching. Meng Yao keeps his face perfectly straight as Huan-ge walks out of the room with the tray tucked under his arm. “What’s the face for?” Meng Yao says, sipping cocoa. “Do you and Wangji not do that?” “Is this real life?” Wei Wuxian says, the paralysis melting away into distress. “Did this just happen? A-Yao, that wasn’t real, was it? He was just--fucking with me? Right??” “I beg your pardon? Have you ever known Xichen to be the sort to fuck with anyone?” Meng Yao takes another judgmental sip of cocoa. “I’ll thank you to not speak like that about my respected associate.”
humor, modern setting, modern no magic, meng yao & wei wuxian, jin guangyao & wei wuxian, pov jin guangyao, accidental therapy, accidental friendship, relationship development, hijinks & shenanigans, chicanery, fluff, domestic, family feels, adoption, bamf madam lan, bamf jin guangyao, gremlin wei wuxian, shameless wei wuxian, getting high, suburbia, feel good fic, @ariaste
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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princeblack · 8 months
As a prince, Regulus’s schedule was crammed from dawn to dusk. There was his royal etiquette training, his academic tutoring, attending meetings of the council, his arcane studies and even military training.
The military training was last on the schedule, a couple hours before dinner so he had time to train and still wash up afterward. He was to be meeting with a newly assigned handmaid when he was finished being tutored in swordsmanship by Lucius, the King’s Hand. The swords were wooden but his uncle still managed to bruise him, hitting him with the weapon when his guard was down during a lunge. He can feel it blooming on his abs beneath his tunic as he leaves the training room, cursing under his breath because he can’t stand his uncle. Holding a hand over his midsection, he mutters a healing incantation– one he had learned from the family grimoire’s for smaller injuries. His skin feels warm, the air shimmering around his palm.
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He’s so focused that he almost runs into Sirius in the corridor of the palace, who’s holding a silver goblet as he exits the great hall. “Apologies— I know you’re very busy, being as important as you are.” He’s being sarcastic, his dark eyes sparkling with humor. The two of them had been arguing recently, ever since King Orion appointed Regulus as the crown prince, citing that he was ‘more suited’ than his eldest son. “My prince,” he adds, giving a curtsy.
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Certainly more important than the town drunk, yes. Are you truly already wasted in the afternoon? You don’t have to try so hard to make me look better than you— I already do.” Even as he says it, he doesn’t think it’s true, deep down— he admires his brother, especially for how little he cares for what their parents think. And because he has so many close companions who care for him; so much to live for outside of House Black. The truth is that Regulus is desperately lonely, when he’s not on the back of his dragon. 
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“It’s called having fun; I expect you’ll learn about it as soon as you unwedge yourself from our father’s backside,” Sirius retorts, but his eyes are darker now because of his sibling’s words.
The younger prince’s brow furrows, frowning. Sirius knew it was a sensitive spot for Regulus; not getting to have his own life because of his dedication to their house. Or maybe he genuinely thought his brother didn’t want those things– he’s never been able to tell, throughout all of their arguments. “At least there are benefits to being wedged to the King’s backside. What are the benefits of being wedged into James’s Potter’s? Having a court jester at your beck and call? He’s a clown and you’ve always been better than him.” 
Sirius frowns, almost a cold and distant look passing across his features as his grip on the goblet tightens. “Don’t speak of him again. You should worry about yourself, brother, because the things our father will make you do for that crown will make you wish you were day-drinking with James instead.”
Regulus is fairly certain he would prefer death to hanging out with the youngest Potter, hating both him and his family. Once, Serafim had almost burned James alive for carrying some House Black jewelry in his pocket as he was leaving. It was then that Regulus knew James had no respect for Sirius’s family, even if he did have some for Sirius himself. It irked him, the way the male carried himself, thinking he was above law and had some kind of infallible luck always on his side. He seemed narcissistic, and Regulus was sure that his brother deserved more than that.
“Anyways, Father was searching for you. He wants to meet in the Tower of the Hand– something about a new maid.” Then he turns, leaving with a flourish before Regulus can say much else. He knows Sirius is probably on his way to a night out, skipping dinner again to rebel against their family, shirking his ‘duties’.
Regulus thinks about his brother on the way to the tower, ruminating on the way Sirius had never seemed to fit in or understand anything about their way of life. He doesn’t even have a dragon; never imprinting upon one when they were young. Regulus can’t imagine not having Serafim, certain that he would’ve given up years ago if not for the love of his draconic partner. But somehow he excels less when it comes to people, nothing like his brother in that regard. He’s skilled enough at talking to them and making them like him, but he never formed a close group of friends like Sirius and he certainly doesn’t visit the brothel every other night to flirt with the women there. It seems to be expected of him almost– some of the Kingsguard had joked with him the other night about how they’re sure he and Sirius have been through most of the eligible bachelorettes in King’s Landing. He allows them to think that, choosing not to correct them, but privately Regulus doesn’t have any interest in fucking half of the city.
He doesn’t even have any interest in his arranged fiance, Daphne from House Greengrass. She’s the daughter of the Lord and Lady of the North, and as such would foster a stronger alliance between the two houses, were he to marry her. That’s what his mother wants, after all, and so Regulus agreed to it. He didn’t have any interest in anyone else and it was his duty as crown prince, so he accepted it. But something is missing in their relationship, because despite how pretty she is, he doesn’t feel much for her. She’s formal and pompous, and maybe it’s because that was how she was taught to be and she cares more about duty and securing her spot beside him on the throne than opening up to Regulus on a deeper level. She seems to be genuinely passionate about status, especially the idea of becoming queen.
But despite what Sirius seemed to think, Regulus’s heart wasn’t completely in it, instead wishing he had someone who seemed to care past his title or looks. Or at least someone who made him laugh, that he enjoyed being around. But many people would call him a fool for it, because love didn’t exist in real life; only fairytales read to children at bedtime. His job is to marry for politics, so he knows he must fulfill that role. But secretly he’s almost more of a child, wanting to play with his dragon and find a girl he really loves.
Which is why he’s taken aback by the way his mind goes completely blank when he first walks into the tower and sees the girl on the other side of the room. All of his ponderings about duty leave his mind, instead filled with thoughts about how she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, even prettier than the sights he’s seen from dragonback. Her auburnette hair is woven into a beautiful hairstyle with braids, loose curls framing her perfect face. She has big blue eyes and soft, pink lips, and such delicate bone structure that she looks like she was sculpted carefully by the gods, even down to her dainty nose and little chin. Looking at her for a moment isn’t long enough, so he gazes at her, trying to remember how to speak English.
Then he realizes his father is in the room because he clears his throat, so Regulus’s green gaze leaves her, centering on the King himself. “Sirius said you called,” is all he can manage.
“I know we spoke of it this morning, but I’ve made arrangements to replace the previous handmaiden,” he says matter-of-factly, standing from the seat he was in. “This is Bexley Diggory and she’s to attend to you as you wish. Her chambers are in the servant quarters, her things already put away. She’s free to start now.” He glances out the window, at the setting sun. “I have some matters to attend before dinner, so I’ll see you when one of the servants fetches you. Take a bath; you reek of dragon and sweat.”
“Immediately, your grace. Thank you.” He’s short with his father, as he always is, waiting until the man sweeps out of the chamber before he finally exhales, glancing over at the beautiful girl again. “You must’ve traveled a long way to get here… are you well rested?” Green eyes glance over her figure, taking in the beautiful, sweeping fabric of her taupe colored dress. The material is thin and looks soft, hugging big breasts that he can’t help but glance at. He swallows a little, feeling a heat in the bottom of his stomach that he’s never felt before, traveling downwards. Is this what all of those men talked about, when they went on for ages about women? The sensation is alien to him, but he likes it, shifting a little closer to her without thinking.
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“I hope you’ll be comfortable here; I sorely needed the help, after the last handmaid tragically passed… She wasn’t young and pretty like you, though.” He says it like it’s a fact, because it is. “She belonged to someone else in my family and was already working in the castle, so she tended to me when I needed it… I’ve never had someone hired specifically to be mine.” His gaze wanders her perfect body before reaching her face again, already happy with his father’s choice. He could spend all night looking at her, if he truly wanted.
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/ @devcted
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these-modern-times · 1 year
Thoughts On Leverage: Redemption
I finally got around to watching Leverage: Redemption. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! I had such a great time watching the cast all back together and all the character growth. 
At first I was worried how the show was going to be without Nate since he was really the engine of the group. It was weird watching Redemption for like the first two eps and then I was totally fine with Nate not being around. I really like where all the characters are now, especially Parker, and I think if Nate had been in the show all the characters would’ve snapped to and gone back to being their old selves in certain ways. I think they would have been more reserved if Nate was still around (but they definitely would’ve called out his shit real fast). Parker has let her freak flag fly and I do not think she would have been that way with Nate back in the picture. Still miss Nate a bit but the crew is so awesome without him. 
I was also worried about how the show was going to be without Aldis Hodge being a regular but, again, it was fine. I loved when he came back but the show and characters were so good that I didn’t miss him as much as I thought I would. All the Parker and Hardison scenes were great. 
Parker will forever be my girl. Beth Riesgraf continues to just be amazing playing Parker (I want to know how she managed to keep a straight face with some of her scenes and lines or how anyone else did for that matter). I read someone’s review here on tumblr that the writers did Parker dirty. I don’t think the writers did Parker dirty at all, if anything they made her more fun and they really let Parker be herself. Think about all the times she almost started going off the rails with being really goofy (the pinata she dumped on the table in front of Eliot, the chocolate convention, the Ghostbusters scene/line, etc) and then she was pulled back. Parker is the leader now and Hardison and Eliot are used to her antics, they just let her go. I think Parker has always known when it’s time to have fun and when it’s time to be serious when it comes to being a thief and running a con. 
Sophie, for me, became a good character to watch. Gina Bellman always nailed the hell out of playing Sophie and I don’t think she ever gets the credit she deserves for playing the character. I loved how Parker, Hardison, and Eliot knew they had to see her and help pull her out of her deep grief. They gave her no choice and she went along with it. Sophie always looked like she had a great time on jobs in the original series and that fun was still there. I adored her friendship with Harry (”our Mr. Wilson,” a sweet, and very British, addition to her character). I’m glad there was an outside person for her to speak to and to ground her. She even said the team saw her as Sophie Deveraux they didn’t see her in the way he saw her as an outsider. There’s a lot of respect between Sophie and Harry and I enjoyed that a lot. 
Eliot was Eliot, the same hard ass with a very soft inside. He was grumpier and punchier then ever. He’s still the same big brother to Parker and Hardison keeping them in line. Eliot and Sophie have always had a very interesting relationship and dynamic and it was still good to see they had that in this series as well. 
Breanna is a great addition to the crew. Parker being her (reluctant) mentor was fun. Her line about college being a scam in 2nd season hit me right in the soul. 
Harry was a good addition. He brought the law side to the team and gave them a different angle to their cons. He’s also just a total goofball who had no choice but to join the family and just had a good time. As I mentioned, I like his relationship with Sophie. He was the other grown up in the family who balanced things out for not only Sophie but for the whole team. 
The throw backs to the original series through the new 2 seasons were perfection. Some of them were slight and some of them were super obvious. All of them gave me so much joy. Parker with the horse painting in the first episode made me laugh way too hard. 
There are so many good moments throughout the 2 seasons. Parker and Hardison’s scenes will always be a favorite. The team going to Sophie in the first episode is precious. Do not even get me started on Sophie’s line to Harry about Hardison, “He is his father’s son.” My soft interior definitely shed a slight a tear and a little heart rip happened hearing that line. In the first ep you can see Parker, Hardison, and Eliot were still grieving over Nate too and they needed their “mom.” The ending of The Paranormal Hacktivity Job made my day when I watched it. Hurley coming back was a great throwback and touch. Parker loving Christmas will never get old. Harry freaking out in the vents with Parker was hilarious. Parker pretending to be pregnant was probably one of the funniest moments of this series because she found it fun to hide stuff on her that way. Possibly the best thing was the team being afraid of the Canadian Mounties. These idiots have taken down the worst kinds of people and yet they’re all afraid of the Mounties. I can’t handle them. 
Just like the original series I love the stories that revolve around museums and the museum and art worlds. I have a BA in Art History and a MA in Museum Collections Management. I currently work in the museum field. The show majorly glamorizes museums and especially their security systems (maybe the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Louvre can afford something close to what the museums in Leverage and Redemption use) but it’s fun to see what could be done if money wasn’t an object for museums. The last two eps of season 2 made me nuts with the air vents being so big and so close to the art works but it’s a TV show. My new dream job would be as a museum consultant for Leverage: Redemption, haha. I cracked up when Parker said she’s stolen three Rembrandts, a hat trick. 
My one and only complaint about Leverage: Redemption was the backstory eps for Sophie and Eliot. One of the reasons I absolutely love Leverage is because they never revealed too much about the characters. I love not knowing Parker’s full name and complete background. The fact that no one knows Sophie’s real name after all these years is brilliant. Even Hardison doesn’t have a super in depth backstory. The writing for the show has always been satisfying and great that I never felt the need or want to know more about the characters. Leverage is literally one of the only shows I don’t have an issue with in any way with character development and story writing. I just found Sophie and Eliot’s back stories to be a little dull. At least Sophie’s was about cons and grifters which fits into the overall show. I am praying if this show comes back for a 3rd season that they do NOT in any way really dive into Parker’s background. Keep her elusive and just Parker. 
I think Leverage: Redemption is a lot of fun because it is different. I’m so happy the show is still the same in a lot of ways but it’s not, it’s its own thing. I can still see the same characters from the first episode of Leverage, they’ve all grown but the people we were first introduced to are still there. The show made me laugh and it made me happy in a lot of ways from the writing to the acting to the stories to the complete silliness of so many lines and scenes. I am so hoping for a 3rd season of Leverage: Redemption, I’m fully ready for more fun adventures with this group of crazies.  
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twistedintern · 17 days
Of Catching Tails and Catching Up
Greetings and salutations, dear visitors! Allow me to regale you with a tale of two men: one a war veteran, the other a royal chamberlain; both hailing from the Sunset Savannah.
A few notes before we proceed...:
I have chosen to ignore the EN game translation's rendering of Sebek's grandfather's and Leona's brother's names
The characters' relationship can be understood as either platonic or romantic; I've left it up to the readers' discretion (in case you were curious, I have come to actively ship them)
“My word! Such a rich panoply of flavor; I don’t believe I’ve had anything quite like it. What did you say it was called again?” The other man’s lips curled into a small smile, his expression softening as he studied his companion over the rim of his spectacles. “It’s called rooibos, though this particular blend is a specialty of the capital.” The other shook his head in good humor, jostling evergreen locks slightly against rows of scales lining his lower jaw. “As expected of Afterglow’s finest—“ “Baul.” “Yes, Kifaji?” “Before you ask, no: the prince did not put me up to this.” Baul gave the bowl in hands a quizzical glance. “The tea, or…?” “While I won’t deny our meeting was political in nature, I hoped to catch up with you. Personally.” The nocturnal fae blinked, his sharp features creasing in mortification a beat before a deep yet gentle peal of laughter erupted forth. “To think you would deceive his majesty to further your own agenda—my, how the years have changed you, friend!” “N-now, now! That is certainly not true,” Kifaji nearly leaped out of seat at the accusation, his tail feathers ruffled in visible agitation. He planted his hands at either side of the table to steady himself, then righted his posture and cleared his throat, perhaps in hope of saving face. Baul nodded, arms crossed—an otherwise sagely gesture, were it not for the lingering grin that betrayed his mirth. “Yes, yes, my mistake.” The hornbill beastman gave an indignant hmph. Seconds ticked by; only when the silence that stretched between them grew uncomfortable did he speak. “…How are things with the family?” Baul tilted his head, his fingertips ghosting scales absentmindedly as he mulled over the query. “My daughter is still hopelessly enamored with that pathetic human dentist.” The other man returned to his seat, his countenance a touch exasperated. “Baul…” “Do not misunderstand: I am nothing if not overjoyed that she has found true happiness with another. Theirs is the perfect marriage. Although I could ask for something more in a son-in-law, he has given me the precious, irreplaceable gift of marvelous grandchildren.” There was a knowing twinkle in Kifaji’s eyes, but he was quick to mask its warmth with a look of measured stoicism. “The youngest is around the second prince’s age, correct?” Baul shot him a bewildered glance. “The second prince… he is in his twentieth year? My youngest grandson is his junior, though not by much. You’re as sharp as ever!” “Well,” the wizened bird man puffed his chest out in pride. “You expected less of the Kingscholar house’s head chamberlain?” “Hardly! While we��re on the topic, what of the royal family?” “Yes… first, please allow me to apologize for Prince Cheka’s unceremonious behavior earlier. As you know, children are wont to be rambunctious and brimming with curiosity in their tender years—” It was Baul’s turn to jump from his chair. “That small lad was the first prince’s son? How disgraceful, callous! I rebuked the boy as though he was common raff!” Kifaji blithely removed his glasses from his face and held them against the light, unbothered. “You were entirely in the right. Life lessons are better learned the hard way for some; Prince Cheka needs to understand how to respect others’ personal space.” “I grabbed him by the nape and chastened him, Kifaji…!” “After he had clambered up your cloak and began prodding your scales.” Baul gave a long-suffering sigh. “Promise me you’ll apologize on my behalf next you see the boy.” “We shall see,” the bird beastman snorted, pushing his glasses up along the bridge of his nose. “As for the rest of the family?” “…The king is, as you know, still bedridden; Prince Farena has proven himself a reliable and competent ruler in his father’s stead. I wish I could laud similar praise upon his brother; alas, Prince Leona had taken it upon himself to reject court tradition and complete his education elsewhere.”
Baul offered a wry smile. “‘Elsewhere’ being one Night Raven College, correct?” “Indeed! How did you know?” “It just so happens my youngest grandson is currently enrolled there. He’s an especially hard worker who shows much potential; he fancies himself a bodyguard to Prince Malleus. If memory serves, he once spoke of another prince who treats Briar Valley’s esteemed heir with particular belligerence—” Kifaji frowned, bringing fingers to massage either temple. “Good grief… that sounds like Prince Leona. He has a terrific competitive streak and a complex to match, to say nothing of his ego….” “Rest assured,” the nocturnal fae gave his companion’s shoulder a reassuring pat. “I do not believe Prince Leona has incurred the young master’s wrath.” The chamberlain murmured to no one in particular. “That explains who the “lizard” he spoke so disparagingly of during his visit was….” Baul roared in revulsion, brows knit and fangs bared. “L-LIZARD?” “I-I-I m-mean—!” “The nerve, what obstinance! That anyone—especially royal youth of another nation—knowingly disrespect the young master in such a crass manner!” Kifaji swallowed hard. His voice was shaking as he hastened to collect the other man’s hands in his own. “Settle down, friend!” A pair of white-knuckled fists slammed into the table in response: their owner was visibly seething. “Does that young man have a death wish?” “He knows n-not the implications of his behavior! I swear on my honor and my life that Prince Leona will be thoroughly reprimanded for his conduct within the coming days!” Baul loosed one final guttural growl before going silent. His expression remained pinched in righteous fury for several terse moments; he was veritably straining to reign in his anger. “Had I known, I would have punished the second prince while he was still in the capital. Just lecturing him in the presence of his schoolmates would have driven the point home!” Baul paused to regard Kifaji as the latter frantically dabbed at his brow with a kerchief before he at last spoke. “…Schoolmates?” “Oh, yes!” Kifaji offered, nodding. “He was accompanied on his last visit by a very colorful group of adolescents.” “Was my young Sebek among them?” The birdman stroked his beard, shaking his head. “None of them bore any resemblance to you. There was a wolf beastman, the eldest son of a renowned merchant family, a celebrity of sorts… oh!” “Hm?” “There was one other lad in the prince’s retinue, he had pointed ears and a pale complexion—yes! I’m certain he was a fae like yourself.” Baul’s former ire was all but forgotten at this revelation. “How interesting… Night Raven College’s fae population is rather scant.” “He was quite the eccentric character; formidable despite his small build, with the most peculiar old-fashioned affect to his speech.” Baul was struck by a sense of deja-vu coupled with dread. “Kifaji… what was his name?” “Vanrouge? Yes, that was it! Lilia Vanrouge.” The nocturnal fae’s expression contorted in mortification, aghast with pure horror. Kifaji hadn’t even been able to fully process Baul’s reaction before the man’s body went slack and he fell over onto the floor. And this is how the royal chamberlain of Afterglow Savannah spent the entirety of an evening at an envoy’s bedside in the royal infirmary.
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fannish-karmiya · 2 years
Onto another fandom gripe of mine...I have for so long seen Jiang Yanli get hate, and in particular people often say that she failed to help WWX while he was in trouble in the Burial Mounds and should have done more for him. I’ve even seen posts which are very reasonable and not hateful of her at all say things like this, and I think one issue at play (beyond the misogyny inherent in some of the more hateful takes about her) is that a lot of fandom doesn’t seem very familiar with what life was like for women in Chinese history. Or history in general, actually; a lot of the broad outlines are really similar across many time periods and cultures.
This isn’t going to be a full essay with sources and quotes, I’m just doing a sort of rough talk about it, so please bear with me. A full essay with some actual academic sources on the lives of women in Chinese history, comparing it to what we see in MDZS, could be really interesting, though, and I may earmark that as something to do in the future. I have the sources on my pc and bookshelf anyway!
So. One thing JYL gets criticised for a lot is not helping WWX when he settles down with the Wens in the Burial Mounds. People say that she shouldn’t have just brought him some soup and showed off her wedding dress, he was starving and poor and needed money!
But I think people don’t quite understand the social structure at play here. Money in Chinese families was (and sometimes still is today) communal, and the head of the family had the final say in what was spent and on what. We see,, near the end of the novel during the extras, LWJ give WWX a jade token and say that can be used to draw sect money. WWX, meanwhile, as a kid used to be able to just pick stuff up at Lotus Pier and it would be put on a tab which JFM paid off at the end of the month. The head of the family can see what money is being drawn from the sect coffers and by whom, and if it’s being spent on something they disapprove of how do you think that would go?
JC would absolutely not allow JYL to draw sect money in order to send it to WWX, and she could hardly give WWX anything during the wedding dress visit, which JC monopolised the whole time. What could she do, hide some money or jewellery in the soup bowl?? And after JYL marries, any money she has access to is her husband’s money, ultimately controlled by her father-in-law who is one of WWX’s greatest enemies.
Now, you can say that JYL could have sent him money secretly, but this would wind up causing far more problems than it would actually help. JYL and WWX are not related by blood, and we see time and again in canon that cultivation society does not respect her claim that they are siblings (look at that scene at Phoenix Mountain where she defends him; everyone refrains from directly disparaging her due to her social rank, but no one wants to give in, either, because they disagree with her). Immediately after this scene Jin-furen doesn’t want to let JYL go back down the mountain with WWX, because they don’t have a chaperone, to which JYL reiterates again that WWX is her brother (which Jin-furen ignores).
JYL trying to send letters or gifts or money to WWX, a man she is not related to who is not her husband, would have, if discovered, led to accusations of adultery. It could have ruined her reputation and marriage and caused a lot of trouble for WWX, to boot. WWX would surely not have accepted such attempts on JYL’s part if she did make them, knowing the consequences if they were discovered.
JYL did what she could for WWX; she spoke in his favour frequently (the gossipers during pt1 of Nightfall note that she speaks fondly of her shidi a lot) and encourages her husband to invite WWX to their son’s one-month celebration. Had it not been for the ambush (a plan which JZXuan was kept out of the loop from specifically because he might disapprove or tell his wife), then the meeting could have served as a means to re-invite WWX back into ‘polite’ society. It could have served to show everyone that WWX really is just living peacefully in the Burial Mounds and isn’t a threat.
The idea that JYL betrayed WWX or was selfish in marrying JZXuan and marrying into LLJ ignores two major issues. One is that who JYL marries, or if she marries at all, is really not up to her. It’s the decision of the head of her family, her brother at that point. And as I’ve written about before, I think there’s some subtext that JC was quite happy to marry JYL into LLJ and make a stronger alliance with them, regardless of whether she still cared for JZXuan or not. Women were essentially viewed as the property of male family members for much of human history; even up until a few decades ago (and still in many countries!) women couldn’t do things like open a bank account or rent or buy a house without a male relative or husband to co-sign for her!
This would leave JYL with only one option if she didn’t want to marry into LLJ: to flee. She could either try to marry someone else (who? especially who would be willing to defy both YMJ and LLJ in the process), probably using a ‘Romance of the Western Chamber’ tactic in the process, or she could...run away? What would fans have her do? Run away to Yiling and live with WWX and the Wens in the Burial Mounds?
The exact same problem, only more extreme, would come up then. JYL is, remember, a woman in (fantasy) ancient China, not a full citizen with the right to make her own life decisions. JC could just refuse to accept her decision and instead claim that WWX kidnapped her, which may well have given the Jins the excuse they needed early in order to rally the sects against WWX and mount a siege. Even if people accepted that JYL went there of her own free will, this would surely have led to the sects believing that JYL was seduced by WWX and they were having an affair. JC already stabbed WWX in the guts during their duel (not that I believe JYL ever knew about that). What would he have done if he believed that WWX had ‘stolen’ JYL away from him?
I think fandom often judges JYL as if she’s a man and has all the freedom of movement and self-determination which that implies, but she’s not. She’s a woman under the thumb of first her brother then her husband and father-in-law, and she doesn’t even have strong cultivation, not that that would change the way society views her.
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drsteggy · 2 years
I’m sure this is too deep for what’s mostly a Zelda fan blog but I don’t have anywhere else I can really dump this.
I don’t speak to most of the people I’m related to but I did still talk to one brother. He has two daughters and while we were not super close, I thought I had a relationship. His politics are more conservative than mine and we do not talk about it to each other.
When 2020 was in full swing, I was constantly stressed out as work got really, really awful and there was almost no release valve for it, so I took to occasional yelling on FB. I only noticed in retrospect that brother and his family seemed quieter than usual and at some point they all vanished off FB (not shocking, I suspect they went to one of the conservative social media sites that were trying to get started)
I send them stuff at Christmas. I never heard from my brother or sister in law last year if they got it or not. My nieces both sent me texts thanking me for what I sent them and I had a nice conversation with one after. The other ghosted me after I asked how she was doing. I haven’t heard from anyone since.
At some point I found my sister in law is, actually, still on FB. She unfriended me, but is still friends with my spouse and, I don’t know but that stings. Like a lot.
I’d already decided last year that if no one can even send a text saying hey thanks I’m not going to send anything this year but I am unsure how to handle my nieces. They are both in college and if they are not interested in a relationship, I will respect that but I also don’t know how to go about saying hey, if you’re not comfortable with me that’s fine but have the gonads to say so in a way that doesn’t come off as pathetic or aggressive or whatever.
It’s healthier for me to not associate with most of the people I share DNA with and those bridges were appropriately burned. But I burned them with my brother and his family so I’m not sure exactly how I turned into the bad guy again. And I have a very good support system. My in laws are fantastic people. My spouse makes me feel loved every day. My friends are amazing.
But this still sucks. It still hurts.
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bom-bombon · 1 year
Helloooo can you gives us headcanons over illojuan
I think my boi Juanito is like Willy in that he just likes causing trouble. I always describe him to my friends as a little shit. He’s a troll! There’s no real reason or explanation for his actions, just that he think they’re so funny
When I think of Illojuan, I think of him as some guy. He's not extraordinary like the rest of the boys; he's just a silly, simple dude! Bro keeps to himself
Actually, he uses that invisibility to his advantage to commit crimes, frame others, etc.
To me, he's BiAce
This isn’t really my headcanon, I read about it on twitter, however, I like the idea that Illo and Quackity treat each other like brothers. They teach each other their respective Spanish accents and vocabulary (though I feel like they will both try to troll each other with that or worse, to their friends). They would see each other at an event and think “oh yeah, its gonna be a fun day” and like fuck with each other. Sometimes when Quackity needs to rant, he goes to Juan and let it out, and in the meantime, Juan is just eating it all up cuz he is a fucking chismoso. You know how I said before that he’s a simple dude who mostly stays away from drama, that doesn’t mean he will not listen in to all that drama with popcorn. Or worse, cause the drama. Also, he’d probably convince Quackity into getting him to work for him too like for instance, cleaning up the chiringuito as he just rants. If he’s being honest with himself, Juan do like Quacks around and sees him as the closest thing to family
Speaking of duos, I think my favorite one involving Juan is with Sapo Peta, the Cupid Duo. I just love their dynamic so much. Actually, I need to ask: did y’all remember when Illo was like “me gustas” to Sapo Peta? If you haven't seen it, here it is. I find it too funny to not include it somewhere here. Aside from that whole confession, Juanillo genuinely enjoys his company and sees Sapo Peta as one of his closest friends next to Mangel. He also gets Sapo Peta to also help him in some illegal acts without him knowing. They need to team up and impersonate as Quackity more often I still quote them from that stream. Actually fuck it, those two would do more letters from other members and have fun with it or to try and get Sapo Peta’s their ships canon.
Just a personal touch but he sells mezcal in his chiringuito
The chiringuito smells like Karmahuana I just know it. You know what. Not just the chiringuito, the whole damn area. People stop by and go, “Oh it smells nice here” and its literally weed
Tangentially related to the last point but I know for sure Juan makes some bomb ass edibles, a good cook as well
Not a headcanon but man I wanna draw him getting high on a beach... and also a beach episode for his chiringuito......
You actually got me to revisit a drawing I did during the Titi custody battle before he died lmao:
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Actually, it be funny if Illo has experience in law
Since it's been a while since you've asked this, I'll throw in a couple of old sketches I have of my babygirl under the keep reading section.
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i actually don’t mind this as much, i just think i hated how oversaturated I made his shirt fghjhgf
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This was when I tried to make a ref sheet for him (and the rest of the karmaland boys) but i was too ambitious with so little time
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aurora-light-blog · 2 years
Larra Rogare is a Jerk
There are many characters in ASoIaF who are unjustly discriminated against. We liked to think that Larra Rogare is one of those poor people, who suffered greatly in Westeros. She’s not. There are several points, which prove this. First is the Lysene Spring. When she first arrived at King’s Landing, the majority of the people loved her. She brought back Prince Viserys, a male heir. At the time, they were stuck with two unwanted female heirs due to the Dance of the Dragons. It made the Seven Kingdoms feel very secured with a married male heir. The word spring calls to mind prosperity. The Lyseni especially Rogares had prosperity with a great deal of money from the Seven Kingdoms. Lords of Westeros willingly transfer sums of money to their bank. Why? They loved their Lysene princess.
Her royal life was very different than, let’s say, Myriah Martell. How come? Sadly enough, appearance. Myriah was darker skin and clearly foreign. From day one, the majority of Westerosi people wouldn’t like her. Larra’s appearance had been highly regarded. Huh? Most Lyseni have Valyrian features (basically she looked like a Targaryen). She had the silver gold hair and the purple eyes. She was considered a great beauty.
So, she had a lot going well for her. What went wrong? Why do I refer to her as a jerk? “She made no attempt to learn the Common Tongue.” Was it because she couldn’t? Nope, Larra spoke five languages. If she wanted to, she could have learnt the Common Tongue. Again, she didn’t even try. She reminds me of an “entitled tourist.” You either have heard of this or unhappily experience someone like this before. They come to a foreign country and expect all the natives to speak their language and follow their customs.
Think about it that’s exactly what she did. Larra is supposed to be a Westeros princess, yet she shows no respect for her subjects. She doesn’t bother to learn their language or follow any of the customs. She wanted to be a Lysene Princess. She might have felt like she didn’t belong in the royal Westeros court, but she was insanely loved by the royal family. We know Viserys loved her. His brother Aegon cared about her deeply. She was allowed to keep all her Lyseni clothes, items and servants (several rl examples don’t allow this). As my mom said, she had the king wrapped around her finger along with her husband. During the secret siege, King Aegon was willing to risk his life and his wife’s life just to protect Larra.
How different things would have been if she, at least, tried to learn the language, dress in Westerosi clothing or spent time with her noble subjects. I agree that the propaganda against her various religions wasn’t right. This wasn’t the deathblow. Her family embezzled funds. Several Westerosi lords lost their money, and the Iron Throne was in debt.  Imagine it, people lose the equivalent of their retirement, their children’s college fund or quite possible their whole life savings. The people of Lys received some compensation but everyone in Westeros didn’t get back a single coin. Yes, the lords in the Seven Kingdoms were unjust to punish her innocent brothers (who profited from their family’s wealth). However, remember Lys didn’t treat the rest of the Rogares any better (at least they were spared from becoming slaves). She only stayed in the Seven Kingdoms long enough for things to blow over in Lys. Then, she left with no regard for her husband, her brother-in-law or her children. Her reason for departing was mostly because she couldn’t be Lysene Princess in Seven Kingdoms. This brat doesn’t deserve much sympathy.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
Aaaaa and I don’t mind your responses to my long writings!! /gen I’m just happy that you’re reading them in the first place kdjfgkdffg— But please give your hands a rest-
Speaking of Ikevamp OCs!! Admittedly, I don’t know much about Freud, Salieri or Chaloner (from the other reblog posts), so I decided to look into them if I have the time >:D I MIGHT give a history lesson about them later--
I’ve also tried to make a comprehensible list of characteristics/things we’ve already got about Beethoven (who *cough* is already like,, half an OC if you squint-) And I’ve added some things of my own. As of right now, his Ikevamp self:
-Is headstrong, strong-willed, and proud
-Is impulsive, independent, and has a short temper
-Is a Grumpy Old Man™ with Grandpa Tendencies™ /aff
-Has a sharp tongue for insults and comebacks
-Values honesty, integrity, and virtue. He hates liars
-Really respects Mozart and hates Napoleon (lol-)
-Not afraid to speak his opinion, so if he doesn’t like you, you WILL know-
-Likes macaroni-and-cheese. I won’t elaborate. /J
-Loves walks in the forest and nature in general! He enjoys taking hikes, it’s a hobby of his :D During these walks, he’s able to clear his head and be inspired by the beauty of nature. He takes a walk around, even if the weather is bad. There was a time where he circled around in a park for hours, humming and composing in his head in pouring rain…
-If he ever were in the game, maybe he would be partially deaf?? Or at least have some hearing problems to pay homage to the real figure—
-Is pretty short,, He’s 5’3/162cm, so he’s grumpy AND short. The best combination /j /lh
-Doesn’t care about status. He was well-received by the Viennese aristocracy but he wasn’t subservient to them; rather, he regarded them as equals. So, he doesn’t see anyone above him or beneath him.
-His family is a touchy subject. For one, his father was an alcoholic, and he tried to exploit Ludwig as a child prodigy, wanted to make him the next Mozart. His father, also a professional singer, was a harsh teacher, "Every time Ludwig hit a sour note, his father's hands came crashing down on his son's with a loud, discordant thwack,” one writer states. He actually had eight siblings and was the second oldest, but only he and two younger brothers made it to adulthood. He deeply cares for his brothers, even though he didn’t approve of their wives- He and his sister-in-law Johanna Reiss hated each other, and he didn’t like his youngest brother’s mistress who would later marry him.)
-Is unlucky in love (Yes, sadly for the real Beethoven, he was pretty unfortunate in terms of romance- Beethoven first fell in love with a young countess named Julie [“Giulietta”] Guicciardi in 1801, but could not marry her because he was a commoner. His famous Piano Sonata No. 14, “Moonlight,” is dedicated to her. A few years later he met and fell in love with Josephine Brunswick, another countess, after he began giving her piano lessons. They would write a series of love letters, of which 15 by Beethoven survive, until her family pressured them to terminate the relationship. He was a hopeless romantic and fell in love many times, who in turn, got rejected each time. Though, it was mainly because of class divisions and marital statuses. He never married.)
I actually read the love letters he sent, and to my surprise, they’re,,, incredibly romantic?! Like legit, love letters are very private things to read in the first place, but even when I was reading his letters, I was like “Should I really be reading these…?” Asdfghjkl— His most famous love letter is the one called “The Immortal Beloved.”
I’m gonna give you some extracts from these love letters that I found really sweet- I hope you don’t mind!!
“My thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved I can only live wholly with you or not at all-
Be calm my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together… Oh, do continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.
“Beat only in silence, oh poor heart, you cannot do otherwise. For you, always for you, only you, eternally you, only you until I die. My solace, my everything. Oh Creator, watch over her, bless her days, all the adversity upon me first.”
“My angel, my very self… Why this profound sorrow, when necessity speaks — can our love endure without sacrifices, without our demanding everything from one another; can you alter the fact that you are not wholly mine, that I am not wholly yours? — Dear God, look at Nature in all her beauty and set your heart at rest about what must be — Love demands all, and rightly so… No doubt we shall meet soon; and today also time fails me to tell you of the thoughts which during these last few days I have been revolving about my life — If our hearts were always closely united, I would certainly entertain no such thoughts. My heart overflows with a longing to tell you so many things — Oh — there are moments when I find that speech is quite inadequate — Be cheerful — and be for ever my faithful, my only sweetheart, my all, as I am yours. The gods must send us everything else, whatever must and shall be our fate. 
—Your faithful Ludwig”
“What a life!!! As it is now!!! without you — pursued by the kindness of people here and there, a kindness that I think — that I wish to deserve just as little as I deserve it — man’s homage to man — that pains me — and when I consider myself in the setting of the universe, what am I and what is that man — whom one calls the greatest of men — and yet — on the other hand therein lies the divine element in man… However much you love me — my love for you is even greater — but never conceal yourself from me — good night — Dear God — so near! so far! Is not our love truly founded in Heaven — and, what is more, as strongly cemented in the firmament of heaven?”
“Even when I am in bed my thoughts rush to you, my immortal beloved, now and then joyfully, then again sadly, waiting to know whether Fate will hear our prayer — To face life I must live altogether with you or never see you… Oh God, why must one be separated from her who is so dear. Yet my life in V[ienna] at present is a miserable life — Your love has made me both the happiest and unhappiest of mortals…”
So, he’s a grump, but he’s actually really romantic in nature,,, A romantic grump if you will
Oh, on another note!! I tried to make a Picrew for a concept appearance, and I actually kinda like what I came up with! The Picrew’s really close to what I had in mind, but maybe I might try to draw him someday??
https://i.postimg.cc/G3xgBVsN/241783-5r-TPl-J0n.png (I’m really hoping the link works, kjdfngd-)
And a quick description of what I had in mind for his appearance!!
-He’s short, but his aura, appearance and demeanour make him give off the vibe that he’s taller
-Wavy middle-length to long length darkish-brown hair he keeps in a low ponytail
-He wears a red jacket! Admittedly, while the colour is a tie-in to the red of the German flag, I feel like it makes him stand out more,, He dresses up very modestly
-Piercing blue eyes framed by round glasses (Ngl, I debated giving him half-moon glasses, but I went with round ones-)
-Overall, he looks pretty stern and intimidating
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
I WOULD BE SO HERE FOR THOSE LESSONS AAAAA!!!!! BUT PLEASE REST YOUR HANDS TOO <33 (even though mine have issues whwahwahwah)
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senadimell · 2 years
CW: references to suicidal ideation Just saw this post about Romeo and Juliet, which brought something to mind when considering West Side Story as an adaption. Nobody has any parents. That was brought up more in the WSS 2021 movie (sometimes a little heavy-handedly), but reading the essay’s discussion of Lord Capulet’s shift to tyranny drove home the fact that parental absence is at WSS’s core. The kids are feral because society’s failed them.
Obviously, there’s a stronger familial net in the play’s fictional Puerto Rican community (compare what “America” or even “I Feel Pretty” suggests about the relative prominence and value of family in Maria and the Sharks’ lives compared what “Officer Krupke” suggests about the Jets’.) But still, Maria lives with her brother and sister-in-law, not her parents. The play is not so much about ‘two houses alike in dignity’ as it is about disenfranchised groups fighting for scraps because dignity is denied to one on the basis of race to one and on the basis of class* to the other. Neither has access to the “dignity” of middle class respectability, and parental absence underscores the fragility of these communities, though the reasons are different for both groups.
Anyways, I do think that parental absence is especially prominent in WSS 2021— compare Tony’s interaction with Valentina in “Something’s Coming” with Riff’s barroom gun purchase. Still not over the whiplash between the seriousness of the latter scene, where Riff shoves the his head into the barrel of a loaded gun without blinking and dares the man to do something, with the scene immediately following it where they’re all yelling “pow” and fake-shooting like they’re in a Saturday-morning cartoon. Like, you go from “wow, they have nothing to live for other than violence and they’re old beyond they’re years” to “these are children and they can’t fully comprehend that this isn’t a game.”
Parental absence is far less pronounced with Maria because she’s living with Anita and Bernardo, but I do think it’s significant that she’s defying her older brother and not her father, especially because it’s her brother who’s killed by the people he warns her away from but won’t/can’t stay away from himself. (And WSS 2021 makes it clear that while he really does enjoy the thrill of a fight, he also can’t stay away because his gang membership is born in large part out of the need to protect his community because no one else will). She responds to Bernardo’s commands with an attitude of “who are you to tell me what to do?” because he’s often telling her to stay away from things that he’s constantly surrounded with.
The full tragedy of this is driven home after he’s dead and leaves behind Anita as his functional widow. Anita previously served as a counterpoint to Bernardo’s controlling tendencies and in small ways, let Maria into the world he tried to keep her out of. Let’s just say you that the poignancy of “A Boy Like That” has a lot to do with the fact that Maria has a sisterly and not maternal relationship with Anita and is not a whole generation her senior, only a few years. (Still, still not over finally realizing that “a boy like that” is just as much about “a violent boy” as it is “a white boy” by the end of the song—fantastic job, Ariana Dubose).
So yeah. Cutting the parents has major thematic implications for what kind of story a Romeo and Juliet is telling.
*race may also factor into the Jets’ treatment but it’s been a while since I’ve got my hands on the book and I don’t want to project too much onto the play from Spielberg’s interpretation; still, accepting Irish and various south and Eastern European immigrants as an equal part of a “white” class was a gradual process but one I’m not informed enough about to speak about confidently, especially not the shifts from the 1920s to the 1950s and ‘60s, which is when the play really developed and was shown to audiences. I’m inclined to treat them primarily as working-class white as the play seems to, even if there are hints at lingering immigrant prejudice, because I see the play as largely taking place during a cultural shift in race relations that made the more important question “white or not white?” rather than WASP or not. I do think it’s interesting to consider the implications of the shift from East Side Story’s Catholic v. Jewish conflict with antisemitism underlying the story to West Side Story’s white/2nd-3rd degree immigrants v. Puerto Rican immigrant conflict with racism underlying the story, especially given the fact that the female equivalent of Maria was a Holocaust survivor who’d immigrated to New York from Israel, but that’s a story for another day (and requires far more research).
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