#batdad for life
bruciemilf · 7 months
"Dick is the golden child" I love that you love that, but I raise you this; This motherfucker barely behaves better than Ace. Barely. He's not even the silver egg.
Jason? On the other hand? Sure, he pretends dissapointing Bruce isn't a core fear. But he's afraid of letting Bruce down the same way you're afraid of making your mother mad.
A re-enactment of a normal day:
Dick: Okay, so, we severely fucked up this time.
Jason: [Screams]
Dick: But don't worry, I'm calling Bruce!
Jason: [SCREAMS]
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fanaticalthings · 19 days
Broke: "Dick Grayson was upset at a new kid taking over his mantle because he doesn't think Jason will be good enough as Robin"
Woke: "Dick is upset at Jason, not because he's suddenly taking over the mantle he created, but because Jason isn't nearly feral enough of a child to drive Bruce insane in Dick's place"
Dick: You wanna be my successor? Go swing from that chandelier right now.
Dick: As a matter of fact, I need to see you crawling all over the walls. Make a ruckus, break some furniture
Jason: But Bruce-
Dick: SCREW Bruce. Your job as my new brother is to make his life HELL. Why are you so polite? Why are you so calm? Where's your DRIVE, your PASSION, huh? You may be worthy of the title of Robin, but are you WORTHY of being my disaster brother?
Jason, a little scared: I dont-
Dick, scoffing: The youth these days just don't rebel like they used to.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Bruce teaching his kids martial arts: “now, when you’re in this position, you can break the knee if you want—”
Dick, whispering to Jason: “if you want??”
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samthechaotic · 5 days
I leave the batfandom for A WEEK then come back and find out that not only jason todd is dead AGAIN but *checks notes* he died an EMBARRASSING death??? and *checks notes* HE'S ALIVE???
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Bruce: [tired sigh] Damian got detention today
Tim: [not looking up from his phone] There's a shock
Dick: What happened?
Bruce: He told a group of classmates that the kids in Spy Kids are given Fruit Gushers filled with cyanide, to take in case their missions are compromised... [sighs again]
Dick, Tim and Jason: [all start howling with laughter]
Dick: I can't believe showing him that movie would have such a wonderful effect [wheezes]
Jason: Have fun explaining that one to the PTA, B. HA!
Dick, Tim and Jason: [start laughing harder]
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violent138 · 2 months
I can just see Bruce doing a mental tally of bad deeds each Batkid has committed before he announces who's in charge prior to leaving. Just a little scoreboard he keeps updating.
Also, I feel Bruce complicates leadership without him because he leaves different failsafes and access codes in the hands of different batkids. But it means they, being obnoxious siblings to one another, totally lord over their singular ability to access something over the others.
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nightwolf14292 · 1 month
"Why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding-?"
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ghost-bxrd · 19 days
The first mission the Court send their newly minted Talon on is an assassination attempt on the ward of one Bruce Wayne… Dick Grayson.
Calvin— can’t kill Dick. He can’t.
He didn’t know it would be the boy he grew up in the circus with they want him to murder in cold blood. He didn’t know— didn’t recognize him until the knife was already at his throat.
But he remembers now. And he won’t do it. Never. Never.
He’ll run. Disappear. Dick doesn’t know who he is, it’s better that way, and if he’s lucky the Court will be too busy hunting him to care about the failed assassination.
Unfortunately for Calvin, Dick does remember; Recognizes the Talon.
And he’s not inclined to let his childhood best friend slip through his fingers again after years of believing him dead.
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martyrbat · 2 years
where's bruce wayne giving his kids hugs that are a little too tight and a second too long after they let go because who knows when or if you'll be able to ever hug them again
where's bruce wayne who goes to his kid's recitals and school events when he can because he wants them to be able to see their father's face in the crowd
where's bruce wayne who hangs up and says i love you or that he's proud of them or to be safe because it can be the last thing he's ever said to them. the last thing they ever hear from him.
where's bruce wayne who is a nervous, over involved wreck because he knows how cruel the world can be
where's bruce wayne sucking in a breath and shaking anytime the phone calls because it can be the one to deliver fatal news
where's bruce wayne who's eyes water up when he realizes how much his children grown
where's bruce wayne who makes sure all his kids know they can always return back to the manor. for a day, for a lifetime, there's always a room. that they'll always have a place to stay and it'll always be their home too
where's bruce wayne who checks on his kids before going to bed, who visits the empty rooms too just in case and out of habit
where's bruce wayne who bandages his children's scrapes and bruises when theyre 20 because they'll always be his babies
where's bruce wayne who supports his children and let's them know they never have to be alone
where's bruce wayne who had his parents and childhood so violently ripped away from him that now he gets to be what he always wanted - a father.
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bibibusinessman · 4 months
Sports that the bat kids would do
Dick: gymnastics
Jason: shooting
Tim: cross country
Steph: equestrian
Cass: jujitsu
Damian: taekwondo
Barbara: wheelchair basketball
Duke: track
Kate: karate
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waywardducks · 10 months
Batman: *Walking into the manor after a day out doing Brucie things* What the-?
Damien: *hands over his ears, covered in glitter* Father, thank the Pit! You are home! Please stop them! They've been at this for two hours now.
Stephanie: *singing her heart out under a disco ball* Danger and dance! Clapping the hands
Dick: *swinging on said disco ball* ELECTRIC ELECTRIC
Tim: *sitting on Batcow (why is the cow in the house?) * When we’re out in this space! On the planet of the-
Jason: *with a hairbrush as a microphone, He’s also covered in glitter* BASS— Life, it never die
Duke: *not doing anything bad, just chilling* Women are my favorite guy.
Batman: *eye twitching, feeling his hair turn grey* Which TikTok trend is this?
*Later after everything’s been clean up.*
Batman: *in the cave doing casework.* tell the world, stop the war.
Batman: Fuck
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blehhmm · 1 year
*at a bookstore*
Jason: *grabs book of shelf, looks at Bruce* y'know if even awfully great child this yea-
Bruce: No you haven't.
Jason:*putting the book back, and mumbling* Get good grades they said, i'll buy you whatever books you want they said
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
You’re headcanon of Battinson crying when it comes to his kids makes me wonder what his reaction would be to Jason’s death. Like even in the comics it’s said that Jason’s death shattered and nearly killed him emotionally as well as physically as Bruce literally threw himself into his work and fighting crimes
But you’re headcanon makes me imagine that it would go a little further and just not go out as Batman and instead wonder the Manor maybe spend a lot of time in Jason’s room. I can see Bruce also clinging to Dick and becoming protective of him.
Yess, in canon comics after Jason died, Bruce withdrew himself from everybody, including Dick. He threw himself fully into crime fighting to the point where he disregarded his own safety and health.
And on top of all that, Dick also mentioned how Bruce basically got rid of any evidence that Jason even existed (I'm assuming photos, Jason's clothes, his books, etc) from his (Bruce's) bedroom. So comic Bruce clearly was so pained by Jason's death that he couldn't bear to even look at anything that reminded him of Jason. I have no idea what Bruce did to Jason's own bedroom but I'm assuming he never steps foot in it again.
Now as for Battinson, I think his reaction and grieving would be a bit different. Like anon said, I def think Battinson would cling more protectively to Dick and would spend long periods in Jason's room just mourning the loss of his son.
I also feel like he would sleep in Jason's bed and cry himself to sleep, imagining that he still has his son in his arms with him like all those times Jason sought him out after a nightmare or when he just wanted to cuddle with Bruce.
Comic!Bruce barely cried when Jason died (although it was still very obvious he was distraught over it), but I think Battinson would be the opposite and would cry at every little reminder of Jason, and unlike Comic!Bruce, would make sure to keep all of Jason's belongings where he left them (especially if they were left in Bruce's room)
In the comics, Bruce never told Dick about Jason's death, causing Dick to miss the funeral and making their relationship even more tense than before, however, I think battinson!Bruce would want Dick even more present in his life now that Jason has left a gapping hole.
This man just went through the most traumatizing and heartbreaking thing a parent can experience so of course he'd want to keep his remaining child with him at all times. I also feel like this would make Dick and him closer than ever (even if Bruce's helicopter parenting can be a bit much), since Battinson!Bruce would be more emotionally vulnerable and open, which would allow them to grieve together and maybe in a more healthy way.
Battinson!Bruce would dedicate so many charities and memorials to Jason, and would visit his grave all the time so he could read to him. In general, I still believe this Bruce would still close himself off, but only to people who aren't in his immediate circle/family.
The immediate aftermath of Jason's death would be absolutely devastating for him. If Death in the Family were to happen in The Batman universe, I need Battinson to let out the most heartwrenching cry when he comes across Jason's body, like i need him to be full body sobbing in the explosive aftermath of Joker's deeds. I need to see him viscerally torn apart as he clutches Jason's body tightly to his chest like how a parent would gently cradle their child to sleep. I just need it to be absolutely obvious that this man has just gone through something maybe worse than his own parents' deaths, and I want it to be known that Jason dying meant a part of Bruce died too.
It would hurt so much more considering Battinson!Bruce started off very closed off, and the only reason he came close to functioning like a healthy human was because his first sons broke down his walls and filled his life with a purpose other than serving vengeance. Dick and Jason would probably bring sm love back into his life, so imagine how badly he reacts when suddenly losing a large part of that? Bruce basically raised Jason, taught him almost everything he knew, and in turn Jason (and Dick ofc) taught Bruce how to love, and be a father, so it must've been so painful knowing he'll never get to see his baby grow.
I still think Battinson would pull a comic!Bruce and throw himself aggressively into crimefighting and detective work, except when he comes home he'll make sure to spend time with Dick, and maybe sit around in Jason's room, reminiscing all their memories together.
As for Jason's return as Red Hood? Lmao that man wouldn't dare lay a finger on his son, he would immediately tackle Jason into a loving embrace and cry his heart out after finding out his baby is alive
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Fantasy Justice League AU: Bruce is a half-Elven prince who chooses mortality over eternal life.
"But why," Thomas is never, ever quiet; His voice is booming, and usually cheerful, and wonderfully loud. He's not like Mama or like Alfred, whom Bruce inherited soft spoken power from. That's why they work. " You could live forever. With us."
"I know," Bruce is soft and steadfast both; Clark once complimented him about that, painting Bruce's cheeks red.
Right now, holding four little mortal boys, prey to an awful war, cradling what's left of their scrawny, famished bodies, Bruce doesn't feel powerful. He feels shamed. " But I want to die for them."
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Even more doodles inspired by the latest chapter of “flying without a body” on ao3
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