#basically yep
eirianerisdar · 2 years
My twin and I taking about being autistic:
Me: remember when we got in the box the new refrigerator came in and rolled around the living room for hours
Her: but that’s just normal play
Me: But remember us memorizing the exact pattern of rolls and directions that worked and specifically avoiding rolls that would need us to reverse and we instinctively agreed on it without needing to speak about it
Her: Oh. OH. I remember us getting pissed if we messed up the pattern of rolling
Me: and when our younger sister joined us we kept getting frustrated because she didn’t instinctively know which way to roll the box and her weight was becoming a counterweight
Her: OH
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keferon · 3 months
Ahaha look. I made Megatron sing that villain song
And also:
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ghostbsuter · 21 days
It was Halloween, they were in Central City for some candy pickings (if their fathers know, it's too late, they're here and absolutely getting that stomachache in the morning once they're done here.).
Jon— Superboy had Robin in his grip, flying from apartment complex to houses, one ear out for flash, incase the hero accidentally stumbles upon them.
(He's doing some extra patrol, it was Halloween after all.)
It was spooky day and when they finally rest up on a roof, rummaged through their goods, did Robin and Superboy notice the glowing skull at the bottom.
It looked like it could be from gotham, honestly. It was creepy, dirty and Jon has it in his hands, studying and playing with curious spark in his eyes.
"Put that down superboy—! That's clearly cursed!" Robin warns, trying to take the skull, yet the other dances from reach.
"If I rub it 3 times, do you think I get 3 wishes?"
"Those are genies you're talking about, not skulls!"
Not waiting further nor listening, really, superboy rubs the skull 3 times and—
Nothing happens.
"Nothing. Will you pit the damn skull down now?"
Sighing, Superboy does so, until the skull starts glow.
And glowing it is, a bright green, frost growing along the ground and it was beginning to eat the entire apartment if they didn't do anything!
As the cool mist grows, they step and tense as a figure approaches through.
"Congrats, no idea how but you guys found Pariah Darks former skull! So much less work for me now."
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kamboree · 6 months
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ask-lu-wild · 7 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
"The body and face of this sculpture are in idealized youth, with plump cheeks and round face, and his hair is usually unkempt..his youthful appearance, large eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead are some of the iconography that can be used to identify him"
^ this quote is genuinely still fucking plaguing me. THIS IS LITERALLY SEB???? LIKE LITERALLY 2010 SEB SPECIFICALLY????? It is actually fucking me up how it is literally quintessentially Seb. Like big eyes...plump cheeks and round face...unkempt hair...pouty lips...okay okay okay!!!! And that Antinous is basically the peak perfection of pretty boy from that time, I'm like, yeah that's Seb to me 🥹🥹🤧🤧
But god the "youthful appearance, big eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead" Does that quote not evoke pictures like these in your head???????
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I feel so unwell about it 😭😭 I am going through it 😭😭
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barissoffee · 2 months
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sesamenom · 7 months
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Ringlord High King of Everything Elrond, inspired here
I imagine in this situation elrond would have been partially tempted by boromir's declaration, but instead of trying to fight sauron with it (because even in the weirdest crack au i can think of elrond is still too genre-aware to try that) he tried to use it to supercharge his use of vilya and protect everyone.
basically Ringlord!Elrond turned the entirety of Eriador into a mega-gondolin situation: massive walls (courtesy of numenorean/eregion tech) around the regions bordering the north or Mordor, fortresses along the mountain range and several layers of gates along every road in or out. Everybody goes in; nobody goes out; everyone is safe.
and he ended up claiming the kingship to give him more authority in the process - he's High King of the Noldor and Sindar and King of the Edain (given that there are like three half-vanyar in middle-earth, he's more or less king of all children of iluvatar) and so he can have command over the entirety of the West.
and with the help of the Ring, this actually works! but the corruption starts to show eventually
he uses his kinship to Gondor to forcefully drag them into his neo-gondolin-empire-creation so he can ensure none of his great-nephews will ever have to face sauron. he extends the walls to encompass Mirkwood, because he's the high king of the sindar and has a duty to protect thranduil's realm, and unleashes the full might of his melian-lite powers to purge Sauron's Shadow and the spawn of Ungoliant from the now-Greenwood.
Galadriel and Glorfindel very much see where this is going and are very very worried. galadriel won't let him build walls around lothlorien (because she lives next door to a balrog and knows exactly what happened to gondolin) but celeborn thinks it's a good idea, since after all Doriath wouldn't have fallen if Melian's girdle had still been up. glorfindel tries to talk him out of it but the ring has taken hold
the Ring's power also enhances all his natural weirdness and powers - he has his wings and maia markings permanently activated now, with or without finwean anger. he can fully shapeshift, and he goes from raising waves in the bruinen to raising tsunamis in the great sea.
except the finwean anger seems to be permanently activated now, too, and anyone who harms someone he's deemed under his protection finds themselves the target of a rather ironic vengeance quest. the shapeshifting is looking weird now - his teeth are always sharp now, and his eyes have gone fully inhuman. sometimes he has claws and his wings look more like bats than eagles. and his water powers are more like osse's- he can't calm the waters now (goldberry is the first to notice something's up) and can only stir them into massive ship-sinking storms and tsunamis.
this progresses until he's basically Evil Luthien ruling over a continent-wide Mega-Gondolin, slaughtering orc-hordes before they even reach the white walls and sinking any naval fleet Sauron tries to send around the coast. Everybody is brought in; nobody leaves; everyone is safe...?
he figures out that the dwarven legend of "Durin's Bane" has to be one of the few first age balrogs thats still unaccounted for. and well, it's living right on his border, and he can't risk another fall of gondolin, right? so he leads a small force in there to clear moria, and they shove the balrog off the edge, but it takes one of his captains (except glorfindel) with it (maybe erestor?) and he uses the ring and saves erestor, (and maybe floods the balrog for good measure), and glorfindel is sure he saw elrond's eyes go yellow for a moment.
and even fully corrupted, he knows he can't take the ring directly into mordor. but he can wipe out sauron's armies outside the walls, to protect his kingdom - because turgon's mistake was thinking he was safe even when there were balrogs and dragons and orcs outside, right?
somewhere along the way, arwen realizes what's happening and goes to live with galadriel. one of the twins goes with her; the other stays out of loyalty but eventually follows.
elrond's kingdom has become a cross between doriath and gondolin now, with all the surrounding lands warped by ring-magic to hide it, and layers of stone walls and iron gates preventing anyone from leaving. because everyone is here; nobody leaves; everyone is... safe?
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goatsghost · 8 months
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i know this old news by now, but the fact that this issue could’ve been so cool if they actually took all the batkids’ strengths seriously and hadn’t taken out the two most op bats out in one punch — they really missed out on some amazing fight scenes
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bpdohwhatajoy · 5 months
I’m not gonna fight for people who don’t even try to keep me
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nelkcats · 1 year
Amity break the silence
What? what made this city so special?, the Justice League wanted to understand
After years of unsuccessful investigation, the Justice League managed to contact the reluctant people of Amity Park, who took themselves as independents, claiming that they did not need heroes since they had defended themselves long before the League existed and the government accepted their political independence in exchange of giving them nothing.
The League did not understand this, why were they forbidden to pass? Why did all their reconnaissance missions fail the second they entered? (Amity is a small town after all, they do recognize each other, this was never going to be helpful) after years of trying to ask the government itself the League was offered a bit of information.
The villagers invited them to see a tradition in the town, something private, just so they could understand a little what was happening. They forbade cameras and information release but they were advised to bring a magician and a curious enough member to the event, of course they were refused to interfere in everything that happened.
The League was surprised by this information but they agreed; when they got to the place Constantine was almost hysterical by the amount of death aura everywhere, the Amity Parker's denied and motioned for him not to say anything. This was directly the veil to the afterlife after all.
In the center of the city, 91-year-old Dash Baxter was smiling, and saying goodbye to his family, the League tensed at this, but the old man only dismissed their concern "It's my time" he whispered affectionately, and smiled at everyone who was reunited "I shouldn't keep him waiting so long."
Slowly and calmly, the old man sat down in one of the armchairs in the old park, right next to a flower-filled but nameless memorial grave, with a smirk he looked at the teenager who had appeared next to him the moment he moved closer to the grave "Did you finally come for my Fenturd?" He questioned mockingly.
The League was shocked at the suddenly emergence of a brilliant teenager, his appearance screaming "other world" but his demeanor calm and humane ; with a sad smile and a hand extended to the old man the boy spoke "We've had our good times Dash, but time always runs out, you're the last of us right?"
"Yeah, it was a good life you know? Even if I had to see Kwan and Pauli holding your hand first" the old man commented looking fondly towards his grandchildren, who were holding back tears "Do you know where I'll go now?"
"Well, I was hoping you'd tell me, but wherever you're going, I know I'll walk you there" the teenager stood up from the bench, taking the old man's hand gently.
"Yeah, I guess so, Kwan and Star are waiting on one side and Pauli on the other?" He questioned sadly, as if he was torn between impossible decisions, which he probably was.
"Yes, Paulina is beyond where I can reach her, will you go with her or will you come with us? Even if you decide to stay, you'll see her again when you fade away, so don't be so quick to decide, ¿eh? I know you're impatient."
"I don't know, it's still a pretty tough call, but before that" he looked at the League and then at the teen, assessing "I need to say, you're a good hero Phantom"
"Uh, that's something you haven't told me in years, back when you were a fan" the boy blushed a bright green, ignoring Dash's mutterings about remaining a devoted fan "Why bring it up now?"
"Because the new heroes need to learn that there are moments where it's not just about saving, but also saying goodbye, their circumstances aren't the same, but even they will have to say goodbye to their cities at some point" he sighed, his exhaustion was easily visible, reflecting in the old age of his face.
"You're being a bit harsh Dash" Phantom chided, though not entirely disagreeing "I was only given the privilege of accompanying you all, I don't think they will get the same treatment"
"Maybe I am, but you could have not done this you know? You always had the choice to run away from Amity, say goodbye, never look back; instead you stayed behind all the years, watching everyone you knew go extinct, how everyone ages while you continue the same until of your acquaintances only I remain, and even with the pain that everything causes you, you took the hand of each one of us, you accompanied us, you met our children, you were part of the lives of our grandchildren, always the first to arrive and the last to finish crying"
"Maybe it was out of selfishness, maybe I wanted to follow them to the other side too, hoping to find a peaceful end."
"Maybe, that doesn't mean that you never left Amity to her fate, even with all the threats to the world everywhere, you stayed here and I think that no one deserves a rest as much as you but you refuse to do so"
"Maybe Amity is all the world I need," Danny shrugged, "and rest would take it off my hands when I'm not ready to let go yet."
"Always the humble" the old man sneered "fine, have it your way"
Very few of the League guests could hear the conversation, but Superman seemed on the verge of tears as they watched as the old man closed his eyes satisfied with his last words, his breathing slowed and his heart stopped beating.
Slowly the teenager bent down to kiss the old man's forehead, keeping their hands together as a feeble spirit rose from the aging man, Phantom took the newly formed shadow's hand and motioned for it to come forward to his side, with an endearing expression in his face.
The last thing the heroes could see were the guiding lights illuminating Amity Park houses where both spirits were passing, until both simply faded from view.
"Oh" for the first time, Constantine seemed to be at a loss for words "That's why you didn't want us here" if anyone had paid attention, they would know how touched he was.
"That was Phantom" the old man's daughter smiled, wiping away the tears that had stubbornly remained in her eyes "Amity's first ghost, the only hero, who accompanies each one of us until the end"
"He lives in Amity?" Constantine questioned, still in shock.
"Yes, you could say, he lives in both Amity's" the woman replied with a small laugh "On the other side of the veil, where all the spirits that once inhabited this place are, and here, protecting us from everything, is a good boy"
"But, he's just a boy" Flash whispered, wanting to deny the existence of anything like ghosts, but Constantine's sad appearance or Zatanna's gaze didn't help his case.
"Don't let his appearance fool you" denied a girl next to the woman "Phantom has existed long before the League, when heroes were dangers and children dreamed of reaching Mars, did you want to know why we stay here? Why did the government agree to leave us alone?" She pointed to the spot where Phantom and the spirit vanished "For him, they put a bounty on his head long ago, so when they begged for help with their strongest threats, he refused."
"Why would they ask him for help?"
"Because he was the first hero, but he preferred to save Amity before the world" pride could be heard in the girl's voice "He made a deal with the government more or less, they leave us alone and in exchange if a universe level threat falls right here, he will take care of it"
"I don't know how helpful a kid would be," Flash muttered, still hesitating, but he was heard.
"Don't underestimate it, your strongest enemies are nothing more than mindless thieves to us" a boy from the crowd crossed his arms "to him, they are like children playing with plastic weapons"
"I understand" Constantine ended the conversation "thank you, for letting us see- all this, it's beautiful; someday do you think he will also take hands with someone from out of town?"
"I don't know, but if you die here after staying with us for a while, well, maybe he'll agree to accompany you too" the old man's daughter spoke again, the woman's eyes were warm, gentle even to him, a damned soul. "He already thinks you are good guys, or the barrier wouldn't have let you in"
"Was there a barrier?" Zatanna was in shock, she hadn't even felt a bit of it, it was impossible.
"Yes, all over the city, but that doesn't matter, are you satisfied with your information?"
"We are, we'll stay away from Amity" Constantine nodded, paying no attention to the protests from the paranoid heroes behind his back or the complaints about having more help on planetary threats.
"Thank you, and Constantine? You're one of the good guys too, remember not to forget that; when the time comes for the veil to part for you, I'm sure the Ghost King will pray for a peaceful end to your soul."
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chrisrin · 2 years
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here’s a health to the company and one to my lass 🎶
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hhhhleb · 23 days
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sky & ocean
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jessieren · 22 days
Following on from last weeks discussion about Evans Disney Princess waistline and which princess he would be.... I present to you the following:
(aka Jess has given this waaayy too much thought and was avoiding doing any work on a Sunday...)
1. Belle - head in a book…
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2. Cinderella - wicked stepmother, rags to riches, looks fabulous at a ball…
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3. Sleeping beauty… (do you need an explanation)
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4. Ariel (who just wants to be a real Thursday)
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5. Rapunzel - fabulous hair and imprisoned.. (get it?)
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6. Frozen...hmmm, maybe not then...
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And finally… Ok... not a princess but still a fairy tale...
7. Goldilocks anyone??
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
2012 brothers laugh headcanons
Can laugh at literally anything
You know he's laughing if his shoulders are shaking (lmao me)
His laughs are sometimes quiet
But when he does full out laugh he's the type to slide down on to the floor (like me frfr)
Like, knees stop working, he will sink tkt he floor
The person that's beside him automatically just pulls him back up
Has the loudest laugh
Would grab people when he laughs
Like, you're just standing next to him and he would grab your arm
Struggles to breath (literally me)
Has a tea kettle wheeze thst makes everyone laugh even harder
Pls let this man breath
Very polite when he laughs
His eyes would always go wide when someone tells a joke
He covers his mouth when he laughs (like me again)
Would snort if something really funny surprised him (he's a bit embarrassed about it but Casey and April loves it when he does that, it means theor jokes are real funny)
Literally copies peoples laughs (omfg me)
Like, if he spends a bit too much time with Leo his laughs are hard to hear
If he hangs out with Raph his laughs are loud
One time he accidentally snorted real loud like Donnie and the two just stared at each other in absolute horror (actually happened to me irl)
His laigh just changes or adds an element of another person's laugh
Laughs like "HA—!" and just shakes violently trying to gasp for air
He's the type that slaps his knees when he laughs
You can hear his lungs collapse
I can't explain it but she laughs like... Backwards (me again, omfg)
Instead of releasing air she's sucking it in
She sounds like she smokes
Someone pls help her
But the brothers + casey and karai find her laugh cute
Laughs silently (i am literally projecting in these silly guys)
Like you would see her clutchibg her stomach from how hard she's laughing but you could not hear it
She shakes when that happens
You know she's laughong too if she's gasping for air
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s-c-l-n · 1 month
sakuatsu psychological warfare against each other when one is mad at the other
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