#barbatos Knows but he plays along with it for the funny
misc-obeyme · 3 days
Okay, this is very much specific to myself, but whatever 🫶 What would Barbatos think of an MC that is always dressed up. VERY dressed up. For instance; I'm going to school in a petticoat, two skirts, two shirts, and a full corset... that kind of dressed up.
Like, on one hand, I think he'd really enjoy it, but on the other, I feel like he'd be constantly worried. They're NEVER dressed for the weather, they're NEVER dressed for comfort, and what are they supposed to wear to formal events when they dress like this on the daily?
He'd probably grumble about it to a bit but ultimately still adore their style and offer to make them something for those formal events.
And on the other side of the spectrum, an MC who is never dressed up at all! I'm taking hoodies and sweatpants all the time.
I'm guessing he'd respect them for their choice of comfort over style but also want them to be just a tad more formal around Lord Diavolo.
Put em together and a typically fancy MC being casual only for Barbatos?
We got that phone call from Barbatos in either his most recent or second most recent card, where he's wearing casual clothing, and we get his reaction to MC's reaction. (I hope you know the call I'm talking about because I can not find it for the life of me)
He'd totally be touched to be one of the few MC is casual around!!
I'm almost embarrassed about my reaction that phone call. It's the one called "Out of Character Teatime" and it's from the UR+ Wind Spirits & Surprises, which is his anniversary UR card.
It's great no matter what dialogue option you choose, but there's one where he talks about how he's waiting for you just as himself and not as a butler. And THAT always makes me silly.
But he also ends that call by saying he'll receive you in whichever type of clothing you prefer. Which I found accurate but also funny. I mean, he's basically saying he'll dress formal or casual depending on your preference. And I'm over here like... what if my preference is that you wear whatever you want, huh???
But along those lines, he's all about MC doing whatever they're happiest doing. So I think he'd be happy no matter what style MC chose, as long as they're doing whatever makes them most comfortable.
I think he would absolutely appreciate an MC who dresses up a lot, though. He'd be happy to make them outfits any time and he probably loves to see them wearing something he made.
He would also make clothes for a casual MC. I kinda see him making all kinds of hoodies and such. He's versatile, you know?
And either way, I think he'd be worried about MC being dressed for the weather. Like he appreciates your dedication to style, but really it's going to be cold and you need to wear a jacket. Might also scold you about it if you do it too often or if you actually get sick because of it.
There's very much this secretive aspect of his character, but it's more than just him keeping epic plot-changing secrets. There's also him kinda hiding his true self, too. He plays the part of a butler, but that isn't what defines him. He's a butler, but more than that, he's a person. A being with feelings and needs and times when he isn't perfect. And I think if he was to encounter an MC who revealed that side of themselves to him, no matter how that manifests, he would feel loved and trusted. Just like he loves and trusts MC enough to let them see him in a casual state.
Here I go writing Barb essays again lol.
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majoliish · 1 year
imagine showing any of the celestials that stupid little illusion that makes it look like youre pulling your thumb off and they all collectively lose their SHIT. like freaking out, yelling at solomon for teaching you dangerous magic, asking why youd ever do such a stupid thing, only for you to put it back and theyre just so baffled. once its been explained, diavolo and mammon would be enamoured, begging you to show them the trick behind it.
by extension. telling one of them youve "got their nose" and running off, only for them to chase after you and demand for it back. luke just straight up bursts into tears.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
You ARE The Father! (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
After getting back to the human world you realized you were pregnant. You decided to keep it a secret during your relationship. After having the baby/babies for a few weeks, you finally decide to tell your demon baby daddy.
»Characters: Demon bros // -> [Part 2: Dateables] Now available!
»Tags: Female reader/MC, Unplanned pregnancy, Humor/fluff, Bulleted Style Fic
»Note: Sorry it's kind of long. Also I imagine the babies all heavily resemble their dads. 🥺♡ I might make a part two with Diavolo and Barbatos but they will be short stories. Well, maybe. Lol
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"That's not funny."
Didn't believe you because how could you keep that sort of secret for months from him
You sent him a photo of you holding a very unamused baby boy with black hair and red eyes
The Avatar of Pride has fainted. I repeat, he has fainted
Didn't pack or say anything to his brothers once he woke up, he just bolted out the house to find a magic seal to travel to the human realm
Quickly let Diavolo know why he canceled their meeting whilst on the way to you
He arrived disheveled, man was sweating lol
Anyway he immediately reached for his child and cradled him
His baby's horns and wings popped out!
Barely wanted to talk to you at first, you wounded his pride...Did you think him unfit? Did you think he wouldn't accept?
He would've been there for you no matter what, it pained him that you went through everything alone
Promised to be there from now on
He hugged you and the baby "...I love you two. ♡ Come live with me. You two won't ever be in need."
Dia and Barb visited shortly to see Luci's baby!
His baby slapped everyone in the face at some point
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"Ha! That's a good one! I always loved ya sense of humor!"
Really thought it was a joke
You decided to surprise him in person instead
You got permission from Dia to visit
You had only told Lucifer ahead of time about the surprise visit but not why
When you knocked on the door holding the white-haired baby girl Lucifer had to do a double take
"Is this..."
He smiled and excitedly held her for a minute before returning her
"Excuse me" Lucifer said as he closed the door
yeah the baby started crying
You could hear the loud commotion inside
The door swung open and Mammon stared in shock along with the rest of the family behind him
He cuddled his baby girl and gave her so many kisses
You guessed it, the baby sprouted horns and wings after being held by him
Was upset at himself for thinking you were joking
He demanded you move in right away
"Nothin' will break this family. I got ya both! Daddy will take care of y'all! "♡
His baby girl managed to grab his wallet and wouldn't let go
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"As if..."
Was skeptical...him? A dad? He always thought Mammon or Asmo would be first
He didn't know anything about being a dad but he was getting more excited the more he thought about it
You wouldn't lie to him about that right? RIGHT?
But why didn't you tell him sooner!? He could've been there for support like you always supported him!!
He texted you saying he would be visiting soon
He made a quick phone call to Dia for help getting to the human world
"Yeah let's not tell Lucifer yet heheheh"
He hurriedly grabbed a few figures and collectibles to go pawn off...kids are expensive!
After selling some things he bought some baby stuff and a gift for you...the mother of his child!!
When he finally made it to the human world he cried when he held his own purple-haired baby boy
The baby cried too lmao
The baby shifted into demon form & Levi wailed even more at his beautiful copy+paste baby
Both stopped crying when you played some anime on the tv
"I-I have a ring for you...w-will you marry me? I'll be the best husband and dad I can be!" ♡
He was planning on asking anyway; this just sped things up
He wasn't sure but he thinks his kid was giving him the stink eye when he was taking too much time with you...jealousy!?
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"You're telling me this now?"
Yeah he was angry
He had a hard time believing it but he knew you wouldn't lie about something like that
After the call, he grew excited and couldn't wait to visit
Told Lucifer what was going on ASAP and he let him go to you
He tried to read as much as he could from parenting books while on the way to you
He brought some gifts and offered to let you nap while he bonded with his daughter
Yeah she shifted into demon form after being held by him
He cooed at her, brushing her blonde hair lightly, remembering his own birth
"Daddy might've been an accident, but you're definitely not. Just a beautiful surprise. ♡"
He would do anything you asked of him, he just wanted to take care of his own little family
"Hey listen to me...I won't ever let you two down. I swear it.♡"
His daughter angrily yanked the new kitty plushie from his hands and smacked him before giggling
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"Ahaha...riiight. That's not the first time someone's tried that on me! And triplets!? "
He loved you but that was a weird joke to pull so many months later
Seriously, triplets? You had to be joking!
You were a little hurt but you kind of understood his reaction
Either way you wanted Asmo to meet them and decided to do a surprise visit
You contacted Dia for help and Barb escorted you safely to the Devildom (it was hard moving around with 3 babies!)
You nervously waited with your babies at Dia's castle while they summoned Asmo first before the other brothers
"Lord Diavolo, I'm he-" you heard Asmo gasp
He froze and took in what was in front of him
"You weren't joking!?"
He sobbed and cried out apologies to you, as he tried to figure out how he could pick them all up (sorry only two at a time!)
You handed him the two girls and watched as they shifted into demon form in his arms
Mini Asmos!
He excitedly talked about all the different outfits you could all wear and match as a family
You took one of the baby girls and handed him the boy and watched as he too shifted
"You're my family! My big beautiful family! Papa will make you all proud! I'll work SO hard!♡"
The other brothers happily joined the gathering a few minutes later
Every time someone picked up one of the babies, they were happy and friendly!
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"Huh? What? What do you mean? ... I'M COMING."
Mixed emotions: Anger for not telling him. Excited that you had his child. Sad that he wasn't there to support you on the journey. Happy overall for his new family.
He wasted no time after you told him, he called on Lucifer to let him go to the human world. His brothers caught wind and wanted to go too.
Teared up when he saw you standing and holding his baby boy, he gave a big soft family hug
Was surprised and excited when his baby shifted into demon form when he held him
It was a mini him!
He was absolutely in love with his new family
"I will give you both everything. No matter what. I will take care of you two, always.♡"
Wouldn't stop doting on you two
Growled when Belphie wanted a turn to hold his baby...he might've been a little too protective
But everyone did get a turn eventually
His baby bit/nibbled everyone at some point
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"Twins!? Mine!? When!? You should've said something!"
Was upset you kept it from him. Scared because what if he fails you and them? But was happy to have his own little family
As soon as he hung up, he quickly called Lucifer for help and had Beel accompany to the human world
Freaked out because what do babies need? What did you need? He hurriedly bought ready made baby gift baskets hoping it would help somewhat
Each step towards your place was nerve wracking and exhilarating
Having Beel there soothed him a little so he was thankful
Belphie thought you looked so beautiful standing there holding his twins in little cow print onesies
He nervously held both and teared up when they shifted and they looked so much like him
The baby boy started crying and he freaked out
"Yeah he cries a lot. The girl however is very quiet and sleeps easily."
Belphie hummed a lullaby and soothed his son who rested happily on him.
"This is better than any dream.I will do my best to make you and them proud.That's a promise.♡"
Beel patted his back letting him know he had him and the others
His babies seemed to like cuddling a lot. They really liked holding fingers tightly.
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⬦You might also like: MC Feeling Insecure︱Waffle House︱Coconut
*Super long* Authors Note/Ramblings: Moved those notes to my AO3 journal lol
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l3viat8an · 1 year
MC (specifically my MC) carries around a spray bottle filled with regular water that they’ve convinced the brothers is holy water (with the help of lucifer who pretended to be in agony when MC sprayed him with it) that they keep in a holster attached to their belt to keep the brothers in line. Mammon is trying to steal from his brothers again? MC only has to reach for the spray bottle holster and Mammon is practically running to return the items. Levi is being mean to Mammon again? Show him the spray bottle with a knowing look and he’ll apologize. Asmo is acting feral horny again? Just mention the spray bottle and he’ll leave you alone long enough to get some work done. Beel…doesn’t really do anything worthy of a spray that I can think of. Belphie won’t loosen his death grip on you long enough for you to get up to pee? Whisper “I’m going to get the spray bottle” into his ear and he’ll wake up immediately to let you go. Why use pacts when you can use a spray bottle filled with “holy” water.
I love this cuz MC can even pretend to have Luke or Simeon bless the water to make it holy right in front of the brothers!!-
It would also be so funny if Barbatos plays along too-
Like he knows it not holy water but if Diavolo isn’t listening or something Barbatos will ask MC if he can borrow the ‘holy water’ spray bottle and suddenly Diavolo is hurrying right back to his paperwork hskshs
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gffa · 11 months
I’ve been playing GENSHIN IMPACT for over a year now and reading a bit of fic here and there, mostly of the Tartali and Zhongli&Venti variety, but then Sumeru hit and oh hey Alhaitham is an amazing unit in a quickbloom team and then Kaveh hurricaned his way into my heart and oh no suddenly I was in love and absolutely tearing my way through every bit of Haikaveh I could get my hands on because christ there’s no way Hoyoverse isn’t writing them that way on purpose. I mean, I’m already a sucker for Old Married Couple type bickering, but then you give me the undercurrent of how much they genuinely mean to each other? How much Alhaitham is genuinely caring about how self-destructive Kaveh is? How Kaveh just absolutely will not shut up about Alhaitham, even the other characters are like “You talk about him so much that it’s like he’s been here with us all night.”? Yeah, of course I fell in love. So, here, cry about a gacha game having beautifully designed characters with just the right types of personality and funny banter that know how to knock me the fuck out with both delight and genuine feelings about idiots in love. Or just old elemental grandpas who annoy the shit out of each other because they’re both several millennia old and nobody else understands their weird friendship. I’m having a great time and I’m going to make that everyone else’s problem. GENSHIN IMPACT - CHILDE IS 10000% CASUALLY UNHINGED OF COURSE HE WANTS TO NOT JUST FIGHT A GOD, HE WANTS TO FUCK A GOD: ✦ Set in Stone by seredemia, childe/zhongli & childe’s family, 115.4k wip      What do you do when you write about a certain six thousand year old consultant so much in your letters that it somehow convinces your entire family you’re not only dating each other, but that you’re also engaged? In Childe’s case, the answer is plain and simple: he goes along with it, of course. Absolutely nothing can go wrong if he makes a contract with the God of Contracts, vowing that the two of them will pretend to be lovers for the duration of his family’s stay in Liyue. Afterwards, they’ll return as normal and speak no more of this mess. No feelings or complications involved whatsoever. ✦ the wind through the mountain tops by glassdrachma, childe/zhongli & venti, 25.5k      Boredom brings Barbatos of Mondstadt to bother a certain ex-Archon of the Earth. ✦ my faceless self, alone by recursion, childe/zhongli & guizhong, 7.2k      There is one lone glaze lily left, shining brilliant blue in the depths of Dihua Marsh. Zhongli kneels over it as Xiao looks on. “The contract is fulfilled,” he whispers. He takes his mask off with trembling fingers and sets it aside. 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There is nothing suspicious to see here. ✦ A New Mission by Kuranoa, childe/zhongli, NSFW, 2.8k      “Sensei, have you ever bedded anyone?” Childe asks, chin resting on his hand while he observes the flawlessly elegant way Zhongli drinks from his teacup. “I have not.” The Archon answers just as frankly, not even batting a lash. “Would you like to?” ✦ Trial And Success by woahiohioh, childe/zhongli, NSFW, read the tags, 6.7k      Or: Childe asks Zhongli if he can tie him up and they both discover they’re into some things they didn’t know about beforehand. ✦ C.P.R. by silverid, childe/zhongli, NSFW, read the tags, 3.3k      It’s something straight out of Childe’s fantasies. “Don’t worry, xiansheng.” he chokes out. “I’ll show you.” Zhongli’s eyes go half-lidded. “Well then. Direct me.” GENSHIN IMPACT - LET ROCK GRANDPA’S FRIENDS BULLY HIM IT’LL BE SO FUNNY: ✦ rex lapis is totally undeniably dead! by arataka, zhongli & hu tao, 1.7k      when zhongli comes into her office and tells her, “rex lapis is dead” paired with the most serious face she’s ever seen him wear, hu tao laughs at him. GENSHIN IMPACT - YOU EVER LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH YOU WANT TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE? YEAH THAT’S HAIKAVEH: ✦ handle with care by smallghosts, alhaitham/kaveh, 2.4k      Kaveh may be a thorn in Alhaitham’s side, but he’s his favorite one. ✦ Slip of the Tongue by LONEMOON, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno, NSFW, 9.6k      Kaveh is inflicted by a curse that makes him only able to tell the truth. For someone who’s fairly honest and wears his heart on his sleeve, this shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Unfortunately, he has some feelings he’d like to keep hidden… ✦ theory and practice by alcyonenight, alhaitham/kaveh, 3.9k      Kaveh falls ill. Alhaitham works through some things. ✦ too many nights by effervescentskies, alhaitham/kaveh, 4.8k      Kaveh keeps coming back home drunk in the middle of the night. Alhaitham is not pleased. ✦ itni khafa nahin by solarclimes, alhaitham/kaveh, 2.4k      Rtawahist scholars have a curious theory about parallel worlds, where the stars of a person’s constellation are weaved in slightly different ways, creating an infinite number of universes where they make different choices, lead different lives. He had told Al-Haitham about it once, who had declared it outlandish and based on pure conjecture, but Kaveh had found the idea interesting. Perhaps, then, there exists a world, where Kaveh’s life isn’t so at odds with him. 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Even if Alhaitham lives through a thousand samsaras, he will never forget this. ✦ modus vivendi by katraa, alhaitham/kaveh, NSFW, 3.5k      Kaveh has a sprained wrist, his roommate is insufferable, and said roommate knows how to take someone’s mind off the pain. Or, they finally stop dancing around the subject and bang. ✦ That’s The Way I Loved You by rewmariewrites, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno & tighnari & cast, NSFW, 16.9k      Tighnari rolls his eyes and turns back to Kaveh. “You didn’t answer my question,” Tighnari says, like he thinks Kaveh is an idiot. Kaveh rolls his eyes right back. “No, we’re not dating.” ✦ argumentative, antithetical dream girl by clouds_hide, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno & tighnari, NSFW, 6.8k      Or: Kaveh attempts to have no-strings-attached sex with his roommate. There are so many strings attached, he might as well be a marionette. 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Mc has a Little D. of the Brothers
where did you even get this thing? you know what doesn´t matter throw it out
what do you mean no? you can´t seriously want to keep this thing it´s acting ridiculous! (jokes on him the Little D. of Pride acts just like Lucifer)
and it´s especially funny because the Little D. say the same thing
which angers Lucifer (if you want the Little Pride to survive you should probably run)
needless to say he will always hate that you insist on keeping it around
but he also can´t really say anything against it
because he is a major Simp
you just brought home little D. Nr.2 one day
where did you get it from? nobody knows…
this is not true Barbatos allowed you to keep him
it´s funny watching both of them bicker
it´s not so funny when both of them work together
considering a lot more things in the House of Lamentation go missing
yeah everybody knows it was those two
Mammon get´s in trouble, Little D. No.2 get´s away without trouble
partially because he´s a Little D. partially because he belongs to you and they don´t want to mess with you
both of them are Envious of the other
is it a surprise? no, is it annoying? totally
they also get jealous of each other when only one of them can spend time with you
this situation is pretty much just Levi´s normal fits of jealousy but now it´s times two
if they weren´t so loud it would actually be really funny
one of them wants to play games? if the other wasn´t invited and finds out they will throw a tantrum
okay this one is actually hilarious until Leviathan summons Lotan
than you´re panicking
they get along surprisingly well
which is probably thanks to the fact that both of them love to read and cats
the Little D. joins you and Satan in the cat café meetups
but just because Satan and the Little D. don´t fight against each other doesn´t mean everyone is safe
let´s just say when anybody angers them (which is easy) it will end in a blood bath
or just beating people up doesn´t matter if they angered them or not
but otherwise you have a nice time ^-^
he´s actually really happy to spoil it
and the Little D. loves it
you actually can´t tell who he loves more
it´s the Little D. simply because it let´s Asmo dress it up in whatever he wants and enjoys it
actually at this point it´s just his
doesn´t matter that you brought it home it now belongs to Asmo
he also love taking pictures for his Devilgram with the Little D. (and sometimes you are allowed to be in them)
his followers also love the Little D. nearly as much as they love Asmo
you actually have to be careful when food is involved because they will either fight for it or one of them might try to accidentally eat the other
it´s a little funny though when the Little D. accidentally bites Beel
not so funny when Beel does the biting considering he could and would eat the Little D.
back to funny
bake those two only One cake and watch them fight to the death over it (and growl at everyone who tries to get a piece)
they are nap buddies
Belphie likes to use it as as a pillow and the Little D. likes being squished
it´s actually a weirdly cute sight
if they aren´t sleeping somewhere dangerous or in the middle of the room (Mammon tends to trip over them)
or forcing you to join in on their napping sessions
which wouldn´t be a problem if Belphie wouldn´t do it every time Lucifer wants you to do something or you have chores to do
or they just lay on you so you can´t move
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thegayestmferintown · 3 months
Please take your time!!
Can I have headcanons of the 7 princes + databables(Raphael, solomon, thirteen etc) reacting when MC expresses their filipino culture? (Like telling stories about the events, cooking their favorite sultural dish, etc)
Feel free to delete it, and please take your time!!
Hello! I am not Filipino myself, so I didn't go much into detail. Forgive me for that!
I sadly couldn't think of anything for the dateables (idk why, my mind just drew a blank)
The only dateable I could truly think of a scenario with was Barbatos, but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to write it.
This takes place in the original timeline
Warnings ;; None
Relationship ;; I wrote this in a romantic sense, but can be interpreted however!
Type ;; Headcanons
Lucifer is very much intrigued. He would love to learn more, but he would never outright ask you.
Lucifer is far too prideful to come out and say it, so you'd have to look at his body language.
The very slight twinkle in his eye when you explain, the small but noticable genuine smile that crosses his lips.
He very much enjoys your cooking, and will compliment you subtly.
He's particularly fond of the times you'll come into his private study and sit by the fireplace while you tell him all sorts of stories.
Oh, Mammon is all for it. He's asking you for recipes, stories, and recommending you sell both throughout the Devildom.
He's listening intently, and getting excited anytime you bring something about your culture up during conversation.
Although, if you bring it up, his face will immediately turn beet-red and he'll say something along the lines of:
"O-Of course it ain't i-interestin'! But I'm ya first man, ain't I? I g-gotta let my human yap ev'ry now 'nd again!'
He is so hopelessly in love with you, it's not even funny.
I actually cannot see Leviathan being too concerned with it at first. He'd probably be more concerned with watching anime with you, reading manga with you, or playing games with you to really care about your ethnicity.
He'd more than likely start to point out characters in separate animes or games that share the same ethnicity as you.
If you were to make different Filipino meals for him, he would be absolutely over the moon. If you bring him the food, make sure you bring tissues with you.
He'd listen to your stories, occasionally making references to TSL, Ruri-Chan, or others, if possible.
All in all, He wouldn't really care at first, but he would become more interested the more time passed.
Knowing Satan, he'd probably already know a lot. And he'd hold it over Lucifer's head that he knows more about your ethnicity than he does
Besides that, he's perfectly willing to listen to your stories, even if he knows them already.
He's particularly fond of your cooking, and he will tell you that. He might point out subtle things that he'd change, but he doesn't really care if you take his advice or not. After all, he's not a chef.
If he finds any sorts of books that have to do with your ethnicity, he'd bring them to you and let you read them, after he reads them first though.
He would also love to sit down and read them with you, or to you, if you asked.
Asmo just thinks it's so cute! Especially when you're cooking, or telling him stories.
He might watch himself around your food, given his public appearance, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it!
He's truly fond of your cooking, he is. He's just weary of other people's opinions.
He loves listening to your stories while he does your makeup, or his own.
Even during his 26-step skincare routine, he's probably having you come to his room so he can listen to your stories.
Marry him. On the spot. Beel absolutely loves Human-World food, and the fact that you're willing to make it for him? Oh, he's in love.
You may have to shove him out of the kitchen because otherwise, he'll eat all of the ingredients before you can even put them together.
If he manages to stay put and not eat any of the ingredients, he's watching you cook albeit while drooling.
He literally looks like an excited puppy when you give him the food.
He chows it down quickly, and asks you for more. Make a shitton, it'll go quickly.
Belphie probably couldn't care less about your culture. If his twin is happy, he's happy.
The only time he'd more than likely be interested, is if he just so happens to fall asleep to one of your stories.
He'd start to ask to you come back, and eventually he wouldn't be able to fall asleep without your stories.
Obviously, he would, but with some struggle. It's Belphie, the Avatar of Sloth we're talking about here.
He's probably pretty fond of your food, although he much prefers your stories.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
....I think my requests regulates around Mammon and Platonic/Child!MC—
Brothers, Dateables, Angels + Solomon reacting to a Child!MC made by Barbatos' and Mammon's magic out of pure accident, none predicted it.
Im a fan of Barbatos/Mammon friendship so yeah! If you're not comfortable feel free to delete.
Hello! Welcome back to the blog. Somehow this reminds me of the powerpuff girls haha. Anyways, I hope you like this fic!
The obey me cast reacts to Mc's creation
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
important: Just an extra clarification: Mc is a child, therefore there is 0 romance between them and the (legal) cast. It's all purely platonic
let's assume mc is around 5 here
content warnings: accidental child creation
oh he's not happy at first
since he knows he's going to be the one who ends up raising you, or at least do most of the work involved
until lucifer gets attached to you, he won't view you as a 'burden' anymore
'oh no, lucifer's gonna kill me'
but fear aside, you do look pretty adorable
mammon's prepared to teach you all kinds of stuff, lucifer has to stop him when he starts explaining how to cheat at poker
he thinks it's funny how mammon and, of all people, barbatos could make such a mistake
he mostly stays away from you until you show interest in hana ruri
now he calls himself 'uncle levi'
look, he expected this from mammon but not barbatos
doesn't really interact with you much, since he has no idea how to talk with a child
you, on the other hand, like satan and you try to get him to read books to you
'oh my, you're just the cutest thing!'
I don't know if anybody else watched modern family but asmo likes to dress you up for photoshoots like cam does to his daughter
the only difference is you actually enjoy it
beel is great with children
he loves to play little games with you, and make food for you
if you don't like the crust of the bread, he'll eat it for you
he's lowkey scared , but beel drags him along with things
forget alarm clocks, you're always waking him up in the morning by jumping on his bed
belphie hated it at first, but now he doesn't mind
diavolo adores little baby you as well
he likes to take you to toy stores, and he secretly buys lego sets for himself too
everyday, he thanks barbatos for accidentally creating you
barbatos turns into dramatos
'my lord, I apologise for this, I shall take care of this right now-' diavolo had already picked you up and spun you around
he is actually a great parent figure, despite how busy he is
simeon loves to babysit you when needed
he likes it when he's cooking something in the kitchen and you try your best to watch what he's doing
also, he thinks it's great for both you and luke to get closer to each other
he thinks it was a bad mistake on mammon and barbatos' part
but, he soon warms up to you and congratulations, you now have a big brother
luke teaches you how to make michael's favorite sweets
this man spends a good day laughing at the two demons who created you
mammon almost ended up fighting him but barbatos held him back
solomon wants to make you food, but everybody stops him
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
nsfw idea !! (not valentines themed but it doesnt contradict)
what if you had a human disguise like venti does?
unlike your real selves, the bard and "you" aren't in a relationship yet...
you are drinking with venti on the church rooftop looking down at the statue and you say smth like
"why he kinda,,,, have you seen how they draw him in the fairy tale picture books DAMN his squishy thighs small waist blah blah blah"
and he becomes so red 😭😭😭 you pretend that you only just realized
"... venti?"
anyway you tell him that you need to go and he follows you just as you intended ❤️ he follows you in the church, almost crying...
until you playfully look him in the eyes, lacy lingerie perfectly showing off your thighs and tummy ❤️❤️❤️
usually he was below you, just your toy and nothing more, but tonight you were his to indulge in ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I mean his waist though, I get it. Idk who designed that statue but they made up for covering him completely by making his waist so,,, that
It's so funny cause I have two completely different fantasies that both share the same 'talking about Barbatos in front of Venti while pretending you don't know it's him', and one is where you just excessively praise and compliment to make him flustered, like the above example, and the other is to just diss the hell out of him (in a lighthearted way of course) because I could see exactly how that would play out
I mean he'd go along with it and find the entire thing incredibly amusing, probably thinking he has an upper hand because he thinks if you ever knew who he actually was, you'd be mortified, and that's funny to him
But, little does he know, as soon as he off-handedly reveals who he actually is, expecting to provoke a reaction, you get to reply with "I know" and a deadpan expression
Idk I think I'd be funny
Back on topic— sex in a church hell yeah, lacy lingerie double hell yeah, though my one critique is that Venti should also be in lacy lingerie cause... yeah.....
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devildomsvixenmc · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷MC Has a Rat Toy༉‧₊˚.
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Crack
You were just so bored on day that you decided to check out the Amazon of Devildom - Akuzon! Out of curiosity, you ordered a toy rat just to see what Akuzon has got to offer. The package arrives and you decided to play around with it...
let’s say Lucifer’s on cooking duty, with Mammon helping him out in the kitchen
you wanted to test how far the controller can reach the toy rat so you decided that the kitchen is a good place to practice on... 
while LUCIFER is there... you know you’re gonna punished, right?
but you still did it anyway because you’re MC :D
obviously Lucifer noticed right away, you noticed that he noticed right away
he scolds you but you didn’t budge, for some reason, he lets you off for now as long as you don’t cause any chaos
but then this idiot dracula-wannabe accidentally stepped on it??? and he slipped??? while trying to grab some seasoning???
oh well, let’s just hope you survive the day
okay so Mammon is hanging out in your room while you’re just soo fixated on the rat toy
you were testing the toy out, Mammon doesn’t pay much attention since he’s just scrolling through Devilgram
initially, when he first saw the toy, he was like “wtf MC?? tf you’re doing?”
but then he saw the entertainment potential of the toy (ehem prank his brothers)
but Mammon also shuddered at the thought of Lucifer scolding him so he just lost interest
you wanted to test the durability of the toy rat
and what did you do?
you throw it at Mammon of course!
then a high pitched scream echoed throughout the House of Lamentation
Lucifer got involved anyway T_T
bring the rat toy into this man’s room and he doesn’t really care 
he has a MOUSE after all
while Levi is so engrossed in whatever game he’s playing
you decided to test the rat toy :D
this time, you’re actually sane just letting the plastic rat roll along the floor
but then you decided to make his shelf with his beloved figurines a race track
Levi did not notice right away so you decided to make a rat go faster
cue his Ruri-chan figurine falling off the shelf because your toy accidentally hit it
cue the house being flooded with Levi’s tears as well
you really want to test how strong the rat toy is, don’t you?
which is why you decided to go to the attic, knowing Belphie is sleeping?
so here you are, at the attic, sitting beside a sleeping Belphegor with the toy rat and controller in your hands
you gently lay the toy rat on the literal FOREHEAD of Belphie, fortunately it didn’t fall off
you control the tiny rat around with the whirring noise being the only sound you can here
everything’s going fine until the toy rat manages to lodge itself into Belphie’s half-open mouth >.<
finding the scene funny, you take your D.D.D. out preparing to take a pic
a few milliseconds before you hit the button, Belphie decided to jumpscare you!
you ended up with a blurry yet horrifying picture of Belphegor
how did you even manage to enter the castle without Barbatos noticing the toy rat?
oh yeah, you just put it inside your school bag and it seems like fate is on your side, Diavolo decided to invite you over after classes
you accepted because why not? you have some fun stuff you can show to Diavolo afterall
it’s after Barbatos left the room when you decided to whip out your “shall-not-be-named-in-front-of-barbatos” electric plastic brown-grey toy :DD
Diavolo finds it amusing and asks if he can play with it
he had struggled controlling it at the beginning but later got the handle of it
but the two of you forgot that Barbatos will return with the pastries you want
and Barbatos did return... with the rat toy now spinning on top of the table...
both you and Diavolo can only feel the chills down your spines before shit went down
I can literally just copy-paste Diavolo’s part on this one but I’ll make a different scenario
this time, Barbatos decided to help out with the mess in the House of Lamentations
you heard that some of the brothers caused a massive destruction somewhere in the house, naturally Lucifer would involve you in the cleaning as well but you were so tired he just let you have a break for this time
but you were curious what the demons were doing, couldn’t a human satisfy their curiosity for once? of course they can!
so you decided to tape this tiny go-pro you also got from Akuzon a while back on the rat, making it a “spy”
with the go-pro connected to your phone, you’re able to view what the “rat is seeing”
so you make it go to where Barbatos and the brothers are at
they’re actually just cleaning, nothing peculiar here- oh, Oh, OH-
Barbatos is staring directly at you? no, he’s staring at the FUCKING RAT
lmao you literally just made the damage worst, poor House of Lamentations and Barbatos
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annoying-probably · 1 year
Hi there. I have three draft posts about akty / vbs vs' / poly jump!
But I'm bad at wording things coherently in a post. So instead, please have a long post on a lot of different genshin lore theories, more specifically linked to Istaroth and Barbatos and Khaenri'ah sometimes. Genshin is a special interest and more specifically, the gods and their lore are! The ending point about the Wind being a primordial one is a favourite theory of ours. We actually wrote about it lightly in our recent fic "With Wind Beside You" on ao3!! Anyways, this is ripped straight from discord! This is a lot of disorganised genshin theory ranting. I'd be happy to hear people's thoughts!
also spoiler stuff for the most recent archon quest iirc
If irminsul can not delete all things, just direct mentions. Venti suddenly knowing every ballad and song ever- along with being connected to a god of time, worshipped with her, and possible from the same origin- the thousand winds (of time) is a lot more scary for him and how omniscient he may be. There's a lot of. Like. Internet connections to genshin. I did ei's story quest2 last night and that ending cutscene with time? How eternity is everything, all at once? Both future and past? How come it looked like a 3d model set up from a spy movie huh. And irminsul.. is kinda like a super computer!!! It's just super weird !!! But also makoto was close with Istaroth!!!! And Ei thought she might have something to do with it all!!!! concerning . istaroth is being mentioned more and more and it scares me cus that's like our once chance of "old teyvat"/ pre war lore that isn't being gatekeeped by celestia because I don't think they can kill a primordial one tbf. I hope we see her but damn I am scared of her. imagining playing a god of time, how fucked up could they be!
gold / rhinedottir was all fucking over the cataclysm. Durin was attacking Mondstadt, making Barbatos wake up and fight him with Dvalin. Ei was fighting Rifthounds in Inazuma, while Makoto died in the cataclysm- both of those things, made by khemia, by gold! What's gold? The last stage of khemia, go memory! And Rifthounds and Durin must be first, really, Soil. This is all going off my albedo lore knowledge without checking give me some slack- but! Durin and Rifthounds share traits! Poison. Completely disintegrating everything and poisoning the land! Yay! Powerful enough to affect god's! And gods familiars! And *ley lines!* Infact they specifically attack ley lines ***which is what causes erosion!!!!*** So. That's very concerning. Whether they thrive off erosion, or ley line power itself, and cause other things to erode thereafter- bad. Durin is also still alive, partly. The heart. So!
After soil comes chalk! Now, Albedo was made to be a perfect being and then abandoned! Did Rhinedottir not need something sentient? Did she not need intelligent life? Did she want a puppet from afar? Where is she now? Albedo, who she so lovingly named /s, is still trying to figure out her question to what human life means!! And the idea that albedo, too, may one day fall to erosion, is terrifying! Because he is strong!! Very, canonically, if i remember!!! Which isn't *great*.
the topic of khaenri'ah.
so the next traveler archon quest has dain and kaeya. Talking. In sumeru. And oh boy Mona's "One day he'll have to pick a side." ***is a lot scarier!*** And ventis line on albedo!! I don't like where this goes!!! Sure I'd kive more cataclysm lore like sure go ahead but holy f u c k. a reason why kaeya isn't cursed would be n i c e. Maybe something of Pierro??? Mentioned??? He's khaenri'an. Theorised to be kaeyas dad really. Which would be funny. And terrifying but funny.
fic idea for my lost notes of Teyvat series but!!
the way mond specifically is where anyone cast out goes is so <3 to me. little monkey brain loves the idea of it just being known for being loving and accepting of anyone new, with some pushing. Collei, albedo, kaeya- and how three of those are specifically khaenri'ah tied but heyo!! I think Collei counts because we don't know what Dottore was using + eleazar specifically comes from some dead god and which one that is could be . important. Unless they mentioned which and I'm just wrong??
Timeloop theory stuff soooo enkanomiya quest, kokomi, irminsul stuff + the sumeru reincarnate theory
timeloop theory makes more sense every day and it's just because of the sumeru reincarnations!! Which again reminds me of black boxes!!!!! Oh so you only have so much data you have to reuse souls? 🤨 okay. /j reincarnation and it's studies and theories have been around forever but not the point. Kokomi being a possible reincarnation of a primordial one could be huge. Does she work on Zelda / Hylia logic? Can she reawaken that power and memories? Can any possible reincarnation? Nahida and Rukkhadevata are literally just reincarnation, too, before the wipe. Also again, the thousand winds itself may be a primordial one-
/lh j
how I jokingly said before in my fic- the wind is very important to death. Atleast to Mondstadtians! The wind carries their souls back to Mondstadt to rest. We can see Venti bring back the memory of Stanley, to bring him to Mond to rest. In the final cutscene of Ei story quest 2, in a literal plane of consciousness, the sakura blossoms of Makoto's life is taken away on the wind. This, and Istaroth, can also link the wind to time and the age old-
Seeds of story, brought by wind and cultivated by time.
The wind, as we know through Venti, can carry songs that don't exist yet, wind is constant through time!! Throughout teyvat!! And we think time could be primordial- and that primordial time goes hand in hand with the wind! Literally!!!! The wind itself/ the Thousand Winds are primordial. They carry all of time, and therefore life and death, stories and songs. Istaroth herself was a god of wind and time. Barbatos a God of wind, freedom, and music. (finally actually said by the most recent lantern rite rite calling him a "patron deity of music.") The wind itself is also sort of a guiding spirit? People usually follow it, or specifically - I have hit the nitro limit oh god - mention it with the moons- also very important to teyvat lore- the three moon sisters, the dead moon and possibly the fake sky! So!!! I personally theorise the Wind is a primordial being and that's why we have three different wind / storm gods and also andrius may count as a storm god. He was a wolf leader and god of snow storms, I think? So??? Maybe. The wind keeps splitting, that's how important it is.
If the wind stops, time stops, I believe.
So imagine if we ever went to the Mare Jirvari. And like where we've seen the corpse of every other god. It's completely frozen in time. The wind stopped there. So time cannot move. And imagine if that's where Istaroth died. that's why it's where the wind doth both blow.
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
*squints at windblume ch.3 in "started playing in 3.3"* I've no care for the hexaedron nor Alice, I only know her from teyvat travel guide and she was such a jerk in the Mondstadt edition. Also I have neither Albedo nor Klee so thank goodness I read up on them beforehand I guess
on the other hand I do find it very funny that Venti getting along with everyone everywhere (xinqiu, kazuha, xinyan, hu tao, yae miko, etc) also extends to those who hold violent intent towards him djdjd (though they really don't explain why the hexagon challenged Venti in particular out of all the archons...or when, bc Venti isn't easily found to posit a challenge to, nor known for his martial prowess if it was purely the hexhocuspocus' arrogance talking. Hope this is a plot thread that they will adress in the future but honestly getting a bit tired of seeing so many threads hanging—ik we're only halfway through the story but still. And NOT a fan of lore being locked behind a time-limited event)
That's not a recent player problem. The Hexenzirkel have never come up in the story before. They've only been mentioned in passing in some character voice lines and bios.
The only thing we knew about them was that they're a bunch of witches who sometimes study the Irminsul, and Alice and Mona's master and Albedo's creator were among them.
Note how this event directly confirms that the group itself is utterly irrelevant. Scarlett thought they were a secret council who can change the course of history, but in fact they're just some randos who happen to include three+ immortals. The entire thing is just spruced up but ultimately pointless pedantry to explain how certain future characters know each other. I'm fairly sure that the writers just thought the aesthetic of a witches' tea party was cool but had no actual use for this idea, so it's just set dressing, basically.
I'll list the members here, because it's easy to lose track... because all these characters are utterly unknown to us:
1) A is Alice, Klee's mom, "One who would never lie". Her amazing feats include killing a whole bunch of eternally cursed people in gruesome ways, cursing a man to only speak by repeating what is said to him while trying to cure his stutter, abandoning her young child and refusing to visit despite having time to screw around endlessly, damaging a location that is both historically significant and has a strong personal importance to others because it "didn't look old enough," and various other nonsense.
2) B is Barbeloth, Mona's master.
3) R is Rhinedottir, "A flower that is not of this world". She is Albedo's creator. But she also created the rifthounds and Durin, and 500 years ago, her (Gold's) monsters ravaged the world.
4) N is Nicole, "Guide who will never get lost". She's the one who speaks to the Traveler at the end of Scaramouche's thing. This entire event probably exists to facilitate her upcoming presence.
5) J is I. Ivanovna, the one who went back home (presumably to Snezhnaya) to get married. She's had many successors, of whom Scarlett is the latest, but Alice refused to acknowledge any of them. Probably irrelevant, since she's succeeded by a bunch of NPCs.
6) M is Andersdotter, "A legend that never ends". She's a human author who wrote the popular fairytale "The Boar Princess"
The thing I can't puzzle out is which one of them killed her lover when he grew old. By elimination, it seems to be Alice? It's not Gold, it's not woman Hans Christian Andersen, it's not Mona's master or J, so it has to be Alice, Nicole, or a secret other member, since this might not be all of them.
In regard to them challenging Barbatos, it's because this is a Mondstadt event and the writers wanted to have Venti involved. Aside from that, I guess it's to show their human arrogation ARROGANCE.
I can guarantee this doesn't matter at all, so you don't need to keep track of it.
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iwoulddieforienzo · 2 years
Hiiiiiiii~ I am not back but I’ve been looking through my notes app and came across a couple old Kaeya aus and.. idk I thought they were Neat so. I might post more but here’s an anemo!Kae for ya
(Warning this bitch is Old and I copy-pasted it directly from the notes. Tw for self destructive tendencies and a hint of suicidal ideation. Fairly minor but please stay safe!)
- he gets the Vision almost immediately after his father leaves. Logically, he knows that he could use it as a symbol of his innocence; after all, what kind of god would give a Vision to a spy? But he’s not listening to logic; he throws it into the bushes the moment he registers what it is. He’s terrified of the thing, and wants it GONE.
- It doesn’t go away though. Inside his borrowed room, it’s there, sitting innocently on his windowsill. He reaches out hesitantly, thinking, “maybe it’s someone else’s and they just left it?” only to recoil in disgust and horror when it reacts to him. He debates throwing it out the window, but the realization that the maids will inevitably find it leads him to keep it with him temporarily. He decides to bury it the next time he’s allowed outside.
- But it keeps returning. For years, no matter what he does, that damn Vision always seems to follow him. He’s thrown it in rivers, buried it, hid it in trees, thrown it at monsters; but it always reappears the next morning, at the latest.
- That’s not all. The wind itself seems to have it out for him; randomly changing direction just to blow his hair into his face, blowing leaves and flowers into his hair (and only his!), becoming windy whenever he leaves the house, stealing his drawing paper and pencils, etc. it drives him absolutely crazy.
- He hates the wind, even when it’s being nice. It stops him from hitting the ground too hard whenever he falls from high up and keeps him from going out of control while he’s learning to glide. He hates it. He wants to crash. It’s cruel. So cruel.
- Of course, the people of Mond don’t see it that way. Why would they? The wind is sacred to them. They see the way it plays with the strange foreign boy and laugh, dubbing him “dandelion”. He doesn’t think it’s that funny.
- One day, he decides he can’t take it anymore. It’s too much, constantly needing to hide his past along with his Vision. He takes it to a statue of the Seven, and places it at the feet of Barbatos, quietly begging him to take it back.
- He’s spotted by Diluc, who was running errands in Mond with Kaeya and wondered what was taking him so long. Kaeya gets up to leave, refusing to turn around. Curious, Diluc checks what Kaeya left behind, and is shocked to find a Vison; and not just any Vision, but an Anemo Vision at that!
- He scoops it up, ecstatic, and races over to Kaeya, asking why he ever bothered to hide this and why he was just leaving something so valuable behind.
- Kaeya wants to tell him that he’s not deserving, that a liar and a traitor like him should have never received a Vision. But he can’t say that. So instead, he tells Diluc that he’s not from here, and that he hadn’t done anything to be blessed with such a gift. Diluc tells him that’s stupid, and of course he belongs here, he wouldn’t have gotten a Vision otherwise, right? And Kaeya just smiles emptily, because of course Diluc would see it that way. So simple. So clean. If only it were that easy...
- So, Diluc drags him home to show off his “new” Vision. Everyone is excited, congratulating and insisting on a celebration. Jean, upon discovering his Vision, gets extremely excited and shows him her own, brand new Vision. “We match!!” Kaeya just smiles awkwardly, more and more uncomfortable. He doesn’t deserve this.
- That night, he stares at the Vision in his hands, feeling empty. He’s going to have to start using it soon. He pushes it under the bed.
- It’s.. hard, at first. He doesn’t hate the gods, never did (even if he wished he could), but he isn’t fond of them either. He can’t bring himself to use his Vision; it feels like a betrayal. (To mondstadt or to khaenri’ah, he doesn’t know.) He hates how it feels, clinking against his thigh; a constant reminder of its existence. He hates how it looks, beautiful and broken in a way that none of the other visions are. (Even with the Anemo Archons direct blessing, he will never be free)
- The wind is much softer now, playing less pranks and instead wrapping around him, like it’s trying to hug him. It plays with his hair, gently, taking care not to tangle it. The flowers that get blown his way are fully formed, and the ones that reach his hair sit prettily. It feels like an apology. Kaeya hates that it makes him feel better. Hates that he’d rather be outside, dancing with the wind, than inside with all the people who look at him and see only what they want to see.
- But slowly, it gets better. He never gets attached to his Vision, but he grows used to its presence. He has fun, coming up with stupid combo moves with Diluc and manipulating his fire. He enjoys creating currents with Jean to play with. The wind is his constant companion, following him everywhere, even indoors, and finding every opportunity to play with him. The constant weight of his past becomes lesser as he’s accepted fully into Mond. For the first time in so long, he’s content and happy where he is. Quietly, he thanks the Anemo Archon for letting him become part of Mond.
- And then it all goes wrong
- The night of Diluc’s 18th birthday happens much the same as it does in canon. The wind howls in displeasure, desperately trying to stop the two from fighting. But this time, Kaeya already has a Vision. A Vision he knows how to use. A Vision that he never activates, even under Diluc’s relentless assault.
- So, the au could end here. Kaeya dies, not bothering to defend himself against Diluc. Or...
- Kaeya survives. Perhaps more hurt than in canon, or perhaps not. I imagine the wind was what saved him, somehow. Or perhaps his Vision activated in a desperate attempt to save its wielder. But now he’s back to hating his vision. He asks Barbatos why he ever gave him a Vision if could never be free. Why he took away Kaeya’s choice to die. Why he even gave him this stupid Vision when he had done nothing to earn it. How cruel of him, to not have struck him down the moment he entered Tyvat. To allow him into Mond, knowing full well Kaeya would only destroy either it or himself in the end. How so very cruel.
- The wind seems to be trying to reassure him, fluttering around him in the same way it’s always done, but he simply ignores it until it stops. He throws his Vision away, once again.
- The next morning, it shows up once more. But this time, it has a note: should he choose to throw it away again, it will not return until he truly needs it. Kaeya puts it on his belt.
Some notes about this au:
- the wind kinda has its own mind? Venti isn’t going around stalking Kaeya, even if he has a soft spot for him. The wind is generally influenced by its Archon, so naturally, when it felt how much Venti likes Kae, it started following him around. It’s very mischievous.
- Kaeya, despite his initial misgivings and annoyance, does grow to be very fond of the wind. The Wind is his closest friend after Diluc, and he’s only his true, genuine self around the wind. Even if he loves Diluc, he still has to put up masks all the time around him. The Wind doesn’t judge him though, and the Wind won’t tell anyone the secrets he tells it.
- He stops doing this after That Night, and starts greeting the Wind in the way he does everyone; like an old friend, but overly polite and distant. He stops being genuine and starts wearing his masks, even when interacting with the Wind. He lies to it. The Wind mourns.
- Kaeya, after that night, starts using his Vision as a sort of self punishment; a reminder that he will never be free, and that everything he has is fake and fragile.
- Both the Wind and Venti mourn Kaeya.. pretty much all the time. They both love him a lot but boy howdy he has Issues and doesn’t listen to either of them
- They just want their baby to be happy, but he was only genuinely happy for like 5 anxiety ridden years and now he’s even worse
- every time I make a simple au it always ends up having elements of canon in some way
- Anyway. So. Basically Kazukae all the way baby because I am a pathetic allkae whore
- The Wind loves its kiddos so MUCH, and it talks to Kazuha all the time about Kaeya and really wants them to meet
- It just wants both of them to have a friend because of all they lost
- And eventually, Kazuha, after the inazuma quest line, returns to Liyue. But the Wind really wants him to go to Mond so he’s just like yeah baby let’s get it
- So he goes to Mond and the Wind is very excited because!! Kazuha gets to see its Home!! The Home of its archon!! And KAEYA!!! And Kazuha is like yeah bitch loving the energy but why are you so excited
- And then he struts into town and the wind is absolutely BUZZING, like it is ECSTATIC, and it keeps growing in intensity until Kaeya walks up behind him and is all, “oh another outsider?”
- And the wind is absolutely SINGING, just going “Here comes the ~boy~, hello boy, welcome~” and Kazuha has Moment where he’s like “oh! You’re the other guy!” And Kaeya’s like lmao yeah
- Okay but seriously
- The Wind can’t really. Communicate? Very well? And it doesn’t understand concepts like names. So it just knows that these 2 are it’s babies who it loves a lot, so when it tells Kazuha about Kaeya, the most it can say is “find the child with the sad eye”. Child being relative since the wind is older than it’s archon. Anyway when Kazuha DOES meet Kaeya, and feels how overjoyed the wind is, he connects the dots and has a lovely little bittersweet conversation about how the Wind is incredibly fond of him.
- Basically Kazuha going “wow the wind really loves you” (affectionate) and Kaeya going “I suppose it does” (derogatory)
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obeythebutler · 3 years
I've had this thought for a few days now and I think it might be super funny.
What if the MC was the female version of Solomon or Solomon's twin. How would the brothers react to that MC?
MC Is The Female Version Of Solomon!
Visualise a scene—Lucifer, the Avatar Of Pride along with Lord Diavolo, Prince of Hell and six other Avatars is waiting for the human exchange student to emerge from the portal.
You'd expect the human to be scared. After all, it's a new environment with demons, beings feared in the human realm.
And what do you do? Smile as you gaze at Lucifer, and you already are at home in the Devildom already.
MC already knows the brothers names !
Not. Another. Solomon.
Since the first day, you've been prowling the streets, observing everything intently.
The first damned day MC scored a pact with Mammon! On the first day!
Lucifer assumed his other brothers won't make pacts so easily, but it's like MC is playing a game of making pacts!!
And when Lucifer and MC made a pact, you seemed overjoyed, so much that the demon considered wiggling out, but his pride won't allow it.
He told the human not to go up the stairs, but you looked him straight in the eyes and said: "Try me, bitch."
Even though it was polite.
With pacts with the seven brothers, MC surely should be pacified, right? Oh, Lucifer was wrong.
He found demons trailing after MC, desperate to make pacts. You're like a demon magnet now!
Please don't go and try making pacts with Lord Diavolo and Barbatos—
And apart from pacts, MC is very intelligent, given how high you score on their tests. At least you're diligent.
Studies is something you excel at, but god forbid you step into the kitchen. The first time MC made dinner for everyone the rest of the night was spent lying around and praying on the porcelain throne.
Diavolo was polite, but Barbatos looked like he was ready to commit murder; seeing the state of the kitchen and the food. Simeon and Luke shared looks of horror, but a certain someone seemed to enjoy it very much.
Since then, it's a house emergency when MC steps into the kitchen.
Lucifer: MC is on dinner duty tonight. Who let that happen?
Beelzebub: I'll come into the kitchen and eat everything before MC can cook.
Mammon: I'll distract her!
Lucifer isn't particularly found of MC and Solomon interacting, because the two are so eerily similar that it makes demons around them tremble in fear, because the two of you together means chaos.
Poor, poor Lucifer, he's left wondering why the sheep are growling in the herd.....
Demon boi was annoyed at having to babysit a human.
Until MC gave him back his Goldie and got rid of the witches for him! (Okay, didn't quite shoo them away, but who knew MC knew the witches? It was a night full of gossip and tea.)
And that's why he made a pact with MC! Yup, that's the reason Lucifer!
This demon is in awe of the pacts MC scored in such a short time. Demons trail after you, wanting to make pacts.
Mammon has to fend them off, for he's your first man!
He loves MC, he enjoys your company (shadiness can be ignored) but please don't cook. Please, he'll cook!
Legit, the first time Mammon asked MC to make him a cup of Hell Sauce noodles you gave him noodles that were...simply wrong in colour.
Upon being asked, MC said that she added a few extra ingredients.
The first bite made Mammon see the truth of the universe.
Demon boi spaced out for a whole day and even Lu got worried.
Given how intelligent you are, there surely is a way to vanish all his debt, isn't there ;)
Mammon gets jealous on seeing how close Solomon and MC get. Sure, they're chaotic, and it's all fun and games until Mammon gets roped in it.
Now, Mammon has crow familiars to tell him about the whereabouts of you and Solomon.
He gets quite jealous of the special bond you two have, and he's determined to have that with you!
So now Mammon will burst into your room random times of the day and night, and be all loud and boisterous, because he wants attention, from you, specifically!
Mammon once wanted to get you a cake for your birthday, but when he asked your age you said you don't remember.
What do you mean, MC, you don't remember your own age?
Otaku snek likes you ;)
Sure, you're shady like Solomon and managed to score a pact with Mammon on the first day without Levi asking you to first, but you know the secret code to his room, and guess why?
Because you like TSL! You and him go together like bread and butter!
Wanna cosplay as Lord of Shadows and Henry?
And you know so many cool spells! You made his hair float in thin air one time, and it worked wonderfully well for cosplay!
Your ability to make pacts scares him. Seventy-two demons and the seven avatars of sins—that's a record no one has broken yet.
When you and Solomon are together, it means c h a o s. Because no good has every come out of two similar minds intent on giving every demon near their vicinity heart attacks.
That's why Levi wants you to stay with him.
And your cooking, oh your cooking—
Levi had one hell of a stomachache after eating the noodles you had cooked. He didn't even touch his Ruri-Chan edition chips, which he usually munches on.
Whenever you two go out, demons trail after you in hopes of making pacts. Leviathan gets hidden in the crowd of demons, and he doesn't like anyone taking his time with you.
But there are times when he's unsure of what to say or do, like that time he stepped into your room only to see sigils on the floor and for a Shoebill stork to stare at him, while you sat on the ground and waved him a greeting.
Safe to say, Levi closed the door.
He's quite fond of MC.
She is intelligent, never revealing too much about herself; much like Solomon, and had that desire for knowledge.
Knowledge, which Satan is after too.
That's why he agreed to make a pact with you, after seeing your intelligence and also because you helped him understand his feelings.
He loves it when you come into his room with some new spells to 'practice' on a certain member of the household.
Your collective giggles can be heard from afar.
Your ability to make pacts so quickly—far quicker and more efficiently than anyone has done before, you're on par with Solomon's pacts with seventy-two demons.
So. Much. Power.
Satan likes Solomon, given his thirst for knowledge, and you three have the same desire for knowledge.
That means book discussions and trade of rare texts and manuscripts you three would kill to get your hands on.
It's quite a sight to see.
And there's a separate group made to fawn over the felines. One time Satan sent a picture of him with a cat filter on the group.
That pic has been made your lockscreen.
As much as your personality matches with Solomon—Satan doesn't like one thing—your cooking.
Like Solomon, you cook with no malicious intent, but your cooked meals have a malicious effect.
The blonde demon didn't have the heart to criticise your food, so he sat there and ate it all, with a smile.
With your chaotic personality, and his goal to make Lucifer's life literal hell, you're a valuable member of the Anti-Lucifer League!
New potions and hexes to annoy his elder brother :)
But Satan enjoys your company more than anything else.
Within one hour of meeting you, it was clear that you and Solomon were painfully similiar. He's got two besties now!
And he gets along with you smoothly! Your tastes in clothing and food are similar to the sorcerer, and he can't wait to introduce you to Solomon!
It was on the first day that Asmodeus realised how exactly powerful you were, like Solomon. Not one day and you had a pact with Mammon.
Sure, Mammon was easy to make a pact with, but he isn't going to be swayed so easily!
Now, now, where do you get the space for pact marks with seventy-two demons?!
Asmodeus knows his looks are captivating, and he can't help it! But when sees the crowd of demons lingering after you and Solomon, wanting to make pacts, it gives the demon an identity crisis.
And your cooking—oh your cooking.
After a few months of making a pact with Solomon, the sorcerer had invited Asmodeus for dinner.
One bite of the food and Asmodeus already was out.
Over time, he'd learnt to tolerate it, because he didn't want to hurt wizard boi's feelings.
But your cooking is the same in taste, and while you and Solomon eat and enjoy each other's cooking, Asmodeus simply can't.
He can always order take-out though.
Given that you're Asmo's bestie now, you'll be getting gifts!
Including a large portrait of himself, to hang on the walls and enrich the beauty of the house.
Solomon was shady, given how Belpheghor always warned him whenever Solomon was around, and the pacts he had with seventy-two demons.
But when the human exchange student comes along; accidently eating you becomes the least of his worries.
On the first day, you score a pact with Mammon, and when the brothers tell you that Mammon might be easy to get into a pact with, but not them, what do you do?
Pacts with seventy-two demons.
And more, with the seven Avatars.
Over time, you slowly make a place into his heart.
You research a lot of spells and new potions, which Beel ate the ingredients of one time.
Bones of a hell hog make for a surprisingly good appetizer.
When you went into the past to know how Belpheghor escaped the attic; instead of your death cow boi found himself stuck at one spot.
You sucker-punched him with magic.
And after the whole ordeal and secrets come to light, Beel becomes very protective over you, despite knowing that you can protect yourself.
Demons trail after you in hopes of making pacts; but they can't get past Beel.
But Beel doesn't want you cooking.
The first time he had food cooked by you; Beel wasn't hungry anymore. There's just something about the stew you've made that just looks..... unusual.
But you've made it with so much love and Beel can't bring himself to say no.
If this is what humans are like, Belphegor's better off sleeping away his days.
The first time you walked up the stairs after defying Lucifer the cowboi was there; who began his story of being a human imprisoned by—
Yeah, you ignored his sob story, saw right through his manipulatio tactics and cunning mind, and asked him for a pact.
Obviously, he refused, but not without getting one hell of a shock.
Great, the human exchange student has pacts with seventy-two demons and most of his brothers too, and is shady af. You remind him too much of a sorcerer.
And Belphegor doesn't trust him.
He doesn't trust you either, and for a while conversations between you and him consist of you bothering him for a pact or reciting the shenanigans in the house.
He tolerates you.
And when the time comes to kill you Belphegor asks for a hug, but when he tries to grab your neck you sucker-punch him and make him freeze like a statue.
Angy, shocked murderous cowboi.
But when you both make a pact, and as Belphegor slowly comes to like you—your company doesn't seem that bad at all.
Your cooking is hauntingly similar to Solomon's, and demons trail after you in hopes of making a pact, but you know some very useful curses and spells which are a sure way of making the eldest's life a hassle.
Would anyone like an angy Lucifer on whose walls pictures of Diavolo have been pasted?
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mammonsbby · 2 years
Fear of Falling (in Love)
This is the eleventh part of my “when he knew he loved you” series.
Lucifer | Mammon | Levi | Satan | Asmo | Beel | Belphie Diavolo | Barbatos | Solomon | Simeon | Luke
✨My Masterlist✨
Warnings: Angel pining, anxiety (if you squint) Pairing: Simeon x GN!MC Words: 2182
Simeon fidgets with his pen, twiddling it between his thumb and forefinger, before tapping it against his thigh, then against the armrest of the couch. He’s been working on a new chapter of TSL since he got out of class. And for some reason, this sentence just isn’t working right.
While he’s racking his brain, his cell phone starts ringing. He sits his notepad down for a moment to answer it, “hello.”
“Simeon!” shouts Luke, bubbly laughter spilling through the speaker.
“I’m bringing MC over to make cupcakes. Is that okay?”
Simeon laughs, “well if you’re already bringing them, sure.”
“Okay! We’ll be there soon!” With that, the younger angel hangs up.
Within minutes, the front door opens and the two of you come charging in, Luke pulling you behind him.
“Luke, I need my arms if we’re gonna bake something! Oh, hi Simeon!” you call to him as you’re dragged along.
He smiles softly and waves, “hello.”
The angel listens to the two of you messing around in the kitchen and, now that he’s got background noise, he can finally write.
It’s funny how accustomed he is to your presence. You’re often spotted in the kitchen, with flour on your hands. Or sitting in the living room, playing video games with Luke.
Simeon, being technologically challenged, always declines when invited to join you. But he likes to watch and cheer for the two of you. And talk to you between rounds.
He’s grown to like you quite a bit, which is lucky for him because hardly a week can go by without Luke bringing you home. The younger angel was quite taken with you. So much so that it surprised Simeon.
But, knowing what a tough time Luke was having adjusting to life in the Devildom, it wasn’t all that shocking. You were human. A light in the darkness, so to speak.
Simeon often asks questions, to get to know you better. By now, he probably knows your top three favorite everythings. And if he doesn’t, Luke does.
For instance, he can name your favorite cookies, flowers, color, time of year, and type of pen.
Simeon blinks and realizes he’s been staring at his paper and twiddling his pen for several minutes, just thinking about you. He forces himself to read what he’s written so far and his eyebrows scrunch up when he sees your name written several times.
His eyes widen and he scribbles over it until it’s illegible. Then, there’s a clatter in the kitchen, as though something had been dropped.
“Are you alright?” he calls out.
You poke your head out of the kitchen, “I dropped some bowls. Sorry I disturbed you.”
“It’s okay.” Simeon smiles. You smile back then return to the kitchen.
He picks up his pen and starts to write down ACTUAL plot points. And within a few minutes, he’s distracted again, this time by the conversation happening in the next room over, instead of his own thoughts.
“Do you think Simeon will like these?” you ask, as you start to fill the cups of a cupcake pan.
“Probably, he likes all kinds of sweets.” Luke answers happily.
“Hmm. I hope he does.”
Simeon’s lips turn up into a smile. You’re worried whether he’ll like the cupcakes? Has he not at least humored the two of you and tried every single thing you’d ever made?
He hears the oven door shut.
“Okay, now we just have to do dishes and wait!” you say.
“I’ll do them.” Luke offers.
You give Luke a look. “Don’t be silly. We made a huge mess. I’m not gonna make you clean it all by yourself.”
“I can handle it, I promise!” Luke persists.
You sigh, “I’m sure you can, but it’s not fair.”
Suddenly, Luke drops his voice to a low whisper. It’s so low in fact that Simeon can’t tell what he’s saying. He strains to hear, but nada.
A few seconds later, he hears movement and he snaps his gaze back down to his work, not wanting it to be obvious that he was eavesdropping. As you wander into the room, he looks up, as if he were surprised.
“Finished baking for tonight?” he asks, tapping his pen against his knuckles.
You stand at the edge of the room, “sort of. The cupcakes are in the oven so…”
“So…?” he says.
You shift your weight from one foot to the other, are you nervous about something?
“Well, Luke doesn’t want me to help him with the dishes. And the brothers are all busy tonight, so would you mind if I hang around here a bit longer?”
“Of course not. Join me?” he says, gesturing to the sofa. You smile and go to sit down on the opposite end of the couch. For a few minutes, you sit quietly scrolling on your phone.
But after a while, you grow bored. “What are you up to?” you ask.
The angel glances up from his papers, “I’m writing ideas for TSL.”
“Ooh, can you spoil anything? I’d love to mess with Levi,” you say, a devious glint in your eyes.
Simeon laughs, “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you anything.”
“That’s okay, I was just joking.” you say.
Simeon looks over his (very) rough draft and makes a face. Then he reconsiders. Maybe he should ask what you think.
“Hmm, no spoilers really, but does this paragraph read weird to you?” he asks. You slide closer towards him, excited to help.
The two of you whip the paragraph into shape, then return to comfy silence. Simeon notices how you seem to deflate as you go back to your phone, but he doesn’t bring it up.
After a few minutes, you put your phone down and lean back against the couch to rest your eyes. What you don’t realize is how tired you are. Or how close you’re now sitting to a certain angel.
Simeon scribbles down another idea, then he feels the cushions shift and suddenly, you’re leaning against him. His eyes widen and he’s about to ask what you’re doing. But when he looks down, your eyes are closed. You’re asleep.
The warmth of your cheek against his bare shoulder is almost more than he can stand. He swallows deeply, then his eyes fall on your sleeping face. Simeon can’t help but stare.
As if he’s trying to memorize every detail. His eyes trace your eyebrows, your hairline. He notices how your lashes rest against your cheeks. And while he’s looking at you, something dawns on him.
The reason he enjoys having you around. It isn’t just because you’re a good friend to his pseudo-son. Somehow, in these last few month, he’s fallen—
Oh, Father, he thinks.
Fallen? In… love? With a human?
His heart rate increases and he suddenly feels like everyone around can read his thoughts. That, any moment now, the Archangel Michael is going to appear from behind the drapes and rip out his wings.
He gives a quick glance around the room, his superior is nowhere to be seen. He tries to calm himself, breathing slowly and deeply, then he remembers that you’re laying against him and—
“MC! The cupcakes are ready to decorate now!” Luke’s voice cuts through his thoughts, bringing him back to reality.
And it’s then that you jolt awake, startled by a loud sound, though you’re not sure what it was. Simeon, in an attempt to seem normal (which obviously backfires), leaps off the sofa and away from you.
Luke gives him a look.
You blink a few times and struggle to hold in a yawn, “what is it?”
The younger boy looks at Simeon, then at you, “I, er, said we can frost the cupcakes now.”
“Oh, right. Yeah, yeah. Okay,” you mumble as you start to stand up. You rub at the side of your face where, unbeknownst to you, the fabric of Simeon’s cape has left marks. You yawn, drawing your hand towards your mouth.
“Or, if you’re too tired, you can come over tomorrow and we’ll do it then. That’s okay, right Simeon?” Luke asks, looking expectantly at his guardian.
Simeon, who is desperately attempting to turn into a statue in the corner, is now forced to speak. His cheeks are darkened, a rare flush to them. You wonder what happened. “Yeah, that’s fine.” he manages.
“You wouldn’t mind waiting?” you ask Luke. He shakes his head. “Okay, then I guess I’ll head home. I am pretty tired.”
Luke comes over to you, “can I walk you home?”
“Oh sure, if you want.” you smile at his politeness.
Concern for Luke makes Simeon temporarily forget his newest problem. He steps forward, “Luke, are you sure that’s wise? You’d have to come all the way back here by yourself.”
Luke’s smile crumbles, “Simeon! I can look after myself. I’m not—”
“He’s right. You’re… capable. But, there are demons all over the place who might try to be mean to you. I’ll call one of the boys from the HOL to come get me.” you say, starting to pull out your phone.
Luke pouts, bottom lip stuck out farther than the top and he huffs, muttering about how he can handle himself. You give a look to the older angel, silently asking what exactly to do. It’s hard to parent a child who is thousands of years older than you.
Simeon, though, seems to have no suggestions. His eyebrows are furrowed and arms crossed. Luke starts to protest once more, but you cut him off.
By grabbing Simeon’s hand.
“Okay, well, you can both walk me home and that way Luke won’t be alone!”
Simeon sputters.
Luke beams and takes your other hand.
The three of you hold hands the entire way, you swinging both their arms on either side of you. Luke is delighted by this and he chatters excitedly about anything that crosses his mind.
Simeon, however, remains silent. He is having the most composed breakdown the world will ever see. And if he could, he’d win a medal for the mental gymnastics he’s doing, trying to persuade himself that what he’s feeling is normal. That it counts as friendship and nothing more.
As your entourage nears the front steps of the House, you see a figure at the door. It’s Lucifer getting in for the night. He turns when he hears you approaching and his eyes widen for a fraction of a second at your angelic escorts.
“Good evening,” he says. If Lucifer notices anything off about Simeon, he doesn’t mention it. He simply laughs at your conjoined hands. “Bedtime for the human?”
You open your mouth to deny needing a bedtime, but Simeon beats you to it.
“We thought it best to walk them home.” he says, letting go of your hand.
“Thanks guys. I’ll see you later,” you say as Lucifer opens the door.
“Bye!” Luke says before he and Simeon turn to go home.
“Goodnight chihuahua,” Lucifer says, to Luke’s aggravation. Then, he allows you to enter first, then follows behind you.
“Lucifer!” you screech as soon as the door between you and the angels is shut.
“What is it, MC?” he asks, looking at you over some paperwork.
“I can’t believe you said that. I don’t have a bedtime. I’m an adult!”
“Of course you are,” he concurs. Then he smiles, “by the way, what are you doing back so soon? I thought you’d be there until nine?”
“Oh, I got kinda tired. And fell asleep on the couch a little.” you say, realizing he was right.
Lucifer nods, “bedtime—”
“...for the human.” you finish, starting towards your room. Lucifer chuckles as he heads upstairs to his study.
After they return to their dorm, Luke goes to put things away in the kitchen and Simeon goes to finish what he was working on. But he’s… distracted.
What’s an angel to do?
He’s not sure who he can confide in. Most of the demons would make fun of him. And, as much as Luke likes you, Simeon’s not sure how he’d react. Regardless, dumping this on a child is a step in the wrong direction, so he doesn’t even consider telling him.
There’s also the risk of Falling, if these feelings are as deep as he fears they may be. Perhaps he could ask Solomon when he gets in? But the sorcerer is supposed to be gone till morning.
He sighs. And momentarily considers messaging Lucifer, but with the way he texts, it would take him a fortnight to explain the situation. Maybe the next time he and Lucifer are alone, he’ll ask for advice.
Finally, as the night winds down to an end, and he makes sure Luke is in bed, he decides that everything will be alright and goes to sleep.
(In a few days, when he picks up his notes, he finds that he’d apparently dreamed up a new character the other night. One that was shockingly similar to a certain human he knows. He sighs, and puts the papers away. Then he sends you a message, asking whether you’d like to come over.)
Thank you for reading! Please reblog!
If you enjoyed this fic, please consider buying me a coffee! (It's linked in my cardd, in my bio.)
<3 Aerie
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leviasu · 2 years
Obey me Valentines Scenarios!
Vivi finally posting for once? Surprising, anyway, I had fun making this. (THE DEMON BROTHERS) + warning: quite inconsistent
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Lucifer · ♡
Lucifer would definitely be a roses type of gentleman in this situation, before you came to devildom He didn't really think much else of Valentine's rather than the increase sales of chocolates and heart decorations / accessories all over the place. But now that you're here, He tends to ask Barbatos personally to bake something that you like for the occasion, of course. To make it fair. he helps out aswell, while also picking out some roses for you along the way, He's a huge softie on the inside and when you get happy upon seeing His gifts, He could never want more.
But if He's the one recieving, He would be delighted outdoors. But indoors He'd be extremely happy about it, if it's a rose, accessory, or decoration, He always preserves them and treasures them alot, even putting a spell on them most of the time to keep out his pesky brothers from taking it.
But then Lucifer isn't opposed to the idea of having a Dinner date in Valentine's either, infact, He may do that if expenses go somewhere
Mammon · ♡
Mammon would be a chocolate / accessory giver most definitely, He may sometimes give roses but that's rare luck. He would get happy, extremely happy and flustered when you offer to eat the chocolates with Him and wear the accessory He gave you. Heck, He'd be even overjoyed and Happy when you give Him something in return, He's maybe the avatar of greed yes, but with you He wouldn't sell it for anything.
Mammon would be too broke for Dinner dates, but if He were financially stable for now- then maybe.... But then, He'd prefer to keep time with you private rather than having to hear the bustling of streets
Leviathan · ♡
Levi would definitely find Flowers, Chocolates, Accessories (maybe) and Dinner dates to be way too outdated for Him, on a simplistic note, He thinks it's Normie activities.
So, to make it extra special, He makes you a game completely on His own accord, He wants the Valentine's Day to be Special and Favourable since you're his number one favourite out of everyone, and you hold a special place dearly to Him. So Most of the Time Valentine's with Levi are only just you both cuddling in His room, or watching anime/playing games together, maybe cosplay. But Levi always makes it fun and exciting every year.
Dinner dates are a Nono, he's way too shy and too much of a shut in to even ask for an extra ketchup packet. So you'll have to realize dinner dates with Him would be rare, who knows, if His confidence improves He might even ask you out to go to a Arcade/Aquarium with Him! Even better, holding hands with you.
Satan · ♡
Satan would definitely make you a Poem or Give you a book you've been catching eye on for awhile. Or even Making those Cliche love letters with a singular rose stamped into it. Of course you may find it slightly funny but then when you actually read the card His Poetic skills are very immaculate, He gets happy when He sees you laughing/smiling alot when you read His Poems, it fuels Him even more and just fills Him with the Unguttable urge to just hug you on the spot. He would do anything and just by means anything, to be able to love you.
Dinner dates with Satan could work out, yes. But he's more of a café person, so You might go to a Cat cafe if He's in a Extra good mood, he'll especially joke around saying on how the Cats are like His and yours child together. You always playfully punch his arm after.
Asmodeus · ♡
Asmodeus would gift you everything on the spot, whether if It's cosmetics to chocolate, He'll give anything.
He loves valentine's as It tends to be a romantic time of the month of February, and He would take you out for shopping, going on dinners/cafe’s anything. And He'd even go as far as taking a picture and posting it on devilgram (with your permission of course)
Of course if you only wanna settle In His room while you both give eachother make-overs and affection, He can settle on that too. He may want to explore devildom with you on valentine's, but He does want you to feel comfortable aswell, He definitely likes it when you both are in bed, cuddling to your liking while He tangles with your hair with a finger. <3
Beelzebub · ♡
Beelzebub would definitely be the one to give you chocolates for Valentines, though He might eat a few... Or even the whole box while He's at it, but if you don't mind at all, He’ll be happy.
Beel would sort of like dinner dates, but He'd rather settle on just eating snacks with you and cuddling or showing affections Indoors. He thinks it's best when you're with Him privately, He cherishes every moment with you there.
He wasn't really aquainted with Valentine's before, He's usually viewed it as just a Free Discount to a good variety of chocolate. But now that you're here, He has someone to prioritize that Day with.
Belphegor · ♡
Belphegor finds it Hazardous sometimes when picking out a gift for you, Only Because He's indecisive, and When He thinks He's settled, BOOM! Another Item that He thinks you'll like pops up, and now He's stuck. So if things don't go as planned, He'll try making a make-shift valentine's gift for you, the favourable one is a Hairpin He made for you with spare materials. And its even more special as it is a gift for you.
But if He had to pick out a gift, best one He's getting at is a soft Teddy bear. He'll be ecstatic when He sees you overjoyed to have it, but then all that shopping made Him tired. So go and cuddle with him, the bear can act as a soft pillow for you both while He kisses you goodnight
Definitely would not go on a dinner date, it's way too much of a chore. Especially when couples nag on the dinner tables alot, so Expect to always have dates in the attic, or in his room.. (attic mostly.)
—— A/N ·
Aaaand that's about it, I’ll possibly make one for the side characters if writers block isn’t mean to me soon, and these are only in my perspective and made for fun, I had difficulty with Satan and Asmo’s... But I'll probably edit this someday. But Happy Valentines! (Advance)
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