rubbish78 · 2 years
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Gerard Way just flapping his bat wings around live at Newark, NJ on 9/20/2022 (x)
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lady-severus-snape · 2 days
My brain is on fire with headcanons/prompts/plot bunnies.
🌠after getting Potter the memories he needed, Severus let himself slip away into the abyss. Finally, he could rest.
🌠Lily appearing in his minds eye. "Severus, I'm so sorry for being a shit friend. It's OK, let go of the past. You couldn't have known it was me that the prophecy spoke of." "But Lily-" "No, Severus Snape, you have done more than enough. Gave more than should have been asked. I want you to LIVE. Fall in love and be loved in return. Go. All will be well, I pinky promise" Severus ends up back in his body.
🌠magic sweeps him away and deposits him in another area. He comes to, people yelling and screaming out instructions, machines are beeping. He blacks out from the pain.
🌠you start your shift at the hospital, there is a new patient added to your rounds. You get the report from the day shift CNA.
🌠he is handsome despite looking like he had been through hell and back. Something took quite a chunk from his neck. Though you wasn't aware of a snake big enough that would deal that kind of damage, nevermind venomous....around these parts anyways.
🌠every night you started with him, Mr. Silver streak and ending. While cleaning and changing him, you noticed a wide singular streak of silver hair leading from his temple into his blue black hair.
🌠Severus felt like was floating, the pain a dull throb. He shouldn't be feeling pain if he was dead, right? It was weird, he could sense someone near him, the darkness brightened a little each time.
🌠there was something about Mr. Silver streak that kept you coming back to see him often during your rounds. And you would spend your break visiting, reading or singing a tune or another. Talking to him about your day and what is planned for him.
🌠severus felt himself lighten, he didn't know how much time has passed but he felt lighter and less burdened in his heart. One day, he heard the sweetest voice. He couldnt see where it was coming from or even answer.
🌠Severus realized it was on a schedule. He would hear their voice in intervals. They would talk to him, read, and even sing. He could feel them touching him, no hesitation, no disgust, soft, firm, gentle. They were bathing him. Severus blushed when he realized the feel their hands in his hair. Oh how he wished to see them.
🌠 Mr. Silver streak was responding well to therapy. His neck was recovering beautifully. It would scar tremendously and he would perhaps have difficulty speaking. You start to tell him tidbits of the world. The date, time, what new book was out or about this song that you were listening on repeat because it scratched your brain itchies the right way.
🌠About 6 months into your care, as your washing his hair he opens his eyes. You are so happy and excited. "Hello there sir" by the gods his eyes were dark like onxy. They shown with intelligence and something else as he glanced at you. "You are in Community Hospital. I'm (y/n), your CNA for night shift".
🌠Severus was absolutely breathless at the beauty he saw before him. He finally had a face to the voice that kept him company in the black void. Their chocolate eyes, so deep and warm. The curls of their hair framing their face. Was it as soft as it looked? Glowy sun kissed skin. The accent registed as American. He tried to speak but his throat was dry and lips chapped.
🌠you gently shush him "hey, don't strain and don't move too much. You've got a nasty tear into your throat. Might be awhile before you can speak." Severus sagged into the hospital bed, that's right. Nagini chewed into his throat at Voldemorts order. His eyes scanned the room he was in, white sterile walls faced him with boxes that made beeping noises. A muggle hospital.
🌠From there on, y/n was the ONLY one that Severus would allow to provide personal care. The others made his skin crawl and it wasn't a good of job anyways. The doctors were amazed at how quickly he woke from the coma. They didn't think he would come back.
🌠As time passed he got stronger, his voice slowly returned though it would forever have a rasp and lack volume. His favorite CNA held many conversations and discussions over the course of their shift. "Hi Sev! Ready to get changed? I got a new book to share with you" y/n greeted.
🌠When he was able to walk again, the first thing he did was hug y/n fully, the way he had wanted to when his eyes first landed them. He had fallen in love with y/n. When the dreaded day came for his discharge he waited until he saw you to leave.
🌠you were so happy when you heard the news that Severus was finally able to go home after being your patient for a whole year. You cried happy tears for him. "Severus! I'm so glad you get to walk out of here."
🌠you gave him your number and address so he could call, write, visit. He is so cute when he admits to not having a telephone but promised to write once he got settled. You two become the best of friends, calling each other....you always called him right after your shift ended and talked until you got home ok.
🌠Severus decided to stay in the US after going to the gringots branch there. Thankfully he had locked down his vaults and all his priceless possessions had been sequestered away.
🌠He started a new life, no masters, no potter brat, no teaching dunderheads. Pure bliss and relaxation and working on potions to his heart content. He was in the middle of bottling up an order when the phone rang. Looking up at the time, it was to early for y/n to call. Dread pooled into his stomach. Answering the phone his eyes hardened. Y/n was crying on the other end distraught. Quickly he asked where they were.
🌠Severus packs everything away and gets a taxi (he was still leary about apparition, his magic was still wonky after the whole thing). Arriving to the parking lot where he knew y/n always parked, he spots them crouched by the car, muffling their cries. Not only were they covered in questionable fluids, but through coaxing, they tell him that they are being sued for 'medical malpractice/neglict)
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animehalo7283 · 9 months
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I can't tell if I like the sketch or the final better...
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lucy-barbie · 29 days
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theaceofarrows · 2 months
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Bruce is constantly asking the kids what they like to eat so he can freeze dry their favorites into oblivion as apocalypse rations
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myshipsbesailing · 2 months
Dick, pointing to Jason's photo : This is Jason. He was our brother. He liked literature and was very good at school. People would've told you he was violent but he was the sweetest and would've never been on the wrong side.
Damian, who has seen Jason training in the League of Assasins to commit homicide and probably mass murder in Gotham : Okay
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91-1lover · 3 months
What if Damian and Tim love each other and even like? It's just more of a situation "Manipulating others is easier ". Maybe an example will help;
Damian: Father, May I go to Zoo today?
Bruce:No Damian, you're grounded.
Tim:Oh, that's bad. I could go with you to take photos of otter, but if you are not going I think I will stay too. What's a zoo without company. Maybe I will go with Kon next week.
Bruce *Super happy in a moment of thinking his youngest kids getting along*: If you two agree not to kill each other, Damian can go
Tim and Damian:*Knowing looks*
Or situation like;
Tim who has abandoned issues and is having fear of people leaving him: Dick is mad at me. Can you stab me so he will be in his mother hen mode Instead?
Damian who would like to have 5 minutes of peace from Grayson: Say no more
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
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i think this is the most normal brother moment they've ever had
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rubbish78 · 2 years
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Gerard Way and Ray Toro smiling at each other during ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You‘ live at Newark, NJ on 9/20/2022 (x)
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greenlandpissshark · 4 months
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lady-severus-snape · 3 days
Random headcanon scene bullet points in my mind......
🌠 Severus is your bf, your wizarding bf. It's stupid cheap for him to take a portkey (international or not) to visit you compared to your muggle money cost and absolutely REFUSES to let you spend it on traveling to him. You basically have to conspire with Minerva to pop up as a surprise. Usually when he in school.
🌠 you both met one day when walking down the street in downtown Chicago (the potion guild was being held there that summer) and you both crash into each other when a bicyclist pushed you and your merch boxes from the bar you worked out into him. After a million apologies and hauling him up (he was shocked at your strength). You invited him into the bar for a drink on the house to make up for it.
🌠 after wards he kept coming by, and only when you were on shift. His demeanor drawed you in. Despite the age (45 to your 30) you began to fall for him. He had an air of danger, his prickly snarky comments had you in stitches. He was equally drawn to you. He had never met someone who tongue lashed others almost as well as he did. Your banter was something he enjoyed.
🌠 you give give him your number, though he did sat that he did not own a celly phone (cell phone you corrected gently)
🌠 he breaks down and gets one, because summer was almost over and thinking about not being able to talk to you made him squirrelly. You teach him the basics on how to work the call function, texting, and video chatting.
🌠 When you saw his dark mark by accident (it had been a particularly hot and humid day, even with A/C so he had ditched frock coat and rolled up his sleeves), Severus just about came undone at the seams, his magic flaring and exploding the sound system. You hugged him into submission and softly cooed at him until he had calmed down enough to explain what he could. He kissed you hard and deep after you told him that the choices he made were based on the tools available to him at the time.
🌠 He asks you to be his woman, you accept and little by little insert yourself into his life, improving his quality of self and acceptance without judgment and patience. Besides you adored his goth/victorian/wizard look.
🌠 "Sev, why not tie your hair back? I like your silver streak". He starts stealing your hair ties and wears his hair like a man bun. "Where did you get that waist coat? It looks wonderful on you" wears more styles like it. "Baby, we can always get a cover up of the cult tattoo you have. Or I can show you the best skin foundation that can hide it. It's water proof and can only be removed with the formulated alcohol solution." Suddenly starts asking questions on muggle tattoos and artists as well as the foundation you suggested.
🌠 one day while talking to you via video chat, he hisses and grabs his forearm. He bids you goodbye. Sick with worry you keep your phone on hand and call off from work. He appeared in the middle of your kitchen bruised, bloodied, and battered,.completely messed up. You barely got his dead weight to the bathroom where you cleaned him up and treated his wounds to the best of your ability. You hadn't told him, but you started taking CNA courses incase. Plus work at the bar was getting old and tiresome (you had been attacked by patron who wouldn't take no for an answer or accept you had a man already)
🌠severus recovering and breaks down crying telling you EVERYTHING. You hold his hand and pet his cheek, listening and raging internally at his suffering. Tell him to bring the boys (Potter and Malfoy) there, you will take them in under your wing and hide the two . His love for you grows.
🌠 He begrudgingly accepts being passenger princess because he does not know how to drive a muggle car and you know the streets better than he does. He ends up learning that your job takes you to the seediest parts of the city thus having you teach him because there was no way he was going to allow his woman to drive late at night to get home from your private home care case while he twiddled his thumbs at home.
🌠 he gets adorably flustered when your on the phone with your spanish speaking mother. He knows when you're gushing about him because of how animated you get and the glances you give him. He secretly LOVES how you say his name with a Mexican accent.
🌠 One time he comes to visit you at your bartending gig. He sat in the corner as he watched you turn on your sex appeal to draw customers in but sees how expertly you keep yourself from their touchy Feely hands. He absolutely fucks you stupid after your shift because he realized you were wearing one of button up shirts he was looking for back at hogwarts.
🌠 your mother always grew muicle (mexican honey suckle) so when he met your mother and saw the gold mine of FRESH muicle (its magical properties were the shit in potions dried, nevermind fresh) , Severus just about married you on the spot much to the amusement of your mother. She took to calling him mijo whenever she talked to him in her broken english. When he asked what that meant, his heart melted.
🌠 his favorite pet names from you: amorcito, corazoncito, guero, corazon de melon, flaco, bonbon. His super fav is bebé.
🌠 you and your mother absolutely exploit the fact he is 6ft7in and has gigantic hands to mix the masa for tamales and tortillas. Severus being moody at Hogwarts during the school year because he can't have good rice and beans the way you or your mother make. He calls her ma now. That had been an embarrassing time for him. It had slipped out when he had arrived to your house for winter break and found only her. He is now her mijo and no one was telling her any different.
🌠 He discovered he enjoyed mexican hot chocolate, atole, menudo, pozole. Though his favorite was red mole. Sometimes when he goes back to work, your mother and you prepare some and freeze it and place it in a box that Minerva gave you for Xmas a last year. It will shrink at the tap of your hand and preserves whatever is inside. So when Severus finds it after unpacking in his quarters he whoops for joy and happily eats when he has had a dog shit kind of day.
🌠 Severus snapping at the entire staff because Albus Fucking Dumbledore is telling him to give up his attachment to you. Ends up cussing their asses out in Spanish AND English. He channeled your ghetto side apparently.
🌠 Harry and Draco calling your mother abuelita because it sounds better than gran/gram. Draco struggling to adjust to muggle living, unconditional love and Harry having an actual decent summer free of absuse and neglect. Abuelita's chocolate is the best, out ranks yours (the little shits ♥️)
🌠 Severus watching you beat the absolute dog shit out of Black during one of the few visits to him, because Black called him Snivellus while he ate the empanadas Ma sent with you. Black hides everytime he hears your voice.
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chaparro0456 · 3 months
Red hood : if you don’t tell what I want to know I’ll put a bullet in your skull
Criminal: Go ahead kill me I ain’t scared to die!
Robin: we can glue a jar full of rats to your stomach and blow torch the end so they only way they can escape by eating your stomach and crawl in your guts
Criminal and red hood: what the fuck-
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strange-birb · 10 months
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Had to when I saw the quote lol
I love Jason sm 😂
Og post @batfam-imagines
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
Gotham minimum wage is like 5x the national average to discourage people from getting PhDs
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 5 months
AU that the batkids are all serious and bat-like ONLY WHEN BATMAN ISN’T AROUND
Like when they’re on their own team/out of Gotham? Most respected, calm and serious person there. They have a plan and it will work. “Oh yeah I memorized all the exits and people here the second I entered, you didn’t?” That’s them.
But in Gotham w/ Batman? Pranks galore and singing on patrol, they forget to sleep and forget to eat. When Batman tells them their gonna have a longer patrol they all sigh and complain while trying to give other siblings their work in exchange for doing that sibling’s chore.
But nobody knows that they act like that!! Batman would say something like
“Gosh my kids blew something up I have to go,”
and Batman would respond
“Oh yeah you know them, always doing something their not supposed to”
JL: “NO?!”
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